(srpskohrvatski / english)

of the International Conference: Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism” 
held in Belgrade, 23 March 2014

0) RELEVANT LINKS: audio-video-texts from the Conference and related activities
2) VLADIMIR KRŠLJANIN (SRP): 15. godišnjica NATOagresije na SR Jugoslaviju
3) Neil Clark's Report: Belgrade calls for a world of equals

=== 0 ===

on the Conference and related activities:


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Некадашњи начелник штаба Треће армије генерал Љубиша Стојимировић о Нирнбершком процесу, лицемерју Хашког трибунала и злочинима над српским народом и ЈНА у наметнутим ратовима



15:30 hours of audio recording in MP3 format / Аудио снимак интернационалне конференције "Глобалним миром против глобалног интервенционизма и империјализма" / 
Audio record of The International Conference “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism” held in Belgrade, 22-23 March, 2014
Преузмите цео аудио снимак оба дана конференције  "Глобалним миром против глобалног интервенционизма и империјализма" одржане 22. марта  23. марта 2014. у Центру „Сава“ у Београду
Сви који нисте стигли да присуствујете конференцији, имате могућност да преслушате све без цензуре. 15:30 сати аудио материјала у MP3 формату (линк):


Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism: Video Playlist
profidizajn - 56 videos

The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Serbian Host Society, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia and Veterans Association of Serbia (SUBNOR), in coordination with the World Peace Council, on 22 and 23 March 2014 held the International Conference "Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism". The Conference was held on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of NATO's armed aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). The motto of the Conference was "Not to Forget".
21.3.2014. - (Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)
(Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)
Birgitte Queck (GERMANY) part2 
Birgitte Queck (GERMANY) 
Alfred Marder (USA) 
(Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)
(Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)
(Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)
(Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)





Говор Иринеја Буловића, Епископа бачког на отварању конференције



=== 1 ===

VIDEO: Neil Clark reads the Final Document (Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)

Na s-h-om: ЗАВРШНИ ДОКУМЕНТ Међународне Конференције одржане у Београду 22. и 23. марта 2014. године


The Final Document of the International Conference “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism” Held in Belgrade on 22nd and 23rd March 2014.

The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Serbian Host Society, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia and Veterans Association of Serbia (SUBNOR), in coordination with the World Peace Council, on 22 and 23 March 2014 held the International Conference “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism”. The Conference was held on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of NATO’s armed aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). The motto of the Conference was “Not to Forget”.

More than 500 scientists, experts and public persons from the areas of the international relations and security, from 50 countries of Europe and the world took part in the work of the Conference.

Participants of the Conference paid tribute to victims of the 78-day bombardment and laid wreaths on memorials. They honored all the victims of the illegal NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro and expressed their deep respect for former Yugoslav Popular Army, Federal Government, President Slobodan Milosevic and all heroic resistant fighters. We also must remember the victims of the NATO aggression subsequent to 1999, ongoing persecution of those political and military leaders who defended the country and who were sent to illegal Hague Tribunal including president Milosevic and others, who died there. Considering this Tribunal as illegal as a tool of NATO propaganda and political blackmailing, the participants demand its dissolution.

The debate unfolded in a constructive and tolerant dialogue regarding most important aspects and problems concerning the international peace and security. The presentations mainly focused on how to preserve global peace and find the ways to stop global interventionism, destabilization of certain countries and provoking the crises all over the world, which undermine the international legal and political world order and pushes the world to the edge of a major confrontation.

The participants analyzed the causes and consequences of NATO aggression in 1999, not only for Serbia and the Balkans but also its global consequences for peace and security in Europe and the world. Further to this, participants of the Conference have agreed as follows:
- NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) of March 1999 was a war imposed against an independent, sovereign European state, in gross violation of the fundamental principles of the international law, most notably, the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act. This was the aggression committed without consent the UN Security Council. Hence it is a crime against peace and humanity, and the turning point towards the global interventionism, the practice of gross violation of the international legal order, and the negation of role of the UN. Subsequently it has been used as the model of interventionism in a number of other cases such as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali and others. 
- The leading Western powers, the USA, the UK, France, Germany, followed by the rest of NATO Members, 19 in all, devised a whole new arsenal of euphemisms in a bid to attribute any possible shred of legitimacy to this crime against peace and humanity. So-called “humanitarian intervention” was a cover for indiscriminate killings of civilians in Serbia including children, disabled and senior citizens, for the destruction of the economy, infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, passenger trains and houses. Use of missiles with depleted uranium has contaminated natural environment thus triggering grave and far-reaching consequences for the health of current and future generations. 
- Since this is a crime against peace and humanity and a gross violation of the basic provisions of the international law, NATO Member States bear full legal responsibility for the aggression, including liability for the inflicted damage on the order of more than USD 100 billion, as well as responsibility for the use of weapons with depleted uranium and other illicit ordnances of mass destruction. Serbia has the right to initiate the proceedings before the competent international forums against NATO Alliance and all of its member states participating in the aggression, for the purpose of exercising the right to war damage compensation to Serbia and Montenegro as well as to individuals who suffered from aggression.
- Armed aggression has continued by employing other, non-military means. This was reflected in the violent change of power in the October 5, 2000 coup, which was initiated, funded and supported by NATO Member States; in all kind of blackmails and threats aimed at making Serbia denounce its state sovereignty in Kosovo and Metohija as its historical, cultural and civilization heartland; in ignoring UN Security Council Resolution 1244 guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. Eventually, this led to unlawful and unconstitutional unilateral separation of Kosovo and Metohija in 2008 which was followed by formal recognition by most NATO member countries. The 1999 US NATO aggression grossly violated the UN Charter, 1970 Declaration on principles of International law, Helsinki Final Act, Paris Charter for a New Europe, five Security Council resolutions in 1998-2008, including resolutions 1244 and 1785.
- Immediately after the end of the aggression, a large USA military base has been established in Kosovo and Metohija, “Camp Bondsteel”, the first and crucial ring in the chain of the new USA bases in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, and other Easter European countries. NATO aggression against Yugoslavia actually accelerated the arms race and militarization of Europe and implementation of US/NATO/EU strategy of “Eastern expansion”.
- Aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (FRY) launched in March 1999 has been serving as a blueprint for global USA/NATO/EU interventionism. In practice, this translates the USA, NATO and the West discretion to intervene militarily or otherwise, as they choose to suite their economic or strategic interests. Toppling legally elected governments and replacing them by hand-picked, pawn regimes, has become part and parcel of so called “democratization process”.
- NATO has always operated as an aggressive military alliance, serving expansion and of imperialistic and neo-colonial objectives of the leading Western powers. The entire experience so far indicates that NATO strategy of global interventionism leaves behind a chaos in international relations, gigantic human casualties, divisions, and long-lasting misery and anguish in all countries and regions which have become immediate victims of such policy.

- NATO is responsible for devastation of the international legal order, for the degradation of the UN, instigating a new arms race, militarization of Europe, destabilization and inducing crises in individual countries and regions all over the world. Therefore, NATO strategy goes against the goals of peace and security, contravenes the democratic and civilization values, and violates the fundamental human rights. Such an Alliance is not a place for peaceful countries who see their interests in compliance of the international law and the UN system. This is why participants of the Conference pleaded for the dissolution of NATO as a relic of the Cold War, for disengaging in policy of free interventionism, and for the respect of freedom, independence and equality of all countries and nations.
- Exporting democracy and dictating cultural and civilization patterns has become a common approach of all Western powers, primarily of the USA, in their aspiring to govern the world pursuant to their own standards and in line with their self-serving interests. The imposition of such cultural and civilization patterns is an act of violence against reality that almost invariably results in conflicts, internal disorders, and deeper fragmentations and divisions; over time, this is prone to undermine the peace in the world, and presents a perfect excuse for external military interference. This model has created the so-called “colored revolutions” in Georgia, Venezuela and Ukraine and high jacked “Arab Spring revolution”, which managed to devastate and turn the clock back for several decades, such as: Libya, Egypt and Syria.
- The strategy of interventionism involves several motives and purposes. These include the control over natural and developmental resources, reallocation of resources, and geopolitical reconfiguration of the world, against and at the expense of the predetermined key geopolitical adversary. This is how the USA/NATO/EU staged the crisis in Ukraine, whose end is still nowhere in sight. One can say that the Ukrainian crisis is the single most dangerous threat to the peace since the end of the Cold War. Instead of acknowledging Ukraine as a natural connection between Russia and Europe, the West chose to interfere, by artificially dislocating it from its natural cultural, civilization, and geopolitical environment and drawing it westwards. In doing so, the West paid no attention at all that the action could lead to internal conflict within Ukraine and that it would put at risk Russia’s vital interests. This dangerous geopolitical game played by America, NATO and the EU against Russia, as a proxy war at the expense of Ukraine under a “fine” but fake excuse of being waged for the benefit of the Ukrainians and their democratic social structure, has completely disregarded the effects of such policy against the interests of Ukraine, its people, the peace, and security in Europe and the world. Participants of the Conference advocated for a peaceful political solution free of interference and external pressures, that is, a solution that will guarantee its peoples will, and respect its role of a bridge between the East and the West. Such solution implies abandonment of the pernicious “Eastern expansion” which has already produced destabilization in Europe. Participants expressed satisfaction that the people of Crimea have used their right of self-determination which resulted in reunification with Russia.
- Participants of the Conference expressed their full support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, including the resolution of the issue of Kosovo and Metohija in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1244. They supported the following requests: free, safe and dignified return of 250,000 expelled Serbs and other non-Albanians to their homes in Kosovo and Metohija; restitution of the usurped private, church, state and socially-owned property; reconstruction of 150 destroyed churches and monasteries of the Serbian Orthodox Church, of hundreds of desecrated and obliterated Serbian graveyards and thousands of burnt Serbian homes; conducting effective investigation of trafficking in human organs; determining the fate of all abducted and missing Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija; and identifying and bringing to justice the perpetrators of all other crimes committed against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija for which, so far, nobody has been found responsible, let alone convicted.
- Participants of the Conference welcomed worthy initiative of the UN General Assembly which proclaimed 2014 to be the international year of solidarity with the people of Palestine. Finding that this initiative deserves strong support of the peaceful forces in the world, the Conference sent requests for an immediate withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from all Palestinian territories, for the establishment of independent state of Palestine, within the borders of July 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, for the right for the return for the Palestine refugees, based on UN Resolution 194 and the release of all Palestinian prisoners from jail. Fulfillment of these requests is of vital interest for the Palestinian people and for the introduction of a just and durable peace in the Middle East.
- Participants have expressed solidarity with peoples of Latin America in their endeavors to safeguard freedom, independence and sovereignty from aggressive imperial USA strategy. They demanding closing of Guantanamo base and abolishing blockade against Cuba, as well as the release of the five Cuban political prisoners from American jails.
- By dismissing the policies and actions that endanger the peace and security, participants of the Conference denounced plans and actions aimed at destabilizing the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Coordinated violent actions in Caracas and other parts of Venezuela are parts of the strategy employed by the local oligarchs and external actors, intended to disable the functioning of the legitimately elected government and impose political changes of their choice but against the interests of the Venezuelan people, by sabotage, violent provocations and blackmails. In condemning those attempts, participants of the Conference expressed their solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the support for its courageous efforts to preserve the freedom, pride, and sovereignty of Venezuela, and to decide their own future. 
- Participants have expressed concern over systematic organized revision of European history of the 20th century, particularly revision of outcome of the First and the Second World War. This may serve imperialist objectives for redrawing international borders causing unforeseen consequences. We condemn the western promoted rehabilitation of fascism and attempts to equate communism with Nazism.
- Participants of the Conference dedicated significant attention to the global economic capitalist crisis which has led not only to an unprecedented social stratification and impoverishment of the global population, but also to an artificially imposed debt crises in a number of formerly economically very prosperous countries, such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Cyprus. The global crisis emerged predominantly in countries which had declared themselves to be the centers of global civilization and the most advanced social order, one that will see no need for serous social conflicts and clashes. The key indicators of this crisis include mass-scale unemployment, especially within the youth, high indebtedness of countries, decline in economic activities, etc. We support the genuine popular protests against the above.
- It is obvious that on Europe and the majority of the world were imposed the neo-liberal cultural, political and economical pattern, which does not function. In the search for the way out of this universal deadlock, the most powerful countries are trying to shift the burden of the crisis onto other countries and nations, ones they pejoratively call “the global periphery”, while in the meantime struggling to win the battle for the global prestige, and in the process stepping down onto the old civilizations and forcibly toppling the unsympathetic ruling regimes. All the above only add to the conflicting feature of the international arena, and makes it exceptionally prone to outbreaks of all types of conflicts, from internal and regional, to the global ones.
- Participants at the Conference noted with concern that there are still US forward-based infrastructures in Europe like missile defense, tactical nuclear weapons and conventional forces, that destabilize the regional and the global atmosphere.
- The global economic crisis cannot be resolved by the printing of ever new trillions of dollars and the makeshift mends of the existing system. This can be done by abandoning the neo-liberal concept and by developing a new, humane society of social justice, equality and the better life for all people and nations in the planet. The focus of the new system of social relations must be on people and their economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian needs, instead of the profits and self-serving interests of the so-called economical and political elites.
- A part this International Conference was the Youth Forum, which concluded that the global crisis, and globalization and interventionism primarily threaten the rights and perspectives of the young generations. In numerous countries, in Europe and the world, young people below 30 make up some 60% of the total number of unemployed. The youth requests urgent changes in the social relations and internationally, which will ensure active engagement of the young people into economic, political and societal trends, their assuming responsibility for their own future, at the national and international levels. The youth advocates the socially just society and universal human rights, such as the right to employment, free education, social security and health care. Young people advocate the democratization of international relations, the respect for the international law, and denounce the arms race, militarization and neocolonialism.
- Only a world free of dominance of imperialism and militarism will stand a chance to avoid a war cataclysm. The global economic crises and its consequences on popular strata underline the necessity to overcome the system which causes exploitation, wars and the misery. It is absolutely unacceptable and contrary to the international law to have the regional center of power, such as NATO and the European Union be established as a substitute to the United Nations Security Council.
- The only true international community is the United Nations, rather than any self-proclaimed members of any regional groups. We must struggle to ensure the universal character of the international law and to have it equally oblige big and small countries, developed and developing ones. We have to fight even more resolutely to preserve the civilization heritage such as the freedom, ethics and dignity, while determinedly rejecting all surrogates of the corporative capitalism and imperialism, planted by the military-industrial and finance capital.

Participants of the Conference emphasized that the accomplishment of these objectives required active engagement in mobilizing all peace-loving stakeholders, in order to counter and reject any military and conquest ambitions against any given country regardless of its leaders. In parallel, it is necessary to mobilize all forces in developing democratic international relations, based on the principles of the United Nations Charter, the provisions of the international law, and the strict observance of the inviolability and independence of all states and their territorial integrity, and the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs. Such a world would be measured by a human scale, and this grand utopia should be believed in, and persistently fighting for, and this is the key message from the Conference.

Participant in the Conference expressed sincere gratitude to the Serbian side for the excellent performance of the International Conference and for hospitality extended to all participants.

Belgrade, 23 March 2014

=== 2 ===


Da: Vladimir Kapuralin (SRP)
Oggetto: 15. godišnjica NATOagresije na SR Jugoslaviju
Data: 26 marzo 2014 12:06:06 CET


u Beogradu je 22. i 23. ožujka u Sava centru održana međunarodna konferencija posvećena obilježavanju 15-e godišnjice agresije NATO snaga na tadašnju SR Jugoslaviju.
Organizatori skupa bili su Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih, Društvo srpskih domaćina, Klub generala i admirala Srbije i SUBNOR Srbije, uz suradnju Svijetskog mirovnog vijeća WPC.
Na konferenciji je prisustvovalo 600-tinjak ljudi iz 50 zemalja Evrope, Brazila, Venezuele, Amerike i Kanade. iz različitih područja ljudske djelatnosti: znanosti, diplomacije, mirovnih pokreta, politike, prava, kulture, edukacije, vojske i ostalog.
Skupu sam imao čast prisustvovat kao jedini izlagač sa jugoslavenskog prostora izvan Srbije i Crne gore, pa vam u tom svojstvu dostavljam integralni tekst završne deklaracije, koja je prihvaćena aklamacijom i tekst moje intervencije.

Sa poštovanjem

Vladimir Kapuralin


Mjesto održavanja: Beograd

Vrijeme održavanja: 22-23 mart 2014.

Tema: Međunarodna konferencija povodom 15-e godišnjice NATO agresije na SRJ

Dragi prijatelji

Dozvolite mi, da se najprije zahvalim organizatorima ovog skupa, na hvalevrijednoj inicijativi i na ukazanoj časti, kojom mi je pružena mogućnost, da vas sve skupa ispred Socijalističke radničke partije Hrvatske i svoje ime pozdravim kao prijatelje, jer na osnovu pobuda oko kojih smo se okupili ova dva dana, uvjeren sam da mi to i jesmo. A tome valja pridodati još i respektabilan broj, znanih i neznanih institucija i pojedinaca, koji širom svijeta u granicama svojih mogućnosti, čine ono što i mi danas, a to su: podsjećanje, kritički pristup i argumentirana osuda brutalnih događaja, započetih pred petnaest godina.

Iako je NATO agresija na SR Jugoslaviju predstavljala presedan po nekoliko osnova ona je ipak proizvod jedne politike koja si želi uzurpirati pravo dominacije u svijetu i upravljanja iz jednog centra moći.

Agresija, koju je tzv. međunarodna zajednica, a ustvari grupa najbogatijih zemalja svijeta na čelu sa SAD-om i NATO, izvršila u proljeće 1999. godine na SRJ, bila je u svojoj biti sastavni dio borbe za prostor, koja je krenula nakon tektonskih društveno političkih procesa 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, kojih je cilj bio prodor krupnog kapitala na istok i osvajanje novih teritorija.

Tim prodorom je kapitalizam, koji se našao u dubokoj krizi 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća ostvario svoja tri cilja i odgodio svoj silazak sa društvene scene i odlazak u povijest, za jedan nedefinirani vremenski period.

Ciljevi koje je kapitalizam postigao su:




EKONOMSKI cilj sastojao se od:

Osvajanja novih tržišta.

Preuzimanja sirovinske, infrastrukture i financijske baze, novoosvojenih područja.

Dobivanja jeftine radne snage, bilo postojeće u zemljama u koje su transferirali kapital ili one imigrantske u vlastitim zemljama.

POLITIČKI cilj se sastojao od: eliminacije socijalizma u Evropi i samoupravljanja u Jugoslaviji.

VOJNI cilj se sastojao od: prodora na istok sa krajnjim ciljem približavanja i opkoljavanja Rusije i Kine. I taj proces još traje.

Agresija na SRJ 1999. godine, osim što je bila dio opće strategije osvajanja prostora, na način kako je izvedena po svojoj brutalnosti imala je i zadatak kažnjavanja neposlušnog protivnika.

Naime, dinamika prodora u istočnoj Evropi bila je za nosioce imperijalne težnje zadovoljavajuća, jer su u zemljama bivšeg socijalističkog bloka lako pronašli suradnike među političkim elitama, za rušenje dotadašnjeg društveno-političkog uređenja koji su time vlastiti narod i materijalne resurse predali globalnom krupnom kapitalu.

Problem je nastao na jugoslavenskom prostoru. Posebno nepoželjan imperijalističkim krugovima bio je njen model samoupravnog socijalizma, kao primjer prirodne pozicije rada u društvu i dostojanstva radnika, koji bi bili u stanju upravljat vlastitim sudbinama, uz pun državni suverenitet.

U procesu koji je dirigiran izvana, a realiziran iznutra, predani smo na milost i nemilost svjetskim moćnicima, pri čemu su vodeću ulogu odigrale secesionističke republike Slovenija i Hrvatska, a po domino efektu slijedile Bosna i Hercegovina i Makedonija, bez iole racionalne potrebe, koja bi imala pokriće u ekonomskoj ili nekoj drugoj logici. Jedinu prepreku osvajanju kompletnog prostora, predstavljala je tadašnji ostatak nekadašnje države, SRJ. Koja je iako sa tada već promijenjenim društveno-političkim uređenjem, percipirana kao zadnji bastion na putu imperijalističkim moćnicima i zbog toga ju je trebalo kazniti. Da se radi o kažnjavanju razvidno je već iz činjenice, da je međunarodna zajednica primjenjivala različite kriterije, za pojedine republike i narode bivše Jugoslavije, što je bilo dozvoljeno jednima, nije bilo dozvoljeno drugima, a to je zavisilo od stupnja koncilijantnosti lokalnih oligarhija naspram svjetskih moćnika.

Uslijedila je brutalna agresija NATO snaga, koje nisu nanijele SRJ velike vojne gubitke, usprkos činjenici, da je omjer snaga izražen u ljudstvu i vojnoj opremljenosti između agresora i napadnutih, bio do tada nezabilježen u vojnoj praksi. Iako su vojni gubici SRJ bili relativno mali, zato su oni civilni i materijalni bili vrlo visoki. Uništavana je infrastruktura i ekonomska supstanca zemlje, primjenom najbrutalnijih, sofisticiranih sredstava, koja nemaju nikakvo vojno opravdanje, nego su namijenjena materijalnim razaranjem civilnih i privrednih objekata, često sa katastrofalnim učincima. Vrhunac brutalnosti postignut je upotrebom municije sa osiromašenim uranom, koja trajno kontaminira prostor u kojem žive ljudi, a o apsurdu upotrebe tih sredstava svjedoči činjenica o velikom broju stradalih pripadnika agresorskih jedinica, koje su rukovale tom municijom.

Presedan par exelans učinjen je sada već prema državi Srbiji otimanjem dijela njenog teritorija, mimo svih međunarodnih pravnih normi i instaliranjem imperijalističkog protektorata na Kosovu i Metohiji sa najvećom NATO vojnom bazom u ovom dijelu svijeta. Tim činom stvorena je jedna umjetna kvazi državna tvorevina, bez vlastite privrede, od koje bi njeni građani živili, ali sa velikim i vrijednim mineralnim resursima, koju nije priznalo veliki broj zemalja u svijetu. A čija je osnovna namjena biti odskočna daska SAD i NATO na putu prema Kaspijskom bazenu. Ta je teza potvrđena 2008. kad su SAD i NATO stojeći jednom nogom na Kosovu i Metohiji pokušali drugom nogom zakoračiti na Kavkaz , što im na sreću nije uspjelo. Trenutna događanja u Ukraini potvrđuju namjere SAD-ea u širenju uticaja prema Rusiji, ne prežući pritom od suradnje sa eksplicite fašističkim subjektima.

Od agresije je eto proteklo 15 godina, ali posljedice su još prisutne, prvenstveno one zdravstvene, kao posljedica trajno kontaminiranog tla, od upotrebe radioaktivne municije. Ali i sam proces porobljavanja još traje, on se finalizira, ovaj puta ne vojnim sredstvima, sa ciljem da se žrtva ponizi i uvuče u interesni krug svojih tlačitelja. Na raspolaganju je široki spektar metoda: od honoriranja oligarhije, obećanja za jednokratnu upotrebu, uvjeravanja, ucjena, podmetanja i slično.

U ponižavanju se često biraju licemjerni i cinični argumenti čija je logika racionalno nepojmljiva. Tako je Njemački ambasador u Srbiji, oktobra 2010 . godine u Beogradu na konferenciji „Srbija Zapadni Balkan i NATO-ka 2020.“ Kritizirao tadašnju vlast u Srbiji, što za događaje iz 1999. godine koriste termin „NATO bombardiranje“, jer bi to kod mladih naraštaja moglo izazvat negativne konotacije prema NATO-u. On smatra da bi u Srbiji djeci kad pitaju o tim događajima trebalo objasnit „da je bombardiranje bilo ispravno“. Ambasador taj stav potkrepljuje valjda samo njemu razumljivom usporedbom, da kada je on kao mladić gledao ruševine po Njemačkoj poslije rata „nije mrzio one koji su to počinili, jer je bilo onih

koji su mogli da mu kažu zašto je to učinjeno“.

Polemizirat sa ambasadorom Massom, po tom pitanju bilo bi bespredmetno, on ima svoj stav, on sprovodi dosljedno politiku svoje vlade i imperijalnog kruga kojemu ta vlada pripada. Tako da nema nikakve sumnje da je to ujedno i stav njegove vlade, koja je tada aktivno učestvovala u agresiji. Sasvim je razumljivo da bi takva diplomatska izjava u normalnim okolnostima izazvala burnu reakciju. Međutim prešavši preko te izjave domaćini su pokazali zavidnu stabilnost probavnog sistema, što samo potvrđuje da je agresor postigao svoj cilj.

Ono što međutim treba istaknuti je činjenica da agresija na SR Jugoslaviju i moguća odmazda kojom bi se mogle objasniti neke aktivnosti saveznika protiv civilnih ciljeva u Njemačkoj potkraj II sv. rata nemaju nikakvih zajedničkih vojnih, niti političkih poveznica.

Razaranje Njemačke, spada u dio vojnih operacija za vrijeme objavljenog rata, protiv protivnika koji je pokrenuo dva svjetska rata, u kojima je živote izgubilo 70-etak milijuna ljudi, kojom prilikom su počinjeni stravični zločini prema ljudskom biču, kakve povijest do tada nije zabilježila. I u tim razaranjima je sasvim izvjesno, naročito pred kraj rata, osim slamanja morala i motivacije za otpor njemačkog stanovništva bio prisutan i element odmazde.

Dočim između SR Jugoslavije i udruženih sila 19 država koje su izvršile agresiju nije bilo objave rata, niti su njene oružane snage u to vrijeme na bilo koji način ugrožavale teritorijalni integritet zemalja agresora. A sama agresija, pokrenuta je mimo svih dotadašnjih normi međunarodnog prava, povelje UN i završnog dokumenta iz Helsinkija o evropskoj sigurnosti i suradnji.

U svijetlu događaja koji su uslijedili nakon agresije 1999. godine: Afganistan, Irak, Libija, Sirija, Mali, sada Ukraina i Venezuela, neki pokušavaju odredit sličnosti, drugi pokušavaju istaknuti razlike. Pri tome ne vodeći računa o nekim prirodnim zakonitostima, da ni prsti na ruci nisu jednaki, ali su svi dio iste šake. Tako se i događanja u ovim zemljama i ostalim žarištima i neuralgičnim točkama, razlikuju u detaljima ali su svi dio istoga plana i imaju zajednički nazivnik, osvajanje teritorija i širenje imperijalne moći.

Ti primjeri govore suprotno od onoga u što nas propaganda želi uvjeriti, da NATO savez nije vojska mira u koji bi se prema vlastitoj savjesti trebali svrstati svi koji žele mir, već vojska koja štiti spoj načela i institucija kao što je kapitalističko vlasništvo i tzv. Slobodno tržište, koje osigurava apsolutnu moć odabranih uskih vlasničkih slojeva, nad najširim eksploatiranim radnim masama unutar razvijenih kapitalističkih društava, te povlaštenih moćnih država nad ogromnom većinom manje razvijenih država trećeg svijeta. NATO dakle nije izolirana nepolitička vojna struktura, već sam kapitalistički društveni sistem, odnosno njegov vojni izraz. NATO stoga nije vojska naroda u što nas uvjeravaju, već vojska bogate manjine koja vlada razvijenim društvima i svijetom i koja se mora braniti od siromašne većine. Zato i nije nestao nakon ukidanja Varšavskog ugovora, kao što su naivni očekivali, jer nestankom tog saveza nije nestao i glavni neprijatelj bogatih, a to je siromaštvo i neravnomjerni razvoj svijeta, kao neposredna posljedica svjetskog kapitalističkog poretka.

Pošto štiti manjinu od većine NATO ima nedvojbeno imperijalistički karakter. Imperijalistički karakter NATO saveza osobito proizlazi iz činjenice, da SAD imaju dominantnu ulogu u organizaciji svjetskog kapitalističkog poretka, koju su zadobile nakon II sv. rata, istisnuvši svoje evropske konkurente. SAD podaruju članstvo u NATO savezu i određuju njegovu moć i strategiju. To najbolje pokazuje najnovija strategija nacionalne sigurnosti SAD-a, u kojoj su javno iznesene namjere najmoćnije države da svoju prevlast ostvaruje putem prijetnje i korištenjem vojne sile, dakle oblicima moći u kojima nema konkurencije. Osnovni cilj te strategije je spriječiti sve oblike i izraze prijetnje moći, položaju i ugledu SAD u globalnom upravljanju svijetom, radi održavanja nadzora nad svjetskim izvorima, danas energije, a sutra pitke vode i sprečavanja socijalno-političkih gibanja koje mogu ugroziti svjetski poredak vladavine kapitala i vodeću ulogu SAD u njemu. Tom strategijom SAD uzimaju pravo, da po vlastitom nahođenju vode «preventivni rat». Takvim pristupom odredbe o samoobrani država, zajamčene poveljom UN, kao i cijelo međunarodno pravo, postaju besmislene, a SAD imperator, svjetski policajac i najveća prijetnja za svjetski mir.

Mir kojeg NATO želi osigurati je neka vrsta ograničenog mira za dio Evrope i Sjeverne Amerike, kako bi se očuvala stabilnost kapitalističkog poretka, ali na ostali svijet taj se mir ne odnosi. SAD i ostale zapadne sile mogu pribjegavati nasilju protiv nepodobnih, neposlušnih i slabijih širom većine svijeta.

NATO nije niti može biti zaštitnik većine polurazvijenih i razvijenih država i naroda, jer on brani poredak, a ne zemlju. On brani neravnopravnost i nikada ne bi branio socijalizam. NATO može samo štititi vlast onih manjina u tim državama koje u svom interesu i interesu svjetskog kapitala, a na štetu najširih narodnih i nacionalnih interesa održavaju i produbljuju nejednakost.

Sve to naravno vrijedi i za zemlje nastale na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije. NATO može biti zaštita samo onih snaga koje su uz asistenciju svjetskog poretka opljačkale sva materijalna i društvena dobra, koja su radni ljudi stvorili do secesije 90-ih i time stekle ekonomsku i političku moć i tu moć sistematski dalje reproduciraju i jačaju.

Ni po svojoj prošlosti, ni po svojim interesima, u budućnosti zemlje nastale na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije ne pripadaju krugu imperijalističkih sila, mada su neke od njih u prošlosti bile od tadašnjih imperijalnih sila iskorištene: pretvaranjem svojih teritorija u zaštitni kordon ili ratujući na tuđim frontovima, u korist tuđih imperijalnih interesa. Stoga niti mogu očekivati da će ih razviti multinacionalne korporacije i strane banke, pa ne treba ni tražiti zaštitu od tih krugova, a još manje ratovati za njihove interese. Naprotiv, kao male i polurazvijene zemlje, ako žele svoj opstanak i razvoj moraju se svrstati na stranu one većine koje svoj prioritet vide u pravednijim ekonomskim i političkim odnosima i autentičnom razvoju izvan imperijalnog saveza moćnih koga brani NATO. U NATO savezu svi mi gubimo i posljednji atom svoje suverenosti, ali i dostojanstvo naroda koji se nekada u svojstvu arhitekata nesvrstanih, borio za bolji i humaniji svijet protiv svakog imperijalizma.

Recentni događaji, koje eufemistički nazivaju ekonomskom ili monetarnom krizom, iako se radi o krizi sistema. Upućuju na to, da je kapitalizam odigrao svoju povjesnu misiju i nije više u stanju odgovoriti na potrebe čovječanstva, te je nužno potrebno da siđe sa društvene scene, jer je budućnost svijeta determinirana alternativom, socijalizam ili barbarstvo.

Prisutnima zahvaljujem na pažnji, rodbini i prijateljima žrtava moja sućut, a žrtvama slava.

Vladimir Kapuralin

=== 3 ===

To mark the 15th anniversary of the start of the illegal NATO war of aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, over 500 scientists, experts and peace campaigners, myself included, gathered in the capital of Serbia.

There, the international conference 'Global Peace vs Global Interventionism and Imperialism', organized by the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals took place March 21-24. The event began Friday evening with the opening of a photographic exhibition in the Sava Center, which displayed the appalling humanitarian, economic and environmental consequences of the 78-day NATO bombardment.

Under the pretext of a “humanitarian” intervention to stop a non-existent “genocide” NATO bombs killed and injured thousands. Among the most heinous crimes was an attack on a convoy of Kosovo Albanians which at first the western military alliance tried to blame on Yugoslav forces, and which killed 73 people, and the bombing of a passenger train which killed 15 people. The photographs were harrowing reminder of what “humanitarian” interventions mean in practice.

Right from the beginning, in front of a packed audience, speakers at the forum were keen to stress that the war against Yugoslavia was not an isolated conflict but only the first in a succession of aggressive imperialistic wars led by the US in its quest for economic and military domination of the entire globe following the demise of the Soviet Union.

Any strategically important country in the world which does not have the “right” government, i.e. one which wishes to preserve national independence and sovereignty, is targeted for destabilization and “regime change” by the US and its allies as highlighted by the recent coup in Ukraine and the attempts to topple the government in Venezuela.

The war against Yugoslavia, in the words of Klaus Hartmann from the Free Thinkers Association in Germany, was a “door-opener,” which paved the way for new illegal wars and interventions following the demise of the Soviet Union.

Fifteen years ago, the Rubicon was crossed; it was then that the western powers tore up the post-WWII international settlement, and invented the bogus theory of “humanitarian intervention” which had no basis in international law to provide ju

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