1. Jared Israel Interrogates Hague "Tribunal" Prosecutor Blewitt

2. Attack on Life of President Milosevic (SLOBODA Association,
3. Return Milosevic! (SLOBODA Association, 13/10/2002)
4. Petition for Health and Life (25/10/2002)


> http://emperors-clothes.com/petition/states.htm

Signers of "Free Milosevic!" Petition Speak Out

> http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=11&ItemID=2419

NATO used the same old trick when it made Milosevic an offer he could
only refuse (by Robert Fisk)

> http://www.workers.org/ww/2002/intlcourt0919.php

Protecting mass murderers: Why Washington battles the International
Criminal Court (by John Catalinotto)

> http://www.workers.org/ww/2002/milosevic0926.php

Kosovo phase of Milosevic 'trial' ends (by John Catalinotto)

> http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/09/30/37444.html

The Hague's Nightmare: Milosevic Strikes Above the Belt (by Sergey

> http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/10/03/37672.html

Biljana Plavsic Turns Traitor; Milosevic Stands Up (by Sergey

> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/milosevi2.html

Miloshevich's Speech to the Nation
Delivered Monday, October 2, 2000

=== 1 ===

> http://www.icdsm.org/more/blewitt.htm

Jared Israel Interrogates Hague "Tribunal" Prosecutor Blewitt

Jared Israel, Vice chairman of the ICDSM and editor of Emperor's
Clothes interrogated the Deputy Prosecutor of the so-called Hague
"Tribunal" regarding the testimony of the former security chief of
Serbia, Radomir Markovic.
Mr. Markovic had testified that he was pressured and tortured by
Serbian security officials who work with the "tribunal".
How did Mr. Blewitt respond to these charges? See for yourself.

With commentary by Andy Wilcoxson [27 September 2002]

Blewitt Interview (5.8 MB RealAudio File)
To just play the interview, go to
> http://emperor.vwh.net/Audio/blewitt.rm

To save the interview to your hard drive you must be reading this text
at the ICDSM website at
> http://www.icdsm.org/more/blewitt.htm

Once you are at http://www.icdsm.org/more/blewitt.htm you can
right-click on "Blewitt Interview" (above) and select "Save Target As"

RealPlayer is required to play this file. If you don't have RealPlayer
you can download it for free at

=== 2 ===

Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 23:02:08 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"





After more than three months the "trial" of
President Milosevic was going on only in
morning sessions, last Thursday the "trial
chamber" returned to earlier practice of
whole-day-long hearings. This was after the
same "trial chamber" weeks ago publicly
admitted existence of serious health and life
risks for President Milosevic and declared that
tempo of the "trial" will be slowed down and
President Milosevic will have more days for

President Milosevic, with malignant
hypertension and heart damages, still has no
specialists' medical care.

Death of six prisoners (all of them were Serbs)
was caused by the "tribunal" - in three cases
it was due to lack of medical assistance or due
to improper medical care.

We call all supporters of freedom and all
National Committees to mobilize medical doctors
and lawyers to react to this criminal practice
at The Hague.

UN is still giving auspices to the criminal
NATO martial court.

Address your government, which is UN member!

Address UN Security Council and Secretary

They are being involved in a crime!

Save the life of President Milosevic!

Send copies of your letters of protest and
demands to protect humanity to the "tribunal"
as well. Here is their address:


Churchillplein 1, 2517 JW The Hague
P.O. Box 13888 EW The Hague
The Netherlands
Fax No. +31 70 512 8637

People of Serbia and Yugoslavia require your
urgent reaction!


=== 3 ===

Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 21:46:27 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Belgrade, October 13, 2002
Mr. Claude JORDA, President

The Hague
The Netherlands

Dear Mr. Jorda,

Please find here enclosed the statement of
Mr. Bogoljub Bjelica, the Chairman of the Freedom Association.

After our several letters to ICTY and many
appeals of organizations and individuals from Yugoslavia and other
countries, aiming to secure the proper life and health conditions for
President Slobodan Milosevic, we came to the conclusion that the
whole construction of the process against President Milosevic has as
one of its intentions to break the health and threaten the life of
President Milosevic. In spite of the oral promises of Mr. Richard May
and the Trial Chamber that recommendations of the ICTY appointed
physicians that President Milosevic should get a cardiologic
check-up, appropriate health monitoring and therapy, as well as that
intensity of the process should be slowed down, the only thing that
happened is that the Trial Chamber has returned the whole-day-long

That is why we demand release of President
Milosevic and his return to Yugoslavia for recovery and appropriate
specialists' medical treatment.

Yours sincerely,

Chairman of the Assembly
of the Freedom Association

Igor Raicevic

Belgrade, October 13, 2002



The Hague tribunal intentionally continues to threaten
the life of President Slobodan Milosevic.

Despite the numerous appeals and warnings from our
country and from abroad, this unacceptable criminal activity
continues. The whole-day-long proceedings at The Hague are back to
practice. In addition to the time spent in the court room, President
Milosevic is forced to spend more hours in the tribunal building
without food, rest and fresh air. The process is still indefinitely
prolonged with series of false witnesses, whose order has being
changed last minute, but who are followed by tens of thousand pages
of printed material.

With all the mentioned conditions, there is lack of not
only proper therapy, but even of any medical monitoring over the
health of President Milosevic. There was no cardiologic check-up, in
spite of the recommendation of the Dutch physicians appointed by the
tribunal, who made the one and only check-up of President Milosevic.

For that reason the total untruths in the statement of
the tribunal spokesman Jim Landale for the Yugoslav press (daily
"Nacional", October 11, 2002) - that President Milosevic has
permanent medical monitoring and proper therapy, cause our increased

Domestic and international public is aware that the
permanent over-human efforts and inhuman conditions President
Milosevic faces in the tribunal and in the prison, combined with
hearth damages and malignant hypertension, are the permanent threat
to his life.

The public is also aware that already several tribunal
prisoners lost their lives after the dramatic worsening of their
health in detention.

For all these reasons we demand that President Milosevic
should be immediately returned to Yugoslavia for recovery and
necessary medical treatment by an appropriate medical institution. It
is the only way to remove the threat to his life!

Bogoljub Bjelica,
Chairman of the Freedom Association -
Yugoslav Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic

=== 4 ===

Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 13:33:03 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

c o u r t e s y t r a n s l a t i o n




Mr. Claude Jorda, president

Mr. Richard May, president of the Trial Chamber


to protect rights for health and life of Slobodan Milosevic

We draw attention of all people of good will, and of our
colleagues - medical doctors in particular, the same way as to you -
high officials of the Organization of United Nations and of the
Tribunal at The Hague, that the different means of modern torture
have been applied against Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, since the first day
of his stay in the UN Detention Unit at The Hague. Mr. Milosevic
faces different kinds of physical and psychological exhaustion aimed
to worsen his already damaged health condition.

This torture started with strong light of the reflectors
switched on during 24 hours in his prison cell, it continued with
permanent video-camera monitoring of his prison cell, violating his
privacy and basic human integrity. It is allowed to the
representatives of the Prosecution to supply Mr. Milosevic with
hundreds of thousand pages of text and more than thousand video and
audio tapes, as well as to make last minute changes in the indefinite
order of witnesses, whom Mr. Milosevic has to cross examine, which all
requires from him enormous additional effort in the preparation for
the process. Above all that, instead of four hours as reasonable
length of daily proceedings, which would enable Mr. Milosevic with
some time for preparation, as well as with time for daily walk in
fresh air, regular meals and protection of general physical condition,
the unbearable practice of daily proceedings lasting from 9 a.m. until
4:30 p.m. has been imposed again. If one has in mind that Mr.
Milosevic is forced to be in the Tribunal building one hour before
until one hour after the proceedings, and that the proceedings take
place every working day, it becomes clear that he is deprived of all
conditions necessary for protection of normal health condition.

The Trial Chamber at The Hague has been acquainted in
detail with the health condition of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, not only
on the basis of the submitted previous medical documentation, but as
well on the basis of findings of the medical check-up performed at
The Hague by three medical doctors appointed by the Tribunal.

Bearing in mind the provisions of the UN General
Assembly Resolution No. 3794 of December 18, 1982, which established
the duty of medical doctors and other medical personnel to provide
persons in prison or in detention "with therapy of the same quality
and in accordance with the same norms as for the persons who are not
in prison or in detention";

Recalling the Article 6 of the Codex of behavior of
persons responsible for application of the law, adopted by the UN
General Assembly on December 17, 1979, constituting the obligation of
all courts, from which the Hague Tribunal can not be excluded, to
take care about the complete protection of the health of persons
under its jurisdiction, in this case of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, and
in particular to perform all necessary measures of medical care of
the same quality and based on the same standards as for the persons
who are not in detention or in prison;

Emphasizing the right for heath and right for life as
basic human rights;

Remaining faithful to the Hypocrates oath to which we all
as medicine doctors swore;

We demand:

1) To cease immediately the physical and intellectual
exhausting that seriously damages the health of Mr. Slobodan

2) That Trial Chamber at The Hague determines such
schedule of the process that would enable Mr. Milosevic with at least
four days of recess after each two weeks of proceedings, as proposed
by our colleagues who made check-up of Mr. Milosevic at The Hague;

3) That daily proceedings before the Trial Chamber should
not be longer than four hours during a working day, so that besides
of preparation for the next day proceedings, Mr. Milosevic would have
time necessary for protection of his health condition (walk on fresh
air, regular meals, regular sleep, physical exercises etc.). We also
hereby require decrease of the amount of documentation supplied by
the Prosecution, especially since it is in large part irrelevant for
the role of Mr. Milosevic. The amount of documentation which has
currently been submitted, contributes to physical and intellectual
exhaustion of Mr. Milosevic, who is standing for his own case before
the Tribunal's Trial Chamber;

4) To secure all necessary medical protection for Mr.
Slobodan Milosevic, including regular check-ups by Yugoslav medical
doctors of his own choice.

We, the undersigned medical doctors, consider that
defense from freedom would be the most appropriate way to protect
health and life of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic. In that sense, our demands
1) - 4) constitute only a minimum of preconditions to avoid further
serious deterioration of his health and to avoid endangering of his

Done in Belgrade, October 2002

S i g n e d b y:

1. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. SVETOLIK AVRAMOV, surgeon

2. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. VUKASIN ANDRIC, otorinolaringologist

3. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. VASO ANTUNOVIC, neuro-surgeon, Member of
the Scientific Society of Serbia

4. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. MOMCILO BABIC, specialist in social

5. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. JOVAN BUKELIC, neuro-psychiatrist,
Ordinary Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian
Physicians' Society

6. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. DRAGAN DELIC, infectologist

7. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. VASILIJE DRECUN, internist-pulmologist

8. LJUBOMIR DURKOVIC, MD, primarius, specialist in social medicine

9. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. DRAGOLJUB DJOKIC, specialist in social

10. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. MIODRAG DJORDJEVIC, onco-epidemiologist

11. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. VLADIMIR DJUKIC, surgeon

12. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. SLAVICA DJUKIC-DEJANOVIC,

13. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. MILOS JANICIJEVIC, neuro-surgeon,
Ordinary Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian
Physicians' Society

14. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. RATKO KALJALOVIC, infectologist, Ordinary
Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Physicians'

15. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. MIROSLAV KOVACEVIC, neuro-psychiatrist

16. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. GORAN LUKIC, internist

17. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. CASLAV MILIC, internist

18. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. SRECKO NEDELJKOVIC,
internist-cardiologist, Ordinary Member of the Academy of Medical
Sciences of the Serbian Physicians' Society

19. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. LAZAR RANIN, microbiologist

20. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. ZARKO RANKOVIC, infectologist

21. PERISA SIMONOVIC, MD, neuro-psychiatrist

22. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. VLADA SLAVKOVIC, internist

23. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. SVETOMIR STOZINIC,
internist-cardiologist, Ordinary Member of the Academy of Medical
Sciences of the Serbian Physicians' Society, Member of the National
Bulgarian Medical Academy, Member of the Russian Medical Academy

24. SLAVICA TASIC, MD, MS, specialist in general medicine

25. Dr. Sci. Med. DRAGAN CANOVIC, surgeon

26. Professor Dr. Sci. Med. VOJISLAV SUVAKOVIC, infectologist,
Ordinary Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian
Physicians' Society

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan