The church's support will be vital if Ivica Racan's coalition is to
stay in power.

By Drago Hedl in Osijek

Pope John Paul II's successful visit may have boosted Prime Minister
Ivica Racan's hopes of joining the European Union, but it has also
reminded him of a debt Croatia is yet to pay.

The papal visit - which covered several towns from June 5-9 - appears
to have strengthened Racan's position as he prepares for parliamentary
elections in the autumn.

However, one senior member of the governing coalition, who did not want
to be named, told IWPR, "We realise just how important the Pope's visit
to Croatia was, but we are also aware of the fact that the backing we
have received comes with a price.

"Racan will have to meet his obligations towards the church sooner
rather than later - and they are not at all insignificant."

In 1990, after repeated requests from Rome, the Croatian Democratic
Union, HDZ, government of the late president Franjo Tudjman agreed to
return all church assets seized during the communist era. However, this
proved problematic, as several buildings had since been converted to
schools or
state institutions.

When the current coalition government came to power, Racan offered the
church shares in highly-profitable companies in lieu of the property.
This offer was accepted, but Croatia is yet to fulfil its side of the

In addition, budget troubles have led to a 24 million euro shortfall in
state funding for the church - though a luxury office for the senior
most army cleric was recently constructed in Zagreb at a cost of five
million euro, financed by the defence ministry.

In spite of these issues, the Holy Father's visit was hailed as a great
success after he voiced support for Croatia's bid to join the European

Now Racan is hoping that during the EU enlargement process the Pope
will employ the same influence and moral authority that he used in
1992, when the Vatican was the first to recognise Croatia as an
independent state.

Following his meeting with the pontiff in Rijeka on June 9, the prime
minister said, "If we managed to win our independence in difficult
circumstances, thanks to the Pope's backing, we are certain to succeed
now with his support to our accession to the European Union."

Zagreb filed an official request for accession to the EU in February,
and Racan hopes that Croatia could become a member by 2007 - and he has
a strong desire to be in power if this happens.

His chances have been boosted by the papal visit, which has left
Racan's left-centre coalition in a far stronger position in the run up
to the parliamentary elections expected later this year.

Their most dangerous rivals, the HDZ, can no longer boast that the Pope
had visited Croatia twice during its reign. Observers say that this
third trip has proved that the Holy Father is not really interested in
who is currently in power.

Public opinion surveys carried out prior to the papal visit showed that
the three strongest parties in Racan's coalition - his own Social
Democratic Party, the Croatian People's Party and the Croatian Peasant
Party - enjoy the support of 34 per cent of voters, with the HDZ
trailing with 23 per cent.

But Racan, as a pragmatic politician, will be aware that the opening of
a newly-built highway between Zagreb and Split, a drop in unemployment
and an increase in production may not be enough to win the election for

Analysts say that if the coalition is to get another term in power,
Racan will now have to maintain the church's perceived support for his
government by solving some of the problems that have angered the
Vatican over the years.

As well as completing the process of transferring the promised shares
to the church, the authorities must also work to rectify the
ecclesiastic budget problem.

In the meantime, the church is extending its influence in everyday life
in Croatia.

Having insisted on the introduction of religious teaching in all state
schools, it is now putting pressure on the government to ban all work
on Sundays. Racan's coalition is looking for a compromise on this
issue, and has responded by drafting legislation to limit working hours
on the Sabbath.

The church is also pushing for religious programming to be switched
from late evening to prime time slots.

All of which has raised concerns amongst some international observers
who believe the Vatican is having far too much influence over domestic

Drago Hedl is a regular IWPR contributor in Osijek.

(from: IWPR'S BALKAN CRISIS REPORT, No. 437, June 13, 2003 -