(italiano / english / deutsch)

Varie da L'Aia / various from Den Haag


La dea bendata... sulla bocca. Ecco la Giustizia dell'Aia:

Il Ponte di Carla del Ponte:


*** Da gennaio Milutinovic e' in galera. Il governo Djindjic aveva
"garantito" per lui perche' godesse di liberta' provvisoria... Un
corno! ***


BELGRADE, Jan. 22 (Beta) - Yugoslavia's Embassy in The Hague has
delivered government guarantees for the temporary release of former
Serbian president Milan Milutinovic, to The Hague war crimes tribunal.
Milutinovic, who is accused of war crimes in Kosovo, has been in The
Hague detention unit since Jan. 20.
In a letter addressed to the chief prosecutor, Carla del
Ponte, and the trial chamber, Djindjic says that after the breakdown of
the Milosevic regime in October 2000, Milutinovic "continued to perform
the office of Serbian president in line with the Constitution and the
law" "thus contributing to the stability in Serbia" and that he stepped
down from his post as soon as his mandate terminated.
In a separate document signed by vicepremier Nebojsa Covic,
the Serbian government gives guarantees that in case Milutinovic is
temporarily released and allowed to stay in the country pending trial,
it will "respect all the trial chamber's orders" so that Milutinovic
"can appear before the tribunal at the court's order, at any time."


*** Il rapimento a Belgrado dell'ex colonnello dell'esercito jugoslavo
Veselin Sljivancanin e la sua consegna all'Aia "dovrebbero sbloccare
gli aiuti USA"... ***


CNN News
June 13, 2003

Serb arrest 'will unlock U.S. aid'

BELGRADE, Serbia and Montenegro --The arrest of a top
war crimes suspect in the teeth of violent protests in
Serbia and Montenegro, which injured more than 50
police, will unlock vital U.S. economic aid next week,
Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic said.
The capture of ex-army colonel Veselin Sljivancanin
from a Belgrade apartment, after hours of clashes
between riot police and hundreds of stone-throwing
protesters, would relieve international pressure on
the country, he added.
Hardline nationalists believe Serbs sent to the U.N.
war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, are
being sacrificed to "victor's justice" in return for
aid money.
Police under orders to show restraint were pelted with
bottles and missiles during the lengthy arrest
Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihajlovic said more
than 50 officers were injured, one of whom was still
in hospital.
"The police did not want to put anyone's life on the
line," he told B92 radio. Riot squads sheltered behind
plastic shields without responding until the attacks
became more violent, then counter-charged with tear
gas and stun grenades.
When police arrived at his apartment, to which he had
apparently returned to celebrate his 50th birthday,
they were met by several hundred supporters of the
The hardliners, who regard Sljivancanin as a hero for
his part in Croatia's 1991-95 independence war that
led to the breakup of Yugoslavia, threw stones and set
fires to halt the march of the police.
Police commando squads began battering down the
armored door of Sljivancanin's flat shortly before
midnight. He had threatened to blow himself up rather
than hand himself over to international justice,
Reuters reported, but his wife later said he had
"surrendered voluntarily."
Sljivancanin was indicted in 1995 by the United
Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands
for the alleged massacre of 200 people in Croatia in
1991. He had been on the run since former Serbian
President Slobodan Milosevic was ousted in October
The arrest came after Washington last week urged
Belgrade to detain him so it could certify to Congress
on June 15 that the country was cooperating with
international justice, thereby unlocking $110 million
in much-needed aid for 2003.
"At this moment we can be absolutely certain that the
issue of the certification of U.S. aid is no longer a
problem," Svilanovic told local media.
His arrest would not only ease relations with former
foe Croatia but improve Belgrade's standing with the
United States, the European Union and NATO, the
alliance which bombed Yugoslavia over Kosovo in 1999,
the minister said.
Sljivancanin's two co-accused in the Vukovar massacre
-- one of the most notorious crimes of Croatia's
independence war -- are already in detention at The
Hague awaiting trial.
His transfer will be the fourth from Serbia to the
tribunal since May, highlighting Belgrade's
determination to face down hardliners in the three
months since reformist Serbian Prime Minister Zoran
Djindjic was assassinated on March 12.
"It seems that where there is a will there is a way,"
tribunal prosecution spokeswoman Florence Hartmann
said. "He was under an arrest warrant for almost eight
years. It is important for us to have him now."
Former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic and
army commander Ratko Mladic are the two remaining top
fugitives still at large, their whereabouts unclear.

In This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Rick Rozoff wrote:


Tanjug - June 13, 2003
Arrest carried out ahead of Powell's certification, news agencies

13:01 BELGRADE , June 13 (Tanjug) - The arrest of
former Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) Col. Veselin
Sljivancanin represents an answer to the US demand
that he be taken into custody and handed over to The
Hague tribunal, so that Washington could approve
further aid to Serbia, Reuters said on Friday, quoting a
senior official of the Serbian Interior Ministry.
He was arrested two days before the certification of
US Secretary of State Colin Powell, i.e. possible
approval at the US Congress that "Belgrade is
cooperating with the tribunal," which, according to
the news agency, was "a step essential for the release
of further economic aid worth a total of 110 million


*** Gli USA vietano ai propri avvocati di assistere gli "imputati" nei
processi in corso al tribunale antijugoslavo dell'Aia ***


        THE HAGUE, June 19 (Tanjug) - US President George Bush has
issued  an order according to which US lawyers are barred from
representing  before the Tribunal in The Hague war crimes suspects from
the  territory of the former Yugoslavia, the Tribunal in The Hague
said  on Wednesday. 
        AP news agency has reported that this executive order of the
US  Administration, dated May 29 this year, and which was made public
on  the US government website only on Wednesday, suspends support for 
over 200 individuals and organizations of the former Yugoslavia who 
are on the US black list and bans the extension of services and  funds
to such persons, including legal representation.
        On that list  are all the accused in the trial of Slobodan
Milosevic, as well as  his entire family. Some 20 US lawyers are
defending war crimes  suspects before the Tribunal in The Hague, a
court that has the  political and finacial support of the United States.

In This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Rick Rozoff wrote:


U.S. Ban on U.S. Lawyers Derails Case
The Associated Press - June 19, 2003

THE HAGUE, Netherlands - A U.S. government ban on
American lawyers defending war crimes suspects
derailed a second case at the Yugoslav tribunal
John Ackerman and David Cunningham said in court they
could no longer represent Radoslav Brdjanin without
fear of U.S. prosecution. The judge said he had no
alternative but to adjourn the trial.
The ban, part of a U.S. executive order to cut off
support to about 200 people and organizations from the
former Yugoslavia blacklisted by the U.S. government,
was made public in a document released by the court on
It outlaws providing goods, services and funds to
those people, including legal representation, U.S.
Treasury Officials said. But lawyers can apply
separately for permission to represent Balkan war
crimes suspects, they said.
Brdjanin, who has pleaded innocent to 12 counts of war
crimes, said in court he would "be devastated" if his
American lawyers were not allowed to continue. "It
would be disastrous for me," he said.
Presiding judge Carmel Agius said the inclusion of
lawyers in the ban was probably a "misinterpretation"
by the U.S. Treasury Department.
Tribunal spokesman Jim Landale said the court was in
contact with the U.S. government and hoped "a solution
will be worked out shortly."
About 20 American lawyers are defending suspects at
the U.N. tribunal, established in 1993 by the U.N.
Security Council to prosecute individuals responsible
for war crimes during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.
Many of the people listed are indicted war crimes
suspects and some are already on trial at the U.N.
court, including former Yugoslav President Slobodan
In a document made public Wednesday, three American
lawyers requested an immediate suspension of the case
against Bosnian Croat Gen. Tihomir Blaskic, saying the
Treasury Department had told them they could be
prosecuted for representing him.


*** Il Tribunale antijugoslavo dell'Aia rilascia in liberta' criminale
di guerra croato-bosniaco, comandante del campo di Celebici ***

Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Gio 10 Lug 2003 07:07:37 Europe/Rome
A: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] UN Court Releases Bosnian Muslim Convicted Of
Terrorizing Serbs


UN court grants early release for Bosnian Muslim
jailed for terrorising Serbs

THE HAGUE, July 9 (AFP) - The UN war crimes court on
Wednesday agreed to an early release for Bosnian Croat
Zdravo Mucic, who was sentenced to nine years in
prison in April for running a camp in central Bosnia
where Serbs were terrorised by their Muslim and Croat
The president of the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Judge Theodor Meron,
"granted Zdravo Mucic's request for early release,
effective July 18," the court said in a statement.
Mucic has been in tribunal custody since March 18,
1996. He has effectively served two-thirds of his
sentence, the judge said.
Mucic has been in the court's detention centre all
this time. Usually convicted war criminals are
transferred to other countries to serve their time and
can request early release under the rules of the
country that is detaining them.
With Mucic, judge Meron ruled that eligibility for
early release in the nine states that have agreed to
take in ICTY convicts starts at two-thirds of the
sentence served and this should apply in this case as
In April the appeals court ruled that Mucic as
commander of the Celebici camp bore some
responsibility for the murder, cruel treatment and
torture committed by his staff.
The camp was set up by joint Bosnian Muslim-Croat
forces in 1992 in the riverside village of Celebici,
near the town of Konjic in central Bosnia.
Several dozen Bosnian Serb civilians from the Konjic
area were detained there in 1992.
Two of Mucic's subordinates were sentenced to 18 and
15 years in prison for "killing, torturing, sexually
assaulting, beating and otherwise subjecting detainees
in that camp to cruel and inhumane treatment".
The judges said that in an interview in June Mucic
"acknowledged that the conditions at the Celebici
prison camp were appalling and expressed his respect,
and gratitude ... for the judicial process".
Mucic is the sixth person convicted by the ICTY to
have been released after serving a sentence. Eleven
people are currently serving jail terms in countries
that have agreed to take in ICTY convicts. Three
people convicted by the UN court are still waiting to
be transferred to serve their sentence.


*** Il Tribunale antijugoslavo dell'Aia licenzia l'"amicus curiae"
(avvocato d'ufficio) Tapuskovic ***

Branislav Tapuskovic era gia' stato redarguito svariate volte dal
presidente del "Tribunale" perche' interveniva troppo in difesa di
Milosevic - sic! L'amicus curiae di Milosevic secondo il "Tribunale"
deve evidentemente solo fare finta di difendere Milosevic, altrimenti
non vale... Lo sostituira' percio' una avvocatessa inglese di sicura
fede natista.

Si noti che il primo "amicus curiae" di Milosevic e di fatto
"inventore" della stessa idea di imporre a Milosevic questi fittizi
"avvocati d'ufficio", cioe' l'avvocato olandese Wladimiroff, fu
ricusato dopo che aveva rilasciato assurde dichiarazioni sulla "sicura
colpevolezza" di Milosevic ad alcuni quotidiani. Lo scorso 25 giugno
Wladimiroff e' stato sanzionato dal Consiglio di Disciplina dell'Ordine
degli Avvocati olandese.

Da: joesb@...
Data: Dom 6 Lug 2003 13:17:12
Oggetto: Haager Inquisition: Amicus curiae gekündigt

Haager Tribunal
Branislav Tapuskovic (amicus curiae) gekündigt

Die Kündigung wurde nicht genau begründet. Hr. Tapuskovic wurde einige
Male von Richter May gemahnt, er möge sich nicht so benehmen als würde
er Milosevic verteidigen. Die letzte Mahnung war am 30.6.2003. Hr.
Tapuskovic sagte für die Tageszeitung „GLAS“ aus: Wir sind keine
Anwälte aber auch kein Dekor. Hätten wir regungslos sitzen sollen,
zusehen und zuhören was sich abspielt und nicht reagieren?
Seinen Platz wird eine Engländerin einnehmen. Der ehemalige
Jugoslawische Präsident soll demnächst mit der Vorbringung seiner
Beweise beginnen.
· Sollen keine Serben während der Beweisvorbringung von Milosevic unter
amicus curiae sein?
· Hat jemand Angst vor den Beweisen von Milosevic bekommen und soll
deswegen noch ein Engländer mehr dabei sein?
· Hat das Tribunal Angst bekommen es könnte Hr. Tapuskovic Milosevic
dabei leicht unterstützen und ergänzen?
· Allein gegen die Mafia!?

Serbische Lokalwahlen - SPS legt zu

EU setzt weitere 14 Serben auf Schwarze Liste

Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung
Meiselstraße 46/4
A-1150 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61


La dea bendata... sulla bocca. Ecco la Giustizia dell'Aia:

Il Ponte di Carla del Ponte: