
1. Summer's Poor and Bitter Harvest (G.R. Copley)
2. After 8 Years Of Occupation, NATO Continues Raids, Conducts Military
3. 'JUDGMENT!' Exposes the Phony Pictures that Fooled the World

Also recommended:

=== 1 ===


Summer's Poor and Bitter Harvest

By Gregory R. Copley

HOT, STILL DAYS IN June brought harvests early in Republika Srpska, the
bountiful heartland of Bosnia-Herzegovina and much of the Balkans.
There are now fewer men to till the fields, so agricultural
productivity in 2003 remained at around 30 percent of the "normal"
times, the years untouched by wars. Still, the serried rows of corn
crowd the fields around Sijekovac in the district of Srpski Brod.

The corn grows hard to the walls of shattered farms; shells of homes,
gutted and bullet-ridden. They will disappear within a generation, most
of them; returned to the soil. Little will be spoken of them, for the
people of the region were taught not to speak of tragedies and
cruelties endured. Marshal Tito said, after 1945, that to heal the
wounds of internecine war, they must never be discussed.

But after the Ustase extremists of the 1941-45 "Independent State of
Croatia" had quietly slipped back into their communities - vanishing
like Iraqi Republican Guardsmen after the US war against them - leaving
Serbian communities fractured, the policy of "never talking" failed to
serve the peoples of the region. Croatia, part of the German Third
Reich, was not "de-nazified" after World War II, and the Ustase waited
and waited, and its grandsons re-emerged in 1991.

At that time, before Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence from
the dying Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (FSRY), the Ustase,
supporting (and supported by) Croatian Pres. Franjo Tudjman, crossed
the river into Srpski Brod and began butchering Serb families. This was
before the Army of the FSRY, the JNA, was accused of triggering
Bosnia-Herzegovina's demand for independence.

I met in the shattered remnants of the Orthodox Church in Sijekovac
with many of the survivors of the genocide waged against them. Not one
sought vengeance, though they had spent years in Croat or Muslim
concentration camps. Not one sought vengeance for the families lost, or
the homes destroyed.

They only asked why they were still being blamed for a war they did not
start nor seek.

I had visited the lands of the former Yugoslavia during the wars of the
1990s, and heard the older Serbs say: "The truth will come out." But
the truth is written by victors, and until now the histories of the
1990s of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia-Montenegro, have been
written by terrorists. Are they the victors? Terrorists whose roots go
back into the Ustase? Terrorists who flocked into Bosnia-Herzegovina -
and remain there - funded and supported by the Government of Iran and
by the Osama bin Laden organization?

It is one thing to stand in contemplation among the trees of Donja
Gradina, in Republika Srpska,where 700,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were
killed in the Jasenovac concentration camp complex during World War II.
It is another thing to look across the river, into the Croatian fields
of Jasenovac, and see that history there has been literally erased. And
to know that the real victims of the war in this beautiful area are
being victimized again in death by being blamed unjustly for the 1990s
war and its atrocities.

The suppression of history delays peace in the Balkans.

(D&FA Strategy Policy is published by International Strategic Studies

=== 2 ===

Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Mer 23 Lug 2003 06:39:07 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] After 8 Years Of Occupation, NATO Continues
Raids, Conducts Military Training

1) NATO Leads First Ever Joint Army Training Program
In Preparation For NATO Absorption Of Bosnia
2) Disarming Not Demilitarizing: NATO Occupation
Forces Stage Yet Another Raid In Bosnian Serb
Republic, While Half Million Weapons Remain In Kosovo,
Hundreds Of Thousands In Macedonia

NATO holds first post-war joint army training program
for Bosnians

SARAJEVO, July 22 (AFP) - NATO-led peacekeepers said
Tuesday they had brought together army officers from
Bosnia's Serb, Muslim and Croat communities for the
first joint training program since the war that pitted
the three ethnic communities against each other.

The program, organized in early July in the southern
city of Mostar, brought together 165 officers from the
armies of the two entities that make up Bosnia -- the
Muslim-Croat Federation and the Serb-run Republika

James Billings, spokesman for the NATO-led
Stabilisation Force (SFOR), told a press conference
that the program had "paved the way for further
cooperation in the field of joint military training."

Bosnia's two entities which were formed after the
1992-1995 war each have their own army under separate
chains of command.

NATO has demanded the establishment of a common
command and control system for the armed forces of the
two entities as a requirement for Bosnia to join the
alliance's Partnership for Peace program.

Membership of the program is generally considered a
precursor to membership of NATO.

NATO peacekeepers seize large amounts of wartime
weapons in Bosnia

BANJA LUKA, Bosnia-Hercegovina, July 22 (AFP) -
NATO-led peacekeepers in Bosnia said Tuesday they had
seized large amounts of illegally-held weapons and
ammunition from the country's war since the start of
the year.

Stabilisation Force (SFOR) troops collected a total of
24,377 hand grenades, 6,250 mortars and mortar shells,
444 mines, 243 kilograms (535 pounds) of explosives,
some 400 rifles and 26 rockets in northwestern Bosnia,
an SFOR spokesman told AFP.

The weapons were gathered between January and June in
an area under the control of SFOR's northwest brigade,
covering approximately one quarter of the country,
mainly under Bosnian Serb control, spokesman Mark
Hamilton said.

Some of the weapons have been handed over to SFOR by
those who were illegally holding them.

Bosnia-wide Operation Harvest is being conducted since
1998, with the aim to collect all illegally-held
weapons remaining from the 1992-1995 war in the former
Yugoslav republic.

In November 2002, the peacekeepers seized some eight
tonnes of illegal weapons hidden in a warehouse in the
northwestern town of Prijedor, while in May they
discovered over three tonnes of illegal arms at a car
dump in the southern town of Mostar.

Postwar Bosnia has two semi-independent entities --
the Republika Srpska and the Muslim-Croat Federation.

=== 3 ===

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The movie 'JUDGMENT!' Exposes the Phony
'Death Camp' Pictures that Fooled the World

[Posted 16 July 2003]


[Order information at end]

In August 1992, millions of people were shocked by photographs of a
supposed Bosnian Serb death camp.

The photos were produced by ITN, the British TV news giant, from
footage shot by their film crew, which had spent a long day in Bosnia.

Most of the photographs featured a tall, thin man with a deformed
chest, stripped to the waist, apparently imprisoned behind barbed wire.
You might have seen those pictures.

They were staged and doctored: a hoax. This is proved in the Emperor's
Clothes movie, 'JUDGMENT!'

To start with, the barbed wire was staged. The ITN film crew went
inside a storage area surrounded by a chicken wire/barbed wire fence.
They filmed from *inside* that enclosure - through the barbed wire -
and in that way created the false impression that they were filming
people imprisoned behind barbed wire. And that was only their first
cute trick. Step by step, 'JUDGMENT!' will show you exactly how the
phony pictures were created.

The phony pictures were broadcast worldwide starting on August 6th.
Twenty minutes after they were shown on US Television...


Mr. Bush responds with lightning speed


On 6 August 1992 just *20 minutes* after the pictures were broadcast,
George Bush, Sr. held a press conference at a Colorado Air Base:

"Reports say that 20 minutes after the ITN footage was shown in the
United States, President George Bush changed his hands-off policy and
promised to 'press hard for quick passage' of a UN Security Council
resolution authorising the use of force in the Balkans."
-- "The Straits Times, August 16, 1992; "Holocaust images of Bosnia
prison camps make the West sit up," by Lee Siew Hua]
President Bush demanded that the Bosnian Serbs and the Republic of
Serbia be harshly punished, including:

"...tighten[ing] economic sanctions on Serbia so that all understand
that there is a real price to be paid for the Serbian government's
continued aggression."

Bush also announced that the U.S. would recognize Croatia, Slovenia and
Bosnia as independent from Yugoslavia. Thus he used the phony death
camp photos as an excuse to endorse the break-up of Yugoslavia. By
recognizing the Bosnian government, run by the Islamic fundamentalist,
Alijah Izetbegovic, Bush guaranteed that the Bosnian war would continue.

Consider the remarkable speed with which President Bush reacted.

Some photos were shown on TV.

Immediately, President Bush contacted his cabinet members, who,
coincidentally, had seen the photos.

They conferred. Somehow they determined that the pictures are genuine.

They contacted leaders of Germany, England and possibly other
countries. They planned draconian measures including economic sanctions
that would cut Serbia off from the world.

They contacted congressional leaders who agreed that Bush should
announce the US intent to recognize three Yugoslav secessionist states
- Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

They called a press conference at a Colorado Air Base. They wrote a
press release. They wrote Mr. Bush's speech. He learned the speech.

Newspapers, wire services and TV stations received the press release.
Film crews traveled to the Air base and set up their equipment.

And all this was done in 20 minutes.

Isn't it more likely that the timing of the broadcast of these pictures
on TV was coordinated between ITN and the State Department or the CIA?
That Bush was put on TV right after the pictures so that ordinary
people would believe that the pictures had compelled President Bush to

Perhaps ITN's trip to Bosnia, supposedly to "investigate claims that
concentration camps had been set up" (Strait Times), was planned as a
hunt for the right pictures to produce doctored evidence.

Get a copy of 'JUDGMENT!' If after viewing this video you don't think
we proved our case we will refund every penny.


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