These are some answers to an article which appeared on the
Canadian daily "The Washington Times" - see:

To: letters@...
From: Boba
Subject: Letters : Re:  Balkan turbulence by Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Bcc: Goverment, Media

  RE: Balkan turbulence by Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Dec. 22, 2003

It is interesting that Mr. Kuhner uses the results of the Serbia's
elections in November and the win of the Radical Party there to bash
as Nazis and xenophobes. The recent win of Ivo Sanader and his Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ), an ultra-nationalist, neo-USTASE military wing
Tudjman's HDZ political party, in the election in Croatia did not upset
Kuhner, nor did it, remarkably, invoke any Nazi Croat past. It was
(alongside with Albanian and Bosnian Muslim) "radical nationalism" that
most brutal way caused death of close to 700.000 Serbs, Jews and
Gypsies in
Croatian concentration camps during the WWII.

In his distaste for the Serbs, Mr. Kuhner refuses to admit that the
tried to topple down Milosevic from power long before the year 2000. He
refuses to acknowledge that the severe, a decade long economic sanctions
imposed by the "western democracies" alongside the NATO bombing of
Serbia in
1999 had ruined Serbia economically as well as socially.

It is shocking how WWI Austro-Hungarian propaganda slogan about a
Serbia" got to be revived over and over again today for Serb-bashing
To hide their own agenda western politicians and the media accuse the
of "radical nationalism" and of the attempt to reintegrate a "large
chunk of
Bosnia and Croatia into a larger Serbian state".  Yet, in reality it is
quite the opposite. It was the Croatian army who, with help of the US
NATO forces, expelled more than 250.000 Serbs from Croatia in 1993-1995
"reintegrated" Serb land into Croatia. It was US led NATO aircraft that
bombed Serbs in Bosnia and made Serbs to give up their land to
Federation. And it was brutal and criminal NATO bombing of Serbia in
as well as the American and Western tolerance of the Albanian Islamic
fundamentalists that paved the way to renewal of a dream of "Greater
Albania", thus forcing Serbs in most brutal way to leave their land of
Kosovo, and renaming Kosovo to KosovA independent "Albanian" state.

Boba B.
 ON, Canada


Subject:       Balkan Turbulence
From:       "geoffrey wasteneys"
Date:       Wed, December 24, 2003 4:26 pm
To:       "Washington Times" <letters@...>

Jeffrey T. Kurner's article "Balkan Turbulence" is reminiscent of the
phrase, so frequently heard in Europe  the late  19th century  "Trouble
in the Balkans ".

It was as if the European Nations that had enjoyed relative tranquility
after the Napoleonic Wars were unable to appreciate the vicissitudes of
the Orthodox South Slavs, so slowly emerging from the grasp of the
Muslim Ottoman Empire in which they had remained for 450 years with
little assistance from their Christian neighbours.

The reference to "Greater Serbia" has sole relevance to the Empire of
Dushan  that fell to the Turks after the Battle of the Blackbirds at
Kosovo Polji . It was resurrected by the Slovenes and Croats as an
excuse for their (Vatican Inspired) destruction of the State of
Yugoslavia, that had been conceived in the 1920s mainly by US President
Woodrow Wilson,  largely in their  specific interest .

I defy Mr. Kuhner to produce evidence of  a plan to augment Serbian
territory in 1991. It was surely no "Greater Serbia' that was to arise
through the regaining of the province of Kosovo, the original homeland
of the Serbs that contained virtually all their historic churches,
monasteries and shrines. Their depopulation of that area had been
entirely involuntary,  caused by military activity by the Turks ,
Germans and Italians  and their displacement by Albanians the outcome of
Marshall Tito's  failed scheme to create an alliance with Albania
against Stalinist USSR .If The Croats were to depart, they could not
expect to carry with them some 600,000 Serbs in the border areas of
Krajina and East and West Slavonia, nor could Izetbegovic hope to retain
1.2 million Orthodox Christian Serbs in his projected   Muslim State of
Bosnia .This was not "Geater Serbia" but simply "Serbia Regained".

Geoffrey Wasteneys
Ottawa Canada