FONTE: Anti-imperialiste mailing list

> LAs 500 compañias de fachada de la CIA

> ***** * A * *****
> AALC, see Afro-American Labor Center
> Acrus Technology
> ADEP, see Popular Democratic Action
> Advertising Center, Inc.
> Aerojet General Corporation
> Aero Service Corp. of Philadelphia
> AFME, see American Friends of the Middle East
> "African Report"
> African-American Institute
> Afro-American Labor Center (AALC) of
> American Federation of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organization
> Agencia Orbe Latinoamericano
> Agency for International Development (AID)
> Agribusiness Development, Inc.
> AIFLD, see American Institute for Free Labor Development
> Air America Air Asia Co., Ltd.
> Air Proprietary Company
> All Ceylon Youth Council Movement
> Alliance for Anti-totalitarian Education
> America Fore Insurance Group
> American Academy for Girls
> American Association of the Middle East
> American Chamber of Commerce
> American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism, Inc.
> American Committee for the Liberation of the People of Russia
> American Committee for the International Commission of Jurists
> American Economic Foundation
> American Federation for Fundemental Research
> American Federation of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organization
> American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
> American Foundation for the Middle East
> American Friends of the Middle East
> American Friends of the Russian Freedom
> American Friends Service Committee
> American Fund for Czechoslovak Refugees
> American Fund For Free Jurists
> American Geographic Society
> American Historical Society
> American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD)
> American Machine & Foundry
> American Mutual Insurance Company
> American Newspaper Guild
> American Newspaper Publishers
> Association American Oriental Society
> American Political Science Association
> American Red Cross
> American Research Center in Egypt, Inc.
> American Society of African Culture
> American Institute of Cairo
> American University - Special Operations Research Office
> Ames Research Center
> M.D. Anderson Foundation
> ANSA (Italian Wire Service)
> Antell, Wright & Nagel
> Anti-Communist Christian Front
> Anti-Communist Liberation Movement
> Anti-Totalitarian Board of Solidarity with the People of Vietnam
> Anti-Totalitarian Youth movement
> Appalachian Fund
> Arabian-American Oil Company
> Area Tourist Association
> Ashland Oil and Refining Company
> Asia Foundation
> Association of American Geographers
> Association of Computing Machinery
> Association of Friends of Venezuela
> Association of Preparatory Students
> Assoziation ungarischer Studenten in Nordamerika
> "Atlantic Journals and Constitution"
> Atomics, Physics & Science Fund, Inc.
> Atwater Research Program in North Africa
> ***** * B * *****
> David, Josephine & Winfield Baird Foundation, Inc.
> Bank of America
> Bank of California
> Bank of Lisle
> Bankers Trust Company
> Baylor University
> Beacon Fund (West)
> Berliner Verein (West)
> Berliner Verein zur Forderung der Bildungshilfe in Entwicklungslandern
> (West)
> Berliner Verein zur Forderung der Publizistik in Entwicklungslandern
> Blythe & Company, Inc.
> Boeing Company
> Boni, Watkins, Jason & Company
> Borden Trust Bories Trust
> Boy Scouts of America
> Brazilian Institute for Democratic Action (IBAD)
> Broad and High Foundation
> Brook Club
> Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight
> Handlers, Express and Station Employees
> J. Frederick Brown Foundation
> Burgerkomitee fur Au Benpolitik (SS)
> Bulgarisches Nationales Zentrum
> Burndy Corporation
> Butte Pipe Line Company
> ***** * C * *****
> Cahill, Gordon, Reindel & Ohl
> Cahill & Wilinski
> California Shipbuilding Corporation
> Campfire Girls
> CARE, see Committee for American Relief Everywhere
> Caribean Marine Area Corporation
> (Caramar) James Carlisle Trust
> Carnegie Foundation
> John Carroll University
> Catherwood Foundation
> Catholic Labor Foundation
> Catholic University Youth Organization
> CBS Television Network
> CEDOC, see Catholic Labor Center
> (CRESS) Center for Strategic Studies
> Center of Studies and Social Action
> (CEAS) CEOSL, see Ecuadorean Confederation of Free Trade Union
> Organizations
> Chesapeake Foundation
> Chicago College of Arts and Sciences
> Citizens State Bank of Wausau
> Civil Air Transport (CAT)
> Clothing and Textiles Workers Union COG, see Guayana Workers
> Confederation
> Colt's Patent Fire Arms Company
> Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
> Columbia University
> Columbian Financial Development Company
> Combate
> "EL Commercio" Com. Suisse d'Aide aux Patrgrols
> Committee for American Relief (CARE)
> Committee for Correspondance
> Committee for Free Albania
> Committee for Liberty of Peoples
> Communications Workers of America (CWA)
> Confederation for an Independent Poland
> Conference of the Atlantic
> Community Congress for Cultural Freedom
> Continental Airlines Corporation
> Continental Press
> Cooperative League of America
> Coordinating Committee of Free Trade Unionists of Ecuador
> Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students (cosec), see
> International Student Conference (ISC)
> Cornell University
> Cosden Petroleum Corporation
> Council on Economic and Cultural Affairs, Inc.
> Council of Foreign Relations
> Cox, Langford, Stoddard & Cutler
> CRC, see Cuban Revolutionary Council
> CROCLE, see Regional Confederation of Ecuadorean
> Coastal Trade Unions Cross, Murphy and Smith
> Crossroads of Africa
> Crusade for Freedom
> CSU, see Urugayan Labor Conference
> CTM, see Mexican Worker Confederation
> Cuban Portland Cement Company
> Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC, Cuban Exile)
> Cummings and Seller
> Curtis Publishing Company
> CUT, see Uruguayan Confederation of Workers
> ***** * D * *****
> Daddario & Burns
> Debevoise, Plimpton, Lyons & Gates (West)
> Deutscher Kunstlerbund
> Dominion Rubber Company
> Double Chek Corporation
> DRE, see Revolutionary Student Directorate in Exile
> ***** * E * *****
> Eagleton Institute of Politics - Princeton University East Asian
> Institute
> East-West Center
> Ecuadorean Anti-Communist Action
> Ecuadorean Anti-Communist Front
> Ecuadorean Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations (CEOSL)
> Ecuadorean Federation of Telecommunications Workers (FENETEL)
> Editors Press Service
> Edsel Fund
> Electric Storage Battery Company
> El Gheden Mining Corporation
> Encounter
> End Kadhmir Dispute Committee
> Ensayos
> Entertainment Workers Union
> ERC International, Inc.
> Enstnischer Nationalrat
> Enstnischer Weltzentralrat
> Europe Assembly of Captive Nations
> Exeter Banking Company
> ***** * F * *****
> Farfield Foundation, Inc.
> Federal League for Ruralist Action (Ruralistas)
> Federation for a Democratic Germany in Free Europe
> Fed. Inte. des Journalistes de Tourisme
> FENETEL, see Ecuadorean Federation of Telecommunications Workers
> First Florida Resource Corporation
> First National Bank of Dallas
> First National City Bank
> Florence Walsh Fashions, Inc.
> Fodor's Travel Guides (Publishers)
> Food, Drink and Plantation Workers Union
> Ford Foundation
> Foreign News Service
> Foreign Press Association B.C.
> Forest Products, Ltd.
> Fortune
> "Forum" (Wein)
> Foundation for International and Social Behavior
> Foundation for Student Affairs
> Franklin Broadcasting Company
> Free Africa Organization of Colored People
> Free Europe Committee, Inc.
> Free Europe Exile Relations
> Free Europe Press Division
> Freie Universitat (FU)
> Frente Departmental de Compensinos de Puno
> Fund for International, Social and Economic Development
> ***** * G * *****
> Gambia National Youth Council
> General Electric Company
> General Foods Corporation
> General Motors
> Geological Society of America
> Georgia Council on Human Relations
> Gilbraltar Steamship Corporation
> Girl Scouts -- U.S.A.
> Glore, Forgan & Company
> Goldstein, Judd & Gurfein
> Gotham Foundation
> Government Affairs Institute W.R.
> Grace and Company
> Granary Fund
> Grey Advertising Agency
> Guyana Workers Confederation (COG)
> Gulf Oil Corporation
> ***** * H * *****
> Andrew Hamilton Fund
> Harvard University
> Heights Fund Joshua
> Hendy Iron Works
> Himalayan Convention
> Histadrut - The Federation of Labor in Isreal
> Hiwar
> Hobby Foundation
> Hoblitzelle Foundation
> Hodson Corporation
> Hogan & Hartson Holmes Foundation, Inc.
> Hoover Institute on War, Revolution and Peace
> Houston Post
> Hughes Aircraft Corporation
> Hutchins Advertising Company of Canada
> Huyck Corporation
> ***** * I * *****
> IBAD, see Brazilian Institute for Democratic Action
> Independence Foundation
> Independent Press Telegram
> Independent Research Service
> Indiana University
> Industrial Research Service
> Institut zur Erforschung der USSR e.V.
> Institute Battelle Memorial
> Institute of Contemporary Art
> Institute of Danubian
> Inquiry Institute of Garbology
> Institute of International Education
> Institute of International Labor Research Education
> Institute of Political Education
> Institute of Public Administration
> International-American Center of Economic and Social Studies
> International-American Federation of Journalists
> International-American Federation of Working Newspapermen (IFWN)
> International-American Labor College
> International-American Police Academy, see International Police Academy
> International-American Regional Labor Organization (ORIT)
> Intercontinental Finance Corporation
> Intercontinental Research Corporation
> Intermountain Aviation
> International Armament Corporation (INTERARMCO)
> International Catholic Youth Federation
> International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
> International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (IFCTU)
> International Cooperation Administration (ICA)
> International Development Foundation, Inc.
> International Fact Finding Institute
> International Federation of Christian Trade Unions IFCTU, see World
> Confederation of Labor
> International Federation of Journalists
> International Federation of Newspaper Publishers
> International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers (IFPCW)
> International Federation of Plantation, Agriculture and Allied Workers
> International Federation of Women Lawyers (IFWL)
> International Geographical Union
> International Journalists Conference
> International Labor Research Institute
> International Packers, Ltd.
> International Polaroid Corporation
> International Police Academy
> International Police Services School
> International Press Institute
> International Rescue Committee
> International Secretatiate of the Pax Romana
> International Student Conference (ISC)
> International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT)
> International Trade Services
> International Trade Secretariats
> International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
> International Union Officials Trade Organizations
> International Union of Young Christian Democrats
> International Youth Center
> Internationale Federation der Mittel- und Osteuropas
> Internationale Organization zur Erforschung kommunistischer Nethoden
> Internationaler Bund freier Journalisten
> Internationales Hilfskomitee
> Ivy League Colleges
> ***** * J * *****
> Jacksonville University
> Japan Cultural Forum
> Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees)
> ***** * K * *****
> Kentfield Fund J.M.
> Kaplan Fund, Inc.
> Keats, Allen & Keats
> Kennecott Copper Corporation
> Kennedy & Sinclaire, Inc.
> Kenya Federation of Labour
> Khmer Airlines
> Kimberly-Clark Corporation
> Komittee fur internationale Beziehungen
> Komittee fur Selbstbestimmung
> Komittee fur die Unabhangigkeit des Kaukasus
> Korean C.I.A.
> Korean Freedom and Cultural Foundation, Inc.
> ***** * L * *****
> Labor Committee for Democratic Action
> Land Tenure Institute
> Sarah Lawrence College
> Lawyer's Constitutional Defense Committee
> League for Industrial Democracy
> League for International Social and Cooperative Development
> Life
> Ligue de la Liberte
> Litton Industrial Company
> Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
> London American
> Lone Star Cement Corporation
> Lurgi-Gesellschaff mhB (Tochtergesellschaff der Metallgesellschaff AG)
> ***** * M * *****
> Manhatten Coffee Company
> Manistugue Pulp & Paper Copany
> March of Dimes
> Marconi Telegraph-Cable Company
> Martin Marietta Company
> Marshall Foundation
> Massachusettes Institute of Technology, Center for International
> Studies (MIT-CIS)
> Mathieson Chemical Corporation
> McCann-Erikson, Inc.
> McDonald, Alford & Roszell McKesson & Robbins, Inc.
> Megadyne Electronics
> Charles E. Merrill Trust
> Metropolitan-Club
> Mexican Workers Confederation (CTM)
> Miami District Fund
> Michigan Fund
> Michigan State University
> Miner & Associates
> Mobil Oil Company
> Molden-Verlag
> Der Monat
> Monroe Fund
> Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc.
> Moral Majority Moral Rearmament
> Movement Mosler Safe Company
> Mount Pleasant Trust
> Movement for Integrated University Action
> "Ms" Magazine
> Robert Mullen Company
> ***** * N * *****
> Narodno Trudouoj Sojus (NTS)
> National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
> National Academy of Sciences
> National Research Council
> National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
> National Board for Defense of Sovereignty and Continental Solidarity
> National Catholic Action Board
> National Council of Churches
> National Defense Front
> National Educational Films, Inc.
> National Education Association
> National Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers of Ecuador
> National Feminist Movement for the Defense of Uruguay
> National Student Press Council of India
> National Students Association (NSA)
> National Rubber Bureau
> National Union of Journalists of Ecuador
> NBC Television Newspaper Guild of America
> Newsweek
> New York Corporation
> New York Daily News
> New York Times
> New York University
> Norman Fund
> North American Rockwell Corporation
> North American Uranium, Inc.
> Norwich Pharmaceutical Company
> Norwich University
> ***** * O * *****
> Oil Workers International Union
> Operations and Policy Research, Inc.
> Organix. Ukrainischer Nationalisten (OUN)
> ORIT, see International-American Regional Labor Organization
> Organization of American States (OAS)
> Overseas New Agency
> ***** * P * *****
> Pacific Corporation
> Pacific Life Insurance
> Paderewski Foundation
> Panama Cooperative Fisheries, Inc.
> Pan-American Foundation
> Pappss Charitable Trust
> Parker Pen Company
> Jere Patterson & Associates
> Pax Romana
> Peace Corps
> Peace and Freedom
> Penobscot Land & Investment Company
> Penobscot Purchasing Company
> Phoenix Gazette
> Plant Protection, Inc.
> Plenary of Democratic Civil Organizations of Uruguay
> Polaroid Corporation
> Polnisches national demokratisches
> Zentrum Pope & Ballard
> Popular Democratic Action (ADEP)
> Possev-Verlag Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.
> Pratt & Whitney
> Press Institute of India"
> Price Fund
> Princeton University
> Public Service International (PSI)
> Publisher's Council
> ***** * R * *****
> Rabb Charitable Foundation
> Radio Corporation of America (RCA Corporation)
> Radio Free Asia Radio
> Free Europe
> Radio Liberation
> Radio Liberty Committee, Inc.
> Radio Swan
> Raleigh Times
> Rand Corporation
> Reconstruction Finance Corporation
> Regional Confederation of Ecuadorean Coastal Trade Unions (CROCLE)
> Research Foundation for Foreign Affairs
> Retail Clerk's International Association
> Revolutionary Democratic Front (RFD, Cuban exile)
> Reynolds Metal Company
> Rockefeller Brothers Fund
> Rockefeller Foundation
> Rockefeller University
> Rubicon Foundation
> Rumanisches Nationalkomitee
> Russian and East European Institute
> Russian Institute
> Russian Research Center
> Rutgers University
> ***** * S * *****
> Saman
> San Jacinto Foundation
> San Miguel Fund
> St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press
> St. Petersburg Times
> Saturday Evening Post
> Schenley Industries, Inc.
> School of Foreign Affairs
> School of Foreign Service
> Scott Paper Company
> Sentinels of Liberty
> Shell Oil Company H.L.
> Sith & Company
> Social Christian Movement of Ecuador
> Sociedade Anomima de Radio Retransmissao (RARETSA)
> Society for Defense of Freedom in Asia SODIMAC
> Southern Air Transport
> Southern Regional Conference
> Scripps Howard Newspaper
> Standard Electronics, Inc.
> Standard Oil Company
> Standish Ayer & McKay, Inc.
> Stanford University
> Steuben Glass, Inc.
> Stiftelsen fur Noralisk Upprustning Victoria
> Strauss Fund
> Student Movement for Democratic Action
> Sullivan & Cromwell Sullivan & Gregg
> Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.
> Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Outside of Russia
> Systems Development Corporation
> ***** * T * *****
> Tarantel Press
> Thai-Pacific Services Company
> J. Walter Thompson John G. Thornton Trust
> Tibet Convention
> Time, Inc.
> Tower Fund
> Twentieth Century Fund
> ***** * U * *****
> Unabhangiger Forschugsdienst
> Ungarischer Nationalrat
> Unification Church (the "Moonies")
> United Fund United Methodist Church
> United Lutheran Relief Fund of America, Inc.
> U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
> U.S. News and World Report
> U.S. Rubber Company
> U.S. Steel Company
> United States Youth Council
> United Ukranian American Relief Committee
> United Way
> Universal Service Corporation
> University of California
> University of Chicago
> University of Cincinnati
> University of Houston
> University of Illinois
> University of Kentucky
> University of Maryland
> University of Miami
> University of Michigan
> University of Oklahoma
> University of Pennsylvania
> University of Utah
> University of Vermont
> University of Washington
> University of Wichita
> University of Wisconsin
> Untersuchungsausschub freiheitlicher Juristen (UfJ)
> Uruguayan Committee for Free Detention of Peoples
> Uruguayan Committee for the Liberation of Cuba
> Uruguayan Confederation of Workers (CUT)
> Uruguayan Institute of Trade Union Education (IEUS)
> Uruguayan Labor Confederation (CSU)
> Uruguayan Portland Cement Company U.S., see United States
> ***** * V * *****
> Vangard Service Company
> Vos Universitaria
> ***** * W * *****
> Wainwright and Matthews Joseph Walter & Sons
> Warden Trust
> Warner-Lamber Pharmaceutical Company
> Erwim Wasey, Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc.
> Watch Tower Movement
> Weltvereinigung der Organization des Lehrberufs
> Wexton Advertising Agency
> Whitney Trust Charles Price
> Whitten Trust
> Williams College
> Williford-Telford Corporation
> World Assembly of Youth (WAY)
> World Book-Childcraft of Canada
> World Confederation of Labour
> Wynnewood Fund
> ***** * Y * *****
> Yale University
> York Research Corporation
> Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
> Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
> ***** * Z * *****
> Zenith Technical Enterprises University
> Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sorengo
> (Zangakuren)
> Zentrale for Studien und Dokumentation