[ I successori cristianodemocratici e cristianosociali di Helmut Kohl
chiedono adesso esplicitamente la secessione del Kosovo - perfettamente
in linea con la geopolitica revanscista pan-tedesca, che dal 1991 in
poi ha trasformato la Jugoslavia in un lago di sangue ed in uno "zoo"
di "gabbie etniche" ... ]

----- Original Message -----
From: ERPKIM Info Service
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:25 PM
Subject: [ERPKIM] Helmut Kohl successors continue war against Yugoslavia

April 06, 2004

ERP KiM Newsletter 06-04-04d

The views expressed by the authors of newspaper articles or other texts
which are not official communiqués or news reports by the Diocese are
their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Serbian
Orthodox Churchbut may reflect views of many Serbs.
Today is the anniversary of the Hitler's bombing of Belgrade. On April
6, 1941 the Luftwaffe attacked Belgrade which had been proclaimed an
open city. Thousands of civilians were killed and many city quarters
wiht the valuable Natinal Library of Serbia leveled to the ground.


Helmut Kohl successors continue war against Yugoslavia

Dateline: 6th April 2004


Helmut Kohl’s former governing parties, CDU/CSU, call for the
"independence" of Kosovo - against all UN resolutions.

Having spent so much time and money and arms undermining Yugoslavia and
Kosovo it is not surprising that German troops assigned to KFOR have
proved "impotent" to protect Kosovo Serbs and Orthodox Serb
monasteries. Note how the German political class only calls for
independence and "negotiations" now that the Serbs have been reduced
(by Germany’s Muslim Albanian allies) to a small minority. Why did they
not call for partition when UN troops arrived? Because then a more
equitable division of land might have been achieved – and that was no
good to the ethnic-cleansing, murdering, German-armed KLA!.
Dateline: 6th April 2004


The corporatist, strongly Roman Catholic leaning Conservative Parties
in German - CDU/CSU (the combination of Christian Democrats and the
Bavarian Christian Social Union) most effectively pursued under Helmut
Kohl the elimination of the sovereign nation states of Europe in order
to create the European Super-State. Kohl, whose brother was killed in
the war and who once tore down border posts between France and Germany,
repeatedly used the same rhetoric (about German "destiny", the
"European Train" and Europe "setting the points") used by the Nazis.
His corporatist/fascist bigotry was best summed up in his words "Might
is right in politics and war". 

German and Austrian Conservatives have always shared one great enemy in
the centre of Europe - the Orthodox, Slav Serbs. The break up of
Yugoslavia - created out of the defeat of Germany and Austro-Hungary in
the First World War - was planned by the German Christian Democrat
Government in the 1980s. The creation of the clerical Catholic State of
Croatia had been the long term aim of the Vatican - which had had
intimate relations with Croatia's wartime fascist regime. Both powers
have exploited the Muslim enemies of the Serbs, particularly in Bosnia
and Albania - and of course among the Muslim population of Kosovo. The
latter were throughout the 20th century no more than 50% of the Kosovo
population. But after the effective terrorist war waged by the Albanian
Kosovo KLA, the Blair/Clinton/Kohl illegal war against Yugoslavia and
the incompetent "peace keeping" of the United Nations' KFOR troops most
Serbs have now been driven out of their historic homeland in Kosovo
just as they were driven out of the Krajina (border area of Croatia).

Just as German politicians are now more open and aggressive about their
true aims for "German Europe" so their increasing success
in(former) Yugoslavia gives them the courage to admit their long
planned aims in Kosovo. In this article from our friends at
german-foreign-policy.com Helmut Kohl's former governing parties,
CDU/CSU, call for the "independence" of Kosovo. In other words the
secession of Kosovo from Serbia and its complete hand-over to the
murdering regime which has driven the Serbs (not to mention Jews and
gypsies) out of another of their homelands. This is a bit like Germany
financing, say, French Muslims to take over Kent and then suggesting
that Kent should become "Independent" of Britain!

Having spent so much time and money and arms undermining Yugoslavia and
Kosovo it is not surprising that German troops assigned to KFOR have
proved "impotent" to protect Kosovo Serbs and Orthodox Serb
monasteries. Note how the German political class only calls for
independence and "negotiations" now that the Serbs have been reduced
(by Germany's Muslim Albanian allies) to a small minority. Why did they
not call for partition when UN troops arrived? Because then a more
equitable division of land might have been achieved - and that was no
good to the ethnic-cleansing, murdering, German-armed KLA!


The Munich based Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung (CAP - Centre
for Applied
Political Research) demands that Serbia, once and for all, cede its
southern province Kosovo and transfer all its sovereign rights over the
region to the United Nations. In the meantime politicians of the
opposition parties, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian
Social Union (CSU) demand a "resolution of this issue as quickly as
possible." According to Michael Glos, CSU member of the Bundestag
(lower house of parliament), the attempt to "bring together the hostile
ethnic groups of Serbs and Albanians" is "fiction": "Multicultural
societies" are "a very difficult venture which Germany should not
select as a model."

CAP, one of the most important German think tanks in the area of
foreign policy, demands in a just published study that Belgrade's
sovereignty over the southern Serbian province Kosovo should be
"ended".1) For this reason CAP demands lifting of UN resolution 1244 of
June 10, 1999 and transfering "complete sovereignty" over the area to
the United Nations. The Serb speaking minority in Kosovo would have to
negotiate for its autonomous right with Pristina.

Ethnic separation
Meanwhile, the CDU and CSU opposition pleads for a "resolution of this
issue as soon as possible." According to the current position of the
CDU/CSU faction, Berlin has to commit itself to "a comprehensible,
realistic framework for action" which "would open clear prospects for
all of Kosovo's ethnic groups." As early as 1999 the former foreign
policy speaker of the largest German opposition faction, Lamers, (one
of the most bigoted euro-federalists -ed) demanded that "the fiction"
of a multi-ethnic Kosovo be dropped. At that time, Lamers pleaded for
separation of Kosovo into a smaller Serbian and a larger Albanian part.

"No more Serbs"
While Berlin's opposition voices demand ethnic separation in Kosovo,
the Serb-Orthodox diocese Raska-Prizren severely criticizes the German
KFOR commandant, Holger Kammerhoff, and the German KFOR soldiers
stationed in Prizren. The diocese explained that the German troops had
not responded sufficiently during the anti-Serbian pogroms and had
allowed "all of the remaining Christian-orthodox heritage to disappear
overnight," declaring: "What the Albanians did not accomplish during
the era of Nazi Germany, they managed under the German troops of the
so-called peace mission". An Austrian Lt. Colonel reported after the
pogroms: "Now, there are no more Serbs in Prizren."

Kosovo's Fifth Anniversary. On the Road to Nowhere?;
www.cap.uni-muenchen.de März 2004
Ruck/Helias: Rot-gruen muss Kurs im Kosovo korrigieren;
Pressemitteilung der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion
Glos aeussert Zweifel an Kosovo-Politik. "Nato-Einsatz beruht auf einer
Fiktion"; Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung 24.03.2004
Schwere Vorwuerfe der Orthodoxen gegen deutsche KFOR-Truppen; APA
In Prizren gibt es keine Serben mehr; Der Standard 25.03.2004



History is repeating 60 years later:
Tragic events of March 17-18 evoke the painful memories of the past
WW2 Genocide - Albanian SS Skenderbey Division -an important historical
analysis of the development of Nazism among Albanians and forming of
the infamous SS Skenderbey Division. - Many times Germans had to
restrain their Moslem allies: "Bedri Pejani, the Muslim leader of the
Albanian National Committee, called for the extermination of Orthodox
Serbian Christians in Kosovo-Metohija and for a union of a Greater
Albania with Bosnia-Hercegovina and the Rashka (Sandzak) region of
Serbia into a Greater Islamic State. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj
Amin el Husseini, was presented the Pejani plan which he approved as
being in the interest of Islam. The Germans,however, rejected the
plan". ( http://www.kosovo.com/skenderbeyss.html%c2%a0)
The Holocaust in Kosovo -  Sean Mac Mathuna and John Heathcote - This
Web Page is focusing on the Nazism among Albanians, especially in
Kosovo during the WWII. Under the support of Nazi Germany and Islamic
pro-Nazi circles from the Middle East Kosovo Albanian Nazis organized
persecutions of Orthodox Serbs and Jews.
EC: The Roots of Kosovo's Faschism, by George Thompson - another essay
"Kosovo Albanian nationalist militias called the "Balli Kombetar" (or
"Ballistas") carried out a campaign of deportation and murder of Serbs
in 1943 and 1944. Then, on Hitler’s express order, the Germans formed
the 21st "Waffen-Gebirgs Division der SS" - the Skanderbeg Division.
With German leaders and Kosovo Albanian officers and troops, Hitler’s
hoped that using the Skanderbergs Germany could "achieve its well-known
political objective" of creating a viable (i.e., pure) "Greater
Albania" including Kosovo".

Eyewitness to Genocide in Kosovo: Kosovo-Metohija and the Skenderbeg
Division I was only 11 years old when Hitlers Division 'Skanderbeg' and
'Prinz Eugen' burned down the village of Velika and killed about 428
persons. Our family paid a heavy price that day - Radoje Knezevic, a
Serb from Kosovo and Metohija

Tetovo and Greater AlbaniaTetovo between 1941-1944, by Carl Savich. The
truth about events during the Nazi occupation of today's Macedonia. As
well as in Kosovo, Albanian Nazis of Skenderbey SS division commited
crimes against Slav population. - "The Skanderbeg SS Division crossed
into Macedonia and occupied Tetovo and Skopje in the early part of
September, 1944. The purpose for the occupation was to garrison
Macedonia and safeguard the retreat of German troops from Greece and
the Aegean peninsula".


Finally a letter from one of our readers:

From: Pedja Zoric (California, U.S)
Sent: April 6, 2004 7:55 AM
Subject: April 6 1941

On this day (April 6) Nazi Germany attacked Yugoslavia, bombed Belgrade
and other Serbian cities.Thousands died. Distraction.

Because of that attack Hitler postponed Barbarossa, and attacked Russia
later than originally planned, we all know how June 22 attack on Russia

That was the second time in 20th Century that Germany attacked Serbs.
To revenge two lost WW, Germany later in 20th Century attacked two more

In 1991 pure aggression against the Serbs, and then bombing Serbs in
1999. German soldiers now occupy Bosnian Serb Republica Srpska and
Serbian Kosovo and Metohija.

In March pogrom against Kosovo Serbs, German soldiers stood buy in
Prizren, former capital of medieval Serbian Kingdom, and watched how
Albanians from Albania and Kosovo killed the few remaining Serbs in
Prizren and destroyed everything Serbian.

For all the lives lost and destruction, Germany never paid one cent as
war reparation, to the Serbian state.

When will Germans stop hating the Serbs?