To Mr Kofi Annan
UN General Secretary
New York
fax 0041 22 9171234
Mr. Kofi Annan,

since you were appointed UNO Secretary General, you have been acting
like a person with his head in the clouds. The USA government has been
making – and continues to make - serious political decisions and, when
it came to it, you simply disappeared.

Just think of the war against Iraq, or the heavy, barbarian bombardment
against ALL the population of Yugoslavia!

Are you aware of the crimes you and your associates have committed
against mankind?

Do you agree that it was necessary to cancel the name of Yugoslavia to
justify the aggression against it? If you don’t, how do you explain
that Xavier Solana, one of the persons responsible, went to Belgrade
and decided that the name of Yugoslavia was not Yugoslavia anymore?!

And you, who represent one of the countries Yugoslavian government
considered a friend - and a member of Non-alignment- did not turn a
hair in front of the shame committed of my country.

Wake up, Mr Coffee, and allow me one more question: don't you honestly
think it would be more dignifying for you to leave UNO slamming the
door behind you or, better still, in the face of the US President?

I would much appreciate both.      

Ivan Pavicevac

(One of the 4,5 million Yugoslavians, to whom              
nobody asked in which State they wanted to live)