[ La giornalista S. Deretic traccia un parallelo tra gli eventi in
Kosmet, dove il terrorista Haradinaj e' stato designato "premier" con
il beneplacito di UE ed USA, e l'Ucraina, dove il demagogo nazionalista
Juschenko e' stato foraggiato da UE ed USA per portare l'Ucraina
all'interno del fronte antirusso. A questo scopo in Ucraina vengono
riportati in vita i fantasmi del nazismo, come prima e' stato fatto per
squartare la Jugoslavia: adesso sono i reduci del movimento di Bandera
ed i fondamentalisti della Chiesa Uniate (fedele al Vaticano) ad essere
usati, proprio come in Croazia gli ustascia ed il clero
romano-cattolico. Pogrom anti-ortodossi furono scatenati nel corso
della II Guerra Mondiale tanto nella "Grande Croazia" quanto in
Ucraina: allora era per il Terzo Reich, adesso e' per la NATO, sempre
comunque in nome del "primato del vescovo di Roma"... ]


And What After the Elections?

Belgrade, December 10, 2004.
Spomenka Deretic, journalist
informgraf @ yahoo.com

In Serbian:

Ramus Haradinaj, former chief of the special terrorist unit "Black
Eagles", renowned for many crimes committed against Serbs and Albanians
loyal to Serbian state, is chosen for the role of the Kosmet
(abbreviation for Kosovo and Metohija) prime minister, with the
blessing of the UN. Haradinaj organized crematory for Serbs in the
village Klecka, is collaborator of Al Quaida, personally killed 67
Serbs and ordered more than 400 abductions of Serbian and other not
Albanian population. Prove about all this was delivered to the Tribunal
at the Hague. Haradinaj is the serpent’s egg of the Albanian
institutional system in Kosmet in spite of the fact that the fighters
of UCK that changed their clothes into to Kosovo protection corps or
Kosovo defense troops earnestly support him. Here we should add that
around hundred Albanians are at present being trained for handling
fighting helicopters, while the army of Serbia and Montenegro since the
coming of DOS to power is being systematically destroyed. On the other
hand, in Kosmet at every moment it is possible to mobilize around half
a million of soldiers, to whom it will not be hard to "liberate" as
well municipalities Medvedja, Presevo and Bujanovac, than Toplica and
Vranje in few years, if demo(n)crates are not going to be ousted from

Albanians in Kosmet are supported by Washington, European Union and
NATO and are covering up all Albanian crimes toward Serbs and not
Albanian residents. Therefore it is pertinent to pose the question why
Brussels and Washington did not advise their Albanian friends (and they
would accept such advice) to choose for the prime minister someone like
Veton Suroi or somebody from Rugova’s party, who did not directly stain
their hands with blood, but also fight to the last drop of blood for
independent Kosmet. Hague Tribunal will raise the indictment against
Ramus Haradinaj or they will show transparently in front of the eyes of
the entire world their bias. Globalistic brokers do not like to be
caught red-handed. If, however, Hague Tribunal takes into custody
Haradinaj, than the Albanian terrorists in Kosmet will trigger of
bloody demonstrations, repeating March 2004 pogrom of Serbs. They will
have to attack even members of KFOR and UMNIK if they attempt at all to
defend Serbs, as it would be their obligation to do. This time KFOR and
UMNIK will not be able to explain to anybody that they were caught by
surprise again. German public is unpleasantly astonished by the recent
statement of one Albanian spy of German secret service and CIA who
declared that he forewarned Bon and Washington in March that pogrom was
being prepared by Albanians. This information is coordinated by
declarations of several Western officials that Haradinaj would give
himself up if Carla del Ponte would raise indictment against him. The
election of Haradinaj for the prime minister of Kosmet could be the
cuckoo’s egg for the bosses of the narkomafia’s and arms dealers’
Empire, what Kosovo and Metohija presently became indeed. This could be
the warning that Albanian narco bosses have become too arrogant and do
not deliver enough to their foreign friends. It should be thought about
the effects for inter-party and American relations if it came to
another scandal in Kosovo and Metohia and ethnic cleansing of Serbs.
Occupation of Kosmet was realized by the Clinton administration,
democrats among whom the most outspoken were Madeleine Albright and
Richard Holbrooke. Albright and Holbrooke supported the presidential
candidate Carry and do not count themselves among friends of George
Bush, even though they still hold administrative apparatus and
analytical groups in State Department. The rebellion in Kosmet would be
the proof that democrats in America are more capable for foreign policy
conducting than Bush’s republicans.

There is no Serb human being in Belgrade that would be able to
negotiate with the terrorist and criminal Haradinaj, except for the
small son of the great father (B. Tadic) and that person to which God
himself took his senses (V. Draskovic), but they are neither Serbs nor
human beings, they are something like the collateral damage, contingent
and dangerous.


The Ukrainians, after the second round of presidential elections in
which Juscenko lost, the pet of the West and terroristrevolutionary
organizations financed by Soros like Otpor and Pore, will again go to
the polls. They will have to choose until they choose Juscenko and
together in the package with him the fake "leftist" Julia Timosenko who
took pictures in the mantel with swastikas, and after whom Russia
raised an international warrant due to her theft and attempts to bribe
Russian officers.

It is the fact that in the second round of presidential elections the
people in a poorer Western Ukraine, in majority voted for the favorite
of Bon and Washington, Victor Juscenko. In Western Ukraine and
especially in and around Lvov and Uzgorod since 1941 and even dozens of
months after the end of the Second world war, fascist Ukrainian army of
Stepan Bandera killed more than sixty thousand civilians and members of
the Red Army. After the war ended, some uniate clerks hid Bandera’s
men, so this is not surprising why some of them died while fighting
together with Bandera’s fighters against Soviet special units. During
the time of the so called "perestroika" the spiritual children of
Stepan Bandera have excavated their supposed mass graves, blaming
Russians and Orthodox people for all the ills of this world and
manipulated with the young in Western Ukraine, creating thus the
appropriate climate for future Juscenkians. By the middle of the
nineties, several hundred of uniate clerks, mostly poor peasant
children, returned to Ukraine from their schooling in America, in order
to diffuse Unite orientation and anti Orthodox and anti Russian

Several days ago the Russian TV "Planet" showed a documentary film on
the bloody rampage of Bandera’s terrorists. Several interviews were
shown as well with survived Banderians. Some confessed that there were
mobilized by force and some bragged that they fought for the
independent Ukraine without Orthodoxy. Their contemporary idol is
Victor Juscenko with Julia Timoscenko and swastikas. "Planet" emitted
also the pictures of holes filled with bodies of women and children
whom Bandera’s terrorists killed after the end of the Second world war.

Fifteen millions of Ukrainians voted for Victor Janukovic, entire
developed Eastern Ukraine, Kozacs and Crimea. Even if in the third
round at the end of December Juscenko won (and this is possible with
the help of stealing votes) he would not be able to be the factual
President of that more developed part of Ukraine that does not want him.

And what next? I came to the reliable information that Rend Corporation
created analysis for the American army on the provocation of conflicts
from Baltic republics (NATO member states) with Russia. Brussels needs
for this the Ukrainian rear. For the time being this is only an
analysis, but such analyses are not being made just for the fun’s sake.

Juscenko’s demonstrators are retreating from Kiev, which they have for
days besieged and occupied, but the demonstrations of that not
satisfied with election results, began in Bucharest. The losers, if
they are in accordance with the will of Brussels and Washington, they
change the results on the streets in countries of Eastern Europe. What
concerns the West, I did not notice that Democrats in USA organized
demonstrations after the defeat of their candidate on the presidential
elections John Carry. I am convinced that American democrats in the
past decade became very much involved in Europe, in Pristine, in
Belgrade, in Kiev (Prague and Eastern Berlin I do not mention since in
these cases Gorbacov and Jakovljev cooperated). Indeed, globalizers are
true revolutionaries, while Bolsheviks and Che Guevara were naïve like
children in comparison.