Bobby Fischer, uno dei più grandi campioni di scacchi di tutti i tempi, è
ingiustamente detenuto in Giappone dal 13 luglio 2004 in attesa di estradizione,
quando, su ordine delle autorità USA, gli è stato arbitrariamente revocato
il passaporto mentre stava tornando da Tokyo verso le Filippine. Ricordiamo
che Fischer è accusato soltanto di reati di opinione e se venisse estradato,
verrebbe incarcerato per scontare una pena di 10 anni per aver violato l'embargo
USA contro la Jugoslavia e giocato una partita contro il campione russo Spassky
in Montenegro.
All'apolide Fischer ora è stato concesso il passaporto islandese (paese
dove si laureò campione del mondo nel 1972, primo in assoluto non sovietico),
il quale è stato spedito presso l'ambasciata a Tokyo. Una delegazione di
eminenti personaggi islandesi, in visita a Tokyo per consegnare a Fischer
il passaporto, si è vista rifiutare il permesso di visitare il campione.
Il Comitato per la liberazione di Bobby Fischer è seriamente preoccupato
per le sue condizioni di salute, a oggi ignote, e vede in quest'ultimo episodio
un tentativo di pressione psicologica nei confronti del detenuto.
Per questo hanno organizzato per oggi una Conferenza Stampa.

Vedi anche:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Free Bobby Fischer! URGENT News Conference
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 07:32:59 +0900
From: John Bosnitch
To: Bobby Fischer List
CC: Japan Chess Association

URGENT: Free Bobby Fischer!
FRIDAY, March 4, 1:30 PM
Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan

Iceland Delivers Fischer Passport, But Visitors Refused Access
Bobby Fischer Being Held Incommunicado

The Committee to Free Bobby Fischer will be holding a news conference on
Friday, March 4, 2005 starting from 1:30 PM at the Foreign Correspondents'
Club of Japan to report on the latest developments in the case:

Iceland has delivered a passport for Bobby Fischer to its embassy in Tokyo
and is now consulting on the appropriate way to get it into his hands.

Two delegations have arrived in Tokyo from Iceland to secure Bobby's release.
The first is led by Mr. Saemi Palsson, Bobby's personal friend and the chief
of his security when he played the 1972 chess world championship in Iceland.
Palsson is accompanied by media representatives from the Icelandic Broadcasting
Corporation's Channel 2 Television station. The second delegation is a group
of eminent citizens including Einar S. Einarsson, Icelandic chess federation
chief, Gardar Sverrisson, leading campaigner for Bobby Fischer and activist
in Icelandic public affairs, and Gudmundur G. Thorarinsson, former member
of parliament and organizer of the 1972 world chess championship.

These leading Icelandic figures will be joining Japan Chess Association chief
Miyoko Watai, Fischer's lead lawyer Masako Suzuki, and Committee to Free
Bobby Fischer chairman John Bosnitch at the news conference.

Bobby Fischer filed an application for voluntary departure to Iceland last
Friday and the Committee will be announcing the action it is taking to demand
an immediate Japanese government response.

The Icelandic delegation hopes to take Bobby back to Iceland with them by
his 62nd birthday, on March 9th. However, detention center officials refused
them the right to even meet with Bobby Fischer at the East Japan Immigration
Detention Center in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture when they arrived there on
Wednesday, March 2.

The Committee to Free Bobby Fischer is deeply concerned that this unprecedented
denial of visits to Bobby Fischer might reflect an effort by the authorities
to put even further psychological pressure on him in these critical moments
of the battle for his freedom. As of Wednesday, Bobby Fischer's rights to
make phone calls out to his lawyers, supporters, and the media were also
cut off. The Committee can no longer in any way confirm the physical safety
or health of Mr. Robert James Fischer.

Friday's news conference will address these very worrisome new developments
and the steps that Bobby Fischer's supporters are taking to try to confirm
his status.

Media contact...

John Bosnitch
Committee to Free Bobby Fischer

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