
G.A.MA.DI. (Gruppo Atei Materialisti Dialettici) e
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia

Nel 6° anniversario della criminale aggressione
dei Paesi NATO contro la Jugoslavia

Martedì 29 marzo 2005 ore 18
alla Libreria Odradek
Via del Banchi Vecchi, 57



Mujaheddin e servizi segreti occidentali nei Balcani

Dibattito e dialogo con l'autore
Giornalista e saggista autore del libro:
"Amerikas Djihad in Europa"

Partecipano inoltre
Prof. Andrea Catone (Ass. Beograd Bari e Coord. Naz. Per la
Ing. Domenico Anastasia (Com. Scientifico G.A.MA.DI.)
Dott. Andrea Martocchia ( Portavoce del CNJ e Membro del Com.
Scientifico G.A.MA.DI.)
Miriam Pellegrini Ferri ( Presidente del G.A.MA.DI.)
Per informazioni e contatti:
gamadilavoce @... – jugocoord @...

Jurgen Elsaesser sarà a TeleAmbiente (Canale 68 per l'Italia centrale)
ospite del G.A.MA.DI. Sabato 26 marzo ore 21 e Martedì 29 marzo ore
12. Da non perdere!


America's Jihad in Europe

CIA and al-Qaida in the Balkans

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
dear collegues and friends,

I send you the outline of the book "Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam:
Gotteskrieger und Geheimdienste auf dem Balkan", which will go on sale
in Germany in the next days. You can order a copy by remail, and I can
also ask my publisher to send you a free copy, if you need it to write
a review. By the way: Do you know publishing houses in YOUR country
which might be interested in translating and publishing my book?

All the best, Juergen Elsaesser (


Outline of the book

Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam: Gotteskrieger und Geheimdienste auf
dem Balkan
(NP-Verlag, 240 pages, 19.90 €)

The main suspects 9/11 attacks fought during the Nineties in the
Balkans. Only an hour's flight from European centers such as Vienna and
Munich, they trained in merciless combat against the infidels – with
the support of the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.

While the mainstream press and standard literature about al-Qaida
describe the activities of the terrorists on all other continents at
length, the jihadists' European deployment area has been largely
ignored. In particular in the Bosnian civil war, several thousand
Muslims from Arabic countries and Iran fought alongside their Muslim
brethren against the Christians, i.e. Croats and Serbs. As in the
Eighties in Afghanistan, the US Administration did a deal with the
devil: in violation of the UN arms embargo, Washington supplied the
holy warriors with sophisticated weaponry. Osama bin Laden received a
passport from the `pro-Western' government in Sarajevo, and hundreds of
his followers settled permanently in Bosnia and Albania. From there,
U.S. secret agents funneled them into Kosovo and
Macedonia, while others headed for Vienna and Hamburg – where they
prepared the inferno of Sept. 11th.

The book is a result of several years of investigation, and is based
on Anglo-American, French, German and Serbo-Croatian sources, as well
as on information provided by intelligence experts on the Balkans and
members of the UN mission to Bosnia, and on numerous visits there.


The `Afghan' alliance between the USA and the mujahedin was revived in
the Balkans, and therefore it was no surprise that the main suspects of
9/11 obtained their baptism of fire there (Chapter 1). Because of its
history, Bosnia-Herzegovina offered ideal conditions for establishing a
jihad front (Chapter 2). But it was only due to Western interference
that the radical
Muslims and supporters of Holy War were able to oust the moderate
Muslim politicians in Bosnia in the early Nineties (Chapter 3). Vienna
was at first the control center for the arms smuggling operations to
support the jihad, and it was there that Osama bin Laden obtained a
Bosnian passport (Chapter 4). The Bosnian Muslim army was formed with
the help of money and volunteers from the Islamic world; Bin Laden
himself discussed the details with the Bosnian President Alija
Izetbegovic (Chapter 5). Foreign jihadis in particular committed
terrible atrocities in the course of the three-year-long civil war
(1992-1995), and even some of the massacres attributed to the Serbs may
have been committed by them (Chapter 6).

However, the combat effectiveness of the holy warriors was low at
first; this changed only after Bill Clinton became US President in 1993
and organized the secret supply of arms them—in cooperation with the
US's "arch enemy" Iran (Chapter 7). Military men assigned to the UN
peacekeeping mission, who had observed the breach of the UN arms
embargo, were pressured by US intelligence to keep silent (Chapter 8).
The most important player in this "Bosniagate" was the Pentagon
contractor MPRI (Chapter 9), which also supervised the Bosnian Army
after the Dayton Agreement of 1995 (Chapter 10). Instead of removing
the fundamentalists as the official American legend has it, MPRI put
the most able jihadis on its payroll, trained them in Albania, which by
now was also infiltrated by bin-Laden's associates (Chapters 11 and 12)
and sent them to support the Albanian terrorist movement KLA [=UCK] in
Kosovo and Macedonia (Chapter 13).

The bulk of these activities was financed by Saudi-American
"humanitarian" foundations, in which bin-Laden played only a minor role
(Chapter 14). Indeed, one begins to wonder whether al-Qaida is not more
a PR invention of US foreign policy than an actually active
organization, especially since many of the top terrorists are suspected
of working Western intelligence agencies as well (chapter 17). One
example is the main suspects of 9/11 (Chapter 18), especially the two
alleged masterminds of the plot (Chapter 19).

In any case, thanks to Western patronage, a terrorist bridgehead has
been established in Bosnia-Herzegovina that threatens the further
development of the country itself (Chapter 15), as well as the security
of the whole European continent (Chapter 16). Furthermore, significant
movements of jihadis and transports between the Balkans and Chechnya
have been observed for several years (Chapter 20). But this is not seen
as a danger by Western politicians and media, because the US oil lobby
has already cast an eye on the Russian fossil-fuel reserves (epilogue).

For more information:
