


Sul nostro sito internet stiamo raccogliendo la documentazione
essenziale sui crimini commessi, sulle denunce insabbiate, sulla
degenerazione del dibattito politico e culturale anche a sinistra in
occasione della prima "guerra umanitaria" scatenata nel cuore
dell'Europa dopo la II Guerra Mondiale. Contro quelli che
preferirebbero dimenticare. CNJ


(english / srpskohrvatski)



Beograd, 17. mart 2005. godine


Ovog meseca, tacnije 24. marta, navrsava se sest godina od pocetka
agresije NATO pakta 1999. godine na Saveznu Republiku Jugoslaviju.
Tokom agresije, koja je trajala 78 dana stradalo je vise hiljada ljudi,
ogroman broj ih je ranjen i trajno onesposobljen za zivot. Razorena je
putna i zeleznicka mreza, fabrike, skole, bolnice, naftna postrojenja,
spomenici kulture. Direktna materijalna steta je procenjena na 100
milijardi US dolara. Upotrebom osiromasenog uranijuma trajno je
zagadjeno zemljiste i voda na sirokom prostoru Srbije i Crne Gore, a
posebno na Kosovu i Metohiji. Posledice po stanovnistvo i novo –
rodjencad se osecaju u strahovitim deformacijama, ali te posledice ce
se tek jos drasticnije pojaviti sa protekom vremena. Aveti razrusenih
zgrada i danas su vidljive u centru Beograda.

Agresija NATO na SR Jugoslaviju predstavlja nezabelezeni udarac
medjunarodnom pravnom poretku, principima medjunarodnih odnosa i
sistemu Ujedinjenih nacija. Ona je po motivima i posledicama najvazniji
globalni dogadjaj posle Drugog svetskog rata. Bio je to rat protiv
Evrope, cije posledice ona tek sada oseca. Agresija NATO na SR
Jugoslaviju je utrla put unilateralnoj upotrebi sile u medjunarodnim
odnosima i potonjim napadima na Afganistan i Irak, postavljajuci
stalno pitanje – ko je sledeci ?

Tokom agresije ostvareno je saveznistvo NATO sa teroristickom OVK.
Posledice tog saveznistva osecaju se i danas kroz nastavljanje
terorizma protiv srpskog i drugog nealbanskog stanovnistva na Kosovu i
Metohiji, rusenje spomenika hriscanske kulture i etnicko ciscenje
srpskog i drugog nealbanskog stanovnistva. Najupecatljivi dokaz toga
su dogadjaji od 17. do 19. marta 2004. godine, kada su albanski
teroristi proterali dodatnih vise hiljada Srba sa svojih vekovnih
ognjista i uništili još 35 srpskih srednje-vekovnih crkava i manastira.

Posledice su - odrzavanje veza i prisustva ''spavajucih ''celija Al
Kaide na Balkanu. Posledica je i to sto se ne dopusta vracanje na KiM
preko 250 hiljada Srba i drugih nealbanaca koji su proterani posle
dolaska UNMIK-a i KFOR-a do danas. Posledica je i to sto ni jedan od
150 srusenih crkava i manastira od 10. juna 1999. godine do danas nije
obnovljen, uprkos svim obecanjima.

Teza o tzv. frustriranosti kosovski Albanaca izmisljena je i nametnuta
sa ciljem da se sve to opravda i da se promovise plan o otcepljenju
Kosova i Metohije od Srbije, odnosno, plan za stvaranje velike
Aalbanije, na racun teritorija Srbije, Crne Gore, Makedonije i Grcke.
Nisu Albanci na KiM frustrirani, vec je ta teza lansirana da olaksa
ostvarivanje planova za promenu medjunarodno priznatih granica na
Balkanu. Zasto niko ne govori o tome da su Srbi frustrirani, posebno
oni na KiM i 250 hiljada izbeglica koje ne mogu da se vrate u svoje
domove ? Jesu li oni ravnodusni prema svemu tome? Balkanu i Srbiji
Crnoj Gori su potrebni mir, stabilnost i razvoj. To je ostvarljivo
samo uz postovanje postojecih granica. Pre tzv. konacnog resenja za
Kosovo i Metohiju mora se naci put za vracanje 250 hilja proteranih
Srba na KiM.


Napadi na civile

Tokom agresije NATO na Saveznu republiku Jugoslaviju od 24. marta do
10. juna 1999. godine, avijacija NATO izvrsila je mnogobrojne napade
bombama na civile i civilne objekte. U tim napadima stradala su deca,
bolesnici, putnici, ljudi na ulicama, pijacama, u kolonama izbeglica.
Porusene su bolnice, porodicne kuce, skole, crkve i manastiri,
mostovi. Zvanicnici NATO-a su takve napade nazivali ''kolateralnom
stetom'', iako cinjenice govore o namernom zastrasivanju i
nastojanjima da se unisti moral stanovnistva.

Podsecamo na neke slucajeve bombardovanja u kojima su stradali civili:

4. april – toplana u Beogradu (jedan mrtav);

12. april – Putnicki voz u Grdelickoj klisuri (20 mrtvih);

14. april – Kolona izbeglica na Kosovu i Metohiji (73 mrtva);

23. april – Radio-televizija Srbije (16 mrtvih);

1. maj – Most na Kosovu i metohiji (39 mrtvih);

2. maj – Autobus kod Savinih voda na Kosovu i metohiji (17 mrtvih);

7. maj - Kineska ambasada u Beogradu (tri mrtva);

7. maj - Nis (14 mrtvih)

8. maj - Most u Nisu (dva mrtva);

13. maj – Izbeglicki logor na Kosovu i Metohiji (48 do 97 mrtvih);

19. i 21. maj - Zatvor Dubrava kod Istoka na Kosovu i Metohiji (99

30. maj - (Sveta Trojica) – Most na Velikoj Moravi u Varvarinu (10
mrtvih, medju kojima i srednjo-skolka Sanja Milenkovic i svestenik
lokalne crkve).

Ovo je samo manji broj neduznih civilnih zrtava NATO agresije. Kao
ljudi, narod i drzava imamo moralnu obavezu da odamo pocast i svim
drugim zrtvama agresije. Na toj dugoj listi zrtav prisetimo se i
dvoghodisnje Milice Rakic, iz Batajnice, kraj Beograda, zrtava palih
prilikom bombardovanja decijeg odeljenja bolnice ''Dragisa Misovic'' u
Beogradu i mnogih drugih. Primetimo hiljade i hiljade ranjenih koji su
i dalje medju nama, cesto bez minimuma za zivotnu egzistenciju.

Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih


NATO aggression on Yugoslavia: 6 years later


Belgrade Forum for World Equality
Belgrade, March 17, 2005


This month, March 24th specifically, marks the sixth anniversary of
the beginning of the NATO pact's 1999 aggression against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia. During the aggression, which lasted 78 days,
thousands of people became casualties, a large number of whom were
wounded and rendered disabled for the rest of their lives. The result
was the destruction of the road and rail network, schools, hospitals,
petroleum facilities and cultural monuments. The direct material
damage is estimated at US$ 1 billion. The use of depleted uranium has
lastingly polluted land and water the length and breadth of Serbia and
Montenegro, particularly Kosovo and Metohija. The consequences on the
population, particularly infants and children is being seen in
terrible birth defects and this is just the tip of the iceberg which
will only get worse with time. The ghosts of ruined buildings are
still visible in the center of Belgrade.

The aggression of NATO on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
represents a previously unseen strike at the international legal
system and relations and the entire United Nations system. Its motives
and consequences represent the most important occurrence in world
affairs since WWII. It was a war against Europe whose consequences are
only now being accurately seen. NATO's aggression against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia represented the thin wedge of the doctrine of
unilateral use of force in international relations and, after the
attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq the question asks itself, "Who is

In the course of that aggression NATO became allied with the terrorist
KLA. The results of this association is felt to this day in the
continuation of terrorist activities against Serbs and other
non-Albanians throughout Kosovo and Metohija, witnessed by the
destruction of Christian cultural monuments and the ethnic cleansing
of Serbian and other non-Albanian populations. The
most visible evidence of this state of affairs occurred in the period
of March 17- 19, 2004, when Albanian terrorists cleansed additional
thousands of Serbs from the homes and hearths in which they have lived
for centuries as well as destroying an additional 35 Middle Age
Serbian churches and

The consequences have been the maintenance of ties and the presence of
'sleeper cells' of Al-Quaidi in the Balkans. A further consequence is
that over 250 thousand Serbian and non-Albanian refugees, who were
forced from Kosovo during the 1999 NATO attack and afterward, have
been denied the ability to return to Kosovo, contrary to all promises
to the contrary.

The thesis regarding 'frustrated Kosovo Albanians' was manufactured
and forwarded with the object of justifying NATO's illegal attack and
to move forward the detaching of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia, and
the creation of a 'Greater Albania' at the detriment of the lands of
Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece. The Albanians in Kosovo
Metohija aren't frustrated; that thesis was launched to expedite the
implementation of plans for the changing of internationally recognized
borders in the Balkans. Why does no one speak of the fact that Serbs
are frustrated, particularly those in Kosovo and the over 250 thousand
who can't return to their homes? Are they unconcerned about the state
of affairs? The Balkans and Serbia Montenegro need peace, stability
and development. That is only possible within existing borders. Before
the so-called final decision on Kosovo Metohija there must be a way
found to return the 250 thousand refugee Serbs to Kosovo Metohija.


Attack on civilians

During the NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from
March 24-June 10, 1999, NATO aircraft committed many multiple attacks
against civilians and civilian infrastructure. In those attacks
children, the sick, travelers, people on the streets, in the markets,
refugee columns all
suffered. Hospitals, homes, schools, churches and bridges were all
attacked and destroyed. The spokespersons of NATO called these kinds
of attacks 'collateral damage', even though the evidence shows that
the purpose of these bombings was to terrorize and destroy the moral of
the civilian population.

We remind the readers of some of the occurrences in which civilians
were casualties:

April 4 - Heating plant in Belgrade (1 dead) April 12 - Passenger
train at Grdelica (20 dead) April 14 - Refugee column in Kosovo
Metohija (73 dead) April 23 - Radio Television Beograd (16 dead) May 1
- Bridge in Kosovo (39 dead) May 2 - Civilian bus near Savinih voda in
Kosovo (17 dead) May 7 - Chinese embassy in Belgrade (3 dead) May 7 -
Nis (14 dead) May 8 - Bridge in Nis (2 dead) May 13 - Refugee camp in
Kosovo Metohija (48 to 97 dead) May 19 & 21 - Dubrava prison at Istok
(99 dead) May 30 - Bridge at Varvarin (10 dead)

This is only a small number of the innocent civilians of NATO's
aggression. As humans, a people and a nation we have the moral
obligation to honor all the other casualties of that aggression. On
that other list of casualties let us remember 2 year old Milice Rakic
from Batajnice, a suburb of Belgrade, the casualties of the bombing of
the children's ward of Dragisa Misovic Hospital in Belgrade and many
others. Let us remember the thousands and thousands of wounded who are
still with us, often without the basic minimum for existence.




Sul nostro sito internet stiamo raccogliendo la documentazione
essenziale sui crimini commessi, sulle denunce insabbiate, sulla
degenerazione del dibattito politico e culturale anche a sinistra in
occasione della prima "guerra umanitaria" scatenata nel cuore
dell'Europa dopo la II Guerra Mondiale. Contro quelli che
preferirebbero dimenticare. CNJ
