


Sul nostro sito internet stiamo raccogliendo la documentazione
essenziale sui crimini commessi, sulle denunce insabbiate, sulla
degenerazione del dibattito politico e culturale anche a sinistra in
occasione della prima "guerra umanitaria" scatenata nel cuore
dell'Europa dopo la II Guerra Mondiale. Contro quelli che
preferirebbero dimenticare. CNJ



1. CDSM-UK: London March 30th (change of venue)

2. FLASHBACK: NATO does not consider itself responsible for suffering
of civilians thus won't pay any damages (2004)

3. NEWS:
Six Years After 78-Day Terror Bombing Campaign: Serbian Nation, People
Pay Human, Material Costs / US Congressman Lantos Chooses Anniversary
To Promote Kosovo 'Independence' / Serbia-Montenegro Army Marks
Remembrance Day For Those Killed Defending Country Against NATO
Aggression / Kosovo Serbs Protest Sixth Anniversary Of NATO's War,
Dangerous Plight Today / Sixth Anniversary: Russian Foreign Ministry
Decries Ethnic Tensions, Unacceptable Conditions For Kosovo Serbs /
Russia Calls For Ensuring Rights Of Non-Albanian Population In Kosovo /
*Kosovo President* Applauds Sixth Anniversary Of NATO Onslaught, Says
Only Independence Would Be Better

=== 1. CDSM-UK ===

Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Lun 28 Mar 2005 21:42:11 Europe/Rome
A: icdsm-italia @ yahoogroups.com
Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] CDSM-UK: London March 30th (change of venue)

Please note change of venue.




School of Oriental & African Studies (Room G59)
University of London
Thornhaugh Street
off Russell Square
London WC1

Tube: Russell Square (Piccadilly Line)

WEDNESDAY 30th MARCH 7.30p.m.

Invited speakers include:

JOHN LAUGHLAND (Journalist & Author of 'The International Criminal
Tribunal:Guardian of the New World Order)

MISHA GAVRILOVIC (British/Serbian Alliance)



Please note that Neil Clark (Journalist) will address the next London
meeting of the CDSM-UK in the autumn

=== 2. FLASHBACK ===


HINA (Croatia) - June 25, 2004

NATO “won’t pay damages”

PRISTINA – NATO won’t pay compensation to Kosovars who
suffered damage from its bombing raids in 1999, the
alliance’s secretary-general said today.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, in a letter to Kosovo Ombudsman
Marek Antony Nowicki, said that NATO had taken
measures to reduce the danger of direct damage and
would not take responsibility for collateral damage.
He noted that the bombing had been aimed at preventing
a mass violation of human rights by the Yugoslav
authorities and to protect the people of Kosovo from a
The Kosovo ombudsman recently asked NATO to compensate
people who had suffered damage during its attacks.



Tanjug - June 25, 2004

NATO does not consider itself responsible for suffering of civilians

BELGRADE - NATO does not consider itself responsible
for any mental or physical damages suffered by
citizens during the air strikes on Kosovo and
Metohija, nor does it consider itself authorized to
provide any material compensation to such persons,
NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said in a
letter sent to the office of the ombudsman for Kosovo,
Marek Novicki.
The ombudsman's office wrote to Scheffer on January 22
this year, on behalf of the numerous Serb families
whose members were victims of the consequences of the
NATO air strikes in 1999, asking him about
possibilities for remuneration for the suffered
losses, mental pain, or material damage.

=== 3. NEWS ===

Source: Rick Rozoff on yugoslaviainfo @yahoogroups.com



Blic (Serbia and Montenegro) - March 23, 2005

Six years after air strikes

Today, six years ago, the armies of 19 countries, NATO
members, began air strikes on the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia. The strikes lasted 11 weeks and according
to various estimations between 1,200 and 2,500 people
lost their lives in them.
The bombing of our country went on for 78 consecutive
days. It severely damaged the country's
infrastructure, industrial objects, schools, health
institutions, media houses and monuments of culture…
The bombing began on March 24 1999 shortly before
20.00 and was ordered by then NATO secretary general
Javier Solana.
There are different data about material damage caused
by the air strikes. Then authorities in Belgrade
estimated the damage to be about a hundred billions of
dollars (US) and requested from NATO members to
compensate it. A group of G17 Plus economists
estimated the damage to be 29.6 billion dollars.



Beta (Serbia and Montenegro) - March 23, 2005

US congressman predicts independence

WASHINGTON D.C. - US Congressman Tom Lantos said that
Kosovo will, in the near future, become an independent
and sovereign state.
“This nation will have to accept responsibility for
guaranteeing complete and equal rights for all
citizens regardless of ethnicity and religion [sic].”
Lantos told Voice of America.
“The idea of this region, which is made up of 90
percent Kosovo Albanians [now], belonging to Serbia is
unrealistic. Kosovo will be a democratic country of
the EU, in which human rights will be respected. I
believe that European officials and the US have a
similar stance and that they will move together in
this direction.” Lantos said.
Lantos, a democrat from California, proposed a Kosovo
independence resolution at the beginning of the year
to the US Congress, and a similar one in October 2004
as well, which were in both instances strongly opposed
by the Serbian caucus and State Department officials.



Tanjug (Serbia and Montenegro) - March 24, 2005

SCG Army marks Rememberance Day to victims of NATO aggression

BELGRADE - The Serbia-Montenegro (SCG) Army on
Thursday marked Rememberance Day commemorating the
victims of the 1999 NATO bombing of the then Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.
Ceremonies in Army commands, units and institutions
paid respects to its members killed during the defence
of the country during the NATO air strikes.



Tanjug (Serbia and Montenegro) - March 24, 2005

Protest over dramatic position of Serbs

BATUSE - About 200 Serbs in Batuse, marking the sixth
anniversary of the NATO air strikes on the then
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, protested on Thursday
over the dramatic situation of the Serbs in Kosovo and
Almost six years after the international community
took over power in Kosmet, the position of the local
Serbs has drastically deteriorated on a daily basis,
the protesters said.


Level of inter-ethnic tensions in Kosovo still high, Yakovenko

MOSCOW - A high level of inter-ethnic tensions and
unacceptable conditions for the life of the local
Serbs still exist in Kosovo, Russian Foreign Ministry
representative Alexander Yakovenko said on Thursday,
on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the onset
of the NATO air strike campaign against the former
Yugoslav federation.
According to Yakovenko, the key task in this stage is
the meeting of the standards for Kosovo in the
priority directions, the securing of the rights of the
non-Albanian, primarily the Serb population, and their
security, as well as the realization of conditions for
the return and reintegration of refugees and
internally displaced persons.



Itar-Tass - March 24, 2005

Russian foreign ministry concerned over Kosovo tension

MOSCOW - The Russian Foreign Ministry expresses
concern over the high level of inter-ethnic tension in
Kosovo, the ministry’s spokesman Alexander Yakovenko
said in connection with an anniversary of NATO bombing
of Yugoslavia.
The key task is “ensuring the rights of the
non-Albanian, primarily Serb, population, its
security, creating conditions for the return and
reintegration of refugees and internally displaced
people,” Yakovenko said.



Tanjug (Serbia and Montenegro) - March 24, 2005

Rugova congratulates citizens on anniversary of NATO air strikes

PRISTINA - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova said on
Thursday that this province "has achieved big progress
in all areas in the six years of freedom".
In a message to citizens on the occasion of the 6th
anniversary of the onset of the NATO bombardments of
the FR Yugoslavia, Rugova said that "the direct
recognition of Kosovo's independence would make that
progress even greater."




Sul nostro sito internet stiamo raccogliendo la documentazione
essenziale sui crimini commessi, sulle denunce insabbiate, sulla
degenerazione del dibattito politico e culturale anche a sinistra in
occasione della prima "guerra umanitaria" scatenata nel cuore
dell'Europa dopo la II Guerra Mondiale. Contro quelli che
preferirebbero dimenticare. CNJ
