(en francais)

Yes, Kouchner lied...

The co-author of one of the biggest media lies of the nineties has just confessed.
A good example for the future because ways of manipulations are always the

Flash-back. Summer 92, war in Bosnia. Bernard Kouchner and his "doctors of
the world" (Médecins du monde) broadcasted into the press and on the walls
in Paris an advertisement, outstanding and expensive. The photograph showed
"prisoners" of a Serbian camp in Bosnia. Behind barbed wires, Kouchner sticking
the picture of a watchtower from Auschwitz. His text blamed Serbians for
"mass executions".

Was it right or wrong? Wrong, admits Kouchner twelve years later. His latest
book, the warriors for peace, recounts an interview with Izetbegovic (the
Muslim nationalist leader in authority at the time of Sarajevo), in his deathbed:

-Kouchner: those places were awful, but they didn't exterminate consistently.
Did you know about that?
- Izetbegovic: Yes. The assertion was false. There were no extermination
camps even if those places were terrible. I thought that my revelation would
bring faster bombings.

This media lie did actually change the opinion towards the support for bombings.
All the Western press broadcasted it massively but the latest rectification
was not communicated. The public could actually not be informed that they
get rolled.

The half-confession of Kouchner and this media silence makes us asking some
important questions:

1. Did Kouchner know all about it previously?
Answer: Yes. Since 1993, a journalist from France 2 channel, Jacques Merlino,
revealed the deception in his book with an eloquent title "All the truths
are not good to say". He was interviewing the director of Ruder Finn, US
agent for public relations. The latter, very proud to tell that his campaign
on" extermination camps" was just fake :
- "We got around three big Jewish organisations: B'nai B'rith, American Jewish
Committee et American Jewish Congress. And right away, we managed to make
the link between Serbians and Nazis concerning the public opinion. The case
was complex, nobody understood what was going on in Yugoslavia, but bolt
upright it was not really difficult to formulate who was the nice and the
good people.
- By lying, points out the journalist! Answer: We are professionals. We are
not paid to give moral lessons."
So, Kouchner knew since a long time and that's not nice to charge up the
entire blame on a dead person.

2. Did the media hide all the proofs of the deception?
Answer: Yes. A German journalist Thomas Deichmann showed since 1994 that
the photograph about barbed wires was fake, and also the prisoners were not
I reality, it was taken from an ITN reporting where they declare to be well-treated,
but the journalist took away those declarations!

You can find the Kouchner poster, Deichmann comments, and our paper about
special effects in our book Liar's Poker. Dated from 1998. So, we didn't
have to wait today to adjust.
Nota Bene for the url : this site is up to now in French (we look for help
from translators), but books and film are also available in English.
In a video-reporting "Under NATO bombings" (1999), we also showed the pictures
recorded by a local TV, where they were proving the cheating of the ITN reporting.

3. Did Kouchner receive protection, even from "media critics"?
Answer: Yes. One example: Daniel Schneidermann( Arrêts sur images, France
5 channel TV) contacted us about this paper, and he dropped us from Kouchner
in order to not annoy him.
No questions about the media lies on Kosovo and neither his disastrous statements
on this province were asked to Kouchner.
We are talking about media lies and not mistakes. His career plan focusing
the UN general secretary post, and he has to do whatever to please USA.

4. Why did they have to tell a story "simple", but false?
In order to hide the responsibilities of big Western powers in this conflict:
- Since 1979, the German CIA (the BND) was supporting extremists to collapse
- In 1989, the IMF put neoliberal pressure to eradicate the auto management
and the workers rights, provoking the crisis and nationalisms.
- In 1991, German gave weapons to the Croatian and Muslim extremists before
the war.
- From 1992 to 1995, the USA intentionally extended and prolonged the conflict
as certified by a special European reporter in Bosnia, Lord Owen.
- Are there any advantages in those actions? Eradicate a social system too
much in the left side, and also control the strategic Balkans and the oil

5. Is it a matter to contradict all the crimes committed?
Not at all, but when our governments try to pull us into a war propaganda
"nice versus bad people", it is important to think about their hidden interests.
And their fake information. For example, concerning prison camp in Bosnia,
the UN counted six Croatians, two Serbians and one Muslim. And they were
rather gathering camp for exchanges, not extermination camp. But, the Croatian
and Muslim nationalists as being our allies or rather "our" agents, Kouchner,
Bernard Henri Levy and the permanent media guests whitewashed them.
We would have to judge the war criminals. All the war criminals, in all camps.
But not by phoney courts created by a justice of winners where the USA and
the NATO are sitting above the law and straight out outlaw since they are
violating the UN bill without embarrassment.

6. Are there any more media lies "well-done" in this war?
Yes. Just one example. When NATO started bombing Yugoslavia, in 1999, it
its action after the "massacre of 40 civilians" by the Yugoslavian army,
in Racak, Kosovo village. But Belgrad was talking about a fight between two
armies, caused by the Albanian separatist forces. The UN asked for a report
to a medical examiner commission led by a Finnish doctor, Mrs Ranta who confirmed
what Belgrad asserted. The media lie remains intact for the opinion.
Why? Because media lies of Kouchner, BHL and others, allowed to divide the
left and stopped it from opposing to the war in reality unfair. The public
opinion needs to be manipulated. And the next time, it will start again.

Books Liars' Poker and Monopoly (English) : ask to unwrittenhistory@...
Film The Damned of Kosovo (English) and Under the bombs of Nato (French)
: ask to nessa.kovic@...

Thanks to the translator Hanene Hamdoun !

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