Habemus Europam

(francais / deutsch / english)

[ Qualcuno ha già sottolineato l'appartenenza di Ratzinger alla
gioventù hitleriana e l'impegno militare nella II Guerra Mondiale, ma
ben pochi hanno riflettuto sulla affinità di questo papa con le idee di
organismi reazionari come l'Unione Paneuropa. Joseph Ratzinger non è
solamente un papa tedesco: è piuttosto un papa germanico, con una
visione germano-centrica ed altamente reazionaria dell'Europa. Europa
"carolingia", culla di una cultura occidentale "superiore", ovviamente
romano-cattolica, e tuttora impegnata nella lotta per riportare
all'"ordine" e dominare l'Oriente scismatico ortodosso
("evangelizzazione") - con tutti i mezzi, guerra compresa (vedi la
posizione del Vaticano sulla Jugoslavia, e vedi come essa viene
descritta da fonte insospettabile, parlando del papa precedente:
http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/4364 ).
Di seguito alcune interessanti considerazioni su questi temi, dal sito
(Sull'Europa "carolingia" delle "piccole patrie", frantumata in feudi
"etnici" e dominata dalla Germania, vedi anche:
https://www.cnj.it/documentazione/europaquemada.htm ) ]


Da: news @...
Data: Lun 25 Apr 2005 19:07:22 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Newsletter 25.04.2005 - Pontife allemand

Habemus Europam

CITE DU VATICAN/ MUNICH (Information interne) - Le nouveau chef de
l'église catholique qualifie l'Europe d',,occident chrétien" et voit
aux sources de l'Union Européenne actuelle une sorte d'action: ,,en
idée collective d'un empire". Le Saint père annonce que l'initiateur de
cette idée serait ,,Charlemagne" qui résidait à Aix la Chapelle auquel
aurait succédé le chancelier allemand Conrad Adenauer au 20ème siècle.
Le pape originaire de Bavière est secondé par de nombreux allemands qui
occupent ,,des postes-clefs à la Curie". C'est à cause de cette papauté
germanocentrique et de son apparente proximité des cercles
ultranationalistes, que l'on en arrive à des questionnements inquiets
de la part de catholiques profanes et de critiques internationaux. Ils
font référence à l'histoire de la vie du nouveau chef de l'église.
Joseph Ratzinger a travaillé pour la fabrication des canons antiaériens
dans l'entreprise d'armement nazie BMW ( Bayerische Motorwerke), il a
participé à des actions d'occupation en Hongrie et fut soupçonné plus
tard d',,antisémitisme théologique". D'éminents politiciens berlinois
appellent leurs concitoyens à éprouver de la ,,fierté" envers le pape



Da: news @...
Data: Gio 21 Apr 2005 01:44:44 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Newsletter vom 21.04.2005 - Deutscher Papst

Habemus Europam

VATIKANSTADT/MÜNCHEN (Eigener Bericht) - Das neue Oberhaupt der
katholischen Kirche preist Europa als ,,christliche(s) Abendland" und
sieht an den Quellen der heutigen EU eine ,,gemeinsame Reichsidee"
wirken. Erneuerer dieser Idee sei der in Aachen residierende ,,Karl der
Große" gewesen, dem in der Nachkriegszeit des 20. Jahrhunderts der
deutsche Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer folgte, verkündet der Heilige
Vater. Dem aus Bayern stammenden Papst wird von zahlreichen Deutschen
zugearbeitet, die ,,Schlüsselbehörden der Kurie" besetzen. Wegen des
germanozentrischen Papsttums und seiner offenkundigen Nähe zu
ultranationalistischen Kreisen kommt es zu besorgten Nachfragen
katholischer Laien und internationaler Kritiker. Sie verweisen auf die
Lebensgeschichte des neuen Kirchenoberhaupts. Joseph Ratzinger war als
deutscher Flakhelfer für den NS-Rüstungsbetrieb BMW (Bayerische
Motorenwerke) tätig, nahm Besatzungsaufgaben in Ungarn wahr und wurde
später des ,,theologischen Antisemitismus" verdächtigt. Prominente
Berliner Politiker rufen ihre Landsleute dazu auf, für den deutschen
Papst ,,Stolz" zu empfinden.





Habemus Europam

VATICAN CITY/MUNICH (Our own report) - The new head of the Roman
Catholic Church sings the praises of Europe as the ,,Christian West"
and sees the present EU as underpinned by a ,,shared concept of
empire", an idea derived from Charlemagne (who lived in Aachen) and,
according to the Holy Father, renewed after the Second World War by the
German Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Many Germans work for the
Bavaria-born Pope, occupying ,,key positions in the Curia". Both
Catholic laypeople and international critics are worried by, and
raising questions about, a Germanocentric Papacy obviously close to
ultra-nationalistic elements. One of their concerns is the new
Pontiff's life history. Joseph Ratzinger served in an anti-aircraft
unit that protected a BMW factory making armaments for the Nazis, was
in the occupying forces in Hungary, and was later accused of
,,theological anti-Semitism". Prominent politicians in Berlin are
urging their countrymen to ,,take pride" in there being a German Pope.

The German press oozes confidence, stating that ,,bishops and cardinals
from the Federal Republic exercise more power than ever in the
Vatican", the Hamburger Abendblatt reporting that they are
,,disproportionately well-represented in important decision-making
positions", citing as examples the influential positions held by Walter
Brandmüller (described as the Vatican's chief historian), Cardinal
Walter Kasper and Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes.1) In an interview
broadcast by the German media immediately after the papal election,
Cordes stressed that having a German Pope would enhance Europe's
importance in the worldwide Catholic Church.


The new Pope, with a worldview limited to the European continent,
recommends as the foundational legend of the EU the myth of its
derivation from the Holy Roman Empire, which became ,,of the German
Nation". According to this mythology, the first German Federal
Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, and his Italian counterpart Alcide de
Gasperi were acting as the agents of medieval Franks.2) De Gasperi,
formerly a collaborator with Mussolini, became a front man for the
American secret services and, in the 1950s, remilitarised Europe as a
member of NATO.3) Ratzinger regards the post-war politician Robert
Schumann as another progenitor of the new Europe; Schumann organised
the 60th German Catholic Congress in 1913 and is a candidate for
beatification by the Holy See, process in the hands of the Congregation
for the Causes of Saints. With the German Jesuit Fr. Peter Gumpel as
its head, and Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, Robert Schumann's
canonisation is on the Papal agenda.


Gumpel's responsibilities also include assessment of the cause of a
former Papal Nuncio in Berlin who went on to become Pope Pius XII. An
enthusiast for German culture, he has for 40 years been charged with
neglecting to take action that could have prevented genocide, despite
having full knowledge of the Nazis' extermination policies. Under
Gumpel, the present-day congregation vehemently defends Pius XII
against this accusation. Critical observers of Ratzinger's career in
the Curia claim that the new Pontiff echoes ,,Hitler's Pope"4), Pius
XII, having asserted in 1987 that ,,the Jewish scriptures and Jewish
history are fulfilled solely in the person of Jesus Christ", that is,
exclusively in the Christian faith tradition.5) Ratzinger, who
witnessed anti-Semitic and anti-Socialist violence, denies that he
himself could have done anything about the Nazis' persecution of his
fellow citizens, justifying his conduct by the assertion that it was,
unfortunately, ,,absolutely impossible" to resist.6) In the Nazi era,
many Catholics paid with their lives for their opposition to the regime
and to German militarism, one of them being Michael Lerpscher from
Allgäu, a farmworker and pacifist out of religious conviction, who was
beheaded in 1940.7)

A Mass for Europe

Both Ratzinger's sources of historical inspiration and his political
perspectives correspond to those of some ultra-nationalist thinkers on
German foreign policy; the German Paneuropa-Union (PEU) claims the new
Pope as a political ally and to have won the 1979 European elections
with his help. Ratzinger, then a Cardinal, had celebrated in Munich's
Cathedral of Our Lady a ,,Mass for Europe" after what was described by
the PEU8) as ,,the greatest rally for the European elections anywhere
on the European continent". Like Ratzinger and the PEU, influential
figures in the intellectual orbit of German right-wing extremism
believe in the idea of the ,,Holy Roman Empire", which, they believe,
lives on in the EU and must be welded together to become a
Christian-Germanic supranational bloc. The election of this pope gives
a considerable boost to these tendencies in Germany, which are also
espoused by many Members of the European Parliament.9)

1) Deutscher Einfluß im Vatikan; Hamburger Abendblatt 07.04.2005
2) Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: Europe. Seine geistigen Grundlagen
gestern, heute, morgen; www.bayern.de
3) see also Founding Fathers
4) Deutscher Einfluß im Vatikan; Hamburger Abendblatt 07.04.2005
5) Cardinal Ratzinger Divides Germans; New York Times 15.04.2005
6) Papal hopeful is a former Hitler Youth; The Sunday Times 17.04.2005
7) Jakob Knab: Das Lächeln des Esels, Blöcktach, 1987
8) Bernd Posselt: 80 Jahre Paneuropa. Eckstein einer neuen Weltordnung;
9) For the Members of the European Parliament belonging to the

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