[Due fosse comuni, contenenti cadaveri di serbi massacrati dall'UCK,
sono state scoperte in Kosovo solo nell'ultimo mese. I crimini
risalgono alla vigilia dell'aggressione della NATO del 1999, che fu
effettuata proprio per consentire all'UCK di prendere il controllo
della provincia ed instaurarvi quel regime di apartheid che vige
oggi sul territorio. (a cura di IS)]

--- In yugoslaviainfo @yahoogroups.com, Rick Rozoff wrote:


BBC News
May 14, 2005

Experts examine Kosovo mass grave

UN forensic experts are examining bodies found in a
mass grave in Kosovo, believed to be Serbs killed by
ethnic Albanian guerrillas in 1998.

The grave was found in the town of Malisevo, 45 km (30
miles) south-west of the capital Pristina.

If confirmed, this would be the second such find in a
month after 24 bodies were found in a cave last month.

Nearly 3,000 people are still missing since the Kosovo
war, including several hundred Serbs.

"There are multiple remains of bodies and at least two
complete bodies," Marcia Poole, a UN spokeswoman,

"They are presumed to be Serbs missing since 1998,"
she added.

Obstacle to reconciliation

Guerrillas from the Kosovo Liberation Army kidnapped a
number of Serbian villagers from the Orahovac area in
Southern Kosovo in July 1998 to try and obtain the
release of ethnic Albanian prisoners held by Serbian
security forces.

But the exchange of prisoners never took place.

Serbs and Kosovo Albanians held a meeting in Belgrade
in March to discuss the issue of missing persons,
which remains a key obstacle along the path to

Six former rebel leaders, including former Kosovo
Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, are on trial in The
Hague, charged with abducting and killing Serb
Kosovo is still part of Serbia, but Nato administers
the territory and has almost 20,000 troops in the

Talks on whether Kosovo will become independent or
remain part of Serbia are due to begin later this
year, subject to a UN review of democracy and human
rights standards in the country.


May 14, 2005

Bodies exhumed from mass grave
By Shaban Buza in Malisevo, Serbia and Montenegro

United Nations forensics experts are exhuming bodies
presumed to be Serbs from a mass grave in the Kosovo
town of Malisevo, the second such find in a month.

"There are multiple remains of bodies and at least two
complete bodies," said Marcia Poole, a spokeswoman for
the UN mission which has run the Balkan province since
the 1998-99 war.

"They are presumed to be Serbs missing since 1998."

A second UN source said: "There are six or seven
bodies, and counting."

He said some had been found with their hands tied.
Marked with tape, the grave site is behind a hospital
100 metres from the main road in the former rebel
stronghold of Malisevo, 45km southwest of the capital

A Jordanian UN police unit is guarding the area.

In late April, the UN mission said it had exhumed the
remains of 22 Serbs from a cave in the western Klina
Six former rebels, including former Kosovo prime
minister Ramush Haradinaj, are charged by the UN
tribunal in The Hague with abducting and killing Serb
civilians and so-called Albanian "collaborators".

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