50 strade e piazze sono state rinominate, solo lo scorso anno, a
Belgrado, dal regime cetnico e servo della NATO che è stato imposto in
Serbia a partire dall'ottobre 2000.
Tra le nuove intitolazioni si registrano numerosi nomi di re e regine:
d'altronde, all'attuale "erede al trono" i nazionalisti e monarchici
avevano già persino regalato l'ex palazzo reale ("Casa Bianca"), nel 2001.

The New Streets of Belgrade

By Alex M (07/25/05)

Last year about 50 street names were changed in Belgrade, and the new
street signs have been put up on them just a few days ago. This may
not seem like much to Americans, but the new street signs in Belgrade
are a cause for celebration among many Serbs. The 50 old signs were
all communist street names and the new signs either are the old street
names, prior to WW 2, names that relate to Serbian historical figures
and leaders, or are completely NEW names. The pictures are "Bulevar
oslobodjenja" - Boulevard of Liberation (could mean from the Turks,
the Germans, the communists). The other, my favorite, is now called
again by its old name - "Kraljice Natalije" - Queen Nathalie Street.

I've attached pictures of two of the signs. Of course, they are in
cyrilic. At least you now have an idea of what it looks like in
cyrilic. People must have thought of me as a loony toony as I walked
around Belgrade taking photos of street names. WHO ELSE DOES THAT?
Nobody, probably.

But it makes me so happy to see these new street names that remind us
of Serbia's rich history, its historical figures, leaders, important
people, tradition and romance. Many of the streets have the names of
our much loved Kings and Queens of a happier time in history, when
Serbia had its place, its meaning.

The Royal Palace is now located at Prince Alexander Boulevard,
ironically bearing the identical name of our Crown Prince who was able
to return home after the fall of the communist government and after
the democratic peaceful revolution that changed Serbia in October
2000. It is wonderful to have the Palace occupied again with a Prince
and a Princess who are helping to rebuild the country and our
traditions and, especially, our hospitals, helping the elderly, the
ill and the young. What they are doing is very heartwarming.

YES, Serbia is finding its traditional roots again. And with that will
come the strengthening of our faith in God and Jesus Christ that has
always been the strength of the Serbian people.

Every little step like this is actually a big one for us, because it
means that Serbia is winning and communism is losing (whatever still
remains of it). That is a process which cannot be stopped or reversed.
And that is the biggest reason why I am writing this to you.

Greetings from Belgrade,


Editors note: Just another of our efforts to help Americans and
Europeans understand each other a little better.