(english / srpskohrvatski)

Albanska mafija kupila Ahtisarija

(in base ad indiscrezioni apparse sulla stampa serbo-bosniaca, i servizi segreti tedeschi avrebbero spedito al Segretario generale dell'ONU informazioni relative ad un versamento di almeno 40 milioni di euro che le lobby pan-albanesi avrebbero effettuato a favore del "mediatore" Marti Ahtisaari affinchè quest'ultimo caldeggiasse la secessione del Kosovo)

1) Speaker: Determine truth about Ahtisaari 
2) Fifty Million Dollars and Up for Dismembering a Medium-Size Sovereign State
3) http://www.fokus.ba : Albanska mafija kupila Ahtisarija

=== 1 ===


FoNet (Serbia)
June 24, 2007

Speaker: Determine truth about Ahtisaari

BELGRADE - Parliament Speaker Oliver Duliæ reacted to
allegations Martti Ahtissari took money to propose
independence for Kosovo.

“All of this needs to be investigated and the truth
ought to be determined, and if it turns out this is
true, it will cast a huge shadow over the final Kosovo
settlement process,” Duliæ said.

Banja Luka’s Fokus magazine reported earlier this week
that the German intelligence agency BND had sent a
report to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, which
allegedly confirms suspicions that Kosovo Albanian
leaders paid UN Kosovo Envoy Martti Ahtisaari EUR 40mn
in order to suggest independence for the province in
his Kosovo settlement plan. 

=== 2 ===

Source: http://www.byzantinesacredart.com/blog/

June 23, 2007

BND: White Slaves and Millions of Heroin Dollars for Ahtisaari’s Plan

Fifty Million Dollars and Up for Dismembering a Medium-Size Sovereign State

Former Finnish president and one of the world’s most respected living Nazis Martti Ahtisaari (i.e. Adolfsen) is a very busy man these days. Turkey — correctly noting Ahtisaari’s strong pro-Muslim bias, undoubtedly a result of historically sound and productive fascist/Muslim alliances — wants Ahtisaari to help them break into the EU. In Northern Ireland, where Ahtisaari was meddling before, he was appointed an “international advisor” to a reconciliation group.

Let’s hope they can afford the 70-year-old whore with a steep price list.

According to the June 21 article by the Banja Luka daily Fokus, titled “Albanian Mafia Bought Ahtisaari,” German Federal Intelligence Service BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) has recently sent a report to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon revealing that Albanian separatists and terrorists in Serbian Kosovo-Metohija province have literally purchased Ahtisaari’s plan which suggests independence for the Serbian province and its severing from Serbia.

German Secret Service has found that 2 million Euros (2.68 million USD) have been transfered directly to Ahtisaari’s personal bank account, and that amounts of multi-million Euros were given to the UN envoy in cash on at least two occasions, totaling up to 40 million Euros (over 53 million U.S. dollars).

According to the Fokus’ source, the German BND Secret Service Brigadier Luke Neiman was directly appointed by the German government to designate part of the German Secret Service apparatus to the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, after the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon requested such service. It was, therefore, the UN Secretary-General who received the detailed report about the corruption of his special envoy Martti Ahtisaari.

Reportedly, the BND agents have immediately discovered clear connection and regular contacts between the leading figures of Kosovo Albanian mafia, their subordinates and Martti Ahtisaari. The agents have also established that Ahtisaari has had frequent telephone communications with the Albanian billionaire, mafia boss living in Switzerland Bexhet Pacolli.

Price of the “Supervised Independence:” Two Million Via Bank, Four Coffers of Heroin Cash and Couple of White Slaves

One of the recorded conversations was pertaining to a transaction in the amount of 2 million Euros from the Swiss bank in Basel, the account No. 239700-93457-00097, protected as an offshore account under the code XS52-KOLER. The account owner is Exhet Boria, the right hand of the Albanian mafia boss. Two million Euros were transfered from this to the account No. 3459346699004533, code VOLANND, in the Cyprus bank. In order to withdraw the money from these accounts, all that was needed was to give the codes to a bank teller.

German Intelligence Service agents have made a note that on February 12, 2007, at 6:23 a.m., jeep with the registration plates PR-443-22CD, which belongs to the Kosovo Albanian provisional “government”, arrived in front of the UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari’s building. Two men carrying two silver-color briefcases went in, handing the briefcases to Ahtisaari. A source in the building later confirmed that the briefcases were filled with cash and given to the UN envoy.

Twelve days later, at 5:44 p.m. the exact same thing took place, only this time it was Exhet Boria personally who exited the black Mercedes Benz with no plates, followed by the two bodyguards carrying two silver-color briefcases.

BND agents found that all four briefcases, later protected with the diplomatic labels, safely arrived to Finland without check-ups and were delivered to Martti Ahtisaari’s home address.

On the last day of February, at 11:47 p.m., German Secret Service agents made a note about the arrival of the KFOR (NATO troops stationed in Serbian Kosovo province, Kosovo FORce) jeep which brought two young women over, followed by Boria’s bodyguard. The girls were in Ahtisaari’s quarters until 5:17 a.m., when they were driven away by the same vehicle.

Posted by Svetlana at 09:50 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBacks (1)

=== 3 ===


Albanska mafija kupila Ahtisarija

Z. ŠARENAC | 21.06.2007 19:02

Sumnje da je albansko rukovodstvo na Kosovu "kupilo" konačni plan Marti Ahtisarija, koji definitivno ide u korist nezavisnosti i otcjepljenju Kosova od Srbije, potvrđene su u izvještaju njemačke obavještajne službe BND, upućene generalnom sekretaru UN, Ban Ki Munu.
Ova tajna služba otkrila je da je na Ahtisarijev privatni račun prebačen iznos od dva miliona evra, te da su u nekoliko navrata isplaćene višemilionske cifre u gotovini za koje se pretpostavlja da se kreću i do 40 miliona evra.
Prema izvoru "Fokusa", brigadir njemačke tajne službe BND, Luk Niman, direktno je zadužen od njemačke vlade da stavi dio obavještajnog aparata u službu UN po nalogu i molbi generalnog sekretara UN, Ban Ki Muna, koji je dobio informacije o korupciji specijalnog izaslanika za Kosovo, Marti Arthisarija.
Nakon što su upućeni na Kosovo, agenti BND otkrili su jasnu i učestalu vezu i komunikaciju između vodećih ljudi albanske mafije, njihovih posrednika i Marti Ahtisarija.
Prema nalazima agenata, nekoliko poziva prema zgradi specijalnog izaslanika za Kosovo, Marti Ahtisarija, upućeno je i s brojeva koji pripadaju šiptarskom milijarderu Beksetu Pacoliju.
Sadržaj razgovora s ovog broja odnosio se na nepoznatu transakciju novca u iznosu od dva miliona evra iz jedne švajcarske banke u Bazelu, s računa 239700-93457-00097, zaštićenog kao ofšor podračun prema šifri XS52-KOLER, čiji je vlasnik Ekshet Boria, desna ruka lidera albanske mafije, prema direktnom računu 3459346699004533, šifra računa VOLANND, Kiparske banke.
Pri podizanju novca s ovih računa, na šalteru je dovoljno bilo samo izgovoriti imena ovih šifri i novac bi bio predat.
Agenti BND zapazili su da je 12. februara ove godine u šest časova i 23 minuta džip registarskih oznaka PR-443-22CD, koji pripada albanskoj vladi, stigao ispred zgrade specijalnog izaslanika UN, Marti Ahtisarija.
Iz džipa su izašla dva čovjeka s dva kofera srebrne boje, za koje je kasnije iz izvora u zgradi utvrđeno da su bili puni keša i da su predati Ahtisariju.
Sličan slučaj dogodio se dvanaest dana kasnije u 17 časova i 44 minuta, kada je primijećen dolazak crnog mercedesa bez tablica, s Ekshet Borijem, koji je u pratnji dva tjelohranitelja, koji su nosili dva kofera srebrne boje, donio drugu višemilionsku isplatu Ahtisariju na ruke.
Agenti su otkrili kako su sva četiri kofera, naknadno zaštićena diplomatskim markicama, bez provjere otputovala u Finsku, na kućnu adresu Marti Ahtisarija.

Sve za nezavisnost 

Posljednjeg dana februara, u 23 časa i 47 minuta, primijećen je dolazak džipa KFOR-a, iz kojeg su izašle dvije djevojke u pratnji jednog Borijinog tjelohranitelja.
Djevojke su bile u Ahtisarijevim odajama do pet sati i 17 minuta ujutro, kada je zabilježen njihov odlazak istim vozilom, upratili su agenti BND.

=== 4 ===




Foreign press notes that the U.N. Secretary General has received a detailed report from the German Intelligence Service (BND).  Ban Ki-moon had requested himself that a section of BND be posted to  the U.N. Mission at Kosovo to unravel  the web of complexities which envelop this province of Serbia. As is widely known the U.N.'s Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari has proposed  to sever Kosovo from Serbia, act which would create a newly independent state on the grounds of Albanian demographic  preponderance.

If implemented, it would not only violate the U.N.'s own resolution to the contrary. It well could  give a green light to similar candidates in Spain and France, in Great Britain (independent Scotland) as well as lead to a  Mexican-American movement (seconded by Mexico  and supported by the Union of Latin American States) demanding that California be severed from the United States and  given the status of an independent and internationally recognized state. Why not independent Texas, not to add more candidates around the planet Earth? But, these projections are not of immediate concern, especially when contrasted with a sensational and detailed revelation. The assigned  BND team, led by Brigadier Luke Neiman.  discovered without much effort that Mr.  Ahtisaari had frequent contacts with Albanian separatist leaders and had received large sums of money with the equivalent value of about 53 million dollars. The details are listed with teutonic precision.

Among them are recorded conversations about money transfers, specific bank accounts and codes in Switzerland and Cyprus, substantial supplies of heroin, procurement of two female white slaves and a visit to  Mr.Ahtisaari's residence (at 6.23 AM on 12 February 2007) of a Jeep with the plate of PR-443-22CD. It was a vehicle owned by the Albanian “provisional” government at Kosovo's capital of Pristina. In addition, it appears that Mr.Ahtisaari has some old pro-Nazi skeletons in his closet and has cultivated a pro-Muslim bias stemming probably from  the Nazi/Fascist/Muslim  alliannces  during  World War II.

Whithout knowing the BND discoveries, the present writer has urged the previous U.N. Secretary to dismiss Mr. Ahtisaari without delay and appoint someone who is not in any way imbedded either with the Albanians or the Serbs. No doubt because Mr. Ahtisaari is a former head of state and is  “widely respected” internationally, the ex-Secretary did not act. With the detailed information  from the BND, it should be impossible to allow him to keep his post or accept his plan a priori.

It is not a secret that Albanian sources have made donations to members of our Congress and that the recipients have argued in favor of taking Kosovo  from Serbia and givig it to the Albanian majority.Even a former U.S. Secretry of State, an ardent supporter of independent Albanian Kosovo , has now  a  telecommunications  company in Kosovo itself. There does not seem to be anything illegal in donating electoral funds to our Solons. The impact is not going to be at home and what happens overseas as a result of our pro-Albanian  Legislators is of no concern since they are not accountable to anyone. The policy of the previous home Administration could be summed-up: “feed the Serbs to the Muslim desiderata” as this would buy good will in the Middle East. The result is the birth of Al-Q'uaida by way of  Bosnia and the growing Wahabyya among the Albanian Muslims at Kosovo. If we can perhaps  be excused because of knowing very little about Balkan history and the context in which it unravels, this is not true of Western Europe even as it marches with the repetitive U.S. Foreign policy. Western Europe knows well that the Serbs were  “keepers of the gates “ through which the Ottomans tried to pass and attain the conquest of entire Western Europe. An older European generation also remembers that the Serbs had made considerable contributions to the Allied victories  in World Wars I and II but our people do not even know that one of the smallest minorities in the U.S., Americans of Serb origin, produced  seven men who earned  Congressional Medals of Honor  in both Wars. Our public does not know that the Serbs saved over 300 fallen American pilots in WW II and returned them to duty. But, it has been informed by our Government and mainstream media that “the Serbs” are the sole aggressirs in ex-Yugoslavia and all the other “tribes” in it are victims despite an obvious tripartite fratricide assisted  very much from abroad. Virtual reality replaces reality itself. All  in the name of some geopolitical ideology which has encapsulated  the highest echelons into its web in the mirific belief that we can alter human nature and change the world permanently.