South of Serbia: American setup
 By: Aleksandar Djaja

 The newly appointed American ambassador in Yugoslavia, Mr.
William Montgomery, has delivered the handful of compliments to
the Yugoslavian federal government,
 because it did not use any "brutal force" against the "Albanian
guerrilas" that had invaded some regions in the south of Serbia.

 More precisely, the FRY federal government did nothing. The
Albanian (Sqipetar) UCK terrorists of Hashim Taqi, the killers of
Serbian policemen, have been
 "camping" in that part of the Republic of Serbia, where they calmly
and undisturbed, dig trenches, establish communications, logistics
and transport links, and
amass ammunition, passing through the "security zone" which is,
according to the Kumanovo accord, (surprisingly!) guarded by the
American troops from the KFOR.
 Certainly, Mr. Montgomery did not miss the opportunity to
indicate that the "Albanian guerrilas" made a big mistake, while his
fellow-countryman Mr. Richard Hollbruck
(better known as "the spice in every soup"-man) grabbed this
opportunity to announce the need for a new "Dayton".

 Unfortunately, neither of the above gentlemen, nor any members
of the FRY federal government and of the federal parliament from
DOS, considered a trivial
question. Is the presence of a foreign army at the territory of the
Republic of Serbia normal, and can it be permitted, as if it was a
visiting football team, rather
than the Albanian terrorist gang, set to kill and slaughter any
Serbian policeman or farmer they would come across? Either the
newly formed DOS/Montenegrin federal authorities and their
diplomacy are exhibiting an utmost shrewdness and exceptional
wisdom, or we shall soon have to ask the American permission
even when we want to cross the street.

 Certainly, we do not want to go to a war. What this nation and
this country have been through in the past ten-odd years, many
nations have not experienced in their entire history. However, what
is the lower limit of the human, national and political dignity? Can
it, indeed, be lowered for ever? Perhaps, there is somebody who
believes in the newly devised alchemical formula that giving up the
right to defend ones own territory and of the national integrity, is
the best way to defend both the territory and the national integrity!

 Should we all go along by the recommendations of some of our
present political leaders, and become deaf and blind for everything
that occurs around (and also inside) us? Should we entrust our
destiny, totally and without any reserves, to those who, for a long
time, have not even tried to conceal the fact that the sole goal of
their last year's aggression was the occupation of the Kosovo and
Metohija, and the establishment of the largest American military
base in this part of the world?

 Has any of the State Department officials refuted the cynical
statement of Ibrahim Rugova (the one who has "dismissed' Mr.
Kostunica) that NATO is, actually, the "private army" of the
Albanians in Kosova, which should remain there for ever?

 Finally, what was the NATO/American reply to the DOS cry for
the establishment of the mutual diplomatic relations?

 It was, as we have seen, both quick and resolute: the Sqipetar
gangs, escorted and protected by the American helicopters,
carrying heavy weapons, crossed the so-called "security zone" to
the territory of the Bujanovac community, and attacked our
policemen, that had been disarmed by the Kumanovo accord.

 And that's it. "The sight of sad events" (I use here the title of the
play by my esteemed colleague), that has lately befell to all of us,
quite logically (but that is the logic of demons) come from one
another, so that only the persons without morality, or those whose
mind has become sick, may regard this malignant process of the
destruction of Serbia as - xenophobia!

 How will the events in the communities of Bujanovac, Presevo
and Medvedja, unfold in the future?

 The goal of American government has been the same for several
years. It is that the American soldiers should get as deep into
Serbia as deep as possible, no matter whether they would be
wearing the uniforms of the NATO, KFOR, ice cream salesmen or
janitors. The means they use for this purpose is called the
Sqipetari terrorist armies, ranging from the OVK (UCK) to the
Kosovo Protection Corps, to the latest invention called OVBPM.
This unnatural "political-military debauchery" between the largest
military and economical power of the world and a small, autistic,
tribally organized nation, with the largest birthrate on Earth,
realizes a seemingly contradictory, but mutually beneficial
symbiosis. In other words, NATO indeed is the Albanian "private
army", but the Albanians are the American "private soldiers", too.
In their long time political, economical and military engagement
against the Serbs, if necessary, the Americans will, no doubt,
wage a war until the last Albanian.

 However, how to continue the old policy of the breaking up of the
Serbian state and of the Serbian nation, when it can not be pushed
any longer under the old guise called "the struggle against the
dictatorship regime" of the previous Yugoslavian authorities? How
to publicly support the "democratic changes" in Serbia, tapping the
Yugoslavian president on the shoulder at any occasion, even
pushing such a Yugoslavia into the United Nations, and
simultaneously being aware that it is just a political "soap opera",
in whose scenario even the actors do not believe.

 For America and its strategic interests on the Balkans the
answer seems to be simple. It will resort to its favorite method,
tested in the innumerable occasions - the "stick and carrot"
method. Which means, if you are good and obedient, we will give
you a few million dollars' loan (note, a loan, not aid or war
reparations!). However, if you attempt to thing by your own brains,
we will, as usually, unleash a few thousands of Albanian terrorists
to "camp" in your land, and you should continue to be "shrewd"
and not use any "brutal force" against them.

 Who is the ass (donkey) in this story?

 It is not the worst thing, however, if a small nation, exhausted by
the economical sanction, political blackmails and the military
aggression, had the moment of weakness when confronted the
ultimatum of arrogant bullies. The biggest humiliation is that we
should accept such a situation as the large success of our
 How will the situation in the communities of Presevo, Bujanovac
and Medvedja evolve in the future?

 Unfortunately (somebody might say luckily), that virtually does
not depend upon our present authorities. As some of the DOS
leaders used to refer to the (still) actual president of the Republic of

Serbia, Mr. Milutinovic, as the man who "does not interfere in his
business", I fear that many of the present leaders, with the
corresponding responsibilities in the government, will be referred to
as the "men not knowing what their business is".

 Well, at least until the Serbian elections, scheduled for 23rd
December. After that, as DOS is claiming, everything will "fall at its
place". I wonder, wasn't all this time sufficient for the Albanian
terrorists around Bujanovac, and should we allow them the
overtime, too?
 Yet, there is a conclusion that we may unmistakably draw: the
previous SPS/SRS/Montenegrin SNP coalition at the federal level,
and the present DOS/Montenegrin SNP government, had
diametrically opposed attitudes towards the American-Albanian
unnatural "political debauchery". While their predecessors, mostly,
refused the blackmails and ultimatums, and after the two-and-a-half
months' bombardment signed a document that is somewhere half
way between the agreement and surrender, the current DOS
authorities de facto give up the destiny of both the Kosovo and
Metohija and the south of the Serbia proper to the Americans.
Seemingly, they think that the Americans, burdened with such a
responsibility, will decide in the Serbian favor?

 And, why not in the Albanian favor? But, most likely, in the favor
of their policy of the global economical and military domination over
small states and nations, according to their neocolonial vision of
the New World Order.

 Manipulation - attraction!

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