(english / italiano)

Le contraddizioni dell'imperialismo tedesco / 2

1) La Germania espelle il capo degli 007 Usa a Berlino
2) The US spy scandal and the return of German imperialism (P. Schwarz / WSWS, 12 July 2014)
3) [REPETITA JUVANT] Germany's failed attempts to get its gold back from the US 'opens question of its sovereignty'

Vedi anche: 

Le contraddizioni dell'imperialismo tedesco / 1

1914-2014, German "Left" Ready for War

Lo "spazio vitale tedesco" (1995)

=== 1 ===


La Germania espelle il capo degli 007 Usa a Berlino

Dopo il nuovo scandalo degli agenti dei servizi tedeschi che avrebbero venduto informazioni agli Usa. La Merkel: «Uno spreco di energia»

di Redazione online

Dal portavoce della cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel, arriva la conferma: in un comunicato Steffen Seibert annuncia l’espulsione del responsabile diplomatico degli 007 statunitensi a Berlino. «Il rappresentante dei servizi segreti Usa presso l’ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d’America è stato invitato a lasciare la Germania», ha scritto. La cooperazione tra Germania e Stati Uniti continuerà, ma «la fiducia deve essere reciproca», ha aggiunto il portavoce dopo l’annuncio. «Il governo tedesco considera questi fatti molto seri» ha detto, riferendosi alle rivelazioni secondo cui due agenti tedeschi sarebbero stati al soldo dell’intelligence americana, salvo poi assicurare che la Germania continuerà «la stretta cooperazione» con gli Stati Uniti. «Per la Germania - ha continuato il portavoce della cancelliera Angela Merkel - è imprescindibile, nella sicurezza dei suoi cittadini e delle sue missioni all’estero, cooperare in maniera stretta e con fiducia con gli alleati occidentali. Tuttavia la fiducia e la sincerità devono essere reciproche».

Negli ultimi dieci giorni sono emersi due casi di presunto spionaggio contro la Germania da parte degli Usa. La settimana scorsa era stato arrestato un dipendente dei servizi segreti tedeschi accusato di aver passato informazioni alla Cia. Mercoledì, invece, i procuratori federali di Berlino avevano fatto irruzione nelle proprietà vicino alla capitale di «una persona sospettata di spionaggio per un’agenzia di intelligence». Secondo il quotidiano Sueddeutsche Zeitung, l’uomo lavorava in campo militare ed è sospettato di spionaggio per gli Stati Uniti.

Spreco di energia
La cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel, rispondendo a una domanda sul tema, ha detto che con gli Stati Uniti vede «una differenza di principi molto grande rispetto ai compiti dei servizi segreti dopo la guerra fredda» e ha definito «uno spreco di energia» spiare gli alleati. «Ci sono problemi enormi - non solo le sfide in Siria e con l’Isis - nella difesa dal terrorismo, che per me sono prioritari rispetto alla questione di spiarsi tra alleati», ha aggiunto Merkel.

10 luglio 2014

=== 2 ===

The US spy scandal and the return of German imperialism

By Peter Schwarz 
12 July 2014

The expulsion of the CIA station chief this week is directly linked to the revival of German imperialism, which has been systematically propagated and driven forward by the German government since the beginning of the year.

The German media and political parties have responded to the government’s demand that the Berlin head of the CIA immediately leave the country with satisfaction. It marked a “turning point in the history of German-American relations, and an unprecedented act of protest against American arrogance,” wrote the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The most widely sold German daily newspaper considered the drastic measure as a step towards more German independence and drew a parallel with the German refusal to participate in the Iraq war in 2003: “Gerhard Schröder’s opposition to the Iraq war twelve years ago was the first step in asserting independence from the major ally. Now the next step is coming.”

The Germans, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, have “a right to be treated fairly and as an equal in the partnership with the US ... Obama and his people [will] hopefully realise that they cannot get away with everything in Germany.”

Several regional newspapers spoke in similar tones. “We will not accept being dealt with like that: that message should now have reached Washington,” declared the Nordwest Zeitung. And the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung wrote, “The continuing humiliation of Germany by out of control American intelligence agencies cannot be dismissed any longer.”

All parties in parliament, especially the Left Party, also welcomed the government action.

The expulsion of the American intelligence chief was “only a first step,” noted André Hahn, who sits on the parliamentary control committee for the intelligence services for the Left Party. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had to “explain in a government statement after the summer break at the latest, how the government plans to protect citizens from surveillance from foreign and domestic intelligence agencies.”

This is clearly absurd. The expulsion of the Berlin head of the CIA has nothing to do with protecting citizens from surveillance. And the German government would be the last to protect them from this threat. The German and American intelligence agencies collaborate closely in foreign and domestic surveillance, spying on the global telecommunications network and even in the selection of targets for killer drones. This was shown by the documents released by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

This collaboration is continuing after the expulsion of the US intelligence chief. This has been emphasised by government spokespersons on both sides of the Atlantic at every opportunity. This is why the German government has also strictly opposed offering Snowden asylum or providing him with immunity to allow him to testify in Germany.

The real reason for the conflict with Washington is Berlin’s attempt to return to the world stage as a major imperialist power. Already in January, foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier declared in parliament that Germany was too big and important to limit itself to “commenting on global politics from the sidelines.”

Shortly thereafter, German President Joachim Gauck spoke out in favour of stronger military engagement by Germany at the Munich Security Conference.

The return to its great power ambitions is bringing Germany into conflict with the US, which is not prepared voluntarily to give up its position as the sole global power. For the present, this is expressed in the desire “to be treated fairly and as an equal partner” by the US. But it will not remain confined to this.

The fight for spheres of influence, raw materials, new markets and cheap labour, which is the source of the growth of militarism, not only leads to a more aggressive approach towards China and Russia, but also produces conflicts between the imperialist allies. Both can result in a third world war.

There are already significant tensions between Germany and the US. They collaborated to install a right-wing, pro-Western regime in power in Ukraine, but they have differences on the issue of economic sanctions against Russia, which would mainly affect German and European companies.

In the Middle East, Germany and the European Union are increasingly distancing themselves from US policy, which has resulted in a debacle. Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, traditionally a close ally of the US, published a guest article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on Wednesday, describing the military invasion of Iraq in 2003 as the “original sin” of the catastrophic development in the regions, with the “too rapid and too early withdrawal” of American troops as the “second error”.

The current outrage from leading German politicians about US spies is largely for show. The SPD politician Karsten Voigt, who was German government coordinator for German-American Co-operation from 1999 to 2010, stated in an interview in Die Zeit that the unmasking of a US agent in the country’s foreign intelligence service (BND) came as no surprise.

When asked: “Did it come as a surprise that the US has spies in our government and the BND,” Voigt replied: “I did not know that of course, but I always assumed it was the case. During my tenure in the nineties, German ambassadors in Washington were convinced that they would be monitored.”

The German government is deliberately using its shows of outrage to exploit widespread hostility against the US’ criminal foreign policy to advance its own imperialist interests and expand the German secret service and armed forces. Such a policy change means that German imperialism is once again returning to a tradition that put the crimes of all the other imperialist powers in the shade. The German government not only has the support of the governing parties, the conservative CDU / CSU and social democrat SPD, but also the opposition parties, the Greens and the Left Party.

Whoever wants to fight against surveillance and war, must reject this fraud. The spying upon of millions of people by the NSA, CIA and other US services will not be stopped by the upgrading of German intelligence services, but only by the dissolution of all of the secret services, including those in Germany itself.

Along with the struggle against war and social inequality, the fight against state espionage and monitoring requires the international unification of the working class on the basis of a socialist program pledged to the overthrow of capitalism and the building of a socialist society.

=== 3 ===

Germany's failed attempts to get its gold back from the US 'opens question of its sovereignty'

July 07, 2014

There is neither real criticism from German politicians, nor any visible efforts to return German gold held in the US, so it seems that US controls Germany, economic analyst Michael Mross told RT.

In one of its recent reports Bloomberg claimed that Germany decided not to repatriate its gold reserves from the US, instead the Bundesbank issued an official statement that underscores it’s "trust" in its American partners. According to Bloomberg, Germany gave up after repatriating just 5 tons of gold, though earlier it was told that it would get all the German gold back by 2020.

RT: What's really behind Germany's efforts to get its gold reserves back?

Michael Mross: These German efforts to get back gold reserves are not really there. They are talking about it but it is only a simple and ridiculous theatre in my opinion. I cannot see any effort to do it. What we have is lack to re-transport or take back, 300 tons before 2020, but also this is ridiculous – last year they took back only 37 tons. At the end of the day, it is to make the public calm, but it is not really an effort to take back the gold.

RT: Shifting so much gold in the time-frame they've given themselves sounds like a logistical nightmare. How are they going to manage it?

MM: 300 tons by 2020 is really nothing, and as a matter of fact only 37 tons have been transported so far back from the US. In my opinion, the gold will stay there as propaganda like actions are underway to tell the German public that the German gold in New York is safe. But of course the contrary is true.

RT: Do you buy any of the conspiracy theories that the gold is missing?

MM: This is not a conspiracy theory. If it is there you can take it back. Why don’t they give it back to us? In my opinion, it seems that they like to control us, even blackmail us. If you have gold, you tell me what to do. It opens many questions when it comes to the real sovereignty of Germany. Also it comes to all the scandals which we had, for example, these NSA surveillance things in Germany. We do not hear real actual critique from German politicians, and also when it comes to the German gold at the moment everything is calm and everything will stay where it is. But I have a solution. They can keep it, they can keep our gold. It’s worth about 100 billion dollars at the moment or even euro, and so they can send us the money, then we can buy back the gold on the market during 1-2 years. But even this does not happen. In my opinion they keep the gold because we are condemned to be calm and must not have any questions and any demands in order to take it back.

RT: Here's a recent quote from Merkel's party's spokesperson: "The Americans are taking good care of our gold. Objectively, there’s absolutely no reason for mistrust." This has led some to speculate that Germany's had a change of heart and wants its gold to stay put. What do you make of that?

MM: This was a report from Bloomberg and it was a wrong report. It did not reflect the truth. It is very interesting that Bloomberg is publishing such a thing. Bloomberg got this thing deliberately wrong to con the German public. There are many quotations of people, for example, we have here in Germany the action [initiative] “Take our gold back home”, and at Bloomberg he was quoted as “Ok, we are calm, we don’t want it back”. This was absolutely not true. And these politicians which were quoted in this report, they have absolutely no competence about our gold. When it comes to German gold only the Bundesbank has something to say, but they were not mentioned in this article.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.