(2. continua)
Blackmail and Extortion of Proof
If Richard Goldstone had possessed reliable and incriminating evidence
against Djukic and Krsmanovic, the disturbing realization that he had
broken the Rules of the Tribunal would not have bothered him much.
however, there was no such proof or the hope that it would be found,
Goldstone was forced to twist, distort and falsify the facts in an
to extract himself. In this he was generously assisted by the president
the First Trial Chamber, French judge Claude Jorda. The first step was
change the legal status of Djordje Djukic and Aleksa Krsmanovic. To do
Richard Goldstone and the responsible judges off-handedly forgot that on
February 1996 The Hague Tribunal spokesman, Christian Chartier, publicly
announced that investigation into
two hig ranking officers had begun, that as uspects they had been
that they had the right not to answer questions, the right to choose a
lawyer and that they would have at their disposal a court translator.
very next day, 14 February 1996, Goldstone himself announced that Djukic
and Krsmanovic had been transferred to The Hague "under suspicion that
during the conflict in former Yugoslavia they had committed serious
breaches of international humanitarian laws". However, instead of this
qualification, on 28 February Goldstone suddenly changed the status of
prisoners to potential witnesses, to the shock of defense lawyers, Toma
Fila and Milan Vujin, who immediately stated that this was "the first
they had heard their clients were witnesses and not suspects. (3)
The real reason behind the change in the prisoners' status was due to
fact that in order to summon witnesses to The Hague it was not necessary
have either a formal demand for competence deferral by the Trial Chamber
a formal decision by the Sarajevo High Court deferring its competence to
the International Tribunal. According to Rule 90 bis which was
added, the International Tribunal can demand, in the interest of a
testimony, temporary access to detained persons. Thus it turns out that
Djukic and Krsmanovic were kidnapped and formally placed under criminal
investigation in Sarajevo so that, hand cuffed, they could be
to The Hague prison in order to supposedly testify. In this way the
Prosecutor and the judges 'enriched' the international practice of
law by instituting the preventive arrest of witnesses - something
to any civilized criminal legislation. A witness can only be forcefully
brought to court if he or she does not respond to a subpoena or excuse
their absence.
Illegal Indictment
The act of issuing a bill of indictment against General Djordje Djukic
itself was a new and serious violation of the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence. In the surprising change of Djukic's and rsmanovic's status
suspects to witnesses, Richard Goldstone tacitly admitted that the Rules
had been seriously violated since there had been no previous institution
competence deferral procedures. Therefore, it could be assumed that the
same mistake would not be made again. It has already
been said that investigation against General Djordje Djukic and his
detention in prison had been set in motion by ruling no. Ki-57/96 of the
High Court in Sarajevo of 6 February. This meant that criminal
before the court of the Muslim-Croat Federation had been instigated.
such circumstances, especially as he did not possess any proof, the
Tribunal Prosecutor was not in the position to directly press charges
against Djukic. To do this he first had to propose to the Trial Chamber
that it submit a formal demand for deferral of competence. Only when the
High Court in Sarajevo delivered its decision to defer its competence to
the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal would Richard Goldstone
had the authority to issue a bill of indictment. However, he once again
broke Rules 9 and 10 of the Tribunal and did just this without the
High Court deferring competence to the International Tribunal, or indeed
the International Tribunal taking over jurisdiction of this case. To
matters worse, Goldstone was supported by Justice Adolphus Godwin
Karibi-Whyte, who accepted the bill of indictment and signed the arrest
warrant fully aware that formal take-over of jurisdiction had not taken
place. Once again it was made clear that neither the Prosecutor nor
of the judges afforded minimum respect to the Rules that should have
been-the backbone of their work.
Aside from formal default the indictment against Djukic had
material shortcomings - Djukic's responsibility was neither specified
backed by any reliable evidence. It was stated that General Djordje
in his capacity as assistant Chief of Staff of Logistics, was
for the following duties: rear area supplies to all units of the Bosnian
Serb army; recommendations for all cadre appointments; issuance of
related to the delivery of supplies for the Bosnian Serb army
units, regulation of rear area transfers; decisions on the procurement
use of materials and technical equipment from the Bosnian Serb army
warehouses. Furthermore, "Djordje Djukic, in agreement with others,
planned, prepared or aided the actions and operations of the Bosnian
army and its allies", which included the bombing of civilian buildings.
This bombing lasted from May 1992 until December 1995. During this time
"the Bosnian Serb armed forces in Sarajevo deliberately, arbitrarily and
a widespread and systematic basis, bombed civilian targets that were of
military importance in order to kill, wound, terrorize and demoralize
civilian population of Sarajevo".
Hence, by supplying the entire Republika Srpska army, Djukic was
responsible for the war crimes committed. This indictment however, did
provide sufficient evidence on the basis of which a causal relationship
could have been established between the deeds of the accused and their
consequences that were qualified as war crimes. Instead of this there
an attempt to "prove" that General Djordje Djukic, as assistant Chief of
Staff of Logistics was directly responsible for all operations on the
surrounding Sarajevo.
Special attention should be paid to the fact that the Prosecutor did
submit the exact dates of the shelling during the given period. This
have lent support to the presumed causal relationship between Djordje
Djukic's acts and their consequences - the wounding, killing, and
terrorizing of the civilian population. The Prosecutor did not do this
knowing that throughout the period in question, Djordje Djukic's poor
of health had resulted in his extended absence from work for treatment
the Military Medical Academy hospital in Belgrade. In fact, had the
dates of the bombing been specified Djukic would have had the perfect
- reliable proof that on the days in question he was undergoing serious
medical treatment instead of planning and preparing the crimes he was
responsible for.
Such incomplete and inexact charges could be used as an indictment
thousands of other Serbian soldiers simply by introducing their personal
information and stressing their strict liability for action in any area
the front. This, of course, could only happen if strict liability were
accepted concept within the criminal law of the International Tribunal
The Hague. However, this is something long discarded in civilized
The evidence collected by the prosecutor was the weakest aspect in the
indictment against General Djordje Djukic. It was based on an overview
the organizational structure of the civil and military authority in
Republika Srpska and the internal organization of certain political
parties, including
that of Arkan (Zeljko Raznjatovic). It consisted of information related
only to General Djukic, in particular the way in which he assumed his
position in the Republika Srpska army and his official duties and
obligations. Especially surprising is the fact that this indictment
included data on
Radovan Karadzic. President of Republika Srpska, and General Ratko
Commander of the Republika Srpska army, and their alleged activities
(despite the fact that Richard Goldstone had already charged the two
separately). In all likelihood this was an attempt on the part of
Goldstone to implicate General Djordje Djukic merely because he
to the same military organization as Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.
tabular schedule of the alleged bombing of civilian targets and
was provided with no reference to who drew up this schedule
(it could have been done by a journalist on the basis of newspaper
reports), or how reliable the data were.
On the basis of such unconvincing and totally undetermined evidence,
Richard Goldstone detained and indicted Djordje Djukic of alleged action
that could have resulted in life imprisonment. He thereby made it clear
that the Bosnian Serbs came under a special legal category subject to
rule of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland: "Sentence first -
verdict afterwards".
Professional Defeat Portrayed As "Victory of Humanism"
The Prosecutor knew very well that the offered "facts" were no sort of
proof of Djukic's individual responsibility, but he hoped that by the
the case (which was constantly postponed) came to court either something
convincing would be found, or the accused, in his poor state of health
would agree to "cooperate" with the Tribunal as a witness thereby more
less validating his presence at The Hague. However, when it became clear
that this last hope would come to nothing, Richard Goldstone summoned
strength to make one more desperate move: he proposed the dropping of
charges. Instead of publicly admitting that he had not succeeded in
collecting reliable and convincing evidence, he tried to promote his own
magnanimity and humanity. Despite the fact that he knew of Djukic's
incurable illness from the very beginning, Goldstone only now found it
necessary to inform the Tribunal that according to the independent
of Danish doctors, Djukic was suffering from terminal cancer that had
already metastased to other organs, including the spine. To save face,
ended with hoping that "the withdrawal of the indictment will not be
against his right to indict the accused at some time in the future for
these same offenses should the medical condition of the accused change".
Had the Prosecutor been truly prepared to face up to his own
and human conscience, he would have had to ask himself whether the
kidnapping of Djordje Djukic, his long and debilitating "interrogation"
torture in the prison in Muslim Sarajevo, as well as his indictment did
exacerbate an accelerated worsening of his already fatal state of
Would Djordje Djukic not have lived longer had he not been exposed to
maltreatment, loss of freedom and unfounded accusation? Instead of this
Richard Goldstone coldly noted that the accused probably would not
survived his trial and even if he did, the progressive worsening of his
health would make him almost incapable or meaningfully participating in
own defense. Under such conditions his trial would be inherently unfair.
Djukic's defense lawyers, Milan Vujin and Toma Fila, immediately
Richard Goldstone's proposal and his attempt to wash his hands, under
guise of humanity, of his numerous mistakes and the great harm he had
Djordje Djukic. With good reason, the defense lawyers claimed that the
Prosecutor had not backed his indictment with any form of evidence of
alleged guilt of Djordje Djukic. They demanded of the Tribunal that it
unconditionally free Djukic due to lack of evidence. They
also warned that any other resolution would leave the shadow of
of Djukic's guilt as a war criminal thereby damaging his reputation and
The Trial Chamber presided over by French Justice Claude Jorda
perceived that Richard Goldstone's proposal was not in accordance with
51, which states:"The Prosecutor may withdraw an indictment without
at any time before its confirmation, but thereafter only with leave of
Judge who confirmed it or, if at trial only with leave of the Trial
Chamber". As no conditions are specified for the withdrawal of an
indictment as for example in the case of ill health of the accused, it
be assumed that this can only be done if the grounds for indictment
disappear. This implies that there was no longer any suspicion, let
evidence, that war crimes had been committed by General Djukic. Thus the
withdrawal of the indictment as proposed by he Prosecutor, meant that it
should never have been made. To indict again for the same offenses
not be done as a result of Djukic's improvement of health since
withdrawal of an indictment does not exist. He could only be indicted
on the basis of new, collected evidence.
Confronted by this state of affairs, the Trial Chamber tried to find a
solution which would, at least temporarily, save the face of the
and its Prosecutor. Citing Rule 65 on provisional release, it decided to
free Djukic from detention due to his poor state of health and the lack
proper medical care in the prison, leaving the indictment in force.
However, this was a breach of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence that
passed by the Tribunal itself. Paragraph (B) of Rule 65 states that a
detained person can be temporarily released "only in exceptional
circumstances, after hearing the representatives of the host country",
Holland, and possibly of the Yugoslav Federal Republic where Djukic
traveled to on his release. In a feverish rush to find a way out of this
worrying and humiliating position, the Trial Chamber conveniently forgot
this important stipulation, and gave
no hearing to either Dutch or Yugoslav Government representatives.
Djukic's case ended as it began - by flagrant and shameful breach of the
rules that are laid down in civilized criminal procedures. There only
remained for the Appeals Chamber to rule on the Prosecutor's appeal and
the complaint lodged by the defense lawyers who persistently demanded
the case be closed with a meritorious, and not procedural, verdict -
meaning that Djordje Djukic be freed on lack of evidence which would
preserve his reputation. Despite their professional and moral defeat,
Prosecutor and judges at The Hague at least had the satisfaction of
that they had shortened the life (6) of General Djordje Djukic by
up his death - like the riders of the Apocalypse. Djukic's death
came very fast. Already on 18 May 1996, General Djordje Djukic silently
passed away.
If at first glance this looked like clumsy and naive sophistry, in
and by its consequences it was diabolical subterfuge. By changing the
status of the prisoners from suspects to witnesses, the Prosecutor
practically "offered" General Djukic and Colonel Krsmanovic the
to testify
against other people in return for their own release from the charges
trial. Clearly this was a form of blackmail and extortion. The
must have known that such "testimony" is of doubtful credibility since
is hard to believe someone who would implicate someone else in order to
absolved. What is worse is that the blackmail was substantiated by a
dangerous threat: either you "sing" here in The Hague or we'll hand you
back to your torturers in Muslim Sarajevo. That this was blackmail and
threat was clear to the president of the Trial Chamber, Claude Jorda,
almost incredulously asked General Djukic and his lawyer - Milan Vujin
Toma Fila - a number of times whether they were aware that if Djukic did
not "voluntarily" testify at The Hague he would be returned to Muslim
Sarajevo where his only hope was the death sentence for alleged
participation in genocide (4) to say nothing of abuse and torture in
prison, something the Muslim police are accustomed and partial to.
In face of the firm refusal of General Djordje Djukic and Colonel
Krsmanovic to "cooperate" with the Prosecutor, at the beginning of May
Richard Goldstone pulled another diabolical move: he decided to separate
the fates of the two Hague prisoners by indicting General Djukic and
returning Colonel Krsmanovic to the mercy of the Muslim police and
judiciary. This separation was difficult because both were rear officers
Djukic was assistant Chief of Staff of Logistics of the Republika Srpska
army, and Krsmanovic deputy commander of the Sarajevo-Romanija rear
If General Djukic was charged with taking part in the bombing and
destruction of Sarajevo because he supplied with food and ammunition the
Sarajevo-Romanija corps that had surrounded Muslim Sarajevo, why should
Colonel Krsmanovic, who sent the supplies he received from Djukic to the
artillery batteries on the heights around Sarajevo, not answer for the
crime? However, what was impossible from the point of view of legal
and principles, was permissible and possible from a practical point of
view, and this is the only thing that seemed to govern Richard
And what was this practical purpose? When the Prosecutor offered Djukic
and Krsmanovic the opportunity to "cooperate" by implicating their
(5), their refusal would have had to be so severely punished that in the
future any other person forcefully brought to "testify" at The Hague
have had in mind their example and been aware there was no choice but
cooperate. This is why Krsmanovic was immediately returned to Sarajevo,
even though the Prosecutor and judges knew very well the danger their
untried witness, against whom they could bring absolutely no charges, no
matter how great their desire to do so, would be exposed to. Richard
Goldstone issued a bill of indictment against General Djordje Djukic
the intention of punishing him in a likewise manner for refusing to
"cooperate". Thus he offered the Tribunal its first big opportunity to
bring to trial a high ranking officer of the Serbian Army. Perhaps he
that this indictment along with the serious state of Djukic's health
force Djukic to give in and "sing". Goldstone was not at all worried by
cruel abuse of Djukic's serious state of health since all means are
in carrying out of international justice.
To be posted soon, PART II: The Mistreatment of Col. Aleksa Krsmanovic
(1) Nasa Borba, 9 February 1996, according to FoNet report of 8
February 1996.
(2) Nasa Borba, 8 February 1996, according to a report by Mirko Klarin,
correspondent in Brussels.
(3) Nasa Borba, 28 February 1996, according to a report by Mirko
Klarin, correspondent in Brussels
(4) Nasa Borba, 1 March 1996 according to a report by Mirko Klarin,
correspondent in Brussels.
(5) In a conversation with Tribunal President Antonio Cassese, one of
attorneys asked if President Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic
were those who they had in mind. Cassese answered that they needed to
go much higher as if he were sure who was above Karadzic and Mladic
(6) "Doctor Slobodan Ivkovic, who looked after Djordje Djukic during
last days, said that "inadequate treatment and therapy during his time
prison and hospital brought on a sudden deterioration in the General's
health" and added that General Djukic received salted, greasy food
"third and fourth year medical students know that patients operated on
cancer of pancreas must not eat". Nasa Borba, 9 February 1996.
The URL for this article is [Emperor's Clothes]
Bernard Kouchner's Legacy of Failure
by T.V. Weber & Alida Weber (11-7-2000)
We have long complained about the U.S. news media and its failure to
inform the public about the Clinton Administration's legacy of anarchy
mayhem in Kosovo. The news media in the U.S. has been virtually silent
about the ongoing genocide against Serbs and other minorities who
to be victimized by terrorists associated with the "disbanded" KLA and
sympathizers in the U.N./KFOR occupation.
Over the past few months, though, the level of bloodshed has increased
enough that news of it begins to trickle through the blockade in the
mainstream U.S. news media.
In a 'Newsweek' interview May 15, Bernard Kouchner, the U.N. official
charge of the occupation of Kosovo, even admitted, "Apparently a Serb
has a
20 times greater chance of being a victim of a crime than an Albanian
does." But the tone of the Newsweek interview made it clear that neither
Kouchner nor the magazine's interviewer were unduly concerned about this
An article by 'Associated Press' writer Danica Kirka, "Three Killed in
Shooting in Kosovo," appeared in the 'Washington Post' May 29, 2000. The
article describes an act of senseless slaughter, in which an
attacker, "thought to be an Albanian terrorist" and "armed with an
automatic weapon,
opened fire on a group of Serbs gathered in a store in Cernica." Killed
the attack were three Serbs: 4-year-old Milos Petrovic; Petrovic's
grandfather, Vojin Vasic, 60; and Tihomir Simjanovic, 45.
Bernard Kouchner was ready with crocodile tears, saying, "What can
possibly be gained by killing a child?"
But according to the article, Kouchner insisted that "only the regime
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic stands to gain by unrest in this
southern Serb province."
By making such a statement, Kouchner attempts to shift the blame for
innocent child's death to Mr. Milosevic. But that's ridiculous.
for nearly a year, has had no control, nor even any influence, over
in Kosovo. Kouchner himself is the man in charge.
This incident is particularly revealing of Kouchner's true nature, but
murder of yet another Serb in Kosovo is, sadly, no isolated event. Too
other such crimes have been committed in recent months to repeat all of
them here, but an abundance of reports are available in news archives on
the Internet, for those who can stand to read such a catalogue of
and horror.
Most revealing of all is the recent action by Doctors Without Borders
(a/k/a M�decins Sans Fronti�res or MSF), an organization that Kouchner
himself helped to found.
It should tell us something when even MSF can't keep up the charade any
longer. On August 7, 2000, MSF announced in a news release that their
organization is withdrawing from Kosovo. In their words:
"M�decins Sans Fronti�res has decided to reduce its teams and to
stop its present operations in the Kosovar enclaves. The
humanitarian organisation refuses to continue its operations on
behalf of the ethnic minorities in a context where basic
for these populations is not being guaranteed by the military and
civilian administration of Kosovo." (See
MSF's news release was picked up by 'Associated Press 'and appeared in
'Nando Times' but did not receive wide coverage in the U.S.
Like so many other self-styled do-gooders who have made their careers
corrupt government bureaucracies and equally corrupt NGOs, Kouchner is a
trafficker in human misery. He won't willingly do anything to put
and his fellow vultures out of business. After all, the longer he keeps
misery going, the longer he, and others like him, keep their jobs. But
works only so long as he can continue blaming the misery on someone
than himself. And it's getting harder for him to get away with that.
As Kouchner's term as administrator of occupied Kosovo draws to a
it is clear that the reign of corruption, lawlessness, and terror in
represents Kouchner's personal failure. The rest of the world knows it,
even if Kouchner does not.
Further reading
1) For more articles by the Webers, please go to and click on "W"
2) Bernard Kouchner has been amazingly open in his advocacy of Kosovo
'independence' (in quotes because it comes the independence movement has
been inspired for 15 years by promises of aid and massive aid from the
U./S. and Germany) see: 'Solana and Kouchner push Kosovo 'Independence'
3) For more on the character of U.N. control of Kosovo see 'How will
plead at the trial, Mr. Annan?' at
The URL for this article is [Emperor's Clothes]
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Gratis sotto
Blackmail and Extortion of Proof
If Richard Goldstone had possessed reliable and incriminating evidence
against Djukic and Krsmanovic, the disturbing realization that he had
broken the Rules of the Tribunal would not have bothered him much.
however, there was no such proof or the hope that it would be found,
Goldstone was forced to twist, distort and falsify the facts in an
to extract himself. In this he was generously assisted by the president
the First Trial Chamber, French judge Claude Jorda. The first step was
change the legal status of Djordje Djukic and Aleksa Krsmanovic. To do
Richard Goldstone and the responsible judges off-handedly forgot that on
February 1996 The Hague Tribunal spokesman, Christian Chartier, publicly
announced that investigation into
two hig ranking officers had begun, that as uspects they had been
that they had the right not to answer questions, the right to choose a
lawyer and that they would have at their disposal a court translator.
very next day, 14 February 1996, Goldstone himself announced that Djukic
and Krsmanovic had been transferred to The Hague "under suspicion that
during the conflict in former Yugoslavia they had committed serious
breaches of international humanitarian laws". However, instead of this
qualification, on 28 February Goldstone suddenly changed the status of
prisoners to potential witnesses, to the shock of defense lawyers, Toma
Fila and Milan Vujin, who immediately stated that this was "the first
they had heard their clients were witnesses and not suspects. (3)
The real reason behind the change in the prisoners' status was due to
fact that in order to summon witnesses to The Hague it was not necessary
have either a formal demand for competence deferral by the Trial Chamber
a formal decision by the Sarajevo High Court deferring its competence to
the International Tribunal. According to Rule 90 bis which was
added, the International Tribunal can demand, in the interest of a
testimony, temporary access to detained persons. Thus it turns out that
Djukic and Krsmanovic were kidnapped and formally placed under criminal
investigation in Sarajevo so that, hand cuffed, they could be
to The Hague prison in order to supposedly testify. In this way the
Prosecutor and the judges 'enriched' the international practice of
law by instituting the preventive arrest of witnesses - something
to any civilized criminal legislation. A witness can only be forcefully
brought to court if he or she does not respond to a subpoena or excuse
their absence.
Illegal Indictment
The act of issuing a bill of indictment against General Djordje Djukic
itself was a new and serious violation of the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence. In the surprising change of Djukic's and rsmanovic's status
suspects to witnesses, Richard Goldstone tacitly admitted that the Rules
had been seriously violated since there had been no previous institution
competence deferral procedures. Therefore, it could be assumed that the
same mistake would not be made again. It has already
been said that investigation against General Djordje Djukic and his
detention in prison had been set in motion by ruling no. Ki-57/96 of the
High Court in Sarajevo of 6 February. This meant that criminal
before the court of the Muslim-Croat Federation had been instigated.
such circumstances, especially as he did not possess any proof, the
Tribunal Prosecutor was not in the position to directly press charges
against Djukic. To do this he first had to propose to the Trial Chamber
that it submit a formal demand for deferral of competence. Only when the
High Court in Sarajevo delivered its decision to defer its competence to
the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal would Richard Goldstone
had the authority to issue a bill of indictment. However, he once again
broke Rules 9 and 10 of the Tribunal and did just this without the
High Court deferring competence to the International Tribunal, or indeed
the International Tribunal taking over jurisdiction of this case. To
matters worse, Goldstone was supported by Justice Adolphus Godwin
Karibi-Whyte, who accepted the bill of indictment and signed the arrest
warrant fully aware that formal take-over of jurisdiction had not taken
place. Once again it was made clear that neither the Prosecutor nor
of the judges afforded minimum respect to the Rules that should have
been-the backbone of their work.
Aside from formal default the indictment against Djukic had
material shortcomings - Djukic's responsibility was neither specified
backed by any reliable evidence. It was stated that General Djordje
in his capacity as assistant Chief of Staff of Logistics, was
for the following duties: rear area supplies to all units of the Bosnian
Serb army; recommendations for all cadre appointments; issuance of
related to the delivery of supplies for the Bosnian Serb army
units, regulation of rear area transfers; decisions on the procurement
use of materials and technical equipment from the Bosnian Serb army
warehouses. Furthermore, "Djordje Djukic, in agreement with others,
planned, prepared or aided the actions and operations of the Bosnian
army and its allies", which included the bombing of civilian buildings.
This bombing lasted from May 1992 until December 1995. During this time
"the Bosnian Serb armed forces in Sarajevo deliberately, arbitrarily and
a widespread and systematic basis, bombed civilian targets that were of
military importance in order to kill, wound, terrorize and demoralize
civilian population of Sarajevo".
Hence, by supplying the entire Republika Srpska army, Djukic was
responsible for the war crimes committed. This indictment however, did
provide sufficient evidence on the basis of which a causal relationship
could have been established between the deeds of the accused and their
consequences that were qualified as war crimes. Instead of this there
an attempt to "prove" that General Djordje Djukic, as assistant Chief of
Staff of Logistics was directly responsible for all operations on the
surrounding Sarajevo.
Special attention should be paid to the fact that the Prosecutor did
submit the exact dates of the shelling during the given period. This
have lent support to the presumed causal relationship between Djordje
Djukic's acts and their consequences - the wounding, killing, and
terrorizing of the civilian population. The Prosecutor did not do this
knowing that throughout the period in question, Djordje Djukic's poor
of health had resulted in his extended absence from work for treatment
the Military Medical Academy hospital in Belgrade. In fact, had the
dates of the bombing been specified Djukic would have had the perfect
- reliable proof that on the days in question he was undergoing serious
medical treatment instead of planning and preparing the crimes he was
responsible for.
Such incomplete and inexact charges could be used as an indictment
thousands of other Serbian soldiers simply by introducing their personal
information and stressing their strict liability for action in any area
the front. This, of course, could only happen if strict liability were
accepted concept within the criminal law of the International Tribunal
The Hague. However, this is something long discarded in civilized
The evidence collected by the prosecutor was the weakest aspect in the
indictment against General Djordje Djukic. It was based on an overview
the organizational structure of the civil and military authority in
Republika Srpska and the internal organization of certain political
parties, including
that of Arkan (Zeljko Raznjatovic). It consisted of information related
only to General Djukic, in particular the way in which he assumed his
position in the Republika Srpska army and his official duties and
obligations. Especially surprising is the fact that this indictment
included data on
Radovan Karadzic. President of Republika Srpska, and General Ratko
Commander of the Republika Srpska army, and their alleged activities
(despite the fact that Richard Goldstone had already charged the two
separately). In all likelihood this was an attempt on the part of
Goldstone to implicate General Djordje Djukic merely because he
to the same military organization as Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.
tabular schedule of the alleged bombing of civilian targets and
was provided with no reference to who drew up this schedule
(it could have been done by a journalist on the basis of newspaper
reports), or how reliable the data were.
On the basis of such unconvincing and totally undetermined evidence,
Richard Goldstone detained and indicted Djordje Djukic of alleged action
that could have resulted in life imprisonment. He thereby made it clear
that the Bosnian Serbs came under a special legal category subject to
rule of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland: "Sentence first -
verdict afterwards".
Professional Defeat Portrayed As "Victory of Humanism"
The Prosecutor knew very well that the offered "facts" were no sort of
proof of Djukic's individual responsibility, but he hoped that by the
the case (which was constantly postponed) came to court either something
convincing would be found, or the accused, in his poor state of health
would agree to "cooperate" with the Tribunal as a witness thereby more
less validating his presence at The Hague. However, when it became clear
that this last hope would come to nothing, Richard Goldstone summoned
strength to make one more desperate move: he proposed the dropping of
charges. Instead of publicly admitting that he had not succeeded in
collecting reliable and convincing evidence, he tried to promote his own
magnanimity and humanity. Despite the fact that he knew of Djukic's
incurable illness from the very beginning, Goldstone only now found it
necessary to inform the Tribunal that according to the independent
of Danish doctors, Djukic was suffering from terminal cancer that had
already metastased to other organs, including the spine. To save face,
ended with hoping that "the withdrawal of the indictment will not be
against his right to indict the accused at some time in the future for
these same offenses should the medical condition of the accused change".
Had the Prosecutor been truly prepared to face up to his own
and human conscience, he would have had to ask himself whether the
kidnapping of Djordje Djukic, his long and debilitating "interrogation"
torture in the prison in Muslim Sarajevo, as well as his indictment did
exacerbate an accelerated worsening of his already fatal state of
Would Djordje Djukic not have lived longer had he not been exposed to
maltreatment, loss of freedom and unfounded accusation? Instead of this
Richard Goldstone coldly noted that the accused probably would not
survived his trial and even if he did, the progressive worsening of his
health would make him almost incapable or meaningfully participating in
own defense. Under such conditions his trial would be inherently unfair.
Djukic's defense lawyers, Milan Vujin and Toma Fila, immediately
Richard Goldstone's proposal and his attempt to wash his hands, under
guise of humanity, of his numerous mistakes and the great harm he had
Djordje Djukic. With good reason, the defense lawyers claimed that the
Prosecutor had not backed his indictment with any form of evidence of
alleged guilt of Djordje Djukic. They demanded of the Tribunal that it
unconditionally free Djukic due to lack of evidence. They
also warned that any other resolution would leave the shadow of
of Djukic's guilt as a war criminal thereby damaging his reputation and
The Trial Chamber presided over by French Justice Claude Jorda
perceived that Richard Goldstone's proposal was not in accordance with
51, which states:"The Prosecutor may withdraw an indictment without
at any time before its confirmation, but thereafter only with leave of
Judge who confirmed it or, if at trial only with leave of the Trial
Chamber". As no conditions are specified for the withdrawal of an
indictment as for example in the case of ill health of the accused, it
be assumed that this can only be done if the grounds for indictment
disappear. This implies that there was no longer any suspicion, let
evidence, that war crimes had been committed by General Djukic. Thus the
withdrawal of the indictment as proposed by he Prosecutor, meant that it
should never have been made. To indict again for the same offenses
not be done as a result of Djukic's improvement of health since
withdrawal of an indictment does not exist. He could only be indicted
on the basis of new, collected evidence.
Confronted by this state of affairs, the Trial Chamber tried to find a
solution which would, at least temporarily, save the face of the
and its Prosecutor. Citing Rule 65 on provisional release, it decided to
free Djukic from detention due to his poor state of health and the lack
proper medical care in the prison, leaving the indictment in force.
However, this was a breach of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence that
passed by the Tribunal itself. Paragraph (B) of Rule 65 states that a
detained person can be temporarily released "only in exceptional
circumstances, after hearing the representatives of the host country",
Holland, and possibly of the Yugoslav Federal Republic where Djukic
traveled to on his release. In a feverish rush to find a way out of this
worrying and humiliating position, the Trial Chamber conveniently forgot
this important stipulation, and gave
no hearing to either Dutch or Yugoslav Government representatives.
Djukic's case ended as it began - by flagrant and shameful breach of the
rules that are laid down in civilized criminal procedures. There only
remained for the Appeals Chamber to rule on the Prosecutor's appeal and
the complaint lodged by the defense lawyers who persistently demanded
the case be closed with a meritorious, and not procedural, verdict -
meaning that Djordje Djukic be freed on lack of evidence which would
preserve his reputation. Despite their professional and moral defeat,
Prosecutor and judges at The Hague at least had the satisfaction of
that they had shortened the life (6) of General Djordje Djukic by
up his death - like the riders of the Apocalypse. Djukic's death
came very fast. Already on 18 May 1996, General Djordje Djukic silently
passed away.
If at first glance this looked like clumsy and naive sophistry, in
and by its consequences it was diabolical subterfuge. By changing the
status of the prisoners from suspects to witnesses, the Prosecutor
practically "offered" General Djukic and Colonel Krsmanovic the
to testify
against other people in return for their own release from the charges
trial. Clearly this was a form of blackmail and extortion. The
must have known that such "testimony" is of doubtful credibility since
is hard to believe someone who would implicate someone else in order to
absolved. What is worse is that the blackmail was substantiated by a
dangerous threat: either you "sing" here in The Hague or we'll hand you
back to your torturers in Muslim Sarajevo. That this was blackmail and
threat was clear to the president of the Trial Chamber, Claude Jorda,
almost incredulously asked General Djukic and his lawyer - Milan Vujin
Toma Fila - a number of times whether they were aware that if Djukic did
not "voluntarily" testify at The Hague he would be returned to Muslim
Sarajevo where his only hope was the death sentence for alleged
participation in genocide (4) to say nothing of abuse and torture in
prison, something the Muslim police are accustomed and partial to.
In face of the firm refusal of General Djordje Djukic and Colonel
Krsmanovic to "cooperate" with the Prosecutor, at the beginning of May
Richard Goldstone pulled another diabolical move: he decided to separate
the fates of the two Hague prisoners by indicting General Djukic and
returning Colonel Krsmanovic to the mercy of the Muslim police and
judiciary. This separation was difficult because both were rear officers
Djukic was assistant Chief of Staff of Logistics of the Republika Srpska
army, and Krsmanovic deputy commander of the Sarajevo-Romanija rear
If General Djukic was charged with taking part in the bombing and
destruction of Sarajevo because he supplied with food and ammunition the
Sarajevo-Romanija corps that had surrounded Muslim Sarajevo, why should
Colonel Krsmanovic, who sent the supplies he received from Djukic to the
artillery batteries on the heights around Sarajevo, not answer for the
crime? However, what was impossible from the point of view of legal
and principles, was permissible and possible from a practical point of
view, and this is the only thing that seemed to govern Richard
And what was this practical purpose? When the Prosecutor offered Djukic
and Krsmanovic the opportunity to "cooperate" by implicating their
(5), their refusal would have had to be so severely punished that in the
future any other person forcefully brought to "testify" at The Hague
have had in mind their example and been aware there was no choice but
cooperate. This is why Krsmanovic was immediately returned to Sarajevo,
even though the Prosecutor and judges knew very well the danger their
untried witness, against whom they could bring absolutely no charges, no
matter how great their desire to do so, would be exposed to. Richard
Goldstone issued a bill of indictment against General Djordje Djukic
the intention of punishing him in a likewise manner for refusing to
"cooperate". Thus he offered the Tribunal its first big opportunity to
bring to trial a high ranking officer of the Serbian Army. Perhaps he
that this indictment along with the serious state of Djukic's health
force Djukic to give in and "sing". Goldstone was not at all worried by
cruel abuse of Djukic's serious state of health since all means are
in carrying out of international justice.
To be posted soon, PART II: The Mistreatment of Col. Aleksa Krsmanovic
(1) Nasa Borba, 9 February 1996, according to FoNet report of 8
February 1996.
(2) Nasa Borba, 8 February 1996, according to a report by Mirko Klarin,
correspondent in Brussels.
(3) Nasa Borba, 28 February 1996, according to a report by Mirko
Klarin, correspondent in Brussels
(4) Nasa Borba, 1 March 1996 according to a report by Mirko Klarin,
correspondent in Brussels.
(5) In a conversation with Tribunal President Antonio Cassese, one of
attorneys asked if President Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic
were those who they had in mind. Cassese answered that they needed to
go much higher as if he were sure who was above Karadzic and Mladic
(6) "Doctor Slobodan Ivkovic, who looked after Djordje Djukic during
last days, said that "inadequate treatment and therapy during his time
prison and hospital brought on a sudden deterioration in the General's
health" and added that General Djukic received salted, greasy food
"third and fourth year medical students know that patients operated on
cancer of pancreas must not eat". Nasa Borba, 9 February 1996.
The URL for this article is [Emperor's Clothes]
Bernard Kouchner's Legacy of Failure
by T.V. Weber & Alida Weber (11-7-2000)
We have long complained about the U.S. news media and its failure to
inform the public about the Clinton Administration's legacy of anarchy
mayhem in Kosovo. The news media in the U.S. has been virtually silent
about the ongoing genocide against Serbs and other minorities who
to be victimized by terrorists associated with the "disbanded" KLA and
sympathizers in the U.N./KFOR occupation.
Over the past few months, though, the level of bloodshed has increased
enough that news of it begins to trickle through the blockade in the
mainstream U.S. news media.
In a 'Newsweek' interview May 15, Bernard Kouchner, the U.N. official
charge of the occupation of Kosovo, even admitted, "Apparently a Serb
has a
20 times greater chance of being a victim of a crime than an Albanian
does." But the tone of the Newsweek interview made it clear that neither
Kouchner nor the magazine's interviewer were unduly concerned about this
An article by 'Associated Press' writer Danica Kirka, "Three Killed in
Shooting in Kosovo," appeared in the 'Washington Post' May 29, 2000. The
article describes an act of senseless slaughter, in which an
attacker, "thought to be an Albanian terrorist" and "armed with an
automatic weapon,
opened fire on a group of Serbs gathered in a store in Cernica." Killed
the attack were three Serbs: 4-year-old Milos Petrovic; Petrovic's
grandfather, Vojin Vasic, 60; and Tihomir Simjanovic, 45.
Bernard Kouchner was ready with crocodile tears, saying, "What can
possibly be gained by killing a child?"
But according to the article, Kouchner insisted that "only the regime
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic stands to gain by unrest in this
southern Serb province."
By making such a statement, Kouchner attempts to shift the blame for
innocent child's death to Mr. Milosevic. But that's ridiculous.
for nearly a year, has had no control, nor even any influence, over
in Kosovo. Kouchner himself is the man in charge.
This incident is particularly revealing of Kouchner's true nature, but
murder of yet another Serb in Kosovo is, sadly, no isolated event. Too
other such crimes have been committed in recent months to repeat all of
them here, but an abundance of reports are available in news archives on
the Internet, for those who can stand to read such a catalogue of
and horror.
Most revealing of all is the recent action by Doctors Without Borders
(a/k/a M�decins Sans Fronti�res or MSF), an organization that Kouchner
himself helped to found.
It should tell us something when even MSF can't keep up the charade any
longer. On August 7, 2000, MSF announced in a news release that their
organization is withdrawing from Kosovo. In their words:
"M�decins Sans Fronti�res has decided to reduce its teams and to
stop its present operations in the Kosovar enclaves. The
humanitarian organisation refuses to continue its operations on
behalf of the ethnic minorities in a context where basic
for these populations is not being guaranteed by the military and
civilian administration of Kosovo." (See
MSF's news release was picked up by 'Associated Press 'and appeared in
'Nando Times' but did not receive wide coverage in the U.S.
Like so many other self-styled do-gooders who have made their careers
corrupt government bureaucracies and equally corrupt NGOs, Kouchner is a
trafficker in human misery. He won't willingly do anything to put
and his fellow vultures out of business. After all, the longer he keeps
misery going, the longer he, and others like him, keep their jobs. But
works only so long as he can continue blaming the misery on someone
than himself. And it's getting harder for him to get away with that.
As Kouchner's term as administrator of occupied Kosovo draws to a
it is clear that the reign of corruption, lawlessness, and terror in
represents Kouchner's personal failure. The rest of the world knows it,
even if Kouchner does not.
Further reading
1) For more articles by the Webers, please go to and click on "W"
2) Bernard Kouchner has been amazingly open in his advocacy of Kosovo
'independence' (in quotes because it comes the independence movement has
been inspired for 15 years by promises of aid and massive aid from the
U./S. and Germany) see: 'Solana and Kouchner push Kosovo 'Independence'
3) For more on the character of U.N. control of Kosovo see 'How will
plead at the trial, Mr. Annan?' at
The URL for this article is [Emperor's Clothes]
Global Reflexion - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
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Yugoslavia poised to resume diplomatic relations with U.S.
Kostunica: Ties with U.S. 'restored in days'
November 2, 2000
Web posted at: 3:20 PM EST (2020 GMT)
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (CNN) -- President Vojislav Kostunica has revealed
that Yugoslavia will restore diplomatic relations with the United States in "a
matter of days."
In an exclusive interview with CNN's Alessio Vinci on Thursday, Kostunica
said: "Very soon, it is practically a matter of days, week or so.
"I do not know how much time it will take. First of all we must have a new
Kostunica was speaking as the Belgrade press hailed Yugoslavia's entry into
the United Nations as a sign that the country had "rejoined the world."
In Serbia, several papers gave credit to the new leadership for moving
speedily to get Yugoslavia into the world body after eight years on the
margins under former president Slobodan Milosevic.
The 189-member General Assembly's unanimous decision, in the middle of
the night in Europe, to admit Yugoslavia came too late for newspapers to
produce considered commentaries on its wider significance, but the
coverage was prominent and positive.
Uprising in Serbia
. Milosevic profile
. Kostunica profile
. Ambition and wealth
. Timeline 1945-2000
. Shrinking of Yugoslavia
. Message board
. Sanctions highlights
. Sick society
. Aftermath of an uprising
. Serbia: A day of change
. Protest in pictures
"We are part of the world again" proclaimed Belgrade's Politika daily in its
main front page headline.
Kostunica readily admitted to facing hurdles witihin the republic as tall as
those on the international arena. But he was more guarded on the prospects
of ousted Yugoslav president and indicted war criminal Slobodan Milosevic.
Milosevic "will come to trial"
Kostunica admitted his biggest challenges now lay in revitalising a moribund
economy and revitalising institutions that had waned or disappeared under
Milosevic's reign.
"The Milosevic regime was more than authoritarian -- we had nothing that
looked like normal elections, like normal media -- and because of the
discontent (that bred) there was a feeling of instability throughout society,"
Kostunica said.
The successor to the leadership insisted that Milosevic would be tried for his
Kostunica had previously said he would pursue a trial against Milosevic
within Yugoslavia but on Thursday he refused to rule out handing over the
former leader to a war crimes tribunal in the Hague.
"The most serious punishment for Milosevic was to lose power. There are all
sorts of trials and Milosevic will come to that trial -- but I am not so narrow in
speaking about whether it will be the Hague or some sort of trial within the
country," he said.
The Yugoslav Parliament is expected to convene on Friday and give its
confidence on the new interim government on Saturday.
But the process may not go smoothly.
The leader of the multi-party alliance backing Kostunica said on Thursday it
would take no further part in the work of the Serbian government unless state
security chief Rade Markovic resigned.
Zoran Djindjic said the bloc had also unanimously demanded Yugoslav Army
chief of staff General Nebojsa Pavkovic's removal and was surprised his
position was not discussed when Kostunica chaired a meeting of the body
overseeing the army on Wednesday.
Djindjic, co-ordinator of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia bloc, said both
men were symbols of the repressive regime of Milosevic and had to go.
The DOS is sharing power with Milosevic's Socialists in a transitional
government intended to rule up to the elections planned for December.
But Djindjic said the DOS would not take part in Serbian government work
unless Markovic quit or was removed -- a measure which would require the
Socialists' consent. Several attempts to force Markovic out in the past week
have not succeeded.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
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Gratis sotto
Kostunica: Ties with U.S. 'restored in days'
November 2, 2000
Web posted at: 3:20 PM EST (2020 GMT)
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (CNN) -- President Vojislav Kostunica has revealed
that Yugoslavia will restore diplomatic relations with the United States in "a
matter of days."
In an exclusive interview with CNN's Alessio Vinci on Thursday, Kostunica
said: "Very soon, it is practically a matter of days, week or so.
"I do not know how much time it will take. First of all we must have a new
Kostunica was speaking as the Belgrade press hailed Yugoslavia's entry into
the United Nations as a sign that the country had "rejoined the world."
In Serbia, several papers gave credit to the new leadership for moving
speedily to get Yugoslavia into the world body after eight years on the
margins under former president Slobodan Milosevic.
The 189-member General Assembly's unanimous decision, in the middle of
the night in Europe, to admit Yugoslavia came too late for newspapers to
produce considered commentaries on its wider significance, but the
coverage was prominent and positive.
Uprising in Serbia
. Milosevic profile
. Kostunica profile
. Ambition and wealth
. Timeline 1945-2000
. Shrinking of Yugoslavia
. Message board
. Sanctions highlights
. Sick society
. Aftermath of an uprising
. Serbia: A day of change
. Protest in pictures
"We are part of the world again" proclaimed Belgrade's Politika daily in its
main front page headline.
Kostunica readily admitted to facing hurdles witihin the republic as tall as
those on the international arena. But he was more guarded on the prospects
of ousted Yugoslav president and indicted war criminal Slobodan Milosevic.
Milosevic "will come to trial"
Kostunica admitted his biggest challenges now lay in revitalising a moribund
economy and revitalising institutions that had waned or disappeared under
Milosevic's reign.
"The Milosevic regime was more than authoritarian -- we had nothing that
looked like normal elections, like normal media -- and because of the
discontent (that bred) there was a feeling of instability throughout society,"
Kostunica said.
The successor to the leadership insisted that Milosevic would be tried for his
Kostunica had previously said he would pursue a trial against Milosevic
within Yugoslavia but on Thursday he refused to rule out handing over the
former leader to a war crimes tribunal in the Hague.
"The most serious punishment for Milosevic was to lose power. There are all
sorts of trials and Milosevic will come to that trial -- but I am not so narrow in
speaking about whether it will be the Hague or some sort of trial within the
country," he said.
The Yugoslav Parliament is expected to convene on Friday and give its
confidence on the new interim government on Saturday.
But the process may not go smoothly.
The leader of the multi-party alliance backing Kostunica said on Thursday it
would take no further part in the work of the Serbian government unless state
security chief Rade Markovic resigned.
Zoran Djindjic said the bloc had also unanimously demanded Yugoslav Army
chief of staff General Nebojsa Pavkovic's removal and was surprised his
position was not discussed when Kostunica chaired a meeting of the body
overseeing the army on Wednesday.
Djindjic, co-ordinator of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia bloc, said both
men were symbols of the repressive regime of Milosevic and had to go.
The DOS is sharing power with Milosevic's Socialists in a transitional
government intended to rule up to the elections planned for December.
But Djindjic said the DOS would not take part in Serbian government work
unless Markovic quit or was removed -- a measure which would require the
Socialists' consent. Several attempts to force Markovic out in the past week
have not succeeded.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Gratis sotto
------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: "Rossi Alma" <alma@...>
To: "0 -CGIL-Lomb-Lino"
Subject: rirorno da Kragujevac
Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:15:44 +0100
Una importante settimana di solidarietà tra i lavoratori italiani e quelli
della jugoslavia si è conclusa a Kragujevac.
E' infatti arrivato a Kragujevac domenica 29 ottobre il Tir con gli aiuti di
cui vi abbiamo parlato nel precedete messaggio.
Una iniziativa resa possibile dall'impegno di tante delegate e delegati Rsu,
luoghi di lavoro un po in tutta Italia (Bologna, Torino, Empoli, Milano,
Mantova, Lodi) dalla Fiom di Lecco, dalla Cgil di Massa carrara, dal
di Carrara, dal Comune di Rho e da Emergency, che ha permesso la
consegna di
materiale sanitario (tra cui un impianto di radiologia) e medicine, al
presisio sanitario "zastava" di Kragujevac. Altro materiale (sopratutto
cancelleria per la scuola, giocattori, scarpe per bambina e bambino) al
sindacato zastava ed agli orfanotrifi di Belgrado e Kragujevac.
Inoltre nella giornata di sabato 28 sono stati consegnati direttamente alle
famiglie gli aiuti economici relativi al progetto di adozioni a distanza di
Torino, nella mattinata di domenica 29 le adozioni di Lecco, mentre nel
pomeriggio sono state consegnate le adozioni di Bologna.
Nei giorni precedenti era già arrivata a Kragujevac una delegazione di ABC
(pace e solidarietà) di Roma con altre adozioni a distanza.
Nei prossimi giorni cercheremo di preparare una relazione più dettagliata
delle cose che abbiamo potuto verificare durante il viaggio. Per ora ci
preme sottolineare alcune informazioni che potrebbero tornare utili per una
valutazione della situazione.
1. Paradossalmente, all'eliminazione relativa dell'embargo e quindi, al
maggiore aflusso di merci alle frontiere, fa da contro altare un aumento dei
controlli della dogana e della polizia yugoslava che sono aumentati a
Per effetto di queste rigidità il nostro Tir è stato tenuto fermo per ben 28
ore alla frontiera. In questo lasso di tempo abbiamo potuto verificare come
molti Tir venissero scaricati completamente per verificarne il carico.
Molti autisti, ormai allo stremo dell'incazzatura erano addirituura fermi gi
à da 4 giorni. Il tutto apparentemente senza motivo. Infatti i Tir venivano
tenuti fermi senza che alcuno facesse nulla per giorni interi ed a nulla
serviva chiedere chiarimenti o informazioni sul perchè e sul quando si
sarebbe potuto essere "verificati".
Si aveva quasi l'impressione che si volesse "esasperare" una situazione.
Molti camionisti hanno perso i nervi ed alcuni, tra cui un autotrasportatore
di Gorizia che portava tondini di ferro è stato addirittura minacciato di
La coda dei Tir che dovevano entrare in yugoslavia (praticamente ferma)
raggiungeva ormai i 7 chilometri, bloccando anche la frontiera e la dogana
della Croazia.
Anche sulle auto in transito i controlli sono apparsi subito più rigidi del
In occasione delle precedenti spedizioni i controlli erano sicuramente
accurati (come in slovenia e croazia nè più nè meno).
Comunque, alla fine, siamo riusciti a passare alle ore 15 di domenica 29,
dopo che eravamo arriuvati alla frontiera alle ore 11 di sabato 28 ottobre.
Un cambiamento del genere (addirittura controproducente alla ripresa del
flusso di merci per la jugoslavia), coincidente col cambio dell'assetto
politico della Jugoslavia, sembra denotare un generale irrigidimento
dell'apparato jugoslavo per il controllo del territorio. Infatti la stessa
maggiore rigidità l'abbiamo notata nella presenza della polizia sulle strade
(siamo stati infatti fermati altre molte volte sulla strada per kragujevac),
precedentemente praticamente assente.
2. negli incontri avuti con le famiglie dei lavoratori della zastava in
occasione delle assemblee fatte per le adozioni, abbiamo potuto verificare
come le condizioni di vita stiano sensibilmente peggiorando.
Al generale aumento dei prezzi dei generi di prima necessità (non più
sottoposti a regime di prezzo amministrato) si somma il peggioramento e
l'aumento del costo dei servizi.
In particolare Luce ed acqua. Oltre all'aumento del prezzo (45% e 70%) è
stato annullato anche il regime di assistenza.
Fino ad ieri infatti, per via dell'embargo e della guerra, per via dell'alto
tasso di disoccupazione e povertà, il governo jugoslavo, aveva congelato il
pagamento delle bollette.
Ora questo congelamento è stato abolit e le aziende erogatrici pretendono il
pagamento anche degli arretrati.
Cosa che molte famiglie non possono permettersi, essendo oltretutto senza
reddito ormai da mesi, da quando la Nato ha bombardato la fabbrica.
Abbiamo potuto verificare, essendo andati di sera a salutare una famiglia
che ho adottato personalmente, come a questi era stata da giorni tagliata la
luce. La madre a letto ammalata, il padre (operaio alla verniciatura della
zastava) senza reddito, due figli e tre familiari profughi dal Kosovo (tutti
in una stanza ed una cucina), con una candela ed una pila. Situazione
analoga ad altre famiglie vicine di casa.
Temono per il loro futuro anche alla luce delle manovre economiche
prannunciate dal nuovo governo.
La stessa situazione sofrono i servizi sociali (orfanotrofio, ospedali ecc.)
che senza più alcun impegno a sostenerne l'attività (la linea è quella della
privatizzazione) sono destinate a chiudere, a ridurre la qualità e la
quantità dei servizi, oppure a entrare nella logica della privatizzazione
erogando così i servizi solo a quelli che se li potranno pagare.
Da quello che abbiamo potuto vedere, anche se il programma economico
nuovo governo non si è ancora manifestato chiaramente, già da ora la prima
conseguenza è quella del peggioramento delle condiziooni di vita delle
famioglie dei lavoratori, dei pensionati, dei ceti più deboli, al quale
(come sempre) fa riscontro un arricchimento dei soliti speculatori che anzi
oggi trovano nelle nuove amministrazioni occasione di consolidamento delle
loro posizioni (alcuni si stanno mettendo in politica assumento cariche
pubbliche nei comuni, nelle aziende, nello stato)
E' triste dover verificare come per molte famiglie l'unica possibilità di
soppravvivenza (e non è una esagerazione) dipenda dalla quota di adozioni
distanza che dall'italia continuano per fortuna ad arrivare.
3. Nel sindacato zastava è oggi aperta una lotta tra la corrente che fa
riferimento al DOS e quella più di sinistra che fa riferimento a quanti, fin
dai bombardamenti hanno subito cercato contatti con gli altri sindacati
europeri e che si sono impegnati in iniziative contro la guerra, contro
l'embargo e per i programmi di solidarietà ai lavoratori della fabbrica.
Compagni, concreti, che al di la degli schieramenti politici a cui facevano
riferimento, hanno affrontatio principalmente i problemi della ripresa del
lavoro e del sostegno alle condizioni materiali dei lavoratori, nella linea
di una apertura al confronto con quei sindacati che, in europa, erano
impegnati contro le linee liberiste e la globalizzazione, e che oggi sono
impegnati contro l'aumento dei prezzi e la cancellazione dello stato sociale
in jugoslavia.
La corrente del sindacato zastava (che fin dall'inizio aveva critcato la
stessa apertura del sindacato zastava alla sinistra sindacale europea) che
fa riferimento al DOS, forte degli aiuti occidentali che gli arrivano
tramite il DOS, sta attaccando la corrente di sinistra del sindacato
Zastava. La loro linea è quella del sostegno esplicito al Governo, ed alla
sua linea economica.
Vista l'agressività di questo attacco (ricordiamo le agressioni subite dai
delegati zastava nei giorni scorsi) l'attuale presidentessa del sindacato
zastava (Rusika) ha convocato per il prossimo 24 novembre il congresso del
sindacato zastava aprendo quindi il confronto sulle cose fatte e da fare e
non sulla pretesa legittimazione derivante dall'appartenenza ai partiti
attualmente al governo.
Ciò detto il clima rimane pesante, al punto che in occasione delle assemblee
per la consegna delle quote di adozioni a distanza, alcuni esponenti della
corrente del DOS hanno cercato di interromperle criticando l'iniziativa come
propagandistica (la cosa paradossale è che alcuni di loro sono beneficiari
di adozioni a distanza che il sindacato ha distribuito in forza delle
condizioni materiali delle famiglie e non della loro appartenenza politica)
e filo occidentale (della serie va bene la solidarietà dei governi che hanno
bombardato la jugoslavia che arriva e viene distribuita mediante il DOS -
questa si diciamo noi a fini propagandistici, e non va bene la solidarietà
che viene dai lavoratori italiani che ann combattuto la guerra ed il loro
governo che l'ha sostenuta e fatta materialmente).
Il congresso alla zastava del prossimo 24 novembre è quindi una scadenza
importante dove si confronteranno due linee. Una sindacale basata su una
proposta di iniziativa a tutela dei salari e delle condizioni di vita
(contro l'aumento dei prezzi, contro le privatizzazioni e la riduzione dello
stato sociale, per l'occupazione) ed una, quella della corrente DOS, di
aperto sostegno al governo ed alla sua politica liberista.
4. l'impegno e la nostra solidarietà.
Comunque vada il congresso alla zastava non deve venire meno il nostro
impegno di solidarietà alle famiglie dei lavoratori. Credo che sia utile
continuare la nostra esperienza che ci ha portato (a differenza di altre
iniziative e missioni come quella tutta politica di arcobaleno) a costruire
rapporti diretti con i lavoratori e le loro famiglie senza mediare questo
rapporto con istituzioni e forze politiche.
Il nostro sostegno va inoltre a quei delegati zastava che hanno operato
all'interno di questa esperienza e che hanno difeso la sua peculiarità di
gestione e rapporto diretto tra lavoratori italiani e lavoratori jugoslavi.
A quei delegati che sono oggi impegnati in una linea di opposizione
sindacale alle politiche liberiste del governo e che lottano per l'autonomia
dell'azione sindacale dai partiti, che hanno aderito alla prossima
iniziativa per la carta dei diritti dei lavoratori convocata a Nizza per il
prossimo dicembre dalle sinistre sindacali europee.
------- End of forwarded message -------
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
From: "andrea catone" <catonean@...>
Date sent: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 19:07:26 +0200
Send reply to: "andrea catone" <catonean@...>
Subject: [JUGO] convoglio RSU per la Zastava di Kragujevac
Riceviamo da Alma Rossi (email - alma@...
indirizzo email del coordinamento RSU - coord.naz.rsu@...
indirizzo internet del Coordinamento RSU - e rigiriamo alla mailing list di
Most za Beograd. Chi ha letto i reportages di Collon e Grimaldi,
si rende conto di quanto maggiore sia oggi, a causa della nuova
politica di abolizione dei sussidi statali sui generi di prima
necessità, "il bisogno di solidarietà dei lavoratori" jugoslavi...
Partirà venerdì 27 ottobre un nuovo convoglio di aiuti ai
lavoratori della zastava ed al presidio sanitario di Kragujevac,
frutto del lavoro di tante delegate e delegati Rsu impegnati da
tempo sul piano della solidarietà ai lavoratori della Jugoslavia.
Gli aiuti consistono in . un impianto di radiologia . medicinali .
materiale scolastico (quaderni, penne ecc.) per i bambini dei
lavoratori Zastava Il Convoglio comprende anche aiuti per gli
orfanotrofi di Belgrado e di Kragujevac, frutto dell'impegno del
comune di Carrara e di Emergency.
Vogliamo sottolineare, come questo convoglio sia il risultato di
un importante lavoro di coordinamento che è nato e si è sviluppato
anche grazie all'iniziativa di P.Marghera del 15 luglio scorso
contro l'embargo. Infatti, questo convoglio è stato reso possibile
grazie all'impegno di molti compagni della Cgil Lombardia, di
Brescia, di Lodi, di Torino, Bologna, di Trieste e di Lecco. Gran
parte dei costi della spedizione sono stati coperti dal Comune di
Carrara, dal Comune di Rho, dalla Cgil di Massa Carrara, da
Emercency e dalla disponibilità della CON.S.AUT (azienda di
trasporti di Lecco) che ha messo a disposizione i mezzi al prezzo
di costo della spedizione.
In occasione di questo viaggio, i compagni delegati rsu della Cgil
di torino, di Bologna e quelli della Fiom di Lecco, consegneranno
alle famiglie dei lavoratori Zastava altre quote per il progetto
di adozioni a distanza. Per la consegna del materiale sono
previste due assemblee con i lavoratori Zastava. Una sabato
pomeriggio ed una domenica mattina.
Da quello che abbiamo saputo dai delegati della Zastava e dalle
numerose lettere ricevute dai lavoratori interessati al progetto
di adozioni a distanza, la situazione in Jugoslavia sta subendo un
peggioramento delle condizioni di vita. Oltre all'assenza di
lavoro (per i bombardamenti) stanno in questi giorni aumentando i
prezzi di tutti i beni ed i servizi di prima necessità.
Paradossalmente, anche venendo a meno l'embargo, aumenta il
bisogno di solidarietà tra lavoratori.
Alma alma@...
indirizzo email del coordinamento RSU - coord.naz.rsu@...
indirizzo internet del Coordinamento RSU -
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Contributi e segnalazioni: <jugocoord@...>
Sito WEB :
Da oggi su eCircle - Filesharing.
Puoi disporre in ogni gruppo di 20 MB
per documenti, file musicali, films e foto.
Condividili con i soci della tua communità!
From: "Rossi Alma" <alma@...>
To: "0 -CGIL-Lomb-Lino"
Subject: rirorno da Kragujevac
Date sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:15:44 +0100
Una importante settimana di solidarietà tra i lavoratori italiani e quelli
della jugoslavia si è conclusa a Kragujevac.
E' infatti arrivato a Kragujevac domenica 29 ottobre il Tir con gli aiuti di
cui vi abbiamo parlato nel precedete messaggio.
Una iniziativa resa possibile dall'impegno di tante delegate e delegati Rsu,
luoghi di lavoro un po in tutta Italia (Bologna, Torino, Empoli, Milano,
Mantova, Lodi) dalla Fiom di Lecco, dalla Cgil di Massa carrara, dal
di Carrara, dal Comune di Rho e da Emergency, che ha permesso la
consegna di
materiale sanitario (tra cui un impianto di radiologia) e medicine, al
presisio sanitario "zastava" di Kragujevac. Altro materiale (sopratutto
cancelleria per la scuola, giocattori, scarpe per bambina e bambino) al
sindacato zastava ed agli orfanotrifi di Belgrado e Kragujevac.
Inoltre nella giornata di sabato 28 sono stati consegnati direttamente alle
famiglie gli aiuti economici relativi al progetto di adozioni a distanza di
Torino, nella mattinata di domenica 29 le adozioni di Lecco, mentre nel
pomeriggio sono state consegnate le adozioni di Bologna.
Nei giorni precedenti era già arrivata a Kragujevac una delegazione di ABC
(pace e solidarietà) di Roma con altre adozioni a distanza.
Nei prossimi giorni cercheremo di preparare una relazione più dettagliata
delle cose che abbiamo potuto verificare durante il viaggio. Per ora ci
preme sottolineare alcune informazioni che potrebbero tornare utili per una
valutazione della situazione.
1. Paradossalmente, all'eliminazione relativa dell'embargo e quindi, al
maggiore aflusso di merci alle frontiere, fa da contro altare un aumento dei
controlli della dogana e della polizia yugoslava che sono aumentati a
Per effetto di queste rigidità il nostro Tir è stato tenuto fermo per ben 28
ore alla frontiera. In questo lasso di tempo abbiamo potuto verificare come
molti Tir venissero scaricati completamente per verificarne il carico.
Molti autisti, ormai allo stremo dell'incazzatura erano addirituura fermi gi
à da 4 giorni. Il tutto apparentemente senza motivo. Infatti i Tir venivano
tenuti fermi senza che alcuno facesse nulla per giorni interi ed a nulla
serviva chiedere chiarimenti o informazioni sul perchè e sul quando si
sarebbe potuto essere "verificati".
Si aveva quasi l'impressione che si volesse "esasperare" una situazione.
Molti camionisti hanno perso i nervi ed alcuni, tra cui un autotrasportatore
di Gorizia che portava tondini di ferro è stato addirittura minacciato di
La coda dei Tir che dovevano entrare in yugoslavia (praticamente ferma)
raggiungeva ormai i 7 chilometri, bloccando anche la frontiera e la dogana
della Croazia.
Anche sulle auto in transito i controlli sono apparsi subito più rigidi del
In occasione delle precedenti spedizioni i controlli erano sicuramente
accurati (come in slovenia e croazia nè più nè meno).
Comunque, alla fine, siamo riusciti a passare alle ore 15 di domenica 29,
dopo che eravamo arriuvati alla frontiera alle ore 11 di sabato 28 ottobre.
Un cambiamento del genere (addirittura controproducente alla ripresa del
flusso di merci per la jugoslavia), coincidente col cambio dell'assetto
politico della Jugoslavia, sembra denotare un generale irrigidimento
dell'apparato jugoslavo per il controllo del territorio. Infatti la stessa
maggiore rigidità l'abbiamo notata nella presenza della polizia sulle strade
(siamo stati infatti fermati altre molte volte sulla strada per kragujevac),
precedentemente praticamente assente.
2. negli incontri avuti con le famiglie dei lavoratori della zastava in
occasione delle assemblee fatte per le adozioni, abbiamo potuto verificare
come le condizioni di vita stiano sensibilmente peggiorando.
Al generale aumento dei prezzi dei generi di prima necessità (non più
sottoposti a regime di prezzo amministrato) si somma il peggioramento e
l'aumento del costo dei servizi.
In particolare Luce ed acqua. Oltre all'aumento del prezzo (45% e 70%) è
stato annullato anche il regime di assistenza.
Fino ad ieri infatti, per via dell'embargo e della guerra, per via dell'alto
tasso di disoccupazione e povertà, il governo jugoslavo, aveva congelato il
pagamento delle bollette.
Ora questo congelamento è stato abolit e le aziende erogatrici pretendono il
pagamento anche degli arretrati.
Cosa che molte famiglie non possono permettersi, essendo oltretutto senza
reddito ormai da mesi, da quando la Nato ha bombardato la fabbrica.
Abbiamo potuto verificare, essendo andati di sera a salutare una famiglia
che ho adottato personalmente, come a questi era stata da giorni tagliata la
luce. La madre a letto ammalata, il padre (operaio alla verniciatura della
zastava) senza reddito, due figli e tre familiari profughi dal Kosovo (tutti
in una stanza ed una cucina), con una candela ed una pila. Situazione
analoga ad altre famiglie vicine di casa.
Temono per il loro futuro anche alla luce delle manovre economiche
prannunciate dal nuovo governo.
La stessa situazione sofrono i servizi sociali (orfanotrofio, ospedali ecc.)
che senza più alcun impegno a sostenerne l'attività (la linea è quella della
privatizzazione) sono destinate a chiudere, a ridurre la qualità e la
quantità dei servizi, oppure a entrare nella logica della privatizzazione
erogando così i servizi solo a quelli che se li potranno pagare.
Da quello che abbiamo potuto vedere, anche se il programma economico
nuovo governo non si è ancora manifestato chiaramente, già da ora la prima
conseguenza è quella del peggioramento delle condiziooni di vita delle
famioglie dei lavoratori, dei pensionati, dei ceti più deboli, al quale
(come sempre) fa riscontro un arricchimento dei soliti speculatori che anzi
oggi trovano nelle nuove amministrazioni occasione di consolidamento delle
loro posizioni (alcuni si stanno mettendo in politica assumento cariche
pubbliche nei comuni, nelle aziende, nello stato)
E' triste dover verificare come per molte famiglie l'unica possibilità di
soppravvivenza (e non è una esagerazione) dipenda dalla quota di adozioni
distanza che dall'italia continuano per fortuna ad arrivare.
3. Nel sindacato zastava è oggi aperta una lotta tra la corrente che fa
riferimento al DOS e quella più di sinistra che fa riferimento a quanti, fin
dai bombardamenti hanno subito cercato contatti con gli altri sindacati
europeri e che si sono impegnati in iniziative contro la guerra, contro
l'embargo e per i programmi di solidarietà ai lavoratori della fabbrica.
Compagni, concreti, che al di la degli schieramenti politici a cui facevano
riferimento, hanno affrontatio principalmente i problemi della ripresa del
lavoro e del sostegno alle condizioni materiali dei lavoratori, nella linea
di una apertura al confronto con quei sindacati che, in europa, erano
impegnati contro le linee liberiste e la globalizzazione, e che oggi sono
impegnati contro l'aumento dei prezzi e la cancellazione dello stato sociale
in jugoslavia.
La corrente del sindacato zastava (che fin dall'inizio aveva critcato la
stessa apertura del sindacato zastava alla sinistra sindacale europea) che
fa riferimento al DOS, forte degli aiuti occidentali che gli arrivano
tramite il DOS, sta attaccando la corrente di sinistra del sindacato
Zastava. La loro linea è quella del sostegno esplicito al Governo, ed alla
sua linea economica.
Vista l'agressività di questo attacco (ricordiamo le agressioni subite dai
delegati zastava nei giorni scorsi) l'attuale presidentessa del sindacato
zastava (Rusika) ha convocato per il prossimo 24 novembre il congresso del
sindacato zastava aprendo quindi il confronto sulle cose fatte e da fare e
non sulla pretesa legittimazione derivante dall'appartenenza ai partiti
attualmente al governo.
Ciò detto il clima rimane pesante, al punto che in occasione delle assemblee
per la consegna delle quote di adozioni a distanza, alcuni esponenti della
corrente del DOS hanno cercato di interromperle criticando l'iniziativa come
propagandistica (la cosa paradossale è che alcuni di loro sono beneficiari
di adozioni a distanza che il sindacato ha distribuito in forza delle
condizioni materiali delle famiglie e non della loro appartenenza politica)
e filo occidentale (della serie va bene la solidarietà dei governi che hanno
bombardato la jugoslavia che arriva e viene distribuita mediante il DOS -
questa si diciamo noi a fini propagandistici, e non va bene la solidarietà
che viene dai lavoratori italiani che ann combattuto la guerra ed il loro
governo che l'ha sostenuta e fatta materialmente).
Il congresso alla zastava del prossimo 24 novembre è quindi una scadenza
importante dove si confronteranno due linee. Una sindacale basata su una
proposta di iniziativa a tutela dei salari e delle condizioni di vita
(contro l'aumento dei prezzi, contro le privatizzazioni e la riduzione dello
stato sociale, per l'occupazione) ed una, quella della corrente DOS, di
aperto sostegno al governo ed alla sua politica liberista.
4. l'impegno e la nostra solidarietà.
Comunque vada il congresso alla zastava non deve venire meno il nostro
impegno di solidarietà alle famiglie dei lavoratori. Credo che sia utile
continuare la nostra esperienza che ci ha portato (a differenza di altre
iniziative e missioni come quella tutta politica di arcobaleno) a costruire
rapporti diretti con i lavoratori e le loro famiglie senza mediare questo
rapporto con istituzioni e forze politiche.
Il nostro sostegno va inoltre a quei delegati zastava che hanno operato
all'interno di questa esperienza e che hanno difeso la sua peculiarità di
gestione e rapporto diretto tra lavoratori italiani e lavoratori jugoslavi.
A quei delegati che sono oggi impegnati in una linea di opposizione
sindacale alle politiche liberiste del governo e che lottano per l'autonomia
dell'azione sindacale dai partiti, che hanno aderito alla prossima
iniziativa per la carta dei diritti dei lavoratori convocata a Nizza per il
prossimo dicembre dalle sinistre sindacali europee.
------- End of forwarded message -------
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
From: "andrea catone" <catonean@...>
Date sent: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 19:07:26 +0200
Send reply to: "andrea catone" <catonean@...>
Subject: [JUGO] convoglio RSU per la Zastava di Kragujevac
Riceviamo da Alma Rossi (email - alma@...
indirizzo email del coordinamento RSU - coord.naz.rsu@...
indirizzo internet del Coordinamento RSU - e rigiriamo alla mailing list di
Most za Beograd. Chi ha letto i reportages di Collon e Grimaldi,
si rende conto di quanto maggiore sia oggi, a causa della nuova
politica di abolizione dei sussidi statali sui generi di prima
necessità, "il bisogno di solidarietà dei lavoratori" jugoslavi...
Partirà venerdì 27 ottobre un nuovo convoglio di aiuti ai
lavoratori della zastava ed al presidio sanitario di Kragujevac,
frutto del lavoro di tante delegate e delegati Rsu impegnati da
tempo sul piano della solidarietà ai lavoratori della Jugoslavia.
Gli aiuti consistono in . un impianto di radiologia . medicinali .
materiale scolastico (quaderni, penne ecc.) per i bambini dei
lavoratori Zastava Il Convoglio comprende anche aiuti per gli
orfanotrofi di Belgrado e di Kragujevac, frutto dell'impegno del
comune di Carrara e di Emergency.
Vogliamo sottolineare, come questo convoglio sia il risultato di
un importante lavoro di coordinamento che è nato e si è sviluppato
anche grazie all'iniziativa di P.Marghera del 15 luglio scorso
contro l'embargo. Infatti, questo convoglio è stato reso possibile
grazie all'impegno di molti compagni della Cgil Lombardia, di
Brescia, di Lodi, di Torino, Bologna, di Trieste e di Lecco. Gran
parte dei costi della spedizione sono stati coperti dal Comune di
Carrara, dal Comune di Rho, dalla Cgil di Massa Carrara, da
Emercency e dalla disponibilità della CON.S.AUT (azienda di
trasporti di Lecco) che ha messo a disposizione i mezzi al prezzo
di costo della spedizione.
In occasione di questo viaggio, i compagni delegati rsu della Cgil
di torino, di Bologna e quelli della Fiom di Lecco, consegneranno
alle famiglie dei lavoratori Zastava altre quote per il progetto
di adozioni a distanza. Per la consegna del materiale sono
previste due assemblee con i lavoratori Zastava. Una sabato
pomeriggio ed una domenica mattina.
Da quello che abbiamo saputo dai delegati della Zastava e dalle
numerose lettere ricevute dai lavoratori interessati al progetto
di adozioni a distanza, la situazione in Jugoslavia sta subendo un
peggioramento delle condizioni di vita. Oltre all'assenza di
lavoro (per i bombardamenti) stanno in questi giorni aumentando i
prezzi di tutti i beni ed i servizi di prima necessità.
Paradossalmente, anche venendo a meno l'embargo, aumenta il
bisogno di solidarietà tra lavoratori.
Alma alma@...
indirizzo email del coordinamento RSU - coord.naz.rsu@...
indirizzo internet del Coordinamento RSU -
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Contributi e segnalazioni: <jugocoord@...>
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Da oggi su eCircle - Filesharing.
Puoi disporre in ogni gruppo di 20 MB
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