
REUTERS 12/4/2000 ------------------------------------------------


Wednesday April 12 12:45 PM ET
Macedonia Says It Detains 30 American Peacekeepers
SKOPJE, Macedonia (Reuters) - Police in the former Yugoslav republic of
Macedonia said Wednesday they had taken 30 U.S. peacekeeping soldiers
into custody for drunken behavior.
``Thirty American KFOR soldiers in Macedonia were taken in by the police
Wednesday morning because of their indecent behavior and maltreatment of
citizens,´´ the Macedonian Interior Ministry said in a statement.
Officials from the KFOR peacekeeping force for Kosovo, which has a
back-up base in Macedonia, were not immediately available for comment.
The statement said the soldiers had been acting in a drunk and
disorderly way in a cafe in the Macedonian capital Skopje. One
Macedonian policeman was injured as he attempted to prevent a fight
between the American soldiers and passers-by.
The statement said the Macedonian police took in the men jointly with
KFOR military police, but made clear they were being held in a
Macedonian police station, not a KFOR detention center.



Dragi prijatelji
Obavestavam Vas da se sinoc, 11.04. 2000 godine u hotelu Aleksandar
Palas u Skoplju, odrzala veoma uspesna promocija knjige "Zasto se sudi
NATO-u", ciji su autori Zoran Kraljevski i Ivan Stoilkovic.
Na promociji je bilo prisutno oko 500 gostiju, koji su burno pozdravili
promociju. Promoteri knjige bili su: Prof. Dr.Svetomir Skaric, redovni
profesor Ustavnog Prava na Pravnom Fakultetu u Skoplju,i gospodja
Jagnula Kunovska - advokat.
Za vreme promocije bio je prikazan dokumentarni film "Sramna godina
sile" ciji je autor Zoran Kraljevski. Za vreme projekcije filma bilo je
burnih reakcija posetioca od skandirawa do potpunog placa. Film je
prikazao dosad nevidjene slike brutalnosti NATO agresije na YU.
U svom obracanju promoter gosp. Jagnula Kunovska, osudila je agresiju
nato-a na YU i posebo osudila Republiku Makedoniju i njenu vladu kao
saucesnika u NATO zlocinu. Pritom gospodja Kunovska je citirala
Krivicni Zakon Republike Makedonije po kome saucesnik u zlocinu mora
odgovarati, a u datom trenutku nasa drzava je bila saucesnik i nasi
politicari koji su dozvolili koriscenje makedonske teritorije za napad
na YU moraju krivicno odgovarati za saucesnistvo u zlocinu.
Prof. Skaric, inace jedan od autora Ustava Republike Makedonije porucio
je da se svi kao jedinke konacno moramo okrenuti borni protiv
globalizacije i porobljavanja, borbi za povratak prava i pravnih zakona.
Dr.Zoran Kraljevski, jedan od autora je u uvodnom izlaganju napomenuo da
covecanstvo konacno treba da krene u mentalni rat sa mracnim demonima
koji sebe nazivaju ljudima, da buducnost covecanstva nije u materijalnoj
moci velikih naroda nego u istrajnosti i hrabrosti malih naroda i
obicnih ljudi.Zatim je Zoran Kraljevski naveo imena velikih svetskih
boraca za spas covecanstva:
Mikis Teodorakis, Remzi Klark, Peter Handke, Aldo Bernandini, Oskar la
Fonten, Icko Dimitrov, Michele Collon, Noam Comski, Jan Ditur i dr.

(Zoran Kraljevski)

OSCE -----------------------------------------------------



SerbiaInfo 11/4/2000 ----------------------------------------------


White Book on the suffering of children in the NATO aggression
April 11, 2000

The youngest victims of the NATO aggression
Belgrade, April 10 - Chairman of the Yugoslav Commission for cooperation
with UNICEF Dr Margit Savovic said that White Book on the suffering of
children in the course of NATO's aggression on Yugoslavia would be
published shortly.
Margit Savovic told Belgrade state radio that the book would comprise
written records, court and forensic findings, testimonies and
photographs, all extremely stirring.
She said it was both sad and symbolic that 79 children were killed
during the brutal 78-day bombing campaign, which means that at least one
child was killed each day.
She said that, on behalf of the murdered children, indictments would be
issued against those responsible, who can in no way justify their
"collateral damage" where children are concerned. She stressed that
children could have never been considered as reserve soldiers, police or
any other kind of forces which represented danger for others.
Dr Margit Savovic underscored that those 78 nights and days of the
bombardment have psychically endangered 10% of the Yugoslav children who
require special help of psychologists and psychiatrists.

Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Ministry of Information
Email: mirs@...

BBC 9/4/2000 -----------------------------------------------


Sunday, 9 April, 2000, 21:52 GMT 22:52 UK
Poland defends ethnic rights in Kosovo

Poland's Foreign Minister, Bronislaw Geremek,
has warned that the violation of the principles
of a multi-ethnic Kosovo could threaten the
stability of the whole European continent.
Mr Geremek, addressing a conference in
Bulgaria of European countries hoping to join
the European Union, said that the idea of
bringing about a multi-ethnic society in Kosovo
should be defended -- along with the rights of
the Serbs.
It is estimated that some
two-hundred-thousand Serbs -- most of the
original Kosovo Serb population -- have fled
the province.
They've been vulnerable to attacks by the
Albanian population in the aftermath of the
withdrawal of Serb forces. Those countries
attending the meeting were Poland, Bulgaria,
the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

THE TIMES 9/4/2000 ---------------------------------------


The Times (UK)
April 9 2000
America in talks to renew envoy links with 'pariah state' Serbia
Tom Walker
WASHINGTON has begun delicate negotiations with the government of
President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia aimed at re-establishing an
American presence in Belgrade, diplomats have revealed.
They say that a relatively junior American diplomat could be in the
Serbian capital as early as June, and that both sides have been anxious
to re-establish links for some time.
The talks appear to contradict Washington's publicly stated policy of
treating Milosevic's Serbia as a pariah state. The State Department
reacted angrily last Friday to Australia's appointment of a new
ambassador to Belgrade.
America and Britain broke off relations with Yugoslavia before Nato
airstrikes began last March, and Washington was disappointed that not
all nations in the western alliance followed suit.
Greece and Italy retained their contacts with the Milosevic regime
throughout the crisis. Britain, France and Germany have all
re-established "interest sections" since Nato and the United Nations
took over in Kosovo.
The Clinton administration had believed Milosevic might fall from office
because of Kosovo. It has felt increasingly uncomfortable as the
Yugoslav president has not only held on to power but has also moved
closer to China, which has become Serbia's biggest benefactor.
Determined not to be left out in the hub of a region where America wants
to dictate international policy, Washington has used intermediaries from
Russia and Greece to help pave the way for some rapprochement with
Belgrade, diplomats said. Moscow is expected to send its new ambassador
to Belgrade this week.
"We've been anxious to get an official presence there for nine months in
the way that Britain has," said an American source.
"The first guy in will probably be a first secretary, and we won't be
allowed much more than consular offices for the moment. But as soon as
we get the green light, we're in."
Diplomats said Washington was anxious to keep Milosevic at arm's length,
but wished to help Serbian officials become more involved in the running
of Kosovo under the UN.
They also confirmed that basic American intelligence- gathering in
Belgrade was rendering policy-making difficult. "They feel really
disadvantaged at the moment. They've got no feel for it," said one
European diplomat in the Serbian capital. "And the China thing worries
them. Milosevic's wife is much too keen on the Chinese."
Any deal will probably involve the Yugoslav government being given
access to its old embassy building in Washington.
The Croatian press suggested last week that William Montgomery,
America's ambassador to Croatia, could become the first official to go
to Belgrade. But Montgomery's office denied the reports, claiming: "We
don't have relations, there is no embassy, no mission, no job."
A Yugoslav government source confirmed that an American diplomatic
presence in Belgrade could bring mutual benefits. "It's much better to
talk direct," he said. "There's a lot of bargaining going on at the

STOPNATO 9/4/2000 ----------------------------------------------


Scots mercenary admits carrying out
war crimes

By Neil Mackay Home Affairs Editor
Publication Date: Apr 9 2000

A SCOTTISH bank robber who joined the Croatian
army during the Bosnian war has admitted carrying
out war crimes and murdering unarmed prisoners
and women while fighting in Yugoslavia.
John MacPhee escaped prosecu tion when the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugo
slavia in The Hague decided not to press charges
against him last October.
However, he has now admitted to a series of
barbaric murders in his memoirs, The Silent Cry. In
an interview with the Sunday Herald, MacPhee
defended his actions saying: "I was fighting a war. It
was a case of kill or be killed. The Serbs were killing
our prisoners and we killed theirs.
"I don't consider myself a war criminal. I regret what
I did, but I don't think it was wrong."
In his book, published this month, he describes
arriving at a hamlet near the town of Gorny Vakuf
and seeing the bodies of 37 men, women and
children who had been raped and tortured before
being killed by the retreating Muslim army.
"Two enemy soldiers were captured," he writes.
"Guilty or innocent I knew they had to die. I fixed my
bayonet and before I knew it one of them was
beneath me É My hand was ripping at his flesh, my
fingers gouging his eyes, I was becoming worse
than an animal É my aim was to kill É I bit into his
face, blood poured down my chin, my 18 inch knife
stabbed and chopped and slashed.
"I speared my bayonet into his neck one final time
and lifted his body into the air with such force that I
broke the bayonet É They shot the other enemy
soldier before I could lay a hand on him."
In another village, he returned sniper fire and killed
an unarmed civilian woman. He also describes
sneaking up on Serb positions, killing the sleeping
civilian girlfriend of a Serb soldier and decapitating
a wounded Serbian prisoner.
MacPhee explains that the death and rape of the
Muslim girl he fell in love with in Bosnia during the
war "helped turn [me] into an animal". He adds:
"War is a constant atrocity. Everything about it is
immoral and wrong. I am only telling the truth of my
experience. I was constantly on the edge of
madness when I was there."
MacPhee, who has two young children, joined the
Croatian militia in 1992 after being released from
Strangeways prison in Manchester. Born in
Glasgow, the 50-year-old spent 10 years in
children's homes and 21 years in jail for a variety of
crimes ranging from drug offences, annd firearms
charges to bank robbery. At one time he was
suspected of 13 murders and was one of the most
wanted men in the UK.
"I believe I only intentionally killed enemy troops,"
he said. "Whether they were armed or not, or
prisoners, is irrelevant. It happened. The only way to
stop the enemy being barbarous was to be
barbarous to them."
He denies that his book deliberately glamourises the
atrocities of the Balkan conflict and also insists that
he took no part in mass executions of civilians or
the rape of enemy civilians and troops.
But MacPhee claims he found "peace in war",
saying: "After all my years in jail and all the
violence I
saw in children's homes, I was basically a maniac.
When I heard about the Serbian atrocities in Bosnia
I was in jail, and I thought, 'my life has been a
waste'. I decided I'd go there and fight for something
I believed in."
MacPhee may still be called by the UN to give
evidence about alleged atrocities. The tribunal is
concentrating on prosecuting those who
commanded killings.
Colonel Bob Stewart, a British commander of UN
peace-keeping troops during the Bosnian war, said:
"I think this man should be behind bars." He added
that the book, published in Manchester by Empire,
should never have been printed and that its
revelations may allow for a prosecution against
MacPhee in the UK.
Publisher Ashley Shaw defended MacPhee's
memoirs as accurately reflecting the horror of war.

THE GUARDIAN 8/4/2000 -----------------------------------------------


The Guardian (UK)

[Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser]"I could think
of nothing worse for Australia than to be bound by
European Union or NATO policy. We're an independent
country, we need to make our own decisions."

Australian coup for Milosevic

Anger in US as Canberra falls out of line by telling
new ambassador to present himself to Yugoslav leader
Kosovo: special report

Christopher Zinn in Sydney and Owen Bowcott
Saturday April 8, 2000

Australia has broken ranks with the west by sending a
new ambassador to Yugoslavia and instructing him to
hand his credentials to the head of state - President
Slobodan Milosevic, who is charged with war crimes.
Charles Stewart, Canberra's new man, arrived in
Belgrade on Tuesday. He replaces the outgoing
ambassador, Chris Lamb, who left on February 15. A
time and date for formal presentation of Mr Stewart's
credentials is to be discussed with the Yugoslavian
foreign ministry, a spokesman for the embassy said.
Canberra's decision has provoked anger in western
capitals, where a policy of sanctions and diplomatic
isolation are viewed as crucial in the attempt to make
Serbia a pariah state and hasten the downfall of the
Milosevic regime.
Madeleine Albright, the US secretary of state, is
understood to have phoned Canberra to urge the
administration to drop the idea.
The Foreign Office in London was reluctant to voice
any concerns. A spokesman said: "Australian diplomatic
representation is a matter for them. We are aware of
it. It is not causing us any worry."
The only UN embargo in force against what remains of
Yugoslavia - made up of Serbia and Montenegro - is a
ban on arms sales. An EU ban on commercial flights was
suspended in February; EU sanctions against oil sales
and financial investments go on.
There is speculation in the Yugoslav capital that the
improvement in relations with Canberra has its origins
in missions that visited Belgrade to seek the release
of three Australian workers from the aid organisation
Care, who were arrested at the beginning of the Kosovo
conflict and jailed on espionage charges.
Long meetings were held between leading figures in
Australia's large Serbian expatriate community,
government representatives and officials from Care, to
win the men's release. Malcolm Fraser, a former
Australian prime minister who is chairman of Care
Australia, went to Belgrade several times to meet Mr
Milosevic to lobby for the men's release; they were
freed late last year.
Defending its present move, Canberra's department of
foreign affairs and trade said the ambassador was
needed to serve the large number of Australian
citizens and dual nationals living in and visiting
Yugoslavia; it did not signify support for the regime.
Mr Fraser insisted that no deal had been struck to
secure the aid workers' surprise release: "There were
no bar gains." Asked about other nations' refusal to
renew diplomatic relations with Belgrade, he replied:
"I could think of nothing worse for Australia than to
be bound by European Union or Nato policy. We're an
independent country, we need to make our own
EU and Nato states have so far avoided creating the
spectacle of a western ambassador paying homage to Mr
Milosevic, fearing it would boost his credibility. Mr
Stewart's presentation of his credentials to the
president is bound to be on Yugoslav TV and the press.
Other governments have avoided this by not rotating
ambassadors or by bringing in a lower level of
The US has no diplomatic post in Belgrade; the
British, French and Germans have so-called interest
sections hosted by other countries and confined to
cultural, consular and commercial activities.
Italy is very keen to have a full ambassador to handle
the substantial issues between Belgrade and Rome. It
wants a deal where a new ambassador does not have to
present him or herself to Mr Milosevic.
Under the Vienna convention, a new ambassador is only
an ambassador-designate until his "letter of credence"
is accepted by the head of state. So Mr Stewart will
be Australia's new ambassador only when Mr Milosevic
accepts him.

AIM 7/4/2000 -----------------------------------------


EUROPEAN UNION, April 7, 2000 (BETA)
The governments of EU member-countries adopted on April 6, a
regulation on tightening financial sanctions against persons,
companies and banks "being associated with or supporting" the
authorities in Yugoslavia and Serbia. The regulation will come into
effect on April 8, the day after it is published in the EU official
As stipulated by the regulation, all individuals and companies
from Serbia that are unable to prove they are not affiliated with the
"regime" and are not issued a certificate testifying to their status
by the EU Commission, will be regarded by the EU as "being owned or
controlled by the Yugoslav government" and, consequently, subject to
the "sanctions against the regime".
As the Brussels-based EU Council of Ministers announced, the
regulation also envisages a "white list" of Serbian and Yugoslav
companies with which their EU partners can do business, on condition
that those companies meet three basic criteria.
Firstly, those companies and organizations should be capable of
resisting the Yugoslav and Serbian authorities' demands to surrender
a portion of their revenue or property. Secondly, "monthly financial
transactions of those companies with the EU should not exceed
EUR100,000," and, thirdly, they "should do business in the sectors
which are not related to banking and financial services, power and
fuel supply, the production of or trade in military or police
equipment, transportation, petrochemical industry, and the production
of iron and steel.


SKOPLJE, Macedonia, April 7, 2000 (BETA)
Stjepan Mesic President of Croatia stated that exodus of Serbs
form Knin region after the "Storm" operation was a planned move by
Slobodan Milosevic, FRY president, with the aim to move these people
to Kosovo.

BBC/TANJUG 7/4/2000 --------------------------


April 7, 2000
Yugoslav Foreign Minister Demands Krajisnik's Release,
Condemns Hague Court

Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic has sent a
letter to the UN Security Council condemning the
arrest of the former Bosnian Serb leader Momcilo
Krajisnik who is to stand trial in The Hague for war
crimes. He called for Krajisnik to be freed,
describing his arrest as politically motivated. He
also accused the Hague-based tribunal of acting on the
orders of the US government. The following is the text
of the letter carried by the Yugoslav state news
agency Tanjug:

Belgrade, 6th April: On the occasion of the criminal
arrest of [former leading Bosnian Serb politician]
Momcilo Krajisnik on the part of SFOR [Stabilization
Force], [Yugoslav] federal Foreign Minister Zivadin
Jovanovic has sent a letter on behalf of the
government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [FRY]
to the UN Security Council addressed to current
president, Canadian Ambassador Robert R. Fowler. The
letter reads as follows:
"Esteemed president: the Yugoslav government and
public have most strongly condemned the treacherous
and shameful arrest of Momcilo Krajisnik, one of the
most prominent leaders of the Serb people in
Bosnia-Hercegovina, carried out on the night of 3rd
April 2000 by SFOR on the orders of NATO.
"This arrest, carried out in a terrorist manner, using
explosives to break into the house, frightening and
tying up children in a Gestapo fashion, is only the
latest and most drastic in a series of criminal,
immoral and politically motivated NATO acts under the
guise of the Hague Tribunal, whose aim is to frighten
and subjugate the Serb nation.
"Momcilo Krajisnik was not only the speaker of the
Serb Republic parliament, elected to that post in
democratic elections according to the people's will,
the result of which was confirmed by the OSCE, but
also a member of the collective Presidency of
Bosnia-Hercegovina and the highest Serb Republic
representative at the Dayton negotiations. Therefore
this brazen criminal act is all the more absurd,
because Momcilo Krajisnik has never held any executive
office, apart from being elected a member of
Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency following the
Dayton-Paris agreement.
"This insolent act confirms what the FRY government
has been pointing out since the Tribunal was founded:
that this ad hoc body, essentially contrary to the
principle of international criminal and humanitarian
law, is not an institution of law and justice, but a
political creation whose purpose is to commit genocide
against the Serb nation.
"The Tribunal is not acting according with law or
international law, but the orders of the US
administration with a view to imposing hegemony and a
single will.
"If the Tribunal really acted on the basis of justice
and law, it would then above all have to call to
account those NATO leaders and individuals responsible
for the genocidal aggression against the FRY committed
through the crudest violation of the UN Charter,
international law, the national right of the member
countries, as well as the NATO founding document
"Were it a forum of justice, it would have long ago
indicted those leaders who ordered and commanded the
aggression against the FRY, who ordered the mindless
raids on a sovereign country and against an entire
nation, something without precedent in the history of
civilization, who ordered the killing of thousands of
innocent people, one third of whom were children, and
over four fifths civilians, killing patients in
hospitals, razing hundreds of schools, a huge number
of hospitals, maternity wards, refugee camps, heating
and power-line systems, television and radio stations,
refineries, roads, bridges, and suchlike.
"At a time when genocide against the Serb and other
non-Albanian people is going on before the eyes of the
world's public in the Serbian province of Kosovo and
Metohija, the Tribunal has not made a single attempt
to stop that continuous crime.
"The absence of indictments and arrests of those
responsible for the genocide against the Serbs in
Croatia at the time of Operations Flash and Storm
[Croatian Army operations to liberate Serb-occupied
regions of Croatia in 1995], as well as during the
civil war in Bosnia-Hercegovina, represents a planned
incitement of new crimes against the Serbs, as it was
clear that they can be committed with impunity. They
can even be committed by the same criminals who
acquired their criminal experience in Krajina and in
other parts of former Yugoslavia.
"Internationally renowned legal experts have expressed
their view that the Tribunal is not based upon the UN
Charter, because there is no legal basis for founding
a judicial body, auxiliary to the Security Council.
All international courts are founded exclusively
through agreements. The fact that the Tribunal has
been founded because of political goals and
manipulations with the international public can be
most clearly seen when one compares the rules of
procedure of the Tribunal and of the Permanent
International Criminal Court, particularly regarding
the position of prosecutor. The rules that the
Tribunal uses in its procedure do not exist in any
modern judicial system. The so-called "secret
indictments" are unknown to any judicial system. The
prosecution policy conducted by the Tribunal's
prosecutor demonstrates that the Tribunal is being
exploited politically by the US Administration and the
NATO countries. More than two thirds of those arrested
and indicted are Serbs, including the highest
political and military officials of the Serb Republic,
against whom the most serious accusations have been
brought and who are the only ones to have been
arrested in a brutal way.
"The work of the prosecutor and Tribunal so far has
clearly demonstrated that the US creators of the
Tribunal have been trying to impose the idea of the
Serbs being responsible for the civil war in
Yugoslavia and thereby conceal their own
responsibility for crimes. The Tribunal is a mechanism
for fabricating an excuse for the aggression against
the FRY and the genocide against the Serb nation.
"The Tribunal is failing to demonstrate any legal,
political, or moral responsibility for its work. This
is demonstrated, among other things through the
murders of Serbs during their arrests (Simo Drljaca
and Dragan Gakovic) and the inhuman attitude towards
those arrested (the tragic death of Slavko Dokmanovic
and Milan Kovacevic in the Hague prison).
"As a signatory and guarantor of the Dayton-Paris
agreement, the FRY points out that such an activity on
the part of the Tribunal represents a drastic
violation of the letter and essence of that agreement,
the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and international law in general, thereby
jeopardizing peace and security not only in
Bosnia-Hercegovina, but also throughout the region.
"Because of everything here presented, the FRY is
calling on the Security Council urgently to abolish
the Hague Tribunal as a creation without any legal
"The evidence possessed by this quasi-judicial
institution should be handed to regular courts of UN
member countries in order that they may act in line
with their domestic laws, which, without exception,
have harsh laws concerning war crimes. [sentence as
"The FRY particularly demands that Momcilo Krajisnik
and all other people accused and arrested without
reason be released from prison," the letter that
Zivadin Jovanovic sent to UN Security Council said.

BBC Monitoring/(C) BBC

AIM 6/4/2000 ---------------------------------------


BERLIN, Germany, April 6, 2000 (Deutsche welle)
One year after the NATO air raids on Yugoslavia, Germany's
parliament has debated post-war developments in Kosovo, which has a
majority ethnic Albanian population.
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer rejected as dangerous an
opposition German conservative suggestion that Kosovo split from
Yugoslavia. Germany recognized Yugoslavia's territorial integrity and
such an bid would only play into the hands of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic, he said, reigniting a new spiral of violence.
Deutsche Welle's Director-General Dieter Weirich has released an
audience survey showing that 220,000 Albanians listen regularly to
Germany's foreign radio service, mostly in the Albanian language, but
also in German. The survey in Albania showed Deutsche Welle radio in
third place behind the Voice of America and the BBC.

YDS 5/4/2000 ------------------------------------------------


> BELGRADE, April 5 (Tanjug) - Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)
>Secretary General received on Wednesday Megalis Arkoya Dominguez, member of
>the Federation of Cuban Women Secretariat.
> The guest from Cuba conveyed expressions of solidarity of women
>and the entire Cuban people with the citizens of Yugoslavia, pointing out that
>Cuba strongly condemned NATO's aggression (last year, March-June) on
>Yugoslavia and the hegemonist policy of the United States in its attempt to
>impose its interests and goals on freedom-loving peoples of the world.
> Pointing out that Cuba was one of the first victims of U.S.
>hegemony, SPS Secretary General pointed out that the wide front of resistance
>to violence and tyranny was growing every day in international relations. The
>freedom of every individual and the freedom of all states is not an abstract
>category, but a real aspiration and essential characteristic of people and a
>precondition for development and progress.
> In the talks also took part Omar Medina, Cuban Ambassador in
>Yugoslavia and Margit Savovic, President of the Yugoslav Commission for
>Cooperation with UNICEF, and for the promotion of the position of women.


> WARSAW, April 5 (Tanjug) - Poland's one-time prime minister on
>Wednesday blasted the local press for whole-heartedly supporting NATO's air
>strikes on Yugoslavia last spring and continuing a year later to ignore the
>disastrous results of the intervention.
> Veteran political and media figure Mieczyslaw Rakowski said that
>nearly a whole year had elapsed since the bloody intervention ended and no
>peace had come to the region, with Serbs still being killed in the
>U.N.-governed Serbian (Yugoslav) province of Kosovo-Metohija.
> Rakowski made his remarks in an article in the Trybuna newspaper,
>which according to him is the only Polish paper to have stood apart from the
>throng of supporters of the west's allegedly humanitarian armed mission from
>the start.


> ROTTERDAM, April 4 (Tanjug) - Momcilo Krajisnik, former member of
>Bosnia's three-man Presidency and R.S. Parliament Speaker who was arrested on
>Monday by Bosnia's Stabilisation Force (SFOR), will appear before judges of
>the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague on Friday, it was stated in
>The Hague. Krajisnik is to say how he pleads on charges of genocide and crimes
>against humanity cited in the indictment, brought in against him on February 21.
> The indictment was, however, kept secret until the brutal arrest
>of Krajisnik in Pale by French SFOR troops on Monday.
> The charges refer to the period between July 1, 1991, and December
>31, 1992.
> BIJELJINA, April 5 (Tanjug) - About 7,000 citizens rallied in
>Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, late on Tuesday, to protest against the brutal
>SFOR arrest of Momcilo Krajisnik in Pale early on Monday and the existence of
>sealed indictments which are not recognized in any legal system.
> The rally was organized by the Serb Democratic Party (SDS), within
>its election activities. The general message from the rally is that the arrest
>of Krajisnik, one of the founders of Republika Srpska, the first Srpska
>Parliament President, a participant in the Dayton Peace Accords, and the first
>post-war Srpska member of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency, is an assault on
>Republika Srpska and all its institutions.
> Speakers at the rally included SDS President Dragan Kalinic, and
>SDS Vice-President and Srpska Vice-President Mirko Sarovic. They both stressed
>that the international troops SFOR had stepped outside the framework of their
>mandate established under the Dayton Accords.
> BELGRADE, April 5 (Tanjug) - Political parties, organizations and
>associations on Wednesday again most strongly condemned the brutal arrest and
>extradition to the Hague of Serb Democratic Party Vice-President and Republika
>Srpska former senior official Momcilo Krajisnik.
> The Serbian Writers' Association (UKS) said the demonization and
>persecution of the Serb people in this century by the western power centers
>had culminated with the arrest of Krajisnik.
> "Without a regular arrest procedure, violating elementary human
>rights, including respect of person, they took Momcilo Krajisnik barefoot and
>half-dressed to the Hague, in order to humiliate the very Serb nation with
>this act," the UKS statement said.
> The vandal arrest of Krajisnik was also condemned by the
>association of Serbs from Croatia. The association said the manner, method and
>time of his arrest showed how little the Dayton Accords mean to western power
>figures, in particular to the United States.
> The Patriotic League of Serbia (PSS) condemned with the deepest
>indignation the criminal kidnapping of Krajisnik, one of the most important
>figures in the political life of Republika Srpska.
> The mafia-style arrest is proof of disrespect for elementary human
>rights, breaches of international law, and violations of the independence and
>statehood of Republika Srpska, the PSS said.
> MOSCOW, April 5 (Tanjug) - The Russian Foreign Ministry on
>Wednesday expressed serious concern over the arrest of Momcilo Krajisnik.
> The arrest of one of the leaders of Bosnian Serbs was carried out
>in open violation of legal norms and peacekeeper authorities, the statement
> Such steps initiated by the NATO Command undermine the already
>fragile situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, especially in view of the imminent
>local elections, the Ministry said.
> The Ministry urged all sides chiefly responsible for the
>realization of the Dayton Accords not to take any rash action which would lead
>to a destabilization of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
> This will determine the permanence of the achieved results and the
>fate of the agreement and inter-ethnic reconciliation, said the Ministry statement.

ANDKRONOS 5/4/2000 -------------------------------------------


Ambiente: Verdi Accusano, Guerra In Kosovo Peggio Del Vietnam

Roma, 5 apr. - (Adnkronos) - In Jugoslavia la Nato ha sperimentato una
guerra chimica peggiore di quella del Vietnam. Lo denunciano i Verdi in
un video-choch presentato oggi e inviato a D'Alema, a Violante e ai
ministri dell'Ambiente e della Difesa. Le bombe sulle industrie chimiche
a Pancevo, Novi Sadr, Nis hanno contaminato l'ambiente al punto che le
autorità sanitarie avrebbero sconsigliato alle donne di partorire per i
prossimi due anni. "La distruzione ecologica del territorio rientra in
una precisa strategia bellica consapevolmente pianificata dalla Nato"
accusano esponenti del Sole che Ride chiedendo al governo un intervento
riparatorio dei guasti ambientali "forte ed incisivo". NNNN

BBC/STOPNATO 5/4/2000 -----------------------------------------


> BBC Ceefax Teletext, Wed. 5 April 2000:
> Former South African president Nelson Mandela has accused the [British]
> Government of encouraging international chaos and playing "policeman of
> world".
> He said he resented the behaviour of Britain and the US for riding
> over the UN and launching military actions against Iraq and Kosovo.
> "It's a totally wrong attitude", Mr Mandela told the Guardian newspaper.
> He said they must not ignore the views of countries like China and
> According to a brief summary of the "Guardian" interview in Dutch "Leidsch
> Dagblad", ex-president Mandela called US/UK interventionism in
> violating UN rules, "racist".
> [ Does anyone have the full interview from the on-line "Guardian"?
> Nelson Mandela has denounced the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia as soon as it
> started.
> French Governor of Kosovo, B. Kouchner, by the way, repeatedly defended the
> UCK [KLA] in Kosovo by comparing it to Nelson Mandela's ANC; even though the
> two organizations are at very opposite ends to one another on the
> and moral spectra.
> PR advisers generally seem to think selling dubious people, by comparing
> them to Nelson Mandela, works wonders for their public image... ]

REUTERS 4/4/2000 -----------------------------------


April 4, 2000
Serb Man Killed by Leftover NATO Cluster Bomb
Filed at 8:45 a.m. ET By Reuters
NIS, Yugoslavia (Reuters) - A man died Tuesday when he hit a leftover
NATO cluster bomb while digging in his garden in southern Serbia, police
Vladimir Jovanovic, 70, died in the explosion, Nis police said. The bomb
was dropped by NATO in May during its 11-week air campaign against
Yugoslavia's repression of ethnic Albanians in the Kosovo province.
Jovanovic's son Ljubisa told the state news agency Tanjug that his
father was wounded in a NATO attack 11 months ago in the same area.

AIM, AP 3/4/2000 ------------------------------


PRISTINA, April 3, 2000 (Agence France Presse)
An Italian soldier in the Kosovo peacekeeping force (KFOR) died
Sunday of an accidental gunshot wound at his military base in Pec,
eastern Kosovo, a KFOR spokesman said.
The 29-year-old corporal died of a bullet wound to the head, but
the spokesman said officials were "virtually certain this was not a
suicide." He gave no details of the incident.

Italian corporal, 19, killed in accidental shooting in Kosovo
The Associated Press
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (April 2, 2000 9:52 a.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - A 19-year-old Italian soldier died Sunday
in Kosovo after an accidental shooting in the Italian military barracks,
NATO peacekeepers said.
Cpl. Samuele Utzeri, 19, was pronounced dead at the Italian military
hospital in western Kosovo after suffering gunshot wounds from a pistol.
The circumstances of the accident were unclear and Italian military
police were investigating, said Major Zenon Quintana.
Utzeri was 10 days shy of his 20th birthday.

SerbiaInfo 1/4/2000 ---------------------------


Meeting of journalists on Kosmet:
Lies and manipulations in the service of politics
April 01, 2000

Journalists step forward against manipulations

Athens, March 31st - Two-day talks between the Greek and foreign
journalists were completed today in Athens, titled "War and information
- the Kosovo experience", held in the Journalist Association of the
Athens daily press.
Aside from the local journalists, Robert Fisk from the "Independent",
Philip Nightly from the "Sunday Times", John Pilger from the
"Statesman", Eva Ann Prentice from the "Times" and the renowned writer,
Peter Handke, participated in the meeting.
The Greek daily, "Elefterotipia" has, while evaluating the assembly,
stressed that the Greek media, regardless of the fact that some of them
are being accused of "Serbophilia", have mainly in an accurate and
timely manner, published information regarding the events in Kosmet and
the bombing of Yugoslavia.
The Greek daily devoted most of its attention to the statements made by
the veteran journalist of the British "Independent", Robert Fisk, who
spoke of the war against Yugoslavia mainly by viewing the consequences
of the bombing and by comparing them to the consequences of the bombing
of Iraq.
Fisk reminded that ten years after the war in the Gulf, thousands of
people are struck with diseases and the "Gulf syndrome", and that, among
the sick, there are some veterans of the allied forces, and added that
the number of victims in Iraq is still increasing.
"What will happen to Kosovo where bombs with Depleted Uranium were also
used", asked Fisk, adding that still there are no NATO official reports
on the consequences of the bombing of Yugoslavia. This British
journalist asked Jamey Shea the same thing, but always received calming
answers saying that this kind of lethal weapon, which NATO uses in its
newest operation, "is not dangerous".
"This was a great lie they told to the journalists, because I have in my
possession a classified document with a report in which it is clearly
stated that the use of bombs with DU is very dangerous for the
environment", stated Fisk.
Answering Handke's question - why did not he publish all that in his
country and other NATO member-states, Fisk said that he just made
agreements for series of visits to US cities where he would speak of the
consequences of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
According to "Elefterotipia", Fisk has, while answering the question
regarding the bombing of the RTS (Serbian Broadcasting Co.) building in
Belgrade, said that "the moment when you start killing people just
because you do not like them and because they do not speak the same
things as you do, you are drastically changing the rules of war".
Peter Handke, an Austrian writer, speaking about his experience during
his stay in Serbia under NATO bombs, bitterly stated that
"unfortunately, thanks to the media, an image of an executioner was made
out of the Serbian people" and that mass media do not longer exist.
"NATO is a gangster organization. In fact, NATO is worse than gangsters,
because it is hiding behind the mask of morality, putting its efforts
in, allegedly, higher humanitarian goals", stated Handke.
"Germany has", he added, "destroyed the most beautiful 'state utopia'
which existed - former Yugoslavia, because they could not stand a
country which had a future in every aspect possible. By killing Serbs,
the Germans and the Austrians "wash their hands" and clear their
conscience of the crimes they committed against the Jews in the WW II".
While talking about the policy of manipulation, Handke stated that there
is no leadership of a sovereign country, which would accept the planted
offer from Rambouillet.
Everything was a farce and a premeditated game in which, from the start,
NATO had a planned scenario of the development of the situation, stated
The other participants of the two-day meeting, Pilger, Nightly and
Prentice also spoke of the obvious "media manipulation" in which "truth
was sacrificed" in order for certain political interests to be achieved.

Copyright ? 1998, 1999, 2000 Ministry of Information
Email: mirs@...

REUTERS 30/3/2000 ---------------------------


Russia Cuts Gas As Serb Reconstruction At Stake

BELGRADE, Mar 30, 2000 -- (Reuters) Russia slashed gas supplies to
Serbia this week
without prior notice, a senior Serbian oil industry official said on
Wednesday, in a move that
could cut home heating and food supplies and even slow the rebuilding of
the war-damaged Balkan nation.
"They are now delivering between 105,000 and 110,000 cubic meters of gas
per hour to Serbia, compared to nearly 290,000
cubic meters an hour some three weeks ago," the official at Serbia's NIS
oil monopoly, told Reuters.
Serbia agreed to a supply deal with Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom for
humanitarian deliveries of gas last year, despite
debts of some $200 million.
The official said Russia had agreed to reschedule the debt and supply
250,000 cubic meters of gas per hour, pumped
through Hungary, to heat households and keep vital industries running.
He gave no details about payment.
The country normally consumes 650,000 cubic meters an hour during the
heating season, which normally ends on April 15.
While the weather was currently warm, Serbia was expected to experience
another cold spell in the first week of April
with temperatures plunging below zero, according to weather forecasts.
The cut deliveries forced NIS to halt supplies to central heating
plants, the main source of heating in the republic.
"They seem to have their own idea of what's cold. Based on their own
judgment, they've decided to cut these so-called
humanitarian gas deliveries. We expect such low quantities to continue
until April 1. Afterwards, there could easily be
no gas at all," the official said.
The imported gas, together with some 80,000 cubic meters per hour
produced at home, is being distributed to fertilizer
plant Azotara Pancevo and the food processing industry.
"There is no gas for cement makers. This can easily put the entire
reconstruction of the country at stake," the source said.
Rebuilding of roads and industrial facilities either damaged or
destroyed in NATO's March-to-June bombing last year,
is a top priority for Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's
government, anxious to offer an illusion of normality and
prosperity ahead of an election due later this year.
Yugoslavia, or rather its dominant part Serbia, has turned east for aid
after NATO's air war last year, as the West has
declined to provide aid as long as Milosevic was in power.
In December and January, Serbian officials had urged ministers in
Kremlin to persuade Vladimir Putin, then prime
minister, now president-elect, to sign a decree allowing extra gas
"It is very difficult for us to establish what is going on. We are told
that Gazprom had agreed to supply 2.5 billion cubic
meters of gas for the year, and then out of blue they halt the
delivery," the NIS source said.
A delegation of the Serbian Energy Ministry and representatives of
ProgresGas Trading company, importing the gas, are
in Moscow this week trying to clarify the problem.
Statements from Milosevic's leftist government, which has a shrinking
number of supporters in the world, have
indicated he had hoped for a Communist victory in Sunday's presidential
poll in Russia, although he congratulated Putin
on his victory.

TANJUG 30/3/2000 --------------------------------


Poèetak konkretne saradnje u oblasti telekomunikacija
30. mart 2000.
[Znaèajan sporazum Jugoslavije i Kine]
30. Znaèajan sporazum
marta Jugoslavije i Kine
(Tanjug) - Potpredsednik kineske vlade Vu
Banguo istakao je, u razgovoru
saveznim ministrom za
telekomunikacije Ivanom
Markoviæem, u
Pekingu, znaèaj sporazuma o
u svim oblastima
koji su danas potpisali JP PTT
"Srbija" i "Telekom Srbija"
A.D. sa
vodeæom kineskom
kompanijom "ZTE-Džunsing

On je naglasio da Kina
dalju saradnju preduzeæa dve
istièuæi da kinesko rukovodstvo
saradnju s Jugoslavijom gleda i
"na bratski odnos i
prijateljstvo, a
ne samo kao na ekonomski

Vu je istakao da Kina pruža
bezuslovnu i bezrezervnu
Jugoslaviji, njenoj odbrani i
oèuvanju suvereniteta i
teritorijalnog intergiteta, kao
obnovi i rekonstrukciji posle

Potpredsednik Vu je izneo
prema jugoslovenskom narodu i
predsedniku SR Jugoslavije
Miloševiæu, njihovom herojskom
NATO agresiji i uspešnim
u obnovi zemlje.

Ministar Markoviæ je ukazao na
saradnje dve zemlje u svim
telekomunikacija, koja
doprinos ukupnom uspešnom

On je izrazio zahvalnost
rukovodstvu na principijelnoj
Jugoslaviji, ukazujuæi da se
dve zemlje zasnivaju na
meðusobne podrške,
ravnopravnosti i
zajednièkih interesa. Govoreæi
elementima današnjih svetskih
kretanja, Markoviæ je istakao
da ona
država koja na planeti krši
prava svakog graðanina i svih
nema pravo da drugima drži
lekcije o
ljudskim pravima.

Radi se o traženju izgovora
administracije za mešanje u
unutrašnja pitanja drugih
rekao je on.

Markoviæ je ocenio da su iste
snage koje podstièu secesiju
bombardovale Jugoslaviju,
navodeæi da
su u Jugoslaviji izazvale
katastrofu, a sada najgrublje
na suverenitet i teritorijalnu
celovitost, jedne, nedeljive

Markoviæ je upoznao sagovornika
da je
Jugoslavija inicirala pokret
slobodoljubivih zemalja na
šefova država ili vlada za
multipolarnost, za UN i
parlament ravnopravnih zemalja.
oktobru æe biti održan skup
slobodoljubivih partija i
pokreta s
ciljem da se pruži otpor
politièkom pritisku i politici
amerièke administracije i bilo
drugog hegemona.

1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Ministarstvo za informacije Republike Srbije
Email: mirs@...

TANJUG 26/3/2000 -----------------------------


"Le Mond" on trial for racist attitude
March 26, 2000
Paris, March 26th (Tanjug) - Tomorrow, in the Paris court of justice, a
trial to Le Mond will be held for publishing a text, whose author blames
the entire Serbian people for the alleged acts "committed in Kosmet
before the international intervention", as well as for refusing a right
to answer.
"Le Mond" was sued by the president of "Lawyers without borders", an
association fighting against all forms of racism, Gilles William
On August 12th 1999, Le Mond published, on the front page, a text by the
so-called psychoanalyst, Philippe Refabert, titled "Give justice to
Kosovar people", in which he tried to justify Albanian crimes against
the Serbs after the KFOR and UNMIK arrival to the province.
The author stopped at nothing, accusing all Serbs, which presents a
public disclosure of racist attitudes, punishable by the French law.
The president of the "Lawyers without borders" sent a letter on October
12th 1999 to the manager of Le Mond, Jean-Marie Colombani, pointing to
Refabert's accusations and emphasizing that the crimes were committed
against Serbs themselves.
Mr. Goldnadel requested from Le Mond to publish the letter, quoting the
right to answer assumed by the French press law. Le Mond refused to
publish the letter.

Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Ministry of Information
Email: mirs@...


Le nostre selezioni di notizie non pretendono di informare
esaurientemente su tutti gli aspetti della problematica
jugoslava e balcanica, che e' vastissima, ma solamente di gettare
luce su alcune sfaccettature che non vengono trattate adeguatamente,
ne' potrebbero esserlo, dalla pubblicistica guerrafondaia attiva nel
nostro paese come in tutto l'Occidente.
Le notizie in lingua straniera sono sempre introdotte da un nostro
titolo in italiano per facilitarne la consultazione.
I brani provengono da fonti diverse:

AIM - e' il bollettino della Rete Accademica di Informazione:
> For more information visit our Academic Information Network site at
> http://www.aim.ac.yu/
> Please send us Your comments to news@... or comment@...

ANSA - E' la principale agenzia di stampa italiana

YDS - e' la "Yugoslav Daily Survey" del Ministero degli Esteri della
RFJ (cfr. http://www.mfa.gov.yu/ ).

BBC - sono le notizie tratte dal sito internet della radiotelevisione
britannica: all stories from the BBC website http://news.bbc.co.uk

REUTERS - sono i dispacci della omonima agenzia di informazione

AFP - e' l'agenzia di stampa francese France Presse.

AP - e' l'agenzia statunitense Associated Press.

SerbiaInfo - e' il bollettino del Ministero dell'Informazione della
Repubblica di Serbia: http://www.serbia-info.com

STOPNATO - e' la mailing list STOPNATO.listbot.com

Tanjug - e' l'agenzia di stampa jugoslava: http://www.tanjug.co.yu

Distribution of copyright-protected materials is for general
information and discussion purposes only.

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

TITOLO: Pulizia etnica? Un falso! Parola di generale
AUTORE: Gordon Poole

Il giornale inglese "Sunday Times" (2/4/2000) ha pubblicato un articolo
John Goetz e Tom Walker sulle rivelazioni diHeinz Loquai, generale di
brigata a riposo tedesco, secondo il quale non sarebbe mai esistito
piano jugoslavo per effettuare la pu lizia etnica della popolazione
albanese del Kosovo. Interessantissimo, considerando che la rivelazione
del piano, chiamato "Operazione ferro di cavallo", da parte di Joschka
Fischer, ministro degli esteri tedesco, convinse una parte dell'opinione
pubblica tedesca sin'allora contraria alla guerra ad accettare la
partecipazione della Luftwaffe ai bombardamenti NATO, in contraddizione
con la stessa costituzione della RFT. Dal 6 aprile 1999 in poi, quando
l'esistenza del piano di Belgrado fu rivelata - i bomb ardamenti
già da due settimane - tutte le conferenze stampa NATO teletrasmesse,
orchestrate dall'esperto di propaganda Jamie Shea, si riferivano
ritualmente ad "Operation Horseshoe". Ancora nel marzo scorso James
portavoce del Dipartimento di Stato americano, ha citato quel piano in
giustificazione dei bombardamenti.

Heinz Loquai, invece, sostiene in un recente libro sulla guerra che il
presunto piano sia stato creato dal nulla, sulla base di vaghi rapporti
dei servizi segreti bulgari su normali operazioni militari.
che lavora ora per l'OSCE (Organisati on for Security and Co-operation
Europe), accusa Rudolf Scharping, ministro della difesa tedesco, di
responsabile del falso. Intervistato dal "Sunday Times" Loquai ha detto
essere giunto alla conclusione che nessuna operazione del genere sia mai
esistita, aggiungendo che in Germania "Le critiche nei confronti della
guerra, che erano diventate un incendio quasi incontrollabile, furono
completamente spente grazie ad 'Operazione ferro di cavallo'".
Indipendentemente il giornale tedesco "Die Woch e" ha sostenuto che le
mappe, acquisite dalla NATO e diffuse dai giornali in tutto il mondo
prova dell'esistenza del piano di pulizia etnica serbo, siano state
nel quartiere generale tedesco della difesa nella città di Hardthoehe.
verità, secondo Loquai, il rapporto dei servizi segreti di Sofia
concludeva che lo scopo delle forze armate serbe era, comprensibilmente,
di distruggere l'UCK, non di espellere l'intera popolazione albanese,
invece hanno sostenuto sia Scharping ch e i leader della NATO.

Secondo Diana Johnstone, in un articolo che uscirà sulla rivista
l'operazione "ferro di cavallo" è banalmente una tecnica o tattica
insegnata in tutti i manuali militari, che prevede un attacco su tre
contro un luogo fortificato, lasciando i l quarto lato libero per
permettere la fuga degli occupanti, così da evitare una difesa ad
oltranza. Essa sarebbe stata impiegata contro alcuni villaggi nel Kosovo
che erano stati occupati dall'UCK, abbandonati dagli abitanti e
trasformati praticamente in fortezze.

La NATO ha respinto le affermazioni di Loquai, pur dovendo ammettere di
non poter provare l'esistenza di un piano di pulizia etnica "Horseshoe".
Il "Sunday Times" cita una fonte NATO, non identificata, la quale
riferisce che: "Non c'è mai una sicurezza as soluta in queste cose.
Tuttavia, l'idea che non ci fosse nulla di pre-arrangiato è
anti-intuitiva. Basta pensare alla velocità con cui i serbi si sono
Finché non entriamo in Belgrado e cominciamo a fare a pezzi gli archivi,
non saremo mai sicuri - e questo non succederà mai".

A Belgrado, fonti governative sostengono che diversi ufficiali
dell'esercito jugoslavo hanno liquidato l'idea di un' "Operazione ferro
cavallo" come semplicemente un'invenzione della guerra propagandistica
della NATO.

[diffusione a cura del Tribunale Indipendente per i crimini NATO]


New WORD Order:
Exodus, justified, bombing

-About the plan "potkovA"-

Dragan Pavlovic
Editor in chief, Dialogue, Paris

Explaining human aggression requires knowledge, patience, and a lot of
humanism. We are fragile, scared but very sophisticated beings. Still,
justifying aggressivity requires much more. Let us see what is this
The NATO intervention in Yugoslavia is being justified, by those who
bombs, by the number of Albanian refugees (1.5 million they say), by
conditions in Kosovo prior bombing, by hidden desires of Balkan
viciousness of the Serbs, etc. What will be used depends of the moment
the argument is used. Today this is the number of Albanian refugees
the bombing!), planed action which deserved bombing before the exodus
(German Secretary of Defense, R. Scharping). A piece of Copenhagen
of quantum mechanics theory, I presume. Hope you follow. But let us see
facts to start with.
First of all this was a war, and quite bad one. The victims
victims) were just from one side, the other side acting from the
with high level of security. This makes particular atmosphere and
the urge to hide, run away. The number of displaced people is difficult
estimate, though.
The number of refugees going south (Shiptars/Kosovo Albanians)
probably about 600 000. The number of 1.5 million, advanced recently is
course ridiculous. Total number of Shiptars (Kosovo Albanians) in
just prior the bombing was about 1.5 million. The reports from Kosovo
the NATO bombing were showing that significant number of Albanians was
still at their homes and the numbers of how many were in refugees camps
outside Kosovo was permanently changing from 600 000, to close to 1
million, and sank, just before the end of bombing, to 700 000. Also
pregnant with logic, of course. On the return of the refugees, at the
end of
bombing, TV reports showed this clearly, those who were awaiting
refugees in
the "abandoned" villages, obviously outnumber them.
Those who were displaced north, east or west include about 200
Serbs, Romes and others. Certainly more then 1 million of population
Serbia was displaced, close to their homes, or farther to the Republika
Srpska, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Those who obtained visas went to
other European countries or oversee. I slept more then 10 nights during
time away from my home, which is close to one military object and a
for NATO bombs. I was afraid. My family sent my niece and her father 200
away to the relatives in a quite village. This is what everyone did. Be
from the target, away from the military personnel, vehicles etc, was
thought which persisted in the minds of people during that time. The
explosions were terrifying, although in a big city they were often at
considerable distance and close just for those living in the
neighborhood of
the particular target. In a small city all explosions were close. I
suspect that Kosovo Albanians did the same thing (all detonations are
in villages and small cities) and, if they were surrounded by Yugoslav
"objectives", as they were, it is clear why they run away. On my way
Serbia I was twice in Budapest, twice in Sophia, spent 30 days in
during the bombing, travelled all along the country tree times from
north to the south. On all occasions, Budapest and Sophia were full of
Yugoslavs, busses were constantly living the country packed by people
were escaping the disaster. This lasted for more then two months. How
of them were displaced, all aspects of displacement taken into account?
As I
said, I do not believe that there were less then 1 million.
Herr Scharping may finally be "right": about 1.5 displaced
and two third of those probably emigrating abroad, but Yugoslavs (!),
together, including Shiptars, Serbs, Romes, Hungarians etc.
But this is not whole explanation. Let us see about the
1. When the bombing started there were strong confrontations
between Yu-army and KLA which was, quickly, just a couple of days
pushed to the Albanian border. This did not make many people hesitate
to do in the circumstances.
2. KLA was encouraging, pushing, and forcing the population to
leave the country. They even distributed red leaflets (like Albanian
instructing the population to go to NATO refugees camps over the
Brutal violence and even killing were used, when "needed".
3. NATO, accompanied by journalists, NGOs etc, was announcing
reception of the refugees. Many of the refugees were hoping to finish
somewhere in California. They were filmed by the accompanying TV crews
marching along slippery hills of Kosovo covered with massive snow
there was no snow in Kosovo at that time of the year).
4. In the regions of fighting Yu-army facilitated transport of
refugees, which they found reasonable since they probably believed that
massive exodus could stop the bombing.
5. Yu-army could have also believed that it had all strategic
reasons to get rid (in quite brutal military way) of potential KLA
behind its back and was on the search for KLA members, which further
the population.
6. Rare paramilitary actions from the side of the Serbs were
reported which could have further encouraged the population to go.

So, probably (just probably though) there was a plan, or plans:
Serbian army believed that massive exodus would: 1. stop the bombing,
destabilize NATO alliance, 3. bring the sides to the negotiation table,
4. permit the return of only Shiptars i.e. non-KLA population,
immigrants from Albania and KLA members.
NATO planned (not probably but surely), as declared, to win
militarily, which required: 1. that all Albanians abandon Kosovo
(temporarily), 2. carpet-bombing of Yugoslav army in Kosovo, and 3.
repetition of "Hiroshima" strategy, destruction of one or more Serbian
cities, which would force Serbian army to surrender.
As we know now, both "plans" did not work. The moment is
since European politicians have to justify something they cannot
and which could be "justified" only if the plan worked. Serbian position
considerably better since they can show that the population ran away in
bigger numbers from the regions (in Serbia proper) where only one
NATO bombing, was at work, without the Serbian army facilitating exodus,
without armed conflicts with KLA forces.
These are of course, speculations. Only sure thing which would
stand all
challenges is that nobody, just nobody - except pore population - did
sincerely want that the Kosovo Albanians stay at their homes, and this
clearly shown by the NATO, International community behaviour, KLA,
forces, journalists, NGOs. Why should they stay then?
Justifying the exodus will mean now showing that the situation
Kosovo prior to the bombing justified bombing. The OSCE Report from
last year is a document of reference. Unfortunately, the vagueness of
OSCE Report, particularly of its first part (which speaks of what
before bombing), does not support the argument. In addition, the Racak
Incident, being the main and only "clear-cut" Serbian crime cited in
first part of the Report, is shown now to be a set-up. This is
disappointing. Since the Racak Incident proved to be no "incident",
politicians are trying a well-known maneuver, "ignoratio elenhi" - to
change the thesis, forgetting Racak Incident and referring only to the
Serbian "plan" to chase all Albanians over the frontiers. Unfortunately
this leads even further into the logical labyrinth - they are namely
to use a typical "post hoc ergo ante hoc" argument i.e., maintain that
result produced its cause. "Since there were 1.5 million refugees, to
achieve this the Serbs must have had a plan", meaning they were bombed
because of that "plan". You are puzzled? They are confident. To prove
thesis, requires not only a political skills of excellence, but also
vicious mind, and they do not doubt in their capacities. If the idea is
justify NATO bombing of Yugoslavia then, the justification had to be
for in post hoc events since, they certainly know that, there is not
much to
find in propter hoc events. Understood?
We will take the liberty of reminding Herr Scharping that the
humanitarian situation in Kosovo pre NATO bombing was taken by the
"international community" to be critical and this was the basis for the
decision to break International Law (not entirely though, some articles
were spared), go far beyond the humanitarian objectives (in order to
achieve a "final solution") and impose the Rambouillet ultimatum, which
meant (Annex B) partial occupation of Yugoslavia by the NATO forces
and, in
two years, the secession of Kosovo, following a referendum of Kosovo
Albanians. Responsible for the critical humanitarian situation were, we
told, Serbian police forces and militaries. We are not told that those
Serbian forces were there to oppose imported Albanian armed secession,
long process which for more then half of the century could not attract
rural Albanian population of Kosovo. This was possible (Western
intelligence help included) only when illegal immigration from
Albania reached a critical level, when Pristina university produced
indoctrinated intellectuals who become the main revolutionary force,
finally, when the vertical hierarchy of the communist regime dissolved.
in the other regions of Yugoslavia, local powers understood well that
ambitions could only be achieved inside some previously imposed
Bosnia and Herzegovina was a problem, being very unhomogeneous. The
Muslim majority had to be helped by the International community to
its power and, following ethnic cleansing, achieve a homogenous
Kosovo was in that respect a simple problem. For whom, we may
The results of that turmoil will tell us. If we would, in the end, want
know what a politician thinks, not listening to what he declares but
what he does, we would have to conclude the following. It was desired
the Serbs be ethnically cleansed and ethnic (and by definition unjust)
states be established in the Balkans, that the NATO forces establish a
stronghold in the Balkans (the two military bases, in Macedonia and
are not meant as a balance for dangerous Serbia, of course, but have a
more ambitious purpose). Etc. Who was responsible for the humanitarian
crisis in Kosovo was not really important, as clearly the best possible
solution for those people living there was not to be even considered.
was not the real problem for our politicians, they knew what they were
and everything was, no doubt, done with a clear objective in mind. They
show us, one day, what is it; I do not worry about this.
What troubles me is that we, staying quiet, let them believe
that we not only do not see what they do, but also do not hear what they
say. They might even wary how the demagogy is going to work if we do not
listen to them. Let us reassure them that we did not overhear that they
shamelessly, in their power delirium, misuse what is sacred - the wisdom
antiquity. Unfortunately, this time this is not a coherent political
The power-corrupted are finally exposing to us their weak points: their
simple and miserable ignorance, and this is, WE know it, a dangerous
I was told a long time ago that in some ancient times, when
discovered the power of syllogism of Aristotle, it was permitted to
those who pretended to be wise but did not know syllogism. Indeed, here
just had one, fallacious, syllogism.
J'accuse? Non. Pourtant, J'attend...



The eminent German daily Frankfuhrter Rundshau reported a fortnight ago
that Bulgarian and
German secret services had forged a “secret Serb plan” that
was used as
justification for NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia last year
(“General bezweifelt Existenz
des serbischen Kriegskonzepts,” March 21). The plan, code-named
“Horseshoe,” purported to prove that the Serbs had planned
ethnic cleansing of
Kosovo Albanians well before the NATO bombing campaign. The German paper
quoted Heinz
Loquai, a retired Bundeswehr brigadier general, who says that the
“plan” was no
more than an intelligence assessment written in Sofia and subsequently
embellished in Bonn.

But during the NATO war “Horseshoe” was given top billing.
It was first revealed
by Joschka Fischer, the German foreign minister, on April 6 last year,
almost two weeks after
bombing had started. Two days later, on April 8, 1999 it was mentioned
again at a press
conference by the Bundeswehr Inspector-General Hans-Peter von Kierbach.
The general claimed
that this document provided evidence that Belgrade wanted to liquidate
the KLA “even if
that would mean extermination of the Albanians in Kosovo.”

Then “Horseshoe” crossed the Atlantic. On April 15 it was
invoked by William Pfaff
in the International Herald Tribune in support of his claim that it
would be “immoral”
to stop the bombing. Pfaff treated “Horseshoe” as a given

Mr. Milosevic and his government are attempting to solve their Kosovo
problem by producing a
basic demographic change in the province through deporting its Albanian
population, the
overwhelming majority. According to German government sources, this
program for purging
Kosovo of its Albanian population was prepared at the end of last year
under the code name
“Horseshoe.” … Horseshoe was designed to produce a
permanent solution,
and was launched even before the Rambouillet discussions in February,
which the Serbian
leadership did not take seriously.

On April 24, 1999, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kostov also quoted the
“Horseshoe” to
justify the pending Bulgarian collaboration with NATO: “Operation
‘Horseshoe’ began on February 26 and aimed at two things: to
exterminate the KLA
and to turn Kosovo into a desert.” It was subsequently used by a
whole host of NATO
apologists, and most recently by State Department’s James Rubin
only two weeks ago.

But in Europe it is now common knowledge that Operation Horseshoe was
yet another Kosovo
Lie. On April 2 The Sunday Times of London followed the Rundschau story
up with a
comprehensive and conclusive report (“Serbian ethnic cleansing
scare was a fake, says
general,” by John Goetz in Berlin and Tom Walker):

Horseshoe - or "Potkova", as the Germans said it was known in Belgrade -
became a staple of
Nato briefings. It was presented as proof that President Slobodan
Milosevic of Yugoslavia had
long planned the expulsion of Albanians. James Rubin, the American state
department spokesman,
cited it only last week to justify Nato's bombardment. However, Heinz
Loquai, a retired brigadier
general, has claimed in a new book on the war that the plan was
fabricated from run-of-the-mill
Bulgarian intelligence reports. Loquai, who now works for the
Organisation for Security and
Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), has accused Rudolf Scharping, the German
defence minister, of
obscuring the origins of Operation Horseshoe. “The facts to
support its existence are at
best terribly meagre,” he told The Sunday Times. “I have
come to the conclusion
that no such operation ever existed. The criticism of the war, which had
grown into a fire that was
almost out of control, was completely extinguished by Operation

Loquai claims that the German defense ministry turned a vague report
from Sofia into a "plan", and
even coined the name Horseshoe.

But this eagerness to embellish it in order to produce a convincing
forgery resulted in the
fundamental flaw: the Germans named the operation “Potkova,”
which is the
CROATIAN word for horseshoe. The Serbian for horseshoe is Potkovica. It
is a bit like claiming
that a secret IRA document was called “Operation
Londonderry” –
impossible by definition. “A state prosecutor would never think of
going to trial with the
amount of evidence available to the German defense ministry,” said
General Loquai. But
how about Carla Ponte? “Horseshoe” is now proven to be a
lie, but it may yet be
used to indict a few more Serbs by the “tribunal” at The

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

Recensione di una rivista un po' strana


"E' fuori dubbio che noi dobbiamo sottoporre a critica ogni
specie di idee errate. Certamente, non si puo' rinunciare a criticare le
idee errate e guardarle mentre si diffondono ovunque e conquistano il
mercato - ogni errore va criticato, ogni erba velenosa va combattuta -
ma questa critica non dev'essere dogmatica; occorre scartare il metodo
metafisico e fare tutto il possibile per applicare il metodo dialettico.
La critica richiede l'analisi scientifica e un'argomentazione esaustiva
e convincente."
Mao Tse-Tung, "Della giusta soluzione delle contraddizioni nel popolo"
(27 febbraio 1957)


E' stata ripetutamente segnalata - anche su "Guerre&Pace", si veda il
testo del direttore Peruzzi riprodotto in calce a questo messaggio -
l'uscita del primo numero della rivista BALKAN, curata da un sedicente
"Centro di Iniziativa Politica sui Balcani" (CIPB). Questo CIPB e' stato
creato lo scorso anno da alcune persone da tempo attive nel sostegno
alla causa irredentista pan-albanese (si veda ad esempio l'articolo di
Ilario Salucci su "Bandiera Rossa" del Novembre 1998, nel quale si
esprimeva l'appoggio esplicito ai "guerriglieri" dell'UCK:
http://www.marx2001.org/crj/DOCS/salucci.html ).
Il CIPB (http://www.ecn.org/cipb) e' a sua volta erede del "Comitato di
Solidarieta' per il Kosova" (http://www.ecn.org/kosova), e la rivista ha
un suo sito internet (http://www.ecn.org/balkan) sul server "Isole nella
rete", server che ospita pure il bollettino "Notizie Est" curato da
Andrea Ferrario, uno dei redattori della stessa rivista

[ Ricapitolando: abbiamo ben 4 (quattro) siti internet di solidarieta'
con il progetto irredentista grande-albanese ospitati sul server
www.ecn.org ]

Questo primo numero di BALKAN segue un numero "zero" sperimentale uscito
lo scorso anno. Cosa e' stato pubblicato in questi due numeri? Facciamo
qualche esempio:

- Sul N.1 appare un articolo sulla presunta "demonizzazione degli
albanesi", che altro non e' che la traduzione in italiano dell'articolo
che si trova su http://www.flash.net/~comvoice/21cKosovoDemonized.html
tratto da una rivista para-marxista ("Communist Voice") che dice di
opporsi sia al capitalismo di mercato che al "capitalismo di Stato",
Cuba compresa.

- Sul N.0 e' stata pubblicata una vera e propria arringa con la
richiesta di assoluzione con formula piena per la politica della
Germania rispetto ai Balcani, come se l'imperialismo tedesco avesse
bisogno di avvocati difensori... Le fonti citate sono i signori Conversi
e Avramovic. Con l'ausilio di queste due ben note (?) firme della
sinistra (?) antimperialista (?) Andrea Ferrario cerca di liquidare
quella che definisce la "tesi del complotto della Germania mirato a
smembrare la federazione jugoslava", e viceversa a scaricare le colpe
sulla Gran Bretagna che avrebbe fatto carte false per salvare la
Repubblica Federativa.

[ Si noti che questo articolo di Ferrario contraddice clamorosamente
cose da lui stesso pubblicate sul suo sito internet in tempi "non
sospetti": ci riferiamo all'articolo "Il ruolo della Germania nella
disintegrazione della Jugoslavia", di Rudiger Goebel, ancora accessibile
dalla URL http://www.ecn.org/est/balcani/jugo/jugo01.htm e a nostro
avviso molto piu' interessante dell'altro "filotedesco". ]

- Sempre in tema di avvocati difensori, Ilario Salucci fa l'avvocatura
d'ufficio di UCK e NATO a Rambouillet, cercando di dimostrare che
siccome l'Allegato B (occupazione militare NATO su tutta la RFJ) era
incluso dall'inizio, allora non e' poi stato un tale scandalo. Il fatto
che a Rambouillet l'UCK si fosse presentato con i consiglieri USA (e
radicali pannelliani) al seguito viene evidentemente ritenuto meno degno
di nota.

- Si assiste poi alla milionesima riproposizione dello
spauracchio serbo ("mito" del Kosovo) da parte di Andrea Speranza.

- Sul N.1 c'e' anche il capovolgimento dei termini reali della
problematica della disinformazione strategica (articolo a firma G.

- Infine, un appello per la liberazione dei "desaparecidos" (NON si
intendono le centinaia di rapiti serbi ed albanesi kosovari da parte
dell'UCK) e dei "prigionieri politici" dalle prigioni jugoslave (per
inciso, gia' ne sono stati rilasciati mezzo migliaio), tipo quell'Albin
Kurti su cui e' stata contemporaneamente scatenata la campagna di Soros,
del Dipartimento di Stato USA e di Bonino-Pannella.

Quindi di carne al fuoco ce n'e' tanta... Ma, come fa in parte notare
anche Peruzzi (si veda di seguito), altrettante sono le cose che MANCANO
nelle analisi di queste persone. Per esempio, non c'e' nessuna analisi
di cosa sia l'UCK, ed in generale degli appoggi di cui gode la causa
irredentista panalbanese - da Rugova a Xhaferri passando per Thaci -
nelle piu' influenti consorterie occidentali. Quell'irredentismo e'
interpretato su BALKAN in termini di "riscatto nazionale", attraverso un
uso parziale ed a-dialettico di frammenti del bagaglio storico ed ideale
del marxismo trotzkista (ne abbiamo gia' parlato in passato e non ci
ritorniamo, si veda ancora:
http://www.marx2001.org/crj/DOCS/salucci.html ).
Eppure e' strano che persone come Andrea Ferrario, che attraverso la sua
mailing list "Notizie Est" fu tra i primi a rivelare, seppure solo per
inciso, gli appoggi provenienti dalla lobby statunitense di Dole,
Dioguardi e MacCain attraverso la "Albanian American Civil League" (per
capire meglio a cosa ci riferiamo, si veda ad esempio
http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/104?&start=85 ), non
trovino due righe di spazio per parlarne su BALKAN.

Anni fa, era proprio Ferrario a spiegare in qualche suo articolo - e
proprio su "Guerre&Pace" - quali interessi strategici si muovessero
attorno all'Albania, ridotta a feudo eurostatunitense, ed attorno alla
questione panalbanese in generale... E adesso? Beh, adesso Ferrario si
e' adattato alla nuova situazione... forse per non essere censurato dal
sito "Isole nella Rete" come e' successo a noi del Coordinamento Romano
per la Jugoslavia (si veda
http://www.marx2001.org/crj/KOMU/crj.html ).
Cosicche', ad esempio, ancora alla vigilia della aggressione della NATO
contro la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia Ferrario scriveva
candidamente che "In Kosovo gli americani scortano la polizia serba"
( http://www.ecn.org/est/balcani/jugo/jugo95.htm ). Infatti, si sa,
Milosevic e gli USA andrebbero a braccetto - questa la tesi centrale di
BALKAN e di tutti i suoi collaboratori. Solo qualche volta Milosevic e
Clinton si bombardano per troppo amore.

Oltre ad una qualche analisi dell'UCK, manca qualsivoglia analisi della
presenza imperialista sul territorio balcanico, e manca ogni spiegazione
delle possibili ragioni strategiche di essa. A livello di slogan si fa
sempre in tempo a dire "NO ALLA NATO"; l'importante e' far passare
DI JUGOSLAVIA IN GABBIE ETNICHE". Frantumazione che viene caldeggiata
anche rispetto ad altri scenari (turchi di Bulgaria, Cecenia, eccetera)
adducendo criteri di mero differenzialismo etnico che non hanno niente a
che fare ne' con il marxismo, ne' con una qualsiasi "sinistra", e che
comportano come unico risultato l'impelagarsi in un ginepraio di
inestricabili contraddizioni zoo-etno-geografiche prima che politiche,
soprattutto in un territorio come quello balcanico dove la
strutturazione delle nazionalita' e' sempre stata - e sempre rimarra', a
meno di interventi di tipo nazista come certe vicende di questi ultimi
anni, ad esempio nelle Krajne - una strutturazione "a scatole cinesi".
Questa maniera di considerare la "autodeterminazione dei popoli" come un
valore in se', in quelle realta' concrete significa portare "i popoli"
alla pura e semplice RICOLONIZZAZIONE.

Da un lato, e' forte su BALKAN la retorica di tipo operaista-sindacale
ed il vuoto appellarsi alle "masse balcaniche"; dall'altro viene
assolutamente negato ogni spazio alle vere e proprie realta' comuniste
organizzate sul territorio. Mentre si getta volentieri discredito sulla
classe dirigente belgradese, non si parla di nessuna delle aggregazioni
dell'opposizione di sinistra esistenti nella attuale RF di Jugoslavia
(ne' dei marxisti-leninisti di Kitanovic, ne' dei titoisti di Mirkovic,
ne' delle altre innumerevoli sfumature esistenti e sapientemente celate
alla nostra opinione pubblica, che deve piuttosto essere educata a
pensare ad una monolitica serbo-dittatura). Per la Slovenia, il
referente "politico" e' un barone universitario (si veda piu' avanti).
Per la Croazia, sono i sindacati di area socialdemocratica
filooccidentale; il Partito Socialista Operaio di Stipe Suvar
(http://www.srp.hr) semplicemente non esiste. Per la Bosnia e la FYROM,
non si sa... Il referente kosovaro invece e' detto esplicitamente:
e' la LKCK (si legga il paradossale reportage di Volante e Speranza su
http://www.ecn.org/balkan/n001999/00balk01.htm ), un raggruppamento
ancor piu' irredentista dell'UCK, che critica la NATO in pratica solo
perche' non gli ha passato armi abbastanza.

Dicevamo, la Slovenia... per la Slovenia viene data voce ad un
professore di filosofia dell'Universita' di Lubiana, tale Slavoj Zizek,
di orientamento libertario (nel senso di Pannella), il quale viene non
per caso fortemente propagandato in troppi sinistri ambienti
para-intellettuali. Ad esempio, in un articolo-encomio scritto da Ida
Dominijanni su "Il Manifesto" del 25 gennaio scorso, di questo "filosofo
sloveno" si racconta molto onestamente "che negli USA e' gia' da tempo
noto e discusso... come pure in vari paesi europei". E' un personaggio
di quelli per tutte le stagioni, una specie di Predrag Matvejevic
sloveno: "fra Est e Ovest, fra Novecento e Duemila, fra filosofia e
psicoanalisi, fra razionalita' e inconscio del testo sociale
[sic!], fra perversioni collettive e perversioni individuali", insomma
un vero e proprio venditore di fumo come tanti altri intellettuali
"della transizione", "un alieno nello stanco panorama della cultura
politica della sinistra nostrana" - apriti cielo! Come se la cultura
politica della sinistra nostrana avesse ancora bisogno di "alieni"
(libertari, liberisti, filosofi nichilisti, eccetera) e non piuttosto di
persone realmente, semplicemente di sinistra - marxisti,
anticapitalisti, internazionalisti... Insomma, un intellettuale borghese
che si vanta di non essere ne' carne ne' pesce, spaziando tra citazioni
assolutamente fuori luogo - da Spielberg il regista a Lacan lo
psicanalista - e domande assolutamente prive di senso come: "la
democrazia [sic] costituisce l'ultimo orizzonte della nostra politica
oppure la si puo' rimettere in discussione?" Davvero disarmante...

Tutto questo per dire cosa, rispetto alla realta', ben piu' delimitata e
terra-terra, dei Balcani? Per dire che: "il nazionalismo" e' il "residuo
irriducibile dell'epoca del socialismo reale", "un prodotto dei regimi
dell'Est, un nucleo nevrotico irriducibile" di "tribale paranoia". Di
nuovo, la chiave di interpretazione e' solo e soltanto in termini di
follia: i pazzi solo LORO, gli orientali, slavi e nazi-comunisti; i
saggi siamo noi, "democratici" occidentali, oppure orientali venduti per
trenta denari.

Ecco, questi sono gli intellettuali a cui si ispira BALKAN.

Andate andate, compagni, andate alla deriva... buon viaggio! E non
tornate mai piu', se possibile.

Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia, aprile 2000


G u e r r e & P a c e

Un quadrimestrale sui Balcani

Sembra quasi un ciclostilato e fa pensare ai samizdat sovietici la nuova
rivista "Balkan", quadrimestrale dei Centro di Iniziativa Politica sui
Balcani (v. Festa dei Perdono 6, 20122 Milano, baikan@..., L, 7.000
abb. annuo L. 20.000; http://www.ecn.org/cipb), uscita a febbraio dopo
un numero zero dei novembre 1999.
Ma nonostante la povertà della veste (cioè dei mezzi ... ), il programma
è interessante e impegnativo, come comprovano vari articoli dei primi
due numeri (i turchi di Bulgaria; Romania: 365 giorni di disordine;
Bosnia: un anno di lotte operaie; Croazia: parla il leader
dell'Associazione dei sindacati dei lavoratori ed altri, di cui diremo
oltre): far circolare analisi e informazioni sui Balcani, dando voce ai
"percorsi di organizzazione, alle rivolte e alle lotte" delle classi
subalterne, oggi "relegate nel ruolo di vittime" sia dalle burocrazie
statali e militari balcaniche, sia dagli stati imperialisti; e far
emergere il ruolo attivo degli imperialismi europei contro la tendenza a
presentare gli interventi nell'area, specie quelli militari, come
imposti dagli Usa "contro l'Europa".

Jugoslavia: un regime capitalista e nazionalista
Nodo centrale della rivista resta l'appoggio all'indipendentismo
kosovaro, sviluppato attraverso la doppia polemica contro l'attuale
riduzione dei Kosovo a "protettorato Nato" e contro chi ritiene il
regime jugoslavo "socialista" o "baluardo antimperialista". A smontare
questo mito è dedicato il saggio di llario Salucci, La Serbia a dieci
anni dal crollo dei muro di Berlino (n. zero), che analizza come la
burocrazia al potere si sia trasformata, specie dal 1987-'89 e proprio
zigzagando fra statizzazioni (di proprietà collettive) e
privatizzazioni, in una classe capitalistica che oggi detiene, ad un
tempo, proprietà "private" e "statali".
Slavoj Zizek da parte sua (Nato: la mano sinistra di Dio?, n.1) spiega
la disgregazione della Jugoslavia come risultato dei nazionalismo di
Milosevic, cioè dei suo tentativo di liquidare la Jugoslavia
"multietnica" dell'epoca di Tito e di ricostituire quella monarchica
d'anteguerra, fondata sull'egemonia serba, alimentando così i
Tesi sicuramente da approfondire, ma che hanno il merito di riportare il
discorso sulle cause interne della crisi jugoslava contro chi vorrebbe
ridurla a un "complotto" esterno contro la Jugoslavia "socialista'. A
smontare tale teoria è dedicato anche la lunga recensione di Andrea
Ferrario, La Germania, la Gran Bretagna e la disgregazione della
Jugoslavia (n. zero), a mio parere non sempre persuasiva ed esaustiva
nello spiegare il ruolo tedesco ma utile per capire il carattere non
così preordinato e spesso contradditorio degli interventi occidentali.

La demonizzazione degli albanesi
Zizek critica inoltre nell'intervento già citato, come aveva fatto in un
articolo su Havek (v. 'G&P", n. 66), l'ideologia della vittimizzazione
("è bello aiutare gli albanesi impotenti... ma in nessun caso si deve
consentire che ci si liberi di questa impotenza" diventando "soggetto
politico sovrano... che non ha bisogno del "protettorato Nato"). E^Ò un
motivo ripreso da Joseph Green (La demonizzazione degli albanesi, n.1)
in polemica con le tesi di una Serbia "progressista" fin dai tempi della
monarchia o di un Milosevic socialista e antimperialista, presenti nella
sinistra Usa. Ad essa Green rimprovera comunque, e con qualche
fondamento (come ho già osservato nel n. 65 di "G&P"), di considerare
solo lo scontro fra Serbia e Nato, senza mai entrare nel merito dello
specifico conflitto regionale, ignorando il movimento albanese e le sue
Da segnalare infine una nota di Salucci (Perché mentire su Rambouillet?,
n.]) circa la presenza fin dal 18 febbraio (nelle proposte di accordo
diffuse anche su lnternet), dei famoso 'Allegato b', che molti a
sinistra hanno presentato come una clausola inserita all'ultima ora,
cioè il 18 marzo, per costringere la Jugoslavia a rifiutarla e
legittimare così i bombardamenti.

I pericoli dell'arroccamento
In conclusione, "Balkan" merita di essere seguita con attenzione e può
essere un utile antidoto ai dogmi fastidiosi e infondati della "vulgata"
di sinistra.
Spesso si ha però l'impressione che la preoccupazione di arroccarsi a
difesa dei proprio punto di vista porti la rivista ad essere reticente o
omissiva su quanto potrebbe invece permetterle d'interagire, in modo non
meramente polemico, con posizioni diverse. Sorprende ad esempio, stante
lo spazio dato al Kosovo, di non trovare un'analisi dell'Uck, della sua
politica e dei suoi progetto di società condotta con gli stessi criteri
usati per la Jugoslavia di Milosevic.
Né persuade il tentativo di spiegare l'intervento della Nato contro
Belgrado solo con la sua incapacità di "stabilizzare" il Kosovo, quasi
che identificare più complesse ragioni geopolitiche comporti occultare
il carattere repressivo o accreditare il carattere socialista dei regime
Per andare oltre la "vulgata" di sinistra credo che si debba andare
oltre nell'analisi, anche da parte di 'Balkan', affrontando questi ed
altri nodi.

Walter Peruzzi
(dall'ultimo numero di "Guerre&Pace")

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj


(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, 10 MARZO - Sara' decorato con una medaglia
della Cia un agente segreto americano licenziato nel 1995 per
violazione dei diritti umani in Guatemala.
La notizia, rivelata oggi dal 'Washington Post', ha suscitato
reazioni indignate. Terry Ward, 62 anni, ex dirigente della
divisione latinoamericana della Cia, ricevera' una medaglia
''per la brillante carriera'' malgrado i suoi rapporti con
personaggi sospettati di atrocita'. In particolare, Ward avrebbe
nascosto ai superiori la parte avuta da un colonnello
guatemalteco protetto dalla Cia nell'assassinio di Michael
DeVine, un albergatore americano, e di Efrain Velasquez, un
guerrigliero sposato con una cittadina americana.
''La Cia non si smentisce mai - ha commentato oggi Jennifer
Harbury, la vedova di Velasquez - non era in buona fede cinque
anni fa, quando ha annunciato di aver fatto pulizia nella sua
rete in Guatemala, e ora lo dimostra''.
''Terry Ward - ha replicato Paul Redmond, ex capo delle
operazioni di spionaggio della Cia, in pensione da due anni - e'
una brava persona, che era stata licenziata per ragioni
politiche''. La consegna della medaglia avverra' a porte chiuse
il 23 marzo, nella sede della Cia a Langley in Virginia.
Lo scandalo per cui Terry Ward perse il posto scoppio'
nell'autunno del 1996.
ML 10/03/2000 17:31

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj