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«Divisons l'Irak comme la Yougoslavie!»
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Washington has Found the Solution

"Let's Divide Iraq as We Did in Yugoslavia!"

by Michel Collon 23 December 2003
The URL of this article is:


They have found the solution! Divide Iraq into three mini-states and
then pit them against one another. Does that remind you of something
else? Oh, yes! It's not the first time something like this happened....

The New York Times published an editorial on November 25, 2003 carrying
Leslie Gelb's by-line. He's an influential man who, until recently,
presided over the very important Council on Foreign Relations, a think
tank that brings together the CIA, the secretary of state and big shots
from U.S. multinational corporations.

Gelb's plan? Replace Iraq with three mini-states:

"Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the center and Shiites in the south."
The objective? "To put most of its money and troops where they would do
the most good quickly -- with the Kurds and Shiites. The United States
could extricate most of its forces from the so-called Sunni Triangle,
north and west of Baghdad.... American officials could then wait for
the troublesome and domineering Sunnis, without oil or oil revenues, to
moderate their ambitions or suffer the consequences."

In short, starve the central state around Baghdad because the Sunnis
have always spearheaded the resistance to U.S. imperialism.

We denounced this CIA plan, which has been around for some time now,
albeit discreetly, in an article that appeared in September 2002. But,
to divide Iraq has, in fact, been an old Israeli dream. In 1982, Oded
Yinon, an official from the Israeli Foreign Affairs office, wrote: "To
dissolve Iraq is even more important for us than dissolving Syria. In
the short term, it's Iraqi power that constitutes the greatest threat
to Israel. The Iran-Iraq war tore Iraq apart and provoked its downfall.
All manner of inter-Arab conflict help us and accelerate our goal of
breaking up Iraq into small, diverse pieces."

Will you take some ethnic cleansing again?

So, Gelb wants to break up Iraq while transforming the north (Kurdish
majority) and the south (Shiite majority) into "self-governing regions,
with boundaries drawn as closely as possible along ethnic lines."

But didn't this method provoke a civil war and a bloodbath in
Yugoslavia? Because all the diverse regions in that country contained
significant minorities, and partition was impossible without the forced
transfer of populations. That is why Berlin, and then Washington,
discreetly financed and armed racist extremists, who were nostalgic for
World War II. This made civil war almost inevitable because the IMF and
the World Bank had plunged Yugoslavia into bankrupt to make it submit
to triumphant neo-liberalism after the fall of the Berlin Wall. All of
this was carefully concealed from the public.

Just as they are now concealing from the public the fact that all of
the peoples of the former Yugoslavia have been plunged into misery and
unemployment, which is worse now than it has ever been. Meanwhile,
multinational corporations have taken the upper hand in controlling the
country's wealth.

In Iraq too, the three large populations do not reside "each in their
own region," but are, for the most part, intermingled. Furthermore,
Gelb knows very well that to start up this strategy in Iraq once again
would, in all likelihood, provoke serious "ethnic" conflicts, even
maybe a civil war. He cynically announces that the state in the center
of Iraq "might punish the substantial minorities left in the center,
particularly the large Kurdish and Shiite populations in Baghdad. These
minorities must have the time and the wherewithal to organize and make
their deals, or go either north or south." In this way, millions of
people would be forced to leave the regions where they have always
lived, but Gelb doesn't find this inconvenient if it permits the U.S.
to secure colonial domination.
Doesn't the Yugoslav precedent serve as enough warning? The truth is
that, for Gelb, the civil war in Yugoslavia was a great success for the
U.S. because it permitted the breakup of a country that resisted

Again the Theory of "Ethnically Pure States"!

In effect, Gelb openly refers to "a hopeful precedent ... Yugoslavia."
Curious, indeed! Weren't we told that the United States intervened
there in order to prevent "ethnic cleansing"? Not at all, he admits :
"ethnically pure" states are alright when they serve Washington's plans.

While extolling "ethnically pure states" (Gelb also speaks of "natural
states"!), he criticizes Tito for having regrouped in a united
Yugoslavia "highly disparate ethnic groups," while pretending that Iraq
is "an artificial state" for the same reasons; Gelb is resorting to old
theories held by the extreme right.

His theory about ethnically pure states is really identical to
Hitler's: "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer" (one people, one empire,
one führer). It is also a theory adopted by Zionists who dream of
Israel "purified of Arabs." In Yugoslavia, it was the theory held by
Western protégés, the Croat Tudjman and the Bosnian Muslim Izetbegovic.
It was also a theory held by the right-wing Serbian leader, Karadzic.
It is strange to find the U.S. extolling theories that it once
pretended to fight against!

The truth is that the United States -- just as all other colonialists
-- is for or against ethnically pure states according to whether or not
it suits U.S. strategic interests. The only thing that counts is to
weaken resistance. Divide in order to conquer. As always. The Britons
carefully organized the division of Ireland, India and Pakistan as well
as other places in the world. The influential U.S. strategist, Zbigniew
Brzezinski, wants to divide Russia into three countries in order to
isolate Moscow from oil reserves. The CIA also has its "own plans" to
divide Saudi Arabia. In an era when very large economic and political
entities are forming around the European Union and the United States,
look at how these same Great Powers are organizing the balkanization of
certain other states -- states that resist them.

The guiding principle of U.S. international policy is that there is no
guiding principle. The U.S. can pretend to fight ethnic cleansing one
day and then organize it the next. And with complete arbitrariness. In
the past, the United States had obliged the Kurds to remain inside the
Turkish state which was being led by fascist generals, but today, the
U.S. is preparing a Kurdish state, allegedly rooted in the principle of
"self-determination" (in reality a puppet state). They are pretending
to bring democracy to the world, but in these instances the U.S. is
rehabilitating fascist theories about "ethnically pure" states.

The Danger of a Theory that Is Exportable throughout the World

The danger of this false theory goes far beyond Iraq and Yugoslavia.
Most of the states existing on the planet today are "multinational."
And sensible people consider themselves to be enriched by this mixing
of cultures. But if one allows theories of "ethnically pure" states,
the USA would have a pretext to break up any "multinational" country
that resists it.

Washington, in effect, intends to trample to a greater and greater
extent international law and state sovereignty. The U.S. is preparing
to do throughout the world what it had begun in Yugoslavia and
Afghanistan, which, unfortunately, a majority of Western leftists
allowed them to do for the worst reasons. Stop! It is time to assess
the disastrous alliance of this Left with the United States in the
Yugoslav and Afghan affaires. If anyone wants to resist global war,
that is to say the recolonization of the world, it is time to come to
the defense of the sovereignty of Third World countries, a principle
that is embodied in the UN Charter. This change for the better took
place in 1945 and the USA is intent on dismantling it.

Support the Resistance

The essence of Gelb's plan is to plunge Iraq into a long civil war in
order to rescue the U.S. colonial occupation and to be able to continue
stealing oil. The U.S. will attempt to divide the resistance -- which
can be found in all of the various populations -- by punishing those
who would continue to live together and by hypocritically organizing
"ethnic cleansing." The U.S. plan is to divide Iraq by blackmail, while
defaming the Sunnis, who have long been at the forefront of resistance
to imperialism.

Will Washington implement Gelb's plan? What will prevent them from
doing so? The fear that an Iraqi Shiite state would join Iran, the most
powerful "hostile" army in the Middle East. And the fear that an Iraqi
Kurdish state would become a lightning rod for Kurds who want to secede
from Turkey, a respected strategic ally that lies on the crossroads of
the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East. But if Iraqi resistance
continues to grow and unite its diverse currents, including Shiites,
then Washington risks missing its chance to implement its plan to break
up the country.

The Yugoslav precedent must serve as a solemn warning! Plunging other
countries into the same drama is out of the question! In view of the
fact that Bush has unleashed new dangers throughout the entire world,
and in view of the fact that he is resorting to fascist theories more
and more frequently, the only possible answer is to build up a united
world front against the policies of the United States and to support
the resistance everywhere -- and first and foremost, the remarkable
Iraqi resistance (the mainstream media have often characterized them as

The Iraqi resistance is preventing Bush from attacking Iran, Syria,
North Korea and Cuba in stride. It shows once again that the United
States has never been invincible. Bush is becoming the world's
laughingstock. "Paper tiger" is the classic expression. In this way,
the Iraqi resistance offsets the discouragement and the pessimism that
had begun to spread in Iraq after the "liberation of Baghdad." The war
is not over; it's only just beginning. Support the resistance, because
we are supporting ourselves.

Translated by Milo Yelesiyevich Also available in French and Spanish


In order to Understand Iraq:

- 23 million inhabitants, divided into 3 large groups (no official
census and the USA destroyed state and civil registries).

- Shiites: 55 - 60%. Mostly in the south.

- Sunnis: 20 - 25%. Mostly in the center (between Mosul and Baghdad).

- Kurds: 20%. Mostly in the north (significant Kurdish minorities also
live in Turkey, Iran, Syria, Russia). The majority of them are Sunni.

- Minorities (5%): 200,000 to 300,000 Turkmen, Assyrians-Chaldeans
(Christians), Yezidis, 2.000 Jews....

- But no region is ethnically "pure":

o At least one million Kurds live outside of Kurdistan (mostly in
Baghdad, but also in the south, in Basrah).
o At least one million Shiites live in Baghdad.
o Some Sunnis live in the south.
o Some Arabs live in Kurdistan.

For this reason, dividing up Iraq is impossible without risking a civil
war and ethnic cleansing. Especially so in a climate where the U.S. has
done everything it could over the past twenty years to stir up
conflicts while provoking (i.e., financing) certain minority leaders so
that they will favor a breakup. This is exactly how they did things in

In short, if the USA is permitted to divide up Iraq, important
"minorities" risk being targets throughout the country. Then, Bush is
going to say that he is obliged to keep his troops there to "protect"
these minorities.

Exactly as in Kosovo, where the U.S. has installed a military base with
a landing strip that can accomodate bombers (sic !), after having
systematically fanned the flames of the conflict behind the scenes.
Today, the USA in Kosovo is protecting KLA criminals and the mafia
which practices ethnic cleansing. (see Test-medias, Kosovo questions 2,
5, 7 in our report "Autopsy of Yugoslavia").


In order to Understand Yugoslavia:

- 21 million inhabitants, divided into 6 republics. According to the
official census of 1991: Slovenia (1.9 million), Croatia (4.7), Serbia
(9.7), Macedonia (2.0), Montenegro (0.6), Bosnia (4.3).

- No region was ethnically "pure": substantial minorities resided
throughout the country which rendered the country indivisible.

- In Croatia: Serbs (12%).

- In Macedonia: Albanians (21%), Turks (5%), Roma (2%), Serbs (2%).

- In Bosnia: Muslims (43%), Serbs (31%), Croats (17%), Others (7%). All
of these groups were mixed together throughout the region.

OCCUPATION FORCES, SEE, Destroying Iraq's Public Records by Saad
Kiryakos, ]

Despite the warnings of numerous experts and Western leaders in 1991,
Germany, and then the United States, forced the division of the country
at the price of a terrible civil war and the forcible displacement of
populations of all minorities.

Here also, Berlin and Washington have supported, financed and armed -
secretly - separatist leaders and extremists. All this has been
carefully hidden from the public.

BIBLIO: Maps showing the "indivisible" nature of Yugoslavia and Bosnia,
in particular. Michel Collon, Liar's Poker: The Great Powers,
Yugoslavia and the Wars of the Future, IAC, New York 2001, P. 11 & 13.


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[sui massacri perpetrati dagli ustascia croati, con l'appoggio ed il
concorso del clero cattolico, durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale si
veda, in lingua italiana:
"L'arcivescovo del genocidio"
di Marco Aurelio Rivelli - edizioni Kaos, Milano 1999]

Subject:       Glina Church massacre posted on the web
From:       "Petar Makara"
Date:       Mon, December 22, 2003 11:22 pm

Dear friends,
I am almost done (photographs and all) with study of
Glina church massacre. It can be found at:
The stills I took from the video can be found at:
I had to add much more to this documentary in order
to make the study more complete. I then added it all to:
Please take a look.
Regards to all,



The World Must Know about...

Glina Massacre!


In a small town of Glina, Krajina, more than two thousand Serbs were
murdered, in a single night. That August night, 1941, most of the
victims were butchered with knives -- right inside their own,
Christian shrine. There was so much blood flowing that it spilled over
the church's threshold out to the street. The appalling crime was done
with full knowledge and approval of the Vatican. It did not matter that
the victim Serbs were also Christians the same as their Croat Nazi
murderers. For centuries Catholic Church was teaching the Croats that
their Serbian neighbors were "wrong" Christians. For Vatican the Serbs
were "Schismatics" because they were sticking to their Eastern
Orthodox roots; to the branch of Christianity that did not change
their ways of Christ worship for the last two millennia.

The hand of the Vatikan, the Croat Nazis known as Ustashas, knew no
mercy. No one was to survive. No one was to tell what happened. One
Serbian peasant did survive.

The sole survivor forgives

In February, 1991, only months before revamped Croat Nazis are to
attack Krajina again, Ljubo Jednak, the sole survivor of the Glina
church massacre talks to the journalists. A simple Serbian peasant who
sticks to his roots and his Christian principles Mr. Jednak says: "To
no one on earth do I wish evil. I never wished evil to any one, not
even to those from whose hands I suffered so much." This Serbian
attitude and willingness to forgive is the only explanation of how
peaceful life, for so many decades after WWII, betweeen the Serbs and
their Croat tormentors was possible.

Documentary: "Something told me I will live"

In 1990's German and American politicians, with the intention to
conquer the Balkans, decided to reopen the terrible WWII wounds. Once
again "divide and conquer" game was to be played with the Balkan
people. Once again, deeply rooted Croat separatism and chauvinism was
to be used as a tool. Mr. Jednak, the sole survivor of Glina massacre,
gets surprised again by Croat Nazi blind hatred of the Serbs. Once
again he has to run for his life. In August 1995, almost to the day of
Glina church massacre anniversary, Mr. Jednak leaves his house and
everything he ever owned in Glina and joins endless column of Krajina
Serb refugees. In the safety of Serbia he tells, once more, the story
of how he survived the slaughter. We obtained the video documentary.
Here is the transcript.

There is no excuse

No one ever tried to find an excuse for the Glina church massacre.
There is no excuse. We dared compare Glina church massacre to some
other known massacres of World War II Europe. There is no excuse that
the world did not get to know about the event, either. Croat Communist
Tito, downplayed the event in the name of declared "Brotherhood and
Unity." It was a design that was to use the Serbian capacity to forgive.



Ljuban Jednak:
"How I survived Ustasha hell"

by Ljubomir Tesic
Published in newspaper "Blic,"
on May 20, 1997

As the sole survivor of Ustasha massacre of Serbs in Glina church,
Ljuban Jednak was a key witness in a law suit against Artukovic and
Stepinac. In 1995 he was expelled from Glina.

I was with Ljuban Jednak four times. I listened to his testimonies and
wrote them down during his testimonies in the Artukovic trial, in
Glina in 1991, then in 1992, and the last time, in 1995 when he came
to Belgrade as a refugee - sad, unhappy, desperate as the evil of half
a century ago was repeating itself in similar ways. While documenting
this unheard of kind of suffering, I was guided by two things: TRUTH
and that this evil will never be repeated again.

These days all media -- electronic and printed ones -- reported the sad
news: At age eighty one, Ljubo Jednak, the sole surviving witness to
the slaughter in Glina's [Serb] Eastern Orthodox church "God-mother's
Birth" died. He survived the infamous Ustasha hell that happened in the
night between August 3rd and 4th, 1941 - on Saint Ilija's Day. That
otherwise very popular Eastern Orthodox holiday was the day when some
1,500 Serbian men were brutally murdered [inside the Glina church] -
mostly by use of [Ustasha invented knife-glove known as]
"Serb-cutter." "Serbosjek".

Their only guilt was that they were born as Serbs.

Ljuban Jednak died as a refugee in poverty and with a tortured soul. He
was particularly upset by Serbian disunity. His last wish was to rest
at the graveyard where, for centuries, his forefathers were buried in
Banija and Kordun [parts of Krajina.] That wish, unluckily will never
be fulfilled. What was not achieved by [Ustasha fuhrer] Pavelic and
Hitler was now achieved by revamped Croatia under Tudjman and with help
of USA, Germany and the Vatican. Banija, Kordun, the entire Krajina,
home to the Serbs for many centuries is now ethnically cleansed of the

Six years ago, during a news conference, ABC News reporter Sergey
Bodich asked then Croatian Minister of War Sime Djodan whether he ever
visited Banija and whether he was informed that the sole survivor of
1941 Glina church massacre, Mr. Jednak, is again in the same if not
worse situation. Mr. Jednak's house is demolished, ruined, burned and
he is forced again, half a century later, to run to save his bare life,
this time from so-called Croatian National Guard, the Croat army that
sports the same symbols and the same behavior of Pavelic's Nazis.

Obviously at the very edge of verbal explosion, Croat Minister of War,
Mr. Djodan said: "Sir, do not spread Chetnik [WWII Serb anti-Nazi
guerilla] propaganda here! Those gentlemen of Banija were first
Chetniks and then they joined [Tito's] partisans. That gentleman you
are talking about had a project in 1941 -- and he still has it -- whose
purpose is to destroy anything Croatian."

Ljubo Jednak talks

The name of the hero of this story is Ljubo Jednak, a Serb born in 1916
in Seliste a village near the town of Glina. Despite the untold horror
he went through, despite the path from the hell of death to life he
travelled, he was able to keep intact both his physical and mental

After the war [WWII], he was the key witness in the lawsuits about the
Ustasha genocide perpetrated on the Serbian people. He was a witness in
trials of Dr. Andrija Artukovic [Ustasha Minister of Interior who spent
40 years as a free man in California] and Dr. Alojzije [Aloysius]
Stepinac [the head of the Croatian Church during the Ustasha reign of
horror, the Ustasha spiritual leader]. He was also a witness in other
trials of Ustasha war criminals.

As an introduction to the February, 1991 conversations we had with
Ljuban Jednak, we have written his words describing the situation in
Glina then.

Mr. Jednak lived in Glina all his life until his exodus in 1995.

He said, [then, in February, 1991, only a few months before the civil
wars of 1990's started]:
"I have four grandchildren. Two are here in Glina, and two are there in
Zagreb [capital of Croatia]. My daughter Dushanka was born after the
war, and she lives in Zagreb. The other two sons I have are here in
Glina. The older one, Dushan has no children. He has his own house.
Our youngest son, Stevo, lives with us, with me and my wife Stana,
who I married just before the war. Stevo married a Croatian woman. It
is a happy marriage. There is no difference between us and Croats. Our
customs are the same. Our language is the same. Only the fait is
slightly different. That slight difference was and still is the only
source of evil. Stevo and his wife have two children, my beloved

"I am just preserving [smoking] the meat. I hope to eat it in happiness
and peace. I will serve it to my guests who are always welcome no
matter who they are or where they came from. I also have my plum trees.
At some point I had more cattle, some sheep and cows. I got old, and my
strength betrayed me so I cannot do it all. I have only some chickens
left. Sometimes I keep some pigs just so we have meat for some special

"I live here in Glina, on Rinana Street, right next to the cattle
market. This house belonged to some Serbs. Ustashas slaughtered two
Serbian men during the great slaughter of 1941. Only a woman and a
small baby remained. Later on the woman died and the daughter left for
America. It was a long time ago. I do not know whether she is still
alive. This house was in ruins, abandoned. I bought it from the Jaric
family. I build it again and kept renewing and fixing it."

"I have only two acres of land outside of Glina, now. Before I had
more. After the war, I was a professional soldier. Soon, I saw I am not
good at it. I love a peaceful life tied to the land, the house and
fruit trees. If we could only live in peace. Every human being comes
to this earth, as nature granted that life, to live, if possible, in
peace and happiness. Of course - if possible."

"I am not involved in politics. To no one on earth do I wish evil. I
never wished evil to any one, not even to those from whose hands I
suffered so much."

"It is really hard for me, being so old, to tell again and to live
through that slaughter once again, the slaughter I survived only by a
miracle. I told it so many times. I was a witness. I am always upset
and shocked even when I look so peaceful and composed."

[End quote]

Translator's notice:

The photo copy of the "Blic" article we obtained ends about here. In
the continuation, we will present translation of the transcript from
the "Cine Pro" video documentary done by Pancevo author Miroslav
("Mika") Stankovic.

So, what was it that this simple Serbian peasant, Ljubo Jednak, was
ready to forgive?

Mr. Jednak starts talking about his exodus from his Glina house in
August, 1995. He ran, he left everything he ever owned during the
Croat-American operation "Storm." The Croat army with Ustasha insignia
was the ground force. The US provided air cover to the despicable

Mr. Jednak speaks in dense, compact sentences which teem with
information. Interestingly, he addresses his audience in present tense
even when he talks about the times long gone. For him, they may not
be. This gives the horror he went through additional power.

He speaks with a certain calm as if he were floating above it all.
This simple, warm person, so tied to the ground, the fruit trees and
the always bittersweet life of a peasant tries to describe
indescribable. . . .

I believe he found words where there are no words.

Petar Makara,
December 2003


kouchner, dopo un lungo periodo di assenza, torna in kosovo, per una
arriva a pristina la sera e stanco per il viaggio, va subito in albergo
al mattino, ancora intorpidito dal sonno, si alza, nella stanza
semibuia, e
a tentoni raggiunge, con la mano, l'interruttore della luce, lo preme...
funziona... la luce si accende... un sentimento insolito e indecifrabile
gli attraversa l'anima, una sorta di turbamento gli fa presagire
di srtrano... si avvia in bagno, urina, tira lo sciacquone...
l'acqua scorre... il sentimento si fa piu preciso... diventa un vero e
proprio senso di angoscia e la mente sempre meno assopita, comincia a
formulare ipotesi strane... si avvicina alla finestra, la apre... fuori
traffico scorre, lento e ordinato, le auto si fermano al rosso dei
senza frastuoni di clackson.
kouchner sbarra gli occhi... l'angoscia è ormai diventata paura, le
comunciano a costituirsi in piccole mostruose certezze dalle forme
tragiche... alza il telefono... anch'esso FUNZIONA, è il panico e le
tremanti formano il numero di chi, solo, puo recargli soccorso...
finalmente qualcuno risponde
: ''pronto, qui è la kfor''.
... e kouchner, colla voce strozzata
''presto, fate qualcosa, i serbi sono tornati a pristina !!!!!''

Alberto Tarozzi

[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 15-22 dicembre

[19 dicembre]
la chiesa serba ortodossa di urosevac, sebbene fosse pattugliata
dall’unmik, è stata colpita da alcune granate. 
decani ml distruzione, i danneggiamenti e gli atti di vandalismo nei
confronti delle chiese ortodosse in kosovo sono cominciati in modo
sistematico già dal 1999. lo scopo delle azioni -che con l’arrivo delle
forze ‘di pace’ internazionali si sono intensificate- è quello di
cancellare dal kosovo ogni traccia di storia e cultura serba e
l’editoriale di sava janjic



Milosevic "trial" synopsis, 15--17 Dec., 2003

1. On Criminal Clark's testimony:
December 15, 2003

2. UNDERAGE AND DRAFTED INTO THE B-H ARMY (Synopsis Dec. 17, 2003)

=== 1 ===

Almost full transcripts of the "testimony" can be read at:
Pictures can be seen at:

--- 1.A ---

(WESLEY CLARK - DAY 1) - December 19, 2003

Retired American General Wesley Clark testified in front of The Hague
Tribunal on Monday and Tuesday. From the outset it was apparent that
his testimony would be stage-managed and restricted so as not to
embarrass the "perfumed prince" or his government.

At the outset President Milosevic objected to the terms of Clark's
testimony saying, "I don't quite understand the position of this
witness since my understanding was that he would be testifying in
closed session and that you described that as a temporarily closed
session, and then, in the meantime, representatives of the government
of his country may be able to review the transcript, to approve some
of it, to redact some of it possibly, and only then to release it to
the public. I am not aware of any legal court in the world delegating
its authority of this kind to any government. This would be the first
time for any such thing to happen. Of course, you consider yourself to
be a legal court."

It turned out that the U.S. Government had no real need to redact the
transcript. President Milosevic's ability to cross-examine Clark was
so radically limited that he couldn't ask any questions unless the
prosecution had already asked about the topic first. Essentially the
prosecution dictated the terms of the cross-examination, and the
so-called "trial chamber" enforced those terms.

Before Clark's testimony even started the so-called "Presiding Judge"
Richard May, expressed concern that Clark's witness statement was too
broad, and would therefore enable too wide-ranging of a
cross-examination by President Milosevic.

Mr. May also expressed concern that admitting Wesley Clark's book
would enable President Milosevic to ask questions about the contents
of the book. Therefore, it was decided that the book would not be
exhibited, with the stated objective being to limit President
Milosevic's cross-examination.

After the Examination-in-chief was concluded, Mr. May was very keen to
limit the cross-examination. The fist thing he said to President
Milosevic was "Mr. Milosevic, before you begin cross-examining, you
should know that there are parameters in this case beyond which you
cannot go. We've already made an order which restricts the scope of
cross-examination. I'm not going to go into the reasons for it again.
It is limited to the statement which the witness has given, which
means that you are restricted in a way that you are not restricted
with other witnesses, because then you're allowed to ask any relevant
matters. You're restricted in this case to the witness's evidence. So
you can give -- ask him questions, of course, about what he's said
here but not about other evidence. He's given no other evidence
against you apart from the matter which General Clark has dealt with
here. So your cross-examination in this case is limited."

"We have refused to admit the book. It's not part of the evidence. We
therefore will not allow some free-ranging cross-examination through
it, but you may, if you are entitled to do so, and that will be a
matter of relevance, you can, if you wish, ask General Clark about
passages of the book which are related to his evidence, and that
largely will be -- not entirely will be the matters which are already
underlined. So subject to those matters, of course you may conduct your
cross-examination, but you will be stopped if you go beyond those
particular bounds."

Wesley Clark's examination-in-chief was of no real value to the
prosecution. He had no important evidence to speak of. In fact he made
a better case against himself than he did against Milosevic.

On August 1, 1975 the Helsinki Final act
[ was signed by the U.S.
Government and also by Yugoslavia.

Signatories to the Helsinki final act are obliged under Sec. VI to
“refrain from any form of armed intervention or threat of such
intervention against another participating State,” and to “refrain
from direct or indirect assistance to terrorist activities, or to
subversive or other activities directed towards the violent overthrow
of the regime of another participating State.”

Section II of the Helsinki Final Act states that “the participating
States will refrain from any acts constituting a threat of force or
direct or indirect use of force against another participating State.
Likewise they will refrain from any manifestation of force for the
purpose of inducing another participating State to renounce the full
exercise of its sovereign rights. Likewise they will also refrain in
their mutual relations from any act of reprisal by force.”

“No such threat or use of force will be employed as a means of
settling disputes, or questions likely to give rise to disputes,
between them.”

During his examination-in-chief Clark explained that he met with
Milosevic several times in order to force him to withdraw Yugoslav
army and police forces from Kosovo. Clark says he told Milosevic that
if he didn’t remove the army and the police then NATO would attack

I knew that Clark was evil, but I had no idea that he was so
incredibly stupid. He just confirmed to the world that he, Wesley
Clark, went to a sovereign state and told the head of state that
unless they removed their army and their police forces from their own
territory that they would be bombed, and as we know Yugoslavia was

Wesley Clark quite clearly proved that he broke international law, but
he didn’t demonstrate that Milosevic did, his “evidence” was worthless
to the prosecution.

At one point Clark bragged to Mr. Nice that he told Milosevic, “NATO
is going to be asking – these [NATO] leaders are going to be asking
what is it that you [Milosevic] are trying to do to this country? You
forced professors to sign loyalty oaths, you have crushed democracy,
you have taken a vibrant economy, you've wrecked it. They're going to
be asking, what kind of a leader are you?"

First of all, what Clark said was completely untrue. Professors didn’t
have to sign any loyalty oaths to Milosevic. Not even professors who
support DOS allege such a stupid thing. The economy was wrecked by
sanctions imposed from outside, and Milosevic was elected in
multiparty elections.

Clark went on to explain to Mr. Nice that after he made that remark to
Milosevic then he didn’t make any more progress with him in the
“negotiations”. Will wonders never cease? Wesley Clark went to
Yugoslavia, met with the head of state, presented him with threats and
ultimatums, generally behaved like a belligerent jerk, hurled lies and
insults at him, and now he wonders how come he didn’t get anywhere? How
dumb can this guy be? The man seems to take pride in his own arrogance.

The only thing that Clark said, which even remotely incriminated
Milosevic was when he said that he asked Milosevic: "Mr. President,
you say you have so much influence over the Bosnian Serbs, but how is
it then, if you have such influence, that you allowed General Mladic
to kill all those people in Srebrenica?" Clark said that Milosevic
replied by saying, “Well, General Clark, I warned Mladic not to do
this, but he didn't listen to me.”

Of course the only alleged witness to this alleged conversation was
Joseph Kruzel, and he’s dead. But it defies belief that Milosevic
would tell someone like Wesley Clark something like that. Slobodan
Milosevic has never attributed any killings at Srebrenica to Mladic.
Slobodan Milosevic has consistently claimed that mercenaries, and not
the VRS, carried out killings. Secondly, he has consistently stated
that he fond out about Srebrenica after the fact, so how could he have
told Mladic not to do it ahead of time?

Because Kruzel is dead, we have Clark’s word against Milosevic’s word,
and Milosevic branded Clark’s claim as a blatant lie. I’m inclined to
agree with Milosevic here. I don’t believe for a second that Milosevic
said that. It conflicts with everything else he had been saying. I
find it very hard to believe that Milosevic would confide in Wesley
Clark and tell him something that he didn’t tell anybody else.

Wesley Clark spoke about the MUP and VJ’s actions in Kosovo, Mr. Nice
asked him to explain what his sources of information were and Clark
replied by saying, “I got this from both the news media and other
reliable sources.”

The news media, and some unnamed “reliable sources.” Well now I really
am impressed with the prosecution’s case! Mr. Nice got the former NATO
Supreme Allied Commander and the former Commander-in-Chief of the
United States European Command to testify on the basis of what he saw
in the media. Excelsior to you Mr. Nice! Words can’t express how
impressed I am with your case.

When the cross-examination did start, Mr. May limited it to two and a
half hours. As he explained to President Milosevic, ”two and a half
hours should be adequate to deal with the limited matters which the
witness has given in evidence.” In other words “Judge” May was saying,
“Why should we give you a bunch of time? We won’t let you ask him
anything anyway.”

The elephant in the room was of course Wesley Clark’s command over the
NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, and President Milosevic was
prohibited from asking him any questions about that.

Yes you read that right, Slobodan Milosevic was the president of
Yugoslavia, and while he was the president of Yugoslavia, Wesley Clark
conducted a war against Yugoslavia, and this “minor detail” was
something that President Milosevic was prohibited from asking
questions about.

Let’s get this perfectly clear President Milosevic asked the following
question, “Mr. May, just in order to clarify the basic attitude
towards me in relation to this witness, is it in dispute that General
Clark was in command of NATO during the war against Yugoslavia? And is
it disputed that that was his most important role in everything that
related to Yugoslavia? And is it in dispute that you're not allowing
me to ask him anything at all about that?”

Mr. May’s response was “That's right,” and so President Milosevic
asked him again. He said, “So I cannot ask him anything at all about
the war waged by NATO against Yugoslavia. Is that what you're saying?”
And May said, “Yes.”

At that point President Milosevic denounced the proceedings as a
farce, and then in order to prove President Milosevic right “judge”
May said, “I also restrict your comments too.”

The first substantive topic that Clark spoke about in
cross-examination was his meeting with Mladic regarding the Contact
Group Plan in 1994. For some reason Clark went out of his way to
describe Mladic as angry and belligerent, he said that the meeting was
unproductive because of Mladic’s alleged intransigence.

Pictures [ from
the meeting tell a different story. They show a smiling Clark, and a
happy looking Mladic wearing each other’s hats like a couple of buddies
out having a good time.

The Cross-examination was grinding and tedious. President Milosevic
was repeatedly prohibited from bringing up matters of key importance.

Milosevic attempted to bring up the fact that Wesley Clark admitted in
the November 17, 2003 issue of the New Yorker that NATO’s Kosovo war
was “technically illegal” because according to Clark, “The Russians
and the Chinese said they would both veto it. There was never a chance
that it would be authorized.”

I guess if Clark thinks that the NATO bombing was “technically
illegal” then that makes him technically a war criminal, because he
commanded it. Unfortunately, Milosevic couldn’t make that point
because his microphone was constantly being switched off by Mr. May.

Mr. May was behaving as if the U.S. Government had attached electrodes
to his testicles and would give him a shock if he allowed Milosevic to
even get a question related to the war out of his mouth. Mr. May was
unusually quick to switch off Milosevic’s microphone during Clark’s
so-called “testimony.”

During Clark’s examination-in-chief he boasted that he took Milosevic
aside and “warned him that if he didn't comply with the request of the
United Nations [SC RES 1199], that action would be taken against him
in the form of bombing.” The “request” Clark is referring to is the
withdrawal of Yugoslav security forces from Kosovo.

President Milosevic asked Clark if Resolution 1199 authorized the use
of force against Yugoslavia and all Clark would say was, “The content
of the Resolution is a matter of public record, and I was following
the instructions from NATO and from my government.”

Clark is right, it is a public document, and it turns out that
Resolution 1199 doesn’t authorize any bombing. Therefore, the
instructions issued to Clark by the U.S. Government and NATO
contradicted the resolution.

Furthermore Resolution 1199 simply demanded, “the withdrawal of
security units used for civilian repression.” Seeing as how no
Yugoslav army or police units were in Kosovo for the purpose of
repressing civilians Yugoslavia wasn’t obliged to withdraw any of its
security forces. All of Yugoslavia’s security forces were in Kosovo to
protect the civilians.

Clark was obviously interpreting Resolution 1199 to suit his own
purposes. I’m sure NATO was already planning its war and Clark was
just looking to get any resistance to a potential NATO ground invasion
out of Kosovo. Therefore, Clark was telling Yugoslavia to get its
forces out of Kosovo and he was using this vaguely worded part of the
resolution as his justification.

I’ll post a report on Day 2 of the Wesley Clark farce tomorrow.

--- 1.B ---

16, 2003 proceedings]

As with day one of Clark’s “testimony”, much of day two was spent
discussing Slobodan Milosevic’s roll at the Dayton peace negotiations.

In the most cynical display I’ve seen, Wesley Clark was trying to use
Slobodan Milosevic’s leading roll in ending the bloodshed in Bosnia
against him. The essence of Clark’s testimony was Milosevic took the
leading roll in the negotiations; therefore he must have taken the
leading roll on the battlefield.

The fact of the matter was that NATO wouldn’t deal with the Bosnian
Serb leadership. As Clark himself explained, “they were indicted war
criminals, and so it wasn't our desire to speak to either Karadzic or

Because the most senior Bosnian Serb leadership couldn’t attend the
negotiations, lest they be arrested, the remedy was to form a single
delegation joint delegation of Yugoslavia and Republika Srpska. The
delegation consisted of three members from Republika Srpska and three
from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and as he held the most
senior position among the delegates Slobodan Milosevic led the
delegation and was given the decisive vote. Without Slobodan Milosevic
there would have been no way to negotiate and end to the war.

The agreement to form the single delegation was reached on August 29,
1995 at the Yugoslav army residence in Dobanovci. Present at the
meeting were: The president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
Zoran Lilic; the President of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic; the
president of Montenegro, Momir Bulatovic; the president of the federal
government, Dr. Rade Kontic; federal Defence Minister Pavle Bulatovic;
and the Yugoslav Army General Chief of Staff, Colonel General Momcilo
Perisic. President of the Republic of Srpska, Dr. Radovan Karadzic;
vice-president Dr. Nikola Koljevic and Dr. Biljana Plavsic; president
of the Assembly of Republika Srpska, Momcilo Krajisnik; the president
of the Republika Srpska, Dusan Kozic; Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr.
Aleksa Buha; the Commander of the Main Staff of Republika Srpska
Colonel-General Ratko Mladic with Generals Zdravko Tolimir, Milan
Gvero, and Djordje Djukic.

Under the terms of the agreement reached by the Governments of
Yugoslavia and Republika Srpska:

<< The leadership of Republika Srpska is in agreement with the
complete coordination of its approach to the peace process with the
leadership of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the interests of
The leadership of Republika Srpska agrees that binding decisions for
the delegation in relation to the peace plan be made by the delegation
at a plenary session based on a majority of votes. In the event of an
equal number of votes, the vote of President Slobodan Milosevic would
be decisive. >>

Also present at the meeting were the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox
Church, His Eminence Pavle and Bishop Irinej Bulovic, who bestowed
their blessings on the agreement.

So we can see that the single delegation came about on the basis of an
agreement between the government of Yugoslavia on the one hand and the
government of Republika Srpska on the other. The agreement was reached
to coordinate the approach rather than any kind of alchemistry on the
part of Milosevic.

The Republika Srpska leadership was locked out of the process by NATO
and so President Milosevic had to go to Dayton in their place, and he
went in their place only after he received their authorization.

He insisted on having this agreement and having the casting vote so
that there wouldn’t be a repeat of what happened with the Vance-Owen

President Milosevic worked for tirelessly for peace. He took the
leading roll at Dayton and this stupid “court” is now trying to hold
that against him.

Wesely Clark loves himself more than anybody I’ve ever seen. Slobodan
Milosevic asked him a simple question about a criticism leveled
against him by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Henry
Shelton. Shelton says, in the November 17, 2003 issue of the New
Yorker that “the reason he [Wesley Clark] came out of Europe early had
to do with integrity and character issues ... Wes won't get my vote”

Wesley Clark responded by saying “I want to, Your Honor, thoroughly
disabuse the accused of the idea that there was any reflection on my
character and integrity.” Then he proceeded to read out a 10 minute
long speech about what a great guy he is. By the time he finished I
was beginning to wonder if he would ever shut up.

I’m sure that after listening to Wesley Clark talking about what a
great guy Wesley Clark is for 10 minutes that Slobodan Milosevic was
quite disabused indeed.

All Clark had to say was that Shelton is a political opponent of his,
and was only saying bad things about him for political reasons, sort
of like what he was doing to Milosevic.

As if listening to him read a 10 minute long speech about how great he
is wasn’t enough, Wesley Clark procured a fax from Bill Clinton
calling him a great officer and calling Milosevic a liar.

Clinton calling Milosevic a liar that’s a good one; Bill Clinton the
man who was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, because he
lied to a grand-jury is calling Slobodan Milosevic a liar.

Of course, Clark couldn’t just hand the fax in to the “judges.” No, he
had to read the whole damn thing out, and we had to listen to him
going on again about what a great guy he is. It’s no wonder they call
him the perfumed prince.

Wesley Clark also made his views on the KLA known. He said “I don't
accept the definition of the KLA as a terrorist organization. I want
to state that for the record.”

Very well Mr. Clark, you are now on record saying that these happy KLA
members holding the severed Serbian heads in this photo aren’t

Wesley Clark also said that “NATO had no relationship with the KLA,
period.” Really? In this next photo we see the top NATO and KLA
leadership posing for a friendly group photo. Clark himself is the one
on the far right.

Slobodan Milosevic said, they looked like “[the] three Musketeers
where he [Clark] is like D'Artagnan with the leaders of these

It looks to me like, far from having no relationship, that NATO has a
very friendly relationship with the KLA. It also appears to me that
the KLA are terrorists. It's your choice, you can believe Wesley Clark
or you can believe your eyes.

All together Wesley Clark’s testimony was pretty worthless. There was
a lot of fanfare, but little substance. Clark really didn’t have
anything to say. Aside from what a wonderful guy he thinks he is.

Wesley Clark’s “testimony” proves beyond any doubt that this so-called
“trial” is a farce. The restrictions imposed on President Milosevic’s
cross-examination were ridiculous. The whole thing was ridiculous.

This was an embarrassment for the “tribunal” and it was an
embarrassment for the U.S. Government. They brought in this
high-profile witness with a lot of fan fare. It attracted global
attention and what did the world see? They saw a vainglorious jerk
hiding from difficult questions behind the “presiding judge’s”
skirts…um…I mean robes.

=== 2 ===

INTO THE B-H ARMY - December 17, 2003

Two secret witnesses were heard at the “trial” of Slobodan Milosevic
today; B-1619, a Muslim from Zepa and B-1401 a Muslim from Srebrenica.

B-1619 was an underage member of the B-H Army who was trained in
Srebrenica and stationed in Zepa. After Zepa fell, B-1619 attempted to
illegally cross the border into Serbia. B-1619 and 8 of friends
constructed a raft and floated it across the Drina River.
Upon crossing into Serbian territory B-1619, while still wearing his
military uniform, was arrested by the Serbian police and sent back to
the nearest municipality on the Bosnian side, which was Visegrad.
B-1619 claimed that he was then mistreated by the local Serbs in
B-1619 shed some interesting light on the situation around Zepa.
B-1619 said that the major combat started in the spring of 1992 when
his unit ambushed a JNA column who was bringing in food and
humanitarian assistance. According to B-1619 his unit killed 45 JNA
soldiers in that ambush.
B-1619’s unit was subordinated to Nasir Oric’s 28th Division which was
stationed in Srebrenica. According to B-1619 it was the UN’s
responsibility to demilitarize Srebrenica and Zepa. Obviously this is
something that didn’t happen.
According to B-1619 his unit in Zepa consisted of 1,200 men and
roughly 10% of them were underage children who had been mobilized.
B-1619 also said that his unit seized UNPROFOR weapons and escorted
UNPROFOR back to their base ahead of the combat activities in Zepa.
B-1619’s dad went to Serbia as a refugee along with a group consisting
of hundreds of other Muslim refugees. His father spent 7 months in
Serbia and then went on to the United States. B-1619’s dad was treated
well in Serbia, he was not mistreated in any way.
B-1619, after being returned to Bosnia, was put into prison and held
until he was exchanged on January 19, 1996. B-1619 told some
cock-and-bull story about how Gen. Mladic would get drunk and come to
the prison and mistreat him.
B-1619 said at first that he didn’t know who the drunk man was until
he introduced himself as Gen. Mladic. Later on B-1619 changed his
story and said that he knew who Mladic was all along because he had
seen him on TV.
At any rate it is quite improbable that Gen. Mladic had nothing better
to do than get drunk and harass Muslims at some prison, and according
to B-1619 this didn’t only happen once. B-1619 said that Mladic came
around several times.  
B-1619 claimed not to know how about the number of weapons his unit
had or about the number of casualties that his unit suffered in the
fighting around Zepa.

The next witness was B-1401. B-1401 has previously testified at The
Hague “tribunal”. He testified as “Witness O” at the Radislav Krstic
“trial” on April 13, 2000.
B-1401 was 17 years old in July of 1995 when 15,000 military aged men
and boys from Srebrenica attempted to breakout of Srebrenica towards
They formed a column at Jaglici, the column was mixed between soldiers
and civilians. The objective was for to breakthrough the Serbian lines
and escape to Tuzla.  
During the course of the breakout the column was fired on by the
Bosnian Serb Army. B-1401 personally saw 500 men killed himself, and
he said that others began committing suicide.
B-1401 said that he surrendered to some soldiers whose unit he
couldn’t identify. He says that he was loaded onto a truck and
transported to a school and he claimed that people were killed at the
Later he claims that he was taken from the school to a place where
executions were taking place. He didn’t know who was carrying out the
executions, or how many people were executed. He didn’t know how many
people were on the truck with him, and he didn’t know how many people
had been at the school with him.
B-1401 claims that he survived the execution and escaped with one
other man to B-H Army territory.
B-1401 told a sad story, but even if its true, it doesn’t have
anything to do with Slobodan Milosevic. There’s just no link. The
witness couldn’t identify the perpetrators of the crimes he was

At the beginning of the day some administrative matters were
discussed, and we know for a fact now that portions of Wesley Clark’s
testimony were redacted. We don’t know how much has been cut, or what
the nature of the redacted testimony was, but portions of it have been
redacted. Mr. May announced that he had been informed by the registrar
that certain testimony was redacted.
At the end of the day the prosecutor introduced more 92-bis(A)
statements into “evidence.” These 92-bis(A) statements are treated as
evidence, but President Milosevic doesn’t have the opportunity to
cross-examine the witnesses whose alleged statements are being used
against him and in most cases the witnesses are secret witnesses who
are identified only by pseudonyms.

da La Voce del G.A.MA.DI. - dicembre 2003

La guerra illegale

di Pasquale Vilardo

Un articolo di Guido Ambrosino su il Manifesto del 19 ottobre, "un
paesino fa guerra alla NATO" (*), ripropone il problema dell'illegalità
della guerra contro la ex Jugoslavia e la magistratura tedesca, se
ribadirà i principi del diritto internazionale sinora disattesi, può
davvero dare un contributo alle cause e ai processi in corso, in Italia
e in Europa.

C'é da dire infatti che il ricorso all' Autorità Giudiziaria, anche se
finora non ha prodotto risultati eclatanti, tuttavia è legittimo e lo
dimostrano gli interessanti risultati parziali sinora ottenuti.

Prendiamo ad esempio una causa civile analoga a quella in discussione a
Bonn: dinanzi al Tribunale Civile di Roma i parenti delle vittime del
bombardamento sulla Radio Televisione Serba del 23 aprile 1999 hanno
citato il Ministro della Difesa pro-tempore ed altre autorità per
ottenere la dichiarazione giudiziale di fatto illecito-reato e il
conseguente risarcimento dei danni.

Bene, la magistratura italiana ha negato la giurisdizione, considerando
gli illeciti della NATO e del governo italiano "atti politici
insindacabili" - provocando con ciò la reazione indignata di altri
settori della nostra magistratura e un ricorso pendente presso la Corte
Europea dei diritti dell'uomo di Strasburgo contro lo Stato Italiano
per "denegata giustizia".

La Corte di Strasburgo ha riconosciuto "non manifestamente infondato"
il ricorso e già in novembre potrebbe pronunciarsi. Ma la pronuncia
della magistratura civile italiana è in stridente contrasto con quanto
stabilito dalla magistratura penale italiana sugli stessi argomenti.

Allorché nel maggio 1999 centinaia di cittadini denunciarono il governo
italiano per l'illegalità dell' aggressione NATO alla ex Jugoslavia la
Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Roma richiese
l'archiviazione in quanto la giurisdizione della magistratura ordinaria
non poteva occuparsi di fatti "riferibili a interessi politici".

Il collegio per i reati ministeriali presso il i tribunale di Roma
invece disattende l'assunto della Procura e afferma in positivo la
giurisdizione della magistratura sui fatti denunciati, cioè
l'illegalità della guerra.

Successivamente la Procura Generale presso la Corte di Cassazione e la
Cassazione stessa riconoscono tale giurisdizione.

L'archiviazione disposta dal Tribunale dei Ministri è quindi avvenuta
non perché l'Autorità Giudiziaria Ordinaria non ha giurisdizione - come
pretendeva la Procura e come ha statuito la magistratura civile - ma
sul presupposto che il governo dell'epoca non aveva violato le leggi,
perché il nostro Parlamento aveva formalmente deliberato la guerra ai
sensi dell'art. 78 della Costituzione: sic!

Ognuno vede che non è stato così, come documentano resoconti
parlamentari e come testimoniano numerosi parlamentari anche di
Centro-destra oltre che di Centro- sinistra.

Allora, anche tale archiviazione può essere impugnata e, ai sensi dell'
art. 2 comma 2 della legge 5.6.89 n. 219, si può chiedere ala Procura
della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Roma nuove investigazioni per
accertare che il Parlamento non si pronunciò nel marzo 1999 ai sensi
dell' Art. 78 della Costituzione e quindi la richiesta di revoca
dell'archiviazione, per una pronuncia puntuale sull'illegalità di quei
tragici 78 giorni di bombardamento.

Come ognuno vede, le leggi ci sono, occorre però una reale volontà
politica di avvalersene, da parte della sinistra.


Questo discorso sulla possibilità di richiedere alla magistratura
ordinaria pronunce positive sugli illeciti di guerra é altresì evidente
nella questione dell'uranio impoverito, scontando però anche qui i
poteri forti interessati rendono il cammino giudiziario difficile: ma
difficile sì, non certo impossibile, né tanto meno illegittimo.

Anche qui, per anni autorità politiche e militari hanno addirittura
negato il problema, ma la tenacia delle vittime nel rivendicare i loro
diritti è stata più forte ed oggi, a livello europeo, sono numerosi i
procedimenti, anche in avanzato stato processuale.

E anche qui un input indubbiamente rilevante per i magistrati italiani
è stato dato dalla segnalazione, da parte dei difensori delle vittime,
che in altri paesi, come attualmente soprattutto in Francia, i
magistrati facevano sul serio.

Di più: un contributo certamente utile è venuto dai giornalisti
realmente indipendenti, sia della TV che della stampa, che
instancabilmente hanno dato voce alle vittime, ai loro difensori, agli
scienziati contro la guerra, costringendo l'Autorità Giudiziaria a
svolgere indagini, a non archiviare.

Così oggi a Torino e a Roma ci sono inchieste in avanzato stato di
indagine e ormai difficilmente archiviabili e a Cagliari vi è già una
richiesta di rinvio a giudizio.

Insomma il panorama giuridico, pur difficile nei suoi iter, è
confortante e non poteva non essere così, visto che le leggi contro il
"flagello della guerra" ci sono, di rango internazionale e
costituzionale soprattutto.

Ma decisivo è stato il fatto che la tenacia delle vittime nel
richiedere giustizia si è incontrata con la combattività dei difensori
legali, con la perizia degli scienziati contro la guerra, con
l'indipendenza di molti giornalisti.

Le c.d. "verità di stato" sono state puntualmente smentite - si veda ad
es. la triste sorte della Commissione Mandelli - e spiragli di
giustizia e di verità sono ormai aperti.

Se dalla Germania verranno ulteriori buone nuove sarà un altro passo

(NOTA: l'articolo di Vilardo e' stato scritto prima che si svolgesse
l'udienza dello scorso 10 dicembre - vedi: -
quando cioe' la magistratura tedesca ha dimostrato di essere succube
della violenza politica della NATO tanto quanto lo sono analoghe corti,
all'Aia ed in altri paesi, tra cui l'Italia. IS)

GAMADI telefono e fax: 06-7915200;
posta elettronica: gamadilavoce@...
indirizzo: Piazza L. Da Vinci, 27
00043 Ciampino (Roma)

Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"
Data: Gio 18 Dic 2003 16:06:35 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Transcript of the "testimony" of war criminal W.Clark

Almost full transcripts of the war between lie and truth - criminals vs.
invinsible President Milosevic can be read at:

The pictures can be seen at:

Airing and spreading of the comments is most welcome!


Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Lun 22 Dic 2003 23:34:29 Europe/Rome
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Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Excerpts From ICTY Transcripts...

A. War criminal Wesley Clark testifies at Hague

B. Wesley Clark, War Criminal: Excerpts From ICTY Transcripts

--- A

War criminal Wesley Clark testifies at Hague

By John Catalinotto

Ex-NATO commander and current U.S. presidential candidate Gen. Wesley
Clark began testifying Dec. 15 at the trial of former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague,

Outside the courtroom of the Inter national Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia, a group of demonstrators protested both Clark's
appearance and the court's plans to keep his testimony secret, at least
until Dec. 19. U.S. authorities will be allowed to censor any of the
testimony they consider endangering U.S. "national interests" if made

Two of the protesters held a banner reading, "Yankee kangaroo court
secretly fears the truth."

At a news conference organized by the International Committee for the
Defense of Slobodan Milosevic across from the court, Canadian attorney
Tiphaine Dickson pointed out what lay behind the court's decision to
keep the testimony secret. "Any doubt over the political nature of the
ICTY has been erased after the judge let it be known that they accepted
the conditions the U.S. regime demanded of them."

Many lawyers and law professors have pointed out this court's political
nature, and its illegal setup by the United Nations Security Council
under U.S. pressure. Among the ICTY's critics have been former U.S.
Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Canadian attorney Chris Black.

The court only hears alleged crimes of Yugoslavs. It refuses to hear
any charges brought against U.S. or other NATO military or political

Though he poses as a "peace candidate," Gen. Wesley Clark directed the
aggressive 78-day U.S.-NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and admits
responsibility for choosing civilian targets in Serbia during that
bombing campaign.

At least three initiatives recognized Clark's responsibility for these
crimes by naming him along with other NATO political and military
leaders in war crimes indictments.

The three included a war-crimes case in a Belgrade, Yugoslavia, court
that found him and the other leaders guilty on Sept. 22, 2000; a
request, drafted in 1999 by Toronto law professors Michael Mandel and
David Jacobs, that the prosecutor for the ICTY investigate and indict
Gen. Clark and others for war crimes; and a June 10, 2000, People's
Tribunal organized by the International Action Center and others that
found Clark and others guilty of war crimes.

In another repressive move, the ICTY cut President Slobodan Milosevic
off from contact with the public, using as an excuse his candidacy in
the Dec. 28 national elections in Serbia. The Socialist Party of Serbia
chose Milosevic to lead its ticket because the former president has
gained in popularity by defending himself and his country expertly and
with energy before the ICTY.

Reprinted from the Dec. 25, 2003, issue of Workers World newspaper
(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not
allowed. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY,
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--- B

Wesley Clark, War Criminal: Excerpts From ICTY Transcripts
(from: Rick Rozoff)

[Note: A. is Wesley Clark, Q. is Slobodan Milosevic]

Monday, 15 December 2003

A. [On October 20, 1998] I asked him to step aside, I
spoke to him one-on-one, and I warned

Page 30387

1 him that if he didn't comply with the request of the
United Nations, that

2 action would be taken against him in the form of
23 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. May, just in
order to clarify

24 the basic attitude towards me in relation to this
witness, is it in

25 dispute that General Clark was in command of NATO
during the war against

Page 30418

1 Yugoslavia? And is it disputed that that was his
most important role in

2 everything that related to Yugoslavia? And is it in
dispute that you're

3 not allowing me to ask him anything at all about

4 JUDGE MAY: That's right. Now, ask questions -- if
you wish to

5 ask questions, concentrate on those matters that
you've been told about

6 several times.

9 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] So I cannot ask him
anything at all

10 about the war waged by NATO against Yugoslavia. Is
that what you're

11 saying?

12 JUDGE MAY: Yes.

13 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Well, Mr. May, that
really is an

14 example showing that this is truly nothing more
than a farce.
Q. At that meeting, you presented a plan to me. You
said that you

12 were leaving already on the following day and that
you would be talking to

13 the leadership in Sarajevo headed by Izetbegovic;
is that right?

14 A. Your Honour, that is correct.

15 Q. Do you remember that I suggested to you and that
I cautioned you

16 not to go, as you had intended to go, via Mount
Igman because there isn't

17 a proper road there? There's only a footpath there
basically. It's very

18 dangerous. My suggestion to you was that you should
take the normal road.

19 Do you remember that?

20 A. Your Honour, I don't remember all the ins and
outs of this

21 dialogue. What I do remember is that we had asked
the accused to assure

22 that we could get through on the normal road, that
we wouldn't be stopped

23 by checkpoints and other things. And I do recall
that the accused was

24 able to contact immediately, I believe it was
General Mladic, at least

25 that's the impression that we were given, that I
took from the meeting,

Page 30425

1 and he came back and said that he could not ensure
that we could have an

2 unrestricted passage in at that time on the normal

3 Q. General Clark, it's exactly the other way around.
I'm going to

4 remind you. First of all, I'm not the one who went
out in order to get

5 into contact with anyone. It's my chef de cabinet,
Goran Milinovic, who

6 went out. I never left the room; I went on talking
to you. Do you

7 remember that?

8 A. Your Honour, I don't remember the specific
details of who left the

9 room or who didn't at that point.

10 Q. All right, General Clark. How come you don't
remember that Goran

11 Milinovic brought a fax containing written
guarantees from General Mladic

12 that you would not be stopped anywhere and that you
can pass along the

13 normal route? That is what we discussed for a long
time, because he came

14 back a few times in order to establish the exact
wording of this guarantee

15 so that it would be absolutely certain that nobody
would stop you, because

16 Holbrooke explained that it would be a great shame
for the delegation if

17 anyone stopped them anywhere. I assume you should
remember that. It was

18 the first meeting. Is that right or is that not

19 A. Your Honour, I don't have any recollection of
this specifically.

20 I do remember that there was discussion about the
route and that we were

21 unable to get satisfactory guarantees that we could
go through it and that

22 that's subsequently why we decided we would go the
Mount Igman route. I

23 don't have any recollection of the details other
than that there was some

24 conversation with Mladic. That is to say that there
was a report that

25 someone had had a conversation with Mladic. We
didn't see that. We

Page 30426

1 stayed in the room. Who might have had that
conversation and what was

2 carried back and forth and so forth, I don't recall.

3 Q. Don't you remember that you were given this
guarantee into your

4 very own hands in writing that you would not be
stopped anywhere and that

5 Holbrooke refused this out of his very own vanity
and that's why four of

6 your men got killed on Mount Igman in the accident
because the APC

7 tumbled? You cannot remember that, General Clark?
Four of your fellow

8 members of the delegation got killed then because of
your vanity.

Tuesday December 16, 2003

6 Q. Very well, General Clark. That's fine. Since in

7 examination-in-chief you quoted me as having told
you that you were a war

8 criminal, am I quoting what you've said, General
Clark, correctly?

9 A. I recall your saying that I would be the war
criminal or that I

10 was a war criminal, yes. That was in the meeting
that we had in Beli Dvor

11 in January of 1999.

12 Q. That is quite true that I said that you would be
a war criminal if

13 you attacked Yugoslavia. That is quite true. I said
to you, "You will be

14 a war criminal if you attack Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia
is a sovereign state

15 and you have no right to intervene militarily in
Yugoslavia." Is that

16 right, General Clark?

17 A. Your Honour, I don't recall all of the
qualifications. I recall

18 the accused becoming very angry, red in the face,
and making accusations.

19 That's what I recall, and that's what I testified

20 Q. So you were heralding a NATO bombardment, and
you said -- and I

21 said that you did not have the right to bomb a
sovereign state, and that

22 if you did that you would be a war criminal. Is
that right, General

23 Clark?

24 JUDGE MAY: The witness has answered the question.
There's no

25 need to repeat it.

Page 30453

1 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] All right.

2 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

3 Q. Do you think that you are a war criminal, General

4 JUDGE MAY: That's not a proper question.

5 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] All right.

6 If it's not a proper question, then I'm going to put
some other

7 questions.

8 Could you put this photograph on the ELMO.

9 JUDGE MAY: What is the photograph about? What is it

10 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The photograph
depicts General Clark

11 together with Hashim Thaci, Agim Ceku, General
Jackson, and Kouchner.

12 They're like the Musketeers with their hands all

13 JUDGE MAY: It doesn't arise from your examination
-- or the

14 examination-in-chief of the witness or his

15 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. May, during the

16 examination-in-chief the witness said, when quoting
me, and I confirmed

17 that, that I said to him that he would be a war
criminal if he attacked

18 Yugoslavia. I wish to show him proof of the fact
that what I said to him

19 was correct. So I have the right --

20 JUDGE MAY: You can ask him about the conversation
because that is

21 something which the witness dealt with in chief and
in his statement.

22 You've asked him about the conversation. You've got
the answer. The

23 substance of your allegations, such as they are, is
neither here nor

24 there. All we are concerned with is the fact that
you made these

25 allegations, if there's any significance in it.

Page 30454

1 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. May --

2 JUDGE MAY: Don't waste your time arguing about these

3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. May, do I not have
the right to

4 put a question to him in relation to what he himself
stated, that I had

5 said to him that he would be a war criminal? Don't I
have the right to

6 ask him about the consequences of what he did

7 JUDGE MAY: No, and you've heard the reasons. You
know how far

8 you're allowed to go and how far you aren't, and
this goes beyond it. If

9 it's a way to try and get round the ruling, which I
suspect it is, it will

10 not be successful. The witness has answered the
question. He said you

11 did make that allegation, for what it's worth, but
doesn't remember what

12 the qualifications were. Now, we can't take it any
further. All you can

13 ask him about is the conversation itself.

14 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Oh, so I can ask him
about the

15 conversation but I cannot ask him about the content
and meaning of that

16 conversation? Is that what you're trying to say?

17 JUDGE MAY: That's right. That's right. Particularly
these sort

18 of allegations that you're anxious to pursue.

19 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Well, that's the
point, Mr. May.

20 This entire farce serves that purpose, to cover up
the crime committed

21 against Yugoslavia by --

22 JUDGE MAY: No, we don't want political speeches
now. We're far

23 too advanced in this trial to listen to this.

24 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

25 Q. All right. General Clark, do you think that in
view of your

Page 30455

1 military training and education, the high position
you held in the army of

2 the United States and in NATO, that the killing of
civilians, the bombing

3 of --

4 JUDGE MAY: Now, you know quite well that this is not
the sort of

5 question the witness is dealing with. We've told you
before you were

6 asking questions which you were perfectly permitted
to ask before the

7 adjournment. I suggest you return to that.

8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] So you are not
allowing me to put a

9 single question in relation to the crimes that this
witness committed

10 against my country?

11 JUDGE MAY: You know quite well that these sort of
questions are

12 not permitted. These sort of allegations which you
make are not matters

13 which can be debated now, or indeed at any time
probably in this trial,

14 unless you show the relevance of it, but it's
certainly not relevant to

15 these -- to this evidence. This kind of allegation
does not assist

16 anybody.

17 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] All right. Since
you've said just

18 now, Mr. May, that this cannot be discussed here, I
have here with me the

19 final report that a commission established to look
into the NATO campaign

20 against Yugoslavia, and this commission worked for
the Prosecution --

21 JUDGE MAY: No. You're wasting your own time. It's
very limited.

22 You know quite well what your questioning is
limited to. You must return

23 to it or this cross-examination will stop. It's a
matter for you whether

24 you want the cross-examination to stop or not. Now,
you will go back to

25 what the witness gave evidence about in chief or
this cross-examination

Page 30456

1 will be brought to an end.

25 Q. You mentioned, General Clark, the KLA in several
sections, in

Page 30500

1 several paragraphs, even in this latest statement of
yours. You talk

2 about their regrouping, you talk about operations
against the KLA, you

3 talk about the existence of the KLA, and so on.

4 You mentioned in your statement that I had said to
you that these

5 were murderers, rapists, plunderers, arsonists, that
these people were

6 terrorists. Do you remember that?

7 JUDGE MAY: Is this the reference now - let's make
sure we have

8 the reference right - to the conversation in October
1998? It's

9 paragraphs --

10 JUDGE KWON: 28.

11 JUDGE MAY: 28. That's the conversation, is it?

12 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] That paragraph and
other paragraphs.

13 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

14 Q. So I believe it is not in dispute that I said to
you, General

15 Clark, that these were terrorists, murderers,
rapists, killers of their

16 own kind. Is that right or is that not right? Was
that clear or was that

17 not clear?

18 A. You did say that to me in October of 1998, and
that is the phrase

19 you used. I remember you using it in English,
"murderers, rapists, and

20 killers of their own kind."

21 Q. And terrorists; right? Terrorists first and

22 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Now, please put this
picture on the

23 ELMO. These are men in KLA uniforms, and I hope
that you will recognise

24 the patch on the sleeve, the KLA patch. It can be
seen on the left arm.

25 So there is no doubt that this is the KLA. We see
this too.

Page 30501

1 JUDGE MAY: That is unnecessary. Remove that picture,

2 This is nothing to do with the evidence. Return the
picture, please, to

3 the accused.

4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. May, these men in
KLA uniforms,

5 I mean, this man is holding two Serb heads that had
been cut off. Is that

6 confirmation? I mean, are these allies of General
Clark's infantry in

7 Kosovo?

20 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The general -- well,
I mean the

21 general is speaking in general terms about the KLA,
and you did not allow

22 me to show a picture yesterday of the three
Musketeers where he is like

23 D'Artagnan with the leaders of these terrorists.

24 MR. MILOSEVIC: [Interpretation]

25 Q. General, you actually commanded these
formations, these units that

Page 30503

1 cut off Serb heads.


Q) You say in paragraph 28: "We know how to handle
these Albanians,

21 these murderers, these rapists, these killers of
their own kind. We have

22 taken care of them before." And you talk about

23 General, obviously you do not know history, the
history of the

24 Second World War. Do you know that in this context
I did not speak to you

25 about this at all? I'm going to remind you. I was
saying that many

Page 30504

1 members of Hitler's army who were Albanians and who
had been crushed spent

2 all of two years after the war in the mountains of
Kosovo, notably in

3 Drenica, and they were killing people, and that the
Yugoslav army spent

4 all of two years with them in Kosovo finishing off
the Second World War.

5 They were members of Hitler's units that remained in
the hills up there,

6 and the war went on for two more years over there in
Kosovo. Truth to

7 tell, it was a low-intensity conflict.

8 Q. General Clark, isn't it clear that the reference
here is not to

9 Albanians but to terrorists who that year had killed
more Albanians than

10 Serbs, as a matter of fact? These were terrorists
and killers towards

11 which every country, every nation is entitled to
take measures when

12 dealing with terrorists, killers, rapists,
torturists, slaughterers. That

13 was the reference, and not to Albanians. I never
used the name of a

14 people to link it to killers. Killers are killers.
Terrorists are

15 terrorists, regardless of what nation they may
belong to.

16 In this case, we were talking about terrorists and
killers, and in

17 1946 --

19 And secondly, General, you certainly must know that
it was the

20 German intelligence service, in fact, that worked
on the formation of

21 terrorist groups and the equipping of the KLA. As
NATO commander, you

22 must have had such intelligence information.

. Are you aware of the fact that after that,

23 after that October agreement, there were 470
terrorist attacks and 22

24 violations of the border between October and
December? This is contained

25 in a letter addressed by our Foreign Minister
Zivadin Jovanovic to Kofi

Page 30514

1 Annan in December 1998, in which he says that 1.854
terrorist attacks took

2 place, that 244 persons were killed, 566 wounded,
and after the signing of

3 the agreement, 470 terrorist attacks from the end of
October up until

4 December. Are you aware of that?

23 You said a short while ago that you wanted to have

24 struck from the record. You wanted to say, as a
matter of fact, for the

25 record that the KLA was not a terrorist
organisation. Isn't that right,

Page 30530

1 General Clark?

2 A. Your Honour, I do not consider the KLA a
terrorist organisation.

3 Q. All right. Tell me, then, who was it then in 1998
that carried

4 out these 1.854 terrorist attacks, having killed
hundreds of people,

5 having wounded hundreds of people, civilians,
policemen, soldiers? Who

6 did that then in 1998 if not terrorists? Who could
have done it?

7 JUDGE MAY: I'm going to stop these rhetorical
questions. What is

8 the question?

3 Q. General Clark, since you claim that these
individuals who carried

4 out these acts of terrorism are not terrorists,
although several

5 resolutions of the Security Council refer to
terrorism in Kosovo, you

6 nevertheless claim that they are not terrorists.

7 Please answer a question: Is your election campaign
financed by

8 Albanian circles including the KLA?

24 Q. You caused a humanitarian catastrophe, General
Clark. You didn't

25 save anyone. And since you were the NATO commander,
I assume that you

Page 30538

1 know that the Helsinki final act explicitly
authorises states to fight

2 against terrorism in their own territory and that no
other state has the

3 right to stop it or prevent it from doing that. You
interfered in this

4 conflict and you took the side of the terrorists,
General Clark. Is that

5 right or is that not right?

21 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I should first like
to refer to what

22 Mr. Nice has said, that apparently they're
investigating all crimes. If

23 they are investigating all crimes, then you have
first of all the

24 photograph of Clark, Hashim Thaci, Ceku and all the
others who were in

25 command of those crimes. As for the other
photographs that I showed, I

Page 30585

1 have the name of the person holding those heads and
the names of the Serbs

2 who were beheaded. And the photographs that I wanted
to show him, because

3 it was his allies that he is keeping company with
who did this.

4 Unfortunately, you are not investigating all crimes.

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Izbori 28. decembra

(Djordje Blagojevic)

2. Saopstenje za javnost
(Udruzenje graПana - Odbor za nacionalnu solidarnost - Jela Jovanovic)

=== 1 ===


Interesantna analiza profila Voje Koštunice, pa je šaljem u celini
(preuzeto sa

Posto se pominju razne moguće i nemoguće koalicije, a i bliži se dan D
kada treba zaokružiti odgovarajuću stranu, želim da podsetim ko je
Vojislav Koštunica. Znam da svi u njegovom stranci nisu kao on, da
tamo ima i poštenih i pametnih ljudi, ali dok oni vodi tu stranku
nijedan srpski patriota ne bi smeo da glasa za nju niti da pomisli da
uđe u eventualnu koaliciju.
Dakle, Vojislav Koštunica je čovek koji je soje ime stavio na celo
DOSmanlijske liste i time značajno pomogao da oni dođu do vlasti.
Ovaj "legalista" je hladno prihvatio laz da je dobio izbore u prvom
krugu za sta mu je falilo oko jedan procenat glasova (pobedio jeste
ali dobio izbore nije).
Isti "legalista" je bio jedan od vodećih učesnika u sastavljanja
famoznog protivustavnog zakona o saradnji s haškim trubunalom, a pre
toga aktivno učestvovao u najpre protivzakonitom i protivustavnom a
zatim zakonitom ali i dalje protivustavnom izručenju Srba u Hag
(uključujući i bivšeg Predsednika SRJ).
Kada je obavio sve bazne prljavštine i učvrstio vlast DOSmanlija, on
se povukao, kao u opoziciju, i tamo izigrava "čistunca" neobaveštenog
čoveka koji sa DOSmanlijskom vlašću nema nikakve veze.
Sada bi naivni trebalo da ga prihvate kao "umerenog nacionalistu"
i "poštenog čoveka", neku "novu opciju". A u njemu nema ni
nacionaliste ni poštenja a ponajmanje nečega novoga.
Nadam se da nijedan nacionalista neće nasesti na ovu prljavu igru NSP-
a. Sumnjam, mada to ne mogu da dokažem, ali mnoge činjenice ukazuju
na to, da je bas on Vojislav Koštunica zapravo glavni igrač NSP-a, a
da je Zoran Đinđić zapravo bio samo "čovek za jednu upotrebu" da
odradi najočiglednije prljavštine, na šta pokazuje njegovo naglo
izbacivanje sa političke scene (i života).
Da bi ilustrovao ponašanje ovog "legaliste" podsetiću vas na
moju "prepisku" s njim u nekim kritičnim trenucima njegove vlasti.
Navodnice su zbog toga sto ovaj "legalista" i "poštenjačina" nije
odgovorio ni na jedno moje pismo iako sam ih poslao na njegov državni
i privatni email, a dva od njih su objavljena i u novinama.

Djordje B

PS. Pisma su pisana u jednom dahu, u emocionalno teskim trenutcima pa
se izvinjavam zbog eventualnih grešaka, jer pisma su radi potpune

originalnosti bez naknadne redakcije.

31.03.2001 07:20
Dr. Vojislavu Kostunici
Predsedniku Savezne republike

Postovani gospodine predsednice,

Pozivam Vas hitno da preduzmete nesto i sprecite nastavak ove sramote
Srpskog naroda. Vi ste predsednik ove drzave, i vasa je duznost da u
u ovakvim trenutcima nesto preduzmete, da sprecite dalje prolivanje
Srpske krvi. U najmanju ruku, ocekujem od Vas da se obratite ovom
nesrecnom narodu, cija vlada i svi ostali organi cute dok se desavaju
uzasne stvari. Ako se desi ono sto svi ocekuju, bice to onaj
poslednji emocionalni udarac koji ovaj Narod nece moci da izdrzi.
Izgubili smo sve, ostao je jos samo mali tracak
nacionalnog dostojanstva. Ako i to izgubimo - vise nas nece biti
Ucinite nesto pre nego sto bude kasno. Nemoje dozvoliti da udjete u
istoriju kao predsednik Jugoslavije za cijeg je mandata ucinjen
zlocin Srba nad Srbima. Hteo bih jos mnogo toga da kazem, ali emocije
mi ne dozvoljavaju da smisleno piasem. Moja poslednja nada je ulozena
u Vas.

Dr. Djordje Blagojevic,
Profesor Masinskog Fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu


31.03.2001 21:09
Dr. Vojislavu Kostunici
Predsedniku Savezne republike

Postovani gospodine predsednice,

Samo ponekom coveku se pruzi prilika da ucestvuje u istoriji,
istoriji svoga naroda. Vama je tu sansa Bog pruzio, ali je niste

Propustili ste sansu da spasete ovaj narod od konacnog kraha i
nestanka. Potpuno se slazem s vama da "nijedan pojedinac nije vredan
zrtvovanja drzavnih i nacionalnih interesa". Nazalost, niste shvatili
da se ovde ne radi o Slobodanu Milosevicu, vec je on, u ovom slucaju,
samo simbol srpskog otpora bezboznom Novom Svetskom poretku.
Nazalost, vi ste bodlegli pritiscima najbednijih sinova naseg naroda
olicenih u Djindjicu, Baticu i ostalima... Zrtvovali ste nacionalni i
drzavni interes zarad negog prividnog "mira". Mira u kome ce srpska
drzava i srpska nacija nestati. Ako vec treba da nestanemo, onda
bolje da to bude u plamenu, nego u sidi, seksualnoj izopacenosti,

Razocarali ste me, duboko ste me razocarali.

Ne trazim od Vas da se stidite, ja se stidim u Vase i svoje ime.

Dr. Djordje Blagojevic,
Profesor Masinskog Fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu


30.05.2001 18:19
Dr. Vojislavu Kostunici
Predsedniku Savezne republike

Gospodine predsednice,

Sada je 18:14, cetvrtak 30.05.2001 godine

Obzirom na sve sto se dogodilo u poslednjih nekoliko meseci, i vase
(ne)reagovanje povodom tih dogadjaja, ne ocekujem od vas nikakvu
reakciju na trenutna dogadjanja u Skupstini Republike Srbije, i ovo
moje pismo. Ipak, pisem vam ga da umirim sopstvenu savest, da mi deca
i unuci ne bi prevbacili da sam gledao sta se desava a nista nisam
U ovom trenutku u Skupstini se odlucuje o buducnosti ne samo Kosova i
Metohije, vec o buducnosti Srbije i jugoslavije. Necu da komentarisem
mlaku "rezoluciju", kojom se prakticno odustaje od suvereniteta
Srbije i jugoslavije od Kosova i Metohije (ovde se Metohija i ne
pominje!). Hocu samo da vam skrenem paznju da je ponasanje vaseg
Predsednika Skupstine ne samo nedemokratsko, nego apsolutisticko i
diktatorsko. Kao da se plasi da cuje drugacije misljenje, on oduzima
rec narodnim poslanicima, iskljucuje im mikrofon, a RTS pokriva sve
to muzickim spotovima. A to su NASI narodni poslanici, ljudi koje smo
mi birali, ljudi koji misle i zele dobro ovoj zemlji, i kojima niko
nema prava da oduzima rec, pod obrazlozenjem da su (po slobodnoj
proceni predsednika) "promasili temu". Da li je to demokratija koju
ste nam obecavali, da li su to slobodni mediji o kojima ste govorili?
Ili ste skolu demokratije ucili kod Hitlera i Gebelsa? Ako je i od
DOS-a - mnogo je!

Za koga vi, gospodine predsednice zapravo radite?

Dr. Djordje Blagojevic,
Profesor Masinskog Fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu


16.06 19:35
Dr. Vojislavu Kostunici
Predsedniku Savezne republike

Gospodine Predsednice,

Pre nepuna tri meseca, napisao sam vam:

"Samo ponekom coveku se pruzi prilika da ucestvuje u istoriji,
istoriji svoga naroda. Vama je tu sansa
Bog pruzio, ali je niste iskoristili."

Tada ste, suprotno nacelim koje verbalno zastupate, dopustili da se
pred vasim ocima vrsi krsenje ustava i zakona ove drzave a da nicim
niste to pokusali da sprecite. Da potsetim, najpre je grupa
naoruzanih kriminalaca, sa najlon-carapama na glavama, pokusala
oruzani prepad na zgradu koja pripada vladi SRJ i izvrsi otmicu
bivseg predsednika Jugoslavije. Zatim je, sutradan, posle vase
intervencije, bivsi predsednik uhapsen, bez naloga za hapsenje, koji
je napisan tek sutradan. Vi ste tada govorili o "pravnoj drzavi", o
svemu i svacemu, ali niste nista preduzali u smislu krivicnog
godnjenja lica koja su pokusala krivicno delo oruzanog napada i
otmice. Jos pre toga ste bili svedok krsenja i zakona ove zemlje,
kada je izvrsene otmica jednog gradjanina Republike Srpske, u cilju
njegovog isporucenja nelegalnom (to ste i Vi nekada
govorili!) "Haskom Tribunalu". Tada ste taj cin kritikovali, ali
nista niste preduzeli u smislu krivicnog gonjenja pocinilaca ovog
krivicnog dela.

Tada ste propustili da udjete u istoriju svoga naroda,. da udjete u
istoriju na osnovu pozitivnog dela. Sada Vam se ponovo pruza prilika
da udjete u istoriju, ovoga puta na osnovu negativnog dela -
unistenja SRJ, "trece Jugoslavije". U ovom trenutku se odrzava
sednica "krnje" vlade (zar ovo ne podseca na dogadjaje od pre desetak
godina, dogadjaje pred raspad "druge Jugoslavije?), vlade koju su
napustili predstavnici SNP-a, u ocajnom pokusaju da ako nistva vise
ne mogu da ucine, da barem speru ljagu sebe, da sacuvaju svoje licno
dostojanstvo. Tema te sednice je donosenje uredbe, potpuno suprotne
ustavu i zakonima ove zemlje, uredbe koja preti da dostojanstvo ovog
naroda spusti do nule ili jos nize. To ce biti najsramniji dogadjaj u
dogoj istoriji Srpskog naroda.

A Vi cutite i ne preduzimate nista. Necinjenje nejkad znaci gori cin
nego cinjenje. U ovom slucaju, nekoriscenje Vasih ovlascenja kao
predsednika SRJ i vrhovnog komandanta Vojske Jugoslavije predstavlja
zlocin. Zlocin izdaje zemlje i naroda. Duznost Predsednika drzave je
da koristi sva svoja ovlascenja u cilju zastite zakonitosti, i jos
vise u cilju zastite integriteta drzave, i jos vise u cilju zastite
dostojanstva naroda kome i sam pripada. Da li ste Vi na te duznosti
zabotravili, ili svesno odbijate da ih izvrsite? Sta jos treba da se
desi da shvatite gde se nalazite i sta vam je duznost?

Ili cete postati "srpski Mesic" i kao poslednji predsednik SRJ uskoro
negde reci: "Zadatak je izvrsen..."

Ne trazim od Vas da se stidite, ja se stidim u Vase i svoje ime.

Dr. Djordje Blagojevic,
Profesor Masinskog Fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu

=== 2 ===

Udruzenje graПana - Odbor za nacionalnu solidarnost -
Tolstojeva 34 , Beograd, Srbija

Povodom uplovljavanja i pristajanja ameriХkog ratnog broda "Gonzales" u
teritorijalne vode Srbije i Crne Gore, UG -Odbor za nacionalnu
solidarnost- izdaje sledeФe

> " Gonzales " u misiji zastrasivanja srpskih biraХa
> Nedavno je u teritorijalne vode Srbije i Crne Gore uplovio i pristao
> ameriХki ratni brod "Gonzales", jedan iz flotile brodova ubica iz 1999.
> godine, flotile sa koje su poletali avioni-ubice i isplajivane rakete
> po
> civilima u SRJ, za vreme agresije NATO pakta . Od agresije, nijedan
> americki ratni brod nije upolovio u nase vode pa cak ni 5.oktobra,
> kada su njihovi politiХki saveznici iz DOS-a izvrsili puc u Beogradu i
> nasilnim putem preuzeli vlast ,ali jesu sada, pred republiХke izbore
> 28. decembra, kada sve prognoze govore da ce vlast u Srbiji osvojiti
> Srpska Radikalna Stranka i SocijalistiХka Partija Srbije, stranke koje
> su saХinjavale vladu SRJ tokom NATO agresije i stranke koje su
> osvedoХene patriotske orijentacije.
> Miisija ovog ratnog broda u nasoj zemlji nije uspostavljanje dobrih
> odnosa izmeПu Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore i Armije Sjedinjenih Drzava,
> kako je to u svom obraФanju naglasio ambasador Sjedinjenih Drzava u
> Beogradu, inaХe istinski vladar u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, Vilijem
> Montgomeri, veФ zastrasivanje biraХa u Srbiji pred decembarske
> parlamentarne izbore. Ovo prosto demonstriranje vojne moФi treba da
> podseti graПane Srbije na uzase koje su u ameriХki ratni brodovi i
> avijacija sejali po srpskim gradovima i selima i opomene ih kako treba
> da glasaju 28. decembra. AmeriХka administracija i ambasador
> Montgomeri na svaki naХin pokusavaju da uskoХe u pomoФ svojim, od
> naroda u Srbiji, prozrenim i prezrenim pulenima, pa se tako ne libe i
> da na ovaj naХin posalju poruku srpskim biraХima. Uplovljavanje ovog
> broda je izvedeno u sadejstvu sa marketing menadzerima DOS-a u jeku
> njihove histeriХne kampanje i harange protiv Srpske radikalne Stranke
> i SocijalistiХke Partije Srbije Хime ovi kvazi menadzeri i njihovi
> sefovi krse Zakon o izboru narodnih poslanika u Narodnu Skupstinu
> Republike Srbije.

> Nase udruzenje graПana ovim saopstenjem zeli da biraХima u Srbiji
> skrene paznju na ove i sliХne ameriХko-dosovske predizborne
> manipulacije i zatrazi da glasaju po svojoj savesti i slobodnoj volji
> , bez straha .
> Bez ikakvog nasilja i pored talasa koje prave NATO brodovi i senki
> krila NATO avijacije kao podrske, ova sramna DOS-ova vlast Фe voljom
> naroda morati da ode u istoriju i zauzme mesto koje pripada
> kratkotrajnim i potrosnim vazalnim vladama.
> Generalni sekretar
> Do pobede !
> Na Svetog Nikolu, u Beogradu , 2003. godine


in Albania hanno finalmente ricominciato a fare i film: secondo Radio
Popolare di Milano, questa attivita' sarebbe stata vietata dal vecchio
Enver (*), ma ora che sono "liberi" pare possano di nuovo praticarla.
Qualche giorno fa c'è stato il primo festival della nuova era. E chi ha
vinto? Una regista di Pristina, ridente cittadina che dovrebbe far
parte della Albania del futuro. Il film si chiama "Kosova 11.9". Parla
di un bambinetto che sente che sono state abbattute le "torri gemelle"
a New York e pensa che siano stati i serbi a farlo. Ma che fantasia!
Certo, lo stesso giorno che era successa la cosa, l'avevamo detto anche
noi, anzi, c'erano due versioni della barzelletta: o "sono stati i
serbi" oppure "è stato Slobo"... ma non pensavamo mai che una regista
di Pristina potesse prendere la barzelletta per il soggetto del film, e
persino vincerci un festival. E' il caso di chiedere i diritti
d'autore? (a cura di I&A)

(*) questo e' quello che dice Radio Popolare di Milano, nota bene.



Il crollo del palazzo in costruzione, futura sede del museo del Mare
nel Porto Antico di Genova, che ha causato la morte dell'operaio
albanese Albert Kolgjegja, è l’argomento di non poche segnalazioni
all’Oli. Il cittadino comune -ci scrivono dal Comitato Verità
Giustizia- ha percepito che non tutti gli albanesi delinquono; molti
lavorano onestamente e sono super sfruttati: ormai è chiaro che la
maggior parte del lavoro edile vive nell'illegalita' (un conoscente
immigrato non ha potuto per 3 anni tornare in patria dalla sua
famiglia, ha lavorato senza riuscire a farsi pagare per mesi, ora è
assunto in prova, ma quando -e se- verrà confermato dal datore di
lavoro passerà come apprendista, quindi sarà pagato meno del dovuto).
Scrive un altro: bene ha fatto l’Oli a cogliere la forte somiglianza
(sennò che osservatorio sarebbe) fra Albert Kolgjegja e Charles
Bunchinsky, alias Charles Bronson. Non il Bronson giustiziere degli
anni settanta/ottanta, dalla facciasolcata a paesaggio dalle rughe, ma
il  Bunchinsky giovane (giustiziato) dei "Magnifici sette", mi pare il
taciturno lanciatore di coltelli... Un giovanotto figlio di lituani (15
fratelli) già minatore in Pennsylvania, che mutua il nuovo cognome da
un ponte vicino a Hollywood e considerato -a torto?- inespressivo. E
sono tipicamente "inespressive" le pose delle fototessere, come quella
apparsa sui giornali di Albert (Sant'Agata, se avesse avuto bisogno di
un nome d'arte), l'unica immagine che sonsi riesce a trovare
scartabellando anche l'intera rete internettesca.

Albert Kolgjegja muore l'8 novembre 2003, è il 189° deceduto "edile" in
Italia fino a quel punto dell'anno. Al 30 novembre siamo arrivati a 200
vittime di incidenti mortali.

Per documentarsi, i morti dell'edilizia hanno un loro sito:

(Fonte: O.L.I.
Newsletter n.6 giovedì 18 dicembre 2003
newsletter_oli@... )

Doris Pak – ratni huskac na Balkanu

Pise: Oliver Vulovic
oliverv@... : oliver_vulovic@...
Decembar 18, 2003.g. Beograd

U dnevnoj stampi se pojavila informacija da izvestan broj evropskih
parlamentaraca na celu sa sefom delegacije za Jugoistocnu Evropu,
gospodjom Doris Pak, zahteva reviziju Dejtonskog sporazuma u smislu
cvrsce centralizacije vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini i ukidanje Republike
Srpske. Kao razloge su naveli da “ dvovlasce “ u BiH zajedno sa
protektoratom izaziva stagnaciju, nezaposlenost, opstu ekonomsku
nestabilnost i da medju etnickim grupama vlada duboko nepoverenje.
Pored Doris Pak, pomenuti zahtev su potpisali general Morijon, Tadeus
Mazovjecki, Hans Kosnik i jos nekoliko poznatih clanova Evropskog

U smislu izazivanja nestabilnosti u regionu, ovaj apel se moze porediti
samo sa nekadasnjim apelima za bombardovanje Republike Srpske i Srbije
koje su nekada potpisivani u Americi kao i sa raznim pisanijima kojima
se pretilo srpskom narodu od pojedinih evropski ministara spoljnih
poslova (za koje je Doris Pak i tada,kao i sada radila) za proteklih
petnaest godina. Doris Pak, takozvana mirotvorka, inace profesionalno i
emocionalno jedna od najzecih antisrpkinja u evropskom establismentu,
koja je svoj antisrpski angazman u poslednjoj deceniji pokrivala
takozvanom “antimilosevickom” politikom, ovim svojim nastupom samo
dodaje jos jedan, za citav niz dokaza da je svoju misiju, funkciju i
uopste politicko bitisanje i zivotnu egzistenciju sve vreme bazirala i
bazira na neprestanom i kontinuiranom delovanju protiv srpskih interesa
na Balkanu. Nijedan njen izvestaj koji je poslala sa ovih prostora nije
prosao a da u njemu, bez obzira na situaciju na terenu, za sve nedace
ili barem nedace koje je u datom izvestaju opsivala, nije generalno bio
optuzen srpski narod i njegovo rukovodstvo. Doris Pak i njeni
istomisljenici znaju da je rat u Bosni i stao samo zato sto je potpisan
Dejtonski sporazum i da bi rat, sa promenljivom ratnom srecom, trajao
jos dugo da tim sporazumom nisu uvazeni opravdani zahtevi srpskog i
hrvatskog naroda u Bosni. Dejtonski sporazum, kakav – takav, poput
Rezolucije 1244 OUN, su de facto i de jure Mirovni ugovori na osnovu
kojih su se zaracene strane sporazumele da obustave ratna dejstva jer
je postignut kompromis i svaka od njih je putem tog ugovora uspela da,
manje ili vise, zastiti svoje vitalne nacionalne interese, osim
muslimanske strane za koju je ovaj ugovor, kao i mnogi drugi prethodni,
privremeni o prekidu vatre, samo u stvari predah za prikupljanje
politicke i vojne snage za nastavk operacije majorizacije i
potcinjavanja drugih naroda u Bosni. Muslimanska strana se jednostavno
ne zadovoljava cinjenicom da Bosna nije samo njihova i nada se da ce uz
pomoc svojih vasingtonskih i evropskih saveznika uspeti da uradi u
miru, ono sto nije mogla ratom. Mirovni ugovor moze da se nadogradjuje
samo u smislu daljeg ucvrscivanja mira i stabilnosti na prostoru gede
je rat trajao i medju stranama koje su ratovale ali njegova eventualna
revizija u smislu uskracivanja vec potvrdjenih prava nekoj od bivsih
ratujucih strana, nije nista drugo do poziv na novi rat i nesrece, sto
je inace kaznjivo i po evropskim zakonima. S'tim u vezi, Doris pak i
njene kolege, zasticene imunitetom evropskih poslanika i sluzbenika,
cine krivicno delo ugrozavanja mira i bezbednost, gradjana Unije Bosne
i Hercegovine i drzava suseda. Oni se takodje polticki nedvosmisleno,
otvoreno lobisticki, stavljaju na samo jednu stranu u politickom
konfliktu pri tome ignorisuci i gazeci medjunarodno pravo te dalje,
direktno deluju u ineteresu izazivanja nestabilnosti u Bosni, i
protivzakonito napadaju njeno ustavno uredjenje i poredak i implicite
Republiku Srpsku kao medjunarodno priznati entitet. Doris Pak se nije
setila da reaguje kada je nezakonito i suprotno opste prihvacenim
demokratskim pravilima i zakona same Unije BiH i Dejtonskog sporazuma,
dekretom smenjen, od naroda izabran predsednik RS, gospodin Poplasen,
kada je histericnom harangom napadana i vredjana, narodnom voljom
najjaca partija u Republici Srpskoj SDS. Nije gospodja Pak ni reagovala
sto se osvedoceni ratni zlocincii Ejub Ganic i Alija Izetbegovic setaju
Sarajevom. Doris pak nije nista uradila da se utvrdi prava i konacna
istina u vezi Srebrenice vec se svom snagom stavila na stranu koalicije
muslimasko-evropskih nacifikatora srpskog naroda. Doris Pak je sramota
i ruglo demokratije, najgora sorta njene zloupotrebe i duhovni
inspirator novih ratova. Njeno mesto je u zatvoru a ne u tzv.
delegacijama za Jugoistocnu Evropu. Ona ne samo da treba da bude
persona non grata na Balkanu, vec sa svojim sapotpisnicima ovog sramnog
zahteva treba i da se javno zigose kao narucilac novih patnji na ovim