
Wesley Clark War Crimes amply documented




Wesley Clark War Crimes amply documented:
NATO's War of Aggression against Yugoslavia
(by Michel Chossudovsky)



A militarist as “peace” candidate: Retired general Wesley Clark enters
Democratic presidential race
(by Alex Lefebrve)

Enter the 'anti-war' war criminal
(by Fred Goldstein)

'Wesley & Me': A Real-Life Docudrama
(by Norman Solomon)

Wesley Clark: The Guy Who Almost Started World War III
(by Stella Jatras)

Who is Wesley Clark?
(by Stephen Gowans)

Gen. Wesley Clark -- War Criminal, Don't Be Fooled
(by Mitchel Cohen)

General Wesley Clark, From Waco to Yugoslavia:
The US military was at Waco

More on Wesley Clark's career:

US Army Page

Foreign Honors and Awards

Was Gen. Clark Also "Unprepared" for the Postwar?
(by Zoltan Grossman)

General Wesley Clark (by William Fielder)

Wesley Clark Jumps in With Kosher-Style Kickoff

Wesley Clark: The Score
(by Srdja Trifkovic)



War Criminal Wesley Clark for President? Including:
1. Links
2. A commentary by Rick Rozoff
3. A commentary by Mitchel Cohen
4. A commentary by Wayne Madsen at
5. Extracts from (with many
interesting links!)

=== 1 ===

Will Wesley Clark Do Tomorrow The Opposite Of What He
Did Yesterday?

Latin America, Yugoslavia, China and a few other

September 26, 2003

Is Wesley Clark the long hoped for contender to go up
against Bush II?
Further on we will examine why certain leadership
circles in the U.S. anticipate the possibility to
"change horses". But, first of all, why this silence
about Clark's past record? Yes, you could vote for
Wesley Clark, provided that your forget about...

Clark, assigned to Panama to lead the US Southern
Command, namely, Latin American operations, supplied
various regimes that practice terror on their
citizenry with a great many military "advisors" and US
During this period, Latin America experienced a sharp
increase in human rights violations. In Colombia, for
example, there were 2,400 political assassinations
(not taking into consideration the numerous incidents
of people going missing or simply vanishing) committed
by the military as well as paramilitary groups that
were trained and equipped by Wesley Clark.
The Objective: a long series of aggressions against
Chile, Cuba and many others. It's about waging brutal
combat operations against liberation movements in
Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico and Bolivia. It's
always done for the purpose of allowing U.S.
multi-nationals to continue to keep the upper hand,
with respect to economic relations, in Latin America.
fact that these wars were fought far away from news
cameras does not diminish Clark's responsibility.

What about the war against Yugoslavia? Some people saw
it as a humanitarian operation whose real goals
corresponded to its announced goals. Others
saw a hypocritical military operation that foresaw
gaining control of Balkan oil routes and the country's
markets, meanwhile eliminating workers'
self-management and the social benefits of "Yugoslav
It seems that Clark himself could have answered this
question by drawing on the following summary he made
of his own mandate: "Potential adversaries should
recognize that Western nations are fully capable -
militarily, diplomatically and industrially - of high
intensity combat operations that include the use of
ground forces when their vital interests are involved
andeven when less-than-vital interests are involved."
Clark forgot to mention of the humanitarian pretexts
that had been so frequently invoked before and
during the war. ("Clark Recalls 'Lessons' of Kosovo,
IHT, May 3, 2000).
Be that as it may, the crimes committed during this
war by NATO, which was under the command of Wesley
Clark, are undeniable. Even though Clark, among
others, will never be convicted because international
law does not exist for the mighty.
What about criminal acts? Even though he hit a
laughably small number of Yugoslav tanks, Clark bombed
the Radio-Television building (killing 16
journalists and technicians), factories, petrochemical
complexes (which resulted in a dramatic rise in
cancers and other maladies), civilian
infrastructure (electric power generating stations), a
convoy of Albanian refugees who were returning to
Kosovo (70 victims), a passenger train...and, last but
not least, the Chinese embassy (3 victims). Which was,
in other words, a "warning" because Beijing was
supporting Yugoslav independence. And let us not omit
the use of "fragmentation bombs", which are deadliest,
in the long term, for children. And the use of
so-called "depleted" uranium shells that has polluted
the region for a long time to come. The Spanish NATO
pilot, Martin de la Hoz, protested openly against the
deliberate bombardment of civilian targets (Articulo
20, Madrid, June 14, 1999).
Far from simply being a "obedient soldier", Clark is
described by one and all as a "super-hawk" who, most
notably, wanted to bomb all the bridges of Belgrade in
order to intimidate the population. This super -
hawkishness could also be seen in his attitude right
after the war when Russian troops moved toward
Prishtina to try to protect the minority Serb
Wesley Clark, in a fit of monstrous rage, demanded
that British General Jackson block the Prishtina
airport to prevent the Russians from landing.
General Jackson replied: "Sir, I'm not going to start
WWIII for you!".
Afterwards, Clark helped the terrorist militias of the
KLA (UCK) escape demilitarization, which had
nevertheless been stipulated by a UN resolution.
Today, these military mafias are conducting a reign of
terror against all of the national communities in
Kosovo as well as against a large part of the
Albanian population.

IRAK (2003):
Now that Bush has gotten entangled with the resistance
put up by the Iraqi people, Wesley Clark brags: "I
told you so". He is even trying to cultivate
an "anti-war" image through the electoral process. But
what did he say before the war? "I am
categorically certain that Saddam possesses weapons of
mass destruction" (CNN, January 18, 2001).
And what did he write on April 10 of this year? Oh,
well, he welcomed the aggression against Iraq, which
was motivated, according to him, by "strong
convictions (...) Bush and Blair can be proud of their
determination." He reasoned that "nothing could be
more moving" than the "liberation" of Baghdad and that
it was necessary to hurry up and "achieve
this great victory". He also applauded General Tommy
Franks, a war criminal who is guilty of having, on the
one hand, ordered or, on the other, having
concealed, the bombardment of civilians and attacks
against hospitals, ambulances, journalists...
And Clark, "a man of peace", has announced that "the
operation in Iraq will also serve as a point of
departure (...) for military actions against
countries that support terrorism and have deployed
weapons of mass destruction". This is an article to
which Bush could have added his by-line.
(The Times of London)

Why is Clark scaling the ladders of power? Because the
setbacks experienced by Bush have begun to disturb one
part of the leadership circle in the
United States. They are afraid that, by having
disregarded all of their allies, it is becoming
increasingly more difficult to wage the various
wars of aggression that they have prepared. In fact,
the various factions of the U.S. bourgeoisie are in
complete agreement with the plan to totally
recolonize the world in order to save U.S.
multi-national corporations from an economic crisis.
But these factions disagree on the methods: Should
they share a tiny part of the plunder and booty with
their European allies or not? Should they respect at
least the semblance of international law or not?
If Bush is going to be discredited by the resistance
put up by occupied countries, by his own lies, by
scandals and by the failure of his own economic
policies, then it will be necessary for a replacement
to lead the very same policies more effectively.
The episode demonstrates that the U.S., despite its
superpower status, has its weaknesses. The leadership
circles in the U.S. are now in
trouble because resistance to their policies is
growing worldwide. At the same time, the affair also
shows that the "solutions" put forth by this system
consist of replacing one war criminal with another.
The professional positions that Clark held previously
in his career prove that he too will be a man who
belongs to U.S. multi-nationals and their dangerous
projects. Knowing that China is being singled out to a
greater and greater degree as a major target for the
U.S. around 2015, it is interesting to recall one
recent interview that went almost unnoticed.
Wesley Clark, questioned on the subject of Saddam,
responded that the U.S. would do much better to
express more interest in China: "During the
Cultural Revolution they had cannibalism in China. And
the same guys that ran over the students in Tiananmen,
they're still there." (Fortune Magazine, quoted in
General Jackson wasn't wrong, it seems, when he
labeled Wesley Clark as the man who wanted to start
WWIII... Progressives, despairing for their cause, do
not chose a shark that appears to be less dangerous
than the one currently in power. Progressive politics
is concerned with eliminating the system of sharks.

P.S. Wesley Clark is president of "Wesley Clark &
Associates" consulting for military industries,
administrator of WaveCrest Laboratories (closely
linked with US Military & Industrial Complex), Sirva
Corp, Messer-Griesheim, EnTrust Inc, Time Domain,
Axiom Corp, etc.. But he will not be influenced by
the interests of the multinationals...

Translated by Milo Yelesiyevich

=== 2 ===

Our Newest Savior - Wesley Clark

William Blum

September 23, 2003

In case anyone is still embracing any illusions that
General Wesley Clark is likely the hero who can bring
closer to fruition our belief and hope that Another
World Is Possible, here are a few more items about
this charming man.
At the start of the 78-day NATO bombing of Serbia in
1999, which he oversaw as Supreme Allied Commander in
Europe, Clark declared: "We are going to
systematically and progressively attack, disrupt,
degrade, devastate and ultimately destroy these forces
and their facilities and support unless President
Milosevic complies with the demands of the
international community."
(Los Angeles Times, 26 March 1999)

Clark was among 68 leaders charged with war crimes by
a group of international-law professionals from
Canada, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the American
Association of Jurists. The group filed its
well-documented complaints with the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The
Netherlands, charging leaders of NATO countries and
officials of NATO itself with crimes similar to those
for which the Tribunal had issued indictments
shortly before against Serbian leaders. Amongst the
charges filed were: "grave violations of international
humanitarian law", including "wilful killing,wilfully
causing great suffering and serious injury to body and
health, employment of poisonous weapons and other
weapons to cause unnecessary suffering, wanton
destruction of cities, towns and villages, unlawful
attacks on civilian objects, devastation not
necessitated by military objectives, attacks
on undefended buildings and dwellings, destruction and
wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to
religion, charity and education, the arts and
At one point in the bombing campaign it was reported
that "[Clark] would rise out of his seat and slap the
table. 'I've got to get the maximum violence out of
this campaign -- now!'" (Washington Post, 21 September

And last year found our hero in New Hampshire,
endorsing Democrat Katrina Swett for Congress, as
reported by the local paper. "Clark, who supports a
congressional resolution that would give President
Bush authority to use military force against Iraq,
said if Swett were in Congress this week, he would
advise her to vote for the resolution, but only after
vigorous debate."
(The Union Leader, Manchester, NH, 10 October 2002)

Bill Blum
Author, "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA
Interventions Since World War II" and "Rogue State: A
Guide to the World's Only Superpower"


1929-1941: Il separatismo croato in Italia

di Pasquale Juso

Gangemi Editore, 1998
Collana Storia e filosofia
Prezzo € 14,46, 144 p.
ISBN: 8874488769



Capitolo 1: Il fascismo, gli ustascia e la Jugoslavia: il primo livello
di intervento
(Il fascismo e la penisola balcanica; La politica segreta del fascismo
nei Balcani fino al 1928; Il primo livello)

Capitolo 2: La nascita e l'organizzazione del secondo e del terzo
livello italiano di intervento
(Le coperture italiane; Il secondo livello di intervento;
L'organizzazione degli ustascia in Italia; Il terzo livello di

Capitolo 3: Dalla nascita dell'organizzazione all'attentato di
Marsiglia: 1929-1934
(I campi di addestramento; L'eccidio di Marsiglia)

Capitolo 4: Da Marsiglia a Lipari: 1934-1936
(Le conseguenze dell'attentato di Marsiglia rispetto agli ustascia in
Italia; A Lipari: il "falso confino" e il periodo di detenzione di Ante
Pavelic; Dalla liberazione di Pavelic allo scioglimento
dell'organizzazione in Italia; La copertura del "nucleo ungherese")

Capitolo 5: Dallo scioglimento alla riunione: 1937-1941
(L'accordo Ciano-Stoijadinovic e lo scioglimento dell'organizzazione in
Italia; Lipari: i trasferimenti e i nuclei sparsi; 1937-1940, il
problema dei rimpatri; 1939-1941, il nuovo interesse italiano e la
ricostituzione del reparto militare; Il finanziamento e i costi dal
1929 all'aprile 1941; verso lo stato croato indipendente)

[Nell'articolo che segue si spiega il fenomeno della rinuncia alla
cittadinanza della Bosnia-Erzegovina come un atto dettato dalla
necessita', accompagnato da dispiacere e dolore. In verita', se da una
parte le stesse ragioni pratiche valgono per tantissimi cittadini di
ciascuna delle repubblichine post-jugoslave, costretti a rifugiarsi
all'estero - foss'anche solo per sopravvivere economicamente -, noi
conosciamo bosniaci che hanno rinunciato alla cittadinanza con rabbia
piuttosto che con dispiacere. Si tratta infatti spesso anche del
rifiuto di una identita' che e' stata imposta, e che viene ritenuta
fittizia. A questo rifiuto generalizzato si sta accompagnando, in tutta
la Bosnia-Erzegovina, la rinascita del sentimento jugoslavista nelle
famiglie e nei giovani di ogni origine "etnica".
Italo Slavo]

Mai più Bosniaco

Ogni giorno più di 50 persone si fanno cancellare dal registro dei
cittadini della Bosnia Erzegovina. Dalla fine della guerra ad oggi sono
circa in 20.000 ad aver preso questa decisione

(12/09/2003) Essere Bosniaci oggi non è un gran complimento. Gli
abitanti della Bosnia Erzegovina in Europa sono considerati cittadini
di ultima classe, extracomunitari, musulmani, poveri. Il passaporto
bosniaco non vale un soldo bucato. Così, tutti quelli che hanno la
possibilità di ottenere un'altra cittadinanza lo fanno volentieri.
Quasi tutti i cattolici bosniaci hanno preso la cittadinanza croata, e
con il passaporto croato si riesce a viaggiare con pochi problemi. I
passaporti più ambìti però sono senza dubbio quelli dei paesi
dell’Unione Europea. In questi ultimi anni tantissimi bosniaci, oltre
un milione, sono andati a vivere fuori dal proprio paese e lì sono
diventati “cittadini normali”. Il sistema legale anglosassone permette
ad una persona di avere la doppia cittadinanza. I Bosniaci che vivono
in America, Australia, Gran Bretagna ne hanno approfittato. Con altri
paesi, invece, la questione della doppia cittadinanza non è stata
ancora risolta. Proprio in questo periodo si sta negoziando con
Svezia e Svizzera. In molti paesi tuttavia la gente è obbligata a
scegliere una cittadinanza sola. Per questo motivo ogni giorno, presso
il Ministero degli affari civili, più di 50 persone si fanno cancellare
dal registro dei cittadini della Bosnia Erzegovina. Dal 1996 al 25
agosto 2003, da quel registro sono state cancellate 17.458 persone. Si
tratta soprattutto di gente giovane (Slobodna Bosna,04.09.2003).

Se volete parlare con loro, intervistarli, non sono molto disponibili.
Dicono tutti di essere dispiaciuti per il fatto che devono fare una
cosa del genere. Ma che sono costretti. La procedura non è semplice.
Per essere cancellati dal registro dei cittadini della BiH la procedura
dura più di un anno e mezzo, mentre ad esempio per la stessa persona
la procedura per mettersi in regola in Austria dura non più di un paio
di settimane. In Bosnia la “cancellazione” costa 1.700 marchi
convertibili (poco meno di 850 €, ndr) e poi si pagano altri 1.800 euri
per la nuova cittadinanza. Se la procedura viene fatta in uno dei
consolati bosniaci in Europa vanno aggiunte tasse per 450 euri.

La procedura è complicata quanto a tempo e soldi necessari, ma per
quanto riguarda il resto è molto semplice. Ad esempio al ministero non
vi chiedono i vostri motivi. La gente è libera di scegliere. Però,
dicono gli impiegati, capita spesso che la gente cerchi di spiegarsi da
sola, senza esserne richiesta. Alcuni raccontando la propria storia, a
volte piangono. Dicono che hanno deciso dopo tanti dilemmi, incertezze,
e che lo fanno soprattutto per i loro figli. Un certo numero di
Bosniaci che durante la guerra stava all’estero era tornato in Bosnia
cercando di ricominciare da capo, ma con le case non ancora
ricostruite, la povertà, e senza lavoro, dopo un breve periodo di
tentativi sono tornati in Occidente. E per vivere lì, ovviamente, è
meglio avere la cittadinanza.

Facendo i conti, in questi dieci anni la Bosnia ha perso altri 20.000
cittadini. Per non pensare che ce ne sono ancora più di un milione che,
forse, faranno la stessa fine.

» Fonte: da Mostar, Dario Terzic
© Osservatorio sui Balcani

Il terrorismo "buono"
7: Bin Laden focuses on the Balkans

[NOTE: the following articles cannot be only understood keeping in mind
that the activities which are allegedly directed by Osama Bin Laden
have always been supported by CIA, especially in the Balkans, where
Osama is reported to have collaborates with Izetbegovic's and UCK
pro-western separatists. I. Slavo]

Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, August 2003
By Yossef Bodansky, Senior Editor

ONASA - September 25, 2003
Tanjug - September 25, 2003

See also:

Al-Qaeda's Balkan Presence
Link to Bodansky's "Iran's European Springboard?"

Link to "Al Qaeda's Balkan links." (Wall Street Journal)

=== 1 ===

Current Estimate - An estimate of an area of key current significance
Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, August 2003

By Yossef Bodansky, Senior Editor

STARTING IN MID-AUGUST 2003, radical Islamist leaders elevated the
role of the terrorism infrastructure in the Balkans as a key
facilitator of a proposed escalation of conflict into the heart of
Europe, Israel and the United States. The terrorism campaign aims to
define the US occupation of Baghdad as the turning point in the
fateful jihad for the future of Islam. The importance of the
concurrent expansion of Islamist operations in the Balkans should be
examined in this overall context.

The most telling development was the nomination of Shahid Emir Mussa
Ayzi to coordinate and run special recruitment operations. Ayzi is a
veteran of Afghanistan who is close not only to the al-Qaida elite but
also the Taliban leadership. Recently, al-Qaida leader Osama bin
Laden's senior commanders decided to expand the recruitment and
activation of Slav cadres, because they look European and non-Arab, in
order to enhance their ability to operate at the heart of the West.

In August 2003, Ayzi took over this sensitive recruitment drive. The
main recruitment pool consists of Bosnian Muslims with a smaller
effort relying on Russian converts recruited in Chechnya and the
Caucasus as a whole. Although the Islamists had run a recruitment and
training drive of Bosnian Muslim expert terrorists and would-be
martyr-bombers since the early 1990s, these cadres had not until now
been used.

Now, circumstances seem to be changing. In late August 2003, Ayzi sent
a report to Mullah Qudratullah, a senior Taliban official, about his
success in enlisting "persons of Slav ethnicity" to the Islamist
jihad. He added that some of these "white devils" had already been
indoctrinated and trained to the point of sending them to carry out
"Allah's Work" - that is, terrorist martyrdom-strikes - "in a number
of European cities and on Israeli territory." The preparation of
additional Slav cadres for US operations is in progress, Ayzi reported.
The training and preparation of Ayzi's recruits is taking place in the
Balkans and the Caucasus, mainly Georgia.

The Balkans undertaking is part of an overall increase in the Islamist
buildup under the overall supervision of Muhammad al-Zawahiri, the
brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number two leader in al-Qaida. The
senior Islamist commanders now consider what they call "the Albanian
land" - Albania, Serbia's Kosovo province and parts of Macedonia - to
be safe for use as a springboard for the insertion of a new wave of
expert terrorists, including the Slavs, into Western Europe and onward
throughout the West.

Indeed, starting in mid-August 2003, there was a discernible increase
in the number of foreigners in the Islamist mosques throughout
Albania. "They [originally] come from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
and Iran. They come from many countries," noted an eyewitness in
Tirana. They arrive [in Tirana] from Afghanistan," he added. These
expert terrorists are being prepared in Albania for their specific
missions in the West.

This training program is conducted under the cover of the Albanian
National Army (ANA or AKSh in Albanian) with most senior trainers and
commanders being "mujahedin who retreated from Bosnia" and are
affiliated with al-Qaida.

In return for the Albanian support of this endeavor, the Islamists
assist the local terrorists in preparing for launching spectacular
terrorism into the major cities of Serbia and Montenegro, with
Belgrade and Nis believed to be the top targets. As well, Islamist
cadres, mainly veterans of Bosnia, are providing advance training to
thousands of Albanian terrorists in camps in Kosovo-Metohija, near
Prizren, on the slopes of Mt. Sara, in the Kosovo Morava River valley,
in the Albanian towns of Kukes and Tropoje, and around Tetovo in
western Macedonia.

These operations are also run under the banner of the ANA/AKSh.

Significantly, the growing importance of the Balkans cause was also
reflected in the Islamist communiques claiming and explaining the
bombing of the UN building in Baghdad. This was the most important and
authoritative doctrinal statement of the Islamist leadership in August

The statements stressed the situation in Bosnia as a major grievance
of the Islamists against the UN and the West. The first statement was
issued on August 19, 2003, by the Abu-Hafs al-Masri Brigades, itself a
front group of al-Qaida. The Islamists claimed that UN officials
"oversaw the massacre of Bosnian women and children in 1992 and 1995,"
and that "the United Nations was responsible for the massacre of 7,000
Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995 because it sponsored the idea of 'not
establishing an Islamic state in Europe.'"

On August 24,2003, the London-based Al-Muhajiroun, bin Laden's primary
mouthpiece in Europe, elaborated on this theme in order to explain why
the UN building in Baghdad was a legitimate target: "Verily it was the
UN soldiers in Bosnia who were recorded to have stood by when the
barbaric Serbs massacred Muslims. The UN first decided to take away
the weapons of the Muslims (fearing that they might actually defend
themselves and establish Islamic rule) and thereby facilitated their
massacre, and were then even photographed helping in the mass murder
and gang rape of Muslim women and children. The wounds are still

The statements were clearly intended to compound the disinformation
that 7,000 Muslims were killed in Srebrenica, when all independent
forensic evidence points to Muslim casualties in the hundreds,
possibly the low hundreds. Continued emphasis on such allegedly high
numbers of Muslim deaths at Srebrenica also obfuscates the Muslim
murders in that city, earlier, of Serb civilians.

Indeed, the August 2003 statements and intelligence, leading up to the
proposed September 2003 opening of the new Islamist shrine - built at
Srebrenica with US funds - all support analysis that a significant new
wave of terrorism, this time by many European Islamists, is to begin

Yossef Bodansky is the Director of the Task Force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare of the U. S. Congress, as well as the World
Terrorism Analyst with the Freeman Center for Strategic Studies
(Houston, Texas). He is a contributing editor of Defense and Foreign
Affairs; Strategic Policy. He is a contributing expert at the
Israel-based Ariel Center for Policy Research. He is the author of
several books (Target America, Terror, Crisis in Korea, Offensive in
the Balkans, Some Call it Peace, and Islamic Anti-Semitism as a
Political Pursuit), as well as several book chapters, entries for the
International Military and Defense Encyclopedia, and numerous articles
in several periodicals, including Global Affairs, Jane's Defense
Weekly, Defense and Foreign Affairs: Strategic Policy, Nativ and
Business Week. In the 1980s, he acted as a senior consultant for the
Department of Defense and the Department of State.

Copyright 2003 Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy
Posted for Fair Use only.

=== 2 ===


ONASA - September 25, 2003

Banja Luka - The adviser of the Serb member of the BiH
(Bosnia-Hercegovina) Presidency for legal issues and implementation of
the Dayton Agreement, Slobodan Radulj, said in a statement Thursday
(25 September) that "the invitation the Serb returnees received from
the mujahedin to convert to Islam if they want to live safely in
Bocinja", indicates more clearly than anything else that this village
on the slopes of Ozren mountain was turned into a camp for ideological
training of terrorists.

"The ideological training is intended for those who have agreed to
subject their lives to, and to sacrifice their lives for Islam, and it
is mostly conducted in the religious centres," Radulj told daily Glas
Srpske in a statement. Radulj claims that the mujahedin are aided by a
number of Islamic, allegedly humanitarian, organizations which operate
in BiH.

"One of these organizations is a branch of the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood, which operates in BiH under the name of the Young
Muslims. This organization is notorious for producing so called
sleepers, who, after they undergo ideological training, await their
tasks," Radulj explained.

He said the it was "no secret" that Al-Qa'idah in its cells in BiH,
Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo, trained local Muslim population for
terrorist operations across the world.

"Since the terrorist operations have been conducted by the Arabs so
far, Al-Qa'idah wants to recruit and train new kind of terrorists,
according to them, blond and with blue eyes," Radulj said.

The similar claims have been uttered by former Maglaj Municipal
Assembly speaker Dzevad Galijasevic, who dubs Bocinja a gun-powder
barrel, since "terrorists from across the world, the persons who
commit murders and sabotages across the West Europe" come to this

Source: Onasa news agency web site, Sarajevo, in English 25 Sep 03
Copyright 2003 Financial Times Information
All rights reserved
Global News Wire - Asia Africa Intelligence Wire 
Copyright 2003 BBC Monitoring/BBC  
BBC Monitoring International Reports
Posted for Fair Use only

Bocinja - camp for training Islamic terrorists, Radulj

Tanjug - September 25, 2003
13:58 SARAJEVO - Advisor to the Serb member of the Bosnia-Herzegovina
Presidency Slobodan Radulj said on Friday that the Mujaheddin's offer
to the local Serbs in Bocinj near Maglaj, in the Bosnia-Herzegovina
Federation, that they had to accept Islam as their religion if they
wanted to live there in peace and safety - represented an evident
proof that this Ozren village had been turned into a camp for an
ideological training of Islamic terrorists.
"The ideological training is aimed for those who have accepted to
sacrifice their lives for Islam," Radulj told the Republika Srpska
media, and added that a number of Islamic, so-called humanitarian
organizations who operated in Bosnia-Herzegovina, offered assistance
to the training which was mostly carried out at corresponding
religious centres.

Copyright 2003 Tanjug News Agency
Posted for Fair Use Only

Milosevic "trial" suspended again

1. ICTY PRESS RELEASE: No trial next week but hearing scheduled
regarding prosecution motion on implications of the accused's recurring
ill health

2. OPEN LETTER from the Irish Committee

Copenhagen, 25/9/2003

=== 1 ===

ICTY - September 25, 2003
Press Advisory . Avis pour information
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 25 September 2003


Please be advised that the Milosevic trial next week, Monday 29
September to Friday 3 October 2003, has been cancelled due to the
ill-health of the accused.
However, following the filing on 23 September 2003 of the "Prosecution
Motion for a Hearing to Discuss the Implications of the Accused’s
Recurring Ill Health", Trial Chamber III has ordered that it shall
hear oral submissions of the parties, including the amici curiae, on
Tuesday, 30 September 2003 at 10.00 a.m. in Courtroom I.

Copyright 2003 ICTY P.I.S.
Posted for Fair Use Only

=== 2 ===



The International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Branch)
joins with the United States National Section of the International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, and many other National and
International Committees, Organisations and individuals in raising
protest against the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia's violations
of human rights and international law in the treatment of President
Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague, Netherlands.
In this politically motivated trial staged to direct attention away
from NATO and the West's responsibility for the debacle in the Balkans
victimisation of the former leader of Yugoslavia is becoming
increasingly obvious well beyond the parameters of The Hague in the
The denial to Mr Milosevic of adequate medical attention given the
parlous state of his health is in violation of the Geneva Convention
and the European Declaration of Human Rights.
From simply the standpoint of common decency this denial is an outrage.
No medical attention in a life threatening situation. Visiting rights
denied both to Mr Milosevic's closest advisers and, disgracefully, to
members of his own family.
We demand release of President Milosevic for at least two years, for
health recuperation and adequate preparation for the presentation of
true facts on Balkan tragedy. Denial by the tribunal to take care of
his health and to let him prepare his presentation is a clear sign of a
desperate fear from the truth.
Clearly the purpose of these actions is to undermine Mr Milosevic's
capacity to defend himself in the face of trumped up charges in this
contemporary version of the Inquisition.

June Kelly
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Branch)
23 Prospect Court
Dublin Road
County Westmeath
Tel/Fax: +044 45787
Email: cdsmireland@...


Mr. Theodor Meron, President The Trial Chamber III: Mr. Richard May,
Presiding, Mr. Patrick Robinson, Mr. O-Gon Kwon
Office of the Prosecutor: Mr Geoffrey Nice, Ms Hildergaard
Uertz-Retzlaff, Dermot Groome Amici Curiae: Mr Steven Kay, Mr Branislav
Tapuskovic, Mr Timothy McCormack Mr. Hans Holthuis, Registrar

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,
Churchillplein 1, 2517JW, The Hague, Netherlands. PO Box 13888, 2501EW
The Hague, Netherlands.

Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - Geneva
World Health Organisation - Geneva
International Committee of the Red Cross - Geneva

Copies to: Office of The UN Secretary General, First Avenue, 46th
Street, NY 10017, USA
The Permanent Missions of the Members of the UN Security Council - New

=== 3 ===


Copenhagen, 25 September, 2003

Dear Anders Fogh Rasmussen,

May I draw your attention to the current position at the U.N.
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The
Hague, where the Prosecution's case in the socalled "trial" against the
former President of The
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, mr. Slobodan Milosevic, is now grinding
towards its final halt, - after next to two years of proceedings.
On the eve of the Prosecution's case, new accusations have been
levelled against mr. Milosevic by Belgrade authorities, to which he has
responded with calm and clarity (1).

As you will probably have learned these ICTY proceedings were cancelled
for most of this week (Tuesday 23 to Friday 26 September) due to the
ill health of the accused; I have just been informed by mr. Krsljanin,
the secretary of the
SLOBODA/Freedom Association in Belgrade, that mr. Milosevic is actually
deemed to be in a life-threatening situation.

The former president, I am told, suffers from malignant hypertension
and his heart is damaged. Now in permanent risk of a heart attack or a
brain-stroke his health and ability to stand the second half of the
process cannot be recuperated under prison conditions.

The ICTY has flagrantly violated legal norms by failing to provide
adequate medical attention for mr. Milosevic (2), by denying visitation
rights to his closest advisors (3) and by threatening to deny him
adequate conditions for the preparation of his defence case (4).

The recent decision of the Tribunal (2 September, 2003) to give mr.
Milosevic only three months to prepare his defence case in the prison,
which has been widely protested internationally, in my opinion serves
to prove that the Tribunal unfairly aims at making the task of the
former president impossible by depriving him of reasonable conditions
and by increasing the threat to
his life.

Mr. Milosevic has argued for two years of preparation in freedom, - a
demand that I hereby wish to expressly support.

I urge you to use your good office to secure, that as from now mr.
Milosevic be given a fair trial with respect for internationally
accepted legal norms and under complete equality of arms.

yours sincerely,

Godfred Louis-Jensen, architect


(1) President Milosevic's public response to the charges, 17 August 2003

(2) Appeal to the Tribunal by 10 medical doctors, 18 September 2003

(3) Letter to the Tribunal by ICDSM co-chair Valkanov and attorneys
Black, Kuznecov and Verges of the ICDSM Legal Committee, 26 August 2003

(3) Statement of the Russian Parliamentarians in Duma, 12 September 2003

(3) Statement of the U.S. Section of the ICDSM, 13 September 2003

(4) Statement of the Russian Section of the ICDSM, 18 September 2003

c.c. SLOBODA/Freedom Association


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)


La pubblicita' di una ditta di motoscafi appare da mesi ogni giorno su
"Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto", tanto da annoiare i lettori abituali:
suggeriamo percio' alla agenzia pubblicitaria di competenza di fare uso
piuttosto della fotografia di Massimo D'Alema, al timone della sua
imbarcazione, che e' visibile a questo indirizzo:

(Massimo D'Alema sulla sua barca.
Da "Liberazione", agosto 2002)

19.06.2001 - Roma

Il miliardario George Soros ha presentato un progetto per assegnare
borse di studio a centinaia di zingari che vivono in Europa dell'Est.
In un discorso tenuto a Bratislava, Soros ha spiegato che gran parte
del denaro per le borse di studio viene dall'oro rubato alla comunità
rom dai nazisti durante la Seconda guerra mondiale e custodito poi
dagli alleati. La Open Society di Soros provvederà al resto del denaro
che servirà per finanziare gli studi dei ragazzi rom di sette ex paesi
comunisti: Bulgaria, Repubblica Ceca, Ungheria, Macedonia, Romania,
Slovacchia e Serbia. Il progetto mira a costituire una nuova elite rom,
mentre adesso i giovani rom spesso non possono continuare gli studi per
mancanza di fondi.
Fonte: Asca

(ringraziamo Paola per la segnalazione)

by  ARTEL -  , office@...
S. Deretic: Srbi i Palestinci / Serben und Palästinenser
(srpskohrvatski / deutsch)

--- srpskohrvatski ---


Spomenka Deretic, novinar
Beograd, 17. septembar 2003. godine

Dok sam ponovo procitavala sjajnu studiju Majkla Parentija "Ubiti
naciju" nametnulo mi se nekoliko pitanja. U kakvom svetu mi to zivimo
ako u njemu vlada zakon dzungle, odnosno, zakon jacega. Kakav je to
svet u kojem male nacije nemaju pravo da samostalno odlucuju od
drustvenim uredjenjima u svojim drzavama. Kakav je to svet u kojem je
nekima dozvoljeno da druge drzave, manje i slabije, bombarduju,
unistavaju, i porobljavaju. Mi zivimo u svetu koji nije multipolaran.
Zivimo u vremenu kada nad nasom Planetom vlada zlo zvano Sjedinjene
Americke Drzave i njen monstruozni NATO vojni dzin. Na svu srecu
ubedjena sam, a istorija me je tome naucila, da niko nije zemaljskom
kuglom gospodario dugo. Majkl Parenti me je naterao da se prisetim
poslednje nepravde koju drzava Izrael pod mocnom zastitom Sjedinjenih
Americkih Drzava nanosi malom palestinskom narodu. Izrealski
funkcioneri hladnokrvno su izjavili da ce proterati Palestinskog lidera
Jasera Arafata iz Palestine, a neki Izraelaci zvanicnici da ga treba
ubiti. Jasera Arafata Izrael optuzuje da podstice palestinski
terorizam, ja mislim da je palestinski terorizam izazvao jedino Izrael
okupacijom Palestine. Do stvaranja jevrejske drzave na tlu Palestine,
posle Drugog svetskog rata, - Arapi i Jevreji su vekovima ziveli
zajedno. Nisu Arapi srusili Solomonov hram u Jerusalimu nego su to
ucinili pre dve hiljade godina Rimljani. Nisu Jevreje iz Izraela
iselili Palestinci nego su se pred rimskom vojnom silom Jevreji
rasprsili svuda po svetu. Nisu Palestinci izvrsili genocid nad
Jevrejima u Drugom svetskom ratu nego su to ucinili evropski nacisti.
Priznajem da se Palestinci nisu obradovali osnivanju cionistickih
naseobina na tlu Palestine koja su pocela da se grade na pocetku
dvadesetog veka. Ali takodje necu da zaboravim da jevrejske izbeglice
iz Centralne Evrope nisu rado prihvatali ni Velika Britanija ni
Sjedinjene Americke Drzave a ni Petenova Francuska. Kao sto sam zalila
Jevreje kada su stradali, tako sada zalim Palestince i Iracane - i moje
Zamislite sta bi se desilo da je Slobodan Milosevic proterao ubicu i
pljackasa Hasima Tacija ili lidera albanske nacionalne manjine na
Kosovu i Metohiji Ibrahima Rugovu? Pa Srbiju je NATO bombardovao zbog
izmisljenih albanski izbeglica, a sta bi tek uradio da su Srbi bili
prema Albancima onakvi kakvi Izraelci jesu prema Palestincima. I kada
se srpska policija branila od zaseda ubacenih iz Albanije, albanskih
terorista koje su dobro obucili penzionisani americkli, britanski i
nemacki oficiri, nije palila niti do temelja rusila albanska sela u
srpskoj pokrajini Kosovo i Metohija. Izraelci do temelja ruse
palestinska sela. Oni to mogu jer ih Sjedinjene Americke Drzave stite.
Ponekad mi se cini da Tel Aviv vlada Vasingtonom.

Bombardovanje Srbije bilo je duboko nemoralni cin. Majkl Parenti kaze
da je vazdusni napad NATO-a na Jugoslaviju unistio veci deo onoga sto
je preostalo od nase zemlje i priblizio Jugoslaviju sve vise
privatizovanoj, razindustrijalizvanoj, ponovo kolonizovanoj, prosjackoj
drzavi jeftine radne snage i bogatih izvora koji su na raspolaganju po
niskim cenama. Bombardovanjem Jugoslavije i dovodjenjem na vlast
partija i partijica koje je Vasingrton direktno finansirao Jugoslaviji
je oduzeta svaka mogucnost odbrane od prodora divljackog kapitalizma
toliko povijena da se nikada vise nece uzdici, cak ni kao konkurentna
burzaoaska zemlja sposobna za zivot.
U ovoj nesreci nismo sami. Amerika i Velika Britanija unistile su svaku
poljoprivrednu jedinicu u Iraku. Sporazumima Svetske trgovinske
organizacije (WTO) o "slobodnoj trgovini" u Meksiku, Indiji, Africi
unistava se moguca konkurencija i uvecavaju trzisne mogucnosti za
poljoprivredno poslovanje multinacionalnih korporacija. Unistavnje
nasih drzavnih fabrika koje proizvode farmaceutske proizvode pod znatno
nizim cenama od svojih konkurenata sa zapada ima za cilj uvecanje
vrednosti investicija zapadnih farmaceutskih kompanij. Hvala Parentiju
sto je napisao da svaka srpska televizijska ili radio stanica koja je
unistena NATO bombama ili koju su zapadni Evropljani zatvorili preko
svojih vazala u Srbiji, produzava ideolosku i komunikacijsku dominaciju
kartela zapadnih medija.
Jedini izlaz vidim u borbi protiv nacisticke globalizacije sveta koju
sprovode Sjedinjene Americke Drzave uz pomoc vlada mocnih zemalja u
Zapadnoj Evropi. Moje oruzje je pisanje a moja municija su cinjenice.
Za mene je sloboda pojam iznad svih pojmova.

--- deutsch ---


Spomenka Deretic, Journalistin
Belgrad, 17. September 2003

Als ich erneut die brillante Studie Michael Parentis "Eine Nation
töten" las, drängten sich mir einige Fragen auf. In was für einer Welt
leben wir, wenn in ihr das Dschungelgesetz bzw. das Gesetz des
Stärkeren herrscht? Was ist das für eine Welt, in der kleine Nationen
kein Recht haben, selbstständig über die Gesellschaftsordnungen in
ihren Staaten zu entscheiden? Was ist das für eine Welt, in der es
einigen erlaubt ist, andere Staaten, kleinere und schwächere, zu
bombardieren, zu vernichten und zu unterdrücken? Wir leben in einer
Welt, die nicht multipolar ist. Wir leben in einer Zeit, da über
unseren Planeten das Übel, genannt USA, und deren monströser
militärischer NATO-Riese herrscht. Zum Glück, davon bin ich überzeugt,
und die Geschichte hat mich das gelehrt, hat niemand lange den Erdball
beherrscht. Michael Parenti brachte mich dazu, mich an die letzte
Ungerechtigkeit zu erinnern, die der Staat Israel unter dem mächtigen
Schutz der USA dem kleinen palästinensischen Volk zufügt. Israelische
Funktionäre erklärten kaltblütig, sie werden den palästinischen Führer
Yassir Arafat des Landes verweisen, und einige israelische Offizielle,
sie werden ihn töten. Israel beschuldigt Yassir Arafat, den
palästinensischen Terrorismus zu stimulieren. Ich glaube, den
palästinensischen Terrorismus hat einzig und allein Israel mit der
Okkupation Palästinas verursacht. Bis zur Gründung des jüdischen
Staates auf dem Boden Palästinas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg haben
Araber und Juden seit Jahrhunderten zusammen gelebt. Es waren nicht die
Araber, die Salomos Tempel in Jerusalem zerstörten, sondern das taten
vor zweitausend Jahren die Römer. Nicht die Palästinenser haben die
Juden Israel ausgesiedelt, sondern die Juden haben sich vor der
römischen Militärgewalt überall in der Welt zerstreut. Nicht die
Palästinenser haben im Zweiten Weltkrieg ein Genozid an den Juden
begangen, sondern das taten die europäischen Nazis. Zugegeben, die
Palästinenser waren nicht erfreut, als auf dem Boden Palästinas zu
Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zionistische Siedlungen gegründet wurden.
Aber ich werde auch nicht vergessen, dass weder Großbritannien, noch
die USA und auch nicht Pétains Frankreich die jüdischen Flüchtlinge aus
Mitteleuropa gern aufgenommen haben. So wie ich die Juden bedauerte,
als sie in ihr Unglück gestürzt wurden, so bedauere ich jetzt die
Palästinenser und die Iraker - und meine Serben.
Stellen Sie sich vor, was passiert wäre, wenn Slobodan Miloševic die
Mörder und Plünderer Hashim Taqis oder des Führers der albanischen
nationalen Minderheit in Kosovo und Metohija, Ibrahim Rugova,
vertrieben hätte? Die NATO hat Serbien bombardiert wegen erfundener
albanischer Flüchtlinge. Was hätte sie aber erst getan, hätten sich die
Serben gegenüber den Albanern wie die Israelis gegenüber den
Palästinensern verhalten? Und als sich die serbische Polizei vor den
aus Albanien eingeschleusten albanischen Terroristen, gut ausgebildet
von pensionierten amerikanischen, britischen und deutschen Offizieren,
verteidigte, hat sie die albanischen Dörfer in der serbischen Provinz
Kosovo und Metohija nicht gebrandschatzt oder dem Erdboden
gleichgemacht. Die Israelis zerstören die palästinensischen Dörfer in
Grund und Boden. Sie können das, denn die USA schützen sie. Manchmal
scheint es mir, als herrsche Washington über Tel Aviv.

Die Bombardierung Serbiens war ein zutiefst unmoralischer Akt. Michael
Parenti schreibt, der Luftangriff der NATO auf Jugoslawien habe einen
größeren Teil dessen zerstört, was noch von unserem Land übrig
geblieben ist, und Jugoslawien immer mehr einem privatisierten,
industrielosen, erneut kolonisierten Bettelstaat billiger Arbeitskräfte
und reicher Quellen angenähert, die zu niedrigen Preisen zur Verfügung
stehen. Durch die Bombardierung Jugoslawiens und die Machteinsetzung
von Parteien und Splitterparteien, die Washington direkt finanzierte,
wurde Jugoslawien jede Möglichkeit der Verteidigung vor dem Vorstoß des
aggressiven Kapitalismus genommen und dermaßen zu Boden gedrückt, so
dass es niemals wieder auf die Beine kommt, sogar auch nicht als
bourgeoises konkurrenzfähiges und daseinsfähiges Land.
In diesem Unglück stehen wir nicht alleine da. Amerika und
Großbritannien haben jeden Landwirtschaftsbetrieb im Irak zerstört.
Durch Abkommen der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) über die
"Freihandelszone" in Mexiko, Indien, Afrika wird die eventuelle
Konkurrenz ausgeschaltet. Außerdem werden die Marktmöglichkeiten für
landwirtschaftliche Geschäfte multinationaler Korporationen gesteigert.
Die Vernichtung unserer staatlichen Fabriken, die pharmazeutische
Erzeugnisse zu erheblich niedrigeren Preisen als ihre Konkurrenten im
Westen herstellen, bezweckt die Wertsteigerung der Investitionen der
westlichen pharmazeutischen Gesellschaften. Parenti sei gedankt für
seine niedergeschriebenen Worte, dass jedes serbische Fernsehen oder
jeder serbische Rundfunksender, die von NATO-Bomben zerstört wurden
oder die Westeuropäer über ihre Vasallen in Serbien haben schließen
lassen, die ideologische und Kommunikationsdominierung des Kartells der
westlichen Medien verlängert. Den einzigen Ausweg sehe ich im Kampf
gegen die von den USA mit Hilfe der Regierungen der mächtigen Länder
Westeuropas durchgeführte nazistische Globalisierung der Welt. Meine
Waffe ist das Schreiben und meine Munition sind Tatsachen. Für mich ist
die Freiheit der Begriff aller Begriffe.

Wesley Clark fera-t-il demain
le contraire de ce qu’il a fait hier ?

Amérique latine, Yougoslavie, Chine
et quelques autres cibles…

Wesley Clark, un espoir face à ‘Bush bis’ ? Nous verrons plus loin
pourquoi certains milieux dirigeants aux USA envisagent de “changer de
cheval”. Mais, d’abord, pourquoi ne dit-on rien de son passé ? Oui, on
peut voter pour Wesley Clark, à condition d’oublier que...


Installé à Panama pour commander l’ ”US Southern Command” c’est-à-dire
les opérations en Amérique latine, Clark fournit en grand nombre des
“conseillers” militaires et des mercenaires US à divers régimes
pratiquant la terreur. Durant cette période, les violations des droits
de l’homme connaissent une escalade impressionnante, par exemple en
Colombie : 2.400 assassinats politiques (sans compter les nombreuses
disparitions) commis par les groupes militaires et paramilitaires
armés, entraînés et aidés par Wesley Clark.
    Objectif : dans la lignée des agressions contre le Chili, Cuba et
tant d’autres, il s’agit de combattre avec sauvagerie les mouvements de
libération en Colombie, Pérou, Guatemala, Mexique et Bolivie. Toujours
pour maintenir la mainmise économique des multinationales US sur
l’Amérique Latine. Que ces guerres se soient déroulées plutôt loin des
caméras, ne diminue pas la responsabilité de Clark.



La guerre contre la Yougoslavie ? Certains y voient une opération
humanitaire dont les buts réels correspondaient aux buts proclamés.
Pour d’autres, au contraire, ce fut une opération hypocrite visant à
faire main basse sur les routes balkaniques du pétrole et sur les
richesses du pays en éliminant l’autogestion et les acquis sociaux du
“socialisme à la yougoslave”.  Il semble que Clark lui-même ait répondu
à cette question en tirant le bilan suivant, à la fin de son mandat :
“Les adversaires potentiels devraient reconnaître que les nations
occidentales sont pleinement capables militairement, diplomatiquement
et industriellement d’opérations de combat de haute intensité incluant
l’utilisation de forces terrestres, quand leurs intérêts vitaux sont
impliqués, et même quand des intérêts moins vitaux sont impliqués.”
Plus aucune mention des prétextes humanitaires abondamment invoqués
avant et pendant la guerre. (Interview IHT, 3 mai 2000)
    Quoi qu’il en soit, les crimes commis durant cette guerre par
l’Otan, sous le commandement de Wesley Clark, sont indéniables. Même
s’ils ne seront jamais jugés parce que la Justice internationale
n’existe pas contre les puissants.

Quels crimes ? S’il a atteint un nombre ridicule de chars yougoslaves,
Clark a bombardé un bâtiment de la TV (16 journalistes et techniciens
tués), des usines, des complexes pétrochimlques (d’où explosion de
cancers et autres maladies) des infrastructures civiles (centrales
électriques), un convoi de réfugiés albanais qui retournait au Kosovo
(70 victimes), un train de voyageurs... Et, last but not least,
l’ambassade chinoise (3 victimes) à titre “d’avertissement” car Pékin
soutenait l’indépendance de la Yougoslavie. Et l’usage de “bombes à
fragmentation”, meurtrières à long terme pour les enfants. Et celui des
obus à uranium dit “appauvri”, polluant la région à très long terme. Le
capitaine espagnol Martin de la Hoz a protesté ouvertement contre le
bombardement délibéré d’objectifs civils (Articulo 20, Madrid, 14 juin

Loin d’être un simple “soldat obéissant”, Clark est décrit par tous
comme le “super-faucon” qui voulait notamment bombarder tous les ponts
de Belgrade pour intimider la population. Cela se voit aussi à son
attitude juste après la guerre : lorsque des troupes russes font
mouvement vers Pristina pour essayer de protéger les minorités serbes,
Wesley Clark, dans une colère monstre, exige que le général britannique
Jackson bloque l’aéroport de Pristina pour empêcher les Russes
d’atterrir. Réponse de Jackson : “Sir, je ne vais pas déclencher la
IIIème Guerre mondiale pour vous!”. Par la suite, Clark aidera les
milices terroristes de l’UCK à échapper à la démilitarisation pourtant
prévue par la résolution de l’ONU. Aujourd’hui, encore ces milices
maffieuses font régner la terreur parmi toutes les communautés
nationales et aussi une grande partie de la population albanaise.

IRAK (2003) :

Aujourd’hui que Bush s’empêtre face à la résistance du peuple irakien,
Wesley Clark fanfaronne : “Je l’avais bien dit”. Et, par électoralisme,
il cherche même à se donner une image “anti-guerre”. Mais que
déclarait-il avant la guerre ? “Je suis catégoriquement certain que
Saddam possède des armes de destruction massive” (CNN, 18 janvier 01).
   Et qu’écrivait-il exactement le 10 avril dernier ? Eh bien, il
saluait l’agression contre l’Irak, motivée selon lui par “de fortes
convictions, Bush et Blair peuvent être fiers de leur détermination.”
Jugeant que “rien ne pouvait être plus émouvant” que la “libération” de
Bagdad et qu’il fallait se dépêcher de “compléter cette grande
victoire”. Il applaudissait ausi le général Tommy Franks : un criminel
de guerre coupable d’avoir ordonné ou couvert des bombardement sur des
civils, des attaques contre des hôpitaux et des ambulances, contre des
    Et l’ “homme de paix” Clark annonçait que “l’opération en Irak
servira aussi comme point de départ (...) même d’actions militaires
contre des pays qui ont soutenu le terrorisme et ont déployé des armes
de destruction massive”. Une tribune que Bush aurait pratiquement pu
signer (publiée dans le Times de Londres).


Pourquoi Clark grimpe-t-il ? Parce que les échecs de la méthode Bush
commencent à inquiéter une partie des milieux dirigeants aux
Etats-Unis. Ils craignent qu’en se mettant tous les alliés à dos, il
devienne de plus en plus difficile et coûteux de mener les diverses
guerres d’agression en préparation. En fait, les divers courants de la
bourgeoisie US sont bien d’accord sur un plan de recolonisation totale
du monde pour sauver les multinationales US de la crise. Mais ces
fractions divergent parfois sur les méthodes : En partageant un peu le
butin avec les alliés européens ou pas ? En respectant ou non un
semblant de légalité internationale ?
    Si Bush venait à être trop discrédité par les résistances, par ses
mensonges, par les scandales, et par la faillite de sa politique
économique, alors il faudrait un homme de rechange pour mener la même
politique mais plus habilement.
    L’épisode Clark montre que la superpuissance US a aussi ses
faiblesses. C’est à cause de la résistance dans le monde que les
milieux dirigeants des Etats-Unis sont dans l’embarras. En même temps,
l’affaire montre aussi que les “solutions” de ce système consistent à
remplacer un criminel de guerre par un autre.

Tous ses précédents états de service le prouvent : Clark serait lui
aussi l’homme des multinationales US et de leurs dangereux projets. En
sachant que la Chine est de plus en plus indiquée comme la cible
majeure des USA vers l’horizon 2015, il est intéressant de rappeler une
récente interview passée inaperçue. Wesley Clark, interrogé sur Saddam,
répond que les USA feraient mieux de s’intéresser à la Chine : “Durant
la Révolution culturelle, il y avait le cannibalisme en Chine” (sic).
Et les gens qui ont écrasé les étudiants à Tienanmen, sont toujours au
pouvoir.” ( Magazine Fortune, cité dans

Le général Jackson n’avait semble-t-il pas tort en affirmant que Wesley
Clark, c’était la voie vers la IIIème Guerre mondiale... La voie
progressiste ne consiste pas à choisir, en désespoir de cause, un
requin paraissant moins dangereux que celui au pouvoir. La voie
progressiste ne saurait être chose que l’élimination du système des

23 septembre 03

From: Vladimir Krsljanin <slobodavk@...>

Skupstina Slobode

SLOBODA ce odrzati sednicu svoje Skupstine u subotu, 27. septembra
2003, u svojim prostorijama u Beogradu,
ul. Rajiceva br. 16, sa pocetkom u 11 casova.
Sednica Skupstine je otvorena za medije.

Kao nacin njihovog direktnog ucesca u ovom dogadjaju od nacionalnog
znacaja, pozivamo sve prijatelje i pristalice u zemlji i inostranstvu
da posalju:
- protestna pisma telima UN, haskom tribunalu i svojim vladama,
zahtevajuci dve godine slobode za Predsednika Milosevica;
- pisma podrske Predsedniku Milosevicu;
- kopije svojih pisama nama; poruke solidarnosti su takodje



Moskva, 18. septembra 2003.


Medjunarodni tribunal za bivsu Jugoslaviju u Hagu je doneo odluku da
odobri bivsem predsedniku Savezne Republike Jugoslavije, politickom
zatvoreniku Slobodanu Milosevicu, samo tri meseca za pripremu
odbrane.To je sramna, skandalozna odluka. To je direktno krsenje
medjunarodnog prava, koje propisuje ravnopravnost strana u sudskom

Kao sto je poznato, tuzioci tribunala su prikupljali materijale za
optuzbu vise od cetiri godine.U tom poslu ucestvovale su stotine
cinovnika tribunala. A od Milosevica ocekuju da se pripremi za odbranu
za samo tri meseca. Pritom on mora da radi na prikupljanju dokumenata i
da komunicira sa svedocima, nalazeci se u zatvorskoj celiji. To je
potpuni apsurd.

Posebni cinizam ponasanja tribunala je u tome sto je Slobodanu
Milosevicu i dalje uskracena kvalifikovana medicinska pomoc, iako
stanje njegovog zdravlja izaziva najozbiljniju zabrinutost.

Sve se to desava istovremeno sa prakticno potpunom izolacijom
predsednika Milosevica od njegovih politickih saveznika u Jugoslaviji i
od clanova njegove porodice. Kao sto je poznato, progon clanova
porodice Slobodana Milosevica pod laznim izgovorima, lisio je njegovu
zenu i sina mogucnosti da ga posecuju u zatvoru.

Odlucno osudjujemo nastavak politickog obracuna sa srpskim liderom i
progon clanova njegove porodice.

Zahtevamo prekid procesa na dve godine kako bi Slobodan Milosevic mogao
da se na adekvatan nacin pripremi za odbranu.

Insistiramo na njegovom oslobodjenju iz pritvora radi zdravstvenog
oporavka i efektivne pripreme za odbranu.

Predsednik Komiteta

Aleksandar Zinovjev

Clanovi Ruskog drustvenog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica su:
1.    Aleksandar Aleksandrovic ZINOVJEV, filozof, pisac, profesor
Moskovskog drzavnog univerziteta
2.    Sergej Nikolajevic BABURIN, doktor pravnih nauka, predsednik
Ruskog opstenarodnog saveza
3.    Nikolaj Maksimovic BEZBORODOV, deputat Drzavne Dume
4.    Valentin Ivanovic VARENIKOV, general armije, Heroj Sovjetskog
5.    Valerij Nikolajevic GANICEV, predsednik Saveza pisaca Rusije
6.    Sergej Aleksandrovic GLOTOV, doktor pravnih nauka, direktor
Instituta za ljudska prava
7.    Vladimir Aleksandrovic DZANIBEKOV, pilot-kosmonaut, dvaput Heroj
Sovjetskog Saveza, akademik Ruske akademije prirodnih nauka
8.    Nikolaj Ivanovic DOROSENKO, sekretar Uprave Saveza pisaca Rusije
9.    Jelena Grigorjevna DRAPEKO, glumica, deputat Drzavne Dume
10.Ljudmila Vasiljevna ZAJCEVA, narodna umetnica Rusije
11.Olga Nikolajevna ZARUDNAJA, potpredsednik Saveza slovenskih novinara
12.Mihail Aleksandrovic ZEMSKOV, glavni urednik lista "Patriot"
13.Nikolaj Nikolajevic IZVEKOV, clan Naucnog saveta Ruske akademije
nauka za istoriju medjunarodnih odnosa i spoljnu politiku Rusije
14.Vjaceslav Mihajlovic KLIKOV, skluptor, predsednik Medjunarodnog
fonda slovenske pismenosti i kulture
15.Nikolaj Ignatovic KONDRATJENKO, clan Saveta Federacije
16.Mihail Petrovic LOBANOV, pisac
17.Jurij Mihajlovic LOSCIC, pisac
18.Mihail Ivanovic NOZKIN, pesnik, narodni umetnik Rusije
19.Genadij Vasiljevic OSIPOV, akademik Ruske akademije nauka, direktor
Instituta za socijalno-politicka istrazivanja Ruske akademije nauka
20.Aleksandar Andrejevic PROHANOV, glavni urednik lista "Zavtra" (Sutra)
21.Vasilij Stepanovic SAFRONCUK, zamenik Generalnog sekretara
Ujedinjenih nacija (1987 - 1992), ambasador
22.Vladimir Nikolajevic STRAHOV, akademik Ruske akademije nauka,
direktor Instituta za geofiziku "O. J. Smit"
23.Valentin Vasiljevic CIKIN, glavni urednik lista "Sovjetska Rusija"
24.Nina Dmitrijevna JAKOVLJEVA, predsednik Patriotskog saveza zena 


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)

Milosevic "trial"

1. U.S. committee to defend Milosevic
2. The latest news from the Hague (from "Sloboda")
3. Whom to address protests and complains (from "Sloboda")

- Sloboda Assembly -

SLOBODA will hold its Assembly Meeting on Saturday, September 27, 2003
in its premises in Belgrade, Rajiceva 16, commencing at 11:00 a.m. The
Assembly is open to media.

As a way to take their own part in this event of national importance,
we invite all friends and supporters at home and abroad to send:
- protest letters to UN bodies, the Hague tribunal and their
own governments, demanding two years in freedom for President Milosevic;
- letters of support to President Milosevic;
- copies of your letters to us; solidarity messages are also

=== 1 ===

U.S. committee to defend Milosevic

By John Catalinotto

As the so-called trial of the former Yugoslav president in NATO's court
in The Hague, Netherlands, nears its midpoint, Slobodan Milosevic
received some new support. On Sept. 13 some two dozen writers, human
rights and anti-war activists, academics and attorneys joined to form
the U.S. section of the Inter national Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic (ICDSM).

Most of the members distinguished themselves during the time of NATO's
war on Yugoslavia by publicly opposing U.S. and NATO intervention
against the former socialist country in the Balkans. Dr. Michael
Parenti of the University of California-Berkeley has agreed to chair
the U.S. section of the ICDSM.

This group in its founding statement said that "the U.S. National
Committee [of the ICDSM] rejects the legitimacy of the trial of
Milosevic and we view this trial as an act of political warfare against
the people of Serbia and against the basic democratic rights of the
whole of humanity that cannot be allowed to succeed."

The committee demands an adjournment of the trial to allow Milosevic to
receive proper medical care and to have up to two years to prepare his
defense. Milosevic has been defending himself during the entire
prosecution case, which has now lasted over 18 months. It also demands
an end to the forced isolation of the former Yugoslav president from
his family.

The U.S. and NATO leaders originally planned to make Milosevic's case a
show trial. His capable political and legal defense, waged almost
single-handedly against the court's apparatus, has exposed NATO
aggression and the weakness of the prosecution case.

Many of the U.S. committee members believe that the current questioning
of U.S. foreign policy following the disastrous aggression in Iraq
gives a new opportunity to re-raise all the questions raised by the
earlier U.S. aggression in the Balkans.

For more information, contact the committee at (212) 726-1260 or mail:

Reprinted from the Sept. 25, 2003, issue of Workers World newspaper

=== 2 ===


React immediately!


----- Original Message -----
From: ICTY United Nations
To: latestnews@...
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: PRESS ADVISORY - Milosevic Trial: Hearings Cancelled for the
Remainder of this Week

Please be advised that the hearings in the Milosevic trial have been
cancelled for the remainder of this week (Tuesday 23 to Friday 26
September 2003) due to the ill health of the accused.


SLOBODA protest letter to the Foreign Ministry, US Embassy and ICTY
Office in Belgrade
20 September 2003

Appeal to the tribunal by 10 medical doctors from Germany
18 September 2003

Statement of the Russian Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic
18 September 2003

SLOBODA Press Conference
17 September 2003

(read the full text of the outrageous decision at: )

Statement of the US National Section of the International Committee to
Defend Slobodan Milosevic
13 September 2003

Statement of the Russian Parliamentarians representing absolute
majority in Duma
12 September 2003

Resolution of the Anti-Imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy
6 September 2003 (approved), 18 September 2003 (released)

SLOBODA letter to UN Secretary General and to the permanent members of
UN Security Council
3 September 2003

Report from the "Pre-Defense Conference" at The Hague with quotes of
President Milosevic
2 September 2003

(read the whole transcript at: )

SLOBODA's request to the president of ICTY to abolish the visit ban
2 September 2003

First call for November 8 demonstrations at The Hague
1 September 2003

SLOBODA letter to UNHCHR, WHO and Red Cross
29 August 2003

Letter of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of Brazil to the
29 August 2003

Letter to the tribunal by ICDSM co-chair Valkanov and attorneys Black,
Kuznecov and Verges of the ICDSM Legal Committee
26 August 2003

President Milosevic's public response to the charges fabricated by the
Belgrade regime
17 August 2003

=== 3 ===

Dear friends,

President Milosevic is in a life-threatening situation.

He suffers from malignant hypertension and his heart is damaged. He is
in permanent risk of a heart attack or a brain-stroke.

His health and ability to stand the second half of the process without
a serious risk cannot be recuperated in prison conditions.

He is deprived of health-care and of conditions to prepare his case.

The outrageous decision of the tribunal to give him only three months
to prepare his case in prison and only six weeks to submit the complete
list of his witnesses, together with the summaries of their statements
and with the list of evidence he intends to introduce with them – only
to be reviewed and eventually approved by the tribunal, definitively
proves that the tribunal wants to silence the truth by depriving
President Milosevic of minimum conditions to prepare his case and by
increasing the threat to his life with an impossible task.

President Milosevic needs two years in freedom.

Please address your governments (the tribunal is formally a part of UN
system), members of UN Security Council (the tribunal is formally a
subsidiary organ of the Security Council), UN Secretary General, Office
of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health
Organization, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the
tribunal itself.

Protest against the crime and the injustices. Demand two years of
freedom for President Milosevic.

Vladimir Krsljanin, Sloboda/ICDSM


It is best if your letters are sent by fax or mail, or personally
delivered (to your foreign ministries or to the offices of the
international organizations). Please inform us and the public about
your actions. Some of the addresses you can use are given below:

A) UN Secretary General

Office of the Secretary-General
United Nations, S-378
New York, NY 10017

Inquiries to be addressed to (+1212) 963-4475 or inquiries@...

B) UN Security Council(addresses and fax numbers of the member states
New York missions are given; you can also write to the governments and
foreign ministries in their capitals)

(except for calls within USA, at the begining of each fax/phone number
one should add +1)


Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the United Nations

125 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021

Telephone: (212) 861-5656/5787/5788/5789, Telefax: (212) 861-9295


Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United

11 East 84th Street, New York, NY 10028

Telephone: (212) 737-4790/4791, 327-4180/4181, Telefax: (212) 472-9865
Correspondence: English/French


Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cameroon to the United

22 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021

Telephone: (212) 794-2295/2296/2297/2298/2299, Telefax: (212) 249-0533

Correspondence: English/French


Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the
United Nations

350 East 35th Street, New York, NY 10016

Telephone: (212) 655-6100, Telefax: (212) 634-7626
E-mail: chinamission_un@...


Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations

3 Dag Hammarskjцld Plaza, 305 East 47th Street, 10th/11th Floors, New
York, NY 10017

Telephone: (212) 832-3323, Telefax: (212) 832-8714

Correspondence: Spanish


Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations

One Dag Hammarskjцld Plaza, 245 East 47th Street, 44th Floor, New York,
NY 10017

Telephone: (212) 308-5700, Telefax: (212) 421-6889

Correspondence: French


Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations

871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017

Telephone: (212) 940-0400, Telefax: (212) 940-0402


Permanent Representative of the Republic of Guinea to the United Nations

140 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016

Telephone: (212) 687-8115/8116/8117, Telefax: (212) 687-8248

Correspondence: French


Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations

Two United Nations Plaza, 28th Floor, New York, NY 10017

Telephone: (212) 752-0220, Telefax: (212) 688-8862

Correspondence: Spanish


Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations

Pakistan House, 8 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10021

Telephone: (212) 879-8600, Telefax: (212) 744-7348

Russian Federation

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

136 East 67th Street, New York, NY 10021

Telephone: (212) 861-4900/4901, Telefax: (212) 628-0252, 517-7427


Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations

823 United Nations Plaza, 345 East 46th Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY

Telephone: (212) 661-1050, Telefax: (212) 949-7247

Correspondence: Spanish

Syrian Arab Republic

Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United

820 Second Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10017

Telephone: (212) 661-1313, Telefax: (212) 983-4439

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations

One Dag Hammarskjцld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017

Telephone: (212) 745-9200, Telefax: (212) 745-9316

United States of America

Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations

799 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017-3505

Telephone: (212) 415-4000, Telefax: (212) 415-4443


C) OTHER UN MEMBERS(addresses and fax numbers of their missions can be
found at: )



Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: + 41 22 917 9022
(particularly for urgent matters)



Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva 27

Telephone: (+ 41 22) 791 21 11
Facsimile (fax): (+ 41 22) 791 3111




Postal address
International Committee of the Red Cross
19 avenue de la Paix
CH 1202 Geneva

ICRC general: ++ 41 (22) 733 20 57
++ 41 (22) 734 60 01


Churchillplein 1
2517JW The Hague

Fax: +31 70 512 8637


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)


Messaggio di Bush al presidente Marovic

Contro il terrorismo: Una lotta per gli alti principi e per cittadini
liberi dalla paura
Secondo informazioni del Gabinetto del presidente jugoslavo -pardon,
serbo-montenegrino -, il presidente degli USA, G.W.Bush, a due anni
dagli attentati a New York e Washington, ha inviato un messaggio
personale al presidente dello Stato federale, Marovic.
"La nostra lotta per liberare il mondo dal terrorismo continua, ed in
essa ricordiamo i nostri concittadini, miei e Suoi, che sono morti l'11
settembre 2001", scrive nel messaggio Bush a Marovic. "I miei
concittadini ed io", aggiunge al messaggio, "ci uniamo nel ricordo dei
Vs cittadini che hanno perso la vita in questi attacchi" [sic!]
Nella lettera a Marovic, il presidente USA ha sottolineato che lo scopo
dei terroristi era di difondere la paura e il caos, uccidendo ovunque
nel mondo. "Hanno attaccato la civilizzazione perché hanno rifiutato i
pacifici e razionali metodi per risolvere i problemi. Essi
hanno respinto il diritto e gli interessi degli altri,
dimostrando l'odio profondo verso i valori del mondo civile - la
libertà, la reciproca tolleranza della quale abbiamo bisogno tutti per
vivere dignitosamente", scrive nel messaggio il presidente Bush.

(Fonte: Tanjug, 20 settembre) 
(1) Il capo dei terroristi e' il Presidente del paese piu' potente del
mondo, che, dopo avere appoggiato i mujaheddin di Al Qaeda in Bosnia,
appoggia tuttora il terrorismo secessionista in Kosmet. Il signor due
di picche e' il Presidente di uno Stato virtuale, che ha sostituito la
Jugoslavia sovrana ed e' destinato a scomparire entro il 2006 con la
secessione del Kosmet e del Montenegro, secondo i piani USA.