

--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., "Miroslav Antic" wrote:

Incident na samitu NATO
Paradajzom na Robertsona

PRAG (Tanjug) - Dva mlada ruska demonstranta koji su uzvikivali "Nato
je gori od Gestapoa" i "Nosite na sebi krv dece èitavog sveta" gaðali
su paradajzom generalnog sekretara NATO-a D¾ord¾a Robertsona tokom
zavr¹ne konferencije za ¹tampu samita Alijanse u Pragu, ali su ga
Policijsko obezbeðenje je strgnulo jaknu sa jednog od njih dvojice
koji su se pretvarali da su novinari, kako bi obezbedili pristup
konferenciji za ¹tampu u kongresnom centru. Oba demonstranata su

--- End forwarded message ---


L'ultima impresa Rai: rimosso Ennio Remondino

Ultima impresa Rai, «chiudere l'ufficio dei Balcani». Lo denuncia, in
un'intervista al sito dell'associazione Articolo 21, il corrispondente
Ennio Remondino: «Ho appreso la notizia con due righe burocratiche,
come si comunica che viene cessato un contratto d'affitto». Eppure la
sede dei Balcani, aperta 5 anni fa, nella guerra, riguarda un
territorio che va dalla Turchia all'Ungheria dove «abbiamo più di
10mila uomini dei contingenti militari italiani, e grossi interessi
economici, e crisi ancora aperte», sottolinea Remondino; nonché la
partita dell'«allargamento dell'Europa». E motivo dell'improvvida
iniziativa «non è certo il bilancio: 250 milioni di budget
complessivo... con quella cifra ci paghi la portineria e l'ascensore
della sede di New York». Reagisce il Ds Giulietti, portavoce di
Articolo 21, «speriamo che non sia vero», e chiede alla Rai se si
tratti di una decisione del cda, e se il provvedimento «sia stato preso
ad personam per Ennio Remondino», giacché l'«orrenda lista di
proscrizione» ai danni di giornalisti e dirigenti non graditi alla
maggioranza di governo, induce il «legittimo sospetto» che si voglia
colpire un altro giornalista «scomodo perché libero». Sullo stesso
registro reagiscono i responsabili informazione dei Ds Morri, e del Prc
Bellucci, il verde Boco, membro della Commissione di vigilanza Rai.
La Rai `smentisce' non smentendo: «si deve precisare che non esiste
alcuna decisione in merito a una possibile chiusura di quella sede», e
però «è necessario sottolineare che i direttori di testata, ai quali
spetta la valutazione professionale di queste questioni, in una
riunione del 24 ottobre hanno manifestato uno scarso interesse per
l'ufficio di Belgrado nel quadro delle priorità strategiche

(da "Il Manifesto", 23/11/2002)

---------- Initial Header -----------

From : bjones@...
To : jugocoord@...
Cc :
Date : 24 Nov 2002 04:05:34 -0000
Subject : Monoscopio da Belgrado (ergo: silurate Remondino)

Tutti questi fonemi, krkrkr, tutti questi nomi propri ich-
ich, dice chi presta orecchio al serbocroato senza conoscerlo.
Lo presagiva anche Danilo Kis, scrittore jugoslavo di talento,
che ad Ovest rimane indefinitamente misconosciuto: perché l'arto
amputato dell'Europa, quello balcanico, interessa solamente quando
occorre strillare di barbarie secolari e malefatte storiche: da
Gavrilo Pricip alle farse dell'Aja. (Notizia fresca: Carla del
Ponte sa che Mladic è a Belgrado. Complimenti per l'intuito). Di
Jugo-storie e di Jugo-culture non sappiamo nulla. Passa, sdoganato
con l'etichetta frettolosa del consumo, il folklore post-bellico
di Kusturica e passano, sdaziate dalle feste di piazza estive,
le sudate fanfare di Bregovic: nient'altro. Di jugo-letteratura
in occidente qualcuno ha letto Andric, il Nobel, quello del ponte
sopra quel certo fiume, cos'è, mica il Danubio? S'è detto e scritto
tutto il possibile e spesso l’improbabile su Sarajevo, slavine di
volumi in perfetto stile 'c'ero anch'io', come conviene
al rampante giornalista occidentale, dall'Amanpour in poi:
Sarajevo e il sangue, lo specchio e la memoria, il dolore e
l’odio, Sarajevo oggi, Sarajevo muore, Sarajevo vive, Sarajevo
Sarajevo: ma dove sarà l'accento, si dice Sàrajevo, Saràjevo,
Sarajèvo? Forse Srebrenica, in sillabe, aveva una pronuncia troppo
ostica per potersene occupare quanto ci s'è occupati di Sarajevo,
e malamente. Ad ogni modo, a dieci anni dall’assedio ben in pochi
ne conservano memoria: tutto quel krkrkkr, ich-ich, quelle mahale,
kasabe, carsije, dzamije, dzezve, dimije: troppo macchinoso e
levantino, troppo radioattivo l'uranio che avvelena la bella Bosnia
(la bella Serbia non sta meglio, ma è un uranio impoverito umanitario,
ed evapora con nonchalance). Interrotto il romanticismo dell'assedio
da narrare, il brivido degli snajper da descrivere con aggettivi
straripanti: i cecchini atroci, gelidi come la morte. Giusto un
menestrello italico è riuscito di recente a piazzare sulle colline
della Bosnia le balalajke, soggettino d'un ritornello sanremese.
A Sarajevo non ci sono balalajke, provare per credere, ma l'occidente
presagisce un oriente slavo mescolato proprio in questo modo:
matrioske, rakija e polveriere, il minestrone dev'essere pronto in
cinque minuti e possibilmente lacrimevole. Balcani solubili,
fast-ex-jugo. Consumare in fretta e niente effetti collaterali.
L'informazione dalla Jugo-Atlantide, ahinoi, non offre di meglio.
Il corrispondente impavido che tenta l'approfondimento (cosa accade
nella pace Nato prefabbricata del Kosovo, ad esempio? Qual è lo
stato di salute della democrazia croata? E a Skopje, che succede?)
incassa in genere un commento che è già uno sbuffo: ah, ancora la
Jugoslavia? Non vende più, la Jugoslavia, annotava amaramente
Jasmina Tesanovic nel suo diario da Belgrado. E' il solito occidente,
bellezza: sappiamo tutto sul cardio-doppler di Milosevic (il garante-
tiranno, selezionato dall’Alleanza Atlantica per siglare gli accordi
di Dayton prima, e qualche anno più tardi scelto per liquidare le
colpe collettive), ma delle recenti catastrofiche elezioni in Serbia
e Bosnia s'è detto l'essenziale, e l’essenziale è nulla. Forse perché
il disastro si rivolge ad occidente, e alle radici della catastrofe
elettorale ci siamo noi. Pochi, i giornalisti che si occupano di
Jugo-Balcani con la serietà dovuta. Uno di questi si chiama
Remondino Ennio, dodici anni di jugo-anzianità, e nei negozi di
Belgrado il suo cognome ha involontariamente battezzato quel certo
giubbottino di renna spelacchiata ('il remondino', appunto) che
il nostro indossava per raccontare dagli schermi Rai, spesso nelle
ultime edizioni a margine (perché le lacrime di Kukes 'tiravano',
come si dice in gergo, più di quelle di Pancevo) la guerra del '99.
Bravo, Remondino, e competente: raccontare in diretta la prima guerra
umanitaria della storia era fatica da Don Chisciotte. Eppure c'è
riuscito. E c'è riuscito grazie alle qualità specifiche ed essenziali
di ogni bravo giornalista: pazienza, competenza, molta ironia: per
chi l'ha saputa cogliere fra un krkrkr e un ich-ich, senza
orpelli, senza servilismo. Notizia del giorno, 23 novembre 2002
anno domini, Remondino il non-allineato rientra nelle spese che il
CdA di mamma Rai decide di tagliare: chiude la redazione di Belgrado.
Eppure quel che accade fra Praga e Istanbul è proprio Remondino a
poterlo riferire, e dovrebbe riguardarci da vicino.
Pare che per la Rai non sia così: il minestrone di polvere da sparo
e domande restate prive di risposta non interessa più: alla voce
‘Balcani’, in Rai, solo uno spazio vuoto, un monoscopio ‘fine delle
trasmissioni’ certo più rassicurante del narrante Remondino. Brutto
momento per l’informazione, nella penisola italica separata da quella
balcanica da un solo braccio di Adriatico: fischia un vento troppo
destro per essere definito solamente sinistro. Aveva ragione proprio
Remondino: "se le stronzate del giornalismo italiano fossero mine,
saremmo una categoria di mutilati".

Babsi Jones


(...) Il 16 ottobre il quotidiano russo Novosti ha riportato
quanto segue: «Vicino al villaggio di Ropotovo è in funzione
un campo di addestramento di miliziani albanesi, vicino a Kosovska
Kamenica, nella provincia jugoslava del Kosovo, che è controllata
dalle forze americane, notizia riportata dalle forze russe in Kosovo.
Secondo le fonti, nel campo si stanno ora addestrando 50 mujaheddin
afghani e algerini, guidati da Zaiman Zawahiri. Questo è indicato
essere il fratello di uno dei più stretti associati del terrorista
internazionale Osama bin Laden. Questo campo prepara i militanti
delle formazioni terroriste in Kosovo e Macedonia. I loro istruttori
sono ex ufficiali di etnia albanese che nel 1991-'92 disertarono
dall'esercito jugoslavo».
L'Indipendent ha riportato il 21 ottobre che l'Interpol ha collegato
bin Laden alle gang criminali dell'Esercito di Liberazione del Kosovo
(Kla), e che «ha fornito uno dei suoi più alti comandanti militari
per una unità di elite del Kla» in Kosovo. Questo è stato solo
l'inizio. L'obiettivo dello spiegamento delle bande terroriste
in Macedonia è prevenire, con la violenza, il ritorno dei rifugiati
macedoni ai loro villaggi, "ripuliti" dal Kla durante l'anno e
impadronirsi della riserve idriche dalla quale dipende Skopje, la
capitale della Macedonia. (...)
Chi manovra Al-Zawahiri? Il quotidiano macedone Dnevnik il 19 ottobre
scorso riportava che il gruppo guidato dal fratello del Dr. Ayman
al-Zawahiri, il più stretto associato di Bin Laden, ha attraversato
la frontiera del Kosovo ed è entrato in Macedonia. Citando fonti
dei servizi di informazione, il giornale ha scritto: «Il fratello
più giovane del comandante in capo nei Balcani di Al-Qaeda, Ayman
al-Zawahiri, con circa 50 mujahideen, è entrato in Macedonia e ha
cominciato a costruire fortificazioni nella regione di Skopska
Crna Gora. Lo scopo del gruppo terrorista è attaccare la riserve
idriche di Skopje».

( Fonte: M. Bottarelli su "La Padania" del 17/9/2002: )

---------- Initial Header -----------

From : "Jugo" <jutra@...>
Date : Wed, 20 Nov 2002 19:26:43 -0700
Subject : Intervju

Nas Intervju:
Zvonimir Trajkovic
politicar i politicki analiticar


Beograd 19. novembar 2002.

SP: Gospodine Trajkovicu kako saznajemo pre izvesnog vremena odrzan je s
astanak Mongomerija i predsednika Kostunice na kome je Americki ambasado
r navodno zahtevao da se Kostunica obavezno kandiduje na predstojecim pr
edsednickim izborima. Koliko Amerika moze da utice na donosenje takvih o
dluka i dali smatrate da je Mongomeri igrao kljucnu ulogu kako bi poslan
ici DSS-a bili vraceni u skupstinu Srbije?

Svakako da Amerika, odnosno Zapad odlucujuce utice na donosenje takvih o
dluka kakvu je predsednik Kostunica doneo oko kandidature na ponovljenim
predsednickim izborima. Zapad i Amerika kao lider, sigurno nece dopusti
ti da na izborima pobedi Seselj ili neka drugacija opcija koja bi za nji
h bila iznenadjenje. Drugo je pitanje dali su oni uvek u stanju da to u
potpunosti kontrolisu jer se u krajnjem radi o izborima, i bar donekle s
lobodnom izrazavanju volje gradjana. Poznato je da je Amerika u »spontan
o« rusenje Milosevica ulozila izmedju 60 i 74 miliona US$. Dali stvarno
mislite da neko ko je ulozio tolike pare, prepusta slucaju ko ce doci na
vlast posle uklanjanja Milosevica i ostavlja nama da o tome sami odlucu
jemo.Takve stvari se nikad ne prepustaju slucaju, i Mongomeri ce se neos
porno mesati u sve te stvari koje mogu biti od znacaja za americku polit
iku na ovim prostorima.

DOS je na vlast dosao uz obilatu pomoc Zapada, on se tom zapadu obratio
za pomoc i u resavanju spora sa Crnom Gorom, Djindjiceva vlada se u dobr
oj meri oslanja na njihovu finansijsku pomoc, pa je onda sasvim logicno
da Zapad »utice« ko ce se kandidovati na predsednickim izborima. Dokle g
od DOS bude na vlasti, a i Kostunica je deo DOS-
a, Mongomeri ce uvek biti tu da posvadjane srpske knezeve pomiri, kad go
d oni u toj svojoj vlastoljubivoj pohlepi odu predaleko. »Ukazace« im da
je potrebno da se poslanici DSS vrate u skupstinu Srbije, da nije pamet
no rusiti Djindjicevu vladu, da na Jugu Srbije treba »pomirljivo« delova
ti. To je prakticni deo teorije ogranicenog suvereniteta i potpuno je ra
zumljiva ako uzmete u obzir da je taj isti Mongomeri, kao zvanicni preds
tavnik americke politike bitno uticao da DOS uopste i dodje na vlast.

SP: Labus je bio americki favorit na predhodnim izborima, a sada?

Da, na izvestan nacin. Ali u sustini Americi je i na predhodnim predsedn
ickim izborima bilo jedino vazno da prodju njeni favoriti a dali ce na k
raju pobediti Labus ili Kostunica za njih je bilo manje bitno. Posto se
Labus na ovim ponovljenim izborima nije kandidovao jer je uoceno da ne m
oze da pobedi, Amerika je morala da izvrsi pritisak na Kostunicu da se o
n kandiduje, kako bi se nastavio kontinuitet ove DOS-
ove politike. Dali ce Amerika na kraju i sa Kostunicom kao kandidatom us
peti da ostvari svoje ciljeve videcemo. Jer po nesto ipak zavisi i od gr
adjana Srbije.

SP: Vi to mislite da ni ovoga puta necemo dobiti novog predsednika?

Americi bi Kostunica odgovarao ali ne i Seselj, ali Djindjicu ne bi odgo
varao ni jedan od njih. Sto se gradjana tice oni su potpuno razocarani,
cak se osecaju i prevarenim ovom politikom DOS-
a pa mislim da nece biti zainteresovani za izlazak na izbore.

SP: Koliko po vasem misljenju na izlazak ili neizlazak gradjana na preds
tojece izbore moze da utice Vlada Srbije, odnosno Djindjic kao njen pred

Bitno ne, ali njen uticaj postoji negde na nivou do 5%. Ako mislite da D
jindjic ima tako snazan uticaj na biracko telo, nema ga. Kada bi ga imao
i sam bi se kandidovao i pobedio. Prema tome nije to presudno. Presudno
je nezadovoljstvo gradjana. U potpunoj medijskoj blokadi kakva danas vl
ada u Srbiji gradjani nemaju drugog nacina osim da svoje nezadovoljstvo
iskazu bojkotom izbora. Pogotovu ako im ni jedan od kandidata ne odgovar
a i ne uliva poverenje. To je glavni i jedini razlog sto je na predhodni
m izborima u drugom krugu izaslo manje od 50% upisanih biraca. Svi ostal
i razlozi koji su iznoseni bilo je samo zamagljivanje ove cinjenice. Gra
djani Srbije su prozreli jednu podvalu koja se vuce vec dve godine. I Ko
stunica i Djindjic su isto DOS resenje, samo se Zapad potrudio da Kostun
icu predstavi kao »nacionalistu« kako bi lakse pobedio Milosevica. Kostu
nica nije nacionalista vec isto tako veoma servilno sprovodi naloge Zapa
da na stetu nacionalnih interesa. To su gradjani izgleda shvatili i ne z
ele da biraju manje loseg kandidata. Oni za predsednika traze snaznu lic
nost koji ce voditi politiku zastite nacionalnih interesa.

SP: Dali je taj uslov od 50% mogao da se ovim promenama izbornog zakona
potpuno ukloni kako je to trazio DSS i Kostunica.

Pa da direktno odgovorim, taj uslov nije mogao biti uklonjen. Nasta bi o
nda izgledali ti izbori ako svi predsednicki kandidati zajedno ne mogu d
a dobiju poverenje ni 50% gradjana. To znaci da ako Kostunica osvoji 20,
%, Seselj 20% i Pelevic bar 10,01% izbori ce uspeti, jer u drugom krugu
sada ne postoji to ogranicenje od 50%. Nemoze se postati predsednik Srbi
je sa manjom podrskom od 20% gradjana. U krajnjem, bila bi to sramota i
za predsednika koji na taj nacin bude izabran. Tako izabrani predsednik
ne bi uzivao potreban autoritet, sto je jako stetno jer glavna poluga pr
edsednickog delovanja je njegov licni, kao i autoritet institucije preds
ednika. Takvom beznacajnom podrskom gradjana bitno bi bila okrnjena i sa
ma institucija predsednika. Moramo jos imati na umu da je na ovim izbori
ma, po prvi put otkako se visestranacki izbori odrzavaju, iz birackih sp
iskova izbaceno oko 1,1 milona Siptara sa Kosmeta sto nije trebalo radit
i jer na taj nacin sami prejudiciramo da Kosovo i Metohija nije deo Srbi
je. Da je i taj broj biraca bio ukljucen onda bi izlaznost bila jos manj
a, pa bi za predhodne izbore bila nesto oko 39%. Radi poredjenja kad je
Milosevic u dva navrata bio biran na mesto republickog predsednika dobij
ao je 64 i 62% u prvom krugu iako su Siptari i tada bojkotovali izbore,
sto znaci da je izlasnost gradjana u ostalom delu Srbije bila oko 70%.
Nemojmo traziti razloge u zakonu i tamo gde oni ne stoje. Gradjani su ne
zadovoljni ovom puzecom, podanickom i za Srbiju stetnom politikom DOS-
a i ne zele da glasaju za takve kandidate.

SP: Za vas kazu da ste politicki analiticar koji u procenama ne gresi. P
a po vasem misljenju hocemo li u ovom ponovljenom glasanju dobiti predse
dnika i ko ce pobediti?

Svi mogu da grese pa i ja, ali ovde se ne radi o greskama vec o naruceni
m anketama koje rade pojedine agencije za procenu i plasiraju cesto vise
nego smesne procene. Ja tako nesto ne radim, pa su zato moje procene bi
le mnogo tacnije. Mislim da ce na ove izbore izaci blizu 50% gradjana, a
li se moze veoma lako dogoditi da to nebude i potrebnih 50,01%. Seselj o
voga puta ima znatno vise, sansi nego na proslom glasanju. Mislim da ce
on i Kostunica voditi dosta izjednacenu trku, a kada su rezultati tako i
zjednaceni onda mogu da utici i nijanse. To je prilika da Amerikanci mal
o »poguraju« svog kandidata i tako Kostunica doje do pobede.

Sa Gospodinom Trjkovicem razgovor obavio urednik
sajta Sprpska Politika Gospodin Nenad-Kosovac.



Communist Youth of Greece KNE
Central Council - International relations

No to the Criminalization of the Anti-NATO Struggle.
Solidarity with the Greek Peace Activists on Trial

Dear Friends and Comrades,

The Greek government, following its pro-NATO line, is trying to terrify
the people and to criminalize the struggles against the imperialist new
order.6 peace activists (N. Seitanidis, N. Nedopoulos, P. Makridis, I.
Manousaridis, Th. Vardalis and V. Tzikas) are being prosecuted under
alleged accusations, and are going on trial on November 26, because
they participated in the demonstrations against the dirty NATO
war on Yugoslavia on 1999.In particular they are accused because they
blocked the way and stopped a NATO convoy (a French one) that was
carrying weapons to the NATO troops through our country to Kosovo, in
violation of the Greek constitution and laws.

At the same time in the city of Kalamata, on November 11, 7 members of
KNE were convicted in 4 months of prison because last July they were
writing slogans against the visit to Kalamata of the US ambassador in
Greece, denouncing the US and NATO policy and presence.The provocation
of the Government is even bigger, if one takes into consideration the
shameful recent agreement with the US authorities that provides total
legal immunity to the US military personnel stationed in Greece for any
violations of the Greek laws!A wave of solidarity and protest,
including trade unionists, Municipalities, intellectuals, students’
unions etc has been rose in both cases, denouncing the ongoing
campaign of criminalization of the struggles and the resistance
against NATO and the imperialist “new order”. We appeal to the
peace-loving and progressive people in Europe to join us in protesting
against these anti-democratic and dangerous measures, to express their
solidarity and to demand from the Greek government:

-To stop the criminalization of the struggles

-To stop the prosecutions against anti-war militants

-To abolish all anti-democratic laws and clauses, especially the ones
that confine democratic liberties on the pretext of “combating

For solidarity messages: mailto:int@...

Send your protest to the Greek government through:

# the Greek embassies

# the office of the Greek prime minister Kostas Simitis:

# the Greek ministry of Justice:
mailto:minjust@... ,

The International Department of KNE



CP of Greece, Big Anti-imperialist Demonstrations in Greece
on November 17
From: Communist Party of Greece, Wed, 20 Nov 2002 , mailto:cpg@...

Big anti-imperialist demonstrations in Greece on November 17

Thousands of people participated in the big
anti-imperialist, anti-NATO rallies that took place on 17
of November all around the country. The demonstrations,
which according to the press had been the most massive ones
during the last years, were held on the occasion of the
anniversary of the uprising of the Polytechnic University
of Athens on 17.11.1973 against the US and NATO led
military dictatorship.

The struggle against imperialism and NATO, the imperialist
plans for war on Iraq, the solidarity with Palestine, as
well as the demand for a fair solution to the Cyprus issue,
were some of the main focus of this year's demonstration.
"The enemy is one imperialism, "US-Murderers of the
people", "50 years of NATO the same story: dictatorships,
wars, terrorism", "the soldiers are children of our people
they have no job outside our borders", "out the NATO
bases", "Cyprus united and independent" were some of the
slogans that were shouted at the rallies.

In Athens the demonstration ended in front of the US
embassy, in spite of the "appeals" by the Secretary of
PASOK not to demonstrate in front of the American embassy ,
and it was notable the mass participation of young people
in the ranks of KNE, of "Action-Thessaloniki 2003", of PAME
and the various organizations of the popular movement.
Among them one could distinguish a group of soldiers in
uniform marching together with the people.

In Thesssaloniki, where an also impressive demo was held,
with the presence of the delegations that participated in
the preparatory meeting of the campaign
"Action-Thessaloniki 2003" which joined the demonstrators
that marched in front of the US embassy.


[Note: the party "Alleanza Nazionale", which belongs to the nowadays
government coalition and has most supporters among the military and
police, derives from the fascist "Movimento Sociale Italiano". It has
barely changed its name in 1992. In the framework of the so-called
"passage to a Second Republic" (1989-1992), "left" forces and
personalities helped it to be included into the "constitutional
block", thus making it "fit" for government coalitions. I.S.]

World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Italy

Italy: Twenty anti-globalization activists arrested in police sweeps
Charged under Mussolini-era subversion laws

By Stefan Steinberg
21 November 2002

Less than a week after one of the biggest anti-war demonstrations in
Europe since the end of World War II, the Italian judiciary and police
have conducted a large-scale operation against anti-globalisation

In the early hours of November 15, police stormed houses and
apartments in a number of cities in southern Italy and arrested 20
representatives of anti-globalisation protest movements. A total of 41
persons are subjects of investigations throughout Italy. They are
suspected of various offences, including violating article 270/270b of
Italian law, breaches of "democratic order" and conspiracy.

The mass demonstration against US war in Iraq took place on November
12 in the Italian city of Florence. The demonstration, which was
peaceful, came at the end of the first meeting of the European Social
Forum, a week of discussions and debates on the social consequences of
Many of those arrested last week participated in and helped organise
the activities of the Forum and the mass demonstration.

Among those arrested are the two leading representatives of the
southern Italian "no global" network, Francesco Caruso and Giuseppe
Thirteen of the arrested were immediately held in custody in the high
security Trani prison; the remaining seven are under house arrest.
Houses were also searched in a number of Italian cities.

The timing of the arrests, directly after the Forum and demonstration,
make clear that the Italian state is moving rapidly to suppress the
mass movement emerging against war, as well as seeking to neutralise
critics of global capitalism and the government of Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi.

According to newspaper reports, the state prosecutor's office in
Cosenza had conducted a one-and-a-half-year investigation leading to
the arrests.
This probe produced a 360-page file on the activities of the
anti-globalisation protesters and included detailed surveys of 60,000
emails, the systematic surveillance of Internet sites, the shadowing
of suspects, film recordings and wiretaps.

Prosecutors are attempting to prove links between the "no-global"
movement and other anarchist movements that have been active in the
so-called "Black Blocs," which were a source of provocations and
violence in recent demonstrations at the Global Forum in Naples and
the 2001 G-8 summit in Genoa. In fact, recent investigations by
independent legal organisations and filmmakers have made it clear that
police provocateurs and intelligence agents were heavily active in
infiltrating the Black Blocs.

The arrests sparked off immediate protests throughout the country.
Several thousands joined spontaneous street demonstrations last Friday
in Rome and Milan calling for the immediate release of those arrested.
Further mass protests are planned this week in southern Italy and the
city of Naples where many of the arrests took place.

Last Friday also saw demonstrations and blockades by striking Fiat car
workers organised by the Italian trade union FIOM in collaboration
with the "no global" network. According to some newspaper
commentaries, the arrests were also aimed at ensuring that protests
and disruptions by striking workers did not spill over into a more
general movement directed against the Italian government.

A lawyer representing Caruso, one of the accused, commented in a
newspaper interview: "The government is seeking to criminalise the
movement precisely at a time when its policies and forms of action are
finding more and more support amongst ordinary people and in the trade

Origins of article 270

The majority of charges levelled against the accused are based on
article 270/270b of Italian law, which was introduced and extensively
used by the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini to silence any
opposition, and in particular communist opponents of his rule. Part of
the notorious Leggi di difesa, article 270 enables prosecution merely
on the basis that, according to the prosecutor, the accused were
planning or conspiring to conduct activities detrimental to the
Italian government. Article 270 explicitly refers to the danger of
groups aiming to overthrow the economic order of Italy. Under
Mussolini in the 1930s, mere possession of a Communist leaflet was
sufficient to ensure arrest, prosecution and imprisonment.

The article stipulates that those found guilty (ringleaders) can be
imprisoned for up to 12 years. Supporters of conspiracy can be locked
up for three years. After the collapse of Italian fascism at the end
of the Second World War, article 270 was kept on the books, even as
Italian Communist Party leader Palmiro Togliatti became the first
post-war Italian justice minister. The government reworked the law
following the terror attacks of September 11 and has invoked it with
increasing regularity against its political opponents over the past
few years.

The latest arrests are a clear warning of the sharp lurch to the right
by the Berlusconi government. At the same time, they expose the claims
by leading members of the opposition Olive Tree alliance and
Democratic Left who claimed that after his election Berlusconi would
be forced to take into account post-war Italy's democratic traditions
and moderate his policies. A number of social democrats and
"post-communists" who claimed that Berlusconi could be tamed also
applauded the "restraint" of the Italian police and judiciary
following the peaceful demonstration of November 10.

Now Berlusconi has given his answer. The latest arrests make clear
that his government is prepared to move rapidly and employ the most
extreme methods to strangle any potential opposition to his
government-including the use of fascist laws.

These latest arrests take place in the context of continuous assaults
by the government on democratic rights. Berlusconi has made no secret
of his contempt for those aspects of Italian law that he regards as
obstacles to his drive for economic and political power. Following the
sentencing this week of former Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti
to 24 years imprisonment on charges of abetting the murder of a
journalist, Berlusconi once more lashed out at Italian courts and
complained that "politically biased judges have attempted to change
the course of democratic politics and rewrite Italian history."

Copyright 1998-2002
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

L'autore del testo che segue e' un fisico belga, co-autore con Alain
Sokal dell'interessante saggio "Imposture intellettuali" (Garzanti
1999). E' uno degli intellettuali che lanciarono l'Appello di
Bruxelles nel vano tentativo di fermare l'aggressione contro la
Jean, come molti altri commentatori, vede nella Risoluzione ONU 1441
la "replica" di Rambouillet, e cita l'esempio di Rade Markovic, alto
funzionario del Ministero degli Interni della Serbia, che è stato
convocato dal TPI dell'Aia come testimone dell'accusa contro
Milosevic, ma che al momento di testimoniare si è rivelato teste a
difesa dichiarando di essere stato torturato e che gli erano state
promesse delle ricompense se avesse accettato di dire il falso sotto
giuramento. (a cura di Olga ed Andrea)

----- Original Message -----
From: Comité contre la guerre en Irak

Chers amis,
Nous vous faisons parvenir une réaction à propos de la résolution 1441
de Jean Bricmont, membre de la présidence d'honneur de notre comité.
Bien cordialement.

Un nouveau Rambouillet ?

par Jean Bricmont

Lors des négociations de Rambouillet qui avaient permis en 1999 de
légitimer - à cause de « l'intransigeance serbe » -- les bombardements
sur la Yougoslavie, on avait exigé du gouvernement yougoslave qu'il
accepte de signer un document où il était spécifié (Annexe B, section
8) que « le personnel de l'OTAN bénéficiera, ainsi que leurs
véhicules, bateaux, avions et équipements, du droit de libre passage,
sans restriction aucune, à travers tout le territoire de la république
fédérale yougoslave, y compris l'espace aérien et les eaux
territoriales associés. Cela inclura, mais ne sera pas limité, au
droit de bivouac, de manoeuvre, de logement et de l'utilisation de
tout endroit ou installation requis à des fins d'appui, d'entraînement
et d'opérations. » Notons qu'il s'agissait bien là de tout le
territoire yougoslave, pas seulement du Kosovo. L'OTAN pourrait
utiliser gratuitement les aéroports, les routes, les chemins de fer,
les ports et les télécommunications (sections 11 et 15). Son personnel
serait protégé contre toute poursuite ou enquête faite par les
autorités yougoslaves (sections 6 et 7).

La résolution 1441 adoptée à l'unanimité par le conseil de sécurité
impose des exigences tout aussi inacceptables à l'Irak. D'une part,
les Irakiens doivent faire état, dans un délai de trente jours, de
tous leurs programmes nucléaires, biologiques et chimiques, y compris
ceux dont ils estiment qu'ils n'ont pas d'usage militaire (article 3).
On se demande comment n'importe quel pays un peu industrialisé,
possédant une industrie chimique par exemple, pourrait satisfaire une
telle exigence.
Néanmoins, toute fausse déclaration sera considérée comme une
violation de la résolution (article 4). Par ailleurs, les inspecteurs
pourront interdire aux Irakiens de circuler dans n'importe quelle
partie de leur territoire (article 7). Un nombre « suffisant » mais
non spécifié de troupes de l'ONU pourra assurer la sécurité des
inspecteurs. Finalement, ceux-ci pourront emmener, avec leur famille,
pour interrogatoire hors d'Irak, n'importe quel citoyen irakien
(article 5). C'est-à-dire qu'il peuvent en principe demander même à
Saddam Hussein de les suivre aux Etats-Unis. Pour couronner le tout,
le conseil réaffirme son engagement en faveur de la souveraineté et de
l'intégrité territoriale de l'Irak.

Pour apprécier à sa juste valeur cette «dernière chance pour la paix»,
il est utile de penser au témoignage de Scott Ritter, républicain
américain et ancien inspecteur de l'ONU en Irak qui, outre qu'il
parcourt le monde en déclarant qu'en 1998 l'Irak était désarmé, a
affirmé au Sénat français, le 10 avril 2002, que « quand Richard
Butler a autorisé l'emploi de ces techniques sensibles utilisées par
mon équipe pour trouver des armes, pour enquêter sur la sécurité de
Saddam Hussein à la demande des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, afin de
favoriser la politique unilatérale américaine de renversement du
régime, alors cela est devenu de l'espionnage. C'est la raison pour
laquelle je suis parti : je ne voulais pas participer à cela. » On se
rappellera aussi que devant le tribunal de La Haye, Rade Markovic,
ancien chef de la sécurité de Serbie, présenté comme témoin de
l'accusation au procès Milosevic, a déclaré, le 26 juillet 2002, avoir
été torturé et s'être vu offert une vie de luxe à l'étranger (avec sa
famille) s'il acceptait de faire un faux témoignage. Ainsi va la
justice des puissants.

Dans le monde arabe, on fait contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur. La
Syrie tente de justifier son vote en assurant qu'il permet d'éviter la
guerre, alors que le New York Times (du 9 novembre) écrit que la
campagne de bombardements durera moins d'un mois et que les Etats-Unis
craignent que les Irakiens, soit par des commandos-suicide, soit en se
battant dans les quartiers des villes, ne souillent la victoire
américaine avec du sang, dans l'intention d'augmenter les sentiments
anti-américains dans la région. Quels barbares ! Il est d'ailleurs
erroné de dire que la guerre va commencer - elle n' a fait que se
perpétuer depuis 1991, avec des dizaines de milliers de vols
anglo-américains sur l'Irak et des centaines de milliers de morts dus
à un embargo d'une cruauté unique dans l'histoire.
La résolution 1441, c'est le Munich du Tiers Monde - donner carte
blanche à l'impérialisme le plus agressif du moment, comme l'avaient
fait les dirigeants anglais et français en 1938. Un grand progrès a
été réalisé depuis la guerre en Yougoslavie : celle-ci n'avait aucune
base juridique, alors que celle contre l'Irak sera entièrement légale.
La France a rendu un fier service aux Etats-Unis, même si ceux-ci
rechignent à l'admettre : il y a mieux pour les puissants que de
violer le droit - c'est d'avoir un ordre légal à leur botte.

Sous peu, il ne restera plus aux soldats irakiens qu'à livrer un
baroud d'honneur et à leurs dirigeants à choisir entre le tombeau et
la prison.
Ils résisteront peut-être héroïquement, mais comment combattre sous un
déluge de bombes, face à un adversaire qui possède l'arme nucléaire et
qui se déclare prêt à s'en servir si la résistance est trop forte ?
Les survivants devront revivre pour une période indéterminée ce qui a
été le sort de l'immense majorité de l'humanité pendant des décennies
si pas des siècles : le joug colonial. Ce ne sera pas nouveau pour
eux: après la fin de l'empire turc, Lord Curzon, qui dirigeait les
affaires étrangères britanniques, avait proposé que le Moyen Orient
soit gouverné par une « façade arabe dirigée par les britanniques »,
sans administration directe, mais dissimulée par des « fictions
constitutionnelles » telles que qu'un « protectorat, une zone
d'influence, un état tampon etc. ».On pillera leurs ressources - ce
sera la reconstruction de l'Irak. On dilapidera leur pétrole dans nos
maisons surchauffées, nos bouchons et nos usines ; au passage, on
détruira peut-être le climat de la planète. On éliminera de leur
personnel politique tous ceux qui risquent de défendre un tant soit
peu la souveraineté du pays - ce sera la démocratisation de l'Irak.
Beaucoup d'ONG et de défenseurs des droits de l'homme se réjouiront de
la disparition d'un tyran (sans avoir le courage d'en remercier G. W.
Bush). De mauvais esprits se rappelleront que, s'il y a beaucoup de
tyrans dans le monde, seul Saddam Hussein a osé dire, après le 11
septembre : « ceux qui pensent que la vie de leur peuple est précieuse
doivent se rappeler que la vie des autres peuples du monde est
précieuse aussi ». Les nouveaux maîtres de l'Irak remercieront les
Etats-Unis de les avoir libérés. Lorsque les Irakiens seront
suffisamment découragés, on organisera des élections libres. On
élaborera de nouveaux plans de paix en Palestine.

Pendant ce temps, les intellectuels occidentaux remettent avec
empressement leur copie sur le sujet du moment : la critique du
fanatisme religieux et de l'intolérance. On réédite Voltaire. On met
en garde contre l'antiaméricanisme, cette maladie qui est censée
affliger tout particulièrement le pays d'Europe où les manifestations
contre la guerre sont les plus faibles, à savoir la France. Rares sont
ceux qui se demandent si le véritable fanatisme n'est pas cette soif
infinie de puissance et de profit qui domine l'Occident, ni si la
colère que tant d'injustice et de cynisme provoque dans le monde arabe
et musulman n'est pas légitime. A moins qu'un vaste mouvement
international ne renverse le cours des choses, on s'apercevra
peut-être un jour que le 11 septembre n'était qu'un début.

Jean Bricmont

NOTA: Le notizie che seguono non sono in alcun modo esaustive degli
avvenimenti nella provincia di Kosovo-Metohija, e vengono qui
riportate solo come esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica

"The black hole of Europe"
Andrew Sutton on the miseries, corruption and human-rights abuses in
Kosovo, the UN's first-ever protectorate - Pristina (THE SPECTATOR

=== * ===


ZUBIN POTOK. Der Vorsitzende des Parlaments des Kreises Zubin
Potok, Slavisa Ristic, wirft dem Chef der UNMIK, Michael Steiner, vor.
Das er am Dienstag nach den lokalen Wahlen, durch verändern der
Wahlkreisbezirke, es ermöglicht hat, kleineren Parteien, die bei dem
am Wahltag geltenden Wahlgesetz, des proportionalen Wahlsystems
nicht über den Wahlzensus gekommen wären, und durch verändern
der Wahlbezirke es doch geschafft haben Abgeordnete ins Parlament
zu bekommen.
"Die Bekanntgabe der endgültigen Wahlergebnisse sollte am 31.
Oktober sein, aber Michael Steiner blockierte alles, veränderte die
Wahlbezirke und teilte den Parteien Abgeordnetenmandate zu, die
nicht die nötigen Stimmen erreicht haben.", sagte Slavisa Ristic zu
Tanjug. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 05. November 2002 -

LEPOSAVIC/GNJILANE. Dr. Vuko Antonijevic, Mitglied der Partei DSS,
erklärte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug, dass UNMIK-Chef
Michael Steiner die endgültigen Resultate der Stadt Leposavic bei den
Kommunalwahlen in Kosovo und Metochien verändert hat, so dass die DSS
und der SNV keine Regierungskoalition bilden können. "Eigentlich hätte
man keine Wahlen gebraucht, da Steiner schon vor den Wahlen die
Mandate an Parteien und Initiativen verteilt hat die nicht durch den
proportionalen Wahlzensus gekommen wären", erklärte Antonijevic.
In den Orten Zubin Potok und Strpce wird der UNMIK-Chef ebenfalls
beschuldigt, die Wahlresultate verändert zu haben. Unterdessen
blockieren ca. 2000 ethnische Albaner das Stadtparlament von Novo
Brdo, welches seit Tagen von der UNMIK beschützt wird, weil sie über
den Wahlausgang unzufrieden sind. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 7. November 2002 -



PEC. Gestern spät abends wurde vor seinem Haus in Pec der bekannte
Rechtsanwalt Ibish Hoti erschossen. Das Motiv und der Hergang des
Vorfalls sind noch nicht geklärt. Den Tod von Hoti, bestätigten auch
seine Familienangehörigen. Hoti war ein Rechtsanwalt des Fonds für
humanitäres Recht, welcher seinen Sitz in Belgrad hat. INETNEWS +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 05. November 2002 -



INFORMATION SERVICE - November 05, 2002

ERP KIM Info-Service
Serbs in Vitina disturbed by latest Albanian extremist attack

Gracanica, November 4, 2002

Serbian Orthodox priest from Vitina confirmed for the Diocese of Raska
and Prizren Information Service that today, Monday, November 4, at
13:30 hours a powerful explosion occurred in front of the house of
Aleksandar Jacovic (Jachovich) in Kosovska Vitina. No one was injured
and no significant material damage occurred during the attack;
however, the attack was caused great unrest among the remaining Serbs
in Vitina. The Jacovic family is currently living in the old parochial
house after their own house was burned down by the Albanians. However,
the Jacovices have no peace in their new residence, either; this is
the third time that Albanian extremists have planted explosives in
front of their home. The previous two attacks occurred on September 8
and September 28 of this year.
Currently only 250 of the total pre-war population of 3,450 Serb
residents remain in the town of Vitina. The Serb population has
largely abandoned the surrounding the villages and today there are
only about 3,500 Serbs in the entire municipality as compared to
almost 8,000 who lived here before the war. The Serbs who
still live in the town proper, mostly near the Orthodox church, are
exposed to frequent attacks and ethnic discrimination by the majority
Albanian population. A large number of Serb-owned houses and
commercial properties have been illegally usurped after the war while
the remaining Serbs are subject to constant pressure to sell their
property and leave town. The Serbs have no possibility of securing
employment nor do they have free access to medical institutions.
Freedom of movement for the Serb population outside the area where
they live is extremely limited even though people travel not
infrequently and at their own risk.



Serb house in Orahovac set on fire
November 5, 2002

Today at approximately 13:00 hours the family home of Nebojsa and
Dragan Dedic was set on fire for the second time in the Serb part of
Orahovac after being previously looted, Radio KIM learned from Serb
sources. UNMIK police failed to determine the cause of the fire while
according to the Serb population this represents yet another in a
series of attacks on the remaining Serbs in Orahovac.



B92, Belgrade
Serbian boy wounded in Kosovska Mitrovica
November 4, 2002

Kosovska Mitrovica (Beta) - Fourteen year-old Dragan Todorovic was
wounded on Sunday evening from a firearm in the northern part of
Kosovska Mitrovica in the quarter known as Bosnjacka Mahala. The boy
was targeted by an unknown attacker from a 9 millimeter handgun.
Todorovic, who was shot in the lower leg, was admitted and operated on
in Mitrovica Hospital and is not in life threatening danger. An
investigation was conducted by UNMIK police.

Danas, Belgrade
Boy wounded following removal of KFOR checkpoints
Not in life threatening danger
November 4, 2002

Kosovska Mitrovica (Tanjug) - The head of the Serb National Council of
Northern Kosovo, Dr. Milan Ivanovic, told Tanjug yesterday that the
wounding of 14 year-old Dragan Todorovic in Bosnjacka Mahala in
northern Kosovska Mitrovica was the result of the removal of the KFOR
checkpoints in this quarter where "Serbs are now unprotected from
"KFOR has been removing checkpoints for some time in this quarter
inhabited by Serbs, Albanians and Bosniacs, resulting in poorer
defense of the Serb population," assessed Dr. Ivanovic. He pointed out
that this was "yet another form of pressure by (UNMIK chief) Michael
Steiner on northern Mitrovica". Todorovic was wounded the night before
last from a handgun by a member of a group of Albanians passing by the
Silent Night (Tiha Noc) Cafe in Bosnjacka Mahala. "The boy was shot in
the right lower leg. He has been operated on in hospital and his
present condition is stable," said Dr. Ivanovic.



BUJANOVAC. In der Region des Dorfes Manjevac, an der
administrativen Grenze zwischen Serbien und Kosovo und
Metochien, wurden am gestrigen Mittwoch drei chinesische
Handgranaten, 42 Schuss des Kalibers 7,9 Millimeter und drei
leere Maschinengewehrmagazine gefunden, heißt es in einer
Meldung des Pressezentrums von Bujanovac. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 7. November 2002 -



BELGRAD. Die Vereinigung der Schriftsteller Serbiens (UKS)
protestierte gestern wegen des barbarischen Angriffs auf die serbische
Schriftstellerin Darinka Jevtic aus Kosovo und Metochien und forderte
Freiheit und Frieden in dieser Region.
Die Schriftstellerin wurde am Samstag in Pristina angegriffen als sie
auf dem Weg zum orthodoxen Friedhof war um Kerzen anzuzünden.
Ethnisch-albanische Bauarbeiter einer in der Nähe gelegen Baustelle
bewarfen sie dabei mit Steinen und Ziegeln. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 7. November 2002 -




KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Nov. 6 (Beta) - The spokesman of the OSCE mission
in Kosovska Mitrovica, Bernard Vrban, stated on Nov. 6 that the Kosovo
Albanian parties have won all seats in the town assembly.
The local assembly has 41 deputies.
Vrban said that election results "have to be respected, whatever they
Other national communities, the Serbs, Bosniacs and Romas, will not
have representatives in the local assembly. The Serbs in northern
Kosovska Mitrovica boycotted the Oct. 26 local elections.
Only 59 of the 8,600 registered Serb voters went to the ballot



Serb refugees attacked by stone-hurling youths
Thu Nov 7, 1:11 PM ET

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia - Stone-hurling youths on Thursday attacked Serb
refugees being escorted by police on a tour of houses and property
they left behind when they fled Kosovo, an official said.
The eight Serbs were attacked by some 25 ethnic Albanians, most of
them in their late teens, in the area of Vitina, some 50 kilometers
(30 miles) east of the province's capital, Pristina, said U.N.
spokesman Andrea Angeli.
A Jordanian officer, among U.N. and local police escorting the group,
was injured by a stone that struck his head, and a Serb refugee was
slightly injured by the shards of a broken car window, Angeli said. A
U.N. police vehicle and a car belonging to a humanitarian organization
were damaged.
Police made one arrest after calming the situation, Angeli added.
The refugees were in the province as part of a U.N.-sponsored
go-and-see program aimed at encouraging those who fled to return.
Some 200,000 Serbs have left the province in war's aftermath in fear
of revenge attacks by majority ethnic Albanians avenging a crackdown
by Serb forces that left thousands of their kin killed. The U.N.
administration running the province has made their return a priority.
Although ethnically motivated incidents have decreased, tensions
between the ethnic Albanian majority and Serb minority persist in the
southern Yugoslav province, which was put under U.N. and NATO control
in mid-1999.

ERP KIM Info-Service
Albanians stoned vehicles with Serbs brought by UMCOR to visit their
homes in the village of Grncar
Three people sustained light injuries

November 7, 2002

Temporarily displaced Serbs from the village of Grncar near Gnjilane
were brought today by the NGO UMCOR * to visit their village in order
to consider the possibility of returning to their homes. They were
accompanied by representatives of UMCOR from Belgrade, Mark Choonoo
and Nenad Ljubicic, the organizers; Sreco Vasic, a representative of
the NGO Voice of Kosovo and Metohija (Glas Kosova i Metohije); and two
moderators, both from Belgrade. After the visit as the convoy of
vehicles transporting the displaced Serbs exited the village they were
met by a group of local Albanians, who pelted the convoy with a shower
of stones. Two vehicles were damaged; two Serbs, Petar Dincic and
Zoran Petrovic, sustained light injuries, as did an UNMIK policeman
who was part of the escort.

* UMCOR = Humanitarian Agency of the United Methodist Church

Ethnic Albanian extremists attack Serbs in Kosovo

KOSOVSKA VITINA, Nov 7 (Tanjug) - About 20 ethnic Albanian extremists
threw stones Thursday in the vicinity of Kosovska Vitina at a group
of eight Kosovo Serbs who had come to inspect their property under
UNMIK police escort. UNMIK spokesman Andre Angelli told Tanjug that
two police officers were injured and one Serb refugee was injured by
glass shards from a broken car window.
Two UNMIK police vehicles and one vehicle of a UN humanitarian
organization were damaged in the attack. UNMIK police intervened and
arrested one possible suspect, Angelli said. The Serbs, who had been
displaced from Kosovo, arrived in the Vitina area from central Serbia
to inspect their homes and to see whether they can return under a
special UN program planned for next year.


DAL 1999

UN police in Kosovo seize 8.5 tons of ammunition

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Nov 9 (AFP) - UN police in Kosovo seized some
230,000 rounds of shotgun ammunition in three separate operations in
the past week, a UN spokesman said Saturday.
Andrea Angeli said the ammunition, weighing up to 8.5 tons, was mostly
manufactured in Serbia, but some of the rounds were also of Italian
"The largest cargo, 185.000 rounds, was found in a truck coming from
southern Serbia into Kosovo," Angeli said. The remaining ammunition
was found in shops in the southern town of Urosevac and eastern town
of Gnjilane.
UN police say no arrests were made since no attempt had been made to
hide the ammunition.
According to Angeli, shotguns were used in most murders committed in
the province in recent months.
The ammunition will be destroyed in Bondsteel, the largest US military
base in Kosovo, in the coming weeks.
In September 140 shotguns were seized by UN border police and Kosovo
custom service after they were found hidden in a Bulgarian-registered
truck entering Kosovo from Macedonia.
Kosovo, a Serbian province mostly populated by ethnic Albanians, has
been under UN and NATO control since June 1999.




TIRANA, Nov 9 (Tanjug) - Albanian Deputy Prime Minister Ilir Meta, who
is also Foreign Minister, has described as "biased all attempts to
include the issue of Kosovo into the preamble of the constitution of
Serbia and Montenegro".
Explaining the Albanian government's position regarding the draft
Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro, in which
Kosovo-Metohija is described as a part of the Republic of Serbia,
Meta told the Albanian news agency ATA that "such a text of the
Constitution is the right of the peoples of these two republics and
their governments to resolve problems linked to their joint future,"
but that this "has no connection whatsoever with the future of



Sprecher der Eparchie von Raska-Prizren meldete, dass 50 Meter von
dem Ort ,an dem vor einem Monat Svetlana Stankovic durch eine
Landmine umgekommen ist, wieder eine Landmiene gefunden worden ist.
Miro Nisic aus dem Ort Klokot hat die Landmine gegen 14 Uhr entdeckt
und sofort die KFOR-Truppen benachrichtigt. Die KFOR-Truppen
blockierten sofort die Straße von Vitina nach Klokot, sie wurde erst
heute Morgen gegen 14.30 für den Verkehr wieder freigegeben.
Balkan-Telegramm, 12. November 2002 -



Steiner says future status of Kosovo remains undecided
BERLIN, Nov 12 (Tanjug) - United Nations civilian mission in Kosovo
UNMIK chief Michael Steiner said in a speech delivered at Berlin's
Humboldt University that the future status of this province is still
It is clear that things will not go back to the way they were before
1999 (when the UNMIK mission began), but there will not be a division
of the province, either, he said. Speaking in Berlin, where he met
today with German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, Steiner did not
specify when Kosovo's status could be decided by a new United Nations
Security Council resolution. No-one could say this at this time, he



Ivanovic, Savic will not attend presidency session
PRISTINA, Nov 12 (Tanjug) - Kosovo-Metohija parliament presidency
members belonging to the Return coalition Oliver Ivanovic and Gojko
Savic will not attend the presidency session on Tuesday, Return whip
Rada Trajkovic told Tanjug.
The coalition is protesting against the Kosovo parliament's adoption
of a declaration on the non-observation of the Constitutional Charter
of the future Serbian-Montenegrin state in Kosovo-Metohija.
Trajkovic said that the coalition would not appear at the next
parliament session on Thursday. She said that this would remain the
coalition's stand until they receive a public apology from parliament
speaker Nexhad Daci, who insulted them during the last parliament
"Mr Daci may voice his stand as an MP, but cannot insult us in the
capacity of parliament speaker," Trajkovic said.



il manifesto - 19 Novembre 2002
Kosovo, distrutte due chiese ortodosse

Due attentati dinamitardi hanno distrutto domenica due chiese serbo
ortodosse in Kosovo. I due attentati (foto di Mario Boccia, chiesa
distrutta a Petric nel 2000), di cui ha riferito Andrea Angeli,
portavoce della missione Onu (Unmik) che amministra pro-tempore la
provincia ancora serba [sic], hanno avuto luogo alla vigilia della
visita del segretario Onu, Kofi Annan, da ieri a Pristina. Alle 6 di
mattina è saltata la chiesa di San Basilio di Ostrog, e poche ore
prima era stata devastata una chiesa a Istok. Il vescovo Artemije ha
denunciato sia la campagna terroristica che ha già distrutto 110
chiese ortodosse, sia
l'incredibile decisione Kfor-Nato di rimuovere i posti di controllo
dai siti ortodossi. E pensare che il governatore Onu Michael Steiner
amareggiato, promette «ricostruzione» e « massima vigilanza».


Albanian extremists blow up two Orthodox Churches in Kosovo

Bishop Artemije: KFOR responsible for church attacks

Visiting damaged Serbian church in Kosovo, UN envoy pledges action
against religious vandalism


PRISTINA,Nov17 (Beta)-Two Serbian Orthodox Christian churches were
demolished in explosions in Kosovo on Nov. 16 and Nov 17. The church
in Djurakovac was heavily damaged, while the other, in Ljubovo Selo,
was completely destroyed, UNMIK spokeswoman Andrea Angeli has told
BETA. No one was injured in the explosions and investigation is in
Since KFOR and UNMIK arrived in the province three and a half
years ago, more than a hundred Serb churches have been destroyed in
Bishop Artemije of the Raska and Prizren diocese said that KFOR
and the international administration were the most responsible for the
latest attacks in Kosovo.
He said that the churches were destroyed because KFOR had stopped
guarding them, claiming that the level of security in Kosovo had
reached an enviable level.
Serb whip in the Kosovo Assembly Rada Trajkovic strongly condemned
the demolition of the two Serb churches and said that the act was the
result of KFOR's tolerance of "Albanian extremism and terrorism."
She told BETA that "Islamic fundamentalism has installed itself in
Kosovo and Metohija and the process of Serb suppression in the
province is not diminishing." She recalled that not a single church
had been destroyed even in WW2.
Coordinating Center for Kosovo chief Nebojsa Covic said that the
security situation in Kosovo had deteriorated and that Belgrade would
call on UNMIK chief Michael Steiner to request that KFOR begin
guarding Serb holy places and provide escorts for Serb pupils living
in enclaves," the Belgrade media reported.
UNMIK chief Steiner who visited the two destroyed churches with
Kosovo Premier Bajram Rexhepi announced that KFOR would consider
stepping up security.



KOSOVSKA VITINA. Albanische Banditen eröffneten gestern Feuer auf
eine serbische Familie, die ihr Feld nahe des Dorfes Vrbovac bei
Kosovska Vitina im östlichen Amselfeld bestellte. Nach ersten
Erkenntnissen gab es keine Verletzten, meldet der Kirchen- und
Volksrat von Gnjilane. STIMME KOSOVOS +++

Balkan-Telegramm, 17. November 2002 -



PRISTINA. Der UN-Generalsekräter Kofi Anan traf heute in Pristina
ein, dem Verwaltungszentrum der von der NATO besetzten serbischen
Provinz Kosovo und Metochien. Anan will die Vertreter der
ethnisch-albanischen "Kosovo-Regierung" treffen. Der italienische
KFOR-General Fabio Mini sagte heute in Pristina, dass die gestern
hochgegangenen Sprengsätze in zwei orthodoxen Kirchen in
Metochien "fachmännisch verlegt worden" sind. Albanische Banditen
sprengten und plünderten rund 140 christliche Kirchen und Klöster
in Kosovo und Metochien seit dem NATO-Einmarsch 1999. Es handelt
sich ausschließlich um orthodoxe Heiligtümer, während die
katholischen Kirchen in der Provinz von der Wut der Gewalttäter
verschont blieben. TANJUG +++

Balkan-Telegramm, 18. November 2002 -




GRACANICA, Nov. 13 (Beta) - The head of the UNMIK office for missing
and abducted persons, Jose Pablo Baraibar, said in Gracanica on Nov.
13, that the investigation being conducted by UNMIK and the Serbian
authorities has so far revealed that currently there are no camps in
the province where Serbs are being held.
During a meeting with representatives of the Association of Families
of the Missing and Abducted in Kosovo, Baraibar said that
"undoubtedly, private prisons and camps did exist in 1999," but he
added that according to the investigation, such camps no longer
Baraibar also said that the UNMIK office had not found any survivors
from the missing list, adding that so far, 4,800 bodies had been
exhumed in the province, of which 2,500 still had to be identified.
He stressed that investigation results have so far revealed that out
of 171 bodies discovered in the past three months, 35 belonged to
Baraibar also said that the search for missing persons would continue
in Kosovo and outside its borders.
The members of families of the missing and abducted Serbs have
fiercely criticized the hitherto results of the investigation. The
association requested that UNMIK and KFOR members be held accountable,
since the largest number of Serbs disappeared after their deployment
in the province in 1999. The association has a list of 1,944 missing



Annan meets with family representatives of missing persons in Kosovo

BELGRADE, Nov 20 (Tanjug) - United Nations Secretary-General Kofi
Annan met in Belgrade late Tuesday, at Yugoslav President Vojislav
Kostunica's request, with a delegation of family members of missing
persons in Kosovo-Metohija. Delegation member Simo Spasic told
reporters the meeting the family members "have been waiting for three
years" lasted ten minutes only.
"Are the lives of 1,300 people worth this much?" asked Spasic, adding
that the U.N. Secretary-General was offered a list of names of 300
"kidnappers", including the names of Kosovo Albanian community
leaders and former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army Hasim Taci
and Agim Ceku.
"It seems to me that they are more worried about the cooperation with
The Hague than about our tragedy," said Spasic, expressing his
dissatisfaction with the meeting with Annan, who had, according to
Spasic, expressed his regrets over the disappearance of Serbs, and
members of all other nationalities during the armed conflicts in the

=== appendice ===

THE SPECTATOR (UK), Saturday, November 9, 2002 FEATURES

The black hole of Europe

Andrew Sutton on the miseries, corruption and human-rights abuses in
Kosovo, the UN's first-ever protectorate - Pristina

I reached what remained of the fire-ravaged train just as the downpour
started. Inside, two burly Kosovar Albanian railwaymen in orange
boiler suits sat on a twisted iron spar, smoking and sheltering from
the weather.
Before the war, this train took Serb men from their village to the
quarry where they mined for coal. Then, one day, KLA fighters prised
away a section of track near the northern town of Vushtrri, sending
the train down an embankment. The workers survived the wreck, but
snipers lay in wait.
'Some of them escaped,' one of the railwaymen said, and swore
Such are the levels of seething hatred still present in Kosovo. When
the United Nations arrived in 1999, it took on a province ravaged by
Milosevic's forces, and with an infrastructure bombed to rubble. The
job was never going to be easy, and, recognising that more was
required than the usual complement of peacekeepers, advisers and
itinerant statesmen, the UN took a momentous step: Kosovo became its
first-ever protectorate, a nation adopted by 185 parents.
Three years on, it is hard to find anyone, either local or
'international', in this wretched province who has a good word to say
about the organisation.
And it is not just the well-documented corruption and bungling that
have led some of Kosovo's graffiti-writers to daub anti-UN slogans
where once they scrawled fulsome thanks. Many of the province's
sorrows result from deliberate policies of the United Nations Mission
in Kosovo (Unmik); policies designed by technocrats for politicians.
Take an alarming example from the Unmik police. The 49-nation force
was cobbled together to show the locals how it's done, but the
trouble is, not all the boys in blue berets seem to know how it's done
'You have people coming from some countries who don't know what it
means to really police. They haven't done it themselves. They get
here and they pass the testing,' said one officer, who asked not to be
named. 'Very few people are rejected, very few.' Never mind that some
of these policemen have never driven in their jobs before, or have
never worked in a city, or barely speak English (let alone Albanian).
It would be politically inconvenient to set the standard too high -
what if people were to start failing to reach it?
Worse, what if it turned out that some countries' police are better
trained than others? In the minds of the UN functionaries who set the
rules, these perils are terrifying. If in doubt, give the officer his
gun and hope for the best.
This policy has had consequences: recently a six-year-old girl and her
older brother were killed here, knocked down by a Ghanaian policeman
who lost control while driving his high-powered police car at more
than twice the speed limit. A short walk from Pristina's tiny airport,
there is a chilling sight. Behind a thin chain-link fence, row upon
row of wrecked red-and-white Toyotas bear tragic witness to the fact
that such accidents are not rare.
The car lot is only one of the many dirty secrets created by Unmik's
love of policy that is made for show. Last month the BBC Radio Four
programme Face the Facts reported on the unexploded ordnance that
still litters parts of Kosovo. The UN established a new acronym,
staffed it with bureaucrats and decided that the province would be
safe by 31 December 2001. Sure enough, when that day came, experts
from all mine-clearance charities were ordered to stop work, and the
UN declared the land 'pristine'. It was a convenient lie, and it has
ensured civilian deaths for many years to come.
Kosovo was meant to be a showcase of the world's governments working
together as equals to sow peace and goodwill, but the view from the
ground is very different. The Kosovo people have long harboured a
suspicion that Unmik is not here to help them, but to serve the UN's
own political imperatives. Stick together at all costs, Unmik's motto
became, whether it's working or not. That fatal car went, presumably,
to Unmik's mechanical graveyard. The driver was released after two
weeks in custody.
Migjen Kelmendi, a respected Kosovar intellectual turned newspaper
editor, concedes that many locals still hold unrealistic expectations
of Unmik, but he pleads for the officials to come down from 'their
towers'. 'We have never lived in a democracy - we don't know how it
looks. We need an interpreter to tell us how it looks in a normal
Western country,' he says.
But this is a very distorted vision of what a Western country should
look like. Three years after the UN set up shop here, unemployment
stands at 57 per cent and corruption is rife. Last month the head of
Kosovo's 'Ombudsperson' institution, Marek Antoni Nowicki, warned of
a human-rights 'black hole' opening up in Europe's backyard. In
private, his deputy, Donna Gomien, accuses the UN of indifference
towards human-rights abuses perpetrated by its own staff; of
effectively allowing personnel accused of brutality to shield behind a
wall of official silence. Cases are dealt with as internal
disciplinary matters, names are not divulged, and any disciplinary
action that is taken remains secret, even from the Ombudsperson
whose role it is to monitor abuses of authority.
'We have people coming in here saying, "I got beaten up by this guy
from Oklahoma who kept saying, 'I'm immune, I'm immune, you can't do
anything to me,' while he was breaking his teeth and his ribs,"' says
Ms Gomien. While cases such as that are rare, no provision for redress
exists for the victims of any Unmik or Nato agency or agent. 'These
people have nothing and they're told, "Sure you can have civil
restitution - go to Ohio or Islamabad, jurisdiction rests there now,
and, by the way, have you found an Urdu-speaking lawyer?"'
There are, of course, many dedicated and competent people within Unmik
and numerous other agencies and charities which are working hard for a
better Kosovo. People who travel thousands of miles from their
families to a land of power-cuts and water shortages. Their efforts -
and, of course, those of the Kosovo people - are helping to put the
province back on its feet.
But the lure of an 'international' salary, which can exceed that of a
US senator, ensures that many people come here for the wrong motives.
Those who are trying to build a better Kosovo often find themselves
hindered at every turn by Unmik's perverse bureaucratic practices. 'UN
volunteers are the hardest workers ...they are young, exuberant people
who really want to make a difference, so they are always working
hard,' says Eleanor Beardsley, a press officer. They are often
assigned the grimmest and most dangerous jobs, such as working in a
morgue at constant risk of HIV infection. But Unmik's best people can
never be promoted because they are not allowed to compete for jobs
held by a salaried official.
Migjen Kelmendi sums up the situation perfectly: 'We really need
participation and help of the international community, [but] it looks
as if they are bunkering themselves within their own reality. They are
starting to create a castle of their own.' Unlike the deaths of the
Serb workers, the fate of Kosovar people injured or killed by reckless
police, uncleared mines or an enraged soldier is the result not of
bloody vengeance, but of the studied indifference of bureaucrats who
refuse to see past their own utopian
'realities'. The UN has amply demonstrated that you do not need to pay
peanuts to get the three monkeys.


Il movimento di opposizione all'ingresso nella NATO, in Slovenia, sta
crescendo (1). E' un risveglio che fa ben sperare, anche per le
implicazioni che puo' avere, nel segno della pace, su tutta l'area
limitrofa e su quella balcanica in particolare, interessata non solo
dalle spinte per l'allargamento formale della Alleanza Atlantica, ma
anche, in questi ultimi, purtroppo da operazioni di guerra effettiva
condotte dalla NATO, nonche' da insediamenti militari NATO sempre piu'

Parte integrante del movimento contro la NATO sono 188 intellettuali -
artisti, ricercatori scientifici, saggisti - firmatari di un documento
che chiede che l'eventuale adesione alla Alleanza sia sottoposta ad un
referendum popolare (2).
L'esito di un tale referendum sarebbe tutt'altro che scontato.
Infatti, le forze indipendentiste in Slovenia si sono si' avvalse
della NATO per secedere dalla Repubblica Federativa Socialista di
Jugoslavia, dando cosi' il via alla guerra fratricida, ma - anche
laddove la nostalgia per il passato jugoslavo non arrivi ad incidere
politicamente - per la piccola Repubblica, continuamente e
storicamente sottoposta a pressioni e rivendicazioni ignobili dai
paesi vicini, l'indipendenza reale e' una chimera da ricercare in
continuazione. In particolare in questa fase, internazionalmente cosi'
difficile, la Slovenia puo' riuscire ad allargare il proprio spazio
autonomo di manovra giocando nella contesa, sempre piu' esplicita ed
aspra, tra Europa e Stati Uniti d'America.

Mentre scriviamo non sappiamo se tra i firmatari del documento "dei
188" c'e' anche Slavoj Zizek, il "filosofo di formazione
hegelian-lacaniana, da anni in movimento perenne fra l'università di
Lubiana e i campus americani", caro alla sinistra dei "movimenti" e
specialmente al "Manifesto" (3). Saremmo curiosi di saperlo. In
passato ci e' sembrato di poter annoverare Zizek tra quegli
intellettuali e accademici (post? ex? anti?) jugoslavi che con la
distruzione del loro paese hanno fatto, piu' o meno cinicamente,
carriera. Lontano dal marxismo di qualsivoglia scuola, Zizek si e'
impegnato in questi anni in una decostruzione (ulteriore) del marxismo
stesso come di ogni "pensiero forte" e nella solita critica, ossessiva
e fuori tempo massimo, ai sistemi del "socialismo reale". A differenza
del piu' noto Predrag Matvejevic - che e' piuttosto legato
all'ambiente letterario e post-sessantottino francese - Zizek
predilige la cultura statunitense, attinge dalla psicanalisi
intellettualistica di Lacan ed usa "preferibilmente i testi della
cultura di massa, e il cinema in particolare (non parla di nulla senza
portare a sostegno di quello che dice un paio di film, «e qualche
volta non li ho neanche visti per intero», ride) come canale di
scorrimento fra una dimensione e l'altra".

Nell'intervista rilasciata pochi giorni fa ad Ida Dominijanni, Zizek
mostra pero' una attenzione ed una verve critica che fanno ben
sperare. E' per questo che ci piacerebbe vederlo tra i firmatari
dell'appello di cui sopra (chissa'?). Non stonerebbe affatto, una sua
firma, con la sua analisi della guerra contemporanea (dopo l'11
settembre): "una guerra motivata da ragioni classicamente economiche,
il petrolio del Caspio, e geopolitiche, la ridefinizione del rapporto
fra Stati uniti e Arabia Saudita". Si accenna ai bombardamenti
sull'Afghanistan, ed a quelli sull'Iraq. Giustamente si nega che il
problema all'ordine del giorno sia lo "scontro tra civilta'":
piuttosto, "lo scontro passa all'interno di ciascuna civiltà".

Il problema e' che, nell'intervista, non si parla della guerra in
Strano: possibile che un intellettuale sloveno abbia rimosso cosi'
presto, confinato in qualche baratro della coscienza, i bombardamenti
sulle industrie chimiche della Serbia (1999), o le sparatorie attorno
alle caserme federali, proprio in Slovenia (1991), o lo stillicidio di
vittime del terrorismo di ispirazione nazionalista in Kosovo e
Macedonia (adesso)?
"Dobbiamo lottare contro il terrorismo, ma riformulando e allargando
la sua definizione, in modo da includervi anche alcune azioni
americane e di altre potenze occidentali", dice Zizek. D'accordo,
purche' questo saggio criterio venga applicato incominciando dalla
propria realta'. Per esempio, firmando l'appello "dei 188".

Altrimenti, l'esito logico delle giuste considerazioni di Zizek rimane
debole ed ambiguo. "Cosa resta allora? «L'Europa. Invece che discutere
dello scontro di civiltà fra Occidente e Islam, dobbiamo lavorare a
approfondire il conflitto che sulla guerra in Iraq si sta già
delineando fra modello americano e modello europeo.» E si ritorna a
quanto sopra: in questa fase internazionalmente cosi' difficile,
l'intellettuale sloveno - anziche' approfittarne per marcare uno
spazio autonomo - rischia di schierarsi, nella contesa sempre piu'
esplicita ed aspra che oppone Europa e Stati Uniti d'America, dalla
parte dell'Europa. Potrebbe persino andar bene: purche' si affronti il
problema della NATO e del nazionalismo che - grazie alla
sponsorizzazione della NATO - ha "etnicamente" smembrato il proprio

(Italo Slavo)

=== NOTE ===

(1) "Resistance against NATO in Slovenia"

Vai a:



BELGRADE, November 19 /from RIA Novosti's Aleksandr Slabynko/ -
Prominent figures of Slovenia's intellectual community - writers,
artists, scientists, public activists - have demanded that the
national parliament hold a referendum should the upcoming NATO summit
in Prague invite the country to join the Alliance.
The relative statement, which was signed by 188 prominent cultural and
scientific figures, demands that the government arrange the referendum
and a thorough, open and competent discussion of all the positive and
negative consequences Slovenia is going to face if it joins NATO.
The intelligentsia believes the arguments in favour of the NATO
membership the government had offered were not sound enough and
resulted in a greater number of those sceptical about the prospect.
Professor Kovacevic believes the government will have a tough time
trying to convince the nation to support NATO.
There are fierce opponents to the entry to NATO among those who signed
the statement. Darij Zadnikar, a professor of philosophy at Ljubljana
University, qualified the political elite's assertion that the NATO
membership means "joining the world" as dangerous manipulation of
public opinion.
The scientists and men in the arts urge the national vote on the entry
to NATO should take place simultaneously with a referendum on
Slovenia's admission to the European Union, due as early as in March,
2003, according to unofficial reports. Slovenia is a claimant for the
EU membership along with Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta,
Poland, Slovakia, Czechia and Estonia.

© 2001 RIA Novosti

(3) "Il manifesto" del 16 Novembre 2002: "La messa in scena della

«L'11 settembre ha messo a nudo la fragilità del mondo in cui viviamo
e i limiti della cultura liberal e radical americana». Un incontro con
il filosofo sloveno Slavoj Zizek - IDA DOMINIJANNI


Il parlamento della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia ha abolito il 18
novembre u.s. (2002) la festa nazionale, che dal 1945 si festeggiava il
29 novembre. Il passo era stato deciso da piu' di un anno dai
partiti della destra di governo, per rompere ogni legame simbolico con
la tradizione antifascista del paese e compiacere cosi' i paesi della

Il 29 novembre 1943, nell'apice della guerra partigiana, a Jajce in
Bosnia-Erzegovina il Consiglio Antifascista di Liberazione Nazionale
della Jugoslavia (AVNOJ) proclamava la nascita della Jugoslavia libera,
socialista e multinazionale.

Nonostante la secessione di Croazia, Slovenia, Bosnia e Macedonia e la
costituzione nel 1992 della attuale Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia
(Serbia e Montenegro), il governo delle sinistre guidato da Slobodan
Milosevic aveva optato per il mantenimento di quella festivita', come
segno di continuita' con la tradizione partigiana. Non a caso, contro
l'abolizione della Festa della Repubblica hanno votato solamente il
Partito socialista (Sps) di Milosevic e la Jul (sinistra jugoslava) di
Mira Markovic, nonche' il Partito radicale serbo (Srs) del nazionalista
Vojislav Seselj, che ha partecipato al governo di unita' nazionale fino
al 2000 ed e' tuttora alleato delle sinistre nella competizione
elettorale per l'elezione del Presidente della Serbia.

(A cura di I.S. - Fonte: ANSA 18/11/2002 - )


Dopo il ricovero in ospedale di uno degli studenti della facolta' di
legge dell'universita' di Belgrado scesi in sciopero della fame, il 13
novembre l'estrema protesta e' stata sospesa. Gli studenti - che in
precedenza avevano anche trattenuto per alcune ore il ministro della
pubblica istruzione contro l'aumento delle spese per lo studio,
decuplicate rispetto agli anni precedenti - hanno comunque
sottolineato che non intendono arrendersi.

Nel frattempo, dall'ufficio di collocamento della Serbia giunge la
notizia che il numero ufficiale dei disoccupati nel paese ha raggiunto
gli 890.000 lavoratori su una popolazione totale di 7,5 milioni di
abitanti. Negli ultimi 12 mesi altre 100.000 persone si sono infatti
unite all'esercito dei disoccupati, con un incremento del 14,5 %.
Oltre la meta' dei senza lavoro sono donne, e circa un terzo sono
persone con basso livello scolastico.

La gravissima situazione sociale in Serbia, dovuta alle politiche
ultraliberiste del regime, viene perfettamente ignorata dalla
"sinistra" italiana, che avendo appoggiato la "svolta"
filo-occidentale dell'ottobre 2000 ed e' ora costretta a tacere sulle
attuali condizioni di vita in quel paese.

(A cura di I.S., fonte ANSA: )


La competenza trasferita da Bari a Genova (ANSA 5/11/2002)
Il suo giornale aveva rivelato dettagli del contrabbando di sigarette,
chiamando in causa il presidente Djukanovic. Nel frattempo, altri
organi di stampa difendono "a spada tratta" il Presidente ed i
contrabbandieri (ANSA 18 e 20/11/2002)
Djukanovic preferisce la poltrona di premier; le opposizioni non hanno
altre chances che il boicottaggio (ANSA 15 e 19/11/2002)

Contrabbando, indagato il presidente del Montenegro. La Dda di Bari:
Djukanovic non ha l´immunità (La Stampa 30/5/2002)
Centinaia di mazzette con contrassegno diplomatico versate in Svizzera
e a Cipro (Barisera 30/5/2002)
(Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 30/5/2002)