

Viaggio del luglio 2002
(resoconto di viaggio a cura di un compagno del gruppo ZASTAVA
Trieste - zastavatrieste@...)

Vi inviamo i primi materiali sul viaggio appena concluso alla
Zastava di Kragujevac per consegnare le adozioni a
Per i titolari delle nuove adozioni stiamo procedendo ad
organizzare la spedizione delle schede relative ai bambini

Il pullmino e' partito il 5 luglio al mattino da Firenze
raccogliendo altri per la strada. Alla fine la delegazione era
formata da 5 compagni: Alma del coordinamento RSU,
Enrico dell'associazione SOS Jugoslavia di Torino, Gilberto
del gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste, Marina di Milano e Marvida di
Trieste. Il pullmino era ovviamente carico fino al
limite di scatole di aiuti, soprattutto alimentari. Ricordiamo
che le spese di viaggio sono state direttamente sostenute
dai partecipanti, senza alcuno storno dai fondi ricevuti per
le quote di adozione a distanza da distribuire in questa
occasione (come del resto in tutti i precedenti viaggi effettuati).

Siamo arrivati a Kragujevac alle 6 del mattino di sabato, senza
alcun problema durante il viaggio, ad eccezione di una multa in
Slovenia e una lunga deviazione su strade secondarie per
evitare un'attesa di molte ore alla principale frontiera croato-
jugoslava, dovuta ad una interminabile coda di camion. Dopo
un primo incontro con i compagni della Zastava, abbiamo nel
pomeriggio visitato due delle famiglie adottate. In una di queste
(di nuova adozione) abbiamo potuto verificare con mano gli
effetti nefasti sulle condizioni materiali di vita dei lavoratori
jugoslavi e delle loro famiglie del nuovo corso in
atto dall'ottobre del 2000: di fronte a patologie gravi del
padre e di una delle figlie la sanita' pubblica si lava le mani e
costringe al reperimento sul mercato libero delle medicine
necessarie; poiche' i soldi sono pochissimi questa gente e'
costretta ad acquistare i medicinali al mercato nero, senza
alcuna garanzia rispetto alle date di scadenza dei farmaci
ne' al loro contenuto. I farmaci sono venduti sfusi!

Il 7 luglio domenica e' stata convocata l'assemblea dei
lavoratori e delle loro famiglie per la consegna delle adozioni
a distanza. Ne sono state consegnate circa 80, suddivise tra
alcune in corso, molti rinnovi e 12 del tutto nuove, provenienti
da lavoratori italiani che fanno riferimento alle tre associazioni
che partecipavano al viaggio. Durante l'assemblea c'e' stato
il solito scambio di regali tra famiglie italiane e jugoslave e
viceversa. Tra l'altro tanti mazzi di fiori - che al ritorno in Italia
sono stati depositati davanti al monumento ai caduti della lotta
di Liberazione di Opicina (Trieste).
Nel pomeriggio di domenica siamo ripartiti per l'Italia,
arrivando alla frontiera di Fernetti alle 2 di notte.

Le informazioni che abbiamo ricevuto dai compagni del Sindacato
autonomo Zastava relativamente ai numeri di lavoratori ancora
occupati, in cassa integrazione o licenziati e sui livelli salariali
non si discostano significativamente da quelle gia' riportate nella
relazione del viaggio di circa tre mesi fa (meta' marzo 2002).

Chi fosse interessato puo' trovare le relazioni relative a quel
viaggio sul sito del coordinamento delle RSU, all'indirizzo:
seguendo poi il link:
Solidarietà con i lavoratori della Jugoslavia
e specificatamente il documento

oppure sul sito del gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste all'indirizzo
e specificatamente il documento:

Quello che abbiamo potuto verificare è un peggioramento continuo
della situazione materiale in cui versano le famiglie in relazione ad
un continuo inarrestabile aumento dei prezzi, soprattutto delle
tariffe dell'elettricita', di cui si sta discutendo un ulteriore aumento
del 50%, ma anche una tenuta della capacità di iniziativa da parte
del sindacato in difesa dei diritti dei lavoratori e per conquistare
prospettive produttive per la fabbrica.

La grande difficolta' dei lavoratori rispetto alle forniture di
servizi essenziali (soprattutto l'elettricita') risiede nel fatto che
l'attuale Governo aveva promesso una sanatoria rispetto alle
bollette non pagate nel passato; ora invece passa all'incasso
di cifre astronomiche relativamente ai redditi disponibili, e per
chi non paga sono pronte le forbici.

Per quanto riguarda la scuola, una volta sostanzialmente
gratuita, sono state introdotte tasse di iscrizione che nulla
hanno da invidiare alle nostre; e' tutto un proliferare di nuove
scuole e Universita' private; si nega cosi' l'accesso
all'istruzione superiore ad un popolo che vantava in passato
un altissimo tasso di scolarita'.

Lo sfuttamento dei lavoratori licenziati o con redditi
bassissimi ricorda i padroni delle ferriere. Durante l'assemblea
abbiamo saputo che molti lavoratori licenziati sono impegnati
nella raccolta della frutta (la regione di Kragujevac ha una
florida agricoltura) con paghe da fame: 5 euro al giorno per
12 ore di lavoro. Si attendono ora gli imprenditori-avvoltoi
europei che installeranno i loro capannoni di produzioni decentrate
con salari da fame e senza diritti. Ricordiamo a questo proposito
cio' che e' successo nel bacino industriale di Timisnoara in
Romania: gli industriali tessili e conciari provenienti soprattutto
dalla provincia di Treviso hanno decentrato le loro produzioni
e sfruttano fino all'inverosimile piu' di 100.000 lavoratori in
quella regione, con salari vergognosi e senza alcun diritto

Non possiamo e non dobbiamo lasciare soli, abbandonati e
invisibili, i lavoratori jugoslavi e le loro famiglie.
Dobbiamo intensificare i nostri sforzi affinche' giunga a loro
la nostra solidarieta' e fratellanza materiale e politica.


Intervento, a nome del coordinamento RSU,
associazione SOS Jugoslavia di Torino
e gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste
fatto da Gilberto Vlaic di ZASTAVA Trieste all'assemblea dei
lavoratori della Zastava, tenutasi il 7 luglio 2002 in occasione
della consegna delle adozioni a distanza raccolte a favore
delle famiglie dei lavoratori tutt'ora senza lavoro e senza salario
a causa dei bombardamenti delle fabbriche della Jugoslavia.

Cari lavoratori della Zastava, porto a voi, alle vostre famiglie
e ai vostri figli i piu' calorosi saluti del coordinamento RSU, della
associazione SOS Jugoslavia di Torino, del gruppo ZASTAVA di
Trieste e di tutte le famiglie italiane coinvolte in questa grande e
bellissima esperienza di solidarieta' e fratellanza.

Vorrei iniziare questo breve intervento con alcune osservazioni
Per me questo e' il terzo viaggio; il primo, nel marzo del 2001,
coincise con l'anniversario dell'aggressione della NATO, di cui
purtroppo il mio Paese fa parte.
Io pensavo che la fortissima emozione che provai in quel primo
incontro con voi sarebbe diminuita nei viaggi successivi, e
invece devo confessarvi che non e' cosi'.
Mi erano chiari i gravissimi problemi che l'aggressione della
NATO aveva creato, le lacerazioni del diritto nazionale ed
internazionale che venivano compiute; mi erano chiari i
veri motivi economici e politici che stavano dietro quell'
aggressione, ma mi mancava la conoscenza diretta di
voi, persone in carne ed ossa, mi mancavano le
cose che raccontano i vostri figli nelle loro lettere alle
famiglie italiane; l'emozione del primo viaggio e' ben poca
cosa rispetto a quella attuale.
Mi sento di aver lasciato a Kragujevac, qui tra voi, un pezzo di
me stesso, un pezzo del mio cuore.

Io credo che questi nostri incontri rappresentino uno dei punti
piu' alti della solidarieta' internazionalista tra i lavoratori, uno
dei migliori esempi della fraternita' tra i popoli.
E malgrado siano ormai passati tre anni da quella aggressione,
molti lavoratori, molti cittadini italiani non hanno dimenticato e non
vogliono dimenticare. La nostra presenza qui oggi ne e' la
testimonianza concreta.

In questo viaggio portiamo molti rinnovi di sostegno a distanza,
provenienti dalle citta' di Torino, Roma, Padova, Milano,
Trieste, Bari, Lodi,e alcuni nuovi realizzati nelle stesse citta'.
Avevamo ricevuto ad aprile un accorato appello di Rajka Veljovic
con la descrizione della situazione sempre piu' difficile in cui versa
la Jugoslavia, ed in particolare le grandi citta' operaie come la
Nel suo messaggio Rajka scriveva tra le altre cose:
"Il sostegno a distanza, oltre ad essere un aiuto economico
prezioso, ha un significato forte anche come appoggio morale
ai nostri bambini ed al nostro popolo. Di non sentirsi soli, isolati
ed abbandonati."

Cari lavoratori, e voi bambine e bambini, ragazze e ragazzi che
siete i destinatari di questi sostegni, statene pur certi: sarete
sempre presenti nei nostri pensieri e lavoreremo affinche' la
solidarieta' materiale non venga a mancare in futuro.

Sappiamo bene che l'aggressione che avete subito mirava a
cancellare l'ultimo Stato balcanico non "allineato"
economicamente, politicamente, culturalmente e
ideologicamente, alla "globalizzazione".
Sappiamo bene che le gravi difficolta' che voi come lavoratori
jugoslavi incontrate attualmente nel vostro Paese sono
principalmente dovute a fattori economici e politici internazionali,
prime fra tutti le ricette ultra-liberiste del Fondo Monetario
Internazionale, ma sappiamo anche che sono causate da
politiche interne nazionali che non vanno certo nella direzione
della difesa dei diritti e delle condizioni materiali di vita dei
lavoratori, ma che pongono il profitto e gli interessi del capitale
sopra a tutto. Le vostre lotte contro la nuova legge sul lavoro lo

Anche noi, come lavoratori italiani, abbiamo i nostri problemi.
Un vento di destra sta soffiando in Europa, e particolarmente in
Italia. Da un anno abbiamo un governo che ha al centro del suo
programma la sconfitta dei lavoratori italiani e la distruzione
dei nostri diritti: il diritto al lavoro, ad una scuola e ad una
sanita' pubbliche dignitose, il diritto ad una giusta pensione.

Un attacco feroce viene portato ai diritti degli immigrati, che
vengono considerati tutti come criminali; e' stata recentemente
varata una nuova legge per cui gli immigrati perdono anche la
dignita' di persone e vengono trattati come sola merce-lavoro.
E' in atto un tentativo di imbavagliare i mezzi di informazione
e di asservire la magistratura al potere governativo.

Contro queste cose stiamo lottando: il 23 marzo scorso a Roma
eravamo in 3 milioni in una manifestazione indetta dalla CGIL;
il 16 aprile abbiamo fatto uno sciopero generale nazionale di 8
ore che ha paralizzato il Paese.
Altri scioperi sono in corso.

Purtroppo alcune frange sindacali, che non hanno il concetto di
uguaglianza, solidarieta' e fratellanza tra i lavoratori come
primo fondamentale punto della loro azione, stanno trattando
con il Governo la riduzione dei nostri diritti.

Siate vicini a noi nella nostra lotta, cosi' come noi siamo e
saremo vicini alla vostra.

E' questo il vero senso dell'internazionalismo dei lavoratori:
il mondo non si divide in Italiani, Jugoslavi ecc., ma si divide
in lavoratori e padroni, in chi rivendica la giustizia sociale e
chi pone il profitto capitalista sopra tutto.
E' solo attraveso la solidarieta' internazionalista tra
lavoratori che riusciremo a sconfiggere l'imperialismo, che
sta seminando tanti lutti e guerre nel mondo, dalla Jugoslavia
all'Afghanistan, dall'America Latina alla Palestina, dove un
popolo senza terra viene massacrato dall'imperialismo sionista,
con l'accordo degli imperialismi statunitense ed europeo.

Un abbraccio a tutti voi.

Kragujevac, 7 luglio 2002


Former CIA Spook Promotes Legitimating of Ethnic Cleansing in Favor of
Some Balkans Peoples

Voice of America informed that Steven Meyer, former-deputy chief of
CIA's Balkans department, proclaimed that border changes in the Balkans
should not be a taboo at his lecture on the Impact of U.S. Policy on the
Balkans held on June 19 at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Meyer, who allegedly left CIA, has worked as a professor at the
Department of Political Science, Industrial College of the Armed Forces,
National Defense University for the last two years. He stated that the
errors of American foreign policy can be changed by redefinition of the
borders. He called for a new congress of Berlin, akin to the one of
1878, but now, the people of the region should take part in the changes,
alongside the Great Powers. According to VOA, Meyer favors new borders
which go alongside the "ethnic reality."
Considering the source, this comes as no surprise, since the CIA has
been quite involved in creating the new "ethnic reality" at the Balkans,
through support of ethnic cleansing committed by its proxy armies: the
refugee exodus of Serbs from Croatia in 1995, the cementing of the
internal borders of divided Bosnia & Herzegovina, forged through covert
influx of Iranian and U.S. arms, the ethnic cleansing of non-Albanians
from Kosovo by CIA-created KLA, and the same "reality" in Western
Macedonia, result of KLA's sister-organization NLA.
According to VOA, Meyer explained that "there's nothing wrong with
multiethnic communities," but only for those who like that kind of
association. For the others, comes his solution, which should take place
in the "Serbian Republic (Republika Srpska - Serbian part of Bosnia),
Serbia, Macedonia, Herceg-Bosnia (Croatian part of Bosnia) and some
other parts" of former Yugoslavia.
When VOA asked him whether his suggesting a division of Macedonia, he
answered that the borders should be rearranged, and that Macedonia's
survival should become an open question. Meyer advocates that the U.S.A.
should remain in the Balkans to deter the threat of Islamic terrorism,
citing the following examples: Bosnian passports given to Al-qaeda
members [by U.S. supported Muslim government], Trebosh massacre of
Macedonian policemen committed by [U.S. supported] NLA, Rashanski Lozja
incident where the Macedonian police shot seven South Asians, and the
Islamic influence over KLA [the main beneficiary of the NATO bombing
campaign against F.R. Yugoslavia and the subsequent occupation of
The former spook overlord warned that the Balkans may become a transit
route for terrorism, so the U.S.A. should deal only with it, and stop
with actions aimed at democratization of the region. Also, some of the
former actions' main purpose was to boost NATO's credibility.

Editorial comment:

This VOA report came over their Macedonian-language e-mail bulletin, and
did not even appear in the Macedonian section of the VOA web site (the
search of the English version also does not retrieve it). Unavailable to
the U.S. public, seems more like this infomercial is someone's message,
part of preparation of the terrain for upcoming activities. Of course,
such activities are preventable. Those who desire the destruction of
democracy would not put so much effort into persuading people in the
inevitability of theirfavored outcome if it would have been so certain.

Data: 17/07/2002 23:39
Da: Vladimir Krsljanin


From FREEDOM Association:

Consilium of medical experts appointed by "ICTY", in presence of the
long time personal doctor of President Milosevic, colonel Zdravko
Mijailovic, made on Tuesday afternoon a routine check-up of the
President's health.
They measured blood pressure of 120/200 mmHg!
Despite their findings, the "trial" resumed today.
After another strong appeal from the Yugoslav Committee (see below),
only today Afternoon, the "court" accepted doctors' advises and decided
that, due to the need to change the (practically unexisting) therapy and
to make additional check-ups and laboratory analyses, the "accused"
shell not appear in the "court" for at least next two days, until
further notice.
About two weeks ago, after the second break in the "trial", due to "flu"
(diagnosis of the prison doctor) which lasted this time two weeks, the
"trial chamber" issued an order to the "registry" to organize a
consilium check-up and to report the results. This decision was made
after many appeals from Yugoslavia and from abroad. After that,
additional efforts and appeals have been made to include in the
consilium at least one of Yugoslav doctors. "Tribunal" finally agreed
that consilium check-ups can be made in the presence of President's long
time personal doctor, colonel Zdravko Mijailovic, head of the
Cardio-vascular Clinic of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.
We still follow the developments, with lot of worry.
It is obvious that the prison conditions, lack of medical care and
inhuman conditions and length of the "trial", produced worsening of the
health of President Milosevic and increased risks.
Let us further act against this show-trial and its dangerous



Our today's message to the "Tribunal":

July 17, 2002

- Mr. Claude Jorda, President, ICTY
- Mr. Richard May, President, Trial Chamber
- Mr. Hans Holthius, Registrar, ICTY


State of health of President Slobodan Milosevic requires an urgent

Dear Sirs,
Our information about the yesterday's medical examination of the state
of health of President Milosevic, made by the medical experts' team
appointed by ICTY Registry on the order of Trial Chamber, unfortunately
confirms our previous knowledge and our suspicions that the general
conditions in which President Milosevic is forced to live, without the
proper medical care, combined with inhuman length and conditions of the
ICTY proceedings, produce worsening of the President Milosevic's state
of health and to the dramatic level increases risks for his life.
We can not understand that the result of yesterday's examination has not
yet produced any action from your side. Our duty is to warn you once
again that denial of proper medical care for a person in such condition
is a matter of criminal responsibility.
In that respect, when a human life is at stake, no bureaucratic
negligence can be an excuse for absence of proper and urgent action.
Particularly since the Freedom Association has already been warning you
several times about this situation which is one of the worst and most
serious forms of violations of human rights. We can not avoid the
impression that this might be an intentional practice of ICTY. For this,
we refer particularly to our letter Nos. 18-21/2002 of March 27, 2002,
addressed to President of ICTY, III Trial Chamber, Chief of Prosecutors
and Amici Curiae, with whole appropriate medical documentation enclosed.
Our last warning (Letter No.45/2002) was sent to Judges Mr. Jorda and
Mr. May, as well as to the Registrar Mr. Holthius, on June 18, 2002.
We enclose this time again the same medical documentation, already sent
to you with our March 27 letter.
We appeal in strongest terms that measures to protect a human life have
to be taken without any further delay.

Yours sincerely,

Bogoljub Bjelica,
Chairman of the Citizen Association "FREEDOM"

Our March 30 appeal:



Level of health protection in former Nazi prison in the Hague is the
same like in Nazi concentration camps (two prisoners already dyed due to
lack of medical care)!
60-year old president Milosevic with malignant hypertension and specific
form of angina pectoris in an endless "trial" every day whole day is
treated by aspirins, when he got a flu (according to prison doctor -
general practician) with more then 10 days of high temperature!
He is under total life risk in such circumstances, say medical experts
of Belgrade University!
He needs urgent check-up by medical specialists, which NATO "tribunal"
prohibits up to now!
After the "tribunal's" negative answer to first such initiative, Freedom
Association sends the following letter (with medical documentation
enclosed) to "judges", "prosecution" and "amici curiae" of the now-days
Gestapo (in accordance with their "rules"), warning them about the
criminal responsibility:

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
To the III Trial Chamber

Your Excellencies,
Bearing in mind the intensive dynamic of the so-called trial, to which
President Slobodan Milosevic is exposed from day to day, we must warn
you that you carry the responsibility for his health and life.
Since you are evidently not enough informed with the general, but with
the current as well, state of health of President Milosevic, and since,
no matter of his illness, you do not show interest enough for the
improvement of his health, that is the reason why we are compelled, as
National Committee for liberation of Slobodan Milosevic, towarn you
about that.
We especially bear in mind your responsibility for the state of health
of President Milosevic that derives from your Statute and Rulebook on
Procedure and Evidence and a number of other international documents.
The treatment of President Milosevic as a whole finds itself in full
collision with the Convention on torture and other brutal, humiliating
sanctions and proceedings, adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly on December 10, 1984, came into force on June 26, 1987 and is
in collision with the equivalent Convention, adopted by the Council of
If however, for the sake of accomplishing an unprecedented "project" of
a trial, you will further on allow, as it has been the case so far, the
deterioration of President Milosevic's health, you will carry full
responsibility for that.
Therefore, we demand to enable a number of medical experts (first of all
specialists for cardio-vascular diseases) from Yugoslavia, to make an
urgent examination of President Milosevic and give a proposal for
adequate treatment, in order to stop the further deterioration of his
health. The team of experts would be comprised out of Prof. Dr. Med. Sc
Bozina Radevic (cardio-vascular surgeon), Prof. Dr. Med. Sc Zdravko
Mijailovic (cardiologist), Doc. Dr. Med. Sc Dragana Bojic
(cardiologist), and Prof. Dr. Med. Sc Vojislav Suvakovic
Starting from Rule 74bis of the Rulebook on Procedure and Evidence of
the Tribunal, according to which you are proprio motu able to issue
such an order, we demand from you to immediately enable a consilium
medical examination of President Milosevic. Attached you will find the
reports of Prof. Dr. Med. Sc. Zdravko Mijailovic of the Military Medical
Academy of Belgrade, dating from May 31, 2001 and June 4, 2001 (both in
English), together with the copies of the originals in Serbian, as well
as the medical report dated from March 25, 2002 related to the state of
health of President Milosevic.

Belgrade, March 26, 2002

For "SLOBODA" ("Freedom") Association
The National Committee for the Liberation of Slobodan Milosevic
Bogoljub Bjelica, President



Inspection of medical documentation and his previosly, well known healt
problems insigate and underline further facts:
The majority of people know what is hypertension. It is not
secret that hypertension has an inportant role of
cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Effective treatment
significantly reduces relative risk of stroke up to 40%, and
of myocardial infraction by 20%. Slobodan Milosevic does not
have simply elevated blood preasure, he has hypertensive
crisis or malignant hypertension. His diastolic blood pressione
often, with abrupt onset exceeds 130 mmHg, systolic 200
mmHg. What does it mean?
Accelerated (malignant) hypertension occurs most commonly in
patients with essential hypertension. The risk of
complication is more closely linked with the rate of rise in
blood preasure than the absolute blood preasure level,
because patients auto regulate to compensate for chronic
hypertension. When blood preasure rises rapidly as Milosevics'
case, celebral, retinal and renal damage may ensue and the
patient may develop acute cardinale failure. It carries a high
mortality risk: untreated, 1-year survival in approximately 25%;
with treatment, 1-year survival is around 90%. Rapid
control of escalating blood presure is essential, but it has to
be achieved by slow, sustained reduction. There is no
prison hospital which can obtain this treatment. They can
provide only aggressive treatment. Aggressive reduction can
cause tissue and celebral ischaemia and infraction, because in
most cases the tissues have auto regulated to require a
greater than normal perfusion pressure.
His another heath problem is Prinzmetal's variant angina
pectoris. There is no pearson who does not understand what means
"angina pectoris". In the last few months Milosevic has been
having chest pain due to coronary arterial spasm which can
not be relieved by sublingual nitroglycerin. It occurs at rest
with abrupt onset or rapid deterioration of previously
stable condicion. Reason for deteriration his condicion is
inappropriate coronary vasoconstriction whish has been shown
to occur during exposure to mental stress.
In the other hand, anxiety is a normal reaction to cardial
illness and many patient will have symptoms as a result. The
tendency to categorize patient's symptoms as "genuine" and
"non-cardiac" is unhelpful. Relaxation and stress management
are fundamental problems particularly useful in managing angina
where (after exertion) stress is the second most likely
precipitant of symptoms.
Slobodan Milosevic is in the prison where there is no
possibility for appropiate medical treatment. He probably can get
pills or doctors' supervision. But underlying conditions ask for
high educated consultants, intesive care unit and above
all relaxsation. Only in this condition his cardiac properties
will not function related his chance to present evidence
of his innocent.
Prolonger trial and stress continuity increase risk of major
cardiovascular events. Slobodan Milosevic is undergoing
extreme phychical effort. Everyday rapid deterioration of his
health can cause sudden death. That is why he must be
rewieved and under care of medical experts from Yugoslavia who
know his medical history. They need to see him and after
serious examination decide about further treatment.
We are not talking about quality of life we are fighting for

Professors of Belgrade University:

Dragana Bojic, Ph.D., MD, cardiologist
Vojislav Suvakovic, Ph.D., MD, infectologist
Milos Janicijevic, Ph.D., MD, neuro-surgeon

Done in Belgrade, March 25, 2002



The patient is 61 years old.
Risk factors for coronary arterial disease: smoker, hyper lipidaemia,
heredity, high stress, arterial hypertension (in earlier check-ups over
many years arterial tension ranged most frequently around 135-140/ 85-90
mmHg, with occasional therapy.
Maximum blood pressure readings ranged around 150/95mmHg and rarely
150/100 mmHg).
He is also aware of small cysts in kidneys. Echo examination of abdomen
a year and a half ago, changes in gall bladder observed, like a polyp or
calculus but no further investigation made because of the patients'
Occasionally administered medicines:Presolol 100mg ¼ ili ½, Upsarin
effervettes 1 in themorning. Between 11.04.2001 and 13.04.2001 he was
hospitalized in the Military Medical Academy Hospital, where:
During echo cardiography: significant hypertrophy of myocardium
was proven in the left ventricles, global EF around 45%, but with
akinesy of the distal third of the septum, top of heart and distal third
of frontal and lateral wall of the left ventricle (Docent dr.A.
Neskovic-KBC Dedinje).
The selective coronography revealed coronary bridge ) suffocation of the
left coronary artery). Naked microcirculation and on other segments
epicardial coronary arteries only negligible changes. Left ventricle of
normal size, of hyperopic walls, in systole like hypertrophy
Under the decision of the medical consultation team the patient was
dismisses with medical therapy (dismissal letter attached).
In the meantime a check-up was undertaken (223.04.2001) when it was
concluded that the arterial hypertension has not been cured, with the
existence of probable angina pectoris, more intensive medicinal therapy
and additional examinations (ophthalmology examination, neurological
examination, analysis of the adrenal glands, abdominal echo and kidney
and adrenal glands echo, 24 hour halter monitoring of blood pressure and
halter ECG...follow up of ECG and additional assessment of
microcirculation (scintigraphy of the heart or PET scan..).
In the meantime he occasionally complained of chest sharp pain
propagating to the jaws and numbness in the jaws...he did not take
nitroglicerine... those disorders appear when in the state of rest, but
more often while walking when he occasionally sweats. Then he must sit
down and rest, when the troubles pass away gradually.
Occasionally he feels lack of air and speedy or irregular hear beat.
Sometimes mild headaches felt.
Regularly controlled blood pressure and pulse by the attending doctor.
Maximum measured blood pressure readings 220/13p mmHg on 30.05.2001,
pulse 120/mm.
The lowest TA value in the period under review was 140/100mmHg and pulse
88/min, once on 21.04.2001.
The most frequent TA readings were 190/115 mmHg and pulse around 100/mm.
Regularly were monitored electro cardiograms, where sinus tachicardy was
observed of around10/min, with symmetrically negative T waves in D1,
AVL and V2 to V6.
ECG dated 11.05.2001 shows sinus tachicardy around 11/min with deeply
negative T waves in D1, AVL, V2 to V6 even up to around 1.5 cm with
lowering of ST clip 2-3 cm.
Planned and appointed examinations suggested earlier were not carried
out in the meantime because the patient was not motivated.
According to the patient, the medication proposed earlier has been
regularly administered.


Cordially compensated. Presently a febrile.
Obese according to general type. Veins in the neck not tense.
Over the neck arteries no suboclussion murmur is heard.
On the lungs vesicular breathing with rare low tone whistling.
Heart action is rhythmical, speeded to about 120/min, tones
somewhat quiet, without pathological noise. TA:200/120mmHg (after
regular therapy taken this morning).
Liver and spleen not palpable. No sensitivity of gall bladder to
No signs of free liquid in the abdomen.
Kidney lobes insensitive to succusion.
No visible cardiac edema on lower legs, or deformities.

ECG : sinus tachicardy around 120/min, PQ=0.16, negative T in
D1, AVL, V2 to V6 with lowering of ST clip in the left pericardial
drains up to 2mm
DG: Hypertensio arterialis (unregulated)

Hypertrohpy of myocardium of the left ventricle
Angina pectoris (cor,bridge...microvasc.??)

TH: Dilatrend 12.5mg, 1 in the morning with the
control of TA and pulse. If TA remains unregulated, the dose may be
corrected with additional 1 in the evening.
Enalapril 20mg 1+1+0 with the check up of TA
Lometazid 1-2 a week.
Nitroglycerin as needed.
Demetrine tab. 2x1


Present hypertension and unregulated with the existing therapy (max.
220/130 mmHg and most often 190/115 mmHg with a pulse of some 100/min).
The above readings of hypertension increase the risk exponentially for
fatal events (relative risks of stroke is above 4, and for an acute
coronary event between 3.5-4).
According to the patient, he was taking the therapy regularly, but as
evident from the above analyses arterial hypertension is unregulated.
Apart from it the patient feels troubled chest of angina type with clear
changes in ECG, which are maintained.

Based on the above and starting from scientific, professional and moral
standards it is necessary to:
1. Ensure regular intake of adequate therapy
2. Complete the examinations recommended earlier
(Ophthalmology, neurology, analysis of hormones of adrenaline gland,
analysis of kidney function, abdominal echo, ultra sound adrenaline
gland check, 24 hour Halter monitoring of blood pressure, supplemental
examination of hypertrophy of myocardium, scinthigraphy of the heart,
PET scan and others..)
3. If the patient shall have repeated problems behind the
sternum of anginoide character, dizziness or the similar, ECG should be
repeated, cardio specific enzyme and promptly proceed along the
principles of care of such patients.
4. If the disorders will persist, the blood pressure reading
cannot be corrected and the proposed examinations cannot be carried out
in view of the above mentioned risks of fatal events in such patients,
it shall be necessary to ensure via competent means an adequate
correction of blood pressure, additional examinations of hypertrophy of
myocardium, microcirculation of the heart as well as other examinations
in hospital (VMA..) conditions.

31.05/2001 in Belgrade

Col.Ass.Prof. MD, PhD
Zdravko M.Mijailovic


Follow-up examination of 04.06.2001

The patient was examined previously on 31.05.2001.See the finding
The patient is 61 years old.
Of risk factors from coronary disease: smoker, hiperlipidaemia,
heredity, arterial hypertension ranging during many years in the past
around 135-140/85-90 mmHg with intermittenttherapy.
Maximum readings of the blood pressure used to be 150/95mmHg, and on
rare occasions 150/100 mmHg.
He is aware of smaller cists in kidneys.
On the earlier abdominal examination, changes were observed on the gall
bladder, which resembles of gallbladder polyp, although calculosis could
not have been excluded. Follow-up gastro enterologic examination with a
repeated echo examination of abdomen was not made due to lack of
motivation on the part of the patient.
Of drugs he was using Presolol 100mg ½ or ¼ in the morning and Upsarin

Between 11.04.2001 and 13.04.2001 he was treated in VMA hospital where
on Chocardiography considerable hypertrophy of myocardium was evidenced
on left ventricle (1.4cm), global EF around 45%, but with akinezy of
distal third of the septum, peak of the heart and distal third of
frontal and lateral walls of the left ventricle (Ass.Prof.
Dr.A.Neskovic- KBC Dedinje).
At the selective coronorography: visible coronary bridge (suffocation of
the left coronary artery( naked microcirculation, and on other segments
of epycardiac coronary arteries only negligible changes. The left
ventricle of normal size, of hypertrophic walls, in systole and by type
of hyperthrophic cardiomyopathy.
By the decision of the doctoral consultation team the patient was
dismisses with medicinal therapy (Letter of dismissal attached).
In the meantime a follow up was done (23.04.2001) when it was concluded
that arterial hypertension is unregulated with probable presence of
angina pectoris, the therapy was strengthened, and additional
examinations advised for abdomen and echo of kidneys and adrenaline
gland, 24 hour Halter monitoring of blood pressure and Halter ECG...
follow up of ECG, as well as supplemental assessment of microcirculation
(Scintigraphy of the heart or PET scan...).
Blood pressure readings were regularly controlled and pulse by the
attending doctor.
Maximum values of blood pressure were 220?130 mmHg on 30.05.2001, pulse
The lowest read TA value over the period was 140/100mmHg and pulse
33/min, only once on 21.04.2001.
The most frequently obtained TA values were 190/115 mmHg with pulse of
around 100/mm.
Electro cardio grams were also regularly followed, where sinus tahicardy
was observed of some 100/mm, with symmetrically negative T waves in D1,
AVL and V2 to V6. ECG of 11.05.2001 revealed tahicardy around 110/mm,
with deeply negative T waves in D1, AVL, V2 do V6 even up to 1.5cm with
a drop of ST clip 2-3mm.
Planned and appointed examinations proposed earlier were not completed
due to the lack of motivation on the part of the patient.
In the meantime, since 31.05.2001 till today, he continued to com-plain
here and there to the chest pain propagating to the jaws and numbness
in the jaws...he did not take nitroglicerin...these troubles appear at
rest but more often while walking when he sometimes sweats. Then he must
sit down and take a rest, and the disorders pass away spontaneously.
From time to time he feels lack of air and irregular and speedy hart
Sometimes he has light headache.
Since 31/05.2001 till today no blood pressure was measured and no
examinations made, no electrocardiogram, either.
The planned and appointed examinations proposed earlier were not
completed in the meantime due to the lack of motivation by the patient.

Cordially compensated. Now a febrile.
Obese according to general type. Veins of the neck not tense.
On lungs vesicular breathing, with rare low tone whistling.
Heart action is rhythmic, speedy up to some 130/min, tones somewhat
quieter without pathological hums.
TA 230?130 mmHg (following the morning regular therapy, Dilatrend
12.5mg, Enalapril 20mg, Lometazid...).
Liver and spleen not palpable. Gall bladder is not sensitive to
palpation. No signs of free liquid in the abdomen.
Kidney archinephrons insensitive to succussion.
No visible cardiac edema on lower legs or deformities.

ECG sinus tahicardy around 130min,PQ= 0,16, negative T in D1,AVL,V2 up
toV6, with lowering of 3T of clips in the left perocardial drains up to
DG. Hypertensio arterialis (unregulated)

Hypertrophy of myocardium of the left ventricle
Angina pectoris (cor. "bridge"...microvasc.?? )
Obs.polypus(calculosis) v.feleae

TH. Dilatrend 12.5mg 2 in the morning with control of TA and
pulse. If TA remains unregulated the dose may be corrected with an
addition in the evening.

Enalpril 20 mg i+i+0 with the control of TA.
Norvasc 5mg 0+i=i
Isosorb R 2x1
Lasix i-2 a week
Bromazepam 3mg 2x1
Nitroglicerin as needed

The extremely high value of arterial hypertension continued, and was not
regulated with the existing therapy (max. 230/130 mmHg at a pulse rate
of 130/min, and most often 190/115 mmHg with pulse rate of around
100/min.). These values of arterial hypertension exponentially increase
a risk of fatal incidents (brain stroke, acute myocardial infarct, hear
arrest, malignant disorders in heart rhythm...).
Next to that the patient has chest pain of angina type with clear
changes in ECG that are reflected.
These disorders could be an indication of threatening fatal coronary
accidents, and particularly in combination with enormous hypertension
which ranges on average to 195/115 mmHg for over two months, proven
hypertension of myocardium, alterations in microcirculation, found
phenomenon of "suffocation of left coronary artery" and enormous stress
the patient has been permanently exposed to).

Despite all measures undertaken as evident from the above stated
findings, the arterial hypertension remains uncorrected, angina
disorders are repeated and ECG alterations persist.

Based on the above, starting from high risk to the patient, and since
the treatment so far failed to yield results, and starting from
scientific, professional and ethic norms:
1. It is necessary immediately in hospital conditions to ensure an
adequate correction of blood pressure; implement earlier planned
additional examinations, ophthalmologyexamination, neurological
examination, analysis of the hormone of adrenaline gland, analysis of
kidney function, abdominal echo with ultra sound examination of
adrenaline, 24 hour Halter monitoring of blood pressure, Halter ECG,
supplemental examination of the nature of hypertrophy of myocardium and
assessment of microcirculation, possibly burden test, scintigraphy of
heart, PET scan and others...).

04.06.2001 in
Col. Ass.Prof.MD, Phd,
Zdravko M.Mijailovic

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian
newspaper advocating liberation)

organo telematico settimanale di Direzione 17

Processo dell'aja

di John Catalinotto
Da Workers World, n. 55 del 6 giugno
2002 - ww@...
Traduzione italiana di fokista@...

Quale la relazione tra la <<guerra
senza fine al terrorismo>> di
Washington, l'espansione della Nato, e
il cosiddetto processo per crimini
di guerra che si sta svolgendo in
Olanda nei confronti di Slobodan Milosevic?

Se non fosse stato per il viaggio
europeo di Bush, è probabile che ci si
sarebbe dimenticato come l'alleanza
militare della Nato sia ancora attiva.
Sebbene agli elementi più aggressivi
dell'amministrazione Bush sarebbe
piaciuto evitare ogni consultazione
con i propri alleati atlantici,
Washington mantiene ancora una strategia
Questa strategia mira al completamento
di una nuova colonizzazione
dell'Europa Orientale e della vecchia
Unione Sovietica. L'espansione della
Nato ha questo obiettivo mentre
mantiene l'Europa Occidentale legata a
sé come "senior partner"
dell'imperialismo statunitense.
Gli analisti del Pentagono hanno reso
pubblica tale strategia lasciandosi
sfuggire un documento ai media nel
1992. Questo documento, pubblicato dal
New York Times a marzo, dimostra
chiaramente come Washington cerchi di
ottenere l'egemonia in ogni regione, e
come abbia intenzione di mettere in
atto tale politica in Europa
attraverso la Nato.
La Jugoslavia è stato l'ultimo dei
paesi ex-socialisti a resistere
all'espansione verso est della Nato.
Gli Stati Uniti e la Nato hanno
bombardato il governo di Belgrado con
l'obiettivo di occupare la provincia
del Kosovo nel 1999. Inoltre
l'Occidente ha organizzato un vero e
proprio colpo di stato per rovesciare dal
governo il Partito Socialista
nell'ottobre del 2000.

La penetrazione ad est della Nato

Nel 1991, gli Stati Uniti e la Nato
non avevano basi in Europa Orientale.
Nel Balcani c'erano solamente le basi
della Grecia, paese membro della
Nato. Nell'arco di dieci anni di
guerre e sovvertimenti contro la
Repubblica Jugoslava, il Pentagono è
riuscito a piazzare i suoi militari in
Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania,
Croazia e Bulgaria. L'Ungheria, la
Repubblica Ceca e la Polonia divennero
membri della Nato giusto in tempo
per prestare aiuto agli attacchi
alla Jugoslavia.
A partire da quella catastrofe, i
regimi favorevoli al capitalismo di
tutti gli altri paesi che un tempo fecero
parte del blocco sovietico - con
l'eccezione della Bielorussia - hanno
chiesto a gran voce di potersi
congiungere all'alleanza imperialista.
Da novembre, la Nato può chiedere
l'allargamento per la Slovenia,
l'Estonia, la Lettonia, la Lituania,
la Romania, e in più, forse, anche per
la Slovacchia. Ne hanno fatto
richiesta anche l'Albania, la Macedonia e la
Croazia, mentre l'Ucraina lo farà a
luglio. I leader di questi paesi sono ben
felici di concedere all'imperialismo
occidentale quella sovranità ristretta
che era rimasta loro dopo la
"globalizzazione" delle loro economie
nazionali, ovvero dopo essere state
integrate dal mercato mondiale
Considerano l'appartenenza alla Nato
come una garanzia militare contro
sollevamenti di massa a favore del
socialismo. Ma il loro già scarno
bilancio nazionale dovrà ora essere
utilizzato per l'acquisto di armamenti
di fabbricazione statunitense invece
che stanziare fondi per la sanità,
l'educazione ed il welfare.
La guerra americana all'Afghanistan e
le nuove basi militari americane
in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan e Kyrgizstan
sono stati dei passi di
ricolonizzazione dell'Asia Centrale e
del Medio Oriente. In modo simile, la
guerra alla Jugoslavia e l'espansione
della Nato ha trasformato le vecchie
Repubbliche socialiste ed indipendenti
in neocolonie.

La Conferenza di Bagdad difende Milosevic

Dalla metà di febbraio, Slobodan
Milosevic, che era presidente della
Jugoslavia quando quel paese cercava
di resistere all'aggressione degli
Stati Uniti e della Nato, è sotto
processo di fronte alla corte dell'Aja,
accusato di crimini di guerra e di
genocidio durante le guerre civili in
Kosovo, Bosnia e Croazia.
Sebbene la corte pretenda d'essere
imparziale, è stata istituita dalle
potenze Nato per processare solamente
esponenti dalla vecchia Jugoslavia
per crimini di guerra. I crimini degli
Stati Uniti e della Nato rimangono
opportunamente al di fuori della
giurisdizione della corte.
La settima sessione del Comitato di
Controllo e di Coordinamento della
Conferenza di Bagdad, svoltasi dal 7
al 9 maggio, ha prodotto non solo
delle dichiarazioni in condanna della
globalizzazione ma ha anche difeso
Milosevic contro questa corte. La
Conferenza si componeva di 160
rappresentanti di 90 partiti politici
ed organizzazioni da più di 40 paesi,
inclusi tutti gli stati arabi.
Ciò che rende questo dato interessante
è che mentre Milosevic è stato
accusato soprattutto per crimini
contro le popolazioni musulmane del
Kosovo e della Bosnia, queste accuse non
hanno confuso i rappresentanti di paesi
che sono per la maggior parte musulmani.
La conferenza ha adottato una
dichiarazione che afferma di <<non
riconoscere la legalità del tribunale
perché politicamente motivato ed
illegalmente costituito>>, che
solamente la popolazione Jugoslava è
competente per giudicare una qualsiasi
questione concernente la Jugoslavia,
e che <<il presidente Milosevic
dovrebbe essere immediatamente
rilasciato dalla detenzione illegale.>>
In un'altra conferenza, tenuta dallo
European Peace Forum ad Atene dal 17
al 19 maggio, i partecipanti di 20
paesi hanno riconosciuto come il
processo a Milosevic fosse stato non
solo un attacco individuale ma anche
un attacco rivolto ad <<un individuo,
che, per numerose ragioni, è divenuto
il simbolo della resistenza alla
bellicoso politica Nato d'interferenza
negli affari interni della Jugoslavia
e alla guerra della Nato.>>
Secondo questa coalizione pacifista:
<<Agli occhi della Nato, questa guerra
sarà vinta, e sarà compiuto anche lo
smembramento della Jugoslavia,
solamente se e quando questo simbolo
sarà discreditato.>>

Milosevic si difende da solo

In altre parole, gli Stati Uniti e la
Nato hanno progettato all'Aja un
processo-vetrina per screditare e
punire Milosevic, e con ciò screditare
l'intera resistenza jugoslava. Ma
Milosevic li ha sorpresi. Si è rifiutato
di riconoscere l'autorità della corte
e sta imbastendo una dura difesa
politica e legale.
Nella sua dichiarazione iniziale, in
febbraio, il leader Jugoslavo ha
rovesciato politicamente contro la
Nato le sue accuse. Ha illustrato
l'attività disgregativa dell'imperialismo
tedesco nel riconoscere ed
incitare quegli elementi che tentavano
di separarsi dalla Jugoslavia,
fomentando così la guerra civile. Ha
poi descritto come gli Stati Uniti
abbiano infine guidato la Nato in una
guerra criminale che ha significato
78 giorni di bombardamento ad alta
tecnologia alle infrastruttura nazionali
ed ucciso o ferito migliaia di civili.
L'accusa ha presentato in seguito dei
testimoni che hanno cercato di
dimostrare la colpevolezza di
Milosevic per crimini di guerra. Il
quotidiano italiano Il Manifesto ha
riportato il 27 febbraio che attraverso
il suo controinterrogatorio Milosevic
ha screditato cinque testimoni nelle
prime due settimane del processo.
Milosevic ha continuato a sfidare
tutti i testimoni nel suo
controinterrogatorio. Alcuni hanno
dovuto ritrattare le proprie
dichiarazioni. Altri hanno dovuto
ammettere d'essere legati a gruppi come
l'UCK (l'Esercito di Liberazione del
Kosovo) che ha combattuto duramente
contro l'autorità con armi fornite
dagli Stati Uniti e dalla Germania.
Durante tutto questo, il Partito
Socialista di Serbia non era più al
potere. Milosevic preparava la sua
difesa in una cella di 3 metri per 4,5
con l'unico supporto di una linea
telefonica incerta. Ciononostante è stato
capace di preparare la difesa grazie
ad un forte appoggio fornito da
ricercatori ed esperti in Serbia che
simpatizzavano con la sua resistenza,
se non sostenevano direttamente la sua
politica. Già questo è stato un
segnale che all'interno della
Jugoslavia lo spirito di resistenza
all'imperialismo non è scomparso.
Perfino i suoi nemici politici sono
stati costretti a riconoscere nei media
che Milosevic stava ottenendo
solidarietà ed aiuto, specialmente in
Serbia, ma anche dovunque i suoi argomenti
hanno ottenuto visibilità. Un articolo
del primo marzo sul San Francisco
Chronicle che <<i serbi che seguono il
processo dicono che Milosevic stia
Con uno staff di 1100 uomini e tutto
il potere della Nato a sostegno, gli
accusatori del Tribunale Internazionale
per i crimini nell'ex-Jugoslavia
dell'Aja, finora non sono stati capaci
di costringere Milosevic sulla
difensiva. Di fronte a questa
situazione, i media hanno semplicemente
smesso di aggiornare sull'andamento
del processo. Sui giornali statunitensi
apparirà al massimo una volta alla
settimana. È un processo-vetrina senza
la vetrina, perché solo in pochi
potrebbero convincersi della
colpevolezza di Milosevic.
L'unico articolo recente di una certa
importanza, scritto il 30 maggio sul
New Yorker da Joseph Lelyveld,
ex-direttore esecutivo del New York
Times, era un evidente attacco a Milosevic.
Lelyveld accusava l'ex presidente
Jugoslavo d'"intimorire" i testimoni,
nonostante fosse totalmente privo di
potere reale.
Lelyveld scrisse che il generale
statunitense Wesley Clark stava
considerando di presentarsi come
testimone al processo e "sembrava che
si divertisse alla prospettiva
d'essere controinterrogato da Milosevic."
Chiunque abbia letto il libro di
Clark, "Modern Warfare", sa che vi si
ammette praticamente la natura
coloniale della guerra intrapresa dalla
Nato contro la Jugoslavia e che lo scopo
dei bombardamenti era d'intimidire i
civili ed obbligarli alla resa.
Molte persone che si sono opposte
all'aggressione statunitense e Nato alla
Jugoslavia sperano probabilmente che
il generale Clark rispetti la sua
promessa. Così, almeno per una volta,
un vero criminale di guerra siederà
davanti alla corte. Sarà anche
l'occasione per dimostrare come la guerra
mondiale di Bush sia la continuazione
dell'aggressione di Clinton alla

Subject: TORONTO SUN // Judge tosses suit by Serbs
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 13:22:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: Boba

...."To hold otherwise would permit any citizen to in effect hijack
Canadian foreign policy...."

....and I would add : No matter how wrong and immoral it is!

According to the judge's decision Canada could bomb any country if its
policy makers decide to do so.
Let us not forget that there was no public hearing in Canada on the
"war on Yugoslavia". We just woke up one morning and Canada was at war
(bombing Serbia). On September 11, we called it terrorism!

Boba Borojevic

THE TORONTO SUN, Friday, July 12, 2002

Judge tosses suit by Serbs

$76M airstrike claim


A $76-million lawsuit launched by Serbian- Canadians against the
government of Canada for participating in the "illegal" 1999 NATO
bombing of Yugoslavia has been thrown out.

The suit brought by 50 Canadians of Serbian descent and seven Yugoslav
nationals claimed that Canada's participation in the NATO-led military
action contravened international law and infringed on their Canadian
Charter rights.

In a ruling released yesterday, Ontario Superior Court Judge Thomas
Heeney threw out the statement of claim, which asked for compensation
for deaths, injuries and property damage suffered by the plaintiffs
and their relatives in Serbia.


He said the bombing was a state-to-state action and not directed at
any individual member of a political community in Canada.

"To hold otherwise would permit any citizen to in effect hijack
Canadian foreign policy," Heeney said, adding that citizens who
voluntarily put themselves in the target zone can't claim the
government is violating their rights to life and security.

Eighteen Canadian CF-18 Hornet jets flew about 10% of 6,700 sorties
during airstrikes to pressure then-Serbian president Slobodan
Milosevic, to end attacks on ethnic Albanians.


Subject: heeney wrong
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 22:48:51 +0100
From: "canauk" <canauk@...>
To: "Toronto Sun" <editor@...>

To The Editor
The Toronto Sun

From the Director of Christians Against Nato Aggression
1 Scales Road London N17 9HB

Tel: 0044 208 376 1454


Dear Sir,

The learned Ontario Court judge Thomas Heeney threw out a claim from
Serbian victims of theNATO aggression because "to hold otherwise would
permit any citizen in effect to hijack Canadian foreign
policy...."(Sun report 12 July 2002)

But Canadian foreign policy has already been hijacked!

The UK Government derives its authority to engage in military action
without the consent of Parliament from a curious device known as the
"royal prerogative."

I assume the same constitutional fiction applies in Canada as well.

But a UK magazine (Private Eye) reliably informed us that the Queen
didn't know that her prerogative had been invoked, until she turned on
television & found the RAF were bombing Belgrade!

So who makes foreign policy? Can NATO politicians just wake up one
morning & decide to bomb somewhere because they have an intuitive
feeling they should do this?

Aren't they accountable to anyone?

The Canadian & British Governments engaged in monstrous war crimes
during the NATO bombardment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(FRY), which is why I sought to indict Mr Lloyd Axworthy, with other
NATO leaders, @ the Highgate Magistrates Court London in May 1999 on
charges of conspiracy to murder & to cause explosions in the FRY.

The Magistrate wouldn't issue the proceedings, as he said there wasn't
enough evidence.

But the evidence now, that there was a conspiracy to subvert
international law, & that Mr Axworthy was party to it is voluminous!

Why do Canadians remain in denial?

Surely it is clear to everyone how the USA is a rogue state, a
debauched Imperial power gone berserk.

US forces have been given another year, to kill, maim, rape, mutilate
& incinerate other people, while the Canadians by contrast have to

It was not "to end attacks on ethnic Albanians" that the 1999
Yugoslav-Canadian war began.

Rather it was because Canada chose to assist the US in its global
drive for hegemony. An expression of that policy was the opening of
another US military installation, Camp Bondsteel, situated in Kosovo &
the largest US base in Europe.

It was to demonstrate the power of Yankee Imperialism that thousands
of entirely innocent people were killed & injured in Yugoslavia by
NATO bombs & missiles - Canada, as usual, acting as lackey for the US.

The cover story was "humanitarian war."

Yours sincerely

William Spring


Contact person: Fr. Sava (Janjic)

Information Service of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren
Kosovo and Metohija


Velika Hoca, 21:50 July 14, 2002.

According to the latest information sent by Fr. Peter Ulemek from
Orahovac, immediately after the holy liturgy and leaving of the Bishop
with the congregation, local Albanians from Zociste village set the
fire in the monastery of SS Cosma and Damian. The fire has made
additional damage to this already desecrated holy shrine. Fr. Peter
was in the last group of Sebs who left the monastery under the KFOR
escort. While they were getting ready to leave a group of Albanians
began throwing stones at Serbs. Soon afterwards the local Serb priest
Fr. Srdjan Milenkovic received infomation that the monastery is
burning. Serbs in Velika Hoca immediately organized a fire brigade and
rushed with UNMIK police to Zociste to localize the fire.

After today's offensive and vulgar behavior of the Albanian mob in
presence of the Bishop, during the Holy Service, this last attack on
Zociste Monastery confirmed once again a clear intention of Albanin
extremists to eradicate the last Serb monuments in this region.
Today's behavior has proved that Prime Minister Rexhepi and Mr. Thaci
intentionally deceived Bishop Artemije last month when they promised
in front of US and German diplomats that they would create conditions
for the reconstruction of the monstery and the return of the expelled
Serb population to Zociste. In fact there are many indications which
prove that the PDK (so called Democratic Party of Kosovo, led by Mr.
Thaci and Rexhepi) was directly involved in the destruction of the
monastery as well as this last incident.

(We are enclosing one of the latest photos from the burned monastery
with a graffito of PDK and Thaci).

Information Service of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren
Kosovo and Metohija

Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren


"I popoli ai quali avrai distrutto i cimiteri sicuramente
non sopravviveranno fino alla seconda generazione"
(Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf)



+++ Albaner schänden Friedhof in Djakovica +++
DJAKOVICA, 5.Mai 2002. In besonders penetranter Weise haben Albaner den
christlichen Friedhof der Stadt Djakovica in der serbischen Provinz
Kosovo und Metochien geschändet. Die Albaner verwüsteten den Friedhof
ausgerechnet in der Osternacht. Die Albaner zerstörten einen Großteil
der Grabsteine.


+++ KFOR bricht auch an Ostern in serbische Häuser ein +++
LIPLJAN, 5.Mai 2002. Ohne Rücksicht auf die Osterfeiern haben
KFOR-Soldaten heute in Lipljan erneut serbische Häuser nach angeblichen
Waffen durchsucht. Etwa 150 Menschen versammelten sich zu einer
spontanen Protestkundgebung gegen die Rücksichtslosigkeit der Soldaten.


+++ Unter NATO 110 Kirchen und Klöster zerstört +++
PRIZREN, 12. Mai 2002. Der Bischof von Raszien und Prizren
Artemije sagte heute, daß unter der NATO-Herrschaft in der
serbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien in den letzten drei
Jahren albanische Banditen 110 christliche Klöster und Kirchen
zerstört und geschändet haben.


+++ 400 Serben in Gefangenenlagern +++
KOSOVOSKA MITROVICA, 13. Mai 2002. Simo Spasic, der
Koordinator der "Vereinigung der Familien von gekidnapten
und Vermissten Serben in Kosovo und Metochien", gab bekannt
daß die Vereinigung davon ausgeht, daß immer noch 400 Serben
von albanischen Terroristen gefangen gehalten werden und
Gefangenenlagern in ganz Kosovo und Metochien verteilt sind.


Russische Armee verlässt Kosovo
MOSKAU, 15. Mai 2002. Russland hat am Dienstag mit dem Abzug
weiterer Truppen aus derserbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien
begonnen. Insgesamt soll die Zahl russischer Soldaten in der
serbischen Provinz in den kommenden Wochen auf 600 halbiert
werden, wie der Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums, Nikolai
Baranow, in Moskau erklärte. 1999 bestand das russische Kontingent
in Kosovo und Metochien aus 3.600 Soldaten. Sie wurden dort neben
der der NATO-Truppe stationiert. Russischen Medienberichten zufolge
sind Sparmaßnahmen einer der Gründe für die Reduzierung des
Kontingents. Darüber hinaus sei die Armee unzufrieden mit der
Effektivität der Balkanmissionen


+++ Ombudsmann droht mit Rücktritt +++
PRISTINA, 04. Juni 2002. Der Ombudsmann in der
südserbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien, der Pole Marek
Antoni Nowicki, hat in einen Brief an den UNMIK-
Verwaltungschef Michael Steiner seinen Rücktritt für den
Fall angedroht, dass die rechtsstaatliche Ordnung
nicht wieder hergestellt wird. Nowicki und sein
Mitarbeiter waren an einem Besuch des Dubrava-
Gefängnisses bei der metochischen Stadt Istok gehindert
worden. Er sei sehr überrascht und besorgt über diesen
Zwischenfall. Seine Institution habe laut Gesetz
unmittelbaren, vertraulichen und sofortigen Zugang zu
jeder inhaftierten Person in Kosovo und Metochien, so
Nowicki. "Der Ombudsmann hat das Recht, zu jeder Zeit,
alle Einrichtungen zu besuchen, in denen Menschen in Haft
gehalten werden, und kann an Sitzungen teilnehmen,
die mit diesen Menschen zu tun haben. Der Ombudsmann kann
auch private Treffen mit diesen Menschen abhalten",
heißt es in dem Schreiben.
Die neue albanisch-dominierte "Regierung" von Kosovo
und Metochien hatte vor kurzem entschieden, dass der
Ombudsmann seine Besuche in Haftanstalten oder bei
Besuchen mit Häftlingen im Voraus ankündigen müsse.


BELGRADE,June 4(Beta) - The lower house of Parliament on June 4
passed the Amnesty Bill for Southern Serbia which pertains to
Yugoslav citizens suspected of participating in terrorism
operations from Jan. 1 1999 to May 31, 2001.
The bill was backed by 70 MPs, 26 were against, and there were
no abstentions. The bill passed following short consultations
between party whips.
On a request from the opposition, the cabinet put off the passage
of several other urgent bills, saying they would be debated at an
emergency session of Parliament by the end of the month.


+++ Wieder Steine auf das Patriarchat in Pec +++
PEC, 17. Juni 2002. Die Abteilung des Koordinationszentrums
für zivile Fälle in Kosovo und Metochien gab heute bekannt, dass
das Patriarchat in Pec gestern wieder mit Steinen beworfen wurde.
In der Bekanntmachung hieß es: "Unbekannte Albaner haben die
Eingangstür des Klosters von der Straße aus beworfen, die direkt
vor den Toren des Kloster verläuft. Zum Glück wurde niemand durch
die Steine verletzt und es wurde auch kein materieller Schaden
an dem Kloster verursacht. Sie haben nur für große Aufregung unter
den Nonnen des Klosters gesorgt, weil einige Steine auf das Dach
der Kirche des Klosters geworfen wurden." Das war ein wiederholter
Angriff auf das Kloster. In der Vergangenheit haben Albaner
das Kloster des öfteren mit Steinen und anderen Gegenständen beworfen,
versucht sie zu beschädigen und die Nonnen von dort zu vertreiben.


+++ Zwangsräumung von serbischen Wohnungen in Pristina +++
PRISTINA, 17. Juni 2002. Angehörige der UN-Polizei und des "Kosovo
Schutzkorps" haben im Beisein der KFOR-Truppen im Studentenviertel
in den frühen Morgenstunden angefangen, 57 Wohnungen von serbischen
Professoren und Lehrern, die zur Zeit auf der ausgesiedelten
Universität unterrichten, zu räumen. In diese Wohnungen werden
dann wohnungslose albanische Familien angesiedelt, berichtet die
Nachrichtenagentur SRNA. Alle Zufahrtsstraßen zu diesem Wohnviertel
wurden abgeriegelt, in dem zur Zeit nur noch neun Serben leben.
Als erstes wurde die Galerie Ikonos der Schriftstellerin Darinka
Jevric geräumt. Die Angehörigen der UN-Polizei warfen Bücher
der Schriftstellerin auf die Straße ,die sie 1999 mit Hilfe der
russischen KFOR-Soldaten in die Galerie geschafft hat, da in ihre
Wohnung eine albanische Familie eingedrungen ist und immer noch
lebt. Aus der Galerie wurden 1000 Bücher und etwa hundert
Bilder auf die Straße geworfen, mit zum Teil persönlichen
Widmungen von berühmten Künstlern und Schriftstellern aus dem
alten Jugoslawien.


Shocking incident in United States, Rada Trajkovic
WASHINGTON, June 19 (Tanjug) - Deputy club head of the Serbian Coalition
"Povratak" (Return) in Kosovo parliament Rada Trajkovic described as
shocking the incident when a parliamentary delegation of Kosovo in
Washington was received by congressmen who are supporting an independent
Kosovo. "That was really shocking, I think that it was unfortunately
in the service of drawing away Serbs from Albanians," she said for the
Voice of America, and added that in a sign of protest Serbian deputies
left the meeting with four US congressmen. Trajkovic assessed that
in that way "the goal of the US government has been compromised."
"From that meeting we have returned as absolutely separated Serbs and
Albanians," Rada Trajkovic said and voiced hope that "people will
recognize what is the interest of all in Kosovo, and that is a
multiethnic Kosovo.


+++ Geschändeter christlicher Friedhof in Orahovac +++
ORAHOVAC, 14.Juni 2002. Mindestens die Hälfte der
Grabmale auf dem christlichen Friedhof der Stadt
Orahovac in der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien
sind zerstört und mit Parolen der albanischen
Terrororganisation UCK geschändet worden. Dies
berichtete Dejan Baljosevic, Mitglied des kirchlichen
Gemeinderates und stellvertretender Chef der
Lokalverwaltung in Orahovac und Velika Hoca.


+++ Amselfeld: albanische Banditen schänden Friedhof +++
PRISTINA, 24. Juni 2002. Im serbischen Dorf Milosevo bei Pristina
schändeten albanische Banditen letzte Woche 74 Grabsteine, sagte
heute Rodoljub Dutina, ein Serbe aus Milosevo.


+++ Novitzki verurteilt Friedhofsschändung +++
PRISTINA, 07. Juli 2002. Der Ombudsmann, für Kosovo und
Metochien, Marek Novitzki, verurteilte die Zerstörung
serbischer Friedhöfe in Kosovo und Metochien als einen
"Akt des Vandalismus und Barbarei". Marek Novitzki hat
diese Woche die zerstörten Friedhöfe in Brestovik und
Sigi bei Pec, Piskoste bei Djakovica sowie den städtischen
Friedhof in Orahovac und den Friedhof in Milosevo bei
Obilic besucht. An manchen der zerschlagenen und
umgeworfenen Grabsteinen war mit roter Farbe die
Aufschrift "UCK" aufgesprüht.


+++ Kosovo und Metochien: Hunderte von Autodiebstählen +++
PRISTINA, 07. Juli 2002. In den letzten sechs Monaten
wurden in Kosovo und Metochien 558 Autos gestohlen.
Nur eine geringe Anzahl von gestohlenen Fahrzeugen
konnte gefunden werden, gab die UNMIK heute bekannt.
Die Kosovo-albanische Mafia stiehlt jedes Jahr in Westeuropa
mehrere Zehntausend Autos und "legalisiert" sie in
Albanien und Kosovo und Metochien mit Hilfe gefälschter


+++ Marihuanaanbau in Kosovo und Metochien +++

VUCITRN, 14. Juli 2002. In den letzten zwei Wochen hat
die UN-Polizei und Angehörige der NATO-Truppen in
Kosovo und Metochien vier Felder gefunden, die einer
Fläche von insgesamt 400 Quadratmeter entsprechen, auf
denen Marihuana gesät worden war. Der Sprecher der
UMNIK-Polizei, John Chapman, gab bekannt, dass KFOR-
Soldaten erst ein Feld neben einer vielbefahrenen Straße
in Vucitrn, im Norden von Kosovo und Metochien, gefunden
haben. Auf der Straße patrouillieren regelmäßig KFOR-Soldaten.
Nach diesem Fund, hat die Polizei nach weiteren
Marihuanafeldern gesucht und drei weitere in dem selben
Gebiet gefunden.



Moscow, July 9th, 2002
Valentin KUNIN, a RIA "Novosti" political observer

Berlin hosted the 11th annual session of the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
/OSCE/. Predictably enough, one of the issues at the
top of the agenda was the struggle against
international terrorism and extremism.
This topic has been included into almost all documents
adopted by the organisation over the past few years. In
particular, it was the focus of the 1999 OSCE summit in
Istanbul whose participants stated that they considered
the combating of all forms of terrorism a crucial
aspect of European peace and stability.
Following the tragedies in New York and Washington last
September, the OSCE Standing Council voiced its
determination to act in conjunction with the whole
international community "to put an end to terrorism -
the plague of our epoque, which threatens peace and
security around the world." This determination obtained
a more specific form in a large-scale anti-terrorist
programme, which was adopted at the 9th session of OSCE
Foreign Ministers, which took place last December in
In particular, this document envisages the improvement
of OSCE member-states' anti-terrorist legislation, the
elimination of criminal funding channels and bolstering
the struggle against various extremist, nationalist and
separatist movements and organisations.
In Bucharest, officials repeatedly stressed the
importance of the OSCE as a mechanism for political
dialogue on security and cooperation in Europe. The
latter is especially important if one takes into
account the processes this organisation is undergoing.
It's no secret that the OSCE was founded as the
cornerstone of European peace and stability, as the
main instrument of preventive diplomacy, settling
conflicts, stemming crises and of post-conflict
This list now includes a whole set of new challenges:
the increasing drug trafficking, arms smuggling,
organised crime, illegal migration and, primarily,
international terrorism.
There is no need for giving evidence that all OSCE
member-states have do deal with all of these problems
to this or another extent. In this regard, the issue of
coordinating their actions in order to effectively
combat all these threats and challenges takes the
At the same time, the recent events prove that the OSCE
member-states that also belong to NATO and the European
Union, have shoved this organisation into the
pan-European background. In fact, the OSCE is not
energetic with regard to the resolution to any
important problem the Old World is facing.
As to the struggle against terrorism, extremism and
separatism in Europe, we have to confess that the OSCE
currently takes no real steps on this front, with its
activities now being limited to human rights protection
and "assistance to democracies" alone. According to the
OSCE leadership, this is the very target the
organisation is pursuing in the Balkans. This could be
doubted if one analyses the results of OSCE actions in
Kosovo and Macedonia. Practical actions of both
missions virtually contradict the objective.
In Kosovo, OSCE representatives were, in fact, calmly
watching Albanians exercising genocide against ethnic
minorities, primarily Serbs, with NATO forces turning a
blind eye to their actions. And we all know the result
- approximately 300,000 non-Albanians have been forced
to flee the region over the past two years.
Nevertheless, the OSCE mission's leadership insisted
that mass abuse of human rights was not applicable to
Kosovo because the situation in the region was
advantageous for democratic parliamentary elections.
Last November, the OSCE mission rendered all possible
assistance to these elections. Moreover, the head of
the OSCE mission authorised the participation in
elections of a party established by warlords from the
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army - a terrorist
organisation whose gangs were involved in ethnic
cleansing in the area.
To put it straight, such OSCE actions, which deny
Kosovo Serbs elementary human rights, but give them to
Albanian terrorists are a classic example of double
standard policy.
The OSCE mission to Macedonia could hardly be described
in a positive way too. For more than a year, the OSCE
in conjunction with NATO and the EU have been
protecting Albanian extremists who do not cease to
carry out armed provocations against governmental
forces. This implies the use of human rights protection
as a cover for encouraging terrorists and extremists
who openly declare that their aim is to break
Macedonia's territorial integrity.
The OSCE position, especially that of its Parliamentary
Assembly, is equally non-constructive with regard to
Moscow's actions in Chechnya. On the one hand, the
Assembly's delegates do acknowledge the legitimacy of
such actions targeted at eliminating remnants of
terrorist gangs in Chechnya. At the same time, they
reiterate allegations about "excessive use of force"
and abuse of human rights by Russian troops in
Chechnya. They also demand that Russia should sit down
at the negotiating table with representatives of former
Chechen president Aslan Maskhadov - a separatist famous
for his close tires to Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda
terrorist network.
There is no need to say that the OSCE can hardly count
on the unification of its member-states' efforts in a
drive against "the plague of the 21st century" as long
as it sticks to such a special approach to the problem
of terrorism.




Moskva, 9. jula
Valentin KUNJIN, politicki komentator
Ruska informativna agencija RIA "Novosti"

U Berlinu je odrzano 11-to godisnje zasedanje
Parlamentarne skupstine OEBS. Kako se i ocekivalo,
jedna od centralnih tema bio je problem borbe protiv
medjunarodnog terorizma i ekstremizma.
Ta tema konstantno je prisutna prakticno u svim
dokumentima koji su usvajani tokom poslednjih godina u
okviru OEBS. Izmedju ostalog, najveca paznja tim
pitanjima bila je posvecena na Istambulskom samitu OEBS
1999. godine. Ucesnici tog samita tada su izjavili, da
suprostavljanje svakom obliku terorizma tretiraju kao
jedan od najznacajnijih elemenata u odrzavanju mira i
stabilnosti na evropskom kontinentu. Odmah nakon
tragicnih dogadjaja u Njujorku i Vasingtonu septembra
prosle godine Stalni savet OEBS izjavio je da je
odlucan u namerama da, delujuci zajedno sa celokupnom
svetskom zajednicom, "udruzenim naporima dokrajci
terorizam, nevolju naseg vremena, koja predstavlja
opasnost po mir i bezbednost u citavom svetu".
Ta izjava konkretizovana je na proteklom decembra
prosle godine u Bukurestu 9-om susretu ministara
inostranih poslova OEBS, na kome je prihvacen obiman
program delovanja u borbi protiv terorizma.
Taj dokument predvidja, izmedju ostalog, jacanje
nacionalnog zakonodavstva drzava-clanica OEBS u borbi
protiv terora, presecanje kanala za finansiranje
zlocinacke delatnosti, poostravanje borbe protiv svakog
oblika ekstremizma, nacionalistickih i separatistickih
pokreta i organizacija.
U Bukurestu je takodje ponovo apostrofiran znacaj
jacanja OEBS kao mehanizma politickog dijaloga po
pitanjima bezbednosti i saradnje u Evropi. Ovo
poslednje narocito je aktuelno u kontekstu desavajucih
u toj organizaciji procesa. Poznato je, naime, da je
OEBS zamisljen kao organizacija koja treba da igra
kljucnu ulogu u odrzavanju evropskog mira i
stabilnosti, da bude osnovni instrument preventivne
diplomatije, sprecavanja konflikata, sredjivanja kriza
i postkonfliktne obnove.
Ovom spisku tokom poslednjih godina dodat je i citav
set novih izazova, kao sto su promet narkotika koji
porpima sve vece razmere, rastuci sverc oruzja, porast
organizovanog kriminala, nezakonita emigracija. I u
prvom redu, razume se, medjunarodni terorizam.
Nije potrebno dokazivati, naravno, da se ti problemi u
ovoj ili onoj meri ticu prakticno svih drzava koje su u
sastavu OEBS. I sve nasusnijom postaje potreba za
koordinacijom njihovog delovanja, kako bi se efikasno
suprostavili svim tim izazovima i opasnostima.
Medjutim, dogadjaji iz poslednjih godina svedoce, da je
ova organizacija, naporima zemalja NATO i Evropske
unije koje su u sastavu OEBS, prakticno bacena na
periferiju opsteevropskog politickog procesa i fakticki
iskljucena iz resavanja iole znacajnijih problema koji
stoje pred Starim Svetom.
Ako konkretno govorimo o problemu borbe protiv
terorizma, ekstremizma i separatizma na kontinentu,
moramo konstatovati da OEBS nije preduzeo nikakve
realne korake u tom pravcu. Cak stavise, on je sada
prakticno suzio svoje delovanje na pravozastitnu sferu
i "pomoc u uspostavljanu demokratskih poredaka".
Kako izjavljuju u rukovodstvu OEBS, upravo te ciljeve
organizacija sledi na Balkanu. Medjutim, ako
analiziramo rezultate rada misija OEBS na Kosovu i u
Makedoniji, tesko da se s time mozemo sloziti. Rad obe
te misije ocigledno je kontradiktoran postavljenim
Na Kosovu su predstavnici OEBS prakticno bez
ucestvovanja posmatrali kako uz potpunu neangazovanost
i popustljivost mirovnjaka kosovski albanci vrsse pravi
genocid nad predstavnicima nacionalnih manjina, pre
svega Srbima. Rezultat je poznat - za dve poslednje
godine iz pokrajine je isterano trista hiljada ljudi
nealbanske nacionalnosti.
Pa i pored svega, rukovodstvo misije OEBS daje izjave
da se na Kosovu ne radi o masovnom krsenju ljudskih
prava i da su u pokrajini stvoreni uslovi za odrzavanje
demoklratskih parlamentarnih izbora. I uz pomoc misije
OEBS takvi izbori su i odrzani novembra prosle godine.
Cak stavise, sef misije OEBS dozvolio je ucesce na tim
izborima i partiji koju su formirali bivse glavesine
takozvane OVK - teroristicke organizacije, ciji odredi
su vrsili etnicko ciscenje u pokrajini.
Ako stvari zelimo da nazovemo svojim imenom, onda
slicne poteze predstavnika OEBS, koji kosovskim Srbima
uskracuju cak elementarna covekova prava, dok ta prava
priznaju albanskimm teroristima, ne mozemo nazvati
drugacije nego klasicnim primerom politike "dvojnih
Beznacajnu ulogu igra OEBS i u Makedoniji, gde zajedno
sa predstavnicima NATO i Evropske unije vec duze od
godine fakticki stiti albanske ekstremiste, koji ne
prestaju sa oruzanim provokacijama protiv vladinih
snaga. Tojest, pod tim istim izgovorom zastite
covekovih prava stimulisu se teroristi i ekstremisti,
koji optvoreno govore o svojim planovima razbijanja
makedonske drzave.
Ocigledno neproduktivnu poziciju zauzima OEBS, pre
svega Parlamentarna skupstina te organizacije, i u
odnosu na delovanje Moskve u Ceceniji. Sa jedne strane,
delegati Skupstine toboze se slazu sa pravomernoscu
takvih akcija, usmerenih u pravcu likvidacije ostataka
teroristickih bandi na cecenskoj teritoriji. Ali
istovremeno se daju izjave o toboze "prekomernoj
upotrebi sile" od strane ruske vojske i krsenju
covekovih prava u toj istoj Ceceniji. Ne prestaje se ni
sa upucivanjem apela Moskvi da sedne za pregovaracki
sto sa predstavnicima bivseg cecenskog predsednika
Aslana Mashadova - separatiste, poznatog po svojim
odavnasnjim vezama sa organizacijom medjunardonog
teroriste Osame bin Ladena - "Al-Kaidom".
Suvisno je govoriti o tome, da sve dok se OEBS bude
drzao takvih prilaza borbi protiv terorizma tesko da se
mogu stvoriti realni uslovi za udruzivanje napora
zemalja OEBS u borbi protiv "kuge XXI veka".


Mauro Cristaldi ci segnala <<un paradossale libello: "La prevenzione
nei reduci dai Balcani", di F. Nobile - la "prevenzione" su "reduci" fa
degli ossimori escogitati dai moderni tecnici dell'informazione

Sul lavoro disinformativo del prof. Nobile, del quale Falco Accame ha
chiesto la ricusazione in Parlamento, si veda anche:

Segue ulteriore notiziola sull'insabbiamento del caso-DU in Italia:


Ancora senza esito l'esposto della Uil Puglia sui militari
italiani impegnati nell'ex Jugoslavia

Uranio impoverito e dimenticato

Barisera 1 giugno 2002

La notizia secondo cui 200 militari italiani impegnati negli
anni scorsi in missioni nella ex Jugoslavia (e venuti a
contatto con il famigerato uranio impoverito contenuto negli
ordigni Nato), siano ammalati di tumore, riporta di attualità
una vicenda che le autorità istituzionali della Puglia hanno
purtroppo sottovalutato.
Preoccupazione è stata espressa dalla Uil di Puglia che ha
presentato già a gennaio del 2000 un esposto alla Procura
della Repubblica del Tribunale di Bari, chiedendo che il
Ministero della Difesa rispondesse di lesioni personali e
omicidio colposo in merito alla morte di alcuni militari
italiani che avevano prestato servizio per le missioni in
Bosnia ed in Kosovo e che sarebbero venuti a contatto con il
micidiale uranio impoverito.
"E' un esposto di cui ad oggi non si ha ancora alcuna
risposta - dice il segretario generale, Aldo Pugliese -
eppure non soltanto si sono registrate morti sospette tra i
soldati di altri eserciti che hanno prestato servizio nei
Balcani, ma si registra anche la nascita di sette bambini con
malformazioni, figli di altrettanti militari italiani di
stanza in quella zona".
Nell'esposto è stata riportata la tesi del prof. Sandro
Degetto, dell'Istituto di Chimica e delle tecnologie
inorganiche e dei materiali avanzati ,del Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche di Padova, secondo la quale "ci sono rischi
per l'organismo umano, in particolare per il rene, con
effetti sui tessuti che possono provocare gravi casi di
insufficienza renale nonché la comparsa di proteine nelle
Per la Uil, che ha dato incarico di procedere all'avv. Nicola
Putignano, esisteva, ed esiste, il pericolo che si aprissero
scenari delicatissimi per la salute pubblica e per la Puglia.

La Uil ha lanciato un appello alla Regione Puglia perché si
attivi sulla vicenda, anche in considerazione del fatto che
durante la guerra in Kosovo dalle basi pugliesi di Amendola e
Gioia del Colle partivano i jet della Nato su cui venivano
caricate le bombe ad uranio impoverito.
Non solo. "C'é la questione della bonifica del mare Adriatico
- puntualizza Pugliese - nel quale i velivoli hanno scaricato
centinaia, forse migliaia, di ordigni inesplosi che giacciono
ancora sul fondo. E' stata promessa una bonifica che non è
mai stata attuata. L'erosione del mare potrebbe provocare
fuoriuscita di materiale che inquinerebbe il mare stesso, con
grave e conseguente danno per la salute di tutti, visto che
il pesce pescato in Adriatico è quello che finisce sulle
nostre tavole".

(Sulla privatizzazione in Kosovo e Metohija si veda anche: )

Datum:09 juli 2002

Analiticki tim APIS-a:Plan privatizacije
preduzeca na Kosovu i Metohiji - zla namera
ili plod pogresne informisanosti eksperata
koji su radili na njegovom donosenju?

Beograd, 09 juni 2002

Plan privatizacije preduzeca na Kosovu i Metohiji -
zla namera ili plod pogresne informisanosti eksperata
koji su radili na njegovom donosenju?

Sporost i neadekvatne reakcije nasih politickih
zvanicnika prema problemima od nacionalne vaznosti se
nastavljaju u kontinuitetu

U prilog svom planu privatizacije preduzeca na Kosovu
i Metohiji UNMIK kao organ UN-a navodi sledece
- Privatne investicije su presudne za ozivljavanje
industrijskih preduzeca i predstojeca privatizacija
ce "upaliti nov motor ekonomskog rasta" u uslovima
opadanja podrske donatora.
- Kosovo i Metohija je jedno od najsiromasnijih
podrucja u Evropi u kome stopa nezaposlenosti dostize
50%, ne moze se priustiti cekanje da se vlasnicka
prava i kreditna potrazivanja sudski poravnaju da bi
privatizacija pocela.
- "Eksperti" UN-a su mesecima raspravljali pre odluke
o nacinu prodaje preduzeca jer se u mnogim
slucajevima javljaju cetri sukobljena buduca vlasnika
i kreditora: sada zaposleni Albanci, bivsi zaposleni
Srbi, sedista preduzeca u Beogradu i strani
kreditori. Na osnovu toga i potrebe za ozivljavanjem
privrede na Kosovu i Metohiji doneta je odluka da
vlasnicka pitanja budu resena kasnije. Naime agencija
za privatizaciju moze da privatizuje drustvenu firmu
prebacivanjem njene imovine na novo preduzece koje ce
biti ponudjeno na prodaju privatnim investitorima,
dugovi ce ostati starom preduzecu a sredstva
prikupljena prodajom cuvace ce agencija dok se ne
razrese vlasnicka prava i potrazivanja.
Sasvim je ocigledno da su "eksperti" prenebregli
cinjnice iznete u tekstu. Ali i da jeste tako da se u
mnogim slucajevima javljaju cetri sukobljene strane
oko vlasnickih i kreditorskih prava, postavlja se
pitanje sta sa onim preduzecima kod kojih je sve
cisto i gde se tacno zna ko je vlasnik (primer PKB)?
Zasto su te cinjenice prenebregnute? U ovom slucaju
radi se ili o zloj nameri, pokusaju pljacke drzave
Srbije ili o nedovoljnoj informisanosti eksperata o
tome ko je titular preduzeca na KiM i da su oni na
osnovu pogresnih informacija doneli odluku koja ce
predstavljati dosad nevidjenu pljacku jedne drzave a
sve pod formama, legaliteta, legitimiteta, humanosti,
ozivljavanja privrede, dobrobiti i sl... Sasvim je
izvesno da ce ovakav proces poravnanja kakav su
zamislili "eksperti" UN-a trajati godinama dok ce
rate na ranije uzete inostrane zajmove stizati Srbiji
mesecno i ona ce kao garant morati da ih otplacuje
sto ce dodatno opteretiti gradjane, budzet i uopste
citav finansijski sistem.
Postoje ozbiljne indicije koje ukazuju da se radi o
zloj nameri odnosno pokusaju pljacke drzave Srbije.
Navescemo samo neke:
- Odgovor UNMIK-a na zahtev da predstavnik
Ministarstva za privatizaciju ucestvuje u radu
novoformirane agencije za privatizaciju preduzeca na
KiM ni do dana danasnjeg nije stigao.
- Dopisivanje ministra Vlahovica sa Rorijem O`
Salivenom sefom kancelarije Svetske banke u Beogradu
a u vezi sa inostranim kreditima koji su dati
preduzecima sa KiM a koje Srbija kao garant treba da
vraca nije dalo nikakve rezultate.
- Pregovori sa Mihaelom Stajnerom takodje nisu dali
nikakvog rezultata.
Osim toga brojne cinjenice ukazuju na to su nasi
politicki zvanicnici sporo reagovali, da su se
pobunili tek kad je sve vec bilo okncano i da
floskula "Mi ne prihvatamo plan" ne znaci nista bez
konkretne akcije koja treba da bude visedimenzionalna
(politicka, diplomatska, ekonomska, obavestajna,
propagandna...). Poslato je samo stidljivo upozorenje
inostranim konsultanskim kucama i advokatskim
kancelarijama da ce im u slucaju angazovanja u
privatizaciji srpskih preduzeca na KiM, biti za sva
vremena zatvorena vrata za bilo koji angazman na
podrucju centralne Srbije. Strane konsultanske kuce
ne haju za ovo upozorenje svesne toga da Srbija u
ovom trenutku tranzicije i privatizacije kad su joj
usluge stranih konsultantskih kuca, advokatskih
kancelarija, agencija za PR i sl., neophodne, tesko
da moze da ispuni svoju pretnju. U prilog navedenoj
tvrdnji o zakasneloj rekciji nasih politickih
zvanicnika govori i intervju Endi Bearparka,
Britanaca koji rukovodi odeljenjem za ekonomski
razvoj i obnovu pri administraciji UN-a. On u izjavi
za agenciju Rojters 05.07.2002. kaze:" Plan
privatizacije svi kritikuju, i Albanci i Srbi ali
niko nije ponudio alternativu ili bolji
model....Privatizacija ce se nastaviti uprkos
protivljenju Beograda...!
Prva prodaja preduzeca na KiM ocekuje se pocetkom
2003., i ono sto jos uvek predstavlja sansu jeste to
sto je pomenuti Bearpark u istoj izjavi datoj
Rojtersu napomenuo da ce agencija uzeti u obzir sva
misljenja koja budu pristizala. To konkretno znaci da
jos uvek nije kasno da nasa drzava izadje sa
alternativnim planom, modifikacijama vec postojeceg i
sl....Da se izmedju ostalog svetskoj javnosti,
svetskom javnom mnjenju, kroz javni dijalog sa
predstavnicima UN-a i UNMIK-a prezentuje cinjenice i
da se ono iskoristi kao sredstvo pritiska na UN,
UNMIK i vlade sopstvenih zemalja kako bi ove
institucije izlozene pritisku sopstvenog javnog
mnjenja bile prinudjene da pomenuti plan koji
predstavlja najbestidniju pljacku jedne drzave u
modernoj istoriji proglase nistavnim.
Javni dijalog podrazumeva prezentovanje cinjenica,
postavljanje pitanja i trazenja odgovora od
predstavnika UN-a, Svetske banke, UNMIK-a i svih onih
koju su ucestvovali u pravljenju plana privatizacije,
kroz najuticajnije svetske medije cime se postizu dva
efekta ili ce njihova namera da opljackaju Srbiju
biti do kraja ogoljena ili ce pod pritiskom cinjenica
i sopstvenog javnog mnjenja morati da odustanu od
najavljenog modela privatizacije i da u obzir uzmu
cinjenice. Takodje je uz ovo potrebno angazovati
najbolje domace i svetske strucnjake koji se bave
poslovnim pravom, medjunarodnim poslovnim pravom,
pitanjima svojine i sl.,kako bi se interesi Srbije
Javni dijalog kroz uticajne svetske medije je
neophodan jer javno mnjenje zapadnih zemalja presudno
utice na formiranje stavova njihovih politicara. Pimo
upuceno Roriju O` Salivenu, zatvoreni sastanci sa
Mihaleom Stajnerom sto ni jedna svetski mediji nije
zabelezio kao nesto znacajno nemaju nikakvog efekta.
Navedena gospoda pri takvom pristupu uvek ce ostati
na pozicijama gde jesu i njihovi stavovi se nece
izmeniti jer je sama drzava Srbija nema sredstva da
na njih izvrsi pritisak niti predstvalja ozbiljnog
protivnika njihovom planu privatiacije.
Kao primer efikasnog delovanja mogu nam posluziti
sami Siptari. Naime shvatajuci da se jos dosta toga
moze uciniti u smislu ostvarenja sopstvenog interesa,
siptari konkretnim politickim akcijama kroz kosovsku
skupstinu nastoje da se dodatno obezbede (primedbe na
Predlog uredbe o formiranju agencije za
privatizaciju) te traze: - da drzava Srbije nadoknadi
stetu nanetu kosovskoj privredi (time bi Srbija
trebalo da nastavi da placa dug Kosova i Metohije kao
nadoknadu za navodnu ratnu stetu),
- da se na snagu vracaju zakoni koji su vazili na na
Kosovu i Metohiji pre 1989., (pokusaj de se "ugovori
o prenosu vlasnistva i kapitala" proglase nistavnim),

- da kompletan prihod od prodaje preduzeca pripadne
kosovskom budzetu.
Nazalost, na sve ovo se reaguje neadekvatno, sporo i
bez jasne koncepcije.


In base a quanto riferito dal quotidiano macedone pro-governativo
"Vecer", la base militare di Bondsteel, presso Urosevac, in Kosmet,
sarebbe stata edificata su di un giacimento di uranio. In un articolo
uscito mercoledi scorso, intitolato "Anche l'uranio gratis nella
destabilizzazione dei Balcani", il giornale citando fonti di servizi
di intelligence stranieri va alla ricerca delle vere ragioni che
hanno condotto alla costruzione a Bondsteel di quella che e' adesso
la piu' grande base militare d'Europa.
"Gli americani avrebbero sondato quel terreno gia' 20 anni fa,
come registrato da apparati satellitari all'avanguardia, in grado
di vedere in profondita'." Impiantando una base militare in quella
zona, lo sfruttamento dell'uranio diventa gratuito. C'e' quindi
probabilmente anche questo tra i motivi del sostegno fornito dagli
USA al progetto indipendentista pan-albanese, secondo "Vecer".

Skopje daily claims US in Kosovo for uranium

SKOPJE, July 10 (Tanjug) - The US military base Bondsteel near
Urosevac, Kosovo and Metohija, is built on vast reserves of uranium,
the Skopje pro-government daily Vecer said on Wednesday quoting
intelligence sources which presented the actual reasons for the
destabilization of the Balkans.
An article entitled "Free uranium through the destabilization of
the Balkans," quoted foreign intelligence reports about the reasons
for picking Kosovo as the site of NATO's biggest military base in
Europe. Bondsteel was placed near Urosevac because of the fact that
there are vast uranium reserves there, which is a source of atomic
energy and used for the production of nuclear arms, the sources said.
"According to the intelligence reports, Americans picked that terrain
already 20 years ago, as it had previously been filmed by sophisticated
satellite equipment, with in-depth shoots," the daily said. By placing
a military base in the area, uranium exploitation becomes free, the
intelligence reports said.
The daily also quoted foreign military analysts who said that "western
forces, the United States namely, because of all the above, allegedly
placed themselves on the side of Kosovo Albanians during the crisis in
FR Yugoslavia, pledging help for their projects on Kosovo's

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Kosovo: Black Hole Regarding Human Rights
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 05:05:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff


-Marek Novicki sharply criticized the position of the
majority of the Albanian population and their
political representatives, laying on them
responsibility for the unseemly plight of Serbs and
other ethnic minorities in Kosovo. In his report the
international lawyer calls Kosovo a "black hole" in
Europe and the world as regards the observance of
human rights.

SLABYNKO/ - Human rights are not observed in Kosovo,
said in Kosovo ombudsman Marek Novicki said in
Pristina Wednesday. He was presenting a regular report
on the situation in Kosovo.

Novicki accused Mihael Steiner, head of the United
Nations civilian mission, and his staffers of creating
a "surrogate state" in Kosovo. Since the establishment
of a provisional international administration in
Kosovo, the UN mission has not been sticking to
democratic principles, taking only decisions in favour
of its staffers, paying no regard to the needs of
citizens of Kosovo, he said.

To Novicki, the plight of ethnic minorities, above all
Serbs is particularly grave. Human rights, security
and freedom of travel are not guaranteed to them. At
the same time, responsibility for the situation will
gradually be transferred on the newly elected
government of Kosovo, believes the lawyer.

Marek Novicki sharply criticized the position of the
majority of the Albanian population and their
political representatives, laying on them
responsibility for the unseemly plight of Serbs and
other ethnic minorities in Kosovo. In his report the
international lawyer calls Kosovo a "black hole" in
Europe and the world as regards the observance of
human rights.


Nowicki says Steiner created surrogate state

PRISTINA, July 10 (Tanjug) - Kosovo ombudsman Marek Nowicki said in
Pristina on Wednesday that basic international standards in the field
human rights were not observed in Kosovo and accused UNMIK head Michael
Steiner and his associates of creating a "surrogate state" in the
Ever since the provisional international authorities were set up in
Kosovo, UNMIK has been passing decrees protecting only its own staff,
without paying any attention to Kosovo citizens, Nowicki said and
the unenviable position of minorities, primarily Kosovo Serbs, who do
not have elementary human rights, are neither secure nor free to move.
UNMIK does not observe democratic principles, Nowicki said during the
presentation of his latest report on the situation in the province.
He also criticized the majority ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo
and their political representatives by saying that they were
for the unenviable position of Serbs and other minority communities.

Nowicki says Kosovo's future is hopeless

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, July 10 (Tanjug) - In his second annual report,
presented in Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo-Metohija ombudsman Marek Antoni
Nowicki said that the future of Kosovo seemed hopeless and that Kosovo
was a human rights black hole in Europe and the world.
He said that the future of Serbs in Kosovo would certainly depend on
the political situation in the province and that it would not be easy
find the "right place" for Serbs.


Subject: Jiri Dienstbier: Terrorism Is Not A Good Thing But A
Bad Thing
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 09:02:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Rozoff

[As best a balanced mind and honest person can make
sense of the following appeal by former UN Human
Rights envoy for Kosovo, the nations of the NATO
Alliance should now combat everything they've been
supporting for the past 12 years.
Yugoslav government and military officials, past and
present, including Slobodan Milosevic, should be tried
in the Netherlands for exactly what Dienstbier now -
horribly belatedly - failed to accomplished when he
was in a position to do so and which he now forcefully
advocates: The uprooting of the Western-backed
international terrorist and narcotics-trafficking
so-called KLA nexus.
And this at the very moment that CIA station chief
John David Neighbor is caught on film passing $1,000
to a former Yugoslav general for state security
secrets, including current plans for contending with
the KLA in Serbia's Presevo valley and adjoining
Within days of the Macedonian governent caving in to
the relentless economic and military blackmail of NATO
Secretary General George Robertson and former U.S.
Balkan Envoy James Pardew and granting blanket amnesty
to over 3,000 UCK-KLA invaders from Kosovo.
NATO "has cut down the number of terrorist attacks in
Southern Serbia and Macedonia."
By simply labeling the attackers 'civil rights
activists' and granting them full legitimacy.
Though he doesn't say it, the same could be claimed
for Dienstbier's own former territory, Kosovo, where
terrorist attacks have also diminished in direct
proportion to available targets, as thousands of
innocent civilians have been murdered and kidnapped
and hundreds of thousands ethnically cleansed.
A modest proposal: Free those former Yugoslav
officials languishing in Dutch prisons and replace
them with the Richard Holbrookes, Madeleine Albrights,
Bernard Kouchners, Bill Clintons, Tony Blairs and -
not to overlook them - Jiri Dienstbiers that have
aided and abetted at every turn the horror that is
engulfing the Balkans.]

Thursday, March 21st, 2002
w w w . t a i p e i t i m e s . c o m

Fight Balkan terrorism now

Within the global terrorism chain Balkan terrorism
remains a small but vital link, one which has
continued to flourish right under the eyes of NATO and
the UN
By Jiri Dienstbier

Slobodan Milosevic's trial in the Hague is a timely
reminder of just how devastating terroristic violence
can be. President Bush may or may not have been
careless in portraying Iraq, Iran and North Korea as
an "axis of evil," but he was correct in pointing out
the many hidden links in the global terrorism chain.
Within that chain Balkan terrorism remains a small but
vital link, one which has continued to flourish right
under the eyes of NATO and the UN.
Osama bin Laden established his presence in the region
through a series of so-called "humanitarian"
organizations in Bosnia and Albania sometime around
1994. Some of the fighters in Bosnia, Kosovo and
Macedonia during the Balkan wars included mujahidin
from many countries who had trained in Afghanistan.
Local terrorist centers were also important. Indeed,
in Albania terrorists were trained on the property of
former Albanian President Sali Berisha near the town
of Tropoje.
Beyond this powerful hint of local support for
terrorists, there was an economic infrastructure. Two
tons of heroin per month passed from Asia to Europe
through Kosovo during the rule of Slobodan Milosevic.
Instead of diminishing since Milosevic's fall, drug
smuggling has increased. Last year, five tons of
heroin was smuggled through the lands now overseen by
the United Nations and NATO. Interpol says that
Albanian gangs now control 70% of heroin trafficking
in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Scandinavia.
Cooperation over the last few years between the UN
Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), the
NATO-led multinational Kosova Force (KFOR), and local
governments -- boosted by the arrival of a democratic
government in Serbia -- has cut down the number of
terrorist attacks in Southern Serbia and Macedonia.
Yet this cooperation has failed to stymie the fusion
of terrorist and criminal activity. Indeed, due to the
wealth of terrorist groups engaged in drug dealing,
Erhard Busek, the Coordinator of the EU's Stability
Pact for the former Yugoslavia, thinks that the chance
of peace in Macedonia will be a mere 50 percent once
this winter's snows thaw.
Calm will not return to the Balkans so long as the UN
and NATO fail to destroy extremism's base in Kosovo.
For the criminal/terrorist heart of the supposedly
disbanded Kosovo Liberation Army continues to fortify
its power and to expand into Macedonia, Southern
Serbia and Montenegro. Some less careful commanders of
the KLA even talk about the 100,000 Albanians in
Greece as an ultimate target for their irredentist
goals. The goal of a "Greater Albania," has not been
Instead of suppressing the terrorists, they have been
treated as part of the solution to instability in the
Balkans. NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson did
call Albanian terrorists in Macedonia "a bunch of
murderous thugs," yet those same thugs were holding
public press conferences in Pristina under the noses
of UNMIK or KFOR. So solicitous of the terrorists'
desires are some countries that America's
representative to the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) conducted negotiations
with Macedonian politicians and terrorist commanders
not in Skopje or Tetovo but in Prizren, a Kosovar city
where they are influential.
Over the last few years Kosovo has been ethnically
cleansed of a quarter of a million people. One hundred
churches and monasteries have been razed. Ethnically
motivated murders are less common of late, but this
cannot be deemed a success so long as Kosovo's
non-Albanians remain isolated in enclaves protected by
Recent elections have confirmed the general aversion
to violence of the local population. But elections are
a democratic instrument only if all parties accept
their results. Real power in Kosovo, however, remains
in the hands of those with kalashnikovs.
The international forces in Kosovo are strong enough
to cut the Balkan link in the global terrorist chain.
If the will is sufficient, that is. The Balkan
traffickers in drugs, arms, women, and refugees -- the
underground criminal trades that fund the terrorists
-- can be closed down. But to do this, the
international bodies that control Kosovo must dissolve
any organization that relies on violence.
Known criminals should not sit in Kosovo's Parliament,
but in prison. The worst of them don't belong in
Kosovo's government but on trial with Milosevic in the
Hague. Fearful of challenging the armed terrorists,
the international bodies that govern Kosovo prefer to
appease them.
Frustrated international administrators, indeed, have
forced Albania's political parties to form a
coalition. This, however, may result in eviscerating
the power of Ibrahim Rugova, finally confirmed as
President earlier this month, while the extremist's
parties transformed from the Kosovo Liberation Army
are admitted into government.
The goal behind the bombing of Yugoslavia, of Security
Council resolution 1244 and today's provisional
constitutional framework for Kosovo, was the creation
of the pre-conditions for the democratic development
of a multiethnic society. As this remains the only
worthwhile and workable goal, the only viable solution
to Kosovo's future is a coalition of moderate
Albanians and the parties of Kosovo's ethnic
minorities. But pragmatic cynics have been arguing for
three years that such a solution is impossible. By
appeasing the terrorists in this way, the most
powerful states in the world give a green light to
terrorists not only in the Balkans but all over the
Kosovo is a territory far smaller than Afghanistan. If
the world fails to eliminate terrorists from politics
in Kosovo, what hope does it have of defeating
terrorism elsewhere? So, before the anti-terror
campaign seeks other terrorist bases to destroy, it
should eliminate terror in a place where the UN itself
is ruling. If not, the UN, NATO and the European Union
will discredit themselves as well as the humanitarian
values they use to justify their ``humanitarian´´
Jiri Dienstbier was until recently UN Special Human
Rights envoy for former the Yugoslavia and is a former
Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia. Copyright: Project