


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 22 GEN - Grande imbarazzo ma anche grandi
risate oggi al Sava Centar di Belgrado, dove si teneva una
conferenza sui rapporti fra Jugoslavia e Banca mondiale: un topolino
si e' 'affezionato' all'oratore centrale, il rappresentante della
banca Rory O'Sullivan, girandogli intorno sul tavolo per alcuni
minuti, senza perderlo d'occhio. L'incidente ha messo fortemente a
disagio i partecipanti dei governi federale e serbo presenti,
orgogliosi all'inizio di intrattenere l'ospite nell'edificio
piu' moderno e scintillante della capitale, gia' teatro di
importanti congressi, concerti e manifestazioni. ''Quei minuti
per noi sono durati anni - ha rivelato uno dei delegati jugoslavi -
nonostante l'ospite e i suoi colleghi sembrassero piu' divertiti
che preoccupati''. La vicenda e' stata risolta con una battuta di
spirito dal minstro delle finanze serbo Bozidar Djelic: ''Ecco,
signor O'Sullivan, tutto cio' che abbiamo trovato nell'ottobre del
2000 (dopo il rovesciamento del regime di Slobodan Milosevic, ndr)
nelle casse dello stato''.
(ANSA). OT 22/01/2002 17:37


Il consigliere della Banca Mondiale Arvo Cuddo ha dichiarato
il 24/1/2002 che la distruzione del sistema delle imprese pubbliche
ed autogestite della Jugoslavia - programmato dalla stessa
Banca Mondiale e zelantemente perseguito dall'attuale classe
dirigente - causera' la disoccupazione per almeno 800mila
cittadini. La cifra dovrebbe pero' essere ancora maggiore se si
considera anche la privatizzazione delle imprese a capitale
misto pubblico-privato.
Per fronteggiare la esplosiva situazione sociale che verra' a
determinarsi - e che non sara' equilibrata nemmeno dal forte
aumento della mortalita' dovuto al drastico abbassamento della
qualita' della vita ed alle malattie legate ai bombardamenti
"umanitari" della NATO - Cuddo chiede che i sindacati collaborino
a mantenere tranquille le acque, co-gestendo la transizione insieme
agli imprenditori ed usando le organizzazioni non-governative e
tutto l'arcipelago di quello che in Italia si chiamerebbe "terzo
settore" come tampone utile a dare una illusione di occupazione
(I. Slavo)


BELGRADE, Jan 24 (Tanjug) - World Bank (WB) adviser Arvo Cuddo said
on Thursday about 800,000 people would become unemployed in the
course of the ownership transformation of public and social
companies in Serbia over next few years, and the figure could
be even higher if one also takes into account the privatization
of companies with mixed capital.
The authorities will find themselves in an explosive social
situation over the dismissals of the excess work force and that
is why the reform process must be implemented gradually, Cuddo
told an international conference on the strategy of trade unions
in the reform processes, which is under way in Belgrade.
Cuddo warned that in the process of dismissing the surplus work
force, the Serbian government must take care of their compensation.
Furthermore, it must engage trade unions and other interest groups
and NGOs in the negotiations on job cuts, he said.
Serbia has good starting positions for carrying out reforms, he
said, but if it wishes to implement them successfully, it must
establish good cooperation between trade unions and employers.


Belgrado, 20 gennaio (Beta): Il responsabile della Banca Mondiale per la
Jugoslavia, Christian Portman, ha detto lo scorso 18/1 che l'aiuto della
Banca Mondiale e' stato condizionato alla messa in bancarotta delle
banche jugoslave, e non alla collaborazione della Jugoslavia con il
Tribunale Penale Internazionale per la ex Jugoslavia (ICTY).
In una conferenza stampa a Belgrado Portman ha affermato che la Banca
Mondiale ha concesso 250 milioni di dollari nel 2002 alla condizione che
i governi serbo e jugoslavo "continuino a rispettare la direzione delle
riforme economiche e dello sviluppo come e' stato finora".
La Banca Mondiale ha garantito il prestito a dieci anni, con una
scadenza di pagamento a 20, senza interessi fatta eccezione per un 1,7
per cento di commissione per il servizio, ha detto Portman. Egli ha
sottolineato che la Banca Mondiale e' "molto colpita" per come sono
state realizzate le riforme economiche in Jugoslavia, ed ha spiegato che
"solo adesso inizia la parte principale del programma della Banca
Mondiale, nel senso dell'appoggio al corrente programma di riforme,
dinamico e promettente."


BELGRADE, Jan20 (Beta) - The head of the World Bank for Yugoslavia,
Christian Portman,said on Jan. 18 that the World Bank's aid has been
conditioned with the bankruptcy of Yugoslav banks, but not with
Yugoslavia's cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
The World Bank granted Yugoslavia US$250 million in 2002, under the
condition that the Yugoslav and Serbian governments "continue to respect
the direction of economic reforms and development as they have so far,"
Portman said at a press conference in Belgrade.
The World Bank granted the loan with a 10-year grace period, a 20-year
payment deadline, and no interest, apart from a 1.7 percent commission
for services, Portman said. He stressed that the World Bank was "very
impressed" with the implementation of economic reforms in Yugoslavia
and pointed out that "only now begins the main part of realizing the
World Bank's program, in the form of support to the dynamic and
promising reform program underway."


ROMA - Adolf Hitler? Per Pio XII era un
uomo talmente diabolico nei suoi
programmi di dominio e di sterminio da
apparire come posseduto dal demonio.
Per questo, durante la guerra, compì
più di una volta un esorcismo a
distanza del dittatore nazista. Questo
episodio, contenuto nelle
testimonianze per il processo di
beatificazione, è stato rivelato dallo
storico gesuita Peter Gumpel, durante una
tavola rotonda nel Collegio
Capranica di Roma. I relatori hanno reagito
«alla quarantennale campagna di
calunnie e di smemoratezze» nei confronti di
questo Papa, decisivo nell'opera di salvezza
di 700-800 mila ebrei.

(da Il Messaggero online)

Tra un esorcismo e l'altro, Pio XII riceveva
in Vaticano anti funzionari ustascia, e personalmente
lo stesso Poglavnik, Ante Pavelic, altro "uomo della
Provvidenza". Sulla complicita' tra il Vaticano e gli
assassini nazisti si veda ad esempio:

The Independent
From the Balkans to brothels in Soho
by Ian Burrell


Sex, drugs and illegal migrants: Sarajevo's
export trade to Britain

A three-part investigation into the traffic
in people and drugs from Eastern
Europe to the UK

By Ian Burrell in Sarajevo
21 January 2002
Internal links

Immigration hit squads to target 500,000
illegal workers

From the Balkans to brothels in Soho

There are wolves, bears and unexploded mines
in the snow-covered elm and
pine forests that divide Bosnia-Herzegovina
from the outside world. Yet the
borders of the young state that has become a
springboard for illegal
immigration to Britain are so porous that
thousands of people are smuggled
through its 432 mostly unmanned crossing
points every month.

The situation is so serious that Tony Blair
has persuaded the Bosnian
government to allow a team of British
immigration officials to try to plug
the gaps being exploited by international
organised crime.

Last week, in a mountain gorge that
separates Bosnia from Montenegro, Steve
Parke, a British immigration officer, and
Ian Johnston, a Merseyside police
officer, were checking lorries, cars and
buses for signs of people headed
illegally for the European Union and
Britain. Mr Johnston, who works for the
United Nations as deputy chief of the
Bosnian border service, said: "The
border is crossable anywhere. All 1,600 kms
[1,000 miles] is passable,
depending on how desperate you are to cross
into the next country."

Mafia gangs in Istanbul and Kosovo are
exploiting the post-war
destabilisation in the former Yugoslavia,
with its weak laws, liberal visa
regimes and widespread corruption, to ferry
Turkish, Iranian, Iraqi,
Albanian and Afghan migrants into Europe for
£5,000 a head.

A report from the International Organisation
for Migration says 120,000
women and child sex workers are trafficked
into the European Union each
year. In Bosnia, 34,000 foreign visitors
have disappeared after flying into
Sarajevo airport during the past two years.
Most have remained for just a
few hours before being taken to the border
by people smugglers.

In his third-floor office in the blue and
white United Nations building
overlooking Sarajevo airport, Graham Leese,
the project head of the
British-led immigration team, is under no
illusions about the scale of the
problem. "For the EU as a whole - and
the UK in particular - the Balkan
route has long been identified as the most
productive route in terms of
illegal migration flows. It's quite easy to
bribe border guards to turn a
blind eye when you are smuggling across a
lorry load of illegal immigrants."

Bosnian organised crime is turning over an
estimated £170m a year and,
according to one member of the British team,
government corruption is a
major problem. "There are big fish here.
They have massive influence and a
lot of them are holding senior positions,"
he said. The view is shared by
Ian Cliff, the British ambassador in
Sarajevo, who said there was "massive"
corruption among government officials
administering the districts and
cantons established in Bosnia after the
Dayton Accord in 1995.

"It is basically a country that has not
built a proper economy since the end
of the war," he said. "People look to office
as a way of supporting
themselves, their families and their
extended families."

He said officials were subjected to bribery
and threats. "Money is used very
directly to influence the political system.
All sorts of pressures are
brought to bear on people through their
families and through threats on
their jobs."

The immigration team, made up of seven
Britons and a Dane, is trying to
establish the newly-formed Bosnian State
Border Service (SBS) along 1,616km
of land border. The SBS now controls 36 of
52 international crossings - the
rest are staffed by poorly paid police -
but hundreds of minor crossings are

The difficulties for the SBS are apparent at
Hum where, 100ft above the
river Drina, a steel bridge spans the
snow-covered gorge dividing
Montenegro, in the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, from Srpska, the Serbian
sector of Bosnia.

In a hut on the Bosnian side, Jagos Matovic,
a border guard, said people
arriving with Turkish passports had only to
show they had the equivalent of
£33 for each day of their stay. Most were
waved through by guards who lacked
the technology or training to check the

Mr Johnston said: "A lot of officers think
that if people are transiting
into Western Europe that's not a problem for
Bosnia. We have to educate them
that it's creating lots of problems and that
Bosnia wants to be part of
Europe." Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
want to be part of the EU.

Bosnia is also a transit point for thousands
of Chinese migrants heading
west from the Federal Republic. Mr Leese
said there were 50 new Chinese
arrivals on each flight into Belgrade from

"I asked [the Yugoslav authorities] how many
leave, but they have no
record," he said. "They are probably being
shipped across the northern
border and through the Serbian part of

Many of the 58 Chinese migrants found dead
at Dover in June 2000 had
travelled via Sarajevo, as had eight mainly
Turkish migrants found dead in a
shipping container in Ireland last month.

The British immigration team is likely to be
called in by the Belgrade
government to tighten border security. A
similar request has been made by
Romania. The group is proving effective at
Sarajevo airport, where
British-bought forgery detection equipment
and new questioning techniques
have disrupted the smugglers.

The new vigilance, together with the
introduction of a visa requirement for
Iranian visitors, reduced "disappearing"
airline passengers to 8,400 last
year, compared with 25,000 in the previous
six months.

But Mile Juric, the SBS chief, said the
trafficking gangs had switched
tactics. He said: "Because of the measures
we have undertaken at the airport
we can sense bigger pressure from Turkish
citizens on the land border crossings."

Once in Bosnia, most migrants head for
Sarajevo, from where couriers will
ferry them onwards. They gather in the
Bascarsija district, where the
architecture recalls Sarajevo's Ottoman
past. In Humska Ulica street a group
of Turks congregated at an international
telephone booth to arrange the next
stage of their journey.

Others head straight to the taxi ranks at
the city's bus station. Vaha Srce,
a taxi driver, said that "all last year" he
had been driving the six-hour
journey to the northern town of Bihac. His
passengers were always Kurdish,
always had the US$200 fare (£140) and often
asked for the same hotel. Bihac
is on the Croatian border, and from there it
is just a short hop to Italy and the EU.

The clampdown on people smuggling is also
made difficult by more than one
million unexploded mines in the border
areas. Mr Leese said: "There is no
way you are going to get immigration
officers walking around here. But the
people who planted the mines are the same
ones who are now taking money to
show illegal immigrants across the border."


Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 23:07:31 -0000
From: "francesco iannuzzelli"
To: dirittiglobali@...

Da Repubblica - 21/1/2002

Strasburgo, 18:25
Diritti umani violati, l'Italia bestia nera Ue

L'Italia si è confermata nel 2001 la nazione che più di tutte ha
violato la Convenzione europea sui diritti umani. La Corte europea
dei Diritti dell'uomo lo scorso anno ha emesso 683 condanne. Più
della metà, cioè 359, riguardano lo Stato italiano, che nel 2000
ricevette 232 condanne. E' quanto e Fra i dieci paesi più
condannati a Strasburgo, dopo l'Italia c'è la Turchia, con 169
sentenze, seguita da Francia (32), Gran Bretagna (19), Polonia
(17), Austria e Grecia con 14 condanne, Germania con 13,
Portogallo con 10 e Svizzera con 6 condanne. (Red)


Il testo originale del comunicato stampa della Corte Europea dei
Diritti dell'Uomo e' reperibile a questo indirizzo

Per le puntate precedenti vedasi:

Segnalazioni e traduzioni di Olga D., da Parigi;
sa francuskog prevela Olga D. u Parisu

Nota: BHL e' Bernard-Henri Levy


Da PLPL n° 7, dicembre 2001, pagina 11

Quando non si riposa nel palazzo di Marrakech
acquistato da Alain Delon per 12 000 000 franchi
francesi, BHL compone le sue invettive, esperienze
e collere in elicottero. Nel 1996 Bernard-Henry Levy
"fece un apparizione molto notata, posandosi sul
prato nel parco del castello di François Pinault,
in compagnia di Alain Delon", in occasione del
ricevimento tenutosi dopo lo sposalizio del
figlio di Pinault. (Le Nouvel Observateur, 20. 06. 96)

(ndr: BHL è il primo vincitore del Laccio d'oro assegnato da PLPL -


Kada ne odmara u vili u Marakesu koju mu je za 12 miliona francuskih
franaka prodao Alen Delon, Bernar-Anri Levi u helikopteru stavlja na
papir svoja gnusanja, dozivljaje i bes. Godine 1996. "Bio je vrlo
zapazen njegov dolazak na prijem u povodu vencanja Pinoovog sina.
Helikopterom je sleteo na travnjak kraj dvorca Fransoa Pinoa u pratnji
Alena Delona" kako navodi Le Nouvel Observateur u broju od 20. 06. 96.

Citaoci nisu sigurno zaboravili da je PLPL prvo Bernar-Anri Leviju
dodelio Zlatnu uzicu za dodvoravanje.



...E soprattutto, bisogna che sia considerato
responsabile, lui personalmente, non soltanto
per la morte di centinaia di migliaia di Croati,
Bosniaci e Kosovari, nella sporca guerra che lui
ha provocato nel 1991 e che dura ancora, ma anche,
e ormai, per ogni eventuale morte dei Serbi nei
L'Occidente andra' fino in fondo nella sua giusta
logica di guerra? Sara' in grado non soltanto
piegare Milosevic, ma anche di distruggerlo?
O sara', al contrario, colto da un improvviso
spavento di fronte alle conseguenze della propria
audacia? (Le Point, le 27/03/99)

* * * * * *

PROROCANSTVO Bernar-Anri Levija:
Platice on i za zrtve Nato-pakta

A kao najbitnije, treba da nam odgovara,
on glavom, ne samo za stotine hiljada
Hrvata, Bosanaca i Kosovaca poginulih
u prljavom ratu koji je on izazvao 1991. i
koji jos traje, nego i za svakog Srbina
koji eventualno bude poginuo u
Da li ce Zapad istrajati u svojoj ispravnoj
ratnoj logici? Da li ce umeti ne samo da
slomi Milosevica, nego i da ga unisti?
Ili ce, naprotiv, suocen sa posledicama
sopstvene odvaznosti, uzasnut pokleknuti?
("Le Point", 27/03/99)



Uno scatto d'orgoglio, di ribellione, di coerenza, di

Questo s'impone al popolo antifascista triestino nel giorno
della memoria, nel momento in cui tanti - troppi - si
adattano e avallano il clima culturale e politico
revisionista, pretendendo di andare a commemorare le
vittime del nazifascismo nella nostra città fianco a fianco
con chi mai ha rinnegato il fascismo e persegue il
revisionismo storico.

* Nessun silenzio *
Nessun silenzio può giustificare la presenza nel lager di
sterminio triestino dei rappresentanti dell'eredità storica
del nazifascismo.

* Vergogna *
Vergogna per chi legittima la presenza nella Risiera di S.
Sabba dei rappresentanti della continuità storica del

* Resistenza *
Resistenza vuol dire memoria, memoria antifascista e









Entretien avec Jacques Vergès
«Le procès Milosevic est un rituel de diabolisation»

Il n?y a pas de dialogue possible avec ce tribunal, ce
tribunal est fait pour le condamner. Et sa condamnation est
faite pour justifier l?agression. Ces éléments de preuve,
on peut les apporter devant l?opinion.
C?est toute la stratégie des procès de rupture.




'Judge is English, prosecutor is English ...'

Milosevic defies his NATO captors

By John Catalinotto



The Trial Of Slobodan Milosevic
Public Meeting - Friday 1st Feb. 7pm

Featured Speakers:
Christopher Black: Canadian barrister, war crimes
expert and defence lawyer at International war
tribunal in Rwanda. He is also chair of the legal
panel for the International Committee for the Defence
of Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)
Misha Gavrilovic: of the British-Serbian Alliance is a
prominent broadcaster and member of the Serbian
Community in Britain. He has had over 800 media
appearances in the past decade relating to the
conflict in Yugoslavia.
The trial of Yugoslav Ex-President Slobodan Milosevic
is about to begin at NATO?s Tribunal in The Hague. For
twelve years, Mr Milosevic has been vilified and
accused of the most heinous acts in order to justify
NATO?s war policiesagainst his home country.

The Tribunal was established by the UN Security
Council, which had no mandate to do so. Its purpose
has been to justify NATO?s first military intervention
in its history and in advance delegitimise its prime
victims, the Serbian nation, by equating them with
Nazis. Mr. Milosevic, who was kidnapped against the
ruling of the Yugoslav Supreme Court, has been denied
his fundamental rights by this tribunal.
The War however has not stopped. NATO has now
unleashed war in Macedonia using its proxy forces of
the KLA terrorists.
Come to the meeting. Hear why Mr Milosevic?s record of
resistance to foreign aggression must be defended.
Hear and discuss key issues suppressed or avoided by
the mainline media in Nato countries like Britain.

Conway Hall - Red Lion Square, London W1 (Holborn)
Organised by the Committee to Defend Slobodan
CDSM, PO Box 19598, London E11 2XB Tel 07786 853565


Il panorama dei media jugoslavi, successivamente ai fatti dell'autunno
2000 - l'assalto al Parlamento, la devastazione dell'ufficio elettorale
e delle sedi dei partiti della sinistra e dei sindacati - si e'
gravemente deteriorato. Timidi tentativi di mantenere in vita un
quotidiano della opposizione di centro-sinistra sono ripetutamente
falliti a causa delle gravi difficolta' economiche: nella Federazione
Jugoslava, oggi, chi non ha una lobby economica straniera alle spalle
non ha voce. Il pluralismo della informazione, prima garantito
dall'equilibrio di fatto tra i media filo-governativi e quelli di
opposizione finanziati in Occidente, e' oggi morto e sepolto, e tutto il
panorama e' occupato dalle destre liberiste o nazionaliste-monarchiche.
Come avvoltoi in attesa di avventarsi sul cadavere, compagnie straniere
si mettono oggi in coda per giovarsi della prossima svendita dei media
statali, in primo luogo le TV. Anche uomini di Berlusconi, insieme a
greci ed altri imprenditori, si sono messi in attesa del via libera
governativo alla svendita di YU-Info, il quarto canale televisivo della
L'unica incognita in tutto questo, come spiega il dispaccio della
Reuters che sotto riportiamo, e' la sopravvivenza stessa della
Federazione minacciata dal referendum secessionista in Montenegro, che
si terra' in primavera sotto l'egida degli USA e della mafia delle
sigarette (collusa con la mafia italiana). (I. Slavo)


ANT1 has an eye on Yugoslav TV station

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Yugoslavia's YU-info TV station
yesterday announced that Europe's RTL Group and other leading media
companies had expressed an interest in the government-owned
channel, which is expected to be sold this year.
"Quite a few foreign media have inquired about the station
including RTL, Bloomberg, Greece's Antenna TV, and some of Berlusconi's
people visited me and asked for data," YU-info's director
Zoran Predic told Reuters.
He was referring to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, whose
family controls Italy's largest commercial broadcaster Mediaset. "All
prospective buyers are at the level of inquiries, they visited, looked
around and are now on stand-by to see when the government will
decide to give the go-ahead," Predic said.
He added that the sale of the station was inevitable and would
certainly happen this year.
Yugoslavia's new leaders have been seeking to reform the country's
media sector following the downfall in 2000 of former Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic, who frequently used state media for
propaganda purposes.
If YU-info was sold to a Western company, it would be one of the
first foreign investments in the Yugoslav media sector. YU-info is the
station with the widest Yugoslav coverage but it ranks only
fourth in terms of viewer numbers, Predic said.
The first step toward YU-info's privatization was taken when the
federal government this month decided to separate the channel
from other state media, which had formed a single company.
Yugoslav Information Secretary Slobodan Orlic told Reuters a
new broadcasting law would also need to be passed first before
the sale goes ahead.
"The adoption of the law can be expected in the next three
months and then an ownership transformation of YU-Info could be
launched very shortly after that," Orlic said. Orlic cautioned
however, that the privatization could be delayed until it becomes
clear what will happen with the federation, referring to plans
of the coastal republic of Montenegro to hold a referendum on
independence. "This (the privatization) could be completed relatively
quickly, but it is as much a legal as a political decision," Orlic said.

Il Museo di Storia Militare di Vienna sta ospitando una mostra dal
titolo "L'Austria ed il crollo della Jugoslavia", nella quale sono
esposti alcuni oggetti e materiali evocativi dei peggiori momenti della
propaganda occidentale a favore dello sfascio di quel paese.

La mostra, fortemente curata anche per le visite scolastiche, mira
esplicitamente ad avvalorare la tesi secondo cui non i secessionismi,
bensi' "il tentativo di impedire con le armi il disfacimento dello Stato
unitario" sarebbe alla base dei lutti e delle rovine nonche' del
disfacimento stesso (sic). Al contempo, la mostra non dedica nessuno
spazio, tra l'altro, agli effetti della guerra ecologica attuata dalla
NATO contro la popolazione civile nel 1999, alle conseguenze delle
sanzioni economiche, ai crimini della diplomazia occidentale.

Questa impostazione autoassolutoria e criminalizzante in particolare
verso una parte in conflitto (quella serba) riflette la attitudine
culturale prevalente in Austria e negli altri paesi ocidentali sulla
Jugoslavia, della quale e' segno anche il forte razzismo slavofobo ed
antiserbo evidenziato dal seguente dispaccio ANSA.

(a cura di I. Slavo)



(ANSA) - VIENNA, 19 GEN - Gli italiani sono i piu' simpatici agli
austriaci, seguiti dai tedeschi, mentre i meno simpatici sono serbi,
romeni e bulgari. Lo affermna un sondaggio pubblicato oggi dal
quotidiano di Vienna ''Die presse''. La ricerca, condotta dall'istituto
Fessel-Gfk, secondo il giornale registra un epocale cambiamento nelle
opinioni degli austriaci, che ancora negli anni '60 erano
completamente di altro parere rispetto ai loro vicini meridionali.
Questo cambiamento, afferma Peter Ulram, che ha condotto la
ricerca, e' una conseguenza degli intensi contatti allacciati dalle
popolazioni dei due paesi. ''L'Italia non e' piu' il paese delle vacanze
al mare - ha detto al giornale - bensi' una 'way of life', nella quale
hanno un ruolo molto importante la gastronomia, la musica e
anche la Toscana''. Questi i risultati, pubblicati oggi da 'Die Presse':

Italia 76 8
Germania 75 13
Grecia 52 2
Svizzera 54 7
Ungheria 54 12
Spagna 46 4
Gran bretagna 38 6
Croazia 41 12
Olanda 32 4
Francia 41 15
Slovenia 37 11
Usa 25 7
Turchia 29 12
Belgio 23 9
Rep.Ceca 33 22
Slovacchia 21 16
Polonia 12 11
Russia 12 11
Bosnia 12 13
Bulgaria 8 12
Romania 8 13
Serbia 7 17.

STE 19/01/2002 12:39


Subject: 78 Tage NATOnalismus in
Jugoslawien - und noch kein bisschen leiser!
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:30:37 +0100
From: joesb@...
Organization: JOeSB Aktuell
To: jugocoord@...

Jugoslawien war das einzige Land, das seinen
Weg alleine gehen wollte und sich westlicher
Integration und westlichen Koalitionen nicht
anzuschließen gedachte. Wie üblich wurde es
zum Schurkenstaat gestempelt, bevor modernste
konventionelle Vernichtungsmittel gegen die
BR Jugoslawien zum Einsatz kamen. Bilanz?
An die 3.000 jugoslawischen Zivilisten wurden
durch die Bombardierungen getötet und 248.000
Serben und Nicht-Albaner wurden vertrieben.
Der erste Tag der Bombardierung hat
72.086.625 Euro gekostet. Allein die
Zerstörung der petro-chemischen Industrie in
Pancevo hat 74.687.449 Euro gekostet.
Insgesamt betrugen die Kosten des Krieges in
Jugoslawien 350 Milliarden Dollar. In 78
Kriegstagen zerstörten die USA und die NATO
das Lebenswerk einer ganzen Generation: mehr
als ein Drittel des lndustriepotentials, 100
Brücken, unzählige soziale, medizinische,
Verkehrs-, Informations- und
Von Reparationszahlungen ist nach wie vor
keine Rede. In den Kriegen der USA und der
NATO werden die neuesten Waffen und andere
Technologien zum Einsatz gebracht. Ihr Wesen
aber ist den vorausgegangenen
Weltordnungskriegen gleich: den Gegner bis
zur Kampf-und Handlungsunfähigkeit zu
schwächen, um über ihn das Diktat ausüben zu
können sowie die Kontrolle über Ressourcen
und Territorien zu erringen.

Die Veranstaltung der JÖSB "1999 - Bilanz
eines Krieges, der nie enden wird" ist eine
Rückblende in wirtschaftlicher, militärischer
und politischer Hinsicht.

WANN? Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2002 um 19 Uhr

WO? Vorstadtzentrum XV, Meiselstraße 46/4 in
1150 Wien

Und nun folgt eine Kritik zur akutellen
Großausstellung "Österreich und der Zerfall
Jugoslawiens" im "Heeresgeschichtlichen
Museum" in Wien.
Wir rufen alle dazu auf, aktiv zu werden und
Protestfaxe an das österreichische
Aussenministerium zu schicken, denn bewusstes
Verschweigen und der damit verbundenen
Falsifikation geschichlicher Tatsachen muss
der Boden unter den Füßen entzogen werden.

Was Du tun kannst:

* Unterstütze den untenstehenden Text und
teile uns dies mit
* Veröffentliche den Text in Deinem
Wirkungsbereich (Betrieb, Schule, Wohngebiet,
Verein etc.)
* Fordere von der österreichischen Regierung
(Bundeskanzleramt Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel,
Ballhausplatz 2, A-1014 WIEN, Mail:
wolfgang.schuessel@... ) sowie vom
Außenministerium (Bundesministerium für
auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Dr. Benita
Ferrero-Waldner, Ballhausplatz 2, A-1014
WIEN, Mail: minister.bmaa@... ) die
falschen oder ungenügenden Texte in der
Ausstellung richtig zu stellen
* Kontaktiere Dir bekannte politische
MandatarInnen und fordere diese zu Protesten
gegen diese Ausstellung auf
* Schreibe LeserInnenbriefe an Zeitungen
* Fordere eine ausführlichere Stellungnahme,
warum bereits widerlegte Propagandalügen
bewusst trotzdem Platz in der Ausstellung

Presseabteilung Außenministerium
Tel.: 01 53 115 - 3262
Fax.: 01 53115 - 213
e-mail.: abti3@...

Diese kritischen Anmerkungen zur neuen
Ausstellung in Wien wurden uns
freundlicherweise von Kurt Köpruner,
Jugoslawienexperte und Erfolgsautor des
Buches: ?Reisen in das Land der Kriege?,zur
Veröffentlichung bereitgestellt.

Ziel der Ausstellung:
?Ziel der Ausstellung ist es, den gesamten
Zeitraum des Zerfalls des jugoslawischen
Gesamtstaates, von der
Unabhängigkeitserklärung Sloweniens bis zum
militärischen Eingreifen der NATO in
Makedonien, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
des "österreichischen Aspekts" zu behandeln.
[...] Durch die optische Aufbereitung wird
sich der Besucher im Laufe der Ausstellung
der gesamten Problematik des Zerfalls und der
Entstehung der neuen Staaten, mit all ihren
positiven und negativen Begleiterscheinungen
und Folgen, zusehends bewusst werden, ohne
dabei die ?österreichischen Aspekte? aus den
Augen zu verlieren.? (Ausstellungsprospekt,
auch im Internet:

Zusammenfassende Feststellung: Dieser -
durchaus löblichen - Zielsetzung wird die
Ausstellung in keiner Weise gerecht.

Die ?österreichischen Aspekte? beschränken
sich auf einige nicht eben sehr
aussagekräftige Objekte, wie Grenzbalken oder
Schriftstücke zur Bundesheermobilisierung vom
Juni 1991. Die Einmischungspolitik des
neutralen (!) Österreich in die inneren
Angelegenheiten eines Nachbarstaates,
insbesondere die kriegstreiberischen
Aktivitäten des damaligen Außenministers Dr.
Alois Mock finden keine Erwähnung. Die
geschichtsschreiberische Behandlung ?der
gesamten Problematik? beschränkt sich in der
Ausstellung auf denkbar knapp gehaltene
Tafeltexte. Mit jeweils wenigen Sätzen werden
darauf die ?acht Kapitel? des Zerfalls
Jugoslawiens ?erklärt? - ein zwangsläufig
aussichtsloses Unterfangen, zumal nahezu
jeder dieser Sätze historisch problematisch
ist, zum Teil sogar schlicht falsch. Wer sich
an der Ausstellungskassa nach weiterführender
Lektüre erkundigt, wird freundlich darüber
aufgeklärt, dass es nichts Derartiges gäbe,
aber ?ohnehin alles Vorhandene ausgestellt?
sei. Offenbar setzen die Ausstellungsorganisatoren
beim Besucher ein diffuses
Vorwissen voraus, von dem sie annehmen, das
sie mit ein paar Brocken in Erinnerung rufen
können.Die jugoslawische
Vielvölker-Problematik kommt ebenso wenig zur
Sprache, wie die seit Jahrhunderten währende
kriegerische Einmischung von außen, die in
den neunziger Jahren eine dramatische
Fortsetzung gefunden hat.

Kostproben von Irreführendem und Merkwürdigem
auf Infotafeln, im Ausstellungsprospekt bzw.
im Internet:

Irreführend, falsch (1):
Die Gründe, die zum Zerfall Jugoslawiens
führten sowie die Resultate des Zerfalles
werden so dargestellt:
?Der Versuch, den Zerfall des Gesamtstaates
mittels Waffengewalt zu verhindern, führte
schlussendlich zu dessen endgültigem Zerfall
und forderte in den letzten zehn Jahren rund
300.000 Tote; über 2,5 Millionen Flüchtlinge
verließen das Land.?
(Internet, z. T. auch im
[Kommentar: Auch nicht umfassend korrekt,
aber richtiger wäre das Gegenteil: Der
Versuch, den Zerfall des Gesamtstaates
mittels Waffengewalt zu herbeizuführen,
führte ... ]

Fehlerhaftes Verwirrspiel (1):
?Am 3. Juni [1999] hat Belgrad dem G8 Plan
zugestimmt. Wenige Stunden zuvor hatte die
Nato ihre Luftangriffe ausgesetzt, da die
jugoslawische Armee bereits mit dem Rückzug
begonnen hatte.? (Infotafel Kosovo)
[Kommentar: Die Nato bombardierte bis zum
09.06.01, die jugoslawische Armee begann mit
dem Rückzug Zug um Zug mit der Einstellung
des Bombardements.]

?Bereits während der Verhandlungen von
Rambouillet wurde deutlich, dass Belgrad
nicht bereit war, einem Verbleib der UCK im
Kosovo zuzustimmen.? (Infotafel Kosovo)
[Kommentar: Das wurde wohl schon etwas früher

?Bis Anfang Juli [1999] verließen rund 72.000
der 200.000 Serben den Kosovo.? (Infotafel
[Kommentar: Eine Ausstellung Ende 2001 könnte
auch auf den Zeitraum nach Anfang Juli 1999

Fehlerhaftes Verwirrspiel (2):
?Ab 1998 begann das gezielte Anwerben von
Soldaten, was die UCK von einer kleinen
Organisation auf eine bis zu 2.000 Mann
starke Armee anwachsen ließ, der sich laufend
weitere anschlossen.
Gemäß dem Demobilisierungsabkommen vom
21.06.99 lieferte die UCK den größten Teil
ihrer Waffen ab und wandelte sich in ein
ziviles Friedenskorps (KPC) um; lediglich 200
von 5.000 Mitglieder durften ihre Waffen
behalten (TMK).? (Infotafel Kosovo)
[Kommentar: Wie stark war sie denn nun, die
UCK? Wer hat denn später in Südserbien und in
Mazedonien attackiert und mit welchen Waffen
geschah dies?]

Irreführend, falsch (2):
?Erst die Vereinigung der bosnischen
paramilitärischen Verbände zu einer
eigenständigen Armee und das zaghafte
Einschreiten der Nato, allerdings erst nach
dem Angriff auf UN-Schutzzonen im Sommer 1995
(Srebrenica) verlangsamte den Vormarsch der
serbischen Verbände." (Infotafel Bosnien -
[Kommentar: Da ist so ziemlich jede Aussage

Merkwürdig (1):
?Im Sommer 1995 wurden die serbisch
kontrollierten Gebiete Kroatiens (Krajina,
Ostslawonien, und Baranja) während der
kroatischen Sommeroffensive zurückerobert.
120.000 Serben verließen Kroatien.?
(Infotafel Kroatien)
[Kommentar: Ein merkwürdige Beschreibung
dieser ethnischen Säuberungsaktionen - die
größten Einzelaktionen dieser Art während der
neunziger Jahre -die unter Mitwirkung und
Jubel des Westens ablief.]

Merkwürdig (2):
?Während es im Sommer zu den ersten kleineren
Gefechten kam, eskalierte die Situation im
Winter 1998/99 vollends; Massenvertreibungen
waren die Folge. Da trotz internationaler
Bemühungen keine Lösung erzielt werden
konnte, griffen NATO-Verbände ein und
bombardierten Ziele in Serbien und im
Kosovo.? (Ausstellungsprospekt).
[Kommentar: Die Eroberung von 40 % des Kosovo
im Sommer 1998 durch die UCK, die damals
300.000 Flüchtlinge waren demnach das
Resultat von ?kleineren Gefechten??]

Merkwürdig (3):
?The Serbs have created concentrations camps
within de industrial compounds for a great
number of detained Muslims and Croats. Some
of the largest camps were: Keraterm,
Trnopolje and Omarska.? (Ausstellungsobjekt
[Kommentar: Die (für die Begründung der
Nato-Luftschläge letztlich entscheidenden)
Bezüge zu Auschwitz und KZ?s wollte man
offenbar nicht ganz aussparen, man vermied es
aber, sich mit den längst widerlegten
Behauptungen die Finger zu verbrennen: Die
entsprechenden Passagen sind einem
englischsprachigen (!) Plakat zu entnehmen.]

Merkwürdig (4):
Die ausgestellten Angriffswaffen und Minen
sind durchwegs jugoslawischer bzw. russischer
Herkunft; soweit Waffen anderer Staaten
ausgestellt sind, werden sie
merkwürdigerweise jeweils als ?Abwehrwaffen?

Vieles findet weder in Text noch
Ausstellungsobjekten Erwähnung. Beispiele:

Die Auswirkungen der Nato-Luftschläge auf
zivile Ziele, die Umweltproblematik (Bomben
auf Chemiefabriken, Urangeschoße).

Die trostlose ökonomische Lage aller
ex-jugoslawischen Republiken (ausgenommen
Slowenien) als Folge des Zerfalls
Jugoslawiens; das Fehlen jeder Perspektive
für die dort lebenden Menschen.

Die negativen Auswirkungen auf die
Nachbarstaaten, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Ungarn,

Die völkerrechtliche Problematik (etwa:
Militäraktion ohne Zustimmung des
UN-Sicherheitsrates, frühzeitige Anerkennung
Kroatiens) und die Haltung, die Österreich
dabei eingenommen hat.

Die Aufarbeitung des fraglos wichtigen Themas
?Österreich und der Zerfall Jugoslawiens?
steht noch aus.

Jugoslawisch Österreichische
Solidaritätsbewegung JÖSB
PF 217
A-1040 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61

* DUE ESTRATTI dalla stampa macedone, a cura di Zivkica Nedanovska
* MORE LINKS to interesting articles


1.FONTE: "Dnevnik", Skopje
2.TITOLO: Finche' sono io il premier, le postazioni di sicurezza
non verranno ritirate
3.INDICE: Intervista di Lj. Georgijevski alla Tv di Skopje "Sitel"
6.DATA: 19/01/02.

Il premier macedone, Lj. Georgijevski, ha rilasciato una intervista
alla Tv di Skopje "Sitel", nella quale dice che minacce per la
sicurezza e l'integrità della Macedonia sono ancora presenti ed è
necessario che lo Stato si prepari di nuovo a scontri armati con gli
Albanesi. A suo avviso, oltre alle minacce dal paese, se ne possono
aspettare altre che vengono da fuori a causa della situazione politica
ed economica delle regioni vicine con popolazione albanese.
Egli ha dichiarato che è possibile una offensiva con l'ex formazione
militare albanese "ONA", oppure con quella formata nell'anno scorso
("ANA") perche', secondo lui, la Rep. di Macedonia "ha l'impegno
legale di essere pronta a difendere la sua sicurezza" perche' la
successiva battaglia si combatterebbe direttamente a Skopje,
Kumanovo, Tetovo (questa città nel corso di due ore potrebbe essere
massacrata). In conseguenza di tutto ciò, si devono intraprendere
azioni per la pulizia dei caposaldi nemici terroristici nelle
montagne di Skopska Crna Gora, Sar planina, Suva Reka. Per queste
ragioni, adesso, secondo la sua opinione, non è ancora il momento
per il ritiro dalle posizioni delle forze di sicurezza macedoni.
"Se adesso si ritirano queste posizioni, vorrebbe dire che lo
Stato macedone renderebbe possibile ai terroristi di realizzare
la pulizia etnica nelle regioni di Macedoni, Serbi ed altre
nazionalità". Inoltre ha dichiarato che vi sono delle divergenze
nel vertice statale in merito al fatto che lui è molto deciso a
non permettere il ritiro dalle postazioni di sicurezza finchè è
premier macedone. La mancanza dell'unità fra i politici macedoni,
secondo lui, è dovuta anche all'influsso del fattore internazionale
sulla scena politica macedone.

1.FONTE: "Dnevnik", Skopje
2.TITOLO: Dosta ha detto: basta!
3.INDICE: Esito drammatico della crisi macedone nel vertice statale.
6.DATA: 19/01/02.

Dosta Dimovska, per 11 anni membro della coalizione VMRO-DPMNE e la
collaboratrice più stretta del premier macedone, Lj.Georgijevski, due
volte vicepremier, una volta ministro degli Interni macedoni, si è
dimessa stasera. Ha dato le dimissioni da tutte le funzioni nel
Governo e nella Coalizione. Ha respinto decisamente la politica del
premier Georgijevski e del ministro degli Interni, Boskovski. Questa
importante funzionaria macedone ha accusato il premier Georgijevski
di averla isolata e svalutata sui media.
Inoltre, dice che negli ultimi sei mesi non c'era la comunicazione
necessaria fra di loro, che dovrebbe essere una cosa normale fra i
collaboratori politici.



Centre for Research on Globalisation

This Time the Macedonians finger the Puppet Masters

"Tell the Truth" strategy shows to be highly contagious.
Ambassador Pardew accused in Macedonia

by Umberto Pascali

EIR Magazine, 14 November 2001

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG),,
27 November 2001

A new bloody escalation launched by the KLA narco-terrorist gangs in the
north of Macedonia has again forced the country into facing a deadly
assault in the middle of a deafening silence from the rest of the world.
Just after the midnight of November 12, a terrorist gang ambushed with
unbelievable precision an armored vehicle of the Macedonian police.
Three policemen were killed and three seriously injured.

This time however Macedonia reacted, pointing the spotlight directly at
some of the "puppet masters." On November 14, the main Macedonian daily,
{Dnevnik} accused the US "facilitator," Ambassador James Pardew.


The Victory Strategy that was laid out by Lyndon LaRouche in a
historical statement last September 3 in Reston, VA ("Tell the Truth...
force the enemy to attack were you want and then unmask it") seems to
have been carefully considered. Another important point has apparently
been understood: the barbaric irregular war waged by the KLA is just one
element of a broader war: a psychological war aimed at breaking
Macedonia's moral and psychological ability to resist. As we have seen
so many time in the past, any time the Macedonians have rejected, even
partially, an order coming from NATO, and in particular from the
Anglo-American component of NATO, the KLA has been deployed with such
deadly precision, that few doubts were left in the minds of observers
about the terrorist's ability to use sophisticated intelligence,
allegedly received through satellite communications controlled
by certain NATO components.

Terror's Real Modus Operandi

This time {Dnevnik} spelled out the modus operandi. "The special
American envoy, James Pardew, without any mandate undermined the plan of
the Interior Ministry to secure the site... of one of the mass graves
containing the bodies of Macedonian civilians kidnapped and massacred
few months ago [by the KLA].

"Having unsuccessfully tried to block this plan during talks with the
leaders of the country, Pardew decided to deny any logistical support
[by NATO] for this action." Then the authoritative paper delivered its
"Truth punch.": "Pardew also alerted the [terrorist] 'bosses' of this
area [i.e. the KLA] to organize an adequate welcome for the [Macedonian]
police, Dnevnik has been told by high level governmental sources." On
the basis of its high level sources, the newspaper tracks down, step by
step, the drama that took place over the last days, and the role played
by Ambassador Pardew. From this reconstruction of the event, and from
many sources here in Macedonia, what emerges, on the positive side, is
the courageous and outspoken attitude of the Interior Minister, Ljube
Boskovski, who, not surprisingly, has become the "bete noir" of the main
Anglo-American media, starting with the British Broadcasting Company.
What also emerges is the potential beginning of a differentiation
between Ambassador Pardew and the other "international facilitator," the
French Alain Leroy.

Unexplainable Ambush

The drama started unfolding on November 10th. That day, an important
meeting took place concerning the identified mass graves. That same day,
Macedonia police had stopped a suspicious cars circulating near the
site. The occupants were armed, and turned out to be KLA terrorists;
they were arrested. Among them, there was a terrorist who called himself
"Commander Solana." The idea that a terrorist boss would chose as his
'nomme de guerre', and possibly as role model, the former NATO Secretary
General, and presently top European Official, provoked some ironic
comments here in Macedonia. However, even this minimum sign of defense
of national sovereignty, as we shall see, was not going to be tolerated.
A few hours later, KLA terrorists -- that supposedly had been disarmed
by NATO's Essential Harvest Operation -- ambushed and killed three
policemen, and wounded three others near the village of Trebos, five
kilometers east of Tetovo.

The victims were part of a courageous deployment that had been decided
on two days earlier by Macedonian authorities, to secure the site of a
mass grave, one of the three identified mass graves containing the
massacred body of Macedonian civilians kidnapped by the KLA. That
decision was taken against the wishes and brutal blackmail of
international representatives such as the US "facilitator" Ambassador
James Pardew. The murders were followed by mass kidnapping including
that of the editor of Tetovo KISS TV, a station that had just a few days
before interviewed Prof Nestor Oginar and Dr Stojadin Naumovski who were
visiting their city of origin as leaders of an American Macedonian
delegation. The author of this report also had the honor of being
interviewed by that TV station, the most prominent station in
a virtually besieged Tetovo.

Here in Macedonia, very few doubted from the very first moment that the
chronometrically precise terrorist ambush was part of a broader scheme
by elements of the so-called International Community. The message was
clear: Macedonians do not try to act as if you were a sovereign country.
If you do, you will be punished!

Pardew Crashes The Meeting

The Nov 10th meeting concerning the mass grave included the President
Boris Trajkovski, the Interior Minister, representatives of NATO, OSCE,
European Union, the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague, the Macedonian
State Prosecutor and other governmental officials. This meeting was also
confirmed in an "open letter to President Trajkovski" written by
Minister Boskovski.

Though not invited, James Pardew broke into the meeting in the
Presidential office, and stated that the plan could not be accepted. He
demanded instead the creation of a "commission of experts" to "analyze"
the problem of the kidnapped victims. In particular, the rage of Pardew
targeted the Interior Minister, with whom the US ambassador refused to
shake hands. However, reportedly, the Macedonian government officials
resisted the enormous pressures. Minister Boskovski insisted that
Macedonia is a sovereign country, and not a protectorate, and thus,
after having carefully and exhaustively informed the many
representatives of the "International Community", it was a right and a
duty of the Macedonian state to secure the site of the mass grave, in
the presence of international observers. In the "open letter" quoted
above, Boskovski in polemics against post festal "ambiguous and untrue
statements made by the Presidential office," reminded President
Trajkovski: "On that Saturday [November 10] you, Mr. President,
gave precise orders to police forces to began the operation of securing
the site. You also stated that you are the president of this country and
as such you carry the responsibility to {tell the truth.}

"You reminded the representatives of the international community
that they are in a country in which governmental institutions
still function and nobody can interfere with those institutions
based on the law. You reminded them that they will one day leave
[Macedonia] and that you are the one that will remain with the
[Macedonian] people and {with the truth}... On the basis of all
these considerations you stated clearly to the representatives of
the international community that your last order is that the
[Macedonian] police be deployed and that you were not going to
accept any [contrary] suggestion."

The Open Letter of Minister Boskovski continues:

"You [Mr. President] gave a very wise answer to European Union
Ambassador Norberg that you rejected the creation of any
Commission on the Kidnapped civilians, because in your experience
such commissions are formed when someone does not want to reach
results..." Boskovski concludes with an emotional appeal not to
listen to pressures from outside, and not to renege the commitment
taken in the November 10th meeting. Indeed, in a nasty computer
game played by many servile international media, the Interior
Minister is being set up as the sacrificial lamb on the altar of
the international hypocrisy. "Please Mr. President, in the name of
the people, in the name of the fallen defendants of the Macedonian
people and in the name of our one and only country, come out in
public and {tell the truth!}"

"They Will Learn The Lesson"

Having seen the terrible pressure, Macedonians live in, especially in
the areas of Tetovo and Kumanovo, having had the privilege to talk to
many citizens who are fighting against fear and intimidation and who
still remain determined to stay in areas that the "international
Community have decided should be cut out of the jurisdiction of the
elected institution of the country, I cannot but agree with the appeal
to "tell the truth." Having seen so many irreplaceable ancient works of
art, especially religious buildings, defaced or totally destroyed,
sometimes with such sophisticated demolition methods that it makes one
think of the elusive puppet masters of the KLA, I cannot but have strong
feelings for people engaged in a moral resistance to intimidation and

The picture of the international interference is completed by the report
that appeared in {Dnevnik}which was partially quoted above. The
newspaper reported that the order given originally by President
Trajkovski to deploy to the site of the mass grave, was complemented by
a plan elaborated by the Interior Ministry. "In another meeting, on
Sunday morning [Nov 11], Trajkovski suggested that the police start to
immediately secure the site. The Interior Ministry presented a plan to
the International representatives.
The plan was translated into English, including all necessary
information - the number of policemen, the number and type of vehicles,
and the precise location where the police were to be deployed.

"[The French mediator, and EU representative] ... Leroy said that
he respected the opinion of the President... Leroy said that the
police will have a very precise mission and will refrain from
entering villages. The representative of the European Union
suggested [that] the police be accompanied by the monitors of the
EU, OSCE and by the soldiers of the [German Led NATO] Red Fox

All of these suggestions were reportedly accepted by the
governmental officials. However this first little step by
Macedonia toward regaining the country's national sovereignty was
brutally undermined. Explains {Dnevnik}: "But immediately after
the November 11 meeting with Trajkovski, Pardew organized his own
meeting with Leroy and his assistants in which the latest decision
of [Pardew] was presented with this words: 'There will not be any
logistic assistance [for the Macedonians]. We shall leave them
alone to learn a lesson.' The assistants of Pardew were
immediately given orders to alert the 'crisis area' [i.e. the
terrorists controlling the area around the mass grave] with the
suggestion that they prepare the 'welcome' [for the Macedonian

Clearly the allegations of {Dnevnik} and the words of Interior Minister
Boskovski, open a case of unprecedented gravity. Though, Ambassador
James Pardew has left the country, a minimum of decency and formal
respect for international and national laws requires that an
investigation be opened both in Macedonia and the US into his behavior
and actions, according to many sources here.

It is almost pleonastic to stress that such breathtaking reports of
connections between high level Western officials and terrorists, reach
the public while the US and Britain are conducting an unprecedented
bombing campaign against Afghanistan with the stated target to "get the
terrorist Osama Bin Laden."

How is this possible? How it is even thinkable that Macedonia still in
the middle of November of 2001 must be hostage to well armed terrorists,
who officially have been disarmed by the NATO Essential Harvest
Operation? How is it possible that Macedonia is being told that it will
not be allowed to fight terrorism until its Parliament has approved the
change of its Constitution imposed at arm point by terrorist gangs
deployed out of NATO controlled Kosovo? How is it possible that the
citizens of Tetovo have to accept as "normal" that every day some of
them can be kidnapped and possibly killed, or tortured and raped, like
in a sort of human sacrifice, while the "international community"
established that those man, women and children have to right to be

The Bizarre Mission of Ms. Bogue

In this context, I have to mention another one of the very strange
interventions of the international community. The main TV news (MKTV)
reported on November 13th that Janet Bogue, the US Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for European Affairs, had arrived in Skopje for
meetings with the President and the Prime Minister of Macedonia. It is
unusual that such relatively low-level official is sent to meet the
highest governmental level of a country. To add to this bizarre story,
MKTV news reported that "Janet Bogue stressed that 'they' [the State
Department apparently] are aware that some Albanian groups are spreading
a strong propaganda line aimed at showing that they enjoy the support of
the United States. This is not true and {they have not to be

In other words it appears that Ms. Bogue was sent to the President and
Prime Minister of Macedonia to relay the message that any reports of
links between Anglo-American entities and the KLA are "KLA propaganda."
In the moment in which the slogan rapidly spreading all over Macedonia
is "Tell the Truth," such an intervention appears at least suspicious.
We do not know who authorized such a mission and especially who
authorized a low level official to go to the top leadership of a country
under terrorist assault to apparently communicate that certain reports
must be considered false by definition and must {not be encouraged.}
However the MKTV story could have opened a scandal within the scandal.
The "Tell the Truth" strategy instead is showing itself to be the real
winner. --

Copyright, EIR Magazine 2001. For fair use only

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Interview with Ljubo Boskovski:


Boskovski painted as Balkan man in the middle

Ljubo Boskovski: Trying to bolster police units.

By Scott Taylor ON TARGET
Monday, December 3, 2001 / The Halifax Herald Limited