
The Ottawa Citizen
January 30, 2001
Argument & Observation, Page A19

TRIBUNAL ON TRIAL, by. James Bissett

Carla Del Ponte, the Chief Prosecutor of The International Criminal
for Yugoslavia [ICTY] was in Belgrade on Tuesday of this week demanding
President Kostunica hand over Slobodan Milosovic so that he might stand
trial before her Tribunal in The Hague. NATO countries and the western
have been vocal in insisting that Milosovic be surrendered to the court.
will be difficult for the new democratic authorities in Yugoslavia to
to do so. Economic and financial help to rebuild what the NATO bombing
destroyed will undoubtedly be conditional on cooperation with the
Moreover, there are many Serbs in addition to his political enemies who
would be happy to see the end of the man many believe responsible for
disasters that has overtaken Yugoslavia since 1990.

Nevertheless, it would appear that the President Kostunica has serious
misgivings about the independence and impartiality of the Hague
Tribunal. He
is not alone in this. From its inception there has been doubts about the
legitimacy of the Tribunal. It was not established by treaty or by the
General Assembly of the United Nations as would normally be required for
such a court. The Security Council alone established the Tribunal and
after heavy lobbying by the government of the United States. Whatever
legitimacy of the Tribunal, there is strong evidence to believe the
was established more to satisfy political goals than to bring war
to justice.

Certainly the performance of the Tribunal so far has displayed more of
characteristics of a medieval Star Chamber than an independent judicial
body. A number of those who have been secretly indicted by the Tribunal
been kidnapped by armed thugs and transported against their will to The
Hague to wait in detention for months or years for trial without benefit
bail. They are then required to face unknown and often hidden accusers
before a Tribunal that acts as both prosecutor and judge. There is no
If the prisoner confesses while in custody, the confession is presumed
to be
voluntary. The trial may even be held in secret.

The Tribunal had a firm policy not to reveal the names of those on its
indictment list. Yet Louise Arbour, the former Chief Prosecutor violated
this policy when she publicly announced the indictment of Milosovic
the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. There seems little doubt the
was timed to bolster sagging public support for the bombing. After all,
would dare oppose the bombing of a country whose leader had been
indicted as
a war criminal? That Louise Arbour would violate the Tribunal's policy
not surprising. Her appointment to the Tribunal was conditional upon
receiving the approval of Madeline Albright.

It is also significant that the indictment against Milosovic did not
include crimes he might have committed during the Bosnian conflict but
confined to allegations about crimes in Kosovo. It would not do to have
man Madeline Albright hailed as, " a man of peace,"at the time of the
Accords, indicted for crimes in Bosnia after he had played such a
role in bringing about an end to the bloodshed there

. At the center of the indictment against Milosovic was the infamous
Massacre,"alleging that Serbian security forces had murdered in cold
forty-five Kosovo Albanian civilians. Madeline Albright has described
"Racac Massacre" as the galvanizing event leading to the air war against
Yugoslavia. However, the final report published last week by the Finnish
forensic experts who examined the bodies of the alleged victims confirms
what many suspected at the time- that there was no evidence to show the
bodies discovered in the shallow trench by United States general William
Walker were executed at close range. It seems the victims were armed
of the KLA who were killed in the fighting that had taken place in the
above Racac the day before. Their bodies had been placed in the trench
simulate a massacre. This would suggest that at least some of the
against Milosovic presented by the United States to the Tribunal to
his indictment has been fabricated.

Article sixteen of the statute setting up the Tribunal stipulates that
Prosecutor," shall not receive instruction from any government or any
source." Yet the record of close cooperation between the Tribunal and
government of the United States suggests this article has not been
by the Tribunal. Moreover although it is the United Nations that was to
finance the Tribunal it is in fact United States money that has enabled
Tribunal to carry out its operations, thus compromising any claim of
independence by the Tribunal.

The Tribunal has also been remarkably selective about who it has
Almost all those so far indicted have been Serbs. To my knowledge no
have yet been brought before the Tribunal. The notorious Naser Oric has
been indicted. He was the leader of the Muslim paramilitary forces in
Srebrenica who used this UN safe haven as a base to raid neighboring
villages and butcher all of the elderly inhabitants who were unable to
Oric has openly boasted to journalists of these atrocities and they are
documented but nothing has been done. Oric is managing a bistro in Tuzla
numbering among his customer's UN peacekeepers.

Another individual well known to the Tribunal is Agim Ceku, an Albanian
Kosovo, who led the Croatian forces that in September, 1993 overran
villages in the Medak pocket being protected by Canadian peace keepers.
After a firefight, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
the villages only to find that dreadful atrocities had been committed
against Serbian civilians. Two years later Agim Ceku led Croatian forces
the infamous "Operation Storm," that "cleansed" Croatia of its entire
Serbian population. The Tribunal has not indicted Agim Ceku. On the
contrary, NATO has rewarded him by appointing him commander of the
security forces in Kosovo.

The most serious charge against the War Crimes Tribunal has been its
refusal to indict NATO leaders for violating international law and the
United Nations Charter by waging aggressive war against a sovereign
without UN approval. Repeated demands by eminent lawyers from around the
world have been in vain. The Tribunal has refused to accept that the
of civilian targets, the employment of weapons containing depleted
and the use of cluster bombs was a crime.

There is no question that former Yugoslav President Milosovic should
trial. Nevertheless it is unfortunate that should he go to The Hague it
be seen as an endorsement of a Tribunal that represents everything an
independent international court should not be. It has been a Tribunal
dominated and paid for by its political masters. It has been a Tribunal
by any standard of measurement has been a travesty of justice. It has
been a
Tribunal that has sacrificed basic principals of law and due process to
as a willing tool for the achievement of US political goals and as an
apologist for NATO's political blunders in the Balkans. Let us hope that
new International Criminal Court that may soon come into existence can


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Poiche' la nostra "sinistra" e la nostra "societa' civile" non ce lo
dicevano, siamo dovuti andare in India per sapere che sono state
"organizzazioni nongovernative statunitensi" ad addestrare la formazione
anticomunista jugoslava "Otpor" alla "rivoluzione democratica" dello
scorso ottobre, tramite corsi accelerati di "rivolta nonviolenta":

Hindustan Times
January 31, 2001

US NGO behind Gandhian revolt in Serbia

A UNITED States NGO trained non-violent volunteers for
the mass movement that overthrew Serb dictator
Slobodan Milosevic. The disclosure the US is also
accomplished in imparting non-violent training in the
overthrow of dictators is in an article in Peacewatch,
a publication of the Washington-based US Institute of

The youth movement Otpor (Resistance), was a critical
participant in the October 5 revolt. Srdja Popovic, a
leader of Serbia's grassroots movement, said three
months of peaceful street demonstrations in Belgrade
against Milosevic in 1996-97, led by the political
opposition and the youth movement, marked the
beginning of the opposition’s non-violent strategy,
signalling to Milosevic and to his supporters that the
people no longer feared him.

Their disciplined defiance generated increasing
support among the populace. Over the last two years,
Popovic said, the opposition honed its understanding
and use of non-violent action, most recently with the
help of a retired US Army Colonel Robert Helvey, who
provided intensive training in non-violent principles
and strategy in March and April 1999.

The International Republican Institute, an NGO based
in Washington, which had been working to develop
political parties in Serbia, hired Helvey to do the
training. Helvey says he bases his training on the
concepts of Gene Sharp, author of Politics Of
Non-Violent Action, a three-volume opus on the
subject. The second volume lists 198 complete examples
of non-violent direct action techniques.

In his training, Helvey covers the source of power in
a society, their strengths and weaknesses, then has
participants define their own objectives and develop a
strategic plan for reaching them. The training also
covers how to put an opponent in a situation where he
has no choice but to lose.

After the training, Otpor created a manual of
non-violent resistance techniques based on Sharp's
books and trained some 70,000 activists who, through a
variety of non-violent methods and actions, paved the
way for and helped to lead the October 5 revolt.


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
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sul du: un libro portoghese; cancro a kossovska mitrovica; tumori nei
pressi dei poligoni nato in bosnia.
sulla guerra chimica: nafta a novi sad.
politica: montenegro per l'indipendenza?; polizia pronta contro l'ucpmb.

economia: cambio valuta.

alberto tarozzi.

1. FONTE: tanjug

2.TITOLO: Libro sui segreti delle munizioni usate in Kosovo.

3.AUTORE :l'Agenzia"Tanjug".



6.DATA: 28.01.2001- Le notizie per il 27.01.2001.

In questi giorni è stato pubblicato il libro"L'Uranio depleto- la
invisibile"in Portugalo-rende
noto l'agenzia jugoslava "Tanjug".Gli autori del libro Martin Mesonie,
Frederica Lur e Rodzer
Trilingue sostengono che la munizione usata nella guerra nel Golfo, nei
Balcani e nel Kosovo,
è fatta di materiale che è un miscuglio pericoloso di scarti nucleari.
affermano che nei comandi delle truppe americane è stato confermato che

oltre all'uranio
impoverito nella lavorazione delle munizioni sparate nel Golfo, nei
Balcani e nel Kosovo è stato usato il molto più pericoloso -il
plutonio..Loro citano il fatto che lo Stato Maggiore americano
nel Kosovo ha ritirato alcuni contingenti delle truppe dalla zona
contaminata perchè c'è
pericolo sulla salute dei militari.Tutto questo come una conferma che
zone colpite ci sono
ancora le conseguenze dalla radioattività.


2.TITOLO: E ' possibile aspettarsi un aumento del cancro.

3. INDICE: Secondo le affermazioni dei medici della regione di Kosovska



6:DATA: 25.01.2001.

L'aumento notevole del numero delle persone ammalate di cancro nell'anno

scorso rispetto all'anno precedente, indica che è molto probabile un
delle malattie cancerogene
nella regione di Kosovska Mitrovica."Solo nell'anno scorso nel Centro
sanitario a Kosovska Mitrovica sono state curate 158 persone che
all'anno 1998, quando erano solo 68 persone, significa un aumento del
220%.," ha dichiarato il direttore dello stesso Centro, Milan Ivanovic.
medici di questa regione non possono affermare la causa dell'aumento
malattie cancerogene, però temono che si tratti delle conseguenze
delle munizioni all'uranio depleto combinato con plutonio.
Infine ,i medici di questa regione hanno fatto appello ai loro colleghi
kosovari di non nascondere la
verità alla gente perchè sarebbe un gesto disumano nei confronti della
popolazione minacciata da
questa malattia incurabile.


2.TITOLO: Irradia anche il poligono della NATO "Barbara" ?

3. INDICE: "La sindrome dei Balcani"turba i cittadini di Livno e Tuzla,



6.DATA: 29.01.2001.

Il direttore dell'Istituto per la salute pubblica a Tuzla , dr Zijad
Beslagic, afferma che "la sindrome dei Balcani" turba i cittadini del
cantone di Tuzla perchè il numero degli ammalati dal cancro è
aumentato. Nel periodo 1996-1999 sono stati notati 315 ammalati da
cancerogene su 100.000 cittadini. Anche i cittadini del cantone di Livno

sono in preda al panico a causa della stessa
ragione.quanto al numero degli malati di cancro, questo cantone si trova

tra i primi sul territorio
bosniaco. I cittadini di Livno sono molto preoccupati perchè nella
di Livno esiste il poligono militare della Nato dove si effettuano
spesso i
tiri a segno della artiglieria Inoltre, di
nuovo si sta parlando degli scarti nucleari che, a quanto si dice, sono
depositati nella Pianura di Livno.
I dati sugli ammalati da malattie cancerogene si ottengono molto
Il presidente del comitato per il ritorno dei Serbi a Bosanska Krajina
che le affermazioni di Livno sono lanciate apposta per impedire il
dei Serbi espulsi da quel territorio

1.FONTE: "Glas Javnosti ".

2. TITOLO: La metà per l'indipendenza del Monte Negro.

3. INDICE: Il sondaggio in comuni montenegrini.



6.DATA 25.01.2001.

Nel sondaggio del Centro governativo per la democrazia, l'agenzia
in otto comuni
montenegrini , su di un campione di 1.028 persone , il 49,8% dei
si è dichiarato per il Monte Negro indipendente e il 39,8% contro.

1.FONTE: "Politika AD".

2.TITOLO: L'eventuale intervento delle forze di polizia jugoslave sotto

sorveglianza degli osservatori stranieri e giornalisti.

3.INDICE: ///



6.DATA: 29.01.2001.

"Se entro un mese non si risolve la questione delle attività dei
albanesi nella zona
di sicurezza terrestre al sud della Serbia, ci sara un intervento
delle forze di polizia le cui azioni potranno essere seguite dagli
osservatori stranieri e dai giornalisti "- ha detto per la radio tedesca

"Deutsche Wele"il Ministro federale degli Interni , Zoran Zivkovic.
Vogliamo solo ricordare che, nella cosiddetta "Zona di sicurezza"negli
ultimi giorni sono
feriti quattro soldati jugoslavi mentre un soldato è stato ucciso.

1.FONTE: Politika AD

TITOLO: La Banca Centrale Jugoslava (N B J) apre 100 uffici di cambio

INDICE: Scarsità di divise agli sportelli bancari.




A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
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opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
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31 gennaio: Genova
2 febbraio: Bologna
10 febbraio: Sesto S. Giovanni (MI)
... ed altre dal Comitato Scienziate/i contro la guerra


>To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
>From: Rifondazione Comunista <rifcomunista@...>
>Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 13:32:22 +0100
>Subject: [Cerchio di G8] manifestazione su uranio impoverito
>I Gruppi Consiliari PRC della Circoscrizione Bassa Valbisagno e del Comune
>di Genova organizzano per mercoledì 31 gennaio 2001 alle ore 20.30 presso
>la Sala della Circoscrizione Bassa Valbisagno via Canevari 36 un dibattito
>pubblico su:
>Danno ecologico e contaminazione radioattiva sulle sponde dell'Adriatico
>Carlo Pona scienziato
>Valerio Gennaro medico
>Fulvio Grimaldi giornalista
>prima del dibattito verrà proiettato il video di Fulvio Grimaldi: "Popoli
>di troppo.."



Oltre l'Uranio
Morte Chimica e Guerra Umanitaria
v. dei Pignattari 1 - BOLOGNA


Nel corso dell'incontro verrà presentato il documento:
"Alcune testi e fatti sull'uranio impoverito (DU), sul suo uso nei
sulle conseguenze sulla salute di militari e popolazione"
di M. Cristaldi, A. Di Fazio, C. Pona, A. Tarozzi, M. Zucchetti del
Comitato Scienziate e Scienziati contro la guerra


* Quando la guerra è guerra, diritto di strage
Tribunale Internazionale contro i crimini della NATO - Ramsey Clark
Gastone DALL'ASEN, avvocato

* Armi e morti future
Achille LODOVISI, ricercatore IRES Toscana
Paolo BARTOLOMEI, fisico

* Armarci per difenderci, perché e per chi?
Angelo CAVAGNA, presidente GAVCI

* Una guerra chimica? Chi l'avrebbe mai detto !
Alberto TAROZZI, sociologo Università di Bologna

introduce Fausto CONCER, Comitato Cittadino contro la Guerra

incontro pubblico organizzato da il
il comitato cittadino contro la guerra
v. Cuccoli 1/c - bologna - controguerra@...

Volantino "on line" - Scarica, stampa e diffondi:

Il comitato ha cambiato indirizzo, vi preghiamo di aggiornare la vostra
Vecchio indirizzo: controguerra@...
Nuovo indirizzo: controguerra@...


Sabato 10 febbraio, ore 16:00, Sesto S.Giovanni (MI).
Organizza: Centro per l'Educazione, la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo, sulla
condizione delle popolazioni colpite e contaminate dai bombardamenti
Sono previsti gli interventi di M.Zucchetti, di un giornalista della
Limes, di Enrico Vigna dell'Associazione S.O.S. Jugoslavia e quelli di
cooperanti che sono stati in Bosnia e Kossovo con diverse ONG.



sabato 3 febbraio, Roma Garbatella, CSOA "La Strada"
Cristaldi, Pona, Di Fazio (?)

venerdi' 16 febbraio alle ore 21:00
presso la sede della Unione Arnatese di Consumo di Gallarate (VA),
Rifondazione Comunista organizza un incontro-dibattito
sul tema dell'Uranio Impoverito

22 marzo, Varese, Centro Culturale Serbo


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
Sito WEB:
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E poi potrai leggere le news, discutere con gli altri nel forum,
organizzare con noi i tuoi viaggi e molto altro ...

  edited by alexander cockburn and
 jeffrey st. clair

 An Impartial Tribunal,

 by Christopher Black

 The indictment of Slobodan Milosevic for alleged war
 crimes raises important questions about the impartiality
 and, ultimately, the purpose of the International Criminal
 Tribunal. For centuries, the independence of judicial bodies
 has been considered one of the fundamental precepts of
 the quest for justice. As Lord Hewart stated in 1924, it is
 "...of fundamental importance that justice should not only be
 done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be
 done." It has also been said that there is nothing more
 important than the public administration of justice. But in the
 case of the International Criminal Tribunal a compelling
 argument can be made that private justice has replaced
 public justice, that even the appearance of fundamental
 justice has been replaced by an open contempt for justice.

 It is clear that from the beginning American, British, French
 and German interests were behind the creation of the
 Tribunal and worked ceaselessly behind the scenes in
 order to create it. They first considered doing so in regards
 to Iraq and Saddam Hussein, during the Gulf War. The idea
 apparently originated with the United States Department of
 the Army, which alone should tell you something about its
 true purpose. The rhetoric used to justify such a body to
 the general public was of course heavily seasoned with
 concerns for "human rights" the "dignity of the individual",
 "genocide" and "democracy".

 However, they had a problem. It was
 generally agreed that no such tribunal could be created
 without the mechanism of a treaty which had to be ratified
 by all those affected by it. There was no time to create
 such a treaty with respect to Hussein so other methods
 were used to put pressure on the Iraqi government. But
 between 1991 and 1993, the use of an international criminal
 court as a means of effecting policy and to be created by
 the members of the Security Council, instead of by treaty
 was pushed by those four countries. A draft treaty to
 create a truly international criminal court, one which applied
 to all states, the last in a long list of attempts dating back
 to the 1890's, was put together. But its ratification has not
 taken place as several important powers, particularly the
 United States, refuse to sign it for fear of being caught in its
 web. For thirty years the United States has tried to block
 such a treaty. It opposes universal jurisdiction and it
 opposes an independent prosecutor. It wants any
 prosecutions to go through the Security Council subject to
 its right of veto. In fact, Jesse Helms, the conservative US
 senator said such a treaty, if presented to congress for
 ratification would be "dead on arrival". It would seem that
 the treaty is itself nothing more than window dressing to
 satisfy the public that the nations of the world really care
 about human rights and war crimes in order to complement
 their rhetoric about it. For without ratification by the major
 powers it is a dead letter. The United States remains
 stubborn in its opposition to this treaty but then it has a bit
 more to worry about than most countries.

 The next opportunity to try this experiment was Yugoslavia.
 In order to accelerate the break up of that country into
 quasi-independent colonies, principally of Germany and the
 United States, it was necessary to discredit their
 leaderships. An effective propaganda weapon in such an
 exercise is of course a tribunal with an international
 character which the public will accept as a neutral
 instrument of justice but which is controlled for political

 The Tribunal was created by the Security Council in its
 Resolutions 808 and 827 of 1993. Both resolutions stated
 that the situation in Bosnia at that time, constituted a threat
 to international peace and security and that a tribunal to
 prosecute war criminals would help to restore peace. It all
 sounds very nice until one realizes that there was no basis
 for the characterization of the situation in Bosnia as a threat
 to international peace. It was a civil war (partly controlled
 by the very countries which wanted to create a tribunal).
 But the members of the Security Council had to
 characterize it that way otherwise the members of the
 Security Council had no jurisdiction to act. The setup for
 this characterization was Resolution 688 of 1991 in which
 the Security Council stated that disregard for human rights
 constitutes a threat to international security and can no
 longer be treated as an internal matter. This
 reinterpretation, this revision of the UN Charter, which in
 fact undermines the very basis of the Charter was forcefully
 advocated by the German foreign minister Mr. Genscher in
 speeches he gave to the German parliament and to the
 Canadian parliament in Ottawa and by British, French and
 of course American ministers in speeches and
 memorandums to each other.

 Chapter VII of the UN Charter requires that there be a
 threat to the peace or an act of aggression before the
 Security Council can make use of its special powers set out
 in that Chapter. It has always been interpreted to mean and
 was meant to mean a threat to international peace not
 national peace. The members of the Security Council
 recognized this and so had to redefine a national problem
 as an international one. Yet in all those speeches and
 memoranda there is not one compelling reason given for
 doing this except vague references to the collapse of the
 socialist bloc, and the imperative to establish a new world
 order. In fact, Mr. Genscher in his speech to the Canadian
 parliament stated
 unequivocally that no nation would any longer be allowed to
 ignore Security Council decisions. Even if this redefinition
 were a legitimate interpretation of the UN Charter, which it
 is not, the UN Charter only speaks of economic measures
 and then military measures, not judicial or criminal

 Chapter VII has to be read in context with Chapter I of the
 Charter which speaks of international cooperation in solving
 international problems of an economic, social, cultural or
 humanitarian character. It says nothing of humanitarian
 problems of a national character. It states that the UN is
 based on the principle of the sovereign equality of its
 members, a fundamental principle of international law, and
 the first guarantee of the right to self-determination of the
 world's peoples. If a people does not have the right of
 sovereignty, the right to self-determination is a sham. This
 principle is completely denied by the creation of the
 Tribunal. The Tribunal itself explicitly denies that this
 principle applies in its own statements as do its political
 supporters, but never, of course, in reference to

 Lastly, the Charter states that nothing contained in the
 Charter shall authorize the UN to intervene in matters which
 are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.
 This fundamental principle, put in the Charter so that the UN
 could not be used by some members to bully others has
 also been fatally undermined by the creation of the
 Tribunal. The members of the Security Council, more
 precisely, the permanent members, now hold the opposite
 position, and I submit, do so for reasons connected more
 with imperialism not humanitarianism.

 In light of these facts the Security Council's authority to
 create such a tribunal is in my view more than questionable.
 That it was created is to be credited to Madeleine Albright,
 who used some effective persuasion with the Russian and
 Chinese members to vote for its creation in return for
 economic consideration and with a view to controlling
 smaller states within their own spheres of interest.

 Yugoslavia was the first experiment in using a quasi-judicial
 international body to attack the principle of sovereignty.
 And as the Americans have learned so well, the best way
 to get your domestic population behind you as you proceed
 to break another country, economically and militarily is to
 get them to hate those in power in that country. The Serb
 leadership was targeted, and transformed into caricatures
 of evil. There were comparisons to Adolf Hitler, a
 comparison used with surprising frequency by the United
 States against the long list of nations it has attacked in the
 last 50 years, though sometimes they are just labeled as
 common criminals, like Manuel Noriega, or mad, like
 Ghadaffi, if the leader or the country is too small to make
 the Hitler comparison stick. I think Saddam Hussein was
 the first to be compared to Hitler, and declared a common
 criminal and a madman all at the same time.

 The Tribunal from the outset was
 the creation of particular
 governments. Their motives are clear from the
 preliminary discussions in the Security Council on the
 creation of the court which focused almost entirely on
 crimes allegedly committed by Serbs and their leadership.
 Since its inception it has kept this focus. The majority of
 indictments have been directed at Serbs even though there
 is substantial evidence of the commission of serious war
 crimes by Croats and Bosnian Muslims.

 The Tribunal has jurisdiction over war crimes and crimes
 against humanity, but crimes against peace, the worst
 crime under the Nuremberg principles, are not within the
 purview of the tribunal. The underlying reason for this is that
 the members of the Security Council preferred to reserve
 to themselves competence in the field of aggression and
 similar crimes against peace. The members of the Security
 Council have a very keen sense of humour or perhaps more
 accurately, self-preservation.

 In a statement to the Secretary-General of the United
 Nation, Mr. Boutros-boutros Ghali, on January 21, 1994, by
 Antonio Cassese the Tribunal's political character was
 made quite clear when he said in reference to the role of
 the Tribunal, "The political and diplomatic response
 (to the Balkans conflict) takes into account the exigencies
 and the tempo of the international community. The military
 response will come at the appropriate time." In other
 words, the Tribunal is considered a political response. He
 went on to state, "Our tribunal will not be simply "window
 dressing" but a decisive step in the construction of a new
 world order."

 The governing statute of the Tribunal states in Article 16
 that the Prosecutor shall act independently as a separate
 organ of the Tribunal and shall not seek or receive
 instruction from any government or any other source.
 Article 32 states that the expenses of the Tribunal shall be
 borne by the regular budget of the United Nations. Both of
 these provisions have been openly and continuously

 The Tribunal itself, through its senior officials, openly brags
 about its particularly close ties to the American
 government. In her remarks to the United States Supreme
 Court in Washington, D.C. on April 5th of this year, Judge
 Gabrielle Kirk Mcdonald, President of the Tribunal, and an
 American stated, "We benefited from the strong support of
 concerned governments and dedicated individuals such as
 Secretary Albright. As the permanent representative to the
 United Nations, she had worked with unceasing resolve to
 establish the Tribunal. Indeed, we often refer to her as the
 "mother of the Tribunal". If she is the mother then Bill
 Clinton is the father, as Louise Arbour confirmed by her
 action of reporting to the President of the United States the
 decision to indict Milosevic two days before she announced
 it to the rest of the world, in blatant violation of her duty to
 remain independent. Further, she and the current
 prosecutor have made several public appearances with U.S
 officials, including Madeleine Albright, and both have openly
 stated that they rely on Nato governments for
 investigations, governments which have a great interest in
 the undermining of the Yugoslavian leadership.

 In 1996, the prosecutor met with the Secretary-General of
 Nato and the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe to
 "establish contacts and begin discussing modalities of
 cooperation and Assistance". On May 9th, 1996 a
 memorandum of understanding between the Office of the
 Prosecutor and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
 Europe (SHAPE) was signed by both parties. Further
 meetings have taken place since including that of the
 president of the Tribunal with General Wesley Clark. The
 memorandum of May 9th spelled out the practical
 arrangements for support to the tribunal and the transfer of
 indicted persons to the Tribunal. In other words, Nato
 forces became the gendarmes of the Tribunal, not UN
 forces, and the Tribunal put itself at the disposal of Nato.
 This relationship has continued despite the Tribunal's
 requirement to be independent of any national government
 and, therefore, group of national governments.

 The Tribunal has received substantial funds from individual
 States, private foundations and corporations in violation of
 Article 32 of its Charter. Much of its money has come from
 the U.S. government directly in cash and donations of
 computer equipment. In the last year for which public
 figures are available, 1994/95, the United States provided
 $700,000 in cash and $2,300,000 worth of equipment. That
 same year the Open Society Institute, a foundation
 established by George Soros, the American billionaire
 financier, to bring "openness" to the former east bloc
 countries contributed $150,000 and the Rockefeller family,
 through the Rockefeller Foundation, contributed $50,000
 and there have been donations from corporations such as
 Time-Warner, and Discovery Products, both US
 corporations. It also important to know that Mr. Soros'
 foundation not only funds the Tribunal it also funds the main
 KLA newspaper in Pristina, an obvious conflict of interest
 that has not been mentioned once in the western press.

 The Tribunal also receives money from the United States
 Institute for Peace for its Outreach project, a public
 relations arm of the Tribunal set up to overcome opposition
 in the former Yugoslav republics to its work and the
 constant criticisms of selective prosecution and the
 application of double standards; objections which have
 obvious merit and which are never answered by anyone at
 the Tribunal or by any of its sponsors. The Institute for
 Peace is stated to be " an independent, non-partisan
 federal institution created and funded by Congress to
 strengthen the nation's capacity to promote the peaceful
 resolution of international conflict." .Established in 1984
 under Ronald Reagan, its Board of Directors
 is appointed by the President of the United States.

 The Tribunal also receives support from the Coalition For
 International Justice whose purpose is also to enhance
 public opinion of the Tribunal. The CIJ was founded and is
 funded by, again, George Soros' Open Society Institute
 and something called CEELI, the Central and East
 European Law Institute, created by the American Bar
 Association and lawyers close to the U.S. government to
 promote the replacement of socialist legal systems with
 free market ones.

 These groups also have supplied many of the legal staff of
 the Tribunal. In her speech to the Supreme Court, Judge
 Mcdonald said, "The Tribunal has been well served by the
 tremendous work of a number of lawyers who have come
 to the Tribunal through the CIJ and CEELI..." It is also
 interesting to note that the occasion of Judge McDonalds
 speech was her acceptance of an award from the
 American Bar Association and CEELI. In the same speech
 she also said," We are now seeking funding from states
 and foundations to carry out this critical effort."

 The new prosecutor Carla Del Ponte, on September 30, at
 a press conference, thanked the director of the FBI for
 assisting the tribunal and stated "I am very appreciative of
 the important support that the U.S government has
 provided the tribunal. I look forward to their continued
 support." OnSeptember 29th, in response to a question as
 to whether the tribunal would be investigating crimes
 Committed in Kosovo after June 10, or crimes committed
 by others (meaning Nato) in the Yugoslav theatre of
 operations, "The primary focus of the Office of The
 Prosecutor must be on the investigation and prosecution of
 the five leaders of the FRY and Serbia who have already
 been indicted." Why this "must" be is not explained. Why, if
 the Tribunal is impartial wouldn't it be just as focussed on
 Nato war crimes, the war crimes of Clinton, Schroeder ,
 Chirac, Chretien etc? Why did it still need to investigate to
 support the indictments against the leaders of the
 government and military of Yugoslavia if there was already
 evidence to justify those indictments?

 Well, we can speculate why when we consider that the last
 prosecutor, Louis Arbour, who was asked to investigate all
 Nato leaders for war crimes, instead accepted a job from
 one of them, the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien.
 She now sits in the scarlet robes of a judge of the Supreme
 Court of Canada, a lifetime appointment, her reward for
 handing down the indictment against Mr. Milosevic, despite
 the lack of evidence and (if you believe the reports of the
 Spanish and RCMP forensic experts recently returned from
 Kosovo) the continuing lack of evidence of the systematic
 crimes he is accused of.

 On April 19th Judge McDonald "expressed her deep
 appreciation to the U.S. Government for its pledge of
 $500,000 for the Outreach project which was announced
 on April 16 by Harold Koh, U.S. Assistant Secretary of

 In her speech to the Council On Foreign Relations in New
 York on May 12 of this year Judge McDonald stated," The
 U.S. government has very generously agreed to provide
 $500,000 and to help to encourage other States to
 contribute. However, the moral imperative to end the
 violence in the region is shared by all, including the
 corporate sector. I am pleased, therefore, that a major
 corporation has recently donated computer equipment
 worth three million dollars, which will substantially enhance
 our operating capacity."

 From the start, the Office of the Prosecutor has had
 meetings with NGO's that are eager to " cooperate with
 and assist the tribunal", many of them linked to George
 Soros through his Open Society Foundation. All this money
 flows through a special UN account which is financed by
 assessed contributions from member states and voluntary
 contributions from states and corporations again in violation
 of its statute. As an aside it's interesting that its role as a
 propaganda tool was indirectly acknowledged by its own
 staff when they failed to provide for a courtroom or holding
 cells in their first budget of approximately $ 32 million
 dollars. The Security Council sent them back to redraft the
 budget to include those items. After all, this was supposed
 to be a criminal tribunal! They did so. The difference was
 an added expense of $500,000. It's also interesting to
 know that three of its first four rooms in the Peace Palace
 in the Hague were loaned to them by the Carnegie

 In order to give itself the appearance of a judicial body the
 Tribunal has persons appointed as judges, prosecutors,
 clerks, investigators, and has its own rules of procedure
 and evidence, its own prison system. It says it applies the
 presumption of innocence. However, unlike criminal
 courts, with which we are all familiar (or, perhaps not), the
 court itself is involved in the laying of the charges. When a
 charge is to be laid the approval of one of the trial judges
 must be obtained. That approval is only given if a prima
 facie case is established. That is, a case which if not
 answered could result in a conviction. Yet, despite this
 close relationship between the prosecutor and the judges
 and the commitment to the charges the judges have made
 by signing the indictment , the rules insist on the
 presumption of innocence. This presumption is
 compromised in other ways. The most egregious is that
 upon arrest detention is automatic. There is no bail, no form
 of release pending trial, unless the prisoner proves
 "exceptional circumstances". Loss of job, loss of contact
 with friends, family, indeed country is not sufficient. Even ill
 health has not been sufficient to get bail. Prisoners are
 treated as if they had been convicted. They are kept in
 cells and have to obey prison rules, are subject to discipline
 if they do not, constant surveillance, censored mail,
 restricted family visits, communication with family at their
 own expense and there are restrictions on what they can
 see or hear on radio or television. Prisoners have had to
 wait many months before a trial takes place, sometimes
 years. Yet, still they insist these men are presumed
 innocent. The question is by whom? By the judges, one of
 whom laid the charge in the first place?

 Its rules of evidence are relaxed so that protections on the
 admission of hearsay evidence developed over centuries in
 all national courts are set aside and replaced by an
 anything is admissible if deemed relevant approach even if
 it is hearsay. There is no jury. Witnesses can testify
 anonymously, or not be shown in court. In its yearbook for
 1994, this statement appears, "The tribunal does not need
 to shackle itself with restrictive rules which have developed
 out of the ancient trial-by-jury system." There are provisions
 in the rules for closed hearings, in circumstances which are
 vaguely defined, secret trials, the very essence of injustice
 and of political courts. It is now increasing its use of sealed
 indictments, so that no one knows if they have been
 charged until the military police swoop down on them on the
 street in any country. Suspects, persons not indicted, can
 be detained for up to ninety days without charge. We all
 know from experience what prisoners can undergo in a day
 or two at the mercy of most police forces. Ninety days.
 Anyone one of us here could be detained by the Tribunal
 for that length of time. All they have to say is they have
 some reason to suspect you. This is easily constructed.

 Perhaps its most dangerous rule
 is Rule 92 that states confessions shall be
 presumed to be free and voluntary unless the contrary is
 established (by the prisoner). Just think - presumed to be
 free and voluntary after 90 days at the mercy of military
 police and prosecutors. Almost every other court in the
 world presumes the opposite or, because of the notorious
 unreliability of confessions made in police custody are
 moving to prohibit their use entirely. This Tribunal goes
 back to the days of Star Chamber and the justice of the
 13th century. Finally, we have imprisonment of those
 sentenced in foreign countries so that not only are they
 imprisoned, they are at the same time exiled. There is even
 a special provision for the obtaining of evidence from
 NGO's such as George Soros Open Society Foundation,
 whose conflict of interest has already been mentioned.
 Accused have the right to choose counsel on paper but in
 reality that right is infringed by the Registrar who can
 disqualify counsel for all sorts of reasons including being
 unfriendly to the Tribunal. Such a counsel will be supplied if
 the accuses insists strongly enough but it is not made easy.
 There are cases in which the Registrar has barred lawyers
 from particular countries because there are deemed to be
 too many of them already representing accused persons,
 and the use of its contempt powers is a powerful weapon
 to intimidate counsel. Lawyers have been subject to large
 fines for contempt.

 No citizen of any country in the world would consider
 themselves fairly tried before a court that was paid for,
 staffed and assisted by private citizens or corporations
 which had a direct stake in the outcome of the trial and who
 were, themselves, in practical terms, immune from that
 court. It is a well established principle of law that a party in
 a legal action, whether civil or criminal, is entitled to ask for
 the removal of any judge sitting on the case when there
 exists a reasonable apprehension of bias. In this instance,
 a compelling argument can be made that the bias is not
 only apprehended, it is real, that it is not of one judge but of
 the entire tribunal, that this is not a judicial body worthy of
 international respect but a kangaroo court, a bogus court,
 with a political purpose serving very powerful and
 identifiable masters. To be consistent with my thesis I will
 go further and say that as a political instrument designed to
 violate, to destroy, the integrity and sovereignty of a
 country, its creation is a crime against peace under the
 Nuremberg Principles. Instead of resolving conflict as it
 claims, it is used to justify conflict, instead of creating
 peace, it is used to justify war and therefore is an
 instrument of war.

 Will Slobodan Milosevic receive
 a fair trial if they take him? Will the leaders of Nato,
 even be investigated let alone indicted for war crimes
 committed in the brutal attack on the civilian population of
 Yugoslavia, as my colleagues in Canada, South and Central
 America, Spain, Norway, Greece, Britain, and the United
 States have requested? As the English say, the proof is in
 the pudding. Our requests have met with empty words and
 no action. We made the requests in order to bring to the
 attention of the world the crimes that were being committed
 by Nato. We believe we have succeeded in that. If we have
 not succeeded in bringing to justice the war criminals of
 Nato, it is because we have exposed the political nature of
 this Tribunal instead. It is up to all of us to act on this

 Christopher Black is a Toronto defence lawyer and writer
 and is one of the lawyers who made the request to the War
 Crimes Tribunal to indict NATO leaders for war


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
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I gruppi di discussione + interessanti e divertenti!
Le liste + calde!!
Il meglio di eCircle!!!

...troviamo notizie su:
- il nazionalismo croato che alza la testa in Bosnia-Erzegovina
- Stipe Mesic che esalta un suo zio, opportunista che ha combattuto per
tutte le bandiere, compresa quella degli ustascia, come eroe di guerra
della II G. M.
- la Difesa territoriale slovena che si organizza...
- le modifiche costituzionali in Serbia, con la limitazione
dell'autonomia... della Vojvodina, e gli scioperi ed agitazioni tra i
secessionisti in Kosovo
- le prime strade della Croazia intitolate al cardinale nazista Stepinac
- altre curiosita'

(i giornali, da noi casualmente rinvenuti, sono copie di "POLITIKA" del
4, 20, 21 e 22 settembre 1990; traduzione a cura del Coordinamento
Romano per la
Jugoslavia - crj@...)


Sarajevo, 21.9.90.
Protest rukovodstva Bosne i Hercegovine

U tome se isticu posebno Dalibor Brozovic i Vladimir Seks. - Stipe Mesic
pretio u Listici.

Predsednistvo SR Bosne i Hercegovine uputilo je pismo Dr Franji
Tudjmanu, predsedniku Republike Hrvatske koje je potpisao Dr Obrad
U poslednje vreme, kaze se u pismu, sve je vise dogadjaja i skupova
politickih stranaka na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine koji se koriste
za slanje poruka i pretnji jedne republike drugoj. U to su ukljuceni,
kako se navodi, odgovorni funkcioneri u drzavnim organima Republike
O njihovom dolasku u SR BiH ne obavestavaju se odgovarajuci drzavni
organi ove Republike. Takvo njihovo ponasanje i pogotovo sadrzina vecine
njihovih istupa u tim prilikama dozivljava se kao negiranje suvereniteta
SR BiH i njene ravnopravnosti u Jugoslaviji.
Ko se posebno “istice”
U pismu se dalje kaze da se svojim istupanjima i iznosenjem mnogih
neprihvatljivih stavova ili slanjem pretnji najvise “istakao”
potpresednik Republike Hrvatske akademik dr Dalibor Brozovic. Posebno se
istice da je potpresednik Sabora Hrvatske Vladimir Seks takodje
nenajavljen boravio u Capljini ( ? !, n.d.t.) i to posle javnog
saopstenja sa zajednicke sednice Predsednistva Izvrsnog veca Skupstine i
odgovarajucih funkcionera Skupstine SR B i H, na kojoj su osudjene
navedene pojave dolazaka i delovanja na teritoriji SR BiH drzaavnih
funkcionera iz drugih republika bez znanja drzavnih organa ove
Republike. Predsednistvo SR BiH obavestava Tudjmana da je upoznato i sa
pismom koje je Republickom sekretarijatu za unutrasnje poslove BiH
uputio predsednik Sabora R. Hrvatske Vladimir Seks. Cudno je i
indikativno, glasi komentar Predsednistva sr BiH, da to pismo nije
upuceno preko nadleznih ili odgovarajucih drzavnih organa. Ovakvo
obracanje smatra se neprimerenim korespondiranjem ravnopravnih partnera
i organa dve suverene i ravnopravne republike.
“Hrvatski mladici” i terorizam
Pojedini navodi u tom pismu, kako smatraju clanovi Predsednistva SR BiH,
najblaze receno, zacudjuju.
Kako se moze reci da je recimo l972. Godine u zemlju ilegalno usla
“grupa hrvatskih mladica”, iako je i u svetu poznato da se radilo o
grupi dobro obucenih terorista, koji su u Jugoslaviju ubaceni sa ciljem
da oruzanim akcijama i masovnim ubijanjem ljudi izazovu haos u zemlji i
da sruse ustavni poredak, iako se zna da je u borbi sa njima poginulo i
13 jugoslovenskih gradjana. Ovakve tvrdnje mogu se okvalifikovati samo
kao neshvatljiva drskost.
Jos vecom drskoscu i provokacijom Predsednistvo SR BiH smatra u
pomenutom pismu da su oni likvidirani prilikom ulaska “u Republiku
Hrvatsku, gde je u Bugojnu....”To se smatra otvorenim prekajanjem
unutrasnjih granica u Jugoslaviji i izrazavanje pretenzija prema
teritorijama SR Bosne i Hercegovine negiranjem njenog suvereniteta.

La protesta della leadership della Bosnia-Erzegovina
L’arroganza dei dirigenti croati e’ incomprensibile
In questo si distinguono particolarmente Dalibor Brozovic e Vladimir
Seks. La minaccia di Stipe Mesic a Listica.

Sarajevo, 21 settembre 1990
La presidenza della Repubblica Socialista di Bosnia-Erzegovina ha
indirizzato una lettera al dott. Franjo Tudjiman, presidente della
Repubblica di Croazia, che e’ stata firmata dal dott. Obrak Piljak.
Ultimamente, si dice nella lettera, sempre piu’ spesso avvengono fatti e
raduni dei partiti politici sul territorio della B.E., che vengono usati
per inviare messaggi e minacce da una Repubblica all’altra. In questo si
inseriscono, come viene detto nella lettera, funzionari responsabili
degli organi statali della Repubblica di Croazia.
Del loro arrivo nella R.S.B.E. non vengono informati gli organi statali
competenti di questa Repubblica. Questo loro comportamento e soprattutto
il contenuto della maggior parte dei loro comizi in queste occasioni
viene percepito come una negazione della sovranita’ della R.S.B.E., e
della suoi pari diritti all’interno della Jugoslavia.
Chi si “espone” di piu’
Nella lettera si afferma anche che tra chi si espone con posizioni
fortemente inaccettabili, oppure invia minacce, c’e’ in maniera
particolare il vicepresidente della Repubblica di Croazia, l’accademico
dott. Dalibor Brozovic. Si sottolinea soprattutto che il vicepresidente
del Sabor croato, Vladimir Seks, ha soggiornato - pur non essendo
invitato - a Capljina [cittadina della Erzegovina, dove si trova la
Scuola ufficiali dell’esercito, n.d.T.], e questo e’ avvenuto dopo
l’annuncio pubblico della riunione congiunta della Presidenza del
Consiglio esecutivo dell’Assemblea con i rispettivi funzionari
dell’Assemblea della R.S.B.E., nella quale sono stati condannati questi
ed altri casi simili di arrivi ed azioni di funzionari di altre
repubbliche sul territorio della R.S.B.E. senza che ne fossero informati
i competenti organi statali di questa Repubblica. La presidenza della
R.S.B.E. ha avvisato Tudjman di essere a conoscenza anche del contenuto
della lettera inviata dal Presidente del Sabor della Repubblica di
Croazia Vladimir Seks al Segretariato repubblicano per gli affari
interni della B.E. E’ curioso ed indicativo, si dice nel commento della
Presidenza della R.S.B.E., che questa lettera non e’ stata spedita
tramite gli organismi statali competenti o preposti. Questo modo di
interloquire per corrispondenza e’ ritenuto non appropriato tra due
partner, organi di due repubbliche sovrane e di pari diritti.
I “giovani croati” ed il terrorismo
Alcuni brani della succitata lettera, secondo i membri della Presidenza
della R.S.B.E., quantomeno sorprendono.
Come si puo’ dire, ad esempio, che nel 1972 nel paese e’ entrato
illegalmente un gruppo di “giovani croati”, benche’ tutto il mondo sa
che si trattava di un gruppo di terroristi molto bene addestrati che
sono stati introdotti in Jugoslavia allo scopo di compiere azioni
militari, uccisioni in massa di persone, per scatenare il caso nel
paese ed abbattere la Costituzione, malgrado si sappia che nello scontro
sono morti 13 cittadini jugoslavi. Queste affermazioni possono essere
considerate soltanto alla stregua di una prepotenza incomprensibile.
La Presidenza della R.S.B.E. ritiene essere di una prepotenza e
provocazione ancora piu’ grande il fatto che secondo la suddetta lettera
essi sarebbero stati liquidati all’ingresso “nel territorio della
Croazia, a Bugojno ...”. Questo si ritiene un vero cambiamento delle
frontiere interne della Jugoslavia, con dichiarate pretese nei confronti
del territorio della B.E., negando la sua sovranita’. E’ intollerabile
anche la prassi di abusare dell’ospitalita’, come e’ anche il caso
della minaccia ad un’altra Repubblica pronunciata da Stjepan Mesic,
allora Presidente del governo della Croazia, parlando a Listica.
Questi comportamenti di rilevanti funzionari statali della Repubblica di
Croazia, si dice nella lettera, sono in diretta contraddizione anche con
le posizioni unitarie raggiunte durante l’incontro nel quale si sono
analizzate le reciproche relazioni e la cooperazione futura, nella
conversazione tra le delegazioni delle due Repubbliche a Zagabria il 23
luglio di quest’anno.
A Tudjman si richiede che al fine di una ulteriore cooperazione
reciproca e paritaria, il rapporto e la condotta dei funzionari statali
della Repubblica di Croazia si coordinino in relazione agli accordi ed
alle prese di posizione di Tudjman, riguardanti lo status costituzionale
ed i diritti della R.S.B.E., in quanto repubblica sovrana, indipendente
e di pari diritti nella Repubblica di Jugoslavia.
Nella lettera indirizzata a Tudjman, inoltre, si dice : “Ci farebbe
molto piacere se non dovessimo intraprendere altri passi che potrebbero
influenzare ancor piu’ negativamente la cooperazione reciproca su basi
paritarie, il che e’ senz’altro nell’interesse di tutti i cittadini che
vivono nelle nostre Repubbliche.”

U poslednjem broju “Narodna armija” donosi ko je, zapravo bio Marko J.
Mesic kome njegov
rodjak Stipe pripisuje cin generala i velica ga kao heroja.


L’ultimo numero di “Narodna Armija” riposta chi e’ stato effettivamente
Marko J. Mesic, a cui il suo parente Stipe aggiunge il grado di generale
e lo esalta come eroe.

Il nuovo numero di “Narodna armija” riporta il commento, sotto la
denominazione “A chi si fa apparire come generale”, in relazione
all’intervista fatta a Stjepan Mesic e pubblicata su “Borba” il 13
settembre. Mesic ha tra l’altro detto : “Mi mettono in relazione con il
generale ustascia Mesic, con il quale sono imparentato, e non si dice
che questo ufficiale dei domobrani [corpo collaborazionista dei tedeschi
durante la II G.M., n.d.T.] con la sua unita’ e’ passato a Stalingrado
dalla parte dell’Armata Sovietica, che alla fine della guerra e’
diventato ufficiale sovietico, e che la sua unita’ nello scontro con i
tedeschi e’ stata decimata.”
Chi era questo “generale sovietico” ? Nella risposta documentata
esclusivamente in base a documenti salvati, il commentatore di “Narodna
armija” scrive che Marko J. Mesic, con il grado di tenente-colonello,
solamente in quattro anni era riuscito (per suoi personali interessi) ad
adattarsi a quattro eserciti ideologicamente diversi. In tutto quel
tempo ha giurato fedelta’ a tutti loro, cambiando facilmente le bandiere
militari, i berretti, portando sfacciatamente anche l’aquila bianca
bicipite [stemma della Jugoslavia monarchica, n.d.T.], e distintivi
ustascia e nazistici, la stella dell’Armata Rossa, lo stemma dell’AVNOJ
[Consiglio Popolare Antifascista di Liberazione Nazionale, fondatore
della RFS di Jugoslavia, n.d.R.] ed il tricolore jugoslavo. Ha
comandato l’ottavo reggimento d’artiglieria dell’esercito jugoslavo,
sezione cannonieri, cioe’ i resti del 369.esimo reggimento rinforzato di
fanteria dell’NDH [stato fantoccio nazista croato di Pavelic, n.d.T.]
sul fronte orientale, e la prima brigata jugoslava dell’Esercito
Popolare di Liberazione formata in URSS, ed ha tradito ognuna di queste
unita’ quanto si trovava nel momento piu’ difficile, oppure esponendole
a perdite catastrofiche. Per sua colpa, da una unita’ di 1530 tra
soldati ed ufficiali, uno su tre ha perso la vita. Per 17 mesi di
combattimenti sul fronte orientale, prevalentemente nella composizione
di gruppi militari d’elite del gruppo dell’Armata sud della Wehrmacht,
e’ stato decorato con 4 onoreficenze - Pavelic lo ha decorato con
“l’ordine militare del trifoglio di ferro” di quarto grado, e poi di
secondo grado, con il diritto di intitolarsi “cavaliere”, mentre Hitler
con la Croce di ferro di secondo grado, e poi del primo ordine. Come
prescelto dell’NKVD, e senza alcuna consultazione con il nostro
Movimento Popolare di Liberazione, dal campo dei prigionieri di guerra
e’ stato inserito nel centro per l’addestramento, a 120 chilometri da
Mosca, come comandante di reparto, e poi della prima brigata jugoslava
dell’Esercito Popolare di Liberazione della Jugoslavia, formatasi in
URSS. La prima e l’unica battaglia che ha comandato fu condotta nel
1944 a Cacak dalla brigata a fianco della Armata Rossa. Qui, negli
scontri con i tedeschi, sono morti 539 soldati ed ufficiali, il che per
numero di perdite in una singola battaglia e’ un caso unico nella storia
dell’Esercito di Liberazione Popolare della Jugoslavia.
Del pessimo comportamento nelle battaglie tenuto dal tenente-colonello
Mesic , da parte dei suoi collaboratori, e di una parte degli ex
legionari, sono rimasti gli scritti di vari autori che descrivono questo
dramma, di prossima pubblicazione in una monografia di questa unita’.
Il comandante ed il capo del comando della 23.esima divisione, Miladin
Ivanovic e Rajko Tanaskovic, hanno proposto l’8 di novembre,nell’analisi
del comportamento della brigata in queste battaglie e nella
risistemazione delle file di scrivere quanto segue : “Che si ripulisca
quanto prima dagli elementi indesiderati e che si sostituisca una
grande parte dei quadri di comando. Ci si riferisce anche al
comandante di brigata, che si e’ dimostrato debole, pauroso,
sconcertato, disturbato e sfiduciato...” Dopo il ritiro della brigata
dal fronte, il tenente colonello Marko Mesic il 18 novembre con
decisione del comandante supremo, e’ stato rimosso dall’incarico di
comandante e spostato ad incarichi amministrativi del Comando
Cosi’ si e’ spenta la stella militare di Marko Mesic, di padre Josip,
nato a Bjelovar. Da tenente-colonello dunque non ha fatto nemmeno un
passo avanti, soltanto forse nei propri desideri, ed ecco anche nei
pensieri di chi pretende che sia un eroe, esempio, oppure vittima, e lui
non merita di essere ne’ l’una, ne’ la seconda, ne’ la terza cosa,
scrive “Narodna armija”. (R.P.)

Odnos prema JNA u Sloveniji se pogorsava.
Namerno zanemaruju cinjenicu da je ta funkcija u nadleznosti Saveznog
sekretarijata za narodnu odbranu.

Il comportamento degli sloveni verso l’EPJ sta peggiorando.
Di proposito stanno trascurando il fatto che questa funzione è di
competenza del Segretariato federale per la difesa popolare.
Maribor, 21 settembre l990

In Slovenia non desistono dalla soluzione di sostituire forzatamente il
Comandante della Difesa territoriale, Ivan Hocevar.
Questo comandante non è di loro gradimento a causa della sua aperta
posizione jugoslava, il che ha dimostrato esplicitamente anche nel caso
quando dal Segretariato federale per la difesa nazionale è stato
ordinato che le armi della DT vengano tolte e conservate meglio e più
sicuro nei magazzini militari.
Il nuovo attacco contro il generale Hocevar è arrivato ieri dalle file
del PRTITO Socialista della Slovenia. In esso si contesta a questo
ufficiale”perché non ha ordinato che le armi dal magazzino vengono usate
per le manovre della DT” . Gli viene contestato perché non hs consentito
che ha proibito all’uso delle manovre che in questo contesto sono
pianificate dalla RS della Slovenia, cioè da i suoi dirigenti.
Nella pubblica dichiarazione ufficiale, il Partito socialista tra
l’altro dichiara che ; le manovre della DT in Slovenia saranno
effettuate esclusivamente in base agli ordini dei dirigenti di questa
repubblica, cioè dagli organi competenti. Ciò comporta alla necessità di
nominare un nuovo comandante della DT della Slovenia da parte dei suoi
dirigenti, cioè che questa funzione venga tolta dalla competenza del
Segretariato federale per la difesa jugoslava.
Questo, come anche la chiara politica riguardo le reclute, espressa da
questa repubblica, dimostra che la Slovenia conforme ai suoi piani
confederali, vuole quanto prima l’intera problematica della difesa
nazionale prendere nelle proprie mani, con il che gli organi competenti
della difesa federale come pure la dirigenza della Jugoslavia erano
precedentemente informati.
Perciò, secondo il parere del Partito socialista di questa repubblica,
che in totale esprime le posizioni della dirigenza della Slovenia “il
comportamento del generale Hocevar, ulteriromente aggrava la relazione
della Slovenia con l’EPJ, e con che viene negata la sovranità della
Slovenia, la sua Assemblea e Presidenza”. Tutto ciò, si dice
ulteriormente nella dichiarazione, si crea l’impressione che in Slovenia
c’è una situazione esplosiva (d’incidente).
(S. Petrovic)

Pucnikovo pismo Kucanu
Predsednik vladajuce koalicije u Sloveniji Demos, Joze Pucnik, uputio
je otvoreno pismo Milanu Kucanu u kojem ga optuzuje za neodlucnost u
slucaju oduzimanja i vracanja oruzja teritorijalne odbrane Slovenije.

Lettera aperta di Joze Pucnik, al presidente sloveno Milan Kucan
Ljubljana, 21 settembre

Il presidente della coalizione governativa slovena Demos, Joze Pucnik,
ha inviato una lettera aperta di protesta al presidente della Repubblica
Milan Kucan, nella quale lo accusa per la sua indecisione nel caso della
sottrazione e la restituzione delle armi alla DT della Slovenia.

Sednica Ustavne komisije Vojvodine

Novi Ustav omogucit ce svestrani dmokratski razvoj Republike.

Novi Sad, 21 settembre (Tanjug)
La commissione per le questioni costituzionali del Parlamento
SAP(Regione autonoma socialista) della Vojvodina, nella seduta odierna
presieduta dalla presidentessa del Parlamento Verona Adam-Bokros, ha
esaminato e, dopo un dibattito di più ore, ha appoggiato il Decreto
della Costituzione della Repubblica di Serbia.
Alla seduta di questa commissione hanno partecipato alla discussione e
hanno risposto alle molteplici domande i membri della Presidenza della
RS di Serbia e al contempo i membri della Commissione costituzionale
della RS di Serbia Slobodan Vucetic e il dr. Jurij Bajec.
Con il varo della nuova Costituzione, ha dichiarato Verona Adam-Bokros,
si creano le basi per il funzionamento della Repubblica di Serbia come
stato sovrano e moderno. Le risoluzioni proposte esprimono completamente
l’impegno perché la nuova Costituzione renda possibile uno sviluppo
democratico generale della Repubblica di Serbia come una comunità
moderna e democratica inserita nella RSF di Jugoslavia, e anche la
possibilità per uno sviluppo indipendente della Repubblica di Serbia nel
caso in cui non si raggiunga un accordo tra i popoli jugoslavi in una
vita comune nella Jugoslavia federativa.
S Vucetic ha dato ampie motivazioni di alcune decisioni e ha risposto
insieme a Jurij Bajec a molte domande ed anche alle osservazioni
critiche dei membri della Commissione costituzionale della Vojvodina.
Egli ha particolarmente posto attenzione al fatto che anche di fronte ad
una richiesta massiccia di cambiare il termine “nazionalità” nella
Costituzione inserendo il termine “minoranza”, si sia rimasti all’idea
di “nazionalità”, che ha già acquistato il suo pieno significato
soprattutto nella multietnica Vojvodina, il che è anche in conformità
con la Costituzione della RSFJ.
Egli ha smentito le speculazioni e le affermazioni infondate sul
concedere troppo potere al Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia,
sottolineando che l’Assemblea della Repubblica di Serbia ha, come
maggiore organo di governo, un’autorità sia costituzionale che
legislativa, cosicché non si prenda in considerazione nemmeno
l’introduzione di un sistema presidenziale nella repubblica.

Dubrovnik 21 settembre 1990


Da "Politika" 4 settembre l990

Pristina ; "Strajk nije uspeo"
Osujecena namera separatista da paralisu zivot na Kosmetu. Republicki
organi Srbije obezbedili normalno funkcioniosanje svih vitalnih funkcija
i snabdevanje gradjana prehrambenim proizvodima.
Danas od separatistickog vrha naredjen i zapocet t.zv. 24. Casovni
generalni strajk Albanaca na Kosovu pretvorio se u poraz sovinista i
separatista......Dok su sve prodavaonice "Mehanizacije" radile, najdalje
u strajku otisli su radnici i rukovodioci, Albanci trgovinskog preduzeca
"Vocar", jer najveci broj prodavaonica nije ni otvoren.
Prvih dana nastava u skolama se odvijala na srpskom, turskom i romskom
jeziku , jer ucenici Albanci nisu ni dosli u skole .

Pristina, 4 settembre : "Lo sciopero non riuscito"

Sventato il tentativo dei separatisti di paralizzare la vita nel Kosovo
e Metohija. Gli organi repubblicani della Serbia hanno assicurato il
funzionamento normale delle funzioni vitali e il rifornimento dei
prodotti alimentari .
Oggi e stato ordinato dai lider separatisti ed è iniziato il cosiddetto
sciopero di 24 ore. Lo sciopero generale degli albanesi nel Kosmet si è
concluso con una sconfitta dei sciovinisti e separatisti... Mentre tutti
i negozi della società "Mehanizacija" sono rimasti aperti, i negozi
della catena alimentare "Vocar", la maggior parte , non hanno aperto.

Postoji li skrivena bolnica ? Veci broj Albanaca nije dosao na
posao. Zene tek sto su se porodile ostavljaju bolnicu. Nestale velike
kolicine lekova.

n Turska salje trupe u Zaljev.

n Gorbacov i Bush pred Branembourskom kapijom. Nemci bi zeleli da
trenutke velike nacionalne radosti podele sa svetom.
n Povlacenje vojske SSSR. Sovjetska armija ima 380.000 vojnika, 160
velikih kasarni, 50.000 oficirskih stanova, 30 aerodroma i 40 poligona.
Protest sovjetskih oficira u garnizonu kod
n Magdenbourga zbog naredbe o skorom povlacenju.

n Ispraviti nepravde nanete Srbiji i srpskom narodu. Novobeogradjani
upoznati sa programom SPS-a.

n Pitanje : Dali ce u Ustavu Srbije sluzbeni jezik biti srpskohrvatski
kao do sada ili srpski, pita Nikola Mrdjan. Srpskohrvatskim jezikom, po
recima Djoke Stojicica, govore 4 naroda - Srbi, Hrvati, Crnogorci i
Muslimani... U sustini to je jedan jezik. Akcije za podelu jezika
ustvari su podle namere da se narodi podele. To je jos krajem sezdesetih
godina u Hrvatskoj sproveo V. Bakaric. On je ustvari odobrio da u
Hrvatskoj u zvanicnoj upotrebi bude hrvatski knjizevni jezik. Sada je
nazalost u Ustavu Hrvatske izbrisan srpski jezik.
......Igra sa terminima, po recima Djoke Stojicica, nimalo nije
naivna. Recimo Siptari na Kosovu su se svojim imenom "sinovi orlova"
ponosili do l968, a onda im je nametnut naziv Albanci. Nazalost oni se
ne upisuju kao jugoslavenski Albanci, vec samo kao Albanci. To znaci
pripadanje Albaniji a en Jugoslaviji. Po onom sto se u svetu priznaje,
oni mogu da budu samo nacionalna manjina. Slicnu igru sada igra SDA u
Sandzaku. Fundamentalisti hoce da su Turci, a zna se da su Muslimani
slovenskog porekla i da govore srpskim jezikom.

U Priboju posle skupstine SDA. Pucalo se na srpsku decu. Zitelji
grada Lima odrzali zbor trazeci ostavke opstinskog rukovodstva koje je
dozvolilo da se osnivacka skupstina SDA obavi u centru grada.

Mr Borisav Radjenovic : "Veliki si posao ucinio za Tudjmana".
Otvoreno pismo Simi Rajicu, potpresedniku Sabora Hrvatske.

Knin : Osnovci nisu posli u skolu. Zbog neizvesne i napete
politicke situacije u Kninskoj krajini danas nije pocela najavljena
nastava u osnovnim skolama. Sindikat prosvetnih radnika, roditelji i
aktivisti Srpske demokratske stranke poslednjih meseci u nekoliko
navrata najavljivali bojkot nastave zbog kroatocentricnih udzbenika i
nastavnih programa. Zbgo bojazni roditelja, naocito onih cija deca
putuju do skole, opstinske prosvetne vlasti odlozili su pocetak nove
skolske godine. Pretprosle noci svi prilazi Kninu blokirani.

Najavljen protestni miting Srba u Sibeniku.

Srbi u Hrvatskoj bili bi srecni da imaju prava Albanaca na Kosmetu,
rekao je Mihajlo Markovic na predstavljanju SPS u Nisu.

Nije rec o niokakvoj zloupotrebi ljudskih prava Albanaca na Kosovu,
vec o stogodisnjoj zelji da se stvori Velika Albanija.... Radovali
bi se i Baski u Spaniji, i Madjari u Rumuniji.....Na Kosmetu se pokusava
da se na jugoslavenskoj, srpskoj teritoriji stvori jos jedna drzava
Albanija. Na zalost ovakve teznje podrzavaju se od Vatikana,
Habzburgovaca, muslimanskih organizacija, a u poslednje vreme i od SAD-a
Iz Amerike se preti kako ce Kongres biti jos restriktivniji u odnosu na
Srbiju i Jugoslaviju i kako nas nece vise pomagati. Time nas ne mogu
uplasiti. Zahvaljujemo im na pomoci koju su nam pruzili pedesetih
godina, ali ono sto su ucinili sedamdesetih, kada smo dobili 20
milijardi dolara, da bi samo kroz kamate do sada morali da platimo 40
milijardi i da nam pri tom ostane dug od 16 milijardi, pre bi se moglo
nazvati pljackom nego pomoci.

U velikoj dvorani Studentskog centra u Zagrebu, "Orlovi" i
"Jastrebovi" u istom jatu. Dajuci podrsku strajku separatista na Kosovu,
hrvatski nacionalisti su se juce obracali okupljernim Albancima pozivom
: "Ustanite braco !"
Doktor Slobodan Lang posti na Trgu Marsala Tita u Zagrebu. Skup
otvorio Ivan Zvonimir Cicak na "zdencu zivota"

Cudna promocija na Sirokom Brijegu. Novi "crnokosuljasi" u stroju.

Makedonija : Dramaticno saopstenje sa preksinocne sednice
Izvrsnog veca sobranja SR Makedonije. Ozbiljno naruseni politicki zivot
i bezbedno stanje u Makedoniji. Jednonacionalna siptarska organizacija,
Partija za demokratski prosperitet, poznata po separatistickim
ciljevima, namece se kao pandan i paralelna vlast legalnim drzavnim
organima. U svom delovanju VMRO -DRMNJ upotrebljava teroristicke metode
Makedonija - poligon siptarskog separatistickog delovanja kosovske
Sejanje straha medju Makedoncima i cestitim Siptarima.

Su Ante Markovic
Krajnje je kontroverzna pojava stranke Ante Mrkovica na
politickoj sceni. Premijer se navodno zalaze za depolitizaciju uprave, a
osniva stranku vlade. Nada se kako rece Mileta Gajic, da ce privuci
siroke mase, a u stvari sprovodi takvu politiku da radnici ne mogu da
poele zaradjeno, a poljoprivrednici da naplateproizvedeno i to po
realnoj sceni.

Sa autorom neobicne knjige o Sumaricama : "Zapisi sa stratista".
Petar Lubarda : Ima li stravicnijeg prizora za ljudske oci od
dece na koju pucaju...". Jean Paul Sartre : "Najbolji utisak koji
stranac moze da ponese iz jedne zemlje, to je bo l koju oseti u toj

"Politika", 22. Septembar 1990.

Na zahtev Okruznog javnog tuzilastva Pristine.

Zbog osnovane sumnje da su izvrsili krivicno delo udruzivanja radi
neprijateljske delatnosti i ugrozavanja teritorijalne celine SR Srbije
pokrenuta je istraga protiv Juzufa Zejnulahua,Seljadina Skeje, Muhameta
Bicaja, Jusufa Karakusija, Leka Vuksanija, Ise Mustafe i Agima Malje.
Pristina, 21.9.l990.
Okruzni sud u Pristini saopstio je danas da je na zahtev Okruznog javnog
tuzilastva doneo resenje o sprovodjenju istrage protiv sestorice bivsih
clanova Izvrsnog veca Kosova i direktora Radio Televizije Pristina
kojima stavlja na teret da su obrazovali grupu sa ciljem da se
protivustavnim putem izmene granice SR Srbije i Kosovo proglasi
U saopstenju se navodi da je istraga pokrenuta protiv Jusufa Zejnulahua,
bivseg predsednika Izvrsnog veca Skupstine SAP Kosovo, Seljadina Skeje,
bivseg sekretara za saobracaj i veze, Muhameta Bicaja, bivseg sekretara
za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu, Jusufa Karakusija, bivseg pokrajinskog
sekretara za unutrasnje poslove, Leka Vuksanija, bivseg pokrajinskog
sekretara za rad, zdravstvo i socijalnu politiku, Ise Mustafe, bivseg
clana Izvrsnog veca Kosova, kao i Agima Mlaje, bivseg direktora
Radio-televizije Pristina.

Pec, 21.9.90.
Zahtev za smenjivanje predsednika Skupstine opstine, Muhameda
Corkadiju, i Izvrsnog veca SO Pec, Aleksandra Grujica.


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-------- Original Message --------
Oggetto: Report from Sofia, Bulgaria
Data: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 17:51:52 -0500
Da: iacenter@...
Rispondi-a: "International" <iacenter@...>
A: "International" <iacenter@...>

Report from Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2 and 3

Two delegations from Yugoslavia traveled to this ancient Balkan capital
in late September. Neither got much international media coverage, but
for different reasons.

On Sept. 27 leaders of the US-backed "Democratic Opposition of
Serbia" met here quietly with representatives of the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund and NATO officials. They signed a "letter
of intent" pledging that when they came to power they would raise
prices, privatize state industry and dismantle Yugoslavia's free health
care system. That was the price the US and other NATO powers
demanded for the hundreds of millions of dollars they pumped into the
campaign to overturn Yugoslavia's Socialist Party government and for
the promised lifting of Western economic sanctions.

Members of the other group had experienced a different form of
Washington's largesse. They had lost children, parents, spouses and
friends to the hail of NATO bombs and missiles that descended on
Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999. They came to tell an international
tribunal of the price the US and NATO imposed on Yugoslavs for not
accepting the IMF's "economic restructuring" plan.

Yugoslavia and Bulgaria have a lot in common. They are neighbors
closely related by language, culture, history and topography. They both
had socialist revolutions at the end of World War II. And over the past
decade they have both been targets of US-directed wars of
destruction. Against Yugoslavia that war was waged with bombs,
missiles, CIA-backed terrorism and economic sanctions. In Bulgaria it
took the form of IMF dictated "shock therapy" imposed by the same
type of "democrats" the US now backs in Yugoslavia. In 1990 a similar
US-funded movement grabbed power in Bulgaria after a campaign of
"destabilization." Today the average Bulgarian lives on 58 cents a day.

"For the past 10 years, life here has been a catastrophe," says Dr.
Mimi Vitkova, who was Bulgaria's health minister from 1995 to 1997.
"We were never a rich country, but when we had socialism our children
were healthy and well-fed. They all got immunized. Retired people and
the disabled were provided for and got free medicine. Our hospitals
were free.

"Today," she continues, "if a person has no money, they have no right
to be cured. And most people have no money. Our economy was
ruined. We had a lot of industry, but after privatization many plants
shut down. We lost our trade with the Soviet Union, with Africa, Latin
America and, of course, Yugoslavia. Officially unemployment here is 17
percent, but in many parts of the country it is 35 percent or more. At
least 1 million of our most educated people have emigrated abroad.
We were promised if we 'privatized' we would get access to West
European markets, but it never happened. Instead we get are tiny
loans from the International Monetary Fund."

Dr. Vitkova is a member of the Bulgarian Antifascist Union, originally
formed by partisans who fought the Nazis and their collaborators
during World War II. While Bulgaria's monarchy sent troops to aid the
Axis in Yugoslavia and Greece, Bulgarian revolutionaries fought
alongside Yugoslav partisans against Hitler's troops.

"Our organization is made up of people who swore to never allow
fascism to return," Vitkova said of the union. "Bulgaria was one of the
the few countries where all Nazi collaborators were punished. But
today the pro-NATO regime is trying to clean up history, saying that
Bulgaria never had fascism. Our main activities are educational, but
they are not only excursions into the past. We may face the same
forces in the future. Our people will not submit to the economic
dictatorship that now rules our country."

On Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, the Antifascist Union hosted the fifth hearing
the East Europe?based International People's Tribunal on NATO War
Crimes in Yugoslavia. Previous hearings had been held in Russia,
Ukraine, Germany and Yugoslavia itself. The tribunal cooperates with
the Commission of inquiry on NATO War Crimes headed by former US
attorney general Ramsey Clark. Judges from Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine,
Georgia, Poland, Burkina Faso, Germany and the United States heard
wrenching testimony from Yugoslav victims of NATO's bombing
campaign. The hearing was opened by Antifascist Union president
Vladimir Velkanov and tribunal president Mikhail Kuznetzov of Russia.
The US antiwar movement was represented by Bill Doares and Lara
Kretskaya of the International Action Center and the US Commision of

"NATO took everything from me," Olivera Simic of Novi Pazar told the
judges. She described how her husband had gone with their 2-year-old
son to buy parts for their car on May 31, 1999. That was the day
generals at the Pentagon decided to destroy the center of Novi Pazar.
Simic, pregnant, stayed home. She only heard the explosion that
demolished the city's central department store, killing her husband, son
and nine other people.

Elitza Yovanovic was at home on April 5, 1999, the day the US Air
Force bombed the town of Aleksinac. "Aleksinac was my Hiroshima,"
she says. She was not in the house when the missiles hit, but her aunt
and uncle, her husband's parents and most of her friends died that day.
She tried to dig her aunt out of the rubble but it was too late. Her
mother, a doctor, was wounded and died a few months later.
Yovanovic's 6-year-old daughter survived the bombing but still asks
when her left leg will grow back.

Branko Brudaro recalled how he and his wife had decided to send their
9-year-old daughter to stay with his in-laws in rural Montenegro, far
from any roads or military or industrial targets. They could not escape
the Pentagon reach. On April 13, Brudaro's daughter, his wife's sister
and her daughter were killed by NATO bombs.

Milos Markovic is a journalist in the cultural section of Serbian
television. He was working late the night of April 23 when US missiles
destroyed the TV station. "We stumbled outside through smoke and fire
only to see our colleagues' heads and arms lying on top of cars and in
the streets." Markovic noted that Western correspondents often worked
overnight at Serbian TV facilities but none were there the night the
missile hit.

Stoyanc Petrovic's grandson was killed in the bombing. He himself was
hospitalized with a fractured leg when NATO missiles hit the hospital.
20 patients and medical workers died.

A representative of Iraq told of the 9 years of destruction inflicted on
his country by US-directed war and sanctions, which have taken the
lives of hundreds of thousands of children.

The tribunal also heard testimony about the murder and persecution of
Serbs, Romas, Gorans, Turks and other minorities in Kosovo inthe 13
months of NATO-KFOR occupation. The judges unanimously found the
leaders and military commanders of NATO guilty of war crimes against
the people of Yugoslavia. The final verdict called for the abolition of
NATO as a "criminal organization," an end to the occupation of Kosovo
and for reparations to the Yugoslav people from the NATO powers.
IAC representative Doares closed the tribunal with a denunciation of US-
NATO interference in the Yugoslav elections, which he called a
"continuation of the war." He compared the IMF's destruction of the
Bulgarian economy to the devastation of Yugoslavia by NATO bombs
and missiles and drew applause when he called NATO and the IMF
"two arms of the same monster."

Judges from other East European and former Soviet republics were
familiar with the role of NATO and the IMF. One of them was
Pantaleymun Georgadze, general secretary of the Communist party of
the former Soviet republic of Georgia. He told IAC representatives that
while most Georgians now live on the edge of starvation, the US-
backed Shevardnadze wants turn Georgia into a NATO base. "They
want to make the Caucasus a zone of war like the Balkans," he said.
Georgadze's son, once the republic's minister of security, has been
froced into hiding for opposing the Shevardnadze regime.
Representatives from Ukraine told how the NATO-backed "democratic"
regime in their country has also destroyed their country's industry
dragging Ukraine into NATO's "Partnership for Peace." NATO held
maneuvers in Ukraine last summer.

Among the Bulgarians attending the hearing was Blagovesta Doncheva, a
schoolteacher who was once an anticommunist "dissident. Now an anti-NATO
activist, she was arrested for protesting Clinton's visit to Bulgaria in
She was deeply concerned about Western intervention in the Yugoslav
elections. "They did exactly the same thing in 10 years ago in
Bulgaria," Doncheva says. "The Bulgarian 'Union of Democratic Forces'
was flooded with money, cars, trucks, computers from the CIA and the
Soros Foundation. They made big promises, and we believed them.
Then the IMF and World Bank destroyed the very fabric of our society.
Our industry was shut down, our pensions were taken away. Earlier
women could retire at 55 and men at 60; now no one can retire. Our
seniors are eating out of garbage bins, children are dying in the
from drugs and malnutrition. The last 10 years have been the most
awful of my life. For us, stopping NATO and the IMF is a matter of

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889
*To make a tax-deductible donation,
go to


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Una newsletter personale,
un forum web personale,
una mailing list personale, ...?
Gratis sotto



Don't Let The War Crimes Tribunal Move Into Belgrade!
by William Spring (11-9-2000)


WHEELS OF INJUSTICE: On the War Crimes Tribunal's Invitation to Belgrade
Nebojsa Malic, 12 November 2000

plus an errata at

For Whom the Bell Tolls
by Jared Israel (11-21-2000)


By Dr. Kosta Cavoski (posted 11-8-2000)

[Note: Prof. Kosta Cavoski is a distinguished Yugoslav law scholar who
has taught theory of law at the University of Belgrade. This is the
first of a 4 part series by Dr. Cavoski on the International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the ICTY or War Crimes Tribunal. It
is urgent that we understand the day to day work of the Tribunal because
the governing forces in Belgrade have invited it to set up an offices in
Belgrade, and have promised to aid in hunting down supposed war
criminals, many of whom are supposedly on a secret list. Here Prof.
Cavoski describes the capture and destruction of one such 'war criminal'
during the early days of the Tribunal. - Jared Israel]


Unjust, Part II: The Mistreatment of Col. Aleksa Krsmanovic
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski (posted 11-13-2000)


Unjust, Part III: The Illegal Basis of the War Crimes Tribunal
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski (posted 11-13-2000)
Professor Cavoski brilliantly analyzes the legal rationale behind the
War Crimes Tribunal.


Unjust from the Start, Part IV: Learning from the Inquisition
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski (posted 11-13-2000)
Secret witnesses and some defendants who are more equal than
others. Conclusion of Dr. Cavoski's 4 part series.


Pour la suppression du Tribunal Pénal International de La Haye

Comme les lecteurs de "Balkans-Infos" ont pu le voir dans le dernier
numéro 46, la mise en accusation des leaders de l'OTAN
s'organise à l'échelle internationale.
Parallèlement aux réquisitoires dressés contre eux par d'éminents
juristes, il y a toute une action qui se met sur pied pour
dénoncer la politisation et la partialité du Tribunal pénal
international de La Haye, et pour réclamer sa disparition.
Pour ceux qui sont intéressés à participer à la discussion en langue
anglaise à propos de cette action, voici les adresses
d'e-mail des correspondants de différents pays (Canada, USA, France,
Italie, Indes, etc.) qui envisagent la meilleure façon de
procéder, et qui accueillent toutes les suggestions intéressantes.
"Balkans-Infos" en fait bien sûr partie, mais nous souhaiterions
que la France soit plus présente qu'elle ne l'a été jusqu'à présent dans
ce combat contre l'injustice.
Ceux qui ne parlent que français, peuvent communiquer leurs idées à
Diana Johnstone (qui habite Paris) ou à Louis Dalmas :
Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Chris Black : bar@...
Diana Johnstone : 107764.116@...
Michael Mandel : mmandel@...
Ed Herman : hermane@..., emperors1000@...
David Jacobs : david@...
John Laughland JLAUGHLAND@...
John Philpot : jphilpot@...
Tiphaine Dickson : dragonlady25@...
Michel Chossudovsky : chossudovsky@...
Peter Erlinder : perlinder@...
S. Eggerdinger : s.eggerdinger@...
Daniel Dostanic : dostanic@..., stlouis@...
Siddharth Varadarajan :svaradarajan@...
George C. Thomas :gcthomas@...
Tiziano Raffaelli : raffaelli@...
Uwe Ewald :uweewald@...

Louis Dalmas (8/2000)


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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(Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
Microsoft Word document)
plus Annexes:




D. Ristic, R. Benderic and Z. Vejnovic - Institute of
Security, Belgrade
M. Orlic and S. Pavlovic - Institute of Nuclear Sciences
"Vinca", Belgrade


During the bombing of military and civilian targets in the Serbian
Republic, NATO forces have used special ammunition produced from
depleted uranium. Beside its great piercing power, it also presented a
certain radioactive hazard for the armed forces, the civilian
and the environment as a whole.

Depleted uranium is a radioactive nuclear waste. Its radioactivity comes

from the decay of uranium-238, uranium-235 and other daughters.
Measured and estimated activity of the round is about 3,4 MBq. Total
emission of alpha and beta particles from the round surface is 1.198
alpha, i.e. 35.914 beta particles per second. In contact with the
because of the presence of radioactive radiation, skin changes may occur

(necrosis and ulceration) which can be visibly manifested in something
less than 80 hours.

In this paper mechanical, physical and chemical characteristics of this
ammunition as well as the results of domestic and spectrometric
measurements and dose and affects estimate are given.



Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (Manchester)
CADU News May 2000 - Issue Number Four

1) NATO fudges on DU in Kosov@
2) NATO report on DU in Kosov@
3) Yugoslav claims more DU rounds were used
4) Gulf War Veterans
5) Vieques Update
6) DU, NATO, UN and the WHO
7) Mariam Appeal Day for the People of Iraq
8) What is DU in YU action?
9) Depleted Uranium Protesters Convicted of Trespass
10) DU Tank Armour Production Part of Major US Department of Energy
11) German Greens Begin Anti-DU initiative.
12) DU found in Scrap Yard
13) CADU Petition
14) What is CADU?
15) CADU Website - volunteer wanted
16) CADU International Conference on Depleted Uranium 4 - 5 November
17) BAe Systems wins DU contract
18) IMPORTANT - Affiliate to CADU to receive CADU News



*** DRAFT: NATO (mis)information to the public:
Why we must not trust NATO on DU
by Piotr Bein
(to the International Conference Against Depleted
Uranium Weapons, Manchester, 4-5 November, 2000)


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
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-------- Original Message --------
Oggetto: [JUGO] Bruxelles 1/3/01 Uranio: parlano le vittime
Data: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 20:32:52 +0100
Da: "Michel Collon" <michel.collon@...>

Cari amici,
la “Belgian Coalition for Abolition of Depleted Uranium Weapons”
(Coalizione Belga per l'Abolizione delle Armi all’Uranio Impoverito) vi
invita a dare il vostro contributo, i vostri suggerimenti e, se
possibile, a partecipare ad un grande dibattito internazionale a
Bruxelles, il primo marzo.
Qui di seguito troverete:
1. Annuncio della riunione
2. Calendario dell’attività di tre giorni di nella richiesta a Bruxelles

3. Appello al vostro supporto e suggerimenti
4. Contatti.
5. Piattaforma della coalizione.

Università di Bruxelles, 1° Marzo 2001
URANIO: Parlano le vittime

La NATO e gli eserciti occidentali hanno provato lungamente a nascondere

la verità sull’uranio impoverito e ad isolare le vittime. Ora è tempo di

riunire tutte queste vittime e chiedere giustizia. Nella capitale della
NATO, Bruxelles, un dibattito eccezionale darà la parola a:

BELGIO: Guido FLEURAECKERS, soldato contaminato
Marc DE CEULAER, soldato contaminato e leader del sindacato militare
Marleen TEUGELS, giornalista reporter (Knack)
Frédéric LOORE, giornalista reporter (Journal du Samedi), autore di “La
Guerre invisibile”
Pierre PIERART, professore (Aassociazione dei medici contro la Guerra


Hervé DESPLAT, soldato contaminato, fondatore dell'Associazione Avigolfe

Christine ABDELKRIM-DELANNE: giornalista reporter, autrice de “La Guerre



(presi contatti con una vittima ed un esperto)


Dr. Bojidar STAVROVIC (Sarajevo)
presi contatti con una vittima


(presi contatti con una vittima ed un esperto)


(presi dei contatti)


XXX, Vittima della catastrofe del 1992 a Amsterdam (Bijlmermeer)



è stato invitato ANGUS PARKER (Associazione Nazionale dei Veterani e
delle Famiglie del Golfo)

GRECIA? (preso un contatto con un soldato, rappresentante
dell'associazione che richiede il ritiro delle truppe greche in Kosovo)
ALTRI? aspettiamo risposte

2. Programma completo della tre giorni
Proponiamo a coloro che possono di rimanere alcuni giorni in più a
Bruxelles. Ci sembra molto importante organizzare un'attività di alto
livello nella capitale della Nato, in questo momento. Inoltre possiamo
sistemazione e trasporti in Belgio ed anche contatti con la stampa.
Questo è il nostro programma completo:
La sera di martedì 27 o la mattina di mercoledì 28: arrivo.
Mercoledì 28: interviste, contatti con la stampa, contatti (secondo le
vostre esigenze) con le istituzioni mediche belghe, con esperti ed
Giovedì 1 (9 - 17): simposio accademico a Bruxelles (posto da decidere)
Giovedì 1 sera: Grande dibattito pubblico
Venerdì 2: scambio d'idee non pubblico tra le vittime, le associazioni e

gli attivisti, misure per una cooperazione futura
Venerdì 2 sera o sabato 3: partenza.

3. Come potete aiutarci?
1° formulando suggerimenti per completare (molto presto) questo
2° Partecipando
3° Aiutandoci nelle spese: con la possibilità di alcune piccole
sottoscrizioni per coprire i costi di alcuni viaggi e di alcuni
materiali. Ogni cifra è ben accetta…;

4. Contatti
I rappresentanti della Coalizione sono:
- Marcel Poznansky poznanski@...
- Pierre Piérart (Association of Doctors against Nuclear War):
mail: pierre.pierart@...

Michel Collon ista collaborando alla preparazione di questa tre giorni:

5. La nostra piattaforma:
Le Armi all’Uranio Impoverito (D.U.) sono state usate durante le guerre
nel Golfo, in Bosnia, in Jugoslavia dagli Americani e dai Britannici o
dalla Nato. Le armi al D.U. sono state testate segretamente da dozzine
di anni durante numerose manovre dell'esercito negli Stati Uniti, in
Gran-Bretagna, in Francia, in Germania, in America Centrale e nel
Pacifico. Più di quaranta paesi le possiedono. Il D.U. sta producendo
radiazioni alfa. Una volta inalato sotto forma di piccole particelle,
si trasforma in un fattore cancerogeno ed il rischio è aggravato dai
differenti tipi di inquinamento (tabacco, scarichi delle auto,
inquinamento industriale…).
Il segretario generale della NATO, George Robertson, supportato dalla
maggior parte delle autorità
nazionali degli Stati membri, sta mantenendo una posizione indifendibile

coprendo i leaders politici e militari. Queste armi, chimiche,
radiologiche indiscriminate stanno inquinando molti posti nel mondo.
Sono soggette alle norme delle leggi sui conflitti armati (Dichiarazione

di St.Petersburg - 1868, L'Aja -
1899, Protocollo di Ginevra - 1925, Dichiarazione del Congresso di
Parigi - 1989, Convenzioni delle Nazioni Unite sull'ambiente - 1976).
Di fronte alle aggressioni, spesso irreparabili, contro la salute delle
popolazioni ed i militari in Kuwait, Irak, Arabia Saudita, Bosnia,
Kosovo, Montenegro e Serbia è sempre più necessario creare una
coalizione per l’abolizione delle armi al D.U.
La “Coalizione per l’Abolizione delle Armi all’Uranio Impoverito”
invitano le associazioni ed I gruppi politici a partecipare ed a
sostenere questa campagna. Prepareremo insieme a voi un programma
d’azione per raggiungere questo obiettivo.

Pierre Piérart : Tél./fax: +32 2 376 10 93 pierre.pierart@...
Marcel Poznanski: tél 32 2 511 63 10 gsm 32 476 85 56 52

Editore responsabile: Marc Lemaire, rue de la Ferme 118/4 BXL 1210,
bs603416@... gsm 32 475 80 31 88

-- Michel Collon


Dear friends,
The Belgian Coalition for Abolition of Depleted
Uranium Weapons invites you to give your help, your
suggestions and, if possible, to participate to a
big international debate in Brussels, on the 1st of
March. Please fin below:
1. Announcement of the meeting:
2. Calendar of the three days activities in Brussels

3. Call for your help and suggestions
4. Contacts.
5. Platform of the Coalition

University of Brussels, 1st of March 2001
URANIUM : The victims speak
Nato and the Western armies tried long to hide the
truth about Depleted Uranium and to isolate the
victims. It is now time to bring all these victims
together, and demand justice.
In the very capital of the Nato, Brussels, an
exceptional debate will give the word to :

Guido FLEURACKERS, contaminated soldier
Marc DE CEULAER, contaminated soldier and leader of
military trade union
Marleen TEUGELS, investigation journalist (Knack)
Frédéric LOORE, investigation journalist (Journal du
Samedi), author of La Guerre invisible Pierre
PIERART, professor (Association of Doctors against
Nuclear War)

Hervé DESPLAT, contaminated soldier, founder of
Association Avigolfe
Christine ABDELKRIM-DELANNE : investigation
journalist, author of La Sale Guerre propre

IRAK : (Names will follow)

Dr Bojidar STAVROVIC (Sarajevo)
Contact taken for one victim

YUGOSLAVIA : (Names will follow)

KOSOVO : (Contact taken)

XXX, victim of the 1992 catastrophe in Amsterdam
Louis BERTHOLLET, association of victims of

(Invited : National Gulf Veterans and Families

GREECE ? (Contact taken for one soldier,
representative of the association demanding to
cancel the presence of Greek troops in Kosovo)

OTHERS ? We are waiting for other answers.

2. Full program of three days
We propose to those who can to stay a few days more
in Brussels. It seems to us very important to
organize a high level activity in the capital of
Natgo, at this present time. Also We can provide you
accomodation and transport in Belgium, and also
contacts with the press.
This is our full program:
Tuesday 27 evening or Wednesday 28 morning: arrival

Wednesday 28 : interviews, contacts with the press,
contacts (following your wishes) with Belgian
medical institutions, experts and activists.
Thursday 1 (9 - 17) academic symposium in Brussels
(Place will follow)
Thursday evening : Great public debate
Friday 2 : non public exchange of views between
victims, associations and activists, measures for
future cooperation
Friday 2 evening or Saturday 3: departure.

3. How can you help?
1° Making suggestions to complete (very soon) this
2° Participating
3° Helping for the cost: preparing the possibility
of some small donations to cover the costs of some
trips and some material expenses. Which are limited
since every is benevolent but…

4. Contacts
The representatives of the Coalition are:
- Marcel Poznansky
- Pierre Piérart (Association of Doctors against
Nuclear War):
mail: pierre.pierart@...

Michel Collon is helping for the preparation of
these three days: michel.collon@...

E-mails can be sent, for the next days, to these
mail-address. Afterwards, a specific secretariat
will come.

5. Our platform:

Depleted Uranium Weapons (D.U.) have been used
during the wars in the Gulf, in Bosnia, in
Yugoslavia by the Americans and the British or by
Nato. D.U. weapons have been tested secretly since
dozens of years in many army manoeuvres in the US,
Great-Britain, France, Germany, Central America and
Pacific. More than forty countries possess them.
D.U. is producing alpha radiations. When inhaled in
the form of small particles, it becomes a factor of
cancer and the risk is aggravated by different
pollutions (tobacco, motor gas, industrial
The general secretary of the Nato, George
Robertson, supported by most of the national
authorities of the member countries, is maintaining
a complement incoherent position to exonerate the
political and military leaders.
These weapons, chemical, radiological and
non-discriminatory are polluting many places in the
world. They are subject to the rule of law of armed
conflicts (Declarations of St Petersburg 1868, The
Hague 1899, Protocol of Geneva 1925, Declaration of
the Conference in Paris 1989, U.N. Conventions
concerning environment 1976)
In front of aggressions, often irreparable, against
the health of the populations and the soldiers in
Koweït, Irak, Saudi Arabia, Bosnia, Kosovo,
Montenegro and Serbia, it his now most necessary to
form a coalition to demand abolition of the D.U.
The "Coalition for Abolition of Depleted Uranium
Weapons" invites associations and political groups
to participate or support this campaign. We are
going to prepare with you a program of action to
achieve that goal.

Pierre Piérart pierre.pierart@...
Tél./fax: +32 2 376 10 93
Marcel Poznanski poznanski@... tél 32 2
511 63 10 gsm 32 476 85 56 52

Editeur responsable: Marc Lemaire, rue de la Ferme
118/4 BXL 1210, bs603416@... gsm 32 475 80 31


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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