
leader della NATO durante la aggressione contro la Repubblica Federale
di Jugoslavia nel 1999, oggi responsabile per la politica estera e la
sicurezza dell'Unione Europea, condannato da una corte di Belgrado per
crimini di guerra
( oppure in
sara' la prossima settimana nella capitale jugoslava in visita di
cortesia alla nuova classe dirigente del paese.



Cari amici di lotta,

ogni messaggio o gesto di solidarieta' e' benvenuto. Se egli verra' per
davvero, i patrioti jugoslavi sono pronti ad incontrarlo con
dimostrazioni di massa. Se non potete venire al nostro corteo, per
piacere inviateci (www@...) messaggi dei vostri
partiti/organizzazioni o vostri personali. Di questi sara' data lettura
durante il corteo oppure saranno pubblicati sul sito: (official SPS website), oppure (forum per un mondo di eguali), oppure (l'unico quotidiano libero in Jugoslavia).

Vladimir Krsljanin vlada@...
Head of International Relations Department
of the Socialist Party of Serbia




Si avvicina il secondo anniversario dell'inizio della aggressione della
NATO contro la Jugoslavia.

Non dobbiamo consentire che quelli che hanno ordinato l'aggressione, che
sono responsabili di crimini contro la pace e contro l'umanita', di
genocidio, della morte di migliaia di civili, di donne e di bambini, di
una catastrofe umanitaria ed ambientale facciano festa.

Javier Solana e' uno di loro. Come Segretario Generale della NATO ha
ordinato che l'aggressione avesse inizio il 24 marzo del 1999.

Ed e' esattamente lui che si prepara in questi giorni (il 7 e l'8 di
febbraio) ad arrivare come ospite delle nuove autorita' di Belgrado, e
come membro della delegazione dell'Unione Europea.

Questo non possiamo consentirlo, perche' rappresenterebbe non soltanto
un'offesa al popolo della Jugoslavia, ma anche uno scandalo di civilta'
per l'Europa.

Solana e' stato condannato da una corte competente di Belgrado a 20 anni
di prigione per crimini contro il popolo jugoslavo. Allo stesso tempo,
questi crimini sono stati commessi contro tutti i popoli dei Balcani.

E' lui uno dei maggiori responsabili per l'uso dell'uranio, del plutonio
e di altri strumenti di sterminio di massa, le cui conseguenze
appariranno non solo alle generazioni contemporanee degli europei, ma
anche ai loro discendenti.

Per questo motivo, noi ci appelliamo a tutti i patrioti jugoslavi, a
tutti gli amici nei Balcani, nell'Europa e nel mondo, a tutte le genti
di buona volonta' perche' alzino la loro voce di protesta contro il
tentativo di umiliare la Jugoslavia e gli jugoslavi.

Signori dell'Unione Europea,

ci appelliamo a voi perche' non prendiate parte a questa offesa ed a
questa umiliazione contro una delle nazioni europee che si sono sempre
schierate a difesa dei valori europei e di civilta'. Non mandateci il
criminale Javier Solana, che e' simbolo negativo non solo per le genti
dei Balcani, ma anche per una grandissima parte del genere umano

A voi portare questa responsabilita' storica!


Belgrado, 2 febbraio 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: Vladimir Krsljanin <vlada@...>


> Dear friends in struggle,
> Every message or gesture of solidarity is welcome.
> If he will really come, Yugoslav patriots are prepared to meet him with
> mass demonstrations. If you can't be on our rally, please send us
> (www@...) messages of your parties/organizations or your personal
> ones. They will be either read at the rally or published in:
> (official SPS website), or
> (forum for the world of equals), or
> (the only free daily newspaper in Yugoslavia).
> Yours
> Vladimir Krsljanin vlada@...
> Head of International Relations Department
> of the Socialist Party of Serbia
> > Appeal of the Patriotic Alliance of Yugoslavia and of the
> Anti-NATO Committee of SPS
> >
> >
> > The second anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression against
> > Yugoslavia is approaching.
> >
> > We must not allow these who ordered aggression, who are responsible for
> > crimes against peace and humanity, for genocide, for death of thousands
> > of civilians, women and children, for humanitarian and environmental
> > catastrophe to rejoice.
> >
> > Javier Solana is one of them. As secretary-general of NATO he ordered
> > aggression to begin on March 24, 1999.
> >
> > And it is exactly him who is readying these days (7th and 8th of
> > February) to come as a guest of the new Belgrade authorities, and as a
> > member of the delegation of the European Union.
> >
> > That we must not allow because it would represent not only an offence to
> > the people of Yugoslavia, but a civilisational embarrassment for Europe.
> >
> > Solana is sentenced by an appropriate Yugoslav court to 20 years of
> > imprisonment for crimes against people of Yugoslavia. At the same time,
> > these are the crimes against all the peoples of the Balkans.
> >
> > He is one of most responsible for the use of the uranium, plutonium and
> > other genocidal materials whose consequences are going to be borne not
> > only by the contemporary generations of Europeans, but also their
> > descendants.
> >
> > For that reason, we call upon all the Yugoslav patriots, all the friends
> > at the Balkans, in Europe and the world, all the people of good will to
> > raise their voice of protest against the attempt to humiliate
> > Yugoslavia and the Yugoslavs.
> >
> > Gentlemen of the European Union,
> >
> > We appeal to you not to take part in offending and humiliating one
> > European nation that always stood to the defence of European and
> > civilisation values. Do not send us the criminal Javier Solana because
> > he is a symbol of evil not only for the peoples of Balkans, but also for
> > the huge portion of the contemporary humankind.
> >
> > It is upon you to show historical responsibility!
> > Belgrade,
> > February 2nd 2001
> >
> >


Friday, February 2 12:32 AM SGT
Milosevic party wants Solana arrested during Belgrade
The Socialist Party (SPS) of former Yugoslav president
Slobodan Milosevic said Thursday that EU foreign
policy chief Javier Solana should be arrested as a
"war criminal" when he visits next week, the state
agency Tanjug reported.
Solana is scheduled to visit Belgrade on February 8,
along with the current, past and future EU presidents,
to reaffirm EU support for the democratic reformers
now in control in Yugoslavia.
Solana -- who was NATO secretary general at the time
of the Atlantic alliance's 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia
-- was sentenced in absentia, along with 13 other
Western leaders, by a Milosevic-era court to 20 years
in prison on war crimes charges stemming from the air
Arrest warrents were issued for Solana and others
including former US president Bill Clinton, French
President Jacques Chirac and British Prime Minister
Tony Blair.
The SPS called on Serbia's ruling reformist coalition,
the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS), to "arrest
Solana immediately upon his arrival in Belgrade," the
agency said.
If they failed to do so, and "pardon the war criminal
Solana from his responsibility," they would become
"accomplices of NATO criminals," the SPS said.
Solana "ordered the start of the aggression and NATO
bombings of Yugoslavia" on March 24, 1999 and "is
directly responsible for the deaths of several
thousand people" the SPS said in a statement.
It added that among his crimes were ordering "major
destruction which caused enormous damage, the use of
uranium ammunition and other crimes against Yugoslav
citizens," the SPS said.
The party also called on "all citizens of Belgrade and
Serbia to protest against the arrival of the war
criminal Solana."
French and German foreign ministers Hubert Vedrine and
Joshka Fisher were also among the 14 leaders who were
supposed arrested, but both have visited without
incident since the popular uprising last October which
ousted Milosevic and brought President Vojislav
Kostunica to power.
Serbia's new justice minister, Vladan Batic, described
the trial held in Belgrade as a "nonsense, a legal
farce and a comedy unprecedented in a modern justice
He said the sentences were "subject to revision,"
adding that the government would make a decision.
The western leaders were charged with "inciting an
aggressive war, war crimes against the civilian
population, the use of banned combat methods," the
attempted murder of Milosevic and violating the
country's territorial integrity.
Yugoslavia, backed by human rights organizations, has
regularly accused NATO of committing war crimes by
targeting civilians during the bombing campaign.
But the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia last June exonerated NATO, saying the
organization had not violated international law in the


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
Sito WEB:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

Se vuoi sviluppare il tuo business, entra anche tu in, la piu grande community on line di
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E poi potrai leggere le news, discutere con gli altri nel forum,
organizzare con noi i tuoi viaggi e molto altro ...

MESSAGGIO SPEDITO DA Alberto Tarozzi <tarozzi@...> :

attenzione, il libro che la stampa jugo segnalava in portoghese è in
di origine francese ed è bartolomei a ri-segnalarmelo, si chiama appunto

> "Uranium Appauvri: La Guerre Invisible" by Martin Meissonnier,
> > Federic Loore and Roger Trilling. Robert Laffont; FF139.

... e segue la scheda

> > ..shtml) THE INDEPENDENT, London, 29 January 2001 Pentagon 'knew Nato
> > shells contained dangerous nuclear waste' By John Lichfield in Paris
> >
> > Some shells fired in the Gulf and Balkan wars contained a type of
> > recycled nuclear waste that is much more hazardous than depleted
> > uranium, according to a book to be published in France next week. The
> > book, Depleted Uranium: The Invisible War, could change the debate on
> > whether weapons used by the United States and Nato caused widespread
> > sickness among war veterans and civilians. The authors, a Frenchman, a
> > Belgian and an American, produce evidence that the US government knew
> > six years ago that its stocks of "safe" depleted uranium had been
> > contaminated by spent nuclear fuels. Whether this recycled material
> > was mixed up with the "classic" depleted uranium (DU) accidentally or
> > deliberately remains unclear. The book uncovers evidence that the
> > Pentagon knew in 1995 that its armour-piercing shells and bombs
> > contained substances more environmentally menacing than the "natural"
> > depleted uranium that Washington, London and Nato headquarters have
> > repeatedly defended. In other words, the entire DU debate has been
> > based on false premises. The findings of Martin Meissonnier, Frederic
> > Loore and Roger Trilling have been independently confirmed in the past
> > few days by researchers at a Swiss government laboratory, which
> > analysed spent US munitions from Kosovo. The lab found that the shells
> > contained traces of an isotope of uranium - uranium 236 - which occurs
> > only in nuclear waste. The Pentagon spokesman, Kenneth Bacon, admitted
> > last week - in reply to a question from one of the authors of the book
> > - that depleted uranium intended for armour-piercing weapons had been
> > contaminated by small amounts of plutonium at the defence department
> > nuclear plant at Paducah in Kentucky. The vigorous defence of DU
> > weapons by the US and other Nato governments has been based on the
> > argument that DU is a "natural" material of relatively low
> > radioactivity. DU, in its classic form, is the heavy metal left behind
> > - mostly uranium 238 - when the most fissile part of raw uranium,
> > mined from the earth, is removed for use as a nuclear fuel, so classic
> > DU is obtained before the nuclear reaction process. The book produces
> > evidence that at least some of the weapons used in the Gulf and
> > Balkans contained another kind of uranium, obtained by recycling spent
> > nuclear fuels after the reaction process. The danger is that this form
> > of uranium - sometimes called "dirty depleted uranium" - can contain
> > traces of highly radioactive materials, such as plutonium. Mr Trilling
> > said yesterday: "The whole debate should go back to square one. We are
> > not saying that we know for sure that DU caused Gulf syndrome
> > sicknesses, or the similar illnesses reported in the Balkans.
> > Personally, I
> >
> > doubt that depleted uranium weapons are the cause, or sole cause, of
> > the Gulf or Balkan syndromes, whatever these weapons may have actually
> > contained. "What we are saying is that the US government's defence of
> > depleted uranium has been, to be charitable, extremely misleading. The
> > book is a plea for more research - not research on abstract theories
> > about classic depleted uranium, but on the actual contents of US and
> > Nato weapons. Until then, everyone on all sides of the argument is
> > talking in the dark and should shut the hell up." The book is based on
> > two years of interviews and investigations originally done for a
> > French television documentary, which was shown last year. Extra
> > material has been discovered in the past few months. The writers allow
> > both sides of the argument about classic DU to make their cases in
> > great detail. But there are three important new pieces of information:
> > * Independent research by Dr Asaf Durakovic, an American of Croatian
> > origin, has found traces of uranium 236 in the urine or bodies of 42
> > American Gulf veterans. Uranium 236 is not present in the natural
> > world and should not be present in "clean" depleted uranium. * An
> > official report by the US Army Environmental Policy Institute in 1995
> > acknowledged the possibility that "depleted uranium used by the
> > Department of Defense contains traces of uranium 236". This implies
> > that some of the DU used in US weapons was created from spent nuclear
> > fuel, not from raw, mined uranium. * The nuclear plant at Paducah in
> > Kentucky was accused of "waste, fraud, abuse and bad management" by
> > the General Accounting Office, the official US government watchdog, in
> > 1992. The accounting office report protested that the plant was
> > recycling uranium from nuclear waste, without proper safeguards,
> > endangering its own workers. Paducah is one of the three sites in
> > America that produce the DU used by US and Nato weapons. It was the
> > site named by the Pentagon spokesman last week as a source of
> > contamination of some DU weapons with plutonium. Mr Trilling said
> > yesterday that the "charitable" interpretation of the evidence was
> > that clean and "dirty" forms of DU had been mixed up at Paducah, or in
> > US Department of Defense stocks, some time in the 1980s. A decision
> > had been taken to use up the stocks in the belief, or hope, that only
> > small quantities of highly radioactive material were involved.
> >
> >


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
Sito WEB:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

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E poi potrai leggere le news, discutere con gli altri nel forum,
organizzare con noi i tuoi viaggi e molto altro ...

-------- Original Message --------
Oggetto: [JUGO] Fw: Guerra, contaminazione, basi NATO
Data: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 01:29:40 +0100
Da: "red*ghost" <red-ghost@...>

> Questo testo (con le dovute modifiche) vorremmo presentarlo oltre che al
> comune di Cesena, al comune di Cervia, alla provincia di Ravenna. Vi
> proponiamo di presentarlo in tutti i comuni in cui sia presente una
> struttura/base NATO. Segnalate eventuali adesioni e/o iniziative
> all'indirizzo sotto riportato.
> --------------------------------------
> Guerra, contaminazione, basi NATO:
> il Comune di Cesena chieda ufficialmente perdono ai popoli della
> e dia l'esempio cominciando a risarcire i danni, comunque irreparabili,
> causati dalla NATO!
> Il Comune di Cesena, nelle vesti delle sue ultime amministrazioni, in
> diverse occasioni, si è assunto la responsabilità morale e politica di
> avallare la presenza e l'operato di una base NATO nel territorio,
> in azioni di guerra.
> Ricordiamo i momenti più "esaltanti" di tale attività: i cacciabombardieri
> francesi MIRAGE che, da Pisignano, partivano per bombardare strutture
> in Bosnia; le esercitazioni congiunte con i PHAMTOM turchi (gli stessi che
> bombardano i villaggi curdi); gli F15 USA per la guerra umanitaria in
> Kossovo e in Serbia:
> Il "concorso morale" di amministrazioni ed enti locali, a nostro giudizio,
> evidente nell'infliggere lutti e sofferenze a persone innocenti e,
> soprattutto, nel causare il più grande disastro ambientale in Europa, che
> coinvolge anche il mare Adriatico (contaminato anch'esso all'URANIO).A
> proposito vogliamo ricordare una delle tante dichiarazioni dell'ex Sindaco
> di Cesena Preger in risposta a chi chiedeva la chiusura della base NATO di
> Pisignano: - "Penso che sia importante continuare ad offrire appoggio alle
> forze impegnate in attività per il mantenimento della pace" - Crediamo che
> una fetta consistente di abitanti di questa città, a prescindere dagli
> orientamenti politici, religioni e culturali, non voleva e non vuole
> tuttora, le "bombe umanitarie" all'URANIO e al PLUTONIO. Ora, che l'alibi
> questo vero e proprio disastro, incarnato nel "mostro Milosevic" non
> più e che il nuovo presidente della RFJ, Kustunica, ha ribadito che la
> guerra della NATO è stato un atto criminale, riteniamo che il Comune di
> Cesena debba assumersi le sue responsabilità, cominciando a chiedere
> ufficialmente perdono ai cittadini jugoslavi.
> Rispetto alla situazione ambientale i danni sono incalcolabili ed
> irreversibili.
> Il Comune di Cesena può e deve collaborare con chi in Jugoslavia sta
> avviando i primi progetti di monitoraggio, bonifica e risanamento
> delle zone contaminate dall'URANIO 238 e da numerose sostanze chimiche a
> causa dei bombardamenti.
> Ogni anno vengono usati circa 90 (novanta) milioni del bilancio comunale
> progetti di solidarietà internazionale. Noi chiediamo che il 50% di questa
> somma, per i prossimi 10 anni, venga destinata a questi progetti di
> risanamento nei Balcani. Lo chiediamo perchè in questa guerra siamo stati
> siamo tuttora coinvolti. Chiediamo inoltre che, in accordo con le autorità
> sanitarie jugoslave ed in collaborazione con le nostre strutture sanitarie
> locali, la città di Cesena si faccia carico delle cure mediche
> specialistiche di 2 dei numerosissimi bambini jugoslavi ammalati di
> ed altre gravi patologie sempre causate dalle bombe NATO.
> Ciò non basterebbe a cancellare le colpe di gran parte della classe
> cesenate, ma sicuramente rispecchierebbe il desiderio di migliaia di
> cesenati, non sappiamo se maggioranza o meno, che non vollero, non
> e non vorranno mai più, che il nostro territorio diventi avamposto di
> folli crociate del disonore. Se chi governa la città non vuole avallare
> un'altra volta la condanna a morte di "popoli di troppo", accolga queste
> richieste.
> Coordinamento Romagnolo contro la guerra e la NATO; Comitato contro la
> guerra e la NATO di Ravenna


A cura del Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
Sito WEB:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e' il sito internet dove l'offerta dei
professionisti incontra la domanda delle imprese!
Seleziona on line i professionisti piu qualificati per
svolgere un'attivita di consulenza per la tua azienda.
Entra anche tu in e risparmia il tuo tempo.

* Prima Convenzione Europea per la Pace - Berlino 23-24 marzo 2001
(dalla sezione tedesca del Tribunale per i crimini della NATO in Jugoslavia)

* Uno studio sul genocidio dei rom kosovari

* L'ultimo libro di Juergen Elsaesser


w.schulz@... ha scritto:

> 1st European Peace Convention
> Initiative Group
> Berlin, December 2000
> Dear friend,
> In the light of not ending efforts of US and EU for a conflict management by military means using NATO and EU intervention forces and investing a considerable amount of money in new dangerous armament a group of organizers having prepared and conducted the European Tribunal on the NATO-war against Yugoslavia in June 2000 in Berlin decided to organize the 1st European Peace Convention.
> Many of the international participants in the tribunal movement have supported this initiative.
> The constitution of the first convention shall take place on 23/24 March 2001 in Berlin.
> We believe that this convention should be open to everybody -without any exclusion- sharing the common values of all peace oriented people and groups forming a European Peace Forum
> The theme of the 1st convention should be: Human Rights and Intervention
> The second convention in 2002 could e.g. deal with the newly introduced Intervention Force of the EU.
> In January 2001 we will send You a draft proposal for a statute and a paper for discussion on the subject of the convention.
> Enclosed please find the invitation for the convention. Please inform other organizations and individuals being probably interested in participating in the convention.
> We would very much appreciate Your conformation in case You are principally ready for cooperation.
> We would like to wish You all the best for a good New Year with good luck and success
> Best regards,
> Professor Wolfgang Richter
> For the Initiative Group
> Elmar Schmähling
> Secretary of the preparatory committee
> Contact address:
> 1th European Peace Convention. c/o GBM, Weitlingstrasse 89, 10317 Berlin
> The first convention will be prepared and organized by a committee of initiators presided by a working presidium. Former Rear Admiral Elmar Schmähling will act as secretary of the committee.
> The committee originates from the movement for a European Tribunal on the NATO-war against Yugoslavia. Following practical reasons representatives of the German peace movement will compose the committee.
> The committee needs still active collaborators. Financial support of the organization is highly appreciated.
> The proceedings of the convention will be published in a special issue of the journal ICARUS.
> Preliminary contact address:
> Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Bürgerrecht und Menschenwürde e.V. (GBM), Weitlingstr. 89, D-10317 Berlin,
> phone +49 30 5578393, fax +49 30 5556357,
> E-Mail: gbmev@....
> For more information please contact the GBM’s homepage:
> Invitation
> 1st European Peace Convention
> 23/24 march 2001
> Berlin Kreuzberg,
> Church „Zum Heiligen Kreuz“
> c/o: Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Bürgerrecht und Menschenwürde e.V.
> Weitlingstr. 89, D-10317 Berlin
> ---

-------- Original Message --------
Oggetto: P: 1st European Peace Convention on March 23 and 24 in Berlin
Data: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 11:13:06 +0100
Da: <w.schulz@...>
A: Law-Schulz@...
CC: petar@...

We are not only responsible for that, what we do, but also for that, what we
take without objections.

(Ernst Bloch)

1st European Peace Convention

Dear Friends of Peace,

By copy of this email, we would like to ask you, if you may support and join
the 1st European Peace Convention.

Do you agree, that we call your organization in the list of supporters? Do
you can see your way to support more?

We also would appreciate very much if people from your movement would join
the European Peace Convention on March 23 and 24 in Berlin.

Below and in the attachment you will find the invitation and agenda. For
more information please visit also or write me.

Yours for Peace and Justice,

Wolfgang Schulz



The first convention will be prepared and

organized by a committee of initiators

presided by a working presidium. Former

Rear Admiral Elmar Schmähling will act as

secretary of the committee.

The committee originates from the movement

for a European Tribunal on the NATO-war

against Yugoslavia. Following practical

reasons representatives of the German peace

movement will compose the preparatory.

The committee needs still active collaborators. Financial support is highly

The proceedings of the convention will be published in a special issue of
the journal ICARUS.

Preliminary contact address: Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Bürgerrecht und
Menschenwürde e.V. (GBM), Weitlingstr. 89, D-10317 Berlin, phone +49 30
5578397, fax +49 30 5556355,

E-Mail: gbmev@....

For more information please contact the GBM’s homepage:

Haus am Köllnischen Park
Am Köllnischen Park 6 –7

10179 Berlin

S - Bahnhof Jannowitzbrücke

U - Bahnhof Heinrich Heine Str.

Bus 265, 240


1st European
Peace Convention
23/24 march 2001

23 march

Conference on „Human Rights and Intervention“
Haus am Köllnischen Park

24 march

Manifestation and Constitution of the Convention
Church „Zum Heiligen Kreuz“


War is not a law by nature
and peace is not a gift

"Friedenskantate" Hanns Eisler,
Ernst Fischer


23 march 2001 10 a. m.

Conference on the subject: Human Rights and Intervention.

Resume: Appeal to all governments and peace forces (A draft paper will be
sent in time prior to the convention)

A proposal for a resolution on this issue will be forwarded to the
manifestation for approval.

End of the consultation: 7 p.m.

24 march 2001 9 a. m.

1st commentaries of the participants concerning tasks and statute of the
European Peace Forum

2nd Constitution of the European Peace Convention

(A proposal for the statute and terms of reference will be provided)

3rd Accreditation of a convention presidium

(The representatives of the invited organizations, e.g. peace initiatives,
NGO’s, political parties, trade unions, parliaments and churches are kindly
requested to also nominate a representative of their respective
organizations as a member of the presidium)

4th Appeal concerning the foundation of a European Peace Forum

5th Adoption of the resolution on “Human Rights and Peace”

End: 4 p.m.



To Whom It May Concern

Law Project Center Yugoslavia (LPC) and Yugoslav Coalition for an
International Criminal Court (YCICC) in join efforts finished study
about Genocide over Roma population in Kosovo. Study contains
testimony of those, which survived torture in Kosovo, impressive
photo documentation with original photos from refugee's camps, and list of
missing Roma persons with muslim-albanian name. Study also proves
Political manipulation with term of Genocide.

This study is translated into English. You can see it at:

Best regards

Darko Trifunovic M.S.L
President of LPC
Secretary Generally of YCICC


KONKRET-Magazin, Ruhrstr.111, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany
Juergen Elsaesser
Tel. xx49-331/6005211
Fax. xx49-331/6005213
Mobil 0171/1720368
Email: J.Elsasser@...

New Book about Depleted Uranium and other Nato-Lies of the Kosovo-War

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

the discussion about the crimes caused by the depleted uranium weapons of Nato
shake the western public opinion. Now there’s a chance to bring all the truth
about this bloody war on the surface.

Since 15th October, my new book about the lies of Nato in the Kosovo-conflict is
on sale in Germany. It was sold out within six weeks, a second edition had to be
printed. A dutch edition will be available in April and a greek one in May, both
will include an extended chapter about the „Balkan-Syndrom“.

I would appreciate if you would write a critique about my book for the press of
your country. Perhaps you also know an organization or a publishing house which
is interested intranslating and printing my book for your country?

Please remail me if you are interested, my publisher could send you the book at

All details about book and author you find below.

Thanks a lot
yours sincerely



Die toedlichen Luegen der Nato und ihre Opfer im Kosovo-Konflikt.
Mit einem Dossier zur Uranmunition
(Konkret Verlag Hamburg, 192 Seiten, 26.80 DM)

The Deadly Lies of Nato and ist Victims in the Kosovo-Conflikt.
With a Special File about Depleted Uranium

»Never before so few lied so thoroughly to so many, as in connection with
the Kosovo war«, says Willy Wimmer, member of the CDU party in the German
Bundestag. »People died for this.«

No lie seemed too grotesque to start the slaughter and keep it going:
Milosevic as the new Hitler, concentration camps in Pristina, Auschwitz in
Kosovopolje. Whereas NATO and CNN took the trouble to provide fabricated
video documents, the German Minister of Defense sought to convince by mere
force of words: Mister Scharping‘s portrayal of Serbs playing football with
the heads of their Abanian victims or Serbs grilling foetuses, torn from
their mothers‘ wombs will go down in the annals of psychopathology. Finally
miracles of biblical dimensions: massacred Albanian intellectuals hold post
mortem press conferences in Western capitals; ghost trains suddenly appear on
scarcely used tracks and bore their way into NATO-missiles; mass graves are
found as empty as Our Lord‘s vault on the third day.

What is left? »In the nine months after stationing of KFOR in Kosovo
nothing could be found to sustain the indictment of ›genocide‹ « (Le Monde
Diplomatique, March 2000) . In the light of new evidence and with the aid of
previously unaccessible documents Juergen Elsaesser questions NATO‘s
justification for the war.

After mysterious deaths in the Sfor- and Kfor-armies a fierce discussion in the
western public has begun. Even the italian premier Guiliano Amato is upset about
the potential consequences of the depleted uranium: „ We have the suspicion that
things aren’t as simple as Nato always argues.“

This book proves that Amato’s suspicion has good reasons - not only in the case
of the „Balkan-syndrom“. Elsaesser proves the thesis that the first victim of
war is the truth to be wrong. For the truth dies long before a war starts: It
was the lies about Srebrenica, about Racak, about Rambouillet and about the
so-called apartheid in Kosovo that deceived members of parliament and citizens
alike and led them into a murderous adventure. NATO was made the »air force in
an ethnic war« (Henry Kissinger ) and brought the KLA into power. The result:
Pristina is
purged, ethnic monirities have been driven out of Kosovo, chaos rules in
the streets, the KLA‘s secret police is everywhere, and the few remaining
survivors fear in ghettos for their lives. Indeed, nobody talks now of
»humanitarian catastrophe«, »ethnic cleansing« or »genocide« and not
surprisingly so: to acknowledge the disgrace of the last war would impede
preparations for the next.

About the Author

Juergen Elsaesser was born in 1957. Until June 1997 he was chief editor of
Berlin‘s daily newspaper Junge Welt and from April 1999 on has been editor of
the monthly magazin Konkret, Germany‘s most important magazine of an
independent Left since 1957 . He also works as a freelance journalist,
amongst others for the Allgemeine Juedische Wochenzeitung, the Sueddeutsche
Zeitung, the state television WDR and the Kursbuch.

In the time of the Kosovo war he coined the slogan »No Blood for
Joschka«, an anology to the slogan »No Blood for oil«, that the members of
the Green Party had coined in the Golf war 1991. The German magazine Der
Spiegel consequently libelled him as a »professional cynic« bound to
»antiquated leftist clichés«. Others were more kindly disposed: About his
latest book Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns. Das Kosovo und die neue deutsche
Geopolitik (Konkret Verlag, June 1999, second edition November 1999)
the renowned daily newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau wrote: »An excellent book.
Written in anger and deep regret, regrets about the development of the Left
movement and the Green Party. But it is thoroughly investigated.«
Table of contents

Big Brother is Talking to You
Orwell’s Newspeak and the Nato

The Mother of all Lies
The „Ramps of Srebrenica“ as Starting-Point of the War

Withheld Murders
The KLA’s Terror before the War and the Ignorance of the Western Public

The Previoulsly Classified Autopsy-Records of the 40 Bodies of Racak Disprove
Nato’s Version of a Serbian Massacre

Memoirs of the EU-Frontman in Rambouillet, Wolfgang Petritsch

Wag the Dog
The so-called Serbian „Operation Horsheshoe“ - an Amateurish Fabrication of the
German and Austrian Secret Services

Sex, Lies and Video
Nato’s Blockbusters Against Milosevic

Legal, Illegal, Collateral
Legends and Facts about the „Air-Campaign“

The Balkan-Syndrom
Depleted Uranium for 4.500 Million Years

Killing Fields and Deadly Lies
What Remains of the 100.000 Corpses in Mass Graves?

Prizren is Cleared of Serbs, Jews, Roma
The Albanian fascism is marching on

And the lived happily together ever after
Nato’s fairy tale about the multi-ethnic future of Kosovo

Fact-Dump Cyberspace
The Murderer is Always the Serb

International Press Commentaries on the Situation in Kosovo in the 1980ies
Classified: The Reports of the German Foreign Ministery about Kosovo 1990 - 1998
Analysed: „As seen - As told“, an OSCE Report with Strange Details

Bibliography Juergen Elsaesser

Antisemitismus - das alte Gesicht des neuen Deutschland (dietz berlin,
Wenn das der Führer hätte erleben dürfen (Konkret 1995)
Vorwärts und vergessen? (zus. mit S. Wagenknecht - Konkret 1996)
Braunbuch DVU (Vorwort Jürgen Trittin, Konkret 1998)
Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns (Konkret 1999)
„Die Fratze der eigenen Geschichte“ (zus. mit Andrei S. Markovits -
Elefantenpress 1999)


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