
This text was written to explain to french orthodox the roots of the
agression against Yugoslavia




G - L’art de la provocation, un art nazi toujours actuel

Il faut toujours, pour comprendre la réaction serbe, revenir en
et par exemple se souvenir que dans le tout premier train de décrets
par le nouveau «gouvernement croate» (dès le lendemain de la
sécession qui déclencha l’actuelle cascade de conflits armés) figurait
l’interdiction de tout enseignement et de toute publication, livre,
etc... en alphabet cyrillique, considéré comme alphabet coutumier des
Serbes. On sait que si la langue parlée est la même pour les Croates et
pour les Serbes l’alphabet, lui, est différent. Cette mesure avait pour
d’écarter progressivement de tout emploi intellectuel (enseignement,
professions juridiques, médicales, etc...) les Serbes encore trop
nombreux dans le territoire revendiqué par le futur État Croate.
provocation s’accompagnait - il serait plus juste de dire qu’elle avait
précédée depuis plusieurs mois - de menaces, de voies de fait (églises
orthodoxes brûlées, prêtres agressés, passés à tabac avec leurs femmes
et leurs enfants, fermes isolées attaquées - sans intervention des
de police locales: situation qui évoque ce que subissent les Algériens,
entre le FIS et les forces gouvernementales...) et d’autres moyens
d’intimidation, comme par exemple l’affichage du sinistre sigle des
oustachis sur des affiches promettant leur retour imminent et leur
vengeance sur les civils serbes et leurs familles. Ironie goguenarde ou
conviction sincère, ce sigle officiel des oustachis représente un
catholique, flanqué d’un poignard et d’un pistolet (parfois d’une
offensive) - ce qui semble à première vue assez peu évangélique.
Là encore, nos médias ont brillé par leur silence. Ces mesures
et ce
terrorisme ont pu un moment passer pour le fait de quelques groupes
d’excités, mais nous avons vu depuis qu’elles s’inscrivaient dans un
retour programmé du fascisme, notamment aux U.S.A., en Allemagne,
Autriche, Ukraine, Pologne, etc - pour ne rien dire de l’Angleterre! Et
bientôt de la France...
Dès la troisième semaine de la déclaration unilatérale
de la Croatie, le nouveau gouvernement croate mettait en œuvre
d’importants travaux de réaménagement de l’ancien camp de
Jasenovac. C’était annoncer clairement ses intentions: la Valise ou le
Cercueil en quelque sorte! Le comble de la provocation anti-serbe fut
apporté par l'adoption de nouveaux uniformes de police aux
connotations oustachi.
C’était si clair que de nombreuses familles serbes s’enfuirent
abandonnant leurs maisons, leurs magasins, leurs fermes, leurs
troupeaux... Imagine-t-on une province française déclarant son
indépendance, sa filiation avec l’ancien état vichyste et habillant sa
de l’ancien uniforme de la Milice, dans un silence complice général de
presse européenne? Par la suite (mai 1994) le gouvernement croate
devait encore souligner sa volonté de retour aux sources en remplaçant
le dinar par la kuna, qui avait été l'unité monétaire de l'État fasciste
oustachi de 1941 à 1944.
Devant de tels indices, on ne peut pas plus oublier Hitler,
et Pavélitch qu’on ne peut oublier que pendant des siècles, Zagreb a été
au cœur des Balkans une des capitales de la culture allemande.
Personne aujourd’hui ne peut assurer que tout cela est définitivement
fini... et non plus que cela «n’arrivera qu’aux autres». Et pourtant
médias se taisent, complices.
Ce soutien au terrorisme anti-serbe, au début de ce qui devait
devenir le conflit inter-yougoslave actuel et mener aux événements du
Kosovo, avait naturellement pour but de condamner les Serbes à la ruine
- ou de les pousser à un exode massif. Là encore, notre génération a
connu bien des événements historiques similaires, pour lesquels nous
n’avons jamais déclanché de «guerre humanitaire». Ceux-là, au
contraire, nous arrangeaient: entre autres l’exode forcé de 300 000
Turcs lors de la «libéralisation» du régime ex-communiste en Bulgarie
(1989), ou les massacres (comme celui de Deir Yassin) organisés par
les Israéliens pour forcer le petit peuple palestinien à s’enfuir et à
abandonner ses villages et ses terres aux colons d’Eretz Israël... Sans
parler de la politique de violences poursuivie par la Turquie dans l’île
Chypre envahie et occupée depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans - brutalités que
nos médias ont constamment passées par pertes et profits. Aucune
«frappe humanitaire» ne semble avoir été envisagée par le Big Brother
moralisateur américain dans ces cas... ni dans quelques autres - de
l’Afrique du Sud de l’apartheid au Maroc de la guerre de Mauritanie,
aux exterminations du Timor oriental, aux Talibans du nouvel
Afghanistan, aux escadrons de la mort en Amérique du Sud, aux
génocides en Afrique Noire, etc...

H - l’exode a été bien préparé...

Le journal grec Vradyni a publié d’intéressants détails sur les
missions terroristes menées en territoire kosovar dès décembre 1998
par un certain groupe «Seals», parfaitement identifié, venu tout
de la base de la CIA à Miami (Opa-Loka) et placé sous la direction
d’un officier traitant nommé Soister, déjà connu par ses précédentes
missions à Berlin (1969), Chypre (1975), Beyrouth (1977), et Athènes
(à partir de 1983). Ce groupe a constamment agi avec la plus grande
férocité (utilisant notamment d’anciens convicts des pénitenciers US,
libérés sous condition) dans le double but de promouvoir la terreur sur
les «arrières de l’ennemi» et de disqualifier les troupes régulières
yougoslaves dans l’opinion publique des pays de l’OTAN.

Grâce à ces actions préparatoires, et selon un rapport non
confirmé par certaines sources crédibles des milieux du renseignement,
mais également transmis par Jürgen REENTS, porte-parole de presse
du SPD au Parlement Allemand, les motifs de l’exode des réfugiés du
Kosovo sont, à peu près à égalité:

1° - Certains des excès justement reprochés aux forces
de police et plus rarement de l’armée; elles sont souvent «piégées»
des attaques de l’UCK exécutées sous couverture de «civils kosovars-
albanais». On possède néanmois des informations sûres confirmant que
des soldats yougoslaves pris en flagrant délit de pillage ont été
traduits en
cour martiale;
2° - les résultats des bombardements de l’OTAN, tels que le
manque d’eau potable généralisé à presque toutes les localités du
Kosovo, et les dévastations en général;
3° - la peur compréhensible de se trouver pris sous les feux
de l’UCK, de l’armée yougoslave et des attaques aériennes de l’OTAN;
4° - la diffusion constante de récits d’horreur et de panique
par des douzaines de petites stations d’ondes courtes de l’UCK, de
l’OTAN ou d’Albanais émettant à partir des montagnes, à côté des
émissions officielles de propagande de l’UCK sur Radio Tirana;
5° - le pillage systématique des bandes de la Mafia albanaise,
extorquent de l’argent grâce aux armes volées au cours de la guerre
civile en Albanie, fouillent les maisons abandonnées et y mettent
le feu pour créer un effet de diversion politique;
6° - des troupes irrégulières de l’UCK qui ont décrété une
«mobilisation générale» et obligent tous les hommes valides à
dans leur «service militaire». Ceux qui refusent sont soumis à divers
abus physiques graves et ne sont relâchés que contre rançon, après avoir
juré sous la menace de vendetta de ne pas dire la vérité à leurs
mais de déclarer publiquement qu’ils ont été maltraités par les Serbes;
7° - l’annonce par l’UCK que l’OTAN va être obligée de
déclencher une inévitable attaque terrestre et que cette invasion est

Les gouvernements de l’OTAN sont parfaitement au courant des
causes réelles de l’exode «kosovar» et jouent cyniquement avec des
souffrances utilisées comme appât international - pour mieux diaboliser
Milosevitch et «expliquer» la destruction de la Serbie. Hitler avait
de même avec les Sudètes pour expliquer l’invasion de la
Tchécoslovaquie. Les crimes incessants de cette véritable armée de
coupe-jarrets qu’est l’UCK sont connus, mais les services d’intoxication
psychologique de l’OTAN, en les portant au crédit des Serbes, s’en
servent pour «chauffer» l’opinion publique des pays de l’Alliance et
préparer le monde à l’éventualité d’une prochaine guerre.


Certes, rien de ce qui précède ne peut ôter quoi que ce soit au
caractère souvent atroce des affrontements de cette nouvelle «guerre de
Yougoslavie» que l’OTAN a choisi de déclencher à cheval sur la
Semaine Sainte catholique et les Pâques orthodoxes. Rien ne saurait
justifier les crimes, les viols, les bombardements de civils désarmés,
expulsions, les camps de regroupement etc... Mais l’honnêteté la plus
stricte exigerait qu’on reconnaisse que ces violations des droits de
l’homme, il y en a eu dès le début du conflit en 1991. Et qu’il y en a
dans les trois camps.
Notre presse a constamment mis en avant ceux des Serbes, passant
sous silence ceux des Croates et des Musulmans de Bosnie, pourtant
connus, et attestés par des documents incontestables. Aucun tribunal
international «européen» n’a jusqu’ici fait mine d’exiger qu’on lui
ces criminels-là... Parce que dans ce cas, le tribunal aurait bien été
de «découvrir» que les terroristes croates néo-oustachis avaient été
fournis en armes et en munitions par le BND allemand dès l’année 1979 -
comme l’a révélé l’ancien agent secret Erich Schmidt-Enboom. Et les
expéditions du «groupe Seals» n’auraient pu rester bien longtemps
«Secret Défense».

Dans une affaire aussi douteuse, il est évident qu’aucun
gouvernement français ne devrait admettre l’intervention d’unités
françaises - surtout aux ordres d’un général américain! Force est au
contraire de constater qu’il appelle chaque jour davantage à
l’intensification de ce véritable anéantissement de la Serbie, de son
patrimoine millénaire et des moyens d’existence des peuples
Il faut de toute évidence qu’il y ait là un but de grande
pour les USA, but dont on s’interdit de parler ouvertement et que les
déclarations d’intentions «humanitaires» dissimulent derrière un
de fumée de moins en moins crédible. Un journaliste renommé du New
York Times, Richard Poe, évoquait le 14 avril 1999 l’hypothèse crédible
d’un plan à plus long terme contre la Russie:

«Clinton implore: «Sauvez les Albanais du Kosovo!» En 1938,
trompetait: «Sauvez les Allemands des Sudètes!». Les noms ont changé,
stratégie reste la même.
Hitler accusait Bénès d’engager une «guerre d’extermination»
contre les
Allemands des Sudètes. «Maintenant, il expulse les Allemands!» crie
Hitler dans
son discours du 16 septembre 1938. «Nous voyons bien les terribles
chiffres: un
jour 10 000 réfugiés, le lendemain 20 000... et aujourd’hui 214 000. Des
entières du pays ont été désertifiées, les villages brûlés, ils ont
tenté d’asphyxier
les Allemands avec des grenades et des gaz».
Cela vous rappelle quelque chose?
... / ...
Certains ont désigné les mines de Trepca, dans le Nord du
Kosovo, riches en
or, zinc, argent et plomb. Le New York Times les a nommées «la prime
de la guerre du Kosovo» (8 juillet 1998).
D’autres ont en vue une stratégie à beaucoup plus long terme.
Les Russes
prétendent que l’OTAN, comme Hitler, veut se servir des Balkans comme
pour étendre sa domination vers l’est - et se mêler éventuellement des
affaires de
la Russie elle-même. Mais tout cela n’est que spéculations. Seul le
temps révélera
les véritables intentions de Clinton - comme il l’a fait plus tard pour
celles de


L’Histoire récente n’incite que trop les Serbes à «mettre dans
même sac» Croates, Bosniaques, Albanais, Turcs et Allemands - et par
le fait, à confondre leur appartenance au catholicisme ou à l‘islam
leur ralliement historique au fascisme ou au nazisme, comme avec leurs
tendances historiques au terrorisme ethnique. C’est sûrement un
amalgame - mais il est profondément ancré dans le subconscient de ce
peuple. La politique d’un Président gaulliste et d’un premier ministre
socialiste va-t-elle y ajouter les Français, considérés jusqu’ici comme
des alliés, des frères, et qui viennent maintenant bombarder un peuple
déjà impitoyablement soumis depuis des années à un blocus qui frappe
essentiellement les petites gens - exactement comme en Irak ?
On voudrait nous faire croire que ce sont les Serbes et les
qui mettent les Droits de l’Homme en péril, et quel’Europe entière doit
aider les Américains à leur faire la guerre, participant allègrement à
ruine économique et à leur massacre. On a été jusqu’à parler d’invasion
serbe dans un Kosovo albanais, comme s’il s’agissait d’un pays
étranger, de quelque nouveau Koweit en somme! Certaines des mesures
prises par le Président Milosevic semblent indéfendables, quelque
puissent avoir été les provocations que nous commençons à peine à
entrevoir - mais sommes-nous si bien placés pour stigmatiser et punir
crimes des autres?

Les Français eux-mêmes ont-ils fait la guerre comme des
enfants de choeur en Algérie, en Indochine, à Madagascar...?
Quel tribunal international a jamais réclamé ces tortionnaires-là (les
nôtres...) qui pourtant n’ont jamais fait mystère de leurs «activités»
d’outre-mer. Certain colonel Érulin (lieutenant pendant la «bataille
d’Alger», rendu aussi célèbre par son art de «l’interrogatoire» que
l’accablant récit qu’en fit Henri Alleg dans La Question) n’a-t-il pas
décoré de la main même du Président de la République Française?

Continuer à faire l’impasse sur des faits si importants, comme
le fait
l’ensemble de notre presse, c’est faire de l’Histoire (et plus
en l’occurrence, de la politique actuelle d’une Europe à direction
socialiste...) une «histoire de fous racontée par un ivrogne» - pour
paraphraser Shakespeare. Cela fait craindre que l’Europe «unie» qu’on
nous prépare (une Europe visiblement militaro-industrielle et
ne soit finalement qu’un paravent commode pour réinstaller aux
commandes un libéral-capitalisme au fascisme à peine masqué, basé
sur les intérêts allemands et turcs comme dans la première moitié de ce
siècle, mais sous direction américaine cette fois - et avec notre
indispensable Collaboration, morale, militaire, financière.

Tous les précédents sont là pour nous rappeler que cette
«Alliance» a toujours poussé à la guerre, pour éliminer les peuples
«gênants». Nous ne sommes «pas racistes, mais»... comme par hasard
chaque fois que nos intérêts le veulent nous exterminons avec bonne
conscience Arméniens, Kurdes, Grecs, Chypriotes, Tziganes, Slaves,
Algériens ou Juifs.

Cette fois encore, nous savons que les intérêts de l’OTAN ne
pas les nôtres: l’avancée vers les pétroles off-shore de
renforce déjà un militaro-capitalisme allemand qui n’a jamais été
négligeable. Le renforcement de la présence turque dans les Balkans
favorisera très vite en Europe l’expansion de l’Islam - déjà bien
ici-même avec les récentes autorisations d’implantation de mosquées sur
notre territoire. La France est amenée par l’OTAN à tirer les marrons du
feu pour le service exclusif d’intérêts opposés à ceux (spirituels et
matériels) de notre peuple. Devra-t-elle sacrifier la confiance d’un de
ses derniers amis à l’Est - contre le plat de lentilles d’une Europe
dominée par l’Allemagne, et visée par un Islam à nouveau conquérant?

Le fait que notre gouvernement soit entré illégalement en guerre
le cadre de l’OTAN et conjointement avec les USA et l’Angleterre, sans
aucune consultation préalable, sans aucun mandat de l’O.N.U. et du
Conseil de Sécurité ne fait qu’ajouter à ce crime initial la violation
de la
Charte des Nations-Unies, celle des accords d’Helsinki et la déchéance
du principe de l’intangibilité des frontières - qui ont assuré la paix
du monde occidental depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.
Nous sommes sortis volontairement du Droit des Nations - avec toutes
les conséquences que cela impliquera pour l’avenir de notre civilisation
de nos peuples.

Les puissances d’argent de l’Europe (et derrière elles se
celles des U.S.A) semblent bien décidées à pousser de plus en plus loin
le baril de poudre balkanique. La destruction systématique du potentiel
industriel yougoslave s’accompagne d’un début de catastrophe
écologique programmée pour frapper tous les Balkans; le soin
apporté à rendre préventivement imparable le cataclysme engendré par
l’embrasement des stocks de PVC et de VCM de Pancevo le 17-18
avril est un indice de ce qui nous attend tous - et que préfigurait
cyniquement le nom de code de «Dresde» choisi par l’OTAN pour ces
bombardements... avec une délicatesse bien américaine.

Quel qu’en soit le résultat final, nous aurons en plus à en
payer la
note, qui sera salée - et ni l’indépendance européenne ni l’euro ne s’en
relèveront de si tôt. Cette guerre va contribuer à nous enfoncer, nous
tous, dans une crise économique inextricable, et à étendre le chômage
comme une tache d’huile. L’expérience a prouvé qu’à chaque fois que
cela se produit, l’ultime ressource du capitalisme est une «bonne
guerre» d’extermination pour rétablir l’équilibre démographique et
économique en faveur du plus fort, militairement. Cette fois, celui à
profitera le crime est parfaitement à l’abri, outre-Atlantique, des
retombées écologiques du cataclysme qu’il déclanche

Même si les Français acceptent avec insouciance de ruiner un peu
plus leur économie pour aider le Pentagone à détruire le peuple
yougoslave (coupable de non-alignement sur les USA sous le président
Milosevic comme hier il l’était de non-alignement sur l’URSS, sous le
maréchal Tito) et surtout pour installer leurs prochaines bases contre
Russie - nous autres chrétiens ne pouvons pas rester indifférents à la
souffrance de nos frères orthodoxes serbes. Parce que sous prétexte de
diaboliser des chefs d’états qui gênent le Pentagone - en Irak, en
Yougoslavie ou ailleurs: les cibles ne lui manqueront jamais ! - c’est
toujours leurs peuples dont on écrase l’économie, qu’on affame, et que
le Pentagone nous envoie massacrer. Nous devons absolument
combattre ces crimes.

Il faut arrêter immédiatement la guerre

Éliazar MARIO-VINCENT pour: «Forum Européen des Orthodoxes» - 6 rue
l’Adour - F-65140 TOSTAT

trois notes complémentaires


L’UCK n’a été organisée officiellement qu’il y a moins de deux
ans, à
partir de bandes rivales (implantées des deux côtés de la
avec l’Albanie) qui mettaient le Kosovo en coupe réglée depuis une
quinzaine d’années au moins, dans une situation de violence qui rappelle
singulièrement celle de la Corse sous le FLNC. Ces bandes se sont
notamment assuré depuis plus de vingt ans le monopole de la «blanche»,
qui transite par l’Albanie et l’Italie proches. Leur trésor de guerre,
est placé
en Suisse; il provient essentiellement de la drogue et du trafic
Nos média, qui les choient, ignorent volontairement ces réalités.
Leurs buts de guerre, à eux, sont évidents. Sans même parler du
tenace projet d’une «Grande Albanie» qui engloberait la Macédoine et
ferait jonction avec la Turquie d’Europe, une partition du Kosovo leur
garantirait la possession d’un état minuscule, certes, mais bien à eux
dont ils assureraient la police eux-mêmes. Ce Kosovo «kosovar»
devenir le triangle d’or de l’Europe. Il n’y a que deux ans qu’on
accorde aux
albanophones le statut de « peuplekosovar»: chacun sait qu’il y a
eu en réalité quatre ethnies principales, et qu’elles ont toujours vécu
ensemble (sans difficultés majeures) dans cette petite province
Serbes, Rroms, Squiptars («Albanais»), et Bulgares.
Une victoire de l’U.C.K. permettrait aux Squiptars de dominer
les autres
peuples de la région en toute impunité, après élimination des Serbes
trop irréductibles, et sous couverture de l’OTAN. Il est notoire que les
n’éprouvent aucune gêne à couvrir des situations similaires dans de
nombreux pays d’Amérique Latine. Quand ils ne les ont pas organisées
mêmes, ils en tirent les ficelles.
Déjà, leur opposition initiale à Fidel Castro avait été causée à
par sa volonté affirmée de mettre fin à la dictature de la drogue et de
prostitution à Cuba, fief du célèbre mafieux Batista - qui était loin
d’être le
seul «dictateur» de cette espèce à être protégé par Washington.
n’est du reste pas en voie de disparition, elle rapporte trop et
intéresse trop
le Pentagone.


La propagande de guerre fait rage des deux côtés. Nos vertueux
(rangés en ordre de bataille du côté de l’OTAN) «révèlent» les
«mafieux» de la famille Milosevic dans diverses sociétés
dans les mines d’or, etc Il est de bonne guerre que ces «informations»
leur soient fournies par les milieux du renseignement américains. Les
mêmes média trouventpar contre un infantilisme agressif à la propagande
serbe, qui s’est permis d’assimiler l’agression US-OTAN à l’agression
de 1941 et d’attaquer «grossièrement» la vie privée des dirigeants
ennemis. Elle... Enfin, ils ne tarissent pas d’émerveillement sur les
de tonnes de dons «pour les Kosovars» apportés à la Poste par des
milliers de petites gens, en France.

Pas plus que l’habit ne fait le moine, rien de tout cela ne peut
les faits réels: l’OTAN prépare l’opinion publique à approuver
l’invasion d’un pays souverain, mais pauvre, par «l’Alliance» des
pays riches (ils n’osent tout de même pas reprendre l’ancien titre de
«Sainte Alliance») désormais placés sous statut colonial par l’Empire
Et chaque tonne de vivres donnée généreusement par des particuliers
économise une partie du budget de guerre de l’OTAN qui, sinon, serait
obligée de nourrir elle-même ses réfugiés sur son budget. Politiquement,
budget n’est pas extensible à l’infini, car au-delà d’un plafond donné
d’augmentation des impôts, les peuples de «l’Alliance»
perdraient confiance et refuseraient de suivre plus longtemps les USA.

Chaque économie réalisée par les gouvernements «alliés» qui
lancé cette guerre est donc nécessaire pour produire de nouveaux
de nouveaux armements. Et ce, grâce au bon cœur des plus pauvres, qui
sont comme toujours les plus influençables! Les USA font exploser chaque
jour des dizaines de millions de dollars d’un armement désormais périmé:
ces missiles, ces avions seraient obsolètes en cas de guerre contre une
grande puissance. Or il en reste une, l’ex-URSS, malgré le chaos où l’a
plongée l’invasion masquée du capitalisme: la Russie est encore l’ennemi
potentiel. Ruiner la Serbie, lui imposer demain des forces d’occupation
sous commandement américain, c’est compléter la chaîne des bases
militaires de l’OTAN autour d’une Russie dont rien n’est encore parvenu
débander l’armée, restée solide et moderne contre toute attente, même
mise en demi-solde! En attendant, cet armement «démodé» accomplit sa
mission: tuer, mutiler, détruire l’outil de travail de centaines de
milliers de
travailleurs, nos frères. Et les USA nous feront payer au prix fort, à
nous les
contribuables«alliés», cette liquidation de leurs vieux stocks de
mort et
leur remplacement par des armes plus sophistiquées.

Triple bénéfice: Clinton améliore ainsi son image auprès des
contribuables américains et sera réélu, le Pentagone modernise son
armement à moindres frais (la France fait de même quand elle vend des
armes aux dictateurs du Tiers-Monde pour exterminer leurs rebelles
désarmés), les USA font monter en Bourse les actions de leurs grandes
sociétés contre leurs concurrents. L’effet immédiat est de pomper nos
finances publiques, ce qui obligera les gouvernements européens à
encore leurs budgets civils, d’assistance, d’éducation, de santé etc...
augmentera nos impôts destinés à financer le surarmement USA, et à
relancer l’économie américaine. L’Euro tant vanté sera mis au pas et le
Dollar revalorisé - ce qui accentuera notre crise et notre chômage.
Par le jeu des vases communicants, la crise basculée sur
enrichira encore le pays déjà le plus riche du monde, et augmentera les
moyens militaro-financiers qui lui sont nécessaires pour asseoir son
sur les nations appauvries et vassalisées de la planète. Demain, les USA
seront plus encore que depuis ces cinquante dernières années les «super
gendarmes» capitalistes du monde. La question peut se poser:
le feu à nos paillotesaussi ?

Marx a depuis plus d’un siècle analysé dans tous ses détails ce
processus du capitalisme avancé. Sans refaire ici son analyse, regardons
enfin la réalité de cette guerre «humanitaire» à notre niveau, celui
travailleurs que nous sommes: cela annonce pour nous plus de misère et
moins de partage des richesses produites par notre travail. Plus de sang
versé, plus de charges, moins de social.
Après un mois de guerre «humanitaire», le bilan de l’O.T.A.N.
déjà de plus de 1000 morts et plusieurs milliers de blessés ou
d’infirmes à
vie. Les usines, les raffineries, les centrales sont visées
Les «Alliés» détruisent systématiquement les ponts, pour accentuer
l’effondrement de l’économie et des conditions de vie du peuple
C’est déjà près d’un million de travailleurs (toutes ethnies confondues)
vont être jetés au chômage et à la misère pour des années.
Les stratèges de l’O.T.A.N. le savent, et ils le veulent. Ils
méthodiquement leur plan.

Tout le reste: humanitarisme, beaux sentiments, patriotisme,
démocratie,faire reculer la barbarie, voler au secours des réfugiés
n’est que slogans publicitaires pour cacher la vérité: le capitalisme
impitoyable pour les peuples pauvres, le capitalisme est une bête de
qui s’accouple tout naturellement avec ses semblables: fascismes,
racismes, militarismes de tout poil - et qui le fait contre les
«civils», les
travailleurs, les «peuples inférieurs», c’est à dire contre nous, leur
préféré. Le capitalisme porte en ses flancs la guerre comme la nuée
porte l’orage (Jean Jaurès).

Il est donc normal que le capitalisme mondial (c’est à dire,
schématiquement: les USA qui en sont devenus les seuls maîtres et les
grands régulateurs depuis Bretton Wood... un «accord» où la
de l’indépendance monétaire des pays «alliés» n’a pu être signée que
sous la pression d’une autre guerre, soit dit en passant!) fasse tout
attiser les conflits entre Serbes et Croates ou entre Serbes et
Tout fait ventre: tout ce qui fait monter les bénéfices et renforce les
Seulement nous ne sommes pas capitalistes: nous sommes les
victimes désignées du Capitalisme. Ce n’est pas la même chose. On nous
berce d’illusions, et au terme de ce bourrage de crâne on nous fera
exactement ce que nous faisons en ce moment aux malheureux peuples de
la République Fédérale de Yougoslavie - chaque fois que cela sera utile
pour augmenter le chiffre d’affaire des grands groupes internationaux et
fructifier leurs opérations boursières, chaque fois nous serons bons.
Les crimes auxquels on nous fait participer contre nos frères
travailleurs serbes, comme contre nos frères les émigrés du Kosovo (mais
aussi les Kurdes, les Palestiniens, les Irakiens, les Soudanais, etc...)
pour effets secondaires - collatéraux, comme ils disent! - de les priver
des années de leurs derniers moyens d’existence, par la destruction
de toutes leurs usines. Comme en Irak... Nous savons ce qui est arrivé
déjà en Russie: les travailleurs restent maintenant des mois sans
toucher le
moindre salaire, les retraités ne touchent plus leurs pensions et n’ont
d’assistance médicale gratuite; les plus faibles meurent de froid, de
ou se suicident. C’est le rêve béni de tout capitaliste! car à ce régime
plus de lois sociales non plus pour gêner les requins dans leur course à
l’enrichissement - en faisant crever leurs esclaves bien plus durement
encore qu’au temps des Tsars, des pogroms, de ces knoutages à mort que
relatait avec horreur le Dostoïevski de la Maison des Morts! Le knout,
aujourd’hui, tombe du ciel sur nos frères serbes - de cinq mille mètres
haut. Ils en meurent. A qui le tour demain?

Civils, travailleurs et contribuables - c’est à dire exploités
et agneaux de
boucherie à la fois - nous n’avons rien à voir dans cette guerre. Nous y
perdrons nos dernières libertés, avant d’y perdre à notre tour notre
travail et
notre vie. On croit donner sa vie pour la Patrie - et on se fait tuer
des industriels (Anatole France). Le bourrage de crâne sentimental
dans tous nos média (mobilisés sous commandement américain) a pour
finalité de nous le faire accepter: 72 % de citoyens français acceptent
les bombardements de civils! 65% soutiendraient une invasion terrestre
ce pays ami!
Chacun de nous doit s’opposer totalement à cette guerre, à toute
guerre, par tous les moyens. Il n’y a jamais eu de «guerre sainte», ni
«guerre juste»: le sort des humbles à toujours été pire pendant et
une guerre, et la puissance de leurs maîtres en est sortie à chaque fois
accrue, mieux armée, plus impitoyable. Toute guerre est financière,
suscitée par les appétits du capitalisme. On voit la Bourse flamber et
le plafond des super-bénéfices à chaque nouveau désastre qui frappe les
êtres humains. La guerre n’a qu’un but: augmenter la suprématie des
puissances d’argent, l’arrogance des violents, et la faiblesse des plus
pauvres. C’est aussi vrai pour les peuples pauvres qui gênent les
comme les Serbes, que pour chacun de nous: nous sommes tous des
gêneurs en sursis.


Le «Monde» du 5-6 septembre 1999 nous apprend page 4
bien satisfaisante nouvelle. Le célèbre docteur Bernard Kouchner vient
d’octroyer au peuple kosovar sa monnaie «nationale»: le
deutschmark. Acte régalien s’il en est.

Les autres monnaies ne seront «pas vraiment
interdites», mais
l’organisation de ce grand ami des droits de l’homme (et par paraphrase
sans doute, des droits des peuples?) a décidé avec sagesse (et
unilatéralement) que «les personnes qui insisteront pour payer avec des
dinars yougoslaves devront acquitter une taxe supplémentaire».

Comme dirait n’importe quel autre diplomate de l’ONU, le
Kosovo est toujours une province de la République Fédérale de
Yougoslavie, et le dinar est toujours la monnaie officielle de ce pays
souverain. Mais «notre» Dr Kouchner fait l’Histoire. Ave Caesar!

Après avoir élevé les résidus des milices «albanaises»
Kosovo au rang de police nationale, et avoir établi aux frontières du
Kosovo des droits de douane au bénéfice exclusif des Kosovars
«albanais»11 Les Kosovars ou habitants du Kosovo sont composés de cinq
groupes ethniques différents. Au moins. Ils ne sont donc ni albanais, ni
indépendants pour le moment, mais Yougoslaves. Cela n’empêche pas la
télévision française de nous montrer complaisamment à chaque reportage
municipalités UCK délibérant sous le drapeau national de l’Albanie.
Comme diraient «nos Alliés»: on n’est pas au Timor oriental, que
diable! Et les mêmes médias taisent soigneusement le fait que l’UCK
massacre aussi bien les Roms (éternelles victimes de tous les racismes)
que les Serbes: il
y a donc bien une volonté de «purifier ethniquement» le Kosovo de tout
ce qui gênerait la future «Grande Albanie»., le Dr Kouchner fait
avancer d’un nouveau pas de géant sa
Weltanschaung personnelle pour l’avenir des Balkans. Les visiteurs
nazis du camp d’extermination de Jasenovac n’auraient pas fait mieux, si
on leur en avait laissé le temps: leur ministre des Finances, le Dr
Schacht, n’avait-il pas donné au Mark sa «puissance» de future
monnaie de l’Europa ?

Question subsidiaire: «nos Alliés» de l’OTAN
auraient-ils cessé
d’avoir confiance, eux, en l’avenir de cet Euro dont on nous assure
chaque jour (à nous, en France…) qu’il est seul capable de garantir la
concorde entre les peuples, dans une Europe enfin débarrassée de ses
discordes financières et de ses monnaies nationales?

Éliazar MARIO-VINCENT pour: «Forum Européen des Orthodoxes» - 6 rue
l’Adour - F-65140 TOSTAT

"Eliazar" <eliazar@...>

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 16:18:25 -0000

e-mail: crj@... - URL:



Interview de Frédéric Delorca, co-fondateur du site Résistance - Propos
recueillis par Florence Duval, le 2 août 2000
Le stoïcisme serbe - Frédéric Delorca, 16 juillet 2000
Deuxième voyage à Belgrade - Frédéric Delorca, 1 juillet 2000
Michel Collon -- Serge Halimi - Frédéric Delorca, 9 juin 2000



"Why the Media WON'T Discuss the Clinton Kosovo Fraud"
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (
August 22, 2000

To access Mary Mostert's Kosovo articles mentioned in this article go to -Clinton: The
First American President to Commit Genocide in Europe - The Secret of
Kosovo - Where the KLA Terrorists Who Died in the Ground War are Buried - Is Clinton
Creatng the First Drug Dealer Terrorist State in Europe? - NATO Says
200,000 Albanian Women Gave Birth to 100,000 Babies in Two Months? Clinton's
Hypocrisy and the American Public's Willingness to be Deceived - Albanians
don't allow Greeks or other minorities to live in Albania - The
Cherokees' Trail of Tears and Rubin's New "Genocide" Definition - Clinton
Orders Air Strikes in Support of Drug-Trade Financed KLA - Today the
Senate May Move to Defund Clinton's Bombing Bank - Why Is
Clinton Willing to Fight for Iran's Friends, Drug Dealers and
Terrorists? -
Peacekeeping: Albanians Terrorize Kosovo, Clinton Threatens to Bomb


"Sanctions Cause Misfortunes For Iraqis" (and Yugoslavs)
Copyright© by China Daily - August 15, 2000


By Benedict Neumann
Posted July 16, 2000


"NWO Hackers: The Covert War Against"


"The NATO is a Racist Organization!"
By Erin S. LaPorte - Tallahassee, Florida, USA
July 2000

2. Race, Racism and the Serbs
3. Some Fanciful Myths about "the Serbs"
4. NATOs righteous, blameless - and "legitimate" - history
5. NATOs rewards for persecuting Serbs
6. "Understanding the Violence of the Saints"
7. Conclusion

dal sito: ABOLISH NATO !


by Mark Epstein
Summer 1999


by Michel Collon

dalla raccolta: "Media Bias in Yugoslav War"


"Yugoslavia: War for Loot"
By Michel Colon
Posted May 1, 1999




Latin America Solidarity Centre (LASC)


"The Dissolution of Yugoslav Rock"
by Kim Simpson


Éliazar Mario-Vincent (en francais)
"This text was written to explain to French orthodox the roots of the
NATO aggression against Yugoslavia"

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Le tre "M" del colonialismo:

MISSIONARI - preti cattolici nell'Ottocento, ONG (e preti cattolici) nel

MERCANTI - Rockfeller nell'Ottocento, Soros (e Rockfeller) nel 2000

MILITARI - eserciti dei paesi coloniali nell'Ottocento, NATO (ed
eserciti dei paesi coloniali) nel 2000.



[The following is one of two responses, the other is
by Edward Herman, to an egregious but by this time
typical In These Times piece on the Balkans. Typical,
that is, since the publication's editor, David Moberg,
signed on to the 'progressive' version of the
Blair/Clinton Doctrine of soi-disant moral imperialism
and Third Way neo-colonialism for allegedly backward
peoples. I'm not sure if the hardcopy version of it is
longer, or if this is all there is.]

In These Times
September 4, 2000

A Humanitarian Crusade
By Diana Johnstone

Few issues have provoked as much debate among
progressive Americans in recent years as the war in
the Balkans. In the following article, Diana Johnstone
responds to Paul Hockenos' essay "Human Wrongs: How
the Great Powers Failed the Balkans," which appeared
in the August 7 issue of the magazine.

In the obscure mix of motives behind such an action as
NATO intervention in the Balkans, some motives - and
not those most openly proclaimed - may turn out to be
more operative than others. NATO's professed objective
of creating a multi-ethnic, humanitarian democracy in
Kosovo - no doubt the sincere desire of some of the
many lesser supporters in NATO's "humanitarian
crusade," especially intellectuals who have mistaken
Balkan windmills for Hitlerian dragons - is a
resounding failure. Rather than "stability" the
operation has produced many of the effects Hockenos
claims it wished to prevent.

For Hockenos, criticism of the new doctrine of
"humanitarian intervention" has strict limits. It is
all right to want to make it more effective by using
ground warfare rather than air strikes, and by
following up military intervention with "credible,
professional peacekeeping missions that will help
indigenous democratic forces create self-sustaining
democratic institutions and political cultures." In
fact, Hockenos himself, having worked for the OSCE
administration of Bosnia at Banja Luka, has been
actively engaged in the enterprise of teaching
democracy to the local people. This is no doubt an
inspiring and rewarding project, but so was the
imperial civilizing mission of the 19th century. The
Christian missionaries have been replaced by
progressive NGOs.

Idealistic or cynical, those embarked on this crusade
readily partake of a consensus that fiercely rejects
any suggestion that the mission itself might be
basically flawed - that freedom and democracy must be
developed by the people themselves, not by occupying
armies and foreign administrators who know what is
best, as dictated by IMF economists. Imbued with their
own righteousness, the transnational benefactors
indignantly reject the suggestion that the Great
Powers and their armies that make their humanitarian
work possible might have ulterior motives, and might
even be largely responsible for stirring up the
conflicts and instability that allow them to intervene
in the first place.



Armies of Compassion
The Missionary, the Businessman and the Military
by Gilles d'Aymery
August 7, 2000

Note from the Editor: Here is a chance we could not
let pass. This week's real investigative piece is the
result of two totally separate and unrelated events.
First, the discovery by chance of an intriguing Web
site in the Central Asian cyberspace and second, the
remarks that Elizabeth Dole gave at the Republican
National Convention in Philadelphia.

Now, please do not ask why I spent fifteen minutes
listening to Mrs. Dole's rhetoric. The lame excuse is
that her Viagra spokesman of a husband is an old
friend of Swans (irony intended). And don't ask either
why and how I ended up associating those two seemingly
disparate events. Another mystery of life, I guess.
But there is no mystery behind the lesson, "Always
consider the source" and none either behind the veil
of the so-called philanthropic endeavors of
egomaniacs. In the words of Shirley Chisholm, "When
morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that
profit loses."

You will find a series of Web resources at the end of
the article.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in my eight years as President
of the American Red Cross, I saw things that will
haunt me the rest of my life -- the evil that humans
can inflict on one another -- saw it in the dim eyes
of starving children in Somalia and in the paralyzing
grief of parents in Oklahoma City.

"But I have also been uplifted by the extraordinary
power of the American heart -- by those armies of
compassion, who are willing to cross town or cross the
globe to minister to those they've never met and will
never see again.

"People who go where government cannot, and others
will not, who carry our values of peace and democracy
around the world, putting service before self. Such
kindness and generosity are not legislated by any
Congress. They arise from faith, neighborliness, and
yes, occasional saintliness. Indeed, I learned long
ago that you don't have to be a missionary to be
filled with a sense of mission."

[Excerpt] Remarks of Elizabeth Dole
Republican National Convention
3rd Session
Tuesday, August 1, 2000

>From all the sanctified words and holy platitudes
pronounced by the Republican luminaries in
Philadelphia last week, these few lines caught my

They reminded me of another time when Europeans were
hard at work adding colonies to their respective
empires. In those times, the white Europeans,
confident of their civilizing mission, were sailing
across the oceans and marching steadfastly and
relentlessly toward faraway lands, "carrying their
values of peace and democracy around the world"
(including in America). Those admirable endeavors were
carried out by a famous trio -- missionaries,
businessmen and troops -- all "armies of compassion"
advancing the values of liberty and freedom. Most
often, missionaries would be sent first to spread the
good word. Then, depending on the situation on the
ground, the army would be sent next to pacify the
region and finally the businessmen would go to do what
they do best; or the businessmen would go second and
the army would be called in to enforce order and
stability. Whatever the scenario, from Algeria to
America, from India to South Africa, from the Middle
East to Indochina, the trio always acted with perfect
chronology and in concert. The reasons for this
worldwide European expansionism, we now know, had more
to do with competitive forces of the nascent era of
capitalism, the opening of new markets and the need
for raw materials than with compassion and generosity.

Nowadays, America, confident of her manifest destiny,
carries on the tradition. And indeed, Mrs. Dole is
correct, "you don't have to be a missionary to be
filled with a sense of mission." Today, we are sailing
across oceans and marching as steadfastly and
relentlessly toward faraway lands as our European
brethrens did in the past. We pacify - that is, we
bring peace to the regions (according obviously to our
definition of the term "peace"), we bring order and
stability in the name of democracy - that is, our way
of spreading the good word (we do throw a few bibles
in the bargain), and we create a safe environment for
our business people (we are PC now) and our investors.
And we talk about "kindness and generosity" and
"faith, neighborliness, and yes, occasional
saintliness." But behind the sanctimonious tirades, we
are still after new markets, appropriation of raw
materials at the lowest possible price and competitive
forces within a more strident and possibly imploding
capitalism (a.k.a. free market economy). I grant you,
we do not gobble up the lands anymore. We simply suck
them out.

By now, if you are still with me there is a good
chance that you either know me personally (you are
reading this out of courtesy and friendliness -- thank
you, please carry on) or, and hopefully and, you have
an open mind (I hear this is fast becoming a rarefied
commodity). But I'd like to illustrate the previous
paragraph with a case in point.

A week or so ago, I asked William (Will) Daley -- a
young man who hopefully will take over my
responsibilities of Network Administrator and Jack of
all trades at the non-profit organization where I've
been working for the past 10 years so that I can
dedicate more time to Swans and ineluctably join the
ranks of the poverty-laden masses -- to do a search on
the Web about Internet Domains and Sub-Domains. Will
came up with the right document following a search on
Google that lead him to a site in Central Asia. But
Will went one step further. He said, "Hey dude, come
and check this out" (I hear that to be called a dude
means that I am "cool." So much to learn, so little
time…) and he showed me a large quantity of technical
documentation posted on that site, presumably
unlawfully (if any of you are computer savvy in UNIX,
Java, CGI, networking, etc., I strongly recommend you
visit the site before they pull it down to remove all
the allegedly infringed copyright documentation).
Well, in a system which is legally codified to rob
from the poor, at least here, the poor are taking
advantage of the wealthy (no class welfare intended;
we all know that classes do not exist, so say the
textbooks). But what really caught my attention was
one short sentence on the Home Page that read: "This
Network is developed with NATO, OSI and EurAsia


So here we are, on the Web site of the Academy of
Sciences of Uzbekistan… Uzbewhat? What's that?
Impossible to pronounce! Well, that's a country in
Central Asia, a former republic of the deceased Soviet
Union, part of what is now known as NIS (Newly
Independent States). Don't know it, can't find it on
your obsolete world map, don't even have a world map?
Don't worry, it's there, surrounded by Kazakhstan on
the west and north, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikstan on the
east, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan on the south and
west, and it has access to the Aral Sea. The capital
is Tashkent. That's all I can tell you. Just notice
that they all have names that rhyme and they all have,
or almost all have, a rare commodity in common. More
about this later.

As for its supporters, you all know about NATO, this
ever so friendly humanitarian organization, defender
of widows and orphans and always ready to bring peace
and stability to a region.

OSI is the acronym for Open Society Institute, one of
the myriad organizations of the Soros Foundations
Network, which is "dedicated to building Open
Societies around the world." In 1997, the
organizations of the Soros Foundations Network spent a
total of $428 million and are now spending about $500
million. Their motto? "The concept of Open Societies
is based on the recognition that people act on
imperfect knowledge and NOBODY IS IN POSSESSION OF THE
ULTIMATE KNOWLEDGE." Mrs. Dole, a good-natured
born-again Christian, may slightly disagree with the
last proposition but would be comforted by the zeal
with which Mr. Soros pursues his mission of supporting
the development of open societies. Such a missionary
fervor includes "an array of initiatives concerned
with arts and culture, children and youth, civil
society development, economic reform, education at all
levels, legal reform and public administration, media
and communications, publishing, and health care," in
"over 30 countries around the world, principally in
Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
but also in Guatemala, Haiti, Mongolia, and Southern
Africa." I strongly recommend you spend a few hours as
I've done in the past few days to familiarize
yourselves with the style and tone packaging those
grandiose generalities. George Soros will be
remembered as a man with a rich and enlightened

EurAsia (or Eurasia) is a private non-profit
organization based in Washington D.C. and mostly
financed by USAID (i.e., American tax dollars). Of
course, Eurasia has its own mission statement:
"Building institutions . . . Benefiting individuals."
"The Eurasia Foundation promotes the advancement of
democratic institutions and private enterprise in
twelve host countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova,
Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and
Uzbekistan. The Eurasia Foundation believes that
societies function best when citizens take
responsibility for their own civic and economic
future. Foundation programs seek to promote the skills
and vision necessary to bring the greatest social and
economic benefits to individuals and their societies."
Ain't that sweet?

Have you heard of the Silk Road Strategy Act of 1999?
It's a bill that the 106th Congress passed "to amend
the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to target
assistance to support the economic and political
independence of the countries of the South Caucasus
and Central Asia." Congress made two significant
findings (among seven) for setting the new policy.
They were:

The development of open market economies and open
democratic systems in the countries of the South
Caucasus and Central Asia will provide positive
incentives for international private investment,
increased trade, and other forms of commercial
interactions with the rest of the world.

The region of the South Caucasus and Central Asia
could produce oil and gas in sufficient quantities to
reduce the dependence of the United States on energy
from the volatile Persian Gulf region.

Did you read "oil?" Really? You really did. OIL.

Accordingly, continues the Silk Road Strategy Act,

It shall be the policy of the United States in the
countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia--

(1) to promote and strengthen independence,
sovereignty, democratic government, and respect for
human rights;

(2) to promote tolerance, pluralism, and understanding
and counter racism and anti-Semitism;

(3) to assist actively in the resolution of regional
conflicts and to facilitate the removal of impediments
to cross-border commerce;

(4) to promote friendly relations and economic

(5) to help promote market-oriented principles and

(6) to assist in the development of the infrastructure
necessary for communications, transportation,
education, health, and energy and trade on an
East-West axis in order to build strong international
relations and commerce between those countries and the
stable, democratic, and market-oriented countries of
the Euro-Atlantic Community; and

(7) to support United States business interests and
investments in the region.

Time for you to read again Mrs. Dole's moving remarks…
You know, those "people who carry our values of peace
and democracy around the world, putting service before
self." NATO, Open Society Institute, Eurasia
Foundation…. Silk Road Strategy Act…All armies and
tools of compassion "willing to cross town or cross
the globe to minister to those they've never met and
will never see again." So much generosity, so much
goodness. Soros and Dole, our divine saviors; NATO,
our heroic pacifier. My eyes are filled with tears of

Here is an example of such generosity: "Since the U.S.
Trade and Development Agency's inception in 1981, we
have been associated with approximately $16 billion in
exports -- or nearly $37 in exports for every dollar
invested in TDA activities" (Source Oops,
wrong example!

Did I mention that the South Caucasus and Central Asia
are geographically located in the Russian Federation's
southern backyard? Turn the case on its head for one
minute and imagine the same scenario with this time
Mexico being the target of Russian armies of

Who's the idiot that uttered that we had reached the
end of history? Looks quite alive to me. History is
still very present, though it repeats itself at an
accelerated pace. Perhaps, like the new economy of
late we now have a new history. What has changed is
that the missionaries, the business people and the
troops are now roaming the world together, hand in
hand advancing the civilizing mission of the Occident.
But the purpose remains the same: pilfering and
enriching themselves. Don't you love this age of
compassionate humanitarianism?

Those armies of compassion…An old story indeed!


Resources regarding this article

The Network of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan This
is the culprit. Be aware that the site is often down
and quite slow.

Silk Road Strategy Act of 1999 The bill is posted on (Soros).

Uzbekistan International Involvement Links Also on (Soros). A project of the Open Society

Central Eurasia Academy Link From the friends at (Soros).

Soros Foundations Network The main site of dedicated
to George Soros' missionary "philanthropy." Myriad
pages and activities. Of interest is the FAQ on what
is an "open society".

The Eurasia Foundation Nicely financed by USAID.

Eurasia Foundation's Links to NIS-related sites Visit
the entire region through this page.

List of academic programs (Harvard U.) This will give
a good idea of the interests the region attracts.

USAID for Uzbekistan US generosity in display. The
site has pages about the other countries in the

NATO The main site of our heroic pacifier. Look for
NATO ASI (Advanced Study Institute).

NATO Advanced Research Workshops Continuing

U.S. Trade and Development Agency A return of $37 for
every $1 invested...

The Silk Road Foundation A privately funded
organization. There are many more like this one.

Swans -

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* La NATO prepara nuove aggressioni umanitarie
* La NATO usa la menzogna sistematica come arma di guerra

>By Gregory Elich
>Quietly, NATO is laying plans for a new military strike against Yugoslavia.
>On August 13 through 15, CIA Director George Tenet visited Bulgaria. In a
>series of extraordinary meetings, Tenet met with Bulgarian President Petur
>Stoyanov, as well as the Prime Minister, Interior Minister and Defense
>Minister. Officially, the purpose of Tenet's visit was to discuss the
>problem of organized crime and narcotics. However, Tenet spent a combined
>total of only 20 minutes at the headquarters of the National Security
>Service and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime. Unnamed
>diplomatic sources revealed that the proposed oil transit pipeline from the
>Caspian Sea was also topic of discussion.
>The driving motivation for Tenet's visit, though, was to discuss
>Yugoslavia. According to an unnamed diplomatic source, Montenegrin
>secession from Yugoslavia topped the agenda. Following the meeting between
>Tenet and Major General Dimo Gyaurov, Director of the National Intelligence
>Service, a public statement was issued which stressed their "commonality of
>interests." Reports in the Bulgarian press revealed that various options
>were discussed with Bulgaria's president and prime minister. Tenet's
>preferred option is the removal of the Yugoslav government, either as a
>result of that country's election on September 24, or by a NATO military
>assault that would install a puppet government. Another scenario would
>follow the secession of Montenegro from Yugoslavia. If open warfare breaks
>out over Montenegro's secession, then the United States plans to wage a
>full-scale war against Yugoslavia, as it did in spring 1999. Sofia's
>Monitor reported that the "CIA coup machine" is forming. "A strike against
>Belgrade is imminent," it adds, and "Bulgaria will serve as a base." (1)
>The Italian army recently signed a lease contract to conduct training
>exercises beginning in October at the Koren training ground, near Kaskovo
>in southeast Bulgaria. The French army signed a similar agreement, in which
>French soldiers and tanks will train at the Novo Selo grounds in central
>Bulgaria from October 11 to December 12. Talks are also underway for the
>U.S. military to lease the Shabla training grounds in northeastern
>Bulgaria. Scheduled to take place following the election in Yugoslavia, the
>training exercises could serve as a launching pad for NATO's planned
>military strike. It was recently announced that the British aircraft
>carrier HMS Invincible is to be redeployed to the Adriatic over the next
>few months in support of a potential conflict over Montenegro (2)
>Military force is only one component of the West's destabilization campaign
>against Yugoslavia. In November 1998, President Clinton launched a plan for
>the overthrow of the government of Yugoslavia. The initial emphasis of the
>plan centered on supporting secessionist forces in Montenegro and the
>right-wing opposition in Serbia. (3) Several months later, during the
>bombing of Yugoslavia, Clinton signed a secret paper instructing the CIA to
>topple the Yugoslav government. The plan called for the CIA to secretly
>fund opposition groups and the recruitment of moles in the Yugoslav
>government and military. (4) On July 8, 1999, U.S. and British officials
>revealed that commando teams were training snatch operations to seize
>alleged war criminals and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. As an
>encouragement to mercenaries, the U.S. State Department also announced a $5
>million bounty for President Milosevic. (5)
>Several Yugoslav government officials and prominent individuals, including
>Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic, have been gunned down. Most of these
>crimes remain unsolved, as the assassins managed to escape. Police
>apprehended one assassin, Milivoje Gutovic, after he shot Vojvodina
>Executive Council President Bosko Perosevic at an agricultural fair in Novi
>Sad. During interrogations, Gutovic admitted to police that he worked for
>the right-wing Serbian Renewal Movement. (6)
>Goran Zugic, security advisor to secessionist Montenegrin President Milo
>Djukanovic, was murdered late on May 31, 2000. The assassin escaped,
>allowing Western leaders to blame President Milosevic. Coming just one week
>before crucial local elections in Montenegro, forces opposing President
>Milosevic stood to gain from the murder, as the effect would tend to sway
>undecided voters in favor of secessionist parties. A few days after the
>assassination, Yugoslav Minister of Information Goran Matic held a press
>conference, at which he accused the CIA of complicity in the murder. Matic
>played a taped recording of two telephone conversations between head of the
>US mission in Dubrovnik Sean Burns, US State Department official James
>Swaggert, Gabriel Escobar of the US economic group in Montenegro and Paul
>Davies of the US Agency for International Development. Excerpts of the
>conversations, recorded 20 minutes after the assassination and again three
>hours later, included comments such as, "It was professional," and "Mission
>accomplished." (7)
>The first publicly known Western plan to assassinate President Milosevic
>was drafted in 1992. Richard Tomlinson, a former British MI6 employee,
>later disclosed the plan. His task as an MI6 agent was to carry out
>undercover operations in Eastern Europe posing as a businessman or
>journalist. Tomlinson frequently met with MI6 officer Nick Fishwick. During
>one their meetings, Fishwick showed Tomlinson a document entitled, "The
>Need to Assassinate President Milosevic of Serbia." Three methods were
>proposed for the assassination of Milosevic. The first method, Tomlinson
>recalled, "was to train and equip a Serbian paramilitary opposition group,"
>which would have the advantage of deniability but an unpredictable chance
>of success. The second method would employ a specially trained British SAS
>squad to murder President Milosevic "either with a bomb or sniper ambush."
>Fishwick considered this more reliable, but it lacked deniability. The
>third method would be to kill Milosevic "in a staged car crash." (8) Seven
>years later, on October 3, 1999, the third method was employed against the
>leader of the Serbian Renewal Movement, Vuk Draskovic, when a truck filled
>with sand plowed into his car, killing everyone inside except for
>Draskovic. The temperamental Draskovic had been a major factor in the
>chronic fragmentation of the right-wing opposition, frustrating
>Washington's efforts to forge a unified opposition. (9)
>During NATO's war against Yugoslavia, a missile struck President
>Milosevic's home on April 22, 1999. He and his wife were staying elsewhere
>that evening. Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon was quick to announce that "we
>are not targeting President Milosevic." It is impossible, though, to view a
>missile striking Milosevic's bedroom at 3:10 AM as anything but an
>assassination attempt. (10)
>In November 1999, members of an assassination squad, code-named "Spider,"
>were arrested in Yugoslavia. According to Minister Goran Matic, "French
>intelligence was behind" the Spider group, whose aim was the assassination
>of President Milosevic. Planned scenarios included a sniper attack,
>planting an explosive device alongside a route they expected Milosevic to
>travel, planting an explosive in his car, and organizing 10 trained
>commandos to storm the presidential residence. The leader of the group,
>Jugoslav Petrusic, had dual Yugoslav and French citizenship. Matic claimed
>that Petrusic worked for French intelligence for ten years. During
>interrogations, Petrusic said that he had killed 50 men on orders by French
>intelligence. Matic announced that one of the members of Spider was a
>"specialist for killings with a truck full of sand" - the same method used
>against Draskovic the previous month.
>Following the Bosnian war, Petrusic organized the transport of 180 Bosnian
>Serb mercenaries to fight for Mobutu Sese Seku in Zaire, an affair that was
>managed by French intelligence. According to a Bosnian Serb businessman,
>Petrusic "did not hide the fact that he was working for the French
>intelligence service. I have personally seen a photo of him next to
>Mitterand as his bodyguard." In younger days, Petrusic was a member of the
>French Foreign Legion. During NATO's war against Yugoslavia, the Spider
>group infiltrated the Yugoslav Army, supplying information to the French
>and guiding NATO warplanes to their targets.
>Yugoslav secret service sources revealed that the Spider group trained at
>NATO bases in Bosnia where "buildings resembling those where Milosevic
>lives were constructed." Money from the French intelligence service for
>Spider was brought to the border between Hungary and Yugoslavia by a man
>named Serge Lazarevic. (11)
>One month later, the members of a second hit team, calling itself the
>Serbian Liberation Army, was arrested. Their aim was to assassinate
>President Milosevic and restore the monarchy. (12)
>At the end of July 2000, a squad of four Dutch commandos was apprehended
>while attempting to cross into Serbia from Montenegro. During the
>investigation, they admitted that they intended to kill or kidnap President
>Milosevic. The four said that they were informed that $30 million had been
>offered for "Milosevic's head," and that they intended to "claim a reward."
>One of the men said that the group planned to abduct Milosevic or former
>Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic and "surrender them to The Hague."
>The group planned to put them atop a car "in a ski box and transport
>them.out of the country." If the abduction failed, one of the men "had the
>idea to kill the president, to decapitate his head, to put it in the box
>and to send it home" to the Netherlands.
>One of the arrested men, Gotfrides de Ri, belonged to the openly racist
>neo-nazi Center Party. During the wars in Croatia and Bosnia, the Center
>Party sent Dutch mercenaries to fight in right-wing Croatian paramilitary
>units. At the time of their arrest, the four were found with several
>knives, including one with a swastika, and wires with hooks for
>strangulation. All four admitted that they had trained under the British
>SAS. At a news conference on August 1, Goran Matic accused the U.S of being
>the prime sponsor of assassinations and attempted assassinations. "It is
>obvious that they are recruiting various terrorist groups because they are
>frustrated with the fact that their military, political and economic goals
>in southeastern Europe have not been realized. [They are] trying to send
>them into the country so that they can change our political and social
>environment." (13) Jonathan Eyal, an advisor to the British government,
>commented recently, "I can't say when it will happen, but I can guarantee
>that Milosevic will end up dead, and he will be followed by a more
>pro-Western government." (14)
>Flagrant Western interference is distorting the political process in
>Yugoslavia. U.S. and Western European funds are channelled to right-wing
>opposition parties and media through such organizations as the National
>Endowment for Democracy and George Soros' Open Society Institute. The
>National Democratic Institute (NDI) is yet another of the myriad
>semi-private organizations that have attached themselves like leeches on
>Eastern Europe. The NDI opened an office in Belgrade in 1997, hoping to
>capitalize on opposition attempts to bring down the government through
>street demonstrations. By 1999, the NDI had already trained over 900
>right-wing party leaders and activists on "message development, public
>outreach and election strategy." NDI also claimed to have provided
>"organizational training and coalition-building expertise" to the
>opposition. (15)
>The New Serbia Forum, funded by the British Foreign Office, brings Serbian
>professionals and academics to Hungary on a regular basis for discussions
>with British and Central European "experts." The aim of the meetings is to
>"design a blueprint for post-Milosevic society." The Forum develops reports
>intended to serve as "an action plan" for a future pro-Western government.
>Subjects under discussion have included privatization and economic
>stabilization. The Forum calls for the "reintegration of Yugoslavia into
>the European family," a phrase that translates into the dismantling of the
>socialist economy and inviting Western corporations to swarm in. (16)
>Western aims were clearly spelled out in the Stability Pact for
>Southeastern Europe of June 10, 1999. This document called for "creating
>vibrant market economies" in the Balkans, and "markets open to greatly
>expanded foreign trade and private sector investment." One year later, the
>White House issued a fact sheet detailing the "major achievements" of the
>Pact. Among the achievements listed, the European Bank for Reconstruction
>and Development (EBRD) and the International Finance Corporations are said
>to be "mobilizing private investment." By 2002, "new private investment in
>the region" is expected to reach nearly $2 billion. The Pact's Business
>Advisory Council "is visiting all of the countries of Southeast Europe" to
>"offer advice" on investment issues. Another initiative is Hungarian
>involvement with opposition-led local governments and opposition media in
>The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), on July 26, 2000,
>inaugurated an investment fund to be managed by Soros Private Funds
>Management. The Southeast Europe Equity Fund, "will invest in companies in
>the region in a range of sectors." Its purpose, according to the U.S.
>Embassy in Macedonia, is "to provide capital for new business development,
>expansion and privatization." In March 2000, Montenegro signed an agreement
>permitting the operation of OPIC on its territory. Billionaire George Soros
>spelled out what all this means. U.S. involvement in the region, he said,
>"creates investment opportunities," and "I am happy to put my money where
>they are putting theirs." In other words, there is money to be made. George
>Munoz, President and CEO of OPIC was also blunt. "The Southeast Europe
>Equity Fund," he announced, "is an ideal vehicle to connect American
>institutional capital with European entrepreneurs eager to help Americans
>tap their growing markets. OPIC is pleased that Soros Private Funds
>Management has chosen to send a strong, positive signal that Southeast
>Europe is open for business."
>The final text of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe suggested that a
>Yugoslavia that would "respect" the Pact's "principles and objectives"
>would be "welcome" to become a full member. "In order to draw the Federal
>Republic of Yugoslavia closer to this goal," the document declared,
>Montenegro would be an "early beneficiary." Western leaders hope that a
>future pro-Western Yugoslavia would, as has the rest of Eastern Europe, be
>"eager to help Americans" make money. (17)
>Western leaders yearn to install a puppet government in Belgrade, and place
>their hopes in the fragmented right-wing opposition parties in Serbia. In
>1999, American officials encouraged these parties to organize mass
>demonstrations to overthrow the government, but these rallies quickly
>fizzled due to lack of popular support. When Yugoslav Federal and local
>elections were announced for July 24, 2000, American and Western European
>officials met with leaders of the Serbian opposition parties, urging them
>to unite behind one presidential candidate. Despite U.S. efforts, three
>candidates emerged in opposition to President Milosevic.
>At the beginning of August 2000, the U.S. opened an office in Budapest
>specifically tasked to assist opposition parties in Yugoslavia. Among the
>staff are 24 psychological warfare specialists who engaged in psychological
>operations during NATO's war against Yugoslavia and earlier against Iraq in
>the Gulf War. During those operations, the team also fabricated news items
>in an effort to sway Western public opinion.
>If President Milosevic is re-elected, then U.S. Secretary of State
>Madeleine Albright expects street demonstrations to overturn the election
>results and topple the government. In meetings held in Banja Luka in spring
>2000, Albright expressed disappointment with the failure of past efforts to
>overthrow the legally elected Yugoslav government. Albright said that she
>had hoped sanctions would lead people to "blame Milosevic for this
>suffering." An exasperated Albright wondered, "What was stopping the people
>from taking to the streets?" Indicating that the U.S. was casting about for
>a pretext for intervention, she added, "Something needs to happen in Serbia
>that the West can support." (18)
>The paths of Yugoslavia's two republics are sharply diverging, and
>Montenegro has embarked on a program to place its entire economy at the
>service of the West. November 1999 saw the introduction in Montenegro of
>the German mark as an official currency and the passage of legislation
>eliminating socially owned property. One month later, several large firms
>were publicly offered for sale, including the Electric Power Company, the
>13th July Agricultural Complex, the Hotel-Tourist firm Boka and many
>others. (19) The republic's privatization program for 2000 calls for the
>privatization of most state-owned industries, and includes measures to
>"protect domestic and foreign investors." Three hundred firms will be
>privatized in the initial stage of the plan. In early 2000, the U.S. signed
>an agreement to provide Montenegro $62 million, including $44 million from
>the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). According to the
>agency, it will also undertake "assistance programs to support economic
>reform and restructuring the advance Montenegro toward a free
>market economy." U.S. policy advisor on the Balkans James Dobbins indicated
>that the U.S. viewed the "market-oriented reforms of the Djukanovic regime
>as a model and stimulus for similar reforms throughout the former
>Yugoslavia." The U.S. is also offering guarantees for private investors in
>the republic. Additional aid is provided by the European Union, which has
>approved $36 million for Montenegro. "From the first day," admitted
>Djukanovic, "we have had British and European consultants." (20)
>The Center for International Private Enterprise, an affiliate of the U.S.
>Chamber of Commerce, is providing support to the Center for
>Entrepreneurship (CEP) in Montenegro. According to the center's executive
>director, Petar Ivanovic, the organization "focuses on elementary and high
>schools," establishing entrepreneurship as a new subject to be taught in
>schools. As Ivanovic explains it, "Introducing young people to the concept
>of entrepreneurship will make them less resistant to the private sector."
>The CEP also intends to "educate government officials about the potential
>rewards of the private sector," and to help them "understand the benefits
>of economic reform and privatization." (21) According to Djukanovic, when
>he met with President Clinton on June 21, 1999, the U.S. president gave the
>privatization process a push by telling Djukanovic that the U.S. planned to
>"stimulate the economy" by "encouraging US corporations and banks to invest
>capital in Montenegro." (22)
>Djukanovic has moved steadily toward secession from Yugoslavia, indicating
>that he will push for separation if the right-wing opposition loses the
>September 24 election. In a phone call to Djukanovic in July 2000,
>Madeleine Albright promised that the U.S would provide him with an
>additional $16.5 million. That same week, Djukanovic blurted out that
>Montenegro "is no longer part of Yugoslavia." He also made the astonishing
>claim that he considered it a "priority" for Montenegro to join NATO, the
>organization that had bombed his country only the year before. The next
>month, Albright announced that she and Djukanovic "try and talk to each
>other and meet on a regular basis," and that the "United States is
>supportive of the approach that President Djukanovic has taken in terms of
>democratic development and his approach to the economic reforms also." (23)
>Western support for secession extends beyond Albright meeting and talking
>with Djukanovic. More than half of the population of Montenegro opposes
>secession, and any such move is likely to explode into violence. In
>preparation for that rift, Djukanovic is building up a private army of over
>20,000 soldiers, the Special Police, including special forces armed with
>anti-tank weapons. Sources in Montenegro revealed that Western special
>forces are training this private army. Djukanovic has requested that NATO
>establish an "air shield over Montenegro" as he moves toward secession. One
>member of the Special Police, named Velibor, confirmed that they were
>receiving training from the British SAS. "If there is a situation where
>weapons will decide the outcome, we are ready," he said. "We are training
>for that." At a press conference on August 1, 2000, Minister Goran Matic
>declared that the "British are carrying out part of the training of the
>Montenegrin special units. It is also true," he added, that the Special
>Police "are intensively obtaining various kinds and types of weapons,
>starting with anti-aircraft and anti-helicopter weapons and so on, and they
>are also being assisted by Croatia, as the weapons go through Dubrovnik and
>other places." Furthermore, Matic pointed out that, "last year, before and
>after the aggression, a group from within the Montenegrin MUP [Ministry of
>Interior Affairs] structure left for training within the U.S. police
>structure and the U.S. intelligence structures." In August, two armored
>vehicles bound for Montenegro were discovered in the port of Ancona, Italy.
>One of the vehicles was fitted with a turret suitable for mounting a
>machine gun or anti-tank weapon. Italian customs officials, reports the
>Italian news service ANSA, are "convinced" that arms trafficking to
>Montenegro "is of far greater magnitude than this single episode might lead
>one to believe." Revelling in anticipation of armed conflict, Djukanovic
>bragged that "many will tuck their tails between their legs and will soon
>have to flee Montenegro." (24)
>A violent conflict in Montenegro would provide NATO with its long-desired
>pretext for intervention. As early as October 1999, General Wesley Clark
>drew up plans for a NATO invasion of Montenegro. The plan envisions an
>amphibious assault by more than 2,000 Marines storming the port of Bar and
>securing the port as a beachhead for pushing inland. Troops ferried by
>helicopters would seize the airport at Podgorica, while NATO warplanes
>would bomb and strafe resisting Yugoslav forces. According to U.S.
>officials, other Western countries have also developed invasion plans. (25)
>Richard Holbrooke, U.S. Ambassador to the UN declared, "We are in constant
>touch with the leadership of Montenegro," and warned that a conflict in
>Montenegro "would be directly affecting NATO's vital interest." (26) NATO
>General Secretary George Robertson was more explicit. "I say to Milosevic:
>watch out, look what happened the last time you miscalculated." (27)
>President Milosevic and the ruling coalition enjoy considerable popular
>support in Yugoslavia, and many Western analysts admit they are likely to
>emerge victorious in the September 24 election. This will set in motion,
>possibly within a few months, a NATO strike launched from Bulgaria intended
>to overthrow the legally elected government of Yugoslavia. If the coup
>fails, then Montenegro could declare independence, setting in motion a
>chain of events that would lead to a second all out war by NATO against
>Yugoslavia. The war in 1999 brought immense suffering to the Balkans. The
>next war promises to be catastrophic.
>1) "Bulgaria - Press Review" BTA (Sofia), August 12, 2000 "Bulgaria - Us
>CIA Director's Visit," BTA (Sofia), August 15, 2000 "CIA Did Not Tell Us
>the Most Important Thing," Trud (Sofia), August 16, 2000 "Bulgaria - Press
>Review," BTA (Sofia), August 14, 2000 "Bulgaria - Press Review," BTA
>(Sofia), August 16, 2000
>2) Mila Avramova, "Italians Lease Training Ground for 400,000 Leva," Trud
>(Sofia), August 9, 2000 Michael Evans, "Balkans Watch for 'Invincible',"
>The Times (London), August 26, 2000.
>3) Paul Beaver, "Clinton Tells CIA to Oust Milosevic," The Observer,
>November 29, 2000. Fran Visnar, "Clinton and the CIA Have Created a
>Scenario to Overthrow Milosevic," Vijesnik (Zagreb), November 30, 2000.
>4) Douglas Waller, "Tearing Down Milosevic," Time Magazine, July 12, 1999.
>5) Michael Moran, "A Threat to 'Snatch' Milosevic," MSNBC, July 8, 1999.
>6) "Yugoslav Police Say Killer of Local Leader Worked for Opposition,"
>Agence France-Presse,
>May 15, 2000.
>"Arrested Assassin Gutovic Member of Otpor and SPO," Tanjug (Belgrade), May
>15, 2000.
>7) "Yugoslav Official Accuses CIA of Being Behind Montenegro Murder,"
>Agence France-Presse, June 6, 2000. Aleksandar Vasovic, "Serb Aide Says CIA
>Behind Slaying," Associated Press, June 6, 2000 "Yugoslav Information
>Minister Accuses CIA of Complicity in Zugic Murder," Borba (Belgrade), June
>6, 2000
>8) Statement by Richard Tomlinson, addressed to John Wadham, September 11,
>9) "Serb Consensus: Draskovic Crash Was No Accident," Seattle Times News
>Services, October 13, 1999.
>10) "NATO: Milosevic Not Target," BBC News, April 22, 1999.
>11) "Serbs Allege Milosevic Assassination Plot," Reuters, November 25,
>1999. "France Plots to Murder Milosevic," Agence France-Presse, November
>26, 1999. "SFOR Units Involved in a Plot to Kill Milosevic," Agence
>France-Presse, December 1, 1999. Gordana Igric, "Alleged 'Assassins' Were
>No Stranger to France," IWPR Balkan Crisis Report (London), November 26,
>1999. Milenko Vasovic, "Belgrade's French Connection," IWPR Balkan Crisis
>Report (London), November 26, 1999.
>12) "Lt. Testifies at Milosevic Trial," Associated Press, April 26, 2000.
>13) Aleksandar Vasovic, "4 Accused of Milosevic Death Plot," Associated
>Press, July 31, 2000. "Dutchmen Arrested, Accused of Plotting Against
>Milosevic," Agence France-Presse, July 31, 2000. Email correspondence from
>Herman de Tollenaere, quoting from NRC- Business Paper of August 1, 2000.
>"Arrested Dutchmen Admitted Plans to Kill, Kidnap Milosevic," BETA
>(Belgrade), August 17, 2000. "Dutch Espionage Terrorist Gang Arrested in
>Yugoslavia - Minister," Tanjug (Belgrade), July 31, 2000. "Yugoslav
>Information Minister Says U.S. Behind Dutch 'Mercenaries'," BBC Monitoring
>Service, August 1, 2000.
>14) "West Sees Noose Tightening Around Milosevic," Reuters, June 9, 2000.
>15) "NDI Activities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
>(Serbia-Montenegro)," NDI Worldwide Activities,
>16) "Britain Trains New Elite for Post-Milosevic Era," The Independent, May
>3, 2000. The New Serbia Forum web page,
>17) "Final Text of Stability Pact for Southeast Europe," June 10, 1999.
>U.S. Embassy, Skopje, Macedonia, "Southeast Europe Equity Fund Launched
>July 26," July 27, 2000. White House Fact Sheet, "The Stability Pact for
>Southeast Europe: One Year Later," July 27, 2000.
>18) Borislav Komad, "At Albright's Signal," Vecernje Novosti, May 18, 2000.
>"US Anti-Yugoslav Office Opens in Budapest," Tanjug (Belgrade), August 21,
>19) Ljubinka Cagorovic, "Montenegro Assembly Scraps Socially-Owned
>Property," Reuters, November 13, 1999. "Montenegrin Government Prepares to
>Privatise Economy," Tanjug (Belgrade), December 25, 1999.
>20) Central and Eastern European Business Information Center, "Southeastern
>Europe Business Brief," February 3, 2000. Central and Eastern European
>Business Information Center, "Southeastern Europe Business Brief," April
>27, 2000. Anne Swardson, "West Grows Close to Montenegro," Washington Post,
>May 24, 2000.
>21) Petar Invanovic, "Montenegro: Laying the Foundation of
>Entrepreneurship," Center for International Private Enterprise.
>22) Statement by Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, "Important Step in
>Opening New Perspectives For Montenegrin State Policy," Pobjeda
>(Podgorica), June 22, 1999.
>23) "Albright Renews Montenegro Support," Associated Press, July 13, 2000.
>"Montenegro Wants to Join NATO and the EU," Agence France-Presse, July 10,
>2000. Office of the Spokesman, U.S. Department of State, "Secretary of
>State Madeleine K. Albright and Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic,"
>Press Stakeout at Excelsior Hotel, Rome, Italy, August 1, 2000.
>24) "Montenegro Ahead of Elections: Boycott and Threats," BETA (Belgrade),
>August 9, 2000. "Montenegro and Elections - Boycott Becomes Official," BETA
>(Belgrade), August 17, 2000. Phil Reese, "We Have the Heart for Battle,
>Says Montenegrin Trained by SAS," The Independent, July 30, 2000. "Yugoslav
>Information Minister Says U.S. Behind Dutch 'Mercenaries'", BBC Monitoring
>Service, August 1, 2000. "Yugoslavia Says British SAS Trains Montenegrins,"
>Reuters, August 1, 2000. "Information Minister Sees Montenegrin Arms
>Purchases, Croatian Assistance," BETA (Belgrade), July 31, 2000. "Foreign
>'Dogs of War' Training Montenegrin Police to Attack Army," Tanjug
>(Belgrade), August 9, 2000. "Montenegro: Camouflaged Military Vehicles
>Seized in Ancona," ANSA (Rome), August 21, 2000. "Montenegro: Traffic in
>Camouflaged Armored Vehicles: Investigation into Documentation," ANSA
>(Rome), August 22, 2000.
>25) Richard J. Newman, "Balkan Brinkmanship," US News and World Report,
>November 15, 1999.
>26) "Clinton Warns Milosevic 'Remains a Threat to Peace'," Agence
>France-Presse, July 29, 2000.
>27) "NATO's Robertston Warns Milosevic on Montenegro," Reuters, July 27, 2000.
>Louis Proyect
>Marxism mailing list:

>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Aug. 31, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>It was all a lie
>By John Catalinotto
>On Aug. 17 NATO officials conceded that the figures they
>released in 1999, allegedly a count of the people killed by
>Yugoslav forces in Kosovo, were much higher than the actual
>number of people killed there.
>Findings by forensic teams from the International Criminal
>Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague forced
>NATO's admission. The ICTY exhumed 3,000 bodies and examined
>While they have not yet released a report, ICTY spokespeople
>said that at most 3,000 people were killed. They said there
>was no evidence of mutilations. And they said that not all
>the dead can be proved to be victims of murder or execution.
>Last year NATO had charged that Yugoslav forces massacred at
>least 10,000 people. NATO spokespeople implied that 500,000
>supposedly "missing" people also had been killed.
>They used these claims to justify NATO bombings that had no
>basis in United Nations treaties or NATO's own charter.
>NATO has now been forced to admit in effect that it waged a
>lying propaganda war to win support for its own illegal
>intervention that killed over 3,000 Yugoslavs, about one-
>third of them children.
>Washington and NATO have no hard evidence that Yugoslav
>forces carried out even a small-scale massacre of civilians,
>let alone the "genocide" they were charged with.
>The ICTY--itself created and funded by the NATO powers--has
>exposed this "Big Lie" of NATO's.
>According to a report in the Aug. 18 British Guardian, Mark
>Laity, the acting NATO spokesperson, said: "NATO never said
>the missing were all dead. The figure we stood by was
>10,000." Laity even tried to claim that NATO's intervention
>stopped further killing.
>The truth is that since NATO occupied Kosovo, right-wing
>Albanian forces have killed some 1,000 people, mostly Serb
>and Romani, while pushing all non-Albanian peoples out of
>the region.
>While this exposure of NATO's lies came too late to stop
>last year's bombing, it should be kept in mind by anyone
>evaluating NATO leaders' current statements regarding
>On Aug. 14, French and British forces occupying the Serbian
>province of Kosovo and Metohija seized the smelter at the
>Trepca mines near Kosovo Mitrovica. These are the richest
>nickel and lead mines in Europe. Corporate forces in the
>United States, Britain and France want these mines in their
>hands and not in the hands of the Yugoslav government.
>This time the excuse for the action was that the smelter was
>"polluting" the environment. Compared to the pollution
>caused by NATO's deliberate bombing of Pancevo and other
>Yugoslav chemical complexes, not to mention the use of
>radioactive depleted uranium weapons, this pollution is
>minor. In any case, Yugoslav authorities reported that steps
>had already been taken to reduce the smelter's pollution.
>The United States, Britain and France--the major NATO powers-
>-are again using a lie to justify an unwarranted and illegal
>seizure of Yugoslav property, just as they lied to justify
>the war in the first place.
>The NATO powers and Washington in particular have been
>attempting to intervene in the Yugoslav election scheduled
>for Sept. 24. They have set up an office in Budapest,
>Hungary, to deliver funds to parties in Yugoslavia that
>oppose the current elected president, Slobodan Milosevic.
>Seizing the Trepca smelter must be seen as part of this
>election strategy. By taking this step before the election,
>NATO hopes to put the blame for the "loss of Trepca" on
>Milosevic rather than on his opposition.
>This strategy was spelled out last fall in a study prepared
>by a think tank funded by multi-billionaire George Soros.
>The report suggested that NATO use the excuse of pollution
>to seize the Trepca mines, and to do it before the election.
>Besides trying to undermine the Yugoslav government by
>meddling in the national election, NATO forces have been
>supporting a pro-Western leadership in Montenegro, the
>republic that with Serbia makes up present-day Yugoslavia.
>British officers have been training the Montenegrin police
>to combat the Yugoslav Army.
>This was underlined when Yugoslav forces caught two British
>officers who were doing this training, along with two
>Canadians who had equipment that could be used for setting
>explosives. Whatever the outcome of the hearing over charges
>that these four were conducting terrorism, the case has made
>it clear that British imperialism is trying to help pro-
>Western political groups split Montenegro from Yugoslavia.
>- END -
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