* Urla nel silenzio:
Reportage sulla vita di un popolo invisibile. Da "Contropiano"
* La Zastava riparte. Da "Il manifesto"
L'articolo che segue appare sull'ultimo numero di
giornale per l'iniziativa politica di classe
Jugoslavia un anno dopo la guerra
Urla nel silenzio
Nostro reportage sulla vita di un popolo invisibile, sui danni dei
bombardamenti della NATO e sull'embargo che rinnova l'infamia
dell'aggressione "umanitaria" di un anno fa.
I Balcani cominciano nel Nordest dell'Italia. E' questa l'impressione
che si ricava percorrendo l'autostrada e le statali che portano verso la
frontiera con l'Austria o con la Slovenia. I camion diretti in Romania,
Croazia, Ungheria, Slovacchia, Slovenia
riempiono le strade ed i caselli. Il volume di quello che chiamano
"traffico di perfezionamento passivo" è esploso negli ultimi cinque anni
trasformando l'intera area balcanica in una fabbrica diffusa di
laboratori e stabilimenti che fanno il lavoro sporc
o per le aziende tessili e calzaturiere italiane. I semi-lavorati
tornano poi in Italia per essere rifiniti, marchiati e commercializzati.
Per andare in una città balcanica è ormai più facile trovare un aereo
da Treviso o da Trieste che da Roma o da Mila
no. L'Italia è ormai penetrata in profondità nelle economie balcaniche,
economie il cui PIL è prodotto almeno al 50% da quella che viene
definita "economia informale". Dentro c'è di tutto : dal lavoro al nero
al contrabbando, dal nuovo mercato degli schia
vi al traffico di quei beni che riempiono le vetrine di Bucarest,
Bratislava, Zagabria ma inaccessibili alla maggioranza della
Siamo partiti nella prima metà di maggio insieme al Convoglio di
Solidarietà Internazionalista "Giorgiana Masi" (Giorgiana Masi era una
giovanissima compagna di Roma uccisa in una manifestazione nel maggio
del '77 dalla polizia). Il convoglio è la quinta
volta che torna in Jugoslavia. La prima volta c'era andato nel maggio
dello scorso anno mentre erano ancora in corso i bombardamenti della
NATO. Da allora, periodicamente i compagni raccolgono medicinali,
materiale scolastico, abiti, generi alimentari e l
i portano al "popolo invisibile" ovvero il milione e passa di profughi
serbi di cui pochi sanno l'esistenza ed a cui molti hanno girato la
faccia o ai lavoratori della Zastava rimasti senza lavoro a causa delle
bombe della NATO e strangolati dall'embargo
a cui Unione Europea ed Italia partecipano attivamente.
Abbiamo guardato in faccia il "popolo invisibile"
La prima tappa del viaggio è in Vojvodina nei campi profughi sorti
intorno a Baska Topòla. Qui i profughi sono arrivati a migliaia cinque
anni fa. Sono i serbi cacciati dalla Bosnia e poi dalla Croazia. Il
mondo manipolato da opinion maker senza scrupoli
associa i serbi alla pulizia etnica ma la realtà ci dice che i serbi la
pulizia etnica sembrano averla più subìta che fatta. Ci sono ormai pochi
serbi in Bosnia (se non nell'enclave della Repubblica Srpska di Pale);
ci sono pochissimi serbi in Croazia ed
ora ce ne sono rimasti pochi anche in Kosovo. Ma l'Europa e le
organizzazioni umanitarie, la sinistra perbene e gli inviati speciali
hanno sistematicamente occultato questo processo di espulsione violenta
che ha gettato a più ondate più di un milione di p
rofughi in una Serbia che ha dieci milioni di abitanti. E' come se in
Italia arrivassero sei milioni di profughi che hanno bisogno di casa,
lavoro, assistenza, scuole. Alle difficoltà prevedibili si aggiungano
quelle derivate da un embargo che dura ormai
da sette anni e la totale latitanza delle organizzazioni umanitarie. Nei
campi profughi c'è solo la Croce Rossa e qualche intervento dell'ACNUR
(l'organizzazione dell'ONU per i rifugiati) ma è poca cosa. I profughi
serbi sono un popolo invisibile a molti.
In Vojvodina che - come il Kossovo - è una provincia della Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia, la situazione non è tranquilla. In questa
provincia la maggioranza è ungherese e i boss della comunità magiara si
oppongono al riconoscimento dei profughi serbi
nelle statistiche perchè temono che questo "alteri la composizione
etnica" della provincia. Il Primo Ministro ungherese in sede di
Conferenza sulla stabilità nei Balcani ha alzato la voce auspicando che
la Vojvodina segua il cammino del Kossovo. Gli ultim
i entrati nella NATO devono mostrarsi zelanti esecutori delle ambizioni
dei loro nuovi padroni.
Nella scuola elementare di Bascka Topòla la direttrice insiste affinchè
visitiamo una classe di bambini della comunità ungherese. Verifichiamo
che i libri, il registro, i programmi sono tutti rigorosamente in
magiaro. "Era così anche in Kossovo" ci dice c
on una vena di amarezza "ma hanno detto che c'era l'oppressione
culturale e il mondo gli ha creduto". Nell'aula i bambini ci salutano
con una canzoncina ma è sufficiente che qualcuno di noi accenni ai
bombardamenti di un anno fa e la commozione incontenib
ile piomba improvvisa sui volti di chi è dovuto scappare per giorni nei
rifugi al suono delle sirene antiaree. Il nostro disagio diventa
palpabile e decidiamo da quel momento in poi di misurare le parole per
non riportare alla memoria un terrore che la ge
nte della Jugoslavia un anno fa ha vissuto tutti i giorni per quasi tre
Insieme al responsabile della Croce Rossa cominciamo il giro nei campi
profughi ed è qui che il popolo invisibile ci è piombato addosso con una
dignità che era difficile immaginare tra gente che da cinque anni vive
in condizioni di precarietà e promiscuit
à totali a due passi dal cuore della ricca, civile ed umanitaria Europa.
Vecchi magazzini, fattorie, fabbriche chiuse a causa dell'embargo, mense
in disuso, sono stati riadattate per ospitare migliaia di profughi
provenienti in varie ondate da Bosnia, Croazia ed infine Kossovo. Hanno
cominciato ad arrivare nel 1995, gli ultimi
sono arrivati nell'estate del '99 quando le truppe della NATO sono
entrate in Kossovo collaborando in alcuni casi apertamente con l'UCK
alla cacciata dei serbi.
Dai locali collettivi sono state ricavate delle stanzette di 12/15 metri
quadrati in cui ci sono due letti a castello ed uno singolo, un
fornello, un tavolino e qualche sedia. Famiglie di cinque persone vivono
così più o meno da cinque anni nella precarie
tà e nella promiscuità più assoluta. Ricominciare da capo non è facile.
Incontriamo soprattutto anziani e bambini. I giovani cercano in ogni
modo di andare via, di andare all'estero soprattutto. In gran parte sono
contadini che hanno perso tutto : casa, terra, animali, trattori e che
ora vivono con i sussidi statali per i pro
fughi e con i pochi aiuti internazionali.
Alcuni lavorano come braccianti nei campi dei contadini (la maggior
parte della terra è infatti privata), l'embargo ha ridotto drasticamente
le attività economiche portando alla chiusura di fabbriche e laboratori
e la disoccupazione - che colpisce già i r
esidenti - blocca ogni prospettiva per i profughi.
Dentro i campi profughi troviamo dei manifestini del Forum Democratico
Serbo. E' una organizzazione che si oppone al governo Milosevic eppure
nessuno stacca i cartelli. Sopra c'è un numero di telefono della Croazia
per chi vuole avere notizie sui parenti
rimasti lì o sulla situazione. Molti hanno i figli sposati con croati e
nonostante quello che hanno subìto, da nessuno sentiamo parole di odio
contro i croati o i musulmani di Bosnia. "Mia figlia è sposata con un
croato", "Mia madre era musulmana e mio pa
dre serbo"; "Io sono nato a Sarajevo, mio padre era croata e mia madre
serba" , la multietnicità della Jugoslavia era e resta un fatto reale
che solo le ingerenze occidentali (Germania, Vaticano e Stati Uniti
soprattutto) hanno fatto esplodere in modo vio
lento. "Se nell'Italia del Nord fossero arrivati tanti soldi e tante
armi come qui da noi, anche da voi in Italia sarebbe successo quello che
è accaduto qui" ci dice il dr. Gruja della Croce Rossa. "Se potessi
tornerei indietro di cinquanta anni, come era
prima" risponde Nikolai, un simpaticissimo e tostissimo contadino serbo
della Krajina ridotto a profugo.
Embargo, maledetto embargo
Andiamo a vedere un campo profughi "pilota" per le famiglie più giovani
ma con almeno cinque componenti. Si tratta di una ventina di casette di
45mq ad un piano e con tre ettari di terra da coltivare.Le terre sono
fornite in parte dai privati e in parte d
a quelle ancora statali. Accedendo a questo progetto però si perdono lo
status di profughi e i sussidi ma si può lavorare la terra o lavorare
per gli altri contadini. Dopo tre anni la casa resta assegnata alle
famiglie (anche se la proprietà e del Commiss
ariato per i Rifugiati) e bisogna restituire la terra. "Tra tre anni
vedremo" ci dicono i profughi. Con 5.000 dollari (circa 10 milioni di
lire) si può costruire una di queste casette che rappresentano una
situazione certamente più dignitosa dei "colletti
vi" che abbiamo visitato. Ma il progetto è costoso e i soldi non ci
sono. L'embargo rende difficile e costosissima la fornitura dei
materiali (cemento, ferro etc.).
L'embargo rende difficile l'attività anche nel Centro Clinico che oltre
alla popolazione locale offre assistenza anche ai profughi. La farmacia
dell'ospedale è semivuota ed i medici sono tornati a preparare le
medicine da soli utilizzando i soggetti attiv
i. I laboratori sono pieni di attrezzature e macchinari fermi perchè non
possono arrivare i pezzi di ricambio. La macchinetta per gli aereosol è
una donazione di un precedente convoglio della "Giorgiana Masi". Ma
medici e infermieri fanno miracoli e ci mo
strano con orgoglio anche quello che funziona, tra questi una macchina
per le ecografie. Più in là il reparto maternità è aperto ma ci sono
ricoverate solo due donne....non è facile nè viene voglia di nascere
nella Jugoslavia strozzata dall'embargo e bomb
ardata dalla NATO.
Un clima di tensione
Per andare a Kragujevac, la città-fabbrica della Zastava, la Torino
della Jugoslavia, passiamo per Novj Sad. Andiamo a vedere i ponti
distrutti crollati nel Danubio. Il traffico fluviale sulla grande
arteria d'acqua che attarverso l'Europa si ferma qui, a
lla nostra destra e alla nostra sinistra. Attraversiamo il Danubio sul
ponte di barche che è stato costruito per rimettere in comunicazione le
due sponde. Veniamo più volte fermati dalla polizia. Poco prima è stato
assassinato proprio a Novj Sad il dirige
nte del Partito Socialista della Vojvodina. Lo stillicidio di uomini
politici e dirigenti vicini a Milosevic continua ed è ormai difficile
escludere che la mano che sta armando i killer sia diversa da quella che
un anno scatenò i bombardamenti. Un funzion
ario del Tribunale dell'Aja ha detto ad uno dei serbi arrestati per
"crimini di guerra" che è meglio consegnarsi al Tribunale "altrimenti si
può fare la fine di Arkan". Una rivendicazione esplicita da parte dei
servizi segreti della NATO.
Nonostante il clima teso, la polizia quando vede che si tratta di un
convoglio di solidarietà e la lettera della Croce Rossa ci lascia andare
subito. In Ungheria ci succederà esattamente il contrario : tangenti,
multe fantasiose, ore di attesa alla fronti
era, aggressione di un poliziotto contro un compagno che guida il
furgone con gli aiuti.
L'orgoglio dei lavoratori della Zastava
A Kragujevac l'impatto è evidente. Si vede anche ad occhio che questa è
una città industriale imperniata sulla Zastava. La distruzione della
fabbrica e l'embargo rendono la gente, le facciate delle case, i luoghi
pubblici meno vivaci che a Novj Sad o Belg
rado. Sembra di essere a Torino nei primi anni '80 dopo i licenziamenti
di massa alla Fiat. Anche lì, la povertà, il degrado e la disperazione
erano evidenti. Ma a Kragujevac, Torino dei Balcani, oggi la situazione
è anche peggiore.
Ci incontriamo la sera con i compagni della Zastava. Li avevamo
conosciuti a febbraio qui in Italia durante un loro giro. Li avevamo
lasciati ottimisti sul futuro ma troviamo invece Sreten teso e
preoccupato. Pesa la notizia dell'omicidio di Novj Sad ma a
nche le prospettive per la fabbrica e le migliaia di lavoratori sono
pesanti. Incontriamo anche una delegazione della Fiom-Lombardia venuta a
portare aiuti concreti alla Zastava. CGIL-CISL-UIl dichiararono un anno
fa che l'aggressione era una "dolorosa co
ntingenza", sostennero attivamente l'operazione Arcobaleno e sabotarono
gli scioperi contro la guerra convocati dai sindacati di base. Ma quella
valutazione non deve aver convinto molto questi delegati che non hanno
obbedito ed hanno sentito - come noi -
che il bombardamento della NATO sulla Zastava e il ferimento di 134
operai-scudi umani era un attacco vergognoso contro i lavoratori di ogni
paese. Sanno benissimo che siamo più vicini al sindacalismo di base che
al loro ma alla Zastava si stà in prima li
nea e non c'è voglia di stare a far polemica sulla situazione italiana.
La mattina ci riuniamo nella saletta del Consiglio di Fabbrica della
Zastava. I compagni ci spiegano i problemi che stanno incontrando. Il
più grave è l'embargo. Quando erano venuti in Italia contavano
moltissimo sulla capacità di far ripartire la produzi
one e su alcune commesse provenienti dall'estero, incluse Croazia e
Macedonia. Ma proprio nei giorni in cui eravamo lì era giunta la notizia
che l'Unione Europea era intervenuta sui governi della Croazia e della
Macedonia per impedire l'acquisto dei veico
li prodotti dalla Zastava : embargo, maledetto embargo.
Facciamo un giro della fabbrica. Sembra di stare a Mirafiori. Chilometri
e chilometri di capannoni, impianti, palazzine, centrali. Un anno fa
gran parte era stato distrutto dalle bombe della NATO. Un anno dopo gran
parte è stato ricostruito dai lavoratori
. E' il momento dell'orgoglio dei nostri compagni jugoslavi.
E' Domenica eppure nei reparti si sta lavorando alla ricostruzione dei
capannoni e delle linee di produzione. I lavoratori si fermano, ci
salutano. La Zastava è piena dei rumori delle gru, dei martelli
pneumatici, odore di vernice. Incontriamo un ingegner
e. E' il dirigente della fonderia. Parla con l'orgoglio di chi sta
lavorando per ricostruire la "sua fabbrica". Si accanisce contro la NATO
che l'ha voluta distruggere. Tace ovviamente sulle aziende straniere con
cui sono stati riallacciate le relazioni c
ommerciali per cercare di esportare le macchine e i furgoni che si è
riusciti nuovamente a produrre : embargo, maledetto embargo.
La situazione alla Zastava non è facile. Su 11.000 lavoratori diretti
(senza contare l'indotto) solo il 30% sono tornati al lavoro : metà
impegnati nella ricostruzione e metà nella produzione. Ciò significa
riuscire a portare a casa un salario di 80 march
i al mese (meno di 80.000 lire). Per gli altri c'è solo un sussidio di
20 marchi e un buono statale per l'acquisto di generi alimentari.
Il 62% della fabbrica è stato ricostruito dagli operai ma servirebbero
1,2 miliardi di dollari per rimettere in piedi tutti gli impianti. I
lavoratori hanno costituito un Fondo di Solidarietà ma le sottoscrizioni
che arrivano dai lavoratori di altri paesi
(anche dall'Italia) non bastano certo a colmare questa voragine.
Il problema principale resta quella di rompere l'embargo e far ripartire
la produzione. Sul secondo aspetto la soggettività operaia si è
dimostrata capace di fare anche l'impossibile. Sul primo è necessario
che ci si muova qui in Italia ed in Europa per c
ostringere i governi a revocare l'embargo contro al Jugoslavia, anche se
sarebbe più logico parlare di risarcimento per i danni di guerra
inflitti ad un paese che non ha aggredito il nostro e che ha subito una
aggressione devastante da parte della NATO.
Il Manifesto, 01 Giugno 2000
La Zastava riparte
Grazie ai raid della Nato la Fiat-Zastava era un ammasso
di rovine. Ora gli operai, aiutati anche da Ig-Metall e
Comisiones Obreras, l'hanno ricostruita. Farà 20mila
vetture l'anno
" Hai visto che abbiamo combinato?". Ruzica, Sreten,
Rajka, Milan, sono orgogliosi di quel che sono riusciti a
fare in pochi mesi. E hanno ragione di esserlo: il giorno
dopo la fine dei bombardamenti si sono rimboccati le
maniche cominciando a togliere le macerie. Qui alla
Zastava di Kragujevac tutto era rovina, una massa informe
di detriti, resti di bombe, missili e lamiere contorte,
catene di montaggio intrecciate in una scultura
raccapricciante; qua e là pozzanghere di solventi e
vernici sparse ovunque dall'affondamento delle cinque
linee di verniciatura, le fucine rase al suolo come il
centro di calcolo, come la centrale termica che alimentava
la fabbrica e riscaldava i 200mila abitanti di Kragujevac.
Era questo lo spettacolo che meno di un anno fa si
presentava agli occhi di chi andava a vedere quel che
restava del più grande stabilimento automobilistico dei
Balcani, la Mirafiori jugoslava. Oggi un pezzo di Zastava
è risorta grazie al lavoro dei suoi operai senza lavoro e
senza salario per la sensibilità umanitaria occidentale:
"Ventimila vetture entro il 2000, due terzi per il mercato
interno e uno per l'esportazione", ci dice con orgoglio il
direttore dello stabilimento auto.
La solidarietà operaia
Il secondo miracolo i lavoratori e il sindacato l'hanno
compiuto socializzando la loro esperienza con i lavoratori
e i sindacati di mezza Europa. Se la Jugoslavia è oggi un
paese isolato, sotto embargo, emarginato, non è così per
la Zastava: in quest'anno terribile e straordinario
delegazioni tedesche, italiane, spagnole, belghe,
francesi, sono arrivate a portare solidarietà e un po' di
aiuti. Medicine e attrezzature mediche - le bombe
intelligenti hanno colpito con precisione anche il centro
sanitario della Zastava, aperto all'intera popolazione
cittadina e ai profughi di troppe guerre - e adozioni a
distanza dei figli dei lavoratori licenziati dalla Nato,
"la Ig-Metall ci ha regalato anche un tornio", racconta
Rajka. Gli operai hanno sostituito tutti i vetri
frantumati, costruito i tetti che ricoprivano i 159.791
metri quadrati di area industriale abbattuta (1.500
miliardi di danni valutati, quelli ambientali non sono
valutabili). Hanno rimontato qualche linea di montaggio,
una di verniciatura, rimesso in piedi le officine da cui
uscivano le parti essenziali per costruire automobili e
trattori. Raddrizzando a colpi di martello e fiamma
ossidrica ferraglia informe, sostituendo i pezzi non
recuperabili, hanno riattivato buona parte della centrale
elettrica. Ecco cosa hanno fatto gli operai della Zastava
in pochi mesi, neppure il presidente del gruppo, Milosvan
Pusonja, lo nega. Solo una piccola parte dove si
costruivano fucili da caccia è rimasta quasi intatta. E
dire che la Nato ha giustificato l'aggressione sostenendo
che qui si costruivano potenti armi da guerra. Invece no,
volevano colpire i lavoratori, visto che a decine sono
finiti all'ospedale, feriti dalle bombe del 9 e del 12
aprile del 1999. Colpire la popolazione, il suo presente
(e non il suo presidente che continuano ad aiutare con
l'embargo) e il suo futuro. Ci sono riusciti? In parte sì,
i due terzi dei 50mila lavoratori di un anno fa vivono con
un sussidio di disoccupazione di 15 marchi al mese e un
pacchetto di buoni (quando arrivano) del valore di 20
marchi per l'acquisto di alimenti. In parte no, e gli
operai costretti a saldare manualmente le scocche della
versione serba della 128 Fiat, della Jugo e della Florida
(così, per ironia della sorte era stato chiamato l'ultimo
modello Zastava), metalmeccanici per sei mesi muratori ed
oggi di nuovo metalmeccanici, sono qui a dimostrare che la
determinazione e la solidarietà operaie possono essere più
forti delle bombe e dell'odio.
I lettori penseranno: quello è andato in Jugoslavia e
invece di raccontarci di Milosevic e dei suoi oppositori
ci parla di operai nostalgici dell'autogestione titina?
Invece di dirci del Kosovo ci dice delle lamiere contorte
e raddrizzate? Forse sbaglio, ma penso che i lavoratori
della Zastava come di tante altre fabbriche ricostruite, a
Cacak o a Belgrado, in Vojvodina o a Krusevac, dovrebbero
essere il primo interlocutore di chi a ovest si preoccupa
del futuro di un piccolo paese dell'Est. Certo più degli
oppositori doc in ritiro a Mosca e che buttano allo
sbaraglio migliaia di studenti (armati di buona volontà e
buone idee) in tutte le città della Serbia, con il
beneplacito dell'Occidente. Gli operai, la popolazione che
si difende ricostruisce quel che altri distruggono, sono
la parte migliore che si muove da queste parti. Sono tutti
servi di Milosevic? E se no, perché non avviano un
processo di democratizzazione del Paese, perché non si
schierano contro il governo? Perché c'è stata e c'è la
Nato che brucia ogni possibile ritorno alla normalità
della Serbia. Anche riempiendo borraccia e portafoglio dei
suoi "alleati" di turno. Perché c'è l'embargo che
trasforma gli ospedali in inutili e disperate sale
d'attesa, e il nemico principale per chi sta sotto le
bombe e l'embargo è, ragionevolmente, chi quelle bombe
tira. Perché Milosevic non sarà democratico, reprimerà
giornalisti e studenti come fa, ma non è certo cretino: un
welfare residuato dal socialismo reale impedisce
l'esplosione del dissenso, e i ponti ricostruiti e
inaugurati da "Slobo" davanti a centomila persone parlano
da soli; e un'economia parallela e illegale prodotta
dall'embargo e non combattuta da Belgrado, crea consenso
fra nuovi e vecchi ceti arricchiti o azzittisce il
dissenso. Qui, comunque, il nemico è la Nato.
Il costo del Kosovo
C'è anche chi sostiene che l'occupazione militare
straniera del Kosovo libera ingenti risorse che Belgrado
dirotta nella ricostruzione di una Serbia sempre più
piccola. Il Kosovo costa caro anche in termini economici,
come sanno le ex nazioni della Jugoslavia che hanno
iniziato la secessione per liberarsi di quella tassa.
Politicamente Milosevic non può "mollare" il Kosovo, ma
questo non c'entra con l'economia, o c'entra di traverso.
Già, il Kosovo. Ne abbiamo parlato, insieme ad altri
giornalisti stranieri in Serbia per il 35mo meeting
internazionale dei giornalisti, con Zoran Andjelkovic,
presidente del consiglio amministrativo di Kosovo e
Methonija ed ex plenipotenziario di Milosevic a Pristina e
con Nebojsa Vujkovic, viceministro federale degli esteri.
C'è chi pensa che in autunno si debbano tenere elezioni in
Kosovo: "270mila serbi sono stati cacciati da una terra
che come ribadiscono la Risoluzione 1244 dell'Onu e le
carte di Kumanovo è parte integrante della Jugoslavia e
300mila albanesi sono arrivati dall'Albania. Vi pare - è
la risposta di Andjelkovic - che in queste condizioni si
possano tenere elezioni? Lo sapete che a Pristina vivevano
44mila serbi prima dell'aggressione Nato e che oggi ne
rimangono 270?". Civili serbi uccisi, scacciati in massa
dal Kosovo, un Paese ormai monoetnico: ricostruzioni
storiche a parte, che chi è parte in causa (anzi in
guerra), fa come sappiamo, è pensabile, e a che
condizioni, la ricostruzione di relazioni democratiche
della Serbia con l'Occidente? "La Serbia vuole entrare su
un piano di parità nella Comunità internazionale. Una
normalizzazione delle relazioni - risponde Vujkovic - è
possibile se ci vengono pagati i danni di guerra e se
cessano le sanzioni economiche". Ma non tutti sono
d'accordo con il governo, c'è chi, come gli studenti,
continua a scendere in piazza. Tutti servi della Nato? "Ci
sono conflitti interni - risponde ancora il viceministro
degli Esteri Vujkovic - che non vanno oltre le dinamiche
presenti in qualsiasi altro paese democratico. Il nemico
vero è il terrorismo", risponde riferendosi agli albanesi
nel Kosovo. Un punto di vista, il suo, che gli studenti o
i giornalisti ridotti al silenzio certamente non
Gli operai della Zastava, intanto, saldano a mano le
scocche delle automobili. Vorrebbero ricostruire anche lo
stabilimento dei camion ma uno dei due padroni (la
Iveco-Fiat, l'altro è lo Stato serbo) non ne vuole sapere
di investire soldi in Jugoslavia. Tanto più che se
riprendesse la collaborazione dovrebbe vedersela con
Rajka, Milan, Ruzica, Sreten e gli altri che l'hanno
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Reportage sulla vita di un popolo invisibile. Da "Contropiano"
* La Zastava riparte. Da "Il manifesto"
L'articolo che segue appare sull'ultimo numero di
giornale per l'iniziativa politica di classe
Jugoslavia un anno dopo la guerra
Urla nel silenzio
Nostro reportage sulla vita di un popolo invisibile, sui danni dei
bombardamenti della NATO e sull'embargo che rinnova l'infamia
dell'aggressione "umanitaria" di un anno fa.
I Balcani cominciano nel Nordest dell'Italia. E' questa l'impressione
che si ricava percorrendo l'autostrada e le statali che portano verso la
frontiera con l'Austria o con la Slovenia. I camion diretti in Romania,
Croazia, Ungheria, Slovacchia, Slovenia
riempiono le strade ed i caselli. Il volume di quello che chiamano
"traffico di perfezionamento passivo" è esploso negli ultimi cinque anni
trasformando l'intera area balcanica in una fabbrica diffusa di
laboratori e stabilimenti che fanno il lavoro sporc
o per le aziende tessili e calzaturiere italiane. I semi-lavorati
tornano poi in Italia per essere rifiniti, marchiati e commercializzati.
Per andare in una città balcanica è ormai più facile trovare un aereo
da Treviso o da Trieste che da Roma o da Mila
no. L'Italia è ormai penetrata in profondità nelle economie balcaniche,
economie il cui PIL è prodotto almeno al 50% da quella che viene
definita "economia informale". Dentro c'è di tutto : dal lavoro al nero
al contrabbando, dal nuovo mercato degli schia
vi al traffico di quei beni che riempiono le vetrine di Bucarest,
Bratislava, Zagabria ma inaccessibili alla maggioranza della
Siamo partiti nella prima metà di maggio insieme al Convoglio di
Solidarietà Internazionalista "Giorgiana Masi" (Giorgiana Masi era una
giovanissima compagna di Roma uccisa in una manifestazione nel maggio
del '77 dalla polizia). Il convoglio è la quinta
volta che torna in Jugoslavia. La prima volta c'era andato nel maggio
dello scorso anno mentre erano ancora in corso i bombardamenti della
NATO. Da allora, periodicamente i compagni raccolgono medicinali,
materiale scolastico, abiti, generi alimentari e l
i portano al "popolo invisibile" ovvero il milione e passa di profughi
serbi di cui pochi sanno l'esistenza ed a cui molti hanno girato la
faccia o ai lavoratori della Zastava rimasti senza lavoro a causa delle
bombe della NATO e strangolati dall'embargo
a cui Unione Europea ed Italia partecipano attivamente.
Abbiamo guardato in faccia il "popolo invisibile"
La prima tappa del viaggio è in Vojvodina nei campi profughi sorti
intorno a Baska Topòla. Qui i profughi sono arrivati a migliaia cinque
anni fa. Sono i serbi cacciati dalla Bosnia e poi dalla Croazia. Il
mondo manipolato da opinion maker senza scrupoli
associa i serbi alla pulizia etnica ma la realtà ci dice che i serbi la
pulizia etnica sembrano averla più subìta che fatta. Ci sono ormai pochi
serbi in Bosnia (se non nell'enclave della Repubblica Srpska di Pale);
ci sono pochissimi serbi in Croazia ed
ora ce ne sono rimasti pochi anche in Kosovo. Ma l'Europa e le
organizzazioni umanitarie, la sinistra perbene e gli inviati speciali
hanno sistematicamente occultato questo processo di espulsione violenta
che ha gettato a più ondate più di un milione di p
rofughi in una Serbia che ha dieci milioni di abitanti. E' come se in
Italia arrivassero sei milioni di profughi che hanno bisogno di casa,
lavoro, assistenza, scuole. Alle difficoltà prevedibili si aggiungano
quelle derivate da un embargo che dura ormai
da sette anni e la totale latitanza delle organizzazioni umanitarie. Nei
campi profughi c'è solo la Croce Rossa e qualche intervento dell'ACNUR
(l'organizzazione dell'ONU per i rifugiati) ma è poca cosa. I profughi
serbi sono un popolo invisibile a molti.
In Vojvodina che - come il Kossovo - è una provincia della Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia, la situazione non è tranquilla. In questa
provincia la maggioranza è ungherese e i boss della comunità magiara si
oppongono al riconoscimento dei profughi serbi
nelle statistiche perchè temono che questo "alteri la composizione
etnica" della provincia. Il Primo Ministro ungherese in sede di
Conferenza sulla stabilità nei Balcani ha alzato la voce auspicando che
la Vojvodina segua il cammino del Kossovo. Gli ultim
i entrati nella NATO devono mostrarsi zelanti esecutori delle ambizioni
dei loro nuovi padroni.
Nella scuola elementare di Bascka Topòla la direttrice insiste affinchè
visitiamo una classe di bambini della comunità ungherese. Verifichiamo
che i libri, il registro, i programmi sono tutti rigorosamente in
magiaro. "Era così anche in Kossovo" ci dice c
on una vena di amarezza "ma hanno detto che c'era l'oppressione
culturale e il mondo gli ha creduto". Nell'aula i bambini ci salutano
con una canzoncina ma è sufficiente che qualcuno di noi accenni ai
bombardamenti di un anno fa e la commozione incontenib
ile piomba improvvisa sui volti di chi è dovuto scappare per giorni nei
rifugi al suono delle sirene antiaree. Il nostro disagio diventa
palpabile e decidiamo da quel momento in poi di misurare le parole per
non riportare alla memoria un terrore che la ge
nte della Jugoslavia un anno fa ha vissuto tutti i giorni per quasi tre
Insieme al responsabile della Croce Rossa cominciamo il giro nei campi
profughi ed è qui che il popolo invisibile ci è piombato addosso con una
dignità che era difficile immaginare tra gente che da cinque anni vive
in condizioni di precarietà e promiscuit
à totali a due passi dal cuore della ricca, civile ed umanitaria Europa.
Vecchi magazzini, fattorie, fabbriche chiuse a causa dell'embargo, mense
in disuso, sono stati riadattate per ospitare migliaia di profughi
provenienti in varie ondate da Bosnia, Croazia ed infine Kossovo. Hanno
cominciato ad arrivare nel 1995, gli ultimi
sono arrivati nell'estate del '99 quando le truppe della NATO sono
entrate in Kossovo collaborando in alcuni casi apertamente con l'UCK
alla cacciata dei serbi.
Dai locali collettivi sono state ricavate delle stanzette di 12/15 metri
quadrati in cui ci sono due letti a castello ed uno singolo, un
fornello, un tavolino e qualche sedia. Famiglie di cinque persone vivono
così più o meno da cinque anni nella precarie
tà e nella promiscuità più assoluta. Ricominciare da capo non è facile.
Incontriamo soprattutto anziani e bambini. I giovani cercano in ogni
modo di andare via, di andare all'estero soprattutto. In gran parte sono
contadini che hanno perso tutto : casa, terra, animali, trattori e che
ora vivono con i sussidi statali per i pro
fughi e con i pochi aiuti internazionali.
Alcuni lavorano come braccianti nei campi dei contadini (la maggior
parte della terra è infatti privata), l'embargo ha ridotto drasticamente
le attività economiche portando alla chiusura di fabbriche e laboratori
e la disoccupazione - che colpisce già i r
esidenti - blocca ogni prospettiva per i profughi.
Dentro i campi profughi troviamo dei manifestini del Forum Democratico
Serbo. E' una organizzazione che si oppone al governo Milosevic eppure
nessuno stacca i cartelli. Sopra c'è un numero di telefono della Croazia
per chi vuole avere notizie sui parenti
rimasti lì o sulla situazione. Molti hanno i figli sposati con croati e
nonostante quello che hanno subìto, da nessuno sentiamo parole di odio
contro i croati o i musulmani di Bosnia. "Mia figlia è sposata con un
croato", "Mia madre era musulmana e mio pa
dre serbo"; "Io sono nato a Sarajevo, mio padre era croata e mia madre
serba" , la multietnicità della Jugoslavia era e resta un fatto reale
che solo le ingerenze occidentali (Germania, Vaticano e Stati Uniti
soprattutto) hanno fatto esplodere in modo vio
lento. "Se nell'Italia del Nord fossero arrivati tanti soldi e tante
armi come qui da noi, anche da voi in Italia sarebbe successo quello che
è accaduto qui" ci dice il dr. Gruja della Croce Rossa. "Se potessi
tornerei indietro di cinquanta anni, come era
prima" risponde Nikolai, un simpaticissimo e tostissimo contadino serbo
della Krajina ridotto a profugo.
Embargo, maledetto embargo
Andiamo a vedere un campo profughi "pilota" per le famiglie più giovani
ma con almeno cinque componenti. Si tratta di una ventina di casette di
45mq ad un piano e con tre ettari di terra da coltivare.Le terre sono
fornite in parte dai privati e in parte d
a quelle ancora statali. Accedendo a questo progetto però si perdono lo
status di profughi e i sussidi ma si può lavorare la terra o lavorare
per gli altri contadini. Dopo tre anni la casa resta assegnata alle
famiglie (anche se la proprietà e del Commiss
ariato per i Rifugiati) e bisogna restituire la terra. "Tra tre anni
vedremo" ci dicono i profughi. Con 5.000 dollari (circa 10 milioni di
lire) si può costruire una di queste casette che rappresentano una
situazione certamente più dignitosa dei "colletti
vi" che abbiamo visitato. Ma il progetto è costoso e i soldi non ci
sono. L'embargo rende difficile e costosissima la fornitura dei
materiali (cemento, ferro etc.).
L'embargo rende difficile l'attività anche nel Centro Clinico che oltre
alla popolazione locale offre assistenza anche ai profughi. La farmacia
dell'ospedale è semivuota ed i medici sono tornati a preparare le
medicine da soli utilizzando i soggetti attiv
i. I laboratori sono pieni di attrezzature e macchinari fermi perchè non
possono arrivare i pezzi di ricambio. La macchinetta per gli aereosol è
una donazione di un precedente convoglio della "Giorgiana Masi". Ma
medici e infermieri fanno miracoli e ci mo
strano con orgoglio anche quello che funziona, tra questi una macchina
per le ecografie. Più in là il reparto maternità è aperto ma ci sono
ricoverate solo due donne....non è facile nè viene voglia di nascere
nella Jugoslavia strozzata dall'embargo e bomb
ardata dalla NATO.
Un clima di tensione
Per andare a Kragujevac, la città-fabbrica della Zastava, la Torino
della Jugoslavia, passiamo per Novj Sad. Andiamo a vedere i ponti
distrutti crollati nel Danubio. Il traffico fluviale sulla grande
arteria d'acqua che attarverso l'Europa si ferma qui, a
lla nostra destra e alla nostra sinistra. Attraversiamo il Danubio sul
ponte di barche che è stato costruito per rimettere in comunicazione le
due sponde. Veniamo più volte fermati dalla polizia. Poco prima è stato
assassinato proprio a Novj Sad il dirige
nte del Partito Socialista della Vojvodina. Lo stillicidio di uomini
politici e dirigenti vicini a Milosevic continua ed è ormai difficile
escludere che la mano che sta armando i killer sia diversa da quella che
un anno scatenò i bombardamenti. Un funzion
ario del Tribunale dell'Aja ha detto ad uno dei serbi arrestati per
"crimini di guerra" che è meglio consegnarsi al Tribunale "altrimenti si
può fare la fine di Arkan". Una rivendicazione esplicita da parte dei
servizi segreti della NATO.
Nonostante il clima teso, la polizia quando vede che si tratta di un
convoglio di solidarietà e la lettera della Croce Rossa ci lascia andare
subito. In Ungheria ci succederà esattamente il contrario : tangenti,
multe fantasiose, ore di attesa alla fronti
era, aggressione di un poliziotto contro un compagno che guida il
furgone con gli aiuti.
L'orgoglio dei lavoratori della Zastava
A Kragujevac l'impatto è evidente. Si vede anche ad occhio che questa è
una città industriale imperniata sulla Zastava. La distruzione della
fabbrica e l'embargo rendono la gente, le facciate delle case, i luoghi
pubblici meno vivaci che a Novj Sad o Belg
rado. Sembra di essere a Torino nei primi anni '80 dopo i licenziamenti
di massa alla Fiat. Anche lì, la povertà, il degrado e la disperazione
erano evidenti. Ma a Kragujevac, Torino dei Balcani, oggi la situazione
è anche peggiore.
Ci incontriamo la sera con i compagni della Zastava. Li avevamo
conosciuti a febbraio qui in Italia durante un loro giro. Li avevamo
lasciati ottimisti sul futuro ma troviamo invece Sreten teso e
preoccupato. Pesa la notizia dell'omicidio di Novj Sad ma a
nche le prospettive per la fabbrica e le migliaia di lavoratori sono
pesanti. Incontriamo anche una delegazione della Fiom-Lombardia venuta a
portare aiuti concreti alla Zastava. CGIL-CISL-UIl dichiararono un anno
fa che l'aggressione era una "dolorosa co
ntingenza", sostennero attivamente l'operazione Arcobaleno e sabotarono
gli scioperi contro la guerra convocati dai sindacati di base. Ma quella
valutazione non deve aver convinto molto questi delegati che non hanno
obbedito ed hanno sentito - come noi -
che il bombardamento della NATO sulla Zastava e il ferimento di 134
operai-scudi umani era un attacco vergognoso contro i lavoratori di ogni
paese. Sanno benissimo che siamo più vicini al sindacalismo di base che
al loro ma alla Zastava si stà in prima li
nea e non c'è voglia di stare a far polemica sulla situazione italiana.
La mattina ci riuniamo nella saletta del Consiglio di Fabbrica della
Zastava. I compagni ci spiegano i problemi che stanno incontrando. Il
più grave è l'embargo. Quando erano venuti in Italia contavano
moltissimo sulla capacità di far ripartire la produzi
one e su alcune commesse provenienti dall'estero, incluse Croazia e
Macedonia. Ma proprio nei giorni in cui eravamo lì era giunta la notizia
che l'Unione Europea era intervenuta sui governi della Croazia e della
Macedonia per impedire l'acquisto dei veico
li prodotti dalla Zastava : embargo, maledetto embargo.
Facciamo un giro della fabbrica. Sembra di stare a Mirafiori. Chilometri
e chilometri di capannoni, impianti, palazzine, centrali. Un anno fa
gran parte era stato distrutto dalle bombe della NATO. Un anno dopo gran
parte è stato ricostruito dai lavoratori
. E' il momento dell'orgoglio dei nostri compagni jugoslavi.
E' Domenica eppure nei reparti si sta lavorando alla ricostruzione dei
capannoni e delle linee di produzione. I lavoratori si fermano, ci
salutano. La Zastava è piena dei rumori delle gru, dei martelli
pneumatici, odore di vernice. Incontriamo un ingegner
e. E' il dirigente della fonderia. Parla con l'orgoglio di chi sta
lavorando per ricostruire la "sua fabbrica". Si accanisce contro la NATO
che l'ha voluta distruggere. Tace ovviamente sulle aziende straniere con
cui sono stati riallacciate le relazioni c
ommerciali per cercare di esportare le macchine e i furgoni che si è
riusciti nuovamente a produrre : embargo, maledetto embargo.
La situazione alla Zastava non è facile. Su 11.000 lavoratori diretti
(senza contare l'indotto) solo il 30% sono tornati al lavoro : metà
impegnati nella ricostruzione e metà nella produzione. Ciò significa
riuscire a portare a casa un salario di 80 march
i al mese (meno di 80.000 lire). Per gli altri c'è solo un sussidio di
20 marchi e un buono statale per l'acquisto di generi alimentari.
Il 62% della fabbrica è stato ricostruito dagli operai ma servirebbero
1,2 miliardi di dollari per rimettere in piedi tutti gli impianti. I
lavoratori hanno costituito un Fondo di Solidarietà ma le sottoscrizioni
che arrivano dai lavoratori di altri paesi
(anche dall'Italia) non bastano certo a colmare questa voragine.
Il problema principale resta quella di rompere l'embargo e far ripartire
la produzione. Sul secondo aspetto la soggettività operaia si è
dimostrata capace di fare anche l'impossibile. Sul primo è necessario
che ci si muova qui in Italia ed in Europa per c
ostringere i governi a revocare l'embargo contro al Jugoslavia, anche se
sarebbe più logico parlare di risarcimento per i danni di guerra
inflitti ad un paese che non ha aggredito il nostro e che ha subito una
aggressione devastante da parte della NATO.
Il Manifesto, 01 Giugno 2000
La Zastava riparte
Grazie ai raid della Nato la Fiat-Zastava era un ammasso
di rovine. Ora gli operai, aiutati anche da Ig-Metall e
Comisiones Obreras, l'hanno ricostruita. Farà 20mila
vetture l'anno
" Hai visto che abbiamo combinato?". Ruzica, Sreten,
Rajka, Milan, sono orgogliosi di quel che sono riusciti a
fare in pochi mesi. E hanno ragione di esserlo: il giorno
dopo la fine dei bombardamenti si sono rimboccati le
maniche cominciando a togliere le macerie. Qui alla
Zastava di Kragujevac tutto era rovina, una massa informe
di detriti, resti di bombe, missili e lamiere contorte,
catene di montaggio intrecciate in una scultura
raccapricciante; qua e là pozzanghere di solventi e
vernici sparse ovunque dall'affondamento delle cinque
linee di verniciatura, le fucine rase al suolo come il
centro di calcolo, come la centrale termica che alimentava
la fabbrica e riscaldava i 200mila abitanti di Kragujevac.
Era questo lo spettacolo che meno di un anno fa si
presentava agli occhi di chi andava a vedere quel che
restava del più grande stabilimento automobilistico dei
Balcani, la Mirafiori jugoslava. Oggi un pezzo di Zastava
è risorta grazie al lavoro dei suoi operai senza lavoro e
senza salario per la sensibilità umanitaria occidentale:
"Ventimila vetture entro il 2000, due terzi per il mercato
interno e uno per l'esportazione", ci dice con orgoglio il
direttore dello stabilimento auto.
La solidarietà operaia
Il secondo miracolo i lavoratori e il sindacato l'hanno
compiuto socializzando la loro esperienza con i lavoratori
e i sindacati di mezza Europa. Se la Jugoslavia è oggi un
paese isolato, sotto embargo, emarginato, non è così per
la Zastava: in quest'anno terribile e straordinario
delegazioni tedesche, italiane, spagnole, belghe,
francesi, sono arrivate a portare solidarietà e un po' di
aiuti. Medicine e attrezzature mediche - le bombe
intelligenti hanno colpito con precisione anche il centro
sanitario della Zastava, aperto all'intera popolazione
cittadina e ai profughi di troppe guerre - e adozioni a
distanza dei figli dei lavoratori licenziati dalla Nato,
"la Ig-Metall ci ha regalato anche un tornio", racconta
Rajka. Gli operai hanno sostituito tutti i vetri
frantumati, costruito i tetti che ricoprivano i 159.791
metri quadrati di area industriale abbattuta (1.500
miliardi di danni valutati, quelli ambientali non sono
valutabili). Hanno rimontato qualche linea di montaggio,
una di verniciatura, rimesso in piedi le officine da cui
uscivano le parti essenziali per costruire automobili e
trattori. Raddrizzando a colpi di martello e fiamma
ossidrica ferraglia informe, sostituendo i pezzi non
recuperabili, hanno riattivato buona parte della centrale
elettrica. Ecco cosa hanno fatto gli operai della Zastava
in pochi mesi, neppure il presidente del gruppo, Milosvan
Pusonja, lo nega. Solo una piccola parte dove si
costruivano fucili da caccia è rimasta quasi intatta. E
dire che la Nato ha giustificato l'aggressione sostenendo
che qui si costruivano potenti armi da guerra. Invece no,
volevano colpire i lavoratori, visto che a decine sono
finiti all'ospedale, feriti dalle bombe del 9 e del 12
aprile del 1999. Colpire la popolazione, il suo presente
(e non il suo presidente che continuano ad aiutare con
l'embargo) e il suo futuro. Ci sono riusciti? In parte sì,
i due terzi dei 50mila lavoratori di un anno fa vivono con
un sussidio di disoccupazione di 15 marchi al mese e un
pacchetto di buoni (quando arrivano) del valore di 20
marchi per l'acquisto di alimenti. In parte no, e gli
operai costretti a saldare manualmente le scocche della
versione serba della 128 Fiat, della Jugo e della Florida
(così, per ironia della sorte era stato chiamato l'ultimo
modello Zastava), metalmeccanici per sei mesi muratori ed
oggi di nuovo metalmeccanici, sono qui a dimostrare che la
determinazione e la solidarietà operaie possono essere più
forti delle bombe e dell'odio.
I lettori penseranno: quello è andato in Jugoslavia e
invece di raccontarci di Milosevic e dei suoi oppositori
ci parla di operai nostalgici dell'autogestione titina?
Invece di dirci del Kosovo ci dice delle lamiere contorte
e raddrizzate? Forse sbaglio, ma penso che i lavoratori
della Zastava come di tante altre fabbriche ricostruite, a
Cacak o a Belgrado, in Vojvodina o a Krusevac, dovrebbero
essere il primo interlocutore di chi a ovest si preoccupa
del futuro di un piccolo paese dell'Est. Certo più degli
oppositori doc in ritiro a Mosca e che buttano allo
sbaraglio migliaia di studenti (armati di buona volontà e
buone idee) in tutte le città della Serbia, con il
beneplacito dell'Occidente. Gli operai, la popolazione che
si difende ricostruisce quel che altri distruggono, sono
la parte migliore che si muove da queste parti. Sono tutti
servi di Milosevic? E se no, perché non avviano un
processo di democratizzazione del Paese, perché non si
schierano contro il governo? Perché c'è stata e c'è la
Nato che brucia ogni possibile ritorno alla normalità
della Serbia. Anche riempiendo borraccia e portafoglio dei
suoi "alleati" di turno. Perché c'è l'embargo che
trasforma gli ospedali in inutili e disperate sale
d'attesa, e il nemico principale per chi sta sotto le
bombe e l'embargo è, ragionevolmente, chi quelle bombe
tira. Perché Milosevic non sarà democratico, reprimerà
giornalisti e studenti come fa, ma non è certo cretino: un
welfare residuato dal socialismo reale impedisce
l'esplosione del dissenso, e i ponti ricostruiti e
inaugurati da "Slobo" davanti a centomila persone parlano
da soli; e un'economia parallela e illegale prodotta
dall'embargo e non combattuta da Belgrado, crea consenso
fra nuovi e vecchi ceti arricchiti o azzittisce il
dissenso. Qui, comunque, il nemico è la Nato.
Il costo del Kosovo
C'è anche chi sostiene che l'occupazione militare
straniera del Kosovo libera ingenti risorse che Belgrado
dirotta nella ricostruzione di una Serbia sempre più
piccola. Il Kosovo costa caro anche in termini economici,
come sanno le ex nazioni della Jugoslavia che hanno
iniziato la secessione per liberarsi di quella tassa.
Politicamente Milosevic non può "mollare" il Kosovo, ma
questo non c'entra con l'economia, o c'entra di traverso.
Già, il Kosovo. Ne abbiamo parlato, insieme ad altri
giornalisti stranieri in Serbia per il 35mo meeting
internazionale dei giornalisti, con Zoran Andjelkovic,
presidente del consiglio amministrativo di Kosovo e
Methonija ed ex plenipotenziario di Milosevic a Pristina e
con Nebojsa Vujkovic, viceministro federale degli esteri.
C'è chi pensa che in autunno si debbano tenere elezioni in
Kosovo: "270mila serbi sono stati cacciati da una terra
che come ribadiscono la Risoluzione 1244 dell'Onu e le
carte di Kumanovo è parte integrante della Jugoslavia e
300mila albanesi sono arrivati dall'Albania. Vi pare - è
la risposta di Andjelkovic - che in queste condizioni si
possano tenere elezioni? Lo sapete che a Pristina vivevano
44mila serbi prima dell'aggressione Nato e che oggi ne
rimangono 270?". Civili serbi uccisi, scacciati in massa
dal Kosovo, un Paese ormai monoetnico: ricostruzioni
storiche a parte, che chi è parte in causa (anzi in
guerra), fa come sappiamo, è pensabile, e a che
condizioni, la ricostruzione di relazioni democratiche
della Serbia con l'Occidente? "La Serbia vuole entrare su
un piano di parità nella Comunità internazionale. Una
normalizzazione delle relazioni - risponde Vujkovic - è
possibile se ci vengono pagati i danni di guerra e se
cessano le sanzioni economiche". Ma non tutti sono
d'accordo con il governo, c'è chi, come gli studenti,
continua a scendere in piazza. Tutti servi della Nato? "Ci
sono conflitti interni - risponde ancora il viceministro
degli Esteri Vujkovic - che non vanno oltre le dinamiche
presenti in qualsiasi altro paese democratico. Il nemico
vero è il terrorismo", risponde riferendosi agli albanesi
nel Kosovo. Un punto di vista, il suo, che gli studenti o
i giornalisti ridotti al silenzio certamente non
Gli operai della Zastava, intanto, saldano a mano le
scocche delle automobili. Vorrebbero ricostruire anche lo
stabilimento dei camion ma uno dei due padroni (la
Iveco-Fiat, l'altro è lo Stato serbo) non ne vuole sapere
di investire soldi in Jugoslavia. Tanto più che se
riprendesse la collaborazione dovrebbe vedersela con
Rajka, Milan, Ruzica, Sreten e gli altri che l'hanno
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
*** La NATO mente anche ai suoi ministri:
comunicato del Partito Democratico della Serbia (di V. Kostunica)
in occasione del vertice NATO di Firenze (english/srpskohrvatski)
*** I ministri della NATO mentono alla loro opinione pubblica:
trascrizione di una trasmissione televisiva tedesca sulle menzogne
propagandistiche usate dal ministro della guerra Scharping
*** La NATO mente alle opinioni pubbliche dei suoi paesi:
le strategie del Pentagono per inquinare lo scambio di informazioni
via Internet spiegate alla Terza Conferenza Internazionale sulla
Guerra Elettronica di Zurigo
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent: Thu, 25 May 2000 18:12:38 +0100
From: info@...
Subject: [DSS] NATO is Hiding the Truth Even from its
BCC to:
NATO is Hiding the Truth Even from its Ministers
For the foreign ministers of its member countries meeting in Florence
today, NATO has prepared documentation on its engagement in
Kosovo-Metohija praising its mission and totally minimizing the serious
drawbacks and mistakes made practically throughout a one-year mandate.
The Alliance, among other things, boasts before its foreign ministers
about the number of killings having dropped from the weekly average of
last June to the present seven murders per week which, they say, can be
compared to the situation in large European cities. Such comparisons are
inappropriate, to say the least, since none of these European cities
50,000 soldiers armed to the teeth constantly patrolling its streets.
The fact is that Kfor has not ensured the safety of the non-Albanian
population since over 350,000 of them have been forced to leave the
province, their property has been occupied, burnt down or destroyed in
some other manner. More than 80 churches and monasteries have been
destroyed, some of them having been built over six centuries ago.
The fact is also that around 100 persons, mostly children, were killed
Kosovo-Metohija from the left-over explosive devices, thrown during the
NATO bombardment, and that the Alliance is hiding, even today, the real
truth about the number of launched depleted uranium projectiles and
affect on the present inhabitants of Kosovo-Metohija. There are many
such facts, but all this is not said or is concealed in these NATO
reports, just as the true reasons for the NATO bombardment and the
deployment of NATO troops on the territory of Serbia continue to be
Belgrade, May 24, 2000
Information Service of the Democratic Party of Serbia
----- Original Message -----
From: <info@...>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 2:30 PM
> [DSS] NATO i od svojih ministara krije istinu
> NATO i od svojih ministara krije istinu
> NATO je za «efove diplomatija zemalja ¦lanica Alijanse, koji danas
> u Firenci, pripremio dokumentaciju o anga¬ovanju na Kosovu i Metohiji u
> kojem hvale svoju misiju i potpuno minimiziraju ozbiljne nedostatke i
> propuste po¦injene tokom gotovo jednogodi«njeg mandata.
> Alijansa se, izmeªu ostalog, hvali svojim ministrima inostranih poslova da
> je broj ubistava sa prose¦nih 50 nedeljno iz juna pro«le godine, sada pao
> sedam ubistava nedeljno «to je, kako ka¬u, uporedivo sa situacijom u
> evropskim gradovima. Takva poreªenja su, najbla¬e re¦eno, neumesna, jer ni
> jednom takvom evropskom gradu nema 50.000 do zuba naoru¬anih vojnika, koji
> neprekidno patroliraju.
> ®injenica je da Kfor nije obezbedio sigurnost nealbanskom stanovni«tvu,
> je ih je vi«e od 350.000 bilo prinuªeno da napusti pokrajinu, a njihova
> imovina je zaposednuta, spaljena ili drugi na¦in uni«tena. Uni«teno je
> od 80 crkava i manastira, od kojih su neke sagraªene pre «est vekova.
> ®injenica je, takoªe, da je od zaostalih eksplozivnih naprava, ba¦enih
> NATO bombardovanja, na Kosovu i Metohiji poginulo oko 100 osoba, uglavnom
> dece, kao i da Alijansa i dan-danas krije pravu istinu o broju izba¦enih
> projektila sa osiroma«enim uranijumom i njihovim posledicama po sada«nje
> stanovnike Kosova i Metohije. Mnogo je jo« takvih ¦injenica, ali je u tim
> NATO izve«tajima sve to pre©utano ili prikriveno, kao «to se i dalje
> prikrivaju stvarni razlozi natovskog bombardovanja i instaliranja vojnika
> Alijanse na tlo Srbije.
> Beograd, 24. maja 2000.
> Informativna slu¬ba Demokratske stranke Srbije
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> E-mail: info@...
> Demokratska stranka Srbije, Brace Jugovica 2a, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia
> Tel: (381 11) 182 535; 183 525; 638 013; 328 2886
> Fax: (381 11) 328 1793
Transmission 587 (18.5.2000)
Exposures of a Insiders - Scharpings propaganda in the Kosovo war
Good evening and welcomely to a new output of PANORAMA.
Who wants to win a selection, strength must prove. An American president
invents a war, an attack on a small Balkans country. Medium-effectively
agitating emotional the fictitious attack is struck down by its
soldiers. But an
actress runs as arefugee disguised by the window blind of a destroyed
village in a
film filmstudio. That is Hollywood, scenes from a motion picture film,"
dares the
Dog " means it. In the reality, only quitewith us, that is naturally
inconceivable. If
Germany takes part in awar, that must be morally justified, the
necessity be
politically justified. That the Secretary of Defense exaggerated with
authentication for the Kosovo war that moral eagerness and increased
authentication printing of the red-green government played thereby
arole, that
we knew all. But now for the first time a general beforethe camera talks
speaks of a larger manipulation campaign.Therefore Rudolf Scharping
showed consciously falsely and threatening window blinds sketched, which
not correspond to thereal danger to only immobilize in order the mediale
front.Until recently I would have held also still for Hollywood Klamauk.
Mathis field-hope and Volker stone-hope over quite conscious handling
In former times it was considered as boring. In the Kosovowar it proved
Secretary of Defense Rudolf Scharping. Its again and again sworn to war
argument for the pazifistische base (peace movement): the prevention of
humanitarian disaster.
In the meantime Scharping published its diary from the wardays.
Original text Rudolf Scharping:
" 7. April. It is horrible. These rags and criminal kill in
discriminately humans, rob
their victims out, drive them out or rape the women. The more
irresponsibly that
some require a stop or a break of the air raids publicly again and
For Scharping from the outset everything is clear: in the Kosovo the
disaster threatens. And Scharping has for it proofs, allegedly anyhow.
Its statement before beginning of war: " The massacre" of Rugovo.
At the end of January 1999, scarcely two months beforebeginning of war,
corpse pictures go around the world. General frightening. 23 dead
next to each other. For Scharping is clear thereby: a massacre of the
Serbs. In
the diary he notes:
Original text Rudolf Scharping:
" On the flight to the NATO summit in Washington me coworkers had shown
pictures of killed Kosovo Albanians. When looking atthe photos nausea.
frightening riserable? Please I mean coworkers later to prepare the
pictures for
one of the press conferences."
There the Minister presents then its proof. And actually:Many corpses
next to
each other, as after a massacre. Scharping isquite safe itself on the
basis its
pictures, which occurred on 29January in the small village Rugovo.
(Secretaries of Defense)
" We have very well investigated and to us pictorial material procured,
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro coworkersin the
morning made
between seven and eight o'clock."
Television pictures of exactly this morning. Actually: anOrganization
for Security
and Cooperation in Euro man, with greenjacket, Henning Hensch, a German
police officer, first international Ermittler locally.
(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Ermittler/ makes
" It was not like that. The corpses were situated there, but they were
taken there
by the Serbian security authorities, after the actual scene
accommodation - hangs
and again together with this determination judge - was final, after was
we remove thecorpses now."
The proof by television pictures: First the corpses aresituated
distributed in the
place, like after combat. No civilians,but UCK fighters.
After these accommodations the corpses are then gathered
And exactly Minister Scharping regards these photos asproofs of a
Facts, which to the expert for security politics, professor Lutz admits,
exactly is.
And it knows the meaningof the massacres for the discussion at that
(Inst. F. Friedensforschung and Sicherheitspolitik)
" The massacres were, if you want so, the famous drop, the turnto the
war, the
famous drop, which brought the barrel to overflowing. In that
moralisierenden at
that time argumentation very understandably. In the future then
coincidentally the
massacres were also not equated always with Auschwitz."
The statement the war at the beginning: The humanitarian disaster.
On 24 March NATO begins the war against the Serbs. Scharpingsupplies the
" Ladies and Gentlemen, I wants first of all two points to underline: 1.
The military
activities of NATO serve a political target, i.e. the prevention of a
disaster or the prevention of their further increasing."
A humanitarian disaster? Now comes out, like the position was short
really before
beginning of war.
" Thus there are in particular two position layers, which must be
mentioned in this
connection. One is the report on the situationof the Foreign Office from
March, thus five days before beginning of war. And second is thus direct
position analysis of the Federal Ministry of Defense from 23 March, one
before beginning ofwar. And both position analyses assume no
disaster is imminent."
PANORAMA are present these documents. In the report on the situation of
Ministry of Defense it means on the day before the beginning of war: The
are in a large-scale operation still notat all able. So far give it only
locally and
temporally limited operations against the UCK. and after the internal
report of the
Foreign Office the Serbs the civilian population before its attacks
would have
warned. To deduction of the Serbian security forceses return the
population then
usually to the localities. It does not give a mass escape to the
forests, also no
taking precautions disaster.
" Extremely dismayed is one even, if one reads that even the own
prevents individual UCK commanders from leaving the villages, so that
there are
victims, so that NATO with air impacts intervenes. You find all this in
the position
" The humanitarian disaster ", the reason for the German participation
in the war,
does not appear thus in the internal reports of the German government.
Nevertheless: the bombardment begins.
After beginning of war: The horseshoe plan as justification.
Briefly after beginning of war it is, the disaster thenreally there:
streams of refugees, torture and murder. Andto all abundance: Milosevic
does not
give up. Slowly the publiccriticism grows: Would negotiations be not
better thanwar?
Scharping is politically with the back at the wall. Therethe rescue
seems to come:
Original text Rudolf crowd*** TRANSLATION ENDS HERE
Note towards the end of the article: "The Pentagon also set up a World
Web site at www. to further counter the propaganda of
Serbs, Glaze said."
Serbia-info is an official site of the government of Yugoslavia.
Pentagon is
boasting about 'setting a website' there! Shall we set 'websites'b at
organizartions serving NATO's dirty deeds?
-----Original Message-----
From: Maria Dimitriadou [mailto:mariadimit@...]
Sent: June 6, 2000 3:43 AM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Federal Computer Week / DOD redefining info ops
(Pentagon set up World Wide Web site www.
Federal Computer Week
DOD redefining info ops
BY Dan Verton
Based on the lessons learned from the 78-day air
war in
Kosovo, Defense Department officials are seeking
to redefine
the emerging field of high-tech information
operations, a
senior DOD official said last week.
Operation Allied Force showed that the current
definition of
information operations is "much too broad," said
Air Force Lt.
Col. Chris Glaze, a staff officer within the
Joint Chiefs of
Staff Policy and Doctrine Division. Pentagon
officials are
studying how to whittle down the
responsibilities that fall
within the IO field so that commanders and
personnel can
better understand what's required of them.
The textbook definition of IO includes a vague
reference to
"actions taken to affect adversary information
systems" as well as to defend U.S.
systems, Glaze said. Other IO missions might
include jamming and physical attacks
on information systems, psychological
operations, deception and computer network
The Pentagon's overall IO effort met with minimal success during the
Kosovo air war,
said Glaze. During a presentation in Zurich,
Switzerland, at the third International
Electronic Warfare Conference and Exposition,
sponsored by the Association of Old
Crows, Glaze said that DOD has yet to really
conduct a 21st century IO campaign.
The Pentagon is studying the possibility of
redefining IO as "perception management"
and creating separate mission areas out of the
multitude of functions that fall under
the definition (see related story).
That would leave a new definition of IO that
would include psychological operations,
military deception, counter-propaganda
operations and the like, Glaze said.
However, military deception could include
hacking into enemy systems to implant
false data or communicating false information.
"Achieving operational consensus on the
definition of information operations has
been the big problem from the beginning," said
John Pike, a defense and intelligence
analyst with the Federation of American
Scientists. However, "perception
management is probably a subset of IO...and to
the extent that gaining control of
computer networks can actually have material
consequences, IO is certainly much
more than perception management."
As part of its psychological operations campaign
in Kosovo, the Pentagon dropped
more than 104,000 leaflets similar to those that
were dropped over Europe during
World War II, Glaze said. Also, electronic
warfare aircraft flew 88 missions to
broadcast pro-Allied Force messages. The
Pentagon also set up a World Wide Web
site at www. to further counter
the propaganda of the Serbs, Glaze
"What happened during Allied Force was basically
warmed-over command and
control warfare," said Glaze, referring to an
older form of electronic warfare that has
existed for a decade or more.
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
comunicato del Partito Democratico della Serbia (di V. Kostunica)
in occasione del vertice NATO di Firenze (english/srpskohrvatski)
*** I ministri della NATO mentono alla loro opinione pubblica:
trascrizione di una trasmissione televisiva tedesca sulle menzogne
propagandistiche usate dal ministro della guerra Scharping
*** La NATO mente alle opinioni pubbliche dei suoi paesi:
le strategie del Pentagono per inquinare lo scambio di informazioni
via Internet spiegate alla Terza Conferenza Internazionale sulla
Guerra Elettronica di Zurigo
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent: Thu, 25 May 2000 18:12:38 +0100
From: info@...
Subject: [DSS] NATO is Hiding the Truth Even from its
BCC to:
NATO is Hiding the Truth Even from its Ministers
For the foreign ministers of its member countries meeting in Florence
today, NATO has prepared documentation on its engagement in
Kosovo-Metohija praising its mission and totally minimizing the serious
drawbacks and mistakes made practically throughout a one-year mandate.
The Alliance, among other things, boasts before its foreign ministers
about the number of killings having dropped from the weekly average of
last June to the present seven murders per week which, they say, can be
compared to the situation in large European cities. Such comparisons are
inappropriate, to say the least, since none of these European cities
50,000 soldiers armed to the teeth constantly patrolling its streets.
The fact is that Kfor has not ensured the safety of the non-Albanian
population since over 350,000 of them have been forced to leave the
province, their property has been occupied, burnt down or destroyed in
some other manner. More than 80 churches and monasteries have been
destroyed, some of them having been built over six centuries ago.
The fact is also that around 100 persons, mostly children, were killed
Kosovo-Metohija from the left-over explosive devices, thrown during the
NATO bombardment, and that the Alliance is hiding, even today, the real
truth about the number of launched depleted uranium projectiles and
affect on the present inhabitants of Kosovo-Metohija. There are many
such facts, but all this is not said or is concealed in these NATO
reports, just as the true reasons for the NATO bombardment and the
deployment of NATO troops on the territory of Serbia continue to be
Belgrade, May 24, 2000
Information Service of the Democratic Party of Serbia
----- Original Message -----
From: <info@...>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 2:30 PM
> [DSS] NATO i od svojih ministara krije istinu
> NATO i od svojih ministara krije istinu
> NATO je za «efove diplomatija zemalja ¦lanica Alijanse, koji danas
> u Firenci, pripremio dokumentaciju o anga¬ovanju na Kosovu i Metohiji u
> kojem hvale svoju misiju i potpuno minimiziraju ozbiljne nedostatke i
> propuste po¦injene tokom gotovo jednogodi«njeg mandata.
> Alijansa se, izmeªu ostalog, hvali svojim ministrima inostranih poslova da
> je broj ubistava sa prose¦nih 50 nedeljno iz juna pro«le godine, sada pao
> sedam ubistava nedeljno «to je, kako ka¬u, uporedivo sa situacijom u
> evropskim gradovima. Takva poreªenja su, najbla¬e re¦eno, neumesna, jer ni
> jednom takvom evropskom gradu nema 50.000 do zuba naoru¬anih vojnika, koji
> neprekidno patroliraju.
> ®injenica je da Kfor nije obezbedio sigurnost nealbanskom stanovni«tvu,
> je ih je vi«e od 350.000 bilo prinuªeno da napusti pokrajinu, a njihova
> imovina je zaposednuta, spaljena ili drugi na¦in uni«tena. Uni«teno je
> od 80 crkava i manastira, od kojih su neke sagraªene pre «est vekova.
> ®injenica je, takoªe, da je od zaostalih eksplozivnih naprava, ba¦enih
> NATO bombardovanja, na Kosovu i Metohiji poginulo oko 100 osoba, uglavnom
> dece, kao i da Alijansa i dan-danas krije pravu istinu o broju izba¦enih
> projektila sa osiroma«enim uranijumom i njihovim posledicama po sada«nje
> stanovnike Kosova i Metohije. Mnogo je jo« takvih ¦injenica, ali je u tim
> NATO izve«tajima sve to pre©utano ili prikriveno, kao «to se i dalje
> prikrivaju stvarni razlozi natovskog bombardovanja i instaliranja vojnika
> Alijanse na tlo Srbije.
> Beograd, 24. maja 2000.
> Informativna slu¬ba Demokratske stranke Srbije
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> E-mail: info@...
> Demokratska stranka Srbije, Brace Jugovica 2a, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia
> Tel: (381 11) 182 535; 183 525; 638 013; 328 2886
> Fax: (381 11) 328 1793
Transmission 587 (18.5.2000)
Exposures of a Insiders - Scharpings propaganda in the Kosovo war
Good evening and welcomely to a new output of PANORAMA.
Who wants to win a selection, strength must prove. An American president
invents a war, an attack on a small Balkans country. Medium-effectively
agitating emotional the fictitious attack is struck down by its
soldiers. But an
actress runs as arefugee disguised by the window blind of a destroyed
village in a
film filmstudio. That is Hollywood, scenes from a motion picture film,"
dares the
Dog " means it. In the reality, only quitewith us, that is naturally
inconceivable. If
Germany takes part in awar, that must be morally justified, the
necessity be
politically justified. That the Secretary of Defense exaggerated with
authentication for the Kosovo war that moral eagerness and increased
authentication printing of the red-green government played thereby
arole, that
we knew all. But now for the first time a general beforethe camera talks
speaks of a larger manipulation campaign.Therefore Rudolf Scharping
showed consciously falsely and threatening window blinds sketched, which
not correspond to thereal danger to only immobilize in order the mediale
front.Until recently I would have held also still for Hollywood Klamauk.
Mathis field-hope and Volker stone-hope over quite conscious handling
In former times it was considered as boring. In the Kosovowar it proved
Secretary of Defense Rudolf Scharping. Its again and again sworn to war
argument for the pazifistische base (peace movement): the prevention of
humanitarian disaster.
In the meantime Scharping published its diary from the wardays.
Original text Rudolf Scharping:
" 7. April. It is horrible. These rags and criminal kill in
discriminately humans, rob
their victims out, drive them out or rape the women. The more
irresponsibly that
some require a stop or a break of the air raids publicly again and
For Scharping from the outset everything is clear: in the Kosovo the
disaster threatens. And Scharping has for it proofs, allegedly anyhow.
Its statement before beginning of war: " The massacre" of Rugovo.
At the end of January 1999, scarcely two months beforebeginning of war,
corpse pictures go around the world. General frightening. 23 dead
next to each other. For Scharping is clear thereby: a massacre of the
Serbs. In
the diary he notes:
Original text Rudolf Scharping:
" On the flight to the NATO summit in Washington me coworkers had shown
pictures of killed Kosovo Albanians. When looking atthe photos nausea.
frightening riserable? Please I mean coworkers later to prepare the
pictures for
one of the press conferences."
There the Minister presents then its proof. And actually:Many corpses
next to
each other, as after a massacre. Scharping isquite safe itself on the
basis its
pictures, which occurred on 29January in the small village Rugovo.
(Secretaries of Defense)
" We have very well investigated and to us pictorial material procured,
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro coworkersin the
morning made
between seven and eight o'clock."
Television pictures of exactly this morning. Actually: anOrganization
for Security
and Cooperation in Euro man, with greenjacket, Henning Hensch, a German
police officer, first international Ermittler locally.
(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Ermittler/ makes
" It was not like that. The corpses were situated there, but they were
taken there
by the Serbian security authorities, after the actual scene
accommodation - hangs
and again together with this determination judge - was final, after was
we remove thecorpses now."
The proof by television pictures: First the corpses aresituated
distributed in the
place, like after combat. No civilians,but UCK fighters.
After these accommodations the corpses are then gathered
And exactly Minister Scharping regards these photos asproofs of a
Facts, which to the expert for security politics, professor Lutz admits,
exactly is.
And it knows the meaningof the massacres for the discussion at that
(Inst. F. Friedensforschung and Sicherheitspolitik)
" The massacres were, if you want so, the famous drop, the turnto the
war, the
famous drop, which brought the barrel to overflowing. In that
moralisierenden at
that time argumentation very understandably. In the future then
coincidentally the
massacres were also not equated always with Auschwitz."
The statement the war at the beginning: The humanitarian disaster.
On 24 March NATO begins the war against the Serbs. Scharpingsupplies the
" Ladies and Gentlemen, I wants first of all two points to underline: 1.
The military
activities of NATO serve a political target, i.e. the prevention of a
disaster or the prevention of their further increasing."
A humanitarian disaster? Now comes out, like the position was short
really before
beginning of war.
" Thus there are in particular two position layers, which must be
mentioned in this
connection. One is the report on the situationof the Foreign Office from
March, thus five days before beginning of war. And second is thus direct
position analysis of the Federal Ministry of Defense from 23 March, one
before beginning ofwar. And both position analyses assume no
disaster is imminent."
PANORAMA are present these documents. In the report on the situation of
Ministry of Defense it means on the day before the beginning of war: The
are in a large-scale operation still notat all able. So far give it only
locally and
temporally limited operations against the UCK. and after the internal
report of the
Foreign Office the Serbs the civilian population before its attacks
would have
warned. To deduction of the Serbian security forceses return the
population then
usually to the localities. It does not give a mass escape to the
forests, also no
taking precautions disaster.
" Extremely dismayed is one even, if one reads that even the own
prevents individual UCK commanders from leaving the villages, so that
there are
victims, so that NATO with air impacts intervenes. You find all this in
the position
" The humanitarian disaster ", the reason for the German participation
in the war,
does not appear thus in the internal reports of the German government.
Nevertheless: the bombardment begins.
After beginning of war: The horseshoe plan as justification.
Briefly after beginning of war it is, the disaster thenreally there:
streams of refugees, torture and murder. Andto all abundance: Milosevic
does not
give up. Slowly the publiccriticism grows: Would negotiations be not
better thanwar?
Scharping is politically with the back at the wall. Therethe rescue
seems to come:
Original text Rudolf crowd*** TRANSLATION ENDS HERE
Note towards the end of the article: "The Pentagon also set up a World
Web site at www. to further counter the propaganda of
Serbs, Glaze said."
Serbia-info is an official site of the government of Yugoslavia.
Pentagon is
boasting about 'setting a website' there! Shall we set 'websites'b at
organizartions serving NATO's dirty deeds?
-----Original Message-----
From: Maria Dimitriadou [mailto:mariadimit@...]
Sent: June 6, 2000 3:43 AM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Federal Computer Week / DOD redefining info ops
(Pentagon set up World Wide Web site www.
Federal Computer Week
DOD redefining info ops
BY Dan Verton
Based on the lessons learned from the 78-day air
war in
Kosovo, Defense Department officials are seeking
to redefine
the emerging field of high-tech information
operations, a
senior DOD official said last week.
Operation Allied Force showed that the current
definition of
information operations is "much too broad," said
Air Force Lt.
Col. Chris Glaze, a staff officer within the
Joint Chiefs of
Staff Policy and Doctrine Division. Pentagon
officials are
studying how to whittle down the
responsibilities that fall
within the IO field so that commanders and
personnel can
better understand what's required of them.
The textbook definition of IO includes a vague
reference to
"actions taken to affect adversary information
systems" as well as to defend U.S.
systems, Glaze said. Other IO missions might
include jamming and physical attacks
on information systems, psychological
operations, deception and computer network
The Pentagon's overall IO effort met with minimal success during the
Kosovo air war,
said Glaze. During a presentation in Zurich,
Switzerland, at the third International
Electronic Warfare Conference and Exposition,
sponsored by the Association of Old
Crows, Glaze said that DOD has yet to really
conduct a 21st century IO campaign.
The Pentagon is studying the possibility of
redefining IO as "perception management"
and creating separate mission areas out of the
multitude of functions that fall under
the definition (see related story).
That would leave a new definition of IO that
would include psychological operations,
military deception, counter-propaganda
operations and the like, Glaze said.
However, military deception could include
hacking into enemy systems to implant
false data or communicating false information.
"Achieving operational consensus on the
definition of information operations has
been the big problem from the beginning," said
John Pike, a defense and intelligence
analyst with the Federation of American
Scientists. However, "perception
management is probably a subset of IO...and to
the extent that gaining control of
computer networks can actually have material
consequences, IO is certainly much
more than perception management."
As part of its psychological operations campaign
in Kosovo, the Pentagon dropped
more than 104,000 leaflets similar to those that
were dropped over Europe during
World War II, Glaze said. Also, electronic
warfare aircraft flew 88 missions to
broadcast pro-Allied Force messages. The
Pentagon also set up a World Wide Web
site at www. to further counter
the propaganda of the Serbs, Glaze
"What happened during Allied Force was basically
warmed-over command and
control warfare," said Glaze, referring to an
older form of electronic warfare that has
existed for a decade or more.
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
-----Original Message-----
From: iacenter@... <iacenter@...>
To: activist general <iacenter@...>
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 9:59 PM
Subject: Program for 6/10 Tribunal on US/NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia
Saturday, June 10 --
A public meeting to launch a worldwide movement to abolish NATO
***FOLLOWING: Featured speakers and schedule for day***
11 am sharp to 7 pm
Doors open 10 am: slides, video
Martin Luther King HS Auditorium (W. 65th St. & Amsterdam,
Manhattan, NYC)
donation requested
On June 10, 2000, the International Action Center is holding a day-
long International Tribunal on U.S./NATO War Crimes Against
Yugoslavia. This is the one-year anniversary of NATO's occupation
of Kosovo. The initial hearing last July 31 in NY was followed by
similar hearings in a dozen U.S. cities and in Belgrade, Buenas Aires,
Oslo, Novi Sad, Berlin, Rome, Vienna, Moscow, Kiev, Sydney, and
Tokyo. At a mass peoples tribunal in Athens last fall, 10,000 people
found Clinton guilty of war crimes.
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark will prosecute U.S. and
NATO leaders for 19 charges of war crimes, crimes against peace,
and crimes against humanity. International expert witnesses will
present testimony. A distinguished international panel of judges will
hear the case.
Come and be part of this historic event.
COUNTRIES, including:
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark;
Prof. Michel Chossudofsky, economist and author;
Margarita Papandreou, former first lady of Greece;
Pat Chin, journalist;
Ismael Guadalupe, leader of the movement to get the U.S. Navy out
of Vieques, Puerto Rico;
Former Admiral Elmar Schmaehling, leading spokesperson for
German movement;
Michel Collon, Belgian journalist, anti-war activist, author about
NATO aggression in the Balkans;
Sara Flounders and Brian Becker, Co-Directors, International Action
Gloria La Riva and Richard Becker, West Coast Regional Co-
Directors, International Action Center;
Shani Rifati, Voices of Roma;
Mikhail I. Kuznetzov, president of the Russian/Slavic War Crimes
Tribunal against NATO;
Roland Keith, Canadian officer attached to the Observer Group in
Kosovo in 1998-1999;
Jorge Farinacci, Puerto Rican Socialist Front;
Monica Moorehead, Millions for Mumia;
Prof. George Wright, author;
Janet Eaton, biologist and encironment expert, Canada;
Angeles Maestro Martin, member of the Spanish Parliament;
Raniero La Valle, Italian religious anti-war leader, former MP;
Charles Pascal Tolno, president of the African Association of Writers
from Guinea (Conakry);
Gilles Troude, an editor of Balkans-Info, Paris, France;
Ben Dupuy, former Haitian ambassador at large during the Aristide
Olga Mejia, former director of Panamanian Human Rights
10 am: Doors open: food, displays, video
11 am sharp: Opening remarks by Ramsey Clark and others
11:30 am to 2 pm: Plenary sessions on Crimes against peace, Crimes
against humanity & War Crimes
2 to 2:30 pm: Break for lunch (food available at hall)
2:30 to 4 pm: Panel discussions: (1) The Role of the Media, (2)
Current conditions in Kosovo, (3) Building a world movement to
abolish NATO, (4) Legal issues, (5) Planning and preparation for war
4 to 5:30 pm: Plenary: including Ramsey Clark and the worldwide
initiative to abolish NATO
5:30 to 6:15 pm: Reports from hearings around the world
6:15 to 7 pm: Judges render verdict
International Tribunal on U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia
c/o International Action Center
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 1, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper
By John Catalinotto
New York
People are coming to New York from around the world to put
U.S. and NATO leaders on trial for last year's aggression
against Yugoslavia and the ongoing occupation of Kosovo.
On June 10 people from at least 16 countries who have led
the movement against NATO's war will gather to hear
evidence and render a verdict regarding charges of crimes
against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The
tribunal will hear evidence on 19 charges prepared in July
1999 by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
But, organizers say, the International Tribunal on
U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia is not simply reviewing
the past. "The Pentagon and NATO," International Action
Center co-coordinator Brian Becker told Workers World, "are
clearly guilty of the most extreme war crimes against the
people of Yugoslavia." The IAC initiated the tribunal last
"These crimes have a method and an objective," said
Becker. "Their goal is to impose Washington and Wall Street
domination over all of Eastern Europe and into the former
republics of what was the USSR. The war against Yugoslavia
was a prelude to new aggression in the region. It also
holds dangers for all of North Africa and the Middle East,
and possibly for sub-Saharan Africa and South America.
"In light of this," Becker continued, "the most effective
sentence the tribunal can render will be to use its
authority to launch a world-wide movement of the people to
abolish NATO. This is not merely a slogan, but will become
a crusade for all those who oppose war and colonialism."
"The tribunal's authority comes from the prestige and the
record of its participants," said Becker. They come mostly
from NATO countries and from those subject to potential
attack from the Pentagon and NATO, like Korea, Iraq, Cuba,
and Haiti, for example.
The following have accepted invitations to participate:
* Charles Pascal Tolno of Guinea (Conakry), president of
the Association of African Writers.
* Angeles Maestro Martin, member of the Spanish Parliament
and a leader in the movement to stop the sanctions on Iraq.
* Ben Dupuy, former Haitian ambassador to the United
* Olga Mejia, former president of the Panamanian Human
Rights Organization.
* Retired admiral Elmar Schmaehling, who has become a
leading spokesperson in the anti-war movement in Germany.
He will be accompanied by at least five others who have
organized tribunals in Germany, including a June 2-3
Europe-wide tribunal coming up in Berlin.
* Monica Moorehead, a leader of the Millions for Mumia
organization in the U.S., will speak on the links between
racism and war. Also participating will be representatives
of those who fought the IMF/World Bank in Washington in
* Rom activist Shani Rifati will report on the plight of
his people in NATO-occupied Kosovo.
* Michel Collon, an author and activist from Belgium who
has confronted NATO spokesperson Jamie Shea at public
meetings with exposures of Shea's lies. Collon will bring
his new book "Monopoly," and his video "Fifteen Belgians
Under the Bombs."
* Ismael Guadalupe, a leading spokesperson of the movement
fighting the U.S. Navy's use of Vieques, Puerto Rico, for
target practice.
* Jorge Farinacci of the Puerto Rican Socialist Front.
* Raniero La Valle, Italian religious leader.
* Fulvio Grimaldi, filmmaker, and three others from the
Italian tribunal movement. They are holding their national
meeting on June 3.
* Gilles Troude, a member of the editorial board of the
French monthly anti-NATO magazine Balkans-Info.
* Margarita Papandreou, former first lady of Greece, a
center of militant anti-war actions in Europe. Others
involved in the Greek anti-NATO movement are expected.
* Canadian author and lecturer Michel Chossudovsky.
* Roland Keith, a Canadian who served on the observer
mission in Kosovo at the end of 1998 and the beginning of
* Depleted uranium expert Rosalie Bertell from Canada.
* Environmental expert Janet Eaton from Canada.
* Scott Taylor, a Canadian expert on the expulsion of the
Serb people from the Krajina in Croatia.
* Leading members of the "Slav Tribunal" organized out of
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other former USSR republics.
* Representatives from the tribunal in Austria, which
found Austrian politician Wolfgang Petritch guilty for his
role in delivering the Rambouillet ultimatum to the
Yugoslav leaders, thereby provoking the war.
* California professor George Wright, an expert on Angola.
* Malcolm Cummings, who helped organize a tribunal hearing
in Sydney, Australia.
* Chicana activist Gloria La Riva, who produced the video
"NATO Targets."
* IAC co-coordinator Sara Flounders.
* IAC organizers Pat Chin and Richard Becker. The Boston
IAC, which is holding a hearing on June 4 in collaboration
with Serbian organizations, will also bring a delegation.
* Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general and founder
of the IAC, will preside over the tribunal.
"On May 21, another child was killed by a leftover NATO
cluster bomb and two were badly wounded," said Brian
Becker. "All were Kosovar Albanians from Pristina. More
countries in Eastern Europe, from the Baltic states to the
Balkans and even the Caucasus, are pleading to join NATO as
they submit to a new colonialism.
"This shows all the more that the tribunal must not only
look back over the criminal war but look forward to
building a movement to abolish NATO."
The tribunal will be held at the Martin Luther King High
School Auditorium at 65th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in
Manhattan. Doors open at 10 a.m. The program runs from 11
a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, call the IAC at (212)
- END -
(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
ww@.... For subscription info send message
to: info@.... Web:
International Action Center
May 19, 2000
New revelations that NATO's high-altitude bombing of Yugoslavia was far
less successful than claimed at the time, are "further proof of U.S. war
crimes against Yugoslavia," said Sara Flounders, national co-director of
the International Action Center on May 10.
"This will provide additional evidence for the International War Crimes
Tribunal we will hold in New York June 9-10 to try U.S. and NATO
political and military leaders for war crimes, crimes against humanity
and crimes against peace," Flounders said.
Newsweek magazine had gotten hold of an internal U.S. Air Force report
showing that only 58 of NATO's so-called high-precision strikes hit
their targets. This compares with 744 NATO claimed at the end of the
bombing campaign.
"The claims of high accuracy with little harm to civilians," said
Flounders, "was just another in the long line of lies NATO spokespeople
used to justify massive attacks on civilian targets in Yugoslavia."
A special investigation team from the U.S. and other NATO air forces
searched Kosovo on foot and by helicopter. U.S. top officers boasted
that NATO forces had disabled "around 120 tanks", "about 220 armored
personnel carriers" and "up to 450 artillery and mortar pieces" in 78
days of bombing.
The investigators reported instead that NATO hit just 14 tanks, 18 APCs
and 20 artillery and mortar pieces, less than one tenth of NATO claims.
These figures are quite close to the losses Yugoslav forces reported at
the end of the war. NATO dismissed the Yugoslav report as
"disinformation" at the time.
The investigators found out that U.S. and NATO high-altitude air power
was effective chiefly against civilian targets. It was the bombing of
cities and power stations that most damaged Serbia.
Flounders noted that the report, made last summer, had never been made
public. A second report, which reported hits closer to NATO and the
Pentagon's boasts, was then used.
"The Newsweek article avoided the implications that the U.S. and NATO
commanders violated the rules of war by striking civilian targets," said
Flounders. "Instead, it pointed to the efficacy of striking the civilian
infrastructure of a country, which in the case of Yugoslavia includes
hundreds of schools, dozens of hospitals and almost every major
industry. In effect it advocates new war crimes."
Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark had drawn up the original charge
sheet against NATO leaders, which added up to 19 charges. Charge number
9, said Flounders, was "Attacking Objects Indispensable to the Survival
of the Population of Yugoslavia," including depriving the population of
Yugoslavia of food, water, electric power, food production, medicines,
medical care and other essentials to their survival, [by engaging] in
the systematic destruction and damage by missiles and aerial bombardment
of food production and storage facilities, drinking water and irrigation
works for agriculture, fertilizer, insecticide, pharmaceutical,
hospitals and health care facilities, among other objects essential to
human survival.
"The NATO commanders, fearing the complete failure of their campaign
against the Yugoslav military, concentrated on hitting civilian
targets," said Flounders. "This is clearly a war crime, and we will
prove this before the world on June 10."
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
-----Original Message-----
From: iacenter@... <iacenter@...>
To: activist general <iacenter@...>
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 9:59 PM
Subject: Program for 6/10 Tribunal on US/NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia
Saturday, June 10 --
A public meeting to launch a worldwide movement to abolish NATO
***FOLLOWING: Featured speakers and schedule for day***
11 am sharp to 7 pm
Doors open 10 am: slides, video
Martin Luther King HS Auditorium (W. 65th St. & Amsterdam,
Manhattan, NYC)
donation requested
On June 10, 2000, the International Action Center is holding a day-
long International Tribunal on U.S./NATO War Crimes Against
Yugoslavia. This is the one-year anniversary of NATO's occupation
of Kosovo. The initial hearing last July 31 in NY was followed by
similar hearings in a dozen U.S. cities and in Belgrade, Buenas Aires,
Oslo, Novi Sad, Berlin, Rome, Vienna, Moscow, Kiev, Sydney, and
Tokyo. At a mass peoples tribunal in Athens last fall, 10,000 people
found Clinton guilty of war crimes.
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark will prosecute U.S. and
NATO leaders for 19 charges of war crimes, crimes against peace,
and crimes against humanity. International expert witnesses will
present testimony. A distinguished international panel of judges will
hear the case.
Come and be part of this historic event.
COUNTRIES, including:
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark;
Prof. Michel Chossudofsky, economist and author;
Margarita Papandreou, former first lady of Greece;
Pat Chin, journalist;
Ismael Guadalupe, leader of the movement to get the U.S. Navy out
of Vieques, Puerto Rico;
Former Admiral Elmar Schmaehling, leading spokesperson for
German movement;
Michel Collon, Belgian journalist, anti-war activist, author about
NATO aggression in the Balkans;
Sara Flounders and Brian Becker, Co-Directors, International Action
Gloria La Riva and Richard Becker, West Coast Regional Co-
Directors, International Action Center;
Shani Rifati, Voices of Roma;
Mikhail I. Kuznetzov, president of the Russian/Slavic War Crimes
Tribunal against NATO;
Roland Keith, Canadian officer attached to the Observer Group in
Kosovo in 1998-1999;
Jorge Farinacci, Puerto Rican Socialist Front;
Monica Moorehead, Millions for Mumia;
Prof. George Wright, author;
Janet Eaton, biologist and encironment expert, Canada;
Angeles Maestro Martin, member of the Spanish Parliament;
Raniero La Valle, Italian religious anti-war leader, former MP;
Charles Pascal Tolno, president of the African Association of Writers
from Guinea (Conakry);
Gilles Troude, an editor of Balkans-Info, Paris, France;
Ben Dupuy, former Haitian ambassador at large during the Aristide
Olga Mejia, former director of Panamanian Human Rights
10 am: Doors open: food, displays, video
11 am sharp: Opening remarks by Ramsey Clark and others
11:30 am to 2 pm: Plenary sessions on Crimes against peace, Crimes
against humanity & War Crimes
2 to 2:30 pm: Break for lunch (food available at hall)
2:30 to 4 pm: Panel discussions: (1) The Role of the Media, (2)
Current conditions in Kosovo, (3) Building a world movement to
abolish NATO, (4) Legal issues, (5) Planning and preparation for war
4 to 5:30 pm: Plenary: including Ramsey Clark and the worldwide
initiative to abolish NATO
5:30 to 6:15 pm: Reports from hearings around the world
6:15 to 7 pm: Judges render verdict
International Tribunal on U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia
c/o International Action Center
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 1, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper
By John Catalinotto
New York
People are coming to New York from around the world to put
U.S. and NATO leaders on trial for last year's aggression
against Yugoslavia and the ongoing occupation of Kosovo.
On June 10 people from at least 16 countries who have led
the movement against NATO's war will gather to hear
evidence and render a verdict regarding charges of crimes
against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The
tribunal will hear evidence on 19 charges prepared in July
1999 by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
But, organizers say, the International Tribunal on
U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia is not simply reviewing
the past. "The Pentagon and NATO," International Action
Center co-coordinator Brian Becker told Workers World, "are
clearly guilty of the most extreme war crimes against the
people of Yugoslavia." The IAC initiated the tribunal last
"These crimes have a method and an objective," said
Becker. "Their goal is to impose Washington and Wall Street
domination over all of Eastern Europe and into the former
republics of what was the USSR. The war against Yugoslavia
was a prelude to new aggression in the region. It also
holds dangers for all of North Africa and the Middle East,
and possibly for sub-Saharan Africa and South America.
"In light of this," Becker continued, "the most effective
sentence the tribunal can render will be to use its
authority to launch a world-wide movement of the people to
abolish NATO. This is not merely a slogan, but will become
a crusade for all those who oppose war and colonialism."
"The tribunal's authority comes from the prestige and the
record of its participants," said Becker. They come mostly
from NATO countries and from those subject to potential
attack from the Pentagon and NATO, like Korea, Iraq, Cuba,
and Haiti, for example.
The following have accepted invitations to participate:
* Charles Pascal Tolno of Guinea (Conakry), president of
the Association of African Writers.
* Angeles Maestro Martin, member of the Spanish Parliament
and a leader in the movement to stop the sanctions on Iraq.
* Ben Dupuy, former Haitian ambassador to the United
* Olga Mejia, former president of the Panamanian Human
Rights Organization.
* Retired admiral Elmar Schmaehling, who has become a
leading spokesperson in the anti-war movement in Germany.
He will be accompanied by at least five others who have
organized tribunals in Germany, including a June 2-3
Europe-wide tribunal coming up in Berlin.
* Monica Moorehead, a leader of the Millions for Mumia
organization in the U.S., will speak on the links between
racism and war. Also participating will be representatives
of those who fought the IMF/World Bank in Washington in
* Rom activist Shani Rifati will report on the plight of
his people in NATO-occupied Kosovo.
* Michel Collon, an author and activist from Belgium who
has confronted NATO spokesperson Jamie Shea at public
meetings with exposures of Shea's lies. Collon will bring
his new book "Monopoly," and his video "Fifteen Belgians
Under the Bombs."
* Ismael Guadalupe, a leading spokesperson of the movement
fighting the U.S. Navy's use of Vieques, Puerto Rico, for
target practice.
* Jorge Farinacci of the Puerto Rican Socialist Front.
* Raniero La Valle, Italian religious leader.
* Fulvio Grimaldi, filmmaker, and three others from the
Italian tribunal movement. They are holding their national
meeting on June 3.
* Gilles Troude, a member of the editorial board of the
French monthly anti-NATO magazine Balkans-Info.
* Margarita Papandreou, former first lady of Greece, a
center of militant anti-war actions in Europe. Others
involved in the Greek anti-NATO movement are expected.
* Canadian author and lecturer Michel Chossudovsky.
* Roland Keith, a Canadian who served on the observer
mission in Kosovo at the end of 1998 and the beginning of
* Depleted uranium expert Rosalie Bertell from Canada.
* Environmental expert Janet Eaton from Canada.
* Scott Taylor, a Canadian expert on the expulsion of the
Serb people from the Krajina in Croatia.
* Leading members of the "Slav Tribunal" organized out of
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other former USSR republics.
* Representatives from the tribunal in Austria, which
found Austrian politician Wolfgang Petritch guilty for his
role in delivering the Rambouillet ultimatum to the
Yugoslav leaders, thereby provoking the war.
* California professor George Wright, an expert on Angola.
* Malcolm Cummings, who helped organize a tribunal hearing
in Sydney, Australia.
* Chicana activist Gloria La Riva, who produced the video
"NATO Targets."
* IAC co-coordinator Sara Flounders.
* IAC organizers Pat Chin and Richard Becker. The Boston
IAC, which is holding a hearing on June 4 in collaboration
with Serbian organizations, will also bring a delegation.
* Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general and founder
of the IAC, will preside over the tribunal.
"On May 21, another child was killed by a leftover NATO
cluster bomb and two were badly wounded," said Brian
Becker. "All were Kosovar Albanians from Pristina. More
countries in Eastern Europe, from the Baltic states to the
Balkans and even the Caucasus, are pleading to join NATO as
they submit to a new colonialism.
"This shows all the more that the tribunal must not only
look back over the criminal war but look forward to
building a movement to abolish NATO."
The tribunal will be held at the Martin Luther King High
School Auditorium at 65th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in
Manhattan. Doors open at 10 a.m. The program runs from 11
a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, call the IAC at (212)
- END -
(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
ww@.... For subscription info send message
to: info@.... Web:
International Action Center
May 19, 2000
New revelations that NATO's high-altitude bombing of Yugoslavia was far
less successful than claimed at the time, are "further proof of U.S. war
crimes against Yugoslavia," said Sara Flounders, national co-director of
the International Action Center on May 10.
"This will provide additional evidence for the International War Crimes
Tribunal we will hold in New York June 9-10 to try U.S. and NATO
political and military leaders for war crimes, crimes against humanity
and crimes against peace," Flounders said.
Newsweek magazine had gotten hold of an internal U.S. Air Force report
showing that only 58 of NATO's so-called high-precision strikes hit
their targets. This compares with 744 NATO claimed at the end of the
bombing campaign.
"The claims of high accuracy with little harm to civilians," said
Flounders, "was just another in the long line of lies NATO spokespeople
used to justify massive attacks on civilian targets in Yugoslavia."
A special investigation team from the U.S. and other NATO air forces
searched Kosovo on foot and by helicopter. U.S. top officers boasted
that NATO forces had disabled "around 120 tanks", "about 220 armored
personnel carriers" and "up to 450 artillery and mortar pieces" in 78
days of bombing.
The investigators reported instead that NATO hit just 14 tanks, 18 APCs
and 20 artillery and mortar pieces, less than one tenth of NATO claims.
These figures are quite close to the losses Yugoslav forces reported at
the end of the war. NATO dismissed the Yugoslav report as
"disinformation" at the time.
The investigators found out that U.S. and NATO high-altitude air power
was effective chiefly against civilian targets. It was the bombing of
cities and power stations that most damaged Serbia.
Flounders noted that the report, made last summer, had never been made
public. A second report, which reported hits closer to NATO and the
Pentagon's boasts, was then used.
"The Newsweek article avoided the implications that the U.S. and NATO
commanders violated the rules of war by striking civilian targets," said
Flounders. "Instead, it pointed to the efficacy of striking the civilian
infrastructure of a country, which in the case of Yugoslavia includes
hundreds of schools, dozens of hospitals and almost every major
industry. In effect it advocates new war crimes."
Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark had drawn up the original charge
sheet against NATO leaders, which added up to 19 charges. Charge number
9, said Flounders, was "Attacking Objects Indispensable to the Survival
of the Population of Yugoslavia," including depriving the population of
Yugoslavia of food, water, electric power, food production, medicines,
medical care and other essentials to their survival, [by engaging] in
the systematic destruction and damage by missiles and aerial bombardment
of food production and storage facilities, drinking water and irrigation
works for agriculture, fertilizer, insecticide, pharmaceutical,
hospitals and health care facilities, among other objects essential to
human survival.
"The NATO commanders, fearing the complete failure of their campaign
against the Yugoslav military, concentrated on hitting civilian
targets," said Flounders. "This is clearly a war crime, and we will
prove this before the world on June 10."
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Giornalisti mi raccomando: acqua in bocca!...
of terrorist and other acts of violence and of certain
violations of
Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999 in
Kosovo and
Metohija, the Autonomous Province of the Yugoslav constituent Republic
since the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK,
in the period from 10 June 1999 to 4 June 2000
(1) Number of terrorist attacks: 4,878
4,590 committed against Serbs and Montenegrins, 110 against Albanians
and 178
against Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and members of other ethnic
(2) Number of killed persons: 1,027
902 Serbs and Montenegrins, 76 Albanians and 49 members of other ethnic
communities in Kosovo and Metohija.
(3) Number of abducted and missing persons: 945
869 Serbs and Montenegrins, 42 Albanians and 34 members of other ethnic
The fate of 782 persons is still unknown; 102 abducted persons were
killed, 7
persons escaped, while 48 were released.
(4) Number of wounded persons: 955
898 Serbs and Montenegrins, 20 Albanians and 37 members of other ethnic
(5) Ethnic cleansing: In the campaign of ethnic cleansing following
deployment of KFOR and UNMIK two-thirds of the non-Albanian population,
over 360 000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and
non-Albanians have been expelled from Kosovo and Metohija, of whom 280
000 are
The following towns and villages have been ethnically cleansed of Serbs,
Muslims, Goranci, Turks and other non-Albanians:
- Pristina (all Serbs have been driven out of its largest suburbs of
Suncani Breg, Dardanija, Univerzitetsko Naselje. Of the 40 000 Serbs who
to live in Pristina before KFOR and UNMIK came to Kosovo and Metohija,
were school and university students. Today, only 35 Serbian
schoolchildren live
in Pristina and attend classes in the local school in the village of
- Prizren (only 100 Serbian families remain);
- Gnjilane, the situation in this town was alarming in March, April and
May (in
this period alone over 350 houses of Serbs were sold). The number of
Serbs has been halved and today only about 1,500 Serbs remain. KFOR and
have warned them not to leave their homes.
- Djakovica, Pec, Podujevo, Glogovac, as well as the areas of Kosovska
Mitrovica (Vucitrn, Srbica), Lipljan (KLA terrorists set fire to 73
out of a
total of 75 Serb houses in the village of Slovinje in this
Kosovo Polje, from which 80 per cent of their Serbian residents have
expelled, i.e. 7,000 Serbs and 4,000 other non-Albanians (their homes
have been
burned and looted, while shops, cafes and other property are being
seized from
their owners. In the presence of KFOR, ethnic Albanian terrorists
brutalize and
harass the Serbs who refuse to sell their homes and leave Kosovo and
- the whole area of the municipalities of Istok and Klina including the
villages of Dzakovo, Osojane, Tucepom, Kos, Zac, Belica, Krnjine,
Kacanik, Stimlje, Kmetovacka Vrbica and others, where 3,440 Serbian
homes were
burned down;
- the surroundings of Urosevac, Slivovo, Nedakovac, Nevoljane, Vrpica,
Zegra (municipality of Gnjilane), Zitnje, Pozaranje, Grmovo, Drobes; in
village of Talinovac the two last Serbian houses whose owners had been
to move out were burnt down at the beginning of April;
- the surroundings of Vitina, 18 Serbian villaged cleansed of Serbs
Binac and other villages), the areas of Kosovska Kamenica (villages of
Bratilovce, Firiceja and others) and Kosovsko Pomoravlje, as well as the
villages of Toplicane, Rujice, Magure, Slovinja, Staro Gracko, Klobukar
in the
municipality of Novo Brdo. (All Serbian houses have been burned down and
its owners forced to leave.)
In May 2000 the shelling, burning and mining of Serbian houses was
in the municipality of Vitina, especiially in the villages of Vrbovac,
Binac and Klokot, the latter being crucial for the integration of the
entities in Kosovsko Pomoravlje.
Members of the terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army exert great
on ethnic Goranci, the indigenous residents of the region of Gora, who
are not
allowed to use their maternal Serbian language in schools and in
everyday life,
in an attempt to misrepresent this ethnic group as Albanians.
Expulsion of the members of the Muslim ethnic community, loyal citizens
of the
FR of Yugoslavia, has intensified particularly in the area of the
of Istok..
In the area of Prizren and Djakovica about 65,000 Kosovo Albanian
live in a difficult situation and under great pressure from Albanian
who accuse them of "collaboration with Serbs".
During the month of May KLA terrorists made several attacks against
Croats of Janjevo. Under heavy pressure from KLA terrorists only 350
of the former population of 1,500 have remained in Janjevo.
Prevention of the return of Serbs:
Albanian separatists continue their deliberate actions, aimed at
preventing the
return of Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija. They raze Serbian houses in a
pre-planned and synchronized manner, particularly in the areas of Pec,
and Klina.. The most drastic example was the looting and bulldozing of
over 250
Serbian houses in the village of Bijelo Polje, on 15 April 2000. The
area of
this village was turned into a garbage dump. Serbian houses in the
villages of
Brezanik and Osojane have also been bulldozed. Fourteen Serbian villages
in the
municipality of Vitina do not exist any more because all the houses have
destroyed. At the end of April, Albanian terrorists announced that they
carry out similar organized actions of looting and destroying Serbian
houses in
the villages near Istok and Novo Brdo.
KLA terrorists set fire to the local elementary school in the village
Siga, municipality of Pec (24 April), which was the only undamaged
facility in
the village, designated as such to serve temporary shelter for displaced
KLA terrorists have intensified their rocket-propelled and other armed
attacks on the village of Gorazdevac to prevent it from becoming a
centre for
Serbs returning to the Metohija region.
UNHCR officials discourage the return of Serbs in Orahovac with the
that the siutation has not yet stabilized. However, Serbs are convinced
there exist minimum conditions for their return.
(7) The latest brutal crimes: vandalazing of the Orthodox Christian
in Presevo, where 35 headstones were demolished (7 May) as well as in
village of Banjska, municipality of Vucitrn (10 May); bombing of a shop
Cernica, municipality of Gnjilane, in which 5 Serbs were injured (9
killing of Miljaim Djakoli in the village of Trnava, municipality of
as he was accused by KLA terrorists of collaborating with the Serbs
May); abduction of Arsenije Krivokapic in Kosovska Mitrovica (13 May);
of Milan Milovanovic in the village of Vukojevac, municipality of
about 600-700
meters inside the ground security zone (18 May); killing of Dragan
Peric, 75,
in the field in the village of Gojbulja, municipality of Vucitrn (19
arson of the student boarding house in Gnjilane, which was gutted by the
(23 May); killing of Vladimir Ilic, 50, on his doorstep in Vitina (24
attack on Serbs in the village of Dobrotin, municipality of Lipljan, in
which 4
Serbs sustained serious injuries (26 May); bombing of a Serb cafe in
Bresje, in
which 5 Serbs were seriously injured (26 May); arson in the Trepca
complex in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, in which enormous
was caused to property (26 May); attack on the Serbs outside a shop in
village of Cernica, municipality of Gnjilane, in which Tihomir
Vojin Vasic and a five-year old Milos Petrovic were killed while two
Serbs were
gravely wounded (28 May); attack on Serbs in the village of Klokot,
municipality of Vitina, in which Lepterka Marinkovic, 67, was killed and
another 3 Serbs were seriously wounded (31 May); killing of Milutin
33, in the village of Babin Most, municipality of Obilic (31 May);
bombing of
the house of Djordje Velickovic, a Serb, in Obilic, in which Misko
was seriously injured (1 June); murder of two Serbs Sinisa Dimic and
Milic and the wounding of three other Serbs, of whom two minors, in a
which ran over the anti-tenk mine placed by the Albanian terrorists the
before on the road connecting the Serbian villages of Ugljare and Preoce
in the
vicinity of Pristina (2 June).
(8) New forms of terror against Serbs and other non-Albanians:
In its security actions against Serbian and other non-Albanians, KFOR is
increasingly demonstrating force and resorting to harassment and
violence and causing damage to Serbian property. Drastic incidents
occurred in
Kosovska Mitrovica (on 20-25 February), in the villages of Mogila (on
February), in which Serbian houses were searched in a most brutal way,
Draganovac (municipality of Gnjilane) and
Miolice (Municipality of Leposavic), Mali Zvecan (27 February), Gornje
Kusce (1
March) and the Serbian villages of Rudare and Grabovac (1 March). The
were conducted by KFOR jointly with the terrorists of the so-called KLA,
wore international security forces uniforms, in an open display of the
existence of co-ordination between KFOR and Albanian terrorists.
In April violence against Serbs in the so-called security actions of
KFOR has
assumed dramatic proportions. The most drastic examples were the
which took place in the village of Dobrotin on 2 April, in the village
of Sevce
on 4 April and in the villages of Lepina and Jazine, when KFOR members
dogs on the Serbs who had gathered to protest the difficult situation
and when
a large number of people were seriously injured. Several persons were
injured in a brutal action of KFOR against Serbian demonstrators in
on 7 April 2000.
KFOR members used APCs and dogs against local people in Babin Most,
municipality of Obilic, who had gathered to protest over the brutal
murder of
Milutin Trajkovic in their village (31 May).
(9) Terrorist attacks outside the Province:
Groups of Allbanian terrorists are located in the area of the villages
Breznica, Muhovac, Car, Zarbince, Ravno Bucje and others. They are
out of their headquarters in the village of Rogacica, municipality of
Kamenica, against areas outside the Province. Incidents include
grenade-propelled attacks from the village of Dobrosin against the
checkpoint near Bujanovac (8 and 20 May); attacks with automatic
against a local police patrol in the village of Konculj (23 and 24
grenade-propelled attack on local police near the village of Lucane (30
(10) Terrorist attacks on Serbian convoys:
Attacks on a Serbian convoys headed for Strpce, near the village of
(on 22 and 29 February); attack on a Serbian convoy en route to
Koretiste, in
the village of Dobricane (28 February); attack on a bus ferrying Serbian
children home from school on the road between Gornje Kusce and Koretiste
February); Lieutenant Peter Ramstell (KFOR, Kosovska Mitrovica area)
banned all
KFOR security escorts for buses transporting Serbian schoolchildren and
persons to Gracanica (1 March); attacks against Serbian convoys in the
of Koretin (6 and 20 March); repeated attacks against Serbian convoys in
Gnjilane (7, 10 and 31 March); an attack on a Serbian convoy in the
village of
Dobrovce (27 March); attack on a Serbian convoy on the road between
and Gracanica (11 April 2000); attack on a convoy from Strpce in the
village of
Pozaranje, municipality of Vitina (18 April 2000).
KFOR has not prevented these terrorist attacks. Also, it has refused to
security escorts to convoys between Merdare and Kosovo Polje. In
addition to
daily terror against them, this is added pressure on Serbs to leave
(11) Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR and UNMIK: 466
Arrested Serbs are detained in prisons in Pristina, Prizren, Sojevo near
Urosevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Lipljan and Klokot Banja.
They have been arrested without any explanation or charges, only on the
of information provided by the Albanians, most frequently by the members
of the
terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army.
43 Serbs arbitrarily arrested without legal grounds by KFOR and UNMIK
have been
detained in a prison in Kosovska Mitrovica for eleven months already. In
period no investigation or any court proceedings have been instituted.
On 10
April 2000, 37 detained Serbs and 5 Roma went on a hunger strike. The
cause was the release of Gjelal Ademi, an ethnic Albanian, against whom
investigation had been instituted because of a hand grenade attack in
which 22
Serbs and 14 French soldiers of KFOR were injured. The detained Serbs
and Roma
were forced to go on a hunger strike for more than 40 days in an effort
realize their basic human rights in this way. They ended their strike as
Kouchner told them on 21 May that they would stand trial shortly.
(12) Prisons and labour camps for abducted Serbs run by the terrorist
Kosovo Libertion Army
The abducted Serbian civilians, detained by the terrorist so-called
Liberatin Army, are kept in the labour camps located in the village of
and in the wider area of Prizren (Ortokal estate, a building situated
on the
road to Djakovica) and in Drenica. 472 abducted Serbs are kept in the
KLA prisons for Serbs, Montenegrins and members of other ethnic
communities who
are not supportive of Albanian terrorists are situated also around the
of Brod, municipality of Dragas, and along the Djakovica road towards
village of Junik, municipality of Decani, as well as in the villages of
Glodjane, Izbica and Strovce in the Kosovska Mitrovica district; and in
premises of Railroad Transport Co. in Urosevac.
The prison located in the offices of the Pristina Chamber of Commerce
Industry, run by the so-called
KLA, where 71 non-Albanians have been detained, was relocated to another
unspecified facility on 27 April.
(13) Situation in Kosovska Mitrovica:
Since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, the
situation has been very serious, particularly in and around Kosovska
Some of the most salient types and instances of atrocities have been:
- looting and the destruction of 2,365 homes belonging to Serbs,
and other non-Albanians (1,200 in Kosovska Mitrovica; 1,060 in Vucitrn;
and 105
in Srbica);
- eviction of 700 Serbian families from their apartments (500 in
Kosovska Mitrovica; 150 in Vucitrn; and 50 in Srbica);
- looting and the destruction of the property of the following
1. In Kosovska Mitrovica: Socially-owned companies
"Betonjerka", "Lux", "AMD", "Kosmet-Prevoz", "Trans-Kosovo", Duvanska,
Zemljoradnicka zadruga (cooperative), Hortikultura, Mitrovcanka, DES,
"Ibar-Rozaje" warehouse, water utility company "Vodovod", printing
"Progres", electric power generation company "Elektro-Kosovo", PTT and a
number of bars and cafes owned by non-Albanians.
2. In Vucitrn: Socially-owned companies "Sartid",
"Ratar", Farm Cooperative, paints and coatings factory "Ekstra",
company "Kosovo", utilities company "Sitnica", private company
employment bureau, local community centre, Town Hall of Vucitrn,
Land Fund, local department store, Auditing Office building, Jugobanka,
and secondary schools, Jugopetrol, Beopetrol, electric power
"Elektro-Kosovo", PTT.
3. In Srbica: Hunting munitions factory, plastics factory,
socially-owned company "Buducnost", Farm Cooperative, public utilities
"Dijamant-produkt" Co., local community centre, local self-managing
of interest, "Zitopromet" Co. and its silos.
(14) Recent killings and terrorizing of Albanians loyal to the FR of
The terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army has stepped up the
execution of
Albanians who do not support their policy and goals, particularly in the
of Pristina, Podujevo and Pec. The most drastic examples are: the murder
Hejdi Sejdiu, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Serbian
Party, in his home town of Urosevac in front of his wife and three
children (on
10 February), the killing of Danush Januzi in Vitina (on 10 February);
massacre of Tahir Bekim, abducted and later killed by the terrorists of
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (parts of his mutilated body were found
on 24
The terrorists of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army burnt down the
house of
Sellim Broshi, former head of the Provincial Ministry of the Interior,
in the
village of Odanovce, municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, on 20 March
2000. They
are also looking for Sinan Rexhepi, former employee of the Provincial
of the
Interior. They threaten Sadik Hajrulah from Vitina, Ramadan Sermaxhi,
of the Ministry of the Interior in Gnjilane, Minir Krasniqi from
Kamenica, as well as other former or present ethnic Albanian members of
Provincial Ministry of the Interior in Gnjilane. In mid-March,
terrorists of
the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army abducted Noa and Nua Kajtazi,
Albanians, in the village of Zjum accusing them that they are loyal
citizens of
the FR of Yugoslavia. They requested a ransom from their family in the
of DM 40,000. They also searched their houses, looted them and beat the
of their family.
In addition to Serbs, the terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army
rounds up Albanians, loyal to the State of the FR of Yugoslavia, and
them in their prison camps (around the village of Brod, municipality of
(15) Destruction of churches, monasteries and cultural monuments:
86 churches, monasteries and other cultural monuments were burned down,
demolished or seriously damaged, among them the Church of the Entrance
of Our
Lady into the Temple at Dolac, monastery of St. Mark at Korisa from
monastery of Prophets Kosmo and Damien in Zociste from 14th century, the
in Kijevo from the 14th century, the Holy Trinity monastery from the
century near Musutiste, monastery Devic built in 1440, Church of St.
in Drenik from the 16th century, Church of St. Demetrius near Pec, the
church at Grmovo near Vitina, Church of St. Elijah at Zegra near
church of Holy Mother in Musutiste from 1315, Church of St. Elijah at
Bistrazin, Church of Apostles Peter and Paul in Suva Reka, monastery of
Uros in Nerodimlje, monastery of St. Archangel Gabriel from the 14th
century in
Binac, Church of St. Mary from the 16th century in Belo Polje, Church of
John the Baptist in Pecka Banja, churches in the villages of Naklo,
Petrovac, Urosevac, Podgorce, Djurakovac, Krusevo, Osojane, Samodreza,
near Klina, Rekovac, Petric, monastery Binac near Vitina, Holy Trinity
Cathedral in Djakovica, St. Nicholas' Church in Gnjilane.
Monks and other clergy are being terrorized and persecuted. More than
parish residences were destroyed or damaged. Over 10,000 icons and other
objects, most of which are part of cultural treasures under the special
protection of the State, were stolen or destroyed. Medieval frescoes
destroyed in 70 per cent of Orthodox churches and monasteries.
Assaults on members of the Catholic religious community by the
terrorists of
the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army have intensified in Prizren and
particularly assaults on clergymen (The homes of two Franciscan priests
burned down.).
The following cultural monuments were damaged or demolished:
- statues of the greatest lexicographer of the Serbian language Vuk
and the great Montenegrin poet Petar Petrovic Njegos in downtown
- memorials to King Uros in Urosevac and King Dusan in Prizren;
- memorial to Prince Lazar in Gnjilane and the memorial to Serbian
rulers from
the Nemanjic dynasty in the village of Gornje Nerodimlje;
- memorial to Milos Obilic, the symbol of the town of Obilic. KFOR
removed the
damaged statue to the compounds of the thermal electric power plant
- about 400 000 books vanished in the fire set to the Pristina Library.
Many of the destroyed monuments are outstanding examples of the Serbian
cultural heritage and are on the list of the monuments of exceptional
value under the protection of UNESCO.
(16) Forced and illegal taking over of public institutions:
- Forcible and illegal takeovers of premises and buildings of post
banks, medical institutions, water and power supply systems, university,
elementary and secondary schools, municipal and other local government
buildings, local communes, buildings of the Ministry of the Interior and
Army of Yugoslavia, factories, enterprises, cooperatives, etc. in
(premises of the Clinical Centre "Pristina" and the health station whose
equipment has been stolen and taken by doctors in private practice,
Customs Administration, Public Housing Company, Institute for Urban
water supply company "Vodovod", thermal electric power plant "Kosovo B",
and petrol stations of "Jugopetrol", the shareholding companies
"Kosmet-Pristina", "Kosovo-Trans", "Energoinvest", "Autopristina", car
absorbers factory, "Jugotrans", etc.) as well as in Prizren, Dragas,
Lipljan, Strpci, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje (with the assistance
KFOR), Djakovica (with the assistance of KFOR).
- By forced and illegal taking over of public enterprises and
institutions tens
of thousands employed Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks
other non-Albanians were sacked and left with no means to support
- More than 190 major companies were forcibly and illegally seized,
equipment was looted and most often taken to Albania.
(17) Armed artillery attacks on villages: Slovinj, Maticane, Orahovac,
Berivojce, Gornja Brnjica, the villages around Kosovska Kamenica:
Magila, Ajvalija, all the villages of the Istok-Klina region, Gorazdevac
Pec, Svinjare, Klokot, Novo Brdo, Zjum, Donja and Gornja Gusterica,
Badavac, Bresje, Vrbovac, Vitina, Cernice, (municipality of Gnjilane),
Veliko Ropotovo (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Partes, Podgradje,
Malisevo and Pasjane (municipality of Gnjilane), Ljestar, Budriga,
(municipality of Lipljan), Grncar, Binac, Ranilug, Silovo, Odovce,
Bosce, Caglavica, Paravolo, Lebane, Gojbulja, Suvo Grlo and Banje
of Srbica), in the following villages in the area of the municipality of
Brodosavce, Belobrod, Kukavce; frequent attacks on houses of Goranci,
and Albanians, loyal to the FR of Yugoslavia, and in Grabovac
(municipality of
All Serbian houses in the villages of Donji Livoc, Kmetova Vrbica,
Lipovica and
Cernice in the municipality of Gnjilane, and in the villages of Vaganes,
Gradjenik and Orahovica in the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, all
part of Kosovsko Pomoravlje, were set on fire or destroyed by mortars or
All this runs counter to assertions by KFOR and UNMIK that the terrorist
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army has been disarmed.
(18) Blockade of towns and villages: Gadnje, Orahovac and Velika
Koretin, villages around Gnjilane, Gornja Srbica, Gorazdevac, Priluzje
village surrounded by Albanians, with no doctors, shops and phone lines;
80 per cent of the villagers who worked for the Electric Power Industry
Serbia have remained jobless).
About 3,500 Serbian residents of Orahovac have been living for more than
months since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in the first concentration
in Europe after the Second World War, besieged by the terrorist
Kosovo Liberation Army.
(19) Armed threats against villages and terror committed on a daily
against non-Albanians: Ugljari, Srpski Babus, Stimlje, Novo Selo,
Obilic, the area around Kosovo Polje, Milosevo (on which an armed attack
recently carried out), the village of Zebnice (dramatic humanitarian
situation), most of the mainly Catholic Croatian population of the
villages of
Letinice, Vrnez, Vrnavo Kolo and Sasare have moved out, Drenovac (50
massacred), village of Cernice (a series of incidents in which US KFOR
maltreated Serbs), Pozaranje, Gotovusa, Gatnje, Zubin Potok, Veliki
Alas, Vrelo
and Radevo, Plemetin and Slatina (municipality of Vucitrn), Crkolez
(municipality of Istok), Ogose - municipality of Kosovska Kamenica
almost all Roma families have been driven out), Banjska, Gojbulja and
(municipality of Vucitrn), Brezanik (municipality of Pec).
Ruthless terror is used against the remaining Serbs in the village of
their houses are attacked and set on fire. They cannot call fire
services or ask for KFOR and UNMIK assistance since their telephone
lines are
disconnected, while those belonging to Albanian households are
connected. This
provides further evidence of the discrimination against Serbs by KFOR
who sit idly by.
(20) The looted Serbian villages whose residents were forced out:
Muzicani, Slivovo, Orlovic, Dragas, the area around Kosovo Polje,
Mirovac, Sirinicka Zupa, Medregovac, Grace, Zociste, Sofalija,
Tomance, Koretin, Lestar, Donja Sipasnica, Miganovce, Laniste and
(municipality of Kosovska Kamenica).
(21) Serbian settlements set on fire: Istok, Klina, Donja Lapastica,
Velika Reka, Perane, Lause, the villages around Podujevo, Grace, Donja
Zociste, Orahovac, Naklo, Vitomirice, Belo Polje, Kojlovice,
Krajiste, Rudnik, Donji Strmac, Goles (municipality of Lipljan), Orlovic
(municipality of Pristina), Krpimej and Lausa (municipality of
Muzicane (all Serbian houses burned down), Zaimovo, Denovac, Lesjane,
and Donje Nerodimlje (all Serbian houses looted and burned down), Sinaje
(municipality of Istok), Balovac, Mali Talinovac, Ljubizda, Klobuka and
Oraovica (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Zaskok and Novi Miros
(municipality of Urosevac).
(22) Registered number of homes burned down: About 50,000 houses of
Roma, Muslims, Goranci and other non-Albanians were burned down in
Kosovo and
(23) Registered number of illegal entries of foreign citizens into
the FR of
Yugoslavia (Kosovo and Metohija) without the necessary papers (visas and
registration of stay with the competent authorities): 825
Over 250,000 foreigners have illegally entered Kosovo and Metohija with
approval of UNMIK and KFOR. The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia has
officially requested their deportation on several occasions. These
went unheeded, although those persons are international terrorists,
narco-mafia members, white slave merchants, organizers of brothels and
forms of organized international crime.
(24) Registered number of stolen vehicles: over 12,000
As a result of open borders with Macedonia and Albania 250,000 vehicles
brought into Kosovo and Metohija without payment of customs duties. Most
these vehicles were stolen.
The extended vehicle registration period under an illegal regulation by
Representative Kouchner has effectively legalized crime and theft of
tens of
thousands of vehicles.
(25) Registered number of cases of violation of the ground security
zone by
KFOR: 439
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Giornalisti mi raccomando: acqua in bocca!...
of terrorist and other acts of violence and of certain
violations of
Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999 in
Kosovo and
Metohija, the Autonomous Province of the Yugoslav constituent Republic
since the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK,
in the period from 10 June 1999 to 4 June 2000
(1) Number of terrorist attacks: 4,878
4,590 committed against Serbs and Montenegrins, 110 against Albanians
and 178
against Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and members of other ethnic
(2) Number of killed persons: 1,027
902 Serbs and Montenegrins, 76 Albanians and 49 members of other ethnic
communities in Kosovo and Metohija.
(3) Number of abducted and missing persons: 945
869 Serbs and Montenegrins, 42 Albanians and 34 members of other ethnic
The fate of 782 persons is still unknown; 102 abducted persons were
killed, 7
persons escaped, while 48 were released.
(4) Number of wounded persons: 955
898 Serbs and Montenegrins, 20 Albanians and 37 members of other ethnic
(5) Ethnic cleansing: In the campaign of ethnic cleansing following
deployment of KFOR and UNMIK two-thirds of the non-Albanian population,
over 360 000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and
non-Albanians have been expelled from Kosovo and Metohija, of whom 280
000 are
The following towns and villages have been ethnically cleansed of Serbs,
Muslims, Goranci, Turks and other non-Albanians:
- Pristina (all Serbs have been driven out of its largest suburbs of
Suncani Breg, Dardanija, Univerzitetsko Naselje. Of the 40 000 Serbs who
to live in Pristina before KFOR and UNMIK came to Kosovo and Metohija,
were school and university students. Today, only 35 Serbian
schoolchildren live
in Pristina and attend classes in the local school in the village of
- Prizren (only 100 Serbian families remain);
- Gnjilane, the situation in this town was alarming in March, April and
May (in
this period alone over 350 houses of Serbs were sold). The number of
Serbs has been halved and today only about 1,500 Serbs remain. KFOR and
have warned them not to leave their homes.
- Djakovica, Pec, Podujevo, Glogovac, as well as the areas of Kosovska
Mitrovica (Vucitrn, Srbica), Lipljan (KLA terrorists set fire to 73
out of a
total of 75 Serb houses in the village of Slovinje in this
Kosovo Polje, from which 80 per cent of their Serbian residents have
expelled, i.e. 7,000 Serbs and 4,000 other non-Albanians (their homes
have been
burned and looted, while shops, cafes and other property are being
seized from
their owners. In the presence of KFOR, ethnic Albanian terrorists
brutalize and
harass the Serbs who refuse to sell their homes and leave Kosovo and
- the whole area of the municipalities of Istok and Klina including the
villages of Dzakovo, Osojane, Tucepom, Kos, Zac, Belica, Krnjine,
Kacanik, Stimlje, Kmetovacka Vrbica and others, where 3,440 Serbian
homes were
burned down;
- the surroundings of Urosevac, Slivovo, Nedakovac, Nevoljane, Vrpica,
Zegra (municipality of Gnjilane), Zitnje, Pozaranje, Grmovo, Drobes; in
village of Talinovac the two last Serbian houses whose owners had been
to move out were burnt down at the beginning of April;
- the surroundings of Vitina, 18 Serbian villaged cleansed of Serbs
Binac and other villages), the areas of Kosovska Kamenica (villages of
Bratilovce, Firiceja and others) and Kosovsko Pomoravlje, as well as the
villages of Toplicane, Rujice, Magure, Slovinja, Staro Gracko, Klobukar
in the
municipality of Novo Brdo. (All Serbian houses have been burned down and
its owners forced to leave.)
In May 2000 the shelling, burning and mining of Serbian houses was
in the municipality of Vitina, especiially in the villages of Vrbovac,
Binac and Klokot, the latter being crucial for the integration of the
entities in Kosovsko Pomoravlje.
Members of the terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army exert great
on ethnic Goranci, the indigenous residents of the region of Gora, who
are not
allowed to use their maternal Serbian language in schools and in
everyday life,
in an attempt to misrepresent this ethnic group as Albanians.
Expulsion of the members of the Muslim ethnic community, loyal citizens
of the
FR of Yugoslavia, has intensified particularly in the area of the
of Istok..
In the area of Prizren and Djakovica about 65,000 Kosovo Albanian
live in a difficult situation and under great pressure from Albanian
who accuse them of "collaboration with Serbs".
During the month of May KLA terrorists made several attacks against
Croats of Janjevo. Under heavy pressure from KLA terrorists only 350
of the former population of 1,500 have remained in Janjevo.
Prevention of the return of Serbs:
Albanian separatists continue their deliberate actions, aimed at
preventing the
return of Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija. They raze Serbian houses in a
pre-planned and synchronized manner, particularly in the areas of Pec,
and Klina.. The most drastic example was the looting and bulldozing of
over 250
Serbian houses in the village of Bijelo Polje, on 15 April 2000. The
area of
this village was turned into a garbage dump. Serbian houses in the
villages of
Brezanik and Osojane have also been bulldozed. Fourteen Serbian villages
in the
municipality of Vitina do not exist any more because all the houses have
destroyed. At the end of April, Albanian terrorists announced that they
carry out similar organized actions of looting and destroying Serbian
houses in
the villages near Istok and Novo Brdo.
KLA terrorists set fire to the local elementary school in the village
Siga, municipality of Pec (24 April), which was the only undamaged
facility in
the village, designated as such to serve temporary shelter for displaced
KLA terrorists have intensified their rocket-propelled and other armed
attacks on the village of Gorazdevac to prevent it from becoming a
centre for
Serbs returning to the Metohija region.
UNHCR officials discourage the return of Serbs in Orahovac with the
that the siutation has not yet stabilized. However, Serbs are convinced
there exist minimum conditions for their return.
(7) The latest brutal crimes: vandalazing of the Orthodox Christian
in Presevo, where 35 headstones were demolished (7 May) as well as in
village of Banjska, municipality of Vucitrn (10 May); bombing of a shop
Cernica, municipality of Gnjilane, in which 5 Serbs were injured (9
killing of Miljaim Djakoli in the village of Trnava, municipality of
as he was accused by KLA terrorists of collaborating with the Serbs
May); abduction of Arsenije Krivokapic in Kosovska Mitrovica (13 May);
of Milan Milovanovic in the village of Vukojevac, municipality of
about 600-700
meters inside the ground security zone (18 May); killing of Dragan
Peric, 75,
in the field in the village of Gojbulja, municipality of Vucitrn (19
arson of the student boarding house in Gnjilane, which was gutted by the
(23 May); killing of Vladimir Ilic, 50, on his doorstep in Vitina (24
attack on Serbs in the village of Dobrotin, municipality of Lipljan, in
which 4
Serbs sustained serious injuries (26 May); bombing of a Serb cafe in
Bresje, in
which 5 Serbs were seriously injured (26 May); arson in the Trepca
complex in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, in which enormous
was caused to property (26 May); attack on the Serbs outside a shop in
village of Cernica, municipality of Gnjilane, in which Tihomir
Vojin Vasic and a five-year old Milos Petrovic were killed while two
Serbs were
gravely wounded (28 May); attack on Serbs in the village of Klokot,
municipality of Vitina, in which Lepterka Marinkovic, 67, was killed and
another 3 Serbs were seriously wounded (31 May); killing of Milutin
33, in the village of Babin Most, municipality of Obilic (31 May);
bombing of
the house of Djordje Velickovic, a Serb, in Obilic, in which Misko
was seriously injured (1 June); murder of two Serbs Sinisa Dimic and
Milic and the wounding of three other Serbs, of whom two minors, in a
which ran over the anti-tenk mine placed by the Albanian terrorists the
before on the road connecting the Serbian villages of Ugljare and Preoce
in the
vicinity of Pristina (2 June).
(8) New forms of terror against Serbs and other non-Albanians:
In its security actions against Serbian and other non-Albanians, KFOR is
increasingly demonstrating force and resorting to harassment and
violence and causing damage to Serbian property. Drastic incidents
occurred in
Kosovska Mitrovica (on 20-25 February), in the villages of Mogila (on
February), in which Serbian houses were searched in a most brutal way,
Draganovac (municipality of Gnjilane) and
Miolice (Municipality of Leposavic), Mali Zvecan (27 February), Gornje
Kusce (1
March) and the Serbian villages of Rudare and Grabovac (1 March). The
were conducted by KFOR jointly with the terrorists of the so-called KLA,
wore international security forces uniforms, in an open display of the
existence of co-ordination between KFOR and Albanian terrorists.
In April violence against Serbs in the so-called security actions of
KFOR has
assumed dramatic proportions. The most drastic examples were the
which took place in the village of Dobrotin on 2 April, in the village
of Sevce
on 4 April and in the villages of Lepina and Jazine, when KFOR members
dogs on the Serbs who had gathered to protest the difficult situation
and when
a large number of people were seriously injured. Several persons were
injured in a brutal action of KFOR against Serbian demonstrators in
on 7 April 2000.
KFOR members used APCs and dogs against local people in Babin Most,
municipality of Obilic, who had gathered to protest over the brutal
murder of
Milutin Trajkovic in their village (31 May).
(9) Terrorist attacks outside the Province:
Groups of Allbanian terrorists are located in the area of the villages
Breznica, Muhovac, Car, Zarbince, Ravno Bucje and others. They are
out of their headquarters in the village of Rogacica, municipality of
Kamenica, against areas outside the Province. Incidents include
grenade-propelled attacks from the village of Dobrosin against the
checkpoint near Bujanovac (8 and 20 May); attacks with automatic
against a local police patrol in the village of Konculj (23 and 24
grenade-propelled attack on local police near the village of Lucane (30
(10) Terrorist attacks on Serbian convoys:
Attacks on a Serbian convoys headed for Strpce, near the village of
(on 22 and 29 February); attack on a Serbian convoy en route to
Koretiste, in
the village of Dobricane (28 February); attack on a bus ferrying Serbian
children home from school on the road between Gornje Kusce and Koretiste
February); Lieutenant Peter Ramstell (KFOR, Kosovska Mitrovica area)
banned all
KFOR security escorts for buses transporting Serbian schoolchildren and
persons to Gracanica (1 March); attacks against Serbian convoys in the
of Koretin (6 and 20 March); repeated attacks against Serbian convoys in
Gnjilane (7, 10 and 31 March); an attack on a Serbian convoy in the
village of
Dobrovce (27 March); attack on a Serbian convoy on the road between
and Gracanica (11 April 2000); attack on a convoy from Strpce in the
village of
Pozaranje, municipality of Vitina (18 April 2000).
KFOR has not prevented these terrorist attacks. Also, it has refused to
security escorts to convoys between Merdare and Kosovo Polje. In
addition to
daily terror against them, this is added pressure on Serbs to leave
(11) Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR and UNMIK: 466
Arrested Serbs are detained in prisons in Pristina, Prizren, Sojevo near
Urosevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Lipljan and Klokot Banja.
They have been arrested without any explanation or charges, only on the
of information provided by the Albanians, most frequently by the members
of the
terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army.
43 Serbs arbitrarily arrested without legal grounds by KFOR and UNMIK
have been
detained in a prison in Kosovska Mitrovica for eleven months already. In
period no investigation or any court proceedings have been instituted.
On 10
April 2000, 37 detained Serbs and 5 Roma went on a hunger strike. The
cause was the release of Gjelal Ademi, an ethnic Albanian, against whom
investigation had been instituted because of a hand grenade attack in
which 22
Serbs and 14 French soldiers of KFOR were injured. The detained Serbs
and Roma
were forced to go on a hunger strike for more than 40 days in an effort
realize their basic human rights in this way. They ended their strike as
Kouchner told them on 21 May that they would stand trial shortly.
(12) Prisons and labour camps for abducted Serbs run by the terrorist
Kosovo Libertion Army
The abducted Serbian civilians, detained by the terrorist so-called
Liberatin Army, are kept in the labour camps located in the village of
and in the wider area of Prizren (Ortokal estate, a building situated
on the
road to Djakovica) and in Drenica. 472 abducted Serbs are kept in the
KLA prisons for Serbs, Montenegrins and members of other ethnic
communities who
are not supportive of Albanian terrorists are situated also around the
of Brod, municipality of Dragas, and along the Djakovica road towards
village of Junik, municipality of Decani, as well as in the villages of
Glodjane, Izbica and Strovce in the Kosovska Mitrovica district; and in
premises of Railroad Transport Co. in Urosevac.
The prison located in the offices of the Pristina Chamber of Commerce
Industry, run by the so-called
KLA, where 71 non-Albanians have been detained, was relocated to another
unspecified facility on 27 April.
(13) Situation in Kosovska Mitrovica:
Since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, the
situation has been very serious, particularly in and around Kosovska
Some of the most salient types and instances of atrocities have been:
- looting and the destruction of 2,365 homes belonging to Serbs,
and other non-Albanians (1,200 in Kosovska Mitrovica; 1,060 in Vucitrn;
and 105
in Srbica);
- eviction of 700 Serbian families from their apartments (500 in
Kosovska Mitrovica; 150 in Vucitrn; and 50 in Srbica);
- looting and the destruction of the property of the following
1. In Kosovska Mitrovica: Socially-owned companies
"Betonjerka", "Lux", "AMD", "Kosmet-Prevoz", "Trans-Kosovo", Duvanska,
Zemljoradnicka zadruga (cooperative), Hortikultura, Mitrovcanka, DES,
"Ibar-Rozaje" warehouse, water utility company "Vodovod", printing
"Progres", electric power generation company "Elektro-Kosovo", PTT and a
number of bars and cafes owned by non-Albanians.
2. In Vucitrn: Socially-owned companies "Sartid",
"Ratar", Farm Cooperative, paints and coatings factory "Ekstra",
company "Kosovo", utilities company "Sitnica", private company
employment bureau, local community centre, Town Hall of Vucitrn,
Land Fund, local department store, Auditing Office building, Jugobanka,
and secondary schools, Jugopetrol, Beopetrol, electric power
"Elektro-Kosovo", PTT.
3. In Srbica: Hunting munitions factory, plastics factory,
socially-owned company "Buducnost", Farm Cooperative, public utilities
"Dijamant-produkt" Co., local community centre, local self-managing
of interest, "Zitopromet" Co. and its silos.
(14) Recent killings and terrorizing of Albanians loyal to the FR of
The terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army has stepped up the
execution of
Albanians who do not support their policy and goals, particularly in the
of Pristina, Podujevo and Pec. The most drastic examples are: the murder
Hejdi Sejdiu, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Serbian
Party, in his home town of Urosevac in front of his wife and three
children (on
10 February), the killing of Danush Januzi in Vitina (on 10 February);
massacre of Tahir Bekim, abducted and later killed by the terrorists of
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (parts of his mutilated body were found
on 24
The terrorists of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army burnt down the
house of
Sellim Broshi, former head of the Provincial Ministry of the Interior,
in the
village of Odanovce, municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, on 20 March
2000. They
are also looking for Sinan Rexhepi, former employee of the Provincial
of the
Interior. They threaten Sadik Hajrulah from Vitina, Ramadan Sermaxhi,
of the Ministry of the Interior in Gnjilane, Minir Krasniqi from
Kamenica, as well as other former or present ethnic Albanian members of
Provincial Ministry of the Interior in Gnjilane. In mid-March,
terrorists of
the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army abducted Noa and Nua Kajtazi,
Albanians, in the village of Zjum accusing them that they are loyal
citizens of
the FR of Yugoslavia. They requested a ransom from their family in the
of DM 40,000. They also searched their houses, looted them and beat the
of their family.
In addition to Serbs, the terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army
rounds up Albanians, loyal to the State of the FR of Yugoslavia, and
them in their prison camps (around the village of Brod, municipality of
(15) Destruction of churches, monasteries and cultural monuments:
86 churches, monasteries and other cultural monuments were burned down,
demolished or seriously damaged, among them the Church of the Entrance
of Our
Lady into the Temple at Dolac, monastery of St. Mark at Korisa from
monastery of Prophets Kosmo and Damien in Zociste from 14th century, the
in Kijevo from the 14th century, the Holy Trinity monastery from the
century near Musutiste, monastery Devic built in 1440, Church of St.
in Drenik from the 16th century, Church of St. Demetrius near Pec, the
church at Grmovo near Vitina, Church of St. Elijah at Zegra near
church of Holy Mother in Musutiste from 1315, Church of St. Elijah at
Bistrazin, Church of Apostles Peter and Paul in Suva Reka, monastery of
Uros in Nerodimlje, monastery of St. Archangel Gabriel from the 14th
century in
Binac, Church of St. Mary from the 16th century in Belo Polje, Church of
John the Baptist in Pecka Banja, churches in the villages of Naklo,
Petrovac, Urosevac, Podgorce, Djurakovac, Krusevo, Osojane, Samodreza,
near Klina, Rekovac, Petric, monastery Binac near Vitina, Holy Trinity
Cathedral in Djakovica, St. Nicholas' Church in Gnjilane.
Monks and other clergy are being terrorized and persecuted. More than
parish residences were destroyed or damaged. Over 10,000 icons and other
objects, most of which are part of cultural treasures under the special
protection of the State, were stolen or destroyed. Medieval frescoes
destroyed in 70 per cent of Orthodox churches and monasteries.
Assaults on members of the Catholic religious community by the
terrorists of
the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army have intensified in Prizren and
particularly assaults on clergymen (The homes of two Franciscan priests
burned down.).
The following cultural monuments were damaged or demolished:
- statues of the greatest lexicographer of the Serbian language Vuk
and the great Montenegrin poet Petar Petrovic Njegos in downtown
- memorials to King Uros in Urosevac and King Dusan in Prizren;
- memorial to Prince Lazar in Gnjilane and the memorial to Serbian
rulers from
the Nemanjic dynasty in the village of Gornje Nerodimlje;
- memorial to Milos Obilic, the symbol of the town of Obilic. KFOR
removed the
damaged statue to the compounds of the thermal electric power plant
- about 400 000 books vanished in the fire set to the Pristina Library.
Many of the destroyed monuments are outstanding examples of the Serbian
cultural heritage and are on the list of the monuments of exceptional
value under the protection of UNESCO.
(16) Forced and illegal taking over of public institutions:
- Forcible and illegal takeovers of premises and buildings of post
banks, medical institutions, water and power supply systems, university,
elementary and secondary schools, municipal and other local government
buildings, local communes, buildings of the Ministry of the Interior and
Army of Yugoslavia, factories, enterprises, cooperatives, etc. in
(premises of the Clinical Centre "Pristina" and the health station whose
equipment has been stolen and taken by doctors in private practice,
Customs Administration, Public Housing Company, Institute for Urban
water supply company "Vodovod", thermal electric power plant "Kosovo B",
and petrol stations of "Jugopetrol", the shareholding companies
"Kosmet-Pristina", "Kosovo-Trans", "Energoinvest", "Autopristina", car
absorbers factory, "Jugotrans", etc.) as well as in Prizren, Dragas,
Lipljan, Strpci, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje (with the assistance
KFOR), Djakovica (with the assistance of KFOR).
- By forced and illegal taking over of public enterprises and
institutions tens
of thousands employed Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks
other non-Albanians were sacked and left with no means to support
- More than 190 major companies were forcibly and illegally seized,
equipment was looted and most often taken to Albania.
(17) Armed artillery attacks on villages: Slovinj, Maticane, Orahovac,
Berivojce, Gornja Brnjica, the villages around Kosovska Kamenica:
Magila, Ajvalija, all the villages of the Istok-Klina region, Gorazdevac
Pec, Svinjare, Klokot, Novo Brdo, Zjum, Donja and Gornja Gusterica,
Badavac, Bresje, Vrbovac, Vitina, Cernice, (municipality of Gnjilane),
Veliko Ropotovo (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Partes, Podgradje,
Malisevo and Pasjane (municipality of Gnjilane), Ljestar, Budriga,
(municipality of Lipljan), Grncar, Binac, Ranilug, Silovo, Odovce,
Bosce, Caglavica, Paravolo, Lebane, Gojbulja, Suvo Grlo and Banje
of Srbica), in the following villages in the area of the municipality of
Brodosavce, Belobrod, Kukavce; frequent attacks on houses of Goranci,
and Albanians, loyal to the FR of Yugoslavia, and in Grabovac
(municipality of
All Serbian houses in the villages of Donji Livoc, Kmetova Vrbica,
Lipovica and
Cernice in the municipality of Gnjilane, and in the villages of Vaganes,
Gradjenik and Orahovica in the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, all
part of Kosovsko Pomoravlje, were set on fire or destroyed by mortars or
All this runs counter to assertions by KFOR and UNMIK that the terrorist
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army has been disarmed.
(18) Blockade of towns and villages: Gadnje, Orahovac and Velika
Koretin, villages around Gnjilane, Gornja Srbica, Gorazdevac, Priluzje
village surrounded by Albanians, with no doctors, shops and phone lines;
80 per cent of the villagers who worked for the Electric Power Industry
Serbia have remained jobless).
About 3,500 Serbian residents of Orahovac have been living for more than
months since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in the first concentration
in Europe after the Second World War, besieged by the terrorist
Kosovo Liberation Army.
(19) Armed threats against villages and terror committed on a daily
against non-Albanians: Ugljari, Srpski Babus, Stimlje, Novo Selo,
Obilic, the area around Kosovo Polje, Milosevo (on which an armed attack
recently carried out), the village of Zebnice (dramatic humanitarian
situation), most of the mainly Catholic Croatian population of the
villages of
Letinice, Vrnez, Vrnavo Kolo and Sasare have moved out, Drenovac (50
massacred), village of Cernice (a series of incidents in which US KFOR
maltreated Serbs), Pozaranje, Gotovusa, Gatnje, Zubin Potok, Veliki
Alas, Vrelo
and Radevo, Plemetin and Slatina (municipality of Vucitrn), Crkolez
(municipality of Istok), Ogose - municipality of Kosovska Kamenica
almost all Roma families have been driven out), Banjska, Gojbulja and
(municipality of Vucitrn), Brezanik (municipality of Pec).
Ruthless terror is used against the remaining Serbs in the village of
their houses are attacked and set on fire. They cannot call fire
services or ask for KFOR and UNMIK assistance since their telephone
lines are
disconnected, while those belonging to Albanian households are
connected. This
provides further evidence of the discrimination against Serbs by KFOR
who sit idly by.
(20) The looted Serbian villages whose residents were forced out:
Muzicani, Slivovo, Orlovic, Dragas, the area around Kosovo Polje,
Mirovac, Sirinicka Zupa, Medregovac, Grace, Zociste, Sofalija,
Tomance, Koretin, Lestar, Donja Sipasnica, Miganovce, Laniste and
(municipality of Kosovska Kamenica).
(21) Serbian settlements set on fire: Istok, Klina, Donja Lapastica,
Velika Reka, Perane, Lause, the villages around Podujevo, Grace, Donja
Zociste, Orahovac, Naklo, Vitomirice, Belo Polje, Kojlovice,
Krajiste, Rudnik, Donji Strmac, Goles (municipality of Lipljan), Orlovic
(municipality of Pristina), Krpimej and Lausa (municipality of
Muzicane (all Serbian houses burned down), Zaimovo, Denovac, Lesjane,
and Donje Nerodimlje (all Serbian houses looted and burned down), Sinaje
(municipality of Istok), Balovac, Mali Talinovac, Ljubizda, Klobuka and
Oraovica (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Zaskok and Novi Miros
(municipality of Urosevac).
(22) Registered number of homes burned down: About 50,000 houses of
Roma, Muslims, Goranci and other non-Albanians were burned down in
Kosovo and
(23) Registered number of illegal entries of foreign citizens into
the FR of
Yugoslavia (Kosovo and Metohija) without the necessary papers (visas and
registration of stay with the competent authorities): 825
Over 250,000 foreigners have illegally entered Kosovo and Metohija with
approval of UNMIK and KFOR. The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia has
officially requested their deportation on several occasions. These
went unheeded, although those persons are international terrorists,
narco-mafia members, white slave merchants, organizers of brothels and
forms of organized international crime.
(24) Registered number of stolen vehicles: over 12,000
As a result of open borders with Macedonia and Albania 250,000 vehicles
brought into Kosovo and Metohija without payment of customs duties. Most
these vehicles were stolen.
The extended vehicle registration period under an illegal regulation by
Representative Kouchner has effectively legalized crime and theft of
tens of
thousands of vehicles.
(25) Registered number of cases of violation of the ground security
zone by
KFOR: 439
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