
Dragan Opacic, serbo-bosniaco, e' rinchiuso da piu' di sei anni
nelle carceri di Zenica (Federazione croato-musulmana) per crimini
che non ha commesso.


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[Emperor's Clothes]

=========The Case of Dragan Opacic:
Global Imprisonment of 'Witness L'
[June 21, 2000]
by Igor Gajic, 'Reporter,' Banja Luka, Srpska
For six and a half years, inside the walls of the Correctional Facility
Zenica, Dragan Opacic has been asking himself each day what he has done
before God to deserve such a fate. Nevertheless, today he has at least
guarantee. He will live. Even in the case that he serves the entire
sentence determined by the court in Sarajevo when he was imprisoned on
Treskavica Mt. as a private of the Republic of Srpska Army (VRS).

According to the decision of the court, he was sentenced to ten years in
prison for alleged war crimes carried out in the Trnopolje collection
center during 1992. At that time Opacic was 16 years old but this did
present an obstacle to the Higher Court in Sarajevo which sentenced him
23 counts of murder by gunfire, two counts of murder by cutting of the
throat and 10 rapes. The court was likewise not bothered by the fact
not a single witness saw Opacic in the Trnopolje camp, nor that he was
he at the camp during the period mentioned in the indictment. He was
sentenced on the basis of a confession which he signed while in the
of AID, the intelligence service of the Bosnia-Hercegovina (BH)

Ideal witness: "I had no means of survival. The only thing I could do
to sign the confession. Then they stopped beating me. They beat me with
anything and everything. A rubber hose, split wood logs, they put salt
my wounds," Opacic is loath to remember. During his trial he did not
see a
single witness. The judge accused him and the judge sentenced him.
Today he
asks himself: "Which of those Muslims was in that war camp and saw me
there? Let him step forward and say that I was at the war camp. They
feel free to step forward." This evidence was not provided by the Hague
tribunal, OHR, IPTF nor the Office for Human Rights. Opacic has
appealed to
all of these institutions.

While he related his story to Reporter in the meeting room of the
Correctional Facility in Zenica, Opacic at first appeared calm. Only
a certain time did it become apparent that this calm was nothing else
resignation or acceptance of his fate there.

Nevertheless, he has not given up on the battle to prove the truth, even
though he himself believes in it less and less.

When he was imprisoned and sentenced, no one knew anything about him.
Neither the Red Cross, nor UNPROFOR, nor his parents nor the VRS, which
after his capture sought him as a deserter. He was carefully hidden and
reason become apparent immediately after the sentencing. At that time
Bosniak government desperately needed a Serb as a witness in the Hague
the case against Dusko Tadic. Dragan Opacic with his confession became
ideal witness. Ideal for the Hague investigators as well: they finally
found a Serb willing to say that he was under Tadic's direct command.

He became Witness L.

The only man at that time who was interested in Opacic and his fate was
Branislava Isailovic, an attorney from Paris, has a somewhat cynical
explanation of the manner in which Opacic became Witness L.

"I think that Opacic had many advantages from the perspective of the
Bosniaks. He was young, not too smart and he could be easily
influenced. He
was an ideal witness, created to be manipulated. He comes from a poor,
uneducated family, the chance of his parents initiating a search for
son were minimal. While Opacic was a prisoner, his family did not know
his whereabouts. What is more, Opacic was less than 18 years old during
period when he allegedly committed the crimes for which the Bosniaks
to make him responsible. They used the fact that Opacic was a minor to
his trial behind closed doors; by doing so, they created even greater
pressure on him to testify against Tadic," said Isailovic, who initiated
several motions for the revision of the case against her defendant. For
all her requests are at a standstill.

Preparations: Opacic, who testified against Dusko Tadic, had never seen
in his life. He was prepared to testify by AID. While he talks about
he shakes his head: "I was prepared for a long time. I lived through all
sorts of things. They worked on breaking me both physically and
psychologically. I viewed all the tapes, all the photos but I was
afraid to
step out and say that all of it was a lie prearranged by the Federation
the tribunal investigators. They knew it, too, but they wanted to
the government here."

His story at times is accompanied by bitter twitching of a relatively
indifferent expression on his face.

Nevertheless, lying saved his life. Only in the Hague did the Red Cross
find out about him. He became famous as Witness L.

"I told them things but they are trying to justify themselves even today
and so they did not want to try me for false testimony because they knew
that they themselves were involved in it. I have always told them: I am
guilty; I was not there; I didn't do anything."

The solution was simple. They prepared him even "better". They took him
secret to the scene of the alleged crimes. Cheap movie plots became
Opacic's reality: "It was no use telling them that I had never been
and that I didn't know anything about the places they were showing us."
After that, he decided to nod his head at everything that they showed
"I procrastinated as much as I could in order to delay as much as
so that I would have some kind of guarantee for staying alive. I had no
idea whether my family was alive or not."

Washing hands: The deception with the witness, whom the prosecution had
already termed a key witness, was first noticed by professor Mischa
Vladimirof, then one of Tadic's defenders.

During the trial, on October 26, 1996, Opacic admitted to Tadic's
that he was not the author of his confession. The hearing was held in
presence of the chief investigator of the tribunal, Reed, the day after
identity of "Witness L" was revealed.

"I know Trnopolje from 1993 when I was a refugee there. There were no
Muslims there at all. There were just a lot of refugees there and I
used to
tell them that they wouldn't accomplish anything and that in the end the
lie would be revealed. But they only believed what they were told by the
government in Sarajevo." Opacic remembers when he first saw Dusko
photograph: "When they brought the picture of Tadic, I had no idea that
this was Tadic. I saw him for the first time in person at the Hague, and
before the Hague I saw him on videos which were shown to me by the

This was the sign for the beginning of the washing of hands of the
deception in the history of the Hague tribunal.

Judge Gabriella Kirk McDonald was the first. She immediately returned
Opacic into the uncertainty of Bosniak hands with the words: "We believe
that Bosnia will act in the appropriate manner."

A legal expert from the Netherlands who is following the work of the
tribunal, Heikelina Verrijn Stuart laughed at this. "The president of
tribunal based her decision on sympathies toward Bosnia at a time when
world still believed in the picture of 'the good guys and the bad guys'.
Which is probably understandable and motivated by humanism but from a
aspect completely unjustified."

Opacic's request for asylum in the Netherlands was not even considered
on June 12, 1997 Opacic left the Schiphol airport despite the
opposition of
several legal experts and Dutch attorneys.

"The Netherlands could not have acted otherwise," was the position of
Dutch court and the state of Holland but in the opinion of Jeuran
a researcher at the University of Utrecht, the European convention on
rights should have been taken into consideration.

Since then, Opacic has been in Bosnia. The only person who has remained
his side is Branislava Isailovic, who searched for him in vain for
almost a
year because Dragan Opacic was hidden once again. She found him at his
present location, in the Zenica prison, and since then has resumed her
battle on his behalf.

Turning heads: She appealed to Izetbegovic and Silajdzic but the most
powerful men in the Federation continued the trend of turning away their
heads. They did not want compromise the independence of their

Dragan Opacic turned to the institutions of RS: "I wrote a letter to
a letter to the RS government. Nothing yet," he says with resignation.

In the office of the RS government they know nothing about such a
they also do not know from what point any sort of action could be
initiated. The ministry of "smoothing over troubled waters" or the
of justice, as it is called in RS, has kept the promise of its minister
undertake something with regard to Opacic to the same extent that they
abolished criminal activity in RS.

The assistant to the minister of justice, Strahinja Djurkovic,
the case but could not tell us anything concrete about it.

"We have been in contact and spoken with the ministry in the BH
and this case has received some mention. We know that he has been
to 10 years but we do not know the circumstances under which he was
arrested," the assistant to the minister demonstrated his enviable
in the case. But he has problems in coordinating his schedule. "At that
time we did not have the time to visit him. When we find time..."

Djurkovic also mentioned something about a parole committee; even Opacic
does not believe in this. He is aware that as a prisoner from another
entity and someone accused of war crimes he has no chance for a weekend
visit, let alone a parole. The motion to retry his case was decidedly
rejected by the ministry of justice because "this must be done
according to
a universal plan and consistently throughout BH". The ministry of
has never even heard of him, even though he was captured and sentenced
as a
member of the VRS.

After all this, Opacic's belief that one day when after his release from
prison he will have no place in either the Republic of Srpska or
Bosnia-Hercegovina is not surprising.

No one wants Witness L anymore.

The most accurate and tragic comment came from Opacic's mother, Zorka:
are poor so I guess that is how it has to be."


Village petition

The family of Dragan Opacic lives in the village of Hrnici near Kozarac,
230 kilometers from Zenica, where Dragan is imprisoned. The Opacic
lives in the last house, or more accurately, a hut, in the village.
property consists of one cow. The hut itself is dark and damp. "We have
seen him for years," his mother, Zorka, grieves. She last saw her son
she saw him off to the Army. His father Janko and brother Pero saw him
the Hague where Dragan was afraid to admit he knew them. This was the
crack in the testimony of Witness L.

His mother, who cries every time Dragan's name is mentioned, swears
that he
was never in the Trnopolje camp. The local residents of the village even
managed to gather a few hundred signatures on a statement asserting
Opacic's innocence and his nonparticipation in anything that may have
occurred in Trnopolje.

They have not visited him in prison yet because they do not have the
to do so.


Rights before and after Dayton

In addition to the attorney Isailovic, the only other active interest in
Opacic's case has been expressed by the Helsinki Committee for Human
of RS. The president of this organization, Branko Todorovic, believes
this was a clear instance of a staged trial which was useful to AID for
propaganda regarding "the bad guys". Todorovic also attempted to
the Office for Human Rights but he received the same response as
that the office has no jurisdiction in matters preceding the Dayton

When asked why nothing could be done for Opacic and what is the purpose
the existence of the Office for Human Rights, Reporter received a
response which allotted this human tragedy two cold paragraphs. "The
has considered the report of Mr. Opacic and adopted its decision
this matter on January 12, 2000. The office has unanimously decided that
the report was unacceptable on the basis of the fact that one part of
report was inconsistent ratione temporis with article VIII(2)(c), while
part was completely unfounded with respect to article VIII(2)(c) annex
6 of
the Dayton peace agreement," it is stated in the response of Theresa
Nelson, the executive officer of the office.

Even more interesting was the reaction of the BH Federation judiciary.
Mustafa Bisic, the prosecutor of the cantonal court in Sarajevo, swooped
down on the Helsinki Committee, accusing them of requesting a retrial
political reasons, and saying that Opacic had a fair and honest trial.
fair and honest it really was, Opacic himself felt on his own skin.


Moment of truth

Reporter has received a transcript of the moment when professor
discovered that Witness L was "planted" by the former and current

Vladimirof: Have you ever read any kind of statement yourself or has
someone read any kind of statement to you?

Opacic: No.

Vladimirof: Did you read your own statement?

Opacic: I just got the statement to sign.

Vladimirof: So you signed the statement without reading it first?

Opacic: Yes.

Vladimirof: Why?

Opacic: They beat me. I was hurt and they threatened me. They constantly
beat me and told me the most horrible things.

Vladimirof: Did you tell the judge that you were forced to sign the

Opacic: No one asked me anything, not even my own attorney.

Vladimirof: You were in court, with a judge, police and someone who
recorded everything. Surely you could have told the judge that you were
forced to sign the statement?

Opacic: How could I? They said that they would kill me.

Vladimirof: I understand. Why didn't you tell Bob Reed what had

Opacic: They told me that I needed to testify in the Tadic case. After
I would go back and then my prison sentence would be reduced or I would
freed. That is why they told me in the [Bosniak] Internal Security
and in the court.

Translated by Snezana Lazovic [23 June 2000]


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Data: 12/08/2001 08:23
Da: TiM Publisher
Oggetto: Bob Djurdjevic on NWO mantra of perpetual
war/commerce (+ Black on Juournalism in Attachment)

Summary of Western help to Macedonia:
About the West, (I wish to say) only one thing. Two days ago, in full
of our (Macedonian) army, they had dropped off to them (the Albanian
rebels) two containers full of weapons. The next day, they attacked
Tetovo. Is there anything more left to say?"


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A Cover Story for the Australian New Dawn Magazine

1. Another Farcical American Oil War

Macedonia: Bosnia III, Kosovo II in the Making; Macedonia Section of
�Green Interstate� under Construction

By Bob Djurdjevic

PHOENIX, Aug. 10 - On Monday, government troops kill five Albanian
guerrillas while �peace negotiations� continued at a lake resort on the
Macedonian-Greek border. On Tuesday, Albanian terrorists ambush and
10 government soldiers in the worst single act of violence since the
conflict began in February of this year. On Wednesday, the Lake Ohrid
�peace negotiators� emerge to announce a �breakthrough deal.�

Sane people laugh. The rest applaud.

�Let's give peace another chance," said Macedonia�s defense minister,
Buckovski, considered a moderate, a euphemism for a Washington stooge.
spoke at a news conference Aug. 9 about the killing of the 10

A Hollywood farce? No. Just a few farcical scenes from America�s
oil war in Macedonia.

If it weren�t so tragic, the war that has claimed over 100 lives in the
last six months would be downright boring. Were it a film, it could be
titled �Bosnia III,� or �Kosovo II,� just well as �Macedonia.� It�s a
�been there, done that�-production using the same scenario as that in
Bosnia (1993-1995) and Kosovo (1998-1999). Only actors and scenery are

The plot goes like this� American government, acting on behalf of the
Princes of the 20th Century - the New World Order�s real masters,
multinational corporations - incites a regional conflict where none had
existed before. It does it by training and arming ethnic (Islamic)
terrorists. Or by using some of our �allies� to its bidding (such as
in the case of Bosnian Muslims; or Germany, in the case of Kosovo

The NWO lapdog media echo the State Department pronunciations. Soon
enough, western public are told that the Washington-trained and funded
terrorists are �[insert name here] Liberation Army,� or �ethnic
insurgents.� They are supposedly fighting for �independence� or greater
�minority rights.�

When the local government responds militarily to gruesome acts of
by the western-trained thugs, such authorities, not the terrorists, are
portrayed by the western media as �rogue� governments.

The intent is, of course, to play on emotions of tens of millions of
or illegal immigrants in the United States, Western Europe and
Australia. After all, these newcomers, many with �green cards� if not
citizenship papers in their pockets, know better than most stupefied
citizens about government abuses (some also sponsored by Washington,
as in Indonesia, El Salvador or Chile, for example).

Both citizen groups, however, are equally gullible, and thus easily
by the NWO media. Which is why the greatest violations of sovereignty
human rights since the Soviet or Hitler�s invasions of neighboring
countries have been carried out by the NWO forces in the last 10 years
without as much as a whimper from the Coke- and McDonald�s-infatuated
western masses.

The ultimate goal of the Balkans clashes has been to send in the
and other international troops as �peacekeepers.� Their presence claims
another piece of the geopolitically strategic ground for NATO, at
expense. And it provides security for a future pipeline from the Black
to the Adriatic (see the map).

As a result, NATO has now occupied virtually all of the former
once a buffer zone between the West and the (Soviet) East. Since the
quisling Bulgarian and Romanian governments are pleading to be admitted
NATO, this Cold War relic, a military alliance created to defend the
against the now non-existent threat from a non-existent country (the
Union), has practically achieved its goal of reaching the Black Sea. In
its wake, a new �Iron Curtain� has descended upon Europe (see the map):

No wonder the American president, who said during his 2000 election
campaign that he would pull the U.S. troops out of the Balkans, has
done a
turn-about-face. By doing so, George W. Bush proved that the interests
American oil and other multinational companies come first, that of the
American public - a distant second.

Bush pushed the U.S. deeper into the Balkans quagmire in late June when
ordered some 80 American G.I.�s in to rescue about 320 Albanian
from Aracinovo, a small town only six miles northeast of Skopje,
Macedonia�s capital. The U.S. troops marshaled 15 buses, 3 trucks, 3
ambulances and 16 Humvees for an operation in which the Albanian rebels
were whisked off to safety of the NATO-occupied Kosovo (see the map).

The news of the American G.I.�s coming to the aid of Albanian
spawned a huge riot in Skopje, during which the Macedonian Parliament
occupied by some of the over 5,000 angry citizens for several
hours. Protesters fired guns in the air and shouted anti-western
during the night of June 25-26.

The June 26 New York Times edition carried a front page photo of the
Macedonian troops trying to prevent some citizens of the Umin Dol
from attacking the 101st Airborne Division G.I.�s who were rescuing the
Aracinovo Albanian rebels. Outside the capital, an American diplomat
slightly wounded, apparently accidentally, by the Macedonian army

Several other anti-western protests erupted in Skopje during the month
July, usually after new acts of terrorism by the Albanian insurgents.
targets of the local Slavic populace�s wrath were American, German and
British embassies, as well as a local McDonald�s restaurant and an OSCE
(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) car.

Macedonian government spokesman, Antonio Milososki, called NATO in a
23 news conference �a big friend of our enemies.� The truth could not
been spoken any more plainly. No wonder the State Department ordered
of its non-essential embassy employees to leave Skopje.

It is especially ironic that the U.S. troops were sent to rescue
rebels less than a week after George W. Bush and his senior foreign
officials declared that they did NOT want the U.S. troops involved in
NATO operations that were to follow an eventual ceasefire. Estimated at
about 3,500, this NATO �peacekeeping� contingent is likely to be led by
British, whose government has agreed to deploy in Macedonia some 3,000
its troops. (No, regrettably British Petroleum isn�t paying for them,
although it probably should be since they serve its interests).

Using American soldiers to save Albanian terrorists was evidently
deemed by
the White House and the Pentagon a legitimate mission. Why? Because
of a feather flock together. Albanian insurgents in Macedonia were
fighting a Washington fight, just as they were three years ago in
(see �Kosovo: Bosnia II, Serbia�s Aztlan, Chechnya�, Mar. 6, 1998 - No wonder a top
NATO official in Macedonia (Daniel Speckhard) defensively told the New
Times that the late June U.S. action was �a one-time offer (to save the
rebels) aimed at bolstering peace.�

Really? If so, why did NATO, the Albanian terrorists� air wing in
and a bus company in Macedonia, let the terrorist leave with their
rather than disarm them first?

Details, details� The NATO �lie and deny� spokespeople have never been
big on details or logic, as those who have followed the TiM reports
the 1999 bombing of Serbia know very well (see Fortunately, they
fooled only the ignorant or the gullible. Here�s, for example, what
Colonel David Hackworth, America�s most decorated living soldier, said
about the U.S. Aracinovo escapade in his July 10 column:

�This operation didn't pass the smell test for me. I couldn't stop
myself why NATO brass would risk the lives of 80 American paratroopers
save a band of heavily armed cutthroats bent on overthrowing the
established government of a country that our president and State
have repeatedly stated they are committed to save.

The act was kind of like an FBI SWAT team rescuing Timothy McVeigh
before the execution. My first thought was, Whose side are we really
on? My
second was, What's the objective here -- stabilizing or destabilizing

The UCK (an acronym for the Kosovo Liberation Army) brigade -- dug in
around Aracinovo, four miles north of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia
had been surrounded for two weeks, under heavy attack by Macedonian
government forces and on the verge of destruction. Imagine how we'd
feel if
one of our units was about to take out a rebel brigade whose objective
to overthrow our government, when out of nowhere a Canadian paratroop
company swooped in and saved the enemy force?

Of course, the Macedonians were fit to be tied.

Sources in the U.S. Army in Kosovo familiar with the 3/502nd Airborne
Battalion's rescue operation confirm that the mission was all about
the "17 'instructors' among the withdrawing rebels -- former U.S.
who were providing the rebels with continued military education. But
was not enough: The Macedonian security forces claim that 70 percent of
equipment taken away by the guerrillas had been U.S. made -- to include
even the most modern third-generation night vision devices," as
reported by
the German newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt on June 28.

Other sources say the "17 instructors" were members of a high-ticket
Rent-a-Soldier outfit called MPRI -- Military Professional Resources
Incorporated -- that operates in the shadow of the Pentagon and has
hired by the CIA and our State Department for ops in ex-Yugoslavia. The
company, headed up by former U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Carl E.
is filled with former U.S. Army personnel, from generals to senior
sergeants, all of whom draw handsome wages on top of their Army retired

This is the same outfit that in the early 1990s trained Croatian
for Operation Storm -- which resulted in the brutal ethnic cleansing of
200,000 unarmed Serb civilians -- as well as bringing Croatian Gen.
Ceku up to speed. Ceku, who played a central role in the slaughter, is
alleged to have killed thousands of other Serb civilians before joining
KLA in 1999, where he again received training and assistance from CIA
State Department contractors operating overtly and covertly throughout
ex-Yugoslavia and around the globe.�

Naturally, actions like this make Hackworth and other honorable
veterans furious. One still-serving three-war vet, for example, told
Hackworth: �A number of contractors have been pitching me to work for
after I retire. I said no. There's no principles, no love of country,
honor -- just MONEY. I can't ... sell my soul for a buck.�

�There are laws on the books that prevent American citizens from
foreign governments,� Hackworth railed. �It's about time Congress did
duty and enforced them.�

True. But �who will guard the guards themselves?� (Juvenal, a.d. 60-
What if the American government, including Congress, is in service of
multinational Princes?

Frankfurter Rundschau, a respected German paper, virtually said that in
July 9 report on Macedonia. Quoting Andreas Buro, a political analyst
a representative of the Committee for Basic Rights and Democracy, the
German daily said that, �the West has never seriously followed a policy
conflict-prevention in Macedonia, at least partly because the United
wants to increase its influence in that part of the world.�

�The United States wants a reason to beef up its military and political
influence in the Balkans,� Buro said. He cited the huge U.S. base
(Bondsteel) near Pristina, Kosovo, one of the largest in the world,
which �the U.S. forces can oversee transport routes and pipelines.�

To support his claim, Buro cited a letter from Willi Wimmer, a security
expert from Germany's conservative Christian Democratic Union party.
sent the letter, which has received relatively little public notice, to
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder after a meeting of heads of state,
foreign ministers and defense ministers in Bratislava, Slovakia, in
May. The United States, he wrote, wants to correct an oversight from
World War II era, and station U.S. military forces in the (Balkans)
for strategic reasons.

This writer first pointed out in November 1995, right after the Dayton
accords that ended the Bosnian war were signed, that the �Green
(see, an Islamic
demographic �highway� from Bihac (Bosnia) to Istanbul, represents a
confluence of NATO and Islamic interests. And I predicted that next
conflagration point after Bosnia would be Kosovo, followed by Macedonia.

This also helped explain why the former U.S. president, George Bush
announced in December 1992 (see ), after he
already lost the election, that he would the U.S. troops to this
yet-to-be-formed �country.� And why Bush Jr. is now following in his
and Bill Clinton�s footsteps. Because they are all puppets controlled
the same puppeteers - the global multinational Princes.

The fact that Bush Jr. chose a defense contractor and an oil company
executive (Dick Cheney, who also served as Secretary of Defense in Bush
St.�s government) for his vice president and overseer of national
speaks volumes about which side an American president�s bread is
on (see �Weep Mankind,� this writer�s July 2000 article on that topic - Of course,
George Bush Sr. was himself a former oil company executive when he
in government service, doing virtually the same job.

(Also check out the article �Blood for Oil, Drugs for Arms,� (April
which was published as a front-page story in the New Dawn magazine�s
July-August 2000 issue).

It is worthy of note that Macedonia was being hailed in the mid-1990s
the New World Order globalist elite as a model multicultural
country. George Soros, for example, publicly praised Macedonia and
met with its former president Kiro Gligorov, who narrowly survived an
assassination attempt in September 1995. By that stage, some 500
troops had been showing the flag in this former Yugoslav republic for
two years.

The Frankfurter Rundschau report also said that the British and U.S.
military advisors have been training members of the ethnic Albanian
from the National Liberation Army (NLA). One of the Western goals was
prevent Russia from establishing a presence in the Balkans, Buro said.
for Macedonia and the Balkans themselves, a Russian involvement could
important. Or that of Russia�s friends, such as the Ukraine.

Which is why the Bush administration is evidently trying to stop it.
publicly proclaiming its support for the Macedonian government, the
National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, said during her visit to
on July 25, that she had received assurances from the Ukraine
that it would no longer sell arms to Macedonia. Between May and July,
Ukraine had reportedly sent to Macedonia two Sukhoi-25 fighter jets,
Mi-24 attack helicopters, and four Mi-8 military transport helicopters,
according to a July 26 Tanjug news agency report.

At the same time, U.S. military aid seems to be pouring in to its
rebel prot�g�s even as the �peace talks� are being pushed by American
diplomats. Like William Walker in Kosovo during the 1998-1999 period
�Washington Crisis Factory� - and �CIA Ties to KLA�
-, special
Department envoy, James Pardee, is Washington�s �Trojan Horse� in
Macedonia. His job is to distract and confuse.

But many Macedonians aren�t falling for it as evident by the almost
anti-American protests in Skopje these days. That�s because many
Macedonians have seen or heard firsthand reports of the American
support of
the Albanian insurgents. Here�s, for example, our translation of a
the Truth in Media received on July 24 from a Macedonian whose identity
known to us, but whose name is being withheld for his own security:

�The last two days have been terrible. The Shiptars (Albanians) have
half of Tetovo (a town northwest of Skopje - see the map), and 80% of
villages around Tetovo. There are quite a few dead and wounded
who are being driven from their homes� About the West, (I wish to say)
one thing. Two days ago, in full view of our army, they had dropped off
them (the Albanian rebels) two containers full of weapons. The next
they attacked Tetovo. Is there anything more left to say?�

If still in doubt about the real reason for Washington�s support of the
Albanians (oil), take a look at the map at the start of this article.
that the flashpoints of the latest Albanian insurgency lie north and
northeast of Skopje. In other words, trouble spots are AWAY from the
in which the Albanians are ethnically dominant. But they do lie along
route of the future oil corridor - the �Green Interstate,� as we put it.

So much for the Albanian rebels having anything to do with �liberation�
�secession� of the 23% Albanian minority from Macedonia. Like their KLA
predecessors in Kosovo from which many of the fighters come, they are
mercenaries of the New World Order.

So what does this tell us about �Dubya,� the current American
and his foreign policy team?

(1) The best way of fighting international terrorism is to save the
terrorists so they can fight for us another day. Except for domestic
terrorists, of course (McVeigh, Waco women and children; Ruby Ridge
�rebels��), who must be killed to set an example for other Americans
may be unhappy with the NWO�s usurpation of the U.S. government.

(2) Words are cheap. Dubya�s actions speak louder than words.

(3) Any differences between the Dubya and Bill Clinton foreign policy
purely accidental. No similarities are.
No wonder Bush�s approval rating back home has now dropped to 50%, the
lowest level for a sitting president in five years. What the American
public seems to be saying is: Clinton was bad, but a Clinton look-alike
NATO to Use Yugoslav Military Bases?

Dubya�s approval ratings would probably sink even lower if the American
media were to carry one of the more bizarre Balkans news items that
in the last few days. Two years ago after trying to bomb a defiant
Yugoslavia into the stone age, NATO officials are asking that country�s
government for permission to use the Serb military bases, according to
Aug. 5 report by the London Sunday Times

The reason? The NATO �supermen� seem to have miscalculated a little
they started the Macedonian war. An all-out war in Macedonia would cut
the Thessalonika-Kosovo supply route, a vital lifeline for some 40,000+
NATO troops in Kosovo.

So NATO officials, hat in hand and checkbook in pocket, are now talking
with Yugoslav government officials about supplying their Kosovo troops
through Serbia (from Hungary, a NATO country). The alliance would need
send up to 80 trucks a day through Yugoslavia, with stop-offs at
Army bases in Novi Sad in the north, and in Nis in the south.

�There are 40,000 guys in Kosovo - and they need feeding, water, tents,
whatever. We've got to look at the alternatives,� a NATO planner told
Times. He admitted that the options of going through the Montenegrin
mountains, or the bandit-infested north of Albania, had been ruled
out. Planners have calculated it would take a year to build a suitable
road through Kukes in northern Albania.

A source close to recent talks in Belgrade between the five leading
countries and Yugoslavia, said the U.S., which is heading the
wants relations between the Pentagon and Belgrade to get back to where
were before Slobodan Milosevic came to power in 1987. Among other
this means that Yugoslav officers would be sent to West Point and Fort
Lauderdale for training.

Details of a NATO supply line through Serbia were discussed at an early
August meeting in Germany between American officers, the Yugoslav
minister, Goran Svilanovic, and the Serbian deputy prime minister,
Covic, the Times also said.

Given the current Yugoslav government�s subservient attitude toward
Washington, Serbia may become a de facto NATO country even before some
the current Balkans frontrunners make it (Slovenia, Romania, Croatia,
So is that bad? Not if NATO pays up. And what would be a fair price?
about $30 billion and counting, roughly the amount of unconditional war
reparations that the Yugoslav government should have, but did not,
before becoming a western vassal. Instead, Belgrade sold out its
sovereignty and its honor by shipping Milosevic to the Hague kangaroo
for a mere promise of $1.3 billion, of which it has received one far
so far.

Which is why the Serb prime minister, Zoran Djindjic, who orchestrated
Milosevic handover, railed against western treachery during a mid-July
visit to Germany. �When I was in the opposition, the European Union
promised us three million marks (about $1.4 billion) in cash for
Milosevic,� he said in an interview with the German Der Spiegel
magazine. �Where is it? I am seriously warning the West. If my
falls, that would cost the international community $10 billion."

Only $10 billion?

Djindjic said Belgrade had been expecting to receive a first
installment of
300 hundred million euros ($255 million) by August, but had discovered
225 million euros of that would go toward paying off old debts.... �I
losing my credibility and cannot stabilize the country anymore. We
make any conditions for the handover. We wanted to show our goodwill to
integrate into the international community.�

�But I must admit that I am shocked about the farce of the western aid
which should amount to $1.3 billion,� he said. �If we do not receive a
financial injection immediately, we will have demonstrations and unrest
September at the latest.�

Maybe not if NATO pays up, huh? After all, �first you knock them down,
then you build them up,� this writer wrote in 1995, in reference to the
NWO/NATO occupation of Bosnia. That�s when I also pointed out that the
real NWO mantra was �perpetual war for perpetual commerce,� not �world
peace through world trade,� as the globalist leaders claim.
Guess the Yugoslav and Macedonian leaders are only now getting around
realizing it?

2. British Big Brother �Watching Over� Macedonia President�s, Prime
Minister�s Residences

SKOPJE, July 21 - Macedonian Ministry of the Interior announced that a
helicopter bearing British insignia flew over the residences of
Boris Trajkovski and Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski at the Vodno
hillsides on three separate occasions on July 19-20, the Macedonian MIA
news agency reported on July 21.

Observers noted some �lightning balls� being ejected from the
helicopter. A representative of KFOR was contacted about the matter,
he explained that they were only performing their regular observatory
maneuvers, during which a security shield of the helicopter reacted to
presence of certain radiation in that area.

For detailed investigation of these occurrences, the Ministry of
requested that a commission to be established, to be made up of
representatives of KFOR, the EU Monitoring Mission, the Ministry of
Defense, and the Ministry of Interior. TiM has received no further
information about the formation of, or the activities of, any such

Regardless of the nature and the origin of these �lightning balls,� the
mere presence and spying of the British Big Brother over the heads of
residences in a foreign country shows that Macedonia is neither a free
a sovereign country. And why should one be surprised? How can a country
that has allowed unfettered access by NATO to its territory during the
Kosovo war call itself sovereign?



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Data: 16/08/2001 21:55
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"
A: "Belgrade Forum"
Cc: "Internet team of SPS"
Oggetto: Jovanovic on visit to Milosevic




given at the press-conference in Belgrade on August 16, 2001

A delegation, determined by the president of the Socialist Party of
Serbia Slobodan Milosevic, in the following composition: Zivadin
Jovanovic, vice-president of SPS, Zivorad Igic, member of the
Secretariat of the Executive Committee, and Professor Slavica Djukic-
Dejanovic, Bogoljub Bjelica, Boro Drakulovic - members of the Executive
Committee, has visited president Milosevic on August 14, in his
detention in the Hague.

The delegation conveyed to president Milosevic greetings, expressions
of solidarity and of moral and political support from SPS members and
supporters and from citizens of our country. These expressions of
support and solidarity have been articulated in the mass popular
rallies in Belgrade and other cities of Serbia and Yugoslavia, as well
as in numerous public meetings of citizens, scientists, cultural and
other public workers. In all these rallies and meetings criminal, anti-
constitutional and illegal abduction of president Milosevic and his
delivery to the Hague have been condemned and personal responsibility
of the executors of this shamefull act has been demanded.

President Milosevic has been also greeted by the delegation on the
occasion of his 60th birthday.

President Milosevic acknowledged solidarity, support and birthday
greetings. He expressed the special gratitude to all citizens and SPS
members who have been sent many letters of support and solidarity,
since he has been detained in the Hague.

He said that he feels well, that his consciousness is completely clean,
that everything he did as president of Serbia and Yugoslavia was based
on the Constitution, Law and on legitimate interests of the people and
State. He especially underlined that he organized resistance to NATO
military aggression because it was his main constitutional obligation
as a head of State and as a patriot. On other side were the ones who
violated UN Charter and basic principles of the international law,
caused numerous human victims and mass destruction and who by
groundless charges against him want to cover their indisputable

During the hours-long talk, actual situation in Serbia, Yugoslavia and
in the Balkans, continuous worsening of the economic, social, political
and security conditions, attacks on freedom, independence and
territorial integrity of our and other countries in this part of
Europe, have been discussed. Special attention has been paid to the
activities of the Socialist Party of Serbia as the most influential and
biggest opposition party in situation when there is an overall
deterioration of the life conditions, when consciousness about the
disastrous consequences of the DOS regime policy increases and when
early elections become inevitable.

Position of president Milosevic is that in such conditions the most
important is strengthening of unity within SPS, respecting the will and
expectations of the members and supporters of SPS and everyday
strengthening of the thighs with and of the presence of SPS among
citizens, workers, peasants, intellectuals - all those who live from
their work and whose interests are directly damaged by the policy of
the regime. The Socialist Party of Serbia as the only political force
that always consequently struggles for the protection of the State and
its integrity, that firmly opposes any separatism and terrorism, that
stands for social equality and justice, that has proved its strategic
orientation to equal cooperation in the region, in Europe and in the
world - is the only force capable to secure conditions for peaceful and
stable development of the country, he underlined. Exactly for that
reason, SPS is exposed to enormous pressures and threats and is obliged
to oppose these pressures and threats by stronger determination in
political struggle and by clearer oppositional stands of its
parliamentary clubs, party organs and leadership. The Socialist Party
of Serbia should not allow to anybody and anything in this critically
important period to turne the Party from its strategic course of the
strongest defense of national, social, cultural and other legitimate
interests of our country and its citizens.

This was the first visit of SPS representatives to president Milosevic,
since he has been detained in the Hague. Visits of the representatives
and delegations of SPS will continue regularly in the future.

During its short stay in the Hague, the delegation had meetings and
talks with several scientists, jurists and public personalities from
the Netherlands, Russia, Canada, Italy and other countries, who have
just visited president Milosevic, or who shall visit him in following

The delegation did not have any difficulties neither in the Hague
detention unit, nor during the two days stay in the Netherlands.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


The URL for this article is

======================================Let's Send A Message To The Hague 'Humanitarians'
-Authors listed below
The people who bombed Yugoslavia are punishing President Slobodan
for defying them. Let's do some defying ourselves. Flood The Hague with
telegrams and letters on Milosevic's 60th birthday, Aug. 20, supporting

Please send letters and especially telegrams to:
President Slobodan Milosevic
Huis van Bewaring Pompstationsweg 46a
2597GX Den Haag
The Netherlands

Why send telegrams and letters? And why before August 20th?

The Full Treatment

When former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic appeared before The
Tribunal on July 2, Judge Richard May told him (and the world):

'You will be accorded the full rights of the accused, according to
international law, '

One analyst asked: What are the rights of a kidnap victim under
law? ( )

This has been clarified.

1) The right to isolation. President Milosevic has been held in
confinement for six weeks despite his protest and the official UN
that: "Efforts addressed to the abolition of solitary confinement as a
punishment, or to the restriction of its use, should be undertaken and
encouraged." (

2) The right not to sleep. During the first several days, the lights
never turned off in Milosevic's cell. As a corollary, video cameras are
trained on Milosevic at all times, thus providing the right to no

3) The right to be denied counsel of your choice. After weeks of
one of Mr. Milosevic's Yugoslav attorneys has finally been allowed to
him. However, the Dutch government, acting, it says, under instructions
the 'Tribunal,' has denied the other Yugoslav attorney a visa.

4) The right to witness the mistreatment of your loved ones. Mr.
wife is treated like a criminal when she comes to Holland, confined to
hotel room when not visiting her husband from whom she is separated by
plane of glass. (Thus the Tribunal, a United Nations organization,
the UN's declared goal that: "All prisoners shall be treated with the
due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings."

The 'Tribunal' Makes It Perfectly Clear

The treatment of Milosevic, a former head of state, and of the other
prisoners in The Hague, clarifies what the NATO leaders who control
this jail
mean when they speak of bringing humanitarian values to the world. Is
it an
accident that the Tribunal's jail is located in Schevenieng, the very
where the German Nazi's detained members of the Dutch Resistance before
shooting them?

For ten years a compliant media has drummed anti-Milosevic horror tales
our heads until it's hard to think straight. But who is really guilty?
has murdered thousands of Yugoslavs with bombs dropped from a coward's
height? Who has driven over a million people of all nationalities into
homelessness in Serbia? Who has unleashed fascist secessionists
the Balkans, supporting them with arms and training, and lauding them
democrats, forcing victims to 'negotiate' with their murderers? Who has
low-level nuclear war, turning Kosovo, focus of one 'humanitarian
into a radioactive dump?

To his great credit Milosevic used his July appearance at the Tribunal
declare: "This Tribunal aims to produce false justification for the war
crimes of NATO committed in Yugoslavia."

You Can Take A Stand - Before August 20th!

By refusing to bow before the NATO criminals, Milosevic has done the
world an
incalculable service. In response NATO is trying to break his spirit.
Therefore we urge every individual and every group to send letters and
Telegrams of support to Milosevic. August 20th is his 60th birthday. It
is in
no way sentimental to urge people: send Milosevic letters and
Telegrams before his birthday August 20th. Through this small gesture
will serve notice on the 'Tribunal' that you are watching everything
they do,
and you will also help sustain the courage of this man who, kept in
and mistreated, is sustained in his principled stance by the justice of
defense of Yugoslav sovereignty, and his opposition to NATO, and by the
support that burns in your heart.

Please send letters and especially telegrams to:
President Slobodan Milosevic
Huis van Bewaring Pompstationsweg 46a
2597GX Den Haag
The Netherlands


Klaus Hartmann, Vice-Chairman, Committee to Defend Milosevic, Germany
Jared Israel, , USA
Ian Johnson, North West Regional Secretary, Socialist Labour Party,
Mihail N. Kuznecov, Professor of International Law, Russian Federation
Varkevisser, , The Netherlands


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Dopo la... prima edizione - del 1999, che aveva ispirato una serie di
cartoline sarcastiche dedicate ai bombardamenti, raccolte anche in un
sito internet (ora apparentemente oscurato:
- la Microsoft di Bill Gates sfonda finalmente, per davvero, in Serbia,
offrendosi di modernizzare l'amministrazione dello Stato con i suoi
mediocri prodotti e con i suoi ben noti virus informatici.

BELGRADE, Aug 7 (Beta)-The U.S. company Microsoft will soon open an
office in Belgrade, which will help to develop information technology in
Yugoslavia and enable Yugoslav companies to work on the Microsoft
This agreement was reached by representatives of Microsoft and the
Serbian government.
The secretary of the Serbian government's Information and Internet
Development Agency, Branislav Andjelic, told BETA in a phone
conversation, that this office should be opened between October 2001 and
January 2002.
Andjelic added that they also agreed that Microsoft should support at
least two projects of modernizing the Serbian state administration.
Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic and the Agency's Secretary Andjelic
talked with Microsoft's president Steven Belmore and the company's
founder Bill Gates at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond.

BEOGRAD, Aug 9 (Free Serbia) - Microsoft will open a branch office in
Belgrade by the end of the year. The US company will provide a
10-million-dollar grant for the education system in Serbia and aid
modernization of the Serbian government's infrastructure by introducing
new ITs, said Serbian PM Zoran Djindjic after talking with Microsoft
chairman Steve Balmer and founder Bill Gates.
The Serbian PM said he was confident that cooperation with Microsoft
would encourage other investors to take interest in the Serbian market,
since the US company is known in the world of business for careful
market analyses.
Stressing that Microsoft profits in Serbia are almost zero at the
moment, while their business strategy was to establish themselves in a
country only after their profits exceed 2 million dollars a year,
Djindjic said Microsoft's decision to open an office in Belgrade had a
political background, but also called it a gesture of trust in
government estimates that the decision would be good for business in a
few years.

BELGRADE, June 7 (FoNet/AFP) Yugoslav President Vojislav
Kostunica met Microsoft Chairman for Europe Michel Lacombe today
following announcements that the computer giant would advise Belgrade on
technological development.
A statement from the office of the president said that Lacombe
confirmed Microsoft's interest in the long-term development of
corporate cooperation with Yugoslavia.
Kostunica said he hoped that new legislation would soon be adopted
to bring the country into line the world's technological standards.
Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic had announced earlier that
Microsoft would in the future advise Yugoslav and Serbian governments
on the introduction of technology into the health, education, customs
and tax systems. "I hope both sides will benefit from this cooperation,"
Djindjic said, announcing also that Microsoft would soon be opening
offices in Belgrade.

BELGRADE, June 7 (FoNet) Microsoft has today signed up to serve
in a consultancy role to the Serbian government on the issue of
introducing new computer technologies.
Serbian prime minister Zoran Djindjic said that today's agreement
"won't be commercial in character for the time being".


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