1. IZJAVA / La dichiarazione bugiarda di Kostunica, Djindjic e
2. APEL / Appello alla cittadinanza serba
3. Kidnapping of Milosevic and Theft of Serbs' Only Treasure

=== 1 ===


(copia originale / original:
documentazione/izjava.tif )
Noi, i sottoscritti funzionari della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia
e della Repubblica di Serbia, determinati nell' applicare la legge,
nello stabilire lo stato di diritto e nell'auspicio di evitare altre
inutili vittime, dichiariamo:

Il processo penale intentato davanti al Tribunale circondariale di
Belgrado contro Slobodan Milosevic, ex presidente della Repubblica di
Serbia, della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia e del Partito
Socialista della Serbia, non è mosso su richiesta del Tribunale
internazionale per i crimini commessi nella ex Jugoslavia, ma in base
al fondato sospetto di reato secondo l'art. 26 della Legge penale della
RFJ, e perciò Milosevic sarà processato davanti agli organi giuridici
Noi siamo garanti che il Sig. Slobodan Milosevic durante il processo
potrà comunicare indisturbato con la propria famiglia.
Alla famiglia del Sig. Milosevic si assicura la sicurezza personale e
materiale, come anche l'uso dell'edificio residenziale nella via Uzicka
11-15 a Belgrado.

Belgrado, 31 marzo 2001
Firma e T.t. del presidente della RFJ     
Vojislav Kostunica

Firma e T.t.  del presidente del Governo    
Zoran Djindjic

Firma e T.t. del presidente della RS
Milan Milutinovic
* Allegato I *

Slobodan Milosevic non verrà consegnato a nessuna istituzione giuridica
ne' altra al di fuori del Paese.

* Allegato II *

A Slobodan Milosevic si assicura ogni giorno la visita dei familiari.

Per gli allegati I e II, in base all'autorizzazione del presidente del
Governo della Repubblica di Serbia, il Dott. Zoran Djindjic
T.t. del presidente della Repubblica di Serbia 
convalidato con la firma di Cedomir Jovicevic
Belgrado, 31 marzo 2001

=== 2 ===

(Ovaj tekst na srpskohrvatskom:
http://www.artel.co.yu/sr/reakcije_citalaca/2003-06-27_1.html )

APPELLO ai cittadini della Serbia lanciato il 28 giugno 2003 dalla
associazione "Sloboda" (Belgrado):

IL GIORNO DI VIDOVDAN 2001, il regime della coalizione della DOS ha
commesso uno dei suoi più grandi crimini - il sequestro di Slobodan
Milosevic, fino a poco tempo fa presidente della Repubblica di Serbia e
della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, consegnato nelle mani dei
carnefici dell'illegale Tribunale dell'Aia.
Nel commettere questo crimine hanno partecipato, come d'altronde hanno
loro stessi ammesso, non soltanto i più alti funzionari statali, ma
anche persone ai vertici politici della stessa DOS.
Con il trasferimento nella cella dell'Aia, Slobodan Milosevic è
diventato il primo detenuto del "nuovo ordine mondiale", ma nello
stesso tempo è diventato il leader di tutti coloro che lottano per la
libertà e la giustizia, contro il despotismo e l'oppressione. La lotta
di Milosevic all'Aia è infatti la lotta per la giustizia e la verità
del proprio paese e popolo, ma è ugualmente la lotta contro la potente
tirannia, contro la schiavitù e l'oppressione che i grandi e i potenti
stanno attuando su tutti gli altri che li ostacolano sulla strada dei
loro interessi e scopi.
Slobodan Milosevic all'Aia lotta per la libertà della Serbia e per la
libertà dell'umanità. La sua lotta sta acquistando ogni giorno di più
il sostegno dei cittadini nel suo Paese e in tutto il mondo.
Ad ogni uomo di buon senso oggi è chiaro che il presidente Milosevic
non ha commesso nessun crimine, ma che egli conduceva il suo paese e il
suo popolo nella lottà per la libertà, nell'aspirazione alla
indipendenza ed alla dignità. E la lotta per la libertà non è, e mai
può essere un crimine. Crimine è
l'aggressione e la schiavizzazione, compiuta ai danni del nostro paese
e del nostro popolo.
Questa aggressione e schiavizzazione del nostro paese e popolo continua
tuttora all'Aia e a Belgrado.
La giustizia e la verità stanno sempre dalla parte di quelli che
lottano per esse. Invitiamo tutti i cittadini ad unirsi a noi in questa
lotta, per sostenere con forza ed unita' il presidente Slobodan
Milosevic, chiedendo che venga immediatamente rilasciato dal carcere
dell'Aia per ritornare nel Paese.

(Libero Slobodan ! Libera Serbia !)

=== 3 ===

Please send this text or the link to a friend:

Have you seen the Emperor's Clothes movie, 'JUDGMENT!'? It proves the
Western media lied about Bosnia.


* The Kidnapping of Milosevic and the Theft of the Serbs' Only Treasure

By Petar Makara
[Originally posted 5 July 2001, Posted again 29 June 2003]


[ www.tenc.net ]

The following article, written as a letter, was published on 5 July
2001. This was a week after the two men who had led the NATO-financed
Yugoslav coup d'état kidnapped the legally elected President of
Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, and gave him to NATO's Hague Tribunal.

The author, Petar Makara, was born in the Serbian town of Pancevo. Now
living in the USA, Mr. Makara has devoted most of the past 12 years to
exposing misinformation about what was done in and to Yugoslavia. Prior
to the kidnapping he was a strong supporter of Vojislav Kostunica.

Petar Makara's EC articles are collected in "Articles by a Man Without
a Country," at

-- Jared Israel
Editor, Emperor's Clothes


Theft of the Serbs' Only Treasure
by Petar Makara


Dear Emperor's Clothes,

Thank you for your recent article, "The Treason of Vojislav Kostunica."

More than seven years ago, on a late April day in 1994, with a small
group of close friends, I entered the office of Vojislav Kostunica in
Belgrade. We, Serbian-American activists deeply concerned with events
in Yugoslavia, were eager to meet the man whose articles we read and

While Slobodan Milosevic, who promised many times to protect the truly
vital interests of the Serbian people was persistently trying to find a
political solution to the Western-induced crisis and thus avoid a clash
with mighty NATO, Mr. Kostunica was criticizing what he called
indecision. He was always eloquent in explaining the rights of Serbs as
the people who founded Yugoslavia and who were still loyal to this
multiethnic state. He explained that the Serbs have the right and duty
to help their own people who were, in 1945, left outside the Republic
of Serbia by President Tito's artificial, undemocratic borders. The
Serbs have the right, Mr. Kostunica claimed, to defend the lands where
they, as the majority population, have lived for centuries.

In his statements Mr. Kostunica seemed always to be right. He seemed to
be not only a person who understood law, but a man who understood the
soul of his people.

Our surprise as we entered Mr. Kostunica's office was to find a man who
appeared to be in quite a contrast to his fiery statements, not only
good mannered and soft-spoken but with his eyes always half closed,
giving him the look of someone completely drained of life energy or, at
least, who had not slept for days.

What kind of a leader, I remember thinking, would this guy be? But I
told myself, who cares about appearances? The hope was Kostunica would
be firm and principled, an intellectual who knew the enemy and the way
out of its grip.

Such was the hope. After the ten long years that the Serbs gave to
Mankind by single-handedly fighting NATO and its combined onslaught on
the economy, property and lives of the Serbian people, is it a surprise
that many Serbs hoped that Kostunica - Mr. Right - would not sell out
Serbian interests?

The hope dies last.

The colonial club (now known by its nickname as NATO) and its thousands
of psychologists, employed in covert agencies (this is not my personal
nightmare - it is fact!), empowered with knowledge accumulated over the
centuries that their countries pillaged, cleansed and annihilated
uncounted peoples across the globe - these psychologists must have
fully grasped this truth: false hope will keep the victim immobilized
when action is the only real hope left.

That is why virtually all Western press articles talking about the
recent kidnap of the ex-president of a sovereign country to the
kangaroo court of the colonialists never forgot to give their local
quisling Vojislav Kostunica the well known tool of deceit, a 'plausible
denial.' That is why they all say about the kidnapping of Milosevic,
"this was done without Kostunica's knowledge" or "Kostunica disapproved
of this action," or words to the effect.

Except that, as your clear analysis has proven, the denial is *not*
plausible. [2]

After recent events, the last hope of us who wanted to believe that Mr.
Kostunica is a decent man should cease. Kostunica's name must be listed
alongside Zoran Djindjic's as history's worst traitors of the Serbian
people. That is as clear as day. [3]

We the Serbs are a small people who as a Serbian poet has noted have
the bad luck that our forefathers "built a home in the middle of the
road." Fourteen centuries ago, they settled in the middle of Balkans,
in the middle of the main road that leads from Central Europe to
Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. It is the southern
flank in a conqueror's attack on Russia.

Since those ancient times all those who aspired to rule the Earth tried
their ruthless methods of conquest, of divide-and-rule, on the Balkan
peoples first. As stepping-stones to what they dreamed to be their
Eternal Empires they wanted the Balkans as the first jewel in the
crown. Those empires include the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian
Empire, Hitler's Third Reich and now U.S./NATO.

We the Serbs do not have vast lands or far-away islands. We are rather
poor. We never collected riches by oppressing or enslaving near or
far-away peoples as the NATO nations did. Our only treasure is our
pride that our forefathers, through many centuries, and the last two in
particular, fought countless battles against all those foreign
oppressors. Our forefathers never fought to grab other people's lands.
Our forefathers never fought to impose our culture, our way of life on
anyone. They fought for freedom, for the simple right to exist. They
fought so we are in charge of our own destinies. Throughout the
countless centuries of fighting gruesome oppressors, there is no record
that would shame the Serbs. Pride is our only treasure and now NATO,
with quislings like Kostunica, would take away that, the only treasure
we possess.

To understand the Serbs is to understand their sense of pride; it is to
understand why the Serbs celebrate June 28, St. Vitus Day, the day of
the Kosovo Battle of 1389. Those who hate the Serbs claim we are sick
people who celebrate a day of defeat. (The actual battle, according to
countless history books, was a draw; both the Serbian King and Turkish
Sultan perished.)

The Serbs do not celebrate this as victory or defeat. They celebrate
the bravery, the pride of their forefathers who came to meet on the
battlefield the intruder to their homeland. It did not matter that the
advancing forces were immense. To protect their way of life, to protect
their families, to protect freedom, all Serbian nobility came to fight.
Most of them died on that day, June 28, 1389. Since that day the Serbs
firmly knew that *freedom has no price*. Many Serbs, through
generations and time, easily sacrificed their lives for freedom.

The Hague 'Tribunal' is not the first time that a conqueror attacks the
Serbs as physical beings, but also attacks their pride. To keep a
people subjugated, the oppressors knew you have to destroy their pride.
That is why, exactly on June 28, 1914, Prince Ferdinand, the Austrian
heir to the throne, decided to have military maneuvers in Bosnia, then
a majority Serbian province which the Austro-Hungarian Empire had
illegally annexed six years before. The Serbian answer was to
assassinate Ferdinand. That is how World War I started, remember? Some
50% of the Serbian male population perished in that war! Every second

The story of that Serbian sacrifice and Golgotha should be in every
elementary history book. That was the price the Serbs were ready to pay.

In 1941 Hitler could not wait for June 28 to issue his ultimatums. He
was in a hurry to attack Russia and had to conquer Serbia first. The
Serbian answer to the weakness in the Yugoslav government, weakened by
a strong Croatian fascist secessionist movement was: "Better grave than
slave." Well over one million Serbs perished during W.W.II fighting
against the Nazi New World Order.

That the oppressor would attack the Serbian sense of pride is not
surprising, but that a handful of Serbs would sink so low in their
treason and hand over their recent elected leader to the attacking
enemy - and exactly on June 28 - is shocking! The message is clear
because the timing is everything. The event was clearly timed to
destroy the Serbian sense of pride.

That Kostunica would sink so low in his treason as to betray the Serbs
and the whole of Mankind fills me with a sickened feeling as I remember
the April day when I met him. I am disgusted that I shook his hand.

As the old saying goes, the devil is at his worst when pretending to be
an angel. At least and at last Kostunica has shown his true face. No
one should be fooled any more.

One could have more respect even for a Djindjic who was at least open
in his treason. [3]

-- Petar Makara


* Footnotes and Further Reading *


[1] On the NATO financing of the Yugoslav coup, see, "Der Spiegel: How
Kostunica [and Djindjic!] Came to Power".
This article includes links to further evidence, including
documentation of the US funding of Otpor, the much-heralded
"spontaneous Serbian youth group," and more.

* To read NATO's boast that it controls The Hague Tribunal, see,
"Official Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO," at
This article includes the transcript of a press conference where then
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright instructs Hague Tribunal
Prosecutor Louise Arbour to hurry up and indict Slobodan Milosevic and
Arbour says fine, but more money, please.

* We have posted the full transcript of a US Senate hearing devoted
entirely to techniques for overthrowing the elected government of
Slobodan Milosevic. See, "Senate Hearing: Prospects For Democracy In
Yugoslavia", at http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/hearin.htm

[2] The official story was that Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic
organized the kidnapping of Zoran Djindjic without Yugoslav President
Vojislav Kostunica's knowledge. This was agreed to by everyone from the
New York Times to Ramsey Clark, already reason to smell a rat. Our
article shows that Kostunica was involved. 'The Treason of Vojislav
Kostunica,' at http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/treas.htm

[3] "How Djindjic & Kostunica Marketed the Extradition of Milosevic..."
Discusses the Yugoslav political situation prior to the kidnapping and
analyzes the phony argument put forward by Kostunica and Djindjic to
justify extraditing Milosevic.

For more of Petar Makara's writings, please see, "Articles by a Man
Without a Country," at

Newsletter of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic