(english / srpskohrvatski)

Kosovo-Metohija: il Consiglio d'Europa fuorilegge

I rappresentanti del Consiglio Europeo firmano documenti in nome del
Kosmet gia' ratificati da Belgrado, come se il Kosmet non fosse parte
integrante della Serbia...

BELGRADE FORUM: Press Release / Saopstenje

=== english ===


Belgrade, 02.09.2004.

Press Release

The recent signing of the document adhering of Kosovo and Metohija to
the Framework Convention on protection of National Minorities and to
the Convention on torture of the Council of Europe by Secretary General
of CE Mr. Walter Schwimmer and UNMIK Chief Sorren Janssen Peterson
represent the violation of UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
According to that resolution the Province of Kosovo and Metohija is
integral part of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and
Montenegro). As FRY (SCG) is a member of CE and the member state of the
aforesaid conventions, the same have been applicable on the entire
territory of FRY (SCG), including Kosovo and Metohija, and therefore
there is no need whatever to sign those conventions anew in Pristina.
The signature of those international documents by the highest
representatives of CE and UNMIK is violation of the rights of SCG being
sole subject of international law, for entire its territory, of the UN
SC resolution 1244 (1999), international law in general and the UN
Charter in particular. In essence, this means step forward recognition
of the international subjectivity to the part of the territory of the
sovereign state, member of UN, CE and OSCE. This is a dangerous
precedent with far reaching consequences which must not be tolerated.
The essential problems in Kosovo and Metohija are not to be sought in
lacking of the laws or in unsigned conventions but in everyday
violation of existing basic norms and laws, in ethnic cleansing of
Serbs and others nonalbanians, in terrorism, as well as in the absence
of political will to effectively stop that.
The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals calls upon the competent
authorities of SCG and Serbia, particularly the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, to resolutely react to this unacceptable act and to bring this
problem immediately to the attention of UN, CE and OSCE.

The Belgrade Forum
for the World of Equals

11000 Belgrade, 27.marta 95/I, Serbia and Montenegro
Tel./Fax: (++381 11) 324 81 51, 322 00 88
E-Mail: beoforum@ verat. net

=== srpskohrvatski ===

Beograd, 24. avgust 2004. godine

Saopstenje povodom potpisivanja akta o pristupanju Kosova i Metohije
dvema konvencijama Saveta Evrope

Potpisivanje akta o pristupanju Kosova i Metohije dvema konvencijama
Saveta Evrope (Okvirna konvencija o zastiti nacionalnih manjina i
Konvencija o torturi) od strane Generalnog sekretara SE Valtera Svimera
i sefa UNMIK-a Sorena Petersena predstavlja krsenje Rezolucije 1244
Saveta bezbednosti UN. Tom rezolucijom je potvrdjeno da pokrajina
Kosovo i Metohija cini sastavni deo SRJ, odnosno Srbije i Crne Gore.
Kako je SRJ, odnosno SCG clanica Saveta Evrope i drzava potpisnica
pomenutih konvencija, te konvencije vaze na citavoj teritoriji SCG,
ukljucujuci i Kosovo i Metohiju, pa nije bilo nikakvih potreba za
ponovnim potpisivanjem tih konvencija u Pristini.

Potpisivanje ovih medjunarodnih konvencija od strane najvisih
predstavnika SE i UNMIK-a predstavlja grubu povredu prava SCG kao
jedino priznatog subjekta medjunarodnog prava , rezolucije SB 1244 i
povredu medjunarodnog prava i Povelje Ujedinjenih nacija. U sustini ono
znaci priznavanje medjunarodnopravnog subjektiviteta jednom delu
suverene drzave, sto je opasan presedan sa dalekoseznim posledicama
koji se ne sme tolerisati. Sustinski problemi na Kosovu i Metohiji nisu
u nedostatku zakona ili nepotpisanim medjunarodnim konvencijama vec u
svakodnevnom krsenju postojecih elementarnih normi i zakona, etnickom
ciscenju Srba i drugog nealbanskog stanovnistva i terorizmu, kao i
nedostatku politicke volje da se to zaustavi.

Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih poziva nadlezne vlasti SCG, a
posebno Ministarstvo za spoljne poslove da odlucno reaguju na ovaj
neprihvatljiv potez i da pitanje odmah pokrenu, kako u Savetu
bezbednosti UN, tako i u Savetu Evrope.

Beograd, 27. marta 95, I sprat, 11000 SCG
Tel/faks: (+381 11) 3220088
E-mail: beoforum@ verat. net