1995: scatta la "Operazione Tempesta" per la cancellazione definitiva
della Repubblica della Krajna Serba dalle cartine geografiche.
Materialmente realizzata dall'esercito della Croazia indipendente,
l'operazione viene coadiuvata dagli USA e dalla NATO.

In Italia, l'"Operazione Tempesta" non trova che flebili voci critiche,
anche in una sinistra drogata dalla campagna antijugoslava ed antiserba,
e gia' favorevole a tutte le "autodeterminazioni" possibili tranne che
quella dei serbi in Croazia e Bosnia. Un mese dopo, l'Italia concedera'
il suo territorio come base di lancio per gli aerei che andranno a
bombardare la Repubblica Serba di Bosnia.






La nostra pagina su Republika Srpska Krajna e Slavonia Orientale



U.S.-trained forces massacre Serbs
By Gary Wilson

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 12, 1995
issue of Workers World newspaper

Details of a mass slaughter of Serbs in the Krajina region
of Croatia are slowly making their way into the U.S. media.

But the news reports remain strangely subdued. There are
no calls for air strikes against the Croatian capital of
Zagreb, as there are regular calls for bombs against the
Serbs. There are no editorials calling for trying the
Croatian leaders for war crimes.

According to investigators for the United Nations,
"Croatian army and police units allegedly burned 60 percent
of the houses" in the Krajina region, reported the Sept. 30
Washington Post. They also "executed elderly Serbs who
remained in the region." Unlike almost every other report of
genocide in the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, the Post
noted that these reports were "unusual in their first-hand

An open letter from the Belgrade-based Serbian-Jewish
Friendship Society to the American Jewish Committee says
that "anti-Serbian propaganda" is "a twin sister of anti-
Semitism." The letter states that today in Croatia a policy
of eliminating the Serbs is being carried out. This policy
is so thorough that "in Croatia there are [now] no more
Serbs than there are Jews in Germany or Poland." The letter
is signed by the chief rabbi of Yugoslavia as well as many
other prominent Jews of Yugoslavia. But this letter has not
been referred to in the U.S. media.

What's not widely known in this country is that the
Croatian and Bosnian armies are armed and directed by the
Pentagon. The Croatian offensive against the Krajina was
planned after 15 top U.S. military officers--including the
former head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency--were
put in place as "advisers" to the Croatian military.

The Bosnian Army is being "helped" by U.S. military
advisers, including Gen. John Sewall and Gen. John Galvin, a
former NATO supreme commander. Television viewers may have
noticed that the entire Bosnian Army wears U.S. military
uniforms--provided by U.S. military contractors. In the
September/October issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, Gen.
Charles Boyd, the deputy commander in chief of the U.S.
European Command from November 1992 to July 1995, writes
that the much-publicized arms embargo is widely known to be
almost nonexistent. The U.S. discreetly insures a regular
flow of arms to the Bosnian Army.

U.S. media reports are regularly filled with anti-Serb
propaganda. Most refer to the Krajina as a region
"conquered" by the Serbs, implying that the Croatian Army is
simply retaking something that had been taken away.

But the truth is exactly the opposite. The following
exchange shows the propaganda view of the "liberal" media
and gives a response.

On the Aug. 11 broadcast of "All Things Considered" on
National Public Radio, news reader Noah Adams interviewed
author Misha Glenny:

"Adams: Why did Serbia take the Krajina four years ago, if
it is indefensible?

"Glenny: We've got to set one or two things straight here,
Noah, about Serbia taking the Krajina. The Krajina came into
being at the same time as the Croatian republic became
independent when Yugoslavia was collapsing. The Croats
wanted to leave Yugoslavia and the Serbs who lived in the
Krajina wanted to stay in Yugoslavia. So we simply can't use
terms like `Serbia occupying the Krajina' or something like
that. These people had been, until five days ago, living and
farming this territory for over 300 years."

What is happening in Bosnia is nothing like what's being
reported by the big business-controlled media.

It's like the Gulf War against Iraq. Many of the media
stories at that time turned out to be complete fabrications
to support the Pentagon's propaganda needs.

For example, according to Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting, "most U.S. news outlets uncritically accepted the
story that 300 premature babies died when Iraqi soldiers
removed them from incubators." But after the war was over,
the New York Times (Feb. 28, 1991) put a two-sentence
retraction deep inside an article saying: "Some of the
atrocities that had been reported, such as the killing of
infants in the main hospitals shortly after the invasion,
are untrue or have been exaggerated, Kuwaitis said. Hospital
officials, for instance, said that stories circulated about
the killing of 300 children were incorrect."

Following is some background information on the history of
Yugoslavia and the officials in Croatia and Bosnia who are
backed by the U.S.


Yugoslavia was different from almost every other country
in the world in its ethnic diversity. It had no majority
nationality. It was a nation of minorities.

Socialist Yugoslavia had gone a long way toward uniting
the nationalities while recognizing the rights of self-
determination for the different peoples of the region. It
was only during the socialist era that the Balkans were free
from ethnic war.

That's because of the policies of the Yugoslav League of
Communists and its leader, Tito. According to the book "War
in the Shadows" by Robert Asprey, the Communist party's
promise of equal rights for all the nationalities "appealed
to a great many unaligned people who loathed the repressive
pre-war order represented by the [U.S.-backed] government-
in-exile through Mihailovic's Chetniks. The harshness of
German and Italian occupation policies further influenced
the population in favor of the Partisans, who possessed much
wider support than either Western allied observers or
Germans supposed."

The U.S. opposed the Communist government from the
beginning and supported Chetniks in exile for the entire
Cold War period. The Cold War was really a period when the
U.S. government pursued a policy of destroying socialism in
the Soviet Union as well as Eastern Europe, including
Yugoslavia. U.S. overt and covert subversion, sabotage and
treachery were more important factors in the destruction of
Yugoslavia than any ethnic animosities.


The most popular Muslim leader in Bosnia is not Alija
Izetbegovic. By popular vote, Fikret Abdic was the most
widely supported Muslim leader. But he was anti-U.S. and
against the breakup of Yugoslavia. He supported Muslim-
Serbian-Croatian cooperation.

With U.S. support, a narrow grouping around Izetbegovic
forced Abdic out of the Bosnian government, where he was
part of the collective presidency. The media call Abdic the
"renegade Muslim." He led an army opposing the Izetbegovic
regime that was allied with the Bosnian Serbs. Last spring,
he was captured by the Croatian Army in the Bihac region.


The regime of Alija Izetbegovic is thoroughly backed by
the U.S. government and military. In fact, its foreign
minister, Mohamed Sacirbey, is a U.S. citizen.

The government itself has carried out criminal attacks.
According to an article in The Nation by David Binder, the
two bloodiest bombings of the civilian marketplace in
downtown Sarajevo have been traced to the forces of the
Izetbegovic government.

Izetbegovic is a long-time anti-communist of the type
supported by the U.S. throughout the Cold War.

During World War II, he was a member of a group that
included many collaborators with the Nazi occupiers. In
1949, Izetbegovic was one of the leaders of a revolt against
the Tito government. He and several others were sent to

Izetbegovic continued his anti-communist activities once
he was out. He maintained close contact with U.S.-backed
exile groups.

In 1970, he published an "Islamic Declaration" that said,
"There can be neither peace nor coexistence between the
Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions."

In 1983, he and 12 others were convicted for counter-
revolutionary acts, including the advocacy of an "ethnically
pure Bosnia-Herzegovina."


Croatian President Franjo Tudjman is another darling of
the U.S. government. He has received considerable backing
from the Pentagon and State Department. When he spoke at the
opening of the Holocaust Museum in Washington as a Clinton-
invited guest of honor, many in the audience walked out.
This is the man who once declared, "Thank god my wife is
neither a Serb nor a Jew."

Tudjman is a Croatian nationalist and anti-communist. His
government has adopted the flag and currency of the fascist
Ustashe regime during World War II.

His book "Wastelands: Historical Truths" asserts that
"only" 900,000 Jews died in the Holocaust, not 6 million. He
also asserts that no more than 70,000 Serbs were killed in
the Ustashe death camps.

According to Alfred Lipson, a senior researcher at the
Holocaust Resource Center and Archives at Queensborough
Community College in New York, "more than 60,000 Jews died"
at the death camp in Jasenovac, Croatia, "along with 27,000
Gypsies; the Serbs, the most anti-Nazi ethnic group in
Yugoslavia, suffered the greatest losses--1.2 million."
(Forward, Nov. 11, 1994)

Although the U.S. has brokered a Croatian-Bosnian
federation between Tudjman and Izetbegovic, it is a shaky
alliance at best. Tudjman is violently anti-Muslim, to the
point of even denying the Muslims legitimacy. In an
interview in the Sept. 25 French daily Le Figaro, Tudjman
said that the Muslims are really Croatians who should
eventually be incorporated into Croatia.

Tudjman says in the Le Figaro interview that he sees his
task in the Croatian-Bosnian federation as "Europeanizing"
the Muslims and "bringing them into European civilization."

In his racist ravings, Tudjman sounds like Los Angeles cop
Mark Fuhrman. Except Tudjman heads up a country. According
to an Aug. 19 New York Times profile, Tudjman came to power
"helped by financing from anti-communist Croatian emigres in
the United States and Canada." What the Times doesn't
mention is that these groups are ultimately financed by the
CIA. It was this U.S.-based support that put Tudjman at the
head of the Croatian government.

- END -

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The Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society
3662 Albion Rd. South, Gloucester, Ontario, K1T 1A3,


Join us in commemorating ethnocide and genocide
committed on Serbs in
Krajina , Bosnia and Kosovo.
August 4th is Krajina Dan, the Memorial Day for
Serbian Krajina.
This commemorates the day that Knin, the capital of the
Serbian Krajina
region, fell to invading Croatian forces in 1995. Croatia
continues to
occupy the region today and of more than 250,000 Serbian
people whom the
Croatian Army either killed or ethnically-cleansed out of the
region in
August, 1995, the number who have returned is virtually zero
to this date.
Every August 4th a Krajina Dan Memorial is held to remember
the victims of
this genocide. This year's program is:
Memorial Prayer Service and a wrath laying at the
Human Rights
Memorial, Elgin and Lisgar streets, at 6:00pm - 6: 30pm.

For further information pls. contact Mrs. Radmila Swann

Slobodanka Borojevic, president
The Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society

As Croatian troops launched their assault on August 4 ,
1995, U.S. NATO
aircraft destroyed Serbian radar and anti-aircraft defenses.
American EA-6B
electronic warfare aircraft patrolled the air in support of
the invasion ....
The roads were clogged with Serb refugees, and Croatian
aircraft bombed
and strafed refugee columns....
A Red Cross representative in Banja Luka said, "I've never
seen anything
like it. People are arriving at a terrifying rate." Bosnian
Muslim troops
crossed the border and cut off Serbian escape routes.
Trapped refugees were
massacred as they were pounded by Croatian and Muslim
artillery. Nearly
1,700 refugees simply vanished. (3). ....
Massacres continued for several weeks after the fall of
Krajina, and UN
patrols discovered numerous fresh unmarked graves and bodies
of murdered
civilians. (7)...
UN spokesman Chris Gunness noted that UN personnel
continued to discover
bodies, many of whom had been decapitated. (8) British
journalist Robert
Fisk reported the murder of elderly Serbs, many of whom were
burned alive
in their homes. He adds, "At Golubic, UN officers have
found the
decomposing remains of five people... the head of one of the
victims was
found 150 feet from his body. (11)...
Following the invasion of Krajina, the U.S. rewarded
Croatia with an
agreement "broadening existing cooperation" between MPRI and
the Croatian
military. (18) U.S. advisors assisted in the reorganization
of the Croatian
Army. Referring to this reorganization in an interview with
the newspaper
Vecernji List, Croatian General Tihomir Blaskic said, "We
are building the
foundations of our organization on the traditions of the
Croatian home
guard" - pro-Nazi troops in World War II. (19) ...

This study is based on a paper presented in book "NATO in
the Balkans"
(ISBN 0-9656916-2-4), pages 131 - 140.

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj