--- In icdsm-italia @yahoogroups.com, "icdsm-italia" ha scritto:

(francais / english)

[Di seguito i materiali prodotti nella recente riunione congiunta
dell'ICDSM e dell'Associazione SLOBODA, a Belgrado il 12 novembre
u.s.; essi riguardano in particolare la richiesta di una sospensione
del "processo" per almeno 6 settimane viste le preoccupanti condizioni
di stress cui è sottoposto Milosevic (bollettino medico allegato, in
lingua francese); si veda anche l'accluso elenco delle violazioni dei
diritti elementari ai danni di Milosevic e dei suoi famigliari.]

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From : "Vladimir Krsljanin"
Date : Fri, 18 Nov 2005 19:46:33 +0100
Subject : ICDSM and Sloboda: Milosevic has to be freed for medical

ICDSM Sofia-New York-Moscow www.icdsm.org
Velko Valkanov, Ramsey Clark, Alexander Zinoviev (Co-Chairmen),
Klaus Hartmann (Chairman of the Board), Vladimir Krsljanin
(Secretary), Christopher Black (Chair, Legal Committee), Tiphaine
Dickson (Legal Spokesperson)
18 November 2005 Special Circular
In this issue:

1. Signatures for People's Initiative are being collected in Serbia
2. Press Release of Sloboda/Freedom Association
3. Letter to the UN Security Council
4. Urgent Conclusion of the ICDSM and Sloboda
5. Conclusion of the international team of medical experts
6. Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic! - Declaration of ICDSM adopted at
12 November session in Belgrade

Belgrade, 18 November. Sloboda/Freedom Association started collecting
signatures for Peoples Initiative in order to put on agenda of the
Serbian Parliament a demand for provisional release of President
Milosevic due to his ill health and appropriate state guarantees for
that. According to the Serbian Constitution, for such an initiative,
15 thousand signatures are needed.


Behavior of the Hague "tribunal" puts at stake the life of
President Milosevic. An immediate reaction of the authorities in
charge in Serbia and in the State Community, as well as of the UN
Security Council is needed in order to change this behavior.

An international team of medical experts from France,
Russia and Serbia, that examined President Milosevic on 4 November,
has concluded that he has to have at least six weeks of total rest,
with no physical or mental activities. It is clear that for such a
worsening of President Milosevic's health it is only the "tribunal" to
be blamed.

However, the "tribunal" has made these days a dangerous
and insolent challenge to human rights, UN Organization, medical and
legal profession, by neglecting the findings and the conclusions of
the medical experts and by bringing ill President Milosevic into the
court room - an act that endangered his life.

We call upon all medical doctors, lawyers, institutions
for protection of human rights and all honest people at home and
abroad to join the appeal of the International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic and of the Freedom Association and to act now to
stop the crime in its final phase.

The Hague proceedings must be suspended and President
Milosevic has to be provided with a medical treatment in freedom, so
that he would be able, after recuperation, to continue taking part in
the proceedings.


Belgrade, 18 November 2005



Belgrade, 15 November 2005

Sloboda/Freedom Association from Belgrade has honor to propose to your
kind attention and urgent consideration the three below documents
concerning the human rights of the long term President of Serbia and
Yugoslavia, Mr. Slobodan Milosevic - the urgent Joint Conclusion of
the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic and Sloboda
/Freedom Association, the Conclusion of the medical experts from
France, Russia and Serbia who recently examined President Milosevic
and the Declaration of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan

We believe that you would act without delay in accordance with your
competence and universally recognized human rights in order to protect
the life and health of President Milosevic and to prevent the
possibility of his trial in absentia.


Chairman of the Board of Sloboda/Freedom Association
Bogoljub Bjelica



The International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan
Milosevic and the "Sloboda" Association - National Committee for
Liberation of Slobodan Milosevic have received a medical report of the
health condition of President Slobodan Milosevic dated 4 November
2005, which raised a deep concern on the part of the International
Committee members. His health is seriously endangered, which is
largely due to his extraordinary human efforts in the struggle for
presenting truth, and the prison conditions in which he is living. He
is investing additional efforts so as to definitely win his struggle
for the truth, and he is doing that to the detriment of his own health
in the light of the threat that the Defense Counsel imposed by the
ICTY whom he does not accept will be activated.

Our view is that the price of his defense must not be his
health and his life.

We are demanding immediate suspension of the trial at
least for a 6-week period as proposed by medical doctors, in order to
allow him the indispensable rest and medical treatment. Any attempt to
try him in absentia, and thus abuse the fact of his deteriorated
health condition, would destroy any illusion of these proceedings.
"The Tribunal" has to observe the medical advice that was provided,
and show respect for the fact that human life and health are above all
other values.

Once the health condition of President Milosevic has
improved, he will continue with all his strength the struggle for
truth and justice he is carrying out in The Hague for the benefit and
welfare of the Serb people and the entire mankind.

In Belgrade, on 12 November 2005



Ramsey Clark Sergei Baburin Velko Vlkanov



Bogoljub Bjelica



Compte tenu des résultats des examens médicaux consultés
dans le dossier et réalisés lors de la visite du 4 novembre 05 on peut
conclure que l`état de santé du patient n'est pas stabilisé et que des
complications sont possibles. Cet état nécessite de poursuivre les
explorations avec pour objectifs de préciser la ou les origines des
troubles présentés.

Il est ainsi nécessaire de proposer au patient une période
de repos, c'est à dire la cessation de toutes les activités physiques
et psychiques au cours d'une période de 6 semaines au minimum, ce qui
permettra probablement de diminuer les troubles ou tout au moins de
les stabiliser, puis autorisera la réalisation des procédures
diagnostiques supplémentaires nécessaires pou adapter au mieux la

La rapport définitif et détaillé de chaque expert sera
rédigé et soumis ultérieurement.


Margarita Shumilina, Ph.D, angiologue

Professeur Florence Leclercq, Ph.D, cardiologue

Professeur Vukasin Andric, Ph.D, otorinolaringologiste


Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic

Declaration of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan

Belgrade, 12 November 2005


We, the representatives of the International Committee for the Defense
of Slobodan Milosevic, having met on 12 November 2005 in Belgrade
under the auspices of the Sloboda (Freedom) Association, express our
deepest indignation with respect to the continued proceedings against
President Slobodan Milosevic conducted before the so-called
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

During its twelve and a half years of operation, the ICTY has
demonstrated to the world that rather than functioning as an
institution of justice, it employs force and blackmail, and is
subjected to flagrant pressure by the very powers who contributed the
most to the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia and the civil wars
waged within it. The ICTY has demonstrated that it is an institution
of arbitrariness and absence of law, not of reconciliation.

The ICTY's activities, and in particular the treatment of and
proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic, demonstrate that the ICTY is a
means of retaliation against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)
citizens in general, and the Serbs in particular, because of their
resistance to the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and their heroic
defense against the NATO aggression in 1999.

The indictment of Slobodan Milosevic shifted the responsibility for
the aggression and acts of terrorism committed by the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) onto its victims[1].

The ICTY has thus shown to the whole world that its main role is to
legitimize and legalize the most flagrant violations of international
law, as well as the most serious crimes committed during the breakup
of the former Yugoslavia and the NATO aggression against the FR of
Yugoslavia. Therefore, the ICTY is not an institution of justice.
Instead, it is a means for the accomplishment of specific political
objectives, a symbol of discrimination and legal violence.

The indictment against the former President of Serbia and the FR of
Yugoslavia for alleged crimes in Kosovo and Metohija was brought on 24
May 1999 in the midst of NATO's aggression against the FR of
Yugoslavia. That illegal war was a direct breach of the NATO Charter,
the UN Charter, and international law. That aggression represents a
crime against peace, the supreme international crime.

During the 78-day long criminal bombing of the FR of Yugoslavia, the
aggressors killed and wounded thousands of civilians, destroyed the
economic and transport infrastructure, tried to kill president
Milosevic by bombing his residence, used cluster bombs and depleted
uranium, and caused destruction amounting to more than $100 billion.
In order for the irony to be complete, charges against Slobodan
Milosevic were also brought for alleged crimes in Croatia and Bosnia
and Herzegovina.

However, the ICTY has not indicted any leader of the NATO member
countries or any pilot for the crimes committed during the aggression.
Instead, the indictment was raised by the ICTY, and sponsored by
Clinton Administration, against Slobodan Milosevic, a democratically
elected head of state who was leading his country in the defense
against the aggression.

President Milosevic, who was obliged to combat foreign-backed
terrorism in his country, is in the wake of the "War on Terrorism",
being tried by those who were igniting ethnic conflicts and who
created terrorist organizations in the territory of the former FRY. We
do not accept that President Milosevic be tried by those who were
supporting terrorism while it suited them and who claim to be fighting
it today.

By arresting Slobodan Milosevic illegally and by surrendering him to
the ICTY both the Constitution of the FR of Yugoslavia and the
Constitution of Serbia were breached. Therefore, the kidnapping and
delivery of President Milosevic to the ICTY represent violence to the
democratic constitution and a precedent in modern history. The
perpetrators of that shameful act bear the responsibility before the
citizens of Serbia, and before history.


Currently, after only a portion of the defense witnesses have
testified on President Milosevic's behalf before the ICTY, one can
note with certainty that the indictment that the so-called Hague
Prosecution raised against him has suffered a debacle!

Worldwide public opinion and experts have established, after the
witnesses for the Prosecution were heard, that the indictment against
Slobodan Milosevic for the crime of genocide is fully without grounds
and is not corroborated by a single piece of objective evidence. It is
not only that there is no evidence for the charge for genocide. There
is no evidence for any of the counts of the indictment.

Through the strength of arguing the truth, President Milosevic has
completely destroyed all the lies alleged against him in the so-called

There is, naturally, no evidence against Slobodan Milosevic. However,
there is a procedure in place. The machinery of the ICTY has tried, by
enacting its own rules for the trial procedure, by shaping and
adapting them to own political needs, to stop him in his presentation
of the truth. This is the reason why the tribunal is now trying to
limit the time needed for the witnesses he has invited to testify.
This must be prevented!

Presumption of guilt, unlimited duration of detention, retroactive
responsibility, secret charges and secret witnesses, as well as the
use of secret services for gathering evidence - these are only some of
the more evident proofs that there is no justification for the
existence of the ICTY as a legal institution, and even less as an
institution operating under the auspices of the United Nations.

We do not believe that the proceedings against President Milosevic are
just. However, any acceleration of the tempo of the proceedings
represents a boost for the enemies of truth and the establishment of

All of the above facts point to clear indications of a mistrial. That
is why we demand that this mockery of a trial be suspended, and for
President Milosevic to be released.


The following list details the most common types of abuse inflicted on
President Milosevic.


1. On 28 June 2001, President Milosevic was forcefully,
unlawfully, and without the knowledge of his family and relevant legal
institutions of the FRY, transported to The Hague penitentiary in
violation of existing constitutional and FRY and international legal
provisions. The appeal for Habeas Corpus to Dutch Courts was not
sustained despite the evident facts, which proved that this was a case
of abduction.

B. President Milosevic's rights and privileges in The Hague
penitentiary are thoroughly neglected.

1. Many times his inalienable rights to self-representation and
defense have been questioned. Long periods of time were allocated to
formal discussion, thus making the preparations for the defense more
tedious and time consuming. The amount of material submitted by the
Prosecution is not only irrelevant but enormous, and this has
negatively affected the process itself as well as the health of
President Milosevic.

2. Despite a gigantic struggle, supported by international public
opinion, the improvement of President Milosevic's health has not been
obtained, due to the ICTY's repeated obstructions. A satisfactory
medical solution is not apparent, although the proceedings against
President Milosevic have gone on four years. The ICTY, in the name of
efficiency, imposed a strenuous schedule for the presentation of the
defense, which has had harmful consequences on President Milosevic's
health. The Prosecution case was not subject to such constraints.

3. Restrictions put on visitation rights and phone contacts are
inhuman and are basically devised to augment the psychological,
physical and emotional stress of President Milosevic. These and other
forms of harassment are applied to diminish President Milosevic's
capacities for his defense, and to achieve the further deterioration
of his health.

4. Numerous and amply supported demands that president Milosevic
should be temporarily released for medical treatment, supported by
medical and legal experts and the public at large, have been until now
repeatedly rejected owing to pressure from the Prosecution.

C. Abuses against and harassment of President Milosevic's family

1. Matching the pressure placed on President Milosevic since his
detention in The Hague Penitentiary, this persecution is augmented by
the ill treatment and abuses inflicted on the members of his immediate

2. We would like to reiterate the unspeakable shame that his wife
has for almost three years been forbidden to visit him. His son and
daughter have not been able to visit him at all.

3. It is astonishing but true that all of the adult members of
his immediate family have been charged with absurd accusations. None
of these has been proven, and those against his son have been dropped.
These ridiculous allegations and special decisions on restricted
entrance to the EU that have been invoked against President
Milosevic's family make it impossible for his family to visit at the
present time. These restrictions on entrance are enforced by the
decisions of the Prosecution.

4. His wife is being charged without proof of illegal influence
on a decision making body to allocate a flat to another person.

5. The charge against President Milosevic's son that was in
effect for almost four years, stating that he allegedly beat and
intimidated a young member of an opposition political group, was
revoked a month ago. Old untruthful accusations against him are
repeated, and fresh ones are newly produced.

6. His daughter had to move to Montenegro to live unmolested. She
has been persecuted by ongoing proceedings since 2002, with the aim of
convicting her for her behavior during the night of President
Milosevic's abduction.

7. All of these accusations are viciously and purposely aired in
different media trying to augment the manifold pressures put on
President Milosevic.

8. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an indicted
person has had members of his immediate family prosecuted as well, and
for a series of invented crimes. These accusations stand as collateral
pressure on President Milosevic. This is done with the intent of
shattering his defense abilities.


In view of all of the above, we, members of the International
Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic are demanding:

Of the UN Security Council:

That for the purpose of permitting President Milosevic to complete his
defense, and in light of the facts that have been unambiguously proven:

1. discontinue the proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic.

2. the health and life of President Milosevic be protected.

3. all forms of pressure on President Milosevic and his family
members be suspended.

4. the proceedings against President Milosevic be suspended so
as to allow the stabilization of his health condition.

5. The International Committee for the Defense of Slobodan
Milosevic notes the disastrous consequences of the breakup of the FRY,
and the fact that the arrest and political trial of President
Milosevic has provided further encouragement for the commission of
acts of terrorism - including full-blown pogroms-- in Kosovo and
Metohija .

6. The Security Council must terminate the operations of the
ICTY, as it has not contributed to the process of reconciliation.
Instead, it has only worsened inter-ethnic relations in the territory
of the former SFRY.

7. To immediately issue a decision granting additional time to
President Milosevic so that the witnesses he has planned will have the
opportunity to testify.

8. President Milosevic sought the unity of the Yugoslav
Federation, and did so against foreign aggression and terror. Those
who were spurring and supporting terrorism in the territory of the
former SFRY, and particularly in the FRY - in Kosovo and Metohija -
should be brought to justice regardless of their nationality and
social position.

9. To immediately undertake any measure necessary in order to
allow an adequate diagnosis of President Milosevic's health condition,
by allowing different medical teams to examine him.

10. To undertake any step necessary, including provisional release of
President Milosevic, in order for his health to stabilize.

11. To immediately, without any delay, abolish all limitations on
visits from President Milosevic's family members.

12. All of the above are necessary for ensuring normal conditions for
the resumption and finalization of the process being illegally
conducted against President Milosevic before the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

[1] "Terrorism" is here defined as designating acts of violence
carried out against, and targeting, the civilian population of a
sovereign state against which that state has the right (and the
obligation) to protect its citizens, as well as acts of violence
perpetrated against those state agents mandated to protect the
civilian population (and constitution). The definition we propose is
not that which continues to be used by the same powers that waged a
war of aggression against Yugoslavia: that is, the exercise of lawful
resistance of peoples to aggression and occupation.




President Milosevic has the truth and law on his side. In order to use
that advantage to achieve his freedom, we must fight this totally
discredited tribunal and its patrons through professionally conducted
actions which would involve the Bar Associations, the European Court,
the UN organs in charge and the media.

Our practice has shown that ad hoc voluntary work is not enough to
deal properly with these tasks. The funds secured in Serbia are still
enough only to cover the expenses of the stay and work of President
Milosevic's legal associates at The Hague (one at the time). The funds
secured by the German section of the ICDSM (still the only one with
regular contributions) are enough only to cover minimal additional
work at The Hague connected with contacts and preparations of foreign
witnesses. Everything else is lacking.

Recently, the fundraising activity of the German section was a target
of a groundless attack of the customs police in Germany. This makes
the need for your extraordinary effort dramaticaly urgent! Even the
basic defence activities at The Hague are at stake!

As a most practical way to send your donations, we are able to offer
now the account of a friendly organization in Austria (see below).
Please send your donations to that account now, to fill the gap made
after the German account was frozen. Have in mind that all bank
transfers within the EU are now at the same price like within any of
its countries.


3000-5000 EUR per month is our imminent need.

Our history and our people oblige us to go on with this necessary
action. But without these funds it will not be possible.

Please organize urgently the fundraising activity
and send the donations to the following account:

Solidaritäts-Bewegung. (JÖSB)
Bank Austria
IBAN AT49 1200 0503 8030 5200

All of your donations will be used for legal and other necessary
accompanying activities, on instruction or with the consent of
President Milosevic. To obtain additional information on the use of
your donations or to obtain additional advice on the most efficient
way to submit your donations or to make bank
transfers, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Peter Betscher (ICDSM Treasurer) E-mail: peter_betscher @...
Phone: +49 172 7566 014

Vladimir Krsljanin (ICDSM Secretary) E-mail: slobodavk @...
Phone: +381 63 8862 301


For truth and human rights against aggression!
Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!
Freedom and equality for people!

On behalf of Sloboda and ICDSM,

Vladimir Krsljanin,
Foreign Relations Assistant to President Milosevic


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sloboda.org.yu/ (Sloboda/Freedom association)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan
http://www.free-slobo.de/ (German section of ICDSM)
http://www.free-slobo-uk.org/ (CDSM UK)
http://www.icdsm-us.org/ (US section of ICDSM)
http://www.icdsmireland.org/ (ICDSM Ireland)
http://www.pasti.org/milodif.htm (ICDSM Italy)
http://www.wpc-in.org/ (world peace council)
http://www.geocities.com/b_antinato/ (Balkan antiNATO center)

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