(Intellettuali di lingua albanese riunitisi a Tetovo - nell'odierna FYROM - hanno fatto appello per la unificazione in un unico Stato dei territori popolati da genti di lingua albanese. Nelle intenzioni dei nazionalisti pan-albanesi, infatti, la secessione kosovara non è altro che il preambolo per la disgregazione anche degli altri Stati limitrofi...)


Javno.com (Croatia)
July 10, 2007

Fighting For Kosovo Independence With Guns

Albanian intellectuals called for the unification of
all Albanians. They see Kosovo's independence as the
precursor of a national union.

Albanian intellectuals from Macedonia, Albania and
Kosovo gathered over the weekend in Tetovo and are
advocating the unification of all Albanians.

The representative of the Macedonian assembly Fazli
Veliu announced that he and the members of the former
so-called National Liberation Army would help the
Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) to fight for Kosovo
independence with weapons if necessary, reports the
Macedonian press on Tuesday.

Reporting on writings in the media in the Albanian
language in Macedonia about the gathering of the
Albanian intellectuals that took place last weekend,
the Skopje daily newspaper Vreme writes that they
called for the unification of Albanians from all
regions and assessed that Kosovo’s independence was
only the precursor of national unification.

On Tuesday, the Skopje daily newspaper Dnevnik
reported the statement made by Fazli Veliu,
representative of the opposition party Democratic
Union for Integration in Macedonia’s parliament and
president of the [National Liberation Army] veterans’
association ONA, which had started an armed conflict
with Macedonian defense forces in 2001, saying that,
along with the Kosovo UCK, he would fight for Kosovo’s

“If the resolution of the Kosovo issue keeps being
postponed,” Veliu threatened, “very soon, we will join
UCK soldiers, first at big protests in order to
internationalize the issue and then, if necessary, we
will win Kosovo’s independence with weapons.”

He thinks that he would have to gather all 10,000 ONA
members who fought in Macedonia in 2001, writes

Source: R. Rozoff through http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stopnato