LINKS / Vulin: "Hrvatska humanost trajala samo dva dana" / Croatia refuses to accept refugees, partly closes borders with Serbia (18 Sep, 2015) / Hungary stops train with 1,000 asylum seekers, blocks and expels 40 Croatian police officers / Evropa zaboravlja da je Srbija sama primila 900.000 izbeglica tokom devedesetih!
Depuis mercredi soir, minuit, la Serbie a interdit l’importation de toute marchandise croate. En retour, Zagreb interdit l’entrée sur son territoire, au poste de frontière de Bajakovo, à tout ressortissant serbe et à tout véhicule immatriculé en Serbie. Des milliers de camions attendent toujours de passer...
Solo pochi mesi fa, in primavera, il flusso di migranti era relativamente basso, ma ora è nell'ordine delle centinaia di migliaia di persone. Che cosa è cambiato?
ZJ: Penso che ci sia stato un crescente afflusso nei centri di accoglienza e nei campi in Turchia, Siria, Giordania, Libano e altri paesi circostanti adiacenti alle zone di conflitto in Medio Oriente. Di conseguenza, abbiamo una quantità tremenda di rifugiati in arrivo e di immigrati che attraversano i Balcani. Per esempio, la Serbia ha ricevuto negli ultimi due mesi oltre 170.000 immigrati e rifugiati. Ieri sera (20 Settembre 2015) la Serbia ha ricevuto un gruppo di 5.000 nuovi rifugiati. Allo stesso tempo, i valichi di frontiera tra Serbia, Ungheria e Croazia sono stati quasi chiusi. In Croazia sette valichi di frontiera sono stati chiusi ad autocarri e commercio per diversi giorni. Solo i passeggeri possono passare questi varchi. Gravi incidenti si sono verificati nella zona di confine con l'Ungheria, dove le autorità ungheresi hanno eretto un recinto di filo per impedire agli immigrati di continuare a viaggiare verso l'Austria, la Germania e paesi scandinavi. Oggi (21 settembre, 2015) il portavoce ufficiale della Commissione europea ha annunciato che i paesi dell'UE hanno il diritto di rimandare i rifugiati o gli immigrati in Serbia. La Serbia ne sta ricevendo un gran numero da sud, dalla Grecia e Macedonia, e ora sembra che possa essere obbligata a ricevere indietro dal nord coloro che non sono accettati nei paesi dell'UE. Ciò rende la situazione molto difficile per la Serbia e può portare a tensioni nelle relazioni con i paesi vicini.
La Germania ha puntato il dito sulla politica estera statunitense. Ma quali sono le colpe dell’Europa?
ZJ: Ho sentito la valutazione di un analista tedesco, che ha detto che la marea di immigrati è un progetto congiunto degli Stati Uniti, della Turchia e degli islamisti estremisti. Non posso confermarlo, ma credo che ci sia qualcosa di vero. Tuttavia, l'Europa è da biasimare. A me sembra che l'Europa stia raccogliendo i frutti della propria politica sbagliata. In primo luogo, l'Europa ha seguito quasi ciecamente gli interessi degli Stati Uniti e la loro strategia di interventismo globale, a cominciare dall’aggressione della NATO contro la Jugoslavia nel 1999, poi in Afghanistan, Iraq, Siria, Libia, Yemen, Mali e molti altri paesi. In secondo luogo, dopo la decolonizzazione, invece di aiutare gli africani, gli asiatici e gli altri paesi a promuovere il proprio sviluppo economico e sociale, l’Europa ha continuato a sfruttarli ancora più duramente, in particolare le loro risorse energetiche e minerarie. Ora l'Europa si trova ad affrontare le conseguenze della propria politica sbagliata. Spero solo che l'Europa in futuro penserà due volte su come condurre i propri interesse a lungo termine e la propria politica.
Vi è una crescente preoccupazione che ci possano essere dei terroristi che si nascondono tra i rifugiati. Quanto è reale questo rischio?
ZJ: Si stima che più di un milione di immigrati arriveranno in Europa dal Medio Oriente e Nord Africa entro la fine di quest'anno. La sola Germania ha acconsentito di accettarne 800.000. Se non gestirà questo problema correttamente, come sembra succederà, invece dei 1,5 milioni di quest'anno, l'Europa potrà averne due o tre milioni l'anno prossimo. Quando si ha a che fare con cifre così elevate si può tranquillamente supporre, per la legge dei grandi numeri, che tra loro potrà esservi qualunque tipo di persona. Visto che i migranti sono provenienti da una zona di guerra, c’è il rischio che arrivino anche dei terroristi.
Il governo serbo ha appena annunciato di star preparando una nuova strategia antiterrorismo. Anche se questo documento governativo non può essere visto semplicemente come una causa dei flussi migratori, è significativo che sia stato presentato contemporaneamente all’incremento del numero degli immigrati.
Finora l'Europa ha risposto con recinzioni, controlli alle frontiere, polizia e truppe militari. Questi provvedimenti dureranno a lungo?
ZJ: Ovviamente no. Ciò riflette una unilateralità a breve termine, una disperata mancanza di capacità strategiche dei politici europei. Cercano di risolvere il problema intervenendo sulle conseguenze, non capendo o evitando di affrontare le cause reali. La cosa peggiore di tutte è l'uso di militari contro i rifugiati e gli immigrati, le loro barche.
Si teme che l'afflusso di rifugiati cambierà inevitabilmente il volto dell'Europa. Sono queste preoccupazioni giustificate?
ZJ: Sì, ci sono dei timori, alcuni reali, alcuni ingranditi da politici che, per i propri interessi, sfruttano la situazione degli immigrati per favorire l'estremismo di destra e fascista. La nuova situazione degli immigrati, l’incompetenza o la mancanza di volontà dei politici di affrontarlo, ha notevolmente contribuito a promuovere l’estremismo di destra che ormai da anni è una realtà in Europa. In ogni caso, il flusso di immigranti ha messo in luce molte carenze e problemi profondi all'interno dell'UE. Alcuni pilastri della struttura dell'UE come la solidarietà, gli accordi di Dublino, Lisbona e di Schengen sono apparsi deboli e svalutati di fronte ad un'improvvisa eruzione di egoismi nazionali dei singoli paesi membri.
Quindi, che cosa secondo lei dovrebbe essere fatto?
ZJ: È molto difficile prevedere ulteriori sviluppi e ancor più offrire soluzione. Ma, personalmente, credo che il quadro includa questi elementi:
In primo luogo, è necessario porre fine alla guerra e spargimento di sangue in Siria, attraverso negoziati sotto l'ombrello delle Nazioni Unite. Dopo tutto, la maggior parte dei rifugiati e degli immigrati provengono dalla devastante guerra in Siria, e in secondo luogo in Iraq, in Afghanistan e nel resto del destabilizzato Oriente e dell'Africa;
In secondo luogo, è necessario che UE, ONU, G-20, governi e agenzie internazionali si impegnino per valutare con urgenza le esigenze immediate e a medio termine dei profughi sul posto - in Siria, Turchia, Iraq, Giordania, Libano – per fornire risorse e logistica per soddisfare tali esigenze, mentre si lavora per soluzione pacifica del conflitto;
In terzo luogo, rafforzare l'autorità dei principi fondamentali delle relazioni internazionali, come la sovranità, l'integrità territoriale e la non ingerenza negli affari interni di altri paesi;
In quarto luogo, fermare la militarizzazione e la politica aggressiva, l'interventismo militare globale sotto qualsiasi copertura, che si tratti del "diritto di proteggere" (RTP), del "ruolo-guida" (missione), della democratizzazione, della lotta contro il terrorismo internazionale e simili;
In quinto luogo, riconoscere la realtà del mondo multipolare, accettare la responsabilità condivisa per la pace, la stabilità e lo sviluppo basata sulla Carta delle Nazioni Unite e del sistema delle Nazioni Unite.
(Parte di questa intervista è stata pubblicata su RT Tv,il 21 settembre 2015)
Traduzione di Andrea B. per Forum Belgrado Italia/ civg.it
On his official visit to Paris, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin spoke exclusively and at length to France's Le Monde newspaper. RT now presents the full version of that interview...
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7EhpjXUw1E
"When we tried to stop the Kosovo solution no one listened to us," Putin said. “... What are we to say to the small communities in the Caucasus? How come Kosovo can get independence and we can’t? You’ll put us in an awkward position,” Putin told CNN...
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDLwu4E35us
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVQsoIcevLI
oppure http://comunicati.russia.it/vladimir-putin-cosi-le-nazioni-dell-europa-stanno-perdendo-la-loro-sovranita.html
Trad. Voce della Russia: http://italian.ruvr.ru/2014_11_17/Intervista-del-presidente-Putin-al-canale-tedesco-ARD-1464/
Trad. Monia Guidi: http://contropiano.org/documenti/item/27646-aerd-intervista-a-vlladimir-putin
ORIG.: Interview: Putin und der russische Standpunkt
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EXToQnI75g
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n69zTW6xi0
Voice over: Massimo Mazzucco. Montaggio: Adalberto Gianuario
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=142&v=r8DJJ9JMJEs
Vladimir Poutine, le Président de la Russie intervient devant l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies pour la première fois au cours des 10 dernières années. La 70e session risque de prendre l'allure d'un véritable parcours du combattant compte tenu de l'instabilité géopolitique mondiale...
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsHHemo5SAg
70th session of the UN General Assembly
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr. President,
Mr. Secretary General,
Distinguished heads of state and government,
Ladies and gentlemen,
The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a good occasion to both take stock of history and talk about our common future. In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay a solid foundation for the postwar world order. Let me remind you that key decisions on the principles defining interaction between states, as well as the decision to establish the UN, were made in our country, at the Yalta Conference of the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition.
The Yalta system was truly born in travail. It was born at the cost of tens of millions of lives and two world wars that swept through the planet in the 20th century. Let’s be fair: it helped humankind pass through turbulent, and at times dramatic, events of the last seven decades. It saved the world from large-scale upheavals.
The United Nations is unique in terms of legitimacy, representation and universality. True, the UN has been criticized lately for being inefficient or for the fact that decision-making on fundamental issues stalls due to insurmountable differences, especially among Security Council members.
However, I’d like to point out that there have always been differences in the UN throughout the 70 years of its history, and that the veto right has been regularly used by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China and the Soviet Union, and later Russia. It is only natural for such a diverse and representative organization. When the UN was first established, nobody expected that there would always be unanimity. The mission of the organization is to seek and reach compromises, and its strength comes from taking different views and opinions into consideration. The decisions debated within the UN are either taken in the form of resolutions or not. As diplomats say, they either pass or they don’t. Any action taken by circumventing this procedure is illegitimate and constitutes a violation of the UN Charter and contemporary international law.
We all know that after the end of the Cold War the world was left with one center of dominance, and those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were tempted to think that, since they are so powerful and exceptional, they know best what needs to be done and thus they don’t need to reckon with the UN, which, instead of rubber-stamping the decisions they need, often stands in their way.
That’s why they say that the UN has run its course and is now obsolete and outdated. Of course, the world changes, and the UN should also undergo natural transformation. Russia is ready to work together with its partners to develop the UN further on the basis of a broad consensus, but we consider any attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the United Nations as extremely dangerous. They may result in the collapse of the entire architecture of international relations, and then indeed there will be no rules left except for the rule of force. The world will be dominated by selfishness rather than collective effort, by dictate rather than equality and liberty, and instead of truly independent states we will have protectorates controlled from outside.
What is the meaning of state sovereignty, the term which has been mentioned by our colleagues here? It basically means freedom, every person and every state being free to choose their future.
By the way, this brings us to the issue of the so-called legitimacy of state authorities. You shouldn’t play with words and manipulate them. In international law, international affairs, every term has to be clearly defined, transparent and interpreted the same way by one and all.
We are all different, and we should respect that. Nations shouldn’t be forced to all conform to the same development model that somebody has declared the only appropriate one.
We should all remember the lessons of the past. For example, we remember examples from our Soviet past, when the Soviet Union exported social experiments, pushing for changes in other countries for ideological reasons, and this often led to tragic consequences and caused degradation instead of progress.
It seems, however, that instead of learning from other people’s mistakes, some prefer to repeat them and continue to export revolutions, only now these are “democratic” revolutions. Just look at the situation in the Middle East and Northern Africa already mentioned by the previous speaker. Of course, political and social problems have been piling up for a long time in this region, and people there wanted change. But what was the actual outcome? Instead of bringing about reforms, aggressive intervention rashly destroyed government institutions and the local way of life. Instead of democracy and progress, there is now violence, poverty, social disasters and total disregard for human rights, including even the right to life.
I’m urged to ask those who created this situation: do you at least realize now what you’ve done? But I’m afraid that this question will remain unanswered, because they have never abandoned their policy, which is based on arrogance, exceptionalism and impunity.
Power vacuum in some countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa obviously resulted in the emergence of areas of anarchy, which were quickly filled with extremists and terrorists. The so-called Islamic State has tens of thousands of militants fighting for it, including former Iraqi soldiers who were left on the street after the 2003 invasion. Many recruits come from Libya whose statehood was destroyed as a result of a gross violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1973. And now radical groups are joined by members of the so-called “moderate” Syrian opposition backed by the West. They get weapons and training, and then they defect and join the so-called Islamic State.
In fact, the Islamic State itself did not come out of nowhere. It was initially developed as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes. Having established control over parts of Syria and Iraq, Islamic State now aggressively expands into other regions. It seeks dominance in the Muslim world and beyond. Their plans go further.
The situation is extremely dangerous. In these circumstances, it is hypocritical and irresponsible to make declarations about the threat of terrorism and at the same time turn a blind eye to the channels used to finance and support terrorists, including revenues from drug trafficking, the illegal oil trade and the arms trade.
It is equally irresponsible to manipulate extremist groups and use them to achieve your political goals, hoping that later you’ll find a way to get rid of them or somehow eliminate them.
I’d like to tell those who engage in this: Gentlemen, the people you are dealing with are cruel but they are not dumb. They are as smart as you are. So, it’s a big question: who’s playing who here? The recent incident where the most “moderate” opposition group their weapons to terrorists is a vivid example of that.
We consider that any attempts to flirt with terrorists, let alone arm them, are short-sighted and extremely dangerous. This may make the global terrorist threat much worse, spreading it to new regions around the globe, especially since there are fighters from many different countries, including European ones, gaining combat experience with Islamic State. Unfortunately, Russia is no exception.
Now that those thugs have tasted blood, we can’t allow them to return home and continue with their criminal activities. Nobody wants that, right?
Russia has consistently opposed terrorism in all its forms. Today, we provide military-technical assistance to Iraq, Syria and other regional countries fighting terrorist groups. We think it’s a big mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian authorities and government forces who valiantly fight terrorists on the ground.
We should finally admit that President Assad’s government forces and the Kurdish militia are the only forces really fighting terrorists in Syria. Yes, we are aware of all the problems and conflicts in the region, but we definitely have to consider the actual situation on the ground.
Dear colleagues, I must note that such an honest and frank approach on Russia's part has been recently used as a pretext for accusing it of its growing ambitions — as if those who say that have no ambitions at all. However, it is not about Russia's ambitions, dear colleagues, but about the recognition of the fact that we can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world.
What we actually propose is to be guided by common values and common interests rather than by ambitions. Relying on international law, we must join efforts to address the problems that all of us are facing, and create a genuinely broad international coalition against terrorism.Similar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of parties willing to stand firm against those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind. And of course, Muslim nations should play a key role in such a coalition, since Islamic State not only poses a direct threat to them, but also to one of the greatest world religions with its atrocities. The ideologues of these extremists make a mockery of Islam and subvert its true humanist values.
I would also like to address Muslim spiritual leaders: Your authority and your guidance are of great importance right now. It is essential to prevent people targeted for recruitment by extremists from making hasty decisions, and those who have already been deceived and, due to various circumstances, found themselves among terrorists, must be assisted in finding a way back to normal life, laying down arms and putting an end to fratricide.
In the days to come, Russia, as the current President of the UN Security Council, will convene a ministerial meeting to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the threats in the Middle East. First of all, we propose exploring opportunities for adopting a resolution that would serve to coordinate the efforts of all parties that oppose Islamic State and other terrorist groups. Once again, such coordination should be based upon the principles of the UN Charter.
We hope that the international community will be able to develop a comprehensive strategy of political stabilization, as well as social and economic recovery in the Middle East. Then, dear friends, there would be no need for setting up more refugee camps. Today, the flow of people forced to leave their native land has literally engulfed, first, the neighbouring countries, and then Europe. There are hundreds of thousands of them now, and before long, there might be millions. It is, essentially, a new, tragic Migration Period, and a harsh lesson for all of us, including Europe.
I would like to stress that refugees undoubtedly need our compassion and support. However, the only way to solve this problem for good is to restore statehood where it has been destroyed, to strengthen government institutions where they still exist, or are being re-established, to provide comprehensive military, economic and material assistance to countries in a difficult situation, and certainly to people who, despite all their ordeals, did not abandon their homes. Of course, any assistance to sovereign nations can, and should, be offered rather than imposed, in strict compliance with the UN Charter. In other words, our Organisation should support any measures that have been, or will be, taken in this regard in accordance with international law, and reject any actions that are in breach of the UN Charter. Above all, I believe it is of utmost importance to help restore government institutions in Libya, support the new government of Iraq, and provide comprehensive assistance to the legitimate government of Syria.
Dear colleagues, ensuring peace and global and regional stability remains a key task for the international community guided by the United Nations. We believe this means creating an equal and indivisible security environment that would not serve a privileged few, but everyone. Indeed, it is a challenging, complicated and time-consuming task, but there is simply no alternative.
Sadly, some of our counterparts are still dominated by their Cold War-era bloc mentality and the ambition to conquer new geopolitical areas. First, they continued their policy of expanding NATO – one should wonder why, considering that the Warsaw Pact had ceased to exist and the Soviet Union had disintegrated.
Nevertheless, NATO has kept on expanding, together with its military infrastructure. Next, the post-Soviet states were forced to face a false choice between joining the West and carrying on with the East. Sooner or later, this logic of confrontation was bound to spark off a major geopolitical crisis. And that is exactly what happened in Ukraine, where the people's widespread frustration with the government was used for instigating a coup d’état from abroad. This has triggered a civil war. We are convinced that the only way out of this dead end lies through comprehensive and diligent implementation of the Minsk agreements of February 12th, 2015. Ukraine's territorial integrity cannot be secured through the use of threats or military force, but it must be secured. The people of Donbas should have their rights and interests genuinely considered, and their choice respected; they should be engaged in devising the key elements of the country's political system, in line with the provisions of the Minsk agreements. Such steps would guarantee that Ukraine will develop as a civilized state, and a vital link in creating a common space of security and economic cooperation, both in Europe and in Eurasia.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have deliberately mentioned a common space for economic cooperation. Until quite recently, it seemed that we would learn to do without dividing lines in the area of the economy with its objective market laws, and act based on transparent and jointly formulated rules, including the WTO principles, which embrace free trade and investment and fair competition. However, unilaterally imposed sanctions circumventing the UN Charter have all but become commonplace today. They not only serve political objectives, but are also used for eliminating market competition.
I would like to note one more sign of rising economic selfishness. A number of nations have chosen to create exclusive economic associations, with their establishment being negotiated behind closed doors, secretly from those very nations' own public and business communities, as well as from the rest of the world. Other states, whose interests may be affected, have not been informed of anything, either. It seems that someone would like to impose upon us some new game rules, deliberately tailored to accommodate the interests of a privileged few, with the WTO having no say in it. This is fraught with utterly unbalancing global trade and splitting up the global economic space.
These issues affect the interests of all nations and influence the future of the entire global economy. That is why we propose discussing those issues within the framework of the United Nations, the WTO and the G20. Contrary to the policy of exclusion, Russia advocates harmonizing regional economic projects. I am referring to the so-called ”integration of integrations“ based on the universal and transparent rules of international trade. As an example, I would like to cite our plans to interconnect the Eurasian Economic Union with China's initiative for creating a Silk Road economic belt. We continue to see great promise in harmonizing the integration vehicles between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.
Ladies and gentlemen, one more issue that shall affect the future of the entire humankind is climate change. It is in our interest to ensure that the coming UN Climate Change Conference that will take place in Paris in December this year should deliver some feasible results. As part of our national contribution, we plan to limit greenhouse gas emissions to 70–75 percent of the 1990 levels by the year 2030.
However, I suggest that we take a broader look at the issue. Admittedly, we may be able to defuse it for a while by introducing emission quotas and using other tactical measures, but we certainly will not solve it for good that way. What we need is an essentially different approach, one that would involve introducing new, groundbreaking, nature-like technologies that would not damage the environment, but rather work in harmony with it, enabling us to restore the balance between the biosphere and technology upset by human activities.
It is indeed a challenge of global proportions. And I am confident that humanity does have the necessary intellectual capacity to respond to it. We need to join our efforts, primarily engaging countries that possess strong research and development capabilities, and have made significant advances in fundamental research. We propose convening a special forum under the auspices of the UN to comprehensively address issues related to the depletion of natural resources, habitat destruction, and climate change. Russia is willing to co-sponsor such a forum.
Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues. On January 10th, 1946, the UN General Assembly convened for its first meeting in London. Chairman of the Preparatory Commission Dr. Zuleta Angel, a Colombian diplomat, opened the session by offering what I see as a very concise definition of the principles that the United Nations should be based upon, which are good will, disdain for scheming and trickery, and a spirit of cooperation.Today, his words sound like guidance for all of us.
Russia is confident of the United Nations' enormous potential, which should help us avoid a new confrontation and embrace a strategy of cooperation. Hand in hand with other nations, we will consistently work to strengthen the UN's central, coordinating role. I am convinced that by working together, we will make the world stable and safe, and provide an enabling environment for the development of all nations and peoples.
Thank you.
Parte il corso di lingua serbo-croata a Torino
+39 3315899460
Il corso di lingua serbo-croata si tiene tutti i martedì h 18.30 alle h 20.30.
La lingua serbo-croata (o serbocroata) (srpskohrvatski/cрпскохрватски) è una lingua slava meridionale.
Era una tra le principali lingue ufficiali della Jugoslavia, parlata nelle repubbliche socialiste di Serbia, Croazia, Bosnia-Erzegovina e Montenegro, insieme allo sloveno e al macedone (rispettivamente nelle repubbliche socialiste di Slovenia e Macedonia).
Questa denominazione non è più ufficialmente usata dopo i tragici fatti del periodo 1992–1995 nella Jugoslavia ed il progressivo, vicendevole allontanamento dei Paesi interessati.
Oggi possiamo dire che la definizione di lingua serbo-croata non si usi più, sebbene la lingua sia perfettamente viva e parlata. Le persone oggi riconoscono la propria lingua come serbo parlato in Serbia, come croato parlato in Croazia, come bosniaco parlato in Bosnia-Erzegovina e come montenegrino parlato in Montenegro.
ROSS@ ne discute con
Vladimiro Giacché – economista, autore di Anschluss. L’unificazione della Germania e il futuro dell’Europa e di Costituzione italiana contro trattati europei. Il conflitto inevitabile
Alessandro Somma – docente di diritto pubblico comparato all’Università di Ferrara, autore di La dittatura dello spread e L’altra faccia della Germania.
Diventa quindi di cruciale importanza comprendere il ruolo della Germania nella UE e della sua evoluzione interna a partire dalla “riunificazione”, dagli anni cruciali ’89 - ’90 in cui le veloci tappe verso una realizzazione dell’unione monetaria, facevano presagire più ad un’annessione della ex-DDR nella Germania Ovest. Si tratta di un laboratorio politico che con le riforme “Hartz” dei primi anni duemila – basate su una forte spinta alla flessibilizzazione del lavoro e continuate con i governi Merkel – non ha cessato di essere fonte ispiratrice delle politiche europee, determinando scelte di governance che si sono sedimentate nei trattati stessi e che sono divenute, quindi, regole per tutti.
Ingresso libero, seguirà dibattito
Stevan Mirković general JNA 27.10.1927 - 26.09 2015
Sahrana generala Stevana Mirkoviča je u četvrtak 01.10.2015. u 12. 30 časova na Novom groblju u Beogradu.
Nek mu je večna slava i hvala i laka mu zemlja Jugoslovenska.
Jednom je izjavio da mu je najdraža pesma:
„ Nas dva brata oba ratujemo
Ne plač’ majko ako poginemo,
Mila majko žali nas jednako
Jal’ jednako jal’ nemoj nikako“
Sreten i njegov brat Žika zajedno su bili među oslobodiocima Beograda oktobra 1944 a onda produžili skupa na Sremski front. Žika je umro prošle godine, odnevši sa sobom u grob i nemačko mitraljesko čelično zrno, koje je u svojoj jetri nosio celog života, Stevan je bio ranjen jednom u Hrvatskoj i drugi put u Bosni.
Danas je u Beogradu uz vojne počasti sahranjen general pukovnik JNA drug Stevan Mirković.
General - pukovnik Stevan Mirković bio je osnivač i počasni predsednik dve političke organizacije: pokreta Jugoslovenski Centar Tito i Saveza Komunista Jugoslavije u Srbiji.
Sahrani je prisustvovao veliki broj građana, kao i veliki broj delegacija antifašističkih, komunističkih, jugoslovenskih i levičarskih partija, udruženja, pokreta.
Prisutnima su se obratili general - podpukovnik drug Svetozar Oro u ime organizacija Avnojevski Forum Josip Broz Tito, Društva za Istinu o NOB - u i Jugoslaviji i pokreta Jugoslovenski Centar Tito i drugarica Mira Tokanović u ime Saveza Komunista Jugoslavije u Srbiji.
U toku sahrane general - pukovnika Stevana Mirkovića pročitan je i telegram koji je u ime Lige Antifašista Jugoistočne Evrope i organizacija koje sačinjavaju Ligu poslao predsednik Lige drug Hakija Abdić.
Počasne straže uz odar pokojnog general - pukovnika Stevana Mirkovića držale su delegacije Sekcije Boraca Prve Proleterske Narodnooslobodilačke Udarne Brigade, pokreta Jugoslovenski Centar Tito, Saveza Komunista Jugoslavije u Srbiji, udruženja Naša Jugoslavija, ZZB NOB Slovenija, Komunističke Partije i Komunista Srbije.
Ovom prilikom želimo da se zahvalimo članovima sledećih delegacija:
- ZZB NOB Slovenija na čelu sa Frankom Pleskom i Bojanom Pahorom
- Avnojevski Forum Josip Broz Tito na čelu sa general - podpukovnikom Svetozarom Orom
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Još jednom koristimo priliku da se zahvalimo svim delegacijama i pojedincima koji su prisustvovali poslednjem ispraćaju našeg generala.
Hvala svima!!!
pokret Jugoslovenski Centar Tito
Savez Komunista Jugoslavije u Srbiji
Stevan Mirkovic, general u penziji , 17.10.2012 :
" Meni je najdraža partizanska pesma „ Nas dva brata oba ratujemo/Ne plač’ majko ako poginemo/ Mila majko žali nas jednako/ Jal’ jednako jal’ nemoj nikako/“. Zašto?. Desilo se, eto, da naš otac Dobrivoje i njegov stariji brat Milutin ratuju u I svetskom ratu i to obojica u sastavu Drinske divizije prvog poziva, a moj brat Živojin i ja ratujemo u II svetskom ratu i to obojica u sastavu , prvo Kosmajkog partizankog odreda, a onda u 5.krajiškoj diviziji. Naš otac se vratio iz rata 1918.živ i zdrav a stric Milutin poginuo 1915 u Albaniji pri povlačenju srpske vojske u Grčku. Naša majka bila je pralja , radila je za nadnicu kod imućnijih ljudi a otac baštovan u opštinskom rasadniku, gde je danas igralište „Crvene zvezde“.Oboje su završili svoj radni vek u perionici i parku Infektivne klinike u Beogradu i posle penzionisanja vratili se u majčin rodni kraj kod Krupnja, u kućicu koju smo im brat i ja podigli od svojih plata i uštedjevine.
I Žika i ja smo medju oslobodiocima Beograda oktobra 1944., samo što je on napadao spolja u sastavu 4.krajiške brigade a ja iznutra u sastavu jedne od preko 200 omladinskih borbenih grupa, a onda produžili skupa na Sremski front. ,posle kraćeg odmora i obuke u Beogradu negde početkom decembra 1944. Ja sam te godine u oktobru napunio 17 godina a Žika u maju 18.Obojica smo bili srednješkolci i deo mase naših vršnjaka ,koji su masovno stupali dobrovoljno u NOV i POJ i s ponosom se obučavali na tek dobijenom novom sovjetskom naoružanju .Živojin i ja smo teško ranjeni na Sremskom frontu i u borbama za Brčko. Žika je umro prošle godine, odnevši sa sobom u grob i nemačko mitraljesko čelično zrno, koje je u svojoj jetri nosio celog života. Ja sam bio ranjen jednom u Hrvatskoj (Sotin) , drugi put u Bosni (Brčko)..
Zašto ovo pišem? I danas ,kao i onda, sa oduševljenjem doživljavam to vreme slobode i radujem se što sam mogao da učestvujem kao borac u njemu. Nama ne trebaju advokati da nas sažaljevaju zbog Sremskog fronta jer smo to činili dobrovoljno, niko nas nije mobilisao. Nismo se plašili tada još uvek moćnog Vermahta.Uspeo sam da sačuvam pisamce koje sam pred polazak u Srem poslao roditeljima i izmedju ostalog napisao „ ja odoh na Berlin“.U Berlin nisam stigao i kraj rata dočekao u vojnoj bolnivi u Čurugu.kod Novog Sada. Da li će današnje mlade generacije poći našim putem ili ce , kao Borislav Mihailiovic Mihiz i njemu slični, „šmugnuti“ negde u rodni kraj ili inostranstvo i posle se hvaliti kako su bili pametni. Ti su se nauživali slobode ali za nju nisu dali ništa. Žika je posle rata završio DIF i filozofski fakultet i do kraja radnog veka bio profesor gimnazije u Beogradu. Ja sam ostao u vojsci i „dogurao“ do položaja NGŠ JNA.
NOB naroda Jugoslavije je pokazala da je narod ,odlučan da se bori ,jači od bilo kakve strane vojne sile i da samo on sam može steći i sačuvati svoju slobodu a ne neko drugi.“Nijeda rat nije završen dok se narod ne pokori neprijatelju“ (Klauzevic).Nažalost, današnja omladina se ideološko – politički vaspitava u primitivnom duhu – glavni cilj u životu je pohlepa za zadovoljenje animalno – fizičkih i materijalnih potreba i razvrata, čemu doprinosi naša gologuza i golosisa štampa. Rad i rat za domovinu su ljudske aktivnosti istog značaja za nju i njene narode. Zanemarivanje bilo koje od njih je ništavilo."
Beograd: Centar Tito, decembar 2008
BRAVAR JE BIO BOLJI [Era meglio il fabbro]
Liber - Centar Tito, Beograd 2004
ISBN 86-85353-00-9
Premessa: https://it.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/crj-mailinglist/conversations/messages/4090
Beograd: Savez komunista - Pokret za Jugoslaviju u Hrvatskoj, 1992
Novi Pečat – Crvena Biblioteka – Knjiga 1
General Stevan Mirković je preminuo danas u Beogradu u 88. godini života (Valjevo, 27. oktobar 1927. - Beograd, 26. septembar 2015.) - VJEČNA MU SLAVA!
Josip Broz Tito. Kuća Cveća. Beograd. Jugoslavija. Yugoslavia. SFRJ.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pIkOMUMCMM
Sasvim licno - Stevan Mirkovic (IN televizija, Bijeljina) - autor i voditelj: Milan Mitrovic
Čas istorije ispred spomenika podignutog prigodom prve konferencije nesvrstanih zemalja održane u Beogradu 1961 godine.
O pokretu nesvrstanih i našem trenutku govorio je general Stevan Mirković. Prisutni su bili članovi i simpatizeri pokreta Centar Tito.
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VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUeE20wLKak
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