
Gravissime denunce sul ruolo del Kosovo Protection Corp (UCK "ripulito")


(The following article has been already distributed in english:
http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/100.html? )

Da "The Observer", domenica 12 marzo 2000

Rivelazioni: Kosovo, il regno del terrore
delle unita' appoggiate dall'ONU, il
'servizio di risposta alle emergenze'
sotto accusa per omicidi e torture

di John Sweeney e Jens Holsoe

Omicidi torture ed estorsioni:
queste sono le straordinarie accuse
mosse contro il corpo di Protezione
ONU in Kosovo (KPC) da un dossier confidenziale
delle Nazioni Unite redatto
per il segretario generale Kofi Annan.
Il KPC e' accusato nel documento, apparso
il 29 febbraio, di "attivita' criminali
uccisioni, maltrattamenti/torture,
abusi di potere, intimidazioni,
rottura della politica di neutralita'
e incitamento all'odio".
Il corpo formato da 5000 uomini,
e' finanziato dagli stati membri dell'ONU
inclusa la Gran Bretagna,
riceve 30 milioni di sterline (quasi
90 miliardi di Lire) per il Kosovo.
E' stato organizzato per costituire
una forza di pronto intervento
di "risposta ai disastri". Invece, l'ONU afferma,
e' stata capace di uccidere e torturare
persone. Il giudizio di condanna dell'ONU stesso
e' una chiara prova del fallimento
del Rappresentante Speciale Bermard Kouchner
nel ristabilimento dello stato di diritto
in Kosovo.
Molti dei reclutati nel corpo provengono
direttamente dall'UCK, organizzato per
rispondere con la violenza alla
violenza della polizia di Milosevic.

L'intervento NATO ha visto a giugno scorso
la partenza delle truppe serbe dal Kosovo,
ma la violenza ed il gangsterismo degli
estremisti albanesi non si e' fermato.
Il messaggio franco del rapporto e' che
l'ONU sta pagando i salari di molti
dei gangsters.
Il Rapporto copre il periodo dal 21 gennaio,
quando il corpo e' stato formalmente
Sotto a l'intestazione "uccisioni" l'ONU dice :
"Dagash: due membri del KPC e tre altre persone
sono state arrestate dalla polizia dell'ONU
in connessione con l'uccisione di
un Gorani (11 febbraio)"
Vi sono tre accuse di maltrattamenti
e torture: a Pec, un uomo
e' stato picchiato senza motivo
nel quartier generale del KPC.
L'uomo ha ricevuto
ferite alla testa, e gravi contusioni da
calcio di fucile.
La vittima e' stata attaccata in un articolo
di giornale, sritto da un ex combattente
A Prizren, un uomo della minoranza Torbesh -
un gruppo di musulmani turchi sospettati
dagli albanesi di collaborazione con i serbi - e' stato
sequestrato e pestato da un membro del KPC e da
altri tre uomini.
Inoltre a Prizren il KPC e' sotto accusa per
aver estorto confessioni con
l'uso della tortura.
Dopo che due uomini sono stati arrestati
con il sospetto di aver rubato una macchina
sono stati trasportati alla polizia ONU.
Gli arrestati "hanno protestato per essere stati
trattati brutalmente. Successivi esami medici
hanno corroborato le accuse
mosse dalle vittime".
Il 4 febbraio le truppe della K-FOR, la forza multinazionale,
hanno sospeso dal KPC i due sospetti torturatori.
Il KPC non e' una forza di polizia,
ed ancora una delle gravi preoccupazioni
sollevate dal rapporto dell'ONU, redatto dall'
ufficio dello stesso Kouchner, e' che
membri del KPC si stanno comportando come se
fossero al di sopra della legge.
Il rapporto fa la lista delle proteste
da parte della polizia ONU che lavora
per la sua missione in Kosovo (UNMIK).

Il KPC sta organizzando la protezione del racket
in tutto il Kosovo - a Pristina, Suva Reka,
Dragash, Istok, e Prizren - chiedendo
"contributi" ai negozianti, ai clienti e uomini d'affari.
A Suva Reka membri del KPC sono
sospettati di aver costretto la stazione
di servizio ad accettare buoni
al posto delle banconote per il carburante.

A Vucitrn, si riporta che il KPC ha
richiesto soldi in cambio di protezione
per i membri di una minoranza etnica, gli Askali,
originarii dell'India. Un membro della
famiglia era stato in precedenza
sequestrato e la famiglia aveva subito un attentato

Il KPC ha una schema chiaro
per le minacce di morte, afferma l'ONU.
Due membri del KPC hanno minacciato di
uccidere gli interpreti della K-FOR dopo essere stati
arrestati dalle truppe NATO in Kosovo.
Successivamente agli arresti, 20 uomini del
KPC hanno circondato la stazione di polizia
richiedendo il rilascio degli arrestati che sono
stati liberati il giorno dopo.

Il KPC sta forse controllando il racket della
prostituzione, afferma l'ONU. Un rapporto
e' stato ricevuto il 14 di febbraio. In tale rapporto
si afferma che un alto ufficiale del KPC
forse supervisiona il racket della
prostituzione dal Bar antistante il campo
di addestramento del KPC di Srbica.

Il KPC e' guidato dal Generale Agim Ceku,
che entra nel rapporto in quanto oggetto
di forti critiche. I suoi primi impegni
furono di non tollerare alcun comportamento
criminale da parte dei membri del KPC
e di espellere chiunque
violasse la legge, tali impegni
sono smascherati dal rapporto, e Ceku,
che e' un ex-comandante del UCK, e' oggetto di critiche

Sotto il titolo "Attivita' contro le minoranze
incluso incitamento all'odio", Ceku e'
criticato per essere stato presente
ad una marcia di protesta organizzata dai membri
Albanesi del KPC ed un discorso e' stato tradotto
in Serbo-Croato - la lingua
della minoranza musulmana slava
sospettata di collaborazionismo
con i serbi. Il rapporto commenta:
"E' chiara opinione dei presenti che
questa e' stata una azione permeditata.
I discorsi del Generale Ceku e quello
del comandante regionale del KPC
non sono stati quelli in precedenza pattuiti.
I due hanno parlato della guerra
e della lealta' 'alla patria' - 10 febbraio".
Un tale discorso ha contraddetto la politica
dell'ONU, il "datore di lavoro" del generale [Ceku].

[Un ringraziamento a L.S. per la traduzione]



An Albanian Tragedy:
A stranger in Belgrade

[ http://www.emperors-clothes.com encourages everyone to reproduce the
following in full including this note.]

Interview with Agim K., (last name withheld)
by Tanya Djurovic
Transcribed and edited by Greg Elich

Columns of Albanian refugees marched across the world's TV screens for
months. They were all going to Albania. All the world could see them....
the world couldn't, or wouldn't see, are the Albanians going to

Agim K. (27), an engineer, born in Pristina, is an Albanian by
He and his family, flying from the terror of their compatriots, found
in Belgrade... I met him in the offices of Serbian Red Cross, where he
applying for help, and asked him to tell me his story. He agreed, under
condition his last name and present address not be published for

Q: Why and when did you and your family leave Kosovo?

A: We left Pristina on Friday, 8th of October. We left because we were
to. It was no more a matter of wanting or not wanting-it was a question

Q: Who was forcing you?

A: No matter how unbelievable it sounds, the Albanians did... You see,
father was always a loyal citizen of this country. He was born here, and
respected the laws and authorities of Serbia, not of Albania; and
not of a terrorist organization such as UCK. When the bombing started,
was mobilizing Albanian people, young and old, to fight against the
Army. UCK soldiers were making constant threats: they wanted men to go
war, and their families to go to Albania or Macedonia, as refugees...
went from door to door; a lot of the men joined of their own free will,
there were even more of those who joined out of fear. People were scared
retaliation on their families, more than they were scared for their own

Q: Did UCK come to your door, too?

A: Yes, of course they did. More than once... My father and me, we
refused to
join them. The soldiers said they'll shoot us as traitors, burn our
My father answered that they can kill us all, if that's what they want,
he and his family won't be the butchers and scavengers... Finally they
us alone, saying that they won't have to kill us and that Yugoslav Army
finish the job for them...

Q: What did you do during the bombing? Did you stay in Pristina?

A: We stayed, and spent almost three months in the cellar of our Serbian
friends; they had the biggest and safest cellar in the neighborhood, so
of us neighbors were hiding there with them - about 15 to 20 people. No
paid any attention to nationality, we were all humans, helping each
other to

Q: And after the bombing?

A: That's when the real trouble started. After the war ended, and KFOR
entered Pristina, UCK came back. But they were not alone - the borders
no longer guarded, you see, anyone could come in. All the worst scum
Albania invaded Kosovo... UCK was fully armed and no one cared to stop
they could do whatever they wanted. And they did - this time REAL ethnic
cleansing was at work. Serbs were killed on daily bases in the city;
abductions, rapings, burnings, treats; a circle of violence with no
What can I say? You could all see that. All the world could see, if only
wanted to. Me and my family tried to help our Serbian friends, the way
helped us during the war. But we couldn't even help ourselves... To UCK
were worse then them - we were the traitors! And since we wouldn't join
mass expulsion of Serbs, UCK decided to make us leave Kosovo, or kill

Q: When did the threats start again? And how exactly?

A: The threats started again in July, I think. First only by telephone;
they began to come to our house, at night - four or five people usually,
sometimes more, in UCK uniforms. They had guns, knives... First they
me to work for them, I am an engineer and they needed qualified people.
wanted me to make diversions on power stations and phone lines. I
refused...Then they started to break in our house several times a week,
beat us up, me, my father; my mother and younger sisters had to watch
them do
it, at gun point.... We had no more sleep at night; this was thousand
worse than anything Serbs did, or didn't, or could have done: our own
was torturing us because we wouldn't be the cut-throats... Still, the
of leaving didn't cross my mind yet.

Q: Didn't you try to ask some protection of KFOR?

A: Yes, we did. KFOR said that there's nothing they can do, unless we
them while the assault is still going on... No, we couldn't hope for any
protection from their part. Then later, in August and September, the
situation became even worse. One night, I remember, three men broke in.
didn't even bother to put on the masks - we could all see their faces.
One of
them put a knife on my sister's throat. He said: "Next time I come, if I
you all here, I'll rape her in front of you and then cut her throat wide
open....!" And my sister is just 13 years old.... It was then when my
said, for the first time out loud: "I think we'll have to leave, sooner
later..." Even I, who was up to that point strongly against it, had to
with him... You see, all the time I kept thinking that the situation
will get
better, kept hoping there'll be some law and order finally; but as time
by I saw no improvement - just more killings, more blood... I don't care
much for myself - but my family, my sisters, that's something else.....

Q: So you finally decided to leave? But why come to Belgrade, of all

A: Where else could we go? Besides, we have old family friends here: I
in their house for five years while I was studying in Belgrade. We knew
we can count on their support. So when we finally decided to leave
Belgrade was the only logical choice. I knew, of course, that some
here will look at us with mistrust and disapproval, but that was to be
expected wherever we go. And anything was better than Kosovo. There was
place there for us anymore... Still, I shall never forget the day we
left -
it was the worst day of my life. It's hard, you know, when you have to
all your life in one car, leave behind all you have ever known as your
lock the house and throw away the key...

Q: Where do you live now?

A: We live in our friends' house - they are wonderful people indeed, the
I have ever met. There is simply no way for my family and me to show
them how
much we appreciate all their help and their support. We'll stay forever
their debt.

Q: Do you see, anywhere in future, the possibility for you and your
family to
go back to Kosovo?

A: I am sorry I have to say it, but no, I see no possibility for that,
in the distant future. The situation on Kosovo will remain unstable and
unsafe in the years to come. There's no life there for us... Even if
DO get better someday, we'll always be traitors for our compatriots.
want to live in some imaginary state, some Great Albania, and they don't
know this state will never exist... Me, I want to live in Yugoslavia...


The Western media portrays stick-figure ethnic Albanians who freely
the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) because of what the media has claimed
atrocities committed by "the Serbs". But an army of NATO-organized
experts have failed to produce any evidence after scouring Kosovo for
months. I discuss the attempt to talk around this failure in Spinning
Kill (http://www.emperors-clothes.com/analysis/spin.htm)

So wherein lies the basis of KLA backing? In "Orders" (to be posted
Cedomir Prlincevic, the Kosovo Jewish leader, argues that the KLA used
terror and b) the obvious fact of Western support to "convince" powerful
Albanian clan leaders to command rank and file "support" for the KLA.

In Crimes of Fascism, Crimes of Lies
(http://www.emperors-clothes.com/analysis/revenge.htm) George Thompson
documents the historical fact of a virulent Nazi minority among Kosovo
Albanians. It is this minority, many argue, who provide the hard-core of
activists, the types who Agim K. talks about in his interview. The
tragedy of
Kosovo is that the US and Germany have brought these forces back to
power and
banished from Kosovo the many Albanians who, like Agim K., stood for the
Yugoslav ideal of brotherhood. - Jared Israel

How you can help...

We've got lots of bills at Emperors-Clothes, including some big ones for
Lexis, our main research tool. We'd very much appreciate any help. To
use our
secure server, please click here or go to
http://www.emperors-clothes.com/howyour.htm Or you can mail a check to
Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton, MA 02461-0321. Thanks.

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e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

Da anni ormai la nostra opinione pubblica si chiede: "Come fanno i serbi
ad essere cosi' sadici?", ma forse sarebbe il caso di incominciare
invece a chiedersi se non siano piuttosto dei masochisti... Ci riferiamo
ad esempio all'"embargo" che il "sadico regime" di Slobodan Milosevic
avrebbe decretato contro la repubblica federata del Montenegro - questa
almeno la versione di giornalisti e commentatori nostrani.
Come e' possibile? Un paese gia' sottoposto ad un embargo micidiale si
auto-boicotta l'economia, agevolando le spinte secessioniste al suo
interno? "Cui prodest?" - secondo certi "geniali" giornalisti, il blocco
delle transazioni commerciali dalla Serbia verso il Montenegro giova
(naturalmente) sempre a Milosevic, il quale "si sostiene al potere"
facendo non solo e non tanto la guerra agli altri popoli e nazioni,
quanto proprio fomentando discordia, instabilita' e scontri all'interno
del suo paese... Come quel marito che si tagliava gli attributi per far
dispetto alla moglie.
Ma ogni mediocre psicologo/psichiatra (lasciamo stare i giornalisti, che
non fanno testo) prima di rilasciare terribili diagnosi sulla salute del
presidente jugoslavo, dovrebbe interessarsi alle motivazioni recondite
dei comportamenti umani. Scoprirebbe cosi' che il governo montenegrino,
dopo avere illegalmente introdotto l'uso del marco tedesco come valuta
in base ai suggerimenti dei consiglieri USA ed al sostegno monetario
della Germania, ha causato una disparita' grave tra il cambio con il
dinaro praticato in Montenegro e quello praticato in Serbia, causando un
pesante balzo dell'inflazione che la Serbia preferirebbe evitare.

Allora siamo proprio sicuri di questo "sadomasochismo serbo"?
Insomma: questa Serbia l'embargo lo fa, oppure lo subisce?

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj



> A precisazione del precedente messaggio dove sollecitavamo tutti i compagni della email list del
> coordinamento a contribuire nelle loro possibilità alla soluzione di un un problema urgente
> sollecitatoci dai rappresentanti sindacali della zastava di kragujevac riguardo la necessità di
> reperire medicinali urgenti per l'angina ........................... comunichiamo i nomi commerciali delle
> medicine in oggetto commercializzate in Italia:
> Principio attivo: LISOSORBID 5 MONONITRATO
> Nome commerciale: DURONITRIN 60 mg, ELAN 20 -40-50 mg, o prodotti equivalenti
> Nome commerciale: Peritrate Sincron 80 mg, o prodotti equivalenti.
> Ricordiamo a tutti che il convoglio partirà per la zastava il prossimo 4/5 aprile.
> Per informazioni potete rivolgervi ad Anelli Lino - 0339.7448637
> adozioni a distanza.
> Sono olmai oltre 800 le famiglie dei lavoratori della zastava che grazie all'iniziativa di adozione a
> distanza possono, grazie alla solidarietà internazionale, soppravvivere nonostante l'embargo.
> Ma le esigenze continuano ad essere enormi. Sono infatti almeno 30.000 le famiglie dei lavoratori
> oggi senza reddito per la distruzione della fabbrica.
> Lottare contro la guerra, continuare a farlo oggi ad un anno dall'inizio del conflitto, può essere
> fatto costruendo e sviluppando con ancora maggiore efficacia, forme concrete di solidarietà
> internazionale.
> Per informazioni sull'iniziativa di adozione a distanza scrivete a alma@...
> Vi giriamo a riguardo il messaggio email inviatoci dalla Rsu della Soc. It. Brevetti di Roma.
> Oggi la RSU della Società Italiana Brevetti di Roma è diventata Mamma!!!!!
> In linea con la risoluzione del parlamento europeo di ieri, oltre a noi che siamo tre mamme, oggi
> alla SIB
> si sono costituiti altri sei strani nuclei famigliari con da due a tre mamme, un solo papà, due
> mamme e un
> papà ...
> Siamo tutte e tutti molto contenti e speriamo che lo siano anche le figlie ed i figli dei lavoratori
> della
> Zastava e le loro famiglie!
> Ciao a tutti e a tutte da Renata, Sveva e Lilli (RSU Sib Roma)
> Ciao ALMA
> Alma Rossi - email - alma@...
> indirizzo email del coordinamento RSU - coord.naz.rsu@...
> indirizzo internet del Coordinamento RSU - http://www.ecn.org/coord.rsu/


Item: Kosovo War CD-ROM Guide
Listing closes: 9 days, 23:17:48

Price: $20.00

To take a look at the listing, go to:

Item Description:

The Internet Archive: KOSOVO WAR represents a collection of
produced and maintained, throughout the war, by the Internet Society of
Yugoslavia (non-governmental organization). We produced all the sites
Yugoslavia, trying very hard to give credible, up to date and
information. Non credible information or information from a suspicious
source were scarcely used. We also tried to gather all relevant
connected to this war - official, from the Yugoslav authorities as well
foreign, which makes this CD useful to anyone who needs an overall
documentation of this tragic event. The CD mostly deals with the human
tragedy caused by the NATO bombardment of Serbia. The question of the
Albanian refugees and their suffering, although we sympatise with them,
not dealt with out of a simple reason and that was not the information
could obtain and verify from Serbia. On the other hand we have included
the relevant UNHCR documents about them. This CD represents a view of
Yugoslavia - NATO war. We do not suggest that it might be an objective
however for us, the citizens of Serbia, a truly real one. Our views are
politically coloured although sometimes fury and helplessness spring out
which we consider appropriately human during a war. Moreover this CD
not deal with the military aspects of the war more then just brief
mentioning in the news. We hope that this CD will influence people
Serbia and tell them of the tragic consequences of war and at the same
illustrate how it feels to be "THE TARGET" . With God`s mercy, may this
never ever happen to anyone.


This message was requested by sasha. You can reach this person at
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> >From www.emperors-clothes.com - "JUDGEMENT" (Please forward!)
> --- At last we have visual proof that the media lied about Yugoslavia
> We have just finished production work on the English version of a stunning
> new film - "JUDGMENT." It exposes the tricks used to concoct phony pictures
> of a nonexistent Serbian 'death camp' in 1992. These doctored images --
> especially the famous emaciated man behind barbed wire -- were broadcast
> worldwide to dehumanize the Serbs. They led to the deaths of thousands and
> great suffering for millions of human beings.
> We urge you: Buy this film today Give a copy to a friend who doesn't want to
> believe the mass media would fabricate phony atrocity pictures. Show this
> film on TV stations, show it to local organizations, get it reviewed in local
> papers. It will change people's minds. It will change your mind.
> Last week the British alternative magazine, LM, was fined over $500,000 US
> for libel. LM had printed a story that that charged British news station ITN
> and reporters Penny Marshall and Ian Williams with fraud. LM said ITN had
> faked the "death camp" pictures to demonize the Serbs.
> The Judge in the libel case admitted that ITN might have made some mistakes.
> But he argued: the LM people weren't in Bosnia that day. So how could LM be
> sure what was really happening there?
> IN FACT another film crew was present the entire time. They filmed the
> footage used in "JUDGMENT".
> "JUDGMENT", proves LM was simply telling the truth. "JUDGMENT" proves Penny
> Marshall lied. "JUDGMENT" shows how Marshall produced the picture that
> fooled the world and justified a war.
> The ITN crew visited a POW center and a refugee camp. By sheer luck they
> were accompanied by a crew from Serbian television (RTS). The RTS crew
> filmed the ITN crew at work. Using this RTS footage, a small Yugoslav film
> studio has recreated the events of that day. Emperors-Clothes edited the
> Yugoslav movie to produce the English language film, "JUDGMENT".
> RTS is the TV station that NATO bombed in April, 1999, killing 20 people.
> The film is dedicated to those dead, whose murders began with the ITN
> pictures. We say this because the images that Penny Marshall fabricated in
> 1992 began the dehumanization of the Serbian people. ITN and Penny Marshall
> laid the political basis for the bombing of the Bosnian loyalist government
> and of Serbia itself a year ago.
> 1) The Loyalist ("Serbian") Authorities were humane.
> >From the pictures that ITN produced one would think that Marshall and her
> crew had sneaked into a death camp and shot their film when nobody was
> watching. Not so. The ITN crew visited two surprisingly casual and humane
> locations. They were protected but not controlled by the loyalist
> authorities whom they later compared to Nazi's.
> 2) Marshall KNEW the loyalists were humane.
> She and the crew from RTS interviewed POWs', their wives, non-POW refugees, a
> doctor, at least one red cross worker, the commander of the POW Center. The
> film shows these interviews. Marshall simply suppressed this evidence of
> humane treatment. Instead she staged some pictures. These were then
> doctored to produce Nazi-like images for mass consumption. The height of
> cynicism and dishonesty.
> 3) The refugees SAID they were treated decently.
> Marshall is shown arguing with one refugee. She tries to coerce the man to
> say something anti-Yugoslav. He refuses. "No, no," he protests vehemently.
> "Not a prison. No, no. REFUGEE center. They treat us very kind. No, no,
> very kind." Undeterred, Marshall used this very location to stage her phony
> death camp shots.
> 4) Marshall staged the death camp sequence seen around the world.
> She went out of her way to film from inside an awkward storage area. Why?
> Because one side had what she wanted: a fence, mainly chicken wire but with a
> few strands of barbed wire at the top. Shooting through the barbed wire,
> Marshall talked to refugees OUTSIDE the fence. She then doctored the raw
> footage to produce false images of prisoners behind barbed wire.
> 5) Marshall and Ian Williams were filmed in the act of lying.
> The amazing thing is -- the RTS people were filming a few feet away. They
> caught the same shots from a slightly different angle. They got pictures of
> Marshall, Ian Williams, a cameraman, a man holding a mike. You will see,
> step by step, just how Marshall doctored her pictures to produce the look of
> a Nazi death camp. That is, the film takes footage shot by RTS and then
> proceeds to alter it, as you watch, producing the phony ITN photos of
> Nazi-like atrocities.
> This film will change people's minds.
> It documents that Marshall and ITN have committed the worst crime against
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> join us?



5. Iniziativa a Pontecucco (FO) il 1 Aprile
Sabato 1 aprile, alle ore 21,30 presso il Centro Sociale "Il Confino"
(via Comunale Cervese, 1831) a Pontecucco S.
Giorgio di Cesena (FO) si terrà la "Festa di Solidarietà con il popolo
Jugoslavo eContro gli Embarghi". Vi sarà: Musica
popolare dal vivo con l'organetto diatonico di Pepe Medri; Cabaret
esplosivo; Musica e piatti balcanici. Nel corso
dell'iniziativa si raccoglieranno le firme per la "Campagna Rompere
l’Embargo". L’iniziativa è organizzata dal Centro
Sociale "Il Confino" e dal Coordinamento Romagnolo Contro la Guerra e la
Nato. Per Informazioni e dare una mano:

6. Iniziativa a Bolsena (VT) il 2 Aprile
Domenica 2 aprile a Bolsena (VT), dalle 11 per tutta la giornata presso
la taverna "Fufluns" (Largo Donzellini, a 50 mt.
da piazza Matteotti) si svolgerà l’iniziativa "Tutte le guerre contro di
noi, Noi contro tutte le guerre". Durante la
giornata saranno proiettati i video di F.Grimaldi "Iraq, genocidio
nell’Eden" e "Serbi da Morire". Ci saranno dibattiti con:
Carlo Pona (Tribunale Clark), Simona Lanzoni (Donne in Nero), Vittorio
Tranquilli (Ass. ABC), Fulvio Grimaldi
(Giornalista); Nella Ginatempo (Forum). Concluiderà la giornata il trio
di musica popolare "Tarantole". Vi sarà del
materiale a disposizione e si raccoglieranno le firme contro l’embargo.
L’iniziativa è promossa dal Forum delle Donne del
Prc della provincia di Viterbo, con l’adesione di: Arci,
Italia-Nicaragua, Ass. Proposta, Aucs, Centro Comunitario di
Celleno, Cobas Scuola, Comitato contro la guerra, Comitato in difesa
della Costituzione, Csoa, Donne in Nero, la
Piccola Editrice-Celleno, Massari Editore, Rdb-Cub.

8. Il 10 Aprile Cena di Autofinanziamento a Ravenna
Il 10 aprile ci sarà una cena di autofinanziamento del Comitato contro
la guerra e la NATO di Ravenna presso i Mulner
(via Lametta). Per prenotarsi: red-ghost@... oppure Tel.
0544/404475 (Monica o Claudio).

9. Iniziativa a Ravenna il 28 Aprile
La prossima iniziativa a Ravenna ci sarà il 28 aprile, ore 21 alla sala
Melandri, con al presentazione della sezione italiana
del tribunale internazionale contro i crimini della Nato in Jugoslavia.
Il tribunale internazionale è nato su proposta di
Ramsey Clark (ex ministro della giustizia americano) con l'adesione di
magistrati, avvocati, militanti, ecc. da tutto il
mondo. Sarà disponibile un opuscolo di presentazione del tribunale
indipendente (3.000 lire). Ovviamente si
raccoglieranno le firme contro l’embargo all’Iraq. Per informazioni e
dare una mano: red-ghost@... oppure Tel.
0544/404475 (Monica o Claudio).

Questo notiziario viene spedito il venerdì e (se necessario) il martedì
intorno alle 16.00 per le notizie vi preghiamo di
inviarle in tempo utile, tenendo conto che la lettura delle e-mail
avviene anche il giorno dopo quello di spedizione.
Pagina Web: http://www.unponteper.eu.org
Per contattarci: rompere-lembargo@...
Per rimanere informati inviate una mail bianca a:
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Per contribuire alla campagna: Ccp 59927004 - intestato "un ponte per" -
causale "rompere l'embargo"
La campagna "Rompere l'Embargo" e promossa da:
Comitato Golfo - via Pichi 1, 20143 Milano - Tel: 0289422061, Fax:
e-mail: guerrepace@... web: http://www.ecn.org/golfo
Un Ponte per ... - via della Guglia 69/A, 00186 Roma - Tel: 066780808,
Fax: 066793968
e-mail: ponteper@... web: http://www.unponteper.eu.org

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj



Godinu dana posle napada:
Rat NATO-a protiv Jugoslavije - ne}emo nikada zaboraviti!

24.marta NATO je napao Jugolaviju, jednu suverenu dr`avu, bez objave
rata. Ujedinjena vojna snaga 19 bogatih dr`ava
uni{tila je na{u dr`avu pod izgovorom, da {tite ljudska prava na Kosovu
i time su naterali narod u bedu. Sve vreme dok su
78 dana vodili takozvani "humanitarni rat", NATO je prekr{io razne
ugovore i deklaracije, kao i sopstvene ustanove, kao
{to su Deklaracija ljudskih prava UN, Helsinki-ugovor, itd. UN i
Me|unarodno pravo su postali marionete NATO-a!

@alosni bilans

Preko 3.000 civila postali su `rtve agresije, veliki delovi
infrastrukture i ekonomije Jugoslavije su uni{teni. Napadi
NATO-raketa su upropastili prirodu, do{lo je do ekolo{ke katastrofe ne
samo u Jugoslaviji, nego i {irom Evrope. Cilj
embarga i politi~kog iznu|ivanja sa Zapadom na ~elu SAD i Nema~ke, je da
i dalje oslabe Srbiju i da podignu re`im
marioneta, koje bi bile sluge Svetskom poredku NATO-a.

Rat medija

Predhodni rat je ve} pripreman jednu deceniju unapred: Zapad se neumorno
me{ao, vodio je podbada~ku propagandu,
forsirao je rat i na kraju je razbio Jugoslaviju. Podr`avali su ratove u
Hrvatskoj, BiH i na Kosovu, dok su pomagali
separatisti~kim snagama protiv Jugoslavije. Svetsko mnenje su
manipulisali la`ima, jer su sa punom namerom nahu{kali
narode protiv Srba. Propaganda medija je izmislila "holokaust" nad
albanskim stanovni{tvom i da je NATO tobo`e zbog
toga morao da interveni{e, ali ni jedna od tih la`i do danas nije
dokazana: za vreme rata su neumorno ponavljali, da su
izme|u 100.000 i 225.000 Albanaca nestali i da su najverovatnije
pobijeni. Ali ~ak Me|unarodni tribunal za ratne zlo~ine
u Jugoslaviji (ICTY) nije mogao da ih prona|e, ve} je izjavio da je
na|eno 2.108 mrtvih, od kojih se ne zna, ~ijoj
nacionalnosti pripadaju.

Etni~ko ~i{}enje na Kosmetu

Dok je NATO kao vojna sila prisutna na Kosmetu, KFOR podr`ava etni~ko
~i{}enje, koje sad sprovodi "razoru`ana" OVK
nad nealbanskim stanovni{tvom. Proterali su do sada ukupno 300.000 Srba,
Crnogoraca, Roma, Turaka i drugih manjina,
~ak i Albance, koji se ose}aju lojalni prema Jugoslaviji. U Srbiji ve}
`ive preko jedan milion izbeglica i njihova situacija je
veoma te{ka.
NATO i Zapad jo{ uvek tvrde da je na naredbu re`ima iz Beograda do{lo do
sistematskog proterivanja, da je re`im tolerisao
etni~ko ~i{}enje - ali do dan-danas nemaju nikakve dokaze, ve} su
upotrebili tu propagandu da napadnu Jugoslaviju.

+ Mi danas ho}emo da Vas podsetimo, koje `rtve je doneo taj rat i ho}emo
da podsetimo, da i dalje uni{tavaju na{u zemlju
kroz ekonomsku blokadu. Jedini koji pate to su opet civili.
+ Ho}emo da podsetimo, da svi oni, koji su ovaj rat podr`avali, da su
ratni zlo~inci, jer su samovoljno i bez razmi{ljanja
prihvatili la`i medija.
+ Ho}emo da podsetimo, da sprovodjenje Novog svetskog poredka od NATO-a
ne zna~i ni{ta dobro ni za Austrijance, jer
ve} sada pla}aju 40 milijardi dolara za nove rakete! NATO }e dovesti rat
i bedu tako|e i na Zapad.

NATO napolje iz Jugoslavije i sa Balkana!
Zaustavite nacionalno i politi~ko ~i{}enje NATO-a i OVK!
Dosta je blokade!
Zapad mora da plati ratne od{tete bez ikakvih uslovljavanja!
Dosta je sa razbijanjem Jugoslavije - protiv podr`avanja separatisti~kih
pokreta od strane Zapada!
Pravda za Srbiju!
Stop priklju~enju Austrije u NATO i WEU, evropskom NATO-paktu!

Me|unarodni miting
24. Mart 2000
18.00 ~asova ispred parlamenta
20.00 ~asova na [tefansplacu

Jugoslovensko-Austrijski pokret solidarnosti (JÖSB)

Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
PF 217, A-1040 Wien, Österreich


Mi, 22.3.
16-18 Uhr

Fr, 24.3.
18 h Parlament
20 h Oper (musste aufgrund von Bauarbeiten geändert werden)

* Nein zu Beistandspflicht, WEU und NATO!
* Kein Sozialabbau für Aufrüstung!
* Erhalt der Neutralität!

Bewegung der Revolutionären Linken Chile (MIR)
Bewegung für soziale Befreiung (BSB)
Bewegung gegen den Krieg
Bewegungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
Casa del Pueblo latinoamericano
Gewerkschaftlicher Linksblock (GLB)
gpa-Jugend (SchülerInnen und StudentInnen)
Initiative für Frieden in Kurdistan
Internationales Solidaritätsforum (ISF)
Jugoslawischer Dachverband
Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
Kampagne zur Verteidigung politischer und sozialer Rechte
Kommunistische Jugend Österreich (KJÖ)
Kommunistische Partei Österreich (KPÖ)
Kommunistischer StudentInnenverein (KSV)
Österreichischer Friedensrat
Prison Watch International Wien
Revolutionär Kommunistische Liga (RKL)
Sozialistische Jugend Österreich (SJÖ)
Wiener Friedensbewegung

Die JÖSB stellt ihre Beteiligung zusätzlich unter folgende Losungen:

* Stoppt die Vertreibungen durch UCK und NATO!
* NATO raus aus dem Kosovo!
* Schluss mit der Blockade gegen Jugoslawien!

Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
PF 217, A-1040 Wien, Österreich


Sonntag im Vorstadtzentrum 15
15., Meiselstrasse 46/4
Jeden So von 16-22 Uhr

26.3. 18 h 30

Kosovo - ethnische Säuberung mit Hilfe der NATO

Ein Jahr nach Beginn des brutalen Bombardements Jugoslawiens ist die
Heuchelei der NATO sichbar: Nicht Menschenrechte wurden verteidigt,
sondern die Interessen der westlichen Allianz. Warum verhindert die
NATO heute nicht die blutige Vertreibung von Serben, Roma, Juden und
anderen Minderheiten aus dem Kosovo? Auf diese Frage wollen wir im
Laufe der Diskussion eine Antwort finden.

Bewegung für Soziale Befreiung
15., Meiselstrasse 46/4



For the international conference on Yugoslavia see

Announcement mailing list send blank message to:
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Tel: +44(0)7050 615511
Fax: +44(0)7050 644569
Email: rjiggins@...

On the anniversary of NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia.....

Friday 24 - Sunday 26th March 2000

The Yugoslav Crisis: international responses and the way forward

(please note that the conference proper begins on Saturday morning
there are a number of events on Friday evening and that bookings for
accommodation must be made by Monday 20th March)

Please also note that Father Sava from Kosovo has agreed to attend the

An International Conference with Yugoslav music, food, theatre, film
and silent vigil - almost a festival for Yugoslavia!

Venue: Richmond Building, University of Bradford, UK

organised by:

the West Yorkshire Committee for Peace in the Balkans and the
Rsearch Unit in South East European Studies, University of Bradford, in
association with the City of Bradford Metropolitan Council

Supported by:

Committee for Peace in the Balkans (London); Campaign for Nuclear
National Peace Council; Refugee Action; Northern Refugee Centre,
United Nations Association; Pax Christi; International Voluntary
Anglican Pacifist Fellowship; ECRE/ICVA Reference Group on Former
led by the British Refugee Council


Keynote Speakers:

Father Sava
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Kosovo and Metohija
Gracanica Monastery, Pristina,
Kosovo and Metohija
(needs no introduction...!)

Rev. Dr. Paul Oestreicher, International Consultant, Coventry Cathedral
a political scientist long associated with eastern Europe and the
anti-apartheid movement... recently spent a month in Belgrade for the
Church of

Larry Hollingsworth, former (and controversial!) head of UNHCR,
Bosnia... now a
freelance consultant and advisor to Christian Aid

Paul Watson, Balkan's Bureau Chief, Los Angeles Times
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist... one of the few journalists to
remain in
Yugoslavia during the bombing... and fiercely independent

Felicity Arbuthnot, journalist
... specialises in social and environmental issues with special
knowledge of
Iraq and the effects of Depleted Uranium and cluster bombs...a regular
contributor to the Daily Herald and New Internationalist and others...

Bob Marshall Andrews MP QC
...will be talking on the legal aspects of the recent war

Programme of Events

Friday 24th March (the anniversary of NATO bombing)

5.00pm Feature film, one night only by special arrangement, 'Pretty
Pretty Flame' (Lepa Sela Lepo Gore)(dir. Srdjan Dragojevic),
National Museum of Film, Photography and Television, Discounts for
ticket holders

'an electrifying war movie, gripping and dense, frequently very funny, a
masterpiece' Misha Glenny, Sight and Sound

'Wilder in its black humour than MASH, bolder in its vision of politics
the military than any movie Stanley Kubrick has ever made' Emanuel Levy,

'...a powerful assault on the insanity of war' New York Times

'...hurls the Bosnian war into our faces like a hunk of burning
in the nineties is different: war profiteers hawk TVs while chatting on
cellphones and the spoils of war are a Gameboy...It burns. It rocks. The
soundtrack stutters in your head. See it on the big screen if you can'
Jonathan Miller, Resnap

7.45pm Meeting: 'Promoting a Culture of Peace in the North of England -
creating partners' called by the National Peace Council @ IHS
Department, 26
Pemberton Drive, Bradford University

9.30pm -10.30pm Candlelight Silent Vigil, Queen Victoria's Memorial,
Centre, Bradford . Please wear dark or black clothes and bring a
Called by Yorkshire CND with the support of the international

9.00pm - 2.00am . 'Yugoslav Rock Night', New Beehive Inn (nightclub),
Road, Bradford

Saturday 25th March

09.30am International Conference - registration and coffee
10.30am Opening by the Lord Mayor of Bradford

Day of Seminars and Workshops with keynote speakers

5.00pm close

8.00pm Theatre Production, Bradford Alhambra Studio Theatre.
'...is normal!' a play by Ray Brown about his friends in former
with 'Finetime' Fonteyne and Sandra Hunt

'...is normal! is terrific. Ray Brown has found an important way to
write about
important matters in a time when trivia rules...' Trevor Griffiths

'...like an except from a surrealist diary, yet it's based on the
reality of
what was my country...' Goran Stefanovski

'...is normal!' is a funny, human, spellbinding mixture of fact,
performance and dramatic readings which also features music and voices
live in former Yugoslavia.

+ Yugoslav art exhibition, Yugoslav wine and food

profits to the Balkan Initiatives Community Fund

Sunday 26th

10.00am - Conference - Seminars, Workshops and Plenary Sessions
5.00pm close


Staffed by leading experts and practitioners from Moscow, via
Croatia, Bosnia to the US - and of course the UK.....

International and strategic Issues
The Aid and NGO Response
Challenging Nationalism
The Economic Dimension
Environmental Destruction
Culture and the Yugoslav Wars
Direct Aid and Community Development
Conflict Prevention and Resolution
Women and Peacework
Peace Activism
Local government, town twinning and peace-building
Refugees in Britain and Yugoslavia
Peacework in political parties


The Yugoslav Crisis: International Responses and the Way Forward

University of Bradford
25-26 March 2000

Draft Timetable


0930 Registration and Coffee

1030 Plenary

Welcome speech: Deputy Lord Mayor of Bradford

Keynote Speakers: Father Sava, Decani Monastery, Kosovo; Paul
Oestreicher, International Consultant, Coventry Cathedral, Stephen
Henthorne, Defense Studies Foundation; Paul Watson, Los Angeles Times

1200 Seminars/Workshops

a) Strategic and International Issues: The Road to Kosovo

Chair: Tom Gallagher, Department of Peace Studies, University of

Alex Bellamy
Department of International Politics, University of Aberystwyth
The Path(s) to Peace? Reassessing the Kosovo Settlements

John Allcock
Research Unit in South East European Studies, University of Bradford
Rural ressentiment and the break-up of Yugoslavia

Zoran Lakic
University of Montenegro, Yugoslavia
Breaking or Disintegration of Yugoslavia?

b) The Aid and NGO Response

Dragica Milinkovic
Centre for Advanced Legal Studies, Belgrade
Civil Society, Civil Disobedience and NGOs in Serbia

Sanja Cosic
The Yugoslav Independent Media: the impact of NATO bombing and survival

David Chandler
Leeds Metropolitan University
The Lessons of Bosnia

c) Challenging Nationalism 1

Chair: John Allcock, RUSEES, University of Bradford

Dennis Browne
Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, USA
Cultures of Deliberation and Expediency: an alternative to the
nationalist paradigm

Ana Devic
Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, USA
The Multilayered Amnesia of Yugoslavia's Breakdown: Social Sciences
Troubled Vision of Nationalism

1330 Lunch

1430 Seminars/Workshops

a) Strategic and International Issues 2: International Perspectives

Chair: Dr Phil Wright, University of Sheffield and Sheffield Committee
for Peace in the Balkans

Dragan Simeunovic
Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade
Kosovo War in Yugoslavia: State and Perspective

Luca Ratti
Centre for European Studies, University of Southampton
NATO Enlargement to the Balkans: The View from Rome

Ekaterina Stepanova
Moscow Centre, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Russia in the Kosovo Crisis

b) Strategic and International Issues 3: Implications

Wim van Meurs
Centre for Applied Policy Research, University of Munich
The Stability Pact: European Ideals and Regional Realities

Chad Staddon
Faculty of the Built Environment, University of the West of England,
Militarism and Nature at the Millennium: the environmental consequences
of the 1999 NATO campaign in FRY

Zoran Kusovac
Sentinel Regional Security Assessment, Janes
Disintegration, Division, Integration: Strategic Prospects for Balkans
States and Sub-State Entities

c) Direct Aid and Community Development

Anya Hart
IVS/Balkan Sunflowers

Denis Rustovitz
Chairman, Edinburgh Direct Aid
Success and Failure in Rebuilding Shattered Communities in Bosnia and
d) Peace Activism

Chair: Alan Brooke, West Yorkshire Committee for Peace in the Balkans

Dick Withecombe, Greater Manchester Committee for Peace in the Balkans

Dick Pitt, Sheffield Committee for Peace in the Balkans

Nigel Chamberlain, Press and Information Officer, CND National

Green Party representative

e) Challenging Nationalism 2: Media

Irena Ristic
University of Passau
Western media and NATO's Yugoslav War

Bob Jiggins
Research Unit in South East European Studies, University of Bradford
Truth and Reality: the Media War in the West

Sanja Pecujlic-Mastilovic
BKCW Mental Health Trust, London
'Disposable Identities: A personal account of media formation of
national identity'

1600 Coffee

1630 Plenary and Panel Discussion


Alexsandar Lopasic, Stephen Henthorne

1730 Closing Remarks

2000 Theatre Production '...is normal!', Bradford Alhambra Studio

2200 Music and Dancing, Small Hall, Richmond Building


1000 Plenary with Keynote Speakers

Felicity Arbuthnot, Journalistt; Bob Marshall Andrews MP QC; Larry
Hollingsworth, former Head of UNHCR, Bosnia

1130 Seminars/Workshops

a) Economic Issues

Chair: Marko Milivojevic, RUSEES, University of Bradford

Boris Young
An Emerging Political Crisis: Self-management and Market Reform in
Yugoslavia During the Early 1980s

Margaret Cobble
University of Plymouth, UK
Bosnia: neo-liberal development Strategies and Consequences for Economic
and Human Development

Phil Wright
University of Sheffield
The Effects of Sanctions on Yugoslavia

b) Municipalities and Peace-Building

Chair: Ted Brown, Projects Manager, City of Bradford Council

Peter Redfern, External Liaison Manager, City of Bradford Council

Marija Caric
Association of Free Cities and Municipalities, Yugoslavia

Diana Beckley, Norfolk and Norwich Novi Sad Association

Gordana Ciric
University of Novi Sad
Universities in Serbia: Status during the Crisis and a View towards the

c) Environment 1: General Environmental Impacts of the War

Chair: Dr. Chad Staddon

Pekka Haavisto
UNEP, Geneva
The Joint UNEP/UNCHS(Habitat) Balkans Task Force

Richard Clarke, Marija Anteric
Birkbeck College and Kings College, University of London
Conflict and Environment in the Former Yugoslavia

Radoje Lausevic
Serbian Ecological Society, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
The Environmental Effect of NATO<?PC850(146)>s War

d) Conflict Prevention and Reconciliation

Chair: Dr. Andrew Rigby, University of Coventry

David Steele
Centre for Strategic & International Studies, Washington
Religious Communitites' Role in Conflict Prevention and Resolution

Svetlana Kijevcanin
Group MOST/Centre for Anti-War Action, Belgrade

1300 Lunch

1400 Seminars/Workshops

b) Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Dusan Ignatovic, YUCOM, Belgrade
Draft Evaders and Deserters

Beth Logan

c) Environment 2: Post-War Environmental Reconstruction

Chair: Dr. Chad Staddon

Jennifer Braswell
Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary
The REC's Involvement in Balkan Reconstruction

Valentina Mileusnic Vucic
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Environment Issues in the Context of Economic Sanctions Against
Yugoslavia and War Destruction

Catherine Euler
Depleted Uranium and the Kosovo War

d) Women and Peacework

Jane Gregory
Women's Aid to former Yugoslavia

Pat Sanchez
Women's Aid for Peace

e) War and Yugoslav Culture

Chair: Dr David Norris, Department of Slavonic Studies, University of

prof. dr. Ljilijana Bogoeva
Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Belgrade
The Representation of the Yugoslav Crisis in Film and Drama

prof. dr. Ratomir Ristic
University of Nis
Witnessing the rise of nationalisms and the teaching of literature

Dragan Radovanovic
Sculptor, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

Bojan Bem
Painter, Belgrade

Ray Brown
Broadcaster and Playwright

1530 Coffee

1600 Plenary

Marija Caric, Association of Free Cities and Municipalities; Joan
McQueenie Mitric, journalist, USA; prof . dr. Miroljub Radojkovic,
Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade

Conference Organiser (UK)

Bob Jiggins
RUSEES, University of Bradford & West Yorkshire Committee for Peace in
the Balkans
Tel: +44 (0)7050 615511 Fax: +44 (0)7050 644569 Email:

Conference Organiser (Yugoslavia)

Svetlana Djuric
New Balkan Initiatives, Belgrade
Email: lanadj@...

Conference Floor Manager

Richard Johnson
Tel: +44 (0)1484 863726 Mobile: +44 (0)7944 253405 Email: volp@...

Private Accommodation Manager

Rachel Sweeting
Tel: +44 (0)1484 842428 Email: westview@...



In a message dated 03/21/2000 7:16:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
r.jiggins@... writes:

<< Committee for Peace in the Balkans (London) >>

Note that I spoke to Carol Turner who I believe is the coordinator of
Committee for Peace in the Balkans in London. She had learned of this
conference from email. Unless the Committee has endorsed this AFTE the
continuing to post this crucial endorsement is FALSE ADVERTISING.
There is
a good reason for this falsity: you will note that on the top of the
list of
speakers is Father Sava. Father Sava, who works with Bishop Artijime
takes the same "line", plays a role like that of Noam Chosmky -
Two" . His utterances are used worldwide by the Serb-bashers, blaming
problems in Kosovo on the Milosevich government, of which he
His statements, which are often quite extreme, are then quoted by the
mainstream press (a search on Lexis turns up a flood of Fr. Sava
in the western media) usually saying "Even Fr. Sava, a Serbian priest,
and then quoting him to justify Western policy.

PS - I just looked at the subsequent post. Look at the whole focus of
thing - it is in support of the so-called independent opposition and
media in
Serbia. Aren't they the ones whose independence has been bolstered by
$100,000,000 from the US Senate? Moreover - Carnegie Endowment for
They're the ones who invented the whole humanitarian interventionist
strategy. I smell a BIG RAT. I will stick my neck out and say:
here suggests this is a conference intended to present the
part of the "humanitarian war" coalition AS IF IT WERE a real peace
(hence the unauthorized use of the highly honorable Committee for Peace
the Balkans.)





The war is not over. On the 1st anniversary of the criminal US/NATO
of Yugoslavia, demonstrate to demand:

* No New Bombing of Yugoslavia
* Stop fascist KLA terror against all peoples of Kosovo and Yugoslavia.

Friday, March 24th @ 4pm
Gather for a "PICKET for TRUTH"=20
at the National Press Club,=20
14th and =91F=92 Streets NW

MARCH for JUSTICE at 5pm=20
Past the Washington Post and on to the=20
White House for a candle light vigil.

Tens of thousands of US and NATO (KFOR) troops occupy Kosovo today. What
is the result? Over 250,000 Serbs, Roma people, Turks, Egyptians,
Albanians an= d others have been driven from Kosovo by methods of
KKK-style vigilante violence carried out by the so-called Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA).=20

KFOR solders turn a blind eye to the destruction and desecration of all
cultural and religious sites in Kosovo that is daily being done by
right-wing Kosovo Albanians, mostly KLA members unsuccessfully
to the so-called KPF.=20

The Pentagon is constructing a huge military base in Kosovo, and is now
attempting to transform the Ukraine, the second largest republic in the
former Soviet Union, into a NATO satellite to threaten Russia and secure
th= e oil riches of the Caspian Sea.

One year ago, the US and NATO began a massive bombing campaign against
Yugoslavia, dropping 23,000 bombs and missiles which killed thousands of
innocent civilians, all in the name of protecting =93ethnic
= This is the same government which let the killers of Amadou Diallo

Today, the threat of a new US/NATO attack on Yugoslavia looms, as
Wesley Clark accuses the Yugoslav government of rebuilding its military
forces. While the US gives the KLA free rein to attack Serbian and
Albanian civilians in Mitrovica and southern Serbia, Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright accuses Yugoslavia of =93interfering=94 in its own
internal affair= s.

Join us on March 24th to =93Picket for Truth=94 at the National Press
Club. Let=92s send a message to the mass media in this country: STOP THE
LIES!! Then, =93March for Justice=94 to the White House to demand the
indictment o= f the war criminals Clinton, Albright, Clark, Cohen and

Sponsored by the International Action Center, for more information:
Phone: 202-588-1205 =20
email: npcdc@...



> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> produced by
> >> George Bogdanich and Martin Lettmayer
> >> for Frontier Theatre and Film Inc.
> >>
> >>
> >> Tuesday, March 21, 2000, 7:00 - 9:00pm
> >> International House (Great Hall)
> >> 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> "Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War" is an award-winning video documentary
> >> which examines US and western intervention in the Balkans. While
> >presenting
> >> themselves as peacemakers, Western countries helped initiate the break
> >> of Yugoslavia, by providing illegal arms and intelligence support to
> >> different ethnic factions.
> >>
> >> The documentary traces the diplomatic and military blunders by the
> >> which helped inflame ethnic tensions into a full blown civil war,
> >> original footage and revealing interviews with well placed diplomats
> >> military experts.
> >>
> >> Free admission
> >> Sponsored by the Balkan Information Project
> >> bip@...
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> by
> >> Dr. Thomas Fleming and Dr. Srdjan Trifkovic
> >>
> >> Thursday, March 23, 2000, 7:00 - 9:00pm
> >> International House (Great Hall)
> >> 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley
> >>
> >>
> >> Thomas Fleming, President of The Rockford Institute and Editor of
> >> "Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture"
> >>
> >> Srdjan Trifkovic, Foreign Affairs Editor of "Chronicles: A Magazine of
> >> American Culture" and Executive Director of The Lord Byron Foundation
> >> Balkan Studies
> >>
> >> They have just come back from visiting Serbia and Montenegro and will
> >> discussing the new LBF book "KOSOVO UNDER NATO"
> >>
> >>
> >> Free admission
> >> Co-Sponsored by the Balkan Information Project (bip@...)
> >> and UCB's Peace and Conflict Studies Progra
> >>
> >



Missing from yesterday's email was the time of the NYC
demonstration. It will be at 5 pm. Sorry!

The war is not over

On the 1st Anniversary of the US/NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia
Rallies set around the U.S. See www.iacenter.org for the city nearest

Assemble and Rally:

Friday, March 24
5 pm
Times Square--Armed Forces Recruiting Station
(43rd St. and Broadway)

Following the rally:
March for Truth to the New York Times and Ch. 7


Tens of thousands of US and NATO troops occupy Kosovo today. What is
result? Over 250,000 Serbs, Roma people, Egyptians and others have been
driven from Kosovo by methods of KKK-style vigilante violence carried
by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The Pentagon is
constructing a huge US military base in Kosovo. Under the pretext of
fighting for "national independence" the US and other imperialist
countries have militarily occupied and turned into semi-colonies Bosnia,
Slovenia, Croatia and other former republics of Yugoslavia. This is
plan for Kosovo as well. The US/NATO war is not over. The US is now
attempting to transform the Ukraine, the second largest republic in the
former Soviet Union, into a NATO satellite.

Last March 24 the US and NATO countries began bombing Belgrade, Novi
Pristina and the other cities of Yugoslavia/Serbia. Thousands of
died from 23,000 bombs and cruise missiles. This was done in the name of
protecting "ethnic minorities." The same government that lets the
of Amadou Diallo walk free arrogantly proclaims its right to mass murder
Serb and other Yugoslav people in the name of "fighting racism and

Join us on March 24, 2000, in a demonstration to demand that US and NATO
leave Kosovo. Demand that Clinton, General Wesley Clark, Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright and others be indicted for war crimes against
people of Yugoslavia.

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
web: www.iacenter.org
CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889



Laying of the Wreath at the Cenotaph, on March 24
Toronto 2 P.M.
Old City Hall ( Queen St. W.)

The board members of the ASW , at the meeting held on Wednesday
March 15,
have decided to mark March 24 , (the new "Remembrance Day" for all the
Serbs,) with the Wreath Laying at the Cenotaph, at the Old City Hall ,at
PM , the exact time when the first bombs were dropped by NATO a year

We have decided that this is the most appropriate place to start a
"Remembrance Day " for the Serbs of Toronto.
We hope that our presence will remind our fellow Canadians of the
tragedy that has befallen the people of Yugoslavia and of the innocent

victims of NATO aggression.

We are working together with all the other groups and hope to have
as many people as possible at that time of the day.
The invitation to join us and honour the innocent victims of this
illegal and
unjust war, has been
sent to other women and peace groups.
After the wreath laying and observing the minute of silence we
will quietly move to Nathan Philip Square's speaker's corner to continue
silent vigil until 5.30 PM and after that we will join thousands of
in front of the American Consulate , where the memorial starts at 6p.m.

This way we give everybody the chance to join us at the time that
fits the best into their schedule of the day.

We encourage everybody to join us

For more information ,please call Snezana at 416- 928-0043


e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj