

"L'associazione americana per i diritti civili
Freedom House ha stilato una graduatoria sulla attendibilita' dei
giornali nel mondo. L'Italia e' al 51 posto, al pari della Corea del
Sud e della Nuova Guinea ed e' penultima in Europa (prima della Grecia).
Sara' per questo che il numero di copie di giornali vendute oggi e' lo
stesso di quello degli anni '50?"

(dal bollettino del CICAP - )

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Il Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia ADERISCE
all'appello conclusivo dei lavori del
Tribunale italiano contro i crimini della NATO in Jugoslavia
ed invita tutti ad ADERIRE a loro volta
sottoscrivendo i capi d'accusa formulati e
partecipando alla giornata del 3 giugno a Roma







ORE 15.00


Il 31 luglio 1999 hanno avuto inizio a New York le attivita' del
JUGOSLAVIA", promosso da Ramsey Clark, con la stesura di 19 punti di
accusa contro la NATO ed i governi occidentali.

Le attivita' del "Tribunale" hanno trovato seguito in molti altri paesi
del mondo. In Italia il primo
novembre 1999 alla presenza di Ramsey Clark ha preso il via la sezione
italiana del Tribunale. Nel corso di questi mesi, confortati dal
crescente interesse suscitato e dalle numerose iniziative di
presentazione del "Tribunale Italiano" in molte citta', abbiamo potuto
verificare con dati oggettivi la veridicita' delle nostre accuse.

A completamento del lavoro svolto in questi mesi, noi sottoscritti
firmatari di questo appello accusiamo le massime autorità della
Repubblica in carica nel marzo 1999 - in particolare il presidente del
Consiglio dei Ministri Massimo D'Alema e i ministri del governo per la
partecipazione alla guerra illegale e il Presidente della Repubblica
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro per non aver difeso la Costituzione - nonchè i loro
successori per quanto attiene ai crimini in continuità con l'aggressione
armata, ciascuno secondo la personale responsabilità scaturente dalle
diverse competenze, azioni e omissioni:

per avere collaborato attivamente all'aggressione contro la Repubblica
Federale Jugoslava, paese
sovrano da cui non era venuta nessuna minaccia nè all'Italia nè ai suoi

per avere violato tutti i principi del diritto internazionale e in
particolare la Carta delle Nazioni
Unite, i principi del Tribunale di Norimberga, le Convenzioni di Ginevra
e i protocolli aggiuntivi
sulla tutela delle popolazioni civili nonchè lo stesso trattato
istitutivo della NATO;

per aver consentito che dal proprio territorio partissero attacchi
contro istallazioni e popolazioni
civili, condotti su obiettivi e con armi appositamente studiate per
infliggere il massimo danno, anche
protratto nel tempo, alle persone e alle loro condizioni di vita
(attacchi deliberati contro strutture
civili, bombe a grappolo);

per aver danneggiato l’economia della costa adriatica con la chiusura
degli aeroporti civili;

per aver consentito lo smaltimento nelle acque territoriali italiane di
ordigni bellici non utilizzati
causando danni alle persone, all’ambiente all’economia;

per aver consentito l'utilizzo in maniera massiccia di proiettili e
missili all'uranio impoverito causando danni incalcolabili e per un
tempo indeterminato contro le popolazioni della Federazione Jugoslava e
dei paesi limitrofi, con enormi rischi attuali anche per i volontari
civili e per i militari italiani impegnati nel Kosovo.

per aver partecipato al bombardamento di impianti chimici e farmaceutici
causando deliberatamente danni ambientali di enorme rilevanza tali da
configurare una vera e propria guerra batteriologica, chimica e

per aver violato la Costituzione italiana e aggirato le procedure che
essa impone in caso di guerra
(concepibile solo come difesa da attacchi contro il nostro paese e i
suoi alleati);

per aver collaborato alla politica della forza di occupazione della NATO
che obiettivamente ha
portato alla instaurazione di un potere criminale nella provincia
jugoslava del Kosmet e alla
persecuzione ed espulsione della popolazione di etnia serba e di altre
etnie non albanesi, nonchè
degli albanesi considerati indesiderabili dal nuovo potere;

per avere obiettivamente tollerato l'emergere e il consolidarsi di un
potente centro di attività
criminali a ridosso del nostro paese nel triangolo

per avere attivamente collaborato ad affamare e sacrificare la
popolazione della Jugoslavia con
l'imposizione di misure di embargo internazionalmente illeggittime;

per avere attivamente collaborato a esercitare pressioni e ingerenze
contro un paese sovrano e le
sue legittime istituzioni;

per avere inviato truppe e personale civile a governare territori
ridotti di fatto a nuovi protettorati e
colonie in violazione della stessa risoluzione ONU 1244;

per aver messo in piedi al fine di giustificare l'intervento militare
la scandalosa campagna della
MISSIONE ARCOBALENO e per avere mentito al popolo italiano al fine di
l'opinione pubblica della necessità di partecipare alla guerra;

per avere rinunciato all'esercizio della sovranità del nostro paese e al
diritto-dovere di controllo di
tutte le attività che vi svolgono comandi, strutture e mezzi militari

per avere acconsentito a modificare, senza nessuna decisione del
Parlamento, lo statuto della NATO.

Queste accuse, saranno esposte e ampiamente documentate il 3 giugno a
Roma nella sessione
plenaria del Tribunale Indipendente contro i crimini NATO costituitosi
in Italia che si terrà presso
l'Università Valdese (via Pietro Cossa 40) e saranno quindi portate a
New York, dove il 10
giugno si riunirà il Tribunale Internazionale Indipendente promosso
dall'ex Ministro della Giustizia
USA Ramsey Clark.

Invitiamo tutti i cittadini, le associazioni, le personalità consapevoli
della necessità di impedire che
tali crimini siano perpetuati e diventino anzi la norma delle relazioni
internazionali, a sostenere
l'iniziativa della sezione italiana del Tribunale Clark e la raccolta di
testimonianze e documenti e
partecipare attivamente all'assemblea del 3 giugno a Roma.


"Il manifesto", 15 Febbraio 2000

Quell'intervento è stato illegittimo


D urante la guerra nel Kosovo pervennero alla Procura della repubblica
presso il Tribunale di Roma diversi esposti e denunce di gruppi,
associazioni e privati cittadini che facevano presente l'illegittimità
costituzionale della scelta del nostro governo di partecipare nella
primavera del '99 ai ripetuti attacchi aerei organizzati da alcuni paesi
della Nato ai danni della Jugoslavia. L'illegittimità dell'operato del
governo discendeva, secondo gli esponenti, dalla considerazione che gli
attacchi aerei, pur se motivati da pretesi intenti umanitari,
atti di guerra offensiva in aperta violazione dell'art. 11 della
Costituzione per il quale "l'Italia ripudia la guerra... come mezzo di
risoluzione delle controversie internazionali". I denunzianti
sostenevano in
particolare che sussisteva l'illegittimità costituzionale della
governativa sotto il profilo della violazione degli artt. 78 e 87 della
Costituzione dal momento che, per il combinato disposto di tali norme,
stato di guerra doveva essere dichiarato dal presidente della Repubblica
previa deliberazione delle Camere che avrebbero dovuto conferire al
i necessari poteri.

Avendo il governo - sempre secondo gli esponenti - assunto l'iniziativa
bellica in assenza di detti presupposti, andavano accertate eventuali
responsabilità penali, con particolare riferimento al reato di
del potere politico previsto dall'art. 287 del Codice penale.

Di recente si è avuto notizia che il Collegio per i reati ministeriali
presso il Tribunale di Roma, con decisione del 26 ottobre scorso, ha
archiviato il procedimento sulla base di inconsistenti e sorprendenti
argomentazioni che mortificano lo spirito e la lettera di precise
disposizioni costituzionali. Per quanto attiene alla mancata
dello stato di guerra da parte delle Camere, il citato Collegio
invero, che non vi fu la "autorizzazione formale dello stato di guerra
parte del Parlamento" ma dice che venne "sostanzialmente rispettata" la
ratio dell'art. 78 della Costituzione per il quale "le Camere deliberano
stato di guerra e conferiscono al Governo i poteri necessari". E ciò in
considerazione del fatto che l'intervento militare, presentato dal
come operazione umanitaria, ottenne il conforto del dibattito
parlamentare e
tenuto conto che tale intervento "non poteva non comportare l'impiego
Forze armate della Repubblica... in una prospettiva di guerra

Quanto poi alla mancata dichiarazione da parte del presidente della
Repubblica dello stato di guerra che avrebbero dovuto deliberare le
afferma testualmente il Collegio che "tale omissione non comporta alcun
sovvertimento o radicale deroga all'equilibrio dei poteri di governo
delineati dalla carta fondamentale". E infine, con specifico riferimento
disposto dell'art. 287 c.p. che punisce, come si è detto, l'usurpazione
poteri politici, afferma lo stesso Collegio che la ricorrenza di tale
fattispecie va esclusa "spettando al governo, a termini di Costituzione,
potere di impulso e di iniziativa circa l'inizio delle operazioni
sicché nessun potere spettante ad altro organo costituzionale è stato
illegittimamente esercitato".

Siamo quindi di fronte ad un provvedimento che archivia la procedura
riconosce nella partecipazione dell'Italia alle operazioni militari nel
Kosovo un vero e proprio "stato di guerra" in una prospettiva
ammette la mancanza di una "formale" autorizzazione del Parlamento dello
stato bellico e giudica sostanzialmente irrilevante, e quindi eludibile
senza conseguenze giudiziarie, la mancata dichiarazione di tale stato da
parte del presidente della Repubblica.

Dimentica il Collegio che gli artt. 78 e 87 della Costituzione, i quali
condizionano l'inizio di attività belliche all'emanazione di atti
formali e
quindi tecnicamente "solenni", sono norme rigorosamente precettive la
finalità è quella di richiamare l'attenzione delle istituzioni, delle
istanze democratiche e dell'intero paese sulla gravità di una scelta di
guerra, sulle ragioni che la determinano e sulle responsabilità
che tale decisione può comportare. Il citato organo giudiziario trascura
inoltre di considerare che per la sussistenza dell'elemento materiale
reato di "usurpazione di potere politico" non è necessario che sia stato
arbitrariamente esercitato un potere spettante ad altro organo
costituzionale con l'illegittima "invasione di altro potere dello stato"
è sufficiente, come ritiene la dottrina e impone il comune buon senso,
l'arrogarsi e cioè l'assumere arbitrariamente un potere che per legge
spetta. E certamente il governo non aveva, per la nostra Costituzione,
potere di fare la guerra senza che le Camere ne avessero deliberato lo
"stato" conferendo anche formalmente al governo medesimo i poteri
con la conseguenza che, in difetto di tale conferimento, la
alle operazioni belliche nel Kosovo ha assunto i caratteri
e dell'"usurpazione".

Non è allora possibile considerare chiuso in questo malinconico modo il
discorso sulla legittimità costituzionale dell'intervento dell'Italia
guerra del Kosovo dal momento che sono in gioco il prestigio e il
di principi e di regole che costituiscono il fondamento dello stato di
diritto. E poi, su di un piano diverso, non si può far finta di ignorare
il provvedimento di archiviazione del Collegio per i reati ministeriali
costituisce oggettivamente, ben oltre le sue contraddizioni e le sue
intenzioni, un atto di accusa di gravi responsabilità politiche che
rinnovata e preoccupata attenzione.

* presidente onorario aggiunto Cassazione


For Immediate Release
Attention: Assignment Editor
May 10, 2000


New revelations that NATO’s high-altitude bombing of Yugoslavia
was far less successful than claimed at the time, are “further proof of
U.S. war crimes against Yugoslavia,” said Sara Flounders, national
co-director of the International Action Center on May 10.

“This will provide additional evidence for the International War
Crimes Tribunal we will hold in New York June 9-10 to try U.S.
and NATO political and military leaders for war crimes, crimes
against humanity and crimes against peace,” Flounders said.

Newsweek magazine had gotten hold of an internal U.S. Air Force
report showing that only 58 of NATO’s so-called high-precision
strikes hit their targets. This compares with 744 NATO claimed at
the end of the bombing campaign.

“The claims of high accuracy with little harm to civilians,” said
Flounders, “was just another in the long line of lies NATO
spokespeople used to justify massive attacks on civilian targets in

A special investigation team from the U.S. and other NATO air
forces searched Kosovo on foot and by helicopter. U.S. top
officers boasted that NATO forces had disabled "around 120
tanks", "about 220 armored personnel carriers" and "up to 450
artillery and mortar pieces" in 78 days of bombing.

The investigators reported instead that NATO hit just 14 tanks, 18
APCs and 20 artillery and mortar pieces, less than one tenth of
NATO claims. These figures are quite close to the losses Yugoslav
forces reported at the end of the war. NATO dismissed the
Yugoslav report as "disinformation" at the time.

The investigators found out that U.S. and NATO high-altitude air
power was effective chiefly against civilian targets. It was the
bombing of cities and power stations that most damaged Serbia.

Flounders noted that the report, made last summer, had never been
made public. A second report, which reported hits closer to NATO
and the Pentagon’s boasts, was then used.

“The Newsweek article avoided the implications that the U.S. and
NATO commanders violated the rules of war by striking civilian
targets,” said Flounders. “Instead, it pointed to the efficacy of
striking the civilian infrastructure of a country, which in the case of
Yugoslavia includes hundreds of schools, dozens of hospitals and
almost every major industry. In effect it advocates new war crimes.”

Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark had drawn up the original
charge sheet against NATO leaders, which added up to 19 charges.
Charge number 9, said Flounders, was “Attacking Objects
Indispensable to the Survival of the Population of Yugoslavia,”
including depriving the population of Yugoslavia of food, water,
electric power, food production, medicines, medical care and other
essentials to their survival, [by engaging] in the systematic
destruction and damage by missiles and aerial bombardment of food
production and storage facilities, drinking water and irrigation works
for agriculture, fertilizer, insecticide, pharmaceutical, hospitals and
health care facilities, among other objects essential to human survival.

“The NATO commanders, fearing the complete failure of their
campaign against the Yugoslav military, concentrated on hitting
civilian targets,” said Flounders. “This is clearly a war crime, and we
will prove this before the world on June 10.”


A special Program Journal will be produced for the June 10
International Tribunal on U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia.

The June 10 International Tribunal is the culmination of a global truth-
telling campaign. Scores of hearings in countries around the world have
collected eyewitness testimony, expert testimony and analysis. All of
this will be presented on June 10.

The Program Journal is a great opportunity for individuals and
organizations to show their commitment to this landmark struggle for
justice. It is the key instrument for defraying the expenses of the

Please consider contributing to this beautiful commemorative book. A
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remembrance of loved ones, a poem, a book or Web site promotion, or
whatever you find appropriate. You can also be listed as a Sponsor or

You and all those attending the International Tribunal will receive the
program journal. Copies will be sent around the world to all those who
organized hearings, to human rights organizations, schools and

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You can place your order on-line or through the mail. For on-line
orders, go
to the People’s Rights Fund web site at { HYPERLINK }www.peoplesri (This
site was just updated to accept donations for June 10.)

Send mail orders with payment to: International Action Center, 39 W. 14
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We will not let the history of war crimes be written by the
perpetrators. There
is nothing more important than to tell the truth about U.S.-NATO war
against Yugoslavia and the horrible reality of the occupation of Kosovo.
need your voice, your words and your support now.

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 18, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


The U.S. and NATO leaders thought they would get away with
the war against Yugoslavia.

They scraped through a 78-day war they had expected to win
in three days. They planned and provoked the war. They
bombed civilian targets. They used outlawed weapons. They
forced the Yugoslav government to draw its army out of its
own province, Kosovo.

And they thought they were home free.

Clinton, Albright, Gen. Wesley Clark, and their
counterparts in Western Europe hoped they had heard the end
of protests against their dirty war against Yugoslavia.

But by last July, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey
Clark and the International Action Center were charging
U.S./NATO leaders with 19 counts of war crimes, crimes
against peace and crimes against humanity.

By October, tens of thousands of people protesting in
Athens made it clear that Clinton was a war criminal and

Others in 14 countries from Russia to Australia held
popular tribunal hearings that called the NATO political
and military leaders war criminals. These hearings showed
that Washington had planned the war for 10 years. They
showed that the "massacre" charges against the Belgrade
government were lies.

They showed that U.S. and German intelligence agencies
built up the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army--a terrorist
gang. They showed that the so-called Racak massacre was a
provocation by U.S. agent William Walker and the KLA. They
showed that the Rambouillet "Accord" was an ultimatum to
Yugoslavia that no government could accept.

Now these hearings are reaching a climax. In Rome and
Berlin on June 2-3, and in New York on June 10, the
International Tribunals on U.S./NATO War Crimes in
Yugoslavia will take place. The tribunal will prove to the
world and to history that these political and military
leaders are indeed war criminals.

The progressive movement in the United States should give
its full support to this tribunal and make sure that the
June 10 public hearing plays before a packed house.

- END -

(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
ww@.... For subscription info send message
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On the 24 and 25 May, NATO will hold a summit meeting in Florence, a
city declared to be an "Operator for Peace," with a gold medal for its
Resistance against the Nazi/Facists in WW II.

In this highest-level meeting, the NATO Alliance intends to further
define its strategies with regards to various areas of the world (the
Balkans and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa), the
reorganization in a more explicitly offensive way of its military
apparatus, and its expansion to the East.

The NATO military alliance which, as in the past, continues to be an
instrument of aggression against national sovereignty and of
interference in the internal political affairs of member states, as well
as a constant threat to peace, is today in a process of transformation
of its role and its military apparatus to adapt itself to the growing
requirements of capitalist dominion in its contemporary form: "the free

It is in this sense that the Treaty of Washington of April 1999, also
signed by the Italian government, must be understood, in which NATO
formally arrogates to itself the right to intervene everywhere and
anywhere in support of the new world order, as demonstrated in the war
against Yugoslavia.

War is thus established and increasingly reconfirmed as a concrete
possibility, practicable and in fact practiced, as a major and decisive
instrument for the imposition of the "free market."

For this reason there is an evident connection between the struggles
against wars of aggression, against the presence of NATO's military
bases, against militarism, and against the embargoes, with the struggles
in the North and South of the world which are rising up against the
sanctuaries of capitalism (WTO, IMF, World Bank), against temporary
labor and "flexibility", against exploitation and poverty, for social
and citizenship rights, for the right to a decent life and future, for
the liberation of peoples.

The forces organizing this mobilization express their opposition to the
holding of the NATO summit in Florence and call on the entire population
to boycott and mobilize against this unacceptable provocation.

concluding with a
meeting point: PIAZZA SAN MARCO
5:30 p.m.

Endorsers: Women in Black, Tuscan Antagonistic Movement, Casa for
Social Rights, Association for Renewal of the Left, CPA Occupied Social
Center, Communist Refoundation Party, Young Communists, Liberazione
newspaper, Forum of the Women of Communist Refoundation, Peace Charter,
Coordinamento of Leftist Students, Political Science Collective,
Programmatic Area of Communists in CGIL trade union, RDB Healthworkers
union (Tuscany), Camera del Lavoro Sociale labor council, Fuori
newspaper, Peace Tent, Ass. Senza Confine, Missing Links Ass., Ass.
for Defense of Minorities, Movement for the Confederation of Communists,
Cobas school union, Sincobas union, Slai Cobas union (Florence), Cobas
Union Confederation (Florence), Gulf Committee, National Coordinamento
of RSU workplace union councils, National Coord. of Committees Against
the War, Guerre e Pace magazine, Coord. of World March of Women, Coord.
Rete Lilliput (Florence), CSOA il Mulino Occupied Social Center,
National, Ass. AZAD - Freedom for the Kurdish People, Val di Sieve Peace
Committee, ASSOPACE, PMLI, Nuova Unita' newspaper, North Americans
Against War, Coord. University Language Teachers (Florence), 1968
Archives, Forum of Associations Against the Free Market (Milan), Ass.
Village of Peoples, Economy Group "E. Balducci", RACS, Ass. "Friendship"
Rom (Florence), Florence Committee for the Liberation of Mumia
Abu-Jamal, Valdarno Committee Against the War, Ernesto de Martino
Institute, Ass. Chiama Africa, Cultural Ass. Punto Rosso (Massa
Carrara), RSU union council of University of Florence. Mani Tese


Above or Beyond the Law

Dragan Pavlovic
Editor in chief, "Dialogue", Paris

The First World War Has Not Happened Yet

We seem to be dreaming. We look at the world as if it were not much
than we can remember. We do not doubt that we have made progress through
history as human beings, and we are proud of it. As children we may not
even have had a bicycle or ridden the train; and now we can have
in one part of the world and dinner on the opposite side of our planet
Earth. Basic essential human rights are not an issue any more in this,
part of the world; we struggle for even more rights - extra rights are
order of the day: homosexual rights, even animal rights, and so on. War?
That is the business of fools, of lower people, they can have wars if
wish, but here war is forgotten. If we hear about such things from the
side of the world, it all sounds as remote as tales from an old history
book. We have moved beyond ... The new era is on its way; the world has
profoundly changed forever.
But is it so?
If we would shake our heads, open wide our eyes, and look back through
history, we could clearly see how profound an illusion this is. The
is cruel. Conflicts between states have been constant and have all too
escalated into bloody wars. This has been an infallible pattern now for
only hundreds but many thousands of years. History looks rather like
conflict - war periods randomly distributed over the planet, with
uninhabited areas proportionally less exposed. When it has happened that
some large region remained relatively spared for a fairly long period of
time, then people always, without exception, started to believe that the
time of war was past and gone. However, those exceptional periods always
came to an end and the hopes for lasting peace proved to be in vain.
Today we have no serious reasons to believe that the future will not
resemble the past. The present period of peace in the Western world is
negligibly short, if compared to the sweep of history, and the cycle of
and peace periods following endlessly one upon another -- much too short
enable us to conclude that the miracle has occurred. Hence, there are
wars to come in the future.
The same applies to the frontiers between states. They have been
over the centuries, and the long history of changes only offers the
that there will be more changes to come, the Europe of the future is not
going to resemble the one we know now, and that this is going to happen,
unfortunately, through conflicts and wars.
In the past, the slowness of communications and the restricted range of
deadly weapons resulted in more or less local wars. With the advance of
technology, communications and the world population, people have been
to travel faster and attack at greater distance, and wars have been
more universal. Yet so far, the real World War has not quite been
possible, even though very major wars, particularly in the past century,
were possible. Some of you may still remember what they looked like.
Today at last, thanks to technological progress, truly universal war is
practically at hand. So this is the sort of war we can expect to see
All major wars in the past were fought for a "universal" cause, for
for world order, for a prosperous and peaceful future, for improved
humanity, for "high" human ideals. We know today that all without
were ruthless lies and the result of ignoble motives, immoral purposes
self-deception. Significantly, it was always the leaders of the most
powerful states, the ones most advanced in military technology, who took
for granted that eternal wisdom and utmost humanity went hand in hand
power. They believed that their concept of a better world then had to be
imposed - indeed even that failing to impose it would had been highly
immoral and unjust. Thinkers who opposed those attitudes were
since the reigning power had their own thinkers, their own philosophers,
writers, own wise men, own elite. And so it went on. In short, there
many common features to distinguish aggressive states that probably
could be
recognised should they appear again today.
Yet absurd as it may be, in the past, they were seldom identified in
time by
large sections of the populations. Why, I do not know. Perhaps it was
because they were never exactly the same, born in different times and
different places, in different cultural environments; and in spite of
they all displayed these similar features.

Above or Beyond the Law

There is in particular one feature, so systematically present, so well
represented, that always followed sometimes long periods of maturation
those so characteristic and yet atypical and unrecognisable ideological
traits that I mention, which is so strong that its appearance should by
itself be able to wake up the most somnolent from their deadly dreams:
(the states i.e., their leaders) always put themselves above the law,
violating their own laws, the laws of other countries, agreements
states, treaties, international conventions. Always. In the earlier
those were not the laws in narrow sense but rather customs or frequently
unwritten agreements. In the twentieth century the laws par excellence,
borne to assure everlasting peace, were violated. To do this, very
reasons were given, always, without exception. The essence of all
was that fulfilment of essential human duties had to overcome humanly
imperfect laws. THEY would promote first an untenable thesis that
could be combated by equal or even greater violence. To achieve their
ultimate goals, THEY had to turn upside down the famous Greek argument
the justice beyond the law, justice emanating out of human categorical
imperatives, a priory knowledge of right and wrong, our ideal of
(Antigones' refusal not to bury the body of her brother and to let it be
torn apart by animals; she was convinced that the universal law is
than human made laws and that such a vicious act could not be let
The ancient Greeks knew that laws couldn't entail the entire human moral
intuition. They knew that we may, in the rare cases, in order to fulfil
ideal of justice - the laws steam to and just fall short of - and go
the law, but only to forgive and to pardon. What a tyrants would do is
they would either virtually apply the law but exceeding what it
or go above it and violate it (for the "higher" cause!) punishing more,
oppressing more, destroying and killing, and this makes the "fine"
difference of the moral and immoral.
Here is the famous passage form Sophocles" "Antigone".

CREON. And thou didst indeed dare to transgress that law?

ANTIGONE. Yes; for it was not Zeus that had published me that edict; not
such are the laws set among men by the justice who dwells with the gods
below; nor deemed I that thy decrees were of such force, that a mortal
override the unwritten and unfailing statutes of heaven. For their life
not of today or yesterday, but from all time, and no man knows when they
were first put forth.

Not through dread of any human pride could I answer to the gods for
these. Die I must,-I knew that well (how should I not?)-even without thy
edicts. But if I am to die before my time, I count that a gain: for when
one lives, as I do, compassed about with evils, can such an one find
but gain in death?

So for me to meet this doom is trifling grief; but if I had suffered my
mother's son to lie in death an unburied corpse, that would have grieved
for this, I am not grieved. And if my present deeds are foolish in thy
sight, it may be that a foolish judge arraigns my folly.

In the other words, Sophocles was saying that we can break the law only
in doing this we commit a less violent act, and then we certainly do not
increase the punishment, we diminish it or pardon altogether. Only then
may, in some special circumstances, break the human-made and imperfect
laws. But what THEY (the states mentioned above i.e., their actual
would so systematically do, and we should so easily see it if we just
our eyes, is that, contrary to Sophocles - who would break the law only
pardon - those states would introduce more cruel, more violent measures,
only to impose by force the "utmost human values", but to punish,
and even exterminate. They would do all of this in a simple and clear
way -
with sword and fire. This, and at least this - we must always be able to
recognise at its very beginning. Before the announced (first) world war,
before it is too late.

Morals about Imperatives

I will let the reader discover examples of that pattern in history.
Macedonia, the Romans, the Ottomans, Napoleonic France, our colonial
predecessors, Nazi Germany, are some of the most obvious cases. And
were others as well. Today, we must be very well aware that quite
the UN Charter and more then 50 treaties and international conventions,
well as a few national Constitutions, were violated.
In politics, not declared desires, promises and bare words, but acts and
results of those acts show what was really wanted. 78 days of bombing of
Yugoslavia, led to NATO occupation of Kosovo and installation of second
military NATO basis in the Balkans (against small Serbia!?), ethnic
cleansing of the totality of Serbs from Kosovo (those who still rest
are in the "reserves"), having as a result reinforcement of Belgrade
government, subtotal destruction of the country's industry, death of
of thousands of civilians, pushing the entire population deep in misery.
Those who did it all recognise now (secretly though) their failure and
further (again military) actions to correct it. This will further help
"revive" the history, some were so anxious that was dying.
Again, we should not confuse entire nations with states, actual
and some political leaders. At the very end of the 20th century, we are
witnessing a dangerous, perhaps deadly, turn, taken by some of our
of the Western world, with the NATO Alliance at the summit. The pattern
easy to recognise, although, some of us have missed to spot it.
we are the creatures able to learn, and this could be learned. Only
knowledge, under condition that we use it, and this being an imperative
today, could help us, probably, make that future does not resemble the
Yes, not an easy task, but possible.

Dragan Pavlovic

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Arrivarono dalla Germania nazista i proiettili all'uranio impoverito
* La NATO ammette l'uso di armi all'uranio impoverito, l'UNMIK chiede
spiegazioni, la Jugoslavia chiede la riparazione dei danni, i militari
contaminati fanno causa al governo britannico, la denuncia del GAVCI

* Due libri ed un intero sito internet sull'uranio impoverito

* L'uranio impoverito usato dagli USA anche a Portorico


Marco Saba wrote:
> Arrivarono dalla Germania nazista i proiettili all'uranio impoverito.
> 1945: L'uranio delle prime bombe atomiche USA e
> la tecnologia dei proiettili all'uranio impoverito
> ceduti dai gerarchi nazisti in cambio dell'immunità
> (6 maggio 2000)
> Il 14 maggio 1945 il sommergibile U-234 XB si arrese alla
> nave americana USS Sutton. Conteneva 560 kg di uranio
> arricchito che sarebbe servito per le prime due bombe
> nucleari (Alamogordo ed Hiroshima) e per alimentare il
> reattore che produsse il plutonio per la bomba di Nagasaki.
> Oltre all'uranio c'erano le tecnologie belliche di punta della
> Germania nazista, tra cui il sistema di detonatori per la
> bomba al plutonio e la tecnologia dei proiettili all'uranio
> impoverito. La resa era stata negoziata in cambio
> dell'immunità per Martin Bormann ed Heinrich Müller oltreché
> per gli altri gerarchi nazisti che erano a bordo del
> sommergibile. Tra questi troviamo: Johann Heinrich Fehler,
> Heinz Schlicke, Wolfgang Hirschfeld, Ulrich Kessler, Kay
> Nieschling, il Dr. Walter, Hideo Tomonaga e Genzo Shosi.
> Questi ultimi due, giapponesi, vennero eliminati (avvelenati) dai
> nazisti durante l'ultimo viaggio del sommergibile perché
> stavano scoprendo l'intrigo e volevano impedire che quelle
> armi potessero essere usate contro il Giappone.
> La tesi del fatto che la tecnologia dei proiettili all'uranio
> impoverito risalisse alla Germania nazista, venne per la prima
> volta avanzata da Dr. Siegwart-Horst Guenther nell'articolo da
> noi precedentemente pubblicato:
> "Uran-Geschosse: Nach Zyklon B, eine neue deutsche Kampf- und
> Massenvernichtungs-Technologie" [Poiettili all'uranio: dopo il
> Zyklon-B, dalla Germania un'altra arma e tecnologia di combattimento]
> Il Prof. Guenther è stato arrestato in Germania, violentato in
> prigione e oggetto di due tentativi di omicidio. Al suo
> processo, il Giudice ha chiesto di effettuare una perizia
> psichiatrica per rinchiuderlo in manicomio. Attualmente
> Guenther (76 anni) è agli arresti domiciliari in Austria.
> La tesi di Guenther è confermata da decine di documenti
> ufficiali di cui l'Osservatorio è in possesso e dalla
> testimonianza di un esperto americano nostro collaboratore.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Inviato da:
> Marco Saba
> Osservatorio Etico Ambientale
> via F.lli Cervi Res. Idra
> MILANO2 - 20090 Segrate (MI) Italy
> Tel (Italy+) 2 21591373
> GSM (Italy+) 338 5838282
> E-mail: vlario@...


> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "Janet M Eaton" <jeaton@...>
> To: mai-not@...
> Subject: NATO Admits To Use Of DU in YU May 5th Article
> Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 14:42:05 +0000
> This is a very good article that reviews the attempts to persuade
> NATO to reveal details on DU use during the NATO War vs
> Yugoslavia which is imperative for investigating its impact on
> human health. It also refers to several studies on the health
> consequences of DU which suggest strongly the need for precautions
> for people living and working in the contaminated regions where
> bombing with DU munitions occurred and notes precautions currently
> being taken in the area.
> fyi- janet
> To: "DU List" <du-list@...>
> From: "Dan Fahey" <mtpdu@...>
> Date sent: Fri, 5 May 2000 11:35:44 -0400
> Send reply to: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
> Subject: [du-list] Interesting article on Kosovo
> boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00B2_01BFB686.0CA3D680"
> [ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]
> The Greenwich Village Gazette
> May 5, 2000
> NATO Admits To Use Of Radioactive Munitions in Yugoslavia
> By Julie Hyland
> NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson has finally provided
> limited details of the Alliance's use of depleted uranium (DU)
> ammunition during its war against Serbia last year. Robertson
> disclosed the information in a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi
> Annan last month-four months after it was first requested.
> DU is a waste product of the process used to enrich natural uranium
> ore for use in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It is 1.7 times
> as dense as lead and is used in the tips of a bullet or a round to
> pierce armor plating. It can also be used in cruise missile nose cones
> and has been used in the armor of tanks.
> DU breaks into tiny particles on impact, which can be easily ingested
> and/or inhaled. Numerous studies have linked DU ammunition to the
> increase of cancer in Iraq, following the 1991 Gulf War, and to the
> number of army personnel in the US and the UK suffering from "Gulf War
> Syndrome".
> Annan had requested detailed information on NATO's use of DU during
> its 78-day bombardment of Yugoslavia, following a UN investigation by
> the Balkan Task Force (BTF). The results of the BTF
> investigation-which included members from the World Health
> Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Swedish
> Radiation Protection Institute-were reported last October.
> Investigators concentrated on four environmental "hot-spots" in
> Kosovo-Pancevo, Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Bor-but complained that the
> lack of official confirmation from NATO of its use of DU "during the
> Kosovo conflict distorted the prerequisites for the group's work".
> The report concluded that whilst the Kosovo conflict did not cause an
> environmental catastrophe for the whole of the Balkan region,
> pollution at the four spots investigated was "serious and poses a
> threat to human health". It urged an investigation into the impact of
> DU ammunition on human health.
> Robertson wrote that the United States Air Force A-10 "tankbuster"
> aircraft had concentrated their operations "in an area west of the
> Pec-Dakovica-Prizren highway, in the area surrounding Klina, in the
> area around Prizren, and in an area to the north of a line joining
> Suva Reka and Urosevac". He added, "However, many missions using DU
> also took place outside these areas."
> The UN Environmental Programme (UNep) complained that "the information
> provided [by Robertson] is not of sufficient detail to facilitate an
> accurate field assessment of the environmental and human health
> consequences of its use at the present time". This meant it was not
> possible "to comprehensively carry out an objective and scientifically
> based environmental and human health impact assessment in Kosovo".
> Whilst claiming that Robertson's admission "should not be a cause of
> widespread alarm", UNep urged that its October 1999 recommendations
> should be followed-including preventing access to all places where
> contamination has been confirmed, informing the local populace of the
> possible risks and taking "appropriate precautionary measures".
> The lack of detailed information in Robertson's letter is not
> surprising. NATO pursued a strategy of "carpet-bombing" towns and
> cities across Yugoslavia during its offensive. Some 700 planes flew
> almost 35,000 sorties, destroying large parts of the country's
> industrial and social infrastructure.
> During the latter stages of the air campaign, NATO moved to 24-hour
> bombing, targeting industrial plants, airports, electricity and
> telecommunications facilities, railways, bridges and fuel depots,
> schools, health clinics, day care centres, government buildings,
> churches, museums and monasteries.
> A comprehensive list of those areas targeted with DU ammunition would
> probably mean declaring much of Serbia and Kosovo contaminated, as
> well as raising serious concerns over the environmental and health
> dangers for surrounding countries.
> It is unlikely that a detailed breakdown will be forthcoming.
> Following Robertson's admission, Francois LeBlevenac, a NATO
> spokesman, said that the alliance had "no direct control" over the use
> of DU ammunition during the war. Whilst NATO had overall control of
> the campaign against Serbia, "it had no jurisdiction over the choice
> of armaments used by member nations," LeBlevenac said.
> Both the US and the UK were known to have used DU ammunition during
> the war. Whilst both have denied that the weapons posed any
> significant risk to human health, numerous studies have revealed
> significant dangers. The US Army's Environmental Policy Institute
> reported in 1995: "If DU enters the body, it has the potential to
> generate significant medical consequences. The risks associated with
> DU are both chemical and radiological."
> UK Ministry of Defense personnel in Kosovo have been warned to stay
> clear of any sites targeted with DU munitions, unless they are wearing
> full radioactive protective clothing. The National Radiological
> Protection Board advises UK nationals visiting or working in Kosovo to
> avoid disturbing areas contaminated with DU. Last April, radiation
> physicists at the University of Maryland submitted evidence to the US
> Department of Energy, recommending that DU never be used in warfare
> because of the health hazards.
> Last week German KFOR troops designated an area of approximately 5,000
> square metres in Kosovo-Metohija as radioactive, leading the Defence
> Ministry to promise it would conduct health checks on all its
> personnel in the vicinity.
> The consequences of DU munitions have been most clearly revealed in
> Iraq. The US fired almost 944,000 rounds of DU ammunition in Iraq and
> Kuwait during the 1991 war. Congenital birth defects in Iraq are
> reported to have increased to three times their post-war levels and
> there has been a dramatic increase in cancers and childhood leukemia.
> Last year, British experimental biologist Roger Cohill warned that the
> use of DU weapons against Yugoslavia was likely to result in an
> additional 10,000 fatal cancer cases in the region.
> As in Iraq, NATO sanctions against Serbia are undermining the medical
> profession's ability to detect and treat the disease. At a public
> meeting convened in London on March 24 to commemorate the first
> anniversary of the NATO bombing, Labour MP's Alice Mahon and Bob
> Marshall-Andrews reported on their recent visit to Yugoslavia as part
> of a campaign to lift western sanctions.
> The two reported that they had spoken with refugees from Kosovo,
> Bosnia and Croatia and met patients at the Bazanijska Kosa hospital in
> Belgrade. Cancer experts at the hospital had informed them that
> sanctions were seriously undermining cancer prevention and the quality
> of care. Radiotherapy equipment often does not have all the required
> parts and chemotherapy drugs are unavailable.
> Already this has meant that the number of early-detected cancer cases
> has dropped from 35 percent in 1990 to 13 percent. Doctors told them
> that, in comparison to the rest of Europe, Serbia is now bottom of the
> league table for five-year survival rates for lung, breast, colon,
> rectum, prostate, testicular, ovarian,stomach and cervical cancers.
> The BTF report is available on the Internet at:
> This article contributed by
> --
> For MAI-not (un)subscription information, posting guidelines and
> links to other MAI sites please see


BERLIN, April 19 (Tanjug) - Tom Koenigs of Germany, head of the U.N.
civilian mission to Kosovo and Metohija (UNMIK) section for civilian
administration, on Wednesday urged NATO to submit data on
ammunition it had used during its aggression on Yugoslavia last year.
Koenigs told Hamburg's Greenpeace Magazine that UNMIK urgently needed
on precise locations where NATO had used radioactive ammunition in order
be able to take steps to protect the population in the Yugoslav Republic
Serbia's southern province.
Koenigs referred only to Kosovo and Metohija locations, being of the
that this ammunition, that could be fatal for the health of civilians
troops, had only been used in the Province.
The German Defence Ministry said in March that all German troops
participating in the U.N. peacekeeping force KFOR would be enabled to
to Germany for a check-up if they considered to have been exposed to
NATO admitted as far back as April 1999 that it was using radioactive
ammunition in its aggression on Yugoslavia.
Relevant details were released at a later stage - U.S. troops dropped on
Serbia 31,000 bombs charged with depleted uranium and weighing 10 tons.
They used U.S. A-10 bombers for the purpose.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Diana Johnstone <107764.116@...>
> To: <Blind.Copy.Receiver@...>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 12:57 AM
> Subject: Tr: [KDN] Reuters: NATO Accused of Wider Uranium Use
> > NATO accused of wider uranium use
> >
> > By Amra Kevic, Reuters, 4/22/2000
> >
> > BELGRADE - Yugoslavia said yesterday that NATO planes had fired
> > depleted uranium shells on eight locations in Yugoslavia, near Kosovo
> > during airstrikes last year.
> >
> > A UN official said last month that NATO had admitted using depleted
> > uranium weapons in Kosovo, exposing civilians, its own troops, and aid
> > workers to health hazards, but that it remained unclear whether they
> > used elsewhere.
> >
> > ''Detailed investigation of Yugoslav territory, excluding Kosovo, showed
> that
> > this ammunition was used on eight locations south of the 44th
> said
> > Yugoslav Assistant Defense Minister General Slobodan Petkovic at a news
> > conference.
> >
> > Yugoslav Army teams found depleted uranium shells and fragments in the
> > border regions of Bujanovac and Vranje in southern Serbia, in Uzice,
> Cacak
> > and Kraljevo in western and central Serbia, and on the Montenegrin
> > peninsula of Lustica.
> >
> > ''The degree of contamination ranges from the bottom limit of 200
> > becquerels to 235,000 becquerels per kilogram sample of soil, or 1,000
> > times above the tolerable level,'' Petkovic said. The sites were mainly
> > farmland.
> >
> > ''Measures are now underway to seal off these areas to people and
> animals,''
> > said Petkovic, presenting a government report on the environmental
> > consequences of NATO's bombing campaign from March to June.
> >
> > He did not give the exact locations or details of the size and extent of
> the
> > contamination in each case.
> >
> > Pekka Haavisto, head of the environment task force, in March said NATO
> > was still holding back crucial information on where and how it used the
> > depleted uranium shells.
> >
> > The Yugoslav Army estimated that US jets had fired 50,000 depleted
> > uranium rounds during the 11-week campaign. The United States had
> > said it had used 31,000 rounds.
> >
> > ''In this way, a very prosperous country can rid itself of its nuclear
> waste
> > cheaply,'' Petkovic said.
> >
> > Kosovo was more exposed since depleted uranium was used on 100
> > locations, mostly around Prizren, Urosevac, Djakovica, Decani, and
> > Djurakovac, Petkovic said, but added that Yugoslav authorities had no
> > access to the region now.
> >
> > He said the Prizren-Djakovica-Pec stretch, where Italian and German
> > peacekeepers are deployed, was targeted the most.
> >
> > Kosovo has been controlled by NATO-led peacekeepers and UN civilian
> > administrators since Serb forces withdrew last June after the bombing.
> >
> > Some specialists believe particles and dust from the dense, heavy metal
> > shells can contaminate land and water sources with toxic, radioactive
> > particles.
> >
> > The Pentagon said last month that the 31,000 rounds of depleted uranium
> > bullets used by US attack jets did not present a significant hazard to
> health
> > or the environment.
> >
> > Yugoslavia called yesterday for international help to remove
> > soil to nuclear waste disposal sites.

Sunday Time (UK)
April 16 2000
Ailing troops sue over Balkan war syndrome
SOLDIERS who served in the former Yugoslavia plan to sue the Ministry of
Defence (MoD)after suffering chronic health problems they believe were
caused by "Balkan war syndrome", writes Lois Rogers.
Doctors link their symptoms to exposure to depleted uranium in anti-tank
missiles used during the Kosovo conflict. Research has shown that the
heavy metal causes health problems leading to cancer, neurological and
immune system defects and reproductive system damage.
Up to 10,500 Britons were sent to Kosovo to assist in peacekeeping
missions and many were exposed to the fine, poisonous dust, which
remains in the atmosphere and pollutes water supplies, after Nato's
However, the MoD said: "We have done considerably more research into
depleted uranium than other nations as it has been raised as a concern
for a number of Gulf war veterans. We have seen no evidence to suggest
it is the cause of any illness among them and we are not aware of any
compensation claims from Kosovo veterans."
Twelve servicemen - 11 of whom are still serving - are preparing to sue.
If the initial claims are successful, they could open the floodgates for
a multi-million-pound group action which could deeply embarrass the
The MoD is still struggling to fend off claims by thousands of Gulf war
veterans, who say they were made seriously ill by a hastily administered
cocktail of vaccines in-tended to protect them from biological warfare
Belgium, which had troops serving alongside British soldiers in Kosovo,
has already begun a systematic review of the health of the 14,000 troops
it sent to the region. Tests have identified cases of men suffering the
effects of exposure to uranium - even though they were not de-ployed in
high-risk areas.
In Britain, however, the official response has been unequivocal. A
secret memo circulated two weeks ago to army medical staff by the
biological weapons unit at Porton Down has insisted there was no
evidence of risk to British troops who served in Kosovo.
"I don't know how they can say that," said a 27-year-old man still in
the airborne unit he served with in Kosovo. He has been crippled by
"We are expected to do regular five-mile runs as part of our training,
and I just can't make it," he said. "I am dreading my next medical in
June. I am going to be thrown out."
Another 24-year-old, who is also still in the army, re-ported
debilitating fatigue and excruciating joint pain. "People like us just
have no future," he said.
America was the only allied force to use depleted uranium (DU) in its
missiles. So far it has admitted to firing about 10 tons of DU-bearing
missiles from aircraft over Kosovo last year. Requests for details on
missile rounds used in Serbia have been resisted.
Dan Fahey, a DU re-searcher at the Military Toxins Project in
Washington, said: "We know it has been used in many more locations than
we have been led to believe. The biggest danger is to the local

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Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 14:40:19 +0100
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Subject: Follia Militare: armi e radiazioni nucleari, morte di due
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Comunicato Stampa


A conferma che il rischio nucleare, tutt'altro che scongiurato, ha già
superato i limiti di guardia (allegati 1 e 2), scoppia ora il caso di
soldati sardi, morti in condizioni che fanno sospettare di contatti con
materiale radioattivo (allegato 3).

La logica bellica sta arrivando alle estreme conseguenze !
Il 2.000 si avvii e cresca secondo la cultura e la prassi della

p. Angelo Cavagna

Tutti gli allegati si possono trovare nella sezione "Speciale Nucleare"
sito GAVCI alla pagina:
oppure possono essere richiesti alla segreteria (riferimenti nella firma

1) Articolo di p. Angelo pubblicato da: "Settimana" n. 39 del 31 Ottobre
Deterrenza nucleare: "illegale" oltre che "immorale"
2) Rapporto di Giovanni Nifosì dell'Associazione Italiana Giuristi
contro le
Armi Nucleari sull'esito della votazione ONU della NAC - Agenda per un
3) Articoli della "Nuova Sardegna", inviati da Antonio Repetto di Pax
Christi Italiana sul caso di Salvatore Vacca, giovane militare sardo,
in circostanze ancora da verificare.

Gruppo Autonomo di Volontariato Civile in Italia
Sede Centrale: "Villa Tamba" - Via della Selva Pescarola, 26
40131 Bologna - Italy - Tel. e Fax +39.51.6344671
e-mail: gavci@...
Appello ai parlamentari su riforma della leva e servizio civile



International Action Center
Che cos'e' l'uranio impoverito
Asterios Editore, Trieste 1999, lire 39000

Una documentazione scientifica e militante sull'uso e gli effetti
dell'uranio impoverito dall'estrazione, alla lavorazione fino
all'utilizzo civile e militare nelle ultime guerre di aggressione contro
i popoli irakeno e jugoslavi.
Per informazioni: Centro di Documentazione Wilhelm Wolff
Piazzale Radaelli n.3 Marghera (Tel/fax:041-930490)

> Aggiornamento articoli aprile DU e RAD su
> [Particolarmente importanti per il Tribunale Internazionale (per
> favore leggeteli e scaricateli):
> 1) DU: dalla Yugoslavia arrivano le prime analisi
> 2) Effetti a cascata sull'uomo dalla guerra nei Balcani]
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> [Sezione: Uranio-News!]
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Speciale 14° anniversario di Cernobil (26 aprile 2000)
> Cernobil: Commemorazione in USA unisce due chiese
> DU: dalla Yugoslavia arrivano le prime analisi
> Effetti a cascata sull'uomo dalla guerra nei Balcani
> ENEA: risparmiate 500 vite umane in Italia
> USA: Sessantatré dimostravano contro il DU: 25 $ di multa
> Un grido dall'UNICEF: togliete l'embargo all'Iraq!
> Anche in Polonia, sui bambini, gli effetti del dopo Cernobil
> Una novella sui villaggi morti intorno a Cernobil
> In India parlano dell'appello delle celebrità
> Celebrità e Nobel mondiali: no al terrore nucleare !
> Novità: Tomahawk al DU sparati in Sudan e RFYu
> In Giappone incidente, si spegne un reattore nucleare
> BNFL: rapporto allarmante del The Guardian
> Cernobil: scompaiono le renne e il popolo Saami
> Cernobil: ancora on-line le balle della OECD-NEA
> Miniere d'uranio: il racconto di Cavallo Giallo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> A Vieques vogliono interrompere le proteste con la forza (25 aprile)
> Uranio sparato dalla GIAT a Bourges, in Francia (1 gennaio)
> Sneh nega la storia delle mine ai neutroni in Israele... (31 marzo)
> Anche il missile AIM-9X contiene uranio impoverito (25 aprile)
> Gli USA hanno barato: sparato ancora DU a Vieques! (25 aprile)
> I carrarmati all'uranio impoverito usati nel Kosovo (25 aprile)
> La BAE del gas nervino fa anche i proiettili all'uranio (22 dicembre
> 1999)
> ONU: uno degli effetti dell'accordo IAEA-UNESCO (25 aprile)
> Un mare di guai, scaricando le scorie in mare (25 aprile)
> Bando DU: In Spagna conferenza internazionale (24 aprile)
> Cernobil: preoccupazione per il reattore ancora attivo (23 aprile)
> Dal Pakistan: la soluzione migliore è il disarmo (23 aprile)
> Vieques: si piange e si prega per evitare i bombardamenti (23 aprile)
> Protesta antinucleare: condannata anche una suora (22 aprile)
> Radiazioni collegate alla sindrome di Down (22 aprile)
> Bilancio mortale a Cernobil, ma Cook insiste... (22 aprile)
> Uranio finisce in una discarica: non è la prima volta (22 aprile)
> Giappone verso il bando della produzione d'uranio (22 aprile)
> Dalla Yugoslavia contro l'uranio nelle armi (22 aprile)
> Giorno della Terra: 500 milioni contro il nucleare (22 aprile)
> Anche i pesci vittime nucleari (21 aprile)
> La Turchia insiste con la centrale nella zona sismica (21 aprile)
> SPQB: Sono Pazzi Questi Britannici (21 aprile)
> NATO sotto accusa per l'uranio impoverito (21 aprile)
> USA e Israele isolati alla conferenza nucleare dell'ONU? (21 aprile)
> GreenPeace: ora anche gli USA devono firmare (21 aprile)
> Bangkok: Cobalto in una discarica, tre morti (21 aprile)
> Anche i piccioni sono radioattivi! (21 aprile)
> Chernobil: già tre milioni e mezzo le persone colpite (21 aprile)
> Romania, tonnellate di uranio finiscono in un fiume (20 aprile)
> USA: ORNL, spruzzato in giro uranio 233 e fluoro (20 aprile)
> Alice Stewart: la donna che sapeva troppo (20 aprile)
> Secondo incidente in una settimana a Pearl Harbour (19 aprile)
> Bobby Kennedy Jr. contro i bombardamenti a Vieques (19 aprile)
> Mazzette per la discarica nucleare a Yucca Mountain (19 aprile)
> Il giorno della terra: 50 iniziative sul nucleare (19 aprile)
> Tegola di Hiroshima regalata a museo italiano (19 aprile)
> Chernobil: sta peggiorando la salute degli ucraini (19 aprile)
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Ciao,
> Marco Saba
> Osservatorio Etico Ambientale
> via F.lli Cervi Res. Idra
> 20090 Segrate (MI)
> T. 02 21591373



NOTE: This letter was written by Dr. Rocke, who is the former head of
the Pentagon's
Depleted Uranium Project and one of the authors of the Pentagon's
Program for
Environmental Remediation of Formerly Used Defense Sites.

If, as indicated in the following press report that DOD officials are
ready to use force against the residents of Vieques, then the citizens
the world must ban together to help the residents of Vieques.

This started because U.S. Marine Corps pilots willfully fired depleted
uranium in violation of laws and regulations, as admitted by U.S. Navy
officials, into Vieques and then a Navy pilot dropped a bomb that killed
one and injured others. The claim has been that the bomb went off
Funny thing about physics and Newtonian mechanics, bombs only go where
place them. Therefore the claim that the bomb was errant is pure
The pilot killed that guard and injured the others because he was wrong
and was not careful with the bomb release. That is pure negligence!!!!!

This is also an issue of environmental justice where U.S. Department of
Defense representatives refuse to provide medical care for all exposed
individuals and also complete environmental remediation. U.S. Forces
contaminated the island of Vieques for too long causing health and
environmental damage. It must stop now. In a direct quote from:

031-503-1017 Respond to Depleted Uranium/Low level Radioactive Materials
(DULLRAM) Hazards (new) U.S. Army Manual of Common Tasks the Department
of Defense authors state that:

"NOTE: Contamination will make food and water unsafe for consumption."
Seems that Navy officials know that the use of DU causes willful harm
because it is in the required DU training that all DOD personnel must
complete by order and law. Thus disregard of this information probably
violates RCRA (42 CFR 901) and is a crime against humanity.

Next: The U.S. Navy cites that Vieques is needed for training our
yet, the Navy has advertised to any nation for a fee that Vieques can be
used for as quoted "Mission: consistently provide professional customer
services, conduct real world anti-submarine warfare training for
aircrafts, ships, and submarines of U.S. and foreign navies...Live-fire
capability for most non-conventional weapons provide
airspace, surface, and subsurface water space for developmental and
operational testing of new and existing weapons systems."

In case anyone has missed the most important part of this advertisement
is that "non-conventional" as cited has historically referred to
biological, and chemical weapons. If that has occurred over the years,
that is why the residents of Vieques are sick. Conventional weapons
residues will also cause health and environmental problems.

It is time for everyone to support the residents of Vieques and demand
that the U.S. Navy withdraw and cease all actions on that island. Just
remember if the Navy willingly fired DU to prepare for battle in Kosovo
then the next preparation with "non-conventional weapons" as advertised
may be for use against you!

Dr. Doug Rokke

FONTE: Seven Stars News Briefs 26-28 April 2000
Bollettino del Partito Socialista Repubblicano Irlandese
IRSP <irsp@...>


Rispetto al messaggio che abbiamo girato in lista, sulla origine nazista
dei proiettili all'uranio impoverito
( )
abbiamo ricevuto le seguenti precisazioni che riteniamo meritevoli di
essere rese note:

(...) Su questa storia dell'uranio
nazista mi sembra che la notizia sul rapporto tra nazisti e bomba di
Hiroshima e Nagasaki sia del tutto priva di fondamento.
In primo luogo, sono gia' completamente noti tutti i dati e la storia
del "Progetto Manahattan", incluso, dove, come e da chi fu arricchito
l'uranio e prodotto il plutonio utilizzati.
In secondo luogo, il dispositivo di innesco fu progettato da Bruno
Rossi, che conoscevo personalmente benissimo (era presidente del
consiglio scientifico dell'IAS quando vi arrivai io) e che ce lo ha
raccontato piu' di una volta, con tale dovizia di particolari (anche a
chi non voleva)
Infine, e' ridicolo pensare che, se i nazi avessero avuto il materiale
fissile e il meccanismo d'innesco non avrebbero usato la bomba, dato che
avevano le V2 che potevano benissimo buttarle su Londra.

F. Polcaro
ricercatore, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, Roma

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

5 gitani ed un macedone in sciopero della fame; i familiari si uniscono
alla protesta (AFP)
* Un nuovo "Tribunale" politico istituito in Kosmet? (AFP)
* Azioni dei terroristi pan-albanesi contro i militari russi in Kosmet
* Il comando KFOR e' passato agli "Eurocorps" (Tanjug)
* L'opinione del kosovaro-albanese Setolli (Tanjug)
* La condizione degli "egiziani" del Kosmet (Tanjug, Irish Times)


> 7 maggio
> Un anno fa, in questi giorni, la NATO si accaniva contro la Iugoslavia
> con il pretesto di fermare la "pulizia etnica". Dopo gli Accordi di
> Kumanovo (10 giugno) sotto l'egida dell'ONU, quasi 40mila soldati
> NATO più qualche migliaio di sbirraglia varia, sono entrati in Kosovo,
> per "riportare la pace e la convivenza multietnica".
> Ad un anno di distanza è chiaro il fallimento, non solo
> dell'aggressione NATO, ma dell'occupazione militare del Kosovo.
> - Quasi duecentomila serbi sono stati cacciati col terrore dalle loro
> case e villaggi con il beneplacito delle truppe NATO, sotto i cui
> occhi avveniva la "caccia" non solo al serbo, ma a tutte le altre
> minoranze nazionali nonché agli albanesi avversari dell'UCK.
> - Chi si è oppposto a questa "pulizia etnica", alla trasformazione del
> Kosovo in un porto franco del narco-traffico, delle mafie e dei
> mercenari imperialisti, ha subito la repressione, l'incarcerazione e
> la persecuzione delle autorità amministrative fantoccio dell'ONU
> (UNMIK) capeggiate dal proconsole francese Bernard Kouchner.
> - Kosovska Mitrovica è diventata il simbolo della resistenza delle
> varie minoranze contro lo sciovinismo albanese e la dittatura NATO.
> Ancora oggi 36 prigionieri politici, serbi e rom, sono in sciopero
> della fame contro la loro ingiusta e arbitraria detenzione avvenuta
> senza prove e senza alcun processo regolare.
> Allo scopo di chiedere la scarcerazione dei 36 detenuti, di condannare
> l'arbitrarietà inaccettabile delle autorità dell'UNMIK, di difendere
> il diritto all'autodifesa delle minoranze non-albanesi, di porre fine
> alle incursioni terroristiche nelle zone non-albanesi da parte della
> NATO; alcuni militanti della Corrente Leninista Internazionale,
> nell'ambito di una delegazione del Movimento di Solidarietà
> Austria-Iugoslavia (Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung)
> sono in questi giorni a Kosovska Mitrovica e si incontreranno con le
> comunità di questa città simbolo della resistenza alla NATO, all'UCK,
> portando la solidarietà di tutte le forze antimperialiste.
> sezione italiana della C.L.I.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> per contatti:
> Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
> PF 217, A-1040 Wien, Österreich
> joesb@...
> International Leninist Current
> ilc@...
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

Si veda anche l'appello:

BELGRADE, May 9 (AFP) - Over 20 Serb women in northern Kosovo --
the wives and relatives of hunger-striking prisoners in a UN-run
jail -- began a sympathy strike Tuesday, the National Serb Council
(SNV) said.
The women began their hunger strike in a garage close to the
jail in Kosovska Mitrovica, where the suspected war criminals -- 34
Serbs, five Roma gypsies and one Macedonian -- are being held, the
SNV told AFP by telephone.
The prisoners, who began their strike on April 10, are
protesting they have been detained by the UN's mission in Kosovo in
some cases as long as 10 months, without trial and sometimes without
They are demanding provisional release if their cases are not
heard rapidly and impartially.
Leaders of the Serb community in the ethnically divided northern
town, Oliver Ivanovic and Milan Ivanovic and around 100 Serb
supporters visited the 23 women as they began their parallel
starvation campaign.
The women had announced Monday they would join the hunger strike
until the prisoners' demands were accepted, sending a letter to UN
administrator Bernard Kouchner and the UN's Kosovska Mitrovica
administrator, William Nash.
Doctors who visited the striking prisoners Sunday expressed
concern at the "very serious" medical condition of most of the men.
As the prisoners' hunger strike goes into its fifth week, two
strikers have been hospitalised.



Sembrava scomparso dalla scena per far posto all'ala militare, quella
dell'UCK: in realta' Rugova continua a lavorare per il distacco del
Kosovo dalla Jugoslavia e la sua annessione alla "Grande Albania". Lo ha
sempre dichiarato in passato, e continua a dirlo oggi, ad esempio su
"DER SPIEGEL" di meta' aprile, secondo quanto riferito dalla AFP il
15/4/00. Rugova ha citato esplicitamente il progetto della "Grande
Albania" e ha detto all'intervistatore che se non sara' garantita
l'indipendenza in Kosovo sara' di nuovo guerra.


Sunday, May 7 12:04 PM SGT

Unprecedented war crimes tribunal to be set up in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, May 7 (AFP) -

An unprecedented war crimes tribunal, placing international judges in
local courts, is to be launched in Kosovo to
jumpstart a legal system blocked by case overload and fears of ethnic
bias, UN officials here said.

Some 40 suspected Kosovo Serb war criminals are held by UN police and
with many of them on hunger strike after almost
a year in pre-trial detention, pressure is mounting for their cases to
come to court.

Only 13 have been indicted, said one legal expert, while the others are
held on suspicion.

"If we succeed in setting this up by the end of June we'll have been
highly successful," said Rolf Welberts, head of human
rights and rule of law at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
in Europe (OSCE) in Kosovo.

"It would be a record when you consider how slowly things go here," said
Welberts, whose department both monitors
and develops the budding legal system for the UN mission in Kosovo

UNMIK has already held the suspected war criminals, some arrested in
June 1999, for almost a year.

Under UNMIK's own regulations they can be held for 12 months before
either having to face trial or being released, but
Welberts was adamant they would not walk free if the tribunal is not

"It must be. I don't even want to consider that possibility," he said,
adding that UNMIK would try to renew the
detention period if necessary.

"By regulation you can do anything in this system," where UNMIK head
Bernard Kouchner has wide-ranging executive
powers, he said.

The new tribunal for war and ethnic crimes will feature international
judges alongside local Serb and ethnic Albanian
magistrates in a bid to overcome deep-seated ethnic hatreds that could
otherwise compromise judgements.

So far the only international judge in Kosovo has been employed in the
ethnically divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica,
scene of recurrent violent clashes between Serbs and ethnic Albanians.

Having spent months developing an applicable law -- a mixture of
Yugoslav, Kosovar and international codes -- to try
suspects, the new tribunal will still face many problems, not least the
issue of security.

"Security is a daily fight," said UNMIK legal head Sylvie Pantz. "Until
recently, I didn't have the personnel to secure
hearings, to prevent people from outside from theatening the judges.

"I spend my life begging UNMIK police and KFOR (the international
peacekeeping force). KFOR send me to the police
and vice versa," she said.

In March the ethnic Albanian president of Mitrovica court ordered a
Serbian war crimes suspect to face a court in the
Serb-dominated north of the town but was forced to postpone the case for
security reasons.

Mitrovica's international judge, Krister Karphammer of Sweden, said UN
police and KFOR would not have been able to
guarantee the safety of the people in court.

Pantz admitted that an ethnic Albanian judge trying a Serb for war
crimes in the north of the town risked being
"explosive" and said such cases would be better tried in the provincial
capital Pristina.

Even in petty cases, Karphammer said there was frequently pressure on
all involved.

"The witnesses, victims and even the translators are often threatened,"
he said. "Sometimes witnesses do not answer a
summons, they hide or give false testimony," he said, stressing the
problem was affecting all Kosovo.

International legal experts say that while security and pressure on
judges make trying suspects in Kosovo difficult, they
prefer to hold the trials here rather than in the war crimes court in
The Hague.

The International Criminal Tribunal on the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has
only indicted five people after the Kosovo
conflict, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and four of his

Pantz said the ICTY was still blocked by cases from the three-year
Bosnian war, while trials in Kosovo could be part of
the healing process for a society ripped apart by ethnic war.



TIRANA, ALBANIA, May 8 (UPI) -- Unidentified people threw
Molotov cocktail from a car against a Russian base in Marin, in
district, the KFOR press office in Pristine reported.
Russian KFOR soldiers have become a target in Kosovo, a
development which is a concern for the KFOR command.
Gen. Juan Ortuno, the KFOR commander condemning the killing of
Russian soldier Alexander Semione, who was found dead 10 days ago in
Glogovc commune, and warned that KFOR would not tolerate attacks against
his troops.
"I was informed recently about attacks against our Russian
KFOR troops. Every attack against any one KFOR soldier is considered an
attacks against all of us, and we are an unique force which will not
tolerate such acts," said Ortuno.
However, Ortuno's threat did not stop an other attack against
a Russian military camp in Skenderaj. No one was hurt in Sunday's
The KFOR press office did not say whether the attackers were
Albanians or other ethnic groups, but Albanians have openly claimed they
do not like Russian presence in Kosovo.
During the last two months Russians have been a target of
aggressive attacks or behaviors around Skenderaj by ethnic Albanians,
consider the Russians traditional supports of the Serbs. About 10 weeks
ago a Russian soldier was shot dead by a young Albanian in Skenderaj
market. Another Molotov cocktail was thrown at a Russian camp 10 days
KFOR has not been able to change the ethnic Albanians'
attitude toward Russian troops even the KFOR command has repeatedly
considered the Russians a part of their peace-keeping mission in Kosovo.



PRISTINA, April 18 (Tanjug) - The five-nation Eurocorps on Tuesday took
over command of the international force (KFor) in Kosovo-Metohija, with
Eurocorps Commander Juan Ortuno (aged 60) of Spain taking over from
Germany's Klaus Reinhardt.
This is the third change at the helm of the military mission to this
U.N.-ruled Serbian (Yugoslav) province since it was deployed just over
months ago. In this time, KFor has not carried out practically a single
task entrusted to it under U.N. Resolution 1244.
On the contrary, Kosovo-Metohija has seen an explosion of crime and
terrorism, the ethnic Albanian terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
not been disarmed, there are no safety guarantees, and more than 350,000
Serbs and other non-Albanians have been displaced.
Responsibility for this unfavourable state of affairs rests solely with
KFor, which in its short history has been commanded by British General
Michael Jackson, Germany's Reinhardt and, now, by Spain's Ortuno.
The Eurocorps command comprises 350 senior officers from five European
states - Spain, Germany, France, Belgium and Luxembourg - which is
one-third of the headquarters staff, the rest coming from Great Britain,
Italy and the United States.


PRISTINA, April 17 (Tanjug) - Fatmir Seholi, an independent ethnic
Albanian publicist, said Monday that disastrous anarchy and lawlessness
escalated in Kosovo and Metohija.
Seholi told the local radio station Kontakt in Pristina, chief city of
Yugoslav republic of Serbia's southern province, that scores of
were registered on a daily basis, saying that ethnic Albanian terrorists
were now robbing their ethnic kinds because there were hardly any Serbs
other non-Albanians left in the province.
He said that an end must be put to such a state of affairs, because it
could result in a civil war between local ethnic Albanians and
and extremists.
"All this is happening in the presence of the U.N. civilian mission
(UNMIK) and international forces," he said stressing that peace was not
all at hand in Kosovo and Metohija although the fight against ethnic
Albanian terrorists had stopped.
Instead of trying to find immediately ways of how to improve the
in the province and of restoring the province's multi-ethnic character,
some ethnic Albanian leaders are only trying to get rich, he said.
Seholi underlined UNMIK's and the U.N. peacekeeping force KFOR's
responsibility for a failure to implement the U.N. Security Council's
Resolution 1244.
Commenting on announcements that elections will be held in Kosovo and
Metohija, Seholi said that there could be no elections unless the
province's political status was defined. He said that, under the
resolution, the province remained an integral part of Serbia and
All outstanding issues concerning the province should be exclusively
solved in Yugoslav and Serbian authorities' talks with ethnic Albanian
parties and intellectuals as well as representatives of other ethnic
communities, he said.


SKOPJE, April 17 (Tanjug) - About 4,000 ethnic Egyptians, expelled from
Serbia's Kosovo and Metohija province into Macedonia by ethnic Albanian
terrorists since the arrival of international peacekeepers, on Monday
lodged a strong protest with the Macedonian government and the Skopje
office of the UNHCR, claiming they have been completely forgotten.
More than 100,000 ethnic Egyptians lived in Kosovo and Metohija before
they were terrorized into fleeing the province by ethnic Albanian
extremists after the arrival of the international force KFOR and U.N.
civilian mission UNMIK. Many have been murdered by ethnic Albanian
terrorists, or have had their houses torched. Most Kosovo Egyptians fled
Serbia proper, but part of them also sought refuge in Macedonia, they
in the open letter sent to the local and world public.
Neither the UNHCR nor the Skopje authorities have recognized the refugee
ethnic Egyptians as a special ethnic group, even though they enjoyed
status in Serbia since 1991. These refugees have been listed as Romanies
ethnic Albanians and sent to the respective refugee camps of these
minorities, the letter said.

The Irish Times

Monday, April 17, 2000
Murders in Kosovo help to
fuel a family's blood feud
Christian Jennings, reports from Sverke, in Kosovo, on the animosity
between Albanians and the Egyptian Muslim minority

KOSOVO: You can tell what kind of ammunition was used to execute Xhafer
Brahimi's mother, son and nephew because the stray bullets from the
burst of gunfire that killed them lodged in the frozen chicken legs they
were bringing home from market.
"I saw their horse and cart going down the track in front of our house,"
says Brahimi, a 37-yearold Kosovan man from the province's beleaguered
Egyptian Muslim community, an Albanian-speaking ethnic minority.
"As soon as I heard automatic gunfire, I looked down through binoculars.
When I saw the horse stop I knew they were dead," he sobs, wiping his
eyes as he looks at their three coffins laid out on the new spring grass
inside his farm compound in the western Kosovan village of Sverke.
The Brahimi killings were just three out of an estimated 12 murders of
ethnic minorities to have taken place in Kosovo in the last 10 days,
says NATO.
Murders of Serbs, Roma Gypsies and Egyptians have more than trebled
since the beginning of April.
Who fired 10 Kalashnikov bullets into the sternum of Xhafer Brahimi's
78-year-old mother? Who executed his 17-year-old son, Fidan? Whose
hunting rifle was fired pointblank into his 18year-old nephew, Muharem,
as he sat on the horse-drawn cart?
The answer depends on whom you talk to. The 150 mourners who have
gathered around the three newly dug graves under the oak trees at the
bottom of the farm will give you different answers.
"In August last year 10 Albanian men came to the gates of the compound
at night," says Xhafer. "They had guns. They tried to break down the
doors. They were asking for grapes."
For grapes read the Brahimi family vineyard. For the vineyard read land.
For land read money. Throw in Kosovo, and it all ends up as a revenge
blood feud.
"It's all about this damn land," says his aunt, shaking her head as she
looks around at the gathered womenfolk of the family. Thirty-five of
them, wearing traditional Muslim head-scarves, are weeping loudly over
the three coffins draped in gaudily coloured fluffy blankets.
"When the men couldn't break down the gate," continues Xhafer, "they
shot through it. I returned fire from the house and hit one man in the
leg. He went down, and by mistake shot another, killing him."
In fine Albanian tradition, there began a family blood feud. Death
avenged by death. The killing of women and children against the rules.
Repeat till not a single man is left alive.
"The family hasn't really left the compound since the summer," says
Xhafer's brother, offering around Coca-Cola and cigarettes as the women
wail and the sun shines strongly. "When my aunt, son and nephew did,
they were followed from here to market and back, and then killed."
Among the dandelions in a quiet corner of the farm, they've dumped the
cart on which the three family members died. Most of the blood's been
scrubbed off, but you can see the bullet-scarred wood, the rust-coloured
>From here you can almost understand what the feud is all about. This is
God's country. Fertile fields, gently sloping ploughed furrows,
plentiful space. All 60 acres of it. Through the sky above the valley
clatters an Italian NATO helicopter.
"NATO troops will not come and protect us," says Xhafer Brahimi. "We've
asked several times, we know the people that did this."
UN policemen based in the town of Peja, 15 km distant, did come to
investigate the killings. No arrests have yet been made.
Fifty of the Brahimi clan live here on the edge of the ruined village of
Sverke, a predominantly Serb community whose houses were totally
destroyed by Albanians just after NATO entered Kosovo last June.
"The rest live in Germany, which is where we're going if these killings
continue," says Xhafer. "The people that did this, before the war they
used to co-operate with the Serbs. Now they're common criminals."
There's no doubt that ethnic animosity between Albanians and the
Egyptian minority have worsened relations in the village, as have
accusations of complicity and collaboration with Serb military units,
whose programme of ethnic cleansing of the Kosovan Albanian population
in spring 1999 reached its apogee in the Peja region.
The graves lie in a fenced-off area 20 metres by 20, and it's hard not
to think that if you came back in a year's time, the feud would still be
continuing and UN police would still not have got to the bottom of it.


Essendo stata da tempo indetta una iniziativa a Milano, nella sede della
Ass. Culturale Punto Rosso, per il 19 aprile 2000 alle ore 21, dal
titolo: "Il genocidio occultato" sui crimini clerico-nazisti nella
Croazia di Pavelic e Stepinac, l'Ass. Culturale Punto Rosso ha pensato
casualmente di indire un'altra iniziativa a Milano, nella sala AEM, per
il 19 aprile 2000 alle ore 21, dal titolo: "La guerra del Kosovo,
anatomia di un'escalation".
Nella prima iniziativa si e' presentato il libro di M.A. Rivelli
"L'arcivescovo del genocidio", ospite l'autore; nella seconda, il libro
di G. Scotto ed E. Arielli sul Kosovo, ospiti i nazionalisti
pan-albanesi A. L'Abate (linea Rugova) ed A. Moscato (linea Demaci).

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Una corte tedesca alla fine di febbraio ha decretato che i "profughi
kosovari" (di etnia albanese, cioe' schipetari) non hanno piu' diritto
di asilo perche' ormai in Kosovo si sta bene.
Detto fatto: dei 14,689 (quattordicimilaseicentoottantanove) profughi
schipetari provenienti dai campi della FYROM lo scorso anno accolti in
Germania, ne risultano essere stati rispediti al mittente gia' piu' di
25,000 (venticinquemila) negli ultimi mesi.
Ad esempio, qualche giorno fa un aereoplano in Baviera ha caricato 50
"rifugiati kosovari" e li ha portati in Kosovo: tutti hanno precedenti
penali per droghe, furti o violenza. Un'altra sessantina erano stati
rimpatriati nello stesso modo pochi giorni prima.

Lo stesso dicasi per la Svizzera, che lo scorso anno ha ufficialmente
accolto 1,687 persone, per rispedirne indietro 19,699.

( Fonti: Sydney Morning Herald, April 15, 2000
Doors slam on Kosovars By SIMON MANN; AFP 5/5/00, )

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

(Per le puntate precedenti, si veda: )


di A. Lattanzio

Sulla questione delle organizzazioni come REDS e il CIPB vorrei fare
precisazioni sul loro carettere "trotzkista". Gli ispiratori di questi
gruppi sono collegati, in effetti, con organizzazioni trotzkiste quali,
esempio, Bandiera Rossa, che in Italia rappresenta la corrente di
"maggioranza" del movimento trotzkista internazionale: il Segretariato
unificato (Usec). Tale legame è evidente sulla questione del Kosovo e
della Cecenia, come si può verificare nell'articolo sulla Cecenia del
numero 96 della rivista Bandiera Rossa.
Nell'articolo vi è un'acritica esaltazione dei guerriglieri integralisti
ceceni, presentati come campioni del "diritto all'autodeterminazione"
popoli. La Federazione Russa viene presentata come la naturale
dell'Impero zarista e dell'URSS, cercando, così, di presentare l'operato
dei guerriglieri come azione antimperialista. Ciò ovviamente viene fatto
passando sotto silenzio i legami tra i guerriglieri e i talebani, la
l'Arabia Saudita e in ultimo gli USA, e senza menzionare il loro
reazionario e xenofobo anti-russo.
I "rivoluzionari" romantici di casa nostra non devono essere delusi
scoprire che i loro eroi sono solo delle utili pedine dell'unico
esistente: quello occidentale!
Brioschi, Ferrario e soci utilizzano una facciata trotzkista e una
fraseologia parolaio-rivoluzionaria, che servono sia a tranquillizzare i
loro fans dell' "estrema" sinistra centrino-sociale del nordest, sia a
passare per rivoluzionaria il sostegno morale e politico
della Nato contro la Jugoslavia.
Fa parte di questo armamentario, l'argomentazione che Lenin e Trotzkij
avevano fatto una bandiera dell'autodeterminazione dei popoli e che
Miloshevich sia il prodotto delle burocrazie staliniste; meritevole
di essere combattuto. Vero! solo che si può osservare che Lenin e
con il loro programma fondarono l'URSS e non uno staterello xenofobo e
filoimperialista. E Miloshevich viene combattuto da tanti comunisti
ben prima che del soggetto se ne occupassero i "rivoluzionari" nostrani.
I "trotzkisti" di REDS e del CIPB, inoltre, per "combattere" lo
Miloshevich, non si sono vergognati ad allearsi con i residui del
post-moista di International Struggle Marxist-Leninist (ISML), il cui
principale é appoggiare in toto la causa del nazionalismo panalbanese
esaltando l'UCK quale organizzazione "rivoluzionaria e popolare". Nulla
nuovo in tutto ciò, visto che la politica attuata da consimili
organizzazioni é quella seguita da vent'anni a questa parte dal
maoista e post-maoista. Infatti negli anni '70 i partiti maoisti
europei, in
odio al "socialismo reale" dei paesi del Comecon, si allearono con
organizzazioni e partiti di estrema destra (CSU di Strauss, PSI di
Certo é curioso che i nemici dello stalinismo, in nome della lotta
all' "imperialismo" di paesi quali la Jugoslavia e la Russia, si
fattivamente con il peggior derivato dello stalinismo stesso: il
"nazionalcomunismo" in salsa panalbanese dei nipotini di Hoxha, ora
della NATO, che sotto l'egida dell' "antimperialismo"degli Stati Uniti,
praticano la "rivoluzionaria" pulizia etnica a danno dei non-ucikisti


Riproduciamo l'appello appena giuntoci per la liberazione incondizionata
di un membro dell'UCK. Nell'appello si tace sulla gia' avvenuta
liberazione negli scorsi mesi di centinaia e centinaia di nazionalisti
pan-albanesi dalle carceri jugoslave, e si tace anche sullo sciopero
della fame in corso nella carceri di Mitrovica da parte di prigionieri
di tutte le altre nazionalita' kosovare, in attesa di processo e
talvolta anche solo di conoscere le accuse, in merito al quale e' stato
diffuso un altro appello

cipb@... wrote:
> Chiediamo con la presente alle Autorità italiane di intervenire
> tempestivamente presso quelle di Belgrado affinché venga liberato
> Albin Kurti, condannato lo scorso 15 marzo dal tribunale di Nis alla
> pena di 15 anni, con accuse pretestuose mossegli durante un
> processo farsa, come hanno testimoniato numerose associazioni
> umanitarie serbe e internazionali.
> Albin Kurti è stato condannato per "separatismo" con una
> sentenza che vuole colpire la sua lunga attività di leader
> dell'associazione degli studenti albanesi del Kosovo (aveva
> organizzato le manifestazioni pacifiche del 1997) e quella di
> membro dell'ufficio di Adem Demaci, allora rappresentante politico
> dell'UCK. Albin Kurti era stato arrestato il 27 aprile del 1999,
> insieme a due membri della sua famiglia, in seguito liberati, ed era
> rimasto detenuto in carceri del Kosovo fino al giugno dell'anno
> scorso quando, con almeno altri 2.000 albanesi del Kosovo, è stato
> deportato in Serbia. La sua famiglia per lungo tempo non ha
> nemmeno potuto sapere dove si trovava e Kurti è stato tenuto in
> prigione, dove ha subito maltrattamenti, per più di 10 mesi senza
> avere un processo, in violazione delle stesse leggi jugoslave. La
> sua condanna, come quella altrettanto dura del dicembre scorso
> contro Flora Brovina, tra le altre cose in precarie condizioni di
> salute, rappresenta una condanna esemplare contro tutti coloro
> che in autonomia hanno lottato, come diceva Albin Kurti, perché "il
> futuro del Kosovo deve essere deciso dal suo popolo. Nessun altro
> ha il diritto di farlo al posto suo".
> 8/5/2000 Milano
> Centro di Iniziativa Politica sui Balcani
> Pax Christi, sezione italiana
> Beati i Costruttori di Pace
> Arbitalia, Il sito internet degli albanesi d'Italia
> Prof. Francesco Altimari, Università della Calabria - Rende
> Don Albino Bizzotto
> Lisa Clark
> Prof. Alberto L'Abate, Università di Firenze
> Prof. Piero Fumarola, Università di Lecce
> Maria I. Maciotti, docente universitaria
> Prof. Antonio Moscato, Università di Lecce
> Prof. Gigi Perrone, Università di Lecce
> Walter Peruzzi, direttore di "Guerre&Pace"

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

After the Rain - How the West Lost the East -

Courtesy Bill

Late Yugoslav Ruler Tito Enjoys Comeback

ZAGREB, May 7, 2000 -- (Reuters) Twenty years after his death,
Yugoslavia's communist ruler Marshal Josip Broz Tito is enjoying a

Tito, a flamboyant and often controversial figure, who ruled the
multi-ethnic federation from the end of World War Two until 1980, is the
subject of a new film by young director Vinko Bresan called "The

Bresan's surreal film poses the question: what would happen if Tito came
back from the dead to his native Croatia, where a few of his die-hard
followers, aging communists and anti-fascists, now live?

The film is making many in Croatia, now an independent state, look again
at the historic role of the wartime partisan leader turned world

This year Croatia marked the death of Tito for the first time since
gaining independence in 1991.

Several thousand people gathered on May 4 in Kumrovec, his birthplace in
northern Croatia, where sirens wailed at 3:05 p.m., the exact time of

The mourners, mostly elderly, laid flowers and sang patriotic songs.
filed through the wooden cottage where Tito was born.

A pub called "The Old Man" recently opened in Kumrovec and local leaders
have restored the entire village in the hope of reviving once-thriving

Tito's Yugoslav federation outlived him by 10 years before it crumbled
amid rising nationalism in its six constituent republics and the end of

TITO MOVIES CROSS HOSTILE BORDERS On April 15, "The Marshal" had its
opening night in Belgrade, capital of the rump Yugoslavia, and Bresan
received a long ovation from the audience. The movie is now being shown
throughout Yugoslavia and is being promoted with the slogan: "The movie
have waited for 20 years."

"One cannot avoid Tito. He is the only common ground we (the people of
former Yugoslavia) have left now," Bresan told Reuters, explaining why
film was being received with enthusiasm in Serbia.

Earlier this year, a Serbian film called "Tito and I", a parody of the
Tito years as seen through the eyes of a young boy, showed in Zagreb and
for days drew roars of laughter from the packed house of a small art

"This is a natural reaction of people who have realized after 10 years
that they lived better before,"
said sociologist Slaven Letica, commenting on the blooming "Tito trade".

"There is also a kind of nostalgia as people come to terms with their
history," he said.

This cultural exchange would not have taken place when Croatia was ruled
by the nationalist Franjo Tudjman, who held power from independence to
death last December.

Tudjman's HDZ party lost a general election in January to a reformist
coalition, led by former communists.

TITO'S MIXED LEGACY Tito remains a controversial figure in the successor
states to the former Yugoslav federation. For some he was a great
statesman, for others a tyrant who tried to eradicate Croatian national
sentiment. Some Serbs feel the same.

Many still blame him for allowing the slaughter of thousands of Croatian
troops who had collaborated with the Nazis after they surrendered to the
allies in

According to one recent survey, some 45.8 percent of those interviewed
said they considered Tito a dictator while 55.6 percent said the same of

In another poll, 60 percent of those questioned said Tito's remains
be returned home from his stately tomb in Belgrade.

The son of peasants, Tito led the Yugoslav Communist party in the 1930s
and organized resistance against Nazi Germany, Italian fascists and
local collaborators in World War Two.

He ruled post-war Yugoslavia with an iron fist but maneuvered Yugoslavia
away from eastern European Stalinism and preserved the country's
multi-ethnic society.

Although ruthless with political opponents, Tito was enormously popular
with his people, projecting an image of a bon viveur who enjoyed smoking
king-size cigars, malt whisky and the company of Hollywood celebrities.
During Tito's lifetime, mass rallies were held each year to celebrate
birthday. Thousands of Yugoslav children, dressed in white and blue
red scarves, would be bussed into Kumrovec to be sworn in as "Tito's
each May.

Mile-long cordons of "workers and peasants" would throw flowers at his
Mercedes wherever he passed.

The republic that rose from the ashes of the old Yugoslavia quickly
dismantled the symbols of communism and undertook to privatize state
assets - a process which some say produced some dubious results in

"The Marshal" alludes to this when the main character, a policeman sent
investigate reports on the appearance of Tito's ghost on a remote
island, talks to a local tycoon in front of a decrepit Museum of the
Anti-Fascist Struggle and the Socialist Revolution.

"We had no funds to maintain the museum so we had to privatize it," the
tycoon says.

"And who bought it?"

"Ah, well, I did, for two kuna (30 U.S. cents)," the tycoon replies.

(C)2000 Copyright Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
Republication or redissemination of the contents of this screen are
expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Tribunale Clark - ADESIONI

Quello che segue e' l'appello-convocazione per la iniziativa che
conclude il ciclo di udienze della sezione italiana del tribunale
internazionale contro i crimini di guerra della NATO in Jugoslavia che
si terra' a Roma il 3 giugno. Le adesioni vanno
comunque mandate a uno di questi indirizzi:







ORE 15.00


Il 31 luglio 1999 hanno avuto inizio a New York le attivita' del
JUGOSLAVIA", promosso da Ramsey Clark, con la stesura di 19 punti di
accusa contro la NATO ed i governi occidentali.

Le attivita' del "Tribunale" hanno trovato seguito in molti altri paesi
del mondo. In Italia il primo
novembre 1999 alla presenza di Ramsey Clark ha preso il via la sezione
italiana del Tribunale. Nel corso di questi mesi, confortati dal
crescente interesse suscitato e dalle numerose iniziative di
presentazione del "Tribunale Italiano" in molte citta', abbiamo potuto
verificare con dati oggettivi la veridicita' delle nostre accuse.

A completamento del lavoro svolto in questi mesi, noi sottoscritti
firmatari di questo appello accusiamo le massime autorità della
Repubblica in carica nel marzo 1999 - in particolare il presidente del
Consiglio dei Ministri Massimo D'Alema e i ministri del governo per la
partecipazione alla guerra illegale e il Presidente della Repubblica
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro per non aver difeso la Costituzione - nonchè i loro
successori per quanto attiene ai crimini in continuità con l'aggressione
armata, ciascuno secondo la personale responsabilità scaturente dalle
diverse competenze, azioni e omissioni:

per avere collaborato attivamente all'aggressione contro la Repubblica
Federale Jugoslava, paese
sovrano da cui non era venuta nessuna minaccia nè all'Italia nè ai suoi

per avere violato tutti i principi del diritto internazionale e in
particolare la Carta delle Nazioni
Unite, i principi del Tribunale di Norimberga, le Convenzioni di Ginevra
e i protocolli aggiuntivi
sulla tutela delle popolazioni civili nonchè lo stesso trattato
istitutivo della NATO;

per aver consentito che dal proprio territorio partissero attacchi
contro istallazioni e popolazioni
civili, condotti su obiettivi e con armi appositamente studiate per
infliggere il massimo danno, anche
protratto nel tempo, alle persone e alle loro condizioni di vita
(attacchi deliberati contro strutture
civili, bombe a grappolo);

per aver danneggiato l’economia della costa adriatica con la chiusura
degli aeroporti civili;

per aver consentito lo smaltimento nelle acque territoriali italiane di
ordigni bellici non utilizzati
causando danni alle persone, all’ambiente all’economia;

per aver consentito l'utilizzo in maniera massiccia di proiettili e
missili all'uranio impoverito causando danni incalcolabili e per un
tempo indeterminato contro le popolazioni della Federazione Jugoslava e
dei paesi limitrofi, con enormi rischi attuali anche per i volontari
civili e per i militari italiani impegnati nel Kosovo.

per aver partecipato al bombardamento di impianti chimici e farmaceutici
causando deliberatamente danni ambientali di enorme rilevanza tali da
configurare una vera e propria guerra batteriologica, chimica e

per aver violato la Costituzione italiana e aggirato le procedure che
essa impone in caso di guerra
(concepibile solo come difesa da attacchi contro il nostro paese e i
suoi alleati);

per aver collaborato alla politica della forza di occupazione della NATO
che obiettivamente ha
portato alla instaurazione di un potere criminale nella provincia
jugoslava del Kosmet e alla
persecuzione ed espulsione della popolazione di etnia serba e di altre
etnie non albanesi, nonchè
degli albanesi considerati indesiderabili dal nuovo potere;

per avere obiettivamente tollerato l'emergere e il consolidarsi di un
potente centro di attività
criminali a ridosso del nostro paese nel triangolo

per avere attivamente collaborato ad affamare e sacrificare la
popolazione della Jugoslavia con
l'imposizione di misure di embargo internazionalmente illeggittime;

per avere attivamente collaborato a esercitare pressioni e ingerenze
contro un paese sovrano e le
sue legittime istituzioni;

per avere inviato truppe e personale civile a governare territori
ridotti di fatto a nuovi protettorati e
colonie in violazione della stessa risoluzione ONU 1244;

per aver messo in piedi al fine di giustificare l'intervento militare
la scandalosa campagna della
MISSIONE ARCOBALENO e per avere mentito al popolo italiano al fine di
l'opinione pubblica della necessità di partecipare alla guerra;

per avere rinunciato all'esercizio della sovranità del nostro paese e al
diritto-dovere di controllo di
tutte le attività che vi svolgono comandi, strutture e mezzi militari

per avere acconsentito a modificare, senza nessuna decisione del
Parlamento, lo statuto della NATO.

Queste accuse, saranno esposte e ampiamente documentate il 3 giugno a
Roma nella sessione
plenaria del Tribunale Indipendente contro i crimini NATO costituitosi
in Italia che si terrà presso
l'Università Valdese (via Pietro Cossa 40) e saranno quindi portate a
New York, dove il 10
giugno si riunirà il Tribunale Internazionale Indipendente promosso
dall'ex Ministro della Giustizia
USA Ramsey Clark.

Invitiamo tutti i cittadini, le associazioni, le personalità consapevoli
della necessità di impedire che
tali crimini siano perpetuati e diventino anzi la norma delle relazioni
internazionali, a sostenere
l'iniziativa della sezione italiana del Tribunale Clark e la raccolta di
testimonianze e documenti e
partecipare attivamente all'assemblea del 3 giugno a Roma.



Saturday, June 10, 2000 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Martin
Luther King Auditorium (Ninth Avenue and 64th Street, New York City)


On Saturday, June 10, a gathering of renowned
international judges will
hear expert and eyewitness testimony before hundreds
of participants
from 11 am to 7 pm.

Testimony on: -Targeting civilians and environmental
-Violations of international laws and conventions; a
crime against peace
-Similar crimes against Iraq, Cuba, Korea, Puerto Rico
-War propaganda
and media lies -U.S. occupation: One year later -U.S.
strategy for Eastern Europe and the former USSR
-Results of other
hearings: Italy, Germany, Russia, Greece

The judges and the tribunal will review testimony and
photographs slides, and videos. Special exhibits used
in many hearings
will be displayed.

A full listing of the 19-point indictment of NATO
crimes, the specific
international conventions, treaties and accords that
NATO violated,
along with documented research, can be found at the
IAC web site at under Balkans: No to NATO


Don't miss attending this historic gathering on the
one-year anniversary
of NATO's occupation of Kosovo. Play a role in ending
the ongoing
sanctions against Yugoslavia.

The International Action Center initiated a Commission
of Inquiry into
U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia last July 31.
Former Attorney General
Ramsey Clark brought 19 counts of war crimes, crimes
against humanity
and crimes against peace against the leaders of the
U.S. and NATO
countries. We intended this effort to serve as a tool
to stop wars
before they start and prevent future violations of
human rights.

Most of all, we want to hold the most powerful
criminals accountable for
their acts.

Many have joined to build this international movement.
This June 10,
former Canadian foreign minister James Bisset, Spanish
member of
parliament Angeles Maestro Martin, president of the
African Association
of Writers Charles Pascal Tolno, Italian peace leader
Raniero LaValle,
Millions for Mumia national coordinator Monica
Moorehead, Native
American Movement leader Dennis Banks, former German
Admiral Elmar
Schmaehling, former first lady of Greece Margarite
Papandreau, former
Haitian Ambassador to the UN Ben Dupuy,
representatives of the movement
to end U.S. bombing of Vieques in Puerto Rico and
others who have
spoken, written and acted against the U.S.-led NATO
war of aggression
will be there.

The IAC initiated a movement that has encouraged or
inspired thousands
to expose NATO crimes and show solidarity with
Yugoslavia. From Oslo to
Berlin to Belgrade to Kiev to Athens to Sydney, in 24
cities in 14
countries there have been tribunal hearings. Lawyers
from Canada, Greece
and Russia have tried to bring similar charges against
NATO before the
Hague Tribunal. Lawyers from Britain, Italy, Greece,
Germany and others
have sued their own governments.

The June 10 International War Crimes Tribunal will
build upon the
evidence presented at the Inquiry hearings on
U.S./NATO war crimes held
since throughout the world. It will have slides,
videos and documented
testimony of these crimes.

Because of the dominant U.S. role in the Balkan
conflict and especially
in the air war against Yugoslavia, the tribunal will
focus primarily on
U.S. criminal conduct, aided and abetted by other NATO

While we are not now holding the named criminals under
lock and key, we
see the tribunal process as a challenge to arrogant
and arbitrary power.
We are confident that it is the first step in a
process that will
continue to resonate throughout the NATO countries and
among all the
peoples targeted by the New World Order.

Show with your presence, your solidarity and your
contributions that you
stand shoulder to shoulder with us in this


The Martin Luther King Auditorium is located in a
school at 9th Avenue
and 64th Street, near Lincoln Center, Columbus Circle
and Fordham
University. It can be reached by the No. 1 and No. 9,
A, D, C, or B
subway lines and by many buses.

For those traveling from out of New York, the IAC web
site at will begin posting choices of
locations where others
will be staying, or call the IAC office at
212-633-6646 after May 10.


We recommend advance registration to assure seating.
To cover our
expenses, we request a $10 to $20 donation (not

Name _____________________
Address ___________________
City, State, Zip _____________
Telephone _________________
Email _____________________
Enclosed is my donation of __$1,000 __ $500 __ $250 __

$100 __ $50 other__________
___ I want to be listed in the Tribunal Journal

Tax deductable donations can be written to:People's

Online contributions: Credit card donations and
reservations for
tribunal seats can be made online at
(beginning in mid-May).

International Action Center
39 West 14 St., #206
New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646
fax: (212) 633-2889
email: iacenter@i...
Back to: NO to NATO war crimes




Vom 1. - 3. Juni 2000 findet in Berlin der 51. Deutsche Anwaltstag
statt. Den
Festvortrag auf der Zentralveranstaltung in der Hochschule der Künste am
(09.00 bis 12.15 Uhr) wird Ms. Carla del Ponte, Chefanklägerin des ICTY,
zum Thema
"Die Arbeit des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige
Herausforderungen für die Anklage im internationalen Umfeld" halten.

In der gleichen Zeit wird auch das Europäische Tribunal über den
NATO-Krieg gegen
Jugoslawien stattfinden.

The 51. German Lawyers Congress will be held June 1-3, 2000 in Berlin.
Ms Carla
del Ponte will held the speech of the day on the central event in the
morning of June 2,
2000 about "The work of ICTY: challenges for the indictment in the

The European Tribunal concerning the NATO War against Yugoslavia will
take place
in Berlin during that time too.

Wolfgang Schulz

>Zur Vorbereitung des Europäischen Tribunals über den NATO-Krieg am
>2./3. Juni 2000
>in Berlin fand am 16. April d.J. in Hamburg ein Zweites Internationales
>Hearing statt. Die zahlreichen hervorragenden Beiträge sollen in
>Buchform erscheinen. Vorab hier die beiden einleitenden Stellungnahmen:
> von Ralph Hartmann
> (Anlage 1)
> von Matthias Küntzel
> (Anlage 2)
>Im übrigen freue ich mich, darauf hinweisen zu können, daß ebenso wie
>Ralph Hartmann (Ex-Botschafter in Jugoslawien) nun auch Matthias Küntzel
für Vortrags- und
>Diskussionveranstaltungen zur Verfügung steht. Er ist per Telefon/ Fax
>zu erreichen unter:
> 04533 - 204531
>Matthias Küntzel ist der Autor des demnächst in zweiter Auflage
>erscheinenen Buches
>Berlin (Elefantenpress) 2000; 256 Seiten Paperback ISBN 3-88520-771-0
>DM 34,90 / öS 255 / sFr 33,90
>Er ist Politikwissenschaftler und Publizist, lebt in Hamburg als
>Gewerbeschullehrer, war bis 1988 Referent der Bundestagsfraktion der
>Grünen, veröffentlichte u.a. "Bonn und die Bombe. Deutsche Atompolitik
>von Adenauer bis Brandt, Frankfurt/M 19992
> (...)

Unsere Webseite wird immer leichter im Internet
zu finden: Z.B. mit dem Stichwort NATO
TRIBUNAL durch die "Such Maschinen":

Ein "völkerrechtswidriger Krieg" / Juristisches

Endlich hat ein Richter am Amtgereicht Tiergarten den Mut besessen, das
was offensichtlich ist auch in einem Urteil deutlich zu sagen: Der
NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien war völkerrechtswidrig und verstieß gegen
weitere Rechtsnormen.

Richter a. D. Dr. Helmut Kramer und die Zeitschrift
"antimilitarismusinformation" (ami) haben Tobias Pflüger unabhängig
voneinander das Urteil jetzt zukommen lassen. Dafür herzlichen Dank.

Das Urteil findet sich auch unter:



----- Original Message -----
From: "MR JAVIER BERNAL" <988005350@...>
To: <STOPNATO@...>; <nettime-l@...>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 5:21 PM
Subject: Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl charged for crimes against

Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl charged for crimes against humanity

Dr. Matthias Rath, M.D. files a complaint against ex-chancellor Helmut
Kohl in the court
of Bonn, Germany, for crimes against humanity and other felonies.

Deutsche Bank Linked To Auschwitz Funding :


[il manifesto]
02 Aprile 2000

[Articolo Precedente] [Prima Pagina] [Articolo Successivo]


La guerra jugoslava ora in tribunale


L a guerra per il Kosovo, condotta un anno fa dalla Nato, era illegale?
pretore berlinese Lickleder crede di si'. Il 2 marzo ha assolto Aris
Christidis, firmatario di un appello alla diserzione rivolto ai soldati
della Bundeswehr, con la seguente motivazione orale: "L'esortazione a
partecipare alla guerra in Jugoslavia non e' perseguibile, perche'
quell'intervento armato era illegittimo".

La pubblica accusa ha impugnato l'assoluzione. Al termine delle istanze
revisione, lo spinoso dilemma potrebbe tornare alla corte
che si e' finora sottratta a un pronunciamento di merito. L'anno scorso
rifiutato di esaminare un ricorso del partito del socialismo
visto che il suo gruppo parlamentare aveva avuto modo di esprimere al
Bundestag i suoi dubbi sulla guerra, e quindi i suoi diritti non
stati coartati dall'esecutivo.

Materia del contendere e' un appello pubblicato il 21 aprile 1999 dal
quotidiano Die Tageszeitung: "La partecipazione a questa guerra non puo'
essere giustificata. Percio' rifiutate di eseguire gli ordini!
dai vostri reparti! Ribellatevi contro questa guerra".

L'appello e' rimasto senza conseguenze pratiche. Non si conosce nessun
episodio di renitenza o di insubordinazione tra i militari tedeschi. Ma
ministero della difesa, guidato dal socialdemocratico Rudolf Scharping,
ugualmente denunciato i 28 primi firmatari - tra loro autorevoli
giuristi e
politologi come Ekkehart Krippendorff e Wolf-Dieter Narr - e altri 38
pacifisti che hanno aggiunto le loro firme in un secondo tempo.

Quasi tutti sono stati rinviati singolarmente a giudizio (in qualche
caso le
citazioni non sono state ancora recapitate, forse per incertezze
sull'indirizzo dei destinatari) davanti all'Amtsgericht di Tiergarten, a
Berlino, la citta' dove viene pubblicata la Tageszeitung. Questo
distrettuale ha competenze paragonabili alle nostre preture. Ma mentre
Italia il pretore e' insieme giudice e titolare dell'azione penale,
Amtsgerichte questa e' affidata alla procura della repubblica.

Istigazione a delinquere

I firmatari sono imputati, secondo l'art. 111 del codice penale, di
"esortazione a commettere un reato". Molti devono risponderne in piu'
occasioni, perche' la distribuzione dell'appello come volantino, o
per posta a istituzioni militari, vengono addebitati come ulteriore
infrazioni. L'accusa chiede pene pecuniarie tra 2000 e 7500 marchi.

I processi sono cominciati il 4 novembre scorso. A tutt'oggi se ne sono
tenuti 30, di fronte a magistrati diversi, a seconda dell'iniziale del
cognome degli imputati. Si sono conclusi con 6 condanne e ben 24
assoluzioni. Un trionfo per i pacifisti?

No, perche' solo il pretore Lickleder ha accolto in pieno la loro
argomentazione: i bombardamenti della Nato, non autorizzati dalle
unite, infrangevano il diritto internazionale; la partecipazione della
Bundeswehr ha violato la costituzione tedesca, che all'art. 26 mette al
bando "guerre

d'aggressione"; i soldati avevano il diritto di disubbidire per non
incorrere nei rigori dell'articolo 80 del codice penale, che punisce con
sanzioni dai 10 anni all'ergastolo la "partecipazione a preparativi per
guerra d'aggressione".

Gli altri giudici dell'Amtsgericht hanno evitato di impelagarsi nella
questione della legittimita' della guerra jugoslava. Le loro 23
assoluzioni -
anch'esse impugnate dalla pubblica accusa - sono costruite sul diritto
liberta' d'espressione, che in presenza di conflitti "inconsueti" puo'
manifestarsi in forme drastiche, e sulla presunzione di assenza di dolo
i firmatari, soggettivamente convinti - anche se erroneamente - di non
contravvenire al codice.

Qualche magistrato ha tutt'al piu' lasciato intendere di non ritenere
"palesemente infondati" i dubbi degli imputati sulla compatibilita'
guerra col diritto internazionale e costituzionale.

Questo scoglio viene aggirato dalla pubblica accusa, che argomenta
esclusivamente in base alle norme sulla disciplina militare: in modo
assai debole, se solo un quarto delle sentenze l'ha seguita. Rimossa la
problematica costituzionale, l'efficienza dell'esercito appare l'unico
da tutelare.

Secondo le leggi sulle forze armate un soldato deve rifiutare un ordine,
"qualora la sua esecuzione configuri un reato" (art. 11 del
Se i promotori dell'appello avessero soltanto esortato a non dar seguito
singoli ordini illegittimi, la procura della repubblica non sarebbe
intervenuta, a stare alle assicurazioni dei suoi rappresentanti.

Si e' vista "costretta" a farlo perche' il testo incriminato contiene un
appello all'insubordinazione o alla diserzione, che non sarebbe mai

La difesa obietta che le norme sulla diserzione non si possono applicare
impieghi anticostituzionali. E che soltanto abbandonando uffici e
caserme si
puo' evitare di contribuire, magari indirettamente, al funzionamento di
apparato anonimo e complesso come quello che ha consentito i
sulla Jugoslavia. Alle prossime istanze l'ardua sentenza.



BERLIN, April 17 (Tanjug) - German officials as well as all M.P.s who
voted for war are guilty under international law of war crimes that NATO
committed during its aggression on Yugoslavia last year, according to
Wolfgang Richter, president of Germany's Society for the Protection of
Civil Rights and Human Dignity.
Speaking in an interview published on Monday by the Berlin daily "Junge
Welt", Richter said that about 350 participants in the second 'hearing'
the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia and its consequences had been
in this conclusion.
The hearing, held in Hamburg, Germany, on Sunday dealt with the German
government and parliament's responsibility for the crime.
The first hearing, held in Berlin on October 30, 1999, was attended also
by representatives of 13 countries in Europe and America. The
made at both hearings will be submitted to the European tribunal for
war crimes that will hold a session in Berlin on June 2-3.
Representatives of 25 countries have so far pledged to attend the
Junge Welt, which alone reported in Germany on the Hamburg hearing, said
that the participants had also unanimously concluded that Germany had
part in the aggression in violation of international law, the German
constitution as well as the Two Plus Four agreement under which East and
West Germany had united ten years ago.



--- Kalle Svensson <kmotk@...> wrote:
From: "Kalle Svensson" <kmotk@...>
To: reclaimthestreets@...
Subject: Nato War Criminals!
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:34:01 SAST

Reclaim the Streets NYC -


There are now a number of legal documents on the
internet relating to NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia.
They orginate from some of the finest legal minds in
the world. They are attempts to bring about the
indictment of NATO's military and political leaders at
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia. They are extensive but extremely
interesting documents. Print them out and take time to
read them. Show them to your friends and family. Write
letters to newspapers about them...spread the
word...NATO's leaders are War Criminals. "English Text"

It is practically unknown that the attorneys and
law professors responsible for the above documents met
the War Crimes Tribunal Prosecutor on 9 June 1999 to
discuss the indictment of NATO. The following day, she
was made a judge of the Canadian Supreme Court
and resigned as the Tribunal's prosecutor!

Professor of Law, Michael Mandel, wants 64 of NATO's
leaders indicted for War Crimes as a result of NATO's
bombing. On 11 June 1999, Mandel gave a devastating
press conference in Toronto. You can read it at:

A possible activity for the future are open-air
"mock trials" of NATO leaders, perhaps based on the
above documents.

Clinton, Albright, Cohen, Blair, Chirac, Schröder
are War Criminals! Make sure they know you know!

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Still More Evidence - Was the Srebrenica Massacre a Hoax?

Introduction & editing by Jared Israel and Nebojsa Malic (4-28-00) [emperors-clothes]

a.. "Everybody is parroting everybody, but nobody shows hard evidence. I
notice that in the Netherlands people want to prove at all costs that
genocide has been committed. (...) If executions have taken place, the
Serbs have been hiding it damn well. Thus, I don’t believe any of it.
The day after the collapse of Srebrenica, July 13, I arrived in Bratunac
and stayed there for eight days. I was able to go wherever I wanted to.
I was granted all possible assistance; nowhere was I stopped." (Captain
Schouten quoted in Het Parool of July 27, 1995. Captain Schouten was the
only UN military officer in Bratunac at the time the alleged bloodbath
called Srebrenica was supposed to have taken place.)
Srebrenica. The name accuses: massacre. 8000 dead.

But did it happen?

General R. Krstic, commandeer of the Bosnian Serb troops who took
Srebrenica in July 1995 has been seized by NATO, put on trail for war

Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and Commanding General Mladic are
indicted, hunted, trashed as criminals in the media. Virtually the
entire Bosnian Serb leadership is under threat of arrest for Srebrenica.

But did it happen?

Srebrenica is NATO's remedy; it compensates all sins. Did the Croatian
Army drive 200,000 Serbs from the Krajina section of Yugoslavia? Were
they trained, led and given air cover by US forces? Perhaps, but what
about Srebrenica?

Didn't the Serbs deserve it?

By telling and retelling the story of Srebrenica over the past four and
a half years the media has been able to portray the Bosnian Islamist
fighters as victims and therefore humane.

Naser Oric was the Islamist Commander at Srebrenica. This gentleman met
with Western journalists, showed them videos of the bodies of Serbian
civilians decapitated by his troops during raids on nearby villages.
Oric did not boast without purpose: during World War II, pro-Nazi
Islamist and Croatian forces slaughtered Serbian peasants and every
Serbian family remembers. By carrying out such terror in the '90s, and
boasting of it, Commander Oric waged psychological war. The message to
Serbs was, 'We're back. Flee or die.'

But what about the Serbs? Did they respond in kind?

The following article, though very definitely not 'pro-Serb' (as you
shall see, the writers assume there must be some truth to the charges)
nevertheless presents strong evidence that:

1) The Islamist forces in Srebrenica employed vicious terror against
Serbian civilians;

2) Eye witness reports of Serbian revenge killings are thoroughly
contradictory. Not only do different witnesses give contradictory
accounts but each witness tells different stories to different

3) There is no hard evidence a massacre took place;

4) The western media has reported inconsistent and contradictory
anti-Serb rumors as if they are gospel truth;

5) Serbian observers have been falsely quoted as admitting the massacre
took place;

6) And perhaps most important, Dutch military officers - that is, the UN
officers who were on the scene when the Serbs took Srebrenica in 1995 -
report there was no massacre.

In our opinion, the article below sometimes errs by seeming to accept
the Western media line that a massacre definitely happened at
Srebrenica. The authors do this in small ways, sometimes in the way they
phrase things, sometimes in actual statements. It is a minor blemish,
for the facts presented overhwelmingly contradict official massacre
claims. Yet these little blemishes have an affect; on a few occasions we
have taken the liberty of commenting. Our comments appear in brackets
{like this}.

Here's the article:

The Construction of a trauma

>From the 'De Groene Amsterdammer'. Originally published 3-13-66
Translated by Targets, the Dutch independent monthly (See end for
subscription information)

a.. "Horrible slaughter and large numbers of missing people. That is
what we think about in the Netherlands when Srebrenica is mentioned....
But were the Muslims really victims of the Serbs on such a large scale?
And more important: were they so innocent themselves?"
By René Grémaux and Abe de Vries

LIEUTENANT COLONEL Karremans, the man who terribly irritated Dutch
politicians, has been promoted to the rank of colonel.

a.. "The Muslims burned 192 villages in Eastern Bosnia," he declared
guilelessly at a poorly prepared press-conference in Zagreb. "Therefore
I am saying that in this war there are no ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’."
(Dutch UN officer Karremans)
Pure Serb propaganda, was the verdict of the press as well as The
Hague establishment. Karremans’ admiration of the military genius of
Ratko Mladic – the Bosnian-Serb commander indicted for war crimes – was
also objected to, not to mention their alcoholic encounter, cleverly
filmed and broadcast by TV Pale [in Bosnia].

If we are to believe Secretaries of State Pronk and Voorhoeve, genocide
took place. Supposedly as the Serbs drove into the city, DUTCHBAT [the
Dutch Battalion] couldn’t do much more than watch impotently...

Thus Srebrenica became the symbol of our national shame. "Our boys" had
given in to Mladic’s cut-throats and thus became accomplice to the
cruelest European bloodbath since the Second World War.

This is the dominant picture. But it is not the only view, nor is it
complete. This becomes clear when examining conversations with experts
and Serbian refugees, as well as making a detailed comparison of various
reports and newspaper articles. All claims considered, how many Muslims
really are missing? How reliable are eyewitness reports of mass
executions? What is true about the rumors that some Muslim factions
fought each other? And did Muslims destroy all those Serb villages and
kill the inhabitants [before Serb troops retook the city] or did they

A Serbian Cameraman Denies Seeing Any Crime

BELGRADE, A CHILLY evening in January.

Serb cameraman and journalist Zoran Petrovic-Pirocanac is angry. He is
considering legal measures now that his work is regarded as a piece of
evidence concerning mass murder. The German weekly magazine Stern of 16
November 1995, placed the following caption under a picture taken from
his videotape:

a.. "Seconds before the murder: Armed Serbs contain a group of Muslims
near Konjevic Polje. A Serb cameraman shot the scene until the first
rounds were fired."
But Petrovic says he spent plenty of time at the scene, before as
well as after he filmed. And – he did not notice any crime.

Besides, he does not recognize the words Frank Westerman and Harm van
den Berg of the Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad put in his mouth: "In total,
our forces have massacred two thousand Muslims." According to Petrovic,
the Muslims were not massacred, though many did die.

IN THE AREA of Konjevic Polje, a long column of Muslims (soldiers,
militia, armed and unarmed civilians) tried to break out to [the city
of] Tuzla and on July 12 and 13, 1995 attempted to cross the
strategically important road that connects Pale to Belgrade, via
Zvornik. Despite being ambushed by the Serbs, the operation was a big
success, as General Rasim Delic, supreme commander of the Bosnian
[Islamist] Army later told the Parliament in Sarajevo. What happened to
the unfortunate few that did not make it, however, remains a mystery.
Even the number of people involved is not known. Some died, some were
taken prisoner and possibly executed on the spot, and others are
supposed to have been moved to Bratunac.

Mevlkudin Oric - a credible witness?

A small number of witnesses say that this group was taken by lorry and
bus to one or two execution spots on July 14, in the vicinity of the
village of Karakaj, close to Zvornik. They talk about mass murders with
two thousand or more victims.

How credible is their charge? One of them is 25-year-old soldier
Mevludin Oric, born in a town not far from Srebrenica. Though asked by
The Hague tribunal to refrain from public appearances, he gave an
exclusive interview last October to the Croatian magazine Nedjeljna

a.. Oric, who said "My father has disappeared, my four brothers-in-law
and many of my cousins have been murdered," has turned out to be a
relative of Naser Oric, Commander of [Islamist forces in] Srebrenica and
accused by Serbs of war crimes ("the Beast of Bosnia") and against whom
the tribunal is preparing an indictment.

b.. Mevludin Oric left as a volunteer to Croatia in January 1992,
getting military training there. He...ended up as a member of the
infamous Croatian volunteer brigade "King Tomislav" in Herzegovina,
where he helped with the occupation of the barracks at Capljina (which
later became a POW camp for Serbs). After a short holiday in Croatia,
Oric crossed the Sava River, together with other volunteers, to fight
the "Chetniks" [name used for Serb soldiers by the Muslims and Croats,
meant to be derogatory] in the town of Orasje. It is in this area, the
Posavina, that the first mass murder took place – and the war hadn’t
even started. Its victims were not Croats or Muslims, but Serbs
(Sijekovac, March 27, 1992).
Volunteers like Oric formed the core of the military police of the
HVO [the paramilitary Croatian Council of Defence]and took care of
"supplies" for the elaborate system of Muslim-Croat prison camps that
was created in this area.

When Oric learned about the fighting around Srebrenica, he decided to
return to his native soil. In the interview, he claims to have served as
a "commander of a sabotage unit." He knew the area around the town like
no one else and the night before the exodus of the Muslims he already
knew that "no more than half of us would make it."

Oric left in the rearguard of the column that stretched for miles. He
was captured near Kravica and claims the Serbs took him via Bratunac to
a school gymnasium in the town of Glumina, west of Zvornik. From there,
the men were supposedly transported in lorries to the site of execution.
And yet Oric can still talk about it, just like 55-year-old Hurem
Suljic, 63-year-old Smail Hodzic and a seventeen-year-old boy named
Nedzad Avdic.

Oric’s personal history is reason enough for doubt, but the
inconsistencies in the accounts of Smail Hodzic and Hurem Suljic are
obvious as well.

Smail Hodzic: A basketball stadium becomes a soccer stadium becomes a

Hodzic Story 1: Hodzic first said he witnessed ambushes by the Serbs on
the road to Zvornik. He was captured and then moved to a "basketball
stadium near Bratunac" and subsequently taken to the execution spot, "a
large field not far from a forest," he declared to Alexandra Stiglmayer
in Die Woche of July 28.

Hodzic Story 2: Soon thereafter, Hodzic told Roy Gutman (in Die
Tageszeitung of August 11), that he was held at the "soccer stadium in
Nova Kasaba," from where he and others were moved to be killed,
"probably in a town called Grbavce."

Hodzic Story 3: In the third version, told on October 4 to Aida Cerkez
of Associated Press, Hodzic went through the same experience as Oric,
Suljic and Avdic. Now he was taken to "a school in Krizevci" and the
executions now took place not far from Karakaj.

Hurem Suljic: Murder in a school becomes beatings in a department store

Murders were committed at this school according to Suljic as well. On
February 16 of that year, he spoke on BBC Newsnight. Footage of a not
specified "school near Karakaj" indeed showed bullet holes, one in the
ceiling and one at the toilet. But in the elaborate coverage of Suljic
in The Washington Post of 6 November 1995, there isn't a word about
executions in a school; there is mention of beatings in a department
store near Bratunac, a location where Suljic supposedly was kept

Serbian woman: A school becomes a sports complex

Woman's Story# 1: Bratunac is the location of another school where
massacres supposedly took place, according to Robert Block in The
Independent, July, 1995 . A woman is quoted. She is supposedly an
inhabitant of Serbia who recently visited her brother-in-law, a soldier
in the Bosnian Serb Army: "He and his friends are quite open-hearted
about what happened over there," she said. "They are killing Muslim
soldiers. They said that only yesterday (note: Monday, July 17) they
killed one thousand six hundred, and they estimate to have killed about
four thousand in total. They said to be in great hurry, and therefore
shot most of them."

Woman's Story# 2: A few days later, Block’s colleague Louise Branson of
The Sunday Times brought the Serbian woman into the spotlight. Her
{supposed!- our note, ed.} husband, also fighting in the Bosnian Serb
Army, mentioned mass shootings with more than three thousand dead. But
not in a school in Bratunac. In a sports complex.

Up to this moment, human rights groups such as Human Rights Watch have
not been able to trace survivors of this crime. "There has to be a more
detailed investigation, in order to establish the scale of violation of
human rights that have taken place in the area of Bratunac," says their
respective report.

{Editor's note: The authors say Human Rights Watch has not been "able to
trace survivors of this crime." Thus they assume there was indeed a
crime. Likewise, Human Rights Watch, whom many accuse of being a
humanitarian arm of US covert services, speaks of establishing the
"scale of violation" which again assumes there have been violations.
Since the first question is "Did a massacre actually take place" and
since so far we have seen only that a) the Dutch UN military officers
don't believe it and b) the eye witnesses are
mutually-and-self-contradictory, given all that, why make this
assumption of guilt? Could it be that the authors are themselves
affected by the climate of anti-Serb propaganda even while honorably
reporting evidence that contradicts their preconceptions?}

Dutch military officer: "I don't believe it."

IT IS NOTICEABLE, however, that there has been little attention to the
account of Captain Schouten, although this Dutchman was the only UN
military officer in Bratunac, where he stayed for several days, at the
time the alleged bloodbath took place. Schouten, quoted in Het Parool of
July 27, 1995:

a.. "Everybody is parroting everybody, but nobody shows hard evidence. I
notice that in the Netherlands people want to proof at all costs that
genocide has been committed. (...) If executions have taken place, the
Serbs have been hiding it damn well. Thus, I don’t believe any of it.
The day after the collapse of Srebrenica, July 13, I arrived in Bratunac
and stayed there for eight days. I was able to go wherever I wanted to.
I was granted all possible assistance; nowhere was I stopped."
Milivoje Ivanisevic, a Serbian publicist who has described the events in
and around Srebrenica since 1992 in minute detail, confirms Schouten’s
story. From 6th until 16th of July, he was on the spot.

a.. "No mass executions have taken place between Srebrenica and
Bratunac," he said during a meeting with one of us in January in
Belgrade. "During the liberation of Srebrenica, five hundred Muslims
have been killed in the direct vicinity. I don’t know what happened
elsewhere. I wasn’t there and therefore couldn’t see what was going on."
Ivanisevic calls it highly unlikely that large numbers of Muslim
soldiers were deliberately killed after surrender or being captured.
Maybe excesses have taken place, due to the large size of the groups
that were taken prisoner and the sometimes small number of Serb guards,
but according to him the intention was to keep as many men alive as
possible, so they could be exchanged for Serbs that were held somewhere
In his view the Muslims were even lucky to be treated the way they
were. "You should have seen the women, with all those children on their
laps, that we have provided transport for. They would have treated us
very differently." He shows pictures of an Orthodox church that was
turned into a goat pen, of destroyed Serb tombstones and of "granny Iva"
(Ivanka Mirkovic), the only Serb who remained in Srebrenica, who was
found on July 12 with her throat cut.

NO MATTER IF a few hundred were killed, as is whispered in some places
in Serbia, or seven thousand, as is feared elsewhere. If people were
executed without a trial, it is a war crime for which the guilty must be

On the other hand, the enormous distinction between the search for mass
graves of Muslims by the Western media, human rights organizations and
government officials and the lack of interest in the over one thousand
deaths of Serbs – mainly civilians – in and around Srebrenica since the
war started is appalling. In order to understand how this could happen,
we must take a look at the social and geographic factors and the recent
regional history.

The background

In 1991 the municipality of Srebrenica had 37,211 inhabitants, of which
27,118 were Muslims (72.8 percent) and 9,381 Serbs (25.2 percent).
Bratunac had 33,575 inhabitants: 21,564 Muslims (64.2 percent) and
11,479 Serbs (34.2 percent). As farmers, the Serbs on average owned more
land than Muslims. "Ethnic mixing" only existed in the eyes of a
superficial observer; most villages and townships had distinct
ethnic-religious majorities, being either Serb or Muslim. This became a
problem just prior to the war, when tension rose and both groups started
to feel vulnerable.

Muslims no longer responded to draft into the JNA, the Yugoslav Federal
Army. Serbs were no longer called for service in the local Territorial
Defence and police reserves. As Serbs relied on protection by the JNA,
Croatian militia trained Muslim groups. SDA, the Muslim party of
[Islamist leader] Alija Izetbegovic, provided the weapons.

One of the reasons for the mounting Serb suspicion was the SDA Congress
held in December 1991. This party...decided to implement a radical
ethnic policy. The ultimate goal was the dzamahirija or Islamist State.
Muslims had to settle Eastern Bosnia in large numbers. A cordon
sanitaire took shape between Serbia and the Bosnian Serbs in the north,
while in the south a demographic and territorial connection with Sandzak
[north of Kosovo in Serbia] and Kosovo was desirable. Thousands of
Muslims from Sandzak migrated to Bosnia, and descendants of Bosnian
Muslims who had settled over a period of time in Turkey received an
appeal to return.

IN THE BEGINNING OF 1992, Serbs were shocked again as invitations were
distributed throughout the republic for a mass meeting of Muslims at
Bratunac, to be held at the first day of the Bajram, the celebratory end
of the Ramadan. The initiative for this event at the "geographic centre
of Muslims from entire Yugoslavia" came from the National Muslim Council
which openly advocated arming people and establishing a Muslim state
within the Bosnian boundaries. Armed Muslim gangs, some of them factions
of the Patriotic League – which was formed in the neighboring Vlascenica
– started to intimidate Serb inhabitants of smaller towns with Muslim
majorities on April 12, 1992. But let there be no misunderstanding, the
Muslims themselves were scared of militia from outside the region. In
this context, Ivanisevic speaks about a "balance of fear." Mutual
deterrence, whereby militia and armed civilians spy on their neighbors
or keep them hostage, quickly led to a drama.

On 20 April 1992, the day before Serbs took Vlasenica and drove the
Muslims out of the city, five Serbs died in the area of Srebrenica. They
were probably members of the Jovic militia, a group of non-local Serbs.
On May 6 (the Orthodox holiday of Saint George – Djurdjevdan), Muslims
from Potocari and Srebrenica carried out an attack on the villages of
Gniona and Bljeceva. Serbian houses were looted and burned, and part of
the population did not survive the ordeal. Leading the attack on Gniona
was Naser Oric. The following day, seven Serbs died in an ambush at

On May 8, judge Goran Zekic, Member of Parliament and leader of the
Srebrenica SDS (the Serb nationalist party), was lured into an ambush
and killed. Almost all of sixteen hundred Serbs living in the city
decided to leave after this incident. In the night of May 8, they left
in large numbers towards Bratunac, where they were called "kukavice"
(cowards). Cerska, Srebrenica, Zepa and Gorazde became a refuge for
thousands of Muslims who were chased away by Serb offensives, but Serbs
were also victims of ethnic cleansing.

At first, between May 1992 and April 1993, all towns with a Serbian
majority were attacked. Then towns with a Serbian minority were
surrounded by Muslim towns, and eventually whole areas with a dense Serb
population – Podravanja, Kravica and Skelani – were targeted. The
Bosnian Serb weekly Javnost reported on 23 December 1995, that in the
entire Podrinje – the area on Bosnia’s side of the Drina River between
Zvornik in the north and Visegrad in the south – 192 villages were
burned, 2800 Serbs were killed and six thousand injured. According to
Ivanisevic, more than a hundred towns, villages and hamlets in the area
of Milici-Srebrenica-Bratunac-Skelani alone were affected.

These crimes [against Serbian civilians] are still waiting for
independent investigation, although they have been confirmed by
returning Dutch-UN military personnel.

a.. "Naser Oric gained control over large parts of Bosnia through
scorched-earth tactics. Because of this, Karremans is right about it,
large massacres of the Serb population were committed. The Netherlands
in return is asking for proof. It is asking for evidence because, of
course, there are no ‘funniest home videotapes’ showing raped women and
murdered men. But these things did happen!" ( Lieutenant Jasper
Verplanke of the Korps Commandotroepen [the Dutch equivalent of the
Green Berets] writing in the Dutch daily Nieuwsblad van het Noorden of
17 August 1995)
AFTER THE UN declared Srebrenica a ‘safe haven’ in April 1993, the
attacks continued. Speaking about funniest home videos: in February
1994, Naser Oric proudly showed a videotape of a burned town and
decapitated bodies of Serbs to John Pomfret of The Washington Post. The
fact that first the Canadian, and later the Dutch UN contingents could
not prevent these kind of actions because they failed to implement the
agreed-on disarmament of Muslim forces, testifies in itself to the
failure of the "safe area" concept.

"The systematic attacks of Muslim fighters against Bosnian Serb targets
around the enclave raised the tension in the area of Srebrenica and were
used by the Serbs as a justification for their offensive against the
enclave," Secretary of State Voorhoeve reported to the Dutch parliament.
The "safe areas" depended too much on cooperation of the warring
factions – something that was widely recognized after the collapse of
Srebrenica but ignored before this event.

There are various explanations for the attack on the enclave. Serbian
bloodthirstiness and desire for ethnic purity is among one of them, but
not the most probable. The Pentagon considered it to be an act of
revenge for the failed spring offensive by Muslims around Sarajevo. The
Podrinje Brigade of the [Muslim] Second Corps was ordered to break out
to the Han Pijesak-Vlasenica road and from there march to Srebrenica;
the military over there was attempting to connect itself to Zepa. The
Serbs on their part pointed out the fact that since the coming of the UN
peace force, more than a hundred of their civilians and soldiers had
been killed in raids by Muslim commandos. In May and June 1995 alone,
the Muslims had supposedly organized ten of these missions, even
penetrating the area close to Bratunac.

a.. "The goal of this action is to eliminate terrorists and is not
focussed on civilians, or UN-troops," Mladic wrote to the British UN
commander, General Rupert Smith, during the attack on Srebrenica. Serb
soldiers, most of them living in this area, carried lists with hundreds
of Muslims suspected to have committed war crimes. The arrests of Muslim
men partly were of a selective character. "The Serbs knew the men,"
according to a Dutch UN driver. "They had complete lists and photos.
They pointed them amidst a crowd."
The attack was, according to Mladic, not primarily designed to take
the entire enclave. That decision was made after a large number of
Muslim fighters decided to give up the Defence and to attempt an
extremely risky outbreak in the night of July 10 to Tuzla. "Muslims fled
in large numbers the night before the attack," said the Dutch Army
representative in Washington, Colonel G. van Oppen, in the Fries Dagblad
of 13 October 1995: "The question of why this happened was never asked
in the Netherlands."

But Michael Evans of The Times already knew this on July 13 when he
reported, referring to "Western intelligence sources," that Muslim
commanders had left the city after a provocation from their side, the
night before the first Serb tanks entered the scene. "Prior to the Serb
advance the Muslims had fired upon Serb units along the main road to the
South. (...) The apparent decision made by the Muslims to leave the city
gave the Serbs an unexpected opportunity to seize Srebrenica."

THE ORDER OF EVENTS brings to mind the situation of Gorazde in April
1994. A study made by US Colonel John Sray, former head of UNPROFOR’s
intelligence service in Sarajevo, reveals what happened:

a.. "Two British observers were located at an observation post behind
Muslim lines. Various attacks by the Serbs were effectively stopped and
the position could be defended for a long period. Then the Muslims
realized that the British observers were positioned right behind them.
During the next Serb attack the Muslims retreated unexpectedly and for
no reason. Their only objective was to expose the observers to an attack
of the confused Serbs. Serb bullets killed one British soldier and
wounded the other, but responsibility for this lies in the hands of the
Bosnian Muslims, who hoped to provoke a revenge strike by NATO as a
punishment for the killing of a neutral observer."
(John Sray in Selling the Bosnian Myth to America: Buyer Beware)

The trap failed in Gorazde, but in Srebrenica no half-measures were

Apart from the flight of the Muslim troops in the night prior to the
attack, there are many more indications that the Muslim leadership
abandoned the enclave on purpose. The Defence was already weakened
because of the fact that best troops had been moved out to Tuzla,
Sarajevo and Mt. Treskavica, long before the month of July, according to
a commander of a Bosnian Serb special unit. Naser Oric himself, who had
sworn never to allow Srebrenica to become Serb as long as he was in
charge, was no longer present. "His whereabouts during the months prior
to the collapse of Srebrenica are quite a mystery," according to Charles
Lane in De Volkskrant of 12 August 1995. But Ivanisevic argues that
Oric, together with 2500 of his best troops, was called on duty in April
and May of 1995 to an area south of Sarajevo in order to take part in
the planned Muslim offensive. Estimates of the number of armed personnel
that stayed behind mention six to ten thousand, comprising 3000-4000
regular Army recruits. The Serbs were able to counter this with 3,500
men, all from this region, far better equipped but only accompanied by
four outdated tanks. Besides, not more than a few hundred men took part
in the attack on the city itself. The difference in capabilities of the
two sides seems to underline the opportunistic nature of the Serb
offensive. It is also important to take into consideration that the
Muslims had suffered heavy losses during supply runs between Srebrenica
and Zepa in April, May and June, which could have cast doubts on chances
to defend the city in the long run. The area hardly has any natural
resources, and is strategically of far less significance than Gorazde,
for example.

Eventually, while the "Dayton" agreement was in preparation, the Bosnian
government [Izetbegovic] accepted the concept of exchanging territory:
Srebrenica, Zepa and Gorazde for the Serb Sarajevo. Bosnian Minister of
foreign affairs Muhammad Sacirbey had already informed Secretary of
State Voorhoeve about this option during talks held in May (see De
Volkskrant of 1 November 1995). The deal came as a blessing for the
Americans, so close to the start of an election campaign. The fiercely
criticized UN peace force very much wanted to abandon the "safe havens"
as well. Srebrenica became the turning point from a military, political
and publicity perspective. Only the retreat of the peacekeepers made it
possible for NATO to start with the air strikes in September. The wave
of horror stories about mass executions overshadowed the Croatian terror
in the Krajina and no word got out about the Muslim-Croatian crimes in
cities like Glamoc, Grahovo and Sanski Most... "

WHAT REMAINS unanswered is the amount of Muslim men missing, who
possibly died [in action] or were possibly killed. According to Miroslav
Deronjic, official of the new municipality Srebrenica-Skelani, that
number is two thousand; according to Amnesty International – four
thousand; according to the International Red Cross, between seven and
eight thousand; and Muslim sources state eight to twelve thousand. Each
number represents an enormous tragedy in itself, but the results are
also the product of a hypothetical calculation method. The size of the
population before the fall of Srebrenica cannot be known beyond
reasonable doubt.

Manipulation with numbers was turned into an art during the Bosnian war,
and it is fair to assume that this also happened in Srebrenica....

On July 14, the ICRC [Red Cross] counted 23,000 refugees who were taken
by bus to Tuzla, more than half of them children. This group was later
joined by thousands of Muslim men who arrived on foot. In total the
World Health Organization and the Bosnian government have registered
35,632 refugees from Srebrenica up to this moment. An unknown number of
men have not had themselves registered and have been absorbed, as
announced by the Bosnian Army, in the 28th division. Others (1,000?
2,000?) have fled to Zepa and Serbia.

MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND persons were registered as missing. "Conclusions
about the number of missing people based on this figure has to be done
with caution," UN inspector Tadeusz Mazowiecki wrote, "because there may
have been double counts in the missing person notices and because
resolved cases are not always reported to the Red Cross." It is also
possible that names have been forged in an attempt to increase the
number of missing people, or in an attempt to escape prosecution for war
crimes. Mazowiecki’s successor, Elisabeth Rehn, came to the number of
8,000 people whose fate was unknown: five thousand men of military age
who left the enclave before the fall, and three thousand men who were
separated from their families. Rehn agreed with Mazowiecki, who
suspected on the basis of "strong indications" that the missing Muslims
had been murdered. During her visit of locations near Srebrenica in
January of this year, she seemed to tone down her initial comments a
little bit. She was still looking for evidence.

{Editor's Note: The UN bureaucrat accuses the Serbian forces of murder
despite the denials of UN military officers on the scene during the
fighting. Having made the accusation, the accuser goes "looking for

Miroslav Deronjic also gave his version in a report about the events:

"According to intelligence of the Army of Republika Srpska, around six
thousand Muslim conscripts have not joined the convoys for evacuation,
but instead continued armed resistance, or tried to force an outbreak
through the Serb lines of Defence in the direction of Srebrenica –
Kravica – Konjevic Polje – Cerska – Crni Vrh – Tuzla. Skirmishes with
this group (...) have continued for the next twenty days in the district
of Konjevic Polje – Cerska – Udrica. A large number of Muslim fighters
were killed during the attempt to break through the lines of Defence of
Bratunac and Zvornik, or during clashes between their own competing
factions. Part of the fighters surrendered – a small number, two hundred
– and they have been transferred as prisoners of war to the military
prison of Bjeljina. The larger part, around four thousand, reached the
territory of the municipality of Tuzla. It is impossible to give exact
estimates of the number of Muslim soldiers that died, because the
fighting took place over a large area and in different directions."

That Muslims fought each other, as Deronjic argues, cannot be found in
the reports of Mazowiecki, Rehn and Human Rights Watch, but is known
from statements made by the Dutch UN military personnel.

{This is another indication of the anti-Serb bias of the UN bureaucracy
and Human Rights Watch, as opposed to the UN troops!}

At least on two occasions Muslims have clashed with each other.
According to general Couzy, the issue was a dispute about the question
if the enclave should be defended or abandoned. Yugoslav agency Tanjug
already reported in February last year about a "heavy conflict and
fighting" in the vicinity of the town called Slap, between Muslims who
wanted to leave to Macedonia via Serbia and Oric’s men, who controlled
the Drina crossings in the hamlet of Luka. Later, unconfirmed reports
mentioned a rivaling "modest" military unit under command of Osman
Suljic. In July, Muslims from Srebrenica who wanted to surrender
apparently received a harsh treatment by hard-liners under command of
Zulfo Tursun, Ejub Golic and Nezir Mandzic. Such a fight, according to
Deronjic, had taken place just after the fall of the enclave at Bokcin
Potok. A team of the Dutch NOS-news discovered the corpses of tens of
victims on 3 February.

NOW, CAN WE, looking at everything, say anything about the number of
missing people with certainty? The latest number of 7,000, picked by the
American State Department, seems to be far too high for the time being,
but that the fate of many Muslims who fled is uncertain is a fact. Have
they been killed on orders given from the top, or in acts of individual
revenge? Are hundreds, maybe thousands of Muslims being held by the
Bosnian Serbs and assigned to forced labor, as some refugees in Tuzla
assume or at least hope? It is about time that an independent
institution investigates suspected mass graves, and interrogates
witnesses who might have been accomplices to mass murder (like the
Bosnian Serb soldier Drazen Erdemovic, arrested last week). Only then
there will be clarity about the real events and the actual magnitude of
the tragedy in Srebrenica.

{Editor's note: even after all the evidence they have provided, the
authors still use language that assumes the credibility of the charges
against the Bosnian Serbs. Thus they speak of the need to look for
"suspected mass graves." In fact, as George Pumphrey shows in
Srebrenica: Three years later and still waiting , the NATO forces have
been looking for "suspected mass graves" since 1995 with no result.
Perhaps more damning, The US claimed to have satellite photos of mass
graves around Srebrenica, but the photos somehow got lost.}

René Grémaux is anthropologist; Abe de Vries was at the time this
article was written a history student at the University of Groningen,
Netherlands. He is now a reporter for the Dutch paper, 'Trouw'.

Translated for Emperors-Clothes by 'TARGETS' , the Independent
International Monthly Newspaper (Printed on paper, in Dutch).

For subscription or sample copy e-mail: redactie@...

Further reading...

Srebrenica: Three years later and still waiting at [emperors-clothes]


Srebrenica: 3 Years Later, And Still Searching

By George Pumphrey

a.. [Note: this article argues that the Srebrenica massacre was a
fiction told to isolate the the Bosnian Serb Army and justify NATO
attacks. At the end you'll find links to other articles which expose
NATO genocide stories used to justify the recent bombing of Yugoslavia.]
The third anniversary of the takeover of Srebrenica by Bosnian-Serb
troops on July 11, 1995 has come and gone. The significance of this
takeover determined not only the outcome of the Bosnian civil war, but
reached far beyond the Balkans.

It was the events around Srebrenica, and the subsequent indictments
against the Bosnian Serb political leader, Radovan Karadzic and the
Bosnian Serb military Commander, Radko Mladic on charges of genocide and
crimes against humanity, that changed the political constellation at the
negotiation table at Dayton. With its leadership under indictment, the
Bosnian Serb side had to content itself with being represented by
Slobodan Milosevic, president of a, by then, foreign state.

The fact alone of an international tribunal being given jurisdiction
over people and events taking place thousands of miles from the contexts
of those sitting in judgement, without an existing set of legal norms
creates already a new basis for the concept of "justice." Srebrenica has
been the main source of this tribunal's credibility and its raison

As in the past two years, this year also the war crimes tribunal has
sent out teams to search for mass graves containing the remains of the
8,000 Muslim soldiers that are widely believed to have been massacred in
the aftermath of the takeover. But a closer look at the background of
the Tribunal’s search sheds a bit of light on the shadowy side of the
Tribunal's work.

The New York Times published an article written by one of its
correspondents, Mike O’Connor, (republished in the International Herald
Tribune May 14, 1998) entitled "Mass Graves in Bosnia Bolster War-Crimes
Cases." This article is very helpful in examining the work of the
Tribunal in The Hague, which is why it will be extensively quoted.

a.. Deep in a remote rural stretch of Bosnia, war-crimes investigators
have found a tangle of buried bodies that they say is the remains of
some of the 7,500 Muslim men that were hidden to try to thwart the
prosecution of Bosnian Serb leaders for genocide. (...)
Exhumations in 1996 recovered 460 bodies, but 7,500 others were still
missing from the town of Srebrenica. Finding the others has been the
goal of war-crimes investigators for more than two years.

(...) The discovery Tuesday - and the thousands of bodies that
investigators expect to find nearby - will bolster the cases against 2
Bosnian Serb leaders, Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic, the
investigators say. Both have been indicted for genocide by the tribunal
in The Hague.

Investigators for the tribunal spoke Tuesday on condition of anonymity.

Satellites that can locate bodies decomposing underground, according to
foreign military officers working with the tribunal, aided the search.
Witnesses to the reburial also offered testimony, tribunal officials

The first remains were uncovered Tuesday morning. Investigators unfurled
a thin silvery sheet to protect their find from the sun. Next to it,
small orange flags had been stuck in the ground to mark pieces of
evidence such as bits of clothing or shell casings.

Tuesday evening, according to a tribunal official, a layer of tangled
bodies across an areas of 200 ft² (18 m²) had been exposed. The bones
were so intertwined, the official said, that it was not possible to
exhume any of them Tuesday.

Proving that the soil around the bodies came from the original mass
graves, or that shell casings found here match those found at execution
sites, will establish the connection they are looking for, investigators

When the original sites were inspected in 1996, investigators suspected
most of the bodies had been moved. Doubts were cast on American
military's satellite surveillance, with some investigators charging at
the time that slipshod monitoring had allowed Bosnian Serb authorities
to move the bodies undetected.

Now, however, tribunal officials say the bodies were moved in October
1995, before the pinpoint satellite surveillance was requested by the
tribunal. Once the original sites were discovered to have been tampered
with, American satellite photographs of the region were reviewed and
were found to show trucks and earth-moving equipment at the original
burial sites, according to tribunal officials.

Anonymous investigators say that the find "will bolster the cases
against [the] two Bosnian Serb leaders." The question should be raised:
on what basis did the tribunal make its charges of no less than
"genocide," if they now have to frantically run around to scrape up
enough bodies to make their indictment plausible? If they now have to
try to "prove that the soil around the bodies came from the original
mass graves," does it mean that what they had considered to be "the
original mass graves" were either empty or with too few bodies to
justify the indictments? Were Karadzic and Mladic charged according to
the principle: "Indict now. Look for evidence of a crime later"? "Charge
the Serbs! If you don't know what for, they do" seems to be the modus
operandi in The Hague.

But it was this widely publicized "genocide" indictment that has caused
irreparable damage to the political and social constellation in this
region of Europe, creating also a new set of political factors in the
world. Some of them are:

a.. the discrediting of the United Nations for having supposedly allowed
a "genocide" to take place on territory under its authority;
a.. promoting NATO as the new "peace keeping" force;
a.. making great strides to create public acceptance for
inquisitorial, McCarthyist standards both in "justice" and "journalism"
on both national and international levels;
a.. the definition of a new "moral" standard based on "human"
rights, determined by membership in particular "ethnic" groups with
rights to be respected and all others without rights worthy of respect;
a.. growing international acceptance of the concept of a people
being classified per se as "evil."
This has all been made possible through a massive propaganda
campaign colporteuring a - yet to be proven - "genocide," as if it were
a certitude. Politicians have justified and based momentous decisions
upon the supposition that the massacre is fact, decisions determining
the welfare of the peoples of this region and beyond.

The media bases each succeeding generation of falsification on preceding
generations of unproven factors. Both are so often repeated as a
certainty, that the public does not even demand substantiating evidence.

O'Conner writes that "7,500 Muslim men were hidden to try to thwart the
prosecution of Bosnian Serb leaders for genocide. ‘Their’ bodies were
moved in October 1995, before the pinpoint satellite surveillance was
requested by the tribunal." These and other allegations are in gross
contradiction to other information published in the press.

1) The Numbers game:

First of all, the number 8,000 most often and most consistently given in
the press is itself the first falsification. The prosecution has never
proven that 8,000 Muslims were killed. It is indicative to note how the
number 8,000 came into circulation.

The International Committee of the Red Cross published a press statement
Sept. 13, 1995 in which it was stated:

a.. "The ICRC's head of operations for Western Europe, Angelo
Gnaedinger, visited Pale and Belgrade from 2 to 7 September to obtain
information from the Bosnian Serb authorities about the 3,000 persons
from Srebrenica whom witnesses say were arrested by Bosnian Serb forces.
The ICRC has asked for access as soon as possible to all those arrested
(so far it has been able to visit only about 200 detainees), and for
details of any deaths. The ICRC has also approached the
Bosnia-Herzegovina authorities seeking information on some 5,000
individuals who fled Srebrenica, some of whom reached central Bosnia."
Sept. 15, 1995 in the New York Times these numbers were juggled to make:

a.. About 8,000 Muslims are missing from Srebrenica, the first of two
United Nations-designated 'safe areas' overrun by Bosnian Serb troops in
July, the Red Cross said today. (...) Among the missing were 3,000,
mostly men, who were seen being arrested by Serbs. After the collapse of
Srebrenica, the Red Cross collected 10,000 names of missing people, said
Jessica Barry, a spokeswoman. In addition to those arrested, about 5,000
'have simply disappeared,' she said.
Aside from simply adding the 3,000 Muslim men found still in Srebrenica
(that the Serbs then took as prisoners of war) and the 5,000 Muslim men,
(reported by the International Red Cross to have left Srebrenica before
the arrival of Bosnian Serb forces) to inflate the figures - and
therefore the gravity of the accusation - they make no mention of the
fact that by mid-September 1995 a sizable portion of the group of 5,000
had already reached Muslim territory and safety. The fact that the Red
Cross was asking the Bosnia-Herzegovina authorities for information
about the number of the 5,000 (the original figure) - "some of whom [had
already] reached central Bosnia" - has completely disappeared from the
news. The entire 5,000 are still today - 3 years later - being counted
as "missing."

The Red Cross report was lacking the objectivity that one would hope for
from a non-partisan organization. Its very off-hand "some of whom
reached central Bosnia" gives the impression of only a handful could be
accounted for by mid-September. But again the press gave another

a.. "Some 3,000 to 4,000 Bosnian Muslims who were considered by UN
officials to be missing after the fall of Srebrenica have made their way
through enemy lines to Bosnian government territory. The group, which
included wounded refugees, sneaked past Serb lines under fire and
crossed some 30 miles through forests to safety."
O'Connor's NY Times colleague Chris Hedges published this information in
the journal within a week of the takeover of Srebrenica (July 18, 1995).
Similar news appeared in other journals at the time. August 2, 1995 the
Times of London published the following:

a.. Thousands of the "missing" Bosnian Muslim soldiers from Srebrenica
who have been at the centre of reports of possible mass executions by
the Serbs, are believed to be safe to the northeast of Tuzla.
Monitoring the safe escape of Muslim soldiers and civilians from the
captured enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa has proved a nightmare for the
United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross. For the
first time yesterday, however, the Red Cross in Geneva said it had heard
from sources in Bosnia that up to 2,000 Bosnian Government troops were
in an area north of Tuzla.

They had made their way there from Srebrenica "without their families
being informed," a spokesman said, adding that it had not been possible
to verify the reports because the Bosnian Government refused to allow
the Red Cross into the area.

According to the Washington Post, "The men set off at dawn on Tuesday,
July 11, in two columns that stretched back seven or eight miles." Even
if the Red Cross did not know that they left Srebrenica in 2 columns,
they at least knew that 2,000 were safe. And UN officials knew of the 3,
- 4,000 that had arrived earlier. Yet the communiqué given in September
failed to report that the 5,000 that "simply disappeared," simply
disappeared back into the ranks of the Bosnian military.

The Red Cross must have been aware that a "Big Lie" campaign was
launched around the issue of Srebrenica. By withholding and understating
important information, the Red Cross was, in effect, a party to the
conflict. It is unlikely that correspondents, such as Mike O'Connor, and
their editors are unaware of the fallacious content of the reports they
publish. The pattern of conformity in this disinformation campaign is,
to say the least, astonishing.

A little more than a week after Srebrenica, Zepa, a second Moslem
enclave (and UN Safe Area) was taken by Bosnian Serb forces. Hundreds of
the "missing" soldiers from Srebrenica were among the defenders of Zepa
in the last days of fighting. As the New York Times recounts:

a.. "The wounded troops were left behind, and when the Bosnian Serbs
overran the town on Tuesday, the wounded were taken to Sarajevo for
treatment at Kosevo Hospital. Many of them had begun their journey in
Srebrenica, and fled into the hills when that 'safe area' fell to the
Bosnian Serbs on July 11. These men did not make it to Tuzla, where most
of the refugees ended up, but became the defenders of Zepa instead.
'Some 350 of us managed to fight our way out of Srebrenica and make it
into Zepa,' said Sadik Ahmetovic, one of 151 people evacuated to
Sarajevo for treatment today. (...) They said they had not been
mistreated by their Serb captors."
(The Muslim defenders of Zepa left their wounded behind as they ran into
the hills. It is also well known that the 5,000 Muslim soldiers, who
left Srebrenica before Serbian troops took over, left their women and
children behind. Obviously the Muslim soldiers must not have been too
worried about their women, children and wounded comrades falling into
the hands of their Serbian countrymen. The Serbian forces, generally
portrayed as comparable to Nazis, had the wounded members of the Muslim
forces evacuated to their Muslim hospital.)

The London Times article, quoted above mentions that 2,000 Srebrenica
soldiers made their way to the north of Tuzla "without their families
being informed". The question is, when, if ever, were the families
informed. Other than the few articles that took notice of their
resurrection from the dead, the public at large was never informed that
they, in fact were never massacred. On the contrary.

To maintain the myth of a gigantic massacre, is not only necessary to
create the illusion of having proof that it did happen – thus the
frantic searches for mass graves - but also to suppress the proof that
it did not take place - which means prohibit that too many of the
prisoners of war return "from the dead."

The figure of 3,000, given by the Red Cross, listed as having been
arrested by Bosnian Serb forces, which is counted into the media's 8,000
"massacred," should also be taken with a grain of salt. One learns -
again through isolated articles - that they too not only were not
massacred, but that the Red Cross, the United Nations, and a host of
"western" governments around the world all were well aware of this fact.

January 17, 1996, the Manchester "Guardian" published an article
concerning one group of the former Muslim prisoners of war from
Srebrenica and Zepa, who, liberated from the prison camp at Sljivovica -
in Serbia, were flown directly abroad to Dublin:

a.. "Hundreds of Bosnian Muslim prisoners are still being held at two
secret camps within neighboring Serbia, according to a group of men
evacuated by the Red Cross to a Dublin hospital from one camp - at
Sljivovica. (...) A group of 24 men was flown to Ireland just before
Christmas (...). But some 800 others remain incarcerated in Sljivovica
and at another camp near Mitrovo Polje, just three days before the
agreed date for the release of all detainees under the Dayton peace
agreement on Bosnia (...). The Red Cross in Belgrade has been
negotiating for several weeks to have the men released and given
sanctuary in third countries. A spokeswoman said most were bound for the
United States or Australia, with others due to be sent to Italy,
Belgium, Sweden, France and Ireland. (...) Since late August, the Red
Cross has made fortnightly visits from its Belgrade field office. (...)
Teams from the War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague have been in Dublin to
question and take evidence from the men."
Why would war prisoners, whose normal first wish would be to reunite
with their families and restart their interrupted lives in peace, be
rushed off to Dublin, with "papers to remain in Ireland?" And this at a
time where most industrialized countries are closing their borders to
refugees! Were their families informed? Could it be that they too - in a
large enough group - could become living proof of the fallacy of a huge
Srebrenica "massacre" before the 1996 fall elections?

US decided to accept two hundred and fourteen Bosniaks who, after the
fall of Srebrenica and Zepa, had been detained in Serbian camps and give
them refugee status. "It is horrible that those people besides being
captured during the bloodshed in Srebrenica had to spend at least
another two months in Serbian detention camps under dreadful
conditions," said State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns. Burns
emphasized that at least 800 men out of 80,000 people who have been
expelled from their homes after the fall of Srebrenica and Zepa had been
taken to Serbia.

This is how the US government justified their aid in secretly skirting
the men out of the country. What is known is that neither the Red Cross
(which has been visiting the prisoners since August), the Tribunal, (in
its frantic search for evidence for the "genocide" in Srebrenica and to
have someone arrest the Bosnian Serb leaders) nor the American
government have made mention since August 95 of these men being in
custody, as war prisoners. Why? Are they trying to conceal evidence
exonerating the Bosnian Serbian forces of the charge of "genocide" in
connection with alleged mass executions?

2) The vanishing corpses:

Like the juggling of the numbers of "missing" and their whereabouts,
excuses had to be found for the lack of corpses.

In August 1995, during a Security Council meeting, the US delegation to
the United Nations accused the leadership of the Bosnian Serbs of having
committed wide-scale atrocities against Muslim civilians. With what
amounts to a satellite photo "peep show," Madeleine Albright had an
excuse already prepared for the lack of evidence to support her charges.
The NY Times in referring back to that session of the UN Security
Council wrote:

a.. "On Aug. 10, [1995] the chief United States delegate to the United
Nations, Madeleine K. Albright, showed selected photos of the two sites
to a closed session of the United Nations Security Council. She then
said, 'We will keep watching to see if the Bosnian Serbs try to erase
the evidence of what they have done.'"
One of the earlier versions was the vanishing corpses through a
corrosive agent. In the same article, the NY Times adds:

a.. "American officials said today that they suspect Bosnian Serb
soldiers may have tried to destroy evidence that they killed thousands
of Muslim men seized in and around the town of Srebrenica in July. The
Serbs are suspected of pouring corrosive chemicals on the bodies and
scattering corpses that had been buried in mass graves, the officials
said. The suspicions first arose in early August, after Central
Intelligence Agency experts analyzed pictures of the area taken in July
by reconnaissance satellites and U-2 planes."
With the absence of traces of a corrosive substance, when it comes time
to dig up the "evidence," the entire legend falls flat. Another
explanation had to be found: the bodies were simply dug up and moved
someplace else. This excuse has its advantages: With the needle in the
haystack search for "mass graves," the tribunal could keep the public at
bay for quite a while. But also disadvantages: How do you remove
thousands of buried, decomposing bodies without being seen by the
"watchful eye" of Madeleine Albright's satellites? Undismayed by this
factual detail, the Tribunal and media continue their course.

In Nov. 1995 the Dutch Minister of Defense, Joris Voorhove, accused the
Serbs of "trying hastily to destroy the evidence of the massacre they
committed against thousands of Bosniaks around Srebrenica." Citing
"intelligence services" as his source, he claimed in a TV interview,
that "these days Serbs have been exhuming the corpses from the mass
graves in order to remove the evidence of their crimes."

Approaching the day of reckoning and desperate for more concrete
evidence of the massacre, Richard Goldstone, the tribunal's chief
prosecutor, wrote a letter to the US Embassy in the Hague in Nov. 95, to
pressure the US government to come forward with the evidence it
evidently had promised. The letter was quoted in the Washington Post:

a.. "Judge [Goldstone] called the 'quality and timeliness' of
intelligence provided by the United States 'disappointing.' He
complained about the failure to hand over spy photos that he said could
help the United Nations-sponsored tribunal identify mass graves that
appeared after the fall of Srebrenica in July. The judge also complained
that much of the information provided by the United States so far was
based on 'open-source material' not relevant to the original requests.
He submitted an additional 25 questions to Washington, including a
request for information about a transcript of a conversation between
General Mladic and Yugoslav Army commanders who report directly to
President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia."
[The reference to "open-source material," that the US government
furnished the tribunal as "evidence," simply means that the CIA uses
media reports, some of which are obviously its own propaganda plants.]

The Clinton Administration made public 3 of the 8 photos shown the
Security Council. One of these 3 showed "disturbed soil." "According to
one American official who has seen the photographs, one shows hundreds
and perhaps thousands of Muslim men and boys in a field near a soccer
stadium about 5 miles north of Srebrenica. Another photo taken several
days later shows a large area of freshly dug earth, consistent with the
appearance of known mass graves, near the stadium, which is empty."

One of the three photos reproduced in several newspapers showed two
buildings, a main and subordinate road. Two light colored patches
(indicated with arrows) in the middle of what could be a field with a
parallel double-lined path (tire tracks?) leading from the main road to
each of the light areas. The photo is entitled: "Possible Mass Graves;
Kasaba/Konjevic Polje Area, Bosnia; unclassified Jul. 95." In the lower
left corner the explanation of the arrows: "Recently disturbed earth."

As a NY Times journalist complained, the US government refused "to let
reporters see the satellite photographs (...) which were said to include
pictures of people crowded into a soccer field. American officials said
the satellite photographs were classified, although Ms. Albright showed
them to the other 14 members of the Security Council." This striptease
sort of procedure, in itself, should provoke questions concerning the
credibility of these photos portraying what we are told that they are
supposed to show.

a.. Where are other more conclusive photos showing people in the process
of being shot, dead bodies being removed, open pits being - or already -
filled with bodies or being covered,...?
a.. How closely were diplomats of the Security Council able to
examine (for authenticity, manipulation, falsification) the photos? Were
they forced to appraise the photos quickly, or were they allowed to keep
copies of the photos?
a.. Why are photos purported to be the most important - those
showing "Muslim men and boys," - hidden from the public? Do they
actually show what the US administration claim that they show?
a.. How does the US secret service discern the difference between
"hundreds and perhaps thousands of Muslim men and boys" from the same
number of Serb or Croatian males - and that from outer space? The
Security Council members apparently saw something different on these
photos: A NY Times journalist following the presentation to the Security
Council reports: "The photographs showed a stretch of fields at Novo
Kasaba, near Srebrenica, where Bosnian Muslim families were apparently
herded together." A mere detail? Which is the true story? The version
"Muslim men and boys" given by the CIA official the day before? Or the
one of "Bosnian Muslim families" the day after members of the Security
Council viewed the pictures? Had they realized that they were viewing
mainly women and children, (perhaps being "herded together" to prepare
to be taken by bus to Tuzla)? Is this not a first indication that
perhaps the satellite photos will not stand up under independent
appraisal? Could this embarrassing discrepancy be the main reason why
the satellite photos were made inaccessible to the public?
a.. Where is the original photo taken by the reconnaissance
aircraft? Why was the original photo not shown to the Security Council?
The labeling that accompanied the published photo: "Possible Mass
Graves" was added after the photo was taken, meaning that the built-in
time and geographical settings from reconnaissance cameras, were edited
out of the picture and arrows and other written interpretations of what
one is supposed to see edited onto the photo. Left to make ones' own
interpretations the same photo could have been interpreted to show
something having nothing to do with warfare in the Balkans. How does one
know that the photo was taken near Srebrenica, or at the time that it is
claimed to have been taken - and not at some other time in some other
part of the world?
a.. Could it be that the US government knows that the origin of this
"disturbed soil" has nothing to do with "Mass Graves"? Could this be the
reason why the photo is entitled: "Possible Mass Graves"? Would this not
also explain why the State Department and CIA found it necessary to
launch rumors that Serbs had allegedly removed the thousands of bodies
that were supposed to have been buried under this "disturbed soil" -
albeit without any satellite photos to back up this new rumor?
a.. The assumption that several days after having seen a full soccer
field, an empty one would signify that those formerly seen there had
been executed, is so farfetched, that it could be dismissed as crazy.
How many soccer stadiums remain filled overnight, or days at a time? If
those seen had in fact been Muslims captured, why would the first
assumption not have been that they had been taken to a prisoner of war
camp? This type of explanation says more about the ethnic prejudices of
the author than it does about those of Bosnian Serb armed forces.
In the Bible, faith is defined as "the substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things not seen." This seems a very appropriate
description of the Tribunal's handling of the US satellite and U-2
"evidence." It was on the basis of these photos that the Security
Council and tribunal accused the Serbian leadership of having committed
a massacre. The Tribunal's indictments against Karadzic and Mladic were
primarily based on faith in the journalists' faith in the Security
Council's faith in the CIA and its spy photos. Neither the press nor the
tribunal were given access to all of the photos, yet both take it for
granted that the Bosnian leaders are "guilty as charged."

But once the indictment handed down, the Bosnian Serb leaders shut out
of negotiations and the Serbian President Milosevic under effective
threat (that he too could suffer the fate of his Bosnian Serb Brethren),
the Clinton Administration showed little interest in helping "further
the cause of justice."

The White House spokesman, Michael D. McCurry, and other US officials
responded to Goldstone's complaints by saying:

a.. "There are certain types of intelligence information that our
Government cannot share with the international community." The NY Times
article continues: "Mr. McCurry cited 'national security reasons' as the
reason the United States would withhold some evidence, and criticized
the complaints by the prosecutor, Judge Richard Goldstone, as
'unfortunate.' (...) In defending their level of cooperation with the
tribunal, Administration officials insisted that Judge Goldstone is
getting most of his data from the United States and there would be no
war crimes tribunal if not for the United States."
With this statement these "administration officials" confirmed what
Serbs and independent observers have suspected from the beginning: that
the tribunal is simply being manipulated by the US to serve its own
foreign policy interests, and that its procedures have really as little
to do with "rule of law" standards as its goals, with doing "justice."

It has been reported that in the New York central headquarters of the
UN, all files relevant to Srebrenica have been classified "secret" for
the next 30 - 50 years and are not even available for the tribunal. This
decision was taken at the demand of the permanent members of the
Security Council, the USA, France and Great Britain, in reference to
their protection of the secrecy of government documents.

With what right does the US classify evidence that it claims to have,
concerning what is often referred to as "the worst atrocities committed
in Europe since WW-II?" One could understand the US government
withholding evidence of war crimes committed by US troops. But what
justification does the US have for classifying a "national security
secret," crimes committed by those designated as "enemy forces?" Is the
US administration hiding the proof of a crime or proof that it has no
proof of a crime? Most disturbing of all is that hardly a<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)