
01/02/2002 15:36



I D S, Feb. 1

sposta nella cartella:


Belgrade, 01. 2. 2002. No. 3639

C O N T E N T S :



BELGRADE, Jan. 31 (Beta) - The Yugoslav government determined on Jan. 31
the basis for negotiations between the Yugoslav delegation and the IMF
mission on results of the standby arrangement and a new three-year
financial arrangement.
The closing of a new arrangement will enable the realization of the
agreement reached with the Paris Club of creditors on the writing-off of
the majority of the Yugoslav debt. The arrangement will also mean support
to economic and structural reforms, the Federal Information Bureau said in
an announcement.
Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Economic Relations
Miroljub Labus will lead the Yugoslav delegation in talks with the IMF.
The government has also set the basis for negotiations with the
International Association for Development, for the purpose of reaching an
agreement on a development loan for the modernization of the Yugolav
customs service , that is, Serbia and Montenegro.
A report on the increase of EU donations to EUR120 million, out of which
EUR75 million have already been used, was also adopted.

BELGRADE, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic and
Spanish Ambassador Mariano Jesus Garcia Munoz discussed possibilities for
promoting bilateral political and economic ties and for Spain, which
currently presides the European Union, to speed up Yugoslavia's access to
the European integrations.
"Our strategic foreign policy goal is to join the European Union," Pesic
said and added that in this process Spain could play an important role as
the EU president.
Both sides voiced their interest in bilateral economic cooperation and said
that their respective governments had taken a series of concrete measures
aimed at creating a legislative
infrastructure that would intensify this cooperation. Contacts among
political officials are also stimulating in this context, Pesic said and
invited Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar to visit
Spain supports the preservation of the Yugoslav federation, which it
specially stressed in the programme it plans to carry out during its term
as EU president, and an indication of this commitment is the fact that
Yugoslavia is the only country specifically mentioned in the programme.
Ambassador Munoz expects EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana to give his
full contribution to this end, the Yugoslav prime minister's office said in
a statement.

BELGRADE, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - The speaker of the Yugoslav parliament's lower
house, Dragoljub Micunovic, on Thursday received the ambassador of the
Russian Federation to Yugoslavia, Valery Egoshkin, expressing gratitude for
the results of his mission in Yugoslavia which marked the relations between
the two countries and their peoples.
Micunovic also received on separate visits the newly-appointed ambassadors
of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Belarus in Yugoslavia - Zeljko Komsic and
Vladimir Mackiyevich respectively, to discuss the development of bilateral
and international cooepration.

BELGRADE, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - A Yugoslav government session, chaired on
Thursday by Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic, adopted the project Modernization
and Technical Equipping of Control and Security Systems for the Protection
of the Administrative Border with Kosovo-Metohija.
The project aims to apply modern technical means, with reduced manpower, to
prevent terrorism and render more efficient the struggle against crime and
the illegal transfer of goods and people in this region outside the
designated border crossings, the federal Information Secretariat said in a
"The system will secure the stability and control of the administrative
border with Kosovo-Metohija in keeping with the prospects and criteria of
the international community for managing the crisis in Southeast Europe,
and contribute to stepping up the security of the entire region," the
statement said.


NEW YORK, Jan. 31 (Beta) - Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic and Serbian
ministers of finance and foreign economic relations, Bozidar Djelic and
Goran Pitic, flew to New York on Jan. 31 to attend the World Economic
Forum, an annual meeting of world political and economic officials and
representatives of large companies and leading non-governmental organizations.
Serbian government representatives will participate in the formal part of
the gathering entitled "Management in Crucial Times: A Vision of a Common
Future," and hold separate meetings with politicians and influential
businessmen, minister Djelic told BETA.
"It is a traditional meeting on key topics in the world and an
excellent opportunity to meet decision makers," said Djelic.
According to Djelic, the Serbian premier will talk to several prime
ministers and world leaders, including NATO general secretary George Robertson.
He added that government representatives would talk to representatives of
leading companies and potential investors in the Serbian economy, including
the leaders of the Swiss company "Nestle", the Italian Institute for
Industry Reconstruction, presidents of major banks companies for technical
production and cement factories...
Djelic said his collocutors would include the Bulgarian and Polish finance
ministers, as well as the president of the London stock exchange.

BELGRADE, Jan. 31 (B92) The Serbian Government has appointed a number of
international consultants to a new Council for Reform of the Judiciary.
They include representatives of the OSCE, the American Bar Association
Central and Eastern European Law Initiative, the Council of Europe, the
European Agency for Reconstruction, the UN and the Fund for an Open Society.
The foreign consultants will join a number of senior local legal figures
with Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic in the chair.

NOVI SAD, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - Vojvodina parliament speaker Nenad Canak and
provincial premier Djordje Djukic on Thursday held separate meetings with
Ukraine's Ambassador Anatoly Shostak.
A statement received by the Vojvodina parliament speaker's office said that
Shostak "welcomed a long tradition of observation of national minority
rights in Vojvodina and called for support for a speedier inclusion of
ethnic Ukrainians and Ruthenians in modern social processes."
In his meeting with the Vojvodina premier, Shostak voiced special interest
in cooperation in the field of agriculture, according to a statement issued
by the Vojvodina government

NOVI SAD, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - In Vojvodina, Serbia's northern province,
privatization has been initiated in 30 firms in keeping with the provisions
of the new law, Vojvodina Executive Council President Djordjc Djukic said
on Thursday.
Djukic said that the Serbian Economy and Privatization Ministry has
initiated privatization, via a public bid, in nine firms, in 15 cases the
firms themselves launched the privatization process, while six firms were
stimulated to start privatization by potential buyers.
The aquisition value of these firms, which employ a total of 13.762
workers, has been estimated at 216.8 million euros, while the capital put
up for sale amounts to 144.6 million euros, Djukic set out.

BUJANOVAC, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - Hundreds of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines
and 221 kg of explosives planted by the terrorist "LIberation Army of
Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja" have been found and destroyed in the
Bujanovac municipality in southern Serbia, the Bujanovac press center said
There were 304 anti-tank and 584 anti-personnel mines, it was noted at a
meeting attended by members of the Yugoslav and Serbian governments'
Coordinating Team Milovan Coguric and Mica Markovic and representatives of
the Yugoslav Army, European Union, UNHCR, UNICEF and Red Cross Regional
The danger has, however, not yet been removed, as an estimated 1,000 mines
or explosive devices are still around, Coguric said, adding that the
people, especially children, should be warned of the danger.

BELGRADE, Jan. 31 (Beta) - The 30th Belgrade international film festival,
will begin on Feb. 1 at the Sava centre with the screening of the Italian
movie "The Son's Room", directed by Nanni Moretti, 75 movies grouped into
eight programs will be presented.
FEST 2002 organizers did not want to disclose who would open the festival
before the Moretti movie was screened. The movie was awarded the FIPRESCI
prize in Cannes.
The organizers told a press conference that the arrival of 19 guests has
been confirmed up to now, including Danijel Hocevar from Slovenia. Also in
attendance are the producers of the movies "An Ode to Presern" and "Bread
and Milk," as well the directors of the movies, Martin Srebotnjak and Jan
Cvitkovic, the producer of "Apocalypse Now", Kim Auberey, director and the
script writer of "Der Chinesische Markt", Zoran Solomun from Germany, and
the director and script writer of "Firefly Dreams", John Williams, from
Great Britain.
Film premieres will be held in the Sava centre, Dvorana kulturnog centra
(DKC) and Dom Omladine (DOB) and second screenings in the Yugoslav
cinematheque, DKC and DOB.
The vast number are co-productions (24), as well as 11 American, 7 German,
4 French and 4 Japanese, 2 Austrian, 2 Iranian, 2 Italian, 2 Canadian, 2
Slovenian and 2 Swiss movies, and one movie a piece from a further 13
Serbian distributors secured 20 movies, whilst the remainder were secured
with the help of foreign cultural centers in Belgrade and certain embassies.


PRISTINA, Feb 1 (Tanjug) - United Nations Kosovo-Metohija administration
UNMIK deputy chief Charles Brayshaw said in Pristina on Thursday that the
arrests of three former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) are not
in any way connected with the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC).
The arrested persons have been charged with grave crimes committed during
the period from September 1998 until June 1999. These were personal actions
and a sufficient number of testimonies have been taken from witnesses, so
that it is up to the court to decide whether they are gulty or not,
Brayshaw said during a visit to the KPC.
An international judge in the province yesterday set an additional 30 days
of detention and ordered the opening of an investigation on war crimes for
the three Kosovo Albanians who were arrested in Pristina and Podujevo on
Monday, an UNMIK spokesman said.
Thousands of ethnic Albanians protested against these arrests in Pristina
and Podujevo these days.

BERLIN, Feb 1 (Tanjug) - It is necessary that Brussels deals with the issue
of a long-term political solution for Kosovo and Metohija, which will not
be realized without a European perspective, a source close to new United
Nations envoy in the southern Serbian province
Michael Steiner has said.
The source said on Thursday that it was important for Brussels to do this
in order to quell nationalistic tendencies in the region and to assess
relativistically the issue of the independence of this territory.
The unnamed UN representative said one of Steiner's main tasks would be to
establish stable authorities in the province.
The period until the autonomy of the province is defined cannot be
specified, so that the two-year postponement asked by Serbian Prime
Minister Zoran Djindjic is unrealistic, the official said.
The international community will not withdraw from the province if Kosovo
is not given a European perspective, the source said.
Steiner will begin his term in office in Pristina in mid-February. He has
completed consultations with European Union foreign policy commissioner
Chris Patten in Brussels.

PRISTINA, Jan. 31 (B92) The Democratic Party of Kosovo this evening
accused International civilian and military authorities in the province
that they were endangering safety and the political situation in Kosovo by
arresting former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Party president Hashim Thaqi is a former leader of the Liberation Army,
which was disbanded after the arrival of international peacekeepers in 1999.
The party claimed that by arresting the three, UNMIK and KFOR were
destabilising the situation in Kosovo.

PRISTINA, Jan. 31 (B92) More than two thousand Albanian demonstrators have
blocked the centre of Pristina for the second consecutive day protesting at
the arrest of former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
UN police and KFOR troops arrested the three Kosovo Albanians on Tuesday,
charging them with war crimes committed in 1998 and 1999.
They are accused of abductions assaults and murders of Albanians from the
Podujevo area who did not agree with Kosovo Liberation Army policies.

PRISTINA, Jan. 31 (Beta) - Members of Kosovo police arrested two Kosovo
Albanians suspected of having fired at pupils of a Serbian school in
Plemetina, KFOR announced on Jan. 31.
It was reported that the school in Plemetina, attended by some 100 Serbian
children, had been fired at on Jan. 31 at around noon, from a car carrying
four passengers.
The incident was probably provoked by a conflict between local Serb and
Albanian children who had thrown stones at each other, reads the KFOR
statement, adding that one of the arrested Albanians was the father of one
of the boys who threw stones. A gun was found in the arrested persons' car.
KFOR added that some 70 Serbs gathered in front of the school afterwards,
but were dispersed by KFOR in a bid to "quell disturbances."

STRPCE, Kosovo, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - KFOR will provide an escort only for the
so-called humanitarian convoys going to Strpce, the Serb enclave in Kosovo,
US KFOR Colonel Larry Saul told Tanjug on Thursday.
Since last week, when there were problems, peace was violated and the radio
and television described it as violence, Col. Saul set out adding that KFOR
then halted escorts for some convoys out of security reasons, but would
continue providing the same for humanitarian convoys and medical cases.
Strpce, the biggest Serb enclave in Kosovo with 12,000 Serb inhabitants,
has practically been sealed off from the rest of the world for the past
nine days after regular convoys were halted due to incidents and KFOR
Serb sources in Strpce confirmed to Tanjug today that on Tuesday KFOR took
Jelica Andjelkovic, 60, to the US Bondsteel base where this elderly woman
was interrogated for three hours, after which she was returned to Strpce.
On Jan 22, during Serb demonstarations in Strpce, Jelica was in the front
lines expressing her pain for the loss of her husband, son and son-in-law,
kidnapped by the ethnic Albanian terrorists two years ago and who were
never seen again.
In Bondsteel, Jelica was interrogated by a woman officer who was very rough
and threatened her not to appear at protests ever again.
The KFOR and UNMIK police photographed all the people in the front ranks of
the Jan 22 protest in Strpce, and now many fear new arrests.

PRISTINA, Jan. 31 (Beta) - Zorica Velic was appointed on Jan. 31 as
Pristina municipality vice-president. It is the first time following a two
year boycott that a Serb has beed appointed to a managerial position in the
After the appointment, Velic told the press in Pristina "I am happy to
become vice-president of a municipality and a town in which I was born."
In the Pristina municipality, Zorica Velic will represent Serbs who, after
the 1999 war in Kosovo, mostly live in near-by villages. She announced she
would engage in the democratization of civic life in the municipality.
Last year, UNMIK appointed three Serbs for MPs to the Pristina city
council. At the constitutive session, Albanian MPs alleged that Serbian
representative Slavko Trajkovic had committed war crimes in Kosovo, leading
to Serb representatives ending their attendance at sessions.

01/02/2002 15:36



I D S, Feb. 1

sposta nella cartella:


Belgrade, 01. 2. 2002. No. 3639

C O N T E N T S :



BELGRADE, Jan. 31 (Beta) - The Yugoslav government determined on Jan. 31
the basis for negotiations between the Yugoslav delegation and the IMF
mission on results of the standby arrangement and a new three-year
financial arrangement.
The closing of a new arrangement will enable the realization of the
agreement reached with the Paris Club of creditors on the writing-off of
the majority of the Yugoslav debt. The arrangement will also mean support
to economic and structural reforms, the Federal Information Bureau said in
an announcement.
Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Economic Relations
Miroljub Labus will lead the Yugoslav delegation in talks with the IMF.
The government has also set the basis for negotiations with the
International Association for Development, for the purpose of reaching an
agreement on a development loan for the modernization of the Yugolav
customs service , that is, Serbia and Montenegro.
A report on the increase of EU donations to EUR120 million, out of which
EUR75 million have already been used, was also adopted.

BELGRADE, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic and
Spanish Ambassador Mariano Jesus Garcia Munoz discussed possibilities for
promoting bilateral political and economic ties and for Spain, which
currently presides the European Union, to speed up Yugoslavia's access to
the European integrations.
"Our strategic foreign policy goal is to join the European Union," Pesic
said and added that in this process Spain could play an important role as
the EU president.
Both sides voiced their interest in bilateral economic cooperation and said
that their respective governments had taken a series of concrete measures
aimed at creating a legislative
infrastructure that would intensify this cooperation. Contacts among
political officials are also stimulating in this context, Pesic said and
invited Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar to visit
Spain supports the preservation of the Yugoslav federation, which it
specially stressed in the programme it plans to carry out during its term
as EU president, and an indication of this commitment is the fact that
Yugoslavia is the only country specifically mentioned in the programme.
Ambassador Munoz expects EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana to give his
full contribution to this end, the Yugoslav prime minister's office said in
a statement.

BELGRADE, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - The speaker of the Yugoslav parliament's lower
house, Dragoljub Micunovic, on Thursday received the ambassador of the
Russian Federation to Yugoslavia, Valery Egoshkin, expressing gratitude for
the results of his mission in Yugoslavia which marked the relations between
the two countries and their peoples.
Micunovic also received on separate visits the newly-appointed ambassadors
of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Belarus in Yugoslavia - Zeljko Komsic and
Vladimir Mackiyevich respectively, to discuss the development of bilateral
and international cooepration.

BELGRADE, Jan 31 (Tanjug) - A Yugoslav government session, chaired on
Thursday by Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic, adopted the project Modernization
and Technical Equipping of Control and Security Systems for the Protection
of the Administrative Border with Kosovo-Metohija.
The project aims to apply modern technical means, with reduced manpower, to
prevent terrorism and render more efficient the struggle against crime and
the illegal transfer of goods and people in this region outside the
designated border crossings, the federal Information Secretariat said in a
"The system will secure the stability and control of the administrative
border with Kosovo-Metohija in keeping with the prospects and criteria of
the international community for managing the crisis in Southeast Europe,
and contribute to stepping up the security of the entire region," the
statement said.


NEW YORK, Jan. 31 (Beta) - Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic and Serbian
ministers of finance and foreign economic relations, Bozidar Djelic and
Goran Pitic, flew to New York on Jan. 31 to attend the World Economic
Forum, an annual meeting of world political and economic officials and
representatives of large companies and leading non-governmental organizations.
Serbian government representatives will participate in the formal part of
the gathering entitled "Management in Crucial Times: A Vision of a Common
Future," and hold separate meetings with politicians and influential
businessmen, minister Djelic told BETA.
"It is a traditional meeting on key topics in the world and an
excellent opportunity to meet decision makers," said Djelic.
According to Djelic, the Serbian premier will talk to several prime
ministers and world leaders, including NATO general secretary George Robertson.
He added that government representatives would talk to representatives of
leading companies and potential investors in the Serbian economy, including
the leaders of the Swiss company "Nestle", the Italian Institute for
Industry Reconstruction, presidents of major banks companies for technical
production and cement factories...
Djelic said his collocutors would include the Bulgarian and Polish finance
ministers, as well as the president of the London stock exchange.

BELGRADE, Jan. 31 (B92) The Serbian Government has appointed a number of
international consultants to a new Council for Reform of the Judiciary.
They include representatives of the OSCE, the American Bar Association
Central and Eastern European Law Initiative, the Council of Europe, the
European Agency for Reconstruction, the UN and the Fund for an Open Society.
The foreign consultants will join a number of senior local

01/02/2002 14:35



[WG: WG: [JUGOINFO] Newsletter FREE SLOBO ! - n° 8]

sposta nella cartella:


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: jugocoord@... [mailto:jugocoord@...]
Gesendet: Freitag, 1. Februar 2002 10:15
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Cc: jugoinfo@...
Betreff: [JUGOINFO] Newsletter FREE SLOBO ! - n° 8

01/02/2002 00:58

ICDSM Section Francophone

info@... , lucmichelbxl@...

Newsletter FREE SLOBO ! - n° 8

sposta nella cartella:


Lettre d'information de la Section francophone de
Newsletter of the frenchspeaking section of ICDSM

N° 8 ? 1er Février/February 2002
Webmaster ? Editeur responsable :
Luc MICHEL - email : lucmichelbxl@...
Dans ce numéro 8 vous pourez lire ?
In this number 8 you could read :




Dear comrades
Many regrets no to be with you this day !
Greatings from our militants of Belgium, France and
Switzerland to all of you, and particularly to
Christopher Black and all the British team of CDSM.
A few words first to remember you the Symposium
organised in next 2 march in Berlin by our comrades of
the Germanspeaking Section of ICDSM, with our

Since its creation by the NATO, the so-called
?International Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia? (ICTY) is a war machine leaded against the
Serbian People and its defenders, in Yugoslavia and in
Republika Srpska (Bosnia). Directly financed by NATO,
the ICTY and his slavish magistrates abiding by the
orders of Washington, is a shame to all the magistracy
and the international judicial world.
The proceedings they use ? secret charging, anonymous
accounts without any proofs, kidnapping of the accused
regardless of the international law, automatic
presumption of guiltiness of the accused,
investigations in accusation and not in defence, and
so on. ? remind us of the sinister inquisition and
would deserve a non-admissibility of the charging in
any independent court of law , starting with those in
the US.
The detention conditions in the ICTY jails are also
outrageous. Especially the medical help brought to the
prisoners , the behaviour of the medical staff of the
ITCY prison is also a shame to all the medical world.
These are instances that are enough as proofs.
The moral loneliness of the Serbian prisoners, victims
of an incessant manhunt, is terrible. Adding to a
detention duration abnormally long and contrary to the
disposals of the European Convention of Human Rights.
It?s why we must, as a duty, help them and support

The president MILOSEVIC is today the first of these
Serbian prisoners.
With the extradition of MILOSEVIC, the pro--American
muppets who govern Yugoslavia and Serbia since the
rampant coup of last October 2000 have just thrown
definitely the mask.
They have exchanged Milosevic against a thick handful
of dollars, as they had already arrest him in April
2000 for the same motives. Thirty coins of Judas for
the Serbian traitors !
The DOS raped the constitution that forbidden the
extradition of the national Yugoslavian while adopting
an unconstitutional decree. The DOS raped the right
while transgressing the decision of the Yugoslavian
supreme constitutional Court that had just suspended
this decree. The DOS raped the formal guarantees of
the Yugoslavian and international right that open ways
of appeal to all menaced person of extradition
(procedures legally hired by Milosevic). The DOS
raped the democratic rules that confide to the
parliament, where the Kollaboses of the DOS are
minority, the voting of a constitutional modification.

Yugoslavia is not anymore a state of right. It is a
?bananas? republic, governed by a junta solded to the
imperialism and the colonialisme of NATO and USA.
Milosevic has not been extradited but removed and
delivered illegally to the TPY, organ of repression of
the NATO.
Today, the president Milosevic is the first resistant
to the New World Order and the dictatorship of the
Today, all free men and womlen must mobilize
themselves to defend the Yugoslavian president : WE

Luc MICHEL, President of the
Frenchspeaking Section of ICDSM.


Fraternal greetings from Mullingar, Republic of
On the eve of the Public Meeting 1st February 2002
focussing on NATO
responsibility for war crimes in the Balkans and
NATO's diversionary
tactic of apportioning blame to the victims of their
hi tech barbaric
onslaughts we note that a recent survey in England has
ascertained the fact, if fact
it is in this largely fictionalised world, that vast
numbers of people in
Britain no longer choose to tune in to either radio or
television news
bulletins be those bulletins either of the news in
brief kind or fully extended
This, as can be imagined, is causing serious concerns
amongst the ranks
of the manipulators of public opinion whom we prefer
to define as "the
deceivers." French writer and Director of the Ecole
speciale d'architecture Paul
Virilio is the author of sixteen books on sociological
and political subjects
with these books to include War and Cinema, Open Sky
and Strategy of
Deception. The last named book is a trenchant
denunciation of the perpetration of
the Kosovo war laying bare the lie that the West's
intervention in the
Balkans was founded on ethical and humanitarian
Virilio, to quote from notes accompanying Strategy of
Deception, has
discerned a sinister innovation in the methods of
waging war:
territorial space is being replaced by orbital space
in which a system of global
telesurveillance is linked to the destructive power of
bombers and
missiles: governments, the military and the media are
becoming part of a seamless
and self justifying process linked by new information
and arms
technologies. The author makes the claim that the
media has a "license to lie." If it
is that the media through its remorseless propagation
of lies and
distortions of the truth eventually allienates more
and more sectors of the
community then the ruling class which is totally
dependent on the media for
proselytising on its behalf and most particularly on
behalf of waging
war for profit will be in very serious trouble indeed.

The need to disseminate alternative information in a
world crying out
for such information has never been greater.
Thank you, whilst on this subject, to the Campaign To
Defend Slobodan
Milosevic and to the PCN-NCP service de presse for
sending us in these
post Strangelovian times and so regularly information
of that very kind.

Good luck for the meeting and we hope there will be a
good attendance.
We hope to make it along to a future meeting.
With our sincere thanks and very best wishes.
June and John Kelly


From M. Gorojovsky
En mi carácter de miembro fundador del Comité
Internacional por la Liberación de Slobodan Milosevic,
felicito a la lista por la
difusión de estas informaciones.


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Jan. 24, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper
By John Catalinotto

Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic continued
defiant stand in an appearance before the NATO-backed
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
(ICTY) in The Hague Jan. 9.
The court reacted as it has in the past. It censored
Milosevic's statements.
The Yugoslav leader has from the beginning refused to
recognize the authority of the ICTY and has said he
represent himself during the proceedings.
Under pressure from Washington and other NATO powers,
United Nations created the ICTY in 1993. It has
only over crimes carried out in Yugoslavia by people
that region. It refuses to try U.S. or other NATO
for ordering the bombing of civilian targets during
the 1999
The great majority of charges have been brought
Serbian people, either those who lived in
or officials in the Yugoslav or Serbian governments.
tribunal barely addresses the many horrific acts
against Serbs during the decade-long civil wars that
fragmented what had been a multinational, socialist
based on a federation of six republics. The
dismembering of
Yugoslavia was long a goal of European and U.S.
which now have the upper hand in the area.
The trial on a set of charges against Milosevic
relating to
Kosovo is scheduled to begin on Feb. 12.
At the Jan. 9 hearing, Judge Richard May restricted
what Milosevic was allowed to say, repeatedly cutting
Milosevic began, "To be precise, concerning what has
said today: almost everything we've heard shows that,
in the
guise of having a trial, what is planned here is to
out an operation to reverse scene and culprit. This is
at producing a fabricated justification for the crimes
committed during the NATO aggression against my
country and
my people.
"Indeed, this 'indictment' itself constitutes one of
proofs that what I affirm is true. Because all the
misdeeds supposedly committed by the armed forces of
Yugoslavia, which I had the honor to command, are,
to the 'indictment,' supposed to have occurred during
precisely the time of the NATO aggression against my
"The intention is obviously to portray those who
their families, children, thresholds, homes and
homeland as
villains, criminals, evil people. Whereas those who
thousands of kilometers to destroy those homes in the
to kill innocent people, to destroy maternity wards,
hospitals, bridges, railways, trains, who collaborated
the Albanian terrorists-that those people, responsible
for a
huge number of victims and enormous material damage,
good, are correct, and should have the support of
international public opinion.
"To compound this absurdity..."
At this point the court interrupted Milosevic, turning
his microphone. Judge May insisted that Milosevic
limit his
comments to trial procedure. In the coverage of the
however, the big-business media applied their own
twist to
the news, dredging up all the old political charges
the Yugoslav leader and the Serbian people.
Milosevic tried to continue. "I want to confirm that
have not offered a single argument in response to the
clear legal facts I have presented regarding the
of this 'court,' established by a resolution of a
Council that has no legislative nor judiciary power
and that
could hardly transfer prerogatives it does not have,
as lawyers you very well know that a right which one
not posses cannot be transferred.
"In any case...." Here the court again turned off his
microphone and Judge May demanded the former president
censor his comments.

President Milosevic tried once more: "Well, if you're
to limit the questions I can raise, then regarding the
procedure I would say the following: according to the
natural definition, which applies to any court, it
must be
neutral and impartial. And look at this 'court': the
indictment is based on allegations provided by the
intelligence service; the judge is English; the
is English; the Amicus Curiae is English; and I ..."
Here the court again cut off his microphone and
the hearing.


Back in Yugoslavia, living conditions for the working
and for most of the population have continued to
since the U.S.-manipulated September 2000 election and
October 2000 coup that followed pushed Milosevic's
Party of Serbia out of office.
Anyone who believed that the new Yugoslav government
receive more aid and economic help from the
powers if it arrested Milosevic and turned him over to
has by now been sorely disillusioned. Even the puppet
Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic has complained publicly
the Western leaders have reneged on their promises of
Unemployment is now up above 50 percent. In the first
of January, the announcement that four big Yugoslav
would close threatened 8,500 more workers with
layoffs. The
news that Beogradska Banka, Jugobanka, Investbanka and
Beobanka would close provoked workers' protests, with
than 1,000 employees locking themselves in the banks'
offices in Belgrade, Krusevac, Nis and Vranje.
Trade unions say that for every 1,000 employees laid
another 5,000 jobs are in jeopardy.
The Yugoslav government forced the closure of the four
banking giants to mark the launch of broad, World
sponsored changes to the country's financial sector
will allow deeper U.S. and West European penetration
of the
Yugoslav economy.
(Copyright Workers World Service)


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Larisa Kritskaja, Svetlana Ccernjak


Bivssi drzzavni tuzzilac SAD odbacuje
americcku politiku sile

Dobiti intervju od Remzija Klarka nije nissta
laksse nego od predsednika: svaki minut njegovog
vremena je rasporedjen. I to za dan, nedelju, mesec, godinu
dana unapred. Plus nepredvidjeni dogadjaji i
okolnosti. Rodio se u Dalasu 1927. godine. Ratovao je u Koreji.
Potom - univerzitet u Teksasu, Ccikagu,
posao pravnika. Sa 34 godine je pomoccnik drzzavnog tuzzioca u
Kenedijevoj administraciji, sa 40 -
drzavni tuzilac u Dzonsonovoj administraciji. Dao je ostavku u
znak protesta protiv rata u Vijetnamu u koji
je otissao radi prikupljanja dokumenata o americckim
bombardovanjima i civilnim zzrtvama. Ono ssto je
tamo video toliko ga je potreslo da je od tada Klarkov zzivot -
neprekidan niz procesa, protesta i nastupa u
zasstitu prava. Remzi Klark je bio u Iraku, Jugoslaviji,
Palestini, Istoccnom Timoru, Nikaragvi, Panami, kod
ustanika u Kolumbiji. Tokom 70-ih godina je istupao s
optuzzbama protiv Pinocceovog rezzima u Ccileu.
Pokrenuo je organizaciju ?Medicina za Irak?. U Njujorku je
otvarao tribunal ?Anti-NATO? za istrazzivanje
zloccina vlade SAD i njenih saveznika protiv iracckog naroda.
Bio je u Jugoslaviji u dane bombardovanja -
dokumentujucci njihove posledice. Delegacija Medjunarodnog
akcionog centra koji je organizovao
dopremala je u Jugoslaviju lekove, bavila se prikupljanjem
ccinjenica i dokumenata koji su potom ussli u
knjigu ?NATO na Balkanu?. Kasnije, u danima izruccivanja
predsednika Jugoslavije Milossevicca
Hasskom tribunalu, Klark je istupao pred narodom na trgu u
Beogradu, pokussavajucci da omete
sklapanje posla izmedju SAD i nove vlade Jugoslavije. Remzi
Klark je sada pravni konsultant

- Ssta se dessavalo u Jugoslaviji tokom
bombardovanja, ssta vam se najvisse urezalo u seccanje.

- Ljudi su stajali na mostovima izazivajucci vatru
na sebe. Na hiljade ljudi su se okupljale na trgovima i
pevale: ?Bombardujte!.. Ako smete!?

Onda je Jugoslavija, dovedena do krajnje
iscrpljenosti, kapitulirala....

Optimista sam. Ali, saznavssi za izruccenje
predsednika Milossevicca Hasskom tribunalu, po prvi put
u ccitavom svom zzivotu osetio sam da gubim optimizam.
Medjutim, kada sam video desetine hiljada gnevnih
demonstranata sa zastavama, moj optimizam je vaskrsao i
pomislio sam: ?Ovi ljudi cce i to prevazicci!?

Kosstunica mi je rekao da cce ?jednom svakako
napisati knjigu o nezakonitosti Hasskog tribunala?.
Nisam ga odgovarao. Poccutavssi, dodao je: ?Mi pokussavamo da
prezzivimo... nekako?. - ?Da prezzivite?
Fiziolosski je to sasvim mogucce. Ali, valjda shvatate da nema
visse ni Jugoslavije ni Srbije?? - rekao sam.
?Slazzem se sa vama, - odgovorio je Kosstunica. - Za to je
potrebna... ccast?.

- Sad se vecc retko kad govori o Milosseviccu, o
Hasskom tribunalu. Onoliko dogadjaja: 11.
septembar, Avganistan, Pakistan i Indija... Ali, sudjenje u
Hagu cce se ipak odrzzati. Ono nije ni zamissljeno
kao jednokratna akcija. Zar ne?

- Vassington je taj tribunal formirao u jeku rata u
Jugoslaviji. To je postalo realna pretnja pravosudju.
Tada sam, 1992. godine, napisao protest koji je possto ga je
federalni sud odbacio, podnet Vrhovnom sudu
Sjedinjenih Drzzava na razmatranje. Protest je bio motivisan
krssenjem normi Ustava SAD o podeli vlasti:
zakon zabranjuje sudsko razmatranje predmeta koji se ticcu
politicckih razmimoilazzenja.

Vlada SAD je, stvarajucci tribunal u Hagu,
ignorisala ne samo sopstveni Ustav, vecc i Povelju
Organizacije Ujedinjenih Nacija. U njoj nigde neccete nacci ni
recci o dopustivosti formiranja bilo kakvog
?medjunarodnog kriviccnog suda? kao rezultat politicckog
konflikta ili, ssto je joss gore, kao rezultat rata.
Zato je tribunal u Hagu nezakonit. I pokussaj njegovog
poredjenja s Nirnbersskim procesom nad
nacisticckom Nemacckom nije nissta drugo do propaganda.

Statut Nirnbersskog tribunala donet je 25. oktobra
1945. godine, mesec dana pre stupanja na snagu
Povelje OUN. Zemlje koje su se ujedinjavale u Organizaciju
Ujedinjenih Nacija tada su postavile uslov: ?Statut
buducceg Tribunala postoji samostalno i necce biti ni u kakvoj
vezi s Poveljom Organizacije Ujedinjenih
Nacija?. Dakle, Nirnbersski vojni tribunal je delovao nezavisno
i bez moguccnosti pritiska politicckih sila
spolja na njegove odluke. To je prvo.

Drugo. Nirnbersski sud je predstavljao inicijativu
ccetiri nacije, dok je u formiranju tribunala u Hagu
uccestvovala jedna jedina zemlja - Sjedinjene Americcke

Ccinjenica funkcionisanja Hasskog tribunala
stvorenog uz uccesscce OUN otvara joss vecce
moguccnosti za SAD u sprovodjenju bilo kog zakona sile, bez
obzira na bilo kakve medjunarodne norme
pravosudja. To su shvatali i Generalna skupsstina OUN i Savet
bezbednosti, ali niti su imali niti imaju kako
odvazznosti, tako i dovoljne nezavisnosti za to da ustanu
protiv toga.

Za SAD nema nicceg neobiccnog u unisstavanju
nepozzeljnih predsednika. Svet je dobio Mobutua
zato ssto smo ubili Lumumbu, i svet je dobio Pinoccea possto
smo ubili Aljendea. I tako dalje. Taj scenarijum
je svetu odavno poznat. Ali zato prodaje predsednika za novac
da bi se dobile namirnice - takvog presedana
u istoriji joss nije bilo.

Tokom rata je bilo nekoliko pokussaja da se
predsednik Jugoslavije ubije. Ne sumnjajte u to: liccno
sam video njegovu kuccu sravnjenu sa zemljom posle direktnog
pogotka ?pametne? bombe. Dve njegove
kancelarije unisstene su na isti naccin. Onda su pokussali da
iznajme ubicu obeccavssi 5 miliona dolara za
Milosseviccevu glavu. Nije im uspelo. Onda - sud u Hagu.

Dugi niz godina zloupotrebe sopstvene snage doveo
nas je do potpunog razaranja ccitavog sudskog
sistema. I sada moramo opet da se uccimo posstovanju zakona.
Zloccini SAD u ratu s Jugoslavijom su
dokumentovani tako da ima nade da cce se pojaviti pravi
medjunarodni organ pravosudja i da cce vlada
SAD biti pozvana na odgovornost i osudjena u skladu s
medjunarodnim zakonom. Unisstili smo Jugoslaviju
samo zato ssto je bila poslednje ostrvo socijalizma u Evropi.
Godinama smo bin Ladena snabdevali oruzzjem
i novcem - sve do pada Sovjetskog Saveza. Sada znamo ssta da se
radi s Dagestanom i ssest bivssih
sovjetskih republika u kojima zzive muslimani, u sluccaju
konflikta s Rusijom.

Ako smo postigli uspeh u Bosni, zassto nam ne bi
posslo za rukom i sa Cceccenijom? Strategija je
ista: muslimani protiv Slovena...

Danas nam govore o dva izvora pretnje bezbednosti
SAD. Prvi je ono ssto je preostalo od dva rata
(Drugog svetskog i hladnog): Kuba, Severna Koreja i - donedavno
- Jugoslavija. Drugi su ?islamski
fundamentalisti?. SSta su to ?fundamentalisti?, niko ne zna.

Sloveni su najbrojnija etniccka grupa u Evropi: ima
ih 300 miliona, dok muslimana na ccitavoj
zemaljskoj kugli nema visse od milijardu i po. Deo nasse
strategije je da se tako izvede da te ?pretnje nassoj
bezbednosti? medjusobno ratuju sve dok se medjusobno ne
istrebe. Tako sada na Kosovu svakodnevno
imamo napade muslimana na Srbe. Joss jedno, novo zzarisste rata
je Makedonija.

Izlaz iz tog bezumlja vidim samo u narodnom
jedinstvu, jer smo u suprotnom svi mi osudjeni na
?prezzivljavanje?. Verujem u narod. U svom jedinstvu to je
nesavladiva snaga.

Sada se odvija konsolidacija i naoruzzavanje
Evropske unije. (Otvoreno ccu recci da nissta ne mozze
biti gore od NATO-a!) Stvaranje evropske armije mozze barem
doprineti uspostavljanju kakve-takve
ravnotezze. NATO je pesnica americcke ekonomije. Evropske banke
i korporacije necce visse da se mire s
tim. Sada cce i one imati svoju pesnicu - nezavisnu evropsku
armiju. A tu vecc poccinje ?takmiccenje?.
Mozzda je to poccetak bezumlja, ali uzdam se u njihovo umecce u
postizanju kompromisa.

- Kad smo vecc kod bezumlja, mislite li da je
pretnja Iraku realna?

- Veliki je rizik udara na Irak. Kongres
Sjedinjenih Drzzava je vecc predsedniku na njegov zahtev
izglasao ovlassccenja za ssirenje vojne akcije protiv Iraka:
392 - ?za? i 12 - ?protiv?. Tako da rat s Irakom
postaje sasvim realan.

- 11. decembra 2001. godine ste povodom Iraka
uputili pismo ambasadorima i ministrima inostranih
poslova zemalja koje ulaze u sastav Sveta bezbednosti OUN. Da
li biste nassim ccitaocima izneli njegov
osnovni sadrzzaj?

- Hvala vam na tom pitanju. Ljudi u svetu moraju
znati ssta se dessava i ne smeju ccutati. Na Irak je od
17. januara do 28. februara 19991. godine, po priznanju
Pentagona, bacceno 88.500 tona bombi.
Bombardovani su objekti od zzivotne vazznosti: vodni
rezervoari, skladissta namirnica, industrijski kompleksi,
verski centri i prosvetne ustanove.

Irak je zbog ekonomskih sankcija izgubio preko 1,5
miliona svojih gradjana. Preko polovinu njih ccine
deca koja nisu dozzivela peti rodjendan. Te sankcije - koje je
Savet bezbednosti OUN bio prinudjen da
donese pod pritiskom vlade SAD - direktno su krssenje
konvencije ?O genocidu? jer vode svesnom
unisstavanju civilnog stanovnisstva Iraka.

Sve komisije koje su po mandatu OUN poseccivale
Irak u poslednjih deset godina svedoccile su o
neljudskim patnjama naroda. Najodvazzniji eksperti tih komisija
otvoreno su protestovali protiv politike
sankcija i inspekcija koju su Sjedinjene Drzzave nametnule
Iraku. Vlada SAD ccak i program ?Nafta za
hranu? koji su OUN donele tek krajem 1996. godine, posle
medjunarodnog protesta protiv unisstavanja
naroda putem ekonomskog gussenja, koristi za svoje politiccke

Stav Sjedinjenih Drzzava ozbiljno je kompromitovao
organizaciju kao ssto je OUN. Savet bezbednosti
OUN je, premda i pod prinudom, uccestvovao u zloccinima SAD
protiv mira i ccoveccanstva. Premda i pod
prinudom, ali kriv je za genocid.

Sada SAD bombarduju Irak kad god im se prohte.
Pritom su prinudjene da putem neprekidne
propagande satanizuju kako Sadama Huseina, tako i ccitav
iraccki narod, koristecci za to sredstva javnog
informisanja potpuno zavisna od vlade SAD.

Americcka propaganda je propaganda rasizma,
propaganda mrzznje i lazzi. Jucce je to bila
antisrpska kampanja, danas je antimuslimanska i tako dalje.

Nabrojaccu zemlje u kojima je politika SAD posle
Drugog svetskog rata dovela do destabilizacije:
Koreja, Vijetnam, Kambo?a, Nikaragva, Dominikanska Republika,
Filipini, Liberija, Kuba, Gvatemala,
Granada, Palestina, Liban, Iran, Somalija, Sudan, Haiti,
Salvador, Honduras, Angola, Hrvatska, Jugoslavija,
Sijera Leone, Irak, Indonezija, Avganistan. Ko je sledecci?
Glasila razmatraju mogucce kandidature.
Medjutim, imamo li ijednu ccinjenicu koja dokazuje krivicu
Iraka za bilo kakav zloccin protiv ccoveccanstva
tokom ccitave poslednje decenije? Mozzemo li izneti issta ssto
bi iole bilo nalik na zloccine Sjedinjenih
Drzzava protiv te zemlje? Cilj americcke politike je
uspostavljanje kontrole i vladavine na Bliskom Istoku, u
Persijskom zalivu i Centralnoj Aziji.

Mislim da bi bilo izuzetno vazzno kada bi Rusija
protestovala. I to ne samo na diplomatskom nivou ili u
sstampi, nego putem Saveta bezbednosti i Generalne skupsstine
OUN. Rusija je jedina zemlja koja mozze
stati na put SAD koje danas igraju ulogu narkomana opijenog
sopstvenim ?uspesima?.

- Ssta mislite o predsedniku Rusije Vladimiru

- Nama je ovde u Americi neverovatno slozzeno da
analiziramo radnje ruskog predsednika i tim pre
da izvlaccimo bilo kakve zakljuccke: mi nemamo verodostojnih
informacija niti ih mozzemo imati.

- Zassto? Kako to objassnjavate?

- Mislim da je stvar u tome ssto Sjedinjene Drzzave
ne zzele da ccuju nissta pozitivno o vassoj zemlji.
Kod nas ccuju samo one u Rusiji koji i dalje insistiraju na
takozvanim ?reformama? usmerenim, kao ssto je
poznato, na nass sopstveni procvat i genocid ruskog naroda. Sve
ostale informacije se blokiraju, iako se
ccuvaju u sefovima za aktivno misleccu agenturu s visokim
ekonomskim obrazovanjem.

Medjutim, ono ssto sam u stanju da analiziram
svedocci o tome da u najvazznijim pitanjima
predsednik Putin deluje onako kako mora delovati snazzan lider
koji brani interese svoje zemlje i svog
naroda. U spoljnoj politici, u najbitnijem za SAD pitanju novog
americckog sistema PRO, on afirmisse
nezavisnost Rusije. To govori da Rusija i dalje stoji na
stanovisstvu zasstite mira na Zemlji.

Po mom missljenju, delovanje predsednika Putina u
medjunarodnoj politici je najbolji i jedini mogucci
izbor u okolnostima u koje je njegova zemlja dovedena. Ccini mi
se da mu i u unutrassnjoj politici, premda uz
velike potesskocce, uspeva da postepeno blokira vecc reklo bi
se nekontrolisanu pljaccku zemlje i zaustavi
osiromassenje ruskog naroda. On mora da u najtezzim okolnostima
donosi odluke i deluje. I u tim
okolnostima on se nedvosmisleno ponassa kao snazzan i pouzdan

On ima vrlo pametan stav po pitanju NATO-a,
proglassavajucci tu gangstersku massinu za ?saborca i
druga? Rusije i samim tim neutralissucci NATO makar za izvesno
vreme. Rusiji je potrebno vreme da se
digne na noge i orijentisse u onome ssto se dessava.

- A savez sa Sjedinjenim Drzzavama u ?novom ratu s
terorizmom?? Mislite da je i to pametna igra,
dobitak za Rusiju?

- Ne, ne mislim. Brine me stav predsednika Ruske
Federacije po tom pitanju, possto vidim da je tu
upao u postavljenu klopku: shvatanje i otklanjanje pravih
uzroka katastrofe koju Rusija dozzivljava odlazze se
zbog medjunacionalnih ratova unutar zemlje, a sada i van njenih
granica. To je izum rasisticcke zemlje kao
ssto su SAD a za zemlje sa vissenacionalnim stanovnisstvom, na
primer, Jugoslaviju i Rusiju. Jer, to je
zvaniccan stav Vassingtona: ?Neka se sami potamane?. ?Etniccka
ccissccenja? - tragedija Jugoslavije -
sada su se okrenula protiv njenog slovenskog stanovnisstva.
Sjedinjenim Drzzavama je posslo za rukom da
od Rusije otkinu ssest bivssih republika Sovjetskog Saveza sa
svim njihovim prirodnim bogatstvima. Ta
politika nacionalne mrzznje imala je za rezultat to da je pod
udar dospeo ogroman broj Rusa koji zzive na
teritoriji tih bivssih republika.

Ruska Federacija je sada saveznik SAD i zajedno s
njima cce ratovati ?protiv islama?. Medjutim,
saveznisstvo sa SAD predstavlja izuzetno veliku opasnost za
Rusku Federaciju. Ono mozze dovesti do
konfrontacije zzitelja Rusije s okolnim muslimanskim zemljama i
sa muslimanima koji zzive u samoj Rusiji. To
potvrdjuje ?ispravnost? politike Vassingtona (?neka se sami
potamane?) i pruzzicce neprocenjivu pomocc
SAD u njihovoj geopoliticckoj agresiji.

Zato mi se ccini da Rusija sada treba da ulozzi
neverovatne napore da bi povratila prijateljstvo i
poverenje muslimana.

- Ssta mislite, hocce li Rusija saccuvati
suverenitet i nezavisnost?

- Verujem da hocce. Mozzda bi bolje bilo recci:
nadam se... Bio sam mnogo puta u Rusiji. Ruski narod
poseduje veliku snagu. I njegova volja za nezavisnost nema
analoga u istoriji ccoveccanstva.

... Ovih dana sam bio na probi Kirovskog baleta u
karnegi-holu. Ruska muzika! Ruski muziccari!..
Koliku snagu ti ljudi imaju! Treba slussati rusku muziku da bi
se shvatilo koliko je taj narod velik. Jako volim
rusku muziku. Zato i govorim o snazi tog naroda...

Tessko da ljudi na Zapadu shvataju do kolike bede i
ponizzenja je taj narod doveden. To bi u nama
moralo izazvati uzzasavanje, a ne likovanje povodom ?uspeha?
nasse hajke protiv Rusije joss od poccetka
prosslog veka!

Ali, narod cce se dicci. Ja to posmatram s velikom
radossccu. Vidim prozrenje, zapazzam rastucce
kretanje u smeru stvaranja vecce federacije - to jest obnove
onoga ssto je tako neodgovorno bilo srusseno.
Zemlja postepeno prevazilazi stanje defetizma u kom je toliko

Strani kapital, ekonomska agresija nijednoj zemlji
nisu doneli nissta osim postepenog i potpunog
osiromassenja, potpune zavisnosti od tog kapitala.

Smatram da cce period ekonomske recesije koji sada
u medjunarodnim razmerama napreduje,
nesumnjivo pomocci Rusiji da opet pronadje sebe. Zassto? Pa
zato ssto ekonomija Rusije ne zavisi od onih
vesstacckih ccinilaca na kojima se temelji ekonomija SAD ili
Japana, na primer. A obnova unisstene
ekonomije Rusije zalog je njenog preporoda u koji, kao ssto
rekoh, verujem. Ili - hoccu da se nadam...

- Kada su SAD bombardovale Srbiju ccesto se moglo
ccuti: ?Rusija je sledecca!? Da li je rat izmedju
SAD i Rusije mogucc?

- Mislim da nije. Ali, mogucce su stotine
takozvanih ?malih ratova? koji cce nas drzzati pod stalnom
pretnjom onog nuklearnog. Karakter rata se menja posle pojave
vazduhoplovne super-sile. Ubijanje iz
vazduha bespomoccnog stanovnisstva ili naoruzzanog protivnika
(koji je, ispostavlja se, u doticcnom sluccaju
isto toliko bespomoccan) - to je ono ?novo lice? rata kojim se
SAD danas toliko ponose. Niko se u
Sjedinjenim Drzzavama ne optereccuje brojanjem civilnog
stanovnisstva ubijenog u takvim bombardovanjima.
I armija SAD ratuje ?bez gubitaka?... To je sramota, ali se
zato ?isplati?!

Mislim da je svetu danas veoma potrebna jaka i
nezavisna Rusija, possto je ruski narod jedini u stanju
da zaustavi tu opijenost ubijanjem koja u SAD traje od trenutka
zavrssetka hladnog rata. Hladni rat nije bio
Vassingtonu smetnja za monstruozne zloccine protiv
ccoveccanstva, ali je snazzan Sovjetski Savez
spreccavao SAD od agresivnih ccinova krupnih razmera. A sada se
sve ?mozze?: smenjivati nepozzeljne
vlade, organizovati atentate na predsednike, mozze se
bombardovati sve ssto se krecce, mozze se
naoruzzavati Izrael da unisstava Palestince i optuzzivati
Arafat za ?terorizam?...

Rusija je jedina nacija sposobna da sprecci razvoj
genocidnog scenarijuma. Narod Kine nije u stanju
da odigra tu ulogu. Kineski narod je dospeo u drugu klopku -
takmiccenja za ekonomsku mocc. To - ako bude
srecce - vodi ka snu o super-sili. To cce, sa svoje strane,
nastaviti politiku Sjedinjenih Drzzava uperenu na
unisstavanje malih i bespomoccnih nacija a u cilju njihove

Zato liccno ja verujem (ili hoccu da se nadam) da
cce narod Rusije - zbog svog internacionalnog
naccina missljenja i istorijske prosslosti - nassavssi sebe,
uspeti da postane centar odvraccanja za SAD i to
cce se blagotvorno odraziti na stanje ccitavog sveta.

- Da dotaknemo temu globalizma i antiglobalista.

- Sigurno je da je u toku napad na globalizaciju.
Ljudi su pocceli da shvataju da je globalizacija
smrtonosna za njihove kulture. I oni ne zzele da sve ssto je
ccoveccanstvo milenijumima stvaralo zamene za
uliccna kolica s hamburgerima.

Nedavno sam ccuo od jednog komentatora koji je
branio ideju eksploatacije nafte na Aljasci:
?Nazivajucci taj proces ?istrazzivanje?, dajete mi na znanje da
ste njegov pristalica, a ako govorite o
?pravljenju naftnih bussotina? - jasno je da ste protiv?. Kako
da Sjedinjene Drzzave, kojima pripada 75 %
sredstava MMF i STO, drugaccije nazovu ekonomski napad na tudje
zemlje i narode koji joss nisu uspeli da
sasvim prekopaju i unakaze svoje zemlje bogate prirodnim
resursima? Stari termin ?kolonizacija? mozzda se
necce svideti, pogotovo onim narodima koji su vecc u nekoliko
navrata ?globalizovani? u cilju usavrssavanja
civilizacije. Globalizacija je eufemizam i nissta drugo. Morao
bi se dicci protest protiv lazzi koja stoji iza njega.
I - na zaprepassccenje umornog sveta - demonstracije protiv
globalizacije izvele su na ulice na hiljade
uglavnom mladih. Raduje me njihova masovna pojava: to govori o
zdravoj prirodi ccoveka.

Globalizacija nema nikakvu drugu motivaciju osim
profita. Danas, u uslovima pada ekonomskih
pokazatelja u SAD, rat, i to po moguccstvu veccih razmera,
postaje sve potrebniji poljuljanoj americckoj
ekonomiji. A za to se ne mozze smisliti nissta bolje od ?borbe
s terorizmom?. To je jedna strana medalje.

S druge strane, dok taj rat nije zavrssen, recesija
kocci globalizaciju. A da ne govorim o tome da cce
Sjedinjene Drzzave morati da terorissu ne samo spoljnog
neprijatelja, nego i sopstveno stanovnisstvo,
gradjane Amerike. Nedavno je ?Njujork-Tajms? objavio cclanak
pod naslovom ?Zemlji su potrebni zatvori?.
Ispostavlja se da nam nisu potrebne ni sskole, ni bolnice. Ali
cce zato broj zatvorenika premassiti sadassnji
broj od dva miliona... A sve to u situaciji kada kod nas pre
recesije 48 % gradjana nije imalo pristup
medicinskim uslugama, a odredjeni procenat svrssenih djaka
nassih sskola ne ume, kako se pokazalo, ni da
ccita ni da pisse.

Nass zadatak je da ljudima objasnimo ssta je to u
stvari globalizacija. To je odricanje od nacionalne
nezavisnosti. To je odricanje naroda od svojih milenijumima
formiranih kultura. To je uskraccivanje nassoj
deci moguccnosti da grade svoj zzivot na nivou ekonomske
dovoljnosti. I ako svet to joss nije shvatio na
primeru svih zemalja Latinske Amerike, Afrike, malih i velikih
ostrva Zapadne i Istoccne polulopte cciji narodi
ginu u borbi protiv stogodissnje globalizacije njihovih zemalja
i kultura; ako napad na slovensko stanovnisstvo
Balkana i na muslimanski narod Iraka, bombardovanje iraccke
dece i glad dece Avganistana u vama joss
uvek ne izazivaju zdravi gnev, onda i treba da nas zgaze zbog
nasse potpune gradjanske neodgovornosti. Ali,
ja sam optimista. I vidim da protiv globalizacije sve visse
protestuju zasstitnici ccovekove okoline, farmeri,
verski lideri, studenti, djaci, radniccki odbori, drusstvene
organizacije... To je ustanak.

- Verujete li da taj ustanak necce biti najsurovije
ugussen? ?Zemlji su potrebni zatvori?...

- Zasad ne mogu recci da je pokret protiv
globalizacije stekao snagu sposobnu da se odupre
surovosti apologeta globalizma. Ali sam uveren da je on vecc
izmakao kontroli i da cce se u povoljnom sticaju
okolnosti, kao ssto je kriza na trzzisstima, konsolidovati.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian
newspaper advocating liberation)

After it was made on November 6, the Decision of the Federal Constitutional
Court on unconstitutionality of the the Federal Government's Decree on
cooperation with the so-called tribunal in the Hague has finally been
published. Here is an unofficial English translation of it.

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF FRY, No.70/01, December 28, 2001


On the constitutionality and legality test of the Decree on the procedure
for cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal


The Federal Constitutional Court, pursuant to the provisions of Article 127,
par 2 of the Constitution of FRY and the provisions of Article 15, par 1 of
the Rules of Procedure of the Federal Constitutional Court (Official Gazette
of FRY, no.44/93 and 25/95), established that the Socialist Party of Serbia,
Belgrade and Patriotic Union of Yugoslavia, Belgrade challenged
constitutionality and legality of the Decree on the procedure for
cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal (Official Gazette of
FRY, no.30/0).

The Court also established that more than one joint or individual
initiatives contested the constitutionality and legality of the same Decree,
as follows: joint initiative of professors and assistant professors of the
Faculty of Law in Belgrade: 1) Dr. Ljubisa Lazarevic, full professor; 2) dr.
Kosta Cavoski, full professor; 3) Dragutin Coskic, full professor; dr.
Dragutin Orlic, full professor; 5) Dr. Budimir Kosutic, full professor;
Dr.Slobodan Markovic, full professor; 7) Dr. Slobodan Panov,
senior-lecturer;8)Balsa Kascelan, assistant probationer; 9)Dr. Ratko
Markovic, full professor; 10) Dr.Mirjana Stefanovski, associate professor;
11( Dr. Zagorka Jekic, full professor; 12)Dr. Djordje Lazic, associate
professor; 13) Branko M.Rakic, senior-lecturer; 14) Dr. Stevan Djordjevic,
full professor; 15) Dr. Jugoslav Stankovic, full professor; 16) Dr.Sasa
Bovan, senior lecturer; 17) Dr. Milena Polajac, senior-lecturer; Dr. Milosav
Milosevic, senior-lecturer; 19) Goran Ilic M.A., assistant professor;
Dr.Zika Bujuklic, senior-lecturer; 21)Dejan Djordjevic, assistant
probationer; Bojan Milisavljevic, assistant-probationer; 23) Dr. Vladimir
Stoiljkovic, senior-lecturer; 24) Dr.Oliver Antic, full professor; 25)
Dr.Obrad Stanojevic, full professor; 26) Gordana Pavicevic-Vukasinovic,
senior-lecturer; 27) Zlatija Djukic-Veljovic, full professor; 28) Vladan
Petrov, assistant-probationer; 29) Aleksandar Gajic, assistant probationer;
30) Dr.Vera Cuckovic, full professor; 31) Miodrag Jovanovic, M.A. assistant
professor; 32) Dr.Olivera Vucic, senior-lecturer; 33) Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic,
full professor; 34) Dr.Borivoje Cunderic, full professor; 35)Dr. Ranko Keca,
full professor; 36) Academician Vlajko Brajic, full professor 37) Marko
Djurdjevic, assistant; 38) Dr.Djordje Ignjatovic, full professor; 39) Zoran
Mirkovic, M.A. assistant;40) Dr.Vladan Joncic, seniro-lecturer;41) Dr.
Nebojsa Jovanovic, associate professor; 42) Dr.Milan Skulic,
senior-lecturer; 43) Natasa Delic, M.A. assistant; 44) Nenad Tesic,
assistant-probationer; 45) Dr. Vladimir Milic, full professor; 46)
Aleksandar Jaksic, senior-lecturer; 47) Dr.Miodrag Simic, full professor;
48) Dr.Zoran Stojanovic, full professor; 49) Dr. Snezana Petrovic, associate
professor; 50) Vuk Radovic, assistant-probationer; 51) Mr.Dragan Panic,
assistant; joint initiative of lawyers; 52) Toma Fila of Belgrade, 53)
Branimir Gugl of Belgrade; 54) Momcilo Bulatovic of Belgrade; 55) Zdenko
Tomanovic of Belgrade; Moma Raicevic of Belgrade; individual intitatives:
56) The Yugoslav Left, Belgrade; 57) Budimir Rudovic, Belgrade; 58) Jovan
Koprivica, lawyer of Belgrade; 59) Dragan Ivanovic, lawyer of Pozarevac;
Branko Nikolic, of Pozega; 61) Vladimir Teslic of Krusevac; 62) Cedomi Cosic
of Jasa Tomic;63) Municipal Committee of the Socialist Party in Priboj; 64)
Branko Miletic of Vrnjacka Banja; 65) Municipal Committee of the Yugoslav
Left in Pozarevac; 66) Commission of the Federal Parliament for Freedom
Realization; 67)The Municipal Committee of the Yugoslav Left in Kula; 68)
The Municipal Committee of the Socialist Party in Bela Palanka; 69) Ratomir
Vojvodic lawyer of Belgrade; 70) Dr.Vidak Krivokapic, of Belgrade; 71)
Prof.Dr.Vladimir Stambuk of Belgrade, 72) Council of the Leftist Youth in
Belgrade; 75) Ratomir Rojevic of Kosovska Mitrovic; 76)Ferid Hamovic of
Belgrade; 77) Milomir Markovic of Prokuplje; 78) Srdjan Smiljkovic, of
Belgrade; 79) Dusanka Milenkovic of Prokuplje; 80) Milija Peric, of Blace;
81) Mileta Sokovic of Pljevlja, 82) Zivojin Stanic of Kragujevac; 83)Dusan
Unkovic of Belgrade; 84) Ljubisa Ristic,of Belgrade; 85) Vladimir Dujic of
Belgrade; 86) Mesud Axemovic of Belgrade; 87) Committee of University Left
in Belgrade; 88) Dr. Ljubomir Grujic of France and 89) Municipal Committee
of the Yugoslav Left in Knin.

The Court ruled, pursuant to Article 14 of the Rules of Procedure of the
Constitutional Court, to join the proceedings on the initiatives and
applications of the authorized applicants into single process and one

The applications lodging the initiative were submitted to the Federal
Government, in keeping with the provisions of Article 26, par 1 of the Law
on the Federal Constitutional Court, asking for reply. The Federal
Government, acting through the Federal Ministry of Justice, replied to the
Federal Constitutional Court.

By virtue of Article 132 of the Constitution of FRY, the Federal
Constitutional Court issued the Decision IV U no.103/01 through 129/01
suspending the enforcement of the Order of the Federal Ministry of Justice
on extradition of indicted individuals issued further to the Decree on the
procedure fo cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal,
no.2/1-121/8-01-06 dated 25 June 2001 and actions by other state authorities
taken in enforcement of that Order, on 28 June, 2001.


1. The submitted initiatives suggest that the contested Decree is not in
conformity with the Constitution of FRY and the Law on Criminal Proceedings
in formal and material terms. In formal terms because the Federal Government
overstepped its constitutional powers, by passing the contested Decree, as
stipulated in Article 99 par 1 item 4) of the Constitution of FRY,
stipulating, inter alia, also the possibility of transfer at the request of
the International Criminal Tribunal the criminal prosecution of an
individual who is subjected to criminal proceedings in the competent court
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or adjudicated under the final court
decision; possibility of extradition of individuals located in the territory
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia irrespective of being foreigners or
nationals; having attempted to regulate the issues of the procedure for
protection of law in courts and other state authorities it has taken the
legislative prerogatives determined in the Constitution of FRY, because the
provision of Article 26, par 1 of the Constitution of FRY guarantees the
right to everyone to equitable protection of his/her rights in the legally
determined procedure, and not in the procedure established under a by-law;
that the contested Decree is not giving effect to the federal law but
changes as an incompetent authority, in a non-constitutional manner, via a
by-law, the Law on Criminal Proceedings, which expressly prohibits
extradition of the Yugoslav nationals, while allows it for foreigners only
in the cases specified under that Law; that the Decree, issued by
non-competent authority regulated the organization, competence and
composition of courts in the constituent Republic, although those issues, by
virtue of the provisions of Article 6 par 3 of the Constitution of FRY fall
within exclusive purview of the authorities of the constituent republic;
which under the contested Decree of the non-competent authority delegated
(surrendered) a part of national judicial and other state authorities to a
foreign court (gathering information from citizens; hearing of suspects, the
indicted, injured, witnesses and expert witnesses, including autopsy and
exhumation of corpses, gathering of material evidence; inspection and
prescription of identity papers including those compiled or gathered by the
Yugoslav judicial and other state authorities on violations of the
international humanitarian law);that the entire competence of national
courts and other state authorities to conduct court proceedings in certain
criminal offenses stipulated by law are assigned to a foreign court, which
violates the principle of territorial jurisdiction of the Yugoslav judicial
and other state authorities, in view of the fact that delegation of court
competence from the national to foreign or a court outside the country fall
within the purview of the federal legislator. In material terms, according
to the allegations provided the contested Decree is not in compliance with
the Constitution of FRY and the Law on criminal proceedings, because: is
enables extradition of the Yugoslav citizens to another state, although
under the provisions of Article 17, par 3 of the Constitution of FRY is
prohibited; because the Decree enables extradition of foreigners to another
state, despite the provisions of Article 66 par 2 of the Constitution of FRY
stipulates that a foreigner may be extradited to another state only in cases
anticipated under the international treaties which bind FRY and which were
ratified and published in compliance with the Constitution of FRY, Articles
16 and 66 ); because by virtue of Article 28 of the Constitution of FRY no
one may be adjudicated or sentenced again for an offense if the process
against him was finally suspended, or the indictment act against him was
finally rejected, or if he/she was acquitted under the final ruling or
sentenced, while the contested Decree stipulated the possibility of
assigning the proceedings to the International Criminal Tribunal and
surrender of the person charged although the proceedings against him was
finalized in the national court under the final court ruling; because the
contested Decree enables the initiation of process actions undertaken by the
investigation authorities and the Prosecutor of the International Criminal
Tribunal, and against which no legal remedy is allowed, or submission to any
other court in violation of the provisions of Article 67, par 4 of the
Constitution of FRY, which stipulates that the freedoms and rights
recognized and guaranteed by the Constitution of FRY enjoy court protection
in a national court, and also the protection of the right to personal
freedom, not to be denied to anyone except in cases and under the procedure
set out in the Federal law (Article 25, par 1 and 2 of the Constitution of
FRY);because that Decree relates to foreigners and Yugoslav citizens, hence,
accordingly to their extradition to the International Criminal Tribunal,
despite the provision of Article 17 par 3 of the Constitution of FRY, which
prohibits the extradition of the Yugoslav citizens to another state, namely
to a foreign court, namely the court seated in another state, beyond the
jurisdiction of FR Yugoslavia, since the prohibition covers any foreign
court, whether established by one or more countries; because the Law on
Criminal Proceedings prohibits surrender of the accused or sentenced
persons - Yugoslav citizens- to a foreign country; because the stated
constitutional and legal prohibition of extradition of the Yugoslav citizens
could be changed only via amendments to the Constitution of FRY and the Law
on Criminal Proceedings, in the proceedings prescribed under the
Constitution of FRY rather than by a by-law as was the case with the
contested Decree; that the legal merit for approval of the contested Decree
is unconstitutional; that the same does not contain preamble on the legal
merit, but the provisions of its Article 1 prescribes that it should govern
the procedure of cooperation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with the
International Criminal Tribunal in honoring the "obligations of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia under the UN SC Resolution 827(1993) and the Statute
of the International Criminal Tribunal`; that the mentioned Resolution,
establishing the International Criminal Tribunal or the Statute of that
Court are no integral part of the internal legal system, because by virtue
of the provision in Article 16, par 2 of the Constitution of FRY the
integral part of the internal legal system shall be only the international
treaties ratified and published in keeping with the Constitution and
generally accepted rules of international law; that the above stated
Resolution of the Security Council and the Statute of the Tribunal, which is
an integral part thereof, can be no legal basis for the approval of the
contested Decree; that the Federal Government, by virtue of the Constitution
of FRY, may enact decrees, decisions and other instruments only in giving
effect to the federal laws and other regulations and general enactment
provided it is empowered under these acts to do so, while the Law on
Criminal Proceedings did not specify such powers.

2. The reply received from the Federal Government, through the Federal
Ministry of Justice stated that; according to Article 16 of the Constitution
of FRY, the international treaties which were confirmed and published in
keeping with the Constitution and generally accepted rules of international
law are the integral part of the internal law, while the provisions of
Article 124 par 1, item 2 of the Constitution of FRY implies that the
international treaties are, in terms of legal strength above the federal
laws; that on the merit of the above stated and the fact that FRY is member
of the United Nations and signatory to the UN Charter, it follows that FRY
is bound to cooperate in full with the International Criminal Tribunal,
established by the Security Council based on the authorities set in the UN
Charter, independent of the provisions of the national laws: that the
Security Council in its Resolution 827 (1993) approved the Statute if the
Tribunal and decided to establish it under the official name of "The
International Tribunal for prosecution of the responsible individuals for
grave violations of the international humanitarian law in former Yugoslavia
between 1 January 1991 and the date to be established by the Security
Council after peace shall have been reestablished"; that, despite the fact
that no establishment of an ad hoc international criminal tribunal has been
expressly stipulated in the UN Charter, it could be taken as an acceptable
measure, under Articles 24, 25 and 29 and Chapter VII, (specifically under
Articles 39, 40 and 41) of the UN Charter relating to the powers of the
Security Council; that under Article 29 of the Charter the Security Council
may establish ancillary bodies in pursuance of its tasks, while the
mentioned Article 39 of the Charter authorizes the Security Council to
determine threat of peace, violation of peace or aggression and issue
recommendations or decide which measures to take to establish international
peace and security; that based on Article 25 of the Charter member states
have agreed to accept and implement the decisions of the Security Council in
compliance with the Charter, as well as that all the resolutions adopted
further to Chapter VII of the Charter are binding on all the UN members;
that the Security Council, on the occasion of armed conflicts in the
territory of former SFRY, exhausted all interim measures under Article 40
of the Charter; that the approval of the Resolution 827 on the establishment
of the International Criminal Tribunal of 25 May 1993, unanimously accepted
the report of the UN Secretary General and the Statute of the Tribunal,
while at the later UN General Assembly sessions there were no objections to
the mentioned instruments of the Security Council; that the argument that
"the activity of the International Criminal Tribunal amounted to the
interference in the internal affairs of a state`, neglects the provisions of
Article 2, point 7 of the Charter, which provided that the prohibition of
interference is not applicable in case of coercion measure taken under
Chapter VII of the Charter, under which the International Criminal Tribunal
was established; that the remark that the Statute of the International
Criminal Tribunal is in collision with the provisions of the Constitution of
FRY, which prohibits the extradition of the Yugoslav citizens is groundless,
because the provision of Article 17, par 3 of the Constitution of FR of
Yugoslavia does not refer to the international court established by the
United Nations, whose member FR of Yugoslavia is; that the claim of the
initiator of the constitutional dispute cannot be accepted that in the
interpretation of the mentioned provision of the Constitution of FRY the
point of departure should not be linguistic but historical, namely the fact
that at the time of the enactment of the Constitution of FRY existed no
international criminal tribunal, since the International Criminal Tribunal
is not the first of the kind, but that its predecessors were military courts
in Nuremberg and Toki, established under the London treaty of 1945; finally
that in 1998 in Rome, at the UN plenipotentiary conference, years old idea
on the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal under the
auspices of UN was realized under the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Tribunal, and that the Statute was ratified by Yugoslavia in June
2001; that under the provision of Article 89 of the Rome Statute the
obligation of the states signatories is to extradite own nationals to that
court; that Article 6 of the Convention the prevention and punishment of the
crime of genocide of 1948, ratified by Yugoslavia in 1950 it was set out
that "persons accused of the crime of genocide or any other crime under
Article 3 shall be transferred for trial to the competent courts of the
state on whose territory the relevant crime was perpetrated or to the
International Criminal Tribunal that will have jurisdiction over those
states parties, which shall recognize its jurisdiction`; that hence, it
cannot be said that the constitution maker was not aware of the possibility
and certainty of establishment of such a court, the more so as no
constitution is enacted for current requirements but for a longer time
frame; that apart from it, even if such an interpretation would be accepted
on the constitutional ban on extradition of nationals, the above mentioned
constitutional status of an international treaty in the legal system of FR
Yugoslavia it follows that the Statute and the Rules of the International
Criminal Tribunal, being part of the UN Charter, is part of the internal law
of FR of Yugoslavia, so that a part of obligations on account of legal
assistance (under Article 29 of the Statute) which involves the surrender
of the accused derogates so understood a constitutional ban on extradition
of own citizen; that the norm in the Article 29 of the Statute has the
strength "above the law" under Article 124 par 1 point 2 the of Constitution
of FRY, and since only the Constitution is supreme to any law, that norm
would be actually of equal rank to the Constitution, and would be like lex
posterior and lex specialis stronger than the earlier general
constitutional norm; that the remark about the International Criminal
Tribunal being "political court" is groundless, since it was established by
the international community to put on trial any person who in the period
from 1 January 1991 until reestablishment of peace perpetrated crime that
may be qualified as a grave violation of the international humanitarian law
and irrespective of the citizenship held; that the provisions of the
Statute in material terms are in full compliance with the fundamental
principle of criminal law, namely the principle of legality "nullum crimen,
nulla poena sine lege"; that the material requirements of punishment were
known before the onset of the court activities, namely at the time of
perpetration of the alleged crimes and the same are contained in the
international law, to the effect that the crimes were set out both in the
international conventions and in the internal law of the states
participating in the conflict; that it the remark is groundless that the
persons put on trial by the International Criminal Tribunal will be in an
unequal position vis a vis persons tried by the national courts, in view
of the fact that according to the Statute of the Court the maximum prison
term is life long imprisonment, while in the Yugoslav legislation for
offenses under the federal law the prison term is twenty years, since
Article 101 of the Statute of the Court it was stipulated that in weighing
the sentence the usual practice inter alia shall be taken into account in
pronouncing the prison term in courts of former Yugoslavia; that, apart from
it, with the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal the
national sovereignty was not completely cancelled because the international
community primarily expects from the successor states of ex-SFRY to
demonstrate their respective political and legal maturity, and institute, in
fair and impartial manner in their national courts proceedings against all
the individuals who violated the rules of the international humanitarian
law, irrespective of nationality, political status and the similar, and only
if those states shall have failed to proceed, the jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Tribunal shall be activated; that the supremacy of
jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal shall be effectuated in
exceptional cases, namely that the national courts cannot re-try the cases
in which the International Criminal Tribunal adjudicated (the principle non
bis in idem), as well as that the International Criminal Tribunal is
entitled to renew the proceedings in an adjudicated matter in the national
courts, if the accused was sentenced for an ordinary offense but not the
crime against the international law or if the proceedings instituted in the
national court was non-objective and partial as to protect the accused from
the international criminal responsibility(Article 10 of the Statute which
does not accept the principle res indicata): that, on the merit of the
above, and particularly because UN Charter, Statute and Rules of the
International Criminal Tribunal approved in keeping with the Charter, are
integral parts of the internal law and that they have priority over the
federal law, it follows that the cooperation of FR Yugoslavia with the
International Criminal Tribunal is her obligation and that it may proceed
directly, under the Statute and the Rules of the Tribunal, only; that the
substance of the disputed Decree was to detail the forms of such cooperation
only, to facilitate it and eliminate possible ambiguities, and that it only
effectuates the implementation of the mentioned international instrument and
our legal system. Due to the above stated reasons the objection is
groundless that the Statute of the Tribunal conflicts other international
instruments acceded to by Yugoslavia, because under Article 103 of the UN
Charter, in case of conflict between the obligations of a UN member state
under the Charter and their obligations under another international treaty,
their obligations under UN Charter shall prevail.

3. The Federal Constitutional Court, further to Article 58 par 3 of the Law
on the Federal Constitutional Court, held a public debate with the parties
in the proceedings and some scholars.

The parties in the process have explained the details of the allegations,
provided in the Annex, their initiatives and replies received, while
Dr.Milorad Perovic, professor at the Faculty of Law in Podgorica, in his
written opinion stated that the contested Decree is untenable since it
violates the Constitution of FRY in formal and substantive terms. According
to him, the Decree is impossible to implement, because it stipulated the
cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal under the Rules of the
Statute of the Tribunal, but also in compliance with the Constitution of FR
Yugoslavia and its relevant law (Law on the Criminal Proceedings). Those
rules are, however, mutually exclusive.


1. The Federal Government regulated in the contested Decree the procedure
for cooperation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with the International
Criminal Tribunal in criminal prosecution of individuals responsible for
grave crimes against the international humanitarian law perpetrated in the
territory of ex-Yugoslavia since 1991(hereinafter: the International
Criminal Tribunal) and performance of obligations of FRY stemming from the
Security Council Resolution 827(1993) and the Statute of the International
Criminal Tribunal.

The Decree covered, inter alia: transfer of criminal proceedings held in the
national courts to the International Criminal Tribunal if so requested;
proceedings and jurisdiction of courts and other authorities for decision
making in such matters (Article 12 ad 13): the proceedings in national
courts after the transfer of the proceedings to the International Criminal
Tribunal (Article 14): the possibility of extradition of all the accused
(foreigners and Yugoslav citizens) to the jurisdiction of the International
Criminal Tribunal and its investigation bodies to undertake activities in
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Articles 9 and 10); legal assistance to
the International Criminal Tribunal, including granting of transit of the
Yugoslav citizens through the territory if the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia( Articles 18 and 19) and others. The Decree contains references
to the application of the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal and
its Rules of Procedure and Evidence, to be applied by judicial and other
authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Articles l, 2, 6, 12 and

2. The provisions of Constitution of FRY provided for the following: power
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is organized along the principle of
division of legislative, executive and judicial power (Article 12); the
executive and judicial power are bound by the laws, which are in compliance

A resolution of the Assembly and a process in its Committee on Legal
Affairs and Human Rights have been initiated in the last
week session by a group of CPRF deputies, joined by their
colleagues of the Left from other six countries.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =

"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Violations of Law in the Case of
Slobodan Milosevic

24 January 2002

Motion for the resolution

presented by Mr. Zyuganov and others

1. The Assembly notes that new facts have emerged concerning
the involvement of Osama bin Laden, leader of the Al
Qaeda terrorist organisation, in supporting the so-called
Kosovo Liberation Army. This evidence proves the KLA was part
of the international terrorist network. This in turn makes it
possible to assess the nature of the conflict in Kosovo in
1998-1999 differently, proving that the aim of the Yugoslav
leadership was not to suppress a liberation movement but to fight
armed separatism and international terrorism.

2. Slobodan Milosevic was arrested on 31 March 2001. But an
investigation by the Yugoslav authorities, which lasted three
months, resulted only in an accusation of "abuse of position."

3. The transfer of Mr. Milosevic from Belgrade to The Hague in
June 2001 at the demand of the International Criminal
Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) was carried out in gross
violation of the Yugoslav Constitution. This was confirmed by the
Yugoslav Constitutional Court decision of 6 November 2001. Thus
the unlawful transfer of Mr. Milosevic to The Hague may
be considered kidnapping.

4. As a result of the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic, the Yugoslav
State was denied the right to a court examination of the
accusations leveled against the former head of state, while Mr.
Milosevic was deprived of the right to defend himself against
those accusations.

5. The ICTY was created by a decision of the UN Security
Council. However the UN Charter does not permit the UNSC
to create judicial bodies. Thus the legitimacy of the ICTY is
highly questionable.

6. A group of independent lawyers has submitted a complaint to
the European Court for Human Rights in connection with the
flagrant violations of law in the ?Milosevic case?. However the
ICTY authorities prevent free and unmonitored
communication between Mr. Milosevic and his lawyers. This
violates the generally recognised norms of human rights.

7. During Mr. Milosevic?s detention in Holland his rights have
been notably violated by the 24 hour a day illumination of his
cell and by monitoring him 24 hours a day, using video and
infrared equipment.

8. The Assembly calls on the Dutch and Yugoslav authorities as
well as the ICTY to work for the return of Mr. Milosevic to
Yugoslavia. That would help end the violation of law caused by
his transfer to Holland. It would enable Yugoslavia to
exercise its right for a court trial of Mr. Milosevic and it
would allow Mr. Milosevic to exercise his right to defend himself.

Until then the Assembly calls on the ICTY to ensure that the
conditions of Mr. Milosevic's detention in the UN Detention
Center conform to the generally accepted norms of human rights.


Christodoulides Doris (Cyprus), Carvalho Lino (Portugal),
Churkin Guennady, Gamzatova Hapisat, Gostev Ruslan,
Melnikov Ivan, Zyuganov Gennady, Shaklein Nickolay, Bakulin
Vladimir (Russia), Marmazov Yevhen, Oliynyk Boris,
Pakhansky Anatoly (Ukraine), Kanelli Liana (Greece), Neguta
Andrei (Moldova), Manukyan Yuri (Armenia)

Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

24 January 2002

On Violations of Law

in the Case of Slobodan Milosevic

Dear Colleagues,

Recently new facts have emerged concerning the involvement of
Osama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist
organisation, in supporting the so-called Kosovo Liberation
Army. This evidence proves the KLA was part of the
international terrorist network. This in turn makes it possible
to assess the nature of the conflict in Kosovo in 1998-1999
differently, proving that the aim of the Yugoslav leadership
was not to suppress a liberation movement but to fight armed
separatism and international terrorism.

It is necessary to note that former FRY President Slobodan
Milosevic was arrested on 31 March 2001. But an investigation
by the Yugoslav authorities, which lasted three months,
resulted only in an accusation of "abuse of position."

Later in June 2001 Mr. Milosevic was transferred from Belgrade
to The Hague at the demand of the International Criminal
Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY). But it was carried out in gross
violation of the Yugoslav Constitution. This was confirmed by
the Yugoslav Constitutional Court decision of 6 November 2001.
Thus the unlawful transfer of Mr. Milosevic to The Hague
may be considered kidnapping.

As a result of the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic, the Yugoslav
State was denied the right to a court examination of the
accusations leveled against the former head of state, while Mr.
Milosevic was deprived of the right to defend himself against
those accusations. Furthermore many leading experts on the
international law believe that the ICTY created by a decision of
the UN Security Council is illegitimate, as the UN Charter does
not permit the UNSC to create judicial bodies.

A group of independent lawyers has submitted a complaint to the
European Court for Human Rights in connection with the
flagrant violations of law in the ?Milosevic case?. However the
ICTY authorities prevent free and unmonitored
communication between Mr. Milosevic and his lawyers. This
violates the generally recognised norms of human rights. During
Mr. Milosevic?s detention in Holland his rights have been
notably violated by the 24 hour a day illumination of his cell and by
monitoring him 24 hours a day, using video and infrared

We are calling on the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human
Rights to investigate the mentioned violations on
international and national law in the "Milosevic case" and
facilitate the return of Mr. Milosevic to Yugoslavia. That would help
end the violation of law caused by his transfer to Holland. It
would enable Yugoslavia to exercise its right for a court trial of
Mr. Milosevic and it would allow Mr. Milosevic to exercise his
right to defend himself.


Christodoulides Doris (Cyprus), Carvalho Lino (Portugal),
Churkin Guennady, Gamzatova Hapisat, Gostev Ruslan,
Melnikov Ivan, Zyuganov Gennady, Shaklein Nickolay, Bakulin
Vladimir (Russia), Marmazov Yevhen, Oliynyk Boris,
Pakhansky Anatoly (Ukraine), Kanelli Liana (Greece), Neguta
Andrei (Moldova), Manukyan Yuri (Armenia)

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian
newspaper advocating liberation)

Milosevic asks to be released

AFP [ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2002 6:15:20 PM ]

THE HAGUE: Former Yugoslav president Slobodan
Milosevic on Wednesday asked the appeals chamber of
the UN war crimes court to be freed as he pledged to
come back for all hearings.

"It would be logical and just to let me go, I will not
flee," Milosevic told presiding judge Claude Jorda.

"I am fully prepared to come to any hearing because
this is not a battle I will miss," he added at the end
of a 15-minute angry monologue.

The court is hearing an appeal by the prosecution,
which wants to overturn the order that Milosevic will
face separate trials for events in Kosovo and for
Bosnia and Croatia.

Jorda gave Milsoevic the floor after he asked the
former president if he would want two trials or just

It is unclear if the judges will only hear arguments
today or issue a ruling right away.

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* Sulla liquidazione delle banche in Jugoslavia (Oskar Kovac)
Za tekst na srpskohrvatskom:

Introduzione: Ko je Oskar Kovac / Chi e' Oskar Kovac


Ko je Oskar Kovac

Docent na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Beogradu, uziva
izuzetan ugled i kao vrhunski profesionalac
u oblasi ekonomije i kao politicar, jer je
neostrascen i svim problemima pristupa krajnje
smireno, racionalno i temeljno. Funkcioner je
SPS i bio je, a mislim da je jos uvek, poslanik
ili u republickom ili u saveznom parlamentu.
Nikada nisam cuo niti jednu jedinu ruznu rec
o njemu od strane rivalskih partija, bas zbog
njegove strucnosti, odmerenosti i dobronamernosti.
Zato sam i poslao analizu, koju
je on procitao na konferenciji za novinare, mislim
da je bilo 10. januara 2002. Valjda ne treba ni da
ti napominjem da sa te press konferencije nije
objavljeno ni slovo niti u jednim novinama!
Tekst se moze naci i na zvanicnom sajtu Socijalisticke
Partije Srbije

Mnogi ljudi, u svakodnevnom razgovoru, kazu
da osecaju da je likvidacija cetiri najvece
jugoslovenske banke prevara ali da nemaju
kontra dokaze. Eto, Oskar Kovac se potrudio,
i ne samo da je nasao dokaze, nego novinare
upucuje gde da tragaju (zapadni bankarski
izvori) za novim i jos cvrscim dokazima o
presedanu koji nije vidjen u svetu - da drzavna
uprava unistava vlastito bankarstvo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slavisa Stojkovic, Beograd


Chi è Oskar Kovac

Docente alla Facoltà di Economia a Belgrado,
stimatissimo non soltanto come esperto nella
professione che esercita, ma anche come politico
che dei problemi discute con calma, giudizio e
conoscenza. Dirigente del Partito Socialista (SPS)
era, ma penso che lo sia tuttora, deputato al
Parlamento (quello della Serbia o quello della
Federazione Jugoslava). Che io sappia, nessuno dei
suoi antagonisti politici gli ha mai mancato di
riguardo, appunto per queste sue doti, ed è questa
la ragione per la quale vi segnalo il suo discorso
pronunciato il 10 gennaio ad una conferenza stampa.
E' ovvio che i giornalisti, ma proprio tutti, si
sono ben guardati dal pubblicare fosse anche un
accenno della sua analisi!
La trovate sul

La gente è cosciente del fatto che la liquidazione
delle quattro banche sia un imbroglio, e molti lo
dicono in privato, ma senza prove convincenti.
Oskar Kovac non solo convince con argomenti, ma
indica ai giornalisti le fonti occidentali come
prova tangibile del precedente che i governanti
jugoslavi hanno creato optando per la liquidazione
del sistema bancario del proprio paese!

Slavisa Stojkovic, Belgrado



di Oskar Kovac
traduz. italiana a cura di Zivkica Nedanovska

Riteniamo che la decisione del governatore sulla bancarotta
e la decisione degli amministratori relativa alle quattro
maggiori banche nazionali sia una decisiona sbagliata e contraria
agli interessi dei cittadini e dello Stato perchè, senza un proprio
sistema bancario, non esiste un'economia indipendente, sovrana e
nazionale. Visto che queste quattro banche erano la spina dorsale
del sistema bancario jugoslavo, allora è molto chiaro che dopo la
loro scomparsa avremo il sistema bancario nelle mani degli
stranieri, oppure un sistema bancario che non funzionerà, vale
a dire che non potrà funzionare neanche l'economia. Nelle
discussioni condotte dal tre gennaio a questa parte, la questione
è stata politicizzata e molto volgarizzata. Devo dirvi che più
di cento paesi al mondo hanno problemi con il sistema bancario,
con il risanamento delle banche, e che questo è diventato un
fenomeno molto frequente nell'economia mondiale negli ultimi
vent'anni. Ognuno di voi, che voglia saperne di più, può trovare
su Internet il sito della Banca Mondiale. Ci sono più di cento casi
di paesi in cui ci sono stati dei problemi con il risanamento del
sistema bancario. Così, potrete vedere che questo problema viene
affrontato, di volta in volta, da tutti gli Stati e perciò non c'è
niente da meravigliarsi se lo incontriamo noi, dopo dieci anni di
sanzioni. Perche' non pensiate che ci siano Paesi che lo possono
evitare, vi dirò: gli Stati Uniti nelle loro Casse di Risparmio
avevano oltre cento miliardi di dollari di perdite, e lo Stato le
ha risanate. Ovviamente, cento miliardi di dollari per gli Americani
sono un discorso, però per noi è tutt'un altro discorso. Il Giappone
già da parecchi anni si trova in difficoltà economiche molto serie
e lì (nel Giappone) si verifica un cosiddetto ''attivo contaminato'',
ovvero i crediti che non si possono incassare dalle banche ammontano
a oltre 500 miliardi di dollari. Nei paesi dell'America Latina,
questo attivo dubbio, nelle banche che devono essere oggetto del
risanamento, varia fra un quarto e la meta' del prodotto interno

Veniamo adesso alla questione della Jugoslavia. Prima di tutto,
la cosidetta questione dei crediti dubbi delle banche si conosce
da noi molto bene già da vent'anni. Ai tempi di Milka Planinc,
per la prima volta, era stata fatta una valutazione delle perdite
potenziali nelle banche. Una seconda volta fu fatta durante il
governo di Ante Markovic. L'esperto mondiale De Huan è venuto a
valutare queste perdite bancarie. Dunque, tutti questi fatti sono
già noti, esistevano molti anni fa. Praticamente, non sono il
risultato nè della gestione dell'economia jugoslava, nè del
sistema bancario jugoslavo negli ultimi dieci anni. Perchè? Perchè
nei bilanci di queste banche citate, la maggior parte è rappresentato
dal cosiddetto sottobilancio di divise straniere. L'ottanta o
perfino il novanta per cento della somma di bilancio in quelle
banche consiste in impegni e crediti in divise straniere, e il
resto sono impegni e crediti in dinari. Gli impegni e i crediti
in divise risalgono al periodo antecedente il 1991. Durante il
periodo delle sanzioni non c'è stato nessun indebitamento della
Jugoslavia verso l'estero. La maggior parte del debito jugoslavo
è stato creato durante la precedente RFS di Jugoslavia, presso la
Banca mondiale ed il FMI, mediante I'indebitamento presso banche
straniere, che hanno poi creato il Club londinese, e presso governi
stranieri che si sono poi messi nel Club parigino. Allora, in quello
Stato, tutti controllavano tutti, nessuno poteva fare alcunche'
senza il consenso degli altri. Vale a dire che non si tratta di
sbagli che sono sfuggiti, ma si tratta della politica cosciente
di uno Stato che riteneva che così dovesse funzionare il suo sviluppo
economico. E dal 1991 non c'e stato nessun aumento di quel debito.
Vuol dire che nessuno, dopo il 1991, ha aumentato il debito di Stato
della RFSJ verso l'estero, anche se la cifra realmente veniva
aumentata. Ma perchè la cifra veniva aumentata? Perchè durante le
sanzioni il tassametro batteva, si conteggiavano gli interessi
di quel debito, gli interessi per il ritardo nel pagamento di quel
debito, diversi interessi di mora e penali. Così, alla fine, secondo
i dati del FMI, resi noti nella dichiarazione comune con il Governo
jugoslavo, quel debito, alla fine del 2000, ammontava a 11miliardi e
46milioni di dollari.
Di quel debito, la parte che doveva essere già stata restituita, e
non era stata restituita, ammontava a 9miliardi e 400milioni di
dollari. Di questa ultima cifra, il debito iniziale è di 5miliardi
e 400milioni di dollari, e la differenza sono gli interessi che
ammontano a 4miliardi di dollari. L'aumento del debito, dal 1991 in
qua, è dovuto agli interessi e non al nuovo indebitamento. Anche se
qualcuno avesse voluto indebitarsi, non ci sarebbe riuscito, visto
che eravamo sotto sanzioni. Questo, per quel che riguarda la maggior
parte del bilancio di queste quattro banche di cui stiamo parlando
oggi. Dunque, tutto il debito è stato creato dallo Stato precedente
e le conseguenze le stiamo vivendo adesso.
Sapete da soli che in questi ultimi dieci anni, rispetto agli
11miliardi e 460milioni di dollari di debito verso l'estero non
del tutto ancora scaduto, secondo le valutazioni del Governo
federale, il danno proveniente dalle sanzioni è stato di
140miliardi di dollari. Seconde le valutazioni di varie istituzioni,
che sono in genere in accordo, il danno dovuto ai bombardamenti
solo sui beni immobili in Serbia ammontava a 37miliardi di dollari.
Per cui è impossibile discutere di una cosa senza avere presente
l'altra. Questo problema, che adesso stiamo affrontando, non si
può risolvere con la chiusura delle banche. Tutti gli altri paesi
che hanno affrontato questo problema del sistema bancario hanno
sempre collegato la situazione economica e quella delle imprese
con la situazione delle banche. Perchè gli impegni delle banche sono,
in questo caso, verso l'estero. Però, le banche non erano gli unici
soggetti che spendevano quei crediti. Le banche intercedevano i
crediti per le ditte. Così, i crediti diventavano prestiti a lunga
scadenza per il finanziamento degli investimenti. I debitori, per
quei crediti, sono le ditte. Le banche non hanno un proprio afflusso
di divise con cui potrebbero restituire il credito. In conseguenza di
cio', già da quindici anni, nessuno al mondo discute di risanamento
finanziario senza discutere, allo stesso tempo, del risanamento dei
debitori di quelle banche. Il punto consiste nel fatto che i
debitori debbono essere resi capaci di rimborsare le banche,
dopodichè le banche possono essere risanate per essere in grado
di adempiere ai loro impegni, sia verso gli altri creditori, nel
Paese, sia verso l'estero. In breve, fino a poco tempo fa, il principio
era questo, e così si comportava la Banca centrale: cioè, i debiti
della Jugoslavia verso l'estero, che durante le sanzioni rimanevano
fermi, assolutamente non si pagavano. Ci sono anche stati dei casi
in cui volevamo pagarne, però ci hanno proibito di farlo. Quei debiti
che erano fermi, venivano mantenuti, col pieno consenso della Banca
centrale, nel capitolo della cosiddetta 'evidenza fuori bilancio'
delle banche d'affari. Neanche le ditte pagavano alle banche perchè
il debito estero tutto intero era fermo. Si riteneva che, quando le
sanzioni fossero state ritirate, quando si fosse ottenuto
l'accordo con il creditore estero su quel debito, su un debito
riprogrammato o rifinanziato, allora le somme riprogrammate o
rifinanziate sarebbero state iscritte nei bilanci delle banche,
ovviamente, con scadenze di pagamento molto più comode. Questo
vuol dire che gli impegni annuali delle banche e dello Stato
sarebbero risultati minori e che, non appena si fosse fatto cio',
la stessa cosa doveva essere fatta con le ditte nazionali che, di
fatto, sono i debitori ultimi. Anche i debitori nazionali avrebbero
ottenuto condizioni più favorevoli nel pagamento del debito, e
probabilmente un debito diminuito, nel caso in cui si fosse
realizzata una qualsiasi forma di annullamento del debito; e
allora, con un nuovo tipo di rapporto fra le ditte e le banche
e delle banche nei confronti del debito estero rifinanziato, ci
si sarebbe potuti avventurare nel problema del risanamento delle
banche. Questa è una procedura normalissima in tutto il mondo ed
era fino a poco tempo fa la posizione della Banca centrale jugoslava.
Del resto, i bilanci delle banche sono noti. I bilanci delle banche
non sono un segreto, si possono chiedere alla Unione delle banche
della Jugoslavia. Almeno da dieci anni, in Jugoslavia esiste la
Legge sulla revisione. o "auditing". Le banche erano le prime
obbligate a revisionare i loro bilanci e, così revisionati, i
bilanci venivano presentati all'Assemblea per l'approvazione. E'
una cosa che si fa già da molti anni. Questi revisori, e, oggi,
tutti i revisori mondiali sono presenti a Belgrado, e hanno
revisionato, a prezzo altissimo, i bilanci delle banche. Per ogni
bilancio di una banca, in media, si facevano pagare fra 130.000 e
200.000 dollari. Dunque, tutto era gia' stato revisionato prima
che si andasse all'assemblea degli azionisti delle banche che
decideva, ogni anno, sull?opportunità, legalità, efficacia della
gestione degli affari da parte delle banche.

Questi fatti sono tutti ben noti. Cosa è cambiato? E' cambiato il
punto di vista della Banca centrale della Jugoslavia. Alla metà
di quest'anno è cambiata la Legge sul risanamento e il fallimento
delle banche e la Legge sulla contabilità, dopodichè la Banca
centrale ha ordinato ai revisori di inserire nei bilanci delle
banche quello che prima si teneva fuori dai bilanci delle banche,
cioè gli impegni verso l'estero, tranne i Club parigino e londinese.
E quando quegli impegni sono stati inseriti nei bilanci delle
banche, allora si sarebbe dovuta avanzare la domanda ''cosa era
successo con le stesse richieste degli stessi crediti nei confronti
dell'economia nazionale?''. Si è constatato che, dopo dieci anni di
sanzioni e bombardamenti, una parte delle ditte non sarebbe stata
in grado di pagare alle banche; allora si è ordinato di presentare
questo fatto come una perdita; e con tutto ciò, si è creata una
situazione che permetteva di mettere quelle banche sotto procedura
di risanamento. E una volta approvata la decisione sul risanamento
venivano fatti i conti, come potrete vedere in ogni decisione presa
da ciascuna delle quattro banche singolarmente. La decisione sul
risanamento è stata presa perchè alla metà di quest'anno la situazione
era tale che il risanamento conveniva più del fallimento.
Nel caso del fallimento, le spese sarebbero risultate maggiori.

Ovviamente, noi riteniamo che un procedimento del genere sia
stato prematuro e sbagliato; perchè ancora non sono messe in atto
nuove condizioni definitive negli impegni della Jugoslavia e delle
banche jugoslave verso l'estero. Dunque, il risanamento del sistema
bancario si doveva fare con i nuovi impegni ridefiniti, e non in base
agli impegni vecchi. Nello stesso tempo, i rapporti debitori-creditori
fra le ditte e le banche si dovevano risolvere in Jugoslavia. Gli
specialisti di cose economiche ricorderanno benissimo che circa due
anni fa, nella Camera dell'economia serba, è stato approvato il
Codice su come risolvere i rapporti debitori-creditori fra le ditte
e le banche. Quella doveva essere una specie di riprogrammazione
nazionale. Su quella base le ditte avrebbero riconosciuto e attuato
regolarmente i propri impegni verso le banche e le banche quelli verso
l'estero. Dunque, la situazione nelle banche si doveva valutare dopo
la riprogrammazione del debito estero, e nello stesso tempo andava
fatta una riprogrammazione nazionale, cioè andavano riordinati i
rapporti con le ditte, e dopo (non senza tali premesse) avrebbe avuto
senso parlare di risanamento del sistema bancario.
Cosa è successo nel frattempo? Nel frattempo abbiamo avuto la promessa
da parte del Club parigino, che ha accettato di annullare il nostro
debito. Però, questa promessa, e il punto di vista del Club parigino,
non sono scritti da nessuna parte. Neanche nell'ultimo incontro della
delegazione jugoslava con il suddetto Club è stata firmata una promessa
di annullamento del nostro debito per un ammontare del 66 %. E questa
pretesa, presupposto che lo stesso farà anche il Club londinese, ha
cosi costituito la base per l'approvazione della decisione della Banca
centrale nel merito di un'apertura di procedura di fallimento di
queste quattro banche. Perche'? Perchè è stato ordinato (a loro
soltanto) di inserire nei loro bilanci un terzo di debito verso il
Club parigino e verso quello londinese?

Vuol dire che devono aumentare gli impegni verso l'estero, anche
se si tratta solo di una promessa e non c' è niente di scritto o
di firmato sulla carta. Dunque, è stato ordinato alle banche di
aumentare in modo artificiale i propri impegni, e nello stesso
tempo non è stato fatto niente perche le ditte confermino i loro
impegni verso le banche. Al contrario, è stato detto: visto che
le ditte, probabilmente, non saranno in grado di pagare neanche
quel terzo, allora dichiariamo che queste quattro banche si trovano
in situazioni ancora maggiormente dubbie e con le perdite maggiori,
visto che gli impegni di un terzo, verso il Club parigino e
londinese, cadranno sulle spalle delle banche ed esse non potranno
incassare dalle ditte. Questo è l'argomento con il quale si
vogliono far cadere le banche in fallimento. Sono stati fatti i
conti che, a questo punto, il fallimento sarebbe costato meno
dell'eventuale risanamento di quelle banche. Ovviamente, c'è
una serie di problemi. Innanzitutto, nei Club parigino e
londinese si trovano molte altre banche della Jugoslavia,
non solo le quattro attuali. E' importante che solo queste
quattro banche abbiano ricevuto l'ordine di inserire nei loro
bilanci un terzo di impegni verso il Club parigino e londinese.
Le altre banche no. Si pone la questione: perchè? Il Club
parigino, di fatto, ha menzionato la promessa, ma i due Paesi
importanti non erano d'accordo e non c'era una soluzione
finale, e il Club londinese non ha ancora deciso; l'ultimo
incontro con il Club londinese non ha dato nessun risultato.
E allora, è possibile effettuare una qualsiasi decisione
amministrativa, come ha fatto la Banca centrale sull'apertura
del procedimento relativo a queste quattro banche, solo sulla
base delle chiacchiere? E' ovvio che c'e' l'intenzione chiara
che esse debbano fare fallimento, visto che solo ad esse è stato
ordinato di inserire un terzo degli impegni nei propri bilanci,
e non anche alle altre banche che hanno impegni verso i Club

Perchè noi sosteniamo le posizioni dei dipendenti del settore
bancario e finanziario? Perchè pensiamo che abbiano ragione se
fanno causa al Tribunale federale, e perchè devono comportarsi
così? Perchè questo è solo l'inizio di guai, di malesseri che si
allargheranno alle ditte e alle altre banche. Quando anche
queste banche faranno fallimento, colui che assumera' i loro
impegni assumerà anche i loro crediti. Vuol dire che le ditte,
invece di essere debitrici alle banche, lo diventeranno a quel
soggetto che adempirà gli impegni delle quattro banche liquidate.
Una sola di quelle banche ha richieste alle ditte, stabilite per
mezzo di tribunale, per un ammontare di 207miliardi di dinari.
Le richieste sono coperte con ipoteca su edifici, attrezzature,
altre proprietà, ecc. Chi può garantire, dunque, alle ditte di
cui parliamo, che il successore giuridico di queste banche non
attiverà tutte quelle ipoteche, pegni, con 207 miliardi di crediti
solo in una banca, e sono quattro, per mandare in fallimento
quelle ditte, vendere le loro proprietà, chiudere le ditte e
licenziare gli operai? Non c'è nessuna garanzia. Per queste
ragioni, a nostro avviso, si tratta di una cosa grossa. Ci
interessiamo di tutti gli operai, di tutte le ditte, non solo dei
dipendenti bancari.
La seconda ragione è la seguente: se qualche banca ritiene che
solo queste quattro banche siano diventate vittime, e che le altre
si sono salvate, si sbaglia di grosso. Ho già detto che il Club
londinese e quello parigino hanno stipulato l'accordo con le altre
banche jugoslave. Quando con il Club londinese, a suo tempo, era
stato stipulato l'accordo, esso conteneva la clausula della
responsabilità solidale. Vi era scritto letteralmente: cross default
clause. Vuol dire, che se una delle banche jugoslave non adempie
al suo impegno verso il Club londinese, quell'impegno lo assumeranno
tutte le altre banche solidalmente.

Quando e' stato rifinanziato il debito verso il Club londinese
nel 1992, tutte le banche jugoslave e la Banca nazionale hanno
firmato un contratto in cui hanno dichiarato che saranno
reciprocamente debitori solidali verso il Club londinese. Inoltre,
molte banche, fra di loro, hanno stipulato un contratto di
responsabilità solidale. Questo cosa vorrebbe dire? Se queste
quattro banche saranno liquidate e non saranno in grado di
pagare i propri impegni verso il Club londinese, quegli impegni
li assumeranno le altre banche. Saranno esse in grado di pagare
un terzo degli impegni verso il Club londinese, se esso non si
'ricorda' di nessun annullamento?! Probabilmente, non saranno in
grado. Cosa vuol dire? Toccherà anche ad esse di essere liquidate?
Nessuno lo puo' dire, però ci sono grandi probabilità che anche
quelle banche, a causa della liquidazione di queste quattro
banche, saranno messe all?ordine del giorno. Vuol dire che saranno
risanate o faranno fallimento.

Questo processo è dovuto anche ad un fattore esterno. Dalla relazione
della Missione del FMI, pubblicata su Internet nell'ottobre dell'anno
scorso, posso citare cose interessanti. Nei colloqui con le autorità
jugoslave, c'erano opinioni diverse sull'argomento se le banche si
devono risanare o liquidare. La Missione del FMI e le banche erano
per la soluzione della liquidazione di queste quattro banche. Vuol
dire che la parte jugoslava ha accettato quella posizione e ben
volentieri l'ha cominciata ad attuare nei fatti. Però, non è chiaro
del tutto chi, in Jugoslavia, faccia questo lavoro. Comunque,
qualcosa è uscito fuori, nei giornali. A chi vorrebbe saperne
di più, dico che si deve informare nei giri del governo, della
Banca centrale, dell'Agenzia per il risanamento delle banche, su
chi sono certi signori George Mulino, David Parker, Bill Thomas,
che, se non mi sbaglio, scrivono al direttore dell?Agenzia per il
risanamento delle banche oppure alla signora Vesna Djinic o Djenic,
il 12 dicembre, cosa si deve fare, passo per passo, con il
risanamento delle banche. Addirittura, si raccomanda un certo
signore Mrvosevic come capo della sicurezza in tutto quel processo.
Si dice che, se non si fa cio', non si può neanche immaginare il
malcontento sociale che si manifesterà.
Sarebbe molto interessante sapere chi sono quei signori cui si
risponde. Si tratta solo di una finzione: il 3 gennaio è stata
decisa la liquidazione delle banche. Ovviamente, già il 12 dicembre
dell'anno scorso è stato approntato uno scenario dettagliato,
precisamente passo passo, perfino il nome di chi saranno gli
amministratori di liquidazione in quelle banche. C'è ancora un
testo (anche questo potrete verificare) nel quale si parla di una
certa signora Djurdjica Ognjenov. Chi è quella signora che già
il 7 dicembre dell'anno scorso ha elaborato la metodologia su come
sia possibile trasferire dal bilancio di quelle banche i depositi
dei cittadini e delle ditte alla Cassa di risparmio postale per
rendere possibile il prelievo? Se non mi sbaglio, allora ancora
veniva fatta la dichiarazione che sul destino delle banche non si
sarebbe potuto riferire entro la fine del marzo di quest'anno, essendo
in corso uno "stand by arrangement".
Il 7 dicembre del 2000, la signora Djurdjica argomenta precisamente
su cosa fare di questa faccenda, e nella sua lettera molto chiaramente
dichiara che la liquidazione riguarda cinque banche. Vorrei che
qualcuno scoprisse chi è quella signora, cosa c'entra con il nostro
Governo, con le nostre autorità e a chi conviene?

Nella stessa deliberazione del governatore ci sono molte omissioni.
Le stesse banche, a mio avviso, faranno causa contro la delibera del
governatore per la scadenza dei 30 giorni. Allora, alla fin fine, la
cosa comincerà ad esaminarsi come si deve in un Paese legale. Sarà
una coincidenza perchè le accuse arriveranno al Tribunale federale,
che ha avvisato con la sua lettera del 19.12.2001 l 'Assemblea
federale che la Banca centrale nei suoi procedimenti amministrativi
viola i regolamenti, ostacola l'attuazione della legittimità,
minaccia l?ordinamento giuridico, danneggia le parti in causa,
rende più difficile e rallenta l'attuazione della politica monetaria
e le altre funzioni della Banca centrale della Jugoslavia. Il
Tribunale federale ha annullato in 19 materie le delibere del
governatore della Banca centrale della Jugoslavia sulla privazione
del permesso di lavoro e l'apertura del procedimento di risanamento
delle banche. Per tutte queste ragioni, il Tribunale federale
raccomanda all'Assemblea federale che la stessa si interessi e
osservi la situazione nella Banca centrale della Jugoslavia, dal
punto di vista della legittimità del suo lavoro. Questo Tribunale,
che è, ovviamente, bene informato sui metodi di lavoro nella Banca
centrale, ha delle chances di ricevere querele da queste banche, e
con una grande conoscenza dell'essenza della materia, di studiarle
e risolverle attentamente.

Prof. Oskar Kovac

(NOTE: is a conservative website.
Nevertheless it opposes the Western imperialist
interference in the Balkans and publishes many
interesting pieces. One of these is the following
article, which we choose to redistribute although
it contains some ideologic stands and definitions,
e.g. about "communism", which we find inappropriate
and misleading. JUGOINFO)


ANTIWAR, Thursday, January 24, 2002

Balkan Express
by Nebojsa Malic

Ten Years in the Twilight Zone

A Brief Overview of a Morbid Experiment

When the French king and the Holy Roman
Emperor signed a peace treaty in
Munster, Westphalia, on October 24, 1648,
they were hardly aware that by
ending Europe's worst war to date they had
also established the foundations
of the modern system of international
relations. The Treaty of Westphalia
introduced and enshrined the principle of
territorial sovereignty, without
which modern nation-states would have been

Three and a half centuries later, their
heirs - aspiring to lord over the
creation of a new European superstate -
chose to casually reject this
legacy. On January 15, 1991, the European
Union formally recognized the
declarations of secession by two of
Yugoslavia's federal republics, Slovenia
and Croatia, declaring Yugoslavia no
longer existed.

At best, this was a heavily assisted
suicide of an already dying country; at
worst, an act of incalculable malice.
Whatever it was, it plunged the people
of Yugoslavia into the abyss they've been
in ever since.


Between the outbreak of the Wars of
Yugoslav Succession [1] and the end (?) of
Macedonia's Apartheid Rebellion, both the
Balkans and the world changed
beyond recognition. The "hour of Europe,"
heralded by Yugoslavia's
enthusiastic executioners, was more like
the proverbial fifteen minutes.

Having shrugged off the unpleasant
distractions of Somalia and Haiti, the
United States rolled into the Balkans in
full force, leveling anything in
its path and rewriting history as it went
along. With massive amounts of
propaganda supplementing brute force, the
United States used the Balkans to
assert its position as the world's
"indispensable nation," the global
Empire incarnate.

The Empire's scions claim to have brought
"peace" to the Balkans, along with
"democracy" and "human rights." All they
really brought were subjugation,
kleptocracy [2] and conquerors' privileges:
sex slavery, drug-running and
widespread organized crime in general.
None of the problems between Yugoslav
peoples has been resolved - with the
possible exception of Croatian and
Albanian distaste for Serbs, largely cured
by mass expulsions and, equally,
mass murder.


Last November, Bosnia entered its sixth
year of existence as the Empire's
protectorate divided, impoverished and
despairing. To make matters worse,
the Empire's erstwhile Arab and Afghan
allies, who also helped out during
the war in Bosnia, had just committed mass
murder in New York and
Washington. Soon thereafter, five
Algerians and a Yemeni - who stayed in

Bosnia and were even granted citizenship
by a grateful Muslim regime - had
been arrested at US urging, based on the
CIA's claims they were connected to

The men had violent criminal records in
Bosnia, but no hard evidence linked
them to terrorism. So the six were
released last week - into the custody of
the US military. At US urging, they were
stripped of their citizenship, then
shipped to the luxury cages in Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, while their families
and supporters rioted outside the Sarajevo
city jail.

A loyal vassal of the Empire for years,
the Muslim regime in Sarajevo thus
found itself in dire straits. The current
government is still mostly Muslim,
though it includes many of Bosnia's Croat
and Serb Christians. Both facts
prevent it from dealing with the issue of
its predecessor's dalliances with
militant Islam in a forceful manner. On
one hand, Bosnian Muslims still
depend on support and aid of many Middle
Eastern charities. On the other

hand, many of those charities are
suspected fronts for organizations the US
labels "terrorist" - and the US does not
tolerate any debate on this
particular subject right now.

If they crack down on the fundamentalists,
the Muslim authorities risk the
full wrath of the "holy warriors," with
Bosnia's Christians the first likely
target. But if they do nothing, the
fundamentalist influence will grow and
Bosnia might find itself on the US
blacklist as "collateral damage" in the
War on Terrorism.


The Empire's "help" is also felt in Serbia
these days. The future of its
union with Montenegro is so obfuscated by
Imperial meddling, many people are
increasingly willing to settle for any
solution, to the benefit of various
politicians with illegitimate aspirations.

As if that were not tragic enough,
Serbia's 18-headed hydra of a government
is busy not only plundering its citizens
through the destruction of banks,
but also destroying the state from the
inside. The Serbian Parliament is
likely to approve the "omnibus" law
proposed by several power-hungry
separatist parties in the ruling
coalition, giving the northern province
of Vojvodina its Communist-era "autonomy."

In practice, this would mean creating a
separate state within Serbia - a
crazy idea if there ever was one. The
repressive statism of Zoran Djindjic
would be replaced by the even more
repressive statism of Nenad Canak and

other self-proclaimed "Vojvodina leaders,"
in comparison with whom Djindjic
appears downright saintly. President
Kostunica's party, far from opposing
this madness, is actually advocating a
proposal to divvy up Serbia into five
sub-states - six, counting the occupied


Djindjic himself is staying out of the
division debate, content that he
would end up ruling all the fiefdoms
anyway. He is also very busy setting up
his own national security council, which
would take control in a "crisis
situation." Given Djindjic's political and
academic credentials in the field
of power-grabbing through provoking
crises, this should be a red flag for
every Serbian patriot - well, that, and
his choice of ambassador in Washington.

Namely, Djindjic's allies in the
government approved the choice of Stojan
Cerovic for Yugoslavia's second Ambassador
to the Empire, after the first -
Milan St. Protic - was recalled late last
year. Cerovic has no diplomatic
credentials, but he does have a history of
maligning the Serbs to his
employers in the US Institute of Peace and
elsewhere. This has been enough
to force many American Serbs to bitterly
denounce Djindjic and his private
diplomacy, but few voices of opposition
were heard in Serbia itself, as usual.


These are but the most egregious examples
of distilled evil that has
festered in the darkness of the Balkans
under Imperial rule, and the list is
far from complete - nor is there enough
space here for it to be. But this
brief overview would be sadly lacking
without the news that the new governor
of occupied Kosovo is none other than
German diplomat Michael Steiner.
Formerly a deputy governor of Bosnia,
Steiner advised the German Chancellor
for a while, before resigning in a scandal
involving several German officers,
an airplane at the Moscow airport and
caviar that apparently wasn't there.

Word is that Steiner has quite a taste for
caviar, and that he is not known
for diplomacy or tact. So while Kosovo is
awash in murders, theft, slavery
and extremely distasteful politics - not
to mention the whole bit about it
being occupied territory of a nominally
sovereign state - at least its
occupiers and their subjects will now be
treated to some sharp German wit
and lots of caviar.

As a historical footnote, Steiner's
appointment means that for the first
time since World War One, Bosnia and a
part of Serbia will be ruled by an
Austrian and a German, respectively.


Certainly, the demagogues that came to
lead the successor states of former
Yugoslavia bear a great deal of
culpability for the present sad state of
affairs in the once-promising region.
Their involvement with outside powers,
however, and those powers' incessant
meddling in the Yugoslav crises,
has exacerbated these consequences

The recognition of Slovenia and Croatia
created a precedent for future
"diplomatic aggression," destruction of
countries by recognition of their
seceding parts. Political pressure in
Macedonia, proxy warfare in Croatia,
outright force and occupation in Bosnia
and Kosovo were all meant as
precedents for other parts of the world -
their authors admitted as much, publicly.

Principles, logic, tradition, law and just
about everything else that even
remotely resembles sanity and civilization
were tossed aside for the sake of
a grand experiment in statist imperialism.
How well that has worked one can
see from the examples above. Having
performed the most gruesome procedures
on human beings declared lab rats, the
Empire turned its morbid curiosity to
other places. The experiment continues,
with less haste than before. The
Balkans lab rats are still alive, though
horribly mangled by the experience,
and still inhabit their despoiled cages
hoping for a better tomorrow or a
release from the nightmare of their

It sounds like a chilling script for a
Twilight Zone episode. Only it's all
too real.


[1] Since no one contested the
constitutional right of Yugoslav republics to
secession, but rather their stubborn
insistence on international recognition
of arbitrary Communist borders, the
1991-95 wars were fought over the
division of territory - i.e. succession of
Yugoslavia's property. The
subsequent conflicts in southern Serbia
(Kosovo, Presevo) and Macedonia were
wars of Albanian separatism, and thus
completely unrelated to the Succession

[2] By strict definition, any government
is a "kleptocracy" - i.e. it rules
by stealing the property of its citizens
(through "taxes"). Therefore,
statist writers commonly misuse the term
to describe corrupt regimes. A
kleptocracy is not corrupt, it is simply a
state entirely devoted to plunder.


Guardi diritto
stando seduto, forte, un poco reclinato indietro
la scena attorno
che ha perso i connotati del reale

Ti guardo sconcertato e calmo
oltre la fluorescenza dello schermo, stare appeso
al proscenio di una sala al neon di un potere virtuale,
o ad una stanza
che piu' che di galera mi suona di ospedale

Trecentomila filtri
un miliardo di intenzioni
infinite recriminazioni
incomprensioni - pallottole - tumori - distrazioni

e sbagli ritardi stanchezze corruzioni
vigliacchi ed assassini - rimpianti e rimozioni
il ricordo di sorrisi, angoscia.
Attraversare in pochi anni una valanga di emozioni

Guardi diritto
chi usa te come capro d'espiazione del delitto
che ha commesso lui. Angoli bui,
meandri inesplorati della storia

falsa coscienza di chi non usa la memoria.
Tu lo sputi in faccia fiero
a chi ha rinunciato al suo coraggio
e si e' accanito su Sloboda e Primo Maggio

(I. Slavo)