

Il giorno 24 stiamo organizzando gli autobus da Roma.
La partenza sarà alle ore 6,30 da Roma con arrivo previsto a Cesena
alle ore 10,30 e il ritorno partenza da Cesena alle ore 19,30 e ritorno
a Roma per le ore 23,30 circa.
per prenotazioni convgm@... entro e non oltre il 22 marzo alle
ore 16,30


Per adesioni e informazioni vai al sito:
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=== Aggiornamento delle adesioni al 15 marzo ===

- Aiutiamo La Jugoslavia (Bologna)
- Assemblea Nazionale Anticapitalista
- Ass. Cult. Gente Adriatica (Trieste)
- Ass. Cult. Punto Rosso di Vicenza
- Ass. comunista IL PIANETA FUTURO (Pisa)
- Ass. Progetto Drim (Foligno)
- Avamposto degli Incompatibili (Lecce)
- Azione Popolare (Emilia e Romagna)
- Centro di Docum. Krupskaja (Bologna)
- Centro di Docum. politica Albano Corneli di Camerano (AN)
- 100 idee per la pace (Siena)
- C.S.A. Dordoni (Cremona)
- Centro Studi Ingegneria Biosociale Acireale (Ct)
- Centro Iniziativa Popol. (Foligno)
- Circolo Agorà (Pisa)
- Circolo P.R.C. (Treviso)
- Circolo Prc "Jure Canciani" di Servola/Skedenj (Trieste)
- Circ. Culturale Iqbal Mash (Bologna)
- Circ. ARCI l¹Osservatorio di Pozzuoli (NA)
- Cobas Scuola (Ravenna)
- Circ. P.R.C. Centrocitta¹ (Trieste)
- Circ. Pablo Neruda di Camerino (MC)
- Coll. Squasso (Rimini)
- Coll. Autorganizzati (Rimini)
- Coll. Spartakus di Vicenza
- Coll. classe contro classe (Roma)
- Comit. cittadino contro la guerra (Bologna)
- Comit. contro la guerra (Treviso)
- Comit. contro le guerre di Conegliano (TV)
- Comit. Sardo di solid. internazionalista (Tula)
- Comit. Umbro Antimperialista
- Comit. contro la Guerra (Novara)
- Comunità degli Jugoslavi in Umbria
- Confederazione COBAS
- Convoglio internazionalista Giorgiana Masi (Roma)
- Coord. nazionale "Su la testa"
- Coord. contro la Guerra (Cosenza)
- Corrente Leninista Internazionale
- C.S.O. Stella Rossa (Bassano)
- C.U.B. Scuola (Rimini)
- Cunfederatzione de sos Comunistas Sardos
- Democrazia Popolare
- Drustvena Gostilna Kontovel (Trst/Trieste)
- Feder. Giovani Comunisti (Imola)
- Feder. P.R.C. (Rimini) - Feder. Giovani Comunisti (Forlì e Cesena)
- Fondazione Luigi Cipriani (Cremona)
- Gruppo musicale "Alla Macchia"
- La giustizia degli erranti (Treviso)
- Laboratorio Marxista (Versilia)
- Lista Reno (Bologna)
- Movim. per la confederazione dei comunisti (Toscana)
- Movim. di Solidarietà Austria-Jugoslavia
- Pagine Rosse - Partito Umanista
- Pellerossa di Cesena
- Punto Rosso (Jesi)
- Radio Citta' Aperta (Roma)
- Radio base (Venezia)
- Redazione Proletari Nati (Bologna)
- Rete OperaiaRivista - Frigidaire
- Senza Censura
- Tribunale Ramsey Clark
- Unione Popolare (Roma)
- Un Ponte per...
- Unita¹ Internazionale dei Lavoratori (C.I.)
- Cesare Mangianti (segretario regionale P.R.C. dell¹ Emilia-Romagna)
- Roberto Sconciaforni (segretario federaz. P.R.C.di Bologna)
- Paolo Gambuti (segretario federaz. P.R.C. di Rimini)
- Martino Albonetti (segretario federaz. P.R.C. di Ravenna)
- Kiwan Kiwan (segretario federaz. P.R.C. di Ferrara)
- Lodovico Cutaia (segretario federaz. P.R.C. di Parma)

=> Sono inoltre giunte decine di adesioni individuali da varie regioni

24 marzo 1999 - 24 marzo 2001
Guerra, Nucleare, NATO

Il 24 marzo 1999 la NATO, l¹Europa, il governo D¹Alema-Ulivo (con
l¹appoggio del Polo),
scatenarono una guerra criminale violando la costituzione, le leggi e i
trattati internazionali,
colpendo i popoli della Jugoslavia con bombe ³umanitarie², causando
distruzioni, lutti,
disastri ambientali; trasformando l¹Adriatico in una discarica chimica e
contaminando i Balcani per millenni.
L¹indifferenza uccide come la guerra
Non possiamo e non dobbiamo dimenticare

Sabato 24 marzo, Ore 11,00
Cesena, Piazzale Carlo Marx (zona stazione)
manifestazione nazionale e corteo

per dire
no a nuove guerre ³umanitarie²
no agli F-16 e alle atomiche in Romagna nella base di Pisignano di cui
vogliamo la
no alla NATO!

Il pomeriggio alle ore 14,30, presso la Sala Cinema S. Biagio (Via

Comitato Promotore per l'Assemblea Antimperialista
(-Coordinamento Romagnolo contro la guerra e la Nato - Assijug (Perugia)
- Campo Antimperialista - Coll. Antinebbia
(Valdarno) - Comitato contro la guerra Sesto S. Giovanni - Comitato
contro la guerra (Milano Sud) - Comitato per la Pace
e la Solidarietà fra i Popoli - Coorinamento. cittadino antimperialista
(Torino) - Coordinamento romano per la Jugoslavia -
Red Ghost (Ravenna) - Gruppo Zastava! (Trieste) -Soccorso Popolare
(Padova) - Voce Operaia


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Se vuoi cancellarti da questo gruppo, clicca qui: (World)
Sunday Times
March 11 2001

Albanian exiles fund Balkans war

Tom Walker and Alex Todorovic

THE Albanian diaspora is pouring millions of pounds
into secretive funds helping guerrillas in southern
Serbia and Macedonia fight for a "greater Albania" in
an operation that threatens Nato's peacekeeping forces
in the Balkans.
Although police throughout western Europe, including
Britain, are looking at ways of cutting off the funds
- which came to prominence during the Kosovo conflict
- they admit they have had little success.
Radicals among the diaspora, such as Leka Zog, the
exiled pretender to the Albanian throne, have vowed to
continue supporting the struggle in whatever way they
Increased co-operation between Belgrade and London in
the battle against Balkan racketeering was discussed
at a recent meeting between a Yugoslav government
adviser and Home Office officials. Belgrade files on
the Albanian mafia are to be made available to British
police for the first time in an effort to stem the
flow of money and arms.
Last week Kosovo Albanians in London confirmed that
they had received new demands for contributions to
unspecified causes. One estimated that up to £5,000 a
week was being raised in London; another said he
feared for the safety of his two brothers and elderly
mother in Pristina, the Kosovo capital, if he failed
to pay up.
In Switzerland federal investigators said they were
struggling to link Albanian funds with weapons
purchases because most such deals were struck by
mobile telephone and within the rigid patriarchal
family structures.
The so-called "Homeland Calling Fund", the main
cash-for-arms conduit used during the Kosovo war, is
thought to have been closed. However, the police
believe another fund, ostensibly to raise cash for the
Albanian University of Tetovo in Macedonia, is playing
a similar role.
Leka Zog, whose father, King Zog, ruled Albania
briefly before the second world war, is said to be
preparing for a trip to Kosovo to call for the
"unification" of territory dominated by Albanians.
Suleman Ganaj, a prominent royalist, complained that
Albanians living in Macedonia were treated like
second-class citizens. "They want freedom," he said.
"We support every step taken by Albanians still under
the domination of foreign powers, every attempt to
free ourselves from Serbs, Macedonians and other
Ganaj warned that the tolerance of Nato's peacekeeping
troops in Kosovo was wearing thin. "Kosovo should have
independence and its own army," he said.
Maps of a greater Albania on diaspora websites feature
a swathe of territory around Kosovo, taking in an arc
of land in southern Serbia and across into Macedonia,
including the capital, Skopje. Further west,
Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, is shown as
Albanian - as are territories in northern Greece.
Fighting flared last week in the Presevo Valley in
southern Serbia and in the nearby Albanian-majority
borderlands in Macedonia. Presevo Albanians and Serbs
failed to agree on a local ceasefire last night,
despite intense negotiations involving the United
Nations and European Union monitors.
Albanian guerrillas said this weekend that they had no
intention of allowing the Yugoslav army into the
security zone between Kosovo and southern Serbia, even
though Nato has given Belgrade approval.
Talat, a young rebel, said that fighting the Serbs had
helped to make 2001 "the best year of my life". He
said that after each border clash the guerrillas'
numbers swell, gaining as many as 70 new volunteers a
The funds coming from abroad and from within Kosovo
have helped to prepare a force of about 2,000 along
the Presevo and Macedonian fronts, he said, and their
leaders aim to enlarge Kosovo's territory.
Talat showed reporters a small field hospital inside
the exclusion zone, where he hugged an injured
colleague, a bearded fighter with the nom de guerre of
Masovitsa. His left hand was loosely wrapped in gauze
and plastered with ointment, but the flesh hung from
his fingertips.
"They [the Serbs] were attacking from all sides with
machineguns, tanks and rockets," Masovitsa said. "At
one point there were only about 50 yards between us
and them." He described how he had shielded his face
with his hands as a rocket exploded nearby. "God saved
my life," he concluded.
A further group of about 300 rebels calling themselves
the National Liberation Army (NLA) was forced by
American soldiers from its headquarters in Tanusevci,
a Macedonian border village. Three Macedonian
policemen had been killed and the Skopje government
was critical of Nato peacekeepers for allowing the
rebels into the country from Kosovo.
The guerrillas, led by Ismet Yashari, then attacked a
police convoy escorting Ljube Boskovski, Macedonia's
deputy interior minister, a few miles south of
Tanusevci at Brest.
A rocket-propelled grenade fired by the NLA killed a
driver in the convoy, which was then pinned down for
12 hours by the rebels. Srdjan Kerim, the Macedonian
foreign minister, has asked Nato to seal off the
130-mile border with Kosovo to stop rebels slipping
The Bush administration in Washington made it clear
this weekend that Slobodan Milosevic, the former
Serbian leader, would have to be arrested in Serbia -
but not necessarily handed over to the war criminal
tribunal in the Hague - by March 31 if Yugoslavia is
to receive hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of
Additional reporting: Juliet Terzieff, James Pettifer,
Fiona Fleck

-------- Original Message --------
Oggetto: Prof. Négovan Rajic: DE KABOUL À KOSOVO
Data: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 23:18:25 -0500

Le destruction barbare des boudhas g?ants en Afghanistan a provoqu?, ?
juste titre, un toll? de protestations dans le monde.
Qu'ils soient croyants ou non, tous les hommes civilis?s ressentiront
douloureusement ce geste comme un affront intol?rable ?
la culture. Il s'agit non seulement d'une atteinte au patrimoine
artistique de l'humanit? , mais aussi ? son histoire et ? sa
m?moire collective .
Malheureusement, ? l'heure o? j'?cris ces lignes, les Thalibans ont d?j?
transform? en un tas de pierres ces falaises de gr?s
auxquelles les pieux moines bouddhistes avaient jadis insuffl? une ?me.
Aucune grande puissance n'avait pas os? envoyer ses
troupes dans le gu?pier afghan pour sauver ces tr?sors inestimables . Si
? la limite cela peut se justifier par souci d'?pargner
des vies humaines , on ne peut comprendre comment au Kosovo, au coeur de
l'Europe, et en pr?sence des troupes des
Nations Unies, l'Occident puisse assister, sans broncher, ? la
destruction des monuments d'une civilisation qui en fin de
compte lui appartient. Qui peut croire les commandants de la KFOR,
disposant d'une arm?e de 40 000 soldats et de deux
mille policiers sur un territoire ne d?passant pas celui d'un
d?partement fran?ais, quand ils pr?tendent n'avoir pas de moyens
suffisants pour prot?ger les populations serbes des extr?mistes albanais
et emp?cher la destruction d'une centaine d'?glises
chr?tiennes dont certaines ?taient orn?es des fresques admirables datant
du Moyen Age? Comment cela se fait-il que les
dirigeants occidentaux et ces intellectuels qui encore hier satanisaient
les Serbes, en les accusant de tous les crimes possibles,
se taisent aujourd'hui l?chement?
Combien de temps l'Occident pourrait-il fermer les yeux devant une
r?alit? qui demain risque de le rattraper comme elle a
rattrap? jadis les dirigeants nazis. Non, demain , ses dirigeants
n'auront pas le droit de dire: nous ne savions pas. Les ?glises
orthodoxes sont d?truites ? la dynamite, les maisons serbes incendi?es
et les vieux cimeti?res profan?s en pr?sence des
troupes de la communaut? internationale , celle-l? m?me qui pr?tend
s'?riger en juge supr?me du bien et du mal.
Comble de cynisme ou d'inconscience, on nous dit maintenant que le
commandant des troupes alli?es au Kosovo, complice
des terroristes, songe confier la garde des monast?res orthodoxes,
encore d?bout, aux anciens soldats de l'UCK! Hitler
lui-m?me n'avait pas os? pousser la perfidie jusqu'? confier la
protection des synagogues aux formations des SS! Si la
nouvelle se confirme , il faudra mettre une croix sur les derniers
vestiges de ces joyaux d'art m?di?val, prot?g?s par
l'UNESCO et t?moin s muets d'une civilisation mise ? mort comme les
boudhas g?ants.
Mais ne nous d?trompons pas, leur disparition sera aussi notre d?faite
morale et les puissants de ce monde n'auront pas la
conscience tranquille en essayant de nous persuader que cette
destruction est ce que les Serbes ont m?rit? par leurs crimes,
car qui, ? l'heure o? les grandes compagnies p?troli?res ?laborent d?j?
des plans pour sillonner de pipelines la p?ninsule
balkanique , puisse encore croire que la guerre contre la Yougoslavie
fut une guerre humanitaire?



Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Se vuoi cancellarti da questo gruppo, clicca qui:

'CIA's bastard army ran riot in Balkans' backed extremists'
              Special report: Kosovo

              By Peter Beaumont, Ed Vulliamy and Paul Beaver

              Sunday March 11, 2001, The Observer

              The United States secretly supported the ethnic
              Albanian extremists now behind insurgencies in
              Macedonia and southern Serbia.

              The CIA encouraged former Kosovo Liberation Army
              fighters to launch a rebellion in southern Serbia in
              an effort to undermine the then Yugoslav President
              Slobodan Milosevic, according to senior European
              officers who served with the international
              peace-keeping force in Kosovo (K-For), as well as
              leading Macedonian and US sources.

              They accuse American forces with K-For of deliberately
              ignoring the massive smuggling of men and arms across
              Kosovo's borders.

              The accusations were made in a series of interviews by
              The Observer. They emerge as America has been forced
              into a rapid U-turn over its support for Albanian
              extremists in Kosovo seeking a 'Greater Kosovo' that
              would include Albanian communities in Serbia and

              In the past week ethnic Albanian guerrillas have
              intensified their campaign of attacks in the two
              areas, threatening a new war in the region which last
              week put US troops in the firing line in the Balkans
              for the first time.

              The accusations have led to tension in K-For between
              the European and US military missions. European
              officers are furious that the Americans have allowed
              guerrilla armies in its sector to train, smuggle arms
              and launch attacks across two international borders.

              One European K-For battalion commander told The
              Observer yesterday: 'The CIA has been allowed to run
              riot in Kosovo with a private army designed to
              overthrow Slobodan Milosevic. Now he's gone the US
              State Department seems incapable of reining in its
              bastard army.'

              He added: 'Most of last year, there was a growing
              frustration with US support for the radical Albanians.
              US policy was and still is out of step with the other
              Nato allies.'

              The claim was backed by senior Macedonian officials in
              the capital, Skopje. 'What has been happening with the
              National Liberation Army [which has been responsible
              for a series of attacks on Macedonia's borders in
              recent weeks] and the UCPMB [its sister organisation
              in southern Serbia] is very similar to what happened
              when the KLA was launched in 1995-96,' said one.
              'I will say only this: the US intelligence agencies
              have not been honest here.'

              The claims were given extra credence from an
              unexpected source - Arben Xhafari, leader of
              Macedonia's main Albanian party who tried to prevent
              the crisis on the border igniting an ethnic civil war
              inside Macedonia itself.

              A US State Department official blamed the last
              administration. There had now been 'a shift of

              For more background information on the CIA's involvement
with the KLA and
              the lies and deception which launched NATO's war against
Yugoslavia, check
              out the following articles which appear in issue #43 of
the Coalition to
              Oppose the Arms Trade's magazine, Press for Conversion!

              (Dozens of other articles, summarizing 50 years of CIA
covert activities,
              are also included in this issue, on the theme:  "A
People's History of the
              CIA: The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to


              1999, Yugoslavia: KLA, CIA, OSCE and NATO Join Hands
              By Peter Stavropoulos

                      The BBC and Newsweek report that President Clinton
has approved CIA
              training of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to do
sabotage in Yugoslavia.
              According to Newsweek, the CIA will train the KLA in
"age-old tricks like
              cutting telephone lines, blowing up buildings, fouling
gasoline reserves
              and pilfering food supplies - in an effort to undermine
public support for
              the Serbian leader and damage Yugoslav targets that can't
be reached from
              the air."

                    U.S. National Security Adviser Sandy Berger secretly
briefed the
              House and Senate Intelligence committees on these plans
the week that
              former-General in the Croatian military, Agim Ceku, was
appointed to head
              the KLA.

                    Newsweek says, "Intelligence officials worry it
would be difficult to
              control the US-trained rebels once boot camp is over and
they are set loose
              on Milosevic."  A former chief of intelligence planner for
the US Air Force
              said, "I'm afraid they could use their training to carry
out atrocities.
              If they think they can rein them in, it's tremendous

                    KLA ranks in Albania swelled.  An estimated 10,000
arrived in
              Albania, mainly from Germany, Switzerland, France and
Austria.  Reuters has
              reported that the KLA is also forcing male Kosovar
refugees to join its ranks.

                    Jane's reported that U.S. military Special Forces
and British SAS
              were fighting alongside the KLA inside Kosovo.  The French
news agency
              Agence France Presse has reported on the deaths of three
French army
              paratroop officers killed while commanding a KLA unit
trying to cross into
              Kosovo from Albania.

                    The U.S.-NATO backing to the KLA and Ceku, its new
military leader is
              the most telling refutation of the claims made to justify
the war.

              Who is the KLA Commander, Agim Ceku?

              * Ceku an ethnic Kosovo Albanian, graduated from the
Belgrade Military
              Academy; served as an  artillery captain in the Yugoslav

              * During Yugoslavia's dissolution in 1991, he defected to
the newly formed
              Croatian Army to assist its drive to secession.  He was
decorated nine
              times in battles against Serb forces in both Bosnia and

              * Brigadier-General, Croatian Army.

              * Mastermind of the "Medak Massacre" (September 1993), a
savage bloodbath
              against Serb civilians in which Canadian peacekeeping
troops were compelled
              to intervene, killing 30 Croatian militiamen.

              * He played a central role in the Croatian Army's
"cleansing" of Serbs from
              eastern Croatia's Krajina region, where Serbs had
comprised the majority
              for hundreds of years.

              * Ceku was "one of the key planners of 'Operation Storm'"
led by the
              Croatian Armed Forces against Krajina Serbs in 1995"
(Jane's Defence
              Weekly, June 10, 1999).  This was supported by the U.S.
and assisted by
              NATO bombing of Serb positions.  Ceku developed close ties
with U.S.
              military officials.  (More than 300,000 Croa-tian Serbs
were expelled from
              Croatia between 1991 and 1998.  Hundreds were murdered,
including many too
              old or disabled to escape.  Methods included: systematic
and deliberate
              bombing of civilians, well-publicized acts of terror to
spread panic, rape,
              and arson against homes, farms and other property.  It was
the greatest act
              of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans prior to the NATO
bombing in Kosovo.

              * The Croatian Army was trained by a U.S. company called
              Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), composed of retired
U.S. military
              officers. An MPRI spokesmen described Ceku in Jane's
Defense Weekly (JDW)
              as a highly competent and disciplined officer.

              * Ceku retired from his Croatian Army post in February,

              * Ceku was appointed KLA chief-of-staff in a
reorganization to more closely
              align it with U.S. strategy.

              * Ceku is under investigation by the International
Criminal Tribunal for
              war crimes against Serbs in Croatia (Sunday Times of
London, October 10,

              Source: "Former Croatian general has US backing: New KLA
leader was
              responsible for ethnic cleansing," World Socialist Web
Service, May 29,


              CIA Training and Advice

              By Tom Walker and Aidan Laverty

                      U.S. intelligence agents have admitted they helped
train the Kosovo
              Liberation Army (KLA) before NATO's bombing of
Yugoslavia.  This angered
              some European diplomats, who said it had undermined a
political solution.
              CIA officers were ceasefire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and
1999.  They gave
              the KLA U.S. military training manuals and field advice.

                    When the Organization for Security and Co-operation
in Europe (OSCE),
              which coordinated the monitoring, left Kosovo a week
before airstrikes
              began, many of its satellite phones and global positioning
systems were
              secretly handed to the KLA, ensuring that they could stay
in touch with
              NATO and Washington.  Several KLA leaders had the phone
number of General
              Clark, the NATO commander.

                    Several Americans with CIA links, spoke to makers of
"Moral Combat,"
              a BBC2 documentary  [Mar.12, 2000], and The Sunday Times
about their
              clandestine roles.  U.S. diplomatic observers were "a CIA
front, gathering
              intelligence on the KLA's arms and leadership," said one. 
Another agent,
              said he had been "suckered in" by an organization that ran
amok in post-war
              Kosovo.  Shaban Shala, a KLA commander involved in
destabilizing majority
              Albanian villages in Serbia proper, said he met British,
U.S. and Swiss
              agents in northern Albania in 1996.

              Source: Siol nan Gaidheal, March 2000.


              William Walker: Mr. Massacre, from El Salvador to Racak
              By Mark Ames and Matt Taibbi.

                      On January 15, 1999, a U.S. diplomat, William
Walker, head of the war
              crimes verification team of the Organization for Security
and Cooperation
              in Europe (OSCE),  visited the Kosovar village of Racak to
investigate an
              alleged Serb massacre of ethnic Albanian peasants.  "I do
not hesitate to
              describe the crime as a massacre, a crime against
humanity," he said.  "Nor
              do I hesitate to accuse the government security forces of
              Washington responded to this by quickly setting the U.S.
military machine
              in motion.

                    Walker's background inspires suspicion about the
entire Yugoslavia
              campaign.  If William Walker is not a CIA agent, he's done
a very bad job
              of not looking like one.  He spent most of his foreign
service career in
              Central and South America.  He began his diplomatic career
in 1961 in Peru.
               In the early 1980s, he held the highly controversial post
of Deputy Chief
              of Mission in Honduras, exactly the time and place the
Contras were formed.

                    Walker was promoted, in 1985, to Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State
              for Central America.  He was a special assistant to
Assistant Secretary of
              State, Elliot Abrams, who was closely connected to the
              scandal.  According to Independent Counsel Lawrence
Walsh's lengthy
              indictment of Abrams and Oliver North, Walker set up a
phony humanitarian
              operation at an airbase in Ilopango, El Salvador,  which
funneled guns,
              ammunition and supplies to Contras in Nicaragua.

                    Although outed in the international press as a
gunrunner, Walker's
              diplomatic career did not suffer.  In 1988, he became
ambassador to El
              Salvador, a state which was still in the grip of
U.S.-sponsored state terror.

                    In late 1989, when U.S.-trained Salvadoran soldiers
executed six
              Jesuit priests and two women, Walker was asked about
evidence linking the
              killings to the Salvadoran High Command.  He apologized
for chief of staff
              Rene Ponce, saying "Management control problems can exist
in these kinds of
              situations.  I'm not condoning it, but in times of great
emotion and great
              anger, things like this happen."

                    Shrugging off news of eyewitness reports that the
murderers wore
              Salvadoran army uniforms, Walker said "anyone can get
uniforms.  The fact
              that they wore military uniforms was not proof they were

                    Later, Walker recommended to Secretary of State
James Baker that the
              U.S. "not jeopardize" its relationship with El Salvador by
              "past deaths, however heinous."  This is ironic, coming
from a man who
              later recommended that the U.S. go to war with Yugoslavia
over heinous

                    In 1996, Walker hosted a ceremony in Washington
honoring 5,000 U.S.
              soldiers who fought secretly in El Salvador.  While Walker
was Ambassador
              there, the official U.S. story was that only 50 U.S.
military advisors in
              the country (Washington Post, May 6, 1996).

                    "Ambassador Walker's record certainly does
compromise his reliability
              as an objective witness," said James Morrell, research
director, Center for
              International Policy, Washington.

                    There is a widespread belief  that Walker's role in
Racak was to
              assist the KLA in fabricating a Serb massacre to be used
as an excuse for
              military action.  French national TV and two major French
newspapers ran
              exposes on the Racak incident.  They cited inconsistencies
in Walker's
              version of events.  Even the Los Angeles Times ran a story
suggesting the
              Racak massacre was faked.  The theory behind these expos?s
is that the KLA
              gathered their own dead after the battle, removed their
uniforms, put them
              in civilian clothes and called in the observers.  Walker,
              did not see the bodies until 12 hours after Serb police
left the town.  As
              Walker knows, not only can "anybody have uniforms," anyone
can have them
              taken off, too.

<> Aug.10, 2000.


              Who is William Walker?
              (1935 - )

              U.S. Foreign Service officer:
              * Peru (1962-1964)
              * Japan (1964-1967)
              * Brazil (1969-1972)
              * El Salvador (1974-1991)
              * Honduras (1980-1986)
              * Panama (1985)

              * Deputy Chief of Mission, Honduras (1980-1982)

              * Deputy Chief of Mission, Bolivia (1982-1984)

              * Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central America,
Office of
              Inter-American Affairs; worked with Ollie North and was
special assistant
              to Eliot Abrams, helping arm the Contras (1985-1988)

              * Ambassador, El Salvador (1988-1992); invited death squad
leader Roberto
              d'Aubuisson to U.S. embassy's July 4 party (1989)

              *  Vice Pres., National Defense Univ., Wash., D.C.

              *  hosted a Washington ceremony honoring 5,000 U.S.
soldiers who fought
              secretly in El Salvador (1996)

              * Special Representative of Secretary General, heading UN
              Administration in Eastern Slavonia, Croatia (return E.
Slavonia to Croatian
              control) (1997-1998)

              * Head, Kosovo Verification Mission, Organization for
Security and
              Cooperation in Europe (1998-1999)


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
                                     Richard Sanders
                Coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
                              Editor, Press for Conversion!
                      541 McLeod St., Ottawa Ontario Canada  K1R 5R2

                        Tel.:  613-231-3076    Fax: 613-231-2614
                   Email: <ad207@...>    Web site: <>


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* Lettera aperta a Sonja Biserko-Licht, rappresentante della Fondazione
Soros a Belgrado (R.K. Kent)
* Human Rights Watch... Watch (R. Rozoff)


                                A LETTER FROM AMERICA
                         TO ONE SONJA BISERKO IN BELGRADE

                                      Emeritus Professor of History
                                 University of California at Berkeley

In a "briefing" of the CSCE, dated 6th March 2001, you identify yourself
as Chair of the "Serbian"  Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. You
claim to be assessing, by way of a "Progress Report,"what is happening
in Serbia after the fall of Milosevic. Of course, your text is not just
a "Report" about  Serbia and the Serbs between 5 October 2000 and the
beginning of March 2001. It criss-crosses into "other" time-frames. It
is a rambling and disjointed piece, riddled with self-esteem.  It is
also a pontificating and hate-mongering tract  against the Serbs, easily
identifiable as such. You simply expurgate from the "Report" any harm
done to the Serbs.  To give but one example that cannot be refuted, you
are parading an asymmetrical humanism of stunning proportions. Your
heart is bleeding  for the incomplete release of all the ethnic
Albanians held in Serbia’s prisons.and not just 105.  You refuse to even
consider the charge that some of them may have tortured and killed Serb
women and children and should hence not be released. But,let us leave
that aside and add in another dimension left out.  There have been and
are still some 80,000 ethnic Albanians in the Greater Belgrade area
alone  Most of them have escaped any "justifiable retribution" from the
Serbs, to recall a phrase uttered by the well-known French Serbophobe,
Bernar Kouchner. He simply  whitewashed the Albanian "purification" of
Kosovo. But, since you are out to keep smearing the Serbs for an alleged
"pernicious nationalism," intolerant of other ethnicities, this "credit"
column in the ledger is left out in a calculated way.

The core problem is that you could not care less about the Human Rights
of Serbs at Kosovo from June 1999 through February 2001.Over a thousand
have been kidnapped, many were tortured and killed. Some 150,000 have
been "cleansed" out of Kosovo with all the other minorities.  A grave
with 150 Serb victims of Albanian atrocities was found after June 1999
but reports of it had been suppressed for over a year and the bodies had
been reburied. The truth has just come out.The kindest possible
explanation of your shoddy logic, omissions and commissions would be
that you have a dishonest affiliation. The "Serb" Committeee for Human
Rights, in your obvious cosmology,  must castigate only the Serbs for
alleged violations of Human Rights of others. That would, however, not
only be too kind. It would also be very incomplete.

 You are not actually concerned with Human Rights violations at all. You
are simply using the "Committee for Human Rights" as a cover for a serie
of personal political agendas  without any convincing degree of
professional competence. The two identifiable agendas are a declaration
of war on "Serb Nationalism" and an attempt to ingratiate yourself to
all those of influence in the U.S. and the European Union who demonized
"the Serbs" for a decade and engineered eleven weeks of destruction in
Serbia and Kosovo. Let me say at once that your knowledge of recent
history in the ex-Yugoslav space is worthless. By way of another example
that cannot be refuted,

you pour compliments in the direction of the U.S. and the European Union
for their "efforts to establish peace in the Balkans." To put it in a
Serb idiomatic phrase, "to se, draga Sonja,  zove cesanje jajca." It has
nothing to do with actual events. Had the United States not torpedoed
the Lisbon Agreement of February 1992 all of the subsequent fratricidal
tragedies would not have taken place. Here, the European Union was
behind it but not the Clinton Administration. A year later, two
respected foreigners worked hard and long to come up with a three-point
major peace plan, called the Vance-Owen plan. It was acceptable to all
the co-belligerents. Even Richerd Holbrooke supported it. But, it was
again "killed" in Washington with the utterly false "explanation" that
the U.S. did not wish to "reward Serb aggression." The plan reduced the
Serbs land holdings in Bosnia from about 62 percent to just 41, with
most of the resources going to Sarajevo. It would, moreover, take
someone suffering of singular myopia to call the support of the West for
the ethnic cleansings of Western Slavonia (August 1991-February 1992},
Krajina (Augost 1995) and Kosovo (June 1999 to the present), along with
the 78 days of relentless "air war" over Serbia and Kosovo (with all the
destructive consequences} "efforts to establish peace."

You may be dispapointed in President Bush’s decision on or shortly after
31st March. If for no other reason because He will not succumb to your
"clever" canard about the "generous" "grace period" of  some six months
given to the current Serb government. It has taken at least since the
Seveneteenth Century for Western Europe and the United States to evolve
into "civil societies." I  urge you in the strongest  terms to  read the
classics of Max Weber and Werner Sombart. The "priorities" you serve
about compliance with Dayton and cooperation with the ICTY are both
comical and tragic. Tragic when one considers that almost half of the
workers with families to feed in Serbia are out of jobs which puts
economic developemnt in Top Priority. By ingratiating yourself to the
U.S. in particular through acceptance of Washington’s list of priorities
you egg-on the Serbophobes in Congress to use the economic weapon
against the background of economic and social misery in Serbia. If you
are a Serb you are certainly an anti-Serb. One could only speculate why.
The comic strip comes in with ITCY. It is by no stretch of imagination a
real court of Law, International or otherwise. It is merely a political
fact of life set-up to keep punishing primarily the Serbs for the same
reason that you yearn for, namely a refusal to get down on their knees
and beg to be forgiven for the temerity to stand up to international
bullies and the "nationalist gall" for not confessing their "collective
guilt."  Cooperation with the ICTY? Sure, lets open  an ICTY office in
Belgrade. Rush-in "precanske Srbe."   What  was done to them? Do you car
at all?

For the sake of relative brevity, I refrain from entering here into your
magister dixit text comments about "the internal dynamic in Serbia and
legacy of the last ten years." Should you however wish to enter into a
written duel with me on this or any other subject relating to the last
decade in the ex-Yugoslav space it will give me endless pleasure to rip
your arguments to shreds This letter will be broadcast on several E-mail
networks reaching a couple of million recipients. A copy will be sent to
President Kostunica and certain members of the U.S. Government as well.

It should come as no surprise that the U.S.-based
Human Rights Watch would act as both advocate and
attack dog for Carla Del Ponte's and the ICTY's
campaign against Yugoslavia, even lecturing the
president of the country - a legal scholar - on what
his constitution really says.
Human Rights Watch is good at following orders - from
the ICTY, the White House, the U.S. State Department
and George Soros - and being paid handsomely to do it.

For information on how HRW (aa well as Amnesty
International U.S.A.) received its marching orders
from the State Department on how to promote NATO's war
against Yugoslavia in 1999, see 'The Progressives'
War" at:

To learn how HRW assisted drug cazr and war criminal
Barry McCaffrey and the White House in distorting the
truth about the civil conflict in Colombia and in
garnering support for Plan Colombia and increased U.S.
military aggression in that country, see "Barry
McCaffrey And Jose Miguel Vivanco" at:

To find out more about what HRW is, who its directors
are, and where its funding comes from, see "Who Is
Behind Human Rights Watch?" at:

(R. Rozoff)


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