

Venerdi 23 febbraio 2001 centinaia di migliaia di lavoratori e casuali passeggeri della Metropolitana di Roma hanno potuto gratuitamente sottoporsi ad un nuovo lavaggio del cervello. Con tale lavaggio, consistente nell'incitamento all'odio razziale antiserbo, essi sono stati orientati favorevolmente in vista delle prossime campagne NATO di squartamento della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia.

Con un titolone a caratteri cubitali infatti il giornalino METRO, diffuso capillarmente a tutta l'utenza, citando come fonte l'AGI tripudia: "Stupri etnici in Bosnia, l'Aja condanna tre serbi", riferendosi ad "una gang di serbo-bosniaci responsabile di decine di stupri contro donne musulmane tra il '92 ed il '93". All'interno, accanto ad una foto di queste canaglie sub-umane, METRO si inventa di sana pianta che la commissione d'inchiesta avrebbe appurato che "gli stupri etnici in Bosnia furono pianificati dal regime di Slobodan Milosevic prim'ancora dell'inizio della guerra".
Sarebbe questa "la prima condanna inflitta per abusi sessuali in guerra, riconosciuti come crimini contro l'umanita'".

Curiosamente pero', solo tre giorni prima (20/2) in un trafiletto pressoche' invisibile nelle pagine centrali dello stesso giornalino si leggeva invece:
"Tribunale dell'Aia condanna per tortura - Bosnia: I giudici d'appelli del Tribunale Internazionale ONU sui crimini di guerra nell'ex-Jugoslavia hanno confermato le accuse contro due musulmani bosniaci e un croato-bosniaco [sic] per il regime di terrore instaurato contro la comunita' serba locale nel campo profughi di Celebici. Nel 1998 i tre furono condannati rispettivamente a 7, 15 e 20 anni di carcere per tortura e omicidio. Per la prima volta [dunque ci sono due prime volte] lo stupro e' stato considerato un sistema di tortura" - ma stavolta non viene aggettivato come "etnico" ne' tantomeno gli viene dedicato il titolone in prima pagina. Geniale la trovata della diffusione di un giornalino gratuito per instillare disinformazione e terrorismo psicologico in modo pressoche' subliminale in una opinione pubblica che giustamente si rifiuta di pagare per acquistare i quotidiani in edicola.

(segnalato dal Coord. Romano per la Jugoslavia - crj@... )


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Immediatamente dopo l'ennesima tornata di bombardamenti "umanitari" britannici contro l'Iraq, la stampa inglese ha fatto circolare delle "indiscrezioni" mirate ad incolpare la RF di Jugoslavia, che avrebbe fornito a GB ed USA informazioni essenziali per attuare i bombardamenti stessi.

Delle due l'una: o l'esercito jugoslavo e' diventato ultra-filo-atlantico, oppure GB ed USA cercano di incrinare l'amicizia tra RF di Jugoslavia ed Iraq, paesi entrambi vittime delle furia omicida occidentale, amicizia fortemente consolidatasi negli ultimi anni.

(Per i dispacci inglesi si veda ad esempio:
> )

BELGRADE, February 22 (Tanjug) Yugoslav President Vojislav
Kostunica on Thursday received Iraqi ambassador to Belgrade Sami Sadoun.
The reason for the meeting were reports in the British press that the
Yugoslav authorities had allegedly passed on information about Iraq's radar
defence system to the United States and Great Britain, the Yugoslav
president's cabinet said.
This information was reportedly used for the recent air strikes
on Iraq. Kostunica decisively denied these reports and condemned the
bombing of Iraq. The Yugoslav president underscored Yugoslavia's principled
stand that sanctions and military retribution cannot resolve any problem in
the world.
Kostunica and Sadoun discussed the need for continuing economic
cooperation between Yugoslavia and Iraq. Yugoslavia's orientation towards
European integrations does not mean it is neglecting relations with other
countries, especially the Arab ones. In this light, the nurturing of
economic and other ties with Iraq is of interest for both countries,
Kostunica said.


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

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opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
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> Interview With Dr. Radovan
> Karadzic, President of Republika Srpska. by Zoran Petrovic
> - Pirocanac, August 1994.1
> Mr. President, from the time of Lisbon Conference we are
> entering a
> period of re-drawing of the territorial map of Bosnia and
> Herzegovina
> (BH). The world politics have not spoken about the map
> thus far.
> Would you please explain to the Serbian public few things
> which have
> not yet been explained ? Let's start with what has
> happened with
> Cutilhiero's plan.
> You are correct, the main problem has always been the
> territorial map
> of BH, which proves that this has been the war for
> territory. This
> is
> the Cutiliero's preliminary map which has before the war
> given to us
> (the Serbs) approximately 50% of the territory. We were
> not
> completely satisfied with it, but we accepted it at first
> because it
> has, for the first time, attempted to divide BH into 3
> sections.
> Remember, in the West we accepted our border to be river
> Una. They
> have admitted there are some Muslims below the mountains
> of Grmech
> and
> Kozara, but we were hoping that we could trade this
> territory with
> something, as for example they wanted to trade some area
> around
> Kupres
> for an area in the Posavina (river Sava valley). However,
> this map
> shows what all future maps will show, a devastating
> severing of
> Serbian territory in the vicinity of Brcko. Western
> interests were
> making sure that there is no basis for formation of
> Serbian country.
> That looks, at the start, like the long term noose around
> the Serbian
> necks.
> Yes, absolutely, but we accepted it reluctantly. This was
> a big step
> for us, since the Muslims thought that we would not accept
> it. We
> fought to have this as a preliminary map as this was for
> the first
> time that Muslims and Croats were accepting the division
> of Bosnia
> into 3 parts. We were not happy with East Bosnia,
> Sarajevo, although
> it can be seen that Sarajevo was divided between Serbs and
> Muslims.
> We were not happy with the Neretva valley. We were happy
> with Una,
> and we could accept that as such.
> Here you can see a map from Vance-Owen plan. Black areas
> show the
> territories which we had to give up . Again, note that we
> were cut
> off near Brcko. Not only that, in this example we had
> lost Mt. Ozren,
> Doboj and whole Posavina region and important areas in
> Eastern Bosnia,
> up here in Western Bosnia as well.
> You know, on Vance desk we saw special maps of mining
> resources which
> were issued by CIA. We realized that a lot of importance
> was given to
> the mine Ljubija, coal mine Kamengrad and all hydro power
> stations on
> rivers Drina and Neretva. Therefore, the West has
> insisted that these
> assets are given to the Croats. I must say that Croats
> are the only
> ones who have a real friend in Germany. Neither are the
> Americans
> friends of the Muslims, they have not done anything for
> the Muslims,
> nor have the Russians done anything for us, but Germans
> have always
> made sure that Croats get what they want. Therefore, the
> Croats could
> always accept everything that they (Germans) suggest.
> You have mentioned the mine Ljubija. It is interesting to
> note that
> Gorring has exploited these same territories in WW2. I
> think that CIA
> has taken everything from the Germans,.. photos and other
> intelligence. This is the essence of this whole thing.
> Now, in light of all this, you can understand why there is
> this green
> area on the map here. One other German, or more
> accurately, an
> Austrian, Kurt Waldheim, has committed genocide against
> Serbs here in
> WW2, for example, he has executed, slaughtered, in the
> area of Sanski
> Most, in one day over 5,300 Serbs. In this area, Bosanska
> Krupa and
> Bihac districts, Serbs were in absolute majority. Over
> 2/3 or 70 to
> 77%, of the population here was Serbian. Therefore, if
> you now
> attempt to tell the inhabitants of Mt. Grmech Region, Mt.
> Kozara
> Region or those of Sana Valley, and others from these
> regions that
> they will be dealt to someone else, you are going to meet
> vehement
> resistance not only from these people, but also from the
> people from
> here (points to South Eastern Bosnia). There is in
> existence an
> absolute National solidarity among people here and we all
> are equally
> concerned and interested in how our country will be
> shaped.
> If I remember correctly, Alija Izetbegovic has accepted
> this, but he
> later gave a completely different announcement on TV. Why
> ?
> Izetbegovic does not make decisions alone. He receives
> completed
> plans from the Americans. I can say with absolute
> certainty, this has
> already been confirmed, that first of all Zimmerman, and
> later other
> high American officials, have advised what to accept what
> to reject.
> In other wards, if the pressure was eased Izetbegovic
> would accept
> some things, however, they would encourage him again to
> reject
> agreements as they sould promise to help him retain
> unitary Bosnia.
> This war, if it was not caused by US, and I think it was
> because we
> could, with Lisbon Paper
> get by without a war, or at least we would be where we are
> now. We
> could heve 3 entities, and there would be no war.
> Zimmerman is guilty
> of this war because he talked Izetbegovic into rejecting
> the
> agreement. If US did not cause this war they are
> certainly extending
> it since whenever
> we came close to a suitable solution, some American would
> come and
> encourage Muslims to reject the agreement. We first hear
> (in the
> media)
> haw no pressure should be applied on either of the three
> sides.
> President Clinton has stated many times how he doesn't
> want a forced
> solution. This has been valid only for Muslims, since
> Serbs have
> always been pressured.
> Then, there was a big mayhem around Vance-Owen Plan in
> April and May.
> I remember that none from Republika Srpska leadership has
> come out on
> Serbian TV to explain. It was not clear to Serbian people
> what was
> meant by Vance Owen Plan. Why was it unacceptable to you
> ?
> Here is a more detailed map of Vance-Owen Plan. See, they
> were giving
> to the Muslims, on river Una, whole city of Krupa, even
> though half of
> it was ours, and before WW2 it was over 75% Serbian, they
> were giving
> away large part of Mt. Grmech, Sanski Most, Kozarac,
> Prijedor,
> Bosanski Novi.
> Mines again.
> Mines, river valleys, this is the heart of Krajina. They
> left
> completely barren areas of Mt. Grmech, Bosansko Grahovo,
> Drvar,
> Mrkonjic Grad. This is completely barren. There is no
> base for life
> or existence here. Only a small region of Lijevce Polje
> around
> Banjaluka was left for us. Furthermore, we lost Posavina
> completely,
> we were again cut off here (corridor). Again, you see
> this
> consistency in the Western based maps. Also, we lost
> Doboj, Mt. Ozren,
> Zvornik, whole Bratunac, which is Serbian. We lost a
> great deal of
> Foca. They gave us few wild-goat paths around here. This
> was a
> charicature of a map where Serbs would not have essential
> basis for
> existence. These were all water-logged areas,
> uninhabitable
> mountains, barren lands and generally areas with no
> natural resources
> and means for support of life. BH would stay within the
> current
> borders. We would be relegated to unimportant peripheral
> regions
> where we could absolutely not exist. There would be no
> Serbs in BH
> within 5 years. In addition, first attack by Croats would
> see Serbian
> Krajina fall to them. We could not even drive a bicycle
> through the
> corridor in the North, never mind anything else.
> Again, it looks like the battle was fought very carefully
> about assets
> and resources. It looks like they knew very well what to
> give you and
> what to confiscate. How could you calculate the monetary,
> or
> proportional (by population), value of this division ? I
> think that
> Serbs received, by far, the least.
> According to Vance-Owen Plan, Serbs are getting
> approximately 15% of
> BH. Current Plan is awarding to us approximately 20% of
> the
> real-estate
> value of BH, even though enormous part of the landmass is
> ours. I am
> not talking about, what some sworn Serbs regard that large
> numbers of
> people in BH who are currently Catholics or Muslims are of
> Serbian
> dissent and that they are Serbs. I accept the present
> reality that
> they do not want to be Serbs. Even this map of 1991
> census, which was
> largely falsified by Muslims, shows large areas inhabited
> and owned by
> Serbs. This is what Cutllero had in mind when he drew this
> map of
> roughly 50% Serbian BH. This is Alija's falsification.
> When we
> checked this map we found in many areas that there were
> more voting
> age people, that is population older than 18, the voting
> age, than
> total population of the same area. If you consider that
> non-voting
> population of any society is roughly 30%, the Serbs were
> cheated by
> 30% of the population numbers. Even with this you can
> still see that
> BH is predominantly a Serbian country. It is spotted with
> green
> (Muslim) areas. Here, (in the South) there is a compacted
> Croatian
> area, but the rest of it is in fact a Serbian land. Look
> at the
> current factual situation. Here you can see, and this has
> caught the
> foreigners' eye, that the Serbs are in fact on the
> parameter of their
> territories, and that this is by no means aggression. If
> we were to
> take over this (Muslim) area, even then it would not be an
> aggression,
> because it is an internal matter, or a civil war. We
> have, as you can
> see protected our people. In this area (Sarajevo region)
> there are
> around a hundred thousand Serbs, together with Sarajevo.
> We are
> currently pleading for their release as they are in fact
> ethnic
> prisoners. Look at Eastern Bosnia, the areas of
> Srebrenica, Zepa and
> Gorazde - what they have been reduced to. In 1948 Eastern
> Bosnia was
> completely populated by Serbs. Even by Alija's map in
> 1991 census
> between Trebinje
> and Sremska Raca 56% of the population was Serbian. Of
> course,
> Muslims want strategically to stay against river Drina and
> to retain
> contact with Sandzak and Kosovo. They are trying to
> create sleeve
> here for them (Gorazde), and they are telling us that
> after
> everything is said and done we will be able to trade this
> for
> something else. There is no Muslim alive who would dare
> to sign away
> East Bosnia. Even if anybody allowed him that much. This
> would be
> tantamount to us saying that we agree to give up all ties
> with Serbia.
> However, if we don't allow this then they are bound to
> exchange these
> enclaves.
> It is interesting that President Milosevic about a month
> ago had a
> meeting with people from government coalition and that he
> surprisingly
> devoted a significant portion of that meeting to a very
> knowledgeable
> presentation about the Drina Valley (Podrinje). He said
> that Podrinje
> is extremely important for Serbia of 21st century. He
> sees it as one
> of the most important issues for Serbia in the 21st
> century.
> Yes, we have talked. He had looked at some old drawings
> where river
> Drina would become a source of clean water and electricity
> for
> Belgrade.
> We have proclaimed Drina as the backbone of Serbian people
> - and that
> we would not allow Drina to be a border between Serbs and
> Serbs - and
> that Drina will be a source of water for Belgrade children
> as they
> will drink water from Drina. We will abolish all
> industrial
> installations such as Vitkovichi etc. on Drina and leave
> it as a
> source of electro-power and clean water. This will be one
> of rare
> European rivers with completely clean water, and Belgrade
> will be a
> metropolitan city with cleanest drinking water in Europe.
> New
> generations will drink fresh mountain water from Drina
> watershed. We
> can make 24 more hydro power stations on Drina. This can
> supply all
> Serbs with electricity. Drina has always been a Serbian
> river in its
> entirety. The fact that Muslims have a high natality rate
> does not
> give them the right to someone else's country. There used
> to be fewer
> Muslims in East Bosnia than in Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla.
> Those Serbs
> who could they fled. Zvornik, before WW2 was largely
> Serbian. Now,
> Zvornik is completely Serbian because Muslims fled to
> Central Bosnia,
> and Serbs from Central Bosnia fled to Zvornik. This is
> not ethnic
> cleansing. This is not planned relocation. This was
> decided and done
> by chaos. But, this is one of the new realities of this
> war. We have
> told Mr. Owen that if you wish to give Zvornik to Muslims
> you must
> move Serbs to Zenica and bring the Muslims from Zenica to
> Zvornik. To
> accomplish this, or to go back to status quo ante, you
> need a new war
> as big and as bloody as this one. That is why Zvornik was
> left out of
> negotiations.
> I have read an analysis of the battle for Gorazde by
> Joseef Bodanski,
> an American expert. It was interesting that he noted an
> essential
> difference which is that the Muslims lead an offensive,
> not Westward
> toward Sarajevo as expected, but Eastward toward Sandzak
> and Kosovo.
> Is it possible, can it be said then that your forces were
> protecting
> Yugoslavia ?
> Absolutely, we did defend Yugoslavia. Their aim was to
> break through
> to the border with Yugoslavia and to ignite Sandzak and
> Kosovo, so
> they could guarantee incidents continually. If they could
> reach the
> Yugoslavian border, constant incidents would be
> unavoidable. That
> would
> be a pretext for the international community to send
> military force
> and thereby to expose Serbia to further humiliation. To
> that end, I
> came up
> with a plan which the commanders developed into a working
> plan. The
> objectives were to repel the attacks toward Drina.
> Secondly, to
> return to Drina. Thirdly, to reduce the Gorazde enclave
> and render it
> unimportant. And fourth, to tell the truth, I had had
> enough of their
> offensives as it was beginning to look like they could
> gain something
> by force. All of us here decided that we must undertake
> a counter
> offensive as it was beginning to look like the Muslims
> could achieve
> something by force. Their allies were becoming hopeful.
> They were
> delaying negotiations to give the Muslims time. I
> announced through
> the news papers that we were preparing a counter
> offensive. I told
> them that if they did not cease their offensive within one
> week that
> we were going to mount a counter offensive. We executed a
> brilliant
> counter offensive. When the umprofor Generals saw it,
> they could not
> believe that we did it. Mladic was there in person giving
> direction.
> Many other commanders participated and they did an
> extremely good job.
> General Rose thought that the Muslims fled deliberately
> to induce
> NATO anger against Serbs. However, that is not true. The
> brilliant
> tactics of our Supreme Command was to attack their
> fortified positions
> with half of our forces. The other half went for soft
> spots and they
> made great gains. All of a sudden the Muslims realized
> that they were
> fired upon from all directions. They ran frantically.
> They held
> positions which they could defend for decades. This battle
> should
> enter history books of warfare since our forces conducted
> a brilliant
> attack from all sides, East, North, South and partially
> from the West.
> They persued Muslims. This was a large enclave
> stretching all the
> way to the boarder. We have reduced it to an unimportant
> region.
> Mr. President, since the problems with Yugoslavia began it
> is evident
> that all of you leaders had a dignified, reserved
> viewpoint. It was
> evident that you did not seek friction of any kind, even
> though you
> were characterized with rather rough language. As we
> mentioned at the
> beginning these maps were very poorly understood by the
> public. As
> we are in front of this very detailed map let's see what
> is your
> argument to counter these accusations from all sides.
> I am not going to talk about the accusations dealing with
> personal
> attacks from Serbia and Montenegro. We were all ready to
> relinquish
> power the minute we are united. I have never been in
> government even
> after last elections. Personally, until one month before
> the war, I
> was not even in the government. I conducted my usual
> work-related
> obligations, mornings in my riding office and afternoons
> elsewhere. I
> never used to spend time in the government.
> Let's stay with geo-political theme.
> Yes, here is what our brothers from Serbia do not
> understand. First,
> we fought for a country. We have a country. I am not
> talking about
> an area. It is between 68 and 70% depending on where the
> undecided
> territories end up. Percentages are not our exceptionally
> proud or
> satisfying part. But we are satisfied because it is a
> country. The
> country exists. It was formed on January 9th, 1992. It
> established
> its borders. It was confirmed in the war. It was
> liberated. It
> established its government. Its constitution has already
> been
> ammended once. It is a free country. The people, in this
> region, for
> the first time in the past 600 years feel completely
> free. We are
> most proud of the freedom. It is individual freedom. I
> beg of you to
> investigate this. Go talk with our people. You will see a
> total
> freedom and pride among Serbian people to be finally free
> and living
> in their country. With this other plan we are not loosing
> only
> territory, we are loosing the country. We are asked to
> accept BH with
> its outside borders as a country. This country would be
> recognized by
> UN. Inside this country, we don't have 3 or 4 entities as
> in
> Vance-Owen Plan, but we are getting one entity. Area-wise
> we are
> getting a bit more of Posavina than in V-O Plan.
> Therefore, since V-O
> plan we no longer have 3 entities, but one. We would have
> certain
> autonomy, we can call it Republika Srpska, with no
> international legal
> importance. When they in Serbia talk about guaranteed
> borders, these
> are not internationally recognized borders, but
> internationally
> guaranteed borders. What this means is that the
> international
> community guarantees that the Muslims would not attack us
> if we were
> to retreat to these borders. The guarantees of the
> international
> community is not worth much. This same international
> community (IC)
> has guaranteed Tudjman the AVNOJ borders of Croatia, and
> we still
> protected our areas there. The same IC guaranteed the
> borders of BH,
> but it could not keep the guarantee. In every future war
> we would
> loose everything since the Muslims would, from their new
> positions,
> destroy us.
> Forgive me. Can we identify the points which would be
> eventual
> springboards for future continuation. For instance,
> Kupres, Ozren,
> Brcko, Drina Valley.
> Yes, I wanted to add something overall. This is something
> which is
> better than V-O plan. If we signed V-O plan we would
> never have a
> country. If we sign this, we still would not have a
> country, but we
> would be in a somewhat better position. V-O plan was
> worse. We would
> not have a country. Therefore, not a single smart Serb
> would invest
> here as we have to go through the eye of a needle here
> (points to
> corridor). Absolutely uncertain, and this would not do.
> Let's look at the military strategic positions. The front
> line is
> approximately like this: Kupres is ours, then past
> Bugojno - that's
> ours, Donji Vakuf, Srbobran is ours over Komar Mt., then
> you go to
> past Mt. Vlasic, they took Vrucica Hotsprings even though
> it was
> ours, Teslic is ours, then the line goes this way (showing
> on the
> map), past Mt. Ozren to Vozuca past Spreca, past Trebava
> and somewhere
> around here (showing) to Majevica Mt.
> Kupres Vrata (door) is the door to Central Bosnia.
> Whoever controls
> Kupres and eventually Makljen they control a large area.
> You see,
> even if we did accept that Croats use this area
> eventually, we would
> not hand it over until the crisis between Serbian and
> former Croatian
> Krajina is concluded. We can not leave this area and
> allow the
> invasion, or any kind of pressure, on Serbian Krajina from
> Central
> Bosnia.
> Therefore, he who controls Kupres controls this area
> toward Glamoch,
> Shipovo etc. Furthermore, (moving up on the map) here they
> are taking
> a part of Mt. Grmech, a Sana River Valley all the way to
> Kljuc. These
> are best areas of this Krajina. Here it is bordering with
> mountains.
> From this other side they are taking Jajce, now complete
> city even
> though we agreed otherwise, and this is allowing the
> Muslims to, in
> some future crisis or war, or immediately after we
> retreat, connect
> this (these two points), thereby cutting off these two
> Krajinas from
> each other, i.e. Drvar Krajina from Banjaluka Krajina,
> thus opening
> the road to Banjaluka and Mrkonjic Grad in which case
> Banjaluka would
> fall. That is certain. If the Muslims are here (pointing
> to Sana
> Valley) and here (pointing to Jajce area) then there is no
> existence
> of either Drvar or Banjaluka Krajinas. They simply come
> down the river
> valleys and this has to fall because there are no good
> fortification
> positions from which to defend these areas. Mt. Ozren is
> being taken
> in its entirety, which we can not allow, Doboj, the whole
> city, they
> are leaving us a railway. Ozren dominates over
> surrounding valleys
> and Posavina can not be defended if we loose Ozren. That
> is why we are
> determined to defend Ozren, and will defend it to the end
> of war,
> including Vozuca. They 'lost (broke) teeth' there as they
> had large
> casualties. They want Vozuca badly.
> Take a look, for example, at this corridor. This looks
> more like a
> tunnel than a corridor. Here, the Serbs can not reside,
> live and
> prosper. We would have to maintain army bases along here
> to secure
> this difficult transit. They left us few paths, and
> substandard
> roads. They have not left us a single decent road or a
> railroad, they
> left a part of a railroad. We would loose population
> here.
> Eventually, we would have to crawl over or under, it
> doesn't matter, a
> certain bridge in Brcko, a rich city which was founded by
> us. They
> would be on top of Majevica Mt., O.K. currently we are
> both on top of
> Majevica, but we do not plan to go further, they do plan
> to go occupy
> Semberija Valley. That is why Majevica is important to
> them. It is
> not important to us to be on Majevica in conquering sense,
> since we do
> not wish to occupy their territories. As you can see
> here, we are
> squeezed here. Then, Mt. Romania was chewed off; from
> this side, Han
> Pjesak, the corridor here, is only around 10 km. This is
> absolutely
> critical as it can easily be cut here. Mr. Izetbegovic
> was always
> interested in Han Pijesak. He even wanted to trade Serbs
> from Han
> Pjesak with Muslims from Sandzak, which we can not even
> consider.
> Therefore, in any future war, this would happen again.
> Izetbegovic was
> not satisfied with access to Drina from this side
> (pointing South of
> S.P), but he wanted to reach Drina from this side
> (pointing North of
> S.P). Furthermore, you see these enclaves have grown so
> much. It is
> completely illogical. If they were asking to enlarge
> Central part
> of their country and to reduce enclaves, that would be a
> country
> building logic. But, they have no country building logic,
> they want a
> springboard for future connecting with Sandzak, Kosovo,
> etc. That is
> certainly their long term strategy. And Turkey is
> interested in this.
> As long as there is a connection between Central Bosnia
> and Sandzak,
> Turkey will harbour appetite for return to the Balkans all
> the way to
> Bosnia. Therefore, this is not important only for
> Republika Srpska.
> This is equally important to Yugoslavia, Montenegro,
> Macedonia,
> Kosovo, Bulgaria. Our position on river Drina is
> important to all
> these countries. It is important for stability in the
> Balkans. The
> minute the Muslims have no such ambitions, Turkey will
> revise their
> ambitions toward Bosnia and it will connect with it via
> the sea.
> This looks like this is not an imaginary thought, but a
> very concrete
> geo-political plan.
> Absolutely, this is not an imaginary thought, this is a
> long term
> strategic concept which does not have to materialize
> immediately.
> But, the Muslims are figuring long term, they are counting
> on their
> natality rate.
> I just want to comment on river Posavina which was 56%
> Serbian. Brod,
> before WW2 was Serbian, before this recent war, Serbs and
> Yugoslavs
> constituted a majority. Derventa, without Yugoslavs, is
> of Serbian
> majority, Modrica also. Shamac also. We are holding
> this from the
> beginning of war. Mr. Tudjman had agreed to get parts of
> Odzak
> district, a part of Derventa district and a part of Brod
> district.
> Brod, Derventa, Modrica, Shamac and few villages around
> Odzak which
> are inhabited by Serbs, would be given to Serbs. Why did
> they change
> this even though Tujman had already agreed with this, we
> don't know
> this, but this is one of the reasons why we don't want to
> accept it.
> Now, you see, when they were saying that we should have
> accepted V-O
> plan, and that this was not a problem, we have realized
> that this was
> a problem if Krajina was to be handed over to Croatia,
> because it
> would be enough if they had 5,000 soldiers here (corridor)
> and 5,000
> soldiers here (Zvornik
> region) since Zvornik would be handed over to the
> Muslims. But now,
> in current situation, it is enough to have a credible
> force here and
> in the Muslim parts of Bosnia, and on river Drina, to have
> the
> Yugoslavian crisis resolved by the wishes of the West.
> Germany can
> not stand neither Russian nor American soldiers any
> longer.
> Therefore, Germany will be left without NATO bases.
> America (US) does
> not wish to leave Europe. America must prove to Europe
> that Europe
> can't do anything without them. That is why they are
> prolonging this
> crisis. They are trying to get whole of BH and to get our
> signature,
> to legally and legitimately move NATO forces to BH and to
> stay here
> for ever. As soon as they arrive, they would immediately
> fill this
> area around Drina with large numbers of people, and a
> large force.
> They would start the provocations of Serbia again,
> satanization of
> Serbia, flaring up Sandzak and Kosovo, and further
> blackmailing of
> Serbia.
> Activating Vojvodina ?
> Activating Vojvodina, etc. We will not put our signature
> to NATO
> arrival here ! Serbia can not withstand such borders !
> If we give
> in, Serbia will have most hostile borders in the world.
> For example,
> with the exception of Romania, all its neibours have
> potential
> territorial appetites toward Serbia. Serbia will have to
> accept
> humiliation, since she is surrounded from all sides.
> Strategically it is completely surrounded.
> Absolutely, strategically it is completely surrounded. We
> are the
> lungs of Serbia, and its other leg on which Serbia can
> stand.
> Knowing the situation in Republika Srpska, knowing your
> parliament,
> and
> I think that in Serbia the power of your parliament is
> little known,
> even if you wanted, after this explanation, to accept and
> sign for
> something like this, you would not dare sign something
> like this,
> because, as I mentioned yesterday in a conversation with
> Professor
> Plavsic, your leadership would not stay alive very long if
> you
> accepted something like
> this.
> No, the leadership would obviously have to fall, but
> irrespective of
> that, the plan would not be accepted. However, what would
> happen then
> ?
> Then, I would expose our people to the bombing by NATO,
> because they
> are not honoring a signature. This way it is very
> difficult for them
> to come here without our signature. That would be
> illegal, and
> illegitimate. Otherwise, they need strong reasons for
> bombing. If we
> sign, we all can resign and leave our positions, but then
> it would be
> a different situation. It is not any longer Republika
> Srpska. Now,
> we are rebels, whose leadership has accepted BH, and
> whose particular
> elements are rebelling and do not obey, and then a hunting
> of Serbs
> and their rebel leaders would begin. We can not allow
> this. We have
> no right to do that, to legitimize and legalize presence
> of NATO on
> the borders of Serbia and in
> former BH and to legitimize the presence of NATO here, and
> to
> legitimize the hunting of Serbs whose leadership accepted
> a particular
> plan. The Serbs would not accept. I am not doing what I
> want, I am
> doing what I must do ! I can not accept this ! Nobody in
> our
> leadership can accept this. We have no cracks in our
> leadership.
> Supreme command is united, main headquarters is unified,
> the army is
> unified, people are united, we
> can not accept this, this can not be signed. Nobody has
> the right to
> sign this, and if it was signed it could not be
> implemented because
> the Serbs would rebel. But, then the Serbs would be easy
> prey to
> NATO, our signature would serve to pronounce them as
> rebels and allow
> their killing.
> Thank you Mr. President.
> 1 Before sanctions were imposed on Republika Srpska by
> Srbia, August
> 5, 1994..
> ------- End of forwarded message -------


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Mrs. Jela Jovanovic wrote:
> After the criminal last-week arrest of Mr. Dragoljub Milanovic, the
> former general director of Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS) and member
> of the leadership of SPS, demonstrations in Belgrade were held four
> times (in front of Parliament of Serbia, Central Prison, City Court,
> Government of Serbia and Ministry of Justice). The series will be
> continued next week - with biggest mass rally expected on Wednesday,
> 21st February at 2:30 p.m. in front of the Government of Serbia. The
> rally will also raise the voice against the Amnesty Lows (republican
> one adopted last week, and federal one in procedure of adoption in
> Federal Parliament), that have to pardon all Albanian terrorists, who
> are still brutally killing innocent civilians in Kosovo and Southern
> Serbia.
> These are still demonstrations against the NATO aggression and NATO
> quislings!
> Any form of public support or expression of solidarity is welcomed!
> The article below was originally published in Yugoslav daily "24 casa"
> (24 Hours) , a week before the arrest of Mr.
> Milanovic. It is written by an engineer, one of the senior technicians
> in RTS (most of the 16 victims of NATO criminal bombing of RTS on 23rd
> April 1999 were from technical staff, because the target was TV
> "Master", technical heart of any broadcasting TV and clearly seen from
> the sky due to its radiation, wherever it might be placed).
> What transpired in 1999
> I hereby admit I was informed that RTS building in
> Aberdareva Street will be bombed
> I, Slobodan Dragicevic, B. Sc. Eng., employed with the Serbia
> Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) admit voluntarily, without duress and
> of sound body and mind that NATO Alliance informed me they will bomb
> organization I am employed with as follows: building in Aberadreva
> Street, Belgrade, broadcasting stations Avala, Jastrebac, Crveni Cot,
> Iriski Venac and others.
> Mentioned Alliance of the Western democratic countries also informed
> me that it is going to bomb hospitals, trains, housing buildings,
> bridges and other civilian structures.
> At the same time, I declare that NATO countries also informed of the
> above all these who absolutely believe that mentioned countries are
> capable of doing what they say they will, that they do not shrink from
> any evil if it would serve their purpose.
> Sources of the information
> Hereby, I also voluntarily denounce the channels above mentioned
> information were delivered to me:
> 1. Works of Mr. Noam Chomsky, "What America Wants?", "Year 501: The
> Conquest Continues", "Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in
> Democratic Societies";
> 2. Raff Eperson?s book "Introduction Into Theory of Conspiracy";
> 3. Works of Dostoyevski, Tolstoy, Chosich, Nyegosh, Evgeni Zamyatin,
> George Orwel and other writers;
> 4. Knowledge of global history confirming that Western countries are
> the origin of eternal evil;
> 5. Memoirs of Guderian, Zukov, Mannheim, Churchill and other world
> renown personalities;
> 6. Current global and internal policies winding down to forcing the
> happiness upon these who are even not conscious they are not
> happy, until told by the democrats, with the weapons, if
> necessary.
> 7. Experiences from the wars in Bosnia where broadcasting stations
> of the Radio-television of the Republic of Srpska were bombed
> with more eagerness then military objectives, because, truth is
> more lethal then bombs.
> 8. Experiences from the war in Iraq. They were not able to compel
> Iraq to surrender until started bombing civilian targets, and
> then they destroyed Iraqi Army after reaching agreement on their
> withdrawal from the combat positions.
> 9. Experiences of all the countries that tried to confront them
> 10. Other sources.
> What Else I Learned
> From the mentioned sources of information I have learned the
> following;
> 1. Democratic countries of the West are populated by the barbarian
> peoples. Ever since they created early strong communities and
> started building ships, they are navigating the seas, plundering,
> killing and taking into slavery naïve indigenous population. That
> was called discovery of the world, as if peoples living there did
> not know about themselves and needed to be told they are
> discovered. In the modern world, terminology has changed, and the
> same actions of the Western countries are now termed "struggle
> for democracy and human rights".
> 2. Within the last 501 years all the evil that transpired at the
> planet originated from the West. In the 20th century, at the soil
> of Central and South America, USA executed over 90 military
> interventions, with numerous victims, destroying all who dared to
> confront them.
> 3. Persons ruling the West, and now almost all the world with the
> exception of Cuba, China, Iraq and Libya have no any scruples nor
> any moral norms. They do not trust in God, though they are
> avowing their fate.
> 4. Even though they represent only one sixth of humankind, developed
> countries of the West call themselves ?international community?
> and are forcing their vassals in the occupied countries to
> convince the population to accept that as an universal truth.
> 5. "War is not caused by the conqueror, but by its victim! Aggressor
> would not wont to draw out his sword, but what to do when victim
> does not voluntarily allow what the conqueror is requesting?"
> This are the words of Alfred Von Schliffen, Chief of German
> General Staff up to year 1905. These words become the motto of
> the articulated world policy and the motto of "DOS" (read:
> vassals) as justification for the terror unleashed upon Serb
> people.
> 6. Methodology of occupation of certain parts of the world goes as
> follows: Terrorists get infiltrated into the state that should be
> destroyed (in Nicaragua called ?Contras"). Then, after the
> conflagrations started, peace process is offered. With the peace
> process all the world scum of journalists from CNN and BBC and
> officials of ?humanitarian? organizations like UN and OSCE arrive
> to the scene. With their help, confrontations are made permanent,
> so as to make possible bringing of peace. ("War is peace" -
> newspeak, G. Orwel). As in other previously occupied countries
> that happened both in Bosnia and the Kosmet, and now process
> continues in the south of Serbia.
> Always ready Vassals
> However, main force of the conqueror are domestic vassals. Without
> them process of occupation would not been possible. That?s why
> countries where, at the given moment, do not exist persons ready to
> collaborate, are temporarily left alone, at peace. (This experience
> dates back to times of Turkish sultan Murat who attacked Georgia, but
> since was not able to find any domestic vassals, quit the invasions
> and, instead, attacked Serbia).
> In the mentioned countries persons ready to collaborate get organized
> in the pacifist political parties, who, as a rule, in their title
> contain word ?democracy?.
> (Note: Also, indicative are titles like "Contras" in Nicaragua and
> "Resistance" in Serbia.)
> 7. All what evil world bullies, personified in the mighty developed
> states of the West, say they will do, they will do. As well, what they
> do not say, they will also do. Whatever they do is beforehand
> justified by ordaining democracy and human rights, by ordaining
> happiness. AT the places where West did not arrive yet, people
> actually "do not know they are not happy" (Yevgeni Zamyatin, novel
> "Us".).
> 8. Gravest crimes in the history of mankind are committed by the
> democratic, developed countries, for democracy and in the name of
> democracy.
> That democracy is not, in fact, the source of general happiness was
> foretold by the murder of Socrates in the democratic Greece of
> Pericles?s times, while usurpation of power by DOS in contemporary
> Serbia is further proof, as well as all the countries of the world
> occupied by the West.
> 9. Regarding countries and persons confronting mentioned evil, they
> are being satanised and persecuted as wild beasts since they may be
> ?bad? example for others and, ?as rotten apple may corrupt the whole
> barrel" (Noam Chomsky, "Necessary Illusions").
> A Joint Posse
> In addition to the posse staged by these who want themselves to be
> called ?international community?, there is a posse staged by the
> domestic vassals. Posse of the domestic vassals is more fiery and
> ominous, but quite understandable. Namely, if they may prove that
> resistance to the evil is wrong policy, if they are able to show that
> evil that bombed and killed their own people is not evil, and, at the
> same token, their vassal treachery is recognized as co-operative,
> peaceful policy, then the act of high treason does not exist.
> Guilty is one who defended the country and the people. In their own
> conscience and sub-conscience guilty for their shameful acts are these
> who led brave and honorable struggle for freedom of the people,
> leadership that was at the helm of the resistance.
> However, if the domestic vassal?s activity was motivated by the money
> they were given, then their treason has some sense. But one who, out
> of conviction, goes to the side of the enemy and believes in humanity
> and democratic progressiveness of the West has something wrong in his
> head.
> In CIA terminology, such persons are called "useful idiots".
> 10. The right policy of the vassal regimes consist of the following:
> "manufacturing consent to be a slave to the master of social relief
> with necessary illusion of absolute happiness." (Naomi Chomsky,
> "Necessary Illusions?).
> Brain Washers
> One would be able to cite innumerable bits of knowledge any person,
> unless his process of thinking is blocked by democratic brain washers,
> could have acquired.
> It was clear that if evil doers said they will bomb Serbia
> Broadcasting Corporation (RTS), they will do that.
> For contemporary "democratic", "new" , "free" media and
> D-Occupation-S politicians, ipso facto quilt for bombing moves from
> the evil doers to us who know they are evil doers and that they would
> commit that crime.
> More monstrous then crime is the act of justification of the crime and
> giving an alibi to the criminal. Transferring the quilt for murder of
> innocent victims, our colleagues, mostly technical staff, to someone
> else from these who launched killer, lethal, evil and hell-bearing
> missile and the one that gave the order, is crime worse then the
> murder itself.
> Only these who do not allow us to erect monuments to our heroes, that
> is D-Occupation-S authorities are capable of such crime.
> Because of that I declare that in the last war, under the then
> leadership of Serbia and Serbia Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) 200
> workers of the Broadcasting Equipment Team at the various places, from
> building in Aberdareva, to all the destroyed structures at Avala,
> Jastrebac, Ovcar, Kopaonik, Crni Vrh, Crveni Cot, Iriski Venac etc.
> made possible broadcasting of the programme almost permanently and
> without anyone killed.
> Perhaps because we knew with what kind of criminals we are dealing
> with!
> Because of that, democrats, please, surrender us to The Hague!
> Slobodan Dragicevic, B. Sc. Eng.
> Belgrade
> To join or help this struggle, visit:
> (official SPS website)
> (forum for the world of equals)
> (the only free daily newspaper in Yugoslavia)


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

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opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
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