
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic wrote:
> The Committee for National Solidarity
> Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU
> Is it Time for Bush to Apologize for America's Arming of the Taliban
> and KLA?
> Why the Sudden Concern Over the Destruction of Religious Statues?
> By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Banner of Liberty (
> March 2, 2001
> ``All officials, including the ministry of vice and virtue,
> have been given the go-ahead to destroy the statues,'' the
> Taliban's Information Minister Qadratullah Jamal said
> Thursday. ``The destruction work will be done by any means
> available to them.''
> ``All the statues all over the country will be destroyed,''
> he said.
> The statues mentioned in the article are statues of Buddha. One of
> them is 175 feet tall and one is 120 feet tall and they date back to
> the 3rd and 5th century AD. UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura
> said of the planned destruction,
> ``In Afghanistan, they are destroying statues that the entire world
> considers to be masterpieces,'' UNESCO Director-General Koichiro
> Matsuura said. ``This iconoclastic determination shocks me.''
> Considering what we have seen in Kosovo from the Kosovo Liberation
> Army fundamentalist Muslims, who also were armed and supported by the
> United States, the European Union, NAT O and the United Nations along
> this line, why would Matsuura be shocked when the Taliban follows the
> KLA's lead?
> The Western press has largely ignored the desecration and destruction
> of Serbian Christian Churches in Kosovo by the KLA. So, the front page
> reports in the Washington Post and New York Times of the Taliban's
> desecration and destruction of Buddhist religious statues is a most
> welcome surprise.
> The KLA and the Taliban have a lot in common. Both are armed
> fundamentalist Muslim fanatics determined to destroy the people and
> the symbols of other religions and both were initially armed and
> trained by the United States. Both groups were called "freedom
> fighters" by the West and the weapons they are using to kill, main
> religious people and destroy religious artifacts are mostly those they
> have gotten from the United States..
> When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to give aid to the Communist
> government, the United States provided Stinger missiles to the
> "freedom fighters" and taught them how to shoot down Soviet aircraft.
> By 1999 left over Stinger missiles were being deployed to hijack an
> Indian Airbus as the Taliban demanded release of some of its
> terrorists.
> The Taliban's supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, dismissed the
> West's concerns by saying:
> "We do not understand why everybody is so worried. All we
> are breaking are stones." A mullah is honored in the Muslim
> faith as one who is learned in the shari'a, the sacred law
> of Muslims.
> At least the Muslims in Afghanistan are being honest about
> what they are doing by openly admitting why they are
> killing, maiming and destroying all that stands in their way
> of a purely Muslim state. In Kosovo over 100 Christian
> churches and monasteries, some dating back to the 13th and
> 14th century, have been destroyed by the KLA terrorists we
> helped arm.
> However, in both situations, the Western media has shown
> literally no concern for the suffering of the people
> involved, much less the threat to religious treasures. In
> Afghanistan, a once stable nation of 15 million people has
> been literally destroyed with little mention in the West
> that six million of its population were driven out as
> refugees.
> Cosma Shalizi in his review of "The Soviet Invasion and the
> Afghan Response, 1979-1982" (University of California Press,
> 1995), by M. Hassan Kakar,
> (
> notes:
> "The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December
> 1979. It was the last hot war it would fight, and
> one whose failure played a leading role in its
> loss of the Cold War and disintegration.
> Afghanistan is infamous today for being in the
> grip of the most benighted, fanatical and
> misogynist government in the world. It was not
> always that way, but has become so through the
> superpowers' acts of omission and commission ---
> mostly commission. ...
> "Here we come to the sowing of the dragon's teeth.
> US aid to the mujahideen went through the CIA. The
> CIA passed it on to its counterpart in Pakistan,
> the ISI (which doubles as the Pakistani secret
> police). The ISI passed it on to the political
> parties of exiles in Peshawr, from whom, in turn,
> it finally made its way, often much-reduced, to
> commanders inside Afghanistan. The ISI, as a
> matter of deliberate policy, favored the most
> extreme Islamist organizations it could lay hands
> on, plus ethnic separatists --- not because it
> thought these groups could form a stable
> government in Afghanistan, but precisely because
> it hoped they could not. (Recall that the frontier
> with Afghanistan, including Peshawr, had been
> disputed since before Pakistan formed in 1947.)
> The CIA went along, reasoning that the Islamists
> were the most immovably anti-communist groups
> available; the fact that they were also the most
> anti-western does not seem to have entered into
> their calculations."
> Well, we are in the midst of still another instance in which
> we have backed the wrong horse in foreign affairs. What that
> policy has gotten us, and Afghanistan, was the most
> oppressive, most evil, the most violent of all the political
> groups in Afghanistan. And, to think that our only concern
> in noticing the nation is the destruction of its cultural
> past by the Taliban, when the people are also being
> destroyed by the Taliban says something of the values we
> have after eight years of Bill Clinton.
> In Kosovo, the KLA has pretty much succeeded in killing or
> driving out everyone - Serbs, Romas, Jews, and others that
> are different from the fundamentalist Muslims who control
> the KLA. And, they have done to the Churches what the
> Taliban is doing to the Buddhist statues. They have blown
> them up. I've checked frequently on the Serbian Orthodox
> website (see:
> over
> the past two years. In the beginning, the Church believed
> the West would care about their buildings being hit by KLA
> missiles. The West didn't care. Now, they merely catalogue
> the latest atrocities - the killings, the missile attacks,
> on the Churches.
> The media of the West used its power to demonize the Serbs.
> It merely has ignored the rape of Afghanistan until
> recently. Both the media and the Western governments seem
> too arrogant to confess to their mistaken judgments in both
> situations. In Kosovo, in spite of it being occupied by NATO
> troops and supposedly being overseen by the United Nations,
> what exists there, as in Afghanistan, is anarchy. The monks
> in Decani Monastery were critical of Slobodan Milosevic and
> believed that co-existence was possible with their KLA
> neighbors two years ago. Today, their website
> ( shows pictures of demolished
> churches and dead priests.
> Today's Washington Post quotes "Cultural preservationists"
> as comparing the "Taliban's actions to those of other
> intolerant regimes that attempted to obliterate religious
> cultures, including the Chinese government's demolition of
> thousands of Buddhist monasteries in Tibet and the
> destruction of Jewish artifacts under Nazi rule in Germany."
> In the mostly American Air Force bombing of Yugoslavia for
> 79 days, over a "genocide" that UN financed forensic experts
> say never happened in Kosovo, Churches and monasteries,
> hospitals and schools were bombed. Since NATO troops and the
> UN have occupied Kosovo, the KLA has continued to
> systematically blow up churches and statues and to kill or
> drive out non-Albanians.
> George W. Bush said during his campaign that we, as a
> nation, needed to be more "humble." I agreed with him every
> time he said it. The key to being humble most of the time is
> repenting of one's wrong-doing. Perhaps the time has come
> for the new American president to apologize to the surviving
> Afghan and Serb people for the behavior of a past
> administration or two. After all, if we can apologize for
> accidentally blowing up a Japanese fishing boat, we ought to
> be able to apologize for arming the Taliban and the KLA and
> bombing Churches, monasteries, cemeteries, hospitals and
> schools in Yugoslavia, whether by accident or design.
> To comment: mmostert@...
> Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian
> Secretary General


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dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
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> Women Against Military Madness
> Yugoslavia Committee
> Minneapolis, MN
> wamm@...
> February 28, 2001
> The propaganda war against the Serbs and Yugoslavia
> came home to Minnesota Public Radio on January 25.
> MPR’s documentary division American RadioWorks,
> broadcast a gruesome account of an alleged Serbian
> attempt to cover-up their war crimes. Serbian
> soldiers, using first names only, told us in grisly
> detail that in the summer of 1999 they dug up 1500
> ethnic Albanians massacred by Serbs and in the dead of
> night transported them to a lead mine in Trepca, a
> mine complex near Mitrovica in northern Kosovo. There
> the soldiers ground up the bodies and incinerated them
> in furnaces so hot there is no trace left except for
> amazingly, a pile of women and children’s clothing.
> The piece “The Promise of Justice: Burning the
> Evidence” by reporters Michael Montgomery and Stephen
> Smith for American RadioWorks was widely publicized,
> run nationally several times and reported in many
> newspapers.
> Hardly reported was the statement the next day by OSCE
> (Organization for European Cooperation and Security)
> spokeswoman Claire Trevena refuting the RadioWorks
> report. She said they’d heard the stories in 1999
> during the bombing (including the one circulated by
> the US government that 700 bodies had been burned.
> Notice the inflation of numbers in the MPR report) and
> investigated the site at that time. A French forensic
> team with sophisticated equipment found no evidence of
> remains nor evidence to substantiate the story. Smith
> and Montgomery did not interview anyone from the OSCE.
> Another glaring and important problem with the report
> is that the mines and furnaces at Trepca shut down two
> weeks after the bombing began in March 1999 well
> before the alleged cover up occurred the summer of
> 1999. The report can be discredited on this fact
> alone.
> It withers even more under a little scrutiny. The “eye
> witness’s” who said they committed the crime claimed
> to be members of an elite division of the Serbian
> army. They indicated no remorse. Why would they give
> information so devastating that would lead to
> indictment of themselves and their colleagues?
> How could such a large operation have gone unimpeded
> by the US/NATO which had Kosovo under total
> surveillance at the time. For that matter, why would
> anyone take the time and trouble to strip decomposing
> bodies only to leave a pile of clothes as evidence.
> The numbers don’t add up. In July 1999, the
> International Red Cross (ICRC) produced a
> comprehensive list of 3300 Kosovo residents including
> Albanians, Serbs and Romas missing and unaccounted for
> between September l998 and July 1999. They determined
> most had been missing before the beginning of the
> bombing. The ICRC estimated that several hundred Serbs
> had been kidnapped and by the KLA (Kosovo Liberation
> Army) and are presumed dead. 2200 were KLA suspects
> put into Yugoslav jails in an effort to suppress the
> Albanian independence movement. Subtract the several
> dozen KLA members killed off by their own leaders as
> reported by NY Times reporter Chris Hedges. The number
> is well below 1000 and below the 1500 claimed in the
> report.
> The impartiality of Smith and Montgomery is
> questionable. Could they have been influenced by their
> positions as consultants to the Independent
> International Commission on Kosovo which was set up by
> the governments of NATO at the instigation of George
> Soros (well known KLA supporter) and Kofi Annan,
> Secretary General of the UN. It is also noteworthy
> that Kevin Close, president of NPR came to the network
> from Radio Free Europe/America , propaganda arm of the
> state department.
> This piece of journalism is the latest example in a
> long list used to demonize the Serbs and Yugoslavia.
> Often official investigations prove they are untrue
> but the damage is done and the correction is under
> reported.
> This was the case with the release of another report
> the same week. A Finnish forensic team found there was
> no evidence that 42 ethnic Albanians had been
> massacred in the village of Racak, Kosovo in March
> 1999. This was the allegation by the then head of the
> OSCE William Walker (infamous for his protection of
> death squads in El Salvador) The massacre was reported
> world wide at the time and was the excuse to begin the
> bombing; the Tonkin Bay of the war against Yugoslavia.
> The investigation was completed two years ago but the
> results were kept secret by the UN and the EU(European
> Union) until now.
> Coincidentally and ironically, the very day the MPR
> report aired, Yugoslavia President Kostunica sent
> Carla del Ponte, prosecutor at the UN’s International
> Criminal Tribunal on war crimes in the former
> Yugoslavia, packing with her list of secret
> indictments against Milosovic and demands he be
> extradited to the Hague. Testimony at the WAMM War
> Crimes Hearing on Yugoslavia in March 2000 revealed
> the Hague tribunal is a kangaroo court, financed and
> controlled by the US.
> The US government is also contending with the growing
> furor in Europe over the use of depleted uranium (DU)
> munitions in Bosnia and Kosovo and the alarming
> incidence of illness among soldiers stationed in those
> areas. The growing movement calling for the ban of
> these weapons threatens US/NATO solidarity. The policy
> makers must also be concerned US public opinion will
> grow against the presence of US troops in the area.
> The RadioWorks piece momentarily distracted the public
> from this knowledge.
> MPR must be held accountable for their part in the
> ongoing destruction and occupation of Yugoslavia,
> their unethical reporting of the news and their lack
> of coverage of what is happening in Yugoslavia.
> As sidebars for further information check out websites
> and


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Caro-Ric <caroric@...> wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Padova- Novi Ligure: serial killer o omicidi di stato?
> Fatti come quelli di Padova e Novi Ligure, aldilà delle sparate dei
> girornalisti e della magistratura, devono farci riflettere sulla
> mancanza di moventi plausibili in eventi criminali che troppo
> frettolosamente vengono catalogati come "ordinaria cronaca nera":
> Cominciano ad essere troppi questi serial-killers e maniaci anche in
> una società malata come quella italiana: gente che ammazza decine di
> persone con sospetta lucidità e "professionalità" militare: il killer
> delle pensionate in Puglia, Bilancia a Genova, il killer delle
> prostitute in Emilia, quello in Lombardia, il mostro di Firenze,
> "manolo lo slavo" , la banda della uno bianca, il bombarolo
> anti-bambini nomadi …
> E se in Italia esistesse ancora un vero giornalismo militante
> indipendente e qualcuno fosse più attento alla funzione fortemente
> politica che assumono questi efferrati crimini, nel manipolare e
> condizionare l’opinione pubblica,allora non mancherebbero gli
> elementi e le prove per cominciare a sostenere la tesi che dietro
> certi fatti, ci sia una precisa strategia terroristica legata ad
> apparati dello stato dipendenti dal potere esecutivo, dalla NATO e
> dalle strutture, più o meno occulte, del grande capitale.
> Non è dietrologia da bar , ne fanta-politica.
> Come gruppo di compagni di Cesena partendo dalla contro-inchiesta
> sugli omici della uno bianca, nel lavoro di archiviazione di articoli
> di stampa e testimonianze su varie vicende di presunti mostri e maiaci
> ci siamo resi conto che il fenomeno poteva essere molto più
> esteso…
> In numerose occasioni, riguardanti crimini addebitati a maniaci o
> delinquenti comuni, appaiono sempre personaggi legati a corpi dello
> stato: poliziotti, carabinieri, ex-militari, parà,informatori etc..
> Poi ci sono tantissimi fatti collaterali che lasciano sorgere più di
> un dubbio: perché ad esempio il giorno dopo la sentenza che condanna
> Pacciani due ragazze di Scandicci vengono trovate morte (assassinate)
> nella Senna nei dintorni di Parigi dove si erano recate a lavorare in
> un maneggio, dopo essere state ingaggiate da un misterioso personaggio
> (ex legionario) in Toscana?
> Perché la magistratura francese pone immediatamente il segreto
> istruttorio, il silenzio stampa, e non rivela la causa della morte
> delle ragazze?
> Perché "Manolo lo slavo", che terrorizzava le campagne del Nord
> Italia, sterminando intere famiglie vestito da para-militare, disse
> che era riuscito a fuggire dal Carcere di Rimini "grazie a quelli
> della uno bianca"?
> Perché la magistratura bolognese, legata al PCI-DS, costruiva teoremi
> contro malavitosi siciliani accusandoli dei delitti della uno bianca
> quando erano evidenti i depistagli falliti del carabiniere Macauda
> (uomo della NATO) e le tracce di un elefante che lasciavano i fratelli
> Savi?
> Ricordate l’insospettabile collaboratore del SISMI, suicidatosi
> "misteriosamente" nel bagno del Tribunale di Torino durante il
> processo, dopo aver confessato spontaneamente numerosi delitti comuni
> senza un movente credibile?
> Potremmo scrivere pagine e pagine di questi "strani" fatti.
> Cosa vogliamo sostenere?
> Vogliamo sostenere che in Italia sono attivi degli "squadroni della
> morte".
> Non siamo i soli a sostenerlo: i fratelli Savi dopo il loro arresto,
> dissero telegraficamente: "siamo tanti". Anche uno dei carabinieri
> periti nella strage di Bagnara di Romagna, pochi giorni prima di
> morire confidò ad un suo parente: "i terroristi sono fra noi ci
> uccideranno tutti".
> Chi sono e perché agiscono?1
> Innanzitutto non hanno niente a che vedere con gruppi fascisti o di
> neo-nazisti come qualcuno, ingenuamente, è portato a credere.
> Praticano un terrorismo con metodi e scopi diversi da quello delle
> bombe che assumono, invece, una valenza comunque politica.
> Nel caso dei piccoli omicidi il messaggio è subdolo pur avendo un
> forte impatto sull’opinione pubblica che spesso invoca leggi e
> controlli più duri, scatenano campagne razziste, lanciano messaggi
> cifrati alla vecchia classe politica, non colpisce militanti politici,
> giornalisti ma gente comune che fa una vita ordinaria.
> Agiscono impunemente: dietro di loro si muovono macchine ben oliate
> che costruiscono depistaggi (appresi dalla scuola americana), verso
> soggetti o personaggi generalmente schedati, con precedenti o
> fortemente ricattabili (vedere Bilancia e Profeta): il guardone, il
> maniaco sessuale, il fanatico fascista, il marocchino, lo zingaro, il
> giocatore d’azzardo, la banda di mafiosetti siciliani ma anche
> bravi ragazzi come Scattone. Tutti possono diventare mostri.
> Questo tipo di terrorismo ha in comune con quello stragista le
> tecniche del depistaggio.
> La manovalanza è costituita da killers professionisti, in genere
> addestrati militarmente ad uccidere con ogni genere di arma con
> modalità da commandos. E’ una guerra segreta da manuale che
> unisce pragmatismo anglosassone a machiavellismo italiano: guerra
> psicologica e contro-rivoluzione per obiettivi chiari e semplici:
> stabilizzare i poteri esecutivi organici agli interessi del capitale.
> Come movimento rivoluzionario e antagonista non siamo in grado, per
> incapacità e per scelta, di produrre neanche livelli minimi di
> controinchiesta o di controinformazione; e nemmeno tentativi di
> analisi complessiva del fenomeno.
> Quello che non possiamo accettare sono gli accostamenti facili e
> frutto dei luoghi comuni che certa stampa pseudo-sinistra divulga (il
> fu Avvenimenti, Liberazione, Il manifesto), sulla matrice fascista,
> mafiosa, eversiva dei servizi"deviati" naturalmente al servizio
> dell’immortale Andreotti o della vecchia struttura "Gladio"
> parafulmine volutamente sputtanato..
> Ma la situazione è molto cambiata.
> Uno dei primi a dare l’allarme nei primi anni ’90 fu
> proprio uno di quei personaggi della vecchia DC colpiti e travolti da
> tangentopoli-CIA che dichiarò pubblicamente: "per imporre il
> turbo-capitalismo in Italia faranno scorrere molto sangue". Facile
> intuire a chi si riferisse l’onorevole Piccoli; peccato che
> c’è voluto l’uranio impoverito perché molti compagni lo
> capissero…
> Agganciare un nuovo allarmismo sui legami della "nuova destra" con
> questi fenomeni non contribuisce politicamente a fare chiarezza sul
> terrorismo di stato e su un certo tipo di terrorismo. La vicenda della
> uno bianca è emblematica sul livello di confusione che pervade i
> gruppi della sinistra di classe incapaci di affrontare questi problemi
> se non con una sloganistica cristallizzata agli anni 70. Al punto che
> sulla vicenda dei Savi e della "banda delle coop" sono stati proprio i
> fasciti bolognesi a fare controinformazione e a denunciare le
> responsabilità dei servizi segreti militari…
> Non sarà che questa "nuova destra" raccoglie qualche consenso perché
> la sinistra "sovversiva" spesso dorme o comunque sta assumendo un
> ruolo stato-compatibile?
> Qui siamo di fronte ad apparati e strutture che solo la NATO e il
> SISMI possono garantire in Italia come in Europa.
> Non occorre andare in Turchia , in Colombia, in Brasile per denunciare
> l’esistenza degli "squadroni della morte": ce li abbiamo in
> casa!!
> E’ un periodo convulso, siamo già in piena campagna elettorale.
> Anche se i programmi su alcune questioni coincidono è evidente la
> forte preoccupazione del capitale straniero su una quasi certa
> vittoria di Berlusconi. Nonostante i suoi ripetuti sforzi per avere un
> riconoscimento, i viaggi in Israele e nella city londinese, le lobby
> ebraiche ed anglosassoni della finanza mondiale ancora non si fidano
> del Cavaliere; il risultato sarà una ripresa delle bombe e di altri
> episodi de-stabilizzanti.
> Inoltre non bisogna dimenticare la posizione strategica
> dell’Italia, che continua ad essere attraversata da scontri
> inter-imperialistici.
> La sua collocazione la rende insostituibile nel controllo dei Balcani
> e di tutto il bacino mediterraneo. La guerra alla Jugoslavia ha
> rappresentato uno dei primi importanti frutti di queste strategie
> interne.
> Per recuperare il tempo perduto occorre guardare e analizzare i fatti
> più attentamente fuori dai condizionamenti dei luoghi comuni della
> sinistra istituzionale o neo-istituzionale.
> Sono atti di guerra dell’imperialismo anche questi: le bombe su
> Belgrado sono passate prima sui corpi di vittime innocenti del terrore
> di stato. I mandanti sono gli stessi e non occorre menzionarli. Questa
> purtroppo è quella cosa disgustosa che si chiama real-politik, di cui
> ,che ci piaccia o no, dobbiamo ritornare ad occuparci con un chiaro
> approccio rivoluzionario. E’ proprio il "financial times" di
> questi giorni a esprimere la preoccupazione della mecca del liberismo
> anglosassone su una possibile vittoria del Cavaliere: il
> turbo-capitalismo non tollera neanche più il populismo di destra.
> …dovrà scorrere ancora molto sangue


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dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
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L'ITALIA BERSAGLIO DEI MISSILI SERBI. ROMA - Nella prima fase del conflitto in Kosovo, il rischio che i missili serbi colpissero l'Italia fu reale. E' quanto afferma il ministro degli Esteri Lamberto Dini in un libro. "Per questo gli USA - dice - non ci chiesero di partecipare ai bombardamenti dall'inizio". [Infatti l'Italia, paese di vigliacchi, partecipera' ai bombardamenti contro la popolazione civile solo dopo avere appurato che non subira' ritorsioni ne' danni di sorta]

Fonte: "Metro" (Roma), 2/3/2001


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