
              -----Original Message-----
              From: Michel Chossudovsky
              Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 3:09 PM
              Subject: Low Intensity Nuclear War
The United Nations Environment
Organization (WHO) convey the illusion (contrary to scientific evidence)
that the health risks of depleted uranium can easily be dealt with by
cordoning off and "cleaning up" the "affected areas" targeted by the US
Air Force's A-10 "anti-tank killers." What they fail to mention is that
the radioactive dust has already spread beyond the 72 "identified target
sites" in Kosovo. Most of the villages and cities including Pristina,
Prizren and Pec lie within less than 20 km. of these sites, confirming
that the whole province is contaminated, putting not only "peacekeepers"
but the entire civilian population at risk.


              Michel Chossudovsky
Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of "The
Globalization of Poverty", second enlarged edition, Common Courage
Press, 2001.

The death from leukemia of eight Italian peacekeepers stationed in
Bosnia and Kosovo sparked an uproar in the Italian Parliament, following
the leaking of a secret military document to the Italian newspaper La
Republicca. In Portugal, the Defense Ministry was also involved in what
amounted to a deliberate camouflage of "the cause of death" of
Portuguese peacekeeper Corporal Hugo Paulino. "'Citing "herpes of the
brain', the army refused to allow his family to commission a postmortem
examination."1 Amidst mounting political pressure, Defense Minister
Julio Castro Caldas advised NATO Headquarters in November that he was
withdrawing Portuguese troops from Kosovo: "They were not, he said,
going to become uranium meat". 2
As the number of cancer cases among Balkans "peacekeepers" rises, NATO's
cover-up has started to fracture. Several European governments have been
obliged to publicly acknowledge the "alleged health risks" of depleted
uranium (DU) shells used by the US Air Force in NATO's 78-day war
against Yugoslavia.
The Western media points to an apparent "split" within the military
alliance. In fact there was no "division" or disagreement between
Washington and its European allies until the scandal broke through the
gilded surface.
Italy, Portugal, France and Belgium were fully aware that DU weapons
were being used. The health impacts --including mountains of scientific
reports-- were known and available to European governments. Italy
participated in the scheduling of the A-10 "anti-tank killer" raids
(carrying DU shells) out of its Aviano and Gioia del Colle air force
bases. The Italian Defense Ministry knew what was happening at military
bases under its jurisdiction.
Washington's European partners in NATO including Britain, France,
Turkey, Greece have DU weapons in their arsenals. Canada is one of the
main suppliers of depleted uranium. NATO countries share full
responsibility for the use of weapons banned by the Geneva and Hague
conventions and the 1945 Nuremberg Charter on war crimes. 3
Since the Gulf War, Washington launched a "cover-up" on the health
impacts of DU toxic radiation known as the "Gulf War Syndrome", with the
tacit endorsement of its NATO partners.
While NATO had until recently denied using DU shells in the 1999 war
against Yugoslavia, it now admits that although it did use DU
ammunition, the shells "have negligible radioactivity.and [a]ny
resulting debris posing any significant risk dissipates soon after the
impact." 4 While casually denying "any connection between illness and
exposure to depleted uranium", the Pentagon nonetheless concedes --in an
ambiguous statement-- that "the main danger posed by depleted uranium
occurs if it is inhaled." 5
And who inhales the radioactive dust, which has spread across the Land?
The shrouded statements from European governments convey the
uncomfortable illusion that only peacekeepers "might be at risk", --i.e.
radioactive particles are only inhaled by military personnel and
expatriate civilians, as if nobody else in the Balkans were affected.
The impacts on local civilians are not mentioned.
In docile complicity, a new media consensus has unfolded: the mainstream
press concurs without further scrutiny that only "peace-keepers" breathe
the air. "But what about everybody else."6 In Kosovo some 2 million
civilian men, women and children have been exposed to the radioactive
fallout since the beginning of the bombing in March 1999. In the
Balkans, more than 20 million people are potentially at risk:
"The risk in Kosovo and elsewhere in the Balkans is augmented by
the uncertainty of where DU was dropped in whatever form and what winds
and surface water movements spread it further. Working the fields,
walking about, just being there, touching objects, breathing and
drinking water are all risky. A British expert predicted that thousands
of people in the Balkans will get sick of DU. The radioactive and toxic
DU-oxides don't disintegrate. They are practically permanent." 7
Keep in mind that the heavily armed "peacekeepers" together with United
Nations staff and civilian personnel of "humanitarian" organisations
entered Kosovo in June 1999. The spread of radioactive dust from DU,
however, started on "day one" of the 78 day bombing of Yugoslavia. With
the exception of NATO Special Forces --who were assisting the KLA on the
ground-- NATO military personnel was not present on the battlefield. In
other words, there was no radioactive exposure to NATO troops during a
"push button" air war, which the Alliance forces waged from the high
skies. Yugoslav civilians are, therefore, at much greater risk because
they were exposed to radioactive fallout throughout the bombings as well
in the wake of the war. Yet the official communiqués suggest that only
KFOR troops and expatriate civilians "might be at risk" implying that
local civilians simply do not matter. Only servicemen and expatriate
personnel have been screened for radiation levels.


The first signs of radiation on children, including herpes on the mouth
and skin rashes on the back and ankles have been observed in Kosovo.8 In
Northern Kosovo --the area least affected by DU shells (see Map at -- 160 people are being
treated for cancer.9 The number of leukemia cases in Northern Kosovo has
increased by 200 percent since NATO's air campaign, and children have
been born with deformities.10 This information regarding civilian
victims --which the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) has been
careful not to reveal--- refutes NATO's main "assumption" that
radioactive dust does not spread beyond the target sites, most of which
are in the Southwestern and Southern regions close to the Albanian and
Macedonian borders.
These findings are consistent with those from Iraq, where the use of
depleted uranium weapons during the 1991 Gulf War resulted in "increases
in childhood cancers and leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, lymphomas, and
increases in congenital diseases and deformities in foetuses, along with
limb reductional abnormalities and increases in genetic abnormalities
throughout Iraq."11 Pedriatic examinations on Iraqi children confirm
"childhood leukemia has risen 600% in the areas [of Iraq] where DU was
used. Stillbirths, births or abortion of fetuses with monstrous
abnormalities, and other cancers in children born since [the Gulf War
in] 1991 have also been found." 12
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) have tacitly accepted NATO-Pentagon assumptions
concerning the health impacts of depleted uranium. When UNEP conducted
its first assessment of DU radiation in Kosovo in 1999, NATO refused to
provide the mission with maps indicating the locations of "affected
areas" (points of impact where DU shells had fallen).
On the pretext that "there was insufficient data available to
comprehensively address the issue of the impacts of depleted uranium
ordnance," UNEP produced an inconclusive and noncommittal "desk study"
which was appended to the 1999 Balkans Task Force Report (BTF) on the
environmental impacts of the War. 13 UNEP's desk study pointed to the
"possible use of DU" thereby implying that it was still unsure as to
whether DU shells had actually been used.
UNEP's evasiveness -claiming lack of sufficient data-- contributed, in
the wake of the bombings, to temporarily dissipating public concern.
More generally, the UNEP-UNCHS Balkans Task Force report tends to
downplay the seriousness of the environmental catastrophe triggered by
NATO. Amply documented, the catastrophe was the deliberate result of
military planning.14
NATO maps (indicating where DU shells had been targeted) were not
required for UNEP and the WHO to conduct an investigation on the health
impacts of depleted uranium radiation. A study of this nature
--inevitably requiring a team of medical specialists in pedriatics and
cancer working in liaison with experts on toxic radiation-- was never
carried out. In fact, UNEP's stated "scientific" assumption precluded
from the outset a meaningful assessment of the health impacts. According
to UNEP:
"the effects of DU are mainly localized in the places DU has been used
and the affected areas are likely to be small". 15 See the 1999 desk
study, op. cit.)
This proposition (which is presented without scientific proof) is shared
by UNEP's sister organization, the WHO: "You would have to be very close
to a damaged tank and be there within
seconds of it being hit. These soldiers were very unlikely to have been
exposed.'' 16
These statements by UN bodies (quoted by NATO and the Pentagon to
justify the use of DU weapons) are part and parcel of the camouflage.
They convey the illusion that the health risks to peacekeepers and local
civilians can easily be dealt with by cordoning off and "cleaning up"
the "targeted areas."
The WHO has warned, in this regard, that depleted uranium could affect
children playing in these areas "because children. tend to pick up
pieces of dirt or put their toys in their mouth."17 What the WHO fails
to acknowledge is that the radioactive dust has already spread beyond
the affected areas, implying that children throughout Kosovo are at
This tacit complicity of specialized agencies of the UN is yet another
symptom of the deterioration of the United Nations system, which now
plays an underhand role in covering up NATO war crimes. Since the Gulf
War, the WHO has been instrumental in blocking a meaningful
investigation of the health impacts of depleted uranium radiation on
Iraqi children, claiming "it had no data to conduct an indepth
investigation" 18

Amidst the public outcry and mounting evidence of cancer among Balkans
military personnel, UNEP conducted a second assessment in November 2000
which included field measurements of beta and gamma particle radiations
in 11 so-called "affected areas" of Kosovo.19
Despite NATO's earlier refusal to collaborate with UNEP, the two
organizations are currently working hand in glove. The composition of
the mission was established in consultation with NATO. The
representative from Greenpeace (involved in the 1999 study) had been
dumped. NATO maps were readily available; the investigation was to focus
narrowly on the collection of soil, water samples, etc. in 11 selected
sites ("affected areas") out of a total of some 72 sites within Kosovo
(see NATO map below, at ).
The broader health issues were not part of the mission's terms of
reference. The two medical researchers dispatched by the WHO in 1999 (as
part of the desk study mission) had been replaced with experts from the
US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (see and AC Laboratorium Spiez
(ACLS), a division of the Swiss Defense Procurement Agency.
AC Laboratorium Spiez (ACLS) has actively collaborated in chemical
weapons inspections in Iraq. Under the disguise of Swiss neutrality,
ACLS constitutes an informal mouthpiece for NATO. ACLS has been on
contract with NATO's "Partnership for Peace" financed by the Swiss
government's contribution to the PfP.20
Although the November mission was still under UNEP auspices, the Swiss
government was funding most of fieldwork with ACLS --a division of the
Swiss military-- playing a central role. The mission --integrated by
representatives linked to the Military establishment-- was working on
the premise (amply reviewed on ACLS's web page) that DU radioactive dust
does not (under any circumstances) travel beyond the "point of release."
The results of the report to be published in March 2001 are a foregone
conclusion. They focus on radiation levels in the immediate vicinity of
the target sites . According to the mission's "back to office report"
(January 2001):
". [A]lready at this stage the Team can conclude that at some of the DU
locations, the radiation level is slightly higher above normal at very
limited spots. It would therefore be an unnecessary risk to the
population to be in direct contact with any remnants of DU ammunition or
with the spots where these have been found." 22

If radioactivity were confined to so-called "very limited spots", why
then have KFOR troops been instructed by their governments "not to eat
local produce. have drinking water flown in .and that clothes must be
destroyed on departure and vehicles decontaminated."23 According to Paul
Sullivan, executive director of the National Gulf War Resource Center,
depleted uranium in Yugoslavia could affect "agricultural areas, places
where livestock graze and where crops are grown, thereby introducing the
specter of possible contamination of the food chain." (In November 2000,
Gulf War veterans affected by DU launched a class action law-suit
against the US government).
According to NATO sources (communicated to UNEP), some 112 sites in
Yugoslavia (of which 72 are in Kosovo) were targeted during the war with
depleted uranium antitank shells. Between 30,000 and 50,000 DU shells
were fired.
Scientific evidence amply confirms that the DU radioactive aerosol
spreads from "the point of release" over a large geographical area
suggesting that large parts of the province of Kosovo are contaminated.
"[R]adioactive derivatives can linger in the air for months. ''Just one
particle in the lungs is enough. a single particle could travel to the
lymph nodes, where the radioactivity would lower the body's defenses
against lymphomas and leukemia'' 24
According to World renowned radiologist Dr. Rosalie Bertell:
When used in war, the depleted uranium (DU) bursts into flame [and]
releasing a deadly radioactive aerosol of uranium, unlike anything seen
before. It can kill everyone in a tank. This ceramic aerosol is much
lighter than uranium dust. It can travel in air tens of kilometres from
the point of release, or be stirred up in dust and resuspended in air
with wind or human movement. It is very small and can be breathed in by
anyone: a baby, pregnant woman, the elderly, the sick. This radioactive
ceramic can stay deep in the lungs for years, irradiating the tissue
with powerful alpha particles within about a 30 micron sphere, causing
emphysema and/or fibrosis. The ceramic can also be swallowed and do
damage to the gastro-intestinal tract. In time, it penetrates the lung
tissue and enters into the blood stream. ...It can also initiate cancer
or promote cancers which have been initiated by other cancinogens". 25
The targeted sites within Kosovo (see NATO map at although concentrated on the
South-western border are scattered throughout the province. Most of the
villages and cities including Pristina, Prizren and Pec lie within less
than 20 km. of the 72 DU target sites confirming that the entire
province is contaminated.
The bombing of Yugoslavia is best described as a "low intensity nuclear
war" using toxic radioactive shells and missiles. Amply documented, the
radioactive fall-out potentially puts millions of people at risk
throughout the Balkans.
In March 1999, NATO launched the air raids invoking broad humanitarian
principles and ideals. NATO had "come to the rescue" of ethnic Albanian
Kosovars on the grounds they were being massacred by Serb forces. The
forensic reports by the FBI and Europol confirm that the massacres did
not occur. In a cruel irony, Albanian Kosovar civilians are among the
main victims of DU radiation.
To maintain the cover-up, NATO is now prepared to reveal a small
fraction of the truth. The military Alliance --in liaison with NATO
member governments-- wants at all cost to maintain the focus on
and keep local civilians out of the picture, because if the entire truth
gets out, then people might start asking questions such as "how is it
that the Kosovar Albanians, the people we were supposed to rescue are
the victims?"
In both Bosnia and Kosovo, the UN has been careful not to record cancer
cases among civilians. The narrow focus on "peacekeepers" is part of the
cover-up. It distracts public opinion from the broader issue of civilian
The primary victims of DU weapons are children, making their use a "war
crime against children." The use of depleted uranium munitions is only
one among several NATO crimes against humanity committed in Iraq and the
Balkans According to official records, some 1800 Balkans peacekeepers
(Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo) suffer from health ailments related to
DU radiation.26.
Assuming the same level of risk (as a percentage of population), the
numbers of civilians throughout former Yugoslavia affected by DU
radiation would be in the tens of thousands. British scientist Roger
Coghill suggests, in this regard, that "throughout the Balkan region,
there will be an extra 10,150 deaths from cancer because of the use of
DU. That will include local people, K-FOR personnel, aid workers,
everyone."27 Moreover, according to a report published in Athens during
the War, the impacts of depleted uranium are likely to extend beyond the
Balkans. Albania, and Macedonia but also Greece, Italy, Austria and
Hungary face a potential threat to human health as a result of the use
of radioactive depleted uranium shells during the 1999 War.
While no overall data on civilian deaths have been recorded, partial
evidence confirms that a large numbers of civilians have already died as
result of DU radiation since the war in Bosnia:
"DU radiation and an apparent use of defoliants by US/NATO troops
against Serbian land and population [in Bosnia], have caused many birth
defects among babies born after the US/NATO bombing and occupation; the
magnitude of this problem has stunned Serbian medical experts and
panicked the population." 28
A recent account points to several hundred deaths of civilians solely in
one Bosnian village: The village is empty, the cemetery full. Soon there
be no more room for the dead. Among refugee families who moved to
from Hadzici [in the outskirts of Sarajevo] there is a hardly a
household not cloaked in mourning.On them are fresh wreaths, some with
flowers that have not
yet wilted. On the crosses the years of death 1998, 1999, 2000 and the
grave of a 20 year-old woman at the end of the rows. She died a few days
ago. No one could even imagine that in only one or two years the part of
the cemetery set aside for civilians would be doubly full. It happens
often that one of the natives of Hadzici will suddenly die. Or they will
go to see the doctor in Belgrade and when they come back their relatives
will tell us that they are dying of cancer. [C]hief doctor Slavica
Jovanovic.conducted an investigation and proved that in 1998 the
mortality rate far exceeded the birth rate. She showed that it wasn't
just a question of fate but something far more serious. 'Zoran
Stankovic, the renowned pathologist from the Military Medical Academy
(VMA) determined that over 200 of his patients from this area died of
cancer, most probably due to the effects of depleted uranium in dropped
NATO bombs five years ago. But someone quickly silenced the public and
everything was hushed up. 'You see, our cemetery is full of fresh graves
while the people from Vinca [Nuclear Institute] claim that uranium isn't
dangerous. What other kind of evidence do you need if people are
dying?.' The refugees from Hadzici arrived in Bratunac in a sizeable
number. There were almost 5,000 of them. There were 1,000 just in the
collective centers. Now, says Zelenovic, 'there are about 600 of them
left. And they certainly had nowhere else to go' . Someone dies of
cancer every third day; there is no more room in the cemeteries."29

         *       *       *

              The NATO "Map Of Sites As Being Targeted By Ordnance
Containing Depleted
              Uranium during the 1999 Kosovo Conflict" is attached. The
Map can also
              be consulted at
              Selected photographs of Iraqi children affected by DU
              attached. Complete list of photos at:
              If unable to access the document, go first to
              and follow the link to "Depleted Uranium" and then to
              Deformities in Iraqi Children". Some of these photographs
are by
              renowned scientist and expert on DU radiation Dr.
Siegfried Horst

              *     *     *

              1 The Independent, London, 4 January 2001.
              2 See Felicity Arbutnot, "It Turns out that Depleted
Uranium is Bad for
              NATO" Troops, Emperors Clothes,
October 2000.
              See also interview with F. Arbutnot.
              3 In all, some 17 countries including Russia, Israel,
Saudi Arabia and
              South Korea are known to have DU weapons in their arsenal.
See Vladimir
              Zajic, Review of Radioactivity, Military Use, and Health
Effects of
              Depleted Uranium, 1999 at See
              Catalinotto and Sara Flounders, Is the Israeli Military
using Depleted
              Uranium Weapons against the Palestinians? International
Action Center,
    , New York, 2000
              4 Agence France Presse, 4 January 20001.
              5 United Press International, 5 January 2001.
              6 See Felicity Arbutnot, op cit.
              7 Piot Bein, "More on Depleted Uranium", Emperors Clothes
October 2000.
              8 According to Dr. Siegfried Horst Guenther, "Uran
              Schwergeschädigte Soldaten, missgebildete Neugeborene,
              Kinder, Ahriman Verlag,, Freiburg,
              2000. See also International Action Center, "Metal of
Dishonor, How the
              Pentagon Radiates Soldiers and Civilians with DU Weapons",
              Edition, International Action Center,, New
              York, 2000.
              9 Beta News Agency, Belgrade, 13.50 GMT, 10 Jan 2001, in
BBC Summary of
              World Broadcasts, 12 January 2001.
              10 Ibid.
              11 See Rick McDowell, "Economic Sanctions on Iraq", Z
Magazine, November
              12. Carlo Pona, "The Criminal Use of Depleted Uranium",
              Tribunal for U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia,
International Action
              Center,, New York, June 10, 2000.
See also
              "Metal of Dishonor", op. cit.
              13 See UNEP/UNCHS Balkans Task Force Final Report "The
Kosovo Conflict
              -Consequences for the Environment & Human Settlements" at
    ; see the "desk study"
on "The
              Potential Effects on Human Health and the Environment of
the Possible
              Use of Depleted Uranium (DU)" at; see
              also "UN considers New Data on Depleted Uranium in
Kosovo", UNEP,
              Geneva, 20 September 2000.
              14 See Michel Chossudovsky, NATO Willfully Triggered an
              Disaster, at
              15 See the 1999 UNEP "desk study", op. cit.
              16 According to a toxicologist at the International Agency
for Research
              on Cancer which is a division of the WHO, Associated
Press, January 5
              17 According to WHO specialist, quoted in the Boston
Globe, January 10,
              18 Boston Globe, June 27 2000, statement of Mark Parkin,
an expert with
              the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
              19 See UNEP Press Release at
              20 See AC Laboratorium Spiez (ACLS) website at
              21 Ibid
              22 See UNEP Press Release at;
              see also UNEP, "Advisory Note on Current work on DU by
UNEP" at.
              23. Arbuthot, op cit.
              24 According to British radiologist Roger William Coghill,
quoted in
              Associated Press, 5 January 2000.
              25 Rosalie Bertell, Email Communication, May 1999.
              26 RTBF, Belgian French Language Television, 9 January
              27 Calgary Herald, 4 January 2001.
              28 Tika Jankovitch, "Chemical/Nuclear Warfare in Bosnia:
Eyewitness To
              Hell" Comments by Jared Israel, Emperors Clothes at
    , 9
January 2001.
              29 Dubravka Vujanovic "Someone Dies of Cancer every Third
Day; There is
              no More Room in the Cemeteries" , Nedelni Telegraf,
Belgrade, 10 January
              2001. On the same subject see Robert Fisk, "I see 300
Graves that could
              bear the Headstone: 'Died of Depleted Uranium', The
Independent, London,
              13 January 2001
              C Copyright by Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, January 2001.
All rights
              reserved. Permission is granted to post this text on
              community internet sites, provided the essay remains
intact and the
              copyright note is displayed. To publish this text on
commercial internet
              sites, in printed and/or other forms (including excerpts)
contact the
              author at chossudovsky@..., fax: 1-514-4256224,
voice box:
              ext. 1415.


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>SERVANTS OF TWO MASTERS CORPORATION- a discussion with Benjamin Works
>Observing results of the recent "democratic revolution", in Serbia, I
realized that this, previously surprisingly courageous and industrious
country, immediately after "revolution" plunged into both economic and
military catastrophe. Impressed by such results I wrote (and distributed
e-mail) a pamphlet "Does Serbia turn into Great Albania province?" (See
Attachments). This pamphlet drew the attention of Benjamin Works, the
director of Strategic Issues Research Institute. (Works is a senior US
officer, whose rich biography, and interesting ideas, you can find at An exchange of our "printed ideas" followed. It turned
out that despite our different cultural backgrounds -- and quite
political options -- we have very similar views concerning the
debilization/imbecilization of the world, as well as about The Agency,
which is promoting the wold-wide dumbness.
>For this reason I decided to communicate highlights of our "End of
Millenary" discussion to a larger audience, for it may elucidate several
essential (mis)doings of our "Judeo-Christian" civilization. (Out of
political correctness I dare only to whisper that during my advanced
of French at Geneva University, I heard that the word cretin was derived
from chretien, a Christian.) I am fully conscious that this my attempt
reach the concerned, larger audience may end up in a similar way as last
November, when due to my "politically incorrect" recurrence to Microsoft
(supposedely joining the people) machine, I was excluded from TEAM
at Budapest.
>A more heated exchange of printed ideas with Ben Works followed, when on
January 3 I diffused, by e-mail, a following message found in Ukrainian
weekly "Gart" (The Grit) of October 27, 2000:
>>· SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS. In Belgrade, under the effigy of CIA, the
ruling structures are being de facto demolished. It is the preparation
the formal dismembering of this country, which results are difficult to
foresee. The following fact confirms this pattern of events: according
information, which came from London, Kostunica, the newly baked
of Yugoslavia, already in 70-ties was recruited by English special
services. Now Englishmen sold him to their masters from USA.
>>(I received this issue of "Gart" at Zakopane, for there was published my
speech "The Debilization of Youth as the Condition for the World-Wide
Commercial Integration" [see Attachment in Cyrillic]. This speech I
delivered at the Congress of Slavic Youth, held at Arandzelovac, Serbia,
Sept. 9, only two weeks before the program "Imbecilization of Serbs" was
put into action. Recently I was informed that this my speech was
also in Serbia, in "Prosvietni pregled" of Dec. 6, 2000. This "Review of
workers in pedagogy" is - as wrote me my friend at Belgrade - at present
"new hands". At the occasion my friend added that "Today in Serbia
only 'zapadnizm'" [i.e. only Western views are admitted]. I am afraid
people there will soon be convinced that they have to pay the money
by the West for bombs and fuel, which were necessary for "humanitarian
intervention" in 1999...)
>Ben Works confirmed the last suggestion, but he put the stress -- which is
characteristic -- not at the technical, but at the human factor, which
necessary for activation of "imbecilising" practices of our "techno"
civilization. He wrote:
>>It is true that the western "new-Left" wants to "imbecilize" the young of
the world, but this is not an objective of "America," only a neo-Lysenko
initiative of what we, here, call the "new class" or "meritocracy" that
formed up behind the Clintons. It is what I would characterize as new
"Fascism in Pinstripe Suits." (The term came to me at a conference in
Belgrade last March.) This move to "dumb down" our youth comes from the
media, but not from the makers of products that make people more self
reliant. The PC, auto, chain saw and tools make people more self-reliant
and less "dependent."
>To which I answered:
>>Media appliances are the same industrial products as the PC, auto, chain
saw and other tools. And in general all these technical facilities
the dependence, which is not different from the narcotic one. This is
essence of Lamarck's postulated Law of Biology, which Law neo-Darwinian
fake scientists are trying to conceal from our sight. In this branch of
Life Science I do specialize since 25 years.
>As the alleged "servant of two masters" obedience of the new president of
Yugoslavia, my respondent denied it, basing himself on his personal
contacts with Kostunica's friends at Belgrade. He added:
>> I personally respect Pres. Kostunica because he took the time to
translate "The Federalist Papers" into Serbian. That is no easy task and
requires love of liberty. On the other hand it is easy to argue that
Djindjic, the "Robespierre" of Belgrade is a cypher for Germany.
>To which I answered:
>>That's an intermediate proof that Kostunica works for NWO. Otherwise he
wouldn't be selected, at Budapest Marriott hotel already in October 1999
(during a meeting with CIA representatives) as candidate for presidency
Yugoslavia. (See: "How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency," - TiM
Bulletin of Dec 26, 2000.) ...This "freedom loving" Kostunica hired
as a mobile dummy, in whose shadow your "Fascist in Pinstripe Suits"
realized the goal, which they missed during 1999 NATO bombing session.
observed it recently Belgian journalist Michel Collon, "Kostunica is
becoming 'chryzantemic president', which after use will be (like this
"Russian cretin" Gorby) put into wardrobe".
>Our "exchange of printed ideas", concerning the Serbia's future, became
more vivid. To my suggestion of "Albanization" of this country B.W.
>>Here is much in what you wrote about the danger of Serbia deteriorating
to the level of Albania, or even to the somewhat less degenerate level
Romania-Bulgaria. ...(Nevertheless) There are many demonstrated
to draw from, including Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Chile, Peru and El
>This optimistic supposition I commented in a following way:
>>All these countries were permitted -- and even directed -- towards a
rapid industrial growth, in order to tame communist influence, or inside
them, or at their borders. Once "red danger" was removed by other means,
they shall undergo a rapid disindustralization process. It started
at Malaysia (with the Soros attack at its banking system) and is
in South Corea (with the crash of Daewoo Group; I read that this recent
crash was organized by "feemarketing" General Motors Corp.). For me it
evident that in case communists will be entirely smashed inside Serbia
in its vicinity) there will be no reasons to (re)develop any industry in
this country: NATO bombings were in large extend directed against
hitech enterprises, which in other countries (like Poland) were
wiped-out by the "shock therapy", similar to this proposed by Serbian
(surely Soros sponsored) group.
>B.W. answered:
>> While what you wrote about Soros -- who very publicly has identified his
predilection for a mercantilist social-democrat, regulatory universalism
is true, it is not the whole story. As to Daewoo, GM only came in late
the game of the breakup of what had become an unworkable conglomerate
>At the end of a longer analysis of conglomerates/corporations doings and
wrongdoings B.W. remarked:
>> ITT, notorious for its attempts to undermine Pinochet's regime, has been
broken up, sold off and no longer exists.
>To which I answered:
>> You mentioned that ITT was at work while the destruction of Allende's
regime was accomplished. I do think that actual, lasting already 11
destruction of Yugoslavia is the product of informal "Owners of the
Corp." (OPC). To this nebulous clique belong all these Clintons,
Albraights, Soros, Libermans and others, including Bildberg Group and
Vatican's top hierarchy. Most of these people, as you observed it with
justice, are former Marxists (precisely Trotskists) who traded their
earlier convictions for positions of corporate "free-enterprizing"
>I added also some critics of B.W. proposed plan of re-development of Serbia:
>>After a reflection I've noticed that your program of re-developing of
Serbia (by appealing to the free enterprising spirit of population, and
democracy "from the bottom up" - see was already
-- up to details -- by the Milosevic regime after NATO bombings.
in his youth worked temporarily in USA as bank clerk.) After these
I visited Serbia three times, and I was surprised how liberal this
was (in Belgrade there were 16 private broadcasting stations!). Only few
media (but, that's true, the best selling ones) were in regime's hands.
state hands was also electricity and fuel supply, which were so heavily
damaged by bombs dropped by "free enterprising" US pilots. But these
sized industries have practically nothing in common with
individualist spirit. Now they will be "raped" -- together with other
important riches of this country -- by freely enterprising in Serbia,
Western sponsors of local "opposition". Moreover, in contrary to your
intentions, under the supervised by CIA/OPC conglomerate, newly baked
"democratic" regime in Serbia, no liberty is possible, especially for
these, who intend to hinder the colonial plundering of the country. For
example, the new Serbian communist "Korak" party was banned from
participation in elections, only two days before the Dec. 23 vote; the
former director of best-selling journal "Politika" was forced to seek
political asylum as far as Cuba!
>Finally, we exchanged our "printed ideas" about the essential, strategic
issues of present Western civilization. B.W. wrote:
>>.Further, you piqued my interest with the French paper on Biblical roots
of globalized trade.
>I answered:
>>A friend of mine, professor of religion sciences, Vladimir Pawluczuk says
that ideas of free trade democracy are trivial projections of Judaism
the modern civilization. (He says also that Marxism differs only by a
from Confucianism.) I think that there we have to look for roots of our
enchantment with technical progress. This progress is considered, by
like people, only as the "Lord's deceit", bringing the Promised Land to
(Chosen) People. As writes it French historian of science Pierre
Greek word "technos" means a "deceit". So we are prisoners of the
Civilization of Deceit, which many confuse with "progress". Thinking
logically, we necessarily are (mentally at least) caught in a the trap,
Founding Fathers constructed out of their shortsightedness. (This
is similar to the one in Old Israel 2000 years ago, whose population was
trapped in illusions produced centuries earlier by this country blind
prophets.) In attachment I send you these papers in French about
roots of the Hyperbourgois rise to power.
>Later I added:
>> The present Hyperbourgois Super-Society (name used by Alexander
Zinoviev) has interesting other denominations: people linked with
"Schiller's Institute" call it Coalition of Global Investors, and I
this suggestive term OPC - "Owners of the Planet Corp.". Of course,
illustrious "pastors of mankind" purposefully make people dumb, for it
easier to parasite on highly domesticated, debilitated "sheep" than to
dominate (as Bible demands it) a herd of mountain "goats". (Such
undomesticated, "Edomite" sub-species are, according to Bible
by its very nature evil, and thus doomed to extermination). And that's,
my opinion, the whole "natural philosophy" of the Modern West, which
philosophy is narrowly copied from pages of Old Testament.
>At that point my discussion with Ben Works about essentials was suspended.
If you find it interesting enough, do not hesitate to reply, and/or to
redirect it to people concerned. Do not forget about Attachments in
English, Russian and French.


>Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 05:19:26 +0100
>To: jcat@..., iacenter@..., milan.kasic@...,
jpmaher@..., kazpoz@..., pbein@...,
publisher@..., jugocoord@...
>From: Marek Glogoczowski <mglogo@...>
>Subject: National American Terrorist Organization and its "Clenched Fist"
metastasis at Belgrade.
>Orwell 2000 in Serbia
>I found an excellent attachment to my "Servants of Two Masters Corp."
letter, which I mailed on Jan. 8. It is an article about details of
Serbia's elections, which I received, on Jan. 9, thanks to Italian group
"La Jugoslavia vivra". In my letter I wrote how important, for the
commercial integration of the Globe, is the appropriate imbecilization
the youth. And the article "Orwell 2000 in Serbia" -- which I recopied
below -- shows in detail how the politically active (but not thinking
much) youth, appropriately drugged with "planetary wisdom", was (ab)used
for the purpose of the recent NWO onslaught on this tiny country. (To
Aleksandar Djaja,
>the author of the text below:
>>Never during the past ten years' [and, possibly, during even a much
longer] period, has appeared in this region a political organization,
on the abuse of minors for political purposes, and wrapped in a
benign, teenage-intellectual wrapping foil, such as the one named
>This Otpor organization Serbian socialists called (until Sept. 24)
"Madleine (Albraight) Jugend", and I named Otpor's forerunners, which
active already during 1996/97 student revolt at Belgrade, "Soros
so heavily they were sponsored by Soros Fundation, and by American
Endowment for Democracy Fund (NED).
>To those, who are interested in (post) modern techniques of civic
education, one thing is startling: it is the easiness, with which both
slogans and symbols ("clenched fist") of classic, ultra leftist
(anticapitalist, antinationalist and antimilitarist) movement, were
intercepted for the purpose of imposition in Serbia of the Authority of
IMF, World's Bank, Multinationals, and of course of CIA and NATO. (One
Slovakian weekly deciphered recently this last abbreviation, as
American Terrorist Organization". Such deciphering is confirmed by an
observation, that NATO and OTPOR convey the similar "free enterprising"
terrorist spirit, which spirit is fed from the same financial source.)
>The text, which is reprinted below, shall be compared with the assertion
of Beniamin Works, with whom I discussed in my last letter. In his Bulletin of Jan. 1, I found such an optymist view:
>>It should be our objective as friends of Yugoslavia to defend the
sovereignty of states that derive their powers from the consent of the
People; to encourage free trade, free enterprise and free property. We
already committed to free speech and free elections (in this country).
>Post Scriptum. Observing difficulties, which NATO has in justifying the
use of depleted uranium shells in Bosnia and Kosovo, I found a very good
explanation of this recent NATO's, surely involuntary, misadventure. My
explication is modeled at explications of other similar mishaps at
which were habitually given by high NATO officers (and today also by DOS
and OTPOR activists): it is evident, all these illnesses caused by
uranium are due to Milosevic plot! Simply, this dictator's agents
substituted "ecologically friendly" shells with pure DU (similar to the
shown recently by George Robertson at Brussels) by shells with uranium
contaminated with its highly radioactive isotope! (In all evidence in
ignominious plot were involved Italian communists from the group "La
Jugoslavia vivra", which infiltrated American Aviano Air Base.) Such
discovery would be one more indication that it is necessary to
Milosevic immediately, before this monster contaminates, with not
enough DU, the whole planet. And of course, the polluting unprepared
(with its "Orwelian stories" of recent freedom imposition at Belgrade)
Jugoslavia vivra" group in Italy should be delegalized, and banned from
access to internet devices. The proposed above, satisfactory explanation
"Balcan Syndrome" would mean (for CIA professionals) two magnificent
political "shots" from one one US DU military dud!
> (Emperor's new clothes)
>Elections in Serbia: Orwel 2000
>By Aleksandar Djaja
>The parliamentary elections in Serbia ...

Marek Glogoczowski <mglogo@...>

Abgereicherte Glaubwürdigkeit der NATO

(von Rainer Rupp)

Ranghohe Militärärzte der NATO haben am Montag in Brüssel über mögliche
Gesundheitsgefahren durch uranhaltige Munition beraten. Am Dienstag
im NATO-Hauptquartier der Politische Ausschuss der Allianz. Während
NATO gemeinsam mit Verteidigungsminister Sharping weiterhin abwiegelt,
die Gefahrlosigkeit der DU-Munition beschwört, hat Marlise Simons von
New York Times die Existenz eines US-Dokuments aufgedeckt, das das
beweis. Das als "hazardous awareness document“ bezeichnete
Papier, das der
amerikanische Generalstab (U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff) mit Datum vom 1.
1999 an alle NATO-Alliierten geschickt hatte, warnte ausdrücklich vor
Gefahren, die von verschossener, abgereicherter Uranmunition und von dem
getroffenen Ziel und dessen Umgebung ausgehen. Deshalb müsste unbedingt
Annäherung entsprechende Schutzkleidung und Masken getragen werden.
Pfaff. IHT, 13.01.01.)

Auch die britische Presse grub in den letzten Tagen eine Warnung des
britischen Verteidigungsministeriums aus dem Jahre 1997 aus, das
ausdrücklich vor den Gefahren beim Umgang mit DU-Munition warnte. Und
„junge Welt“ hatte letzte Woche berichtet, dass auch das
für Verteidigung in Berlin von den Gefahren gewusst haben muss, denn
Staatssekretär Peter Wichert hatte eine NATO-Anweisung weiter geleitet,
auf die <möglichen toxischen Gefahren> im Kriegsgebiet hinwies, die von
verschossenen DU-Munition ausging. Aber der gleiche Vermerk hielt fest,
dass <die Nato zur Zeit keine Pläne zur Entseuchung hat>.“

Die britische “Times” veröffentlichte letzten Montag Auszüge
aus einem
Bericht der Atomic Energy Agency, der ebenfalls keine Zweifel an der
Gefährlichkeit der DU-Munition lässt: “Der Umgang mit Munition
Schwermetallen beinhaltet etliche potentielle Gefahrenelemente. Das
ebenso für die Möglichkeit einer radioaktiven oder toxischen
die infolge eines Beschusses (mit DU-Munition, Anm. RR) als Resultat
eintreten kann. Bei unsachgemäßem Umgang kann das zur langfristigen
Gesundheitsschädigung führen und sowohl für das Militär als auch für die
Zivilbevölkerung ein Risiko darstellen.” Weiter führt der Bericht
aus, dass
Amerikaner und Briten im Golfkrieg etwa 25 Tonnen DU verschossen haben.

Wenn diese Menge DU eingeatmet werden würde, dann würde das genügen, um
500.000 Menschen umzubringen“, heißt es in dem Bericht, der
hinzufügte, dass
„diese offensichtlich theoretische Zahl zwar nicht realistisch
ist, sie aber
trotzdem die Größenordnung des Problems andeutet.“ (“Nuclear
adviser issued

Letzte Woche kamen drei portugiesische Minister in Kosovo, um sich
persönlich um die Untersuchungen zu kümmern, nachdem es während einer
Parlamentsdebatte in Lisabon um erkrankte portugiesische Soldaten und
DU-Munition im Balkan zu tumultartigen Debatten gekommen war.
ordnete Premierminister Antonio Guterres eine unabhängige Untersuchung
die er damit begründete, dass er “nicht länger den Versicherungen
der NATO
glauben“ würde. (“Mines, not "Balkan Syndrome" worry
Portugal troops”, By
Martin Roberts, SANTA MARGARIDA, Portugal, Jan 9.01, Reuters)

Was dem portugiesischen Premierminister recht ist, ist Hunderten von
norwegischen Soldaten billig. Auch sie trauen längst nicht mehr der
abgereicherten Glaubwürdigkeit der NATO. Bereits letzte Woche weigerten
sich etwa 400 norwegische Soldaten des Elite Battallions Telemark, die
die Entsendung zur sogenannten NATO-„Friedenstruppe“ im
Kosovo notwenigen
Verträge zu unterzeichnen. Statt dessen verlangten sie Erklärungen über
von DU-Munition ausgehenden Gesundheitsgefahren, zumal in der Woche
bekannt worden war, dass auch zwei ehemalige norwegische Soldaten nach
Einsatz in Bosnien an Krebs erkrankt sind. (“Norwegian soldiers
refuse to
serve within the forces in Yugoslavia”, January 09,

Auch den griechischen K-FOR Soldaten wird der Boden in Bosnien
anscheinen zu
heiß. Aus Angst vor dem Balkan-Syndrom haben nach Angaben des
stellvertretenden Verteidigungsministers Dimitris Apostolakis bisher 142
insgesamt 1.481 Soldaten eine vorzeitige Rückkehr aus dem Kosovo
Der jugoslawische Präsident Vojislav Kostunica, der gestern in Athen zu
einem Staatbesuch eintraf, erklärte in einem Interview mit der
Presse: „Die Bombardierung verschiedener Regionen Jugoslawiens mit
abgereicherter Uranmunition ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass die
Operation (der NATO, Anm.RR) ein krimineller Akt war“.
(„Kostunica: DU use
is criminal, Kathimerini, ATHENS, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 2001)

Saarburg den 16.01.01

Wider die Serbophobie - Verheimlichte Fakten der Kriege in Jugoslawien

Am Anfang war ein US-Gesetz

Von Franz-Karl Hitze

Meine Redakteurin schrieb mir zum
Rezensionsauftrag: »Vergnügliche
Lektüre kann ich dir leider nicht
wünschen – bei dem Thema, dem Grauen.«
Wahrlich. Der Leser muss sehr starke
Nerven bereit halten, wenn er dieses Buch
zur Hand nimmt. Alexander Dorin, ein
Schweizer, trug Fakten zusammen, die
bisher verheimlicht bzw. gefälscht wurden.
Ein Buch wider die Jahrzehnte alte
Serbophobie. Dem Autor geht es nicht darum,
begangene Kriegsverbrechen in
Frage zu stellen, gleich welcher Seite,
»aber ich möchte sehr wohl«, so schreibt
er eingangs, »eine lange Reihe von un-glaublichen
Lügen aufdecken, die uns ein
falsches Bild« vermittelt haben.
In dem Buch ist von Holocaust-Leugner
Franjo Tudjman die Rede (der ein ethnisch
reines Kroatien herbeisehnte), von Alija
Izetbegovic, dem bosnischen Nationalisten,
dessen Hauptziel es war, die Vereinigung
aller Moslems in einem einzigen
Staat herbeizukämpfen. Vukovar wird genannt
und die 150 Neofaschisten aus den
USA, Österreich und Deutschland, die an
der Seite der Ustaschas alles mordeten,
was sich ihnen in den Weg stellte. Gorazde
wird erwähnt und der britische UNO-General
Rose; dieser hat die Medienlüge widerlegt,
dass die Serben das Krankenhaus
der Stadt zusammengeschossen hätten.
Berichtet wird über Srebrenica, wo moslemische
Truppen im April 1992 eine
Großoffensive starteten und dabei 1200
Serben »regelrecht abgeschlachtet« und
3000 schwer verletzten haben.
Dorin – übrigens ein Pseudonym (aus
Selbstschutz) – bedient sich einer einfachen
Methode. Er zitiert vor allem ausländische
Autoren und Beobachter, die wider
den Zeitgeist die Kriege in Jugoslawien
begleiteten, darunter Thomas Deichmann
(»Novo«), ein freischaffender deutscher
Journalist, der die Lüge vom angeblichen
KZ der Serben in Trnopolje entlarvte – als
ein serbisches Flüchtlingslager. Untersucht
werden Hintergründe der Bombenanschläge
vom 27. Mai 1992 (vor der Bäckerei
in Sarajevo), vom 5. Februar 1994
auf dem Marktplatz in Sarajevo, mit angeblich
68 Toten und 200 Verletzten, und
dem nachfolgenden Blutbad am 28. August
1995 auf dem Marktplatz Merkmale.
Für alle drei Fälle wird der Nachweis erbracht,
dass die den Serben zugewiesene
Schuld nicht den Tatsachen entspricht.
UNO-General MacKenzie bestätigte öffentlich,
dass die Moslems vor der Explosion
vor der Bäckerei die Straßen absperrten
und nur den Zugang vom serbischen
Stadtteil freihielten. Außerdem sei
ein Filmteam in Wartestellung gehalten
worden. MacKenzie wurde wegen seiner
Aussage zu Gunsten der Serben aus dem
Militärdienst entlassen. Das Paradoxe dabei
ist, dass die amerikanische Organisation
»Anti-Terrorist Task Force« am 1.
September 1992 ein Dokument veröffentlichte,
das die Schuld für den Anschlag
eindeutig der moslemischen Seite gibt.
Später hat auch die UNO diesen Bericht
bestätigen müssen.
Erschütternd sind die Berichte von Sarah
Flounders (Großbritannien), die sich
mit den Vorwürfen von Massenvergewaltigungen
auseinandersetzt. Sie weist
nach, dass die Zahl von 30 000 Opfern
vom Außenminister von Bosnien-Herzegowina,
Haris Silajdzic, und aus dessen
Propagandaapparat stammen. Man hat
einfach die Zahl von 119 Fällen von Vergewaltigungen
hochgerechnet. Ist der
Fakt, dass in Kriegen Frauen auf diese
Weise Gewalt angetan wird, nicht
schlimm genug, als dass man aus propagandistischen
Gründen mit deren Leid
noch »Zahlenspielerei« betreibt?
Dorin ist überzeugt, dass am Anfang der
Zerschlagung Jugoslawiens ein amerika-
nisches Gesetz stand. Ein Jahr vor dem
Auseinanderbrechen der SFRJ, am 5. November
1990, verabschiedete – nach seinen
Erkenntnissen – der amerikanische
Kongress das Foreign Operations Appropriation
Law 101-513, ein Gesetz über die
Bewilligung von Mitteln für das Ausland.
In einem Artikel des Gesetzes sei »völlig
unvermittelt und ohne Vorwarnung fest-gelegt,
dass die USA binnen sechs Monaten
Jugoslawien jegliche Unterstützung
entziehen, die Handelsbeziehungen abbrechen
sowie alle Kredite und Darlehen
streichen würden, wenn nicht entsprechende
Bedingungen gegeben wären. Bereits
drei Wochen später sagte die »New
York Times« voraus, dass diese Klausel
»einen blutigen Bürgerkrieg« auslösen
Bedrückend sind die über 100 Fotos
und Abbildungen in diesem Buch von
massakrierten Frauen und Kindern, verstümmelten
Soldaten und Zivilisten, die
als serbische Bürger identifiziert wurden.
Bilder, die nicht gezeigt werden sollten,
wie das Foto, auf dem ein moslemischer
Soldat zu sehen ist, der mit dem abgetrennten
Kopf des Serben Blagoje Blagojevic
aus dem Dorf Jasenove für einen saudi-arabischen
Söldner posiert.
Ein beklemmendes, aber wichtiges
Buch. Gewünscht hätte man ihm ein professionelles
Lektorat. Stilistische
Schwachstellen werden in der demnächst
bei Ahriman erscheinenden bereits zweiten,
erweiterten Auflage behoben sein.
Zu wünschen ist vor allem, dass das
neue Jahr ein friedliches für den Balkan
bleiben wird.

Alexander Dorin: In unseren Himmeln

kreuzt der fremde Gott. Selbstverlag.

295 S., geb., 45 DM. Zu beziehen über den

Ahriman Verlag, Postfach 6569, 79041


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