Si è tenuta domenica 19 maggio 2024 in Canada la 22ma Conferenza sulla memoria dello sterminio nella Croazia ustascia (1941-1945).

Il video è disponibile al link (a partire dal minuto 1h14m). Particolarmente interessante il contributo del grande regista Lordan Zafranović (a partire dal minuto 5h17m), che in passato ha partecipato anche a nostre iniziative.

*** Jasenovac Research Institute New York

The 22nd Annual JRI Days of Jasenovac
International Conference and Dinner 2024

The Jasenovac Research Institute (JRI), a New York NGO focussing on the WWII Croatian genocide against Serbs, Jews and Roma, is hosting the 22nd annual JRI Days of Jasenovac International Scientific Conference on Sunday, May 19, 2024, from 2 PM to 8 PM at the
All Serbian Saints Serbian Orthodox Church Hall 2520 Dixie Road, Mississauga, ON L4Y 2AS Canada
The theme, Recognizing Genocide at Jasenovac in Film and Media, has drawn historians and researchers from North America and Europe:
• Dr. Ljilijana Petrović, speaking on Genocide at Jasenovac: Knowledge Through Fiction and Film,
• Author Goran Šarić, from Croatia, speaking on Stepinac: Sainthood or War Criminal,
Author Stefan Karganović, speaking on Srebrenica and the Question of Genocide,
• Barry Lituchy speaking on Comparative Genocides - A Study in Holocaust Hypocrisy,
• Lordan Zafranović, Croatian filmmaker speaking on Jasenovac via Zoom, Greetings to the JRI Conference from Belgrade with an interview by John Bosnitch, and
• Danko Vasović, Journalist and filmmaker from Serbia. Danko's documentary film is about Jasenovac at 6:00 PM. ***