
in varie lingue e di fonte varia, raccolte alla URL:

> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/664


> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/tika/dogs2.htm
> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/660
Pentagon Dogs
by Tika Jankovic (11-29-2000)


Report of the solidarity delegation to the last multi-national part of
Kosovo (ILC)


Down with UCK or the end of Trotskyism (ILC)

> http://www.bhhrg.org/kosovo/kosovo2000/kosovo.htm

> http://www.espresso-verlag.de/kuentzelfr.htm
> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/653
Matthias Küntzel: "Germany and Kosovo.
How Germany's independent line paved the way to the Kosovo War"

> http://www.wpb.be/lalkar/lalkar11/1102.htm
> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/655
Kosovo - Another Victim of Predatory Imperialism

> http://www.truthinmedia.org/Activism/nyt11-3-00.html
A Hell Hole Called Kosovo: Get Us Outta Here!
Letters Editor, The New York Times, New York, NY
Subject: A letter to the editor re. "Progress in Kosovo" -
your Nov. 2, 2000 editorial

> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/656
Bernard Kouchner's Legacy of Failure
T.V. Weber & Alida Weber, 7/11/2000

> http://www.infolinks.de/an/1999/20/006.htm
General Helmut Harff, ["in the Balkans ... you should shoot
first!"] addressed »Staats- und Wirtschaftspolitische Gesellschaft
a German extreme Right militarist group.
General Harff is ex-commander of German troops in Kosovo; as such,
co-responsible for the infamous Orahovac ghetto for local Serbs and

> http://www.mfa.gov.yu/Kosovo/Kosovo/dokumenti/memo180800_e.html
The Official Web Presentation of the Federal Ministry

> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/658
KOSOVO: Deja vue!
S. Jatras / A. Vasovic (AP) 26/11/2000

> http://www.google.com/search?q=Veliki+Trnovac+heroin
> http://www.egroups.com/message/sorabia/11030
> http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/intel/nnicc97.htmsearch: kosovo
> http://www.balkanpeace.org/our/our03.shtml

(enter link manually if broken)
> http://www.crisisweb.org/projects/kosovo/reports/kos33main.htm search
VELIKI TRNOVAC rings the bell?

> http://www.balkanpeace.org
> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/661
The Centre for Peace in the Balkans:
Research Analysis, May 2000

> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/662
Ottawa, December 6, 2000

> http://www.osce.org/news/generate.php3?news_id=1156
> http://www.osce.org/kosovo/publications/law/index.htm
Original OSCE documents on Kosmet



> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/663

- Kosovo wird für NATO gefährlich (R. Rupp 30/10/00)
- Neues amerikanische Doppelspiel im Kosovo
(R. Rupp 31/10/00)
- Albanische Terroristen wenden sich gegen Rugova
(R. Rupp 1/11/00)
- Serben spielen der NATO den Schwarzen Peter zu
(R. Rupp 28/11/00)
- NATO nennt albanische Terroristen wieder "Terroristen"
(R. Rupp 30/11/00)

> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/574

- Die zehn Todsünden in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Ein Flugblatt des Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag zur Halbzeit der
- Kosovo Gewaltseparatisten besorgt wegen Milosevics Abgang
Von Rainer Rupp
- Neue US-Pläne fürs Kosovo
Von Rainer Rupp

> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/657

Interview: Brigadegeneral a.D. Heinz Loquai
bei Kongress der Friedensbewegung


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB : http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid%c2%91979 oppure
> http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/

Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Contributi e segnalazioni: <jugocoord@...>

Sei proprio sicuro di voler vincere una web cam?
Dal 1 al 31 dicembre 2000 ci sono ottime probabilita,
se crei una nuova comunita su eCircle.it!
Controlla il regolamento:


Dalla fine della guerra fredda è in corso nell'Est europeo una grande
offensiva di conquista economica e militare da parte degli Usa e dei
loro alleati. La tenaglia imperialista agisce sul lato occidentale
nell'area balcanica e su quello orientale nell'area del Medio Oriente e

dell'Asia centrale, in particolare in Palestina e Iraq, in vista del
successivo balzo verso il Caucaso e la Russia - ed in prospettiva
la Cina.

In questi ultimi anni l'azione si è concentrata contro i Balcani.

Dalla fondazione della Repubblica Federativa Socialista di Jugoslavia,
29 novembre 1943, a Jaice in Bosnia-Erzegovina, tutte le nazionalità
la costituivano hanno fatto blocco contro le ingerenze
a partire dalla lotta eroica della Resistenza contro l'occupazione
nazifascista. L'autonomia della Jugoslavia è stata tollerata fino a che
perdurare della guerra fredda ha ostacolato di fatto i progetti di
globale del capitalismo occidentale. Con la crisi degli anni '80 e
soprattutto dopo l'annessione della DDR alla Repubblica Federale
Tedesca, l'imperialismo ha operato per inasprire e rendere esplosive le

contraddizioni interne alla RFSJ, promuovendone e sponsorizzandone lo
smembramento, sostenendo dirigenze filooccidentali e secessioniste,
le condizioni per la campagna di occupazione militare. Con la
sanguinosa di quattro Repubbliche, la RFSJ è stata ridimensionata a
Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, costituita da Serbia e Montenegro.

La RFJ è stata fatta bersaglio di otto anni di pesanti sanzioni
economiche, poi aggredita e devastata, infine sottoposta ad un embargo
che ha ridotto allo stremo la popolazione, soprattutto la sua parte più

povera comprendente il milione di profughi dalla Croazia e dalla
Bosnia. Nel 1999 la macchina bellica della Nato ha scaricato sulla RFJ
45.000 tonnellate di esplosivo, bombe alla grafite e a frammentazione
(cluster bombs), e bombe all'uranio impoverito che, come è già
avvenuto in Iraq, produrrà in futuro malattie e morte. Sono stati
distrutti obiettivi civili e complessi industriali come quelli di
Pancevo, Novi Sad, Cacak, con stabilimenti chimici e petrolchimici,
volutamente causando la diffusione nell'ambiente di sostanze altamente
tossiche destinate ad entrare nella catena alimentare. Tutto questo
scopo di colpire la resistenza della stessa popolazione di un paese
refrattario ad aderire ad alleanze imperialiste e a sottomettersi agli
imperativi del Fondo Monetario Internazionale.
Dopo la fine dei bombardamenti è stata scatenata la guerra di "bassa
intensità": embargo, assassinio di esponenti politici, erogazioni di
fondi per centinaia di milioni di dollari per corrompere dirigenti,
militari, organizzazioni sindacali, sociali, culturali e politiche, o
per crearne ex novo (OTPOR, D.O.S.), e per assumere il controllo di
d'informazione come Radio B2-92 o l'emittente televisiva Studio B,
allo scopo di destabilizzare il paese secondo uno schema ben collaudato

(Italia, Grecia, Cile, Nicaragua,...). Ne è prova il fatto che il 25
settembre il
Congresso Usa stanziava ancora 105 milioni di dollari per l'appoggio
simultaneo ai partiti compiacenti ed ai movimenti secessionisti, mentre

il 27 settembre 2000 la D.O.S. (unione delle opposizioni
e il F.M.I. concordavano in Bulgaria il piano economico di
liberalizzazioni e di privatizzazioni. In questo clima di
scandito e amplificato dall'uso strategico dei media jugoslavi e
stranieri, si sono svolte le elezioni, coronate dall'assalto al
Parlamento, dall'incendio dell'ufficio della Commissione elettorale,
dalla distruzione delle schede elettorali, da minacce e violenze contro

esponenti della sinistra politica e sindacale. La destra
ha potuto così appropriarsi di tutti gli organi di informazione ed ha
immediatamente ottenuto il riconoscimento internazionale al quale sono
seguite la richiesta di ammissione al F.M.I. ed all'ONU con l'implicita

dichiarazione di discontinuità rispetto alla vecchia Jugoslavia. La
produzione e la ricostruzione si sono subito bloccate, e le condizioni
sociali sono immediatamente precipitate ; la liberalizzazione dei
ha subito prodotto aumenti fortissimi.

Il Coordinamento Nazionale La Jugoslavia Vivrà, alla sua costituzione
nell'estate 2000, si era dato il compito di lottare in Italia contro le

varie forme di aggressione della Nato contro la Repubblica Federale di
Jugoslavia e di fare controinformazione. In particolare il
intendeva organizzare, assieme ad altre realtà internazionali
antiimperialiste, una nave che rompesse l'embargo imposto da Usa e UE
contro quel Paese: un'azione emblematica contro tutti gli embarghi nel
mondo. Questo progetto attualmente deve essere sospeso, fino ad un
chiarimento degli equilibri politici nella RFJ e sulla effettiva
Con la proclamazione di Kostunica a Presidente della RFJ l'imperialismo

occidentale ha segnato una tappa importante a suo favore, benché non
necessariamente decisiva: si rende ora necessaria una verifica della
nostra strategia.

Rientra nell'ambito specifico del nostro compito di informazione e
denuncia del progetto imperialista in Jugoslavia:
* Denunciare il carattere di luogotenenza servile dell'attuale
presidenza jugoslava.
* Denunciare il mancato rispetto della risoluzione Onu 1244,
risoluzione peraltro non frutto di un trattato ma conseguenza della
violenza stragista della Nato, e che pure già contiene in sé il vizio
della falsità in quanto programmaticamente disattesa da parte delle
potenze Nato che sostengono le dirigenze secessioniste.
* Mobilitarci per l'espulsione di tutti i rappresentanti dei Paesi Nato

dalle strutture civili e militari dell'amministrazione straniera in
Kosmet e per il ritiro delle truppe Nato da tutto il territorio
* Smascherare la falsa informazione diffusa anche dalla stampa della
sinistra, distintasi nuovamente durante le recenti
elezioni jugoslave per disinformazione. In particolare,
nonostante alcune preziose eccezioni, le testate
giornalistiche "Il Manifesto" e "Liberazione" hanno plaudito, se non
addirittura inneggiato, alla presunta "rivoluzione democratica" di
Kostunica, della DOS e dei loro programmatori economici del G17,
organici al F.M.I.
* Continuare l'opera di concreta solidarietà con la popolazione
soggetta al ricatto neocoloniale.

Riconfermiamo il nostro sostegno a chi si è battuto, si batte e si
batterà contro l'aggressione della Nato e del F.M.I. e per la difesa
delle condizioni di vita, di lavoro e di potere dei lavoratori in
Jugoslavia. Un conflitto acuto è già in atto nei Balcani tra le forze
della riforma in senso liberista e chi difende gli interessi delle
lavoratrici e l'indipendenza nazionale. Auspichiamo che questi ultimi
possano sostenere una forte opposizione per impedire l'attuazione del
"nuovo corso" liberista e delle sue politiche di massacro sociale. Già
le prossime elezioni del 23 dicembre nella Repubblica di Serbia ci
potranno fornire importanti indicazioni, tenendo conto che le pressioni

occidentali continuano ad esercitare una influenza determinante. Una
responsabilità primaria di questa ingerenza illecita è dell'Europa di
Prodi, che, con le sue false promesse e regalie clientelari, i suoi
inganni, i suoi "summit" , intende sottomettere la Jugoslavia alle
esigenze del mercato globalizzato.

E' nostro compito denunciare tutto ciò e lottare contro questa nuova
fase della ricolonizzazione. I conflitti per il controllo e l'esproprio

delle risorse, dopo le aggressioni all'Iraq e alla Jugoslavia, sono
ridiventati elemento costante dello scenario internazionale. Scopo
evidente, anche se coperto dalla onnipresente falsificazione dei media,
destrutturare gli assetti e gli ordinamenti nazionali esistenti per
realizzare una nuova spartizione delle risorse materiali e umane (il
"Nuovo ordine mondiale"), e distruggere ogni forma di rappresentanza
collettiva capace di opporsi allo sfruttamento indiscriminato delle
classi subalterne. In questa fase storica è nostro compito identificare

e sostenere tutti quei movimenti di lotta, di liberazione
nazionale e quegli Stati che oggettivamente agiscono in
opposizione al dominio imperiale.

Per contribuire alla crescita di un movimento che si proponga di
interferire nella pianificazione imperialista dei conflitti e che si
opponga con grandi battaglie di controinformazione e mobilitazione alle

nuove avventure militari delle "democrazie" occidentali, è necessario
assumere un punto di vista globale già nell'attività di informazione e
denuncia che ora siamo in grado di sviluppare: è necessario che le
realtà organizzate, nate sulla spinta della solidarietà con specifiche
lotte contro l'imperialismo, riuniscano in un orizzonte unitario le
varie forme di resistenza alla ricolonizzazione in atto nel mondo,
Jugoslavia alla Palestina - alla cui Intifada esprimiamo piena
solidarietà -, dall'America latina al Medio Oriente, dall'Africa al
Sud-Est asiatico.

Il nostro impegno sull'area balcanica è centrale per le prospettive del

movimento antiimperialista in Italia e fuori, in quanto:
* I governi occidentali stanno creando in quest'area le condizioni per
una destabilizzazione globale che può far esplodere le contraddizioni
* L'Italia, anche se per ora in posizione subalterna, sta assumendo un
ruolo, tanto politico-economico quanto militare, in un'area che l'ha
vista protagonista di avventure coloniali (ricordiamo che oggi l'Italia

è al comando delle truppe di occupazione della provincia serba del
Kosmet così come nel periodo 1941-43).
* La distruzione pianificata delle strutture istituzionali, sociali e
produttive della Jugoslavia - operata attraverso l'imposizione di
politiche neoliberiste di indebitamento, la strumentalizzazione e
l'enfatizzazione delle contraddizioni inter-regionali, il pesante
condizionamento nella vita politica - rappresentano, al di là
dell'aggressione militare e dell'embargo, un modello riproducibile per
modificare gli equilibri geoeconomici in tutta l'Europa
centro-orientale e per l'imposizione di "NATOcrazie" compiacenti verso
gli interessi degli azionisti della nuova colonizzazione.

In Italia in particolare ci proponiamo di contribuire alla costruzione
di un movimento di resistenza centrato sul rigetto delle basi Usa e
sul nostro territorio, sull'opposizione all'impiantarsi dell'esercito
come nuovo strumento di dominio dell'imperialismo
europeo, sulla lotta al nuovo modello di difesa che prevede la
professionalizzazione dell'esercito, ed in generale contro il ruolo
sempre più decisivo che lo sviluppo del settore militare-industriale va

assumendo nell'assetto politico-economico del nostro Paese.

Il nostro impegno deve integrarsi nella lotta dei popoli contro le
ingiustizie e le diseguaglianze di classe che il capitalismo perpetua
oggi nelle forme della globalizzazione e del neoliberismo.
imperialista alla Jugoslavia si inscrive nel processo di crisi del modo

di produzione capitalista , crisi che produce un progressivo
approfondirsi della contraddizione tra capitale e
lavoro, tra imperialisti e popoli soggetti a ricolonizzazione. Il
governo e i paramilitari colombiani, il governo e le forze di
repressione in Israele, la DOS e i suoi squadristi hanno alle spalle
stessi uffici di Washington: la resistenza si annuncia come una istanza

necessariamente comune.

Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'", dicembre 2000

(per contatti: jugocoord@... -- 0338-9116688)

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[Emperor's Clothes]

What Is Going On in Yugoslavia and The World?
'No Room for Abstentions!'
by Prof. Ivan Angelov
Edited and shortened by Jared Israel (12-15-2000)

In the days when the former "Socialist Community" was giving up
its Marxist ideology and destroying its military potential,
organizational networks and arsenals, concepts were elaborated, and
obviously, plans made to "transform the guerilla fighter from a 20th
Century tool of Marxist
states into a major, 21st Century asset in the arsenal of Western
powers. Western supported and sponsored insurgents will be used for the
purposes of protecting and securing Western interests, and Western
organizations, possessing skills in supporting guerrilla forces will be
held in readiness
for purposes of deterrence." (From a publication of the Institute of
Land Warfare of the U.S. Army, quoted below).

People from far away may rightfully expect that we in Bulgaria
would know more than they about the situation in Yugoslavia since the
two countries are neighbors. Sorry to disappoint them.

It's true that in the weeks before the Oct. 5 coup the Bulgarian
airwaves were thick with tal
k about Yugoslavia. However, the numerous, and as a rule high-volume,
commentaries were mainly limi
ted to the already well-known maxim that "Milosevic is bad and has to

After October 6, when the 'Scourge of Humanity' vanished from the
political arena, very illog
ically the mainstream media's interest vanished too. Hardly anything has
been said about the events
that accompanied Milosevic's decision to resign. Pictures of fires in
Belgrade appeared on the fro
nt pages of newspapers but people had to guess who set those fires and
why. E-mails and Internet co
mmunications became scarce.

The usual answer to the question, "What took place in Yugoslavia?"
is: they had early electio
ns. (Early because the governing coalition wasn't required to call
elections on Sept. 24th.)

But were they truly "elections"? To what extent does "election"
describe what happened in and
around Yugoslavia this past Fall? A thoughtful answer to this question
can clarify what kind of wo
rld we live in and what we can expect from the future.

Intervention: The New Norm

It is annoying that neither Yugoslav authorities nor the
opposition - neither leaders nor ord
inary citizens - neither experts in law nor humanitarians - no one in
Yugoslavia, in nearby countri
es or the world has for a single moment questioned the idea that these
elections could be considere
d fair when part of a country is occupied - as Yugoslavia is occupied -
by foreign troops.(1)

Perhaps because Great Power interference has been commonplace
world-wide for decades it is no
w a norm of Law? If so, then various International Agreements should be
amended. That way future ge
nerations will know there is nothing wrong with having foreign troops on
a country's soil, that for
eign pressure helps citizens freely express themselves..

How would the citizens of divided Germany or the anti-Communist
protestors in Poland, Hungary
or Czechoslovakia have treated this interesting notion ten years ago?

Elections in the presence of foreign troops continue to be held in
many areas. Bosnia is just
one example. Such elections are even encouraged in Kosovo which isn't
an independent nation but ra
ther part of Yugoslavia, an established state.

Elections to Sanctify Imperial Gains

Perhaps in today's world elections are increasingly devoid of
their original meaning. Perhaps
instead they function to further and sanctify certain covert
intentions, activities and interests.
Perhaps elections are increasingly a ritual aimed at pronouncing a
blessing (or a blasphemy?) over
a certain state of things, established by other means.

Yugoslavia's Fall elections, held ahead of term, are part of a
series of actions imposed on Y
ugoslavia by threat from the most powerful military, economic and
political forces in the world. Da
yton and other so-called peace agreements were reached in the same way -
at the point of a gun - ju
st as "peace" was established in Kosovo.

Elections were freely held under the threat of force, i.e., of
another war, and this threat r
emained over Yugoslavia after the idea of early elections was imposed.
Obviously this is now consid
ered normal, just as putting a 5 million dollar bounty on the head of
Miloshevich, President of Yug
oslavia, is considered normal, as if we were living in the times of
Genghis Khan, or the Ottoman Co
nquests, as if we were living under the Nazi occupation of Europe.

Foreign legislative and executive bodies made official
declarations concerning not only how Y
ugoslavia's elections were to be conducted, but on the acceptability
(and unacceptability) of vario
us possible outcomes. How helpful for the citizens! In an unprecedented
step, parallel counting of
votes was organized, bankrolled by Western powers. NATo-organized
military exercises were carried o
ut near Yugoslavia and NATO's Deputy Secretary General visited
neighbouring countries on the very e
ve of the elections. The US Chief of Staff, Gen. Shelton, visited
immediately afterwards. Hours bef
ore the vote, top EU and NATO officials literally forbade one of the
electoral candidates [Miloshev
ich] from winning.

And remember, all these "suggestions" about how the Yugoslavs
should run their elections, and
who had permission to win, were made in an atmosphere where violent
intervention was threatened. I
t was suggested that a new intervention could be more massive and
destructive than during the 78 da
y bombing in 1999. Weren't these speculations of dire consequences,
should the wrong side win, mean
t to guide Yugoslav voters? And of course, the events of 1999 clearly
showed that neither the UN no
r anybody else was willing or able to stop such violence.

Where can we find an analogy to this level of intervention except
in the Munich Deal of 1938,
the capture of Abyssinia [or Ethiopia, by Mussolini's Fascist troops]
and the rape of Manchuria [b
y Japan] before World War II. (I wonder, did certain sensible
intellectuals in Germany, Italy or Ja
pan write articles pointing out that the Abyssinian and Manchurian
governments had never held prope
r elections, that the Italian and Japanese armies were therefore
contributing to democracy by smash
ing these non-democratic regimes, which coincidentally existed in zones
of special interest to Ital
y and Japan?)

The attacks on Manchuria and Abyssinia [or Ethiopia] are viewed as
outright aggression in doc
uments on International Relations and Law. Perhaps now these views
should be revised. Maybe it's ou
tmoded to speak of "aggressor countries", referring to those great
powers of the near past. Or will
scholars prove that Yugoslavia is much less democratic than, say,
Abyssinia and Manchuria in the 1
930s, thus justifying the use of force by today's Great Powers? There is
a great deal of room, here
, for scholarly work.

Elections a Cover for Covert Action

Even if we assume that all forms of external coercion are
permissible in the struggle against
that arch "enemy of Humanity" (meaning, of course, Mr. Milosevic) the
question remains: can and sh
ould all these tactics be attributed to the concept, the process and the
procedure of elections?

In fact, from the beginning the idea of early elections was a way
of creating the necessary c
overt conditions and atmosphere for carrying out the next stage of a
very special war effort agains
t Yugoslavia and its established institutions.

Isn't it troubling that much of what has happened and is possibly
going on in Yugoslavia fits
almost perfectly into what is called in the specialized literature on
military issues, Low-Intensi
ty Conflict (LIC)?

Low Intensity Conflict: Subversion Foreseen in 1990

"Low-Intensity Conflict" - according to its definition - "is armed
conflict for political pur
poses short of combat between regularly organized forces" (See: Rod
Pascal, "LIC 2010 - Special Ope
rations and Unconventional Warfare in the Next Century, Future Warfare
Studies. Published with the
Institute of Land Warfare Association of the U.S. Army," 1990,
Brassley's Inc, US., page 7.).

"It is not mid-intensity conflict, which is armed conflict between
regularly organized milita
ry forces" (though it "may also include terrorist incidents, or even
concurrent insurgent campaigns
"), neither a high-intensity conflict which is "armed combat involving
the use of mass-destructive
weapons" (ibid., page 8)

The Low-Intensity Conflict "definition surely includes a terrorist
act but excludes, for exam
ple, the usual hostage-taking by a bank robber. It includes a
counter-insurgency campaign in which
a regular-armed force is pitted against guerillas or irregulars. It
describes the activities of ins
urgents engaged in an armed attempt to overthrow a government. The
definition also encompasses the
efforts of a 'peace-keeping force.'" (ibid., page 7).

a.. Though it is noted that "these definitions differ somewhat
from the basically blessed t
erminology of the US Army" there is a little doubt left that "they
accurately reflect the intent of
the U.S. Army definitions" (ibid., page 8).
Ten years ago, when Mankind sincerely believed that not a "New
World Order" but a New Epoch o
f Peace, International Confidence and Cooperation was ahead, some
specialists in military theory we
re foreseeing that "insurgency, perhaps one of the oldest forms of
warfare, should be much in evide
nce in 2010." (ibid., page 6).

In the days when the former "Socialist Community" was giving up
its Marxist ideology and dest
roying its military potential, organizational networks and arsenals,
concepts were elaborated and p
lans made to "transform the guerilla fighter from a 20th Century tool of
Marxist states into a majo
r, 21st Century asset in the arsenal of Western powers. Western
supported and sponsored insurgents
will be used for the purposes of protecting and securing Western
interests, and Western organizatio
ns, possessing skills in supporting guerrilla forces will be held in
readiness for purposes of dete
rrence." (ibid., page 6)

And further, "special operational forces are those military or
naval elements specifically or
ganized, trained and equipped to conduct or support insurgency,
sabotage, psychological deception,
counter-terrorist, foreign assistance or commando-type operations. These
units are normally capable
of performing rescue, reconnaissance, and intelligent-gathering tasks."
(ibid., page 8)

Every country has the right and obligation to foresee necessary
concepts and technologies in
the military field. The fact that a group of countries (like the former
Eastern block) have, for wh
atever reason, unilaterally given up this duty, by no means entails any
obligations by others. Stil
l, since these countries did really leave the "doors open" with
practically no one against the West
(at least since 1989) the question arises: why should their inclusion
into the New World Order be
accompanied not only by economic ruin but also by sabotage, deliberately
set fires or a variety of
mid- and low-intensity conflicts?

Of course, one could give many meaningful answers to that
question. Internal causes cannot be
ignored. And external interference is not always easily found or

But it is beyond doubt that a very dangerous imbalance has become
appallingly obvious during
the last decade of the 20th Century because while one of the two main
Global forces, i.e., the East
ern block, has destroyed most of its military establishments and
arsenals, Western counterparts hav
e maintained and further perfected theirs.

The imbalance means Mankind seems to have lost one of its real
chances to abolish war as a wa
y of settling disputes. This brings us to the very important question of
the moral responsibility o
f the victors in the Cold War. Surprisingly this issue has not been
touched upon, either by Bush or
Gorbachov, though the world has obviously suffered through a decade
that began with the promise of
an era of peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all.

West Encourages Destructive Forces in the East

People in Western countries may find this difficult to believe,
but the very existence of thi
s dis-equilibrium has produced an increased inclination towards violence
in the East. Things like t
he unnecessary fires in downtown Bucharest [Romania] and Sofia
[Bulgaria] during the so-called "vel
vet revolutions" in the early 90s, the artillery shooting assault on the
Russian Parliament in 1993
, etc., could hardly happen without the belief (was it erroneous?) that
such acts would be understo
od and supported by previous adversaries in the West. Similar
expectations of Western support in Ko
sovo and elsewhere in Yugoslavia have also been decisive in bringing
about extreme violence there.

In the same way, once begun, the notion of early elections in
Yugoslavia followed all the mai
n points of, say, the Nicaraguan scenario of free and fair elections in
1990. While the atmosphere
around the country was thick with threats of another war, a series of
demonstrative murders of well
-known personalities took place in Belgrade and in other main cities. In
Nicaragua this meant: "Thi
s will continue if you do not vote for the right candidate!" Such
Warnings obviously worked in Nica
ragua. Why would they pass unnoticed in Yugoslavia? Its population had
been keenly educated by a de
cade of war, carried out by superior military powers. And remember, with
very few exceptions, there
was no meaningful understanding and support from any institution or
world power for Yugoslavia's e
fforts to maintain its independence and self-designed path of

What is being determined these days in Yugoslavia is the course
and quality of life of many g
enerations in many countries all over the world, including those in the
states that have been engag
ed in attacking Yugoslavia. People can only take temporary consolation
if the wars and abuses of so
vereignty and dignified human life take place at seemingly great
geographic distances. Once these a
buses exist they have a marvelous capacity to spread. They will even
come home, like a boomerang. T
his has happened throughout history. (2)

Yugoslavia's political system manifested a certain number of
deficiencies, faults, even crime
s in the course of its existence. This is true in all countries. Yet the
Yugoslavs have turned out
to be capable of maintaining a dignified and independent position both
during World War II and the
Cold War. Perhaps for this reason many people the world over expected
the Serbs to resist alone and
even once again win a victory over the overwhelming military powers
once again challenging their i
ndependence. Perhaps many people are even disappointed with the lack of
sufficient resistance and e
ven massive sacrifice for the sake of that cause.

Obviously Humanity (or at least a substantial part of it) needs
another Christ to suffer and
die for it and - to be more exact - for things and causes that it has
not been able to keep and def
end itself.

But does it have the right to expect suffering and sacrifice on
the side of others while it i
tself, with all its might, potentials and capacities has proved
practically incapable of doing anyt
hing to prevent practices of abuses of International Law, Freedom,
Justice and Independence? Why di
dn't any of the powerful members of the UN Security Council use their
veto against the Internationa
l Tribunal in the Hague, that violates the UN's own legal procedures and
practices? On which basis
then may any of these countries expect understanding or support among
the world public when it will
need them? (3)

What did the people of Yugoslavia's immediate neighbouring
countries do when NATO conducted m
ilitary exercises on their territories on the very days of those so-very
free elections? Official d
eclarations were made, of course, that these "exercises have been
planned long before the elections
" and "can in no way be interpreted as acts of interference into the
internal affairs of a sovereig
n country". That is very reassuring, and yet the question remains why
these exercises were not put
off when it was discovered that they coincided with the elections? Why
did no political party or le
gal expert express any doubt, concern or protest, related to these
numerous "entirely accidental ra
ndom coincidences"?

What is the value of all the talk of Free and Fair Elections in a
country, a substantial part
of which (Kosovo) is under occupation of foreign troops? International
Law still has to give adequ
ate answers to this and similar questions. What could be the legal
foundations of claims for early
elections under such conditions? Could even the decision of the
Government of this country to set a
date for such elections be considered legitimate under such

Very surprisingly, so far questions like these have hardly been
asked. It does not mean, howe
ver, that they need not be answered.

Obviously it will take quite some time before we learn the truth
about what really happened i
n Yugoslavia or what is happening now. Like elsewhere in Eastern Europe
in similar cases we may not
learn why it was necessary to start fires in downtown Belgrade or
maltreat people who obviously co
uld offer no resistance.

The joy and feasts in the streets of Belgrade over the "victory"
apparently has not lasted lo
ng. Perhaps because the groups and units whose purpose was to ensure the
transfer of power, have be
en assigned other specific tasks, like getting hold of banks, customs
and other important instituti
ons. It seems as if the very name of the new President [Koshtunitsa], no
matter if he knows or does
not know what's happening around him, tends to be repeatedly used as a
kind of a substitute for la
ws and all the other existing institutions and levels of state power in
the country. Observing all
this from as close as 100 miles away, we in Sofia and elsewhere in
Eastern Europe are reminded of a
movie that we have already seen. And what we already know very well out
of personal experiences is
that hardly anything of what has been promised before the crisis and
'victory' will come true afte
rwards. The people of Yugoslavia will alas learn this truth.

Historic parallels are always somewhat risky. Still, what may be
called the "Fall of Belgrade
" these days may be compared to a certain extent to the Fall of Paris at
the end of the "Strange Wa
r" in 1940. In both cases there were expectations of greater resistance.

It took quite a time, great efforts and sacrifice for Humanity to
stop the spread of War and
Evil across the world in the first half of the 20th Century.

Will there be a need of another Stalingrad or El Alameyn, or ...
Armageddon to do this once a
gain sometime in the new Century? When and where may this take place?
And who is going to be on whi
ch side?

We can only guess what may happen in the future. What seems likely
however, is that national,
ethnic or religious differences may turn out to be of minor importance
compared to moral differenc
es. And the choice will be as simple as that: "On Humanity's side or -
against it!"

And there will be no room for abstentions.

Dr. Ivan Angelov
Associate Professor, Social Aspects of International Relations
Sofia, Bulgaria

October 10, 2000


Comments and Further Reading:

(1) It is both tragic and ironic that in today's world accurate
news is as scarce as rubies;
one must sift through mountains of misinformation to find the truth.
Ironic because misinformation
thrives amidst the finest technology for transmitting information.
Tragic because the wall of lies
discourages people struggling against injustice; they don't know that
all around them, others share
their views. Because Dr. Angelov finished this article October 10th
(that is, shortly after the Yu
goslav coup) and also due to the increasing control of Bulgarian media
by U.S. Imperial interests,
Mr. Angelov states that nobody else has questioned the possibility of
holding fair elections in a Y
ugoslavia under intense U.S. and German attack. In fact, many people
have raised quite similar poin
ts, especially on the Internet. For example, consider the following
three (among many) articles pub
lished on Emperor's Clothes:

* "U.S. Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections" at

* "Yugoslav Election Results: Big Defeat for U.S. 5th Column
Tactics" at http://emperors-cl

* "Election Day: A letter from Blagovesta Doncheva" at

In his speech to Yugoslavia, delivered Oct. 2, Mr. Miloshevich did
not, like Mr. Angelov, exp
licitly question the validity of the elections, but he certainly
described the Imperial violence, t
hreats and massive bribery that accompanied those elections. (See
'Milosevic's Speech to the Nation
' at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/milosevi.htm )

Moreover, the Yugoslav government issued a report to the U.N.
Security Council documenting th
e outrageous level of foreign interference. This document, entitled
"Memorandum On Foreign Interfer
ence In The Yugoslav Elections" can be read at
http://emperors-clothes.com/memor.htm (though not in
the Western media!)

The Memorandum was issued Oct. 4th, just before the coup. The
Security Council's failure to a
ct on the Yugoslav government's searing report of violent interference,
involving three Security Co
uncil members - the U.S., England and France - in elections in one of
the U.N.'s founding member st
ates demonstrates the bankruptcy of the U.N. It has become a cover for
Imperial aggression.

(2) The idea Mr. Angelov raises here is dealt with in "For Whom
the Bell Tolls" by Jared Isra
el at http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/tolls.htm

(3) See "Unjust From the Start, Part III: The Illegal Basis of the
War Crimes Tribunal" by Dr
. Kosta Cavoski http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/cavoski/c-3.htm


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> Socialist Party of Serbia
> - Head Committee -
> Opening remarks - assessment of the situation before the elections
> 1.
> Socialist party of Serbia, since its inception, thanks to the support of
> the citizens, policy of SPS, programmatic commitments and especially to
> founder and the chairman of the SPS Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, socialists
> at the elections, within last 10 years, winning either majority of seats
> themselves or the number of seats making possible for SPS to attain
> parliamentary majority and form the government in co-operation with other
> left and patriotic forces, both at the republican and the federal levels.
> 2.
> This year September parliamentary and presidential elections in the
> Republic of Yugoslavia and local ones in Serbia have been held under
> enormous internal and external pressures and threats, especially through
> media, economic as well as military, adding to the almost ten years long
> blockade, sanctions and permanent satanization of Serb people, citizens of
> Serbia and Yugoslavia and its leadership. All the means were used, such as
> permanent and brutal interference in our internal matters, even into the
> electoral process itself, via threats and blackmail, financial support for
> opposition, building of media network and the network of numerous foreign
> "non-governmental organisations" by the intelligence centres, become, in
> months before elections "normal and every day practice " in our country.
> that, together with long-standing fierce pressure by militant and
> conservative circles at the West, brake-up of former Yugoslavia and war in
> the neighbouring countries, numerous refugees and, at the end, brutal NATO
> aggression on our country, had one objective - to intimidate our citizens
> and to destroy the state and its economy. All that served as a
> of sorts for September election in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In
> short, these were the conditions before the September elections, which by
> means were regular. In spite of that elections were held as scheduled.
> 3.
> After the September 24th elections and especially after the October 5th
> events, for the SPS and the country as a whole a completely new situation
> arise, characterised by: a) widespread disrespect for Constitution and the
> law, disturbance of public order and peace, putting safety of the citizens
> and their property into danger, disrespect for the institution of the
> system, as well as state and social property by the so called "crisis
> committees" acting under auspices of DOS; b) all that brought about a high
> degree of insecurity of citizens, companies, numerous economic subjects,
> institutions of health care and education, because complete management's
> institutions and companies was removed in an illegal and violent manner,
> persons of different opinion are, in various fashion, being discredited
> persecuted.
> Almost all the media. press and TV are being badly misused to attack
> of different opinions, political adversaries, Socialist party and left and
> patriotic forces as a whole. Especially primitive and unbecoming were
> attacks on the president of SPS Slobodan Milosevic and his family. Such
> attacks are offensive and bellow any national dignity and human morality.
> short, since October 5th onwards violence and a putsch of sorts is at the
> scene, still tolerated and maintained.
> 4.
> Wishing to prevent further extremely unfavourable development in that
> direction, drifting towards anarchy and blockade of all the vital services

> and systems in the Republic, SPS on October 16th instant accepted and
> Agreement on Holding Extraordinary Elections in Serbia. On the basis of
> Agreement, being aware of the need for political, economic and social
> stability, normal functioning of all the institutions of state, new
> government was formed, elections are scheduled for December 23rd instant.
> Unfortunately, mentioned Agreement, due to the obstruction by DOS and SPO
> not implemented fully nor partly, thus causing not only blockade of the
> Government, but also may increase political tensions and endanger , by
> creating irregular conditions, holding of the elections on December 23rd .
> There are also material losses and damages, enormous growth of prices,
> downfall of production in many areas. Power shortages, even water
> are pointing to very serious consequences to the standard of living and
> general security.
> 5.
> Such political and security situation is skilfully and arrogantly used by
> the Albanian terrorists, members of the KPC and KLA, making intrusions
> the Ground Zone of Security, killing our policemen, seizing traffic
> infrastructure, certain villages and police control points. Thought there
> a very loud support of the international community towards DOS, no
> pressure is exerted to the terrorist so they withdraw from the GZB, KLA
> disarmed and demands established by the SC UN Resolution No. 1244 are
> fulfilled by UNMIK and KFOR. To the contrary. Daily may be expected
> escalation of actions of the terrorists, trailed by the verbal wisdom of
> international community. In the meantime, Serb and Albanian population at
> the south of Serbia is upset and in jeopardy.
> 6.
> In short these are conditions under which are elections for the deputies
> the National Assembly of Serbia are being held on December 23rd . In
> these conditions are very austere from many aspects, but especially from
> media one. Thus, all the candidates for deputies on behalf of SPS are
> expected to put across great efforts, tenacity, persuasiveness, personal
> example and especially new approach to all the citizens and all the
> so as to make whole Programme of SPS, its policies as well as this
> Manifesto, close, acceptable and receptive to as many as possible number
> voters in Serbia.
> Points of Departure of the SPS in the Coming Elections
> 7.
> Faithful implementation of the existing Programme as well as the basic
> document of the 4th Congress of SPS "Reconstruction, Development, Reforms"
> is the basic framework and landmark for the activities of SPS as a whole
> every individual member. In short:
> a) SPS advocates society and state of freedom and justice for all people.
> that respect SPS is open towards those who are for a modern democratic
> society in which all the problems shall be solved by political means,
> peacefully, in a civilised and democratic manner. In short, for a society
> which every one shall be guaranteed political, social and economic rights;
> b) SPS is against administrative measures in all areas, especially in the
> economy where the market concept should fully hold sway; SPS is for
> all-sided ownership transformation (within specific legal framework, where
> all forms of ownership shall be equal), but based on realistic appraisal
> the value of invested funds, with requisite level of social security for
> the employed and all the strata of population; for the society which shall
> provide for all-sided cultural development and high quality of life for
> every individual;
> c) For SPS, peace in Serbia and its surroundings is of paramount interest.
> At the same time, SPS is against any aggression, endangering of security
> integrity of our country, oppression, enslavement and exploitation of
> people, and especially against lawlessness, methods of violence and
> pressure, both external and internal.
> d) SPS is for all-sided international relations of our country with all
> countries in the world, such relations being based on complete equality,
> mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs.
> 8.
> Struggle for independence, freedom and dignity, integrity and wholeness
> Serbia and Yugoslavia was and still is unchanged commitment of the SPS. In
> that sense, for SPS faithful implementation of the Resolution 1244 on
> and Metohia is a must; without it there would be no peace in Kosovo and
> Metohia and in the region; without it there would be no return of all
> displaced Serbs, Montenegrins and other non-Albanian population to the
> Kosovo and Metohia. Also, and that goes without saying, a just political
> solution is required without undue influence of majority nor minority with
> Kosovo and Metohia remaining integral part of the state body of Serbia.
> 9.
> SPS advocates complete openness to all the strata of our citizens who, up
> to now, were not members and sympathisers of the SPS, but are honest
> patriots and champions of peace, freedom of creativity, social justice -
> ideas of the left in our political life and society.
> In the process of appraising the role and significance of the SPS in our
> society and political life, SPS shall attempt to as much as feasible,
> its influence in all the segments of life and labour of our citizens,
> achieving it by substantial changes in the method of its political
> Proponents of that changes should be members of SPS of all ages and
> generations. But, all SPS stands for should be to the well-being of not
> present generations but also all the future generations.
> 10.
> SPS ought to be ready to successfully confront the newly created
> in Serbia. SPS has to appraise processes in Serbia and Yugoslavia -
> economic, political, social, interest, national, state; on the basis of
> assessment to create long-term and short-term political strategy; make the
> Programme even more specific; improve its organisation; advance its method
> of political struggle; improve and strengthen responsibility inside the
> party; provide unwavering unity and strengthening of the trust;
> political strength, mass membership and maintain full political
> continue gathering large masses as permanent goal but also to get stronger
> with cadres at all levels; to be with the people and in the people;
> permanently affirms its policy and publicly strives towards such policy
> Programme becoming ownership of ever bigger number of members,
> and citizens of Serbia.
> 11.
> In Serbia, unlike many other countries, exists a deeply rooted socialist
> tradition - from Svetozar Markovic to combatants for rural co-operative
> societies and self-management, leaders of Serb workers movement, left-wing
> democrats resisting Stalinism, organiser of all-people liberation movement
> in the years of the World War II. Thanks to that tradition, Serbia
> its own path and gave strong resistance both to the fascism and the
> aggression by NATO.
> 12.
> Central part of the SPS Manifesto should be provision of public order and
> security, honouring and protection of laws and Constitution, all the
> institutions of state and society, all the forms of property, personal and
> property safety of all citizens. Therefor, the most important issues are
> life issues of the citizens (employment and labour relations, wages and
> personal earnings, pensions, health and education for all, supply of
> essentials, heating, energy, prices), in other words complete standard of
> living of citizens (more and more being endangered by widening differences
> between income of the population and the rising prices).
> 13.
> Direct consequence of ascending into power of the ideology of
> neo-liberalism and new world order will be implementation of so-called
> "shock therapy". We are already witnessing its first steps: that's
> "liberalisation" of prices, which will drastically worsen the living
> standard of the citizenry. "Opening" of our economy and society to the
> foreign capital, big corporations and globalist media is to follow. Then,
> advance of accelerated, compulsory privatisation, sale of our best
> companies, their shut down and throwing out the employees to the street.
> Instead of promised assistance or compensation for war damages, only over
> expensive credits would come from abroad, making us permanently dependant.
> Instead of changes to the better, expected by the citizens, living
> conditions shall turn to the worse, and the country shall be pulled down
> the status of a colony.
> 14.
> Such degradation is our immediate future. For many countries, that is
> already an experience they suffered. Catastrophic consequences of
> reforms caused bitterness in the electoral body and a swing to the left.
> all of these countries so-called reformists, already at the next elections
> to come (local or general) lost power. Citizens have, again, turned to the
> socialists.
> 15.
> December elections are a big chance for SPS. Citizens have had a first
> opportunity to convince themselves what kind of "changes" are these the
> majority of them voted for. They will very soon see how credible are
> promises they are being showered with from abroad, from the West and
> internally by the so-called democratic opposition. One-sidedness in the
> media is worst then ever before. Alleged adherents of the legalist state
> established so-called "crisis committees" which by bullying, deposed
> management in many companies and organisations and , obstinately,
> new ones. In addition, decrease of production, shortage of power,
> and rise of prices shall really change the life of the citizens - but to
> worst and catastrophically.
> 16.
> Such direction of events opens new opportunities for socialists. But,
> under condition that we are united and organised, faithful to our genuine
> principles, that we do not change our convictions when it gets tough. With
> arguments, facts of life we shall win over new, able, creative members and
> supporters, so as to by political means at the public scene we shall fight
> for our programme of freedom, equality, social safety and solidarity, we
> seek and get trust of citizens.
> Specific Options of SPS at the Forthcoming Elections
> Yugoslavia - Federal State
> 17.
> Socialist Party of Serbia deems FR of Yugoslavia the best choice for
> and Montenegrins, for realisation of equality of the Republic of Serbia
> the Republic of Montenegro, a guarantee of independence, prosperity and
> freedom.
> 18.
> Citizens of both federal units, honouring existing Constitution should
> decide upon eventual changes in the federal state.
> Serbia - State of Citizens
> 19.
> SPS remains faithful to the concept of Serbia as a state of all its
> citizens. Contrary to the concept of division of land along ethnic and
> regional criteria, meaning weakening, and in final consequence, breaking
> destruction of the state.
> Citizenship To all Refugees
> 20.
> SPS advocates urgent change to the Law on Citizenship so as to enable all
> the refugees at the territory of the FRY, under equal but pre-determined
> clear conditions to acquire citizenship of the republic of Serbia and FRY.
> Referendum - Direct Democracy
> 21.
> SPS stands for all the forms of direct democracy: peoples initiative,
> rallies and referendum.
> SPS insists that on all the issues of fateful significance for the
> of Serbia and their state, decisions are taken by the citizens through
> direct vote at the referendum.
> Kosovo and Metohia - Inalienable Part of Serbia
> 22.
> Kosovo and Methohia is integral an un-separable part of the Republic of
> Serbia within which it realises agreed degree of autonomy.
> 23.
> Any other solution would be contrary to the sovereignty and territorial
> integrity of Serbia and Yugoslavia guaranteed by the Security Council
> Resolution 1244. Security Council should provide complete respect for the
> mentioned Resolution, return of the members of the Army of Yugoslavia and
> the Interior Ministry to Kosovo and Metohia and normal activities of the
> state organs at all the state territory.
> 24.
> SPS advocates an early continuation of the process of finding a lasting
> political solution of the status of Kosovo and Metohia, based on the above
> points of departure, with respect for equality of citizens, and also all
> national communities and ethnic groups living in Kosovo and Metohia.
> Local Government - Basis for Territorial Self-rule of Citizens
> 25.
> SPS stands for reorganisation of local government in Serbia. That
> also devolution of certain state functions, which would be more
> exercised as decentralised than centralised.
> Judiciary, an Independent Authority
> 26.
> SPS faithfully advocates respect for the independence of judicial
> authority. Judicial authority must not be exposed to the influence of the
> political parties and party leaders, nor to the deals between political
> parties when deciding upon personal appointments in the judiciary.
> Professional Administration - Neutral State Service
> 27.
> SPS upholds professional, rational and adequately paid state
> administration. Professional, politically non-corrupted and responsible
> administration is foundation of healthy, efficient and strong state.
> 28.
> Crudest negation of the politically neutral state is "system of division
> plunder" in the state administration, being underway right now, after
> September elections via sacking of professional civil servants and renown
> experts in public services and replacing them with political and party
> followers.
> Security - Condition of Restoring Order in the Country
> 29.
> There is an obvious increase of violence and endangering of security of
> citizens. SPS stand for professional and efficient activity of organs and
> services in charge of security.
> 30.
> SPS advocates tightening of penal policies so as to fend off all types of
> crime and other sorts of dangers to the security as well as improvement in
> personal and ownership safety of citizens and confronting all the kinds of
> violence.
> Property of Office Holders - Public Matter, Subject to State Control
> 31.
> SPS shall initiate a Bill so as all the state and public office holders
> required at the beginning and at the end of their term of duty, to submit
> the appropriate state organ data on real estate and movable property in
> their ownership. Bill shall determine method of submitting data on
> ownership, process and sanctions for unlawful gains of property while in
> office.
> Information - Responsible Public Service
> 32.
> SPS stands for freedom of the media, full responsibility for truthfulness
> of information and different forms of property in the realm of media.
> 33.
> SPS supports guarantees of right of personal integrity and prevention of
> defamation and humiliation of the dignity of man in the media. Violation
> these principles must be prevented by efficient law and other legal means,
> while not bringing into question the freedom of press.
> II
> Efficient Economy - Foundation of Just Society
> 34.
> Efficient enterprise and entrepreneur, contemporary market and open
> economy, market for goods, services, labour, capital and foreign exchange,
> development of market competition, reconstruction of the country, strategy
> of export-oriented and accelerated economic and social development, change
> of the structure of the economy, creation of new and strengthening of
> and medium-scale companies and their linking with the large enterprises in
> the country and abroad; creation of new jobs and a more certain
> for young generation, development of education and science, health care,
> culture, communal and other infrastructure and service shall create
> material basis of developed and just society, what is in the foundations
> the Programme and all activities of the Socialist Party of Serbia.
> Reforms and Development
> 35.
> SPS regards economic development with equal opportunities and
> responsibilities for all as inalienable right of all the citizens of
> Apart of the extraordinary results in the reconstruction after the NATO
> aggression, intensive continuation of reforms is a precondition of
> jump-starting economic and social development. Socialist design market
> reforms and development departing from the goals and values of its people
> and state, without impositions from abroad.
> Change of Economic Structure
> 36.
> Development presupposes improvement of economic structure. In
> it requires adoption of new products and technologies, accelerated
> development in the areas using scientific achievements and highly skilled
> labour, above all ones exporting larger part of their production.
> 37
> In agriculture, socialists stand for structural change involving
> share of cattle breeding, industrial crops, seed production, fruits and
> vegetables and biologically more valuable foods.
> 38.
> SPS advocates measures of economic policy that will support and ease
> establishment, financing and development of small and medium - scale
> enterprises. These create new jobs and by its flexibility are suitable for
> creation of new products and application of new technologies.
> Reform of the Enterprise
> 39.
> It is socialist's achievement that by the Constitution - there is
> freedom of incorporation in all status and property forms as well as
> provision of their autonomy and equality.
> 40.
> After the sanctions and NATO aggression a large number of companies is
> having losses. Reform presupposes clarification and change of that
> situation. After creating equal conditions of conducting business for all,
> companies having market, product and technology should be consolidated.
> Their debtor-creditor relations should be regulated on the basis of the
> of Business Regulations adopted by the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia. For
> enterprises making losses without objective reasons, solution is in
> bankruptcy and in their creditors taking upon themselves preparation of
> market, production cum technological, financial and ownership
> Just Privatisation
> 41.
> Since its inception SPS stands for free market competition between
> subjects, but also for prior just constituting of these subjects. That's
> SPS today is against violent and cheap privatisation, against grabbing and
> devastating property of the society which had been created over decades.
> 42.
> SPS is for economically justified and socially just privatisation.
> reasons leading enterprises to opt for transformation in the capital
> societies, corporations are establishing more clear relations and
> responsibility on the line ownership-management as well as in the increase
> of efficiency of doing business.
> 43.
> Justice of privatisation is provided by participation in acquiring of
> shares by widest strata of population, employed and retired citizens who
> created that property. SPS deems that an adequate way to avoid
> transforming into social catastrophe as in some other countries, but to
> serve its basic purpose: to make possible additional financing of
> development for good companies, and for the widest strata of the
> provision of participation in the economic life.
> Labour and Employment - Basis of the Existence
> and Self-realisation of People
> 44.
> Economic development should provide for existence of the overall majority
> of citizens. Only successful enterprises in the process of creating new
> value are creating new jobs. That's why socialist are for active
> policy measures that would motivate production and entrepreneurship,
> creation of new production programmes and directing employment in the
> of services.
> 45.
> SPS shall insist that, in accordance with constitutional rights and
> European norms, employees participate in management of enterprises and
> right to participate in their profits.
> Fiscal System and Policy
> 46.
> SPS shall insist that fiscal system be harmonised with fiscal systems in
> the European surroundings, to give incentive to economy and investment
> activity, stabilising influence on the balance of public revenue and
> expenditure and have significant role in social policy.
> 47.
> All enterprises must have equal position in taxing sales of products,
> profit and capital. Tax concessions and tax exemptions should be given to
> all reinvesting the profits, creating new jobs and exporting large part of
> its production.
> 48.
> SPS deems that value added tax (VAT) is the most just in the whole of tax
> system. Though the Law on VAT is passed (should come into force on January
> 1st 2001) there is strong opposition to its implementation. Such
> should be surmounted because implementation of VAT is for the well-being
> state and economy and the citizens. However, at the scale of the value
> tax (VAT) lover rates should be applied to products important for certain
> strata of population (basic foodstuffs, children clothing and shoes,
> equipment and learning aids, basic medicines and aids).
> 49.
> SPS advocates that taxing of citizens is done via synthetic tax on all
> kinds of income, while base is member of the household. This principle
> realise the function of so-called social card, for a long time attempted
> be achieved without success. Instead of "social' price of certain products
> and services, subsidising mostly social strata with highest incomes and
> consumption, tax relief - in the amount of required social subsidies -
> be directed to these who really do not have sufficient incomes.
> Social and Tax Card
> 50.
> It is essential to introduce social or tax cards for every citizen,
> all the property, income and transactions should be recorded. In that
> Government would have clear picture of the social structure of the
> population and every citizen individually, contributing to speeding up of
> the market reforms but also identification of these who require support
> the amount of funds required.
> Significance and Development of Infrastructure
> 51.
> Reconstruction achieved its best result exactly in the field of fixing
> construction of economic infrastructure. Almost all the roads, bridges,
> railways and airports are brought at least to the level before NATO
> aggression. Same applies to production and distribution capacities of the
> electrical power corporation. Infrastructure is especially important for
> revival of economic activities and for future economic development.
> Socialist have demonstrated that even in the toughest situations such as
> and post-war period with large devotion and responsibility provision of
> normal power supply is possible.
> 52.
> SPS deems that development of traffic infrastructure should provide
> connectivity with Middle-European, East-European, Mediterranean and
> neighbouring countries. Priority should be given to modernisation of
> railways, construction of highways network and making use of international
> water ways.
> 53.
> In the field of energy power production and oil industry capacities
> be renewed and enlarged. Specially important is provision of saving the
> energy as well as rational use of the energy.
> 54.
> Construction industry has special significance in building of
> infrastructure since it, to a large degree, engages domestic capacities.
> has significant advantage in the construction of housing and economic
> structures, and also should continue construction of buildings abroad.
> 55.
> Telecommunications system should fully cover the territory of Serbia with
> network of fixed and mobile telephony, telecommunications, radio and
> satellite mobile telephony. Under the competitive conditions preference
> should be given to domestic producers of equipment and devices.
> Agriculture - Developmental Opportunity of Serbia
> 56.
> Socialist Party of Serbia shall advocate that agriculture and the rural
> areas get priority in the development of the Republic of Serbia.
> and developmental opportunities and comparative advantages of agriculture
> and rural areas of Serbia are proven in the preceding decade, in
> exceptionally difficult conditions. Agriculture and Serbian peasant gave
> largest contribution in the defence of autonomy of state and preservation
> social and economic stability.
> 57.
> In agriculture, for SPS, main developmental objectives are: optimal use
> existing capacities, increase of the quantity of agricultural production,
> further change of production structure corresponding to demands at
> and foreign markets, in favour of development of cattle breeding,
> crops, seed production, fruits, grapes, vegetables and production of
> food for increased exports; revival and all-sided development of rural
> areas, production and increased exports of wide assortment of high quality
> products in the food industry. Farmers, agricultural enterprises,
> industries and farmers co-operatives are main agents of realisation of
> goals.
> All-sided development of the rural areas, strong agricultural household
> rich peasant are perspectives of development of Serbia and the objective
> the Socialist Party of Serbia. Socialist should continue to insist on
> and comprehensive development of rural areas since in these areas live one
> half of the population of Serbia and because it is in economic sense an
> realistic development opportunity.
> 58.
> Measures of development and agricultural policy should make agricultural
> profession gainful and profitable, stop the drain of youth form the
> villages, enlarge land ownership in order to increase quantity and quality
> of production, make possible that inheritance of agricultural land goes to
> the farmers, make provision of stabile buy-off and payment for
> products, induce programmes of better use of secondary row materials etc.
> etc.
> 59.
> Condition to achieve that is introduction of full economic prices in
> agriculture for all the products while state should via the measures of
> social policy and subsidising the prices of basic agricultural products
> them accessible to all the strata of population.
> 60.
> For SPS absolute priority in development of agriculture is given to the
> development of stock breeding and to the products in demand at the
> and foreign markets, providing broth to the farmer and the state largest
> income. Instruments of the organisation of production for domestic market
> and export should become diary and abattoir industries. Implement economic
> and organisational linking of agriculture and food industry to the market
> and consumption, thus manufacturers shall retain the profits.
> 61.
> Investments into setting up of agricultural lands and irrigation systems
> should continue so as to be in support of increase of agricultural
> production by realising two harvests per year. Refurbish and complete
> anti-hail systems, gradually introducing modern technologies.
> 62.
> Orientation towards greater and continued export is basis for successful
> and steady development of agriculture, rural areas and food industries and
> for significant income of foreign exchange. Socialist Party of Serbia
> that development of agriculture and rural areas in that direction is
> achieved via:
> - system of determination and functioning of guaranteed prices of basic
> agricultural products, while natural parities are taken into account;
> - unified action of commodity reserves in establishing and maintenance of
> stability of relations of demand and supply and security of production and
> prices of basic agricultural cum foodstuffs products;
> - active policy of inducing exports and import protection of agricultural
> and foodstuff products in tune with the rules of the World Trade
> Organisation;
> - decrease of taxes on investment and expansion and development of
> production, reviving existing resources and capacities, provision of
> requisite deficient reproductive materials, procurement of requisite
> technical means, investment in comprehensive development of rural areas,
> while increasing taxes on uncultivated agricultural land and by using
> measures.
> 63.
> Development of agriculture and rural areas should be planned and realised
> in accordance with adopted Long-term Strategy of Development of
> Rural Areas, Food Industry and Forestry of Serbia. In order to achieve
> goal, continuation of investment into growing new and protecting forests
> required, as well as construction of forest roads and other infrastructure
> in order to support development of the agricultural areas, especially by
> using the forest resources and accelerated development of processing of
> timber and forest fruits.
> IV
> For New Jobs and Employment of Youth
> 64.
> Balanced economic development is constant task of SPS and a guarantee of
> social security of the population. SPS shall stand for employment of youth
> as the most important factor of the prosperity and development of Serbia.
> Modern and Safe Financial System of Pension and
> Handicapped Security
> 65.
> Socialist Party of Serbia advocates establishment of pension funds as
> financially sound and stabile institutions, conducting business on banking
> principles, with guaranties by the state. Reform of pension and
> security system requires also revision of the pension and handicapped
> so as to adjust level of the rights of users to the level of social
> Protection of Combatants, War Handicapped
> and Their Families
> 66.
> Both state and society could never renounce care for these who gave their
> lives defending the country and for their families.
> 67.
> To war handicapped, to families of fallen combatants all the rights in
> solving housing problems, free health care, scholarships and
> education should be provided and that is the primary social priority of
> Protection of Poorest Categories of Citizens
> 68.
> SPS as a party of social justice shall insist on full social protection
> security for: children without parents, handicapped children, handicapped
> persons and persons not able to work. High level of standards achieved in
> the old persons homes and in the child care institutions should be
> and construction of new ones continued.
> Protection of Refugees, Expelled and Displaced Persons
> 69.
> Socialist Party of Serbia insists all refugees and temporarily displaced
> persons realise the rights they are entitled to. Duty of the state is to
> provide dignified conditions for their life and social security and to
> them to return to their homes or to get integrated into new environment
> appropriate programmes.
> Free-of-Charge Health Care and its Improvement
> 70.
> Free basic health care is deemed important right guaranteeing security of
> every citizen. We shall advocate reforms that would improve level of
> protection and such system of health security that shall, through rational
> use of means bring about higher quality of health care to the population.
> 71.
> SPS shall, in the spirit of the fundamental values of the socialism -
> especially solidarity and social justice, advocate:
> levying the national income for health care at the rate compatible with
> recommended by World Health Organisation, in tune with the degree of
> development of every country;
> support orientation to the preventive and strengthening of the primary
> health care and family medicine;
> rationalisation of higher levels of health services and institutions of
> medical education which, by their programme of activities and syllabus
> should be in conformity with the economic might of the country and the
> of the health protection of the population;
> promotion of healthy life style and protection of environment.
> Education, Culture, Science
> 72.
> To achieve a more efficient, more modern and richer educational system, a
> fundamental reform is required, from elementary school to the university.
> Within the framework of such reform, as soon as possible, rationalisation
> the network of educational institutions, especially at the universities
> should be executed.
> 73.
> SPS stands for education without costs, attainable by all regardless of
> their material and social status. Precondition is that all users of
> education fulfil completely their school obligations. School fees - in any
> form - should exist for these who do not meet their school obligations
> timely and in good quality.
> 74.
> State should stimulate, support and provide scholarships for all the
> talents at all levels of education, scientific work and research.
> 75.
> Existing level of pupil's and student's standard reached during the time
> socialists were in power should be retained and if possible, improved,
> budgetary subventions could get lowered for users of better material
> 76.
> Enrolment policy at the level of secondary, higher an high education
> be in accordance with real needs of economy and society, or rather
> of long-term development of our society in all areas and possibilities of
> employment of youth.
> 77.
> SPS regards an important task defence of the spiritual sphere of the
> politics. SPS shall continue in the struggle for real creative freedoms,
> the school that provides general culture, breeds consciousness of basic
> ethic values and develops capability of critical thinking, for competent
> responsible university that ought to be autonomous in all its basic
> educational and scientific activities. Opposing global levelling of
> spiritual patterns and cultural needs as well as anachronistic and
> uncritical glorification of "own mountains and springs", we shall stand
> equal participation in international spiritual co-operation, exchange and
> competition.
> V
> Future of the Young People
> 78.
> Socialist Party of Serbia stands for youth autonomously moulding its own
> life. All issues and all areas must be open for creation of need and
> decision making by young ones, since it concerns their future and future
> our society.
> 79.
> Reality of youth in our country has changed fundamentally. Concept of
> values of life requests of youth have changed. Youth is exposed to the
> aggression of the media, erosion of the fundamental values of work,
> family etc. Conservative forces are attempting to incorporate social
> divisions into the young generation and their life expectation transform
> into easily manipulated individualist strategies.
> 80.
> We shall stand for financing of sports, humanitarian, entertainment,
> educational centres for the youth, youth co-operative societies,
> non-political organisations free from commercial conditionalities, in
> young people would be able to develop potential for autonomous activities,
> humanism, solidarity, responsibility, patriotism as preconditions for
> overcoming the challenges of the future.
> VI
> Foreign Policy Priorities
> 81.
> In foreign policy and international co-operation SPS shall endure at:
> - strengthening of independent international position of FRY through
> development of relations and co-operation with other countries and
> international organisations on the basis of equality, mutual respect,
> honouring of mutual interest, sovereignty and territorial integrity and
> non-interference into internal affairs,
> - Development of Yugoslavia and whole region in peace, good
> and interconnecting, in accordance with integration processes;
> - Affirmation of spiritual, cultural and nation identity and creativity of
> Serb people, its contribution towards Europe and defence of her values;
> - Comprehensive intervening and accord between home and Serb Diaspora;
> - Connecting and co-operation with all the parties and movements striving
> for peace, development, equality among peoples and nations, for democratic
> and humane relations. In that respect, SPS is open and ready to co-operate
> and become a member of the Socialist International in accordance with the
> principles of SI.
> 82.
> In order to achieve these goals SPS advocates the following:
> - mutual honouring of legal order based on UN Charter, Charter of Paris,
> Helsinki Final Act of the OSCE as well as international standards
> human rights and rights of the national minorities. International law has
> be above any power and arrogance;
> - free choice of paths of internal development. It is unacceptable to
> ready made models disregarding specifics of historical and cultural
> development, suffocating freedom and diminishing creative potentials of
> country;
> - solution for all consequences of brake-up of SFRY by negotiations,
> honouring legitimate interests of all parties, faithful implementation of
> authentic Dayton Agreement on B-H;
> - transformation of the Balkans into zone of peace and co-operation,
> foreign troops, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Creation of
> the Zone of Free Trade at the Balkans.
> 83.
> Normalisation of membership rights of FRY in OUN and its agencies, OSCE
> other international economic and financial organisations is a legitimate
> goal. It is, however, non-permissible, in the process, to violate
> Constitution of the FRY and resolutions of the Federal Assembly
> respect to the international personality of the country based on the
> centuries-long statehood of Serbia and Montenegro. Ignoring rights and
> interests of Serbia and Montenegro, acquired by centuries-long activities
> the international scene and huge contribution to the European and world
> legal order, disregarding the fact that these are the two oldest states at
> the Balkans, victors in two World Wars, creators of Yugoslavia, founding
> members of the League of Nations and the UN endangers vital national and
> state interest of our country and people.
> 84.
> By accession to the Stability Pact without prior accord of the
> Federal organs international position of the FRY is drastically changed.
> Such U-turns are contrary to the geo-strategic position of the country and
> historical heritage of our people. They are expression of the policy of
> accomplished facts with the objective to relieve of responsibility these
> international factors responsible for NATO aggression, dismembering and
> genocide over Serb people in the last decade of the 20th century. For such
> move required was not only accord of the Federal organs but also of the
> whole people who should have, at a referendum, defined its position in
> regard of such important issues. SPS stands categorically for such
> decisions, which substantially are changing international position of FRY,
> should be taken at a referendum.
> 85.
> Protagonists of such policy bear exclusive responsibility for the heavy
> consequence to be suffered by all citizens, above all Serb people. Some
> consequences are already now conceivable, such as: overlooking the charges
> of B-H against FRY at the International Court of Justice; abandoning
> submitted to the International Court of Justice for NATO crimes against
> peace and humanity; abandoning request for compensation of war damages
> amounting to over US Dollars 100 billions; accepting the request of the
> former Yugoslav republics, under the pretext of more efficient solution to
> the issue of succession, that every one gets part of the property in the
> exclusive ownership of FRY, including property of the Kingdom of Serbia;
> legalisation of the secessionism at Kosovo and Metohia and further
> inducement to separatism in Vojvodina, Raska, etc. etc.


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