
Goran Svilanovic, l'uomo che ha invitato il Tribunale dell'Aia a

Zivadin Jovanovic, 17/10/2000
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[Emperor's Clothes]

Who is Goran Svilanovic?
The Man Who Invited The War Crimes Tribunal to Belgrade
by Jared Israel (11-7-2000)

Goran Svilanovic became Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia last weekend.
Exactly how Svilanovic achieved this post without a
vote of the Yugoslav Parliament is a mystery, but in his newly acquired
post, Svilanovic just announced, with the apparent
approval of Vojislav Kostunica, who has taken the post of President,
that the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia (the 'War Crimes Tribunal') will establish an office in
Belgrade and that 'his' government will fully cooperate in
hunting down 'war criminals.'

This represents a reversal of Yugoslav policy. That policy was
established by a government with a majority of seats in the
Federal Parliament. It does not appear that Parliament has discussed
this change; it has simply been announced.

Goran Svilanovic is Chairperson of the miniscule Serbian Citizens'
Alliance party (GSS). He ascended to that position in
August, 1999. The GSS has had the warmest relations with Washington. Its

previous chair, Vesna Pesic, was a founder of the
Washington-funded group, 'Women in Black,' which simulated the
appearance of a peace movement while actively
discouraging resistance to the Washington/Bonn assault on Yugoslavia.
Pesic is widely despised in Yugoslavia as a traitor.
Another former GSS leader (he is now with the minute Social Democratic
Union) Zarko Korac, a Belgrade psych professor,
has appeared in Western mass media as an expert witness, arguing his pet

theory, that the Yugoslav wars of secession were
caused by Serbian aggression stemming from paranoia, the much acclaimed
'victim mentality.'

Mr. Svilanovic met several times with US Special Envoy to the Balkans,
Robert Gelbard; for instance on August 4, 1999.
('Middle East News Items,' August 10, 1999 )

On Nov. 3. 1999 Svilanovic and other opposition leaders met in
Washington with Madeline Albright who promised them more
money and other support and praised their courage, etc. Following is the

text of Svilanovic's statement made at that time, from
Washington, D.C.:

Text of Svilanovic's statement, broadcast on Radio B2-92, Belgrade,
1600 gmt 4 Nov 99:

"Announcer: The chairman of the Serbian Civic Alliance GSS - member
of the Alliance for Change , Goran Svilanovic,
has joined his party's news conference from Washington by phone and
said that the main achievement of meetings in
Washington is the announcement that a joint working group of the US,

the EU [European Union] and the Serbian
opposition representatives will be set up.

"Svilanovic: They see this working group here as a trilateral
commission. The US has publicly said that it wishes, in
conjunction with the EU, to establish a committee which would
cooperate with a democratic Serbia in the process of
democratic reforms in the country. The idea that the EU and the USA
want and wish to work together and to define a
joint policy regarding Serbia is, as far as I am concerned, the main

achievement of all these meetings."

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[Emperor's Clothes]


Published this 17th of October in Solidaire - Belgium


"For every dollar that the West "gives" to Yugoslavia, it must have ten

Last week, Solidaire interviewed two Otpor activists, the anti-Milosevic

student movement. Today, it is Zivadin Jovanovic, Yugoslav Foreign
Minister, and also one of the most important leaders in Milosevic's SPS
party. This party, having held onto its share of the electorate,
the most important political party in the country. In these troubled
hundreds of international journalists have sought to interview a
leader. The honor went to Solidaire's special correspondent.


Tuesday, October 11, 11:30 a.m. I entered the grand oval office of
Jovanovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is probably one of the last
times that he will be found here. Some people say that it's "the end of
reign." "An eclips before a likely return," answer those who emphasize
fact that with 40% of the electorate (a fixed number), the SPS
socialist party) remains the most important party in the country, while
present DOS coalition is quite fragile: 18 parties whose programs
contradict one another, and whose electoral promises will be impossible
fulfil. Jovanovic, who is quite jovial and quick to smile, also has a
number of questions to ask himself. The impassioned interview lasted
How are you?
Jovanovic: I'm surviving! In spite of a very unpleasant visit paid to
this morning by a troika from the DOS, who came to try to force me to
down. Claiming to be "from President Kostunica," they are going
putting pressure on people who have legal mandates in order to force
them to
leave. I responded that Mr. Kostunica had just sworn allegiance to the
Constitution and, after that, I called to their attention that it is not
president but the Prime Minister who names ministers. In public, they
to respect the law and the normal functioning of institutions, but in
reality, they are doing everything in their power to destroy them! They
trying to create chaos.
The DOS declares that it is "the workers who are taking control of
Jovanovic: But when this country practiced "self-management of
companies by
workers," the said that it was a form of Communist dictatorship. In
reality, today, it is Zoran Djindjic, the executive head of DOS
and I might add its true master (Editor's note: Djindjic is a
from the right who is extremely unpopular for having supported Nato),
who is
in a hurry to seize everything. They are stampeding like hungry
These politicians are not the people. They want to seize power of
everything right away in order to start selling off the country.
One could see on television the Customs Chief chased out of his office
replaced, under the threat of arms by a certain "Captian Dragan," who is
leader of a Serbian militia that was active during the war in Croatia.
was a scene that shook public opinion.
Jovanovic: The man whom Djindjic placed as Customs Chief had been in
of customs before. He was fired because he had a police record. Now,
comes back with armed supporters and takes his old job back! Is this a
"spontaneous movement that arose from the masses?" People were so
infuriated that the DOS realized that it was an illegal act and that
would have to nominate a new director. On the basis of what law? It is
within their power to do so because the nomination of a new director is
within the jurisdiction the current government, which is still in
Little by little, the people are going to understand. Even the DOS.
are honest people who disapprove. But they lost, and without any
President Kostunica whose reputation is impeccable, ought to be
about this. In Parliament, he took an oath of loyalty to the
These people are scoffing at it now.
But for the moment, most of the population is very happy about the
Jovanovic: They will understand what took place when they find
without a job, when they see the stores filled with Western products
they will be impossible for them to buy, when they submit to a system
they can be arbitrarily deprived of jobs, and when they have to pay
sums of money for education and health care. That's when they'll
I know that our stores are not very impressive. There are few German,
French or English products. But most of the people can buy whatever
need, even modern domestic appliances. It will be a rude awakening.
cannot dream very long about miraculous solutions.
The West promises to provide Yugoslavia with financial aid.
Jovanovic: A little money will come from Europe, and the DOS will
it as "aid from friendly countries." In reality, it will be a down
on the purchase of our entire country. For every dollar received, we
be obliged to pay back ten!
In fact, dollars have already found their way into Yugoslavia.
Jovanovic: Yes, the United States publicly acknowledged having spent
million dollars in order to help the opposition overturn the Yugoslav
government. And on September 25, the U.S. Congress voted a new credit
$105 million dollars.
Have you lodged a protest with the UN against this interference in
Jovanovic: Of course. This destabilization of our country was
first in Budapest, with American offices established in Sofia, Skoplje
elsewhere, and composed of CIA agents. The Vienna Accords forbid
establishing centers in one country that are hostile to another. Look
what's happening today. The American ambassador to Budapest,
Montgomery, is
coming to Yugoslavia to pay a visit to his subordinates at the DOS!
But the United States and Great Britain, who control the UN, have denied
evidence of this. Other countries understand what's happening here, but
can't even get a debate.
The United States has spent considerable sums of money for the DOS
Jovanovic: Yes. And how would they react if this sort of thing was
done in
the United States? It reminds me of a joke that's told here: a
sees a priest eating a huge serving of roast beef in the middle of a
religious fast. "But you told us that fasting was a one of God's
commandments!" says the villager. The priest replies: "You're supposed
obey my instructions, but you're not supposed to act the way I do!"
In short, "do as I say, not as I do."
Jovanovic: (Laughing) Yes! That's exactly the case with the United
What they permit themselves to do, they forbid to others. Whenever they

speak of "democracy," it's merely a slogan they advance in order to
the world. Another example: they want to impose an International War
Crimes tribunal in order to put us on trial. But they themselves refuse
accept a universal war crimes tribunal, which would put them on trial
all of the war crimes they committed against various sovereign states.
know all too well that they would be convicted for what they have done
Panama, Haiti and elsewhere!
In 1995, in the Assembly General of the United Nations, they voted
against a
resolution which forbade intervention in the domestic affairs,
electoral, of other countries. This resolution was voted in despite
American opposition, so they ought to follow the rules of the democratic

majority! "Two weights, two measures," that's the key to American-style

Is Yugoslavia lone targeted, or does this announce other offensives by
United States and Nato?
Jovanovic: It is not merely the problem of one country in a strategic
region. They are going to make a terrific effort because if Yugoslav
resistance lasted much longer, it would have become a dangerous
example. We
were in the process of acquiring growing support from the Third World.
Is Russia the next step?
Jovanovic: If so much energy has been concentrated against Yugoslavia,
it is not merely to gratify the immediate interests of the United States
Nato in our country. In order to understand, it is necessary to take
consideration their global aspirations. Besides certain regions which
a vital importance in and of themselves, because of their significant
natural resources, whatever Nato and the United States are doing is
always a
function of their global interests.
First of all, they want to destroy any will to independence and
to their domination of the entire world. Secondly, they want to send
message that "No country at all is allowed to invoke principles; it must

only respect the way the United States sees things. Thirdly, Nato is
drawing closer to the borders of Russia and China. Washington is
toward breaking them up while planting the seeds of separatism and
manipulating Islamic fundamentalism. On the one hand, they are
the Muslims in making them believe that they are their friends.
All of this while they are massacring people in Irak and Palestine.
Jovanovic: Exactly! And on the other hand, they are looking for a way
control mineral and energy resources in the same way they want to
the new markets which are opening up to the east of our country: the
Caucasus, the Middle East... Having established their control over
Europe, the United States now wants to control all the governments of
Eurasia. That is the decisive global factor involved.
In having resisted for ten years, we have given other countries time.
countries have been awakened to their role with respect to the
but it has not been enough. Without a doubt (there was a melancholy
note in
his voice), the burden Yugoslavia had to carry was too heavy. We have
received some support, but not enough, most notably from countries that
were counting on.
Are you thinking of Russia?
Jovanovic: (He did not reply, but merely nodded his head). Nothing is
forever. Including the present situation in Yugoslavia. I am certain
just as certain people who voted for the DOS are going to regret it,
European countries will regret not having supported Yugoslavia more and
have come to that realization too late.
(Smiling again) An old Serbian song says: "The bear is dancing on your

uncle's doorstep. And now, he's coming to your house!" In other words:

You haven't budged, but you will regret it. Everybody has
these events and they have not seen the risk that they have taken by not

And from your point of view, do you think you've made some mistakes?
Jovanovic: Yes. I don't want to evade any of our responsibilities. We
not realistically evaluate the domestic and international situations.
did not take into consideration the negative factors.
For example?
Jovanovic: Domesticly, we did not realistically consider the sentiments
the people. We should have paid closer attention to the effects of the
deprivations which the people were subjected to after ten years of
sanctions. The people resisted aggression; they resisted sanctions, but

their living conditions were really degraded beyond any reasonable
And with the war on top of it all!
Secondly, after the aggression, we put a great deal of effort into
reconstructing the country. Schools, hospitals, roads, bridges... This

demanded a lot of capital and we had to levy an assessment on salaries
pensions. The reconstruction was important for the future of the
but it did not directly improve the quality of life. We should have
more realistic as far as investments were concerned, and adopted further

measures to improving the living condition of the people.
Thirdly, we did not succeed in controlling commerce. We gave too much
latitude to greedy people who stockpiled merchandise, like oil and
which resulted in prices increases before the market was resupplied.
profited from the situation to stockpile and speculate. They sometimes
items at two or three times their cost! Imagine the fortunes they
There is a cement factory in my region called Paracim. It's a very
important product because there was a lot of reconstruction to do after
bombardment. During an election rally, a woman came up to me: "Mr.
Minister, why do you let these people charge 13 deutschemarks for a sack
cement when it only costs 3.5 deutschemarks when it leaves the factory?"

The director of the factory was standing right next to me, so I turned
him, and he said: "I am only responsible for the production. I can't
control commerce." I talked about this situation with my colleagues
the economics department. But too late.
Many have criticized your government as well as your party for the fact
while the great majority of people were living under conditions of
difficulty, fantastic fortunes were also being made. Some people lived
lives of luxury and privilege.
Jovanovic: Some people profited from their position in order to
and immorally enrich themselves. Now we are suffering the consequences.

But they represent a minority. The great majority of our socialists are

honest people who struggle for social justice, education and health-care
Why didn't you fight more vigorously against this phenomenon? Because
you are describing is not a recent development.
Jovanovic: The forces at the heart of my party were not inclined to
undertake this struggle. But now, we are going to have to get rid of
profiteers. Efficiently and pitilessly.
At all levels?
At all levels.
Many people think that Milosevic would have done better to recognize
Kostunica's victory immediately.
Jovanovic: I don't know if Kostunica had 51%, 50% of the vote or
less, and now I don't care. Anyway one looks at it, it is clear that he
a 10% lead over Milosevic and that he was going to win. On the other
there is a legal process that must be respected. They should have
that he really got 50% or if a second round was necessary.
In fact, isn't the DOS victory the result of a number of factors?
Jovanovic: Absolutely. The principal-for which we are to blame, and I
myself am to blame-is that we severely misjudged the real situation.
though I had achieved good results with my constituency in Pomoravije,
winning three districts out of six. Maybe four after verification.
In fact, the SPS is holding on to its electorate.
Jovanovic: Yes, but this is what is new. Washington has succeeded in
making the opposition DOS credible. Faced with this great international

campaign, financed by millions of dollars, we can be satisfied to have
succeeded in conserving the SPS's force. Too bad that we did not
succeed in
enlarging our base. That will be our task in the future.
Translated by Milo Yelesiyevich

Michel Collon

"For every dollar that the West "gives" to Yugoslavia, it must have ten
in return!"
Last week, Solidaire interviewed two Otpor activists, the anti-Milosevic
student movement. Today, it is Zivadin Jovanovic, Yugoslav Foreign
Affairs Minister, and also one of the most important leaders in
Milosevic's SPS party. This party, having held onto its share of the
electorate, remains the most important political party in the country.
In these troubled days, hundreds of international journalists have
sought to interview a socialist leader. The honor went to Solidaire's
special correspondent.
Tuesday, October 11, 11:30 a.m. I entered the grand oval office of
Zivadin Jovanovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is probably one of
the last times that he will be found here. Some people say that it's
"the end of a reign." "An eclips before a likely return," answer those
who emphasize the fact that with 40% of the electorate (a fixed number),
the SPS (Milosevic's socialist party) remains the most important party
in the country, while the present DOS coalition is quite fragile: 18
parties whose programs contradict one another, and whose electoral
promises will be impossible to fulfil. Jovanovic, who is quite jovial
and quick to smile, also has a number of questions to ask himself. The
impassioned interview lasted three hours.
How are you?
Jovanovic: I'm surviving! In spite of a very unpleasant visit paid to
my this morning by a troika from the DOS, who came to try to force me to
step down. Claiming to be "from President Kostunica," they are going
everywhere putting pressure on people who have legal mandates in order
to force them to leave. I responded that Mr. Kostunica had just sworn
allegiance to the Constitution and, after that, I called to their
attention that it is not the president but the Prime Minister who names
ministers. In public, they claim to respect the law and the normal
functioning of institutions, but in reality, they are doing everything
in their power to destroy them! They are trying to create chaos.
The DOS declares that it is "the workers who are taking control of
Jovanovic: But when this country practiced "self-management of
companies by workers," the said that it was a form of Communist
dictatorship. In reality, today, it is Zoran Djindjic, the executive
head of DOS headquarters and I might add its true master (Editor's
note: Djindjic is a politician from the right who is extremely
unpopular for having supported Nato), who is in a hurry to seize
everything. They are stampeding like hungry jackals. These politicians
are not the people. They want to seize power of everything right away
in order to start selling off the country.
One could see on television the Customs Chief chased out of his office
and replaced, under the threat of arms by a certain "Captian Dragan,"
who is the leader of a Serbian militia that was active during the war in
Croatia. This was a scene that shook public opinion.
Jovanovic: The man whom Djindjic placed as Customs Chief had been in
charge of customs before. He was fired because he had a police record.
Now, he comes back with armed supporters and takes his old job back! Is
this a "spontaneous movement that arose from the masses?" People were
so infuriated that the DOS realized that it was an illegal act and that
they would have to nominate a new director. On the basis of what law?
It is not within their power to do so because the nomination of a new
director is within the jurisdiction the current government, which is
still in office.
Little by little, the people are going to understand. Even the DOS.
There are honest people who disapprove. But they lost, and without any
influence. President Kostunica whose reputation is impeccable, ought to
be concerned about this. In Parliament, he took an oath of loyalty to
the Constitution. These people are scoffing at it now.
But for the moment, most of the population is very happy about the
Jovanovic: They will understand what took place when they find
themselves without a job, when they see the stores filled with Western
products that they will be impossible for them to buy, when they submit
to a system where they can be arbitrarily deprived of jobs, and when
they have to pay enormous sums of money for education and health care.
That's when they'll understand.
I know that our stores are not very impressive. There are few German,
French or English products. But most of the people can buy whatever
they need, even modern domestic appliances. It will be a rude
awakening. People cannot dream very long about miraculous solutions.
The West promises to provide Yugoslavia with financial aid.
Jovanovic: A little money will come from Europe, and the DOS will
present it as "aid from friendly countries." In reality, it will be a
down payment on the purchase of our entire country. For every dollar
received, we will be obliged to pay back ten!
In fact, dollars have already found their way into Yugoslavia.
Jovanovic: Yes, the United States publicly acknowledged having spent
$77.2 million dollars in order to help the opposition overturn the
Yugoslav government. And on September 25, the U.S. Congress voted a new
credit of $105 million dollars.
Have you lodged a protest with the UN against this interference in
Jovanovic: Of course. This destabilization of our country was
organized first in Budapest, with American offices established in Sofia,
Skoplje and elsewhere, and composed of CIA agents. The Vienna Accords
forbid establishing centers in one country that are hostile to another.
Look at what's happening today. The American ambassador to Budapest,
Montgomery, is coming to Yugoslavia to pay a visit to his subordinates
at the DOS!
But the United States and Great Britain, who control the UN, have denied
all evidence of this. Other countries understand what's happening here,
but we can't even get a debate.
The United States has spent considerable sums of money for the DOS
electoral campaign.
Jovanovic: Yes. And how would they react if this sort of thing was
done in the United States? It reminds me of a joke that's told here: a
villager sees a priest eating a huge serving of roast beef in the middle
of a religious fast. "But you told us that fasting was a one of God's
commandments!" says the villager. The priest replies: "You're supposed
to obey my instructions, but you're not supposed to act the way I do!"
In short, "do as I say, not as I do."
Jovanovic: (Laughing) Yes! That's exactly the case with the United
States! What they permit themselves to do, they forbid to others.
Whenever they speak of "democracy," it's merely a slogan they advance in
order to dominate the world. Another example: they want to impose an
International War Crimes tribunal in order to put us on trial. But they
themselves refuse to accept a universal war crimes tribunal, which would
put them on trial for all of the war crimes they committed against
various sovereign states. They know all too well that they would be
convicted for what they have done in Panama, Haiti and elsewhere!
In 1995, in the Assembly General of the United Nations, they voted
against a resolution which forbade intervention in the domestic affairs,
particularly electoral, of other countries. This resolution was voted
in despite American opposition, so they ought to follow the rules of the
democratic majority! "Two weights, two measures," that's the key to
American-style "democracy."
Is Yugoslavia lone targeted, or does this announce other offensives by
the United States and Nato?
Jovanovic: It is not merely the problem of one country in a strategic
region. They are going to make a terrific effort because if Yugoslav
resistance lasted much longer, it would have become a dangerous
example. We were in the process of acquiring growing support from the
Third World.
Is Russia the next step?
Jovanovic: If so much energy has been concentrated against Yugoslavia,
then it is not merely to gratify the immediate interests of the United
States and Nato in our country. In order to understand, it is necessary
to take into consideration their global aspirations. Besides certain
regions which have a vital importance in and of themselves, because of
their significant natural resources, whatever Nato and the United States
are doing is always a function of their global interests.
First of all, they want to destroy any will to independence and
resistance to their domination of the entire world. Secondly, they want
to send the message that "No country at all is allowed to invoke
principles; it must only respect the way the United States sees things.
Thirdly, Nato is thus drawing closer to the borders of Russia and
China. Washington is working toward breaking them up while planting the
seeds of separatism and manipulating Islamic fundamentalism. On the one
hand, they are deceiving the Muslims in making them believe that they
are their friends.
All of this while they are massacring people in Irak and Palestine.
Jovanovic: Exactly! And on the other hand, they are looking for a way
to control mineral and energy resources in the same way they want to
control the new markets which are opening up to the east of our
country: the Caucasus, the Middle East... Having established their
control over western Europe, the United States now wants to control all
the governments of Eurasia. That is the decisive global factor
In having resisted for ten years, we have given other countries time.
Some countries have been awakened to their role with respect to the
situation, but it has not been enough. Without a doubt (there was a
melancholy note in his voice), the burden Yugoslavia had to carry was
too heavy. We have received some support, but not enough, most notably
from countries that we were counting on.
Are you thinking of Russia?
Jovanovic: (He did not reply, but merely nodded his head). Nothing is
forever. Including the present situation in Yugoslavia. I am certain
that, just as certain people who voted for the DOS are going to regret
it, certain European countries will regret not having supported
Yugoslavia more and they have come to that realization too late.
(Smiling again) An old Serbian song says: "The bear is dancing on your
uncle's doorstep. And now, he's coming to your house!" In other
words: You haven't budged, but you will regret it. Everybody has
underestimated these events and they have not seen the risk that they
have taken by not reacting.
And from your point of view, do you think you've made some mistakes?
Jovanovic: Yes. I don't want to evade any of our responsibilities. We
did not realistically evaluate the domestic and international
situations. We did not take into consideration the negative factors.
For example?
Jovanovic: Domesticly, we did not realistically consider the sentiments
of the people. We should have paid closer attention to the effects of
the deprivations which the people were subjected to after ten years of
sanctions. The people resisted aggression; they resisted sanctions, but
their living conditions were really degraded beyond any reasonable
point. And with the war on top of it all!
Secondly, after the aggression, we put a great deal of effort into
reconstructing the country. Schools, hospitals, roads, bridges... This
demanded a lot of capital and we had to levy an assessment on salaries
and pensions. The reconstruction was important for the future of the
country, but it did not directly improve the quality of life. We should
have been more realistic as far as investments were concerned, and
adopted further measures to improving the living condition of the
Thirdly, we did not succeed in controlling commerce. We gave too much
latitude to greedy people who stockpiled merchandise, like oil and
sugar, which resulted in prices increases before the market was
resupplied. People profited from the situation to stockpile and
speculate. They sometimes sold items at two or three times their cost!
Imagine the fortunes they accumulated!
There is a cement factory in my region called Paracim. It's a very
important product because there was a lot of reconstruction to do after
the bombardment. During an election rally, a woman came up to me: "Mr.
Minister, why do you let these people charge 13 deutschemarks for a sack
of cement when it only costs 3.5 deutschemarks when it leaves the
factory?" The director of the factory was standing right next to me, so
I turned to him, and he said: "I am only responsible for the
production. I can't control commerce." I talked about this situation
with my colleagues from the economics department. But too late.
Many have criticized your government as well as your party for the fact
that while the great majority of people were living under conditions of
extreme difficulty, fantastic fortunes were also being made. Some
people lived lives of luxury and privilege.
Jovanovic: Some people profited from their position in order to
illegally and immorally enrich themselves. Now we are suffering the
consequences. But they represent a minority. The great majority of our
socialists are honest people who struggle for social justice, education
and health-care for all.
Why didn't you fight more vigorously against this phenomenon? Because
what you are describing is not a recent development.
Jovanovic: The forces at the heart of my party were not inclined to
undertake this struggle. But now, we are going to have to get rid of
these profiteers. Efficiently and pitilessly.
At all levels?
At all levels.
Many people think that Milosevic would have done better to recognize
Kostunica's victory immediately.
Jovanovic: I don't know if Kostunica had 51%, 50% of the vote or
somewhat less, and now I don't care. Anyway one looks at it, it is
clear that he had a 10% lead over Milosevic and that he was going to
win. On the other hand, there is a legal process that must be
respected. They should have verified that he really got 50% or if a
second round was necessary.
In fact, isn't the DOS victory the result of a number of factors?
Jovanovic: Absolutely. The principal-for which we are to blame, and I
myself am to blame-is that we severely misjudged the real situation.
Even though I had achieved good results with my constituency in
Pomoravije, winning three districts out of six. Maybe four after
In fact, the SPS is holding on to its electorate.
Jovanovic: Yes, but this is what is new. Washington has succeeded in
making the opposition DOS credible. Faced with this great international
campaign, financed by millions of dollars, we can be satisfied to have
succeeded in conserving the SPS's force. Too bad that we did not
succeed in enlarging our base. That will be our task in the future.

Translated by Milo Yelesiyevich


Questo e' il bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
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Archivio di JUGOINFO:
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> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra

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(Claudia Cernigoi - La Nuova Alabarda, ottobre 2000)



Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

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Socijalistièka partija Srbije ocenjuje da je
zbog blokade rada Vlade Republike Srbije
od strane Demokratske opozicije Srbije i
Srpskog pokreta obnove onemoguæeno
sprovoðenje Sporazuma o raspisivanju
vanrednih parlamentarnih izbora u
Republici Srbiji, èime se dovodi u sumnju
legalitet predstojeæih republièkih izbora.
Èlanom 4. Sporazuma Vlada Republike
Srbije je u obavezi da za Radio-televiziju
Srbije imenuje Upravni odbor sastavljen
paritetno od predstavnika potpisnika
Sporazuma. O upravljanju i ureðivaèkoj
politici odluèivalo bi se konsenzusom.

Formiranje Upravnog odbora Radio
televizije Srbije na navedenim principima
predstavljalo bi garant za punu primenu
Pravila o predstavljanju podnosilaca
izbornih lista tokom predizborne kampanje
za vanredne izbore za Narodnu skupštinu
Republike Srbije u javnim glasilima èiji je
osnivaè Narodna Skupština Republike
Srbije. U suprotnom Pravila nemaju
smisla, zato što dogovor stranaka ni po
èemu ne obavezuje RTS, koja nije
potpisnik navedenih Pravila. Od
potpisivanja Pravila, koja su veæ stupila
na snagu Radio-televizija Srbije nije
promenila svoju ureðivaèku politiku, što
dokazuje da nije u obavezi da primenjuje

Takoðe, i sa normativno-pravnog i
politièkog stanovišta, potpuno je
neprihvatljivo uslovljavanje praæenja
predizborne kampanje stranaka za
rapublièke izbore zakazane za 23.
decembar obavezama nastalim u
prethodnom periodu koje spadaju u
interno finansijsko poslovanje RTS-a, i ono
predstavlja još jednu u nizu neprihvatljivih
i neprincipijelnih ucena onih stranaka koje
se boje konkurencije i zato žele da
izbegnu jednake predizborne uslove za
sve uèesnike u izborima.

DOS i SPO se u svojim nastupima zalažu
za legalitet, poštovanje zakona i
funkcionisanje pravne države. Održavanje
sadašnjeg stanja u Radio-televiziji Srbije
je direktna podrška bezakonju, anarhiji i
zakonu linèa.

Socijalistièka partija Srbije je uverena da
æe preovladati razum i da æe se sa novim
Upravnim odborom i Kolegijumom
direktora, Radio-televizija Srbije kao
najveæa medijska kuæa na Balkanu,
konaèno vratiti legalnim institucijama
sistema i profesionalnom radu, kaže se u
saopštenju Socijalistièke partije Srbije.


Izvršni odbor Pokrajinskog odbora
Socijalistièke partije Srbije Kosova i
Metohije pozvao je aktuelne
jugoslovenske zvaniènike da prestanu sa
svojim svakodnevnim isticanjem a time i
afirmisanjem Haškog tribunala jer i
najveæi politièki laik zna da je reè o
politièkoj ustanovi instruisanoj i
instrumentalizovanoj od rodonaèelnika
svetskog neoimperijalizma i
nekolonijalizma - Sjedinjenih Amerièkih

Takvo ponašanje, istièe najuže
rukovodstvo kosovskometohijskih
socijalista, predstavlja otvoreno
povlaðivanje neprijateljima Srbije i
srpskog naroda, u prvom redu onima koji
su punih 78 dana i noæi neštedimice
bombardovali našu zemlju zavivši u crno
na hiljade prodica i nanevši Jugoslaviji
štetu od više desetina milijardi dolara.

Pomirljiv stav novih jugoslovenskih vlasti
prema Haškom tribunalu, istièe Izvršni
odbor Pokrajinskog odbora Socijalistièke
partije Srbije Kosova i Metohije, dodatno
je ohrabrio njegovog glavnog tužioca
Karlu del Ponte koja ovih dana, poput
kakvog mitološkog strašila, ratoborno
vitla ognjem i maèem nad Srbijom i
srpskim narodom tražeæi u njemu zloèince
unapred skrojene po njenim mustrama i

U svojoj teškoj, i ni malo naklonjenoj, više
od milenijuma dugoj istoriji, srpski narod
je uvek znao da odvoji žito od kukolja,
rodoljube od izdajnika i slobodare od
zloèinaca, istièe Izvršni odbor
Pokrajinskog odbora Socijalistièke partije
Srbije Kosova i Metohije i zakljuèuje da taj
narod ni ovoga puta, kao ni do sada, neæe
dozvoliti da mu o tome sude i prosuðuju
tuðin i tuðini, posebno ne oni koji su se
poslednje decenije ovoga veka celom
svetu predstavili kakvi su i koliki prijatelji
Srbije i srpskog naroda.



Ukidanjem saveznog ministarstva
koje se bavi zaštitom životne sredine
usporiæe se tekuæa meðunarodna
saradnja, zapoèete aktivnosti na
saniranju posledica NATO
bombardovanja i otežati donošenje
propisa za realizaciju Zakona o zaštiti
životne sredine, zakljuèeno je na
današnjem sastanku Ekološkog
saveta GO SPS

Ekološki savet Glavnog odbora
Socijalistièke partije Srbije ukazuje
javnosti na neprihvatljiv postupak nove
Savezne vlade kojim je ukinuto savezno
ministarstvo koje se bavi poslovima
zaštite životne sredine.

Socijalistièka partija Srbije smatra da u
21. veku Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji
treba obezbediti ekološki primat u svetu
promišljenom politikom ekološke zaštite,
selektivnim izborom tehnologija,
poštovanjem zakonitosti prirode
Jugoslavije i strateškim usmeravanjem
industrijskog razvoja u oblasti koje ne
zagaðuju životnu sredinu.

Ekologija ne poznaje granice i zato je
neophodna državna politika kojom se
ureðuju osnove razvoja i zaštite prirode i
dragocenih resursa kojima raspolažu
Srbija i Crna Gora. Ovakvim postupkom
usporiæe se tekuæa meðunarodna
saradnja uspostavljena na osnovu
ratifikovanih konvencija , zapoèete
aktivnosti na saniranju posledica NATO
bombardovanja i otežati donošenje
propisa za realizaciju Zakona o zaštiti
životne sredine.

Usklaðivanje ekološke politike Savezne
Republike Jugoslavije sa savremenim
tokovima u okruženju i meðunarodnoj
zajednici treba da vrši savezna država
preko regionalnih i meðunarodnih
organizacija i asocijacija. Ukinuto
ministarstvo organizaciono i kadrovski je
bilo osposobljeno za takav zadatak, a naši
struènjaci u ovoj oblasti imaju razvijene
kontakte i nesumnjiv ugled u svetu. Ono je
realizovalo brojne i znaèajne projekte
Savezne vlade u oblasti zaštite životne
sredine, izgraðivalo Banku biljnih gena,
saraðivalo sa velikim brojem nauènih i
struènih ustanova u zemlji i svetu i zato je
takva odluka pogrešna.

Posle najave velikog otvaranja
Jugoslavije prema svetu,ukidanjem
ministarstva koje se bavi zaštitom životne
sredine vrata dosadašnje saradnje se
zatvaraju i otežava se meðunarodna
komunikacija koja je u ovoj oblasti
neophodna i nezaobilazna.

Meðunarodna zajednica je insistirala na
ubrzanom formiranju Savezne vlade kao
osnovnoj institucionalnoj pretpostavci za
pružanje pomoæi Saveznoj Republici
Jugoslaviji . Donacije u oblasti zaštite
životne sredine su najizglednije i najmanje
sporne i zato treba odmah stvarati
najbolje institucionalne pretpostavke.

Zato Ekološki Savet Glavnog odbora
Socijalistièke partije Srbije traži da se
poslovi ekološke politike SRJ rade na
nivou ministarstva Savezne vlade, kaže se
u saopštenju sa sednice Ekološkog

09.11.2000. godine

glavni i odgovorni urednik nedeljnika

U skladu sa Zakonom o informisanju
zahtevam da u prvom narednom broju
Vašeg lista objavite sledeæi demant:

Sve što ste objavili u "NIN"-u, u broju od
09. novembra 2000. godine, iz pera
Slobodana Ikoniæa, a što se odnosi na
mene, predstavlja notornu laž. Oèigledno
je da ste podatke za tekst uzimali od istog
"izvora" ili neposredno preuzeli od lista
"Nedeljni telegraf". Sve što je u tom listu o
meni objavljeno demantovao sam, ali zbog
"demokratiènosti" medija u kojima DOS
ima neposrednu kontrolu, moj demanti do
danas nije niko objavio. Videæemo kako
æe se "NIN" poneti u odnosu na demant
koji Vam dostavljam.

mr Uroš Šuvakoviæ


na sastanku predsednika okružnih
odbora SPS izraženo zadovoljstvo što
je u izboru delegata za Peti vanredni
kongres uèestvovalo preko pola
miliona èlanova SPS širom Srbije -
uèesnici sastanka su izrazili revolt
povodom nasilja koje se u Srbiji
sprovodi od strane kriznih štabova i
grupa prema pojedincima i
institucijama, èime se dovodi u
pitanje funkcionisanje privrede i
ukupnog života

Na sastanku predsednika okružnih odbora
SPS kojim je predsedavao Zoran
Anðelkoviæ, generalni sekretar SPS,
konstatovano je da su uspešno završeni
sastanci na kojima su izabrani delegati za
Peti vanredni kongres i izraženo
zadovoljstvo što je u tim aktivnostima
uèestvovalo preko pola miliona èlanova
SPS širom Srbije. Na taj naèin je završena
prva faza i stvoreni uslovi da delegati za
Peti vanredni kongres u sledeæoj fazi
biraju kandidate za èlanove Glavnog
odbora i predlog kandidata za narodne

Èlanstvo Socijalistièke partije Srbije je
iskazalo jedinstvo sa ocenama i
stavovima rukovodstva Partije i jasno
potvrdilo opredeljenje da se na Kongresu
u rukovodstvo biraju ljudi koji su ostali
privrženi temeljnim principima
Socijalistièke partije Srbije, i koji su za
dalju izgradnju SPS kao partije savremene
evropske orijentacije.

Uèesnici sastanka su izrazili revolt
povodom nasilja koje se u Srbiji sprovodi
od strane kriznih štabova i grupa prema
pojedincima i institucijama, èime se
dovodi u pitanje funkcionisanje privrede i
ukupnog života.

Predsednici okružnih odbora su izrazili
nezadovoljstvo tolerisanjem nasilja pa èak
i njegovim podsticanjem od potpisnika
Sporazuma koji je trebao Srbiji da
obezbedi graðanski mir i toleranciju.

Zatraženo je od strane svih relevantnih
faktora u Srbiji, a naroèito Vlade
Republike Srbije da se poštuju odredbe
Sporazuma od strane svih potpisnika kako
bi se obezbedilo funkcionisanje, ne samo
Vlade i resornih ministarstava, nego pre
svega otklonile nepravilnosti, obezbedilo
poštovanje zakona, reda, mira i
bezbednosti graðana i njihove imovine.

Zatraženo je da se smeni krizni štab EPS-a
i obezbedi redovno snabdevanje strujom,
da se formira Upravni odbor
Radio-televizije Srbije i odmah osnuje
komisija za utvrðivanje stanja u
preduzeæima i institucijama gde su
formirani krizni štabovi, kaže se u
saopštenju sa sastanka.

8.11.2000. godine,

Gospodin Momèilo ?orgoviæ, direktor i gl.i

U skladu sa Zakonom o informisanju
zahtevam da u narednom broju Vašeg lista
objavite sledeæi demanti:

Sve što ste objavili u "Nedeljnom
telegrafu", u broju od 8.11.2000. godine, iz
pera novinara Dejana LJutiæa, a što se
odnosi na mene, predstavlja notornu laž.
Jedino je istina da, kao i mnogi drugi, na
Kopaoniku posedujem plac od 4,3 ara koji
sam, pošto nemam sopstvenih finansijskih
sredstava za realizaciju prava na njemu,
ustupila na korišæenje treæem, pravnom

Gorica Gajeviæ

8.11.2000. godine

B e o g r a d

Gospodinu Momèilu ?orgoviæu, direktoru i
gl.i odg.uredniku

U skladu sa Zakonom o javnom
informisanju zahtevam da u prvom
narednom broju vašeg lista objaviste
sledeæi demanti:

1. Sve što ste u vašem listu, u broju od
8.11.2000. godine, objavili iz pera
gospodina Zorana B. Mijatoviæa, bivšeg
funkcionera SDB, a što se odnosi na moju
liènost notorna je laž i predstavlja njegovu
politièko policijsku konstrukciju sa ciljem
nanošenja moralne i politièke štete meni
lièno i partiji kojoj pripadam. Istovremeno
on predstavlja i pokušaj Mijatoviæa da u
javnosti afirmiše svoje bivše rukovodioce,
kojima je oèigledno impresioniran, i sebe

2. Niti sam u životu afere smišljao niti sam
sa drugim licima se udruživao u cilju
njihove prezentacije. Za takvu vrstu
aktivnosti, za razliku od gospodina
Mijatoviæa, nemam nikakvog talenta.
Nikada ni jedan tekst u životu nisam
objavio pod pseudonimom naprosto zato
što sam svoje politièke stavove imao
prilike da iznosim javno, uvek pod punim
imenom i prezimenom.

3. I ovaj tekst, u kojem sve što se
objavljuje, a tièe se mene lièno, jeste laž,
predstavlja pokušaj da se pruži
"argumentacija" raznim kriznim štabovima
da preduzmu i u SDB onakve aktivnosti
kakve preduzimaju po svim institucijama i
ustanovama širom naše zemlje.
Pretpostavljam da je gospodin Mijatoviæ
sebi i ljudima kojima je opèinjen u takvim
rabotama namenio znamenitu ulogu.

mr Uroš Šuvakoviæ



Ovakva besprizorna aktivnost nije u
interesu graðana Srbije i nikako ne
doprinosi stabilizovanju stanja u
zemlji i stvaranju neophodnih uslova
za parlamentarne izbore 23.
decembra ove godine

Socijalistièka partija Srbije najoštrije
osuðuje voðenje hajke u sredstvima
javnog informisanja i zloupotrebu
pravosudnih institucija zarad klevetanja
predsednika Slobodana Miloševiæa i
najistaknutijih i najuglednijih èlanova i
rukovodilaca SPS, istièe se u saopštenju
sa današnje sednice Izvršnog odbora
Glavnog odbora SPS, kojoj je predsedavao
Zoran Anðelkoviæ, generalni sekretar SPS.

Svakodnevno objavljivanje laži u
medijima, medijski i politièki pritisci na
pravosuðe, huškaèke i klevetnièke izjave
èelnika DOS i njihovi pozivi na linè
predstavljaju smišljenu akciju usmerenu
na nanošenje moralne štete i
diskreditaciju liènosti i njihovih porodica i
težnju da se na taj naèin prikrije
prevratnièko nasilje koje DOS
svakodnevno sprovodi nad graðanima
Srbije, posebno èlanovima i simpatizerima
Socijalistièke partije Srbije.

Socijalisti su uvereni da graðani Srbije,
uprkos svemu, jasno vide o èemu se
zapravo radi, da ovakva besprizorna
aktivnost nije u njihovom interesu i nikako
ne doprinosi stabilizovanju stanja u zemlji
i stvaranju neophodnih uslova za
parlamentarne izbore 23. decembra ove
godine, na šta se i DOS obavezao
potpisujuæi sporazum sa Socijalistièkom
partijom Srbije i Srpskim pokretom obnove
- istièe se u saopštenju sa današnje
sednice Izvršnog odbora Glavnog odbora


Questo e' il bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").

Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per contributi e segnalazioni: <jugocoord@...>
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid=91979 oppure
> http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
Sito WEB del Coordinamento:
> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra

Una newsletter personale,
un forum web personale,
una mailing list personale, ...?
Gratis sotto

French version URL:


Cento milioni (di dollari N.d.T.) per la democrazia?

Come gli Stati Uniti hanno creato un'opposizione corrotta in Serbia

Quando i risultati elettorali in Jugoslavia erano ancora incerti,
abbiamo pubblicato degli estratti di un testo sull'opposizione serba
scritto da Michel Chossudovsky (Canada), Jared Israël (USA), Peter
Maher (USA), Max Sinclair (USA), Karen Talbot (Covert Action Quarterly -
USA) e Niko Varkevisser (Global Reflexion, Paesi Bassi). 15-09-2000

[I nuovi Abiti dell'Imperatore - Emperors Clothes]

La coalizione dell’opposizione jugoslava si proclama «democratica ed
indipendente». Tuttavia, le nostre ricerche dimostrano che questa è
controllata da Washington, dalle stesse persone che sono intervenute
nel corso dei dieci anni passati per tentare di spappolare la

Delle audizioni rivelatrici di fronte al Senato americano

Nel luglio 1999, il Senato americano ha tenuto delle sedute sulla
Serbia. L’inviato speciale degli USA nei Balcani, Robert Gelbard, il
suo assistente, James Pardew, ed il senatore Joseph Biden hanno portato
la loro testimonianza. Hanno dichiarato apertamente che gli USA
finanziavano e controllavano la sedicente opposizione «democratica ed
Nella giornata che ha preceduto queste audizioni, il Senato americano
ha votato per un finanziamento di cento milioni di dollari per questa
opposizione. L’inviato speciale Gelbard ha dichiarato: «Nel corso dei
due anni che hanno portato alla crisi del Kosovo, abbiamo dispensato
16,5 milioni di dollari per differenti programmi per sostenere la
democratizzazione della Serbia.» Ha aggiunto poi che più di 20 milioni
di dollari sono stati indirizzati a Milo Djukanovic che dirige il
governo della Repubblica jugoslava del Montenegro.
Questo denaro è servito a finanziare, a volte anche a creare, dei
partiti politici, delle stazioni radio ed anche dei sindacati. Se una
potenza straniera avesse agito nello stesso modo negli Stati Uniti, i
loro agenti locali sarebbero stati sbattuti in prigione.

La testimonianza di James Pardew, l’assistante di Gelbard

Pardew: «Noi siamo intervenuti indirettamente attraverso le
organizzazioni non governative. Abbiamo stabilito un anello intorno
alla Serbia di trasmissioni internazionali, ma mettendole a
disposizione anche delle voci indipendenti della Serbia che utilizzano
queste installazioni internazionali.» (Notate l'utilizzo poco consono
dell'espressione «indipendente» che significa "indipendente da loro ma
dipendente dagli USA".)
Il senatore Joseph Biden non sembra credere che le misure illustrate da
Pardew siano sufficienti.
Biden: «Noi possiamo rendere disponibili delle installazioni. Ma siamo
preparati a chiudere le installazioni che diffondono la propaganda (del
governo jugoslavo N.d.T.)?»
Gelbard ha tentato allora di difendere la politica del governo
americano sottolineando come, durante la guerra dello scorso anno
contro la Jugoslavia, gli USA avevano effettivamente «chiuso» le
installazioni della TV serba bombardandole.
Gelbard: «Eh certo, noi abbiamo, senatore, nel corso del conflitto del
Kosovo, con i nostri alleati...»
Il senatore Biden l’interrompe, temendo che Gelbard dica troppo.
Biden: «No, questo lo so. Io voglio sapere cosa si sta facendo adesso.»
Gelbard: «Eh vede, per quanto ne sappia, le comunicazioni tra la
televisione serba e le installazioni Eutelsat non sono state
ristabilite e ci siamo assicurati che saranno interrotte di nuovo se
cercassero di ristabilirle.»
Il senatore Biden e l'inviato speciale Gelbard hanno avuto questa
discussione sul tema de «l’opposizione democratica in Serbia».
Biden: «Come possiamo agire nella Serbia stessa? Per esempio, Vuk
Draskovic continua a negare l’accesso a Studio B, che è
Gelbard: «No, ha appena dato l'accesso a Studio B alla Radio B-92, che
sta per essere rifondata con il nome di Radio B2-92. Noi vogliamo che
Draskovic apra Studio B al resto dell’opposizione ed è il messaggio che
gli faremo pervenire nei prossimi giorni.»
Ricordiamo che Gelbard era il principale consigliere di Clinton per la
Jugoslavia e che Biden è uno dei senatori americani più impegnati nello
scontro con la Serbia. Questi uomini sono talmente implicati nel
controllo dell'opposizione «indipendente» della Serbia da sapere –
minuto per minuto – se Draskovic, Djindjic e Djukanovic si dividono
equamente spazio e tempo di trasmissione a Studio B a Belgrado.

Sostenere un solo candidato

L’agenzia France-Presse riportava il 2 agosto passato che una
delegazione dell’opposizione «democratica» aveva incontrato i dirigenti
del Montenegro per convincerli a sostenere il loro candidato per la
«La delegazione serba comprendeva Zoran Djindjic del Partito
Democratico e Vojislav Kostunica del Movimento Democratico per la
Serbia, il candidato designato per far fronte a Milosevic.»
«L'incontro ha avuto luogo all'indomani di quello tra la Segretaria di
Stato Madeleine Albright ed il presidente montenegrino Milo Djukanovic
a Roma, nel corso del quale questa ha fatto pressioni sui gruppi
dell'opposizione affinché abbandonassero le loro minacce di
boicottaggio delle elezioni ed affinché si unissero per battere
Altre informazioni ci sono pervenute sul viaggio della Albright a Roma
e sul suo incontro con Djukanovic.
«Oltre alle strategie elettorali, l'Albright ha dichiarato di aver
discusso con Djukanovic sulle strade per aumentare l'aiuto al
Montenegro che è in preda ad una crisi economica» (Agenzia France-
Presse, 1 agosto 2000). Inoltre, l'Albright ha offerto dei fondi a Milo
Djukanovic nel caso avesse accettato di dare il suo appoggio alla
sedicente opposizione «indipendente».
All'inizio, Djukanovic aveva rifiutato. Kostunica lo aveva criticato
pubblicamente per non essersi associato alla sua équipe. Poi, l'11
settembre, Djukanovic ha abbracciato la candidatura di Kostunica. Il
denaro dell'Albright c’entrava qualcosa.
E' un colpo di fortuna per gli agenti americani in Jugoslavia l'esser
riusciti, lavorando con gli uomini del National Endowment for
Democracy, a portare Kostunica sotto l'ombrello americano all'interno
di un'alleanza con Djindjic e Djukanovic e molti altri.
L’organizzazione di Kostunica è molto debole. La sua campagna
elettorale dipende dai partiti, gruppi e mezzi d'informazione
controllati dagli USA. Se conseguirà la vittoria, le marionette locali
degli Stati Uniti gli forniranno il personale statale necessario.

Il programma dell’opposizione «democratica»

L’opposizione «democratica» ha fatto suo un programma redatto dal G-17,
un gruppo d’economisti neoliberisti di Belgrado, finanziato dal
National Endowment for Democracy. Questo programma è disponibile sui
siti web del G-17 e del gruppo «studentesco» Otpor. Questi elencano un
certo numero di obiettivi che l’opposizione «democratica» si è
impegnata a mettere in opera nel caso di vittoria alle elezioni
presidenziali o nelle altre elezioni. I principali punti del programma
sono i seguenti:

L’adozione del marco tedesco come moneta per tutta la Jugoslavia,
seguendo quello che già si è fatto in Bosnia, in Kosovo ed in
Montenegro. Questo avrebbe l'effetto di impoverire immediatamente il
popolo jugoslavo trascinando il paese alle dipendenze economiche della
La fine del controllo dei prezzi. La fine delle sovvenzioni per
l’alimentazione, la fine delle protezioni sociali. Il popolo
lavoratore, compreso il milione di rifugiati le cui condizioni sono già
difficili, dovrà comprare il cibo a prezzi occidentali, ma senza i
salari occidentali.
Un trattamento shock per trasformare la Jugoslavia in un paese
capitalista senza però fornire agli jugoslavi i mezzi finanziari
necessari per partecipare ad una tale economia. Il risultato sarà il
trasferimento in mani straniere del controllo di tutta l'economia. Con
questa applicazione della sedicente «ideologia economica moderna» sono
già riusciti a distruggere l'economia russa.
Curiosamente, il loro programma non menziona mai l’aggressione
criminale della NATO contro la Jugoslavia.
Il programma chiama a ridurre le spese pubbliche, smilitarizzare ed
apportare delle radicali trasformazioni al sistema di tassazione. Tutte
queste misure permetteranno alla Jugoslavia di essere controllata dagli
Il programma accetta il diktat americano secondo il quale la Jugoslavia
non esiste più e la Serbia dovrà inginocchiarsi davanti a Washington
per essere riconosciuta di nuovo sulla scena internazionale.
Questo significa l'azzeramento immediato di tutti i beni e dei diritti
storici dello Stato jugoslavo. Questi beni includono i miliardi di
dollari delle ambasciate, delle navi, degli aerei, dei conti in banca
distribuiti nel mondo, dei beni all'estero e di quelli accumulati dal
popolo jugoslavo dalla fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale.

Il National Endowment for Democracy ed il meccanismo della sovversione

Nella sua testimonianza, Gelbard ha affermato che il governo americano
aveva distribuito dei soldi in Jugoslavia attraverso l'intermediazione
d'una sedicente organizzazione «non governativa», il National Endowment
for Democracy (Fondo Nazionale per la Democrazia). Ma in realtà non si
tratta d'una ONG. E' finanziata dal Congresso USA!
Il National Endowment for Democracy è stato creato nel 1983 per uno
scopo ben preciso. Tutti sapevano in quel momento che la CIA perseguiva
gli obiettivi della politica americana infiltrando delle persone e
mettendo in piedi dei gruppi-fantoccio. Come sottolinea il Washington
Post: «Quando queste attività venivano smascherate (cosa che era
inevitabile), l’effetto era devastante.» (22 settembre 1991)
Il Congresso americano ha allora messo in piedi il National Endowment
for Democracy con lo scopo di fare apertamente quello che la CIA aveva
l’abitudine di fare clandestinamente. C'era così un grande vantaggio.
Non essendo più segreta la sovversione, questa non poteva più essere
oggetto di smascheramenti!
Beneficiando di fondi considerevoli, il National Endowment for
Democracy ed i suoi affiliati hanno cominciato a reclutare nei paesi
stabiliti degli «attivisti per la democrazia», degli «attivisti per la
pace» e degli «economisti indipendenti». Queste persone furono invitate
a festeggiare nei più grandi ristoranti e ricevettero una barca di
soldi per i loro conti correnti. Gli hanno pagato delle borse di studio
e degli stages all’estero. Gli hanno inculcato l’idea che potessero
essere i leaders del domani dell'impero americano.
Questi «attivisti» crearono delle «organizzazioni indipendenti» nei
loro paesi e sollecitarono dei fondi da parte del National Endowment
for Democracy che, ricordiamolo, li aveva reclutati direttamente! Ed il
National Endowment for Democracy gli ha fornito tutti i fondi richiesti!

Il Bollettino di informazione antiimperialista
http://www.bollettino.it - bollettino@...


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Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".
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