

Neonazismo: il Vaticano e la Croazia (2)

1. The Ustasha Genocide - A Historical Review

2. New study questions values taught in Croatia's textbooks

(Dec 30, 2002; Tanjug)

On Sunday, April 20, 2003 the Jasenovac Research Institute held its
second annual Holocaust commemoration ceremony.

5. Croatian border officers block Delegation of Roma - Jasenovac
Memorial Park


=== 1 ===

The Ustasha Genocide - A Historical Review

An Introduction to The Ustasha, The Independent State of Croatia...
The Ustasha are members of a fascist movement, of an ultra-nationalist
and terrorist orientation, aiming at a Greater Croatia (Ustasha means

Research Papers

The application of remote sensing and IT in research of mass graves in
the system of Jasenovac ustasha camps

By Jasmin Babic, Tomas Cupkovic and Nebojsa Bosiocic (PDF - 2330Kb)
Remote sensing enables a large amount of qualitative new data about
the Earth's surface to be obtained. It also creates precise geodetic
bases in a new, efficient and economic way. It can also be applied to
the discovery of mass graves in the system of Croatian ustasha
genocide camps. This research demands an interdisciplinary approach
and a methodology by which we can find the precise location and make a
detailed analysis of any individual grave.

Georadar test examinations on the place of mass execution - Donja
By Spomenko J. Mihajlovic, Vasilije Belobrkovic and Vladimir Miletic
(PDF - 460Kb)

Preliminary Project Donja Gradina
By Miroslav Markovic, Jasmin Babic and Nebojsa Bosiocic (PDF - 85Kb)

Related Links:

Federal Court to Hear Holocaust Case Against Vatican

On March 23 in a San Francisco federal court, Judge Maxine Chesney
will hear arguments for and against a lawsuit filed by Holocaust
survivors and their heirs against the Vatican Bank and Franciscan
Order. Recent controversy surrounding the wartime Pope, Pius XII,
figures in the lawsuit filed by Serbs, Jews, and Ukrainians. The
subject of the lawsuit is the "Ustasha Treasury", tens of millions of
plunder and concentration camp gold stolen by the brutal pro Nazi WWII
Croatian government.

Is Genocide Defined by Numbers?
by Stella Jatras

Clearly, the intent of the Nazis' "Final Solution" was to eliminate
ALL Jews. But if they had killed a few hundred, or even a few thousand
Jews, would it have been genocide? The proof of intent was in the
systematic, brutal murder of millions. Likewise, it was the intent of
the Croats in WWII to destroy all Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, or in the
words of Andrija Artukovic, the 1941 Minister of the Interior in the
Ustashe [Nazi] Independent State of Croatia, "Kill all the Serbs and
Jews including the children so that not even the seeds of the beasts
are left".

The Real Butcher of the Balkans: Pavelic not Milosevic

Ante Pavelic was the original 'Butcher of the Balkans." He was the
leader of the Nazi puppet government of the "Independent Sate of
Croatia" who died peacefully in Madrid in 1959. The mass murderer of
80,000 Jews, 30,000 Gypsies, and over 500,000 Serbs survived the
Second World War and never faced a war crimes tribunal unlike Slobodan
Milosevic whose alleged crimes pale in comparison. Instead Pavelic was
offered sanctuary by the Vatican and became a security advisor to Juan
and Eva Person before retiring to fascist Spain.

Other Resources:

Jasenovac Research Institute

Holocaust Victim's Museum

Jasenovac, WWII Ustashi Concentration Camp

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust-Vol. 2, page 739, entry: "Jasenovac"

Croatian War Criminals linked to Franciscan Order and Marianist Cult

Witness To Jasenovac's Hell by Ilija Ivanovic

Ante Pavelic: Lord of the Danse Macabre

Jovan Babic's book Little Draculas (about masacre of Serbs in Croatian

Facts about Croatian Nazi chiefs

=== 2 ===


New study questions values taught in Croatia's textbooks

By Vlasta Kovac

ZAGREB, Croatia, Dec. 17 (JTA) - Croatian textbooks are teaching
violence and intolerance.
This was the conclusion drawn by Natasha Jovicich, who initiated a
study of 23 textbooks used in Croatian elementary schools.
Jovicich is the new director of the museum at Jasenovac, the
concentration camp operated by Croatia's wartime Ustashe fascist
regime. She initiated the study to draw attention to the basic values
being taught to Croatian children.
The textbooks were analyzed by a group of high school teachers, with
special emphasis on subjects like history and literature.
The results, which Jovicich called "shocking," appeared in the latest
edition of the Croatian weekly magazine Globus.

Among the findings:
* In a history book for eighth graders, British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill is ridiculed by being depicted as a bulldog sitting
on the British flag.
* On the same page, there is a photograph of a yellow Star of David,
and a caption saying, "The Jews had to wear a special mark, the Star
of David. This is a six-pointed star. It consists of two triangles,
which symbolize the sky and the earth." There is no mention of the
discrimination suffered by those forced to wear the symbol.
* The same history book shows the picture of Croatian wartime leader
Ante Pavelic. The accompanying caption describes him as "a jurist,
politician and the founder of the Ustashe movement," but makes no
mention of the war crimes committed under his rule.

"This textbook is a dangerous manipulation of history," professor
Rosana Ratkovchich, one of those conducting the study, wrote in her
The book was guilty of "relativizing" fascism and the antifascist
struggle to the point of rendering them morally indistinguishable, she
A caption that appears under a photo of Normandy Beach on D-Day, she
wrote, creates the impression that the German army had moral
superiority during the war.
Jovicich was quoted in Globus as saying that there is a "direct
connection with the kind of intolerance that we find in these
textbooks and the growing violence manifested by young people."
A recent concert in the Croatian coastal town of Split, for example,
attracted some 40,000 young people to the soccer stadium. Many of them
wore the Ustashe insignia and waved Nazi flags.
The incident prompted some Croatian legislators to sponsor a bill that
would criminalize the glorification of Nazi ideology.
The bill is still being debated in Parliament.
Until recently, Jovicich worked in Croatia's Ministry of Education,
where she initiated several pilot programs to introduce Holocaust
education into Croatian schools.
In October, she proposed that Croatia join an international task force
dedicated to promoting Holocaust education.
Croatia is now being monitored by four members of the task force - the
United States, Israel, France and Argentina - to see what will come
out of plans to introduce Holocaust education in Croatian schools.
Meanwhile, the Jewish community of Zagreb, which has been promised
$20,000 from the Claims Conference to train educators to teach about
the Holocaust, reached an agreement with the Adam Institute in
Jerusalem to organize a seminar on the topic.
About 16 instructors are planning to attend the seminar next month.
Later, they will organize workshops and train others to teach the

=== 3 ===


JERUSALEM, Dec 30 (Tanjug) - A two-day 3rd International conference
on Jasenovac opened in Jerusalem on Sunday, the significance of which
is not only for the process of establishing facts about the Jasenovac
concentration camp, but also for combating the genocide crimes.
Beside Chairman Dr. Bernard Klein, the opening of the conference
entitled "Jasenovac - neglected camps in Croatia (1941-1945)" was
attended by Head of Kingsborrough College of University of New York
and Director of Wiesenthal Center Dr. Efraem Zourof, Yugoslav
Ambassadors Drinka Vidakovic-Pavlov, Bosnia-Herzegovina Ambassador
Danijel Romano and Croatian Ambassador Tomislav Bosnjak.
Jasenovac was the most notorious concentration camp in the Independent
State of Croatia (NDH), a Nazi puppet state during World War II, in
which hundreds of thousands of Serbs, and also Jews, Gypsies and
antifascist oriented Croats were killed.
At the first conference held in new York in October 1997, an
exhibition on Jasenovac was presented for the first time in the
United States. President of the Fund for investigation of genocide
Milan Bulajic told Tanjug that archpriest of the Serbian Orthodox
Church Jovan Culibrk, who used to work in the Jasenovac area, and
Romany intellectual and politician from Belgrade Dragoljub Ackovic
took part in the discussion on the first day of the Conference.

=== 4 ===


PO BOX 10-0674 BROOKLYN, NY 11210

JRI Press Release

APRIL 14, 2003


On Sunday, April 20, 2003 the Jasenovac Research Institute will hold
its second annual Holocaust commemoration ceremony to honor and
remember the victims and Survivors of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and
their families.
The ceremony will include a wreath laying, religious service and
speeches by Survivors, scholars and political leaders. The ceremony
comes one year after the approval of an inscribed monument dedicated
to the memory of those who perished in the largest Nazi camp in the
Balkans, Jasenovac, by the Holocaust Memorial Park Committee.
April 22nd marks the fifty-eighth anniversary of the heroic attempted
breakout by the imprisoned victims of the Jasenovac camps. The
memorial is timed to coincide as closely as possible with that date.
This year's ceremony will include a wreath laying, religious service
and speeches by Survivors and others. Among those invited to attend
are Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, U.S. Congressman
Anthony Weiner and other elected officials from Brooklyn.
Representatives from governments from the region of former Yugoslavia,
as well as UN officials, are expected to attend.
This is one of the least recognized communities of Survivors in the
world. It is felt that ours is a forgotten chapter of the Holocaust.
The tragedies of recent years in the Balkans have made this felt even
more. But we believe that this annual event and the efforts being made
to recognize the Holocaust in Yugoslavia are a necessary and
beneficial part of the healing and recovery process and a necessary
correction to past neglect. All who support justice and recognition
for Yugoslav Holocaust victims and Survivors are encouraged to enrich
this commemoration with their participation.

What was Jasenovac?

Following the Nazi invasion and dismemberment of Yugoslavia in April
1941, the "Independent State of Croatia" was established by Hitler as
a pro-Nazi regime. Dedicated to a clerical-fascist ideology, it
commenced on a systematic policy of racial extermination of all Jews,
Serbs, and Romas living within its borders. From August 1941 to April
1945 hundreds of thousands of these three groups along with
anti-fascists of other nationalities were killed at the complex of
camps known as Jasenovac which lay along the Sava River in central
Croatia. Jasenovac was among the largest and most brutal of
concentration camps during the Holocaust.



PO BOX 10-0674
Tel. (718) 338-2576
Fax. (718) 338-2576


Brooklyn, NY -- On Sunday, April 20, 2003 a ceremony honoring the
Victims and Survivors of the Jasenovac Concentration Camp and of the
Holocaust in Yugoslavia was held at the Holocaust Memorial Park in
Brooklyn, New York.
The ceremony included a wreath laying, a religious service and
speeches by Survivors and scholars. Warm greetings were sent to the
ceremony by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz.
April 22nd marked the fifty-eighth anniversary of the heroic breakout
attempt by Jasenovac inmates. Jasenovac was the largest of the
concentration camps during the Nazi occupation of the Balkans and was
run by the fascist Croatian satellite state that controlled Croatia
and Bosnia at that time.
The names of loved ones lost at Jasenovac were read and candles lit in
their memory. As the names were read, seven candles were lit in honor
of the estimated 700,000 who were killed there. Father Djokan
Majstorovic, Priest of St. Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church in Manhattan
gave a moving service in memory of the victims. The Deputy
Representative to the Bosnian Mission to the UN, Dr. Milos Prica, also
addressed those attending the ceremony. He explained that it was
impossible for him to recall just one name when thinking of Jasenovac,
for all Serbian names are connected to that tragedy.
The ceremony was sponsored by the Jasenovac Research Institute. Eva
Deutsch-Costabel, a Director of that institution, noted that not only
was much of her family killed by the Croatian fascist regime, but all
of her friends were taken from her as well. "They killed our entire
Jewish community in Yugoslavia, my family, my friends. And they have
never compensated us, never recognized what they did." Eva
Deutsch-Costabel is a Survivor of two camps in Croatia who then fled
to join the Partisans. One of the names read at the ceremony was that
of her father, Arnold Deutsch.
Another JRI Director, Dr. Craig Pearson of Mesa, Arizona, spoke of his
friend Major Richard Feldman, and how he had been saved by Chetniks,
as well as the debt America owes the Serbs. Stephen Wohl, a descendent
of Macedonian Jews, spoke of his family's centuries long connection
with Macedonia and the great friendship and esteem his family has for
the Serbs. He reminded all present of the involvement of Albanian
fascists in the extermination of the Jews and Serbs in Macedonia and
Kosovo during World War II, yet another forgotten chapter of the
The day of the breakout, April 22nd, was the last day the camp
operated. A passage recounting those last heroic moments by an
eyewitness, Josip Erlih, was read which recalled how the starving
prisoners sacrificed their lives to overcome the Croatian guards and
run a gauntlet of machine gun and rifle fire. They did this not so
much to save themselves but so that just one of them might live to
tell the world what happened there. All present at the ceremony
rededicated themselves to that same goal.
The JRI website will shortly publish a list of over 70,000 names of
victims of the Jasenovac camps and of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia.
Anyone who would like to provide information about victims or inmates
of camps in Yugoslavia is encouraged to contact the JRI website at to insure that all victims' names are included and
The Jasenovac Research Institute is a fully accredited and recognized
501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to building public awareness
and promoting education and activities designed to enlighten the world
about the crimes of genocide committed at Jasenovac. The JRI is
awaiting the unveiling of a stone monument dedicated to the victims of
Jasenovac at the Holocaust Memorial Park this year. Donations to the
JRI for the costs of the monument or for any other project can be
earmarked and are tax deductible.
Donations can be sent to: Jasenovac Research Institute, PO Box
10-0674, Brooklyn, NY 11210.

=== 5 ===

Subject: [Samudaripen_Holocaust] Delegation of Roma - Jasenovac
Memorial Park
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 23:23:39 +0200
From: "Roma Network" <romale@...>
Reply-To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Organization: International Romani Union
To: <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>

ORIGINAL SENDER: Anamarija Rasmussen

Three-member delegation of representatives of surviving campmates of
Jasenovac camp and three-member delegation of Roma from Serbia and
Montenegro, which were supposed to place wreaths at the Monument of
Victims of Jasenovac Camp, were returned by the Croatian border
officers because, as they said, they had not received a list with
names of those who were supposed to place wreaths, and that therefore
they could not issue visas for them.
According to our information, the list with names has been sent
earlier, but the Croatian border officers claimed that they did not
have any information about that. Invitation letter sent by the
Jasenovac Memorial Park was not valid for them, and, on question of
delegations if they could get visas as individual applicants, one of
the border officers answered that it was not possible because he had
contacted the Croatian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP) in Zagreb
and that he was told that standard procedure had to be followed.
However, this was not the first time that the Croatian border officers
hold former campmates. For example, last year, though all of them had
regularly issued visas, they were held at the border crossing for more
that 2 hours, so they arrived to late for the official ceremony.

=== 6 ===

Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 20:46:16 -0400
From: Boba

(Re: Ottawa Citizen : "Pontiff, in Croatia, praises 'lofty vocation'
of women as wives and mothers"


Pope Johan Paul II plans to visit a Franciscan monastery in Petricevac
near the city of Banja Luka (Republic of Serpska / Bosnia and
Herzegovina) to beatify 20th-century Roman Catholic theologian Ivan
Merz on June 22, 2003.
It is going to be Pope's second visit to this region in the last seven
Pope John Paul II will go down in history for his beatification of a
record number of people (233) * in a single ceremony in the Vatican,
as well for his beatification of Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac of Nazi
state of Croatia, thus making Stepinac a saint in the Roman Catholic

Cardinal Stepinac as well as some fathers at the Franciscan
monasteries in Nazi state of Croatia protected and helped numbers of
Ustashe to escape prosecutions for genocide committed against the
Serbs during World War II.
During World War II the Independent State of Croatia was to be 100%
Roman Catholic. Anybody not conforming was to be totally liquidated.

The conservative number of Serbs killed was around 700.000.
After the War, Ustashe "ratlines" were based in Rome and were assisted
by the Vatican. Thanks to the "ratlines" and the Vatican, many of
Ustase (some of whom still live in the USA, Canada, Latin America and
elsewhere) were never handed over, nor prosecuted for the most brutal
murders and the genocide of the 20th century.

Pope Johan Paul II should come to Petricevac not to beatify but to
request pardon - mea culpa - for unspeakable murders of some 2,500
Serbs by Croatian Ustashe on February 7, 1942. On that day alone
Ustashe, led by father Tomislav Filipovic, from Petricevac had most
gruesomely slaughtered some 2,500 Serbs from villages of Drakulic,
Sargovic and Motike of county of Petricavac only because they were of
Christian Orthodox religion.**

While conveniently ignoring atrocities against the Serbs by Croatian
forces in 1994-95, as well as those of Ustashe in Nazi Croatia, Pope
inevitable condones these atrocities.
Holy Father is not that Holy after all.

Recommended reading:

Boba Borojevic
30 Walgate Ave
ON., Canada
e-mail: ckcuboba@...


Per alcune recensioni in lingua inglese dell'ottimo libro di Diana
Johnstone "FOOLS' CRUSADE" si veda:

Ringraziamo A. Lattanzio per questa traduzione. CNJ)

Diana Johnstone:


Relazione tenuta alla Sorbona, 26 febbraio 2003

Diritto internazionale contro diritto del più forte

Davanti al Consiglio di Sicurezza il 14 febbraio, il
ministro francese,
Dominique de Villepin, ha fatto un discorso ammirevole
per ragionevolezza e chiarezza, che è stato assai
apprezzato -- salvo, sapete bene, per i dirigenti e la
stampa anglofone.
Gli USA sono diretti, ora, da un piccolo gruppo di
megalomani dalle idee e dai progetti perfettamente
ignoti all'elettorato usa, che, secondo la corte
suprema nominata dal padre, aveva eletto George
Bush... con una grande maggioranza di voti. Più
importante, l'elettorato usa dopo molto tempo, non ha
scelto veramente, poiché il processo "democratico" a
livello nazionale è stato completamente accaparrato
dal complesso militar-industriale. Un pugno di
illuminati ha imposto una politica che non è mai stata
sottoposta a un dibattito democratico negli USA, e non
si vuole che tale dibattito arrivi alle orecchie dei
cittadini degli USA. È perciò i propagandisti dei
media hanno risposto con un torrente d'invettive
imbecille versato sulla Francia -- il cui scopo era di
decorare la guerra con degli orpelli di legalità
internazionale. Poiché la posizione della Francia,
fino allora, cercasse di restare nelle forme del
diritto internazionale, niente di più. Ma la squadra
al potere a Washington non apprezza sforzi del genere.
Suo scopo è d'imprigionare il mondo e di dettargli la
sua legge con la forza. Il diritto internazionale deve
cedere al diritto del più forte; ciò è la base del
"nuovo ordine mondiale" stile Bush e compagnia.
I dirigenti usa hanno l'abitudine di dire di coloro
che vogliono attaccare, che egli "non comprende che la
forza". Più esattamente, vorrebbero che gli altri non
comprendano che la forza, poiché è il linguaggio
ch'essi utilizzano. Vogliono dimostrare che sia la
forza ad avere l'ultima parola. La crisi irakena fa
ritornare una opposizione drammatica tra il diritto
internazionale e il diritto del più forte. Il diritto
internazionale, nella misura che sia sempre più
universale, applicabile a tutti nello stesso modo, è
ora un ostacolo che Washington preferisce togliere con
la legge del più forte, cioè la sua legge.

L'Illusione della "Comunità internazionale"

Per la vecchia Europa, e soprattutto per la Francia,
tale crisi sull'Irak dovrebbe mettere fine a certe
illusioni. La grande illusione degli anni '80 era di
immaginare che l'immensa potenza militare degli USA,
potesse trasformarsi in caritatevole per compiere gli
interventi "umanitari" desiderati dai campioni dei
diritti dell'uomo divenuti la coscienza di una vaga
"comunità internazionale". La referenza costante a
tale "Comunità internazionale" aveva una doppia
valenza ideologica: mascherare la distruzione
dell'autorità delle Nazioni Unite, e dare
l'impressione di un certo multilateralismo. Questo
concetto vago si applica soprattutto alle nazioni
occidentali, supposte rappresentanti della coscienza
superiore dell'umanità. Nello stesso tempo, questa
"Comunità internazionale" corrispondeva, in realtà, a
un "condominio imperiale" delle potenze occidentali
capitaliste che, unite sull'egemonia usa, potrebbe
dominare il mondo senza distruggersi mutualmente nelle
guerre mondiali per dividersi i continenti del
Sud. Tale "Comunità internazionale" o "condominio
imperiale", imporrebbe un ordine "morale" al mondo,
basato sui "valori", soprattutto i "diritti

La Continuità

A paragone con la squadra di Bush, sempre più
chiaramente criminale, il mondo rischia di provare una
grande nostalgia per l'amministrazione Clinton, e di
desiderare il ritorno dei democratici come i
paleo-cristiani desideravano il ritorno di Cristo.
Il multilateralismo tradizionale dei Democratici
salvava almeno le
apparenze agli occhi degli alleati europei, che
potevano giocare i ruoli secondari e pagare il
pedaggio con un minimo di dignità.
Ma attenzione, se è vero che all'inizio l'elettorato
democratico, abbia gradito
I politici democratici, ritenuti più "liberali", cioè
più "sociali", per quanto riguarda la politica
interna; c'è da segnalare due cose: in politica
interna, tutti si situano a destra in rapporto alla
Francia... e poi, per quanto riguarda la politica
estera, è solo la presentazione che cambia. In fondo,
c'è una grande continuità, dovuta alla logica di un
complesso militar-industriale gonfiato, e assicurato
da una piccola élite di specialisti che creano
progetti di politica internazionale nel comfort di
fondazioni private, nascoste agli sguardi della
popolazione ma assai vicine ai mass media.
Vorrei segnalare qualche indizio di tale continuità.
Avete visto il Presidente Bush esortare le sue truppe
proclamando che "noi abbiamo il più grande esercito
della Terra" come se fosse una virtù morale. Ma
l'ambasciatrice di Clinton, Madeleine Albright, aveva
esclamato, "a cosa serve avere la più grande forza
militare del mondo se non la si usa!" La personalità
che, scioccata da queste parole bellicose, le aveva
raccontate nelle sue memorie, non era altri che il
Generale Colin Powell, che ne ha poi viste altre...
Si, era già stata Madeleine Albright a voler scatenare
la guerra contro la Jugoslavia senza mandato del
Consiglio di Sicurezza. Oggi, quando il Presidente
Chirac e il suo ministro degli esteri insistono sulla
necessità di passare dal Consiglio di Sicurezza delle
Nazioni Unite, non ci si disturba più di tanto a
ricordarsi che non aveva avuto tali pensieri solo
quattro anni fa...
Ma bisogna dirlo.

Il Kossovo

Qui devo affrontare un argomento che molti vorrebbero
evitare, il Kossovo,
poiché l'illusione non è ancora totalmente scomparsa
per ciò che concerne
il Kossovo, dato che molti conservano ancora una
impressione errata delle cause come degli effetti.
Bisogna ritornarvi, perché la "riuscita" della guerra
del Kossovo è citata regolarmente, oggi, come
precedente felice, come argomento irrefutabile in
favore della "guerra preventiva" contro i "dittatori"
che non penserebbero altro che a commettere dei
"genocidi". Se non si rompe tale illusione, si
continuerà a brandire "il Kossovo" come la carta
bianca alla guerra "giusta" in permanenza. Tutto ciò
era prevedibile. Giustificare la guerra preventiva
senza mandato del Consiglio di Sicurezza doveva creare
un precedente pericoloso, come Hubert Védrine stesso
ha riconosciuto poco dopo, nelle pagine
del Le Monde diplomatique. Non posso giudicare a qual
punto i dirigenti europei dispongano di servizi di
informazione ingannato dalla retorica del momento, ma
tutti hanno ripetuto la stessa propaganda all'epoca:
le peggiori menzogne provenivano dalla squadra inglese
del recidivo Blair, e del ministro della difesa
tedesco Rudolf Scharping, che si è dimesso poco dopo,
durante una ondata di scandali.
In Francia, esisteva la "lobby Sarajevo" che reclamava
tale intervento militare come solo mezzo per trattare
i conflitti jugoslavi. Molti intellettuali francesi,
soprattutto quelli che hanno trasformato la funzione
della "filosofia" da desiderio di sapere in vetrina di
indignazione contro i miscredenti lontani, hanno
stigmatizzato tutti gli sforzi per comprendere e per
cercare la conciliazione come una sorta di complicità
con il nuovo "Hitler". Rigettando ogni realismo in
politica come opera del diavolo, hanno preferito
volgersi ai missili cruise per regolare gli affari
Bisognava essere degli ingenui per credere che gli
USA, vista la loro storia di ingerenze aperte o
clandestine (tra gli altri) in Guatemala, Iran,
Vietnam, Cile, Angola, e in modo sempre costante da un
secolo in tutta l'America centrale, andassero, una
volta liberi dalla costrizione rappresentata da una
superpotenza rivale, a trasformarsi in braccio armato
delle sorelle della carità.
in realtà, gli USA non si sono fatti trascinare nella
guerre del Kossovo a causa degli argomenti di BHL o
dalle lacrime di Glucksmann.
Come per la guerra in Iraq, essi volevano andare a
cercare dei pretesti, quando essi non li creano.
Le vere cause sono visibili a partire degli effetti
reali. I risultati eloquenti della guerra del Kossovo
sono i seguenti:
* legittimare la guerra come mezzo privilegiato per
risolvere i problemi politici, che porta a
delegittimare i negoziati, la diplomazia, la
mediazione, tutti i mezzi pacifici che, si vede oggi,
sono rigettati come forme di lassezza.
* creare un precedente per fare la guerre senza
mandato del Consiglio di Sicurezza con il pretesto del
caso urgente, urgenze valutata dagli USA e (forse) dai
loro alleati.
* salvare la Nato dandole una nuova "missione
umanitaria" fuori dalla zona di difesa dei paesi
dell'alleanza, e trasformandola in "scatola degli
attrezzi" da cui gli USA possono poggiare le loro
operazioni più a Est e al Sud. Qui si trova la causa e
l'effetto più importanti di tali avventure, ciò che
spiega la grande fretta con cui bisogna procedere ai
bombardamenti nel momento scelto, alla vigilia del
cinquantenario della Nato, che permetteva a Washington
di presentare la nuova strategia della Nato in fatto
compiuto, senza dibattito vero.
* rinforzare in modo decisivo l'influenza degli USA
sull'Europa con la scusa della Nato. Tale operazione è
stata cruciale offrendo ai paesi dell'Europa
ex-comunista una adesione occidentale alternative
all'Unione Europea.
* fare del Kossovo una base militare usa, "Camp
Bondsteel", costruito poco dopo l'occupazione del
Kossovo senza domandare il permesso a nessuno.

E il Kossovo stesso? Il problema dei "due popoli per
una terra "durava da molto tempo, e avrebbe dovuto
essere trattato con cautela, come altri problemi dello
stesso genere. Ciò che ha precipitato la crisi era
soprattutto la crisi finanziaria in Albania nel 1997,
che da una parte apriva una porta al negoziato
(scoraggiando, per un istante, i separatisti) e
dall'altro inondava il Kossovo di armi rubate dagli
arsenali albanesi. Un crocevia tra pace e guerra dove
gli USA hanno scelto il cammino della guerra, dicendo
il contrario. L'UÇK, sostenuto vigorosamente da un
lobby a Washington comprendente un vecchio candidato
repubblicano alla presidenza, Robert Dole, ha potuto
giocare contro Milosevic il ruolo di "Contras"
lanciato dalla CIA contro il Nicaragua sandinista, per
ridurre tutta la Jugoslavia a uno stato simile a
quello dei paesi dell'America centrale. Il Kossovo
occupato e governato formalmente dalle Nazioni Unite,
realtà dai paesi della Nato con qualche ausiliario
subordinato, è diventato lo snodo dei traffici di
donne, droga e armi. Liberati dalla polizia serba, le
milizie albanofone si fanno la guerra tra di loro. Io
non dirò quale sia l'obiettivo usa, ma è il tipo di
situazione in cui si accomodano assai bene un po'
dappertutto, ove cercano un qualsiasi alleato contro
un regime recalcitrante.

La volontà d'ingerenza militare

Dall'inizio della crisi jugoslava nei primi anni '80,
l'ingerenza delle potenze occidentali, senza dirlo
apertamente, e in una certa misura, forse senza
pensarlo, aveva fatto di tutto per preparare il
proprio intervento militare.
1 - Primo, è noto che il governo tedesco ha insistito
sul riconoscimento dell'indipendenza della Slovenia e
della Croazia, contro ogni regola diplomatica e contro
l'avviso dei propri diplomatici sul posto. È un
argomento interessante, che io tratto nel mio libro,
mai per deferenza verso l'atteggiamento attuale
del governo tedesco, non voglio insistere troppo su
tale aspetto, qui. Ma bisogna notare ciò che ha spinto
al riconoscimento rapido insistendo sul fatto che ciò
avrebbe impedito la guerra civile troncando la
questione della Jugoslavia una volta per sempre. Ma il
vero risultato del riconoscimento rapido non fu la
fine del conflitto, ma piuttosto trasformare una
guerra civile in conflitto internazionale, aprendo la
via all'intervento internazionale. Prendendo parte con
i secessionisti, gli stati europei ridussero le loro
possibilità di mediazione neutra e contribuirono alla
2 - Dopo la disintegrazione violenta della Jugoslavia
fu determinata anche dagli USA che proclamandosi in
favore della preservazione della Jugoslavia, per via
diplomatica impedì all'Armata popolare jugoslava di
mantenere l'unità del paese con la forza. Tale gesto
di "pacifismo belante" dava carta bianca alle forze
nazionaliste e separatiste che si erano armate
clandestinamente e che si sono messe a realizzare la
secessione con il fatto compiuto. Tutte queste
secessioni, quelle della Slovenia, della Croazia, ma
anche dei Serbi di Krajina che fecero secessione dalla
Croazia, avrebbero potuto essere impedite
dell'esercito jugoslavo, il tempo di prendere delle
misure per salvare la Federazione
multinazionale, ciò che senza dubbio, voleva la
maggioranza della popolazione della Jugoslavia, che
non è stata mai consultata nel suo insieme e che non
immaginava i disastri futuri.
L'ironia, è che alla fine gli USA, che avevano vietato
l'uso della forza per preservare il paese
"multietnico" hanno alla fine utilizzato essi stesi
una forza ben più devastatrice, dicendo di preservare
la multietnicità di certi frammenti della federazione
dissolta. Ciò che non sono riusciti a fare con la loro
forza militare, visto lo stato delle relazioni
inter-etniche estremamente tese nei protettorati di
Bosnia e del Kossovo.

Dietro la facciata del multilateralismo, nei conflitti
jugoslavi, gli USA hanno sabotato gli sforzi europei
per favorire una soluzione negoziata.
In Bosnia, hanno incoraggiato Izetbegovic, il cui
partito aveva delle buone relazioni con gli USA,
soprattutto tramite Mohamed Sacirbey e suo padre.
Bisogna leggere le memorie di David Owen per vedere
come Washington ha sabotato ogni accordo di pace.
Assimilando la guerra a un match sportivo, si adottò
l'assurdo slogan che si doveva dotare la Bosnia di un
"terreno di gioco equo" armando la parte più debole...
una logica già applicata infatti nella guerra
Iran-Iraq, che l'Occidente aveva attizzato per otto
anni... ma che non si applica, evidentemente, a
Israele e Palestina. In realtà, con l'Iran e altri
paesi mussulmani, gli USA hanno rinforzato il partito
di Izetbegovic, con il risultato di avere una guerra
prolungata, più sofferenze e morti, gli integralisti
islamisti giunti da fuori e installati presso Zenica e
alla fine dei conti una Bosnia ancora più divisa di
quanto era stato deciso a Lisbona.
Tutt'altro che eccezionale, questa alleanza con il
partito islamista era in perfetta continuità con la
politica usa nel Medio Oriente, che ha costantemente
favorito gli islamisti contro i regimi laici dei paesi
mussulmani. È così che la rete di vecchi combattenti
dell'Afghanistan, spesso legati a bin Laden, fossero
i benvenuti. E è molto significativo che la
delegazione di Izetbegovic a Dayton fosse consigliata
da Richard Perle, il sinistro consigliere al Pentagono
dell'amministrazione Bush, e del campione dell'estrema
destra in Israele, Netanyahou....
-- In Kosovo, invece d cercare la conciliazione,
Washington l'ha resa impossibile incoraggiando
l'intransigenza degli Albanesi. Attraverso la National
Endowment for Democracy {"la fondazione nazionale per
la democrazia"), stabilita sotto l'amministrazione
Reagan per finanziare l'ingerenza nella vita politica
di altri paesi, gli USA hanno potuto influenzare il
modo con cui il problema del Kossovo veniva visto dal
resto del mondo, compresi anche gli Albanesi del
Kossovo stesso. Questa fondazione è un esempio
importante del fenomeno delle "organizzazioni
non-governative" ..., fenomeno che gioca un ruolo
capitale nella formazione della "politica dei diritti
dell'uomo" che serve a giustificare gli interventi
detti "umanitari".
Questo aiuto usa era particolarmente importante nel
campo decisivo dell'informazione sui diritti
dell'uomo. La fonte principale dei rapporti diffusi
nel mondo sulla questione del trattamento della
popolazione albanese in Kossovo era il "Consiglio per
la Difesa diritti dell'uomo e delle Libertà",
fondato nel 1989 da militanti separatisti albanesi.
Tali organismi non s'interessavano dei diritti di
tutti gli abitanti del Kossovo, ma unicamente dei
Kossovari albanesi, poiché il Consiglio era lo
strumento della propaganda a favore della causa, e
l'esagerazione dei fatti diveniva una abitudine. Uno
dei doni della fondazione ha permesso al Consiglio di
assumere un direttore a tempo pieno e di stabilire una
rete di 27 sotto-comitati presenti in tutte le
cittadine della provincia. Nel 1998, una pubblicazione
di tale "fondazione nazionale per la democrazia" si
vantava di questo aiuto, che ha fornito a circa 2.000
volontari fax e computer. Il Consiglio, secondo i suoi
benefattori, era "la fonte delle informazioni più
importante sui diritti dell'uomo in Kossovo. Una larga
gamma di organizzazioni internazionali diritti
dell'uomo e di agenzie di stampa usarono le sue
informazioni, come la Federazione Internazionale
Diritti dell'Uomo, la Commissione delle Nazioni Unite
per diritti dell'uomo, e l'agenzia Associated Press."
Così, una piccola provincia dipinta soccombente sotto
una oppressione degna dei nazisti, era coperta da una
rete di uffici pagati dall'estero, dove gli oppositori
dello stato lavoravano continuamente per screditare
questo stato presso le organizzazioni e il pubblico di
tutto il mondo.
Data la difficoltà di penetrare la società albanese
tradizionale, e la rarità delle persone che conoscono
la lingua albanese, non era facile per le ONG o le
agenzie stampa straniere verificare queste
Pertanto, in generale le accettavano e le diffondevano
senza porre troppe domande. Erano le "vittime" a
Tale credulità funzionava come un invito ai duemila
Albanesi della rete a riferire ciò che pensavano utile
per servire la loro causa, senza preoccuparsi troppo
del concetto astratto di "verità", un ideale non
necessariamente considerato come più onorevole che la
fedeltà al proprio clan o al proprio sangue. Durante i
bombardamenti della Nato, lo stesso Consiglio
continuava a fornire all'Occidente le storie di
atrocità di cui era più avida che mai... per
giustificare i suoi bombardamenti.
Dopo, quando molte delle sue storie si rivelarono
fasulle, si pensava già a una altra cosa.
-- In stretto collegamento con l'UCK, gli USA hanno
sabotato la missione dell'OSCE (così come testimonia
l'ambasciatore francese Gabriel Keller). Hanno
trasformato l'incidente dell'attacco della polizia
serba contro la base dell'UCK a Racak in "massacro"
genocida e in casus belli.
Qui bisogna notare un altro elemento di continuità nel
personale: l'ambasciatore inviato dall'amministrazione
Clinton per dirigere la missione dell'OSCE in Kossovo,
William Walker, era un pratico dell'ingerenza più
sanguinaria in America centrale. Le sue attività
legate ai "Contras" lo hanno ben preparato... e sotto
la presidenza di Reagan, Walker era uno stretto
collaboratore di Elliott Abrams, le cui attività
criminali legate alla vendita illegale di armi
per finanziare i terroristi "Contra" sono
documentate... e perdonate dal primo presidente Bush.
Oggi lo stesso Elliott Abrams -- assai legato
all'estrema destra sionista-- dopo essere stato
incaricato di "diritti dell'uomo", è incaricato degli
affari del Medio Oriente dal Consiglio Nazionale di
Sicurezza di Bush.
-- Per tornare all'amministrazione Clinton, gli USA
hanno bloccato invece di incoraggiare i negoziati tra
Albanesi del Kossovo e Belgrado. Infine, hanno
impedito che i "negoziati" di Rambouillet trovassero
una soluzione pacifica. Non solamente con il loro
"allegato B", che avrebbe trasformato la Jugoslavia in
paese occupato militarmente, -- ma ignorando
completamente le proposte serbe e insistendo
soprattutto sulla presenza in Kossovo, non di una
forza di pace internazionale, dicono delle Nazioni
Unite, che avrebbe potuto essere accettabile da
Belgrado, ma della Nato.
L'essenziale per Washington era l'occupazione della
Nato. E una volta sul posto, hanno costruito (senza
chiedere il permesso a nessuno) la base di Bondsteel,
da dove incoraggiano l'UCK a perseguire i suoi
progetti in Macedonia...

Il mito manicheo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale

L'accettazione della guerra come solo mezzo di
trattare il problema del Kossovo ritornava a
confermare e a rinforzare il mito manicheo della
Seconda Guerra Mondiale come griglia di percezione del
mondo. Tale mito è un elemento essenziale della
propaganda degli USA nella sua fase attuale di
giustiziere universale. È l'antidoto alla supposta
"sindrome del Viet-Nam", lezione di una sconfitta. Il
mito è un atto di fede basato su una versione
semplicistica degli anni 1933-45 trasformati in unico
modello per sistemare l'identità profonda delle
nazioni e delle loro relazioni. Così, tutto viene
ridotto a qualche personaggio: innanzitutto Hitler, il
mostro, le sue vittime passive, e lo Zio Sam che
salva essi da quell'altro. Le motivazioni politiche
sono ugualmente ridotto a poche: da un lato il mostro,
una volontà diabolica di commettere un genocidio.
Dall'altro lato lo Zio Sam, la generosità e il
coraggio. IL ruolo dell'Armata Rossa nella sconfitta
della Wehrmacht? A Diavolo! Domandate agli
statunitensi chi ha liberato Auschwitz, diranno i GIs,
hanno visto il film. Ma ci sono dei figuranti, i
Francesi, che cercano di scoprire il proprio posto in
questa distribuzione: le pecche... mi fermo, non si
deve che consultare la stampa detta di informazione
britannica. Ma questa visione semplicista trova i suoi
adepti in Europa, e anche in Francia, dove si raffina:
il populismo nazionalista della popolazione che
rischia sempre di essere sfruttata dall'Hitler di
Tale mito ha i suoi usi. Il più evidente è di
giustificare, nei casi ben scelti, l'uso della forza
usa contro ogni negoziato, la "capitolazione
incondizionata" dell'avversario resta la sole carta di
tutte le guerre condotte dagli USA.
Contro la vecchia saggezza che cerca di lasciare una
via di uscita all'altro, gli Yankee non accettano che
l'umiliazione totale dell'altro. Quando gli USA
vogliono ingerirsi, ogni dirigente mal animato diviene
"Hitler" e ogni repressione di una rivolta locale
diviene "genocidio". Se sono nostri amici, si tratta
di una lotta legittima contro il terrorismo.
Ma vi è un altro uso di questo mito, più sottile:
serve da strumento d'intimidazione morale verso
l'Europa, soprattutto la Germania e, più ancora, la
Francia. Poiché per una strana deformazione, che non è
il soggetto di questa conferenza, la Francia è
l'obiettivo privilegiato de l'accusa di
"anti-semitismo"... vasto argomento che lascio da

Affrontare la realtà del ventesimo secolo

Il Pentagono ha trovato che il "multilateralismo" era
un rumore nella guerra del Kossovo. Gli Europei hanno
potuto apprendere che erano lì per dividere i costi e
gestire il dopo... questa lezione si è ripetuta in
Afghanistan. La lezione non è stata ancora totalmente
assimilata, ma l'allievo fa progressi sotto la foga
del maestro Rumsfeld. L'illusione dell'unità europea e
atlantica è stata rotta dal disprezzo manifesto dei
dirigenti anglo-americani e dei loro media verso i
loro cari alleati una volta che essi osino prendere
una posizione indipendente.
Bisogna demistificare i famosi "valori comuni". Si può
pensare che gli statunitensi nella loro maggioranza
vogliano sempre la libertà et la democrazia. Come
tutti gli europei, e come tutti, forse, la maggioranza
delle persone nel mondo, in un modo o nell'altro.
Pertanto, il capitalismo neo-liberale scatenato, un
complesso militar-industriale dominante, un lavaggio
del cervello quotidiano da parte dei media posseduti
da quelle potenze, un sistema elettorale sottomesso al
denaro, hanno finito con l'eliminare la democrazia
dalle sfere dominanti della società usa.
Sarebbe senza dubbio desiderabile portare la
democrazia in Bosnia-Herzégovina, in Kossovo, in Iraq
o in Tibet. È molto più importante per l'avvenire del
mondo restaurarla negli USA.
Non ne sarete, forse, d'accordo, ma queste potenze
nefaste che dominano la vita politica usa non hanno
ancora soffocato la democrazia della "vecchia Europa".
Si prova: la "nuova Europa" proclamata dal Segretario
alla difesa Donald Rumsfeld è quella dove i capi di
governo seguono gli ordini di Washington senza
rispettare né il diritto, né la morale, né l'opinione
pubblica. È una dimostrazione significativa della
"democrazia" che Washington vuole imporre come "nuovo
ordine mondiale".
La Francia ha oscurato, come il resto dell'Occidente,
nella spoliticizzazione del neo-liberalismo, ma
restano ancora dei "valori" che non sono quelli degli
USA di Bush. La libertà, per i Bushiti, è il "mercato
libero", che non è libero, ma ordinato secondo gli
interessi dei più forti, che impediscono ai più deboli
di proteggere la propria produzione, popolazione e
L'eguaglianza è totalmente rovesciata... sono
d'accordo con Emmanuel Todd che gli USA imperiali non
possono più pretendere all'universalismo, poiché il
loro sistema aggrava in modo drammatico le
Quanto alla fraternità, una società in cui gli uomini
si sentono obbligati ad armarsi fino ai denti per
proteggersi dai propri vicini, scompare...
Dunque parlare di una "comunità di valori" tra la
Francia e gli USA di Bush non ha più, spero, alcun
senso. I "valori" che Washington vuole imporre con la
forza spezzerebbe il ghiaccio dei valori di sinistra
della rivoluzione francese.

Certuni in Francia sognano una "Europa" superpotenza
per contrastare la superpotenza USA. Ma la crisi
attuale ha già mostrato che è troppo tardi per ciò ...
Nel campo della tecnologia militare, le cose sono
talmente ingarbugliate che
"l'Europa" come entità politica indipendente non può
raggiungere gli USA, d'altronde, questa potenza
militare non è concepita che per le "guerre"
unilaterali contro avversari deboli. Se l'Europa
abbandonasse, come gli Usa, i suoi progressi sociali
per finanziare una gigantesca macchina militare,
finirebbe con il fare la stessa politica.
L'alternativa non è ritornare alle rivalità tra grandi
potenze imperialiste occidentali che hanno prodotto le
due grandi guerre del XX° secolo.
È vano rispondere all'arroganza USA con l'imitazione.
Bisogna fare una via opposta, cui si è vista una prima
speranza con il discorso di Dominique de Villepin al
Consiglio di Sicurezza. Tale discorso ha ricevuto una
ovazione che mostra la via. Evidentemente M. de
Villepin non porta alla rivoluzione, ne a un'altra
mondializzazione che si può stimare necessaria per
salvare il pianeta. Ma al punto in cui noi siamo, la
prima necessità è di resistere alla guerra di
conquista, di fare rispettare un minimo di diritto
internazionale, e infine di disarmare la sola grande
potenza pronta a usare le sue armi di distruzione di
massa sulle terre e i popoli del mondo.

In l'assenza di una politica possibile di eguaglianza
economica, i popoli si volgono verso l'affermazione
delle identità, anche alla politica identitaria,
nazionale o religiosa, promette almeno certi vantaggi
in una comunità che esclude gli altri. È una tendenza
assai diffusa, assai comprensibile, ma non bisogna
incoraggiarla. È un passo verso la guerra di tutti
contro tutti, che sarà gestita dal più forte.
L'auto-determinazione degna di sostegno non è
l'affermazione di una identità, ma la volontà di
sviluppare, puntando all'eguaglianza dei diritti
politici in un ordine economico che conserve
l'ambiente naturale e sociale: scuole, salute, e altri
servizi pubblici.

La Francia e la "vecchia Europa" devono cercare una
nuova solidarietà con il mondo, e soprattutto con i
popoli del Sud... non in quanto "vittime" da salvare
ma in quanto attori capaci di regolare i propri
affari... male, forse, ma meglio che essere fatti al
loro posto. Sono questi i "valori comuni" di libertà,
eguaglianza e di fraternità.
La crisi attuale ha svelato la sola via per l'Europa,
indicata quasi per caso (elezioni tedesche, l'opera
francese all'Onu): unirsi al resto del mondo, compresa
la Cina e la Russia, esigendo un vero multilateralismo
mondiale, che obblighi gli USA a divenire un grande
paese come un altro, e non il centro di un
Impero feroce.

Diana Johnstone
autrice di "Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, Nato and
Western Delusions"
Pluto Press 2002

Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio
e-mail: alexlattanzio@...

Neonazismo: il Vaticano e la Croazia (3)

1. A San Pietro l'oro di Pavelic (Marco Aurelio Rivelli)

2. La preparazione della terza visita del Papa in Croazia, centesimo
viaggio all'estero (ANSA / Il Manifesto)

=== 1 ===

La Padania, 19 febbraio 2000

A San Pietro l'oro di Pavelic

Di Marco Aurelio Rivelli

Una bomba che esplode scuotendo il Vaticano; George Zivkovich, classe
1937, serbo di religione ortodossa, residente in California, si è
recentemente rivolto ai tribunali americani citando in giudizio la
Santa Sede, e più precisamente l'istituto per le opere di religione,
Io IOR, in altre parole la banca vaticana già protagonista di numerosi
scandali negli ultimi decenni. Zivkovich, che, ragazzo, era scampato
al genocidio serbo perpetrato dagli ustascia croati negli anni
1941-1945, rivendica il tesoro che l'ex dittatore Ante Pavelic aveva
lasciato in custodia, o donato per grazia ricevuta al Vaticano nel
'45. Lo affiancano nell'azione giudiziaria circa 2.000 compatrioti.
Il regime ustascia, portato al governo in Croazia in quegli anni,
grazie all'invasione delle forze dell'Asse, fu il più feroce espresso
dai nazifascisti. Più feroce ancora di quello hitleriano, ed è tutto
dire in quello stato che contava poco più di sei milioni d'abitanti,
un terzo dei quali serbi di religione ortodossa, gli ustascia
massacrarono un milione di questi unitamente a 50 mila ebrei 30 mila
zingari, cioè il 20 per cento della popolazione.
All'eccidio parteciparono numerosi sacerdoti e frati cattolici con la
complicità di vescovi, con la connivenza del Primate, arcivescovo
Stepinac, recentemente beatificato il tutto con l'implicito
beneplacito di Pio XII.
Crollato il suo regno, Pavelic scappò insieme ai suoi gerarchi e a 500
religiosi cattolici fra i più compromessi nell'eccidio, trovando
rifugio a Roma dove visse per tre anni nascosto nel Collegio di San
Girolamo degli Illirici, in Via Tomacelli, edificio protetto
dall'extraterritorialità vaticana. Non giunse a mani vuote.
ma, come tutti gli ospiti che si rispettino, portò un dono: l'oro, i
gioielli e i titoli rapinati alle vittime. Anche a Stepinac aveva
lasciato un presente, trentasei casse d'oro, che l'arcivescovo si fece
incautamente scoprire un anno dopo dal governo di Tito. Il Vaticano
ricambiò il munifico omaggio facendo fuggire questo criminale in
Argentina nel 1949 vestito in abiti talari e munito d'adeguato
passaporto. Con le stesse modalità, la Santa Sede aiutò a fuggire due
cento ustascia e cinquemila delinquenti nazisti, l'aristocrazia del
crimine, fra i quali il dottor Mengele, Walter Rauff, Adolf Eichmmm,
Erick Priebke, Franz Stangl. A capo dell'organizzazione di soccorso
vaticana, che attivò quella che gli alleati denominarono rat line, la
via dei topi, vi erano Draganovic, monsignore ed ex colonnello
ustascia, e il vescovo Alois Hudal, titolare in Roma della chiesa di
Santa Maria dell'Anima, uomo di fiducia di papa Pacelli. Le memorie
di Hudal pubblicate in tedesco dopo la sua morte, rappresentano la
più dettagliata documentazione della via dei topi: "compito svolto
per incarico del Vaticano", com'egli afferma.
Dell'oro croato nascosto in Vaticano correvano voci, fin
dall'immediato dopoguerra nell'ambiente dei servizi segreti Gli
ustascia emigrati in Argentina si confidarono con le autorità di quel
paese, attivando la stessa Evita Peron, subito partita per l'Italia
allo scopo di convincere Pio XII a rispettare gli impegni presi con
Pavelic di restituirgli una parte del bottino. Evita tornò a Buenos
Aires a mani vuote perché l'oro non era stato restituito, ma affidato
in gestione al vescovo Alberto di Jorio, presidente dello IOR, e al
suo alter ego Bernardino Nogara.
La regia vaticana nella via dei topi è documentata per la prima volta
da un rapporto - top secret - inviato il 15 maggio 1947 dall'addetto
militare Usa a Roma Vincent La Vista, al Segretario di Stato americano
George Marshall, che dettaglia le responsabilità vaticane e la
partecipazione di numerosi sacerdoti all'attività illegale e
clandestina. La Vista informa che grossi quantitativi d'oro,
trafugato alle vittime sarebbero stati occultati nei Palazzi
Questo documento segue di poco quello dell'agente speciale del Tesoro
Usa Emerson Bigelow, - che documenta come nelle casse vaticane sia
finito un quantitativo d'oro per un valore di 200 milioni di franchi
svizzeri. depredato dagli ustascia. Analoga affermazione viene dalle
memorie di James V. Milano, comandante del 430' distaccamento del
controspionaggio dell'Us Army's Comiter Intelligence Corps, il quale
aggiunge altri particolari a quelli già noti.
Il 22 luglio 1997 il quotidiano francese Nice Matin, pubblica un
articolo intitolato "Oro croato al Vaticano?" "L'amministrazione
americana indaga su un trasferimento d'ottocento milioni di franchi
francesi", nel quale è scritto:
"Bili Clinton ha annunciato ieri che il Dipartimento del Tesoro sta
studiando il documento d'archivio che rivela che la Santa Sede ha
conservato dell'oro dell'antico regime fascista di Croazia. Secondo il
documento, diffuso da una rete televisiva americana, una parte
rilevante delle riserve d'oro del regime fascista croato, del valore
di circa ottocento milioni di franchi, sotto forma di lingotti d'oro,
sarebbe stato immagazzinato presso il Vaticano, verso la fine della
Seconda guerra mondiale, per evitare che venisse sequestrato dagli
alleati... Secondo voci insistenti queste riserve. essenzialmente
costituite da lingotti d'oro, in seguito sarebbero state dirottate, a
cura del Vaticano, verso la Spagna e l'Argentina. L'estensore del
documento afferma comunque di ritenere che queste voci siano
state diffuse dal Vaticano per nascondere la verità, secondo lui
queste riserve non hanno mai lasciato la città pontificia".
La Santa Sede, attraverso il portavoce del papa, Joaquim Navarro
Valls, smentisce tutto, definendo le notizie riportate dal quotidiano
francese "informazioni senza alcun fondamento".
La certezza che il tesoro ustascia si trovi ancora in Vaticano riceve
il crisma dell'ufficialità il 2 giugno 1998 dal Rapporto Usa stilato
dal sottosegretario di Stato Usa Stuart Eizenstat, che afferma, fra
l'altro, che gli archivi ustascia furono portati in Vaticano, così
come oro e gioielli. Aggiunge che "anche se non ci sono prove
dell'implicazione diretta del papa e dei suoi consiglieri, sembra
inverosimile che essi abbiano del tutto ignorato ciò che stava
accadendo. Le autorità vaticane hanno affermato di non avere trovato
alcun documento suscettibile di far luce sulla questione dell'oro
ustascia". La reazione ufficiale di parte vaticana, espressa dal
portavoce pontificio Joaquin Navarro Valls è "il segretario
dell'istituto San Girolamo, che era all'epoca Krunoslav Draganovic,
ha forse utilizzato quest'oro unicamente a proprio titolo, senza
l'autorizzazione dell'istituto e senza che il Valicano lo sapesse".
L'avvocata americana Keelyn Friesen, che coordina l'azione giudiziaria
contro lo IOR e gli altri accusati di complicità nell'imboscamento
del tesoro ustascia promossa da Zivkovic e dai suoi compagni, promette
battaglia dura ed esige giustizia. Una giustizia, che se deve suonare
condanna per l'indegno agire d'uomini della Chiesa, chiama anche in
causa tutti i successori di Pio XII.

=== 2 ===


(ANSA-AFP) ZAGABRIA, 7 GEN - Il primo ministro croato Ivica Racan ha
dichiarato oggi che il suo paese ha iniziato i preparativi per
accogliere papa Giovanni Paolo II, la cui visita in Croazia si
svolgera' probabilmente tra maggio e giugno. Il governo croato ''si
rallegra della visita del santi padre in Croazia e intende fare il
possibile perche' questa visita sia organizzaa nella maniera
migliore'', ha detto Racan in un comunicato. Il documento e' stato
pubblicato dopo un incontro tra Racan e una delegazione del Vaticano
incaricata di preparare la visita del papa che, secondo fonti di
stampa, dovrebbe svolgersi in giugno o in maggio. Il governo ha
costituito una commissione speciale incaricata di organizzare la
visita, al cui vertice e' stato posto il viceprimo ministro Goran
Granic. Il capo della delegazione pontificia, monsignor Renato
Boccardo, ha dichiarato che lo scopo della visita del papa in Croazia
''e' mettere l'accento sulle comuni radici culturali e spirituali dei
popoli dell'Europa centrale , dell'Est e dell'Ovest''. La delegazione
si rechera' nei prossimi giorni a Rijeka (Fiume), Zara, Dubrovnik e
Djakovo, quattro localita' che probaiblmente saranno incluse nel
viaggio del papa. Il papa si e' gia' recato due volte in Croazia da
quando questa e' diventata indipendente nel 1991. (ANSA-AFP) TF
07/01/2003 16:45


(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 13 GEN - Su invito del governo e della Conferenza
episcopale, Papa Giovanni Paolo II visitera' la Croazia dal 5 all'8
giugno prossimi. Lo ha annunciato oggi a Zagabria il capo del
Protocollo della segreteria generale della Santa Sede mons. Renato
Boccardo - riferisce l'agenzia Hina - al termine della prima riunione
del comitato per i preparativi della visita. Mons. Boccardo ha guidato
una delegazione vaticana che durante la scorsa settimana ha visitato
Fiume, Djakovo, Osijek, Dubrovnik e Zara, che saranno le tappe della
visita del Papa. Si trattera' della terza visita di Giovanni Paolo II,
dopo quelle nel 1994 e nel 1998, e, secondo il nunzio apostolico a
Zagabria Giulio Einaudi, rafforzera' ulteriormente i buoni rapporti
tra la Croazia e il Vaticano. Nel corso della conferenza stampa, mons.
Boccardo ha detto peraltro di non sapere nulla di un'eventuale visita
del Papa in Bosnia nello stesso mese, ipotizzata nelle ultime
settimane. (ANSA). COR*VD 13/01/2003 18:20


(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 19 FEB - Prima della terza visita di Papa Giovanni
Paolo II in Croazia, prevista per giugno, una sua statua sara'
collocata nel santuario di Maria Bistrica. Lo ha annunciato l'agenzia
di stampa croata Hina. La statua del Papa, che sta preparando lo
scultore di Zagabria Zlatko Cular, sara' in bronzo, alta 2,5 metri e
costera' 30mila euro. La realizzazione della statua e' stata decisa
dall' amministrazione del santuario mariano in segno di gratitudine,
per aver Giovanni Paolo II proclamato beato, durante la sua visita a
Marija Bistrica il 3 ottobre 1998, il cardinale croato Alojzije
Stepinac. (ANSA). COR*VD 19/02/2003 17:16


(ANSA-AFP) - ZAGABRIA, 18 MAG - Una statua di Papa Giovanni Paolo II
e' stata inaugurata oggi, giorno del suo 83/o compleanno, in una
piazza di Marija Bistrica, citta' della Croazia, circa 50 km a nord di
Zagabria. Lo ha annunciato l' agenzia Hina. Il Papa - che sara' di
nuovo in Croazia del 5 al 9 giugno prossimi - si era recato al
santuario di Marija Bistrica nel corso di una delle sue precedenti
visite, il 3 ottobre 1998, per celebrare la beatificazione del
cardinale croato Alojzije Stepinac.
Alta 2,8 metri e del peso di sette quintali, la statua in bronzo - che
raffigura il Pontefice in piedi - e' opera dello scultore croato
Zlatko Cular. Il basamento della scultura reca l'iscrizione: ''Al
Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo II, in segno di ringraziamento per la
fierezza che ha dato al popolo croato e per la sua fedelta'''.
Alla cerimonia di inaugurazione hanno partecipato tra gli altri il
primo ministro croato Goran Granic e il nunzio apostolico in Croazia,
mons. Giulio Einaudi.
Nella chiesa del santuario, d'altra parte, sono state installate nuove
vetrate, una delle quali raffigura il teologo croato Ivan Merz, che
sara' beatificato il 22 giugno prossimo a Banja Luka, in occasione di
una visita del Papa in Bosnia. (ANSA-AFP). DIG 18/05/2003 20:43


(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 2 GIU - Nel corso della prossima visita in Croazia,
il Papa incontrera' a Fiume, in forma privata, padre Zlatko Sudac, che
ha le stimmate a forma di croce sulla fronte, sui polsi e sui piedi.
Lo scrive oggi il quotidiano Jutarnji list, richiamandosi a fonti
Ufficialmente, scrive il giornale, padre Sudac sara' tra i religiosi
che accoglieranno il Papa al suo arrivo a Fiume, il 5 giugno, ma ci
sara' anche un breve incontro privato. Secondo le informazioni
raccolte da Jutarnji list, il Papa ha gia' ricevuto padre Sudac
l'anno scorso a Roma e ha pregato per la sua salute insieme a lui.
Poiche' proprio allora le condizioni di Giovanni Paolo II sono
visibilmente migliorate, sono in molti a credere, scrive il giornale,
che cio' sia avvenuto grazie all'incontro e alla preghiera con il
'padre Pio croato'.
Zlatko Sudac, 32 anni, dopo studi di psicologia e filosofia, e'
diventato sacerdote nel 1998. Le stimmate sui polsi e sui piedi gli
sono apparse nell'ottobre del 2000, mentre ne ha visto apparire una a
forma di croce gia' nel 1999. La croce sulla fronte pulsa e sanguina
ogni venerdi', mentre le altre stimmate molto piu' spesso.
L'anno scorso, al sacerdote sono state effettuate analisi all'ospedale
Gemelli di Roma e, in quell'occasione il vescovo Valter Zupan ha
dichiarato che ''le ferite di Sudac non sono causate da mezzi
meccanici, da laser o da malattie'' e che Sudac ''e' una persona
psicologicamente sana''. (ANSA). COR*VD 02/06/2003 17:24


(ANSA) - CITTA' DEL VATICANO, 4 GIU - Il Papa ha le valigie pronte per
il suo centesimo viaggio, che lo portera' in Croazia da domani al 9
giugno, e lo ha ricordato ai pellegrini radunati in piazza san Pietro
per l'udienza generale, rammentando inoltre le sofferenze patite dai
cattolici croati ''al tempo della persecuzione religiosa''. ''Mi
accingo domani - ha detto - a compiere con grande speranza il mio
terzo viaggio in Croazia, terra segnata dalla testimonianza di
intrepidi discepoli del Vangelo. Lo scopo - ha aggiunto - e' quello
di confermare nella fede i fratelli e le sorelle della comunita'
cattolica, che al tempo della persecuzione religiosa sono rimasti
fedeli a Cristo, e non temono di affrontare le sfide del momento
presente per continuare ad annunciarlo con coraggio''.
''Carissimi fratelli e sorelle - ha concluso - vi invito ad
accompagnarmi con la preghiera. Affido questo centesimo viaggio
apostolico alla Vergine santa, tanto venerata in Croazia, perche' sia
lei a guidare i miei passi e a ottenere per il popolo croato una
rinnovata primavera di fede e di civile progresso''. Alla vigilia
della partenza per un viaggio che si annuncia impegnativo per i tempi
e gli impegni previsti, il Papa e' apparso un po' affaticato.
L'udienza e' stata allietata da alcuni cori di fedeli e ragazzi, in
particolare uno di bimbi coreani in abiti tradizionali e uno croato,
che il Papa ha salutato con un ''arrivederci in Croazia''.(ANSA). TF
04/06/2003 17:14

il manifesto - 06 Giugno 2003

Il papa la proprone in Europa

Giovanni Paolo II ha cominciato il suo centesimo viaggio
internazionale affrontando due dei temi che saranno centrali nella sua
visita: l'interesse della Croazia a entrare in Europa e la necessità
di superare il passato di guerra. L'auspicio che la Croazia possa
entrare a far «parte integrante» dell'Europa è stato formulato
da Giovanni Paolo II nel discorso che ha pronunciato al suo arrivo a
Rijeka (Fiume), dov'è stato accolto da una piccola folla.«La Croazia
- ha detto il pontefice - ha posto recentemente la sua candidatura a
divenire parte integrante, anche dal punto di vista politico ed
economico, della grande famiglia dei popoli d'Europa. Non posso che
esprimere l'augurio di una felice realizzazione di tale aspirazione:
la ricca tradizione della Croazia contribuirà sicuramente a rafforzare
l'Unione sia come entità amministrativa e territoriale, che come
realtà culturale e spirituale». Da 13 anni, ha detto il papa che per
primo riconobbe l'autonomia del paese, «la Croazia percorre il
cammino della libertà e della democrazia». Accoglienza festosa per
Giovanni Paolo II anche al porto di Rijeka. Domani il viaggio entra
nella parte più impegnativa, con la visita a Dubrovnik, dove
beatificherà suor Maria Petkovic.

[Si notino gli accurati "omissis" sulla Storia, passata e recente,
della "Croazia Indipendente". CNJ]

Per le puntate precedenti su Monsieur Levy si veda:

Intellettuali di servizio

** Lettre ouverte à Bernard Henri LEVY **


Monsieur Bernard Henri LEVY,

Je ne prétends nullement être un écrivain encore

moins un philosophe, je suis simplement une citoyenne

française d'origine serbe et née au Kosovo. J'étais

désireuse de vous écrire depuis fort longtemps, depuis

plus d'une décennie que vous « salissez » le peuple serbe.

Vous avez contribués par vos dires et vos écrits à la

haine envers ce peuple et vous êtes par la teneur de

vos propos une personne raciste, qu'auriez vous dit si

les serbes dénonçaient la politique de destruction de

Sharon ? Automatiquement vous crieriez au scandale et

parleriez d'antisémitisme, n'est-ce pas ? J'estime que

vous êtes un fin connaisseur du peuple yougoslave et

vous pouvez donc distinguer aisément, grâce à vos

jumelles, qui est serbe et qui est bosniaque ! ! Je

cite une déclaration que vous avez faite : « Depuis

la fenêtre de ma chambre d'hôtel, j'ai aperçu un homme

voûté, sale avec un gros bouton sur le nez, c'était

un serbe. » Votre phrase dénote bien, pour une personne

prônant l'égalité des peuples, une forme très prononcée

de xénophobie basée sur des stéréotypes absurdes?.

Quelles connaissances vous permettent d'affirmer ceci,

comment croire en votre impartialité?. ?

Vous avez pris position au coté du peuple bosniaque

avant la guerre, vous avez défendu le fascisme de

Mr Tudjman, l'intégrisme de Mr Izetbegovic ces

même valeurs qu'il n'y a pas si longtemps ont conduit

le peuple juif à son extermination, bravo quelle leçon

d'histoire vous apportez aux générations

futures ! !D'ailleurs si je ne m'abuse, votre protégé a

été condamné à 2 ans de prison sous Tito pour

incitation à l'intégrisme et maintenant dans un livre

vous dénoncez ces mêmes faits suite à l'assassinat de

Mr Pearl, et je pense figurer parmi le petit nombre

d'individu originaire du Kosovo à déplorer sa mort. Le

peuple serbe a protégé le peuple juif (et même

Mme Albright) pendant que les oustachis, les

bosniaques musulmans, les balistes les pourchassaient.

Mme Albright a soutenu Tudjman, l'homme qui a

chassé la quasi-totalité des serbes de Croatie. Avant

que l'armée serbe attaque la ville de Vukovar les

fascistes et nazis de Tudjman ont massacré la

population serbe de cette ville, vous n'avez pas voulu

tenter d'analyser la situation, rechercher la vérité vous

aviez pris position et cela vous suffisait : traîner tout

un peuple dans la boue vous sciait. Pour un homme de

paix, pour votre animosité et inimitié que vous avez

clairement rendues publiques, vous devriez être traduit

devant les tribunaux, vous avez aidé à instaurer un

climat d'agressivité et d'antipathie à l'encontre d'un

peuple vous n'êtes qu'un homme et pas un messie.

Mais votre « titre » de philosophe vous place très

certainement au dessus de toutes craintes. Les

affiliations nazisme = serbe, ont créé une sorte de

camisole intellectuelle, voire terroriste. Quiconque

tente d'apporter une autre analyse, un récit différent

du vôtre ou met en doute une information officielle est

érigé au rang de révisionniste niant l'holocauste,

complice de fascisme et écarté du débat, où placez

vous donc la liberté de penser et le droit à la

différence ? Toute la propagande contre le peuple

serbe a été soigneusement préparée par des experts,

cette mascarade pseudo politique, à des fins bien

définies à l'avance. L'Allemagne a contribué à

l'éclatement de la Yougoslavie, Mr Charping a

déclaré : « Nous ne pouvons assister à l'extermination

de 30 000 hommes à Srebrenica », la Croix Rouge

internationale a avancé le chiffre de 7333 habitants

portés disparus. De ce fait, si tous les disparus étaient

morts alors ce chiffre représenterait le maximum de

tués par les serbes, le restant soit 22 667 seraient à la

solde exclusive de Mr Charping? Vous vous êtes

emporté tel un lion blessé pour le bombardement du

marché de Markale (que moi-même serbe je déplore),

sans vous poser de questions vous avez accusé les

serbes, qui juge et condamne sans preuve ? Les

dictateurs, les tortionnaires. Et pourtant cette tuerie

était l'?uvre des bosniaques afin de forcer l'OTAN à

bombarder les serbes, leur propre peuple. Renseignez

vous auprès de l'ONU, Mr Rose et tous ces généraux,

mais voilà question interdite : secret d'état. La

violence de vos paroles et la haine que vous engendrez

vous amène à comparer Mr Milosevic à Hitler, vous

auriez dû aussi citer Izetbegovic, ancien détenu,

oublier Mr Tudjman ex-prisonnier pour incitation au

fascisme, romancier révisionniste qui déclare : « Il n'y

a jamais eu de massacre envers le peuple juif par les

croates ». Mon peuple a protégé le peuple juif,

combattu le nazisme en 1940. A Paris, vous en tête

ainsi que médecins du monde et certains artistes vous

avez contribué à l'endoctrinement digne d'Hitler.

Vous omettez peut-être que dans toutes guerres il y a

des victimes, mais bizarrement aucune du côté serbe.

Vous avez manipulé le peuple français par le biais des

médias car il est juste d'affirmer que la guerre se fait

d'abord par l'information quelle soit écrite ou

télévisuelle. Vos souhaits se sont réalisés?Les serbes

ont payé le prix fort avec vos bombes à l'uranium

mais cela n'est rien puisque c'est le peuple barbare que

l'on punit. Je me suis souvent demandé si vous-même

et vos confrères, Kouchner, Gluckman et tous autres

hommes de paix aviez une âme et une conscience, ne

vous arrivent ils pas d'être rongés par le remord ?

Comme si pour une personne dite intellectuelle telle

que vous, le simple discours de Izetbegovic vous suffise

à juger et qualifier un peuple en l'occurrence le peuple

serbe. Dans l'émission Campus, vous avez présenté

votre livre, je déplore la mort de votre ami Pearl, moi

la serbe j'ai de la compassion pour les justes malgré

mon statut de barbare. Vous avez fait le voyage

jusqu'au Pakistan pour comprendre, savoir qui étaient

ces terroristes, avez-vous eu cette même démarche en

Bosnie pour rencontrer les serbes incriminés à tous

points de vues afin de tenter de comprendre leurs

actes ? Vous parlez de terrorisme, mais Milosevic

avait déjà dénoncé à cette époque qu'en Bosnie

plusieurs centaines de moudjahiddins, les mêmes

recherchés activement dans le monde entier,

sévissaient là-bas. Que pensez-vous de cela et que

répondez-vous au fait que votre allié Mr Izetbegovic

aie octroyé la nationalité bosniaque à certains d'entre

eux qui ont perpétré le massacre des serbes. A quoi

correspond votre colère envers le peuple serbe ? Soyez

sincère, ayez au moins une fois le courage de vos

opinions? ? Le nombre de français abattus ou blessés

l'a été par des snipers bosniaques, je vous accuse vous

et les ministres d'antan de propagande et de

révisionnisme. Parler de guerre et de nettoyage

ethnique cela me fait doucement sourire ; les

bosniaques ne sont ni plus ni moins des slaves

convertis à l'islam, les croates des slaves catholiques,

les serbes des slaves orthodoxes où voyez-vous des

ethnies. Le plus sage aurait été de soutenir et d'aider

la fédération à sortir de la période de crise qu'elle

connaissait à ce moment là au de lieu l'asservir tel un

pays du moyen-âge. Pour moi seules comptent mes

racines et non la religion, je ne m'en préoccupe pas.

Votre mascarade me dégoûte au plus haut point, à

quand l'inculpation et la traduction devant le TPI de

Mr Sharon pour l'extermination quotidienne du

peuple palestinien par la destruction massive des

habitations... ? Mais là encore le silence est de rigueur.

La Yougoslavie n'a jamais fait preuve d'ingérence

envers un autre pays, la Croatie, la Bosnie et la

Slovénie n'ont jamais constitué des états à proprement

dit, ils ont demandé l'assistance et l'aide des serbes, en

leur jurant amour et fidélité, pour les délivrer de leurs

oppresseurs : les autrichiens et autres nazis...Ceci a été

une ruse des plus fines et les serbes ont payé un lourd

tribut pour libérer leurs « frères » renégats. Vous avez

choisi le « camp du bien », je dirais plutôt que vous

avez voulu donner l'illusion au peuple musulman

d'être leur porte-parole, mais sachez monsieur qu'ils

n'ont nullement besoin de vous pour accomplir leurs

?uvres ! Votre phrase : « On ne peut laisser faire ceci

à deux heures de Paris », donc votre investissement est

proportionnel au nombre d'heures de vol de la

capitale... ? Les civils serbes ont subi des exactions

bien pires par les bosniaques et par les croates mais il

semble exister dans votre réalité un degré

d'importance pour les horreurs et les peuples

concernés. Même le général Morillon a accusé les

forces musulmanes mais ce n'est qu'une fois à la

retraite que sa langue a commencé à se délier et qu'il

a débuté son récit concernant les snipers bosniaques et

il n'était pas le seul d'ailleurs et malgré tout... Le fait

que le peuple serbe soit diabolique, calculateur et froid,

qu'il ait conquis 80 % de territoires, violé plus de 50

000 femmes bosniaques en 3 mois et jamais un seul

cadavre serbe. Quel exploit ! Pourriez-vous

m'expliquer comment sur 50 000 femmes violées, (le

viol est un crime, mais pas pour les occidentaux),

certaines étaient âgées, d'autres stériles donc sur à peu

près 20% fécondes et étant donné que l'avortement est

interdit où se trouvent les 10 000 petits « bâtards

serbes » prouvez vos dires et démontrez les au monde

entier. Vos allégations et votre haine distribuées par

les médias ont donné à l'opinion publique une image

faussée du peuple serbe. Les rapports de l'ONU (et

pourtant ils nous ont volontiers souillés) ont admis

que ce chiffre était de 2 400 mais non exclusivement

commis par les serbes. Dans les pays occidentaux il

n'y a pas de guerre mais chaque jour des dizaines de

viols mais vous n'êtes pas des sauvages. Quant aux

serbes, ils se doivent d'être coupables, mais ne le sont

ils pas depuis le début avec la politique que vous vous

efforcez de mener à leur encontre. Oui, la Serbie a été

un grand pays mais il semblerait que l'amputation

d'une partie de ses territoires eut été votre seul but

afin de satisfaire vos dirigeants. L'Israël se fait chaque

jour un peu plus grande en colonisant des terres qui ne

lui appartiennent pas, en tuant au nom de quoi, de qui

des palestiniens qui n'ont ni chars ni artilleries lourdes

mais de même que pour d'autres vous évitez

soigneusement ce sujet. Jamais entendu ou vu le

massacre de la population serbe près du village de

Srebrenica, pourquoi ? Les grands de ce monde

corrompu ont encouragé et aidé à l'éclatement de la

Yougoslavie et cela depuis la mort de Tito. A Split,

sur 9 400 serbes restent 9 serbes mais la Croatie est un

état démocrate. Les serbes restés ont été contraints de

changer leur nom et de se convertir au catholicisme,

en 2003, c'est tout à fait normal quelle laïcité, quelle

liberté, à quand votre conversion au catholicisme ? ?

En 1995, les réfugiés serbes fuyaient la Croatie sous

l'escorte de l'ONU, l'armée croate n'a pas hésité à

bombarder les colonnes de réfugiés des dizaines de

milliers de morts, plus de 200 000 personnes laissant

derrière elles tous leurs biens, et ces serbes étaient des

serbes croates depuis des siècles. Les internationaux

n'ont en aucun cas exigé de la Croatie la

reconnaissance des droits pour les serbes de la Krajina,

Slavonie etc ... où vit une minorité serbe. Vous n'avez

à aucun moment parlé des camps bosniaques et

croates, tel que Kupljensko, pourtant ce camp

s'apparente aux camps du Rwanda sauf qu'il se situe

en plein c?ur de l'Europe ; ces 20 000 prisonniers

personne n'en a entendu parlé. Le terme « ethnie » est

souvent prononcé par des têtes bien pensantes. Donc

Mr Lévy expliquez au peuple français qu'un serbe,

bosniaque, croate et un slovène sont tous des slaves ;

seule la religion les dissocie en quelque sorte. Vous

n'avez point soulevé le fait que Mr Fikret Abdic de

Bihac a accusé Mr Izetbegovic de vouloir instaurer

une république islamique en Bosnie. Et ce dernier a

attaqué le peuple musulman opposant à son régime,

afin de leur faire payer leur trahison, la violence

d'Izetbegovic fut telle que les pauvres civils dont les

maisons avaient été incendiées ont franchi la frontière

pour ne pas avoir à se retrouver face à leurs bourreaux

musulmans comme eux. Même lorsque Milosevic

avait confirmé la présence de moudjahiddins on ne l'a

pas cru car les paroles d'un homme tel que lui ne

pouvaient être que mensonges. Mr Bakir Alispahic a

été en coopération militaire avec l'Iran ensuite il fut

affecté aux affaires étrangères par Mr Izetbegovic,

chargé des relations culturelles avec l'Iran. L'armée de

Mr Izetbegovic utilisa tout ce temps des armes de

fabrication allemande possédant un marquage iranien

à des fins terroristes. Tous ces criminels, terroristes

recherchés dans le monde qui étaient sous la

protection de cet homme lui-même assisté par vous

quelle leçon d'impartialité. Mais ce n'était pas

spécialement gênant car ils exterminaient les serbes et

autres résistants au régime. Vous êtes si actif, si utile

pour les bonnes causes, étrange que vous soyez resté

muet. Pendant trois longues années, vous vous êtes

« baladés » avec Mr Kouchner entre Paris et Sarajevo

aux frais de la princesse pour entretenir une haine

raciale et déverser sur toutes les antennes vos

reportages clés en mains, une vision réductrice telle

que semble l'être vos esprits.

Messieurs et mesdames Lévy, Gluckman, Bruckner,

Schwartzenberg, Giroud, Goupil, Birkin, Mnouchkine,

Kouchner et bien d'autres je vous incrimine dans le

fait de propager la haine, le racisme et le

bombardement du peuple serbe.

La « publicité » que vous avez faite autour de tout

ceci se retourne doucement mais sûrement contre

vous, vos parades à la frontière vêtu de l'uniforme de

l'UCK ces mêmes terroristes que l'occident tente de

stopper aujourd'hui afin d'enrayer les méfaits de la

diaspora albanaise, maintenant que la chasse aux

terroristes musulmans est ouverte suite aux

évènements du 11 septembre toutes vos belles paroles

sur ce peuple pacifiste n'ont plus lieu d'être. Vous avez

mal choisi votre voie à quand votre mea culpa devant

les caméras et dans la presse écrite ? ? ? Mais vous

n'effacerez jamais les morts, ni la torture, ni le fait

que plusieurs serbes sont forcés à vivre dans des

ghettos où leurs besoins primaires doivent faire l'objet

d'une demande. Vous faîtes partis de cette catégorie de

philosophes et d'acteurs qui sont prêts à s'aventurer

sur des terrains inconnus mais où la pub et leur nom

en gras sur des feuilles de choux dépassent toute

logique et toute once d'humanité. Vous êtes des

ignorants infligés de gouvernements pour qui la

destruction reste le principal hobby, quand dans votre

course à la popularité vous songez à tous ceux à qui

vous faîtes du tort pas pour une semaine ou un an

mais pour des décennies et des générations entières ?

Attendu que l'Hitler des Balkans se trouve juger en ce

moment au TPI que votre Kosovo est une province

libre tout comme le sont les albanais, pourquoi ne

ramenez-vous des images du nouvel Eden, la preuve

que toutes vos théories et que cette guerre n'a pas été

vaine. Je suis sûre que bon nombre d'entre nous

seraient désireux de voir le résultat de cette mise en

scène de mauvais goût. Serait-ce la peur qui vous

tiraille, vos amis se seraient-ils retournés contre ceux

qui les ont aidé à s'installer au pouvoir ?

Il y a au Kosovo environ 26 ethnies différentes avec

un pourcentage plus ou moins élevé. Avez vous

interrogé les turcs concentrés à Prizren ? 8 000 d'entre

eux ont immigrés en Turquie car l'UCK forçait la

communauté turque a se rallier à leur cause afin de

combattre les serbes et en plus en leur imposant leur

langue. Les Goranci slaves islamisés ont continué à

pratiquer le culte slave et ont été aussi martyrisés. Les

Roms, Tziganes, Tziganes serbes persécutés et chassés

de leurs foyers (15 000 personnes), vous n'en parlez

point. C'est assez surprenant comme l'esprit de

certains se trouve conditionné par d'autres. Mais

peut-être que ces individus ne représentent pas des

êtres humains à part entière. Je suis originaire de

Djakovica, et ma famille s'est vue contrainte et forcée

d'abandonner nos maisons, occupées désormais par

des albanais venus d'Albanie. Ces demeures

représentaient nos biens et nos souvenirs, ma mère a

perdu plus que de simples briques. Et moi à plus de 50

ans, je me retrouve à travailler afin de les aider du

mieux que je le peux alors que ma santé n'est pas très

florissante. Je vous parlerai aussi des cousins de ma

mère, disparus, probablement morts à l'heure actuelle,

tout ceci sous vos yeux et sans que vos pseudos forces

armées ne bougent le petit doigt. Djakovica, et non

Djakova rebaptisée par les albanais, les 2% de serbes

ont selon vos sous-entendus perpétré le massacre,

vous me faites gentiment sourire mais vous devez être

persuadé de vos informations alors en étant un peu

plus pragmatique ; Djakovica se situe à la 9 km de

l'Albanie, reconnue par tous comme le fief du réseau

terroriste albanais, en 1998, pendant 5 mois les serbes

et autres ethnies vivant dans cette ville ont été piégés

« comme des rats ». L'armée yougoslave est

intervenue afin de rétablir l'ordre, la lutte a fait rage

durant un long moment, la population (toutes ethnies

confondues) a connu l'enfer : kidnapping des serbes,

des albanais proserbe, des tziganes et autres? Plus

aucune trace de leurs corps, plus de 98 civils, à ce jour,

disparus tués jamais retrouvés ; 5 longues années ont

passé, où sont-ils ? Je suis contre le terrorisme

aveugle, un terroriste qui se bat pour son territoire je

peux lui pardonner mais le terrorisme mafieux

crapuleux qui dit se battre de façon lâche pour

s'accaparer un autre territoire cela s'appelle de la

« gangrène » et pour ça il n'y a qu'une solution :

amputer la mauvaise partie afin que le mal ne se

propage pas davantage. Je pourrais continuer avec

d'autres chiffres mais il serait temps que les

occidentaux reconnaissent leurs torts et admettent

toutes les cruautés qu'a subies le peuple serbe. Je tiens

quand même à vous donner quelques données, celles

avancées par l'OSCE, en 1998, de janvier jusqu'au

mois d'octobre ;

* 98 serbes, monténégrins, 69 albanais (ralliés au

gouvernement serbe), 28 personnes d'ethnies

différentes vivant au Kosovo ont été tués et identifiés,

* 42 cadavres ont été retrouvés sans que l'on puisse à

ce jour les identifier, * Klecka, 22 serbes, hommes

femmes enfants, tués puis brûlés à la chaux vive, * 108

soldats serbes morts en combattant l'UCK, * 160

serbes monténégrins, 78 albanais, 19 autres personnes

d'ethnies différentes ont été enlevés, les familles

espèrent toujours, à ce jour aucun de ces individus n'a

été retrouvé, * 276 employés serbes du Ministère de

l'intérieur, 78 serbes et monténégrins, 62 albanais ont

été blessés, * 41 journalistes interprètes représentants

diplomatiques et personnels humanitaires blessés tués

ou enlevés * D'après vous qui se trouvent dans les

charniers ? Et bien des serbes et une minorité

d'albanais opposés à la barbarie et cela seulement

durant l'année 1998 et sachant que les chiffres

avancés par l'OSCE restent bien en deçà de la vérité?

Le TPI annonce 11 000 morts, faux le chiffre s'élève à

2108 corps, mais sont ils tous albanais ? Ils sont de

toutes nationalité ! Je vous parle de Klecka, 22 serbes

massacrés, Glodjani charnier reconnu mais passé sous

silence. Mr Mazreku a avoué que l'UCK a arrêté une

centaine de serbes et d'albanais, ils ont été conduits au

village de Klecka, Mr Glani Krasnici a ordonné à ses

hommes de mains de battre maltraiter les otages (des

femmes, des enfants, des hommes et des policiers). Ce

même homme a aussi incité au viol avant que tous ne

soient fusillés après les mutilations qu'ils avaient

subies. Le général Ceku Agin, ancien membre de

l'armée croate, est arrivé au Kosovo pour « boire le

sang serbe » comme il l'avait précédemment fait en

Croatie. Mr Tachi, mafieux notoire, Rugova « Gandhi

des balkans premier initiateur au soulèvement des

albanais depuis très longtemps. Tous ces hommes si

respectueux d'après vos propos ont un point commun,

leur sens inné de la cruauté et de la barbarie, vous les

défendez les porter en triomphe malgré leurs

exactions. Vous êtes de ce fait complice de crimes

contre l'humanité ! Les menaces que j'ai subies tout

au long de mon existence ainsi que le peuple serbe

sont confortées par vos dires et vos insinuations.

Jusqu'à quand doit on assister au palmarès des

reportages clefs en mains. Cela ne vous a pas suffi

durant et après la guerre d'écouter et de voir des

débats pro albanais, nous vivons dans un monde

médiatique où la désinformation est le B.A.BA. Pas

un seul serbe n'a témoigné, normal ils n'ont eu aucun

droit de parole étant donné qu'ils avaient été

sataniques bien avant. Je n'ai jamais nié que la mafia

n'existe pas en Serbie et au Monténégro mais elle n'a

pas la même envergure qu'au Kosovo ou en Albanie.

A Belgrade, plus de 140 000 albanais vivent depuis 20,

30 ans et ce ne sont pas des mafieux ou des terroristes,

au contraire ils se sont très bien intégrés à la vie de la

capitale : ceux sont les meilleurs pâtissiers reconnus

par tous. Et malgré vos dires nous ne sommes pas les

monstres que tous s'entêtent à montrer du doigt.

Avant, pendant et après la guerre il n'y a eu aucune

représailles à leur encontre. Au Monténégro, vivent

plus de 12% d 'albanais, dans le sud de la Serbie

Bujanovac, Medvedje, Presevo une forte minorité

d'albanais s'active à déstabiliser le sud du pays,

pourquoi ne vont ils pas vivre au Kosovo « libre » où

règne la parfaite démocratie au lieu de vivre dans un

état dictatorial ? Qu'ils retournent au Kosovo, leur

berceau bien avant JC?

En ce qui concerne l'assassinat de Mr Djindjic,

réformateur à la solde des USA et de l'Allemagne. La

mafia pullule partout même au sein des

gouvernements dits démocrates? Rappelez-vous

qu'aux USA, pays des droits de l'homme (bien

souvent bafoués) le président Kennedy a été assassiné

par un mafieux du nom de Sam Giancana cela

ressemble à un coup d'état.

Les maisons closes existent partout, en Yougoslavie

elles sont interdites mais ce n'est pas pour cette raison

que la prostitution ne perdure pas, je vous l'accorde

mais dans ce cas précis la majorité des pays sont

coupables la France y compris. Mais au Kosovo, le

problème est différent cela s'appelle la « Traite des

blanches » ; les pauvres jeunes filles venues de l'est à

qui l'ont promet le mariage, l'amour ou un emploi

bien rémunéré. Les chiffres attestés par la KFOR, que

je connais depuis bien longtemps étant en contact

permanent avec des personnes vivant au Kosovo, sont

plus qu'alarmants. Je vous conseille de vous plonger

avec plus de énergie dans les reportages et articles

français traitant de ce sujet vous seriez surpris

d'apprendre combien de jeunes filles d'horizon divers

sont « mises sur le trottoir » par et pour la mafia

albanaise celle là même que les gouvernements

s'évertuent à aider et protéger. Lorsque les langues des

journalistes ont commencé à se délier, les albanais ont

perdu de leurs crédibilités aux yeux du monde. Les

puissances qui régissent notre monde ou plutôt devrais

je dire la super puissance américaine se plaît à assister

énormément de terroristes en armes, logistique, et

financièrement sans tenter d'écouter ce que les peuples

vivant sur les lieux auraient à leur dire pour quelque

temps plus tard les bombarder pour pallier leurs

honteuses erreurs.

Enfin je n'essaie pas de changer le passé mais de

démontrer une vérité qui a été, est et sera toujours

bafouée? Quand à l'avenir il est difficile d'en prédire

un optimiste rien n'a changé au Kosovo les

persécutions continuent toujours. La haine n'est pas

générée par les serbes entassés dans des ghettos, mais

par les terroristes albanais qui continuent

tranquillement sans en être inquiétés leur massacre.

Répondez moi qui a de la haine eux ou moi ?

« La devise des terroristes reste : un bon serbe est un

serbe mort ».

Je veux bien admettre les accusations portées contre le

peuple serbe mais avant certains pays tels que la

France, les USA, la Grande-Bretagne, La Belgique,

l'Allemagne... devraient être traduits devant les

tribunaux pour tous les crimes de sang qu'ils

perpétuent hors de leurs frontières. Mais

heureusement pour vous, vous faîtes partie de cette

minorité protégée par leurs propres juges et magistrats

siégeant dans ces mêmes tribunaux où placez-vous

donc la justice ?


Prison Camp Lora and the Trial of the Lora 8
Qui a tué Djindjic ? Et quelles seront les répercussions dans les
Balkans ?
Un banc d'essai du néocolonialisme occidental
Non au régime d'exception à Belgrade !
Le traitre de Belgrade
"La Rampe de Srebrenica"

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 23:43:37 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

za svet slobodnih i ravnopravnih


Beograd, Rajiceva 16, tel./faks 630-549

Prenosimo svima informaciju Srpsko-medjunarodnog Organizacionog
odbora, da su holandske vlasti odobrile


u Hagu, na Vidovdan, 28. juna 2003. g.

Plan demonstracija:

14:00-15:00 Miting ispred tribunala, govori, urucenje nasih zahteva

Adresa: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,
Churchillplein 1, 2517JW The Hague

15:00-16:00 Protestni mars od tribunala do zatvora u Seveningenu

16:00-17:00 Miting ispred zatvora, govori, urucenje pisma podrske

Adresa: UN Detention Unit,

Pompstationsweg 32, Scheveningen, 2508 The Hague

U petak ce biti odrzana konferencija za stampu i sastanak
Organizacionog komiteta, a u subotu uvece, posle demonstracija,
odrzace se diskusiona tribina o buducim organizovanim aktivnostima za
ostvarenje nasih ciljeva.

Holandska policija zahteva da demonstracije budu mirne i
dostojanstvene, da transparenti ako su na srpskom, imaju obavezno
prevod na engleski ili neki drugi od velikih evropskih jezika, da
koplja za zastave ne budu velika i teska. Molimo da u svim
organizovanim grupama deset posto ucesnika budu odredjeni za redare -
to je takodje obaveza. Policija takodje mora unapred biti obavestena o
vremenu i mestu prelaska holandske granice svih grupa koje dolaze
iznajmljenim autobusima. Molimo da o dolasku organizovanih grupa
obavestite Organizacioni odbor preko dr Ljiljane Verner iz Hanovera,
telefonom ili faksom na broj +49 51 1579 571 ili na E-mail:

Hag i dalje preti. Dzordz Soros, jedan od glavnih sponzora haskog
tribunala zahtevao je ovih dana na srpskom tlu «nezavisnost Kosova».
Za jesen ove godine priprema se medjunarodna konferencija o Bosni i
Hercegovini, koja bi, kako se uveliko najavljuje, trebalo da ukine
Republiku Srpsku. Sta bi bila «pravna podloga» ovakvih cinova?
«Organizovani progon Albanaca» sa Kosova i Metohije i «genocid koji je
utemeljio» Republiku Srpsku. Ko stvara tu «pravnu podlogu»? Haski

Hag i dalje ubija. General Momir Talic. A pre njega: Slavko
Dokmanovic, dr Milan Kovacevic, general Djordje Djukic. Simo
Drljaca i Dragan Gagovic. Vlajko Stojiljkovic.



Demonstracijama i borbi za ove ciljeve potrebna je finansijska pomoc.
Posaljite cek na nasu adresu ili uplatite prilog na racun nasih
prijatelja u Nemackoj:

German ICDSM, c/o Peter Betscher,
Account Number (Konto-Nr.): 102013409
Bank: Volksbank Darmstadt, Bank Number (BLZ): 508 90 000, use: defense


Koji su ciljevi i kako pomoci ovu akciju mozete isto procitati u
letkima koji se nalaze na adres: ...


Leaflet in english for Hague, 28/6/2003
... Hague_Leaflet.doc
Plan of the demonstrations
... Hague_Leaflet2.doc
Leaflet in english for Hague - PDF
... hague_leaflet.pdf


... Poziv za Hag 28/6/2003
... Plan demonstracija u Hagu
... Plan demonstracija u Hagu (LATINICOM)


Den Haag: Demo am Samstag, 28. Juni 2003
... HaagDemo-Flugi.doc
Verschiedenes ueber die Demo am 28.5.2003
... aikor29.5.03.txt


To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (world peace council) (German section of ICDSM) (Balkan antiNATO center) (an independent web site)


1. New Leaflet for the Vidovdan demostration

2. Belgrade regime will drop the lawsuit against NATO "as soon as
4. 2 Secret Witnesses Claim they Survived Execution by Soldiers who
weren't there...

=== 1 ===

Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 00:50:00 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

udruzenje | association


Belgrade, Rajiceva 16, tel./fax +381 11 630 549

We transmit the information of the Serbian-International
Organizational Committee, that the Dutch authorities have approved


at The Hague, on St.Vitus Day, June 28, 2003

Plan of the demonstrations:

14:00-15:00 Rally in front of the tribunal, speeches, handing of our

Address: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,
Churchillplein 1, 2517JW The Hague

15:00-16:00 Protest marsh from the tribunal to the Scheveningen prison

16:00-17:00 Rally in front of the prison, speeches, handing of the
letter of support

Address: UN Detention Unit,
Pompstationsweg 32, Scheveningen, 2508 The Hague

On Friday, there will be a press conference and a meeting of the
Organizational Committee. On Saturday evening, after the demos, there
will be a discussion meeting on the future organized activities to
achieve our goals.

The Dutch police requires the demonstrations to be peaceful and
dignified. The banners, if in Serbian, should have also translation to
English or some other big European language. Thick or heavy sticks
should not be used for flags or banners. We request that each
organized group determines 10% of participants to maintain order - it
is also our obligation. The police should be also informed in advance
about where and when would the organized groups which travel by rented
buses cross the border. Please inform the Organizational Committee in
advance about the arrival of the organized groups. You can contact Dr
Ljiljana Verner (Hannover) by phone or fax at +49 51 1579 571 or via
E-mail: ljverner@...

The tribunal still threats. George Soros, one of the principal
sponsors of the tribunal have demanded recently, on Serbian
soil, "the independence of Kosovo". For the next autumn an
international conference on Bosnia-Herzegovina has been prepared,
which may, as many already announce, abolish Republika Srpska. What
would be a "legal ground" for such acts? "Organized persecution of
Albanians" from Kosovo and Metohija and "genocide which founded"
Republika Srpska. Who is fabricating that "legal ground"? The Hague

The tribunal still kills. General Momir Talic. And before him: Slavko
Dokmanovic, Dr Milan Kovacevic, general Djordje Djukic. Simo Drljaca
and Dragan Gagovic. Vlajko Stojiljkovic.



The demos and the struggle for these goals need the financial
Send a check to our address or transfer your donation to the following

German ICDSM, c/o Peter Betscher,
Account Number (Konto-Nr.): 102013409
Bank: Volksbank Darmstadt, Bank Number (BLZ): 508 90 000, use: defense


The aims and the way to support this action can be also read in the
leaflets which can be found at: ...


Leaflet in english for Hague, 28/6/2003
... Hague_Leaflet.doc
Plan of the demonstrations
... Hague_Leaflet2.doc
Leaflet in english for Hague - PDF
... hague_leaflet.pdf


... Poziv za Hag 28/6/2003
... Plan demonstracija u Hagu
... Plan demonstracija u Hagu (LATINICOM)


Den Haag: Demo am Samstag, 28. Juni 2003
... HaagDemo-Flugi.doc
Verschiedenes ueber die Demo am 28.5.2003
... aikor29.5.03.txt


To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (world peace council) (German section of ICDSM) (Balkan antiNATO center) (an independent web site)

=== 2 ===

Subject: Belgrade regime will drop the lawsuit against NATO "as soon
as possible"!
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 14:49:59 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"


"The conditions [to join PfP - VK] include continued full cooperation
with The Hague Tribunal and the dropping of the lawsuit brought
against NATO member countries for the 1999 bombing campaign.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of a NATO library at Belgrade's
Institute for International Police and Economy, [British Ambassador]
Crawford said that the lawsuit filed by the Belgrade government
against members of the western alliance gives a "bizarre tone" to
Serbia-Montenegro's desire to join the Partnership. "

The Serbian version of Beta news agency dispatch (bellow) contains
also a quote of certain Igor Luksic, present deputy foreign minister
of what is called Serbia-Montenegro. Our translation of that part of
Serbian Beta dispatch:

"Deputy foreign minister of Serbia-Montenegro Igor Luksic have stated
that the state community will officially request the membership to the
Partnership for Peace when the conditions for the admission will
be fulfilled, adding that Serbia-Montenegro will try to reach that "as
soon as possible". According to his words, it is paradoxical to sue
the organization, the member of which you want to become."

B92, June 05, 2003.

NATO Partnership in weeks, provided conditions are met | 15:14 | Beta

BELGRADE -- Thursday -- "Charles Crawford, British Ambassador to
Belgrade, and NATO official George Katsirdakis have today laid down
the conditions for the state union's accession to NATO's Partnership
for Peace programme.

The conditions include continued full cooperation with The Hague
Tribunal and the dropping of the lawsuit brought against NATO member
countries for the 1999 bombing campaign.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of a NATO library at Belgrade's
Institute for International Police and Economy, Crawford
said that the lawsuit filed by the Belgrade government against members
of the western alliance gives a "bizarre tone" to
Serbia-Montenegro's desire to join the Partnership.

The ambassador noted the about-turn of Serbia-Montenegro officials,
who claimed last year that the army had never protected any war crimes
suspects, although they now claim differently.

Confirming that Britain has agreed to mediate between
Serbia-Montenegro and Euro-Atlantic institutions, Crawford insisted
that it was imperative they know the truth about occurrences in the

However, Crawford praised the reform efforts in Serbia-Montenegro,
insisting that they are achieving positive results and that successful
integration into the Partnership for Peace programme would be a clear
message of the state union's determination to secure peace and
stability in the region.

He added that such a move would also attract foreign investors.

NATO's Katsirdakis acknowledged Serbia-Montenegro's success in meeting
a number of requirements for Partnership membership, but insisted that
the case of indicted Hague suspect General Ratko Mladic remained a
major sticking point.

Speaking on behalf of the alliance, Katsirdakis said he was aware that
Serbia-Montenegro has made considerable efforts to meet conditions for
admission to the Partnership, but that the case of Mladic, former
commander of the republic of Srpska Army, was unique and of particular
significance because of his alleged involvement in the 1995 Srebranica

However, the NATO official insisted that full membership of the
Partnership could be realised within weeks, provided all conditions
are met.

In the meantime, Serbia-Montenegro is to be granted official observer
status for upcoming activities, although Katsirdakis insisted this
would not affect practical work."






=== 3 ===

Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 23:35:31 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)
Press Release

Former Prime Minister of the Soviet Union will visit President

On Friday June 6, Mr. Nikolay Ivanovich Ryzhkov, former Prime Minister
of the Soviet Union, will visit former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic in the prison in Scheveningen.

Mr. Ryzhkov was from 1985 till January 1991 Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the USSR, a post equivalent to that of Prime Minister.
Since December 1995, Mr. Ryzhkov has been an elected deputy of the
State Duma, the Russian parliament.

Since its formation, he has been Chairman of the special Parliamentary
Commission dedicated to defending Yugoslavia against NATO aggression
and helping overcome the devastating affects of that aggression. Under
his leadership, the Commission has taken initiatives towards the
Russian Government, the UN, the general public, the Russian Duma and
also The Hague Tribunal (ICTY).

After his visit to President Milosevic, Mr. Ryzhkov will hold a press
conference at the:

Bel Air Hotel
Johan de Witlaan 30
2517 JR Den Haag

The time of the press conference is 17.00 hours.

Amsterdam, June 5 2003.
Nico Varkevisser, Spokesperson

For more information call:

++ 31 20 - 615 1122 or ++ 31 20 - 020 - 615 1120

Sloterkade 20
1058 HE Amsterdam

=== 4 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

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Announcing a new feature:
* Week at the Hague - Reports from a Failed Show Trial *
We will hopefully run these reports several times a week. Each
Monday, the previous week's reports will move from the Home Page
to archive.

* June 2nd: Two Secret Witnesses Claim they Survived Execution
by Soldiers who weren't there... *
by Andy Wilcoxson
[Posted 3 June 2003]

Please help support the work of the ICDSM!

Monday at the Hague Tribunal the prosecution called two more
black comedy witnesses against Slobodan Milosevic. The two men
testified in secret under the pseudonyms, "B-1455" and "B-1098."
Nothing that either man said could possibly have anything to do
with President Milosevic.

Both claimed to be Muslims who had survived execution by firing
squad in the vicinity of Zvornik in Bosnia in 1992.

The only problem was that they couldn't say who tried to kill
them. When the Prosecution questioned them, they claimed it was
the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA). And when President Milosevic
questioned them, they repeated the claim that the JNA had tired
to kill them, either in late May or early June.

But as President Milosevic pointed out, the JNA had vacated
Bosnia in mid-May. So we have unnamed persons who are the
victims of alleged crimes at the hands of soldiers who had
already left.

Or maybe we have two liars. Whoever they are.

Is this supposed to be evidence against President Milosevic? Or
is this just evidence of the prosecution's motto: "At The Hague
it isn't what you say, it's whether you're sponsored by NATO." [1]

In the case of "B-1098" no forensic evidence was presented that
would suggest an attempted execution had taken place.

Moreover, "B-1098" was obviously lying. He claimed that he and
63 others had been taken to a meat processing facility and shot.
How did they get to the alleged processing plant, President
Milosevic asked. The witness said all 64 men had climbed onto a
*2 ton truck.* The only problem is, as the President noted, you
can't fit 64 men on a 2 ton truck. The witness had fallen into a
common trap for liars. In his effort to project an image of
credibility, he talked too much and got confused and said
something ridiculous.

In a case related to the Milosevic trial...

The former Special Police Unit (JSO) commander, Franko "Frenki"
Simatovic, pleaded innocent to all five charges that the
Tribunal brought against him. Frenki is jointly indicted with
Jovica Stanisic. Both men are accused of being members of a
so-called "joint criminal enterprise." Frenki's innocent plea
should put an end to the media speculation that he would testify
against Milosevic in exchange for a lighter sentence. I guess
some people aren't easy to intimidate. Question: if Milosevic is
*not* innocent, then why on earth didn't this man testify
against him in exchange for a lighter sentence?

Meanwhile, Jovica Stanisic is undergoing medical treatment in
Belgrade. A decision on his extradition is possible this week.

* Footnotes and Further Reading *

[1] Regarding NATO sponsorship of The Hague Tribunal, see,
"Official Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO," by
Jared Israel at

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Il Centesimo del Papa

E' soltanto una coincidenza il fatto che il centesimo viaggio di Papa
Wojtyla sia stato compiuto con la terza visita in Croazia?
No, non lo crediamo! Troppe sono le "coincidenze" nella distruzione
della Jugoslavia.

Nelle sue parole di circostanza e benvenuto al Papa, il presidente
croato Stipe Mesic, oltre a decantare la "democratica" e bella terra
croata, ha "dimenticato" ricordare il lager di Jasenovac?!
E la smettessero i media, come "pappagalli" a ripetere che "la Croazia
ha abbandonato la politica nazionalista [e razzista] di Franjo
Tudjman"! Non è forse vero che si sta affermando sempre più
l'integralismo cattolico in Croazia?! Non è forse vero che questo
Papa, con la beatificazione di Alojzije Stepinac, ha dato ancora più
vigore al clero cattolico croato, e che mai potrà avvenire la
riconciliazione tra gli slavi ortodossi (ma anche gli ebrei) e i
cattolici, dopo questo gravissimo fatto della beatificazione!

Perché anche "non chiamare le cose (e le persone) con il proprio nome
significa seminare disgrazie tra la gente" (A. Camus). E quante
tragedie su quei territori!
"Parole di pace e speranza per le vittime della guerra dei Balcani,
dal Papa, a Fiume, per il suo centesimo viaggio. Un ricordo delle
ferite della guerra, presenti qui come in Paesi vicini, è stato fatto
dal Papa, che ha auspicato un veloce inserimento della Croazia nella
Al presidente croato S. Mesic e al Papa vogliamo ricordare che nella
Jugoslavia socialista le religioni erano più rispettate che non ora.
Vale per lo stesso cattolicesimo, nella "cattolicissima Croazia", come
anche disse Cubrilovic (un politico che uscì dal governo nel 1951)
dopo la morte di Tito nel 1980:
"E' stato uno dei più grandi ateisti, il comunista Josip Broz
Tito, praticamente è stato sepolto con tutti gli onori, perfino delle
Chiese. Le gerarchie di tutte le comunità religiose non potevano
sorvolare sul fatto che milioni di credenti hanno veramente amato e
stimato Tito, e che sono stati addolorati alla notizia della sua
morte". (Dal libro di Staumbringer: "La battaglia più sofferta di J.
Broz Tito")

Ma evidentemente la Jugoslavia compatta dava fastidio, non solo al
Vaticano. Sull'atteggiamento vaticano vale la pena rispolverare la
memoria a chi l'ha persa, pronendo la cronologia "Tutte le tempeste
del secolo nella storia dei rapporti tra il Vaticano e Zagabria [e
Belgrado?!]", da "Il Piccolo" di Trieste, 3 ottobre 1998:

Una dialettica iniziata nel lontano 1918; la figura del cardinale
Stepinac ne è un pilastro - consigliamo sul tema il libro di M.A.
Revelli, "L'arcivescovo del genocidio" (Edizioni Kaos, Milano 1999).

1918 - Il Vaticano si pronuncia contro la formazione della Jugoslavia,
decisa a Versailles da Francia e Inghilterra. Motivo: popolazioni
cattoliche finirebbero nell'orbita dei serbi ortodossi, popolo egemone
del nuovo Stato.
1918-1941 - Fortissima opposizione della Chiesa ortodossa, diventata
nel frattempo indipendente da Costantinopoli, a un accordo di Belgrado
e il Vaticano che regoli i rapporti tra lo Stato e i cattolici. La
mancata firma del concordato fa crescere la tensione tra Belgrado e la
Chiesa slovena e croata.
1941-1945 - L'arcivescovo di Lubiana Rozman collabora con i nazisti:
fugge prima della Liberazione. Pure quello di Sarajevo, Saric, si
distingue in ferocia. A Zagabria, l'arcivescovo Stepinac, saluta il
nuovo Stato Indipendente Croato [NDH] di Pavelic.
1945 - I beni immensi della Chiesa (case, edifici di culto, boschi,
campi, abbazie) vengono nazionalizzati dal nuovo regime comunista. Le
gerarchie cattoliche continuano a sfuggire al controllo del partito.
1946 - Stepinac viene arrestato per collaborazionismo e condannato al

["Il Piccolo" dimentica di menzionare la connessione del clero
cattolico con gli ustascia, 1941 - 1945. Mentre la chiesa cattolica lo
proclama, nei santini stampati, "martire del comunismo"... La
traduzione in italiano del processo era leggibile nel vecchio sito del
CRJ, speriamo di poterla rendere nuovamente disponibile]

Tito teme di farne un martire e gli offre l'esilio [in Vaticano], ma
l'arcivescovo rifiuta. Viene rinchiuso per 5 anni nel carcere di
Lupoglava. Poi gli sono concessi gli arresti domiciliari [Con tutte le
libertà di venirlo a trovare chiunque voglia. Sono documentate le
visite anche del noto scultore Ivan Mestrovic, residente negli USA].
1953 - Il Papa [Pacelli] lo nomina cardinale e per reazione Tito rompe
i rapporti diplomatici col Vaticano. Per gli ortodossi Stepinac è
infatti il simbolo della ferocia ustascia.
1960 - Stepinac muore in casa sua e subito circolano le voci di un
[lento...] avvelenamento. Così, appena preso il potere nel 1990
l'anticomunista [dopo essere stato comunista...] Tudjman disporrà
l'autopsia. La libellistica cattolica parlerà di veleno e di
asportazione del cuore, ma il Vaticano non confermerà.
1970/80 - Lenta normalizzazione dei rapporti tra la Jugoslavia e la
Chiesa di Roma.
1987/91 - La Chiesa di Lubiana e Zagabria tuonano contro il
centralismo belgradese e i tentavi egemonici di Milosevic. Il Vaticano
con la sua diplomazia sommersa punta sull'indipendenza delle due
repubbliche del Nordovest [sic!].
1992 - Lo Stato Vaticano riconosce l'indipendenza di Slovenia e
Croazia con anticipo su tutti gli altri Stati. Belgrado grida al
complotto e denuncia un asse tra il Papa e la Germania.
L'atteggiamento antiserbo della Chiesa è netto.
1994 - Durante i massacri etnici in Bosnia, [commessi "naturalmente"
dai serbi...] il Papa preme per un intervento armato in favore dei
musulmani e contro gli aggressori di Sarajevo, cioé i serbi [appunto].
E la storica riscoperta della "guerra giusta" di agostiniana memoria.
Nella precedente guerra quella del Golfo, il Papa aveva proclamato la
sua assoluta neutralità. Rallenta, di conseguenza, il processo di
riavvicinamento alle Chiese dell'Est. A tutt'oggi Wojtyla non è ancora
riuscito a incontrare il patriarca di Mosca.
1994 - Si raffredano i rapporti tra la Chiesa e il presidente Tudjman
["diventato più cattolico dello stesso Papa"], rimproverato di
eccessi nazionalistici [...senza la loro approvazione e benedizione?].
Ma Tudjman dimostra verso la Chiesa una disponibilità unica a
restituire almeno in parte [sic] i beni nazionalizzati [dalla
Jugoslavia laica]. In questo clima, Wojtyla visita Zagabria e
1998 - Beatificazione di Stepinac e nuova visita in Croazia nel segno
della riconciliazione etnica e del dialogo ecumenico. [Sic! Sic! Sic!

Ivan, del CNJ, per "Voce jugoslava" su Radio Citta' Aperta

(italiano / english)

La "liberta'" a colpi di accetta


=== NOTA ===

Lo scorso 4 giugno sono stati ritrovati ad Obilic i cadaveri di una
coppia di coniugi ottantenni e del loro figlio cinquantatreenne,
uccisi a colpi di accetta e poi dati alle fiamme insieme alla loro
casa (vedi la documentazione in fondo a questa rassegna).

In seguito a questa ennesima dimostrazione dei reali risultati e
scopi del regime di terrore razzista e di occupazione imperialista
in Kosovo-Metohija, abbiamo cercato di inquadrare il fatto nell'ambito
di una cronaca degli avvenimenti di questi mesi. Benche' gia' di per
se sufficientemente scioccanti, le notizie da noi riportate non sono
in alcun modo esaustive degli avvenimenti nella provincia, e vanno
intese solo come esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica

Ricordiamo che i precedenti numeri del "bollettino di guerra" sono
archiviati alle URL:

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, Maggio-Luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, fine luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, agosto-settembre 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, settembre-ottobre 2002

Kosmet, bollettino di guerra: fine ottobre 2002

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra novembre-dicembre 2002

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra gennaio-febbraio 2003

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra marzo-aprile 2003

Un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime di terrore
instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali (KFOR) e
dai criminali neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare sempre nel
nostro archivio:

Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija
si veda in particolare:

ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.

(a cura di Andrea)

=== LINKS ===

Extremist on UN's payroll

Monday, June 2, 2003 - The Halifax Herald Limited
By Scott Taylor ON TARGET
<<Pristina, Kosovo - IN THEIR SMALL OFFICE at the UN police
headquarters in Kosovo, former Ottawa policeman Derek Chappell and his
partner, Barry Fletcher, an ex-New Orleans cop, told me about their
frustration in trying to control the ongoing inter-ethnic violence in
this war-ravaged Balkan province...>>

Scott Taylor Accuses NATO & UN of Tolerating Terror in Kosovo.
Comments by Jared Israel



PRISTINA, May 12 (Beta) - U.N. administrator in Kosovo Michael Steiner
proclaimed a Decree on the "Transformation of rights to use
sociallyowned real estate," known as the "Decree on the right to use
Under the decree, the right to use land belonging to sociallyowned
companies has been changed into a 99year lease, which can be
transferred, and used as collateral for loans.
"The decree that stipulates the transformation of the right to use
land into a kind of ownership of property will considerably boost the
value of sociallyowned companies that will be privatized and thus
contribute to developing the Kosovo economy," it said in a statement
delivered to BETA.
A special provision of the Decree refers to "granting rights to
workers," in respect of income from privatization. A certain portion
of the income will be distributed to the workers of a privatized
sociallyowned company. The portion will be 20 percent of the amount
offered for the given sociallyowned company.
The decree, which came into effect on May 9, has overcome the last
legal obstacle for starting the privatization program in Kosovo.


BELGRADE, May 12 (Beta) - The president of the Coordinating Center for
Kosovo and Metohija, Nebojsa Covic, said that UNMIK Chief Michael
Steiner's decree, which envisions the privatization of municipal land,
was biased and represented "the robbery" of stateowned capital.
Covic said that Steiner's decree on transforming the rights of using
stateowned land, was "another provocation for the Belgrade
authorities, whose representatives had not been consulted before its
Covic said that Steiner's decree on land will be one of the main
issues on the agenda at tomorrow's meeting.
"I think this is plunder which is in total violation of international
standards, where property is treated as a sacred thing and cannot be
sold without the landowner's permission, which in this case is
Belgrade," Covic told BETA.
He added that everyone knows how much the state invested in Kosovo and
Metohija and how much property Serbia owns in Kosovo and he called on
the workers to protect their property.

UN Launches Kosovan Sell-Off

The United Nations has published tenders for the first controversial
privatisations of almost 500 companies in the Serbian province of
Serbia, of which the Kosovan protectorate is still legally a part, has
opposed the privatisations claiming the UN interim authority has
failed to properly consult on how the proceed of the sales will be
According to the Kosovo Trust Agency, a UN body, state laws have been
introduced to "ensure a very investor-friendly environment including
regulations on foreign investment, repatriation of capital, the
purchase of real estate and... the 99-year leases of land formerly
used by 'socially-owned enterprises'." UN Interim Administration
Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) says the sell-offs are vital for restarting
the economy, where about 2 million inhabitants depend mainly on
foreign aid. /Source: BBC/


ERP KIM Info-service - Gracanica, May 11, 2003
Nikolaus Count Lambsdorf, chief of cabinet of Michael Steiner, Special
UN Secretary General representative in Kosovo said that "Kosovo will
never again be a part of Serbia" at an international meeting on Kosovo
in Vienna (Austria) on May 09.
By such a statement Count Lambsdorf is seriously overstepping his
authorities and prejudicing future status of Kosovo and Metohija
before any negotiations, claim SNC leaders in Kosovo and Metohija. In
fact, this shocking statement reveals true goals of Michael Steiner's
administration, which is no longer hiding its openly pro-Albanian
agenda and support of unilateral changes of Serbia-Montenegro
internationally recognized borders.
On the other hand, Lambsdorf easily dismisses the idea of division of
Kosovo claiming that "division of Kosovo could encourage Albanians to
request Albanian inhabited territories in Macedonia and South of
Serbia by force". However, he seems to forget that the very request of
proclaiming independence of Kosovo and Metohija province, which is
still a part of Serbia-Montenegro, in itself constitutes a precedent
that is directly encouraging secessionist claims in many other
European and non-European countries.
After four years of international-Albanian rule in Kosovo, it is more
than evident for Kosovo Serbs that the only kind of state Albanians
can create in Kosovo is an ethnically clean Albanian society which
will be one of the most monoethnic and repressive societies in Europe.
Support for such ideas by an UN official is simply scandalous and is
further eroding the allegedly unbiased image of UNMIK, claim SNC
officials in Gracanica.
After the mandate of former UNMIK chief Hans Haekerrup, Steiner's
admnistration did everything to obstruct implementation of the UN SC
Resolution 1244 and encourage ethnic Albanian claims for secession of
Kosovo and Metohija.
Steiner's famous slogan of standards-before-status has become nothing
but a smoke screen behind which UNMIK intends to hand over most
important competencies to almost ethnically pure ethnic Albanian
institutions, which openly continue with their gross violations of
minority rights and actively pursue a policy of creating a second
ethnic Albanian state in the Balkans.
Therefore, this statement by one of Steiner's closest associates
suggests an urgent need to replace the present UNMIK leadership by
more evenhanded and constructive representatives who will finally
start working on implementation of Resolution 1244 and creation of
proper conditions for all ethnic communities in Kosovo.
The statement of Count Lambsdorf was also strongly condemned by the
Serbian-Montenegrin ambassador in Austria, Mihailo Kovac, who
explained to the participants of the meeting in Vienna that Serbia has
undergone very important democratic changes and that it is now headed
by people who strongly fought against Milosevic's policies and who
pursue a policy of tolerance and human rights respects, as can be seen
in South Serbia.
On the other hand, in Kosovo, under UNMIK's policy of transfer of
competencies, a monoethnic society is emerging and its politicians
only pursue a policy of independence without readiness to grant the
minimum of rights to non-Albanians, Kovac stated.
This fact was also recognized by UNMIK chief Michael Steiner himself
who said a few days ago that Kosovo is ruled by organized crime in
which some international representatives are also involved.
"Many criminals and terrorists put on uniforms of the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC) and keep throwing bombs and arming Albanians in
south Serbia and Macedonia," said Kovac, adding that, in Kosovo, there
is "a tragic lack of democratic potential and positive authority among
local Albanians". He also said that international representatives
hypocritically refuse to confront such a reality and implement
Resolution 1244, which constitutes their mandate in the Province.


Resolution on liberation and independence of Kosovo adopted

PRISTINA, May 15 (Tanjug) - The Kosovo Parliament deputies adopted on
Thursday a resolution of freedom, liberation and independence of
The resolution is aimed at protecting all forms of resistance by the
Albanian people against the "Serbian aggressor," and it underlines
the "enormous assistance of the international community" in the
liberation of Kosovo. Unlike the previous resolution, which had
failed to be adopted twice, including at the Parliament Presidency
session, the new resolution has no mention of the credit of former
soldiers of the Liberation Army of Kosovo (OVK).
The parliament requested from the Kosovo government to draw up a law
that would clearly define the contribution of the "Kosovo liberators"
in liberating the province, that is to specify that the OVK is not a
terrorist organization. As announced in Kosovska Mitrovica on
Wednesday, deputies of the Coalition Return walked out of the
Thursday parliament session, but returned after the vote.


Russian Information Agency (Novosti), May 11, 2003

BELGRADE, May 11, 2003. (from a RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander
Slabynko) - The command of the KFOR international peacekeeping force
in Kosovo will stick to its prohibition against training Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC) officers abroad until it is guaranteed that the
organisation is devoid of members of terrorist groups, a KFOR official
statement published on Sunday by the Beta agency reads.
The document reads in part that so far there are reasons to believe
that there are people "involved in terrorist activity" among KPC
The command of the international peacekeeping force has temporarily
prohibited the training of KPC members abroad after a terrorist
attempt to mine a railway bridge near Zvecani, in Kosovo. According to
KFOR, two officers of the Kosovo Protection Corps took part in the act
of terror.
The Kosovo Protection Corps is a civil organisation designed to take
emergency measures and it should not harbour criminals and terrorists,
KFOR stresses.
The KPC was established in September 1999 to substitute the so-called
Kosovo Liberation Army which had been disarmed and disbanded.

Stars And Stripes - May 23, 2003

Cold-case squad tackles unsolved murders in Kosovo
By Ward Sanderson
PRISTINA, Kosovo - International police in Kosovo have taken a cue
from metropolitan cops back home and created a special squad to tackle
cold cases - unsolved murders that are years old.
In Kosovo, killings were commonplace after the NATO-led bombing in
1999 that led to the province's protectorate status. Ethnic, political
and organized crime assassinations - and just plain revenge - were
This Old West in Eastern Europe has since grown relatively calm,
despite two killings in the last few days. On Friday, a Serb was found
dead with multiple gunshots to the head in the Gnjilane region. A note
discovered on the scene claimed it was the work of the Albanian
National Army, an ethnically motivated terror group. Police say they
haven't verified the claim.
On Sunday, a construction warehouse worker was shot dead in the Pec
region. Police have yet to announce a motive.
Nonetheless, the number of murders has nearly halved each year since
peacekeepers arrived. That welcome breather and lapse of time may
combine to allow international gumshoes to solve the backlog of
killings from 1999 and 2000.
"Over the past decade or so, it has become a common practice for
police agencies in the West to create a special squad to re-examine
unsolved murders", U.N. police spokesman Derek Chappell said during a
press conference Tuesday.
"It is an effective tactic that allows a new investigator with a fresh
perspective to examine the case, possibly also ... to use new
technology or resources."
Though exact figures weren't available for how many cases remain
unsolved, they likely number in the hundreds considering the total
number of killings and the state of chaos that once reigned.
"In '99, we must have had maybe 500 or 600," Chappell said. In 2000,
police records show 245 murders. Last year, there were 68.
Of the unsolved cases, some have been put on a high-profile list of
crimes believed to be politically motivated and the result of dark
forces rather than spontaneous passions. Those number about 60,
according to local newspaper Koha Ditore.
"Most of them," Chappell said, "are very well-organized and
Police also hope that, as the years roll by, witnesses will recover
from the amnesia brought on by fears of gangsters or terrorists.
"A lot of people were scared to death," Chappell said. "As time
passes, fear passes."
Technology may also prove a formidable ally.
According to a U.S. Justice Department report published last year,
upgraded genetic testing techniques make it possible to identify
suspects using smaller samples of DNA than were required in recent
"DNA has proved to be a powerful tool in the fight against crime," the
report read. "DNA evidence can identify suspects, convict the guilty,
and exonerate the innocent. Throughout the nation, criminal justice
professionals are discovering that advancements in DNA technology are
breathing new life into old, cold or unsolved criminal cases."


(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 MAG - Un professore di lingue serbo, di 41 anni, e'
stato ucciso con due colpi alla testa: il suo corpo e' stato trovato
ieri sera tardi in un canale a un chilometro dal villaggio serbo di
Vrbovac (sud-est), nella zona di Vitina. Lo ha detto all'Ansa il
portavoce della missione dell'Onu in Kosovo (Unmik) Andrea Angeli. Il
professore era padre di tre figli. La sua morte, definita di carattere
etnico dai suoi compaesani, che hanno inscenato una manifestazione di
protesta, e' ora oggetto di indagini. La zona appartiene al settore
controllato dagli americani della Kfor. (ANSA). SPD 18/05/2003 14:09


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 22 MAG - In Kosovo sono tornati gruppi armati
illegali che insieme al terrorismo di stampo nazionalista
costituiscono le nuove sfide per la sicurezza nella provincia: lo ha
detto a Bruxelles il comandante della Kfor (forza di pace a guida
Nato), generale Fabio Mini, parlando davanti al Consiglio del Nord
Atlantico (Nac). ''Altre minacce alla sicurezza provengono dalle lotte
interne per il potere, dagli scontri di estremisti anche contro le
istituzioni internazionali e dalla criminalita' organizzata'' ha
aggiunto Mini, secondo quanto si legge in un comunicato della Kfor
affidato all'Ansa. Il generale Mini ''ha difeso appasionatamente il
ruolo presente e futuro del Tmk (la struttura di protezione civile del
Kosovo) come organizzazione civile di emergenza'', escludendo che
l'organismo composto dagli ex appartenenti alla guerriglia albanese
(Uck) possa ''sostituire nei propri compiti la Kfor ne' far pensare ad
un esercito''. Il concetto e' stato ripreso anche nella dichirazione
finale del Nac nella quale il segretario generale dell'Alleanza
atlantica, George Robertson, ha ribadito che ''il Tmk e'
un'organizzazione civile di emergenza e la comunita' internazionale si
rifiuta di considerarlo in qualsiasi forma riconducibile ad un
embrione di esercito''. Nelle proprie ambizioni indipendentiste gli
albanesi del Kosovo ritengono invece che il Tmk debba diventare in
futuro proprio la forza armata del paese. Robertson ha espresso
''incondizionato appoggio'' al generale Mini e ha riconfermato ''il
grande impegno della Nato'' a sostegno del Kosovo.(ANSA). BLL
22-MAG-03 19:54

Reality Macedonia - May 24, 2003

Kosovo Roma Refugees Invite Robertson to Medzhitlija
By Mende Petkovski, Dnevnik
Translation by RM Team, for fair use only

Roma refugees from Kosovo who have been staying on
border crossing Medzhitlija for five days now invited
Friday George Robertson or Xavier Solana to come at
that border crossing and see the new humanitarian
disaster. Thirty out of more than six hundred Romas
from Kosovo got soaked wet and caught a cold so they
are constantly asking for help doctors on duty in
improvised hospital due to high fever. There is
already not enough food and water while the lack of
sanitary utilities complicates the situation even
further. "Komunalec" [garbage disposal] vehicle puts
away the waste occasionally.
"We do not accept the proposals of UNHCR and other
humanitarian organizations to go to live in Katlanovo
or to private shacks and basements in Skopje, or any
other town in Macedonia. We have only one choice - to
die here in Medzhitlija or to become citizens of any
Western European country which would grant us asylum,"
says Bekir Krasniqi, one of Roma refugee leaders.
Deputy Nezhdet Mustafa visited Thursday Roma people,
supported their demands and said that "those people
are not adventurers," and that European community
should hear about their problem and put serious effort
into solving it.
"They really cannot go back to Kosovo, since nobody
guarantees their safety, and in Macedonia they cannot
find a happy future for them or their children.
Therefore, their request to leave to Europe should be
taken honestly and seriously. They live with this
problem for over four years. Unfortunately, the
responsible international institutions act as if they
do not want to deal with the problem, to admit it
exists, and to solve it," stated Mustafa.
Roma people invite George Robertson, NATO's general
secretary and Xavier Solana, EU High Representative,
as well as UN representatives, to come to Medzhitlija.
"Just like they were running to Blace to see the
crisis of Albanian refugees, they should come to
Medzhitlija to see the humanitarian disaster which is
real and which might destroy 611 people, half of which
are children and pregnant women."
Today the refugees have scheduled a new meeting with
Ashmet Elezovski, member of the organization Roma
National Congress, who is supposed to pass their
message--that they are all going to die in Medzhitlija
if they don't get to EUrope--to all European


(ANSA) - BERLINO, 28 MAG - Il governatore Onu in Kosovo, L'ex
consigliere di politica estera e di sicurezza del cancelliere Gerhard
Schroeder, Michael Steiner, terminera' in estate il suo mandato e
sara' trasferito come rappresentante permanente della Germania presso
le Nazioni Unite a Ginevra. La nomina dell'alto diplomatico e' stata
decisa oggi dal consiglio dei ministri a Berlino. Steiner (53 anni)
era stato costretto a dimettersi nel novembre 2001 da consigliere del
cancelliere a seguito di un incidente verbale con un militare.
All'inizio del 2002 aveva assunto l'incarico di responsabile della
missione delle Nazioni Unite (Unmik) in Kosovo. A Ginevra' andra' a
sostituire l'ambasciatore Walter Lewalter che va in pensione a fine
giugno. (ANSA). BUS 28/05/2003 13:09


B92 June 2, 2003
Kosovars protest outside Western embassies
BELGRADE -- Monday - A number of associations of Serbs
displaced from Kosovo today demonstrated in front of
Western embassies in Belgrade, demanding an answer on
when Serbs would repatriated to the southern province.
The protesters asked the governments of the US,
Germany, the UK, Russia and Italy to secure freedom of
movement for Serbs and to call a halt to the UNMIK
privatisation process.
They also called on the Serbian government to "finally
take a serious approach to resolving the Kosovo problem".
Although they announced they would stage a hunger
strike in front of the embassies, most of the
demonstrators dispersed after submitting their demands.

B92 June 2, 2003
Exiled Serbs request western powerhouse assistance
BELGRADE -- Monday -- Representatives of several
associations of expelled Kosovo-Serbs have today
submitted requests to the Belgrade embassies of
western countries and Russia.
The exiles request that the governments of America,
Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Russia explain
exactly when they will allow expelled Serbs and other
minorities to return to the troubled southern Serbian province.
The request also asks for freedom of movement to be
secured and the privatization process to be halted.
The Kosovo-Serb refugees also request that the Serbian
government "finally take a serious approach to resolve
the Kosovo problem".


B92 Beta - June 2, 2003
Albanian premier advocates Kosovo independence

PRISTINA -- Monday -- Albanian President Alfred Moisiu
has said that there's hardly another option for
Kosovo's Albanians than to seek independence of the
In an interview with Pristina daily Koha ditore,
Moisiu said: "The times of applying force and power
have passed, that is our stance on one of the main
conditions set for the Balkan countries".
The Albanian president continued by insisting that
Balkan integration must be achieved, or else the
countries of the region could not integrate into the
European Union.
Moisio said that the people of Kosovo should be the
ones to decide the Serbian province's fate in
accordance with international factors, adding that the
calling of a referendum would be a good solution to
the deadlock.

PRISTINA, June 2 (Beta) - There is hardly any other option for
Albanians except an independent Kosovo, said Albanian President Alfred
Moisiu in an interview to the Pristina based daily Koha Dittore of
June 2.
Asked about Kosovo's final status, Moisiu said that a referendum on
Kosovo's status was a good solution for Kosovo. He said that the
citizens of Kosovo should be allowed to decide on the province's
future in cooperation with international factors.
Moisiu, however, said that it was also very important to establish and
strengthen democratic institutions in Kosovo. Commenting on relations
between Albania and Kosovo, Moisiu said that they were "satisfactory
and constantly improving, despite the fact that Kosovo is an
international protectorate and that all bilateral relations are
supervised by UNMIK."


Repubblica on line del 4/6 (flash ANSA)
Pristina, 11:42
Kosovo, Onu conferma: tre serbi uccisi a colpi di accetta

Sono stati uccisi a colpi di accetta prima che la loro abitazione
venisse data alle fiamme i tre serbi trovati carbonizzati questa
mattina nel villaggio di Obiliq, in Kosovo (leggi qui). Lo ha
confermato all'Ansa Andrea Angeli, portavoce della missione delle
Nazioni Unite (Unmik): "Sui cadaveri sono state trovate profonde
lesioni provocate da colpi di accetta - ha detto il portavoce - resta
da definire soltanto se nel momento in cui e' stato appiccato il fuoco
alla loro abitazione, i tre membri della famiglia fossero gia' morti".
Centinaia di serbi che abitano nella zona di Obiliq sono intanto scesi
in strada per protestare contro questa che considerano [sic]
un'ennesima strage a sfondo etnico, la piu' grave avvenuta in Kosovo
negli ultimi mesi. Il governatore Onu del Kosovo Michail Steiner e il
vice premier serbo Nebojsa Covic stanno raggiungendo la zona. (Red)


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 4 GIU - Un centinaio di manifestanti serbi ha
duramente contestato oggi il governatore delle Nazioni Unite in
Kosovo, Michail Steiner, che si era recato nel villaggio di Obiliq per
rendere omaggio ai tre serbi massacrati la notte scorsa nella loro
abitazione in una probabile strage a sfondo etnico. Steiner era
accompagnato dal primo ministro albanese Bajram Rexhepi. I
dimostranti, che sin dalle prime ore del mattino erano scesi in
strada, hanno piu' volte interrotto il discorso che Steiner stava
improvvisando. ''E' questa la giustizia degli americani'' ha urlato un
serbo, mentre altri strattonavano per la giacca lo stesso Steiner che
poco dopo, accompagnato dalla scorta, ha preferito fare rientro a
Pristina. (ANSA). BLL 04/06/2003 12:26

il manifesto - 05 Giugno 2003

Strage di serbi in Kosovo

Sterminata famiglia di contadini: siluro alla missione Ue
Una coppia di coniugi ottantenni serbi e il loro figlio
cinquantatreenne sono stati uccisi ad accettate e la loro casa data
alle fiamme nel piu' grave atto di violenza in Kosovo negli ultimi
mesi. Le vittime sono Slobodan Stolic di 80 anni, la moglie Radmira di
78 e il figlio Ljubinko di 53 anni. L'agguato sanguinoso e' avvenuto
la notte scorsa a Obilic, a 15 km da Pristina, e rappresenta "un
siluro" ai tentativi di riconciliazione nella provincia serba a
maggioranza albanese. Le uccisioni sono infatti avvenute poche ore
prima dell'arrivo in Kosovo dell'alto rappresentante della politica
estera dell'Unione europea, Javier Solana, che intende promuovere un
summit tra leader serbi e albanesi della provincia al Consiglio
europeo del 20 e 21 giugno a Salonicco. Le vittime sono stati
aggredite nel cuore della notte mentre erano a letto. Il governatore
Onu della provincia, Michael Steiner, e il premier della comunita'
albanese, Bajiram Rexhepi, si sono recati sul luogo dell'assassinio
appena appresa la notizia e sono stati fischiati dalla folla di serbi.
In Kosovo sono state piu' di 1.300 le uccisioni causate dalla
contropulizia etnica [sic] seguita all'intervento Nato del 1999 - e
avvenute sotto gli occhi dei nostri "soldati di pace" - mentre 200.000
serbi hanno preferito abbandonare la provincia passata
provvisoriamente sotto il controllo dell'Onu. La famiglia uccisa aveva
gia' subito numerose minacce affinche' lasciasse il paese. In passato
aveva subito il furto dell'auto e il lancio di bottiglie molotov
contro l'abitazione. E' stata una esecuzione barbara. Sono stati fatti
a pezzi prima che la loro abitazione venisse data alle fiamme. Ce lo
ha confermato Andrea Angeli, portavoce della missione delle Nazioni
unite (Unmik), da noi sentito direttamente:
"I cadaveri presentavano profondi tagli provocati da colpi di accetta,
forse non erano ancora morti al momento in cui l'abitazione e' stata
data alle fiamme". Centinaia di serbi della zona di Obiliq sono subito
scesi in strada per protestare contro l'ennesima strage etnica, tra le
piu' feroci degli ultimi mesi. Ha subito raggiunto in macchina la zona
anche il vice-premier serbo Nebojsa Covic, responsabile per Belgrado
della questione Kosovo. I manifestanti serbi, tutti contadini, al
grido: "Questa e' la pace americana e tedesca!", hanno duramente
contestato l'arrivo del governatore dell'Onu, Michail Steiner, che si
era recato nel villaggio di Obilic per rendere omaggio ai tre serbi
massacrati. Steiner e' stato anche "strattonato" e piu' volte
interrotto mentre cercava di pronunciare un discorso improvvisato,
tanto che la sua scorta alla fine ha preferito riaccompagnarlo di
corsa a Pristina.
Una prova del fatto che il Kosovo - ancora secondo gli accordi di pace
del 1999, "provincia" della Serbia, non e' pacificato. Un siluro alla
necessita' di affrontare il nodo del suo status definitivo: gli
indipendentisti al governo con il moderato [sic] Rugova ma anche con
gli estremisti dell'ex Uck vogliono il Kosovo indipendente, Belgrado
vuole il rispetto degli accordi del 1999, e ora, dopo la guerra
all'Iraq, un allungamento del protettorato militare all'infinito
sembra esere l'intendimento dell'Occidente che ha fatto la "guerra
umanitaria". A quali risultati? Se pochi giorni fa un rapporto di
Amnesty International denunciava, con
dovizia di particolare, che il Kosovo altro non e' che "una prigione
per le minoranze". E una tomba.
Su tutto questo l'Italia del governo Berlusconi tace e
irresponsabilmente frequenta la tragedia del Kosovo "giocando a
pallone", come ha fatto recentemente il sottosegretario Antonione con
delega ai Balcani.

Three Serbs murdered in Kosovo: UN
PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, June 4 (AFP) - An elderly Serb couple and
their son were axed to death and their
house was set on fire Wednesday in Obilic, some 15 kilometers (nine
miles) northwest of the Kosovo capital Pristina, a United Nations
official said.
Slobodan Stolic, 80, his wife Radmila, 78, and their son Ljubinko, 53,
were murdered in their house around 2:30 am (0030 GMT), UN spokesman
in Kosovo Andrea Angeli said. The house was then torched.
"It's a murder and we are still investigating this horrendous crime,"
Angeli said, adding that there were no suspects so far.
"A large crowd of Serbs has gathered in Obilic and they are very
UN mission chief Michael Steiner and Kosovo Prime Minister Bajram
Rexhepi were on their way to Obilic, which has a mixed Serb and
Albanian population.
Angeli said it was too early to say whether the murder was motivated
by ethnic hatred.
Kosovo has been under UN control since the end of a NATO bombing
campaign in June 1999 which forced Belgrade forces to withdraw from
the southern Serbian province, ending their brutal crackdown on the
Albanian majority.
Hundreds [sic] of Serbs and non-Albanians have been killed or have
gone missing since the end of the war, while more than 200,000 Serbs
have fled the province fearing reprisals from Albanian extremists.

Ethnic Albanian extremists kill Kosovo Serb family
OBILIC, June 4 (Tanjug) - Ethnic Albanian extremists used firearms to
kill in Obilic late on Tuesday the Stolic nfamily - Slobodan and
Radmila, both over 80 years old, and their son Ljubinko, Return
coalition member Rada Trajkovic told Tanjug.
The attackers tried to set the family's house on fire to conceal
murder, but neighbors noticed and put out the fire at about 2 a.m.,
finding the dead bodies. Neighbor Novica Stolic told Tanjug that
ethnic Albanians had repeatedly asked Slobodan Stolic to sell his
house, which he refused, and that this was why they were killed.
The Stolic family chose to stay in Kosovo-Metohija after the arrival
of KFOR in 1999. Obilic is inhabited by about 2,500 Serbs, who have
no freedom of movement.

Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] Kosovo: Tortured, Murdered Serb Family Had
Sought UNMIK Help, Were Ignored
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 16:11:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff

1) NATO War Criminal, Architect Of Four Years Of
Murder And Ethnic Cleansing, Javier Solana Returns To
Scene Of Crime
2) Tortured, Murdered Serbian Family Had Sought UNMIK
Assistance But Were Ignored
3) Kosovo Serbian Deputies Stage Walk-Out In Protest
Of Latest Atrocity


Solana meets Kosovo leaders as violence simmers
PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, June 5 (AFP) - The
European Union's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana,
met ethnic Albanian leaders in Kosovo on Thursday, a
day after the brutal slaying of a Serb family damaged
hopes for inter-ethnic dialogue.
Officials said Solana met Prime Minister Bajram
Rexhepi and President Ibrahim Rugova as UN police
probed Wednesday's slaughter of an elderly Serb couple
and their son in a village northwest of here.
No details were immediately available of the meetings.
Radio B92 in Belgrade reported that the triple murder,
the worst attack on Serbs here in more than a year,
were high on the agenda of Solana's talks with UN
mission chief Michael Steiner late Wednesday.
The violence has fuelled the deep animosity between
the Serb and Albanian communities at a time when the
UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) is tentatively exploring
the possibility of dialogue between the ethnic
Albanian government here and the Serbian authorities
in Belgrade.
Kosovo has been under UN control since the end of a
NATO bombing campaign in June 1999 which forced
Belgrade forces to withdraw from the province and end
a brutal crackdown on the Albanian majority.
Hundreds of Serbs and non-Albanians [a gross, obscene
understimation] have been killed or have gone missing
since the end of the war, while more than 200,000
Serbs have fled the province fearing reprisals [what
does an 80-year-old man and his 78-year-old wife have
to fear 'reprisals' for?] from Albanian extremists.
Angry Serbs took to the streets of Obilic, 15
kilometers (nine miles) northwest of Pristina, on
Wednesday to express their grief at the attack on
their elderly neighbours the previous night.
UN officials said Slobodan Stolic, 80, his wife
Radmila, 78, and their son Ljubinko, 53, had been
hacked to death with an axe and their house had been
torched by unknown attackers.
Steiner and Rexhepi rushed to the town to promise
justice but they were jeered by the grieving crowd.
Most Serbs believe the UN has failed to protect them
from Albanian reprisals since the war.
Nenad Radosavljevic, a Serbian advisor to Steiner for
minority and refugee issues, said there could be no
doubt that the murders were an ethnic hate crime even
though UN officials were cautious about jumping to

2) June 5, 2003
Triple murder opens issue of human rights in Kosovo
Belgrade, June 5, 2003 - The Coordinating Centre for
Kosovo-Metohija's Department for Justice and Human
Rights has severely condemned the murder of the
three-member Stolic family from Obilic.
The murder of the Stolic family was ethnically
motivated and it opens the issue of respect for basic
human rights in Kosovo-Metohija, the Coordinating
Centre has said in a statement.
The Serbian Parliament's Committee on Kosovo-Metohija
has also severely condemned this act, and has proposed
that the Serbian government ask the UN Security
Council to call an urgent session to discuss the
security situation in the province. At the same time,
Coalition Povratak (Return) deputies are ordered to
demand the dismissal of all those responsible for
security in Kosovo's interim institutions.
Chief of the Department for Police and Security
General-Major Svetislav Djurdjevic said that the
investigation confirmed that Slobodan, Radmila and
Ljubinko Stolic had been tortured before they were
murdered with a blunt object.
According to Djurdjevic, the family had previously
reported to UNMIK police threats and pressure directed
at them, but the police did not respond by taking any action.

3) B92 Beta June 5, 2003

Return Coalition walk out of Kosovo Assembly
PRISTINA -- Thursday -- Kosovo-Serb MPs of the Return
Coalition have walked out of today's Kosovo Assembly
session in protest over yesterday's triple murder of a
Kosovo-Serb family in Obilic.
Dragisa Krstovic, head of the coalition, demanded that
someone bear responsibility for the Stolic family
slaughter, noting that many other crimes against Serbs
in the province remain unsolved.
The Assembly's session has continued with Albanian MPs
and members of other minorities in attendance.

Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] Call For Urgent Security Council Meet On
Kosovo; Kandic Ousted By Victims' Family
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 23:14:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff

1) Serbia Will Present Kosovo Crisis Before UN
Security Council On June 10, 2003
2) Serbian Parliament Calls For Urgent Security
Council Session On Kosovo
3) Professional 'Human Rights' Operative Natasa Kandic
Thrown Out By Murdered Victims' Family

1) June 6, 2003
UN Security Council to discuss Kosovo situation on June 10
Belgrade, June 5, 2003 - Head of the Coordinating
Centre for Kosovo-Metohija Nebojsa Covic announced
Thursday that Serbian and Montenegrin Ambassador to
the United Nations Dejan Sahovic will present the
position of the Belgrade authorities on the situation
in Kosovo-Metohija at the UN Security Council's June
10 session.
Covic said that the people of Kosovo can no longer
live on certain international officials' empty
promises of freedom of movement, security, stability
and tolerance in Kosovo-Metohija. He also demanded for
the quick arrest of the murderers of the Stolic family
from Obilic.
Covic stressed that the situation in Kosovo-Metohija
needs to be put into order.
He also underlined the importance of the adoption of
two conclusions at the upcoming Thessaloniki Summit:
that Pristina and Belgrade need to begin immediate
talks and that creation of democratic institutions in
the whole of the region is necessary for European

2) B92 Beta June 5, 2003

Outraged Serbs request action at all levels Beta
BELGRADE -- Thursday - The Serbian Parliament's Board
for Kosovo has requested that the Serbian Government
call for an urgent session of the UN Security Council
to address the problems of Kosovo.
The board have also requested that MPs of the
Kosovo-Serb Return Coalition initiate calls for the
dismissal of all those responsible for security in the
province's institutions, as well asking the Serbian
Parliament to hold an emergency session to debate the
security situation in Kosovo.
Today's session of the Serbian Parliament began with a
minute of silence in honour of the slain Stolic
General-Major Svetislav Djurdjevic, head of the Police
and Security Sector of the Coordination Centre for
Kosovo, has confirmed that autopsy results show the
three victims were tortured, before being killed by
blows from a blunt object.
Djurdjevic added that the Stolic family had previously
reported repeated attacks and pressure, but that UNMIK
had not taken action and as such it was the
responsibility of the UN mission to bring the guilty
parties to justice.

3) B92 June 5, 2003

Stolic family throws lobbyist out of home
BELGRADE -- Thursday - Relatives of the Stolic family,
murdered in Kosovo's Obilic yesterday, today threw the
director of the Humanitarian Law Centre out of the
yard of the family home.
Natasa Kandic had travelled to Kosovo today in attempt
to visit the family.
Speaking to B92, she played down the significance of
the incident.
"This is a normal reaction from people in panic and
fear of their lives," said Kandic.
The family told Kandic that they were in no need of
people who were paid to lobby for human rights.
"Nothing has changed, only Albanians and their rights
are written about," said the family.
The family also said that no one was taking care of
the rights of Serbs while Kandic had been fighting for
the rights of Albanians.

OBILIC, June 4 (Tanjug) - Kosovo UN police spokesman Derrek Chapel
said Wednesday, commenting last night's murder of the Serb family of
three in Obilic, that in question is a planned murder and that the
victims died as a result of a brutal beating, not in a fire, while
UNMIK chief Michael Steiner described it as a heinous and perfidious
crime. In question ins a triple and planned murder, Chapel told the
Reuters news agency adding that the victims were killed in the middle
of the night and died after being brutally beaten, not in a fire.
Reuters described this as the most serious attack on the Serb
community in the past two years since the bombing attack on a bus
near Pluzani in February 2001, when 11 Serbs were killed.
Steiner, who arrived on the scene, described the attack bas a heinous
and perfidious crime aimed against the multiethnic community in
Kosovo and the reconciliation of the two communities, Retuers
Kosovo Premier Bairam Rexhepi condemned this act, which he called
barbaric, and demanded that those responsible are found as soon as
possible and brought to justice. Rexhepi added that the crime took
place at the moment when 20 Serb families were preparing to return to
[Were the perpetrators wearing Kosovo Protection Corps uniforms?]
Ireland Online - June 5, 2003
Extremists accused of Kosovo family killings

Ethnic Albanian extremists were today accused of killing a Kosovo Serb
family of three whose bodies were found in their blazing home.
The attack condemned as a hate crime by UN officials and Kosovo's
ethnic Albanian prime minister.
The burned bodies of Slobodan Stolic, 80, his wife Radmila, 78, and
their 53 year-old son, Lubinjko, were found inside their home in
Obilic, an ethnically mixed town ten miles from Pristina.
"They had serious body injuries prior to the burning with a sharp
object, with an axe," said UN spokesman Andrea Angeli.
Michael Steiner, Kosovo's UN administrator, called the killings "a
heinous act, a perfidious crime which was
directed against multi-ethnicity in Kosovo.
"We need justice here and find those who are responsible," Steiner
said, announcing creation of a special police squad to investigate the
Visiting the site with Steiner, Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi, an
ethnic Albanian, called the killing "a monstrous crime."
Steiner and Rexhepi were booed and jeered by a crowd of angry local
Serbs gathered in the garden of the family's charred house. They
accused the leaders of failing to provide security for their
The killings are the gravest this year in the ethnically tense
province of two million and a major setback for stepped-up
international efforts to create conditions for the return of Serbs and
other minorities.
Kosovo has been administered by the UN and Nato since mid-1999, after
a Nato air war halted a Serb military crackdown on separatist ethnic
Since then, the Serb minority has been targeted by ethnic Albanian
extremists in revenge attacks for wartime atrocities [sic]. Some
200,000 Serbs have fled the province, and dozens have been killed in
such attacks.

B92 - June 5, 2003
Serb family murdered in Kosovo

OBILIC -- Wednesday a Kosovo-Serb family was murdered in their Obilic
home near Pristina last night, prompting an extreme reaction from
UNMIK's chief advisor for minorities and returnees.
Fire fighters discovered the bodies of Slobodan Stolic, his wife
Radmila and son Ljubinko after managing to extinguish a fire in the
modest house.
It has been established that the three were already dead before the
fire was set and the family car stolen. An investigation is now
UNMIK Chief Michael Steiner has also arrived on the scene, accompanied
by heavily armed police and KFOR troops.
Reacting to news of the murders, UNMIK advisor for minorities and
returnees, Nenad Radosavljevic said that he would request the complete
suspension of all powers of temporary institutions and the
re-introduction of a full protectorate status for Kosovo.
Speaking to B92 and condemning the murders in the strongest possible
terms, Radosavljevic continued: "I will also ask for Kosovo First
Minister Bajram Rexhepi to resign".
He said: "I cannot bring back the lost lives, but I will insist on the
dismissal and responsibility of the mayor, the municipal administrator
and the Obilic chief of police and KFOR commander for central Kosovo".
Insisting that "someone has to answer for this", Radosavljevic
explained: "I have been warning for days of the strong resistance and
ties between the Albanian politicians and Albanians who have
appropriated the assets of displaced people, but everyone has turned a
deaf ear to this".
A Serb National Council of Kosovo delegation has also arrived in the
town to learn details of the crime. Lead by Randjel Nojkic, they
insisted that local Serbs are understandably very upset and worried by
this latest atrocity.
Issuing a joint statement, the Serb National Council of Kosovo and the
Serbian Orthodox Church's Raska-Prizren diocese said:
"This heinous murder of innocent civilians is just one more in a
series of crimes that the Albanian extremists and terrorists use to
expel the remaining Serbs in Kosovo.
"There are around twenty Serb families left in Obilic. They have been
exposed for months to systematic terror, grenade and arson attacks."
The statement adds: "The murder of the Stolic family confirms the
bitter truth that Serb status in Kosovo
remains unchanged for four years, and that the drop in the number of
crimes committed is only a consequence of the Serbs' even greater
isolation, who stick to their enclaves and protected zones".
The Serbian Government has since announced that PM Zoran Zivkovic has
condemned the murder and requested that the responsiblity of temporary
self-government be established in Kosovo.
The government statement reads: "The monstrous torture, plundering and
burning of three people just because they continued to live in their
house is a great loss and a threat to all Serbs and all other citizens
of Kosovo that the extremists have pointed their finger at".
The PM is to propose to the appropriate Serbian and state union bodies
that responsible, autonomous, temporary institutions be established in
the southern province, insisting that the number of Serbs killed and
incidents of violence and destruction are increasing with the transfer
of powers to temporary Albanian-run institutions.
The daming statement adds: "The establishing of responsibility is also
necessary because of the fact that, despite all the more frequent
grave crimes and the increasing number of people killed, the UN
Secretary General's special representative continues to present his
disastrous results as successful, and plays at forming an independent
state in Kosovo by transferring the powers".


Bishop Artemije:
Future of Kosovo cannot be built on blood of the innocent



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 5 GIU - L'alto rappresentante per la politica
estera e la sicurezza dell'Unione europea, Javier Solana, si e'
congratulato oggi con i carabinieri italiani presenti in Kosovo per il
lavoro svolto nell'ambito dell'Unita' specializzata multinazionale
Solana, in occasione delle celebrazioni del 189/mo anniversario della
fondazione dell'Arma, ha voluto fare visita alla base della Msu a
Pristina dove ha incontrato il comandante della missione, il
colonnello Georg di Pauli.
Alla Msu in Kosovo partecipano circa 300 carabinieri italiani
affiancati da contingenti della gendarmeria francese e della polizia
militare estone, e attualmente costituisce la forza d'elite della
missione Nato (Kfor). Alla cerimoinia di oggi sono intervenuti tra gli
altri il comandante della Kfor, il generale italiano Fabio Mini, e il
rappresentante diplomatico italiano Pasquale Salzano. Il colonnello
Georg di Pauli, 46 anni di Merano, ha gia' partecipato a sette
operazioni di pace all'estero ed ora si appresta a lasciare l'incarico
in Kosovo per assumere il comando in una nuova, delicata,
missione.(ANSA) BLL 05/06/2003 20:45


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 7 GIU - Un attentato e' stato compiuto questa
mattina alle 9,20 in un'agenzia di viaggio nel centro di Pristina,
proprio di fronte al palazzo del governo del Kosovo. Una trappola
esplosiva, collegata alla saracinesca dell'agenzia di viaggi, ha
provocato il ferimento delle quattro commesse che si apprestavano ad
aprire l'esercizio.
''Due di loro sono in gravi condizioni -ha detto all'Ansa Andrea
Angeli, portavoce della missione delle Nazioni Unite (Unmik)- e una
rischia l'amputazione di una gamba''. La trappola era stata realizzata
con una granata di fabbricazione jugoslava collegata ad un filo.
Non si conosce ancora il movente dell'attentato. L'agenzia di viaggi
''Viola Reisen'' e' di proprieta' di un albanese, ma si esclude il
gesto a sfondo etnico. (ANSA). BLL/REN 07/06/2003 11:26
Seven wounded in Kosovo travel agency blast

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, June 7 (Reuters) - A
bomb exploded outside a travel agency in the Kosovo
capital Pristina on Saturday, wounding a worker
opening up the office and six others, police said.
Jack Kraus, a spokesman for the Balkan province's
United Nations police force, said they were not sure
what sort of bomb had gone off. Some media spoke of a
booby-trapped hand grenade.
"The door was opened by a female employee. Two females
sustained serious injuries, not life-threatening. Five
others received less injuries," he said.
There was no word on who may have been responsible for
the city centre blast, which occurred at about 9 a.m.
(0700 GMT).
Organised crime flourished in the lawlessness
following NATO's 1999 bombing to drive Serb forces out
of Kosovo and end repression of majority ethnic
Albanians. The U.N. authority that took over the
province has been trying to crack down ever since. [Sic]


(ANSA) - PRISTINA (KOSOVO), 8 GIU - Due soldati americani delle truppe
della Nato in Kosovo (Kfor) sono morti oggi in un incidente di
elicottero nell'est di questa provincia serba a maggioranza albanese,
a quanto ha detto il portavoce delle forze Usa, il capitano Hillary
Non ci sono indizi che l'incidente dell'elicottero, un Ah-64, sia da
attribuire a intenzioni ostili, ma le sue cause non sono ancora note,
ha aggiunto Luton. Il contingente americano nella Kfor e' composto da
circa 2.500 uomini, basati in buona parte nel Campo Bondsteel, a 40
chilometri ad est di Pristina, capoluogo del Kosovo. La Kfor e'
responsabile della sicurezza nel Kosovo, che e' sotto amministrazione
dell'Onu. (ANSA). COR 08-GIU-03 12:00 NNNN 08/06/2003 15:49


Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] Terror in Kosovo continues: CRY OF THE SERBS
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 19:25:57 -0500 (CDT)
From: Predrag Tosic
To: yugoslaviainfo <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>

[ ... but, insofar as the 'free press' i.e., the major media outlets
in the US are concerned, don't hold your breath and expect to read
about this in New York Times or see a heart-breaking C.
Amanpour-Rubin's report on CNN, or hear an honest account on the
Kosovo situation on quasi-independent NPR... ]

The Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
May 30, 2003

The Serb National Council of Kosovo and Metohija has
sent a text with the cry and appeal of the Serbs of
Vitina containing a list of violent incidents in
Kosovsko Pomoravlje. Because of the rise in violence
and pressure against the Serb population of this
region, and in light of the persistent denial of the
worsening of the security situation by U.S. KFOR and
UNMIK representatives, the people of Kosovsko
Pomoravlje have no other option than to address a
public appeal to the Serb people and the Belgrade
Government to ask for their help.


Yet again in a endless series of instances we have
been murdered. Yet again in an endless series of
instances we have become targets. We had just begun to
hope that the killing was at an end. We had just begun
to hope that in our homes and on our properties, at
least, we would be safe. But still there is no safety:

May 14, 2003 - Albanians frighten residents of the
Serb village of Vrbovac by opening gunfire at the exit
from that village.

May 15, 2003 - Albanians provoke Serbs by shouting
anti-Serb slogans and cheering Adem Jashari in the
Serb-inhabited streets of the ethnically mixed village
of Mogila. During the same night livestock belonging
to a Serb local is stolen.

May 16, 2003 - While passing freely through the Serb
village of Vrbovac, Albanian students sing provocative
songs in Albanian, in the sense of "We have expelled
all the Serbs and we will soon expel you, too." The
very same day there are rumors from the Albanian side
that they will kill seven Serbs in this region.

May 17, 2003 - The Albanians realize their threat by
brutally murdering Zoran Mirkovic, age 44, leaving a
message next to his body bearing the name of the
Albanian National Army and including a threatening
message signed by someone calling himself "Commander
Celi." The deceased Zoran, a professor of Russian, the
father of three small children, a great man and a good
household head, set out by bicycle to inspect his
property. By killing him, they have killed another
part of our wounded, bloodied and helpless spirit.

May 19, 2003 - In the Serb village of Klokot there is
an attempt to kidnap a Serb local, Stanko Misic, who
also was going to inspect his land near the village.
He manages to escape, thanks mainly to the proximity
of the church and KFOR checkpoint where he fled.

May 21, 2003 - A 90 year-old Serb from Vitina, Slavko
Stamenkovic, was beaten up in his own home in front of
his wife, whose mouth was covered so she could not
call for help.

May 22, 2003 - In the village of Klokot a student of
the second year of the Economic Secondary School,
Milan Pavic, was beaten up near his house while
waiting for the school bus at the bus stop.

May 25, 2003 - The house of Serb Momcilo Savic was set
on fire in the village of Klokot.

Crushed by pain, our hopelessness and helplessness
embodied in 45 slaughtered innocents and 10 missing
souls whose uncertain fate is slowly turning into
horrible certainty without proof, yet again in an
endless series we raise our voices.

We do not know whether to call this text an
appeal--for God himself must be weary of our
appeals--or a protest: a protest against the general
evil which tragically lies beside us and around us.
But no one sees it, especially not those who are
responsible and paid to see it. We do not know how
much longer we will remain hunted game only because we
are Serbs and became we still live in our
centuries-old homes.

Every sacrifice we have made in our freedom of
movement, in our hopes, in our jobs and in our
security is a wound that will not heal. There were
some 11,000 of us living in region of Vitina
municipality; since the arrival of KFOR, only 3,000 of
us remain in two Serb villages, a village that was
formerly Serb until one year ago, and two--out of
fifteen--surviving ethnically mixed villages. The town
of Vitina itself, where the population was formerly 70
percent Serb, is now a dungeon for some one hundred
elderly people and those who have nowhere else to go.

Life in these ghettos, where everything seems somewhat
normal, no matter where you are, behind every tree,
from every gully, from behind every car, is full of
potential danger because all the previous murders
occurred in similar situations, treacherously, without
provocation or forewarning. These circumstances
inevitably bear with them a question: Who will be the
next victim?

Despite every effort to remain collected and convince
the people around us that someone is thinking of us,
we cannot even convince ourselves, for reality speaks
otherwise and we have lost hope even in God's help.

May God grant that the victim who fell on May 17 may
be the last. Our great friend and a great, great man,
considering how small and weak we are. Yet another
family is bereaved, without its breadwinner and with a
precarious future.

We will not criticize you because you are not the ones
suffering and perhaps this letter will be only so many
words on paper and will end up in the wastebasket. But
since you have begun, please read it to the end,
thinking of your own families, which we hope are happy
and far from the evil that is our everyday lot and
destroying us only because we are Orthodox Christian


AGAINST THE MURDER to which we are systematically
exposed and which threatens to drive us into
extinction, which does not discriminate in terms of
place or time or weapon or means or given name or
family name or size or age; the only important thing
is that the victim is an Orthodox Christian Serb and
that the goal is achieved: one Serb less, one more
weapon to kill our determination to survive in our
ancestral homes.

AGAINST PHYSICAL OPPRESSION manifesting itself daily
in the form of woundings, beatings, stonings and other
forms of repression, breeding fear for our very lives,
fear for our freedom of movement and work, and
culminating generally in our departure from our
centuries-old homes and our fear to return to them.

AGAINST SPIRITUAL GENOCIDE apparent in the destruction
of centuries-old heritage of an entire people, the
demolition of its religious shrines (churches and
monasteries), the desecration of cemeteries and
obliteration of all traces of the existence and
cultural history of a Christian people with a
civilization originating in the area of Kosovo and

which, tragically, only supplants physical forms of
pressure and combines with them to destroy every
prospect for short-term, and even more so long-term,
peaceful coexistence.


various forms of destruction, appropriation and
transfer of houses, apartments, land, agricultural
machinery, livestock, etc. Responsible individuals
representing the international community have a
million statistics and proofs that this is occurring;
however, for four years these problems have remained
unsolved resulting in a feeling of constant
helplessness and disinterest in fighting for the
realization of their rights through institutional
means among the remaining Serbs.

AGAINST SOCIAL POVERTY created by the expulsion of
thousands of workers from their jobs, leaving many
families without basic means for existence and further
necessitating their departure from their centuries-old

resulting in conditions and increased possibility for
terrorist activities.


(Signatures of the members of the SNC KIM, Vitina


www.spc.yu (for Europe) (for USA) (for USA)

Toma Fila - intervju

[Dal quotidiano montenegrino "Dan" di giovedi 5 giugno, una intervista
al noto avvocato Toma Fila. Dalla quale emerge tra l'altro che
l'attuale Ministro Batic si e' dichiarato favorevole alla pena di
morte. Eccesso di zelo "democratico"?]


"Dan", Titograd/Podgorica
Cetvrtak, 05/06/03

Toma Fila: Od policijskog tretmana puni su klinicki centri

Toma Fila:
- Advokati koji brane optuzene za organizovani kriminal, u dogovoru sa
svojim klijentima stupili su u strajk. Predstavnici advokata
Vojvodine, Beograda, Srbije treba da se sastanu sa ministrom Baticem.
Za mene je to samo dio borbe jer su odredbe krivicnog zakona po kojima
ispada da mogu da nas saslusavaju jer smo razgovarali sa svojim
klijentima nedopustive.

~Da li je Advokatska komora Vojvodine zatrazila smjenu ministra
- Jeste, postoji odluka njihove skupstine o vise tacaka po kojima oni
traze njegovu smjenu. Stvarno je nedopustiv ovaj sistem Vlade Srbije
gdje su ministri predsjednici stranaka. To nema nigdje. Oni gledaju
kako da promovisu svoju stranku i izgovaraju ono sto misle da narodu
odgovara. Na primjer Baticeva izjava da treba uvesti smrtnu kaznu
makar jednu godinu, da se pobiju ljudi, ili da ce napraviti kavez u
kome ce drzati optuzene jer ne zasluzuju bolje. Od tih njegovih izjava
ja se jezim jer ti kavezi bili su predvidjeni u Hagu. I kad sam ja
posao u Hag da branim generala Djordjija Djukica koji je doveden sa
vrecom preko glave, ja sam protestovao i oni su ukinuli taj kavez i tu
vrecu. To je posljednji put korisceno u Izraelu a sad Batic to
predlaze ovdje. Ovaj zakon i ovi giganti pravne misli koji su podrzali
ove mjere, koji govore o retroaktivnosti krivicnog zakona a da odluke
ustavnog suda vaze i za ubuduce to je normalnom covjeku tesko da

~Da li su izmjene i dopune zakona o borbi protiv organizovanog
kriminala u neskladu sa novim zakonom o Krivicnom postupku. Da li je
tu u pitanju povreda osnovnih ljudskih prava i sloboda?
- Jeste, to nije samo korak unazad to je sramota za srpsko pravosudje.
Nije istina da su te mjere bile neophodne da bi se suzbio kriminal.
Bilo je potrebno vanredno stanje ali najduze nedjelju dana. A tek
privodjenje 12.000 ljudi! Toga se pametan stidi, a oni se ponose. To
ni Pinoce u svoje vrijeme nije okupio na stadionu. U 13. vijeku u
Engleskoj jedan lord se usprotivio kraljici zato sto je htjela da
ubije covjeka rekavsi da niko bez dokaza ne moze biti osudjen. Tada je
donijet zakon po kome su ljudi mogli biti kaznjeni samo sa dokazima.
Od 13. vijeka do danas prvo je to uradila nasa vlast. Drze ljude u
pritvorima po 90 dana a da ne vide sud.

~Neki drzavni funkcioneri presudjuju prije nego sto je sudski proces i
zapocet, pa ispada da su price o demokratiji i vladavini prava samo
mrtvo slovo na papiru. Vas komentar.
- Kod nas demokratije nikad nije ni bilo i nazalost nista dobro nam se
nije desilo. Najsmjesnije od svega je sto su ocekivali da ce, kada se
rusio prethodni rezim, biti bolje. Da Milosevica nijesu izdali njegovi
ljudi, on bi jos bio na vlasti. Sada se pricaju iste price kao kada je
on bio na vlasti samo iz drugih usta. Pitaju se koga je poremetilo
vanredno stanje. Pa mene jer nijesam mogao da citam novine koje hocu,
da gledam emisije koje hocu, morao sam da slusam Atinu i Makedoniju da
saznam sta se desava u mojoj rodjenoj zemlji. Ali zato treba da ih
tuzimo da trazimo naknadu stete, kao sto je onaj Pajkic naplatio
dva-tri dana u pritvoru pod Milosevicevim rezimom i od tih para otisao
u Crnu Goru na more. Treba tu odluku uzeti, svi da traze koliko je on
dobio i da odu na Crnogorsko primorje, barem da se turizam razvija od
drzavnih para.

~Iskustva govore da je vecina optuzenih koji su priznali krivicna
djela uz prisustvo advokata po sluzbenoj duznosti bila tesko pretucena
i da je te advokate odredjivala policija?
- To je tacno, mi smo takvu situaciju imali sa Radetom Markovicem i
odbili smo da prisustvujemo saslusanju. Ministar Mihajlovic treba da
se stidi nekih svojih izjava. Kao, ova policija je bolja od
Miloseviceve, a ja znam da je ova ista policija dobila generalske
cinove kod Milosevica. General Lukic je bio general prije dolaska
Mihajlovica. Od njihovih tretmana puni su klinicki centri, izudarali
su direktora "Radnickog" greskom pa su mu rekli da kaze da je udario
glavom kada je izlazio iz podruma inace ce ga pritvoriti. Hapseni su
ljudi iz DB-a neki su drzani i po 24 dana bez saslusanja.
Uhapsene vise nijesu imali gdje pa su ih drzali u stanici
milicije gdje su uvece dovodili pijance da se otrijezne.

~Slucaj Svetlane-Cece Raznatovic?
- Ja uopste ne shvatam cijeli taj postupak. Sa Arkanom i njegovom
strankom bio sam u kontaktu dok je trajao rat ali poslije Dejtona ja
vise kontakata sa njima nijesam imao. Ja znam da je on imao ogromno
naoruzanje i uopste srpska dobrovoljacka garda. Na krovu njegove kuce
bila su dva protivavionska mitraljeza. A onda je dosao Rade Markovic i
razoruzao ga. Ovo sto je nadjeno kod Cece-ona vjerovatno pojma nije
imala. Drzati je u pritvoru zbog toga a sada izmisliti pricu oko
Obilica ja stvarno ne znam cemu to vodi.

~Da li sudjenje Zvezdanu Jovanovicu treba da bude javno?
- Naravno da treba. Zasto bi trebalo kriti ako je postojala
organizovana grupa da ubije Djindjica, ali mozda oni hoce da sakriju
gluposti koje je Vlada dala u svojim saopstenjima. Na primjer,
saopstava a policija potvrdjuje da je Kum odnosno jedan od
ubijenih, pruzao otpor ranjen i lijecen dva dana kasnije. Oni kazu da
je ubijen na licu mjesta i nikom nista. Danas se manipulise gdje su
ubijeni, kako su ubijeni, pricaju se gluposti. Znate kako se to
rjesava uzme se obdukcioni zapisnik koji je radjen u Institutu za
sudsku medicinu. Znam ko ga je radio. I objavi se to vec jednom- da se
zna prava istina. To bi nas postedjelo saopstenja Bebe Popovica.
Sada ovaj proces, koji se vodi protiv Make - cujem da traze da bude
tajan. Ja onog Borivoja Borovica ne volim, ali istinu volim i u pravu
je covjek sto se bori da takva sudjenja ne budu tajna.

~Da li je krivicna prijava policije protiv novinara u konteksu Povelje
o ljudskim pravima?
- Cetrdeset godina se bavim advokaturom i u Evropi nijesam naisao na
slican primjer. Da policija tuzi novinare i da trazi zastitu
parlamenta od novinara. To je smijesno i jadno.


(italiano / english / deutsch )

Macelleria UCKFOR (1)


=== NOTA ===

Lo scorso 4 giugno sono stati ritrovati ad Obilic i cadaveri di una
coppia di coniugi ottantenni e del loro figlio cinquantatreenne,
uccisi a colpi di accetta e poi dati alle fiamme insieme alla loro
casa (vedi:

In seguito a questa ennesima dimostrazione dei reali risultati e
scopi del regime di terrore razzista e di occupazione imperialista
in Kosovo-Metohija, riprendiamo con la cronaca degli avvenimenti
sul campo, che avevamo interrotto da alcuni mesi.

Ricordiamo che gli ultimi numero del "bollettino di guerra" sono
archiviati alle URL:

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, Maggio-Luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, fine luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, agosto-settembre 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, settembre-ottobre 2002

Kosmet, bollettino di guerra: fine ottobre 2002

Un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime di terrore
instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali (KFOR) e
dai criminali neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare sempre nel
nostro archivio:

Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija
si veda in particolare:

ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.

Come al solito, le notizie da noi riportate non sono in alcun modo
esaustive degli avvenimenti nella provincia, e vanno intese solo come
esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica opinione.

(a cura di Andrea)

=== KOSMET, NOVEMBRE 2002 ===


BELGRADE, Nov. 20 (Beta) - The families of missing people from Kosovo
on Nov. 20 protested over the fact that U.N. Secretary General Kofi
Annan did not personally take a list of the names of those believed to
have been kidnapped, from their relatives. Annan's Kosovo
representative, UNMIK chief Michael Steiner, took the list instead.
"We wanted to hand the list to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan in
person, but he declined. Mr. Steiner took the envelope. We were told
that this was Mr. Steiner's job and we were left wondering whether the
list will really reach the right hands," the Association of Families
of the Kidnapped and Missing in Kosovo said.
The Association says that it had already given Steiner the same
document, earlier on, and to his predecessor, Hans Haekkerup, and to
The Hague tribunal's chief prosecutor, Carla del Ponte.


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA. Heute wurde eine Gruppe Serben von mehreren
ethnischen Albanern beim Ort Srbica, zwischen Pec und Kosovska
Mitrovica, angegriffen, wobei drei Serben verletzt wurden.
Meldungen zu folge, wurde Nenad Kovacevic schwer verletzt in das
Krankenhaus von Kosovska Mitrovica gebracht, wobei Ratko Jokic und
Ivan Zdravkovic leicht verletzt wurden. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 21. November 2002 -


PRISTINA. Reporter der Nachrichtenagentur TANJUG Bojan Bozovic, der
von der "internationalen Polizei" in Kosovo und Metochien verhaftet
und in das Gefängnis von Pristina gesteckt wurde, ist in den
Hungerstreik getreten, teilte sein Rechtsanwalt mit. Dem Journalisten
aus dem nördlichen Amselfeld wird vorgeworfen, "einem deutschen
Polizisten gedroht" zu haben. Auch die Mutter und die Schwester des
Journalisten befinden sich im Hungerstreik. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 23. November 2002 -



KOSOVSKA MITROVICA,Nov26 (Beta)-Kosovo Albanian politicians welcomed
UNMIK head Michael Steiner's decision to unite administratively the
southern and northern parts of Kosovska Mitrovica.
Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova approved on Nov. 26 of the steps and
measures taken by UNMIK for the normalization of life in the divided
town of Kosovska Mitrovica.
Kosovo Assembly Speaker Nexhat Daci expressed on Nov. 26 his support
for "the abolition of parallel institutions in northern Mitrovica and
the putting of that part of the town under international supervision."
A political advisor of the Kosovo premier, Ramadan Avdiu, said that
"what was achieved on Nov. 25 by UNMIK's decision is part of the
demands of Kosovo institutions and political parties."


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA,Nov26 (Beta)-All 132 employees of the Serbian
municipality in northern Kosovska Mitrovica will answer on Nov. 26 the
UNMIK administration's advertisement of positions in the future Local
SelfGovernment Administration Office.
Of the 132 employees, 70 will be employed in the Office, another ten
will be employed by the Coordinating Center for Kosovo, and ten will
continue to be on the Serbian government's payroll, a release said on
Nov. 25. The remaining 42 employees will be retired.
The results of the advertisement will be announced in a week.
The UNMIK police took over the premises of the northern Mitrovica
municipality offices on Nov. 25, and it is now being guarded by
Pakistani U.N. police.


About 200 ethnic Albanians from southern Kosovska Mitrovica try to
cross bridge
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Nov 26 (Tanjug) - About 200 young ethnic Albanians
gathered on Tuesday on the southern side of the bridge over the Ibar
River in Kosovska Mitrovica and tried to cross to the northern Serb
part of the city but were prevented by KFOR and the UNMIK police.
Serb sources told Tanjug that, according to a UN police source, the
ethnic Albanians said they wanted to cross into the northern part of
the city because "Mitrovica has become a united city since Monday."
KFOR reacted by positioning transport vehicles near the Sports Hall,
while the UNMIK police increased its numbers. The ethnic Albanians
put up the flag of the Republic of Albania on the Cultural Centre
building, located in the southern part close to Ibar, and a huge
banner saying November 28 - Albania's national holiday regularly
marked by the Kosovo Albanians as their own national holiday.


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA. Eine Gruppe ethnischer Albaner hat heute vormittag
den 19-jährigen Marko Antic angefallen und ihm schwere
Kopfverletzungen angetan. FoNet +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 28. November 2002 -


HELSINKI. Das Haager Tribunal hat mit Verspätung die finnische
Pathologin Helena Rata zu einer Aussage über
die Ereignisse in Racak aufgefordert, obwohl der Teil über Kosovo und
Metochien im Prozess gegen den jugoslawischen Ex-Präsidenten Slobodan
Milosevic schon längst abschlossen ist, schreibt das finnische
Tagesblatt "Helsingi sanomat".
Helena Ranta hat den "Fall Racak" Anfang 1999 geführt. Racak diente
aus westliche Ausrede führ die Aggression auf die Bundesrepublik
Jugoslawien im Frühjahr 1999. Das finnische Blatt findet es
außergewöhnlich, dass sich die Pathologin in Den Haag auf Begehren der
Richter melden soll und nicht als Zeuge der Anklage oder Verteidigung.
Balkan-Telegramm, 28. November 2002 -



Der UNMIK-Vertreter Marek Antoni Novicki erklärte auf einer
Pressekonferenz, dass die Rückkehr der durch die ethnisch albanischen
Extremisten vertriebenen Serben in die serbische Provinz Kosovo und
Metochien unmöglich ist. Als Hauptproblem nannte Novicki die Rückkehr
der Serben in die Städte.
In Kosovo und Metochien werden regelmässig Serben angegriffen, beraubt
und serbische Häuser niedergebrannt.
Auch orthodoxe Kirchen werden geplündert und mit Dynamite gesprengt.
Balkan-Telegramm, 27. November 2002 -


In ganz Kosovo und Metochien wurde heute der "Tag der Fahne", ein
Nationalfeiertag Albaniens, "gefeiert.
Im südlichen Teil von Kosovska Mitrovica wurde die albanische Fahne am
Kulturzentrum der Stadt gehisst.
Die UNMIK beobachtete die "Manifestationen". Laut Meldung des Radio
Kosovo hat der Kommandeur des "Kosovo-Schutzcorps", Agim Ceku,
ehemaliger UCK-Terrorist, in der ehemaligen Kaserne der jugoslawischen
Armee "Kaiser Dusan", jetzt "Adem Jasari", in Pristina die Einheiten
in voller Kriegsausrüstung antreten lassen.
In Presevo und Bujanovac wurden die Fahnen bis Mittag abgehängt.
Balkan-Telegramm, 28. November 2002 -


PRISTINA,Nov28 (Beta)-Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova has said that
November 28 was the day of "independence of all Albanians," and he
called for the "formal acknowledgement of Kosovo's independence" and
pointing out that it would "quell tensions in the entire region."
Albania gained independence on November 28, 1912, after liberating
itself from Turkish rule.
Following a formal celebration in Pristina's National Theatre, Rugova
laid a wreath on the monument to Skender
Beg, which was unveiled last year on Albania's Flag Day. Albanian
were being flown on numerous buildings and shops in Pristina.

=== KOSMET, DICEMBRE 2002 ===


Das Washingtoner Friedensinstitut hat am 5. Dezember eine Konferenz
anberaumt , die den Status von Kosovo und Metochien lösen soll. Laut
der albanischen Zeitung aus Pristina "ZERI" ist das eine für die
Öffentlichkeit geschlossene Versammlung, an der keine politischen
Führer aus Kosovo und Metochien selbst teilnehmen.
Es nehmen Politiker aus den USA, Europa und als Sprecher und der Chef
des zivilen Sektors, Michael Steiner und der Kommandant der
KFOR-Truppen, der italienische General Fabio Mini teil. Die Idee der
Konferenz ist es eine Möglichkeit für den endgültigen Status von
Kosovo und Metochien in den nächsten drei bis 4 Jahre zu finden.
Kosovo und Metochien ist eine Provinz der Republik Serbien. Die
albanischen Terroristen versuchten vor und nach der Bombardierung
Jugoslawiens die Provinz von Serbien abzutrennen und die Serben
gewaltsam aus Kosovo und Metochien zu vertreiben. STIMME KOSOVOS
+++ Balkan-Telegramm, 03. Dezember 2002 -


PRISTINA. Gestern Abend wurde in der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und
Metochien ein Attentat auf zwei Serben verübt. Das Attentat ereignete
sich in der Ortschaft Gracanica. Dabei wurden die Serben Radojica
Milovanovic und Zoran Zivic umgebracht. TANJUG+++
Balkan-Telegramm, 04. Dezember 2002 -


BELGRAD. Der jugoslawische Präsident Vojislav Kostunica hat die Lage
in der von der NATO besetzten serbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien
als katastrophal bezeichnet. Es warten noch mehr als 250 000 von den
ethnisch albanischen Terroristen vertriebene Serben auf die Rückkehr
in ihre Häuser. Der jugoslawische Präsident verurteilte ebenfalls die
systematische Zerstörung orthodoxer Kirchen, Klöster und Friedhöfe.
Balkan-Telegramm, 04. Dezember 2002 -


ROM. Der albanische Extremist Elvis Prifiti hat am Sonntag in Vicenza
den Serben Srdjan Pajic mit einem Messer umgebracht. Danach flüchtete
er. Nach einer grossangelegten Fahndung der italienischen Polizei
wurde der Mörder in Bari verhaftet als er versuchte mit einem Schiff
nach Albanien zu flüchten. Albanien gilt als rechtfreier Raum wo sich
zur Zeit hunderte international gesuchter Terroristen und Kriminellen
aufhalten. TANJUG+++
Balkan-Telegramm, 04. Dezember 2002 -


PRISTINA, Dec. 5 (Tanjug) - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova on
Wednesday met with a Council of Europe (CE) delegation and repeated
his demand that this southern Serbian province should be recognized as
independent, even though the European officials had announced the
only topic for discussion would be decentralization.
Attending the same talks, Kosovo Prime Minister Bairam Rexhepi asked
that the decision on the final status of the province be prolonged,
Kosovo media said.
The Kosova Live news agency of Pristina pointed out the fact that the
CE delegation had come to Pristina to discuss decentralization and
hear different views on this issue, and not Kosovo's independence or
its status.


PRISTINA, Dec. 4 (Tanjug) - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova said in
Pristina on Wednesday that he hopes the
citizens of Kosovo would celebrate the next Bairam in an independent
Kosovo. Democratic Party of Kosovo leader Hashim Thaci has sent an
identical message calling on ethnic Albanian unity.


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA. Der KFOR-Kontrollpunkt, welcher bei Ankunft der
KFOR im Juni 1999 auf der Brücke über den Fluss Ibar errichtet wurde
und den nördlichen und südlichen Teil von Kosovska Mitrovica trennt,
wurde entfernt, so dass es einen freien Übergang für Fahrzeuge und
Fußgänger in der ethnisch geteilten Stadt gibt, hieß es heute im
Gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug wurde erklärt, die Sicherheit
in Kosovska Mitrovica wäre gewährleistet, es gäbe keine Checkpoints
mehr an der östlichen Brücke und der Durchgang für eine freie
Zirkulation der Leute wäre geöffnet.
Generalleutnant Alain Bidard erklärte, dass die KFOR eine Reduzierung
ihrer Aktivitäten in Kosovska Mitrovica plane, mit Hinsicht darauf,
dass sich die Sicherheit merklich verbessert hat. INET-NEWS / TANJUG
Balkan-Telegramm, 12. Dezember 2002 -


Ethnic Albanian leaders repeat demand Kosovo-Metohija independence
PRISTINA, Dec 15 (Tanjug) - During talks with the ambassadors of the
15 members of the United Nations Security Council on Saturday
evening, Kosovo Albanian political leaders urged a speedy resolution
of the status of Kosovo-Metohja and demanded independence for the
Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova said that Kosovo-Metohija is already
independent and that this only remains to be formally confirmed.
Kosovo Parliament President Nedzad Daci demanded the faster
resolution of Kosovo's status underscoring that its final status and
the standards, upon which the UN is insisting, should be parallel.
The head of the party club of the Serb coalition Povratak (Return)
in the Kosovo parliament, Rada Trajkovic, said she had received firm
guarantees that there cannot be anything regarding the independence
of Kosovo and that claims about speeding up the talks on its status
are merely the wishes of the Albanian politicians.
Trajkovic stated that the Security Council representatives clearly
said that at this moment they are not ready to discuss something such
as status. Trajkovic added that she had informed the ambassadors
about the failure of the UNMIK mission, an example of which is Friday
evening's terrorist act in Pristina.
The terrorists used the passivity of the international community and
are continuing the mono-ethnic and independence scenario, Trajkovic
set out adding that the Kosovo Serbs are unwilling to live in an
independent Kosovo.



ERP KIM Info-Service

UN Security Council warns: a bleak future and
self-isolation awaits Kosovo where minorities are being
Gracanica, December 16, 2002

Multi-ethnicity, integration of minorities and
standards before status were the most often words of UN
SC 15-member delegation during two-day visit in Kosovo.
_Kosovo will face self-isolation if it does not meet
the standards,_ was the message of the Norway
Ambassador Ole Peter Kolby who asked Albanians _to take
on responsibility of security of minorities and asked
minorities to integrate themselves into Kosovo society.
_Kosovo still does not have its true functional
democratic institutions_ and _a society where
minorities would completely participate._ _A Kosovo
where members of minorities are oppressed will face a
lonely future of self-isolation,_ said Norwegian
Ambassador Ole Peter Kolby. The leaders of the Kosovo
institutions requested that standards and status go in
a parallel way and asked for more competencies.
On the second day of its visit to Kosovo, the UNSC
15-member delegation being accompanied by the SRSG
Michael Steiner visited Mitrovica on 15 December. After
two-hour talks with Serb representatives in the
northern part of Mitrovica, Colby told journalists that
he had _a constructive meeting with Serb
representatives. Everybody in Kosovo must have its
place and part and everybody should integrate into the
new civilised multiethnic society. Everybody will be
better off in it because everybody will be able to work
and live normally. A multiethnic society would lead to
the strengthening of this region and to economic
prosperity,_ said the Norwegian ambassador

Glas Javnosti


Trajkovic: US Institute of Peace is working to create a
platform of independent Kosovo
Belgrade, December 16, 2002

Following the meeting with the UNSC delegation on 14
December, the chief of Povratak caucus in the Kosovo
assembly Rada Trajkovic said. _The UN Security Council
does not stand behind the Albanian requests, obviously
supported by UNMiK Chief Michael Steiner, so to launch
an initiative in order to reach a new resolution to
separate Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia._ She warned
that such a resolution would fulfil Albanian idea that
with support of the USA and through institutions to
achieve independence. _I warned ambassadors on that,
especially that the US Institute for Peace is working
to create a platform of independent Kosovo. I backed
that with an example of formational regrouping of the
former KLA members into the Kosovo Protection Corps,_
emphasised Trajkovic. She deems that this institute
intention_s of transforming the KPC into the defence
forces, i.e. Kosovo army is obvious.

The leading Albanian daily in Pristina reveals that the
latest bomb attack in Pristina, in which 30 people were
injured, might be an action by the mebers of the UCK
who try to intimidate witnessess in the trial to the
former UCK commander Rrustem Mustafa "Remi". The story
reveals that UCK still illegaly exists despite its
alleged transformation into the Kosovo Protection Corps
and official UNMIK denials that Albanian extremism and
terrorism exist at all. (ERP KIM)


il manifesto - 15 Dicembre 2002

Autobomba in Kosovo

32 feriti, 7 gravi. Obiettivo? L'Onu o un «testimone» dell'Uck

Un'autobomba è esplosa a Pristina nella tardissima serata di giovedì
davanti al ristorante «Noti» - a poche centinaia di metri dalla sede
dell'Unmik, l'amministrazione Onu in Kosovo - provocando il ferimento
di 32 persone. Dal pronto soccorso dell'ospedale di Pristina si è
saputo per tutta la giornata di ieri solo che le persone ricoverate
erano 32 persone, «sopravvissute alla fortissima esplosione», e che 7
di loro versano tuttora in gravi condizioni. «Quattro bar sono andati
distrutti e molte macchine sono andate in fiamme. La vettura
dell'autobomba, una Yugo, è in polvere», ha detto Andrea Angeli,
portavoce dell'Unmik da noi sentito direttamente. Tra i feriti, a
quanto è dato sapere, non c'è personale internazionale, nonostante la
vicinanza con la sede Onu e il fatto che il ristorante in questione è
spesso frequentato dal personale internazionale. Quale obiettivo
avevano gli attentatori? Senza escludere naturalmente la criminalità
mafiosa kosovara, le indagini puntano su due piste politiche: la
prima, è che proprio ieri una delegazione del Consiglio di sicurezza
dell'Onu era in visita a Pristina - poi si recherà a Belgrado -
proprio per verificare la situazione. Nelle ultime settimane il
programma Onu di «rientri» dei serbi è stato spesso oggetto di
attacchi violenti. Proprio in questi giorni stanno riprendendo a
Gnjlane le iniziative dei «rientri» di alcune centinaia di serbi,
fuggiti nel terrore della contropulizia etnica in questi tre anni di
«pace» guardata a vista dalla Nato. Un periodo nel quale sono stati
uccisi più di mille serbi, rom e goranci, 112 chiese ortodosse sono
state fatte saltare in aria, 200.000 serbi e rom sono stati
praticamente «espulsi», e centinaia di albanesi moderati sono stati
assassinati. Tutto davanti a 35mila soldati Nato, molti dei quali
Oggi per celebrare tanta «professionalità» arriverà - come un tempo le
attrici-madrine americane in Vietnam - Sabrina Ferilli, sponsor
Costanzo che oggi da «Buona domenica» saluterà il Natale del
contingente italiano.

La seconda pista, quella più accreditata anche da ambienti
kosovaro-albanesi moderati di Pristina, è relativa all'annuncio fatto
un mese fa dalla Del Ponte, procuratore del Tribunale dell'Aja, sulla
prossima incriminazione - sempre annunciata ma mai realizzata - di uno
o più ex leader dell'ormai formalmente disciolto Uck , i cui capi
erano l'attuale numero due del Kosovo, Hasim Thaqi, e l'attuale capo
del Corpo di protezione civile, Agim Ceku - ma per omicidi commessi
però ancora nel 1998 e contro altri albanesi-moderati, legati al
leader Ibrahim Rugova che ha visto la sua leadership massacrata più
dall'Uck che non dai Servizi serbi.
L'autobomba, per la quale non c'era fino in tarda serata nessun
arresto, avrebbe dovuto eliminare proprio un «testimone scomodo quanto
eccellente». Mentre scriviamo ancora non è dato sapere se tra i feriti
c'è questo nome «eccellente».

Over thirty injured by car bomb in Kosovo

Ireland Online, December 14, 2002
More than 20 injured in Kosovo blast

PRISTINA. Bei dem Bombenanschlag in Pristina, bei welchem am
vergangenen Wochenende etwa 30 Albaner verletzt wurden, handelt es
sich um eine Anschlag albanischer Terroristen, welche offenbar gegen
den Besuch der UN-Delegation in der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und
Metochien protestieren wollten. In westlichen Medien wurde berichtet,
der Anschlag habe ausschließlich albanische Opfer gehabt, dabei wurde
vergessen zu berichten, daß sich in der Haupstadt der serbischen
Provinz Kosovo und Metochien nur noch etwa 200 Serben, der Rest von
etwa 30.000 wurde von den Albaner vertrieben oder ermordet, unter
starkem Schutz der KFOR-Truppe aufhalten. Die letzten serbischen
Einwohner der Stadt können ihre Wohnhäuser nur unter unmittelbarer
Gefahr für Leib und Leben verlassen. STIMME KOSOVOS +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 16.Dezember 2002 -

World Net Daily - December 17, 2002
Terror strike on Bill Clinton Avenue
Kosovo car bomb injures 32 as U.N. analyzes peacekeeping effort
By Aleksandar Pavic
A car bomb has exploded on Bill Clinton Avenue in
Pristina, capital of Yugoslavia's Kosovo province,
injuring 32 people, 9 seriously. ...


PRISTINA. Nach den Worten der Albanerzeitung Koha Ditore war der
Anschlag vom Wochenende in Pristina das Werk der offiziell
"aufgelösten" albanischen Terrorgruppe UCK. Man wolle damit versuchen,
so das Albanerblatt, die UNMiK-Gerichtsbarkeit vor dem Prozeß gegen
einen der führenden UCK-Terroristen Rustem Mustafa zu erschrecken.

Pristina, December 16, 2002.
Although the motive of Friday_s evening attack in
Dardania neighbourhood is not made public by
investigative bodies, family members of Sekiraca,
wounded in the attack, leave open the possibility that
this was done by former UCK members. The cousin of
Enver and Naim Sekiraca, Sali, told Koha Ditore on
Sunday that _they don_t have good relations with the
UCK because many of them thought we were collaborators
of the previous regime._ For the moment, he was not
able to allude any possible person that might have
carried out the act. Sali prefers to wait for the _end
of investigations that are being carried out by
competent bodies,_ and not talk about the motives and
possible participants in organising the attack. In the
meantime, investigative policemen of the case took the
statements of three witnesses who continue to be cured
in Prishtina hospital.
Sali Sekiraca was one of the few allowed people by the
international police to stay close to the three
patients Enver and Naim Sekiraca and Driton Emini. The
room of these three patients continues to be blocked by
a great number of international policemen. _These three
patients need protection, that_s why we are here. They
are supposed to be the target of Friday_s attack. We
have an order to protect them, that_s all we know,_
said one of the policemen close to the door of
patients_ room, making contact with them impossible.
_They are protecting us from another possible attack.
We were continuously attacked and at the night when the
explosion happened, there were UCK people at the
hospital looking at possibilities to kill us when we
came to get the first aid,_ said Sali Sekiraca.
There are rumours that the motive for the attack is the
testimony Enver Sekiraca will give in the trial against
Rrustem Mustafa _ Remi. In the meantime, Sali says
Enver has still not decided whether to testify or not.
_Six or seven months ago, Enver was offered to testify
against Remi by international judges. He did not do it.
He has the same opinion now but I don_t know what will
happen later,_ said Sali. According to him, what Enver
could testify is the period when he was arrested by UCK
in Llapashtica from where he escaped and not released
as UCK members claim, then he fell in Serbs_ hands, who
kept him in the prison of Sremska Mitrovica and
maltreated him. Remi lawyer, Aziz Rexha, says that the
official accusation does not include the testimony of
Sekiraca, while he does not exclude the possibility of
this happening later. Rexha did not accept to comment
for the moment the kind of the testimony Sekiraca could
give against Remi. According to what I have heard, I
know it_s about a man with a criminal past without
mentioning any other detail.

Information Service of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren
Kosovo and Metohija


PRISTINA. Der albanische Terrorist Ibrahim Spahiju aus Gnjilane wurde
am Montag von einem UNMIK-Gericht in Gnjilane in der serbischen
Provinz Kosovo und Metochien wegen Entführung und Freiheitsberaubung
an etlichen serbischen Einwohnern der serbischen Provinz zu sechs
Jahren Haft verurteilt. BETA/STIMME KOSOVOS +++

PRISTINA, Dec. 18 (Beta) - On Dec. 18, the headquarters of the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC) resolutely condemned the decision by the
international court in Pristina to sentence five former members of the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the KPC to a total of 31 years in
The Dukagjin group was tried for abduction and torture in June 1999,
which resulted in the deaths of four members of the FARK, the armed
formation of Kosovo Albanians that supported Kosovo President Ibrahim
"We knew that the accusation and arrest of General Daut Haradinaj and
the four others was politically motivated..., but we hoped that the
decision by the Pristina District Court, reached by the international
judges and prosecutors, would not be political in nature," it said in
the statement, signed by the KPC commander, General Agim Ceku.
Expressing the conviction that the convicted men were innocent, the
KPC headquarters stated that the court ruling compromised
international law and sent "a very wrong message" to the public.



PRISTINA. Marek Novicki, Ombudsmann für Kosovo und Metochien,
erklärte, dass die Sicherheitssituation in Kosovo und Metochien besser
geworden ist, jedoch weit entfernt von der Normalität. Er fügte hinzu,
dass die serbische Sprache in Kosovo und Metochien marginalisiert ist,
was ebenfalls ein Problem darstellt. Nur die Rückkehr der vertriebenen
Serben nach Kosovo und Metochien sei der einzige Weg für die Region,
sich in Europa zu integrieren, so Novicki weiter.
Des weiteren erklärte er in seinem Bericht über die Menschenrechte in
Kosovo und Metochien, dass die UNMIK wichtige Normen der
UN-Menschenrechte nicht achtet und nicht im Sinne der
UN-Menschenrechtscharta funktioniert.
Die Menschen in Kosovo und Metochien werden schon drei Jahre ihrer
Rechte und ihrer Freiheit beraubt, sagte Novicki. INET-NEWS / TANJUG
Balkan-Telegramm, 19. Dezember 2002 -

UNMIK not functioning in line with rule of law - Kosovo ombudsman
PRISTINA, Dec. 19 (Tanjug) - Kosovo-Metohija Ombudsman Marek Nowicki
said Thursday in Pristina that UNMIK is not functioning in line with
the rule of law and does not comply with important human rights norms
of the international community.
People in Kosovo have been denied the exercise of their rights and
freedoms for the past three years, Nowicki said in his report on the
human rights situation in the province.
UNMIK chief does not respect the principle of the division of power,
which has a negative effect on the rule of law and the exercise of
human rights in general, he said. UNMIK was not constituted in line
with democratic principles and is only a surrogate of a state,
Nowicki said, noting that UNMIK has granted to itself and KFOR total
immunity, thus ignoring the international standards on protecting
individuals from arbitrary decisions of the authorities.
Some persons in Kosovo have been detained without any court ruling
but according to decisions of the UNMIK chief or KFOR commanders, he

Security situation in Kosovo-Metohija far from normal, Novicki
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Dec. 19 (Tanjug) - Ombudsman for Kosovo and
Metohija Marek Novicki assessed on Thursday that the security
situation in the Province was improving, but that it was far from
The security situation in the Kosovo Morava region has improved, in
Metohija it has deteriorated, while in Pristina there is pressure on
Serbs to sell their remaining property, Novicki told reporters in the
northern part of Mitrovica. He added that the Serbian language in
Kosovo is marginalized, which is a major problem.
The interest of all of us, and also of the local Albanians, is the
return of the expelled Serbian population to Kosovo and Metohija, as
the only way of this region towards European integration," Novicki
said in conclusion.


PRISTINA: Der "Präsident" Kosovo und Metochiens, Ibrahim Rugova, hatte
am Mittwoch Abend einen leichten Verkehrsunfall, als sein Fahrzeug
einem anderem auffuhr, wobei es keine Verletzte gegeben haben soll.
Balkan-Telegramm, 19. Dezember 2002 -


Car bomb in Kosovo kills one
Associated Press Thursday, December 26, 2002
Pristina, Yugoslavia - A bomb exploded in western
Kosovo, killing an ethnic-Albanian man and injuring
two of his family members, a UN spokesman said


Ethnic Albanian extremists kill Serb in Cernica village
GNJILANE, Dec 23 (Tanjug) - Ethnic Albanian extremists killed Trifun
Trifunovic (42), father of three, from automatic weapons in the
village of Cernica near Gnjilane at about 5 p.m. (1600 GMT) on
Sunday, Return coalition sources told Tanjug. KFOR and UNMIK police
blocked the village, but the attackers managed to flee.

Beta December 24, 2002
Kosovo Serbs condemn Trifunovic killing
GRACANICA -- Monday - Kosovo Serb political leaders today strongly
condemned the murder yesterday of Trajan Trifunovic near Gnjilane.
Trifunovic was gunned down in a hail of automatic weapon fire near his
house in the village of Cernica.
Leaders of the Serb Return Movement called on the international
community to take "the most vigorous measures to bring an end to
terrorism" on territory under its control
The Serbian National Council of Kosovo backed the Movement's earlier
demands that the Coordination Centre for Kosovo move its headquarters
from the up-market Belgrade suburb of Dedinje to Kosovo.
"It is obvious that the structure and function of the Coordination
Centre up to now has not given the expected results," said the Council
in a statement, calling on Belgrade to demand that the UN mission in
the province facilitate the work of the Centre.
The leader of the Serb caucus in the Kosovo Parliament, Rada
Trajkovic, told media that the murder of Trifunovic confirmed that
there was no safety for Serbs on Kosovo, adding that Belgrade could no
longer calmly stand by while Serbs were suffering in Kosovo.
She called for the return of Yugoslav security forces to the province,
as envisaged under Security Council Resolution 1244, as a way to
improve the security situation.


ERP KIM Info-Service
Gracanica, December 23, 2002
American soldiers arrested on Sunday night two
Kosovo Albanians suspected for killing of Trajan
Trifunovic from Cernica village near Gnjilane, said
Andrea Angeli, UNMIK spokesperson in Pristina
today. Trifunovic was killed yesterday around 16.30
by machine gun fire 100 meters from his house.
Angeli said that arrested Kosovo Albanians are 34
and 25 years old and that they were arrested not
far away from the place of crime by a group of US
KFOR soldiers. The suspects were handed over to
UNMIK investigators in Gnjilane.



Agim Ceku's provocation is dangerous, says Covic
BELGRADE, Dec 13 (Tanjug) - We have got hold of a document entitled
"Transformation of the Kosovo Protection Corps into Kosovo Defense
Forces", and we believe this project is a dangerous provocation that
could really destabilize not only Kosovo-Metohija but the entire
region, said Coordinating Centre for Kosovo-Metohija President
Nebojsa Covic.
"This project has undoubtedly appeared contrary to the U.N. Security
Council resolution 1244 since the Corps had been established to carry
out humanitarian tasks in case of natural disasters. However, Ceku's
(Agim, former Liberation Army of Kosovo general) project is not the
only problem. Some men from the corps are carrying guns, and training
that has nothing to do with the declared purpose of the corps has
taken place," said Covic in a statement published by the Belgrade
daily Vecernje Novosti on Friday. "This is why it is necessary for
both the international representatives and the Belgrade authorities to
be determined and courageous enough to stop Ceku's and all other
similar provocation's," underlined Covic.


ERP KIM Info-Service
Statement by SNC of Kosovo and Metohija

Serb National Council of Kosovo and Metohija warns
about the danger of the latest NSC plan for
transformation of the KPC

December 23, 2002

After months of constulations a group of experts on
Balkan issues prepared for the U.S. National
Security Council (NSC) a plan for reconstruction of
Kosovo Protection Corps and dismissal of its
members suspected of war crimes and other criminal
activities. The plan proposes creation of a new
organization "Kosovo Safety and Security Council"
Behind this plan which on its surface rightly seeks
to filter KPC structures which are deeply involved
in ethnicaly motivated crimes against Serbs, Roma
and other minorities, there is in fact a dangerous
idea for creation of the nucleus of future Kosovo
National Army. The personnel of this oragnization
after temporary reduction to 2300 would be
increased to 6.300 by 2006 and would be given
responsibility for border security and other
security issues in Kosovo, as it is mentioned in
the report of NSC. According to the information
received by SNC KM this plan comes from still
influential circles close to former Clinton
administration which continue with efforts to
pursue final disintegration of the Yugoslav
federation and grant independence to Kosovo which
is not an official position of the Administration
at the moment. From rather incomplete report
published by the SENSE Agency two important
conclusions can be made:

1. International community has finally recongized
that the Kosovo Protection Corps which was created
from the former KLA (UCK) and placed under direct
control and funding of NATO and UN is directly
responsible for many post-conflict crimes aganist
Serbs, Roma and moderate Albanians and that it is
necessary that perpertrators of these crimes should
be punished. The report mentions involvement of KPC
structures in extremist attacks in South Serbia and
Macedonia as well as its connections with organized
crime. At the same time when this happened the
Corps received ample international funding and NATO
training. First "cleaning" of the former KLA was
achieved by its "transformation" into the Kosovo
Protection Corps in Sep 1999. Now when this
organization has been deeply compromized in a
series of post-war crimes there is a plan for a new
"cleaning" which should give credibilty to an
organization which in its core has always remained
on the positions of ethnic Albanian nationalism!
and extremism. After many attempts to hide this
truth from public and futile attempts to attract
some Kosovo Serbs to its ranks in order to present
it as multiethnic structure, it is finally evident
that this expensive internatinal undertaking has
completely failed. It is now quite evident who is
responsible for crimes and violence in Kosovo after
the conflict in 1999 and this can no longer be

2. The idea of transformation and building of new
moral credibility for the KPC by creating of
"Kosovo Safety and Security Council" is directly
opposite to the basic requirement of UN SC
Resolution 1244 because the issues of territorial
security and border protection which are presently
under authority of KFOR and UN Mission are planned
to be gradually given into the hands of local
Albanian led forces which would be armed by
military weapons (long guns). At the same time
another important requirement from the Resolution
1244 is ignored and that is the return of a
contingent of Yugoslav army and police to the
borders and around the most important patrimonial
sites. It is quite obvious that this plan is
nothing but an attempt of creation of Kosovo
National Army which is one of the main prerogatives
for independence of the Province.

Serb National Council of Kosovo and Metohija openly
supports investigation of responsibility for crimes
committed by KPC members, primrily its command
structure which consists of the former KLA
commanders led by Agim Ceku. We also support
decrease of personnel of this organization which
according to the SNC is not needed in Kosovo and
Metohija and is a source of unecessary expenses. In
this sense, SNC KM called all Kosovo Serbs not to
enter in KPC and give multiethnic character to this
deeply moraly compromised organization.

SNC KM strongly opposes to the idea of formation of
"Kosovo Safety and Security Council" (KSSC) and
granting this structure responsibility any kind of
territorial and border security even under UN/NATO
supervision. Such decision would openly prejudice
the future status of the Province and as such is
unacceptable for KM/Serbs. SNC KM appeals to
Belgrade Government and Coordination Committee for
KM to react urgently to this plan and support the
request expressed by SNC KM for deployment of a
contingent of Yugoslav army and police with
multiethnic composition on the FRY borders in the
region of Kosovo Province.

SNC KM hopes that this part of the NSC plan for
creation of new Kosovo Army will not be accepted by
the U.S. Administration and European structures.

Info-Service ERP KIM



Kosovo ethnic Albanian party adopts declaration on province's
PRISTINA, Dec. 21 (Tanjug) - The national committee of the Alliance
for Kosovo's Future adopted Saturday a political declaration on an
"independent state of Kosovo" and urged the UN Security Council to
adopt a new resolution on "independent Kosovo".
The party also asked the Kosovo parliament to adopt this declaration
and urged all political forces in the province to work for the
creation of the "independent state".
The Alliance, whose president is Ramush Haradinaj, also urged all
democratic states, particularly the US and the European Union, to
support and help in "international recognition of the state of


Independence House is a provocation, Covic
PRISTINA, Dec 23 (Tanjug) - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova's
decision to open an Independence House is a provocation to which the
international community should react strongly unless it wants peace
in the entire region to be threatened, the head of the Coordination
Centre for Kosovo-Metohija Nebojsa Covic told Tanjug on Monday. "This
could provoke unrest, clashes and the spreading of mistrust among
the ethnic communities," Covic set out adding he is certain that
independence will reign only within the walls of the house and that
Rugova will be alone and independent in that house. "The
international community should be aware that everything else would
re-ignite the bloody Balkan fuse. Those who are unaware of this
should not be in politics or, maybe, they are making such statements
in an immature frame of mind," Covic set out.


Demands for independence repeated
PRISTINA, dec 28 (Tanjug) - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova repeated
the demand that the international community recognizes the
independence of Kosovo as that would help strengthen peace in the
Province and in the region, while UNMIK information bureau chief
Simon Haselock cautioned that Albanian politicians' demands for
Kosovo parliament to declare independence are putting back Kosovo.
Haselock repeated that the issue of the final status of Kosovo will
be on the agenda once UNMIK's standards are met. Rugova considers
that the political status of the Province should be resolved first,
so as to meet the standards of the international community that
UNMIK chief Michael Steiner is talking about, and after that UNMIK
could continue its observer mission until full security is achieved
in Kosovo. Rugova in an interview to Kosovo television "21" assessed
that in 2002 significant progress had been made in the Province "in
all fields of life."
Haselock in his article for the Saturday edition of Koha ditore
reminded the Kosovo public that the international community and UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan pointed out that Kosovo has to meet the
standards before talks begin on the final status.

(italiano / english / deutsch / srpskohrvatski)

Macelleria UCKFOR (2)


(vedi la NOTA in fondo)


Former ethnic Albanian guerilla commander shot dead in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Jan 4 (AFP) - A former ethnic
Albanian guerrilla commander and two other persons
were shot dead in Kosovo's western town of Pec on
Saturday, a UN spokesman said.
"There was a drive-by shooting in Pec this afternoon.
Two persons died on the scene and one died later at
the hospital," a spokesman for the UN mission in
Kosovo Christian Lindmeier said.
The incident was believed to be politically motivated,
but there has been no official confirmation of this.
Police said no arrests had been made after the
Lindmeier said one of the victims was Tahir Zemaj, who
had fought with the ethnic Albanian guerrillas of the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
In the latter part of the 1998-99 Kosovo conflict
Zemaj commanded the troops known as the Armed Forces
of the Kosovo Republic (FARK), an ethnic Albanian
guerrilla group and a rival of the KLA.
During the war with Belgrade security troops of former
president Slobodan Milosevic, Zemaj and his troops
were active in the western Kosovo region, Dukagjini,
controlled at the time by Ramush Haradinaj, a former
KLA commander who turned politician after the
Last month, Haradinaj's brother Daut and four other
former rebels were convicted for the murder of four
fellow ethnic Albanians, members of the FARK,
commanded by Zemaj.
Zemaj was a witness for the prosecution during the trial.
Earlier last year Zemaj narrowly escaped an attempt on
his life when an unknown assailant threw a rocket
propelled grenade at him.
Albanian dominated Kosovo has been under UN and NATO
control since June 1999.


PEC, Jan. 4 (Beta) - Former commander of the officially disbanded
Kosovo Liberation Army and the so-called Armed Forces of Kosovo (FARK)
Tahir Zemaj and two other Kosovo Albanians were killed in Pec, western
Kosovo late on Jan. 4. In addition to Zemaj, his son and cousin were
also killed in the attack, a regional human rights board in Pec
UNMIK spokesman Derek Chapel told BETA that the culprits and motives
of the attack were unknown.
Tahir Zemaj was a key witness in the trial of five former KLA and
Kosovo Protection Corps members, known as the Dukagjini group,
sentenced in December for the kidnapping, harassment, and murder of
four Kosovo Albanians in 1999.
Zemaj was a KLA commander and high-ranking FARK officer, an armed
group created by the former Kosovo government in exile headed by Bujar
Bukoshi, close to incumbent Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova.
The Zemaj murder is the latest in a series of attacks on associates,
sympathizers and persons close to Rugova.


PRISTINA, Jan. 5 (Beta) - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova called on
Jan. 5 that the murder of former KLA commander Col. Tahir Zemaj, his
son Enis and cousin Hasan Zemaj, a terrorist act.
"This is a terrorist act directed against progress and Kosovo's
independence, against our children's future. We call on the police,
judiciary and UNMIK to bring these criminals to justice as soon as
possible. Our society must isolate criminals working against a free
and independent Kosovo, against Kosovo's wellbeing," Rugova said in a
Rugova sent a letter expressing his condolences to the Zemaj family,
in which he said that Tahir Zemaj "will be remembered as a great man,
a freedom fighter, and hero."

Ponedeljak, 06.01.2003.
Glas javnosti
Dnevnici na albanskom o ubistvu lidera OVK

Tahir Zemaj bio kljuèni svedok?

PRISTINA (Beta) - Na naslovnim stranicama juèerasnjih izdanja,
pristinska stampa veliku pa?nju posveæuje ubistvu bivseg komandanta
rasformirane Oslobodilaèke vojske Kosova i takozvanih Oru?anih snaga
republike Kosova Tahira Zemaja, njegovog sina i roðaka.
Preksinoænje ubistvo u Peæi bilo je glavna vest i u svim elektronskim
medijima na albanskom jeziku na Kosovu.
"Enigmatièna ubistva u Peæi nemaju kraja. Ubijen Tahir Zemaj zajedno
sa dva èlana porodice", naslov je uvodnog teksta pristinskog
nezavisnog dnevnika "Koha Ditore".
Prema pisanju tog lista, Tahir Zemaj, njegov sin Enis i roðak Hasan
ubijeni su u Peæi kada je iz dva vozila u pokretu otvorena vatra na
vozilo Zemaja. On je pogoðen sa vise hitaca, a napadaèi su pobegli.
"Koha Ditore" podseæa da je Zemajev poslednji javni nastup bio povodom
nedavnog suðenje u Okru?nom sudu u Pristini, kada je svedoèio protiv
petorice èlanova "grupe Dukaðini", koje je sudsko veæe Okru?nog suda u
Pristini zbog otmice, zlostavljanja i ubistva èetvorice pripadnika OVK
i FARK-a, 13. decembra osudilo na visegodisnje zatvorske kazne.
Dnevnik "Bota Sot", za koji se smatra da je blizak DSK Ibrahima
Rugove, pise da su sinoænja ubistva duboko potresla graðane Peæi,
posebno opstine Deèani, odakle su ?rtve, ali i celog Kosova.
List navodi da je "Zemaj 1999. uspesno vodio rat protiv srpskih snaga
u Lo?anima kod Peæi i Gornjoj Luci kod Deèana, kao i da je spasio vise
hiljada stanovnika podruèja Dukaðina na jugozapadu Kosova".

Uz Rugovu
Tahir Zemaj bio je vatreni pristalica DSK i predsednika Kosova
Ibrahima Rugove, dok je njegov roðak Hasan Zemaj bio istaknuti
aktivista DSK u Deèanima. Ova ubistva su, kako pise "Bota Sot",
pojaèala tenzije na Kosovu i stvorila nesigurnost u Peæi.



KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Jan. 6 (Tanjug) - The attack on the building in
Kosovska Mitrovica, in which the Kosovo coordination centre premises
are situated, represents a terrorist act, member of the Kosovo-
Metohija parliament presidency Oliver Ivanovic told Tanjug on Monday.
Ivanovic pointed out that KFOR had made a serious mistake by removing
a check-point located close to the building which had been fired at
late on Sunday. Ivanovic also said that the removal of KFOR
check-points and the reduction of international forces in
Kosovo-Metohija had to be followed be a gradual stabilization of the
situation in the area.



Makfax (Macedonia) January 9, 2003

Albania: Milo says Balkan borders could be redrawn if
Kosovo becomes independent

The Balkans borders could be redrawn once Kosovo
acquires independence, said the former Minister of
Foreign Affairs Paskal Milo in an interview with Radio
Deutsche Welle. Milo reckons that Kosovo could
integrate into Europe through integration of Albania,
Serbia and Macedonia. "This means integration of a
separate territory not an integration through Serbia,"
said Milo.
Albania's former Foreign Minister made it clear that
Kosovo independence should not be considered as taboo
theme. He proposes an international conference same as
the one in Dayton.
Makfax news agency quotes Milo as saying the Kosovo
issue has a lot in common with the Cyprus issue.
Cyprus will be integrated to the European Union as a
separate state regardless of the interim division of
the island, dating from 1974.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 14 GEN - Un soldato del contingente americano della
Kfor (forza di pace a guida Nato) e' stato trovato morto oggi nel suo
alloggio all'interno della base militare di Magrath, vicino alla
citta' di Vitina, nel Kosovo orientale. La notizia e' stata confermata
in un comunicato diffuso dal comando Usa a Bondsteel nel quale si
precisa che ''la polizia militare ha in corso un'investigazione
sull'incidente''. Secondo fonti informate non ufficiali, il militare,
del quale non e' stato reso noto il nome, si sarebbe suicidato.
Circa 3.000 soldati americani fanno parte attualmente della Kfor, che
conta complessivamente 30.000 uomini, tra cui 4.100 italiani. (ANSA).
BLL 14/01/2003 18:18

U.S. Peacekeeper Found Dead in Kosovo

U.S. Peacekeeper Serving in Kosovo Found Dead in His
Room at a Military Base
ABC News
The Associated Press, January 14, 2003
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia Jan. 14 - A U.S. peacekeeper serving in Kosovo
was found dead in his room at a military base, a statement from the
main U.S. Camp Bondsteel said Tuesday.
The soldier was discovered Monday in the Camp Magrath near the town of
Vitina, some 30 miles east of the province's capital Pristina. He was
serving in the 1st Infantry Division, deployed with NATO peacekeepers
in this southern Yugoslav province.
The name was not released pending notification of the next of kin. The
statement did not give a cause of death.
"Military police are conducting an investigation of the incident," a
statement said.
About 3,000 U.S. troops are serving as peacekeepers in Kosovo, which
came under NATO and U.N. control after the alliance launched an air
war in 1999 to stop former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic from
cracking down on ethnic Albanians.
Many soldiers spend six months or longer on duty in the Balkans.

Gestern im KFOR-Stützpunkt "Megrat" bei Vitina, in Kosovo und
Metochien, gefunden. Dies wurde in dem Nato-Komandostützpunkt
"Bondsteel" bekannt gegeben. In der Bekanntmachung steht, dass der
Soldat im Rang eines Feldwebels zu der ersten Division der
multinationalen Brigade Osten in Kosovo und Metochien gehörte. Seine
Identität wurde nicht bekannt gegeben, da die Untersuchung durch die
Militärpolizei der KFOR-Truppen noch nicht beendet ist. INET.NEWS +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 15. Januar 2003 -


Kosovo und Metochien leben auch weiter in einer gleichgeschalteten
Medienwelt. Die serbischen Radio- und Fernsehanstalten und Zeitungen
werden diskriminiert und sind in einer schweren materiellen Lage,
sagte Zarko Joksimovic, der Koordinator der Wiederangemeldeten
Vereinigung der Journalisten in Serbien von Kosovo und Metochien.
Zarko Joksimovic ist Journalist der Radio- und Fernsehanstalt Pristina
und Korrespondent der Radio- und Fernsehanstalt von Serbien (RTS).
Balkan-Telegramm, 15. Januar 2003 -


(Beta) - Party whip of the Serbian Return coalition in the Kosovo
assembly, Dragisa Krstovic on Jan. 15 confirmed that Serbian MPs and
UNMIK Chief Michael Steiner failed to reach an agreement on the return
of the Serbian delegates to the assembly. Asked whether the MPs will
meet with Steiner again, Krstovic replied: "We have not considered the
possibility of meeting with him again." After meeting with Steiner,
member of the Kosovo assembly's presidency, Oliver Ivanovic said,
however, that the Serbian MPs will decide whether to return to the
assembly or not in a few days. "The decision returning does not depend
only on us," Ivanovic told the press. The Serbian National Council of
Kosovo, led by Bishop Artemije, has made an appeal to Serbian MPs not
to return to the Kosovo assembly.


ombudsman Marek Anthoni Nowicki said in Pristina Wednesday that a
major problem in Kosovo and Metohija relates to the rule of law.
Nowicki, following a meeting with Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova,
said that he and Rugova "agreed that cooperation between Kosovo
institutions was important for democratization and the future of the
region." Talking about the three murders committed in Pec on December
4, Nowicki said that there are many murders as well as other crimes in
Kosovo, because the perpetrators for the greatest part go unpunished.
He assessed that the return of displaced persons was very small and
that it was a complicate problem. Nowicki said he would have to see
concrete arguments for his stand on the issue to be more optimistic.


month NATO military maneuver called Rapid Guardian 2003 started in
Kosovo on Jan. 15, announced KFOR representative Anthony Adams. The
aim of the maneuver, which will last until Feb. 15, is to confirm
NATO's determination to secure peace in Kosovo and the Balkan region.
Part of KFOR's Southwest sector troops will participate in the
NATO Online January 15, 2003

Exercise Rapid Guardian 2003
From 15 January to 15 February, Reserve forces are
putting into practice a new operational concept that
will enable them to deploy more rapidly and deal with
any military contingency in Kosovo and the region.
The Operational Rehearsal, Rapid Guardian 2003 (RG 03)
is taking place in Kosovo and involves a newly
organised pool of forces committed by NATO and
Partnership for Peace countries. These forces, which
comprise Operational Reserve Forces (ORF) and
Strategic Reserve Forces (SRF), are dedicated to the
RG 03 is one of a continuing series of training events
to ensure that units assigned to the SRF and other
Reserve Forces designated for operations in Kosovo and
Bosnia and Herzegovina, are ready for action at any
time in the KFOR area of responsibility. KFOR is also
participating in the exercise to demonstrate its
commitment and improve its ability to conduct
cross-sector combined operations.
The exercise comprises sea, air and land operations
and demonstrates NATO's resolve and capability to
maintain stability in the Balkans. It is directed by
the Commander of KFOR and coordinated by the Joint
Force Commander within the NATO HQ responsible for the
Balkans Operations (CINSOUTH). Both are under the
supervision of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe

B92, January 15, 2003

US seeks military foothold in Yugoslavia
BELGRADE -- Wednesday - The US Administration has made
a bid to establish military bases in Yugoslavia.
Radio Free Europe reports today that Washington is
seeking 99-year leases on Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo,
the Yugoslav Army radar base on Mt Kopaonik, the
military airport near Sjenica and accompanying
facilities on the Pester plateau.
According to Radio Free Europe?s sources, the US
Adminsitration has told Belgrade it is keen to
establish direct cooperation between the US and
Yugoslav Army, particularly in Kosovo and South Serbia.
The initial proposal concerned only Camp Bondsteel,
which is the headquarters of the US KFOR contingent in
Kosovo, but the scheme has now been expanded to
include other sites of strategic military significance.
Sources in Brussels say that the US plans to keep army
bases in Kosovo and the Balkans, ostensibly to provide
support for its European allies in KFOR and SFOR until
the situation in the region is stabilised.

Makfax (Macedonia), January 15, 2003

FRY/Kosovo: Exercise Rapid Guardian 2003 in Kosovo
The objective of the one-month military exercise,
dubbed Rapid Guardian 2003, is to demonstrate NATO?s
commitment to peace and stability in the Balkans, says
the press release by KFOR Information Center. The
exercise will begin on January 15 and it will last
till February 15.
NATO and KFOR are fully committed to peace and
stability in Kosovo and the Balkans. NATO and KFOR
will continue to upgrade and improve the operational
capabilities. The Alliance?s forces have developed a
new operational concept that makes them much more
rapid and capable of conducting any military
intervention in the region.

=== SEGUE, GENNAIO 2003... ===


BELGRADE, Jan. 16 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica met
on Thursday in the Federation Palace with a delegation of Serbs from
the village of Cernica, near Gnjilane, who informed him about the
difficult position of Serbs living in this village. Cernica is one of
the four mixed villages in Kosovo-Metohija.
The delegation underscored the lack of basic safety, the justified
fear of the remaining Serbs, especially following the recent murder of
Trajan Trifunovic, the closure of the local police station and the
financial difficulties of the Serb families. Kostunica expressed
concern and understanding for the grave position of the Cernica Serbs.
He said that in contacts with UNMIK and the other representatives of
the international community he would underscore the need for their
more decisive engagement in the protection of the remaining Serb
population and the creation of the elementary conditions for their
survival and the return of the displaced to that village. Kostunica
also said that the Coordination Centre for Kosovo-Metohija would be
specially engaged in the resolution of their daily living problems,
primarily the sending of aid.


UN police building attacked in western Kosovo
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Jan 22 (AFP) - An unspecified
explosive device was launched at the UN police
regional headquarters in western Kosovo late
Wednesday, a UN official said.
"The device hit the second floor of the UN police
building in central Pec, causing material damage, but
no injuries," Andrea Angeli, spokeswoman for the UN
mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), told AFP.
The device was thrown at the building from a close
range, Angeli said.
Unofficial sources said an anti-tank missile was used
in the blast.
There was no immediate confirmation from international
officials as to the motive behind the attack.
Police opened an investigation and no arrests have
thus far been made.
Some 4,000 UN policemen serve alongside the local
police force in the UN-administered province of Kosovo.
Earlier this month in Pec, a town 85 kilometers (57
miles) west of the provincial capital Pristina,
unknown assailants gunned down a former rebel
commander during the 1998-1999 Kosovo war.
The slaying of Tahir Zemaj, his son Enis, and a close
relative caused a wave of peaceful protests by
Kosovo's ethnic Albanians, who demanded the police do
more to find the assailants.
Zemaj was considered close to Ibrahim Rugova, the
leader of the moderate League of Democratic Kosovo
(LDK) who became Kosovo's president after the war.
Several LDK members have been murdered since the
province came under UN and NATO control in June 1999
and the LDK blames rival political groups for their deaths.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 22 GEN - Un missile anticarro e' stato esploso
questa sera contro il comando regionale della polizia delle Nazioni
Unite a Pec, nel Kosovo occidentale. Al momento dell'attentato si
trovavano negli uffici anche due agenti della polizia italiana che
sono pero' rimasti illesi, come il resto del personale.
L'esplosione, avvenuta poco dopo le 19:30 (ora locale e italiana) ha
provocato solo danni materiali. L'attentato e' stato confermato
all'Ansa da Andrea Angeli, portavoce della missione delle Nazioni
Unite (Unmik). La zona e' tuttora circondata dalle forze di sicurezza.
Secondo le prime testimonianze il missile anticarro da 76 millimetri
e' stato esploso da una distanza di circa 150 metri. Per il momento
non si ha notizia di arresti. (ANSA). BLL 22/01/2003 20:21

Albanian extremists throw two hand grenades at Serb house near Obilic

ERP January 22nd 2003
Two grenades thrown this morning by Albanian extremists at the house
of Slavisa Vukadinovic caused material damage and brought unrest to
the remaining Serbs in Obilic
GRACANICA - In the early morning hours at approximately 01,00 Albanian
extremists threw two hand grenades at the house of Slavisa Vukadinovic
in the village of Janjine Vode, five kilometers west of Obilic. At the
moment of attack there were seven family members in the Vukadinovic
house including four minors. Even though no one was hurt the attack
caused material damage.
This latest attack in the village of Janjine Vode is one of a series
of armed attacks whose goal is the expulsion of the remaining Serbs
from the villages west of Obilic. The Serb population in this region
is visibly disturbed by this attack and the fact that no one can
protect them any longer from the terror of
Albanian extremists.
The Diocese of Raska and Prizren most strongly condemns this terrorist
attack and appeals to UNMIK officials and to KFOR to find the
perpetrators and bring them to justice.


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 21:57:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Rozoff
Subject: Ethnically Cleansed Roma Fear Forced Return To 'Independent

[Agence France-Presse goes out of its way not to
mention the salient aspect of the twenty Roma
organizations' concern: That should Kosovo remain the
crime-ridden, ethnically ghettoized entity it is, and
far worse should it become independent, that Roma and
other minorities purged from the province since NATO
and its KLA auxilliaries entered it in June of 1999
would be forcibly repatriated to NATO-administered
apartheid...and death.]

Roma refugees oppose forced return to Kosovo

SARAJEVO, Jan 28 (AFP) - Roma refugees in the Balkans
Tuesday said they opposed any forced return to the
UN-administered Serbian province of Kosovo, warning
they would not change their minds until a solution to
the province's final status is reached.
"We are particularly worried about the announcement of
the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia, Montenegro) and of other main asylum-giving
countries that it would be possible to begin
large-scale returns of ethnic minorities to Kosovo in
spring 2003," the representatives of a grouping of
some twenty Roma associations said in a statement.
"We are against any kind of forced return of refugees
originating from Kosovo and other Balkans countries
... until the final status of Kosovo as a factor of
stability in the Balkans is resolved," they said.
The associations were gathered at a round-table
conference on Roma refugees in the Balkans organized
in Sarajevo by the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Stressing that the long-term displacement of a large
number of Roma from Kosovo will continue, they
demanded the host countries provide the refugees with
"possibilities for local integration."
Kosovo came under UN and NATO control in June 1999
after the alliance bombed Yugoslavia, ending former
Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown on
independence-seeking ethnic Albanians.


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA. Im Dorf Svinjare bei Kosovska Mitrovica zündeten
gestern abend um etwa 20 Uhr mehrere Albaner den Stall von Vladimir
Mihajlovic an. Mihajlovic war schon früher körperlich angegriffen
worden. Albanische Nachbarn stahlen ihm zudem auch ein Pferd und zwei
Kühe. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 31. Januar 2003 -


PODUJEVO. Vertreter des tschechischen Kfor-Kontingents berichteten
heute, daß sich in letzter Zeit Plünderungen durch bewaffnete
Albaner-gruppen im Nordosten des Kosmet häufen, und zwar besonders in
der Gegend um Podujevo. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 31. Januar 2003 -


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA. Heute haben Vertreter der UNMIK offiziell drei
serbische Betriebe im Kosmet an die dort einst arbeitenden Albaner
übergeben. Bei den Betrieben handelt es sich um Tochtergesellschaften
serbischer Unternehmen im Kosmet. Diese Enteignungen serbischer
Unternehmen werden von den im Kosmet verbliebenen Serben
als ein weiterer Schritt zu ihrer endgültigen Vertreibung aus ihrer
Heimat gewertet. TANJUG +++
Balkan-Telegramm, 31. Januar 2003 -


MERDARE, Feb 1 (Tanjug) - In the Kfor base near Merdare, among the
personal possessions of the 32 victims whose bodies have been exhumed
from the Orthodox cemetery in Prizren, sisters Zagorka and Smiljana
on Saturday recognised those belonging to their parents Jezdimir and
Djurdjija Nesic, who were butchered in their home in Prizren in
August 1999.
"I recognized Father's shirt, socks, pants, Mother's dressing gown,
cloth for drying dishes other objects I know belonged to them,"
Smiljana Mihajlovic told Tanjug. The two sisters previously gave DNA
blood samples which were used for the identification of the remains.
Serafim Stojanovic also recognized the personal identity cards of his
parents Zivka and Milorad who remained in their home in Prizren after
the arrival of KFOR in 1999. The head of the UNMIK missing persons
and forensics office, Jose Pablo Baraybar, confirmed that the 32
exhumed bodies were killed in "a monstrous manner." He said that this
is based on "the specific injuries and bone fractures," and added
that so far 134 victims had been identified in Kosovo. The head of
the Coordination Centre for Kosovo exhumation and identification
department, Prof Dr Slavisa Dobricanin, said that in question is the
evidence of "the most monstrous crimes on victims so far exhumed in

Pravda.RU:Top Stories:More in detail 23:43 2003-02-03

Kosovo: Chaos
Albanian gangs are causing havoc in Kosovo to such an extent that the
UNO has called for the protection of the
minority Serb population to be stepped up.

The UN Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) report refers to widespread
and acute discrimination, marginalization, restricted freedom of
movement, destruction of property, physical harassment, grenade
attacks, drive-by shootings, arson and attacks with mines and
These crimes are perpetrated by the Kosovar Albanian gangs which NATO
in general and the United States in particular did so much to protect
in 1999.
Their true mettle is now seen, while Slobodan Milosevic, who sent his
armed forces into this part of Yugoslavia to protect the Serb
populations, is the one in the dock...and the International Court at
The Hague calls itself a court of "Justice"?


Feb 3 (Tanjug) - Alliance for Kosovo's Future whip Bujar Dugoli told
Tanjug Monday that 42 Kosovo parliament MP's have signed an initiative
for adopting a declaration on Kosovo's independence, which lays the
legal basis for a parliamentary debate on that issue. This declaration
would be a direct answer to Belgrade and the Serbia-Montenegro
Constitutional Charter, he said. Citing the Article 4, Para 4 of the
parliamentary rules of procedure, which states that one third of the
MP's must support an agenda point, Dugoli expressed hope that Speaker
Nexhad Daci would convene a special session for February 15. There are
two options - to confront UNMIK or the (Albanian) people of Kosovo,
and the MP's decided to support the people and adopt a declaration of
independence, Dugoli said, expressing his conviction that UNMIK would
not dissolve the parliament after the declaration is adopted. If he
dissolves the interim institutions, UNMIK chief Michael Steiner must
know this will cause displeasure, even unrest, among the people,
Dugoli said. UNMIK officials have not reacted so far to the announced
adoption of the declaration, while Serb member of the Kosovo
parliament presidency Oliver Ivanovic expressed hope that Steiner will
firmly prevent even a debate on independence in the parliament.


(Tanjug) - International police on Monday found a male corpse in the
northern Kosovo-Metohija town of Zubin Potok, and Tanjug learned from
unofficial sources that it is the body of a Serb from the municipality
of Zubin Potok. International police have confirmed for Tanjug that
the man was shot to death and was presumably murdered, as no firearms
were found on or near his person. They have not released the identity
of the victim. The investigation continues.


Feb. 3 (Beta) - On Feb. 3, the International trial chamber of the
Prizren District Court sentenced the former Orahovac mayor, Andjelko
Kolasinac, to eight years in prison for war crimes, defense attorney
Zivojin Jokanovic told BETA. Jokanovic said he would lodge an appeal
against the sentence to the Kosovo Supreme Court, because he believes
that the International trial chamber was under pressure from the local
Albanian environment handing down the sentence. Kolasinac was the
Orahovac mayor until the end of war in 1999, and he has been
imprisoned in Kosovska Mitrovica for three and a half years.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 3 FEB - Un gruppo di 42 deputati albanesi del
Kosovo (su un totale di 120) ha presentato oggi richiesta ufficiale
per una convocazione straordinaria del parlamento affinche' la
provincia venga proclamata ''Stato sovrano e indipendente''. I
deputati hanno chiesto che il parlamento si riunisca a tale scopo il
prossimo 13 febbraio.
Secondo i firmatari del documento ''la mancata definizione dello
statuto del Kosovo costituisce un ostacolo per la pace e la
stabilita', per lo sviluppo della democrazia e della sicurezza, il
tutto aggravato - aggiungono - dalla recente approvazione della
costituzione dell'Unione Serbia-Montenegro che includerebbe anche il
territorio del Kosovo''. La presidenza del parlamento non ha ancora
fatto sapere se accogliera' la domanda. La richiesta giunge a poche
ore dalla lettera inviata alla Nato dal premier serbo Zoran Gjingjic
con la quale si sollecita il rientro in Kosovo delle forze di
sicurezza serbe.(ANSA) BLL 03-FEB-03 19:54 NNNN 03/02/2003 19:57


Murder in Bujanovac terrorist act by ethnic Albanian extremists, says
BELGRADE, Feb 5 (Tanjug) - Serbian Deputy Premier Nebojsa Covic said
on Wednesday that the murder of policeman Selver Fazliju of the
Security Information Agency (BIA) in Bujanovac last night was a
terrorist act by ethnic Albanian extremist groups and that the
investigation would be followed with an adequate legal united action.
Allegations that it was an act committed by representatives of the
Serb national community are incorrect, Covic told a press conference
at the Serbian government.
The authorized state services have reports that an ethnic Albanian
extremist group is trying to misinform the public with statementsto
the effect that ethnic Albanians in southern Serbia allegedly do not
want to live normally and to become integrated, but is in fact
attacking and pressuring them so as to thwart the progress achieved in
that region, Covic said.


KFOR seizes large quantity of arms
SUVA REKA, Feb. 5 (Tanjug) - While controlling traffic at a
checkpoint near Suva Reka, southeast Kosovo late on Tuesday, KFOR
troops and UNMIK police found a large quantity of arms and ammunition
in a vehicle.
UNMIK spokesman Andrea Angelli told Tanjug that 80 anti-tank times,
four automatic rifles, two sniper guns, two hand-held grenade
launchers and 160 bullet clips had been found.
Two local ethnic Albanians who were transporting the arms were
arrested and Tanjug's sources said that one of them was formerly a
KLA commander.


(ANSA-AFP) - PRISTINA, 8 FEB - Quattro serbi sono stati feriti in
serata nel Kosovo orientale dall'esplosione di una bomba a mano
lanciata contro un negozio. Lo ha riferito oggi Andrea Angeli,
portavoce della missione Onu in Kosovo (Unmik), aggiungendo che e'
stato subito arrestato un albanese di 26 anni, sospettato di aver
lanciato l'ordigno.
L'incidente e' avvenuto verso le 20:00 (locali ed italiane) di ieri
nel villaggio di Moglia, 40 chilometri a sud di Pristina, capoluogo
della provincia della Serbia meridionale. Due dei feriti,
rispettivamente di 30 e 32 anni, sono stati trasferiti nell'ospedale
di Vranje, nella Serbia meridionale, mentre gli altri due sono stati
dimessi subito dopo essere stati curati per ferite di lieve entita'.
Sempre ieri sera, l'esplosione di una bomba a mano ha danneggiato il
tetto della casa di un albanese - senza fare vittime - a Kosovska
Mitrovica, nel nord del Kosovo. (ANSA-AFP). GGI 08/02/2003 16:38


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 8 FEB - Un procuratore internazionale del tribunale
di Pristina ha ordinato oggi il rinvio a giudizio di 11
kosovaro-albanesi accusati di essere gli autori della strage avvenuta
in un villaggio vicino a Gllogovac nel maggio del 2001, quando i
membri di un'intera famiglia albanese (marito, moglie e tre figli)
vennero uccisi perche' ritenuti ''collaborazionisti'' dei serbi. Tra i
rinviati a giudizio ci sono quattro ex membri della guerriglia (Uck)
che al momento dell'arresto, avvenuto nel luglio dello scorso anno,
prestavano servizio presso il Tmk, la struttura di protezione civile
del Kosovo. A giudizio andranno anche quattro agenti del Kps, il nuovo
corpo di polizia costituito dopo la fine della guerra. ''Dei quattro
agenti solo uno e' in stato di arresto - ha detto all'Ansa Andrea
Angeli, portavoce della missione delle Nazioni Unite - e per loro
l'accusa e' di favoreggiamento''. La strage della famiglia Hajra fece
molto scalpore in Kosovo. Le prime indagini vennero condotte
dall'ispettore della polizia di Stato italiana Giuseppe Mannino,
inquadrato nelle forze di polizia internazionali. Proprio in seguito a
quell'inchiesta si e' giunti all'arresto dei presunti responsabili e
al loro rinvio a giudizio. Il processo, che sara' presieduto da
giudici internazionali, e' previsto per prima dell'estate. (ANSA) BLL
08/02/2003 13:59


Four Serbs injured in bomb attack in Kosovo village
GNJILANE, Feb 8 (Tanjug) - Four Serbs were injured Friday night in a
bomb attack on a shop in the Mogila village near Gnjilane,
Kosovo-Metohija, the international police said. Two of the victims who
were inside the shop were seriously injured and taken to hospital.
UNMIK police have arrested the owner of the vehicle from
which the bomb was thrown, an ethnic Albanian aged 27, spokesman Barry
Fletcher said.
Fletcher described the attack as ethnically motivated and added that
another incident occurred in the northern sector of Kosovska
Mitrovica, where two hand grenades were activated in the vicinity of
three buildings.
There were no casualties but material damage is extensive, he said.
Pristina electronic media reported that the target of that attack was
the home of an ethnic Albanian, and accused an allegedly recently
formed para-military group called United Serbs of being the
According to the human rights committee from southern Mitrovica, that
attack was a direct retaliation for the bomb attack in Mogila.


Blast destroys Serb-owned shop in eastern Kosovo
PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, Feb 13 (AFP) - A powerful
explosion destroyed a Serb-owned shop in eastern
Kosovo, a UN official said Thursday.
The incident happened late Wednesday in the ethnically
mixed town of Kamenica, some 50 kilometers (about 30
miles) east of the provincial capital Pristina, said
Andrea Angeli, spokesman for the UN mission in Kosovo.
"The explosion destroyed the shop of the Serb owner as
well as his vehicle, " Angeli said.
The blast also damaged a nearby barber shop, but no
injuries were reported, Angeli said.
NATO-led pacekeepers (KFOR) and the UN and local
police cordoned off the area and launched an
investigation into the incident.
No details were made immediately available pending an
The blast comes a week after four Serbs were injured
by a hand grenade tossed from a passing vehicle in the
eastern town of Vitina.
Eastern Kosovo is home to almost 4,000 US
peacekeepers, most of them based in the largest
military installation in the region, Camp Bondsteel.
Ethnically motivated crime has dwindled in Kosovo in
recent months but tension between the majority
Albanians and minority Serbs is still high four years
after the end of the Kosovo war.
The Albanian-dominated Serbian province of Kosovo has
been under UN and NATO control since June 1999.


Large quantity of arms and ammunition discovered by KFOR
GNJILANE, Feb 13 (Tanjug) - Public Affairs officer of the UNMIK
regional police in Gnjilane Jimmy Tegart has described the movement
and regrouping of armed Albanians in the region of Gnjilane as "cases
of people in this region and the entire Kosovo who belong to the
national army of Shiptars (AKSS)".
He did not want to specify their number or to confirm that their
uniforms had been discovered in Gnjilane, but expressed his concern
over the illegal possession of arms and ammunition, underscoring that
a large quantity of arms, explosives and ammunition had been
discovered in a large-scale action by KFOR and police.
The operation of arms confiscation was carried out for specific
reasons, underlined Tegart at a press conference, and asked for
understanding for this operation, because people should understand
that the war is over and appealed to them to go back to their regular
Tegart also said that all arms and ammunitions need to be collected
from the people. A detail report on the past seven days says that
illegal arms were found in several towns - Kosovska Kamenica,
Urosevac, Gnjilane, Jazinac near Strpci, and there is also mention of
some other criminal acts on the account of which 13 persons had been


Albanian Rebel Leader: Conditions Exist for New War for Ethnic
FoNet - February 17, 2003
Skopje, 16 February: The HQ of the Albanian National Army ANA, AKSh in
Albanian and its division Skenderbeg are based in Macedonia, while the
main seat of the Front for National Albanian Liberation as received is
in Albania with branches in Pristina, Skopje, Presevo, Ulcinj and
Prevez, the deputy chairman as received of the Front for National
Albanian Unification, Valdet Vardari, told Albanian media in
ANA will carry out its activities on territories inhabited by
Albanians outside Albania and Kosovo-Metohija, Vardari announced.
He said that ANA was not active in Kosovo-Metohija because the Kosovo
Protection Corps exist there as does the Albanian Army in Albania.
"Conditions for the beginning of a new war for Albanian territories
exist since the Albanians achieved nothing more in the past three wars
than what they had in 1990," Vardari said.
He announced a war "against the Serbo-Montenegrin conquerors who are
holding in occupation, slavery and colonization the Albanian land in
Kosovo and ethnic Albania".
SOURCE: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1945 gmt 17 Feb 03
BBC Worldwide Monitoring
Posted For Fair Use Only



PRISTINA, Feb. 17 (Beta) - KFOR has apprehended three people, believed
to have been indicted by The Hague-based International War Crimes
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), it was announced at the
NATO Headquarters in Brussels on Feb. 17.
NATO announced that KFOR had arrested Haradin Bala, Isak Musliu and
Agim Murtezi.
NATO stressed that the arrests were carried out in line with the KFOR
mandate and consultations with UNMIK.

NaTO releases names of three arrested ethnic Albanians
BRUSSELS, Feb 18 (Tanjug) - NATO late Monday announced the names of
three ethnic Albanians arrested in Kosovo, former members of the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), indicted by The Hague international
tribunal for war crimes committed in the province against Serb and
ethnic Albanian civilians from May until July 1998. The arrested men
are Haradin Bala, known as Shala, Isak Musliu, known as Cherkez, and
Agim Murtezi, known as Murizi, the NATO statement said.
The three suspects are in a Kosovo prison, but will soon be
transferred to The Hague and the International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the statement said.

Minister Batic expects indictments of KLA leaders
BELGRADE, Feb 18 (Tanjug) - Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic said
on Tuesday he would not give up on his demand that Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) leaders Ramush Haradinay, Hashim Thaci and Agim Cheku face
In a statement for Belgrade-based Radio B92, Batic described as "good
news" reports that three former KLA members were arrested yesterday on
the grounds of indictments by The Hague-based International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
He said he hoped "the founders of Kosovo Albanian terrorism Thaci,
Haradinay and Cheku" would soon be indicted, so that these arrests
will not remain "just cheap cosmetic effects."
"I announced several days ago that the first arrests of ethnic
Albanian war criminals in Kosovo would begin soon, and I hope this is
that beginning," Batic said.
Thaci is currently president of the Democratic Party of Kosovo,
Haradinay is the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, and
Cheku is the commander of the Kosovo Protection Corps.
Local peacekeeping force KFOR troops have arrested Haradin Bala, known
as Shala, Isak Musliu, known as Cherkez, and Agim Murtezi, known as
Murizi, indicted for war crimes committed from May until July 1998
while they were commanders of the Lapusnik Camp near Glogovac.
The three are suspected of murders, illegal arrests, and cruel conduct
to Serb and ethnic Albanian civilians.

il manifesto - 21 Febbraio 2003

Uck in fuga

E'stato alla fine arrestato dalla polizia slovena, e non si è
«costituito» alla polizia austriaca come avevano raccontato le tv
kosovare, il «numero due» del Partito democratico del Kosovo (Pdk)
Fatmir Limaj, incriminato dal Tribunale dell'Aja (Tpi) per il suo
ruolo come «terrorista» e «stragista» contro i civili serbi e gli
albanesi moderati nel 1998 - già, nel 1998, un anno prima della
«guerra umanitaria» della Nato, quando anche gli Usa consideravano
l'Uck una «organizzazione terrorista». Lo ha rivelato il portavoce del
Tpi Florence Hartmann a Radio B-92 di Belgrado. All'epoca, Limaj
dirigeva il famigerato campo di concentramento di Lapusk organizzato
dall'Uck (il disciolto Esercito di liberazione kosovaro, alleato della
Nato). La precisazione dell'Aja evidenzia due fatti importanti: il
primo è che, per pareggiare il conto del «processo dei vincitori»,
come tutta la stampa internazionale ormai definisce l'assise contro
Slobodan Milosevic, il procuratore Carla Del Ponte ha perlomeno
riconosciuto che di criminali in zona ce n'erano parecchi. Ma all'Aja
pende sempre la richiesta di incriminazione dei leader della Nato, per
le vittime civili dei bombardamenti «umanitari» del 1999, presentata
da Amnesty International che, non a caso, si dichiara anche contro la
guerra preventiva all'Iraq proprio richiamando alla memoria le stragi
prodotte dagli «effetti collaterali» di quella guerra.
Secondo, che la Nato, e in particolare il generale italiano Mini che
la comanda in Kosovo, non ha davvero fatto il suo dovere. Limaj
infatti era partito dal Kosovo il 14 febbraio a bordo di un aereo di
linea, in compagnia del «suo» leader, il segretario del Pdk Hasim Taqi
- ex capo dell'Uck di cui si aspetterà invano l'incriminazione -,
nonostante la Nato-Kfor fosse stata avvertita dell'incriminazione due
settimane prima. E' quello che ha denunciato proprio il procuratore
generale dell'Aja Carla Del Ponte. Oltre a Limaj sono stati
incriminati e arrestati altri tre kosovari albanesi, Haradin Bela,
Isak Musliu e Agim Murtezi, ora nel carcere olandese di Sheveningen.
Le incriminazioni hanno provocato reazioni diverse a Belgrado e a
Pristina: cauta quella del «presidente» kosovaro Ibrahim Rugova,
«disponibile a cooperare» con l'Aja, più negativa quella di Adem
Demaqi per il quale la lotta dell'Uck è stata «un sollevamento contro
l'oppressione». In Serbia il ministro serbo della giustizia Vladan
Batic, che giorni fa aveva chiesto l'estradizione a Belgrado degli ex
capi del disciolto Uck, Taqi, Agim Ceku e Ramush Haradinaj, ha
definito la mossa dell'Aja «una buona notizia», ma ha sottolineato il
basso profilo dell'arresto di Limaj, ricordando che insisterà per
portare in giudizio i tre leader kosovari.La partita resta aperta.


PRISTINA, Feb. 17 (Beta) - The trial of four Albanians, the former
members of the officially disbanded Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA),
indicted for war crimes against Albanian civilians in 1998, and 1999,
began in Pristina on Feb. 17.
The first accused of the so-called "Lab Group," Rustem Mustafa, also
known as Remi, was the KLA commander for the region of Podujevo.
The other accused are Latif Gashi, Nazif Mehmetia, and Naim Kadriu,
who are also the former KLA commanders for the Lab region. The trial
is being held under strong security measures in the Pristina Youth
Sports Hall. The trial chamber is presided by British Judge Timothy
Clayson, and prosecutor is Canadian Gery McCuarge.
A large group of people assembled in front of the sports hall. Protest
rallies were held in Podujevo, where the accused come from, requesting
the release of the suspects.
Rustem "Remi" Mustafa was in charge of the Operative zone in the Lab
region in northern Kosovo. After the introduction of the
international administration and transformation of KLA, Mustafa was
appointed as the commander of the Kosovo Protection Corps Fifth zone,
with headquarters in Gnjilane. However, very soon, he was put on the
U.S. persona non grata list.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 26 FEB - Sono scesi in piazza, a decine di
migliaia, per manifestare contro l'arresto di quattro presunti
criminali di guerrama che la popolazione albanese del Kosovo considera
alla stregua di ''eroi''. Tra 20 e 50mila persone (le stime sono
discordanti) hanno marciato oggi nel centro di Pristina denunciando
come ''illegale'' l'arresto di quattro ex combattenti del disciolto
Esercito di liberazione del Kosovo (Uck) che il tribunale penale
internazionale per i crimini di guerra nell'ex Jugoslavia (Tpi) ha
fatto arrestare la scorsa settimana dalle forze della Kfor. I quattro
sono accusati di aver torturato e ucciso 22 civili (nove dei quali
serbi) imprigionati illegalmente nella primavera del 1998 nel campo di
Lapusnik, nel Kosovo centrale.
E' la prima volta che il Tpi accusa di crimini di guerra esponenti
della guerriglia albanese che fino al 1999 hanno combattuto contro le
forze di sicurezza serbe, affiancando anche la Nato nelle undici
settimane di bombardamenti. Al grido di ''UCk, Uck'' i manifestanti
hanno attraversato le principali vie del centro di Pristina. I negozi
erano chiusi mentre i carabinieri italiani dell'Unita' specializzata
multinazionale (Msu) in tenuta antisommossa circondavano per prudenza
la sede della missione delle Nazioni Unite (Unmik). Non ci sono stati
incidenti, se si esclude una breve sassaiola contro un'autovettura
Non e' la prima volta che in Kosovo si manifesta contro l'arresto di
ex esponenti della guerriglia dalle cui ceneri e' nato il Partito
democratico (Pdk) che oggi e' al governo. Da due settimane e' in corso
nel capoluogo un processo contro altri ex combattenti albanesi
anch'essi accusati di crimini di guerra, mentre numerosi altri sono
stati gli arresti ordinati dalle procure locali per reati commessi
nell'immediato dopo-guerra. I quattro ordini di arresto spiccati
dall'Aja potrebbero non essere gli unici. Secondo fonti di stampa
nelle prossime settimane potrebbero essere incriminati anche
importanti leader politici, e la manifestazione di oggi a parere di
osservatori occidentali potrebbe avere avuto come scopo proprio quello
di lanciare un preavviso alle istituzioni internazionali. Nelle ultime
settimane la tensione in Kosovo sta crescendo. Mentre i deputati
albanesi si apprestano a votare una risoluzione per la proclamazione
dell'indipendenza della provincia (formalmente parte dell'Unione
Serbia-Montenegro), i comuni serbi nel nord del Kosovo ieri hanno a
loro volta proclamato un'unificazione riconoscendo la sovranita'
territoriale della Serbia. Entrambe decisioni che la missione Onu si
sforza in ogni modo di annullare.(ANSA). BLL 26/02/2003 19:56

=== SEGUE, FEBBRAIO 2003... ===


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Feb. 25 (Beta) - The assembly of Serbian
municipalities and municipal entities in Kosovo adopted unanimously at
a meeting in Kosovska Mitrovica on Feb. 25 a "Declaration on the
Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Serbia and State Union of
Serbia and Montenegro."
Democratic Party of Serbia vice president Marko Jaksic was elected
president of the union of Serbian municipalities and municipal
entities in Kosovo. Three vice presidents were also elected, one from
northern Kosovo, one from central Kosovo and one from the part of
Kosovo around the Morava basin, as well as a 15member executive
committee and a secretary of the assembly.
The declaration adopted on this occasion warns that "should anybody
attempt to establish another Albanian state in the Balkans on the
territory of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro, including
Kosovo, the Community of Serbian Municipalities and Municipal Entities
in Kosovo will call on the Serbian Government and the Union Government
bodies to enforce effective sovereignty in the areas where the Serbian
people has lived since time immemorial."
The assembly was attended by Kosovo assembly deputy Rada Trajkovic,
who read out the adopted "guidelines for the survival of Serbs and the
creation of conditions for a large-scale return to Kosovo."


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 27 FEB - ''Cio' che possiamo fare e' porre in
Parlamento una dichiarazione che chieda il riconoscimento
dell'indipendenza del Kosovo: questo e' stato preso in considerazione
ed e' un processo in atto.
Ma deve essere fatto in collaborazione con la comunita'
internazionale, l'Unione Europea e le Nazioni Unite''. Lo ha detto
oggi a Pristina il presidente del Kosovo Ibrahim Rugova, interpellato
sull' iniziativa di un gruppo di parlamentari di porre in Parlamento
la questione della proclamazione della provincia come Stato sovrano e
indipendente. ''Abbiamo proclamato l'indipendenza gia' nel 1991 e
abbiamo lavorato su questo per anni'', ha ricordato Rugova. ''Vorrei
vedere il Kosovo riconosciuto, siamo ora in una nuova fase, in una
nuova era per il Kosovo'', ha concluso. (ANSA). BOR/MO 27/02/2003

il manifesto - 27 Febbraio 2003
«Autonomia» dei serbi rimasti in Kosovo

Nonostante il silenzio, ecco che si riapre il nodo Kosovo, nel pieno
di una nuova guerra annunciata. La minoranza serba rimasta in Kosovo
nonostante la contropulizia etnica, ha formato una unione di città e
zone serbe, con la prospettiva di una completa reintegrazione nella
Serbia, con una iniziativa contestata subito in piazza dalla
maggioranza albanese favorevole all'indipendenza.
E dall'autoproclamato governo del «premier» Bajram Rexhepi fanno
sapere che è un tentativo «inaccettabile di dividere la provincia». In
una riunione svoltasi ieri nella zona nord (serba) a Mitrovica, più di
300 delegati hanno eletto un presidente e un comitato esecutivo di 15
membri, e chiesto l'istituzione di un'entità serba del Kosovo. Che
funzionerebbe «come parte integrante della Serbia», afferma la
risoluzione approvata dall'assemblea, chiedendo il ritorno di reparti
dell'esercito e di forze di polizia serbe, per rendere sicure - dopo
stragi efferate rimaste finora impunite - le zone a maggioranza serba,
come pure a combattere «la criminalità organizzata e il terrorismo».
L'assemblea ha esposto richieste per permettere ai profughi serbi di
ritornare nella provincia come del resto promette e organizza l'Onu.
L'amministratore Onu, Michael Steiner, ha condannato l'Unione delle
municipalità serbe perché «monoetnica», «non avrà rilevanza legale»,
ha detto. Eppure nei mesi scorsi proprio lui aveva proposto la
«costituzione di municipalità serbe». Il suo ufficio ha respinto nei
giorni scorsi la richiesta di Belgrado di consentire il ritorno di
forze serbe in Kosovo. Siamo nell'illegalità internazionale. Infatti
nei giorni scorsi, con la fine della mini-Jugoslavia, l'Unione europea
con l'inviato Javier Solana, ha accettato nella nuova costituzione
della Serbia-Montenegro che il Kosovo è «parte integrante della
Serbia». Un caos da guerra «umanitaria» (t.d.f.)


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 28 FEB - Alle tante tensioni sociali e interetniche
che ancora affliggono la societa' del Kosovo e che le forze di pace
della KFor e l'amministrazione provvisoria guidata dall' Unmik
fronteggiano si sono aggiunte le manifestazioni degli albanesi
svoltasi negli ultimi giorni con i recenti arresti di alcuni ex
combattenti dell' Uck, il disciolto esercito di liberazione del
Kosovo, accusati dal Tribunale penale internazionale dell' Aia di aver
commesso crimini di guerra. Ne ha parlato fra l' altro con una
delegazione veneta guidata dal governatore Galan il comandante della
Kfor, generale Fabio Mini. ''Si tratta di manifestazioni giustificate
e anche legittime -ha detto Mini-, anche se centrate su qualcosa che
non esiste, cioe' sull' impressione che si voglia criminalizzare l'Uck
e il movimento di liberazione. Non e' cosi': qui sono contestati
crimini individuali contro dei civili, non e' l'attivita' dell' Uck ad
essere sotto accusa. Comprendo dunque la solidarieta' manifestata dai
dimostranti albanesi verso dei loro compagni, ma solo nella misura in
cui questa sia pacifica e non si guardi alla comunita' internazionale
come a degli avversari''.
Fra i problemi che devono affrontare le forze di pace ci sono le
azioni svoltesi anche di recente contro i centri di culto serbo
ortodossi, ma la Kfor, e' stato assicurato dai suoi rappresentanti,
non abbandonera' chiese e monasteri della comunita' serba. Un problema
che la comunita' internazionale deve affrontare e' anche
quello del rientro di coloro che, fra i 220 mila serbi che hanno
lasciato il Kosovo, vogliono tornare alle loro case. Una questione su
cui si e' soffermato con la delegazione veneta il rappresentante
diplomatico italiano Pasquale Salzano, sottolineando che si tratta di
organizzare tale rientro attraverso una serie di progetti ''globali''
che prevedano non solo il recupero delle abitazioni perdute, ma anche
la creazione di un ambiente amico agli esuli che rientrano in patria e
un' azione di riconciliazione fra le etnie. Si tratta insomma, ha
sintetizzato Salzano, di politiche complesse che richiedono anche
risorse finanziarie da parte della comunita' internazionale per
rendere tale rientri ''sostenibili''. Quanto all'impegno italiano
nella regione, Salzano ne ha evidenziato la necessita' sia ai fini di
contenere i diffusi fenomeni criminali e cosi' prevenirne la possibile
esportazione anche in Italia, sia per garantire un terreno di
stabilita' e sicurezza per l' iniziativa economica che puo' giungere,
ai fini della ricostruzione del Paese, anche dall' imprenditoria
italiana. (ANSA). BOR 28/02/2003 21:17

=== NOTA ===

Lo scorso 4 giugno sono stati ritrovati ad Obilic i cadaveri di una
coppia di coniugi ottantenni e del loro figlio cinquantatreenne,
uccisi a colpi di accetta e poi dati alle fiamme insieme alla loro
casa (vedi:

In seguito a questa ennesima dimostrazione dei reali risultati e
scopi del regime di terrore razzista e di occupazione imperialista
in Kosovo-Metohija, riprendiamo con la cronaca degli avvenimenti
sul campo, che avevamo interrotto da alcuni mesi.

Ricordiamo che gli ultimi numero del "bollettino di guerra" sono
archiviati alle URL:

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, Maggio-Luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, fine luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, agosto-settembre 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, settembre-ottobre 2002

Kosmet, bollettino di guerra: fine ottobre 2002

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra novembre-dicembre 2002

Un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime di terrore
instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali (KFOR) e
dai criminali neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare sempre nel
nostro archivio:

Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija
si veda in particolare:

ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.

Come al solito, le notizie da noi riportate non sono in alcun modo
esaustive degli avvenimenti nella provincia, e vanno intese solo come
esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica opinione.

(a cura di Andrea)

(italiano / english / deutsch )

Macelleria UCKFOR (3)


(vedi la NOTA in fondo)



KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, March 1 (Tanjug) - Vera Staletovic, 75, left her
home in the Bosniak settlement in northern Kosovska MItrovica after
ethnic Albanian extremists looted her home. The last attack, which
took place while Staletovic was at Kragujevac hospital, was the final
straw since extremists took everything that could be taken from her
Staletovic previously called on UNMIK police for protection, but apart
from carrying out an investigation, multinational police did nothing
to protect the old woman, who was the last Serb living in this
settlement in the so-called security zone. Staletovic is now staying
with her children. The Serb People's Council of northern
Kosovo-Metohija said that this case showed that multiethnic Kosovska
Mitrovica could not function at this point.


Hand-grenade damages three UNMIK vehicles
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, March 3 (Tanjug) - A hand-grenade has been
thrown onto the motor pool of the UNMIK police station North in
Kosovska Mitrovica, damaging three UNMIK vehicles.
As learned by Tanjug on Monday, the perpetrators of the attack that
took place on Sunday midnight are still unknown. The investigation is

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, March 3 (Beta) - Unknown assailants threw a hand
grenade on the UNMIK police station in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on
March 2, but the explosion claimed no casualties, UNMIK spokesman
Andrea Agneli told BETA.
Agneli also said that three UNMIK police vehicles and one private car
were damaged, while the explosion caused minor damage to the police
The Eparcy of Raska and Prizren and Kosovo and Metohija and the
Serbian National Council most fiercely condemned the bomb attack in
the northern, predominantly Serbpopulated part of Mitrovica.


UNMIK and Kfor step up patrols in northern Kosovska Mitrovica
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, March 5 (Tanjug) - UNMIK police and Kfor have
stepped up the number of patrols in northern Kosovska Mitrovica due to
the recent incidents in this part of the city, a UNMIK regional
spokesman told the press on Wednesday.
The incidents took place after Kfor removed its checkpoints,
especially those in the Bosnjacka Mahala suburb, populated by ethnic
Albanians and other non-Serbs.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 3 MAR - Il Kosovo e' per una soluzione pacifica,
''a tutti i costi'', nella crisi irachena. Lo ha detto il presidente
kosovaro Ibrahim Rugova, parlando oggi a Pristina con alcuni
giornalisti italiani. ''Noi - ha detto - la nostra guerra l'abbiamo
gia' avuta. Per quanto riguarda l'Iraq diamo tutto il nostro
supporto alla comunita' internazionale, all'Europa e agli Usa perche'
si trovi una soluzione pacifica ad ogni costo''. A proposito del
Kosovo, poi, Rugova ha ricordato che ''la situazione e' molto
Ci sono stati grossi progressi durante quest'anno e l'obiettivo e'
sviluppare l'economia, le privatizzazioni e insistere per il
riconoscimento, quanto prima, del Kosovo come provincia indipendente
integrata nell'Europa''. (ANSA). SV/FCC 03/03/2003 16:59


BELGRAD. Die serbischen Basketballer Vlade Divac und Predrag
Stojakovic(beide spielen in der NBA, Sacramento Kings) haben sich
einer Gruppe weiterer bekannter serbischer Sportler angeschlossen die
das Kloster Djurdjevi Stupovi wiederaufbauen und renovieren möchten.
Vlade Divac der zehn Jahre lang für die Los Angeles Lakers spielte
wurde in der Nähe des Klosters geboren und ist dort aufgewachsen.
Das Kloster Djurdjevi Stupovi wurde von dem Gross Zupan Stefan Nemanja
im 12. Jahrhundert gegrundet und von den Türken und Vertürkten während
der osmanischen Herrschaft geplündert und zerstört.
Neben den Genannten habe sich noch eine grosse Zahl serbischer
Sportler der Aktion angeschlossen. Unter anderem Fussballer Predrag
Mijatovic (früher Real Madrid), Mateja Kezman (PSV Eindhoven),
Basketballer Dejan Bodiroga (Barcelona), Dejan Tomasevic (Valencia)
und die gesammte Volleyball- und Fussball Nationalmannschaft.
Kloster Djurdjevi Stupovi:
Balkan-Telegramm 5/3/2003 -

Members of illegal ANA armed group control road in northeast Kosovo

GNJILANE, March 3 (Tanjug) - The illegal Albanian
people\'s army (ANA) early on Monday "controlled"
traffic on the road from the northeastern
Kosovo-Metohija town of Gnjilane, which is situated in
the vicinity of Bujanovac, southern Serbia.
The uniformed members of the illegal group stopped a
car carrying a Serb woman and after a thorough search,
which lasted for about 40 minutes, let her continue,
Tanjug has learned.

CHIARE March 4, 2003
New War in Balkans Not Likely, Officials Say

A new extremist group in Macedonia, calling itself the
Albanian National Army (ANA), has threatened a spring
offensive aimed at uniting Albanian-populated Balkan
areas into one state. So far, ANA has claimed
responsibility for a few terrorist attacks, including
bombings in the courtyard of a secondary school in
Kumanovo and at the regional court in Struga. Security
forces have not yet confirmed whether the claims are true.
Macedonian politicians and foreign diplomats believe
the group does not pose a serious threat to stability
and likely consists of a few cells of five to six
members with criminal backgrounds who send fax
messages from a headquarters.
Meanwhile, the Tirana daily Tema interviewed Alban
Vjosa, the self-described political secretary of the
Front for Albanian National Unity, the political wing
of the ANA. He told the newspaper that "Albanians,
like other nations in the Balkans, want to live in a
national state."
"Albania will never be stable without historical
Kosovo, without our lands in Macedonia, Ulcinj, Plav,
and Gusinje in Montenegro and our 300,000 people in
Albanian territories in Greece," he added.
Such statements amount to an old idea of a "Greater
Albania", Macedonian Defence Minister Vlado Buckovski
said. He believes extremist groups in the region were
stirred up after the constitutional charter of
Serbia-Montenegro was adopted. A clause in that
charter refers to Kosovo as part of the new loose
union that is replacing Yugoslavia.
The defence ministry estimates that a few criminal
groups are acting in areas around Kumanovo and Tetovo,
two towns in the western and northern parts of
Macedonia, and are extorting money from the
"The Macedonian Army and the Interior Ministry are
closely watching the situation in the field and are
ready to handle any assumed threat," said President
Boris Trajkovski. Gen Metodi Stamboliski, the army
chief of staff, said that although there are some
small armed extremist groups in former crisis regions,
they are incapable of disrupting the security situation.
Recently, Buckovski visited Kosovo, where he met KFOR
Commander Fabio Mini. The two agreed on co-ordinated
monitoring of the border between Macedonia and Kosovo,
and on the exchange of liaison officers between
Macedonia and KFOR. The officers will engage in
intensive co-ordination and a timely response if
extremist groups are detected.
At a recent press conference, US Ambassador to
Macedonia Lawrence Butler downplayed the significance
of the ANA. "They are pathetic losers who sit in a
hole in Kosovo or Macedonia and send faxes," he said,
adding that such groups have no support either in the
country's political structures or amongst the
Source /Balkan Times/


Kosovo MP requires that Union of Albania and Kosovo be set up
BELGRADE, March 6 (Tanjug) - Kosovo MP Hasan Meta has put forward an
amendment which requires that a debate be held and decision reached
on setting up a Union of Albania and Kosovo, the National Radio
Television said late on Wednesday.
The amendment demands that the parliaments of Kosovo and Albania reach
a decision on the uniting and drafting of the Constitutional Charter,
and states that the "peoples of Kosovo and Albania" have been
fighting for sovereignty and freedom, as well as that Kosovo "was
separated from Albania by force."
The amendment also says that the Union of Albania and Kosovo would
represent an "optimum and compromise solution for a new order and
stability in the region."


Blast in southern Serbia kills two ethnic Albanians
Associated Press Belgrade, March 7
Two people were killed in an explosion on Friday in a
tense area in Serbia near the boundary with Kosovo
province, a ranking police official said.
The official, who requested anonymity, said the blast
occurred while the two men, apparently ethnic
Albanians, were planting a mine on a key road leading
to Kosovo. The route is frequently used by Serbian
security troops.
There was no immediate word from ethnic Albanian
officials in the volatile region in southern Serbian
which saw an ethnic Albanian insurgency from 2000-2001.
Violent incidents in the area have increased in the
past several weeks following the killing of an ethnic
Albanian who worked for Serbia's security service and
a police raid on two ethnic Albanian strongholds.
Thousands of ethnic Albanians have held several
protests demanding the release of their ethnic kin
arrested in the police raid last month.,00050003.htm
The Hindustan Times - March 8, 2003


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 10 MAR - Due agenti della polizia delle Nazioni
Unite in servizio in Kosovo sono rimasti uccisi nella tarda serata di
ieri in uno scambio di fuoco seguito ad una lite tra gli stessi
poliziotti all'interno di una loro base. L'incidente e' stato
confermato all'Ansa da Andrea Angeli portavoce della missione delle
Nazioni Unite (Unik). I due poliziotti che appartengono ad un
contingente extraeuropeo, ma dei quali non e' stato specificata la
nazionalita', prestavano servizio in uno dei battaglioni mobili della
polizia Onu. La base, teatro dell'incidente, si trova alle porte di
Pristina. ''Le investigazioni hanno escluso qualunque azione ostile,
proveniente dall'esterno'', ha aggiunto Angeli. In Kosovo le Nazioni
Unite hanno istituito un corpo di polizia internazionale subito dopo
la fine del conflitto nel 1999 che attualmente affianca la polizia
locale. La polizia Onu e' composta al momento da 4.500 agenti, mentre
quella locale da 5.000. (ANSA). BLL/MRY 10/03/2003 10:39
Voice Of America - March 10, 2003

2 UN Police Officers Killed in Kosovo
United Nations officials say two officers serving with
the international police force in Kosovo have been
killed in a shootout that followed a heated dispute.
U.N. police force spokesman Derek Chappell says the
incident occurred Sunday at the police camp in the
Kosovo capital, Pristina. He did not release the names
or nationalities of the two officers.
There are more than 4,000 U.N. police officers in
Kosovo. They team with local police to maintain
security in the province.
The United Nations has administered the province since
1999 when NATO airstrikes in response to the Kosovo
crisis forced Serbian security forces from the area.
Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.


Steiner's "paper" contrary to Resolution 1244
BELGRADE, March 11 (Tanjug) - The Coordination Center for
Kosovo-Metohija said on Tuesday that during the interpretation of the
"paper" for establishing "a fundamental self-rule in Kosovo," UNMIK
and its chief Michael Steiner had erased the principle of sovereignty
and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and
the Rambouillet Agreement from the provisions of the United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1244.
The Coordination Centre said in a statement that Steiner's document
is also contrary to the UNMIK provision on
Constitutional Framework No, 2001/9, because the powers vested solely
on the special envoy are practically transferred to "the temporary
self-rule institutions" in the shape of "increased involvement of
the Kosovars."
The defining of the "sides" in the realization "of the mandates for
establishing a genuine self-rule" by "promoting cooperation between
UNMIK and the Kosovo institutions," is contrary to Resolution 1244
and excludes from this process the state union of Serbia and
Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia, the statement said.

Steiner's plan is premature
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, March 11 (Tanjug) - The plan of UNMIK chief
Michael Steiner to transfer powers from UNMIK to the temporary Kosovo
institutions, is premature and will rise political tensions in the
province, members of the Kosovo parliament presidency, Oliver Ivanovic
and Gojko Savic, said on Tuesday. In this way Steiner
is trying to effectively conclude his mission in Kosovo in order to
win points from the ethnic Albanian community and cover up UNMIK's
failure, Ivanovic set out. He stated that Steiner's conduct would
prevent the
return of the displaced and radicalize Serb-ethnic Albanian relations,
causing fear in the former and euphoria in the latter.
Savic pointed out that the possible withdraw of the Povratak
coalition from the Kosovo parliament could occur only following
consultations with the Serbian government and the Coordination Centre
for Kosovo-Metohija.
According to him, it is unrealistic to expect that the talks between
the representatives of UNMIK and Belgrade would be held this week, as

=== SEGUE MARZO 2003... ===


DJAKOVICA, March 16 (Beta) - In the past two days, investigators have
established the identity of six bodies exhumed from a Muslim
graveyard in Djakovica, Kosovo.
Investigators uncovered items belonging to 37 persons. The personal
belongings helped to identify Milorad Jovanovic, Dragica Bibercic,
Desanka Nisavic, Milica Pantovic, Momcilo Milic and Avdulj Ibrahim.
Pathologist Slavisa Dobricanin said that their remains would be passed
on to their families.
Hose Pablo Barajbar, who heads UNMIK's office for missing persons and
forensics, said about 70 Serb and several Roma families examined the
personal belongings which were placed on display for identification
in Merdare, a place on the border between Kosovo and Serbia.


Blasts Go Off at Kosovo Police Stations
PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro (AP) -- Explosions damaged two police
stations in Kosovo in simultaneous attacks,
a U.N. police spokesman said Saturday. No one was injured.
The attacks late Friday targeted Pristina police stations manned by
both U.N. and local police, spokesman Al Garcia said. No motive was
known, and police had no suspects, he added.
The blasts broke windows at both stations and damaged at least one
U.N. police car. Kosovo's police stations were put on alert because of
the attacks, Garcia said. An investigation was underway.
Kosovo has been run by the United Nations and NATO since 1999, when
the military alliance bombed Serb troops loyal to former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic to stop their crackdown on
independence-minded ethnic Albanians. About 4,500 U.N. police officers
and 5,500 local officers provide everyday security in the province.


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, April 3 (Beta) - Around 4,000 people gathered in
the northern part of the divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica on April 3
at a protest rally entitled "For Serbia No to Independent Kosovo,"
organized because of the announced transfer of additional powers to
the Kosovo institutions.
The transfer is a step further towards an independent Kosovo,
speakers at the rally agreed and sent a message to the international
community that "the Serbs will not allow the formation of another
Albanian state in this part of the Balkans."
The head of the Serbian National Council of Northern Kosovo, Milan
Ivanovic, said that UNMIK chief Michael Steiner is responsible "for
the fact that the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244 is not being
implemented, the displaced are not returning, the fate of the
kidnapped has not been established, and there has been no
Ivanovic announced that protest rallies would also be held in other
towns in Kosovo. He demanded that the Serbian Legislature and
SerbianMontenegrin Parliament "become seriously committed to resolving
the Kosovo issue," stressing that the late premier Zoran Djindjic's
strategy ought to be "the state strategy for Kosovo."


Railway bridge in Kosovo-Metohija mined
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Apr 12 (Tanjug) - The bridge in Banjska on the
Kosovska Mitrovica - Leposavic railway was mined Friday evening and
seriously damaged, Tanjug has learned from UNMIK police. None was
injured in the explosion and the international police and KFOR and
searching for the culprits.

PRISTINA, April 14 (Tanjug) - The terrorist ethnic Albanian National
Army (ANA) on Monday assumed responsibility for the Saturday mining
of an iron bridge on the Kosovska Mitrovica-Leposavic railroad, in
northern Kosovo, and confirmed two ANA members had been killed
during the action.
"Special forces of Adem Jashari's division blew up the iron railroad
bridge which connects this Albanian, occupied territory with
Belgrade," ANA said in a website statement.
ANA also announced new similar actions. This is the first time ANA
assumed responsibility for an attack in Kosovo, although it had done
so on several occasions for such events in Macedonia and south
Serbia. An UNMIK regional spokesman said on Saturday that the UN
police had found a body of an unidentified male close to the bridge
which had been seriously damaged in the blast.


Time for Kosovo institutions to assume all powers, Daci
GNJILANE, April 11 (Tanjug) - Kosovo Parliament President Nedzhad
Daci said Friday it is high time for the Kosovo institutions to
assume all powers, including those reserved for UNMIK chief Michael
Steiner. Daci said during a visit to the Gnjilane region that
international officials should remain in the province, but in an
advisory capacity, rather than as the executive powers. Daci
underscored the problem of corruption in the interim institutions,
adding that each year over 100 million euros end up at unknown
destinations, via secret channels which, as he said, is something for
the Guiness Book of Records. Speaking about the rights of the Serb
community in Gnjilane, Daci pointed out that the Serbs should enjoy
all rights as the other citizens of Kosovo, but that no group should
be privileged.


UNMIK chief confers with Kosovo Albanian party leader
PRISTINA, Apr 11 (Tanjug) - UNMIK chief Michael Steiner has conferred
in Pristina with the President of the Democratic Party of Kosovo
Hashim Thaci on a moratorium on defining the final status of Kosovo
until the eight standards set by Steiner are met, and envisaging that
the province's future is to be decided in negotiations between
Belgrade and Pristina.
Steiner underlined he fully supports the moratorium. Noting that the
moratorium means overcoming existing problems and a speedier
settlement of both the institutional and everyday crises prevailing
in Kosovo, Thaci said that the transfer of additional powers to the
Kosovo interim institutions constitutes above all a commitment for
the Kosovars themselves to face the problems in which they are
engulfed. The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue will help Kosovo come out of
the status quo into which it was pushed by both the international
community and the interim provincial institutions, he noted. Thaci
advocated a peaceful settlement of problems in Kosovo and dialogue
with Belgrade.


(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 14 APR - Due persone sono morte e tre sono rimaste
ferite, tra cui due bambini, in un attentato oggi pomeriggio nel
villaggio di Osdrim, a 10 chilometri dalla citta' di Pec, nel Kosovo
occidentale, la zona controllata dai militari italiani della Kfor (la
Forza di pace a guida Nato). Lo ha detto all'Ansa il portavoce
dell'Unmik, (amministrazione Onu in Kosovo) Andrea Angeli. Tra le
vittime figura Ilir Selimaj, uno dei testimoni al processo conclusosi
nel dicembre scorso contro cinque ex esponenti dell'Uck (l'Esercito
per la liberazione del Kosovo, gruppo di guerriglia albanese, ora
disciolto). I cinque, tra i quali il fratello di Ramush Haradinaj, uno
dei leader politici del Kosovo, erano accusati di aver rapito e
seviziato cittadini serbi, alcuni dei quali sono in seguito deceduti.
I fatti risalgono a subito dopo la fine del conflitto della
primavera 1999. Il tribunale aveva emesso condanne da tre a 15 anni di
reclusione. Le autorita' dell'Unmik non hanno precisato il movente
dell' agguato. Selimaj, stava viaggiando a bordo di una Seat Ibiza
contro cui sono state sparate raffiche di Kalashnikov (almeno 20
colpi, secondo gli investigatori). Selimaj e sua cognata sono morti
sul colpo, mentre il fratello e i suoi due bambini sono rimasti
feriti. Selimaj e' il secondo testimone al processo contro gli ex
esponenti dell'Uck ad essere ucciso in un attentato. (ANSA). COR
14/04/2003 21:25
Gunmen kill two in Kosovo ambush, three injured-UN

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, April 14 (Reuters) -
Gunmen opened fire on a Kosovo Albanian family
travelling by car on Monday, killing two people
including a prosecution witness in a recent trial
against former guerrillas.
U.N. police said they did not know who carried out the
attack, in which a four-year-old boy and two others
were wounded, on a small road near the western town of
Pec, nor the motive.
One of those killed, 24-year-old Ilir Selimaj, was a
witness in a high-profile trial late last year against
five members of the now disbanded Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA), the guerrilla army that battled Serb
forces in 1998-99.
Another prosecution witness was shot dead in Pec in
January -- less than a month after a Kosovo court
jailed the ex-rebels for a total of 31 years for
abducting and beating four fellow Albanians who
subsequently disappeared, presumed murdered.
The trial, which took place under heavy security in
the provincial capital Pristina, was one of Kosovo's
most sensitive court cases since the 1999 war.
Monday's attack was one of the gravest acts of
violence this year in Kosovo, whose ethnic Albanian
leaders are striving to assert the rule of law in
order to win Western backing for their independence
A U.N. official at the scene told Reuters by phone
that the car was riddled with 20 bullets.
The boy and his 14-year-old sister were wounded but
their condition was described as stable. Their mother
died in the attack but their father survived. Ilir
Selimaj was the man's nephew.
Kosovo was placed under U.N.-led administration in the
summer of 1999 after three months of NATO air strikes
to halt Serbian repression under Slobodan Milosevic,
ousted by reformers in 2000 and now standing trial at
the U.N. war crimes court.

PRISTINA, April 15 (Tanjug) - On Monday afternoon, two people got
killed, and three others wounded, including two children, when a
vehicle was attacked on a road close to Pec, western Kosovo-Metohija,
UN police said. UN spokesman Derrick Chappel qualified the murder as
frighteningly brutal, and said no data as regards eye-witnesses or
motive were available.


PRISTINA,April 16 (Beta) - According to figures of UNMIK's department
for missing persons and forensic medicine, 4,000 bodies have been
exhumed in Kosovo so far, 145 of which have been identified, the head
of the
department, Jose Pablo Baraibar, stated on April 16.
Baraibar said the number of persons listed as missing is constantly
changing and, according to UNMIK data, there are now 4,300 of them.
"We are still working on a consolidated list of missing persons. We
are comparing our numbers with those of the Serbian Coordinating
Center, the Association of Families (of the missing persons) and the
International Red Cross," he said.
UNMIK's missing list includes 909 people of nonAlbanian ethnicity, he
said, adding that the Association has sent a list with 350 more
missing Serbs.
As he said, UNMIK conducted a search for possible illegal prisons in
Kosovo, where the missing Serbs might be held, but this action yielded
no results.


PRISTINA, April 21 (Tanjug) - Immediately after UN Kosovo mission
chief Michael Steiner decided that the ethnic Albanian National Army
(ANA) be proclaimed as a terrorist organization, the international
police put in custody several persons that are suspected of being
connected with the organization, UNMIK spokesman Barry Fleischer has
told Radio Free Europe.
Fleischer also said that the persons had been brought in on suspicion
that they were members of a certain organization, or were helping it,
as well as that they were suspected of having blown up a bridge in the
village of Banjsaka.
However, he was not ready to give any details on the investigation, or
specify the names of the detained, and said he was not aware of the
fact how many of them had already been accused of criminal acts.
He said he was not willing to give any details on the issue, because
of the policy of the international police in Kosovo which did not
give any details on the detained ones until criminal charges were
pressed against them, and until the investigative judge did not
consider those charges.
On April 17, Steiner issued a special administrative order, by which
he proclaimed ANA as a terrorist organization, and threatened that
all who were either its members or were helping the organization's
activities in any way, would be criminally prosecuted.
Ranking representatives of Kosovo international forces backed up the
decision, and said that KFOR had intensified security measures in
those parts of Kosovo in which they believed ANA members were
operating in.


(ANSA) - PEC (Kosovo occidentale), 24 APR - Un sottufficiale del
contingente italiano della Kfor (forza di pace a guida Nato) e' morto
in Kosovo alle prime luci dell'alba di ieri, forse in seguito a un
infarto. Lo hanno detto oggi all'Ansa fonti militari ufficiali. Il
maresciallo capo Antonio Sparta, 47 anni di Caserta, e' stato colto da
malore mentre dormiva nel proprio alloggio presso il distaccamento di
Decani. Il decesso e' avvenuto mezzora dopo nel reparto sanita' del
contingente, nella citta' occidentale di Pec. I medici hanno
diagnosticato un ''probabile arresto cardiocircolatorio''. Il
maresciallo Sparta, la cui salma e' stata rimpatriata ieri sera,
prestava servizio come infermiere professionale nel team di bonifica
ordigni esplosivi. In Italia lavorava presso il centro militare di
medicina legale a Caserta. Sparta era alla sua quarta missione in
Kosovo.(ANSA) BLL 24/04/2003 11:31


Former UN official in Kosovo on trial for embezzlement
BOCHUM, Germany, April 28 (AFP) - A former UN official
in Kosovo went on trial Monday in Germany accused of
embezzling 4.3 million dollars (3.9 million euros),
which he claims he wanted to use to secretly raise the
salaries of workers.
According to prosecutors, he siphoned off profits from
the KEK electricity company into private accounts in
The accused, Joe Trutschler of Essen, western Germany,
went to Kosovo in late 1999 as an adviser before
moving to the public energy ministry.
His responsibilities there included electricity and
water supplies, and he was chairman of the supervisory
board of several companies, including KEK.
The prosecution alleges that when KEK built up larger
than expected profits after a relatively mild winter
in 2001-2002, he took advantage to siphon cash into
personal accounts in Gibraltar.
He has claimed he wanted to use the cash to secretly
raise the salaries of energy workers in the Serbian
province, the court heard.
Trutschler, 37, gave himself up at the end of last year.
Kosovo's economy has struggled since coming under UN
administration in 1999 after NATO military action
ended a crackdown on ethnic Albanians.
Most of its energy imports come from elsewhere in
Serbia and from Bulgaria, but power blackouts are
frequent due to outdated equipment and mismanagement.

=== NOTA ===

Lo scorso 4 giugno sono stati ritrovati ad Obilic i cadaveri di una
coppia di coniugi ottantenni e del loro figlio cinquantatreenne,
uccisi a colpi di accetta e poi dati alle fiamme insieme alla loro
casa (vedi:

In seguito a questa ennesima dimostrazione dei reali risultati e
scopi del regime di terrore razzista e di occupazione imperialista
in Kosovo-Metohija, riprendiamo con la cronaca degli avvenimenti
sul campo, che avevamo interrotto da alcuni mesi.

Ricordiamo che gli ultimi numero del "bollettino di guerra" sono
archiviati alle URL:

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, Maggio-Luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, fine luglio 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, agosto-settembre 2002

Kosmet: bollettino di guerra, settembre-ottobre 2002

Kosmet, bollettino di guerra: fine ottobre 2002

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra novembre-dicembre 2002

Macelleria UCKFOR: bollettino di guerra gennaio-febbraio 2003

Un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime di terrore
instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali (KFOR) e
dai criminali neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare sempre nel
nostro archivio:

Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija
si veda in particolare:

ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.

Come al solito, le notizie da noi riportate non sono in alcun modo
esaustive degli avvenimenti nella provincia, e vanno intese solo come
esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica opinione.

(a cura di Andrea)